OAMR Newsletter - Winter 2015


OAMR Newsletter - Winter 2015
V o l u m e
3 5 ,
W i n t e r
2 0 1 5
W W W . O A M R . O R G
President’s Message
Michele Eldridge, CMC, City Recorder, Harrisburg
The holiday season is such a wonderful time of the year. Spending
time with family and friends is always joyful. For those regions that
held their holiday parties/luncheons in December, I hope you had a
wonderful time!
IIMC Region
IX News
Call to
The Board met in November and made progress on the following:
Region IX Director Tracy Davis, MMC, swore in Region VI
Director Lisa Morgan. Lisa will need to take the oath again in
person at the Mid-Year Board meeting.
Treasurer Nancy Batchelder discussed filling out new signature
cards for the bank, and was also looking for a new bank, since
the Yachats branch had closed down.
Approved final revisions to the City Recorder’s Procedure Manual.
Viewed a presentation by Melissa Kiefer, chair of the Internet Committee, for the
membership capabilities of the website. Membership Chair Mary Dibble was also present
and was thrilled with the changes. OAMR members will be able to apply for renewals of
their membership online, update their profile, and can opt to either pay online or to send
a check.
Approved moving conference registration capabilities to the new website. Members will
now have an online registration for OAMR conferences. They can choose to pay online
for a fee, or to pay by check. It’s important to note that the fee is imposed by PayPal,
based upon the amount of registration. Members can avoid the fee by paying by check.
Approved the new contract with Washington State University Conference Management
for the Northwest Clerks Institute (NCI) with Washington Municipal Clerks Association
Approval of the Northwest Clerks Institute agreement between WMCA, Alaska
Association of Municipal Clerks (AAMC) and OAMR.
Adopted the amended OAMR Records Retention Schedule as revised by the Records
Management Committee (RMC).
Approved changes to the scholarship guidelines and job description to include verifying
that a candidate has submitted a Knowledge Transfer Action Plan (KTAP) within a 30-day
period to the NCI Director, for Professional Development I, II, III, IV, Mid-Year Academy,
and Annual Academy.
Approved reinstating the scholarship report language for the annual conference guidelines,
because it is the only scholarship that does not require a KTAP to be submitted.
Held a discussion in regards to the Attorney General’s Public Records Law Reform Task
Force. I asked for the Legislative Committee and other members to be involved during
the process while it goes through the short session in 2016, and into 2017.
Committee chairs committed themselves to encourage and mentor members to take over
when current chairs are ready to step down.
President’s Message Continued…
The Board Meeting scheduled for February 19, 2016, will take place only if topics of discussion
and actions are needed prior to the Mid-Year Board ,eeting on March 31, 2016. I will keep the
Board informed, and will cancel the meeting in mid-January if it isn’t necessary.
I traveled to the AAMC conference in November with Region IX
Director Tracy Davis, MMC. They had some of the coldest weather
they’ve had in Anchorage for quite a while, (-2 to -7 degrees)
resulting in at least 10 minutes of removing layers of warm outerwear
for every event we attended outside of Hotel Cook! (People were
even wearing coats in the lobby of the hotel.) I attended advanced
sessions on Monday, including “Improving your Negotiations Tool
Kit,” and the “Supervision – the ‘No Jerk Rule’ Building a Civilized
Workplace.” On Tuesday, we had general sessions. Thank you,
President McKechnie,
for such a wonderful
experience and warm
AAMC, on your 50th
Eagle statue in hotel lobby
The League of Oregon
Cities (LOC) Board meeting was held on
December 3 in Salem, and included discussion in relation to property tax reform; the financial
audit report; a review of the strategic plan and adoption of goals for 2016; city dues for
2016/2017; a decision to reject entering into the State and Local Government Rate Pool (PERS);
amendments to the Legal Advocacy Committee Policy; a litigation update; approval of an Oregon
Municipal Electric Utilities (OMEU) financial services agreement; the appointment of the LOC
Foundation Board of Directors; a discussion in regards to the annual conference; a review of the
compensation policy for the executive director; a recommendation of Suzanne Weber to the
Governor for appointment to the Northwest Regional Solutions Advisory Committee; and a
legislative session preview.
View from my hotel room
Of interest for the 2016 short session for the Legislature, were continuing issues in regards to
marijuana legislation; municipal water issues, especially the relationship between senior municipal
water rights and junior in-stream water rights; concerns in following UE 300, because of PGE’s
decision to not take on the costs for a developer doing a public works project on behalf of a
municipality. Also of concern is the recent Supreme Court decision on Public Meetings Law; Lane
County is appealing a recent decision. General Counsel Sean O’Day recommended talking to
your city attorney about serial conversations between council members. (The newest LOC
newsletter has an article in regards to this.) There is a push in Oregon to raise the minimum
wage to $15 an hour, which is something the LOC will continue to watch. Public records reform
will also be under consideration, although it is unlikely that the Legislature will make any changes
until 2017; the general consensus is that Oregon public records law is not working the way it
should. The Attorney General has put together a Public Records Law Reform Task Force that
OAMR hopes to be part of.
President’s Message Continued…
I ended 2015 visiting Region IV for their holiday luncheon. I would have liked to attend other
luncheons, but unfortunately, two of them were held during the LOC Board meeting. I look
forward to joining the other regions some time in 2016. I wish everyone in OAMR a safe and
happy New Year in 2016!
From your Region IX Directors Alice Atwood and Tracy Davis
Greetings OAMR members! First of all, we would like to thank you for the warm hospitality you bestowed
on us at your Annual Conference last September. Your Conference was packed full of educational
opportunities for everyone and the evening events were really enjoyable. Congratulations to the newly
elected members of the Board and the award recipients.
Since September, we have been busy representing Region IX. In early November we traveled to Seattle,
WA for the IIMC Mid-Year Board meeting. We were honored to assist IIMC President Monica Martinez
Simmons in welcoming the IIMC Board members and staff along with the Municipal Clerks Education Fund
(MCEF) Board members to her home city. On our first day in Seattle, we participated in a Board
development session facilitated by Wendy Klock Johnson from Sacramento, CA on Social Media. It
provided the Board with some great ideas for increased use of social media platforms for IIMC members.
Following this session, the Board convened their meeting. We had a full agenda of items to discuss with
several action items recommended by IIMC committees. We will provide you with a full report on each of
these items, along with other items of importance in our Region IX newsletter which will be distributed to
you in late January.
The week after the meeting in Seattle, we jetted off to Anchorage, Alaska for the 50th Annual Conference
of the Alaska Association of Municipal Clerks (AAMC). The weather was a bit chilly, even for Anchorage,
but we had a wonderful time networking with the AAMC membership. Laurie Sica, MMC, City/Borough of
Juneau, was sworn in as AAMC President at the banquet. The Clerk of the Year award was presented to
Deb Marlar, MMC, from the City of Kodiak and the President’s Award of Distinction was given to Shanda
Huntington from the City of Galena. Our next travels will take us to Spokane, WA for the Washington
Municipal Clerks Association (WMCA) conference in March.
