St. ustin Martyr Catholic Church
St. ustin Martyr Catholic Church
St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church November 15, 2015 Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time Clergy/Clero Rev. Joseph Robillard, Pastor/Párroco Rev. Venancio Amidar, Parochial Vicar/Vícario Parroquial Rev. Domingo Romero, Parochial Vicar/Vícario Parroquial Rev. John Monestero, In residence/En residencia Rev. Jerome Molokie, Sunday supply/ Apoya los Domingos Deacon Jose Ferreras Deacon Kalini Folau Diácono Ramón León Deacon Raymond Duthoy, Retired Parroquia de San Justino Mártir y Misión del Sagrado Corazón Masses En la Iglesia de San Justino Saturday Vigil: Misas en Español 5:30 p.m. (English), 7 p.m. (Spanish) Sunday: 6:45, 8, & 11 a.m., 12:30 & 5:30 p.m. (English) 9:30 a.m., 7 p.m. (Spanish) Hora Santa: Jueves, 7:30 p.m. Confesiones: Sábado: 3:30-5 p.m. Monday-Friday: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. (English) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. (English) Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Mass every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., preceded by 6 p.m. Rosary and Novena Confessions: Saturdays, 3:30-5 p.m. (English/Spanish) Eves of First Fridays, by appointment Adoration: First Fridays, after 8:30 a.m. Mass until 8 a.m. Saturday. Sábado: 7 p.m. (Vigilia del Domingo) Domingo: 9:30 a.m. y 7 p.m. En la Misión del Sagrado Corazón 10852 Harcourt Ave., Anaheim CA 92804 Misas: 7 p.m. Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, y Viernes Rosario: Lunes a Viernes, 5:30 p.m. Confesiones: Viernes, 6-6:45 p.m. Adoracion del Santisimo Sacramento: Cada Viernes primero después de la misa de las 7 p.m. concluyendo el Sábado a las 6 a.m. La Oficina de la Misión del Sagrado Corazón está cerrada. Para información y asistencia, por favor de llamar o dirigirse a la oficina Parroquial de San Justino Mártir. 2050 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California 92804 714-774-2595 Join us for these Events and Activities at St. Justin Martyr Church and Sacred Heart Mission Sunday, November 15 Monday, November 16 Tuesday, November 17 Wednesday, November 18 Thursday, November 19 Friday, November 20 Saturday, November 21 Jovenes para Cristo, coro: 7 a.m., M. Iglesia. Sewing Group: 9 a.m., SRE rm. La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia: 3 p.m., M. Iglesia. December Tea meeting: 10 a.m., rm. C. Prayer Shawl Ministry: 10 a.m., rm. C. La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia: 3 p.m., M. Iglesia. Faith Formation basic certification classes: 8 a.m., Mision Salon 2. Legion of Mary: 5:30 p.m., rm. D. Legion of Mary Retreat: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m., rm. A,B,C,D, chapel, patio, kitchen. Tai Chi: 1 p.m., rm. A. Spanish Choir: 8 a.m., chapel. La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia: 3 p.m., M. Iglesia. RCIA dismissal: 11 a.m., rm. A. Guadalupe play & Pastorela: 1 p.m., Mision Iglesia, Mision Salon 0. Confirmation parent meeting: 2 p.m., SRE rm. Swahili Mass: 2 p.m., church. Grupo de Oracion, crecimiento: 7 p.m., M. Salon 1. Brotherhood of St. Dismas: 7 p.m., SRE rm. Bible Study & Adult Confirmation, English: 7 p.m., rm. A,B,C, chapel, youth rm. Cenacle meals for the hungry : 2:30 p.m., shelter. Tongan Mass: 3:30 p.m., church. Tongan Community: 4 p.m., rm. A,B,C, patio, kitchen. Jovenes para Cristo, coro: 8 p.m., M. Iglesia. Grupo de Oracion, Jovenes adultos: 7 p.m., M. Salon 1. Jovenes para Cristo, oracion: 7 p.m., rm. 2. JOYAS Coro: 7 p.m., youth rm. JOYAS: 7 p.m., hall, kitchen. St. Michael Small Christian Community: 2 p.m., youth rm. Singers for Jesus and Mary: 6:30 p.m., SRE rm. Jovenes pars Cristo, recepcion: 7 p.m., M. Salon 3. Anchor core meeting: 6:30 p.m., rm. C. Confirmation classes: 2 p.m., hall, hall mtg. rm., school. Faith Formation classes, English: 6:30 p.m., school. Adult Faith Formation: 7 p.m., Parish Center/Chapel —Spanish Adult Confirmation / Bible Study, rm. B. —RCIA, rm. A. —RCIA, rm. C. Anchor Youth Ministry: 7 p.m., hall, hall mtg. rm. Adoration Nocturna: 7:30 p.m., Mision Salon 0. Young Adult Choir: 4:30 p.m., church. Grupo de Oracion: 8 p.m., Mision Iglesia. La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia: 3 p.m., M. Iglesia. Cubs and Boy Scouts: 5:30 p.m., hall mtg. rm. St. Vincent DePaul food distribution: 6-7 p.m., shelter. La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia: 3 p.m., Mision Iglesia. Guadalupe play, Aztec dance: 6 p.m., hall. Retreat team leaders: 6 p.m., youth rm. Coro, Angeles de Dios: 6 p.m., Mision Salon 1. Grupo de Oracion, reunion servidores: 7 p.m., chapel. JOYAS core meeting: 7 p.m., Mision Salon 0. Al Anon: 7 p.m., rm. C. MInistros de la Eucaristia: 7 p.m., SRE rm. Retreat Team Leaders: 6 p.m., SRE rm. Faith Formation classes, Spanish: 6:30 p.m., hall, hall mtg. rm., school. The Lord’s Vineyard: 6:30 p.m., rm. A,C. Alianza de Amor: 6:30 p.m., rm. C. Singers for Jesus and Mary: 6:30 p.m., SRE rm. Secret Fire Young Adults: 7 p.m., rm. A. Faith Formation classes, Spanish: 6:30 p.m., Mision Iglesia, Mision Salon 