November 21, 2012 Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church


November 21, 2012 Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church
westminster presbyterian church
“...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
November 21, 2012
Friends and fellow disciples,
One of you wisely remarked to me on Sunday what an interesting
holiday Thanksgiving is. As I recall, this individual said something to
the effect of, “This is the one holiday this time of year that is really for
everyone – all races and religions, even the non-religious. It’s our one
truly national holiday.”
You could argue around the edges a bit, but the larger point remains.
Thanksgiving is something we all do. Everything else has a narrower audience, sometimes
rooted in a particular religious tradition.
It also strikes me that we don’t fight about Thanksgiving. I have never heard anyone on the
news speak sensationally about “the war on Thanksgiving.” We gather, if we can. We eat too
much. We spend way too much time shopping the next day. And, at our best, we take a few
precious moments to be nothing other than grateful.
As Christians, the gratitude is specific for us: to be grateful to the Triune God for the many
gifts we are given. Here are a few that I am grateful for:
In this Issue
Concerns & Celebrations 2
Volunteer Opportunities & More 2
Advent Bible Study 3
Advent Dinners 3
Lovefeast 3
Advent Potluck & Sing-Along 3
Christ the King Sunday Schedule 4
Christmas Shoebox Gifts 4
November MP2 Celebration 4
WPC Christmas Pageant 2012 5
Westminster School For Children 5
Thank you, John Dancy! 5
Library Alert 5
Youth Ministry 6
Welcome, New Members! 7
Young Adult Ministry 8
The Season of Giving 8
Year-End Contribution Guidelines 9
WPC Men's Basketball 9
Spring Women's Retreat 9
Guess Who's Turning 50 in 2013? 9
Preaching Schedule 10
Congregational Responsibilities 10
• The choir’s beautiful anthem last Sunday ("Praise with elation; praise every morning God’s
recreation of the new day!")
• The energy at our MP2 celebrations, with parents and children playing together
• The stories from our Stewardship Relay Path Guides, and for the extraordinary work our
Have a story from the
Stewardship Committee put into planning that process
Community Stewardship
• Our incomparable staff, for their gifts and their faithfulness
• Our leaders, elders, and deacons who do a lot of work around here
• Those of you who welcome visitors among us, who are patient with the young couple
Tell us about your experience
whose child cries behind you
as a Relay participant at
• Those of you who put extra energy into feeding and clothing and housing those who go
without as the nights get cooler
If you have not yet had
• The simple pleasures of home, of family, and of the way my son always says, “Good
an opportunity to make
night, dad. I’ll see you in the morning,” every night as I walk out of his room
a pledge, you can pick up
What’s on your list?
pledging materials at the
front desk in the
As we move into Advent, it is my prayer that we will enter this time of waiting with a spirit of
Mission Center.
gratitude – for each other; for a community full of talented people who do a lot this time of
year; for the way God keeps showing up, often despite us, as we gather, and pray, and sing.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
November 21, 2012
~ Concerns & Celebrations ~
Please keep the following in your prayers this week.
• Dennis Enberg’s sister, Sharyl Cederberg, is in treatment for cancer.
• Barb Heagren’s mother, Ann Way, is in Hospice Care in Ohio.
• Verne Lanier is recovering at Hillcrest.
• Ken Lundstrom's college friend, Frank Chase, is seriously ill.
• Mazo Murchison is in critical condition at Croasdaile.
• Jill Nelson's friend, Lori Vita, is undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
• John and Barbara Penick’s daughter, Paula Penick, is recovering from heart surgery in Virginia on November 19. • Dene Reich is undergoing outpatient chemotherapy.
• Cathy Reinhardt’s father’s wife, Shirley Bruce Yantz, died on November 7 in Bristol, TN.
• Kevin Rosemond is in treatment for cancer.
• Hal Safrit’s dad, Bob Safrit, died on November 13 in High Point.
• Barb Vanden Broek’s family member, Diane Arlene Vanden Broek, died on October 30 in Durham.
• Eva and Brandon Welch’s daughter, Raimi Marilise Welch, was born on November 3 – her grandfather Kuno Juergenson's
85th birthday.
- Volunteer Opportunities & More at Westminster and Beyond Is it time your used car found a new home?
Apostle Build 2012 Update Though we have not had an official day at the Habitat house,
the Geezers continue to be involved and WPC member Chris
McLaughlin organized his office to have a work day at the site.