The IIMC Annual Conference will be held in Omaha, Nebraska, May 22-25. If you have never attended an
IIMC Conference, it is an experience you will never forget. The educational and networking opportunities
are fantastic. Low on funds? IIMC offers two registration grants per IIMC region. The application
(included in the newsletter) must be submitted to IIMC no later than February 12, 2016. Also, MCEF is
offering an opportunity to win free registration and four nights lodging for the conference. Information on
this opportunity is also included in the newsletter. If you have any questions about the conference, please
do not hesitate to let us know.
In other news, the 2016 IIMC committee applications are now available on the IIMC website. Serving on a
committee is a great way to get involved with IIMC and earn points towards your certification. Committee
work is mostly done via email or teleconference. Take the challenge and sign up to become actively
involved with IIMC.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact either of us if you have questions, need information, or simply
have ideas to share.
Alice Attwood, MMC
Region IX Director
[email protected]
Tracy Davis, MMC
Region IX Director
[email protected]
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2016 OAMR Mid-Year Academy Session
Influencing Positive Results—Crucial Skills for City Leaders
Presented by Jan Carothers
Friday, April 1, 2016
Ashland Hills Hotel and Suites
Ashland, Oregon
Mark your calendars! The 2016 Mid-Year Academy will be held on Friday, April 1, 2016, at the Ashland Hills Hotel and Suites,
in Ashland, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The session is entitled, “Influencing Positive Results – Crucial Skills for City Leaders,”
and will be presented by Jan Carothers. This session will provide three education points for both CMC and MMC candidates.
The cost of the workshop is $150 for OAMR members, $165 for non-members, and includes lunch. Please register prior to
March 1, 2016, as seating is limited.
City Recorders are all city leaders and must have and use graceful communication and influence skills. We need to be able to
support and often coach other influential people to recognize important operational issues, and to enlist City Managers, coworkers, City Councilors, and others to invest their discretionary effort and political capital on problem analysis and
As city leaders, City Recorders need to be able and willing to communicate both practical and technical information along
with visionary ideas to help others overcome inertia and resistance and take on and resolve crucial city issues. We are all in a
position to see what needs to be done in our cities and to apply influence to help get it done; by skillfully and committedly
enrolling, coaching, and encouraging others.
Many of us supervise staff, and many of us do not, but coaching skills can be invaluable when one is influencing from the
center of a staff, without having the ultimate authority. Coaching skills rely on one’s ability to:
Balance advocacy with inquiry
Lead a challenging conversation effectively
Develop our best facilitation skills to guide people making decisions together
Move ideas into action and support follow through
Produce winning results together
We are regularly called on to manage special projects and lead initiatives. This means we pull together representatives of
varied, and sometimes competing, interests and lead the processes to bring others to agreement and into effective action.
The session will explore:
Bringing out the best in yourself and others
Influencing others to go beyond where they might want to stop
How are people influenced most effectively
How do people make changes? What changes people’s minds
Specific powerful conversational tools for everyday coaching
Repairing strained relationships and renewing trust
Transforming complaints into positive action
Coaching for commitment
What makes a great coach
Decide who, when and why to coach
Match your leadership style to the development of the individuals you coach
Why and how to lead with vision
Setting targets and goals
Giving feedback and acknowledgment
Create a climate for people to thrive
As veteran staff members, we are often called on to mentor and train; to help less experienced professionals become more
effective in our own city’s systems, and also move effectively into the culture of local government.
You’ll discover coaching skills are not just for improving problem areas. They will help you support good people in becoming
great performers, develop effective teams, and produce inspiring results together with your community and staff.
During this day-long seminar, you’ll learn and practice specific coaching distinctions and approaches that will not only help you
reach others in empowering ways that lead, but also let others discover their own solutions.
How You Will Benefit:
Gain solid ideas to apply immediately in your work
Discover how to bring out people's energy and commitment
Be able to enroll people to willingly participate in a coaching relationship
Become excited and encouraged about your own coaching ability
Maximize your coaching time and effort
The Ashland Hills Hotel and Suites is just three miles from downtown Ashland and features panoramic mountain views, an
outdoor pool and Jacuzzi, two tennis courts, fitness room, and guest bicycles. Guests enjoy a complimentary continental
breakfast, wireless internet, and free parking. Every room has a small patio with two chairs. There are also a variety of
restaurants within walking distance.
For reservations, call 541.482.8310. Be sure to mention that you are with the Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders
(OAMR). The rate for all rooms is $129, plus tax. Rooms will only be held until March 11, 2016.
Anna Ruggles, from the City of Forest Grove, is handling roommate matching. If you are interested in sharing a room with
someone, let Anna know via e-mail at [email protected].
All Academy registrations will be completed online.
Registration fee is $150 for OAMR members and $165 for non-members, and includes lunch.
You will have the option to pay by check (no extra fee) or by credit card ($5.25 processing fee applies).
Click Here to Register Now
Invest in Your Future
Attend the 2016 Northwest Clerks Institute
All successful professionals sharpen their skills on a regular basis. Your job is multi-faceted and changing. New citizen
demands, legal changes in procedures and new information technologies have increased the pace of your work and
require you to plan and expedite many different tasks at once. You are the citizen‘s first point of contact in your local
jurisdiction, and your elected officials count on you to make sure that your public meetings, records, elections and
other special projects operate smoothly.
The job of City Recorder is not getting any easier and you know the importance of keeping abreast of the latest issues
and trends. The best way to do just that is by investing in continuing education and obtaining certification as a CMC
and MMC. The Northwest Clerks Institute provides a comprehensive curriculum in public administration management,
technical skills and professional/personal development.
The Institute experience is a unique combination of state-of-the-art classroom training, high impact networking, and
one-on-one mentoring with municipal leaders and instructors. The professional friendships you will develop at the
Northwest Clerks Institute will prove invaluable over the course of your career.
The Value of the Institute
Strong curriculum builds your management skills:
 Leadership development classes help you manage more effectively
 Practical courses target areas such as financial management, records management, legal issues, and other topics
critical to your success
Learn from Professional Faculty:
 Local government leaders share their expertise
 Small class sizes enhance the interactive experience
 Dynamic speakers, trainers and consultants facilitate sessions and class discussions
Peer relationships are fostered:
 Participants make new connections and renew old ones, creating a strong professional support system
 Best practices and proven solutions are shared among participants and faculty.
The 2016 Institute focuses on issues critical to maintaining effectiveness in the public sector and the professional clerk’s
role in those processes. Sessions will provide both overviews and in-depth examinations of issues in public
administration, interpersonal communications, and special topics related to clerk operations.
