Dynamax Wall Ball Article


Dynamax Wall Ball Article
More Than a Wall Ball
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Photos taken at CrossFit Central Downtown, Austin, Texas.
Models: Lisa Bender Thiel, David Braswell
t’s that time of day: You walk into
your box, chat with your friends and
get ready for the WOD. Karen is on the
board today and a brief flashback runs
through your head as you mentally
prepare yourself to push through the workout.
You pick up your Dynamax medicine ball and
tell your body to push its limits: 150 wall balls.
After the encouraging roar from your CrossFit
family to keep going and finish, you gladly let
the last rep fall to the floor and pump your fist
used in various other exercises within your
CrossFit routine. The ball can be incorporated
into warm-ups and help with increasing your
power, cardiovascular endurance, and any of
the other 10 general physical skills.
A proper warm-up is essential to any workout
regimen. It helps to increase core body
temperature and blood flow to the muscles,
and it helps lube the joints. Next time you
step into a box, try this new warm-up series
to set you up for a great workout. Exercises
can be performed solo against a reinforced
wall or with a partner. We recommend a
lighter ball during warm-up, between 6
pounds and 8 pounds, to keep proper form
for these exercises.
What most people don’t realize is the Dynamax
Medicine Ball is one of the most versatile
tools to have in a box. Most commonly used
and known as a Wall Ball, Dynamax can be
January / February 2014
article > More Than a Wall Ball
Standing Medicine Ball Warm-up Series (5 – 10 Reps)
Standing Chest Pass
1) Stand in base stance facing your partner or the wall.
Start the movement with the ball at your chest,
pushing it to the wall or your partner with
both hands.
As you (or your partner) receive the ball,
stretch out your arms to catch it, touching the
chest and returning it back to the wall or partner
in a ballistic motion.
Make sure to complete the full range of motion.
Standing Overhead Throw
1) Stand in base stance facing the wall or your partner.
Start by raising the ball above your head;
then throw it to the wall or your partner.
If you’re throwing to a partner, aim slightly above
their head.
Make sure to use the full range of motion.
One-Arm Put (Shot Puts)
1) Stand in base or split stance facing the wall or
your partner.
Start the movement with the ball in your hand on your
shoulder, making sure your elbow is up with the thumb
pointed down.
Make sure your head, shoulders and trunk rotate as one.
Return the ball to the wall or partner in a ballistic
action fully extending arms. If you’re with a partner,
aim your throw to their opposite shoulder.
Forward Rotations
1) Stand in base stance facing your wall or partner.
Lower the ball to the side of your hip, shoving both
hips back, stretching the glutes and hamstrings.
As the ball is lowered to the hip, slightly rotate your
spine so the ball is placed alongside your hip.
Contract glutes and hamstrings to throw the ball to
the wall or your partner.
Repeat the motion, alternating your hips.
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article > More Than a Wall Ball
Log Toss
1) Begin in squat stance.
Lower the ball to the floor with the ball slightly
behind your ankles.
Be sure to look straight ahead with a flat back.
Extend at the knee, hip, and ankle joints while
explosively catapulting the ball forward toward
the wall or your partner.
You should finish the movement with a triple
extension of the body. If you’re with a partner,
have them stand with arms outstretched ready
to catch the ball at chest level.
Basic Rotation
1) Stand with your back turned, an arm’s distance away
from the wall.
Maintain a strong base and initiate the movement
with the feet, knees, and hips.
Rotate the torso to the throwing direction,
accelerating the ball around.
Throw the ball with maximum power output to
the wall or your partner.
Once the ball is received off the wall or your partner,
rotate your torso in the opposite throwing direction.
One of the main values of a Dynamax medicine ball is the movement-based training.
Nearly every exercise can be combined with
another movement into a seamless transition
of exercises without a break. This is important
for two reasons: First, our bodies naturally
move with rhythm, cadence, and coordination
— they do not move in a staccato or robotic
motion. Second, there are an infinite number
of exercise combinations and variations possible with this form of training. Try the three
movements below to help increase explosiveness, power, challenge coordination, and
assist with cardiovascular endurance.
Cowboy Squat:
Power, Strength, and Muscle Endurance
1) Place the ball atop your head and perform an
overhead squat.
When lowering into the squat, keep the ball atop
your head.
Explode out of the bottom of the squat by jumping
off the ground, fully extending the arms, lifting the
ball straight into the air.
Perform in a continuous motion for desired reps.
January / February 2014
article > More Than a Wall Ball
Reverse Log Toss:
Power & Strength
Reference Log Toss from above.
Extend at the knee, hip, and ankle joints while
explosively catapulting the ball backward.
Finish the movement with a triple extension of the
entire body.
Double-Knee Strike:
Coordination, Endurance, Agility
1) Lay on the floor with your arms fully extended and
the ball placed overhead, tapping the ground.
Keep your head pressed against the mat while you
drive the ball to your knee with velocity and then
back overhead, tapping the ball to the ground before
alternating to the opposite knee.
After two single knee strikes, engage your glutes and
drive the ball to both knees, extending again overhead,
tapping the ball to the ground.
Initiate sit-up with throwing action of the arms
and flexion of the abs. SIT UP AND THROW
SIMULTANEOUSLY, throwing the ball to the wall.
A piece of equipment that can be thrown,
caught, and struck with maximum force and
velocity provides a training tool for life. A
Dynamax medicine ball provides that variety
to your workout routine while essentially
training all 10 general physical skills at once.
Learn more about Dynamax at:
Website: medicineballs.com
Facebook: dynamaxUSA
Twitter: Dynamax_USA
Instagram: dynamaxusa
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