Many thanks to our hard-working volunteers!
Our last two official work days will be on December 1 and
January 5 (though, of course, you can come any day). Please
visit to sign up to volunteer.
Contact David Duling ([email protected] or 919-793-5663) for
more information. Consider donating it to Wheels4Hope.
Donated cars are repaired
by volunteers and
placed back into
our community by
referral through
great community agencies like Genesis Home, Durham
Interfaith Hospitality Network, Housing for New Hope, and
Urban Ministries of Durham.
What does a new home for your car mean? It means that a single
mom who is the victim of domestic violence can spend hours
each day with her two young children rather than waiting for
and riding the bus. It means that a man, homeless last winter, can
hold a job and bring stability to a life that was in ruins. It means
that a woman, who lost her home and car in a fire, can begin to
rebuild her life from the ashes.
Cars change lives! To learn how your used car can find a new
home or about volunteering at Wheels4Hope, call 919-832-1941
or go to
Sincere thanks to those who have already signed up to “Share Your Christmas” and provide gifts to disadvantaged Durham
Social Services families and individuals who are elderly or disabled. Of the 125 individuals that Westminster is sponsoring,
18 remain. Please sign up today!
Sign-up tables with names and gift info for individuals you can sponsor will be
available in the Courtyard after worship and in the Mission Center during the week.
If you cannot sign up in person on Sunday or during the week, call Barb Schmidt at
919-489-4974, and she will assist you in signing up.
Wrapped gifts should be returned to the Mission Center by Sunday, December 2.
Recommended spending for each individual is $50-$100.
This is a wonderful opportunity to share our blessings and to experience the joy of giving
during the Christmas season. We hope you will consider participating!
Contact Andy Dunk at [email protected] with questions.
A dvent at Westminster
ll things
Advent Bible Study
"Simply Wait: Cultivating Stillness
in the Season of Advent"
by Pamela Hawkins
“Enter these pages, savor the words
they hold out to you, and you will
experience deep quietude and
welcoming spaciousness. Follow the
guidance here, and you will arrive on
Christmas Day wrapped in the peace
that is not of this world.”
– John Mogabgab
Editor, Weavings Journal
Join us as we reflect upon the anticipation, hope, patience,
and obedience that pervade this special season.
When Wednesdays, from 6:30-7:30pm
Where Room 205 (Note: we will meet in Room 105 on
November 28, as our IHN guests will be on the second floor
of the Mission Center)
Led by Chris, Betty, Taylor, and Katherine
Books are available for purchase in the front office for $12.
Advent Dinners
Westminster's annual Advent Dinners will be held
on Wednesdays, November 28, December 5, and
December 12, from 5:30-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.
As we joyfully await Christ's birth this Advent season, we will study,
reflect, worship, eat, play, and serve with one another. Check the
Sunday bulletin for a helpful overview of all that's
going on at WPC in the coming weeks.
Advent Dinner Cooks
Calling all cooks! We need your skills to help prepare
the Wednesday night Advent Dinners. Contact Helen
Harrison at [email protected] or
919-489-0345 if you are interested in helping out.
The early Christians met and broke
bread together to signify their
union, fellowship, and love. In
1927, the Moravian Church revived
this practice, which orginated in
the 1700s. It has established the
custom of celebrating the great church festivals by partaking
together of a simple meal known as a “lovefeast.”
Westminster will once again celebrate this special season
with its own Lovefeast on December 2 at 5pm. Join us in
the Sanctuary for a service of lights, hymns, anthems, and
fellowship over broken bread. Preludes begin at 4:30pm.
Youth, please see page 6 for more information about your
role in the Lovefeast service. Adults, if you are interested in
helping with this service, please call Louise Holland at
919-806-0391 or [email protected].
Advent Potluck &
All families are welcome to join us for dinner with
family-friendly menus and seasonal favorites prepared
by Helen Harrison and her talented crew.
Sunday, December 9
Fellowship Hall
Along with dinner, we'll enjoy:
• Festive ornament making on November 28
• Cupcake decorating on December 5
• An opportunity to donate "warmies" (socks, hats,
gloves, etc.) to those in need on December 12
Save your spot at dinner by signing up in the Mission
Center or by RSVPing with Barb Schmidt
(919-489-4974; [email protected]) by noon
the Monday before each dinner. We are looking for folks to help with set-up and cleanup. Please contact Lynn Toms ([email protected])
if you're interested in volunteering. Westminster Presbyterian Church
Immediately following the
Christmas Pageant
Bring your favorite holiday dish to share and stay for an evening
of song led by the Skeen family. Families with last names
beginning with A - I, please bring a side or salad; J - R, main
dishes; S - Z, desserts.