Professional Development I
Professional Development II
Professional Development III
Professional Development IV
June 5-10, 2016
June 12-17, 2016
June 19-24, 2016
June 13-16, 2016
Location: University of Puget Sound - Tacoma, Washington
The Week at the Northwest Clerks Institute:
The program begins on Sunday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. with an Institute orientation, a learning session and time to get
acquainted with other Institute participants and leaders. Learn the lay of the campus and how to get the most out of
your time at the Institute. An opening reception will be held on Sunday evening. The Institute ends on Friday at noon.
PD IV (Master Academy)
The PD IV program begins on Monday, June 13 at 1:00 p.m. and ends on Thursday, June 16 at noon. Class will start at
8:00 a.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday and end at 5:00 p.m. each day. The total MMC education points for attending
this Academy and completing all work assignments is 12 education points.
Mastery of Leadership Communication
An Intensive 3-Day Academy Presented by Glaser & Associates, Inc.
Today’s leaders in business, government, healthcare and education find their organizations in a state of continuous
change. Leaders who thrive will have the extraordinary skills it takes to transform conflict into cooperation, build
engaged cultures, and create powerful messages that persuade and influence. This intensive three-day academy teaches
practical skills and strategies for breaking through conflict, building teamwork, negotiating consensus, and inspiring and
motivating others.
Based on their 35 years of consulting and research, Drs. Peter and Susan Glaser offer this three-day Mastery of
Leadership Communication academy, their only open enrollment program each year. This in-depth practicum
experience presents a performance-based approach critical to today’s leaders. It includes three learning modules: Day 1
--BreakThrough Conflict™; Day 2--Hardwiring Teamwork; Day 3--Persuasion and Influence.
The goal of this academy is observable mastery
in each of these three dimensions of leadership communication.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO: http://oamr.org/resource-info
Region I News
Kathy Payne, CMC, City Recorder, St. Helens, Region 1 Director
Region I’s coastal communities have been hit hard by the wet weather. Flooding of houses
and businesses has really taken a toll on these areas. The weather has been brutal.
comforting thoughts
to those affected by
the flooding.
Rockaway Beach
After getting postponed once due to the weather, Region I members
met in Elsie for a holiday lunch and ornament exchange at Camp 18.
We had a great time!
Top row: Linda Engbretson, Warrenton; Lisa Scholl, St. Helens
Middle row: Colleen Riggs, Cannon Beach; Dale Shafer, Nehalem
Front row: Melissa Kiefer, Nehalem; Kathy Payne, St. Helens
Region II News
Margaret Reh, City Recorder, North Plains, Region II Director
Nancy Ide retired from her City Recorder position in Oregon City in January 2015.
She is currently in Nepal visiting her daughter who lives there. Nancy’s daughter is
working at Dhulikhel Hospital, in the country on a Fulbright fellowship. The hospital
learned through Nancy’s daughter, Nicole, that Nancy had experience in records
management and asked that she assist with evaluating their records systems. Nancy
was thrilled with the opportunity!! Nancy has been enjoying interviewing many
departments and gathering information on the status of their records, both electronic
and paper. She has just finished a report on her findings and observations. The
hospital had also asked
her to teach an English writing class. Nancy
put together four workshops and completely
enjoyed teaching the five students.
After retiring Nancy was looking to
"repurpose" her life and use her knowledge
and skills in new and different way. Nancy was
certainly given an incredible opportunity in
OAMR Region II got together for a Christmas
luncheon at Applebee’s in Lake Oswego on December 4. After partaking in food and beverage, we embarked
in a ruthless Christmas ornament gift exchange! A good time was had by all!
Left to right: Scott Stauffer, Milwaukie; Pat DuVal, Milwaukie; Debbie Manning, Dundee; Hanna Wells, Milwaukie; Debby Roth, Cornelius;
Amy Aschenbrenner, Milwaukie; Nicole Morris, Tualatin; Jennifer Nelson, Carlton; Sue Ryan, Newberg; Corinne Strauser, Lake Oswego;
Jaime Reed, Oregon City; Kattie Riggs, Oregon City; Kim Schaefer, Canby; Teresa Zak, West Linn; Anne-Marie Simpson, Lake Oswego;
Margaret Reh, North Plains.
Region III News
Phyllis Bolman, CMC, City Recorder, Monmouth, Region III Director
We are currently working on a fun event to have in conjunction with our annual Region III
meeting. We have voted to meet in February at the beach. More info to come!
Not only did she go to Fiji for her 20th anniversary, but
also, our very own Stacie Cook turned 40! Her office was
decorated for the event!
Karen Hewitt, Port of Newport, has a new grandson, Grant Edward Pendleton, who was born on November 9,
2015, and joins his 22-month-old brother William Alan Pendleton. Congratulations, Grandma!
In other news:
Kelly Richardson, CMC, Aurora, purchased a new sewing embroidery machine that is like the “boss hog” of
Amber Mathiesen, CMC, Salem, has a new fur-baby, Gemma, who joins big brother Jackson and big sister Gabby,
for a total of one English Bulldog and two French Bulldogs!
Region IV News
Carolyn Shields, CMC, City Recorder, Myrtle Creek, Region IV Director
We had our first OAMR Region IV meeting since I was elected into office. Thank you, ladies,
for being patient with the newbie. Our discussion centered around marijuana regulations, the
OAMR Region IV basket theme and upcoming education classes. We had a great turnout
despite the weather causing some flooding up into the northern region of the state. Thank you,
OAMR President Michele Eldridge, for attending our meeting and ornament exchange. We had
a lively time stealing the ornaments from one another. Thank you, ladies, for a great afternoon
at Tolly’s in Oakland.
At the last OAMR Board
meeting our region was picked to provide
our region basket at the Mid-Year Academy.
After some fun discussion we decided our
theme would be, “Let Region IV Entertain
You.” Our theme gives a nod to the
Ashland Shakespearean Theatre.
The marijuana issue that is facing all of our
cities remains an ever evolving issue both
locally and statewide. There are many
different cities handling their decision making
options with varying degrees. Our discussion
at the meeting has shown me even our local
elected officials and city staff all interpret the
regulations differently. I don’t believe I have
ever seen a topic cause so much division in
our state. The one thing that will help us to
navigate this complicated issue for the towns
and cities we work for is to educate
ourselves. Education doesn’t make us pro
or con marijuana but it does help us to be
proactive instead of reactive to state Pictured above from left to right starting with the back row: 2nd Vice Pres. Debbie Hamilton,
regulations that will be coming our way. CMC; Terri Long; Rebecca Lawson; Sheila Cox, MMC; Pres. Michele Eldridge, CMC; Roberta
Like it or not, the State of Oregon has Tharp, CMC; Dawn Bennett; Diane Harris; Darci Henneman, CMC; Kelli Weese; Past Pres.
legalized marijuana and we have to set aside
Amy Sowa, MMC; Reg. IV Dir. Carolyn Shields, CMC; and Sec. Trudy Borrevik, CMC
our personal beliefs and help the public
navigate city government regulations as our profession dictates.
