20 Page Avenue - St. Michael`s Church
20 Page Avenue - St. Michael`s Church
ST. MICHAEL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 20 Page Avenue ~ Cohoes, N.Y. 12047 Rev. Peter Tkocz, Pastor MISSION STATEMENT: To enhance and promote the fulfillment of St. Michael the Archangel, we will: CELEBRATE THE PAST: By examining, studying and capturing the history of the men and women, religious and lay, who established, nurtured and built it and all of its facets; LEARN TODAY: By learning from their faith, vision, passion commitment and actions so that we may better understand our history and their legacy; PREPARE FOR TOMORROW: By renewing the parish and its religious and lay leaders and its lay members; build on the legacy of the past and use our present strengths and abilities to help St. Michael’s be a shining example and light of Christ and our history for all we touch. Handicapped Accessible MASS SCHEDULE: Daily Eucharist: as stated in the bulletin Lord’s Day Eucharist: Saturday Vigil: at 4:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am (English) & 11:00 am (Polish) Eve. of Holy Days - Consult Bulletin Parish Office: 237-5151 Office Hours: Mon. – Thurs. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Fax: Dial above number to notify E-mail address: [email protected] Web site: www.stmichaelsofcohoes.org Church Hall: 237-7121 Faith Formation: 237-2373 Sandra Cornwell, Parish Nurse: 237-2373 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday Evening 3:15 to 3:45 pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: By arrangement with the Parish Office. Parents should be registered and active members of the Parish. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: The Bride and/or Groom must be a registered parishioner for at least one year before making marriage arrangements. The Bride and Groom should call the Parish Office at least six months before the date of the marriage. Please bring recent copies of your Baptismal certificate. Those under 21 should not set a marriage date until Diocesan permission has been obtained. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: We want to assist those who cannot celebrate Mass with us because of illness, age or handicap. If you or a family member desires to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick at home or in the hospital, please call the PARISH OFFICE. In the event of an upcoming surgery, call the Parish Office to arrange a mutually convenient time for Anointing. By LAW, hospitals cannot notify us when parishioners are admitted. If you or a family member is hospitalized, please notify us. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We ask every member of the parish to be properly registered. All adults should have and use envelopes. New members need to register as soon as possible. All address changes should be given to the Parish Office. August 18, 2013 20th Sunday in Ordinary Times Liturgy / Masses August 17th - August 25th, 2013 Aug. 17, Sat. 4:00 p.m. Intention of Parishioners req. by Father Peter Agnes Jarosz req. by Frank & Jane Jane Justice req. by her sister Elizabeth Valentini Family req. by Theresa & Henry Novak Ann C. Busta req. by Ken Busta & Family Aug. 18, Sun. 9:00 a.m. John Sloboda req. by Helen Sloboda & Family Wanda O’Keefe, Phyllis Kuczynski & Eleanor Rusiecki req. by their sister Helen Giroux Walter Ardziewicz req. by his Family 11:00 a.m. Christopher Panufnik req. by the Adamski Family Aug. 19, Mon. 9:00 a.m. Sylvia Lubowski req. by Genowefa Duda Agnes Kosorovich req. by Edward J. Clark Aug. 20, Tue. 9:00 a.m. Robert Herrington req. by Tim & Mary O’Shei Aug. 21, Wed. 9:00 a.m. Florent Langdoc & Eva Langdoc req. by the Estate of Eva Langdoc Aug. 22, Thu. 9:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity Church Aug. 23, Fri. 9:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity Church Aug. 24, Sat. 4:00 p.m. George Opela req. by Mike Chaszczewski In Thanksgiving req. by Floyd & Joan Jones Stanley V. Busta req. by his Family Nancy Giroux (2nd Ann.) req. by her husband Henry Giroux Josephine Gallerie req. by Tony & Sandy LePage Aug. 25, Sun. 9:00 a.m. Intention of Parishioners req. by