Reflection Corner - Saint Anthony Catholic Church in El Segundo


Reflection Corner - Saint Anthony Catholic Church in El Segundo
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
Reflection Corner
The book of Leviticus contains a lot of laws regulating
worship, the ordination of priests, their duties and rights. It
also lays down regulations as regards certain bodily diseases
which made a person unclean and a menace to the health of
his or her neighbors. Leprosy was one such disease. Real
leprosy at that time and for centuries after was deemed incurable. It made the patient unfit to take part in the religious
In the ancient Jewish tradition, leprosy was one of the
dreaded natural diseases popularly seen as divine chastisement. The story of Miriam, sister of Moses, who was struck
with leprosy as a result of her misconduct (Numbers 12) as
well as that of Job who was afflicted with a leprosy-like skin
disease reinforced their view of leprosy as divine punishment
for sin. The first reading of today (Leviticus 13) describes
the priest’s duty of declaring a person either infected by leprosy or not. And the dreadful practice of ostracizing the infected persons is reported as God’s Will. These Hebrew
practices raised two moral questions: Was leprosy indeed
divine punishment? Was the dehumanizing treatment meted
out to lepers as described in Leviticus God’s will?
The healing of the man with leprosy by Jesus in the
gospel defines the inclusive and compassionate nature of
Christ’s ministry. While the ancient Jewish social and religious laws dehumanized lepers and those with skin diseases,
Jesus accepted them. By curing this leper of his leprosy Jesus
teaches that it is the will of God to welcome and heal people
living in “leprosy-like” condition and not chastise or dehumanize them. Jesus said to the leper in the gospel, “I do will
it. Be clean.” Jesus lets us understand that neither Social nor
religious laws should rob anyone his or her human dignity
and hope rather they should help to build up the faith of the
people observing them. What should exclude one from the
kingdom of God or make one unclean is sin and not physical
illness. When the leper was cured of his leprosy, Jesus told
him to go and fulfill his religious obligation. This indeed was
to show that he was interested in the liberation and conversion of souls and not in social structures. Christ is our hope
when we think that all hope is gone.
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
Mass Times
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
8:00 am
Tuesday & Thursday
12:10 pm
8:00 am & 5:00 pm
8:00 am,10:00 am & 5:00 pm
Sunday (Spanish)
12 Noon
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Parish Center Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
8:30 am - 6:30 pm
By appointment only
Latin Mass
Second & Fifth Sunday of the month
In the second reading, St. Paul rejects traditional Jewish moral
legalism by reaffirming the freedom of the children of God in
Christ with regard to the Jewish law. Traditional Jewish morality places the letter of the law before human needs. For Christians “All things are lawful but not all things are beneficial. All
things are lawful but not all things build up” (1Cor.10:24). The
standard of morality which St Paul adopts and which is based
on the teachings of Christ is, that an action is right or wrong
depends on whether or not it contributes to the spiritual welfare
of others. This teaching contradicts the morality of some modern day cultures that emphasize moral subjectivism or relativism in which the rightness or wrongness of an action is said to
depend on how the individual feels about it. Paul advises us not
to seek our own advantage but that of the other. That is where
the Christian duty of love of neighbor lies. According to Paul,
whatever we do must be to the greater glory of God Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. What we eat or drink and what we do or
say should not cause scandal to others but should uplift the
spirit of others and should lead to their growth in faith. How
one feels should not supersede the truth of the gospel.
8:30 am & 3:30 pm
or by appointment
Page Two
St. Anthony
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
February 15, 2015
Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the
glory of God.
-1 Corinthians 10:31
Ash Wednesday
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Ashes
will be distributed during all masses on Ash Wednesday. Masses will be at 8:00 am with our school students, 12:10 pm, and bilingual at 6:00 pm.
Please note: Ashes will NOT be available during the
day - only during the masses.
