June - St Boniface Church


June - St Boniface Church
June 2010
Published free by St. Boniface Church for all in
the parishes of Bunbury and Tilstone Fearnall
Wheels of mill progress grind slowly
The wheels of the mill have
been grinding exceedingly
slowly but we have made
some progress! We have met
a representative from United
Utilities and they like our
proposal for the community now they have to get the
agreement of their Board.
The value of the mill is being
assessed for insurance
purposes and the Trustees
are ready to act as soon as
we receive the nod.
enormous ash tree is
resplendent in front of the
mill stream and is estimated
to be between 300 to 400
years old.
A wildlife expert has been
surveying the land and
discovered a fritillary which
although it does grow in our
gardens has not been
recorded growing wild in
Cheshire before. An
We hope to have a stall at
Village Day and look forward
to seeing you there.
Alison Black for the Mill
Village Day
Saturday 19th
Parade leaves 12:30 from
St Boniface
Competitions get an entry form from the
Bunbury shops!
This was the view from Stanner Nab on the St. Boniface Ascension Day Walk
Beeston Fete to welcome vintage cars
and drive back late afternoon, chatting
to anyone interested during the day at
the fete and enjoying the sunshine and
Preparations for the Fete are well under
way! This year, if there is enough
support, the organisers are considering
a display of classic and sports cars
which are owned or based locally. There
is no defintion of classic, or sports, but
you will know if you have one! We know
that there are some great cars hidden
away in garages locally, so if you would
be prepared to help could you let us
know. All we ask is that you polish your
car, drive up to the Castle mid-morning,
If you are able to help, could you let me
know, either by email at
[email protected] or by phone on
262494. If enough of you come out of
the woodwork, we might also be able to
organise a Bunbury Classic and Sports
Car run soon afterwards. Nick Sanders
Congratulations to the following
married at St.
Boniface. On
1st May Natalie
Parker, eldest
daughter of Joy
and Nick
Parker of
Jewell, More pictures opposite (p3).
On 2nd May Anthony Kaufmann and
Pauline Clegg of Handbridge were
married, and on 7th May the marriage
of Neil and Claire Moffatt took place
in the Ridley Chapel.
Many happy returns to
Steve Mulcahy whose
significant birthday we
missed last month.
Well done Barbara Croley for being
married to Ernest for 30 years - you
would get much less for murder these
days (only joking Ernest).
Kath Roden has contacted us to thank
friends, parents and teachers of
Bunbury School for their lovely gifts
she received at her recent retirement.
“Thank you all for your generosity and
good wishes”. Kath is now looking
forward to a well-earned rest and a
cruise to Dubrovnik. To see Kath’s
special portrait see p.5.
We are sad to report the death of
Audrey Bate on 7th May, much loved
mother of Sandra, Jean, Keith and
Tony, Nan to Christopher, Nicholas
and Heidi and loving Great-Nan of
Saffron and Lauren. Other obituaries
on p8.
Bunbury’s new café, “Tillys”, whose
opening has been keenly awaited, is
now open for business. All the best to
everyone involved.
Thanks to all those who contributed to
the Gwalior
Appeal. Laura and
Katie have been
able to double
their contribution to the charity
through your donations and other
fundraising including bag packing at
Sainsbury’s. Bunbury School will also
be donating the proceeds of a nonuniform day at the end of term.
Thanks to John from Beeston Castle
Peregrine Watch for the spectacular
photo taken from Stanner Nab (p1).
Congratulations to the 44 pupils of
Bunbury School who received
Certificates for Speech and Drama
after their exams last term. Many
received Merit and Distinction and
teacher Johnny Gillett says he is proud
of you all.
Link Readers may be interested to
know that our former Vicar Canon
John Bowers has been honoured by
“This England” magazine with their
Silver Cross of St. George Award for
distinguished service, in his case the
fundraising he has undertaken which
has raised over £44,000 over the past
three years for the Barnabas
Foundation. Many congratulations and
thanks to Walter Williamson for
sending the news.
Dame for a Laugh? Any men wishing
to cross-dress and walk 5km in heels
for St. Luke’s on 11th July contact the
Events Team on 01606 555688.
Best of luck to all youngsters (and
their parents) about to embark on the
school and university exam season.