1,2,3,4. Bibliya Rasal Bible Study: 7 p.m., rm. A. Jovenes para Cristo, cocina: 7 p.m., Mision Salon 3. Jovenes para Cristo, servicio: 7 p.m., Mision Salon 2. Jovenes para Cristo, coordination General: 7 p.m., rm. B. Hora Santa: 7:30 p.m., church. Alpha y Omega Coro: 7 p.m., youth rm. Jovenes para Cristo, community teachings: 7 p.m., Mision Iglesia, Mision Salon 0,1,2,3,4. Faith Formation classes English/ Spanish: 9:30 a.m., school. St. Francis Xavier Cantonese Catholics Retreat: 11 a.m., M. Salon 0. Cantonese Mass: 5 p.m., Mision Iglesia. Financial Peace introduction: English-6:45-7:45 p.m., Spanish 8:15 -9:15 p.m., SRE rm. RICA dismissal: 7 p.m., rm. A. Couples for Christ: 7 p.m., rm. D. Adult Choir: 7:30 p.m., church. Jovenes para Cristo, coro: 8 p.m., Mision Iglesia. This week’s Masses (English) at St. Justin Martyr Church DATE MASS INTENTIONS LITURGICAL DAY Monday, Nov. 16 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. All Souls Augustin & Aurelia Lopez All Souls Manuel Flordelis All Souls Pete Hamill St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude 6:30 p.m. Josefa Torres 6:30 a.m. All Souls 8:30 a.m. Joseph Romasoc 6:30 a.m. All Souls 8:30 a.m. Fr. John Monestero 8:30 a.m. All Souls 5:30 p.m. Imelda Mayuyu Shook, Manigque Team 3 6:45 a.m. 8 a.m. All Souls Angel Tesoro Orth, Botsko Gassman, Corral Team 4 Team 6 11 a.m. Teri & Emilio Cordova, Expectacion Ocampo Ocampo, Miraflor Team 8 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Mary Shook Michael Lynch Afu, Caspellan Heil, Brown Team 16 Team 19 Tuesday, Nov. 17 Wednesday, Nov. 18 Thursday, Nov. 19 Friday, Nov. 20 Saturday, Nov. 21 Sunday, Nov. 22 READINGS We pray for the sick and for those who care for them: 1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 5457, 62-63; Lk 18:35-43 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 2 Mc 6:18-31; Lk 19:1-10 Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31; Lk 19:11-28 1 Mc 2:15-29; Lk 19:41-44 1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59; 1 Chr 29:10bcd, 11-12; Lk 19:45-48 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 2 1 Mc 6:1-13; Lk 20:27-40 Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Rv 1:5-8; Jn 18:33b-37 Jenny Bergeron, Chuck Dillenbeck, Deacon Ray Duthoy, Magdalena Fonseca, Art Gutierrez, Henrietta Hall, Jim Keenan, Mark Kendzor, Alejandro Linares, Marc McEveny, Carol Mindrum, Carmen Ruiz, Bert, Pauline, & Steve Spencer, Fernando Vasquez, Mike Wisdo, Pearl Allen, Janet Amos, Justin April, Michael Bergeron, Mollie Brandt, Joseph Rommel Caspellan, John Elliott, Fr. Agustin Escobar, Ana Maria Fuentes, Linda McHaffie Harper, Angie Jared, Jim Klein, Bishop Dominic Luong, Kathy Manfredi, John O’Shea, Dale & Mark Rolph, Teresa & Pat Runte, Alfredo Sanchez, and for those in harm’s way especially those in service to our country and community. LECTORS ALTAR SERVERS Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time November 15, 2015 Parish Phone Numbers and Information Join us for our Annual Parish Thanksgiving Day Mass St. Justin Martyr Parish website: Parish Office: 714-774-2595 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., 1:30-6 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m., 1:30-6 p.m. , Sunday, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 26, 9 a.m. Food collection during Mass School Office: 714-772-4902 Janet J. Balsis, Principal, Faith Formation Office: 714-535-6111 (formerly the School of Religious Education / SRE Office) Sandra Gutierrez, Director of Faith Formation, 714-774-2595 ext. 128 [email protected] Youth / Adolescent Faith Formation: 714-774-2407 Fabiola C. Flores, Coordinator, [email protected] Facebook: Anchor St. Justin Martyr Twitter: @sjm_anchor Instagram: @anchoryouthministry YouTube: AnchorSJM Adult Faith Formation RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: 714-678-3426 Deacon Jose Ferreras, Coordinator, [email protected] Funeral & Bereavement Ministry: 714-917-2706 Jo Ann Davis, Parish Coordinator, [email protected] Senior Ministry, “Young at Heart”: 714-917-2706 Jo Ann Davis, Parish Coordinator, [email protected] Ministry Scheduling: 714-758-5409 (Lectors, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) Kristy Barnett, Coordinator, [email protected] Young Adults “Secret Fire” Ministry: 949-689-2039 Joaquin Bastida, Director [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul help line: 714-284-0405 Baptisms (English): Held on the first Sunday of each month. Contact the Parish Office or go to at least six weeks in advance for guidelines. Marriages: Arrange with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance. Information at and in the Parish Office. Bulletin: Submit bulletin articles to the parish office or to [email protected] . All are subject to editing and approval. Monday, 5 p.m. deadline unless otherwise noted. Diocese of Orange: Christ Cathedral: OC Catholic newspaper: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Sunday Donations Budget Envelopes Online (24 donors) Total (Deficit) On Thanksgiving Day we will be having our annual celebration of the Mass