March Newsletter 2016-web


March Newsletter 2016-web
Cascade Fellowship Chrisan Reformed Church
In Christ We Live, We Love, We Serve
Help on the journey
March 2016
In this issue
Choose Wisely………………………………………... p. 2
Dear Friends…………………….…….………….…... p. 3
Friendship in Christ ..………..……...……………. p. 4
Generaons in Faith …..…….....………………… p. 5
Children’s Ministry Corner ….………………….. p. 6
Cascade Youth ………………..…………………….. P. 7
Community Connecon ………...……….…..... p. 8
Mission Inspiraon …………………………………. p. 8
Missions …..……………………………………….……. p. 9
Council Clips………………………………….…………. P. 10
Deacons Kiosk………………………………….………. p. 11
Upcoming Events…………………………….….…… p. 12
Choose Wisely
We opened our worship service recently with
Blessed Be Your Name by Ma7 Redman. That
song always takes me back seven years when
my sister-in-law was dying of cancer. A friend
pointed me to the lyrics and how, regardless of
worldly circumstances, we are to praise God.
How easy it is to lose sight of God’s goodness
when the darkness closes in. At mes like that
it’s important to have friends point us to the
truth of God’s Word, His love and faithfulness.
One memorable morning last year I spent me
talking with my then 15-year-old daughter. We
shared back and forth for a long me and kept
going deeper. I spoke of things I haven’t talked
about in years, but it was good for both of us.
Out came stories of painful childhood
memories, tainted sibling relaonships, and
adult struggles with friends. Through my tears
she saw hurts that, though God connues to
redeem in many ways, connue to cause me
pain and affect my adult relaonships.
It was not easy to share these stories with her, but
so important for both of us! Relaonship struggles
are not unique to adults. My vulnerability with her
cleared the path for her to share her own friendship
struggles. We talked about how important friends
are and how very important friend choices are. God
uses friends in our lives to shape us, test our
paence, build trust, and walk with us. Friends
certainly influence your present and potenally
your future, for good ways or bad. Choose wisely,
and thank those God uses for good in your life!
Julie B, Ministries Director
Dear Friends,
That night there was an exhibion (I think at Byron
Center High School, but I was nine and might be
wrong). Russ and the guys did amazing things,
liDing not just weights but other objects. At the
end Russ asked for a volunteer and pointed at my
dad. My dad was a former Hope College football
center and was about six feet two inches tall,
weighing 225 pounds. Russ had my dad lie on the
ground on his back, cross his ankles and arms
ghtly, and stay as rigid as possible. Russ reached
down, grabbed an arm and ankle, and snatched
him up. Then, when talking about his need for the
power of Jesus in his life, Russ pressed my dad over
his head repeatedly. ADer he put Dad down, he
asked the audience if they would like to give their
lives to Jesus and ask Him into their hearts. My
hand went up.
This month we are wring about people who
influenced our lives for Jesus. For me, that’s a pre7y
long list with my dad and mom on top. Then there
are the many Sunday school teachers, youth leaders
and others along the way, many whose names I have
forgo7en, but all of whom played a role in my faith
journey. But there is one name that came back
strongly to my memory as I thought about my faith
journey. He was part of the day I told my mom and
day I wanted to be sure that Jesus was in my heart
and in charge of my life.
In the fall of 1971 (when I was 9 years old) we lived in
Wyoming, Michigan. My parents were associate staff
members with Campus Crusade for Christ (now called
Cru). In that role, we hosted many Crusade staff
people at our home as they visited Grand Rapids. I
was privileged to meet
many top Chrisan leaders
(and beat a couple of them
in games of pool).
That night, back at home, I
told Russ I wanted Jesus.
My mom and dad prayed
with me. I sll idenfy that
as the me that I knew that
Jesus was my Savior and
That fall one of the
members of the Athletes in
Acon weight-liDing team
stayed in our home.
Athletes in Acon was a
ministry of Crusade and
included several sports
teams. This was a me that
in order to compete in the
Olympics, you had to
maintain amateur status.