Don’t worry it will be over soon.
Nick Sanders is looking for people
interested in forming a shared
ownership syndicate to buy a narrow
boat. Anyone who would like to know
more please contact Nick either by email [email protected] or on
Church news
Thanks to all those who contributed to
this year’s Christian Aid house to
house collection. We hope to give you
the total next month.
On Saturday 19 June, at 5 pm in
Chester Cathedral, Alex Sanders will
be ordained Priest. Alex was ordained
Deacon last summer just before going
to Tarporley Parish as Curate. Priest is
the ‘next rank up’: it’s an extra set of
responsibilities. She will continue as
Curate at Tarporley, but will be
authorised to celebrate communion
and to conduct baptisms, weddings
and funerals.
This month please pray especially for
Jean Healey, Keith Hann and Bill
Corn and the families of Gladys
Hickson, Audrey Bate, Allan Stockton
and Ann Rudd. We pray for all those
suffering in body, mind or spirit.
The Link can be read online during the
week before your copies are available.
Look on our website
If you don’t have a magazine delivered
you are welcome to pick one up
from church. The July Link will be
available on Sunday 27th June.
Contributions by 13th June please.
Our Vicar is Rick Gates. He is always available in times of sickness,
bereavement or any distress. Contact him at The Vicarage, Vicarage Lane,
Bunbury, on 01829 260991, 07715 178750 or [email protected]
Other church contacts:
Peter and Kath Collinge (pastoral support)
Churchwardens: Barbara Croley
Walter Done
Youth worker
Laura Warrington
Neil Dewson-Smyth
Margaret Bourne
01244 332563
07763 408609
Churchwardens: Brigid Sayce
David Wright
Ann Posnett
Ann Badrock
Churchwardens: Barbara Croley
Walter Done
John Batchelor
Sue Woodward
01244 332563
01270 522822
The Link is edited by Lucy Munro 260487, and Jill Robey 260081.
Email [email protected]
We’ve all done it…...
At last, the conversation ends and we can go home to those
we trust and say what we really feel. We can express the
unfairness and the hurt. To explain our true feelings helps us
to regain the status we feel has been crushed. In these
situations, we long for an accepting friend to hear and agree
with us.
Did Gordon Brown lose the election because of the incident
with Mrs Duffy in Rochdale?
Microphones are a wonderful invention for the hard of
hearing and those with quiet speaking voices, but they are
humiliating and rather terrible when they disclose the secrets
of our hearts. Indeed, the footage of Mr Brown hearing what
he had said seemed to portray a man’s political career
leaving his body.
It is good just to be able to have our say and be heard. And
what is wrong with that? We have all done it haven’t we? And
surely there is nothing wrong with that, providing it does not
become public.
Many years ago, I conducted a wedding service as a curate in
York. It was one of those progressive churches that used
microphones attached to one’s clothing!
Some would say that approach is wrong, deceitful, two-faced.
They would say it is not right to appear friendly to someone
and then privately call them names. They condemn those
who are two-faced.
When it came to signing the register, the happy couple and I
went into the vestry. I knew them very well, so felt able to
moan about the appalling singing and grumpy faces of their
And then I remember the hundreds of times I have felt the
same, done the same, because I needed the comfort of
someone telling me it is okay for me to feel that way, that I
cannot always get it right.
Suddenly, the vestry door flew open and a red-faced warden
rushed in and ripped the modern device from my cassock.
Yes, it had been on, and everyone had heard me.
I later met a fellow curate who told a similar tale about taking
a service following a Saturday night of Guinness and curry.
Not feeling well, he whispered to his vicar that he needed to
nip off to the loo. He returned to a round of applause.
The humiliating terror is when our secrets are exposed.
There are always certain people with whom we seldom agree:
those with whom sharing a conversation can make us feel
humiliated, wrong-footed, unfairly criticised and questioned.
(John 8 vs 1 11) An adulterous woman was brought before
Jesus by an excitable group of accusers. They explained to
Jesus that the woman had been caught and should be
stoned, according to Moses’ law. Jesus bent to the ground
and started to write in the sand. He wrote the names of the
accusers and dates that would embarrass them. ‘Jesus said
“If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to
throw a stone at her”. One by one, they each walked away,
the older ones leaving first’.