in thanks for our country, our parish, and our faith. The Mass will be bilingual English/Spanish, with parts also in Pilipino, Tongan, Chinese, Sri Lankan, and Swahili. At 8:50 a.m., the Presidential Proclamation of Thanksgiving will be read, and then the Mass will begin at 9 a.m. In lieu of a collection for the parish, you are asked to bring non-perishable food or a monetary donation that will be given to our St. Vincent dePaul Society for distribution to the less fortunate in our parish. During the Mass, your gifts of food will be brought to the sanctuary and placed in boxes near the altar. Items especially needed include cereal, canned fruits and vegetables, canned meats and fish, packaged rice and pasta, and paper goods. Please note: —There will be NO 6:30 a.m. English MASS on Thurs. or Fri., Nov. 26-27. —We will have an 8:30 a.m. English Mass on Friday, Nov. 27. —There will be NO 7 p.m. Mass in Spanish at Sacred Heart Mission on Thurs. Nov. 26. —The Parish Office will be CLOSED on Thurs. and Fri., Nov. 2627. The Office will also be CLOSED on Tuesday, Nov. 24, from 11:45 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Days, Remembering our Family History Thanksgiving Days are ones at which the most family members generally come together during the course of the year. Since several generations are present, it is a superb opportunity to have the senior family members tell their own family stories: where did their parents and grandparents come from? When and how? What was life like in those days? Invite them to share some of their favorite family stories. Through this family sharing process, it will become obvious that many of our families are immigrant families—little different from the immigrant families living in our midst today. November, the month of All Souls —One Mass each day during the month of November will be said at St. Justin for the intention of All Souls. —You may write the names of loved ones who have died in our Book of Eternal Life. The book is near the baptismal font through November. Thank you from Fr. Joe Robillard 11/08/15 We are so grateful to $21,894 those who donate to the $19,222 parish. Whether you $735 are a parishioner or a visitor, we thank you for $19,957 choosing to give to our ($1,938) parish. Go to “Make a Donation” at to set up your Online Giving —All Souls envelopes were included in the mailed envelope packets, and are also available in the church. Completed envelopes may be placed in the collection baskets or turned in to the Parish Office. The envelopes will be kept near the altar until the beginning of Advent. —Banners listing the names of those in our parish community who died this year are hanging in the church. 3 St. Justin Martyr Church Today’s Scripture First Reading -- Those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever (Daniel 12:1-3). Psalm -- You are my inheritance, O Lord! (Psalm 16). Second Reading -- Where there is forgiveness, there is no longer offering for sin (Hebrews 10:11-14, 18). Gospel -- Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away (Mark 13:24-32). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Getting Through the Tough Times "It's going to get worse before it gets better" is a phrase that prepares us to buckle up for a rough ride. We know that enduring a difficult time will require some strenuous physical or emotional energy on our part before we experience the calm of normality. Our past experience tells us that we can endure the difficult pressure better when we know how long it will last and if we know that something better awaits us. Getting through the tough times while holding to the promise that awaits us is the message of this weekend's readings. They point toward the promises of God's kingdom that will come after the maelstroms and chaos of this world. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Treasures from our Tradition Eastern Christians developed very different traditions for confessing sin. They see the priest as a witness to God's action, a physician, if you will, rather than a judge. A person confesses sin to God while standing in front of an icon of Jesus, face to face. Without a grill, in the full light of day, near a table with an open Gospel book, the penitent asks the Lord for mercy. A priest standing to the side might offer counsel and confirm God's gift of forgiveness. Rather than list sins and offenses, an Eastern Christian is more likely to speak of a disposition of heart toward God and neighbor, and the desire to forgive those who have wronged them. Remarkably, although only a priest can pronounce the prayers of forgiveness, lay people, including married men and women, single Christians, monks, and nuns, may witness the confession. This is akin to the ancient Celtic practice of a "soul friend" as a spiritual mentor. Bishops may bless anyone with sufficient theological knowledge and discretion to do this. Eastern Catholics in the United States have largely drifted away from this tradition and toward Latin Rite customs such as confessional screens, set formulas and prayers, and penances. Today, in the interest of preserving the authentic tradition of the Eastern Church, there is a move to restore the older form. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. November 15, 2015 A Mission is coming to St. Justin... Presented by Fr. Eamon O’Gorman, a retired priest from the Diocese of Orange. The Mission will be in English and will focus on the Year of Mercy. y c r e Come and join us prepare for the time of M ercy y M erc y M rc Me ercy M Ho Ho pe pe H Ho ope Ho pe pe Fr. Eamon O’Gorman will lead us in an Advent Mission Monday, November 30 at 7 p.m., and Tuesday, December 1 at 7 p.m. We will meet in St. Justin Martyr Church for evenings filled with understanding of Mercy, Hope, and Love While preparing for the celebration of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus National Needs Collection, November 21-22 Reach out and share that those we reach may share. Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. This collection combines the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the Catholic Communications Campaign, and the Catholic University of America. Envelopes are in the pews. On behalf of the Respect Life Group at St. Justin Martyr we would like to thank all of those who donated time and money to make the Pennies from Heaven Campaign a success. Together we were able to fundraise more than $6,000! God Bless you all for donating to help save the life of a baby and giving hope to families in need. Early Bulletin Deadline: Because of Thanksgiving holiday the deadline for articles for the Nov. 29 bulletin is Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 5 p.m. Submit articles to the Parish Office or [email protected] . All items are subject to approval and editing. 4 St. Justin Martyr Church November 15, 2015 St. Justin Martyr Parish presents its One-Day Annual Retreat Annual December Tea The Legion of Mary is hosting a FREE One-Day Retreat in English at St. Justin Parish. Open to all parishioners, it includes Mass, quiet time for personal prayer and reflection, and once again engaging and thoughtprovoking talks by Mr. Victor Gallardo from the Diocese of Orange. Join your fellow parishioners on Saturday, December 5 in O’Connor Parish Hall Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Tea time: Noon - 2:00 p.m. The theme of the retreat is Giving Table We invite you to donate items which will be shared with people in need at Christmastime. (i.e. canned goods, boxed food, toiletries, warm gloves, scarves etc.) These items will be presented to SVDP. In Memory “God’s Love and Mercy.” Join us on Saturday, November 21 from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. St. Justin School Consultative Board of our loved ones who have passed on, we will light a candle and say a prayer as we continue to keep their memories alive in our hearts. Admission is FREE We ask that you please RSVP by Wednesday, November 25 to Susan 714-533-4867 or Jo Ann 714-917-2706 Wearing of a fancy tea hat or a holiday hat is encouraged! Join in on the fun of door prizes, caroling and wonderful company with family and friends! Please RSVP and mark your calendar! Photos from our Young at Heart Seniors luncheon on Nov. 10 The St. Justin Martyr School Consultative Board has openings for new board members. The board structure consists of the following committees: the Development Committee, the Marketing and Communication Committee, the Finance Committee, the Mission and Faith Development Committee, and the Strategic Planning Committee. We are seeking parents, grandparents, parishioners, alumni and members of the business community who want to contribute to the continued success of our school. No previous experience is necessary. We are looking for people who will actively participate in the projects and programs the board originates to support our school. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Janet Balsis, Principal, at 714-772-4902 or by email at [email protected] for an interview. Thank you for considering joining the Consultative Board and for your interest in promoting and living our Catholic teachings. THANK YOU SO MUCH! We all celebrated Thanksgiving at our largest turnout ever! The children of St. Justin Martyr School thank all parishioners who donated in support of our Turkey Trot jog-a-thon. You were a major part of the children meeting their pledge challenge. The children experienced a week of “Wellness” activities including the jog. The week ended with TK-2 students planting with their middle school buddies in the newly constructed raised garden. Thanks again for your support! ST. JUSTIN SCHOOL FUNDRAISER NIGHT Come and enjoy a delicious meal at PEPZ PIZZA to SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL!!!! Pepz Pizza will donate 20% of your purchases to St. Justin Martyr Parish School! Thursday– Nov. 19th, 2015, from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Pepz Pizza (Dine in or Take out!!!) 646 South Brookhurst at Brookhurst / Orange, Anaheim, 714-991-6450 Please be sure to present this coupon when ordering! 