One-Day Parish Lenten Retreat at
San Luis Rey Mission
Saturday, March 21, 2015
St. Anthony Church invites you to a Lenten day of
prayer at San Luis Rey Mission. Together as a parish we
will pray the Stations of the
Cross, we will have meditations and a conference on The
Way of the Cross.
Reservations: Contact Elizabeth Swenson at (310)
322-4392 Ext. 440
Cost: $45.00 per person
(includes bus, continental breakfast, lunch and retreat)
Bus will depart from St. Anthony Church parking lot at
7:30 a.m. and return by 6:00 p.m. The Bus only seats
55 passengers. If you wish to drive to the mission,
please register with Elizabeth and the cost will be $20
for continental breakfast, lunch and retreat.
Sunday, February 15
Together in Mission Commitment Sunday
Religious Education Classes
Children’s Liturgy of the Word at 10:00 am Mass
Confirmation Class-Parish Center
Monday, February 16
President’s Day
Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Closed
7:00 pm Bible Study - Parish Center
7:00 pm RCIA/Adult Faith Formation
Tuesday, February 17
Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open
12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass - Church
7:00 pm Adult Confirmation - Parish Center
7:00 pm Lectio Divina - Parish Center
Wednesday, February 18
Ash Wednesday
Parish Office & Adoration Chapel Open
12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass
6:00 pm Bilingual Mass
7:00 pm Legion of Mary - School
Thursday, February 19
Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open
12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass - Church
6:30 pm Grupo de Oracion - School
6:30 pm Holy Hour for Priest’s - Church
7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Friday, February 20
Adoration Chapel & Parish Center Closed
6:00 pm Fish Fry - Parish Hall
Saturday, February 21
8:30 am & 3:30 pm Confessions
10:00 am Baptism (English) - Church
10:30 am Lectio Divina - Center
12:00pm Private Baptism
St. Anthony Church
215 Lomita St., El Segundo CA 90245
(310) 322-4392
Fax: (310) 322-0797
Visit us on Facebook
Safeguarding the Children: Joan Viena (213) 637-7227
Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650
Archdiocesan Vocation Director: Rev. Stephen Davoren (213) 637-7755
Regional Vocation Director: Rev. Bao Nguyen (310) 326-3364
Pastor: Rev. Robert Victoria
Assisting Priest: Rev. Felix C. Unichi
(ext. 441)
School: Georgiana Curcio, Principal
(310) 322-4218 (ext. 111)
(ext 211)
Preschool: Rose Aguayo, Director
(ext. 329)
Business Manager : Abner Espanola
(ext. 442)
Secretary: Elizabeth Swenson
(ext. 440)
Office Assistant:
Mary Baum
(ext. 440)
Maintenance: George Cadena
(ext. 440)
Director of Religious Education:
Mr. Timothy K. Rodrick, O.P.
(ext. 444)
Youth Minister:
Pastoral Council Chairperson: Ricky Labayen
Finance Council Chairperson: David Bohline
(310) 416-1477
School Council Chairperson: Felipe Gutierrez
(310) 322-4218
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Three
St. Anthony Church
Mission Statement:
We the St. Anthony community, blessed with diversity
in culture and traditions, unite ourselves to the Real
Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We commit
ourselves to live out the Gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ through prayer, service, and actions.
On Going CASE Collection
CASE (Community Alliance to Support
and Empower) serves the need of
those in need within our community.
The CASE’s food pantry is in need:
canned meat foods, canned chili, tuna,
spaghetti sauce, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, cooking oil, pasta, canned
fruits, snacks, peanut butter, jam, juices, pop tarts,
cheerios, cornflakes, jello, paper goods, toilet paper,
napkins, paper towels, toothpaste, soap, tissues/
Kleenex, and cleaning supplies, liquid dishwashing,
laundry detergent, shampoo & conditioner, etc.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Rules for Fasting and Abstinence
The Church law of abstinence obliges all baptized
Catholics 14 years of age and older
must abstain from meat on Ash
Wednesday, all Fridays of Lent, and
Good Friday.