The unfortunate microphone incident involving Gordon
Brown, and the subsequent public humiliation and criticism
bring to mind a bible story
We try to behave with politeness and dignity, generously
agreeing with them as far as we can through gritted teeth. We
answer their questions about things we feel passionate – fox
hunting, Christians not wearing faith symbols for fear of upset
etc. The conversation drags on and we get more and more
annoyed, but somehow manage to keep our cool.
This summer’s holiday club at
St. Boniface for primary school aged
children is called the “Hollywood
Club”. It will run from 26th-29th July
with a family service and BBQ on the
evening of 29th. Registration forms
will be available from 14th June via
local schools,
As always we rely on having enough
adults’ and teenagers’ help to make
the Holiday Club run smoothly. If you
think that you would be able to help at
all either before or during the week’s
activities please contact Laura.
[email protected]
or Debbie Shears [email protected]
or on 260707.
This photo, taken with a fish eye lens, shows the
St. Boniface bell ringers hard at work for Natalie Parker’s
wedding, and very unusually, the bride was
one of the ringers.
June at
St. Jude’s
A recent addition to the grounds of the
Church Hall is a small memorial to
those members of Tilstone Fearnall
Women’s Institute who are no longer
with us. The main feature of this
memorial is the rose bush, whose
variety, ‘Tea and Jerusalem’ was
especially developed for the W.I.
Although the idea for the founding of
the W.I. did not originate in this
country, nevertheless the organisation
has become a major force for good in
the social life of the country, and long
may it continue.
It is with great sadness that we report
the passing of another of St. Jude’s
faithful: Margaret Colley, who was a
lifelong member of our congregation
and with husband Roland was in
church every Sunday. We shall miss
them both dearly.
On a happier note, it is pleasing to
note that Michael Morgan-Wynne is
making excellent progress towards full
health after his recent membership of
the ‘walking wounded’ brigade. So
keep up the good work, Michael, and
in no time you will be dancing the
June Diary
Holy Communion
St. Boniface
Festival of St. Boniface
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Family Worship
St. Boniface
St. Jude’s
St. Boniface
Holy Communion
St. Boniface
Holy Communion
Family Communion
St. Jude’s
St. Boniface
St. Boniface
Holy Communion
St. Boniface
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Family Worship
St. Boniface
St. Jude’s
St. Boniface
Holy Communion
St. Boniface
Holy Communion
Family Communion
St. Jude’s
St. Boniface
Holy Communion
St. Boniface
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Family Worship
Holy Communion
St. Boniface
St. Jude’s
St. Boniface
Now a note for your diaries: on July 9th,
the Bunbury Singers will be with us
again for an evening of music and
song. Rumour has it that the concert
will include just a hint of Gilbert and
Sullivan – what a ‘Joy of Joys’ that will
be! You are strongly advised to book
early as tickets are bound to be in
great demand.
On the topic of music, congratulations
to three local girls who successfully
passed their recent piano exams: Well
done to Lydia Wilson (Preparatory),
Kitty Horsman (Grade 2, passed with
distinction) and Krushika Paleja
(Grade 3, merit).
Finally, another reminder of the next
event in the mad, social whirl in the
life of our church – the Summer Lunch
will this year be held in the Church
Hall and grounds on June 27th.
Rough winds did indeed ‘shake the
darling buds of May’, but we are sure
to have good weather in June – at
least I hope so!
Bob Gardner
Bunbury Explorers are out in force this summer. Well over forty youngsters
are taking part in practice hikes and expeditions as part of their Duke of
Edinburgh awards. The four girls here had just finished their bronze level
overnight expedition and hike around Whitchurch, finishing at Marbury.
Well done to all taking part and especially to the leaders for their
organisation and care.
Lots going on at Bunbury School
competition to decorate a model rhino.
About 70 large, and 100 smaller rhinos
have been issued to schools and
community groups in our area, intended
to raise awareness of conservation
issues and showcase our area’s artistic
talents. They will be on show throughout
Chester from early July to September.