These teams (both men and women) would go
around the country and compete against college
teams or give exhibions and then give their
tesmonies of faith.
This man was Russ Knipp. He stood just under five
feet, three inches and weighed 165 pounds. My
memory of him was that he was the same height lying
on his side as he was standing. Russ had finished
fourth in the 1968 Olympics, was the US and Pan–Am
games Champion that year, and held the world record
at that me. He was also a devoted follower of Jesus
At the 1972 Munich
Olympics, Russ liDed a
world record weight in
what looked like an
Olympic Gold metal liD. On
the three judge panel, an
eastern bloc judge ruled he
did not hold it long enough and disqualified him.
He ended up eighth. I remember watching it on TV
and yelling in frustraon. My dad reminded me
that Russ would be okay: he had Jesus. In thinking
about this arcle, I googled Russ’ name. Russ died
in 2006, sll following Jesus.
I’m sure Russ soon and quickly forgot my name; he
met thousands just like me. But that night, God
used him in my life, and someday in heaven, I’ll
thank him. Never underesmate the ability to use
your giDs and influence in the name of Jesus.
Pastor James
Friendship in Christ
(nothing to me), or a guilt trip about behaviors
which didn't fit a "covenant child." But I did need a
friend. And so that friendship, and the
conversaons, grew.
I was most fortunate as a young man to have two
excellent mentors. They were helpful to me in
both my spiritual growth as a follower of Christ,
and professional growth as a pastor. Whatever
spiritual joy and success I have achieved
is related in some way to the good foundaons
established in and through my relaonship with
these two men.
Ron hired me in 1972 for my first job out of
seminary: Associate Pastor for a large congregaon.
But the truth is, I wasn't sure I wanted to be
a pastor. I went to seminary to study the Bible and
learn theology, and I didn't think much beyond that.
But when I got the degree, I was offered the job. I
had some fire inside about Christ as the Way, Truth,
and Life, and a desire to make Him known—and
Ron was persuasive.
So I took the offer.
Tom took the iniave to befriend me. One
evening he knocked on my MSU dormitory room
door. He was the young pastor of the new
Reformed Church (RCA) congregaon meeng on
campus. This was a
"cold turkey" call,
based on a p that I
was from an RCA
church. I have oDen
said, "I don't know
why I accepted his
invitaon to join him
for coffee" but the
truth is, I was
fla7ered and
intrigued. As a shy,
reserved person I
didn't make friends
easily, and Tom
made a good first
impression, especially with his apparently
genuine desire to get to know me.
And then we became
friends. Ron was a
good boss and an
effecve Senior Pastor,
but most importantly, I
learned what he was
really thinking,
understood his goals,
heard him express his
personal feelings
about every important
situaon in the
church. He gave me
direcon and held me
accountable, but we were also colleagues and
friends. Being a new pastor was scary and
uncomfortable, but having a friend was a joy.
The "coffee break" passed quickly, with him
asking quesons—about my interests, family,
roommates, etc. Nothing religious, just an
intelligent, well-spoken person showing an
interest in me. There was some actual
conversaon, about movies we had both seen,
and the protests on campus (it was 1967) but
mostly it was me talking. This sounds selfcentered, and it was. I needed a friend, even if
he was much older than I and a "reverend"
minister. I didn't want a lecture on the benefits
of church (never a7ended) or talk about Jesus
Tom was used by God to teach me to love Christ
and His Word, Ron to love Christ's church and
ministry. Their friendships were absolutely essenal
to those lessons, not incidental. I have tried to
honor their good work in my life by teaching others
also in the same way. And I am very glad Tom and
Ron are sll my friends.
Pastor Doug
Generations in Faith
me in my faith by talking to me about it, but she
leads me by example how to grow in my
relaonship with the Lord. I am so very grateful
for my relaonship with her, for the influence she
has had on me, and for the influence she has had
on my children. She has worked to build a legacy
of faith through my
mom, myself and now
my children.