Myrtle Creek celebrated its 12th year of lighting the community Christmas tree on Main Street.
Region V News
Deanna Casey, MMC, City Recorder, Central Point, Region V Director
Happy New Year to all my OAMR Friends! 2015 went by so fast I have no idea where the time
went. It seems like just last month I was rushing to get the last newsletter article written.
North Bend City Recorder Joann Thompson has a new great
niece Easton Paige Vineyard. She was born October 28,
2015, and weighed 6 lbs. 6 ozs. She was welcomed to this
world by her mom, Liz, and dad, Jason, and her big brothers
Keller and Reed. Congrats, Joann, and have fun spoiling that
I feel like I am reporting on the same thing over and over.
Most of the cities in Jackson County are learning all we can regarding Measure
91 and the new Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) rules that keep
coming out. The City of Medford, if approved by Council in December, will be
taking two or three referrals to the citizens in 2016. One is to place a 3% tax on
the sale of marijuana; another is declaring a ban on the sale of marijuana by a
marijuana retailer. Medford is still recruiting for a new City Manager, and now a
Police Chief.
Central Point City Council will be reviewing the options of a referral to the citizens. The Council wants to get a
moratorium in place before people start to grow their crops for next year. We have already stipulated that any grows
will need to be indoors. We are concerned about how to enforce this ordinance. We are also reviewing plans for a
Costco to be located in the Central Point city limits. The current Costco wants to change locations. We have also
been busy expanding our Urban Growth Boundary to
the North.
Region V had two Christmas lunches again this year. It
is a shame that we can’t all get together. On December
4, we met at the Red Lobster in Medford. On the next
page is the group that met for the coast lunch.
Barbara Christenson, Ashland; Deanna Casey, Central Point; Aaron Prunty, Shady Cove;
Karen Spoonts, Medford; Janette Booth, Phoenix; Ryan Nolan, Cave Junction; and
Carol Weir, Rogue River
We are all getting involved in the planning for Mid-Year
Academy on April 1, and look forward to showcasing
our area to everyone. Remember to bring your taste
buds, we have great wineries very close to the hotel,
Rogue Creamery is just off I-5 in Central Point, and
Harry and David Country Village is in Medford. I am
sure we can find something exciting in all of our cities
down here. Bring your walking shoes for shopping in
Ashland and walking in Lithia Park.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Christmas and New Year’s. See you all in April.
I Believe...
That you either control your attitude or it controls you.
Region V Coastal Lunch
Left to right: Beverley Manes, Port Orford; Amy Kinnaman, Coos
Bay; and Joann Thompson, North Bend
Region VI News
Lisa Morgan, City Recorder, Prineville, Region VI Director
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
There is not much to report in Region VI. Everyone is decorating for the
holiday season and preparing their communities for all of the festivities and visits
from Santa.
It is clear to see when driving through the communities in Region VI, that the
economy is showing signs of improvement, and there seems to be enough to go
around for all. Businesses are improving existing buildings, or expanding to
bigger ones, with more in line to take the space.
Housing seems to continue being a hot topic for most of our
communities and remains on Salem’s radar for the entire state.
If it has been awhile since you have been on the east side of the
Cascades, please stop by to visit with any of us in Region VI. We all
have many new changes to share!
Best wishes to all for a successful 2016 from Region VI!
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Region VII News
Nancy Parker, City Recorder, Athena, Region VII Director
Happy New Year!! I hope your holiday season was filled with
the many blessings of family, friends and all the joys the season
has to offer.
We are excited to add two additional members to Region VII –
Michelle Fox, the Assistant Recorder in Athena and Donna
Warnock, the City Recorder in Joseph. We know they will be a
great addition to our team and are looking forward to getting to
know them. Also included is a short bio from Lessa Adams who joined our
region in September – unfortunately we don’t have a picture of Lessa.
Welcome, ladies!!
My name is Michelle Fox and I have lived in Oregon the majority of my life. My father was
a school superintendent so we did move several times as his career progressed and I spent a
few years in Washington State.
I am married to a wonderful, hard-working wheat farmer, have two beautiful grown
daughters, two wonderful grown step-children and two precious granddaughters (2 years and
3 months).
When not with those grandbabies, you can find me outdoors. I enjoy riding my horses, camping, hunting, skiing,
gardening, or anything that keeps me outside and from cleaning my house! Oh, and in my spare time I am the
Assistant Recorder for the City of Athena.
My name is Donna Warnock and I have been the Joseph City Recorder since April
2011. I have been employed with the City of Joseph since June 1993.
For those of you who do not know me, I have a wonderful husband of 25 years, and
two awesome kids, Mariah and Christopher. My husband, Kevin, owns his own
durable medical supply business in Joseph. My daughter lives and works in La Grande
and my son is attending Boise State University—Go Broncos! I grew up and graduated
from Pendleton High School and graduated from Blue Mountain Community College.
After my husband and I got married, I moved to Joseph to start our life together.
My husband was born and raised in Joseph and is the third generation to live in
beautiful Wallowa County. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and
friends. I feel honored to be able to be part of this great community of Joseph. If you are ever in my part of the
state, please drop in and say “hello.”
Hi, my name is Lessa Adams and I have been with the City of Elgin since August of 2013. My job functions are
a combined Clerk/Administrative Assistant including Payroll, Accounts Payable and HR tasks, along with being
secondary on Water/Sewer Utility tasks. In my previous life, I worked for GTE/Verizon starting in La Grande as a
cord board telephone operator and took an early out offering while in Everett, WA in 2003. We lived in Everett
about twenty years and then moved back to Elgin in 2004.
My late husband and I have two wonderful children; my son Lee lives in The Colony, Texas with his family. He
went to college in Texas, married a wonderful native Texan, Amber, and they have three children. My
grandchildren Adi, Violet and Everett are too far away, as well as are Lee and Amber too. My daughter Chelsea
is married to a wonderful man, Aaron, and right now she is serving in the US Navy stationed at Pearl Harbor.
Her ship was honored to participate in honoring the Pearl Harbor veterans and all veterans during the Pearl
Harbor remembrance this year. Yes, I think we raised two very independent children!
I enjoy quilting and have an embroidery machine as well and have great fun making things. I also enjoy the
outdoors and the beauty of the area I live in.
The Pendleton Round-Up recently won the award for
BEST OUTDOOR RODEO in the country!!!
As awarded by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association –
the award was presented at the National Finals Rodeo in Vegas this month.
CONGRATULATIONS Pendleton Round-Up! What a great honor!!
Internet Committee Report
By Melissa Kiefer, Assistant City Recorder, Nehalem
At their November meeting, the OAMR Board approved moving all conference registrations online to the
OAMR website. The online event registration system should help streamline processes and make
information more accessible to the Conference Committee. You will have the option to pay by check (no
extra fee) or pay by credit card using PayPal ($15.00 processing fee applies).