(For more information visit
Y6 completed their week of SATs
exams, and celebrated with a street
party based on those held on VE Day
sixty-five years ago. As you can see in
our photo, teacher Mrs King, helper Mrs
James and the children dressed in
authentic costumes and enjoyed a slapup tea of spam sandwiches, jelly and
Victoria sponge cake, before taking to
the dance floor to the strains of the
Chatanooga Choo Choo. A welldeserved treat. They are now busy
working on an ambitious musical
production for the end of term.
Pupil members of the school’s Eco
committee accompanied Mrs Crotty and
children from Tarporley High School and
other local primaries for a fact-finding
day at the Centre for Alternative
Technology in Machynlleth, mid-Wales.
It was a cold, wet day but there was a
lot to see and plenty of ideas to bring
back to our schools.
On Monday May 24th the school’s Eco
and gardening groups invited parents
and friends to join them for afternoon
tea and to buy some of the bedding
plants they have been growing over the
past months. This event was so
successful last year that it funded the
school’s gardening activities for the
whole year: let’s hope this year we are
as well supported.
It was a sad afternoon when the school
had to say goodbye to dinner ladies Ann
and Kath, with more than a few of the
adults shedding a tear – but fortunately
Ellie Maddock-James, Y1, was on hand
with her marvellous portrait of Kath to
cheer everyone up. Apparently she had
kept popping into the kitchens to make
sure she was getting it just right, and as
you see, her efforts paid off.
Year 1 has been learning about
baptism, and Ellie was the centre of
attention again just a week later, when
she was baptised by Rick in a special
assembly at the school. Her parents
and big brothers came to school to
share this special occasion.
Well done to Lewis Neal, Y5, whose
Mexican-inspired design won the school
for Cambodia
start my fundraising efforts with a book
Bunbury’s Shan McParland writes:
“In November 2011 I will be taking part
in a challenge like no other I have done
before. I will be travelling to Vietnam,
climbing onto a bike and cycling 400km
into Cambodia to raise funds for the
'Women for Women' chaired by
Professor Robert Winston which funds
groundbreaking research into
conditions affecting women and their
babies such as premature birth,
stillbirths, genetic disorders and
cancer. I have to raise £3000 and will
sale at Bunbury Village Day. Please
donate any used books in good
condition to help me raise as much as
possible for this amazing charity. Books
can be delivered to my house - 19
Darkie Meadow, Bunbury or contact me
on 261424 and I will collect them.
If you would like to sponsor me any
donations would be gratefully
Saturday 5th June
Bunbury Village Hall
A night of music &
dancing featuring
local band
Tickets only £3.00
Jo Perry 260500
Bar profits in aid of the
Gwalior hospital
charity, india Give us two minutes - Andy Lawrence
5. Where did you meet your partner? Lucy and I were at
Tarporley School together and travelled on the same bus,
although we didn’t get together until 1987 when we met at
the Rendezvous club in Chester.
Andy was born on the
12th June 1962 at 15,
Church Row, Bunbury,
the youngest of four
children of parents
Jack and Edith. The
others are David,
Mandy and Richard.
His mother died in
1998, but Jack still
lives in Hurst Court,
Bunbury. Andy went to
Bunbury School and then to Tarporley High School. After
leaving in 1978 he studied at Dane Bank College, then
started work at NWF in the warehouse. In 1984 he joined
Rolls-Royce at Crewe and is now in his 26th Year of service.
6. What is your biggest regret in life? Not working hard
enough at school.
7. And what is your biggest success? My family, I think I’ve
been really lucky to have such a close one.
8. If you could change something about Bunbury, what
would it be? Compulsory early doors on Friday evenings!
9. What is one thing about you that people may be
surprised to learn? I’m a keen Coronation Street fan.
10. What would you like to achieve most in the next 12
months? I’ve two cycle rides to complete this year for charity,
one is the Manchester 100 and the other is the Manchester
to Blackpool 60 mile ride.
1. If you had a motto, what would it be? Count me in!
2. It’s a celebrity beer call. Where is it and who do you
invite and why? The Hole in the wall pub, Bowness-onWindermere. Guests would be Sir Alex Ferguson, Billy
Connolly and Severiano Ballesteros. These are people I
admire and would love to spend time with, discussing what
motivates them to keep pushing for successes, I’m sure Billy
could keep us all laughing and Seve could tell me what it’s
like to walk up the 18th in the Open, I can feel the hairs
standing up on the back of my neck just thinking about it.