The Lord has truly blessed me with many people
along my faith journey who have walked with me,
invested in me, prayed for me and led me by
example in my relaonship with Christ. Not the
least of these is certainly my parents. My parents
from day one shared their faith with me, taught
me to love the Lord and
prayed for me. They
allowed me to witness
them puQng their faith
into acon and sharing
their faith with others. I
truly had wonderful
influences in my
The other greatest faith
influence in my adult life
is most certainly my
children. Children are a
blessing in many ways,
but the Lord truly has
blessed me through my
children in that I have
been able to witness
what child-like faith
really looks like.
Watching the world through the eyes of a five
year old is pure, beauful, and magnificent.
Hearing your children sing their own songs of
praise to the Lord and liD their voices is such a
moving and beauful experience. There is solid
theology and truth in the songs they create from
their heart, in the words they speak, and in the
prayers they pray. The simplicity of their
knowledge that God loves them and they love
God, that Christ died for them and that’s enough.
Somehow we can so easily lose that as adults. I
know things will change as my kids grow, that
there will be mes their faith (and mine) will be
tested. But I pray that I remember these days,
these songs, and these prayers, for they have
truly shaped my faith and helped grow my
relaonship with my Savior.
God has connued to
place people in my adult
life who influence me
and help grow my faith.
Perhaps two of the
most memorable are both the oldest and
youngest loves of my life. I have always had a
wonderful relaonship with my grandmother and
for the be7er part of the past five years we have
spent nearly every Friday together. We used to
work in her garden, have tea, knit together; she’d
spend me with my kids if they weren’t in school,
she’d tell me stories about the past and we’d
laugh, a lot. Within the past couple of years, she
has moved from her home into an apartment, is
no longer able to drive, her health is failing her,
and she has been widowed for the second me.
Now our Fridays are spent running errands and
just spending me listening to each other. Her
life has been anything but easy, but she never
sees it that way. She counts her blessings and
names them one by one each and every day. She
has such a joy-filled heart. She prays constantly
and spends countless hours in the Word each
day. Her faith, her relaonship with the Lord, and
love of Jesus are what move her from moment to
moment, day to day. She not only encourages
To Him be the glory!
Lynn S, Worship Director
Laura Brink
Children’s Ministry Director
Many wonderful Chrisans have influenced my faith
journey, but the person who challenged me most on
living out my faith is my father, who was a nonChrisan. How I lived since becoming a Chrisan as a
teenager was a window for my father to see Jesus. A
daunng thought for a daughter!
When my children were born, I wondered what they
would think of Grandpa and his lack of faith. But
because he did not have a relaonship with Jesus, our
faith was strengthened as we saw a life without the
hope of Jesus. We loved him and prayed for his
relaonship with God and for ways that we could be a
witness to him.
remember that my family and I can’t be perfect and
to show grace when we fall
understand that yes, we are dependent on Jesus,
even though this world tells us that being
dependent is a weakness
rely on the Holy Spirit to convict my father and guide
Having people in my life who do not know the Lord, like
my father, has challenged me to show them who Christ
is because of my love them for them, even when it is
outside my comfort zone to do so. When my faith is
tested or needs defending, it grows the most. That is
why I am thankful for those who have influenced my
faith by their lack of faith!
In this relaonship my faith was challenged to
• love/pursue relaonship even when love was not
reciprocated in the same way by my father
• express my faith even when my father didn’t
want to have a relaonship with God
• help draw my dad closer to God, not further away
by our acons - would spending me with him be
more important to God than leaving him for a
Sunday morning to bring our family to worship?
• verbally share Jesus’ love and my father's need of
a Savior before he passed from this life to the
• know and understand Scripture well so I could
defend my faith
Laura B, Children’s Ministry Director
Youth Offering
Giving as children fosters a grateful heart, develops the habit of giving to God first before thinking of themselves, and
helps them parcipate in the life of the Body.