Volunteers are needed to help with set-up on Sunday,
December 9, from 9:30am-10:45am in Fellowship Hall; and with
clean-up after the event ends at 7pm. If anyone is interested in
helping out, contact Marge Enberg at [email protected] or
November 21, 2012
What’s Happening in
Christmas Shoebox Gifts
Christian Education at WPC?
When natural disasters strike, the
most vulnerable of God’s children
are affected the most. Our shoebox
gifts are targeted for the children and youth
in our state’s poorest counties. Last year they went to
our neighbors in Johnston County, many of whom lost
everything in multiple severe summer storms. This year the
need in NC is as great as ever due to the most recent storm,
8:25 A.M.
8:30 A.M.
9:45 A.M.
10:55 A.M. 11:00 A.M.
Children gather in the Courtyard with their shoebox gifts and parade into the Sanctuary
Family Workshop in the Fellowship
Hall. Make an Advent Wreath for
your family, enjoy coffee and juice,
and work together on projects in the
spirit of Advent. We will also collect
"warmies" (hats, scarves, and socks
for children and adults) and stuffed
animals for Urban Ministries.
Children gather in the Courtyard with their shoebox gifts and parade into the Sanctuary
WPC's shoeboxes are distributed via UMCOR (United
Methodist Committee on Relief), which sends relief teams
all over the world to help victims of natural disasters. The
Westminster connection to UMCOR is the Rev. Butch
Huffman, who is part of our Huffman-Schmidt family. A
retired minister, Butch leads ecumenical relief missions
as far away as Haiti and Tanzania, and as close as our
neighbors in NC. WPC has asked Butch
and his wife, Ann, to distribute our
shoebox gifts for the past several years.
You can find a list of gift ideas and
the label you'll need to attach to your
shoebox in the Mission Center and online
The gifts will be collected on Sunday, November 25, during
the Christ the King Parade at both the 8:30 and 11am
services. If you have any questions, contact Nancy Rozak at
919-489-4974 or [email protected].
MP2 November Celebration!
MP2's November Celebration was a wonderful experience for children and their parents!
The tradition of Bible stories, message, mission and fun made for a special day of worship
and activities. In addition to creating "Thankful Journals" and decorating postcards to
share thanks with someone else, the children each made a scarf for their mission project.
Thirty scarves will join donations from the congregation on Christ the King Sunday for the
Urban Ministries "warmies" collection. The scarves represent the gift of doing for others
with generosity that the children learned about in the Scripture lesson on the widow's offering.
MP2 now swings into Christmas Pageant preparation. If you haven't signed up your child, now
is the time. Rehearsals begin on Wednesday, November 28, at 4:30pm in the Courtyard. Parents,
your help is needed, too. Join the amazing experience of being a pageant volunteer as the
children prepare the gift of the Christmas message for the congregation.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
WPC Christmas Pageant 2012
The annual WPC Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday,
December 9, at 4:30 pm in the Sanctuary. All children ages 4
through 5th grades are encouraged to join us!
Rehearsals are scheduled for Wednesday, November 28, and
Wednesday, December 5, from 4:45-5:30 pm. Check-in begins in
the Courtyard at 4:30 pm on November 28.
Sign Up Today!
Sign up at and tell us what role your
child(ren) would like to play in the Pageant. Please sign up by
this Friday, November 23, to help us with casting.
Pageant Choir
The Pageant Choir is open to children ages 4 years and up.
Choir practice will be held on the rehearsal days above from
4-4:45pm in the Music Room. No sign-up is required, but you
can let us know if your child is interested when you sign up for
the pageant.
Can you help?*
We welcome all parent volunteers available to help with the
pageant! Please indicate whether you'd like to serve as a parent
volunteer on the sign-up form.
Twinkling Stars
Children under the age of 4 who would like to be part of the
Pageant are encouraged to walk on as "Twinkling Stars." Please
let us know if you have "Star" on the sign-up form, so we can be
sure to have enough twinkling lights for each one to carry.
