Smoke Smoke Signal Signal


Smoke Smoke Signal Signal
Page 3
Top 10 Students
Page 4
Word From The Wise
Mississinewa High School
#1 Indian Trail
Gas City, IN 46933
Vol. 64, Issue 6
May 30, 2014
Page 5
Sports Spotlight
Page 6-7
Six Degrees of The
Class Of 2014
Senior breakfast
June 2 @ a.m.
Last Student Day
June 3
June 6 @ 7 p.m.
June 8 @ 2 p.m.
On This Date
1431 - In Rouen, France
Joan of Arc is burned
at the stake by an English-dominated tribunal.
1911 - Ray Harroun wins
the first Indianapolis
500 ends in his Marmon
Wasp, becoming the first
winner of the 500-mile
auto race.
1922 - The Lincoln Memorial is dedicated in
Washington, D.C.
The 2013-2014 school year has gone by in what seems like moments.
Before our very eyes, it has flown by like every other year. This year
is different though. This is our year. Class of 2014, we have had our
ups and downs but they’re all behind us now because
That’s what she said.
photo by Grace Woods
by Jozlynn Mills
As this year comes to a close,
I’ve realized a few things. One: You
can never have enough Moose Tracks
ice cream. Two: hot bubble baths are
good for the soul. Three: It’s okay to
cry over math, even if the teacher says
it’s a simple lesson.
With end of the year homework/work/college stress piling up, my
sweet tooth has made itself at home,
and it loves ice cream. Preferably ice
cream with peanut butter cups and
dark chocolate chunks. I am trying to
avoid spending my money food, because I need a car and I should really
be eating healthier. But the other day,
I couldn’t stop myself from going to
Sophie’s. Halfway through my scoop, I
realized that I was being silly. Saving
money is great, but so is being happy.
And at the moment, ice cream does
Dear Ms. Walters,
Well, we made it! Your babies
are moving on to bigger and better
things. You have no idea how much we
are going to miss you. You have been
here for us from the very beginning
and we are forever grateful.
Choir has been an amazing
adventure, inside and outside of class.
You were one of the people that we
could go to with anything. If we were
upset you’d give us a hug and tell us
everything was going to be okay. If we
were happy and excited you’d be happy and excited with us. You’ve always
been there for anyone no matter the
Whenever we had a concert
you’d get stressed out, but you would
tell us how well we were doing and
what we could do better in the kindest
way possible. When we said we sucked
you said otherwise and helped us fix
what needed fixing.
that for me.
Maybe Moose Tracks isn’t your
favorite. Maybe you don’t like ice cream
at all. But there is something that you
enjoy. Something simple, whether it’s
edible or not, that brings a smile to
your face and eliminates your problems
for the time it takes to consume it. Do
not hesitate to indulge in that. I hate
to see people avoiding something they
love because they’re worried about
gaining weight or what someone else
might think. If it makes you happy and
is good for your well-being, do it. Indulgence isn’t always bad.
I’ve always had a terrible habit of procrastinating really important
things and getting stressed out when
I realize how close the deadline is.
This is not a good habit and I’ve come
to terms with that. I’ve also come to
terms with something far more impor
We had many adventures together. Some of us got to spend more
time with you than others. Most have
been with you since 6th grade, some
since freshman year, some of us brand
new this year, and some of us that left
and found our way back where we
knew we were welcome.
We are going to miss you a lot,
KDub. Even though it’s just another
group of seniors, we know you lose
some every year. You will always hold a
special place in our heart.
So when we’re jamming out in
the car to some song on the radio and
randomly start harmonizing, we’ll think
“Man, KDub taught us that.” You’re
the best, Ms. Walters. Thank you for
everything you do and always remember how many lives you touched in the
Class of 2014! Missing you already!
Love always,
Your Seniors
tant. Taking a break. I get very frustrated when I am confused and until
recently, I underestimated the value of
taking a moment to just breathe.
After a few anxiety attacks and
more than a few crying sessions last
year, I figured out what I needed to
do (besides time management). Take
a hot bubble bath. I needed something to clear my head and relax my
body, and this did the job. So I started
making time for baths on nights when
I was buried in homework, because I
realized that my general health is more
important than my grades. I don’t think
people realize that sometimes. Stress
impacts not only your mood, but how
well you do whatever work you’ve been
Put down your pencil if you’re
crying too hard to see the paper. Take
a 10 to 20 minute break to concentrate
on something completely different.
