Dalam Talian - i
Dalam Talian - i
16 FEBRUARY 2014 www.ithink.org.my 06 i-THINK Dalam Talian LAPORAN KHAS SCHOOLS 10 TEN MAKE THE GRADE AS IB CANDIDATES PEOPLE LEARNING WHAT IS 18 12 SELF-INSTRUCTIONAL MODULE (SIM) FOR CRITICAL THINKING? i-THINK PROGRAMME (OVERVIEW) HOTS MESSAGE 04 06 PERADUAN Hot & Happening Kursus i-THINK Dalam Talian 10 Ten schools make the grade as IB candidates 12 Self-Instructional Module (SIM) for i-THINK Programme (Overview) 14 16 17 18 19 20 Galeri The Headlines Anda masih ada peluang untuk memenangi Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 What is Critical Thinking? Peraduan HOTS Main Mind HOTS Satu program dalamtalian yang meluas untuk menyokong sekolah-sekolah perluasan program i-THINK giat dijalankan yang akhirnya akan melibatkan semua guru-guru. Dalam isu HOTS ini kami terbitkan sebuah artikel mengenai program kursus i-THINK Dalam Talian (KiDT) bertempat di Shah Alam. sebuah telefon Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, teruskan usaha untuk menghantar jawapan anda. Pembaca juga boleh membaca artikel mengenai 10 buah sekolah yang telah terpilih menjadi calon Sekolah International Baccalaureate (IB) yang akan membawa mereka kepada perjalanan baru ke arah pembelajaran berkualiti tinggi yang mencabar dan bertaraf antarabangsa. HOTS juga mengalu-alukan pendapat murid, guru-guru dan ibu-bapa turut digalakkan untuk menghantar pertanyaan menerusi klip video pendek, testimoni atau pengalaman anda kepada www.facebook.com/ithinkschools atau www.twitter.com/ithink schools. Pada isu ini kami menerbitkan beberapa nama-nama pelajar yang berpeluang untuk memenangi hadiah Terima Kasih! Murid-murid lain juga masih mempunyai peluang untuk menjadi pemenang,sila hantarkan jawapan anda dan slogan secepat mungkin. 1 SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 3 UNTUK DIMENANGI Lihat muka surat 19 untuk menyertainya [email protected] i-THINK 02 Apa Khabar i-THINKers! Hello i-THINKers! An extensive online programme to support future tranches of schools undertaking the i-THINK programme is underway which will eventually involve all teachers and in this issue of HOTS we highlight an online training programme in Shah Alam. Also readers can find an article on ten schools around the country that have become International Baccalaureate candidate schools, which will take them on a new journey towards high quality, challenging and international education. The response to the Peraduan HOTS has been slow probably because of the December school holidays and in this issue we are publishing some of the names of students who are in a good position to win the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. Others too have a chance to win it, so students should hurry and complete the contest and send us your answers and also the slogan, to be the lucky winner. We hope the articles which we publish in this issue are useful to students, teachers and parents and we would be happy to publish your comments on these stories so please feel free to write or e mail us. HOTS would also like to hear the opinion of students, teachers and parents on i-THINK and education issues, please send all inquiries video clips, testimonials or experiences and other contributions to www.facebook.com/ithinkschools or www.twitter.com/ithinkschools. Happy i-THINKing! 03 HOT & HAPPENING Fishy news Researchers from the University of Kansas and Connecticut in the United States have identified five new species of stingrays from Malaysian and Indonesian waters. This doubles the number of stingray species found in the area. In other fish news, three new species of halfbeaks were made known to science. Halfbeaks are slender and have small pectoral fins and the lower jaw lengthened into a beak. It is related to the flying fishes and often skitters along the surface, commonly seen on the coastal waters of Malaysia. The halfbeaks were named because the lower jaw is significantly longer than the top one. The researchers from the University of Singapore found the new species in lowland streams. In streams with clear water the body colour is light while those found in tea coloured water have darker skins. avril lavigne LIVE IN KUALA LUMPUR Closer look at the moon China made history on Dec. 14, 2013 with the successful landing of its Chang'e 3 lander carrying the Yutu (Jade Rabbit) rover. The mission is the first soft-landing on the moon since 1976 and made China only the third country ever to perform the lunar feat. Pictures from Yutu revealed amazing details of the moon which researchers and scientists all over the world are studying to better understand the moon’s surface. The Canadian pop sensation, makes yet another appearance in Kuala Lumpur, where the 29-year-old is expected to belt out hit singles like “Here’s to Never Growing Up”, “Complicated” and “Girlfriend”. Charged In 30 Seconds United States High school student Eesha Khare created a new kind of super-capacitor energy-storing device that could eventually lead to superfast battery charging for phones and other devices (including car batteries). Khare’s device (which netted her a US$50,000 