11. If you were granted one wish, what would it be?
That both my kids (Sam and Kate) have a happy and
successful life.
3. What would the title of your biography be called? I can’t
see it happening! (Due to being very pessimistic).
13. Where and how would you spend your ideal weekend?
Anywhere, so long as I’m surrounded by friends, having a
laugh and drinking some real ale.
12. Where is your favourite place, and why?
The Lake District. We have a few friends who live there, so we
visit quite often and there’s nothing better than a stroll on the
fells (although my kids wouldn’t agree), with a couple of pints
of Hawkshead Gold at the end of it.
4. What was your first job? Warehouse man at NWF.
Burn out
Exhaustion is all too common these
days as we try to cram ever more
into our lives. Maybe you are in the
middle of exams, or juggling a job
and a family, or caring for someone
who is ill. Taking time out seems a
luxury we can’t afford. Yet, if we
don’t, we will burn out, and be no
use to anyone.
Watch how Jesus did it. In the
middle of his draining and
demanding ministry, he often
retreated to be alone with God, his
heavenly Father, to pray, to rest and
gather his strength. In that familiar
encounter with the Samaritan
woman, John chapter 4, Jesus was
tired and sat down by the well,
giving himself permission to stop
and simply “be”. In that place of
rest, Jesus was able to talk to the
woman, and change her life.
Who do you turn to when you need a
I am tired, Lord.
Too tired to think,
Too tired to pray,
Too tired to do anything.
I have lost my zest for life.
Help me to be still,
To stop and marvel
At the beauty of your
world around me.
To rest in you,
To be refreshed,
To have the strength to carry on,
Knowing you are there beside
me. Amen
Pat Edgley
Knit and natter
needs more knitters
We began the Knit and Natter group,
open to anyone who could knit or
natter, last October, and lots of people
were keen to join. Sadly numbers have
dropped - maybe due to the better
weather? This is just to remind you
where and when we meet and assure
you of a warm welcome.
Our aim is to meet in fellowship, and
job descriptions are as follows,
knitters, natterers, tea makers,
perhaps someone to read a poem
whilst we take a break from nattering,
someone to help sew all our finished
squares into a blanket. We also have
some patterns for Knit for Africa. The
large blankets we make are sold at
open air music festivals, where young
people forget that it might get cold at
night. The money raised from these
sales goes to Oxfam.
We meet on the third Tuesday of the
month, at 2.30 at Bunbury Methodist
Church. Next meeting is 15th June.
Barbara Croley 260344
Stories worth hearing Eric Wallington
Don’t you
just love a
good story?
For most of
us, I’m sure,
it’s been like
that since
we were very
begging to be told a story at bedtime,
looking to be read to until we were able
to read for ourselves and open up the
world of stories. Maybe nowadays you
like to curl up with a book or maybe
you’re a telly addict and desperate
never to miss an episode of your
favourite soap opera.
Whatever, any story must have a
beginning, a middle and an end,
(although soap operas seem to avoid
any ending). With any luck, the story
has a plot that develops and keeps you
wanting to learn more, with believable
characters and an interesting setting.
Stories do play a significant part in our
learning about life.
Jesus told many stories. We usually call
them ’parables’ and they’ve been
described, generally, as ‘earthly stories
with heavenly meanings’. Most people
will know of the parables of the prodigal
son and of the good Samaritan. In fact
the Gospels include more than eighty
such parables.
Jesus went out of his way to explain the
purpose of the parable stories. He
preferred to teach by telling a
memorable story, because somehow
people seemed more able to accept
new ideas though imaginative and
challenging fiction, rather than by way
of exhortation or reproof.
Sometimes the stories begin or end
with a question such as ‘What do you
think?’ In that way they force listeners
and readers to make up their own
minds about the characters and what
they do, and thereby judge our own
Jesus’ first hearers might well have
thought that some of his stories were
ridiculous – but then perhaps, as they
reflected on the story, they would stop
laughing, realising that their own
behaviour was just as ridiculous as any
satirised in the parable.