Contact Pageant Coordinators Melissa Katrincic
([email protected] or 919-806-3759) or Rachel Meyen
([email protected] or 919-593-7974) with any
*Childcare for children of volunteers under age 4 will be provided
from 4-5:30 pm on rehearsal days. Let us know if you need to
reserve a spot for your child(ren) on the sign-up form.
Thank you, John Dancy!
The Christian Education Committee would like to thank John
Dancy for the wonderful ten-week Sunday School class he
led this fall. The Prophets, the Media, and Aaron Sorkin filled
Room 105 each week as participants explored – under John’s
leadership – Old Testament Prophets, the 2012 election, and
the role of the media. Just one peek into the classroom on a
Sunday morning was enough to see the interest, energy, and
learning that took place during the class. Thank you, John, for
the time and talent you give teaching Sunday School and to
Westminster as a congregation.
The students and staff of Westminster School are busy
with Thanksgiving preparations! They are baking muffins,
popping popcorn, and talking about all the delicious food
they will share with their families. All of our classrooms are
taking part in Thanksgiving feasts together in the Calhoon
Cabin! Our Pre-K classes have created a turkey that is on
display in the center of our hallway. If you stop to "read" its
tail feathers you'll discover that our students are thankful for
so many things in their lives.
On November 15 and 16, the Westminster School Advisory
Board hosted a "Get Acquainted" social time for our parents.
This year, the event was held at Bull Street Gourmet and
Market. These events gave our parents the opportunity to
get to know each other while enjoying coffee and breakfast
treats. Thanks to Laura Magid for coordinating this special
time, and to Bull Street for welcoming us!
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
By Margaret Craven
For Adults and Young Adults
In British Columbia stands the village of
Kingcome, founded, according to legend,
by two brothers left on earth after the
great flood. The old culture of totems
and potlatches is under attack and slowly
being replaced by prefab houses and
We continue to enjoy "Celebrations" with the church staff
every Wednesday. The children especially love having them
come into their classrooms each month to read stories.
Into this world comes Mark Brian, a young
vicar sent to the isolated parish by his
church. This is his discovery: a journey
that will teach him about life, death, and
the transforming power of love. It is a journey that will resonate
in the mind long after the book is done.
Our students, and our staff of 20, are thankful to be part of
this church. Thanks for all you do to support this program!
November 21, 2012
What’s Happening in
Youth Ministry Calendar
Youth Ministry at WPC?
a sabbath reflection
by guest contributor Tanner Lockhead
middle school
The “Sunday Sabbath” is an abstract notion in the
Lockhead household. The calculus homework I promised
myself I would do over the weekend generally looms large
on Sunday evenings. My phone hums to itself in my pocket
with friends asking to study before the start of the week,
and it always seems that those chores I put off on Saturday
inconveniently resurface the next day. After seven years as
a youth at Westminster, however, my friends, my parents,
and even my calculus textbook seem to know that Sunday
nights are off-limits. I have Youth Group.
Youth Group, 5:30-7:30pm, Dinner in Fellowship
Hall followed by Lovefeast Rehearsal in Sanctuary
Confirmands Serving Shelter Meal - UMD
Thursday Bible Study, 4pm-5pm, Taylor’s Office
Lovefeast, arrive at WPC by 3:45pm
As I arrive at Westminster, something remarkable happens
between my car door and the threshold of the Mission
Center: I relax. From 5:30 to 7:30, the stress of college
applications, extracurricular commitments, and even my
impending calculus homework seems to fall away. This year
especially, as I stand on the cusp of adulthood, Youth Group –
my hiatus from everything both awesome and frightening
about senior year and growing up – is exactly what I need.
If you dare to venture upstairs to the Youth Suite on a
Sunday night (and you should), the youthful exuberance
you would probably expect is alive and well. Though upon
entering it may be the decibel level or, God forbid, a flying
object that initially strikes you, just a little bit of time with
the Youth will leave you struck by something that seven
years has still not brought me to be accustomed to – an
atmosphere permeated by thoughtful conversation, and an
absolutely profound sense of community.
Even amidst the craziness, you need not look far for me on
a Sunday night. There’s only one place I could be.
Lovefeast Time!
November 25 - Practice during Youth Group
December 2 - Lovefeast Service at 5:00pm
What to Wear:
Guys - dark pants, white shirt, dark tie, belt
Girls - white tops, white tights, white skirts, dress shoes,
doilies, aprons (skirts, doilies, and aprons are provided)
This service is a "thank you" to your church family who
prays and cares for you throughout the year. If you have
any questions, contact Louise Holland at 919-806-0391
or [email protected].