Thanks to all of you who renewed your OAMR membership online. If you still haven’t renewed, renew now
at OAMR.org. We welcome your feedback on the process.
Are you subscribed to the OAMR listserv? The OAMR member-only email listserv is a great way to solicit
the advice of your peers and share your knowledge and resources. Sign-up at http://mail.oamr.org/mailman/
listinfo/oamr_oamr.org/. Are you receiving too many listserv emails? Sign up for the batched daily digest
Be sure to log in to the OAMR website to enjoy all the benefits of your OAMR Membership. If you don’t
have a password, or forgot it, just click the Forgot Password link.
If you have any comments or suggestions for the OAMR website, including online renewals and conference
registration, please send them to: [email protected]. Your feedback is important!
Membership Committee Report
By Mary Dibble, MMC, City Clerk, Albany
On behalf of the Membership Committee, please join us in extending a warm welcome to our new members.
Region II
Welcome to Corinne Strauser, Deputy City Recorder, Lake Oswego.
Congratulations, Debbie Werner, for your job move from the City of Hillsboro to the Tualatin Valley Water
Region III
Kimberly Veliz, Executive Legal Assistant, City of Woodburn, joined OAMR in September. She has been in
her current position for three years. Before becoming an Executive Legal Assistant she was a Court Clerk for
the Woodburn Municipal Court and for the North Marion Justice Court. Kimberly heard about OAMR and
receives lots of support from Heather Pierson, and welcomes additional education and guidance. Kimberly is a
native Oregonian, has been married to her husband for over 11 years, and has three children (a stepson who is
a junior at U of O, a 9 year old son, and a 6 year old daughter). Kimberly enjoys laser tag, couponing, and new
experiences (such as shows and restaurants). Welcome aboard Kimberly!
Region IV
Welcome to Camille Gandolfi, Executive Secretary, Lane Transit District.
Region VII
In September, Lessa Adams, Clerk, City of Elgin, joined OAMR.
Michelle Fox, Assistant City Recorder, City of Athena, heard about OAMR through Nancy Parker. Prior to
working in municipal government, she worked in the Helix School District and at Pendleton Grain Growers.
She has been in her current position for four years and feels relatively confident in the Assistant City Recorder
position. She says her weakest link is the Planning Commission portion. She is always striving to learn and
hoping to start her CMC certification this summer. She has joined IIMC. Michelle has lived in Oregon for the
majority of her life. Her father was a School Superintendent so she moved several times as his career
progressed, spending a few years in Washington state. She is married to a wonderful hard-working wheat
farmer, has two beautiful grown daughters, two wonderful grown step-children, and two precious
granddaughters (2-years-old and 3-months-old). When not with her grandbabies, Michelle is outdoors riding
her horses, camping, hunting, skiing, and gardening – basically, in her words, anything that keeps her outside
and away from cleaning her house! Welcome to OAMR, Michelle!
Donna Warnock, City Recorder/Administrator, City of Joseph, joined us very recently. Welcome, Donna!
City Recorder’s Procedure Manual Committee Report
By Angie Lanter, City Recorder, Banks
I am very excited to have the opportunity to serve as chair of the City Recorder’s Procedure Manual Committee
for 2015-2016. This is my first time chairing an OAMR committee, and I am very blessed that past chair Kelly
Morse, MMC, Redmond will be continuing to serve on the Committee. Also serving on the Committee for 2015
-2016: Carolyn Shields, CMC, Myrtle Creek; Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius; and Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River.
I am very lucky to have such a wealth of knowledgeable ladies on this Committee!
2014/2015 updates to the City Recorder’s Procedure Manual were presented at the November 13, 2015 Board
For 2015/2016, the Committee will be researching options for taking the manual to the next level. A few of the
suggested ideas are to convert the manual into a searchable PDF, or to create a dynamic online procedure
reference. The Committee will also continue to keep the manual as up to date as possible.
Please feel free to email me at [email protected] with suggestions of areas of the handbook you would like
to see reviewed. Also, if you have a specific area of expertise and would like to be listed as a resource in the
manual, please let me know.
Mentoring Committee Report
By Nancy Parker, City Recorder, Athena
If you’re relatively new to OAMR or new to your position, did you know that you can request a mentor? We
can find a mentor that will help you with the knowledge and connections that will benefit your professional
development goals. Last year, 14 recorders were matched up with a mentor assigned to assist them. If you’d
like to have a mentor assigned to you, or would just like to chat with someone about the program, please go
to www.oamr.org for contact information or contact me at [email protected].
Mentors are very special people, willing to give some of their time to help new recorders. If you have one
year of experience in being a municipal recorder, then you too have what it takes to support a new person.
There are so many resources in OAMR to help both new recorders, and the people doing the mentoring.
Another benefit to being a mentor is that many of the mentor/mentee relationships turn into great
Did you know that people attending their first annual conference are assigned mentors? The Mentoring
Committee works to assign mentors for first time attendees, having a conference greeter at the registration
desk, and holding a great Meet ‘n Greet breakfast. Mentors and members of the Committee will work hard to
help guide people through the conference, and to make them feel welcome. We want to continue to make
this program the best it can be!
Members of the committee are: Susan Reeves, MMC; Phyllis Bolman, MMC; Debby Roth, MMC; Cathy
Nelson; Nicole Morris, CMC; Kim Scheafer, MMC; Teri Porter; Debi Russell; Amber Mathiesen, CMC; and
Michelle Young.
By Amber Ames, Nominating Committee Chair
At the September 2016 OAMR business meeting, the membership will be asked to elect officers for the 2016
-17 year for offices of Second Vice President, Treasurer, and Directors for Regions I, III, V and VII.
The office of Second Vice President is a four-year commitment beginning with the position of Second Vice
President and succeeding to First Vice President, President and Immediate Past President. The
responsibilities of Second Vice President include: chair Special Projects/Fundraising Committee; solicit
quotes from lodging/conference facilities; act as First Vice President in the absence of First Vice President;
serve as a member of the Budget Committee, etc.
The office of Treasurer is a two-year term. The responsibilities of Treasurer include: receipt all monies
received by OAMR; deposit to OAMR bank account(s); pay bills, and make reimbursements; maintain and
reconcile bank statements; send annual dues notice to OAMR members; prepare quarterly annual financial
reports; and serve on Budget Committee, etc.
The offices of Region Director are two-year terms. The responsibilities of Region Director include: attend all
Board meetings and OAMR Annual Conference; encourage membership in OAMR and IIMC to new regional
members; encourage members to Attend Mid-Year and Annual Academy and Conference; contribute
information to the OAMR newsletter; coordinate region basket for annual fundraiser; and write letters of
recommendation for members seeking CMC certification, etc.
General eligibility criteria are that you must be an active member in good standing and have actively
participated on an OAMR committee for two years within the past four years prior to taking office.