Children and youth may give through the youth offering—this year funding World Mission’s solar
powered audio Bible, The Treasure. It is small, lightweight and portable, making it easy to transport
anywhere. The Treasure is able to reach the illiterate who have never heard the gospel. Most oDen a
person will listen to The Treasure with a group of 8-12 other people, so the impact is mulplied. For more
informaon on World Mission and The Treasure, go to A plasc box filled with
coins is roughly the cost of one Treasure. Money collected from September through January totaled
$1936, paying for 48 Treasures.
In September, Sunday School classes hosted Ken Thompson, who is now hiking the Eastern Connental Trail to raise
money for The Treasure. We are following his journey and updates are posted near the display. He started in Key West in
December and is now on Florida’s panhandle. Follow his progress on the Facebook page “Trekking For Treasures.”
The youth offering is facilitated in several ways. Yellow envelopes are in the back of the chairs in the Upper Worship
Center and with the black boxes in the Lower Worship Center. Money put into the yellow envelopes goes toward the youth
offering whether put into an offering plate or a black box. Children may also use one of the plasc boxes available next to
the youth offering display in the Hub. These boxes can be taken home to fill with coins and bills, brought in when full, and
another one taken home to fill again. Even adults can do this! Finally, those who a7end Children’s Worship (3yr olds through
1st grade) can give during the Children’s Worship collecon me.
Through the youth offering children can learn about giving to God and how that money is used to help others know
Jesus. They can make an impact for the gospel!
A big influence:
lives and follow Jesus? If it wasn’t the same old
stories, then what
When I was growing up, I heard the same
Bible stories a thousand mes: Noah and the ark,
Jonah and the whale, David and Goliath, and even
Jesus and the cross. Hearing those stories over
and over created a sense in my young brain that
“Chrisanity was a nice thing to know about.” The
idea that the Bible was an item created a very
poor aQtude in me. At an elementary age I would
ask, “Why do I have to go to Catechism? What’s
the point of Sunday School? I’m so red, do I have
sit through another Sunday service?”
I wasn’t very respecWul of my Sunday
School teachers or church growing up. Most
Sundays, my friend Nick and I would figure out a
way that we could skip Sunday School without my
parents finding out. It all felt stale and I sure
didn’t want to hear the same stories, told the
same way, again and again.
A man named Bruce followed me as my
teacher throughout the years. He gave his heart
to teaching the classes, but he taught the same
stories, presented in the same way, year aDer
year. Then one Sunday I remember Bruce
teaching on Acts 2:14-41, about a guy who stood
up and addressed the crowd, sharing the good
news of Jesus Christ. Here’s what really caught
my a7enon: “…about three thousand were
added to their number that day.” Are you
serious? Something Peter said was so completely
different than anything these people had ever
heard that it caused them to abandon their old
was it? Here is what made it different: It was
about someone, it was about Jesus.
Peter showed the crowd who Jesus really
is: He is the Savior, the sacrificial, personal, all
powerful God who loves and forgives. Suddenly,
for me the story became a reality. Something
that not only could I grasp, but live, love… and
This is where I find myself today. Suffice
to say, I’m not as stellar at sharing Jesus as Peter
was. I mean, seriously? Three thousand people
became Chrisans from one conversaon about
Jesus? But at that moment, during that teaching,
I knew God was calling me to tell others about
Jesus and help them make a life changing
decision to follow Him! I’m not sure if my biggest
influencer was Bruce or Peter in Acts, but
together, through the work of the Holy Spirit, my
heart was changed for life.
Eric V W, Youth Director
Cascade Youth is committed to connecting all students
with Jesus and our community at Cascade Fellowship
so that they feel loved and accepted into the Body of
Christ. Our goal is to create a space that students find
comfortable, friendly, and welcoming. It’s a place
where new friends are made and existing
friendships are strengthened.
Community Connecon
Celebrang the Cascade and Community CRC Partnership
Last Spring Community CRC broke ground on a new building addion. As the project nears
compleon we celebrate the over 25 skilled volunteers from Cascade who have given their
me, energy and experse. They have helped carry in (& up) supplies delivered to the
parking lot, hang and mud drywall, put up vinyl siding, installed suspended ceiling, laid carpet, hung doors, built
and installed custom cabinets, painted and stained, as well as the usual connual clean-up. Pete G inially saw a
need, but he stuck around because the more me he spent there, the more he was impressed and encouraged by
Community’s commitment to their mission for their neighborhood. The new facility provides handicap accessible
classrooms, offices and nursery that the old facility did not have. Whatever your giD, put it to good use at
Community! Thanks to all who have helped!