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Chance and Ashley Hart
Chance and Ashley Hart have been happily married for
over two years and are devoted parents to their one-yearold son, Keegan. Chance graduated from Duke University
in 2000 with BAs in History, Public Policy Studies, and
Markets & Management. He founded and continues to run Hart Acquisitions & Finance, Inc. and A Lot of
Cars, Inc. in Durham. Chance enjoys sailing, snow skiing, SCUBA diving and international travel. Ashley
graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2007, and was a RN, BSN at Duke
University Medical Center before Keegan was born in 2011. She enjoys volunteering with the Junior League
of Durham and Orange Counties and international travel.
New Members!
Paul Isom
Paul Isom recently returned to the Triangle and again lives in Chapel Hill after several years in eastern
North Carolina. Paul joined the Presbyterian Church at age 17 and has been active since, serving as an
elder on the sessions of congregations in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Murray, Ky. Paul has also been on the
boards of the Tuscaloosa Presbyterian Campus Ministry and the Presbyterian Appalachian Broadcasting
Council. A journalist (formerly in newspapers) and a college journalism instructor and adviser, Paul
has two sons, Campbell, 14, and Gray, 11 who attend Carrboro High and McDougle Middle schools,
respectively. As a member of Westminster, Paul and his sons are pleased to join Kenzie Brannon as the
church's biggest Bama fans.
Gwynne MacIntyre and James Keegstra
Gwynne and Jim moved to Durham this year from Greenville, SC, where they helped two daughters
through high school and then Midwestern colleges. Gwynne shifted classrooms to the 3rd grade at
Burton Int’l. Baccalaureate off Alston Ave. Jim came to the Durham VA hospital to condense daily
medical records into uniform “code” phrases.
Both enjoy new restaurants, old art, and classy movies. They relax with fiction, cats, and music from
previous decades. Jim’s past includes journalism and family financial guidance. Gwynne has managed
several arts groups and planned tours for the School of the Arts in Winston-Salem. Both were raised
in Michigan.
Michael and Erin Nilon
Michael and Erin Nilon were both born in Alachua General Hospital two years and a day apart. Destined
to fall madly in love with each other, they met in Sonlight Youth Choir at Trinity United Methodist
(though at the time Michael was too distracted with being a knucklehead to take notice of much of
anything or anyone besides himself). While singing Grateful Dead songs in their youth choir, both came
to love the connection between music and spirituality. They later started dating and subsequently married
when the choir director formed an ensemble group. They both attended the University of Florida. Their
first daughter, Graelyn, was born in Massachusetts but saw her first snowfall in Florida. Their second
daughter, Elcie Stella, survived a dicey second night in a closet-of-a-room at North Florida Regional.
Luis and Margaret Maes
Luis and Margaret Maes moved to Durham in July after several years abroad in Mexico and Peru with the
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) foreign service. Luis is a graduate student
at Duke's Sanford School of Public Policy, and Margaret continues to work for USAID.
The couple is transferring membership from the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington,
DC. While they love sports, most of their time is now spent playing with their 7-month-old, Santiago.
Brian Anderson and Leah Marr
Brian Anderson is originally from Jacksonville, Illinois, and moved to the area in July of 2011 to work
for Duke's Athletic Department as an Academic Coordinator. Leah Marr is from Lincoln, Nebraska. She
moved to the area in June 2012 and is an elementary school teacher at Voyager Academy. The recently
engaged couple met in Kansas City, MO, where they were teaching with Teach For America.
The rest of WPC's new members will be introduced in the December 5 newsletter.
November 21, 2012
What’s Happening in
Young Adult Retreat
Young Adult Ministry at WPC?
"We each seek an authentic life, often in the midst of superficial
messages and imposed definitions of success. Join other young
adults in their 20s and 30s to explore issues of identity, purpose,
and the freedom Christ gives us to get real with one another,
ourselves, and God. In the calm of January, come enjoy an exciting
and thought-provoking weekend of innovative sessions, inspiring
music, engaging conversation, and time just to 'be.'”
Serving IHN Dinner
The Young Adults will
be hosting Interfaith
Hospitality Network
(IHN) families for dinner
and games/fellowship on
Wednesday, November 28.