Please consider applying for OAMR leadership roles. This organization gives so much to its members, and
serving on the Board is a very rewarding way to give back to a fabulous organization. OAMR provides a
leadership mentoring program, so if you are feeling like you need a mentor to assist with Board development,
a mentor can be assigned to you.
Declaration of Candidacy and Candidate’s Statement forms are included in this newsletter and are also
available on the OAMR website. The deadline to submit for a 2016-17 Board position is 5:00 p.m.,
February 19, 2016. Submit declaration of candidacy and statement to:
Amber Ames, City Recorder
OAMR Nominating Committee Chair
City of Hillsboro
150 E Main Street
Hillsboro, OR 97123
or by email to [email protected]
This form must be submitted to the OAMR Nominating Committee to be considered for the
election at the annual meeting in September. The Nominating Committee will recommend
qualified candidates for election at the annual conference.
Eligibility: Only active members of the Association in good standing shall be eligible to hold
office. Anyone running for a Board position must have actively participated on an OAMR
committee for two years, within the past four years, prior to taking office.
Positions Open for the 2016-17 Year:
Second Vice President - The successful candidate has a four-year commitment beginning
with one year as Second Vice President, automatically succeeding to the office of First
Vice President the following year, and succeeding to the office of President the third
year. The fourth year is served as Immediate Past President and Ex-Officio member of
the OAMR Board.
Treasurer - The successful candidate will serve one two-year term.
Region Directors - Directors are elected to serve one two-year term. The following
regions will be filled in the 2016-17 year: Region I Director, Region III Director, Region V
Director, and Region VII Director.
Name (as it should appear on Ballot)
Mailing Address
Position Applying for:
Second Vice President
Region Director (state Region #) ___________
Please submit a statement, including your reasons for filing for a board position. Include a
recent photograph with your submission. This statement will appear in an OAMR newsletter
publication and will also be published in the annual conference program.
In the statement, include the following items (minimum requirements): Number of years you
have been a member of OAMR; whether you are currently participating in the professional
development certification program (or whether you have completed it); list other
professional organizations and/or activities in which you participate; list current and past
OAMR committee and board activities (include dates); describe your leadership abilities and
other expertise you would bring to the position; and state what you believe the objectives
of OAMR should include.
Submit your Candidate’s Statement (along with recent photograph), Declaration of
Candidacy form, letter of support from your mayor, city manager, administrator, district
manager or supervisor, and proof of active committee participation on OAMR committees
for two years, within the past four years to: Amber Ames, OAMR Nominating Committee
Chair, City of Hillsboro, 150 E. Main Street, Hillsboro, OR 97123 or by e-mail to
[email protected]. Deadline for submittal is 5:00 p.m., February 19, 2016.
Candidate for Position of_________________________________
Additional pages may be attached as needed.
Special Projects/Fundraising Committee Report
By Debbie Hamilton, CMC, City Recorder, Sutherlin, Second Vice President
The Special Projects and Fundraising Committee met on November 13 at Albany City
Hall. Our sincere thanks to Mary Dibble for facilitating this great spot for us to have our
meetings. (And for mailing my coat to me since I forgot it!) Those in attendance were
Region V Director Deanna Casey, Central Point; Diane Harris, Sutherlin; Past President
Amy Sowa, Springfield; Sadie Cramer, Molalla; President Michele Eldridge, Harrisburg;
Debby Roth, Cornelius; First Vice President Dale Shafer, Nehalem; and Lisa Figueroa,
Silverton, was on speaker phone.
We discussed which routine fundraisers we want to continue with and what ones we
need to take a break from since they didn’t generate much money for the Scholarship
Fund. We will forego the Visa raffle this coming year and will bring back the quilt raffle.
Diane Harris, Sutherlin, and Deanna Casey, Central Point, have graciously volunteered to make this a
collaborative effort on their part. Diane is doing the quilt and will have the top available at Mid-Year for your
viewing. Deanna will be doing a table runner and six placemats to raffle off and award at Mid-Year! Be sure to
contact Diane Harris or Deanna Casey if you’d like tickets for the April 1 drawing. Tickets are $1 each or six for
Mid-Year baskets will be from Regions IV and V. So be sure to contact your Region IV Director, Carolyn Shields
or Deanna Casey, Region V Director, for the items you’d like to donate! Region IV chose the basket theme as
“Let Region IV Entertain You!” so lots of entertainment type goodies will be inside! Deanna says Region V has
chosen “Shop Till You Drop Goodies.” For the Conference in September, Regions I, II, III, VI, and VII will be
bringing baskets. I encourage you to start thinking of them now and what you’d like to fill it with to showcase
your region. It was decided to not have the overflowing baskets anymore so the overflow will either be made
into another basket or will be used in the silent or live auctions.
We discussed Committee sub-chairs, store merchandise, the Kathy Walk and miscellaneous items needed for
the conference. Since we aren’t having the Visa raffle this year, we discussed using the money budgeted for that
expense towards a DJ at the conference. Everyone seemed to really enjoy that. We also decided not to have the
Board Challenge any longer.
We’ve added a new member to the Special Projects & Fundraising Committee. Welcome to Terri Long, City
Recorder from City of Oakland, and Barb Christianson, City of Ashland. We’re glad you two are now a part of
our SPFR team!
Happy New Year, everyone! Enjoy your winter as I will anxiously wait for spring!
Records Management Committee Report
By Scott Stauffer, Administrative Specialist II, Milwaukie
The winter headline from the RMC is our SIZE – at 28 members we retained all of our 2014-2015
members and added eight new folks! Our first task is to finish the review of the Information Management
Manual (IMM), formerly the Records Management Manual. We’re down to just two chapters dealing with
electronic records and imaging; we’ll convene in February to wrap-up the IMM review and hopefully submit a final
product to the OAMR Board at Mid-Year in March.
After the IMM the RMC will review the 2007 document Public Records: A Manual for Creating a Disaster
Preparedness and Recovery Plan, which we anticipate will be our focus into 2017. We also hope to provide
education and training opportunities and assist OAMR in addressing issues that may emerge from conversations
regarding public records law presently underway in Salem.
Finally, we are pleased to report that the OAMR Board approved the minor changes the RMC proposed related
to the OAMR Records Retention Schedule. The RMC is comprised of a wonderful mix of veterans and rookies
– and it is truly an honor to work with such an amazing group!
Scholarship Committee Report
By Nanci Moyo, Deputy City Recorder, Beaverton
Scholarships provide professional development and networking opportunities for OAMR members.
The Mid-Year Academy and Professional Development (PD) I, II, III and IV scholarship applications are available
online. You can begin applying today. Please note the guidelines for each scholarship. For Annual Conference
scholarship recipients a written report is required. For Mid-Year Academy, all PDs and the Annual Academy
scholarship recipients the Knowledge Transfer Action Plan (KTAP) is required and no written report.