The Church law of fasting obliges all
baptized Catholics aged 18 through 60
to refrain from eating between meals
and to limit themselves to one full meal
and two lighter meals, together not equaling one full
meal on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Those
who are sick and the elderly are not bound by these
The Code of Canon Law and our bishops remind us of
other works and means of doing penance: prayer, acts
of self-denial, almsgiving and works of personal charity. Attending Mass daily or several times a week, praying the rosary, making the way of the cross attending
the parish evening prayer service, teaching the illiterate
to read, reading to the blind, helping at a soup kitchen,
visiting the sick and shut-ins all of these can be even
more meaningful and demanding than simply abstaining from meat on Friday.
Patty Pappas Goodreau, sister-in-law of
Lucille Goodreau and Helen Nault, mother of
William Nault II. May their souls and the souls
of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
SATURDAY February 14
8:00 am
Holy Souls in Purgatory
5:00 pm
Mai Tran (D)
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
February 15
Cheryl Gowe Gates (PI)
Majella McIntyre (PI)
Victoriano Espinoza (D)
Puchner Family (PI)
8:00 am
February 16
Mary Ann Gowe (D)
12:10 pm
February 17
John & Robert Gibilterra (PI)
WEDNESDAY February 18
8:00 am
Fr. William Brelsford (D)
12:10 pm
Bertha Gascon (PI)
6:00 pm
Carl Rodrick (D)
THURSDAY February 19
12:10 p m
Frances & John Berretta (D)
8:00 am
February 20
Enrique Clemente (D)
SATURDAY February 21
8:00 am
Al Gowe (D)
5:00 pm
For all Parishioners
Please Pray
Sr. Aurora, Marggie Ayala, Soledad Barba, Sue Barrett,
Rosalinda Banzon, Ellen Brandlin, Shirley Caldwell,
Teresa Calderon, Teresita Clemente, David Dec, Dylan
and Dorothy Doukakis, Juan Antonio & Alejandro
Duran, Howard & Cora Fausto, Rose Garcia, Gerry
Geppert, Joe & Don Guzman, Townsend Hale, Margaret Hoff, Dorothy Hoover, George Kezele, Michalina
Kubek, Patricia Lamay, Ed Lewis, Alice Lipinski, Ken
Lockwood, Daniel Manrique, Majella McIntyre, Shirley
Merrill, Cecil McAllister, Kay McGuire, Pauline
McKinley, Michelle McManus, Grace Mercado, Shirley
Merrill, Helen Nault, Colleen O’Ryan, Pamela Polizzotto, Josefina Rigalva, Ryan Ramirez, Juan Sanchez,
John Snyder, Anne Schuman, Maralyn Swenson, Keith
Storm, Janina Tyborowska, Eva Lily Valdez, Elena Victoria, Rony Vitus, Elizabeth Webster, Christopher
Wheeler, Pennye Wilder, Nik Woods.
Page Four
St. Anthony
The Parish Center will be
closed on Monday, Feb. 16th
in honor of President’s Day.
We will reopen on Tuesday,
Feb. 17th at 8:30 a.m.
Blankets for the Veterans Hospital
“ESHS-Support Our Troops” Club invites you to take
part in their drive to collect fleece blankets to our brothers & sisters in the Veterans hospital. If you would like
to donate, please drop a new, unopened fleece blanket
off in the designated bin in front of the main church entrance. Anytime until Feb.22, 2015. Thank you very
much for your generosity.
How would you like the statue of Mary
in your home for one or two weeks?
This home visitation program includes a
small supply box with free rosaries, miraculous medals, and scapulars for you
to use or give away to family and
friends. The Legion of Mary will drop
off the statue and pick her up at your
convenience. If you have any question,
please contact Janet Wilson at 310-640-1608.