Working to enhance and promote the partnership of our churches, the Partnership team is made up of Cascade members
Amy dS, Dick W, Dick H, Shelley T along with Pastor Dave, Pastor Ezra, Linda H and Nicole H from Community. To learn more,
please contact Shelley T.
Mission Inspiration
Pat L, Missions Coordinator
I didn’t grow up with a strong interest in missions. I was in awe of a missionary from Africa that visited my Sunday
school when I was in 3rd grade and in 4th grade my best friend and I decided we’d be missionaries when we grew
up. But that was about it. Now I’m the first-ever Missions Coordinator on staff at Cascade Fellowship. Below are
three people who influenced the missions program here since I have been the chair of the Missions Support Team.
Pastor James. A church mission team must carry on through the years in spite of church leadership. So it learns
to funcon independently, carrying on in spite of apathy from church leaders, changes in leadership styles, through
power struggles, budget shorWalls, and church fads. But Pastor James made it clear immediately upon his arrival
that the church exists to reach those who don’t know Jesus, and that Cascade Fellowship would not be choosing
between local outreach and global outreach. We will do both.
Dick H. With one queson and about 10 minutes, Dick refined the direcon of our mission program. He asked
me how we decide which missionaries to support. Dick pointed out that community development agencies and
disaster relief agencies have li7le trouble raising millions of dollars to send people around the world to work on
behalf of the Church. Chrisans readily give money to save lives, alleviate suffering, and raise the standard of living
of the poor. But to preach and teach the gospel? Raising money for that is a different challenge. Thus the team
changed our focus to missionaries focusing on evangelism and discipleship. When people who have not known
love, forgiveness, and grace become followers of Jesus, there is transformaon.
Doug VB. Wisdom, discernment, experience. He shares them all with the MST. He is also dedicated to efforts to
get the Gospel to places where it has not, can not, or will not be heard unless a Chrisan is there. It is esmated
that this includes one quarter of the world’s populaon, parcularly ethnic groups in the Muslim, Buddhist, and
Hindu world.
Good leadership makes a difference. It brings the MST to this mission statement: We will faithfully guide Cascade
Fellowship to build the family of Christ worldwide. We will keep global, cross-cultural ministry an important focus
for the church body and its leaders so that together we follow Christ’s command to make disciples of all naons.
Faith Promise
Bringing Hope to the
Supporting missionaries and cross-cultural mission
Hard Places
efforts of Cascade Fellowship
Dear Cascade Fellowship,
Greengs from Guatemala! Kevin and I would like to express our thanks for your faithful
support and encouragement over the last few years. In parcular, thank you for the recent
donaon. Yet more than that, thank you for your prayers. Our community has become a
rather dangerous place of late and we are convinced that God has protected us and others
from harm as an answer to your prayers. We also believe he has placed many individuals in
our path in order for us to minister to them because of your prayers. No prayer goes
unheard! Thank you for partnering with us in service this past year. May God fill you with
his grace in the year to come.
Much love in Christ,
Kim, Kevin, and Noah M
Melanie C
Happy Belated New Year! On New Years day we sat down as a family
and talked about the peak and pit of the year. The peak of my year
might surprise some of you, on December 21st, a lady in our tribe
who was pregnant with twins. She gave birth to a baby boy in a very
cold stream at 4:30am. She would not hold, nurse, or touch the baby.
(We think there is something in their culture that is taboo to touch
the baby unl the placenta is delivered.) Two hours had passed and
she sll had not delivered the second baby. We finally talked her into
cuQng the cord and allowing us to hold the baby. My co-worker and I
took turns doing skin to skin to bring the baby’s temperature up aDer
siQng in the cold water for two hours. We decided as a team that
Seseminya and her baby were in need of medical intervenon.