5 St. Justin Martyr Church November 15, 2015 We are proud of our Youth Group... Join us at Anchor every Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. in the Hall Quote of the week: “Anchor is probably the place where I can truly be myself. I feel so at ease with myself when I’m there. I love it!” -Michelle I. “Make your life a story worth living.” These words are proudly displayed on the Humans of Loara High School Instagram page, which is devoted to provide both students and faculty at Loara High School, in Anaheim an outlet to share their personal life stories as well as the goals they have set for their future. Gabriela M., one of Anchor’s teen leaders, collaborated with a classmate and a staff member to create this program within her high school. When asked why she decided to start this program, Gabriela said, “I believe that everybody has a story, and I’d like to share them and let them know that people care…” The Humans of Loara High School page has already blown up on social media and, as of October 29, has accumulated over 1000 followers on both Instagram and Facebook. Gabriela provided more insight on what inspired her to create the club, “I just want everyone to have somebody to talk to even if it’s just for a minute, everyone deserves to be known… Sometimes we judge (people) way too quickly before we even know them, and I just want to break away from those barriers.” Gabriela is definitely a prime example of teens at St. Justin Martyr doing extraordinary things in and out of the parish. --You can follow Humans of Loara on Instagram by searching the Username: @humansofloara --Also ‘like’ them on Facebook by searching the Username: Humans of Loara High School Upcoming Events: If you are interested in meeting new people at other parishes, join us on Thursday, Nov. 19 at Christ Cathedral for a Potluck for Youth from 7-9 p.m. (bring a dish to share) Find us: --Facebook: Anchor St. Justin Martyr --Instagram: @anchoryouthministry Contact Fabiola Flores for more info. 714-774-2595 ext. 124 or by email: [email protected] ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY CONFERENCE ANNUAL REPORT (10-01-2014– 09-30-2015) This past year, the St. Justin Parish Conference: --utilized 14 Active Members --made 8,035 client contacts within parish boundaries. We helped: --7,834 people with food --400 with clothing --1 with medical care --36 families or individuals with rent --260 families or individuals with motel rooms --224 families or individuals with utility bills. Our total deposits were $39,322.00 and our total expenses were $29,460.00. We provided assistance to the underprivileged and those in need within St. Justin Martyr Parish boundaries. This assistance totals approximately 250 hours of our volunteers’ service. The food bags that we provide contain the following items: 1 box of cereal, 1 box of crackers, 2 cans of soup, 2 cans of vegetables, 1can of fruit or juice, 1 can of meat or fish, 1 can of spaghetti or enchilada sauce, 1 package of pasta, 1 package of macaroni and cheese (or other side dish), 1package of a condiment, 1 package of beans, 1 package of rice, 1 loaf of bread, 1 dessert, and 1 package of frozen meat. These bags are given out each week, with individuals receiving a bag once every 4 weeks. Your grocery and monetary gifts to St. Vincent DePaul enhance our ability to serve God’s poor. May God reward you for your kind contributions throughout the year and at our recent Loaves and Fishes food drive. Thank you For Helping Us, Help Others, God Bless You. Our Saint Vincent de Paul invites any parishioner who is serious about living out their faith in an authentic way to join them every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. under the lunch shelter to learn how to deepen your Catholic faith in service to those in need. Bibliya Rasal, Bible Study Attention Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the sick and homebound BIBLIYA * ARAL * ASAL * DASAL (Bible Study/Prayer Meeting) Please join us at a get-together is for those ministers who serve our sick and homebound parishioners. This gathering of fellowship, food, and more will be on Saturday, November 28 from 1-4 p.m. in room B of the St. Justin Parish Center. This will be a potluck event, so please bring your favorite dish to share. Fr. Ven will be our guest, and after lunch we will have a “Q and A “time to ask him questions regarding the ministry or if you need clarification on our procedures. We hope to see all of you. God bless!!! Toward Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey. Facilitated by Margarita Galvan Free Introduction, Saturdays Nov. 21, and Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the SRE room. Financial Peace is an entertaining video course in which you learn how to get out of debt and make your money behave. This course is unlike other dry and boring financial seminars. More than one million families have benefitted from these transforming principles. The course will begin on Sat. Jan. 9 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the St. Justin SRE room. For information: 949-892-0285 or [email protected] New Children’s Choir forming for children in grades 3-8. Practice is on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the school’s music room. Parents of the children must be registered at SJM Parish and accompany them to the first practice so that they can fill out a permission form. 6 Sessions this month will be on Wednesdays, Nov. 18 and 25 at 7 p.m. in room A of the Parish Center. Come and join us study and reflect on the readings and Gospel for the coming Sunday. Please bring your Bible or Sunday Missal. Conducted by Fr. Ven Amidar. Please call Yohlee at 714-401-8598. We Pray for the Deceased Please pray for these members of our parish family who passed away recently: Ronald Delton, Alasiel Magaña Stella Reece. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. St. Juliana Parish, Fullerton, will host Sr. Nadine McGuinness CSJ who will speak on Laudato Si, Pope Francis' encyclical address. Nov. 17, 7 p.m. in the parish center. Rosary Academy would like to invite you and your family to our Annual Open House, Family Mass & BBQ on November 22. Open House begins at 11:30 a.m., and Bishop Kevin Vann will be presiding the Family Mass at 2:30 p.m. A BBQ will follow with music and carnival games. Parroquia de San Justino Mártir y Misión del Sagrado Corazón 15 de Noviembre del Año 2015 Acción de Gracias en San Justino Mártir Rumbo a la Paz Financiera, de Dave Ramsey. Facilitado por Margarita Galvan Paz Financiera es un curso por video muy divertido donde se aprende a salir de las garras de la deuda y hacer que su dinero se comporte. Este curso no es como otros seminarios de finanzas secos y aburridos. Más de un millón de familias se han beneficiado con estos principios transformadores. Introducción Gratis: sábados Nov. 14, 21, y Dic. 5, 8 p.m. Curso Comenzará : 9 de enero del 2016 Horario: Sabados 1pm-3pm, Salón: SRE de San Justino Mártir Para información: Teléfono: 949-892-0285 Email: [email protected] Tendremos nuestra misa anual de Acción de Gracias el Jueves, 26 de noviembre a las 9 a.m. Como es nuestra tradición, la misa será bilingüe Ingles/Español, con partes en Chino, Tongan, Sri Lankan, Swahili, y Pilipino. Nuestro grupo de San Vicente de Paul estará aquí para recaudar comida sin perecedero y donaciones para nuestro programa de comida. Por favor tengan en cuenta: Se Necesitan Guitarrista o Tecladista El coro Nuevo Amanecer lo cual toca dos veces al mes en la misa del domingo a las 7 p.m. y los lunes en el Sagrado Corazón está necesitando guitarrista o tecladista para integrarse al coro. Los interesados les pedimos que llamen con Esperanza al 714-495-6424. --NO habrá la Hora Santa a las 7:30 p.m. el jueves, 26 de noviembre. —NO habrá la misa (inglés) de las 6:30 a.m. jueves y vieres, 26-27 de noviembre. —La Oficina Parroquial estará CERRADA el jueves y viernes, 26-27 de noviembre. —La Oficina Parroquial estará CERRADA el martes, 24 de noviembre. 11:45 a.m.-2 p.m. Parroquia de San Justino Mártir presenta Te de Diciembre Anual Acompañen a sus compañeros parroquianos el sábado , 5 de diciembre En el salón parroquial O’Connor Las puertas se abren a las 11:30 a.m., el te comienza al medio día - 2 p.m. Se Necesitan Tarjetas de Regalo El grupo del Cenáculo de San Justino Mártir es un grupo de voluntarios que preparan y sirven comida caliente todos los domingos del año. El Cenáculo esta juntando tarjetas de regalo desde ahora para tener suficientes para dar a los necesitados durante el tiempo de Navidad. Una tarjeta de cualquier cantidad de una tienda de mercado, tienda de Dollar, o de comida rápida sería muy agradecido. El año pasado dimos 70 bolsas de regalo conteniendo pequeños champú, acondicionador, crema, cepillo de dientes, pasta de dientes, barras de nutrición, fruta, agua, postre de dulce y una tarjeta de regalo. Por favor de traer las tarjetas a la Oficina Parroquial o ponerlas en un sobre marcado CENACLE en la colecta dominical. El Cenáculo es responsable de alimentar a los hambrientos todos los domingos a las 2:30 p.m. Nos llegan entre 45 a 100 personas y servimos una comida caliente y nutritiva. Siempre tenemos necesidad de donaciones de fruta fresca, barras de nutrición, postres hechos en casa y botellas individuales de agua. Mesa de Donaciones Los invitamos a que donen artículos para compartir con personas necesitadas en está Navidad. (como comida enlatada, comida de caja, artículos de higiene, guantes, etc.) Estos artículos irán a la Sociedad de SVDP. En Memoria de nuestros seres queridos que han fallecido, encenderemos una vela y recitaremos una oración para seguirlos recordando manteniendo viva su memoria en nuestro corazón. Les pedimos que avisen su asistencia antes del miércoles, 25 de noviembre. (necesitamos saber aproximadamente el número de invitados para preparar suficiente refrigerio) Entrada es GRATIS Avisar su asistencia a Susan 714-533-4867 o Jo Ann 714-917-2706 Los invitamos a que traigan un sombrero elegante o de navidad! ¡Tendremos regalos a la entrada, nos dirigirá en cantos navideños y otras diversiones! Misas en Español FECHA TIEMPO INTENCIONES LECTURAS DÍA LITURGICO 1 Mac 1:10-15, Santa Lunes 7 p.m. 41-43, 54-57, Margarita de