The deadline to apply for Mid-Year Academy scholarships is Friday, January 29, 2016, 5:00 p.m. The deadline for
PD scholarships are Monday, March 7, 2016, 5:00 p.m.
The Scholarship Committee is excited to receive your scholarship applications. Additional information on these
scholarships can be found on the OAMR scholarship webpage.
If you have any questions on OAMR’s various scholarship opportunities, feel free to contact me at
[email protected] or 503-526-2650.
Mid-Year Academy
Acceptance period: 11/2/15 - 1/29/16
Recipient notification: 2/22/16
Professional Development I, II, III, & IV
Acceptance period: 12/7/15 - 3/7/16
Recipient notification: 3/28/16
Annual Academy & Conference
Acceptance period: 4/11/16 - 6/10/16
Recipient notification: 7/8/16
2015-2016 OAMR BOARD
Michele Eldridge, CMC
City of Harrisburg
PO Box 378
Harrisburg, OR 97446
[email protected]
First Vice President
Dale Shafer
City of Nehalem
PO Box 143
Nehalem, OR 97131
[email protected]
Second Vice President
Debbie Hamilton, CMC
City of Sutherlin
126 E. Central Avenue
Sutherlin, OR 97479
541.459.2856 x207
[email protected]
Trudy Borrevik, CMC
City of Cottage Grove
400 E. Main Street
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
[email protected]
Nancy Batchelder, MMC
City of Yachats
PO Box 345
Yachats, OR 97498
[email protected]
Immediate Past President
Amy Sowa, MMC
City of Springfield
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
[email protected]
Region 1 Director
Kathy Payne, CMC
City of St. Helens
PO Box 278
St. Helens, OR 97051
[email protected]
Cell: 503.369.2148
Region II Director
Margaret Reh
City of North Plains
31360 NW Commercial Street
North Plains, OR 97133
[email protected]
Region III Director
Phyllis Bolman, MMC
City of Monmouth
151 W. Main Street
Monmouth, OR 97361
[email protected]
Region IV Director
Carolyn Shields, CMC
City of Myrtle Creek
PO Box 940
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457
[email protected]
Region V Director
Deanna Casey, MMC
City of Central Point
140 S. Third Street
Central Point, OR 97502
[email protected]
Region VI Director
Lisa Morgan
City of Prineville
387 NE Third Street
Prineville, OR 97754
[email protected]
Region VII Director
Nancy Parker
City of Athena
PO Box 686
Athena, OR 97813
[email protected]
Cell: 541.969.8885
Denise Carey, MMC
City of Estacada
PO Box 958
Estacada, OR 97023
503.630.8270 x202
[email protected]
Abigail Donowho
City of Tillamook
210 Laurel Avenue
Tillamook, OR 97141
[email protected]
City Recorder’s Procedure Manual
Angie Lanter
City of Banks
13680 NW Main Street
Banks, OR 97106
[email protected]
Dale Shafer
City of Nehalem
PO Box 143
Nehalem, OR 97131
[email protected]
Peggy Hawker, MMC
City of Newport
169 SW Coast Highway
Newport, OR 97365
[email protected]
541.992.4858 (cell)
Historical Preservation
Lisa Scholl, CMC
City of St. Helens
PO Box 278
St. Helens, OR 97051
[email protected]
Melissa Kiefer
City of Nehalem
PO Box 143
Nehalem, OR 97131
[email protected]
Lisa Morgan
City of Prineville
387 NE Third Street
Prineville, OR 97754
[email protected]
Mary Dibble, MMC
City of Albany
PO Box 490
Albany, OR 97321
[email protected]
Nancy Parker
City of Athena
PO Box 686
Athena, OR 97813
[email protected]
541.969.8885 (cell)
Kathy Payne, CMC
City of St. Helens
PO Box 278
St. Helens, OR 97051
[email protected]
503.369.2148 (cell)
Amber Ames, MMC
City of Hillsboro
150 E. Main Street
Hillsboro, OR 97123
[email protected]
Northwest Clerks Institute Education
Karin Johnson, MMC
City of Independence
Peggy Hawker, MMC
City of Newport
Ruth Post, MMC
City of Philomath
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Professional Growth and Leadership
Karin Johnson, MMC
City of Independence
PO Box 7
Independence, OR 97351
[email protected]
Records Management
Scott Stauffer
City of Milwaukie
10722 SE Main Street
Milwaukie, OR 97222
[email protected]
Retired Clerks
Carol Weir, MMC
City of Rogue River
PO Box 1137
Rogue River, OR 97537
541.582.4401 x100
[email protected]
Nanci Moyo
City of Beaverton
PO Box 4755
Beaverton, OR 97008
[email protected]
Special Projects/Fundraising
Debbie Hamilton, CMC
City of Sutherlin
126 E. Central Avenue
Sutherlin, OR 97479
541.459.2856 x207
[email protected]
If you would like to view the photo album of pictures from the
2015 Annual Academy and Conference,
please click here.
If you need assistance, please contact
Kathy Payne at [email protected] or 503-366-8217.