Many of you have participated in this ministry before, but if
you haven't, it partners with churches to temporarily house
the families who are homeless, but in the process of obtaining
jobs and finding stable housing.
Montreat is
hosting a Young
Adult Retreat
the weekend of
January 11-13, and Westminster is gathering a group of young
adults to take part. The retreat is being organized by a group
of Young Adult Presbyterians in Charlotte, so this will be a
great opportunity to meet some other young adults who are
passionate about their faith.
The Young Adults have a legacy of doing an awesome IHN
"Taco Night," and we're hoping to bring back this tradition!
This will be a great way for us to return our thanks to God
after the Thanksgiving holiday. We will start cooking at 5pm,
and serve dinner and fellowship with the families from 6:308pm. If you are available and willing to bring ingredients,
cook, serve, or clean up, please email Katherine at
[email protected].
The retreat's theme is very open and will include discussions
on how to live an authentic life of faith as we discern what
God is calling us to do in terms of family, relationships, and
vocation – big questions for young adults! This will be a great
way to get your new year off to a good start. And who can
resist the beauty and peaceful solitude of Montreat?
Christmas Gathering
Our Yaggie Christmas Shindig will take place from 4:30-7:30pm
on Saturday, December 8, at Jonathan & Bethany Thornhill's
The retreat cost is $50 per person, which will include
everything from food to lodging. Katherine will register the
group, so please let her know if you plan to attend and if you
have any sleeping arrangement preference (single room,
double room, etc.) before Thursday, December 13
(919-489-4974, or [email protected]).
We'll have a relaxing and joyful time of fellowship with cider
and a holiday stew of some sort for dinner. Please bring a
holiday dish or treat of your own to share.
Children are especially welcome! We will have cookie
decorating and other fun activities, so feel free to bring your
little ones. Call the church office at 919-489-4974 for directions
to the Thornhill's home.
Visit to find out more about the
conference. You won't want to miss this chance to get away
and reflect on your faith!
The Season of Giving
This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported Westminster this past year with their
time, talent, and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our members in
the year ahead.
If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to make an additional gift
before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the
pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a welcome
way to make contributions.
Visit for more information. If you have questions, contact Barbara Fletcher
([email protected], 919-489-4974, ext. 122) or Tracy Fletcher ([email protected],
919-489-4974, ext. 102) in the church office.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
~ Year-End Contribution Guidelines ~
The General Rule: The income tax regulations specify that
“ordinarily, a contribution is made at the time delivery takes
place. The unconditional delivery or mailing of a check
which subsequently clears in due course will constitute an
effective contribution on the date of delivery or mailing.”
According to this language, a check dated December 31,
2012, but physically delivered in January 2013 is deductible
only on the donor’s 2013 federal tax return. This is so, even
though a donor backdates a check to read “December 31,
2012” during church services conducted in January 2013,
or in fact completed and dated the check on December 31,
2012, but gives it to the church on or after January 1, 2013.
An Exception: The only exception to this rule is the case of
a check that is dated, mailed and postmarked in December
of 2012. The fact that the church does not receive the check
until January of 2013 does not prevent the donor from
deducting it on their 2012 federal tax return. The rules are
summarized in the following table.
Type of Contribution
Checks written and put in
the church offering in Jan.
2012, but “backdated” to
Dec. 2012
Checks written and put in
the church offering in Dec.
2012 but “postdated” to
Jan. 2013
Checks written, and
mailed in Dec. 2012, and
postmarked and received
in Jan. 2013
Join the Westminster
basketball team!
WPC has been a
part of the Hope
Valley Baptist Church
Basketball League
for over 10 years. The
league offers fun,
competitive action in
an atmosphere appropriate for church groups.
Starting in early January, we play 1-2 nights a week for
about 2 months. Anyone at least 16 years old is eligible –
basketball skill or experience is far from mandatory.
Interested? Contact Darren Skeen ([email protected])
or John Caccavale ([email protected]) to sign up
or ask questions.
Church Treasurer Church Treasurer
Reports as 2012 Reports as 2013
Checks written in Dec. 2012
and put in the church
offering in Jan. 2013
Checks written. mailed,
& postmarked in Dec.
2012, but received by the
church in Jan. 2013
Interested in fun,
fellowship, and good
Spring Women's Retreat
Save the date for the Spring Women’s Retreat! It will be
held March 15-17, 2013, and is entitled, "Finding Joy in
Every Season of the Soul."