Donny Arango 62-63; Escocia; santa Nov. 16 Sagrado Corazon Lc 18:35-43 Gertrudis Martes 7 p.m. Filiberto Santa 2 Mac 6:18-31; Santa Isabel Lc 19:1-10 de Hungría Nov. 17 Sagrado Corazón Cruz Miércoles 7 p.m. Angel Flores Nov. 18 Sagrado Corazón Jueves Nov. 19 7:30 p.m. San Justino 714-774-2595 Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario La Dedicación de las Basílicas 2 Mac 7:1, 20- de San Pedro y San Pablo; 31; Lc 19:11-28 Santa Rose Philippine Duchesne Hora Santa Oficina de la San Justino Mártir: 714-774-2595 La Oficina de la Misión del Sagrado Corazón está cerrada. Para información y asistencia, por favor de llamar o dirigirse a la oficina Parroquial de San Justino Mártir. Horas de Oficina: Durante la semana: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. y 1:30-6 p.m. Sábado: 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. y 1:30-6 p.m. Domingo: 9 a.m-1:30 p.m. Oficina de Formación de Fe: 714-535-6111 (Anteriormente Escuela de Educación Religiosa / Oficina de SRE) Sandra Gutierrez, Directora de Formación de Fe, 714-774-2595 ext. 128 [email protected] Ministerios de Jóvenes/ Adolescentes: 714-774-2407 Fabiola Flores, Coordinadora, [email protected] Facebook: Anchor St. Justin Martyr Twitter: @sjm_anchor Instagram: @anchoryouthministry YouTube: AnchorSJM Formación de Fe de Adultos 714-678-3426 Rito de Iniciación Cristina de Adultos / RICA: Jose Aaron Peña, 1 Mac 4:36-37, Viernes 7 p.m. 52-59; 1 Chr Julia Aguilar Arce 29:10bcd, 11Nov. 20 Sagrado Corazón 12; Lc 19:45-48 Bautismos: Dos veces al mes. Informes en la oficina del San Justino y Sábado Nov. 21 Bodas: Hablar con el sacerdote o el diácono con seis meses de anticipacion. Domingo Nov. 22 7 p.m. San Justino 9:30 a.m. San Justino 7 p.m. San Justino Solemnidad de Nuestro Sal 93 (92):1-2, Evelyn Michelle Señor 5; Jesucristo, Gutierrez Apo 1:5-8; Rey del Jn 18:33b-37 Cecilia Alcaraz Universo Josefina Prado Dn 7:13-14; Diacono José Ferreras, Coordinador, [email protected] Informes en la oficina del San Justino y Boletín: Someta los artículos a [email protected] o a la oficina parroquial. Todos son sujetos a ser editados y aprobados. La fecha límite es el lunes a las 5 p.m. Sométalos en Español o Inglés. Si se necesita traducción, sométalos 2 semanas de anticipación. 7 Parroquia de San Justino Mártir y Misión del Sagrado Corazón Reflexiones sobre la Palabra Estar atentos a un mundo nuevo Daniel 12:1-3 Esta escena es parte de la revelación del profeta Daniel. Releja la lucha final de los seres humanos al final de los tiempos y su resurrección, a una vida terrible o a una vida gloriosa, infierno o cielo. En aquel tiempo, se suponía que antes de la venida del Mesías tenía que haber un intenso sufrimiento para que pudiera nacer el Reino de Dios; y aquellos cuyos nombres estuvieran escritos en el cielo serían salvados. Hebreos 10:11-14, 18 En tiempos de Jesús, según el rango de quien ofrecía el sacrificio, se ofrecían distintos animales. el sumo sacerdote ofrecía un toro. También entraba en juego el estatus de la persona que quería redimir sus pecados: un político ofrecería un cabrito mientras que una persona normal ofrecería un cordero. La eficacia del sacrificio de Cristo transciende los límites temporales y espaciales; y con su sacrificio irrepetible es capaz de redimir todas las transgresiones de todo el mundo, de todos los tiempos. Marcos 13:24-32 La llegada del Hijo del Hombre sobre las nubes con la alusión a la misteriosa figura del libro de Daniel, anuncia la llegada de una nueva era. El Hijo del Hombre viene con poder y gloria, no con furia y destrucción; sin embargo, originalmente, era símbolo de alegría y de cumplimiento del Reino de Dios. El tiempo exacto de esta llegada no se conoce y nadie sabe el día ni la hora. Nuestra cultura: En el mundo indígena, el sacrificio era necesario no tanto para perdonar pecados como para dar vida. Si alguien se sacrifica, es por la vida de los demás. Los padres y las madres se sacrifican por dar una vida mejor a los hijos. A la llegada del cristianismo, el sentido de sacrificio no cambió del todo, pero sí se añadió el sentido de reparación por las culpas. Reflexiones para la homilía Cuando se conoce bien a una persona, se sabe leer las señales que se dan. Si se ha vivido mucho con una persona, se pueden interpretar los signos, las acciones y los gestos, a menudo incluso sin palabras. en una relación, estas claves suelen ser importantes, porque dan buenas pistas sobre lo que se debe hacer y lo que se debe evitar para mejorar la relación o para evitar conflictos. Si pasamos esa lectura a las señales y los prodigios del cielo, podríamos fácilmente concluir que el mundo de verdad se está acabando. Hay terremotos, catástrofes de todo tipo, fenómenos atmosféricos destructores, guerras… exactamente todos los signos que anuncian que se acaba el mundo. Si estamos en verdadera relación con el Cristo vivo, sin embargo, podemos hacer una lectura un poco distinta de todos esos fenómenos. Si se dan todos estos signos, quizá sea para hacer un mundo nuevo, efectivamente. Será un mundo nuevo cuando estemos atentos a la Palabra de