Whether it’s a bath, a book, drawing,
whatever calms you down. Do it, enjoy it thoroughly, then move on to your
work, It makes a difference.
Speaking of crying, I have
done quite a bit of that this year. Particularly over my homework. This may
or may not be because I almost failed
algebra I and II. Apparently it’s unusual
and detrimental to your grade to forget
two years of math. I have a problem
when it comes to being confused or
not understanding math. It makes me
feel stupid and upset. So naturally, I
cry. I have asked my teacher for help,
but I usually get discouraged because
teachers underestimate my level of
After a few crying sessions, I
started to see a pattern. I would start
my homework and cry because I was
completely lost. Finally I went to a
friend for help. Between the crying and
asking for help there was a refreshing
deep breath because I got the frustration out of my system. I could think
clearly enough to go to someone other
than a teacher, explain my situation,
and get help.
Crying over your homework
is okay. Maybe you’re not one to cry.
Maybe it’s not homework you’re crying over. The point is, expressing your
emotions is healthy. It clears your
mind. It makes it possible for you to
move on with whatever your problem
is. So sit down and cry. Tell a friend
what’s on your mind. Write it all down
if you don’t think you have someone to
talk to.
Stress is inevitable, but being
miserable is not. Your health and sanity
will always hold more value than your
GPA, and I can promise you that. So
take life one day at a time, enjoy every
day, and don’t forget to cry every once
in a while.
oh the places you’ll go...
Out of state: 5%
Ivy Tech: 33%
Indiana University BL: 2%
University of
Saint Francis
Trade school: 2%
IWU Ivy Tech
Ivy Tech
IWU: 5%
Cosmetology school: 2%
Indiana University Kokomo: 5%
Ball State University: 9%
Grace College: 1%
Indiana University East: 1%
University of
State University
Anderson University: 1%
Indiana University
Purdue University: 2%
IPFW: 9%
Saint Francis University: 2%
by Jozlynn Mills
It’s been an eventful
time here at Missisinnewa High
School, and soon it will all be
over. With the end of the year
comes many decision.
Some people are going
to a college or university, getting different levels of degrees
and certifications, some are
joining a branch of the military,
or one of many other things.
After high school, it’s
likely that you will not see your
o f
t h e
1. Andrew Kirby
GPA: 4.55
Case Western Reserve University
2. Samuel Cerny
GPA: 4.47
Anderson University
3. Jessica Barker
GPA: 4.41
Purdue University
4. Caroline Cassidy
GPA: 4.37
Grace College
5. Emily Heineman
GPA: 4.34
Indiana Wesleyan University
7. Alexandria Dyer
GPA: 4.29
ISU: 1%
Other: 5%
t o p
6. Min Zheng
GPA: 4.33
Ball State University
Vincennes University: 5%
University of
Southern Indiana
7. Taylor Jones
GPA: 4.29
classmates’ oh-so familiar faces happened to be close to home. Indiana University
again for a very long time, maybe never again unless you make
it to the class reunion.
This may seem unlikely
to some, but most people are
headed in very different directions, taking them somewhere
in Indiana or maybe even further than that.
Some may stay around
Grant County for convenience,
to save money, or maybe just
because their college of choice
Others will be headed
to colleges that require quite a
bit of a drive--or maybe even a
flight--to and from home.
No matter the distance
from home, almost everyone
started here, in Gas City, Indiana. Maybe you’ll never want to
come back to Grant County, but
don’t forget your roots, wherever you go.
Good luck, Class of 2014.
We made it.
9. Sandra Davis
GPA: 4.25
Ball State University
10. Macy Cupp
GPA: 4.24
Purdue University
4 word
from the wise...