Pray for Priests and Increase on Vocations
Please join us every Thursday evening at 6:30 pm
in the church for prayer and Adoration. This is the
time for us to pray and strengthen ourselves as children of the church in our resolution to aspire for greater
holiness of life. Our prayers and sacrifices for the
sanctification of all bishops, priests, and religious can
accomplish more and better results such as the spiritual growth of the Church.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
September 29 - October 10, 2015
Join Fr. Robert Victoria on a spiritual journey to the
Holy Land from September 29th to October 10th,
Reserve early as
seats are limited.
Accommodations in First
Class hotels with breakfast
and dinner included. Daily
Mass each day. For information, please call the parish center. A brochure and
registration form will be available at the Parish Center
and also at the entrance of the church.
February 15, 2015
News from the Office of Respect Life
Pregnancy Help Center
“In time when I was scared and confused, you
made me feel cared about. I don’t know what
I would have done without you. This child is
such a blessing.”
Pregnancy Help Center
(310) 787-4357 - 24-hour help line
Eucharistic Adoration - We need adorers
Could you not watch one hour with me?
If you would like to spend one hour every week to keep
Jesus company in the Blessed Sacrament,
please come to the Parish center between
8:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday thru thursday.
Perpetual adoration would not be possible
without your help and be assured that God
will bless you and your loved ones.
Jesus waits for our little Acts of faith, adoration, love, thanksgiving, repentance, reparation and charity that we can offer Him as we
contemplate - His Divine Majesty - in the
Blessed Sacrament.
Let us help you
schedule your own personal hour to be with Jesus, to
rest in His peace.
Together in Mission 2015 Campaign
Weekend of February 14th-15th
“Be imitators of me…”
1Corinthians 11
This weekend is commitment weekend at all Masses.
We will conduct the in-pew process for the collection of
gifts and pledges. Thank you for your generosity.
Did you Know
Safeguard The Children
Help prevent child victimization
Many assume that children at risk for
victimization are neglected or from dysfunctional homes. However, all children,
even those from supportive families, may be at risk of
victimization. Encourage your child to come to you immediately if anyone makes him or her feel uncomfortable online or makes overtures to meet in person.
These are some signs an online predator may be connecting with your child: Your child becomes withdrawn
and isolated from family and friends; you find inappropriate material on the computer; your child receives
mail, money, or gifts from unknown people; you see
unknown phone numbers when reviewing the phone
bill. For more information visit: http://
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mensaje para Reflexionar
Hoy vemos el mayor ejemplo de compasión.
Acuérdense que, en el tiempo de Jesús, la lepra era
mas que una terrible enfermedad física. También trajo
consecuencias sociales y religiosas. El leproso tenia
que mantener su distancia de otros, llevando una campana y gritando "contaminado! impuro!" Y más cruel,
fue separado de la consolación de ritos religiosos. Jesús hizo algo extraordinario. Toco al leproso. Al tocarlo,
se contamino. San Mateo dijo, "llevo nuestras enfermedades." Jesús lo hizo porque vio mas allá del desfigurar
de la lepra. Vio el valor de la persona - a pesar de deformidad exterior y deterioro interno. La duda nos tienta, pero hay una cosa que no podemos dudar: la compasión de Jesús.
La compasión que sintió Jesús por el leproso del
evangelio ha existido siempre en la iglesia de Jesús.
Un día, un sacerdote, el Padre Damián decidió ejercer
su ministerio entre los leprosos de Molokai. Y se entregó a ellos con la misma compasión de Jesús. Y un día
comenzó su predicación con estas palabras: "Mis hermanos leprosos". Aquel día el Padre Damián no sólo
era el párroco era también su igual, era un leproso
más. Nunca volvió a su tierra y murió de lepra. Como
leproso que era tenía prohibido salir de la isla.