scholarship from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair) has a special nanostructure that makes it last longer than the average battery and charge up quicker -- though at present, it stores less energy than a comparable battery. But the Harvard-bound teenager will have plenty of time to perfect her invention in the years ahead. Venue: Stadium Merdeka, Jalan Stadium, 50150 Kuala Lumpur Date: Mar 14, 2014 Time: 8pm Website: http://redtix.airasia.com/Events/AvrilLavigne/ Monkey Plans It has been widely assumed that only humans plan for the future and that all other animals deal only with their immediate needs. An investigation of a male orangutan in Sumatra has shown that it makes some long calls or shouts to inform others the direction of travel for the next day. The vocalisation was emitted just before the ape went to sleep for the night. Other Orang Utan, especially females, listen to the call and head in the direction so that they get protection during the journey. 04 Computers To Sniff Out Leukaemia Eighteen-year-old Brittany Wenger, another teenage competitor at the Intel Science Fair, used her computer know-how to create an algorithm that can look for patterns in a patient’s genetic profile to spot signs of a nasty form of cancer called mixed-lineage leukaemia. This isn’t Wenger’s first foray into harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for medicine. She previously created a computer programme that analyses tissue samples to spot signs of cancer. 05 LAPORAN KHAS Kursus i-THINK Dalam Talian Peserta diberikan masa selama sebulan untuk menghabiskan setiap modul dan meneroka aplikasi KiDT. Peserta yang telah diberi latihan akan bertindak sebagai pembimbing (Mentor) kepada guru-guru yang bakal menggunakan kursus online pada tahun ini. Selain itu Pembimbing KiDT turut berperanan seperti berikut: I. II. III. Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) dengan kerjasama Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum (BPK) telah mengadakan Kursus Pembimbing i-THINK Dalam Talian (KiDT) di Shah Alam. Kursus ini bertujuan memberi latihan dan pendedahan kepada para peserta tentang cara penggunaan platform online i-THINK yang telah dibangunkan pihak AIM dan BPK. IV. Kursus ini melibatkan melibatkan seramai 324 orang peserta terdiri daripada Pegawai Meja i-THINK dari Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD), Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN), Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB), Bahagian Pendidikan Guru (BPG) dan Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan (BTP) yang melibatkan semua Negeri termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak. V. Memberi bimbingan dan membantu dalam menyelesaikan masalah atau keraguan dalam kalangan pengguna KiDT mengenai Peta Pemikiran dan Teknik Penyoalan Aras Tinggi secara bersemuka atau dalam talian. Mengadakan perjumpaan secara maya dengan para guru sekurang-kurangnya dua kali seminggu. Menggalakkan pengguna melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam forum KiDT dan berkongsi pengalaman dan kejayaan yang telah diperolehi sepanjang penglibatan dalam Program i-THINK. Menggalakkan pembelajaran kolaboratif antara guru di sekolah atau sekolah lain Memantau dan menyelaras pelaksanaan KiDT di kalangan guru. i-THINK 06 07 LAPORAN KHAS Tujuan Taklimat Pembimbing KiDT • Menjelaskan peranan yang akan dilaksanakan oleh Pembimbing KiDT dalam kursus i-THINK kepada semua guru Memberi pendedahan kepada semua Pembimbing KiDT tentang penggunaan Aplikasi Modul Pembelajaran Kendiri i-THINK • Tujuan Taklimat Pembimbing KiDT • • • • Terdiri daripada Pegawai Meja i-THINK di setiap JPN dan PPD Membimbing guru menggunakan aplikasi Modul Pembelajaran Kendiri i-THINK dan pelaksanaan KBAT di sekolah Kesinambungan kursus bimbingan penyeliaan yang dilaksanakan oleh IAB pada 2013 Mengikuti semua 25 Modul Pembelajaran Kendiri i-THINK dalam tempoh enam minggu (25/1/14 – 22/2/14) 08 Perancangan Peluasan KiDT Di Semua Sekolah Pada 2014 Fasa 1 17 Mac 2014: Taklimat Rintis KiDT untuk guru dari 1,000 buah sekolah 20 Mac – 20 Jun 2014: Guru Rintis menggunakan aplikasi KiDT Akhir Jun: Pelaporan JPN/PPD Rintis KiDT Fasa 2 22 Ogos 2014: Taklimat KiDT kepada guru dari 7,986 buah sekolah 25 Ogos – 8 November 2014: Guru menggunakan aplikasi KiDT Akhir November: Pelaporan JPN/PPD Rintis KiDT 09 LAPORAN KHAS Tenschools make the grade as IB candidates Ten schools around the country have become International Baccalaureate candidate schools thus taking on a new journey towards high quality, challenging and international education. The schools are SMK Putrajaya Presint 9 (2), SMK Dato' Sheikh Ahmad, Arau, SMK Pantai, Labuan, SMKA Sheikh Abdul Malek, Kuala Terengganu, SMK Seri Tualang, Temerloh, SM Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, Kota Bharu, Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, Negeri Sembilan, Kolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar, SMK Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar and SMK Sungai Tapang, Samarahan INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE The good news was conveyed in a letter by Ian Chambers, the Asia Pacific Director for International Baccalaureate to SMK Sungai Tapang headmaster Bekon Jenet. IB will provide the school continued support throughout the candidacy phase and the school will be assigned a consultant who will provide 20 hours of remote consultation and will arrange on-site consultation visits. Chambers in his letter also informed the school that in order to support the school in working towards authorisation, the school’s management could refer to the IB document Consultation process: Guidelines for consultants for further information on the consultation process and the terms and conditions involved, as well as further feedback on the school’s Application for candidacy. In addition, all teachers in the Middle Years Programme (MYP) section of the school are given access to the IB online Congratulations to the schools as they head towards new teaching and learning methods that would bring the best out of their students. curriculum centre (OCC), where teachers can obtain electronic versions of IB publications and teaching materials. In Samarahan, Kuching, there was elation and rounds of congratulations in January this year when it was announced that SMK Sungai Tapang’s application for candidacy for the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme had been accepted. Access to the OCC will also give the teachers the opportunity to participate with IB practitioners worldwide in online forums on programme-related topics. The school’s programme coordinator will also receive information from the OCC team on how to register the MYP faculty to the OCC. “Throughout the candidate phase for the MYP, the Rules for candidate schools (2010) remain applicable and your school will work towards the fulfilment of the requirements for authorisation as identified in the Guide to school authorisation: Middle Years Programme (2010). *Only schools authorised by the IB organisation can offer any of its three academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), or the Diploma Programme (and in addition the IB Career-related Certificate). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorisation will be granted.” “From your Application for candidacy, we have highlighted certain Chambers in congratulating the school’s achievement of candidacy added: “We look forward to working further with your school towards authorisation and wish you every success in the next phase of development .” requirements for which the school will need to plan from the start of the candidate phase to ensure they will be met at the time of authorisation. “These requirements should be discussed with the consultant in the first stage of the consultation process and form part of the revised action plan so that the school can address them in a timely manner,” Chambers said in his letter. Chambers said the school could promote its new status as follows: “SMK Sungai Tapang is a candidate school* for the Middle Years Programme. This school is pursuing authorisation as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that SMK Sungai Tapang believes is important for our students. Healthy discussio nw SMKS Tengku Muh as going on at the International Ba amad Faris Petra ccalaureate Office , Kota Bharu. , 10 11 PEOPLE Self-Instructional Module (SIM) for i-THINK Programme Overview However delivering face-to-face training sessions on thinking Ashwin Singh, a Director with Teamie Pte Ltd gives an overview of the Self-Instructional Module (SIM) for teachers involved in the i-THINK Programme skills to more than 450,000 teachers is neither a cost nor time effective approach. like Chrome, Hence AIM & MOE Firefox, Internet commissioned development of a Explorer & Safari. Soon users Self-Instructional Module (SIM) that will be able to access the SIM will help teachers learn how to use from their smartphones and thinking tools in their teaching and learning process in the most effective and convenient manner. The launch of the i-THINK Programme, classrooms so that the students The SIM can be currently accessed from was a joint initiative of Agensi Inovasi are able to develop the desired critical a desktop or laptop that is connected to Malaysia (AIM) and Ministry of thinking skills. the Internet by using popular browsers tablets as well as through mobile browsers or apps for both Android and iOS devices. The learning modules in the SIM are The learning platform has three different roles: The learning platform has features like Newsfeed, Course Map, Users Directory, Leaderboard, Badges, Messages, a) Administrators – Responsible Bulletin Board and many more that for providing technical support facilitate peer learning, sharing of best to the users. practices and make learning fun. These b) Mentors – Users who are developed in both English & Bahasa responsible for helping learners Malaysia to ensure that learners are able with questions related to the Education (MOE), to equip the next to grasp and practice the concepts subject matter including thinking generation of innovators in Malaysia to easily. Though the modules are skills