Our retreat leader, author and speaker Jill Baughan,
explores the ways in which God wants us to have fun and
joy in our lives. The retreat will address the challenges
in maintaining this sense of play and adventure in the
challenging seasons of our lives, and the necessity of
embracing opportunities for joy across difficult and calm
seasons. We will consider as a group the Biblical mandate
for joy and celebration and ways to incorporate this into
our lives. Learn more at
Guess Who's Turning
50 in 2013?
Westminster Presbyterian Church will celebrate its 50th
anniversary next year. The FACT (Fiftieth Anniversary
Celebration Task) Force has been formed to plan and
coordinate a variety of special events and opportunities
to commemorate this milestone.
Remember: Do not file your 2012 Federal Income Tax
Return until you receive your WPC 2012 year-end statement.
These will be emailed by January 31, 2013. Some donors may
not be able to deduct certain contributions if they file a tax
return before receiving their church contribution statement.
The FACT Force would like to invite members from
years past who have moved away from the area to join
in the celebration. If you have names and contact
information (email address, mailing address, phone
number) for any such friends, please let Barb Schmidt
know (919-489-4974, [email protected]).
Thank you!
Contact Barbara Fletcher at [email protected] or
919-489-2974, ext. 122, if you have any questions.
November 21, 2012
Westminster Presbyterian Church
3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd
Durham, NC 27707
Phone: 919.489.4974
Fax: 919.493.4553
[email protected]
The next WPC newsletter will be published on December 5. The deadline
to submit material is November 28.
To submit material for publication, contact Communications Coordinator
Kara Pearce at [email protected] or 489-4974, ext. 101.
The newsletter is emailed. If you prefer to receive a paper copy by mail,
please contact Barb Schmidt at 489-4974, ext. 100.
Preaching Schedule
November 25 - Christ the King Sunday, Birthday Sunday
Preaching: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman
December 2 - First Sunday of Advent, Communion Sunday
Preaching: Chris Tuttle
December 9 - Second Sunday of Advent
Advent Lessons & Carols Service: The Chancel Choir
December 16 - Third Sunday of Advent
Preaching: Chris Tuttle
Congregational Responsibilities for November 25, December 2, 9, and 16
11/25 Charles & Liza Stanley
12/2 Thomas Hill and Molly McLaughlin
12/9 Lauren & Ella Nichols
12/16 Justin Meyer
11/25 8:30
12/2 8:30
12/9 8:30
12/16 8:30
11/25 8:30
12/2 8:30
12/9 8:30
12/16 8:30
Ushers for the 11am service coming soon.
Chuck Byrd
Dorene Palermo
Gene Brannon
Jim Maxwell
Mary Beck Sutton
Mark Hill
Tom Meyer
Lynn Leubuscher
11/25 8:30 Carl & Adella Boxberger
11:00 Bill & Barb Burig
12/2 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote
11:00 Sally Cook and Anne Wolf
12/9 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote
11:00 Barbara Rynerson and Jules Taylor
12/16 8:30 Dottie Bartholomay and Sharon Barnes
11:00 Bill & Jeff Young
November 8:30 Bobby Bosworth
11:00 Gene Zielinksi
December 8:30 Doug Wellemeyer
11:00 Frank Stallings
Lois Bender, Kenzie Brannon, Andy & Shirley Collins, and Stephanie Cottrell
Ron, Becky & Ian Sale, and Richard Watson
Linda Van Gombos, Alyson & Collin Bosworth, and Jim Maxwell
John, Cindy & Anna Sundy, and Ray Soloe
Monthly Coordinator: November - Joanne Finkle, December - Barb Vanden Broek
Every Sun. Infants- Thoko Manzini
Toddlers- Claire Leadbetter/Marketta Dickinson
11/25 8:30 2-5 Mary & Steve Harward
11:00 2-5 Cindy & Ray Soloe
12/2 8:30 2-5 Kenzie Brannon and Marge Enberg
11:00 2-3 Neils & Aaron Louv, and
4-5 Aimee, Tom & Justin Meyer
Anna Meyer
12/9 8:30 2-5 Debbie & Don Hertzog
11:00 2-3 Laura & Blair Chesnut 4-5 Margaret & Judson Williams
12/16 8:30 2-5 Rebecca & George Edwards
11:00 2-3 Monica & Neal Nichols, 4-5 Jennifer & Neil McElroy
and Caroline Skeen
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).