CHAIR: Denise Carey, MMC, Estacada
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
Dale Shafer, Nehalem
Debi Russell, Weston
Lori Gilmore, Yamhill
Janette Booth, Phoenix
Nancy Batchelder, MMC, Yachats
Jennifer Nelson, CMC, Carlton
Joann Thompson, North Bend
Karen Howton, Island City
Karen Spoonts, MMC, Medford
CHAIR: Abigail Donowho, Tillamook
Kathy Payne, CMC, St. Helens
Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove
Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City
Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River
Lilly Alarcon-Strong, Hermiston
Dale Shafer, Nehalem
Linda Kaser, CMC, Lebanon
Norma Alley, MMC, Tigard
Lisa Scholl, CMC, St. Helens
Mandy Balcom, Coburg
Margaret Reh, North Plains
Mary Dibble, MMC, Albany
Melissa Kiefer, Nehalem
CHAIR: Angie Lanter, Banks
Nancy Batchelder, MMC, Yachats
Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River
Nancy Parker, Athena
Carolyn Shields, CMC, Myrtle Creek
Nicole Morris, CMC, Tualatin
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport
Kelly Morse, MMC, Redmond
Phyllis Bolman, MMC, Monmouth
Sammy Egbert, Coburg
Scott Stauffer, Milwaukie
Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City
Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose
CHAIR: Dale Shafer, Nehalem
Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario
Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove
Barb Christensen, MMC, Ashland
Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River
Carolyn Shields, CMC, Myrtle Creek
Cathy Nelson, Waterloo
Colleen Resch, Sherwood
Colleen Riggs, Cannon Beach
Deanna Casey, MMC, Central Point
Debbie Manning, MMC, Dundee
CHAIR: Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport
CHAIR: Lisa Morgan, Prineville
Abby Donowho, Tillamook
Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence
Barb Christensen, MMC, Ashland
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
Debi Russell, Weston
Karen Hewit, Port of Newport
Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence
Kim Jordan, Seaside
Nancy Parker, Athena
Nicole Morris, CMC, Tualatin
CHAIR: Mary Dibble, MMC, Albany
Ruth Post, MMC, Philomath
Cathy Nelson, Waterloo
Sandy King, MMC, Wilsonville
Colleen Riggs, Cannon Beach
Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
Sue Ryan, CMC, Newberg
Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose
Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario
Terri Michel, Rockaway Beach
Tracy Davis, MMC, Keizer
CHAIR: Lisa Scholl, CMC, St. Helens
Deanna Casey, MMC, Central Point
Jenn Nelson, CMC, Carlton
Lisa Figueroa, Silverton
Roberta Tharp, CMC, Creswell
CHAIR: Nancy Parker, Athena
Trudy Borrevik, CMC, Cottage Grove
Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River
Cathy Nelson, Waterloo
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
CHAIR: Melissa Kiefer, Nehalem
Debi Russell, Weston
Alissa Angelo, CMC, Stayton
Kay Neumeyer, Malin
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
Kim Scheafer, MMC, Canby
Joann Glass, Retired (Vernonia)
Nicole Morris, CMC, Tualatin
Judy Smith, Sodaville
Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport
Kathy Payne, CMC, St. Helens
Phyllis Bolman, MMC, Monmouth
Kelli Weese, Florence
Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose
Lisa Figueroa, Silverton
Teri Porter, Pilot Rock
Trudy Borrevik, CMC, Cottage Grove
CHAIR: Kathy Payne, CMC, St. Helens
Elisa Olson, MMC, Klamath Falls
Debbie Werner, MMC, Hillsboro
Karen Howton, Island City
Donna Biggerstaff, Pendleton
Kattie Riggs, Oregon City
Jennifer Nelson, CMC, Carlton
Kelli Weese, Florence
Joann Glass, Retired (Vernonia)
Kim Scheafer, MMC, Canby
Judy Smith, Sodaville
Kimmie Jackson, Yachats
Lisa Scholl, CMC, St. Helens
Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City
Phyllis Bolman, MMC, Monmouth
Lilly Alarcon-Strong, Hermiston
Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose
Lisa Figueroa, Silverton
Trudy Borrevik, CMC, Cottage Grove
Mary Dibble, MMC, Albany
Pat DuVal, CMC, Milwaukie
Sandy King, MMC, Wilsonville
CHAIR: Amber Ames, MMC, Hillsboro
Sheila Cox, MMC, Roseburg
Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove
Sue Ryan, CMC, Newberg
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
Teresa Zak, CMC, West Linn
Kitty Vodrup, Junction City
Nancy Parker, Athena
Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose
CHAIR: Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River
CHAIR: Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence
Debbie Hamilton, CMC, Sutherlin
Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River
Jane McGarvin, MMC, Retired (Lake Oswego)
Elisa Olson, MMC, Klamath Falls
Karen Spoonts, MMC, Medford
Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport
Sheryl Simmons, Siletz
Ruth Post, MMC, Philomath
Sheila Cox, MMC, Roseburg
Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City
Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario
Tracy Davis, MMC, Keizer
CHAIR: Nanci Moyo, Beaverton
Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
CHAIR: Scott Stauffer, Milwaukie
Debi Russell, Weston
Anne-Marie Simpson, Lake Oswego
Diane Harris, Sutherlin
Debbie Lockhart, MMC, Keizer
Donna Biggerstaff, Pendleton
Debbie Manning, MMC, Dundee
SP/F COMMITTEE (continued)
Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City
Sadie Main, CMC, Estacada
Nancy Parker, Athena
Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City
Sadie Cramer, Molalla
Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose
Sadie Main, CMC, Estacada
Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario
Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose
Teri Porter, Pilot Rock
CHAIR: Debbie Hamilton, CMC, Sutherlin
Amber Mathiesen, CMC, Salem
Angie Lanter, Banks
Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River
Cathy Nelson, Waterloo
Dawn Bennett, Canyonville
Deanna Casey, MMC, Central Point
Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius
Diane Harris, Sutherlin
Donna Biggerstaff, Pendleton
Heidi Bell, Donald
Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence
Kim Jordan, Seaside
Kimmie Jackson, Yachats
Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City
Linda Wangsness, Yachats
Lisa Figueroa, Silverton
Nancy Batchelder, MMC, Yachats
Rebecca Lawson, Glendale
Ruth Post, MMC, Philomath
Sadie Cramer, Molalla
Tracy L. Davis, MMC
City Recorder - City of Keizer, OR
(503) 370-8352
[email protected]
Term expires May 2018
Alice J. Attwood, MMC
City Clerk/Treasurer - City of Tonasket, WA
(509) 486-2132
[email protected]
Term expires May 2016
Alaska Association of Municipal Clerks
Laurie Sica, MMC
Municipal Clerk - City/Borough of Juneau
(907) 586-0216
[email protected]
Term: Nov. 2015-Nov. 2016
Nova, Javier, MMC
Borough Clerk - Kodiak Island Borough
(907) 486-9310
[email protected]
Term: Nov. 2015-Nov. 2016
City Clerks Association of California
Byron Pope, MMC
City Clerk - City of Beverly Hills
(310) 285-2401
[email protected]
Term: Mar. 2015-Sept. 2016
Jose Jasso, CMC
Assistant City Clerk - City of Manteca
(209) 456-8013
[email protected]
Term: Mar. 2015-Sept. 2016
Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders
Michele Eldridge, CMC
City Recorder - City of Harrisburg
(541) 995-6655
[email protected]
Term: Sept. 2015-Sept. 2016
Dale Shafer
City Manager - City of Nehalem
(503) 368-5627
[email protected]
Term: Sept. 2015-Sept. 2016
Washington Municipal Clerks Association
Debbie Burke, MMC
City Clerk - City of Normandy Park
(206) 248-8248
[email protected]
Term: Mar. 2015-Mar. 2016
Shannon Corin, CMC
City Clerk - City of Bremerton
(360) 473-5290
[email protected]
Term: Mar. 2015-Mar. 2016
Monica Martinez Simmons, MMC
City Clerk - City of Seattle, WA
(206) 684-8361
[email protected]
Vincent Buttiglieri, MMC
Township Clerk - Township of Ocean, NJ
(732) 531-5000 x3321
[email protected]
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Oregon Association
of Municipal Recorders is to enhance
the quality of our office and to
encourage dedication to our profession,
by providing educational experiences
of the highest quality as well as
promote the professionalism of the
office of municipal recorder.
OAMR Newsletter Committee
c/o Kathy Payne, Chair
P.O. Box 278
St. Helens, OR 97051
Phone: 503-366-8217
Newsletter Submission Deadlines
Spring 2016—March 11, 2016
Summer 2016—June 10, 2016
Fall 2016—October 14, 2016
Winter 2016—December 9, 2016

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