Robert Louis Stevenson vislumbro algo de esa
compasión cuando visito la isla de Molokai. Supero sus
dudas y expreso su fe en Dios. Antes de salir de Molokai, escribió un poema que puso en el libro de huéspedes. Admitió que fue tentado a negar a Dios. La belleza
de la compasión, sin embargo, le causo acallarse y
adorar a Dios. Aquí es el poema:
Ver este lugar de lastima infinita
El brazo podrido, la cara distorsionada,
El inocente sonriendo a su castigo
El necio fue tentado a negar a Dios.
Mira y se encoge. Pero mira otra vez.
Ay, belleza que brilla del dolor
Y aun el necio se calla y adora."
Nosotros sabemos que Dios mira el corazón, no
la piel. Nosotros sabemos que Dios envió a Jesús para
derribar todas las barreras que nos separan de Él y de
los hermanos. Nosotros sabemos que para Dios nadie
es intocable, nadie es impuro. Nosotros sabemos que
Dios no quiere cuarentenas ni separaciones. Nosotros
sabemos que al ser tocados por el amor de Dios quedaremos limpios.
Page Five
La Parroquia de San Antonio
Nuestra Misión:
Nosotros, la comunidad de San Antonio, bendecidos
con diversidad en cultura y tradiciones, nos unimos a
la presencia real de Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía.
Nos comprometemos a vivir y enseñar la palabra de
nuestro señor Jesucristo por medio de nuestra oración,
servicio y acciones.
Miércoles de Ceniza
La Cuaresma comienza el Miércoles de Ceniza. El
Miércoles, 18 de Febrero es Miércoles de Ceniza. Se
distribuirá cenizas solamente durante nuestras misas.
Tendremos misas a las 8:00 am ; 12:10 pm y a las
6:00pm (Bilingüe)
Reglas de Abstinencia Y Ayuno
El Miércoles de Ceniza marca el comienzo de la Cuaresma
Abstinencia: La ley de abstinencia exige a un Católico
de 14 años de edad y hasta su muerte, a abstenerse de
comer carne los Viernes en honor a la Pasión de Jesús
el Viernes Santo. La carne es considerada carne y órganos de mamíferos y aves de corral. Los peces de
mar y de agua dulce, anfibios, reptiles y mariscos si son
permitidos, así como productos derivados de animales
como margarina y gelatina sin sabor a carne.
Ayuno: La ley de ayuno requiere que el Católico desde
los 18 hasta los 59 años reduzca la cantidad de comida
usual. La Iglesia define esto como una comida más dos
comidas pequeñas que sumadas no sobrepasen la comida principal en cantidad. Este ayuno es obligatorio el
Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo. No se permite
comer entre las comidas el Miércoles de Ceniza y el
Viernes Santo. Se puede tomar liquidos, como café, te,
jugos, etc.
Objetivos del ayuno y la abstinencia
Se cree que el ayuno practicado durante la cuaresma
purifica tanto los pensamientos como los sentimientos
de los católicos y los prepara para la oración. Se piensa
que el hambre provocada por el ayuno intensifica la
conciencia y estrecha la conexión con Dios. La abstinencia se considera una forma de sacrificio, una tradición recurrente durante la Cuaresma. Se dice que la
renuncia al consumo carne honra la Pasión de Jesús
en Viernes Santo.
St. Anthony Church One Day Lenten Retreat:
San Luis Rey Mission
4050 Mission Ave.
Oceanside, California
Saturday, March 21 2015
St. Anthony Church invites you to a Lenten Retreat day of prayer and
meditation at San Luis Rey Mission in the city of Oceanside. Together as a parish we will pray the Stations of the Cross and meditate about “Walking the Way of the Cross”. The Franciscan Retreat
Center at Old Mission San Luis Rey offers a place for solitude, healing, and revitalization. The Stations of the Cross, along the back of
the property, provide a perfect backdrop for meditative walks and
The cost is $45.00 per person and includes bus, continental breakfast, lunch and retreat. If you prefer to drive to the mission the cost
of the retreat is $20.00. Please contact Elizabeth to reserve your
seat at (310) 322-4392 Ext. 440.