Dios, cuando estemos atentos unos a otros y trabajemos por la paz en nuestros hogares; cuando oremos como familia; cuando nos sacrifiquemos por el bien de las personas de nuestro alrededor; cuando con nuestro cariño traigamos alegría, confianza y paz, ciertamente se hará un mundo nuevo y distinto. Se empezará a instaurar el Reino de Dios. Lo otro, es decir, el in del mundo según lo conocemos, ya nos lo dice Jesús: nadie sabe el día ni la hora. Lo nuestro es trabajar con Dios para que el mundo sea como él quiera. Porque lo amamos, sabemos leer lo que quiere. Para la reflexión: ¿Qué cosas de mi propio mundo debo cambiar? ¿Cuánta atención presto a mi cónyuge y a mis hijos para saber de qué maneras tengo que cuidar la relación? ¿Qué sacrificios estoy dispuesto a hacer por los demás? 15 de noviembre, 2015 Servir a Cristo en las misiones Testimonio personal de Paola Flores Crecí en una familia católica e iba a Misa cada domingo, porque eso es lo que hacía la gente en mi país natal, Guatemala. Mis padres son católicos practicantes y fieles a la Iglesia. Sin embargo, para mí, ir a Misa era algo que yo hacía para no tener problemas. Pero esto cambió a mis 14 años de edad, cuando toda mi familia se trasladó a los Estados Unidos, en agosto de 1998, y me vi privada de todo lo que me parecía esencial: popularidad, comodidad, amigos, fiestas, etc. Comenzamos a ir a Misa en la parroquia local. Un domingo, mi mamá me obligó a ir al grupo juvenil y eso me pareció muy mal. Pero, para sorpresa mía, el grupo juvenil en realidad me gustó y me gustó bastante. Después de un tiempo en el grupo de jóvenes, mis ojos se fueron abriendo a la realidad de que Dios es verdadero, y que él me amaba y quería establecer una relación de amistad conmigo. Finalmente, tuve la gracia de verme cara a cara con esta verdad a los 17 años, en un retiro espiritual en la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville, en Ohio. Allí tomé la decisión de pedirle a Jesús que entrara en mi corazón. La idea de salir a misionar. Fue Dios quien puso en mi corazón el deseo de la misión. Cuando comencé a rezar sobre esto, también busqué recursos para discernir si las misiones eran una vocación verdadera para mí. Encontré una organización llamada Life Teen Missions, donde fui aceptada. Sentí una profunda paz en mi corazón cuando decidí renunciar a mi trabajo de enfermera en Atlanta, Georgia, para ingresar a este programa de misiones. ¿Qué significa ser misionera? Si pudiera decirlo en pocas palabras, yo diría que se resume en una frase en latín: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, o sea, “Para la mayor gloria de Dios”. Ser misionero significa hacer todo “para la mayor gloria de Dios”. En Noviembre celebramos: 21 de Noviembre Nuestra Señora de la Presentación del Quinche Cuenta la tradición que la Virgen María se le apareció a los indios de ecuador, en una cueva, y les prometió librarlos de los osos que estaban devorando a sus niños. A cambio les pidió que recibieran el evangelio del sacerdote del pueblo más cercano y se convirtieran a la religión católica. El escultor Diego de Robles elaboró una talla en madera de cedro con los rasgos de la Señora que se les había aparecido. La imagen permaneció 15 años al cuidado de los indios, hasta que en 1604, el obispo del lugar ordenó su traslado al poblado del Quinche, donde la fe cristiana había arraigado con más fuerza. En honor de la Virgen del Quinche se entonan una variedad de cantos con textos en quechua, español y diversos dialectos de la región, muchos de los cuales se cantan desde hace cuatro siglos. Esta advocación es muy popular entre los ecuatorianos, especialmente los indios que la llaman cariñosamente “la Pequeñita”. La imagen fue coronada en 1943 y el templo actual fue declarado Santuario Nacional, en 1985; este es un verdadero centro de peregrinación que acoge a más de 4,500 fieles anualmente. La colecta de la próxima semana, 21-22 de noviembre, para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrolo Humano (CCHD) necesita su ayuda. CCHD fue fundada para eliminar el ciclo de pobreza en los Estados Unidos otorgando fondos a organizaciones que ayudan a las personas a ayudarse a sí mismas. Con su tradición de mejoras en ls educación, en la vivienda y en el desarrollo economic de las comunidades, CCHD continua teniendo un impacto positive en las comunidades en todo el país. Su contribución servirá para defender la dignidad humana y llegar a todos los que viven al margen. El Grupo Pro-Vida de San Justino quiere darles las gracias ias a todos los que donaron tiempo y dinero en la campaña Grac Centavos del Cielo para ayudar a mujeres embarazadas en crisis a salvar la vida de sus bebes. Juntos colectamos alrededor de $6,000. Dios se los pagara con bendiciones. Fechas de límite para poner artículos en el boletín: Nov. 29 se vence 17 de Nov. a las 5 p.m. Dic. 20 se vence el 10 de Dic. a las 5 p.m. Dic. 27 se vence el 14 de Dic. a las 5 p.m. Enero 3 se vence el 21 de Dic. A las 5 p.m. Envíen sus artículos a [email protected] to entregarlos a la oficina parroquial. Todos están sujetos a ser editados y aprobados. 8