Yes, we all love a good story. It’s been
said that the legacy of the Ancient
Greek civilisation lies in the Greek
myths, because the stories survived
even when the science might have
been forgotten. The teachings of Jesus
will last through his parables, provided
that whenever we hear or read one we
ask ourselves, ‘What does that say
about me?’ – reflect and respond.
Confusion, panic and cross-dressing as usual
up extremely well for her
customary glamorous
role as Italian siren,
Gina, joined by Ian
Langford as co-lodger
undertaker Clive. He
never fails to steal the
show with his hilarious
expressions and comedy
timing (although in this
one he got “stiff”
competition from Mrs
Every time my wife
Jacqui takes part in a
Good Companions
production, I feel sure
she’s heading for a
sanatorium. Various
tones of speech and
screech coming from a
kitchen that’s empty
but for her and she’s
not even talking on
the phone… This time
she even started
calling me Tom…
‘Dying to meet you’ –
the well known AngloItalian-cross-dressingfuneral farce. Frankly
the authors missed a
few tricks with this
very fertile topic but a well done to the
cast for making the production truly
did quite well but the audience was
really quiet and it made us really
It’s interesting hearing the ‘behind the
scenes’ reports each night. First night:
“We did really well tonight – no
mistakes except for me fluffing at the
end. Audience was quietly amused but
that was OK”. Second night: “We made
loads of mistakes.The audience was
really noisy and it completely freaked us
out. Denis Clauson and Tony Burrows
in the front row guffawing loudly – even
before the first joke….” Final night: “We
Chris Green, suitably downtrodden as
Richard with the perfect foil Jo Perry as
wife Barbara held the core of the play
brilliantly – a TV sitcom couple. Jacqui
French recalled Dorian from “Birds of
the Feather” as the man-eating Beryl.
The outfits and hair! Jim Walker as Tom,
her frustrated middle aged husband,
provided one of the highlights with the
way he transformed just as he got that
dress and wig on! Mairi Harris brushed
Who wouldn’t wish for a
tax inspector as sexy as
Melody Burrows? (I think
it was the glasses….)
Certainly Jonathan
Morris as the sinister
Italian Don, Luciano,
made a meal of his centre-stage
clinches! Derek didn’t look too amused
and ironically it’s rumoured there’s now
a contract out on Mr Morris following
those scenes. Well done everyone –
actors and backstage – on yet another
successful show.
The next production’s a murder mystery
by John Headon about his Church
Minshull neighbours: I reckon it’s likely
to be a “camp corker”.
Dave French
Gladys Hickson - travelled the world
and his men to continue to make the
most of any good weather that farms
are so dependent on. Except for
working the fields, Gladys did everything
else, as well as bringing up their two
Julian Hickson remembers his
‘Gladys was married to Cliff and as a
farming wife was the cornerstone of a
couple who built a very successful and
innovative farming business (at Barton
Moss Farm near Eccles). Her part in this
team included keeping all the staff fed
and watered at the busy seed times
and harvests, as well as chasing up and
down the motorways for spare
machinery parts that would allow Cliff
You may remember Gladys as a very
smart lady who drove a Hillman
California open-topped sports car – this
in an era when few women drove – and
no one is sure if she ever needed to
take a driving test. She had lots of
friends and always kept open house:
she was always cooking and
entertaining. My aunt recalls further
memories of her – how pretty she was,
how she loved nice clothes and flowers
– and how she knew her own mind.
Both Cliff and Gladys were adventurous
and in their younger days toured the
Continent in a Jensen Interceptor. Later
they travelled the world and paid
several visits to Australia.
Vivid memories for me are Grandma in
her early retirement on the beach at
Anglesea, having picnics and spraying
Charlotte and me with water in the hot
summers. We had great times with lots
of laughter, fun and games.
These times were markedly different
from later years when she had her first
stroke and Cliff became her main carer.
For a time their lifelong roles changed,
until Cliff was tragically killed in a road
accident. Gladys spent her last years at
Oaklands Nursing Home, frail and
entirely reliant on others for her every
need, often not knowing visiting friends
and family.
Unfortunately her son John was unable
to make the long journey to her funeral
from Australia due to his own ill health.
My father, her son Colin, has devotedly
cared for her to the end.
Gladys would have been delighted to
know that another great grandchild is
on the way- it’s strange how the circle of
life continues.’