and their application. think critically and be adaptable in designed for the learners to learn the preparation for the future. concepts on their own, they are being to be trained on thinking skills features will be dealt in detail in subsequent articles, so keep on reading. c) Learners – Teachers, who have delivered over a learning platform that who are the primary users of Since its introduction, the programme promotes collaboration and have the SIM. has helped schools impart thinking gamification elements to make the skills to students, allowing them to learning journey more exciting and fun. become lifelong learners; great at solving problems and coming up Gamification is the application of typical with creative solutions. elements of game playing (such as point scoring, and competition with To achieve this, it is necessary others) to online activities to encourage that teachers are able to learn engagement since it is exciting because and then apply those tools in their it promises to make the hard stuff in life fun. 12 13 GALERI KURSUS i-THINK DALAM TALIAN Antara seba hagian pese rta kumpula di Dewan Pe n1 rdana. IB CANDIDATES SCHOOL nal e Internatio display at th ains Tengku S Informative SMK ate Office, Bharu. Baccalaure Petra, Kota is ar F ad Muham r bergamba Selangor D r. P P to a n a lit d si ai Fa ari JPN anu sebag Peserta d rsama Shiv e b n a g n a ken n Arbour g teachers and Darre Sharing session amon entary lem pp Su the g nt) durin (In-country consulta eikh Sh KA SM ment Programme at anu. gg Professional Develop en Ter ala Ku , lek Abdul Ma gan dan arahan Mendengar peneran HINK SIM. cara penggunaan i-T Malek were Sheikh Abdul A K SM at rs Teache ball’ activity! ith the ‘Snow having fun w Taklimat kurs us disampaik an oleh Pn. Is dari Bahagian nazhana Pembangunan Kurikulum (B PK). Workshop activ ity ‘What I Want to Know?’ 14 15 NEWS Anda masih berpeluang untuk memenangi sebuah Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Ahmad Ghazir Ezzan ri Izani Nur Ain Suhana binti Zam Zu Click to enlarge 30 January 2014 Creating knowledgeable students through critical thinking Andrik Lim Kai Shan Aina Syamimi binti Zulkifli Dhia Sufiyyah binti Osman By BALQIS LIM | [email protected] KUALA LUMPUR: THE transformation of the education curriculum in the Malaysia Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025 focuses on the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) concept which aims to produce knowledgeable students who are critical and creative in their thinking and can compete at the international level. HOTS are skills which would equip students with the ability to apply, analyse, evaluate and think creatively in and outside the classroom. It is aimed at producing a generation of Malaysians who are knowledgeable, have good leadership qualities, are multi-lingual and have strong moral and religious values, qualities which would enable them to compete at the global level. This would ensure that students are able to understand and apply the knowledge they have acquired instead of merely memorising facts to face examinations. Deputy director-general of Education (policy and education development) Datuk Dr Amin Senin said this would see a transformation in the teaching and learning process which previously focused on examinations and rote learning. "The results obtained by Malaysian students in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Programme for International Students Assessments (PISA) was not satisfactory. "This is because the questions in both these tests , which are international benchmarks, focused on HOTS. We realise this weakness and that is why we are emphasising HOTS under the PPPM," he said. Amin said the implementation of HOTS under the PPPM this time focused on Science, Mathematics and History. It is also implemented in co-curricular activities such as quizzes and competitions. He said the ministry also changed the concept of the examination questions to ensure that students apply thinking skills by inserting at least 20 per cent of the HOTS element in the public examinations, in stages. PEMENANG PERTAMA Diviya Letchumanan dari SMK Convent Muar He added that to ensure the successful implementation of the programme, teachers need to first attend short courses in the i-Think programme which is jointly run by the ministry and Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM), so that they will be able to impart thinking skills to students, allowing them to be lifelong learners. ang murid yang Berikut adalah senarai 5 or angi Samsung berpeluang untuk memen wah pula Galaxy Tab 3. Gambar diba pemenang bagi menunjukkan pemenang. Kami amat peraduan HOTS yang lepas dari murid-murid mengalakkan penyertaan duan selepas ini. lain untuk menyertai pera PEMENANG KETIGA Muhammad Sazroy Aiman bin Mahd Sazaila dari Sekolah Kebangsaan Pusat Bukit Besar, Kuala Terengganu "Last year more than 1,000 schools participated in the programme and this year we aim to bring it to all schools nationwide gradually, be it online or face-to-face." He said that the implementation of HOTS indirectly changed the pattern and process of