Father Peter Theresa Benamati req. by Eva Safranko & Family, Luica Kicel & Family, Serafina Carangelo, Adam Carangelo & Family and Tony Izzo & Family Lucy Stackrow req. by Sue & Jim Maureen Joyce (6 Month Ann.) req. by Major William F. & Mrs. Jennifer Morrissey 11:00 a.m. Krzysztof (2nd Ann.), Kazimiera & Władysław Rosiek req. by Rodzina In case of a funeral, the daily Mass intention(s) will be included in the funeral Mass celebration. Keep the Legacy Alive Please remember St. Michael's in your will St. Michael the Archangel R. C. Church 20 Page Ave, Cohoes, NY 12047 Weekly Contributions August 10th & August 11th, 2013 Year 2012 Fire Alarm System Fund Candle Offerings Assumption Parish Support Insurance Peter’s Pence Saturday, 4:00 PM Mass Sunday, 9:00 AM Mass Sunday, 11:00 AM Mass Mail $ 4,359.00 $ 4,040.25 $ 221.00 $ 57.00 $ 40.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 1,169.00 $ 805.00 $ 753.00 $ 1,279.00 Weekend of August 24th & August 25th, 2013 Mass Lectors 4:00pm M.Horner, J.Gebosky 9:00am N.Rectenwald, J.Frainier 11:00am K.Zieba, M.Zielinska Extraordinary Ministers T.Czurlanis, F.Dudwoire, B.Brehm D.Vojnar, D.Partyka, R.Kosek M.Sala, H.Sagan, M.Zielinski, K.Lopatniuk Sacristans M.Zandri J.Harrington T.Pecak SPECIAL PROJECTS: In memory of Josey Gallerie from Fran Krawczyk $20. THANK YOU! FOOD BANK: Terry Blizniak $20. THANK YOU! WEDDING: Congratulations to Marion Lopatniuk & Elizabeth Gordon who were married on August 10th. One way the Catholic Home Mission Appeal works to support home mission dioceses in the United States is by supporting seminarian formation in poor dioceses. Often home mission priests and lay ministers require special training to attend to the unique needs of their faith communities. Your support is needed. Please help strengthen the Church at home by making a generous gift to next week’s Appeal. BINGO WORKERS for Tuesday, August 20, Team 2: Janina Wiercioch, Marian Wiercioch, Helen Urbanski ,Leona Kimball, Doris Vojnar, Stanley Bobek, Dorothy Smith and Jayne Galarneau. THANK YOU... TO ALL WHO SHARED THEIR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE FOR THE GOOD OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY LAST WEEK. BULLETIN: The deadline for information (in writing) to be in the bulletin is Monday before11am. August 18, 2013 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FUND: In memory of Matt Dudek from Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Dudek $25. In memory of Thomas & Stacia Gorsky from Janet Gorsky $25. In memory of Josey Gallerie from Mr. & Mrs. Donald Poteralski $25, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Czurlanis $20, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Smith $20. In memory of Charles Davey (25th Ann.) & Robert Davey (1st Ann.) from Emma Davey $20. Norman Gauthier $20. Kazimierz Matala $20. Jadwiga Pulkotycki $20. In memory of Victoria Drzewiecka from Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bania $10. In memory of Theresa M. Benamati from David Benamati $10. Mr. & Mrs. Kazimierz Ciesielczyk $10. Mr. & Mrs. James Cook $10. In memory of Joelean & Michael Potyrala from Joelean Dearstyne $10. In memory of Nicola (Nicky) Izzo from Michael & Denise Izzo $10. Mr. & Mrs. Floyd W. Jones $10. In memory of Florence Giles from Tony & Sandy LePage $10. Madeline Lis $10. In memory of Sister Mary Aloise Almond from Marjorie Marois $10. In memory of Christopher Panufnik from Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nyman $10. Joan & Gilles Senecal $10. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Signoracci $10. In memory of Norbert Figler from Rev. Peter Tkocz $10. In honor of Fr. Edgar Loch from Rev. Peter Tkocz $10. In memory of Ryszard Niemczyk from Rev. Peter Tkocz $10. In memory of Peter & Stasia Skawinski from Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wiwczar, Jr. $10. John & Marguerite Grego $7. Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Mentrak $7. Mr. & Mrs. John Benamati $5. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cappabianca $5. In memory of Mr. John Baran from Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Czurlanis $5. In memory of Shirley Duquette from Homer E. Duquette $5. Jennie M. Korbel $5. Joseph & Kelly Garceau $3. Charles Allendorph $2. THANK YOU! Fire Alarm System Envelopes are available in the back of the Church. ROSARY NEWS: Save the Date, Sunday, September 15th for a parish family breakfast. More details to follow . FAITH FORMATION Registration Materials for Grades 1-10 have been mailed to all of our Parish families. If you have not received materials or wish to enroll your children, please call the Faith Formation Office at 2372373 to speak with either Mrs. Beattie (Grades 1-5) or Mrs. Dietlein (Grades 6-10). Sacramental Requirements: Children who wish to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation & First Eucharist for the first time must completed a first grade program either in a Parish Program or in a Catholic School, and participate in the Parish Faith Formation Program for 2nd Grade. Youth who wish to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation must complete an eighth grade program either in a Parish Program or in a Catholic School and participate in the Parish Faith Formation Program for 9th & 10th Grade to be eligible to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in the fall of the 11th Grade. If you have any questions about sacramental requirements, please call Mrs. Beattie or Mrs. Dietlein at 237-2373 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Rosary & Novena Parish Family Breakfast Rosary Meeting Tuesday, 6:30pm September 15 September 18, 6pm BISHOP’S APPEAL 2013 A Simple Act of Profound Impact Number of gifts received: 114 Paid now: $ 12,574.00 Number of pledges received: 52 Pledged amount: $ 12,758.00 Parish assessment: $ 39,900.00 Envelopes are available in the back of the Church THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Our Lady Of Czestochowa MASS Monday, August 26th Rosary 6:30 P.M. Mass 7 P.M. All are invited FROM THE PARISH NURSE Living Healthy with Diabetes: A free 6 week workshop designed to help older adults living with Type 1 or 2 diabetes. Learn the tools to manage & take control of your diabetes. Discover fresh, practical ways to live better & healthier. Registered participant who attends the 6 week workshop receives a free Living a Healthy Life book & a relaxation CD. A light snack will be provided. Classes, taught by SUNY’s Center for Excellence in Aging & Community Wellness, will be held each Thursday, September 26th-October 31st, 10am-12:30pm at the Holy Trinity Parish Center. To register contact: www.ceacw.org/find-a-workshop or 442-5529. NEWS FROM OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Problems Watching Televised Mass? Some residents of the Albany Diocese who watch the Diocese's "Table of the Lord" televised Mass need to make a change in order to continue accessing it. In July, Time Warner Cable, which airs "Table of the Lord," began broadcasting public access television channels in digital format. This is a efficient way to deliver the video signal but some customers have been unable to receive the channels on which they watch "Table of the Lord." Time Warner cable customers who have cable boxes will continue to see the channels that air "Table of the Lord." Those who own digital TVs will only need to reprogram their TVs (scanning for additional channels) in order to access the channels which carry "Table of the Lord". Customers who own analog TVs and do not have cable boxes must acquire digital adapters in order to watch "Table of the Lord". For now, the adapters are free, but they must be ordered by September 23 in order to avoid an immediate monthly service charge of 99 cents. Regardless of when the adapter is ordered, the fee will go into effect for everyone after January 1. If you know someone who is having trouble watching "Table of the Lord," please call Time Warner Cable at 1-855-286-1736 about receiving a digital adapter or go to www.twc.com/digitaladapter. The adapters come with instructions but anyone needing assistance can call the same number. Making a Choice: Would you choose your same spouse today? www.albanyme.org or call 279-3243 now. Worldwide Marriage Encounter
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