Allan Stockton - always loved, never forgotten
He always enjoyed a pint or two at the Crewe Arms (now the
Yew Tree) and at the Dysart where he played darts.
Allan was born in Bunbury 77 years ago. He had two brothers,
Cliff, now sadly deceased, and Jack. Like all of his generation
he did three years national service from 1951, joining the
Armoured Corps and the Queen’s Boys. Allan met and
married Joyce at Bickerton Church in 1962, and they went on
to have a son, Robert. Sadly Joyce died in 1982. He had a
keen interest in motor sports, attending Isle of Man TT Races
in the late 50s and 60s, and he also enjoyed watching
Formula 1 and Moto Grand Prix. He supported Manchester
United FC and worked at Stockwall Transport driving milk
tankers, but by 1991 his health was failing and he retired.
A stroke brought him into hospital for the final four weeks,
sadly unable to communicate. Son Robert wrote:
“I never got the chance to say goodbye at the very end but I
know you knew Sarah and I were with you all night. When we
left hospital you put your arm around me - that is something I
will never forget……..Over the years we had good and bad
times but we saw each other through. You will be sadly
missed, always loved and never forgotten.”
Mobile spray tanning
Private to your home
Look good, feel great before
you hit the beach
Young diners enjoying the Indian Banquet at Tarporley High School Curry Night.
The event, run by the School’s parents’ association, raised over £900 towards
the major canteen refurbishment planned for the summer.
Accredited trained
Special Occasions
Prom Nights
Spray Tan Parties
Adele 07903 544715
J&M Cars
(based at Wettenhall)
Private Hire/Taxi Service
4-16 seaters
Finest Quality
Goat, Pork and Lamb
Home cured Bacon
Pancetta and Salamis
Gammons to order
Airport/Station, Business, Weddings,
Restaurants and all social occasions
Lady drivers available
Tel: 01270 528006 or 629788 Mobile 07951 590 756
Why not book us for your hog roast?
Come and visit us on
Open Farm Sunday, June 13th
Radmore Green Farm
1 mile past the Nags Head at Haughton
Open Tues-Friday or order online
Free local delivery
Tim & Marnie Dobson 01829 260437
[email protected]
Winner Best Speciality Meat ‘09
RS Developments
All aspects of building work
New builds
Call Richard Spibey for a free estimate
07766 525184 or 01270 528559
Parkside Farmhouse, Calveley Hall
Lane, Calveley CW6 9LB.
General builders,
maintenance and
Howard Anderson
For all your painting and
decorating needs
01829 260450
07968 901167
Nicola Roberts, expert in
curtains and soft furnishings
Tel: 01829 262464 or 07903 825837
Yew Tree House, Long Lane, Haughton, CW6 9RN
Fancy Dress Hire
Over 400 costumes
Medieval, 1970s, 1920s, film stars
& many more
Wigs, hats & party products.
Charlie Vegas: 262470
R.F. Burrows
& Sons
Family butchers est.1924
Finest quality, locally-sourced,
additive-free meat and poultry
Gold award-winning sausages
Good selection of cheeses
Bacon and cured meats
01829 260342
Service Centre
Downdale Cattery
Morreys Lane, Kelsall
New purpose-built
luxury cattery
Joanne & Alan Downes and family
01829 759133
Andrew Dean
Cheshire’s only direct
supplier of DELL
Specialists in upgrades
and repairs
Broadband provision
Internet & E-mail service providers
Fast, efficient, friendly service
Full networking and cabling
Birch Heath Road, Tarporley
Virus removal & reconfiguration
Comprehensive web design
& E-commerce solutions
Efficient personal service
Car services and repairs
MOT testing
Tyres, exhaust and
Trading standards
01829 732253 or 733737
Excellence comes as standard
Kevin Thompson
01829 261685
M 07773 321779
[email protected]
Holistic Beauty Spa
Exotic facial & body treatments
Waxing, eyelash tinting,
Manicure & pedicure
Sports & remedial massage
Indian head massage
Reiki, Hopi ear candles
Bridal & evening make-up
Digital information technology ltd
The Salon
(Dip. N.T.C., C.G.L.I., A.V.C.M.)