learning in the classroom, making it more interactive through the active participation of students and teachers. He said the success of the programme will be evaluated from the students' exam results, their understanding and mastery of the subjects especially in the way the students answered the HOTS type of questions. Click to enlarge PEMENANG KEDUA PEMENANG KEEMPAT Nur Hanny Fatiha Ab. Rashid Nurul Ain Adilla Samiun dari SMK Convent Muar dari Sekolah Kebangsaan Pusat Bukit Besar, Kuala Terengganu Click to enlarge 16 17 LEARNING CONTEST PERADUAN HOTS What is Critical Thinking? As far back as 1605, Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, statesman, scientist and author had said: “Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture”. The term critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualising, applying, analysing, synthesising and evaluating information gathered from or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or communication. It is the ability to think clearly and rationally and includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to: • • • • • • understand the logical connections between ideas identify, construct and evaluate arguments detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning solve problems systematically identify the relevance and importance of ideas reflect on the justification of one's own beliefs and values A person with a good memory and who knows a lot of facts is not necessarily good at critical thinking. A critical thinker is able to deduce consequences from what he/she knows and how to make use of information to solve problems, and to seek relevant sources of information to become informed. Critical thinking is quite compatible with thinking “out-of-the-box”, challenging consensus and pursuing less popular approaches. It is an essential part of creativity because people need critical thinking to evaluate and improve their creative ideas. Look at your issue/topic more closely: start to be more directed and purposeful in seeking information. INFORM + DESCRIBE INTEGRATE + APPLY DISCOVER + EXPLORE CRITICAL THINKING TEST + REVISE Weight up the evidence, test out different ideas and alternatives. 18 Sila lukis satu Peta Alir yang memberikan jawapan kepada soalan-soalan yang diberikan di bawah. Pelajar dikehendaki menghantar jawapan yang betul bagi Soalan 1 ke [email protected] untuk mendapatkan Soalan seterusnya. Setiap jawapan yang betul akan dibalas dengan soalan susulan sehingga Peta Alir selesai. Setelah pelajar melengkapkan Peta Alir, tuliskan slogan tidak lebih daripada 30 patah perkataan mengenai pendapat anda tentang program i-THINK. Tarikh tutup peraduan ini adalah pada 28 Februari 2014. Teachers, students and parents should embrace the concept of critical thinking and move forward towards looking at the world and everything that happens differently. Begin to darify what you need to know, what you already ‘know’, and what information you have about your issue/topic. Bring together the various ideas that you have considered in order to consolidate and articulate new understanding(s). Murid murid mempunyai peluang untuk memenangi sebuah Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 dalam peraduan ini. Hantarkan jawapan dan maklumbalas anda ke [email protected] NEGOTIATE + COORPERATE Consider different perspectives: engage in discussion with others. Soalan 1 Apakah peristiwa bermakna yang berlaku pada 31 Ogos 1957 Soalan 2 Soalan 3 Soalan 4 Soalan 5 Soalan 6 Soalan 7 Soalan 8 Soalan 9 Soalan 10 Soalan 11 Soalan 12 Soalan 13 Soalan 14 SLOGAN Tulis slogan tidak lebih daripada 30 patah perkataan mengenai pendapat anda tentang program i-THINK. Tarikh tutup peraduan ini dilanjutkan kepada 28 Februari 2014. Murid-murid yang mengambil bahagian dalam Peraduan HOTS ini dikehendaki menghantar semua jawapan dan slogan sebelum akhir tarikh ini dan seorang murid akan memenangi satu Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. 19 MAIN MIND Questions to make your brains go on overdrive? Answer them correctly and creatively to stand a chance of winning a 4G thumb drive. Soalan-soalan ini mungkin mengelirukan. Fikirlah sedalamnya sebelum memberi jawapan yang betul atau menarik dan anda berpeluang untuk memenangi sebuah Pemacu Kilat 4GB. Soalan 1 Soalan 2 Berapakah jumlah di ruang yang kedua? @ @ @ # & # & # & # £ £ $ £ $ $ 24 ? 17 25 23 Why is it that people say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up like every few hours? Soalan 3 Sekiranya anda diberi peluang, apakah perkara yang anda ingin tukar di dunia ini? 18 24 15 Soalan 4 If you sneezed on a computer, would it get a virus? Why Not? Soalan 5 Siapakah yang menjadi inspirasi anda untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik? Sila hantarkan sebarang komen dan jawapan anda ke [email protected]. 20 Penerbit HOTS: Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) 3501, Level 3, Quill Building 3, Jalan Teknokrat 5, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor. Tel: +603 8319 3116 Faks: +603 8319 3499 Emel: [email protected]
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