We called MAF and a pilot within the hour was taking us to the nearest city for an emergency C-secon. As I boarded the
plane holding this new li7le life, I prepared myself that this baby might die in my arms. The D people have so many rituals
when a baby is born and we were breaking every one of them. If Seseminya and her babies died I knew we would be the
ones to blame. This thought of everything that was at stake washed over me. If she died would they ever trust us again?
That whole day was a blur, as Jared filled out paper work and had to go to several “ pharmacy’s” for her medicine.
Meanwhile, I was trying to juggle feeding and taking care of Seseminya’s baby, Seseminya, and Shiloh. I could go on and on
about the hospital condions. Stepping around blood and human excrement, nurses having nothing to do with taking care of
Seseminya or her babies because she’s a tribal person. Seseminya ended up geQng her C- secon done by one of the best
doctors in the city. (Who is rarely ever there) We were told it was a miracle to have him do the operaon. 15 hours later
from the birth of the first baby, Seseminya and baby number two rolled out of the operaon room alive! Three days later,
we flew back into the tribe. We were met by teary eyed mothers and grandparents eager to see and hold the ones that leD.
It was the longest, most exhausng three days of our lives. We all returned red, but more alive and in love with these
people. Seeing God in the midst of chaous. Knowing He is madly and deeply fighng for Seseminya’s heart. I can only
imagine the spiritual warfare going on that day. All I know is our heads hit the pillow heavy and our hearts light as we basked
in God’s Goodness. It has been a month and almost everyday Sesiminya and her babies come and sit out on our lawn. They
ended up naming the twins Jared and Daniel. (ADer Jared’s Dad)
I have been praying for opportunies for the D ladies to see Christ in my life. For ways to show love despite the huge
language and cultural divide. By changing bandages, taking medicine to her three mes a day, feeding her babies bo7les,
helping her go to the bathroom, all the messy details I know God shined!
Thank you to all those who prayed for Seseminya and the twins! We can’t wait to see what God has in store for these two
li7le miracle babies.
Council Clips
Full Council
Administrave Board
Meeng Date: February 9, 2016
Meeng Date: January 26, 2016
• Building & Grounds: Reviewed
• Stewardship and Finance: Sll
quotes for parking lot paving, which
finalizing year end close. Collecons
were far over budget; no acon at
were short of budget however
this me; received esmates for
expenses were below by an equal
needed roofing repairs.
amount. The treasurer and vice chair
will work on a presentaon for the
• Synod Delegate: Steve VL will serve
congregaon in February.
as delegate for Classis Thornapple
• Nominaons: The Nominaons
Team Presented at slate of 2+ vote
• Team Reports: received from
and single vote nominaons for each
Finance, Stewardship, Chrisan
office from the congregaon. Moon:
School Tuion Assistance
To include all those who have at least
• Church Use Policy: reviewed draD of
one nominaon on the ballot to be
new Church Use Policy and referred it
considered for office. MSA The list
to Ministering Elders
was reviewed and approved as
amended by full council.
Updates and reports from Admin
Board, Ministering Elders, Service
Organic Outreach: James will move
forward on an implementaon plan
with staff and council.
Requested Announcements
Please join Calvin Church (700 Ethel Ave SE) for an evening worship service featuring the Jubal Brass on Sunday, March 6, at 5:00
PM. The Jubal Brass, directed by Dr. Mark Taylor, will play several numbers on their own as well as leading our congregaonal
singing. Pastor Rebecca Jordan Heys will serve as liturgist, and a me of refreshments and fellowship will follow the service.
Nursery care will be provided. The offering will be for Jubal Brass.
Tim Hawkins LIVE! Two special shows for the Grand Rapids area on Saturday, April 23, 2016.
Join us for an unforge7able night of comedy and music with Chrisan Comedian Tim Hawkins at Sunshine Church in Grand Rapids.