Bunbury Lane
(above the old Huckleberry's)
Wyvern House
Bunbury Lane, Bunbury
Tel: 01829 260330
Mon-Wed 9am-5pm
Thurs-Fri 9am-7pm
25% discount for over-50sand
students on
Mondays and Tuesdays
Piano tuning, repairs
And restoration
Tel: 01829 261222
We look forward to seeing you!
[email protected]
Your local independent garage
Servicing all makes and models.
M.O.T. Testing Station
Bodywork repairs
Free collection and delivery
within 10 mile radius
Courtesy cars available
Wardle Service Station
Calveley, Tarporley, Cheshire
Tel: 01829 260230/260811
Fax: 01829 261100
Established 1984
Quality Windows
High Security Internally Glazed
Fully Guaranteed for 10 Years
Tel: Philip Stubbs 01829 260166
All aspects of joinery undertaken
 Wardrobes
 Kitchens
 mitred work tops
 Doors
 Laminated floors
07941 586277 Day
01270 610748 Eve
Mercer & Co
Geoff and Nigel Burrows
Nantwich and Market Drayton
A wide range of services in all aspects of
accounting and bookkeeping
Funeral Directors
For all your
electrical and
Tel: 01829 730738
[email protected]
New Business Start Ups
Company formations
Limited Companies
Self Assessment
Payroll and bookkeeping
Accounts, tax and financial planning
Dip. F.D.
 Complete funeral
 Personal day and night service
Tel: 01270 524243
A.W.Burrows & Son
Snowdrop Villa,
Swanley, Nantwich
Free initial consultation
Free bookkeeping package and lesson,
Saturday and out of hours appointments.
Personal service
Friendly and approachable
01270 619955.
Tarporley Dental Practice
established 1978
24 hour veterinary cover from our
fully-equipped hospital.
Dental care for all the family
Small animal, farm animal and
equine vets.
Ozone therapy - painless restorations without injection
Preventive dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry - crowns, bridges, veneers
White fillings (mercury free)
Tooth whitening
No answering machines, phones
always answered and service
provided by our own
dedicated staff.
01270 610322 (pets)
01270 610349 (farm animals)
01270 628888 (equine)
New patients welcome
Denelea, Nantwich Road, Tarporley Telephone:01829 732213 (24 Hours)
Equine Centre, Hurleston,
Nantwich CW5 6BU
Sienna Decking
Bunbury Property Maintenance
Decking,design and installation
Paul Griffiths
Hard or soft wood
Pergolas, arbours,
garden carpentry.
Free estimates
Caravan site
for CC members and self catering holiday
cottage, sleeps two
Non-smoking and warm welcome
01829 260975
07814 403479
Gwen and Geoff Burdett
Rookery Cottage, Long Lane Haughton
[email protected]
01829 260069
For all your usual beauty
treatments & more
Jessica Manicure & Pedicure
Bio Sculpture Gel Nails
Fake Bake Tanning
Hollywood Lashes
Airbase Make-up
Sterex Ear Piercing,
“Non-surgical Facelift” Microcurrent
& Dermatone Facials
260663/07868 563258
Home appointments available
Tel: 01829 261818
Mobile: 07809 110862
[email protected]
Early morning milk and newspapers
7 days a week in Bunbury area
01270 841480 anytime
Full dairy and newsagency service
Jacqui French
PK Plumbing kitchens and bathrooms All domestic plumbing, heating, radiators, valves, sinks and taps. No job too small Complete kitchen and bathroom renovating service. Fully project managed from start to finish. Contact Paul 262474/07894 877207 email [email protected] bpec and WRAS certification Health & Fitness Consultant
Stress Counselling
Relationship Counselling
Complementary Therapies
Sports Therapy
Back Care & Rehabilitation
Specialist Therapy Care
Equine Pilates & Biomechanics
We are a Team of
Health Practitioners with expertise you
can trust
01829 732775
[email protected]
Tattenhall Plastering Services
Domestic & Commercial
Tiling, Wall & Floors
Tel:01829 770458
Mob:07962 260022
We offer the full range of Bookkeeping; Management or Year End Accounts; Payroll; VAT; Self Assessment and Corporation Tax.
For a free initial consultation please call 0845 056 9775 or e‐mail us at mail@bartlett‐platt.co.uk