All proceeds from the event will benefit Paradise Bound Ministries and their work in Guatemala. Show mes are 4:00 p.m. and
7:30 p.m. More informaon about the event, ckets, special meet and greet with Tim, and video clips of Tim's comedy are
available on the Paradise Bound website ( or the Tim Hawkins website (
Join us for a night of laughter!
Millbrook Chrisan Reformed Church is excited to host The Singing Hims, a Chrisan male chorus, on Sunday, March 13 at 6:00
PM. Join us for a special evening of worship and song! There is no cost for admi7ance. We are located at 3661 PoinseQa Ave
Christian School Tuition Assistance Fund Update
Applying for Tuition Assistance for 2016-17
2015-2016 Tuition Assistance
Cascade Fellowship has committed $ to assist 8
families to send 17 children to Christian schools.
Please prayerfully consider supporting this fund.
Total Pledged
Collected in December
Collected in January
Christian school aid forms are available on our church
website under Communications/Forms for families
seeking tuition assistance for the 2016-2017 school year.
No charge to apply, but families must be members of
Cascade Fellowship to qualify for assistance. Forms
must be sent to PSAS by April 1. The Christian School
Tuition Assistance team will notify parents of
recommended support in May.
If you have questions
or would like an application emailed to you, contact Ken
Monthly Gain/(Shortfall)
Year-to-Date Gain/(Shortfall)
Growing with the Lord Building Fund
Faith Promise
World Mission (Youth Offering)
Christian School Tuition Assistance
External Ministries
Sharing Fund
The first offering collected each Sunday morning is for Cascade Ministries. These funds are directed towards church
budget expenses such as utilities, salaries, and ministry expenses. In addition, a portion of this offering supports the $316.76 per
adult member assessment the CRC denomination asks each church to contribute through Ministry Shares to the denomination’s
shared ministry efforts (including Back to God Hour, Calvin College & Seminary, Faith Alive, Home Missions, and Specialized
The second offering collected each Sunday morning supports various ministries inside and outside our church. Our service deacons
carefully choose these ministries each month. They are identified and described below.
March 6
Special Ministry
External Ministries Fund
Faith Promise Missions Fund supports the mission
efforts of our church both in support of our missionaries
and for short-term mission projects.
Our 2016 External Ministries Fund supports 10
ministries chosen annually by the Service Deacons.
This year funds collected will be equally divided and
distributed to the following organizations:
March 13
The Growing with the Lord Building Fund supports
the completed building project.
The Sharing Fund allows deacons to provide direct
financial assistance for benevolent and emergency
needs to those in our congregation and community.
ACCESS of West Michigan
Alpha Women’s Center
Criminal Justice Chaplaincy
Health Intervention Services
Heartside Ministries
Partners Worldwide
Rehoboth Christian School
Roosevelt Park Ministries
Safe Families of West Michigan
World Renew (formerly CRWRC)
Use your weekly giving envelopes (write in EMF) or
one of the blue envelopes provided in the pews.
Give any time throughout the year.
March 27
External Ministries Fund
(see information in the right column)
Cascade Fellowship—
Fellowship Coming Events
Whenever frustrated with difficult medical situations, my dad would
always reply, “now you know why they say doctors practice
Even in God’s Word, we’re told in Romans 12:13 to “Practice
hospitality.” How? Offer transportation and a meal to local college
students following morning worship! Nobody’s looking for
perfection, everybody’s looking for relationships! We match up hosts
with students the First Sunday of each month. An opportunity lies
right before you March 6!
Contact Julie Beezhold, 949-4342 or [email protected] for
more information.
Wednesday, April 20
7-9 PM
“You name it – we’ll organize it!”
Dr. Jessica Maddox has taught at Kuyper College,
Calvin Seminary, and Cascade Fellowship where she
joins us in worship. She spends much of her me
helping to lead Girl Scout troops for her two oldest
daughters, avoiding laundry unl things get desperate, and dodging legos on the floor. When she gets
an opportunity to teach and talk about God, his
love expressed through Jesus Christ, and how we
can best engage him and his world in the power of
the Holy Spirit – well, she usually jumps first and
thinks later. Which explains the laundry and legos.