“The person you will spend the most of you life with is you; make you
as awesome as possible.” -- Tyler Dilts
“Don’t let the little obstacles get in your way of success. Keep moving forward to make your
own success and never stop. Enjoy your time in high school, make friend, and make memories that you’ll always remember. Make every moment count.” -- Christalynn Peek
“As general life advice: Never fart upwind.” -- Jeremy Walton
“Put homework first and respect your teachers. School is your first job. Teachers want
to help and you should always find time for extra help. Above all, realx. You don’t
need to worry, just do your absolute best and that will always be good enough. Good
luck to you underclassmen. I’m rooting for you and I hope you will enojy high school
as much as I did.” -- Gabi Hopkins
“Show up and do your gosh dang homework.” -- Leif Owen
“[For] those who have high goals and want to take many AP classes, know your limits. Do
not over work yourself. Stress is overwhelming and can take you by surprise and without
warning.” -- Kody Johnson
“School sucks, but you’re only here for four years. So make it the best
you can and don’t give up.” -- Joshua Melton
“Be sure to always stay ahead of your schoolwork. No matter what you’re doing after school
or the habits you’re into, get your work done and study.” -- Nich Brown
“Seriously, just do the homework. You will hate yourself later if you
don’t.” -- Brittany Wright
“Enjoy life while you’re young, and forget about the bad times. Also keep family close, because they will be with you until the end.” -- Matthew Bartrum
“Pugs not drugs.” -- Victoria Thornburg
“Enjoy high school. Be confident in who you are! Join a club or sport. Work hard in all
of your classes, hang out with your friends and have fun on the weekends. Don’t stress
yourself out. Be everybody’s friend. Most importantly, try new things and always be the
best you that you can be.” -- Clay Helvie
senior spotlights
sports spotlights
Grant 4
Colton Shipley signed to play tennis next fall at
Indiana University East.
Katie Elson signed to play volleyball next fall at
the University of Northwest Ohio
Kylee Elliott signed to run track at Spring Arbor
Maddy Lennen signed to play softball with
Union College.
Sam Cerny signed to play soccer at Anderson
Matt Thompson signed to play football at the
University of St. Francis.
Zeke Lockwood signed to play football at the
University of St. Francis.
Caroline Cassidy signed to play tennis at Grace College. (Not pictured.)
Girls Golf
Second Year
CIC Champions
Kyle Richards remembers having a thumb war during class games with Matthew Bartrum who is best friends with Tyler Dilts wh
like Paul Riley who drives a Chevy like Carl Simpson who has an iPhone like Matt Thompson who transferred to Mississinewa fr
at Hardee’s like Braiden Lanter who plays soccer like Kylee Boggs who is going is going to live with Merissa Sutter who is a Ca
who is going to IVY Tech like Preston Hensley who will be studying business like Brandon Carnall who is in DECA like Nich Brown
worked in fast food like Kaylee Virges who is best friends with Kadisha Whelan who has a dog like Andrew Grubb whose favorite
ing to school for nursing like Selena Harshaw who met her boyfriend in high school just like Kaylee Scott who is going to IUPU
sister like Gabi Hopkins who loves to workout like Lief Owen whose first phone was a flip phone like Branden Scott who enjoy
who has family at MHS just like Micah Slagle who is in culinary arts like John Skeens who is dating Hannah McPherson who ran
job like Taylor Robinson who is studying cosmetology like Kassi Beatty who grew up with Megan Moon who has the same last n
loves video games like Emily Lundius who went to the same elementary school as Brady Leisure who loves Miss Faulkner’s cla
Ivy Tech like Shelby Hodge who drives a Mustang like Victoria Line whose first phone was a Chocolate like Curtis Ailes who has
snake like Jozlynn Mills who gets help on her Pre-Cal from Ben Eby who is on the Quiz Bowl team with Patrick Elliott who is on
is brother with Jared Graves who loves study hall like Samantha Hensley who stayed home for spring break seniro year like J
Montana Wadding who works at High Voltage like Jacob Diskey who is going to school for nursing like Josiah Planck who used to
ferred to Mississinewa before entering high school like Macy Cupp who is going to attend Purdue university like Alex Mills wh
to nationals for DECA like Haley Reese who has great style like Clay Helvie who is going to IUPUI like Devin Goble who has two
Tucker like Travis Barnes who is going into the service like Brayton Miller who went to Florida for spring break like Katie Elson
like Jamie Couch who is in JAG like Cody Wick who plays football like Seth McPheron whose first girlfriend was Savannah Acord w
tary like Tyler O’Hara who is best friends with Christian Bennett who skates like Joel Enochs who ran cross country and track like
was a Juke like Amissa Gallion who has pretty hair like Brittany King who is in choir like Morgan Terry who has always been fr
went to Honduras for spring break like Caleb Swanner who doesn’t have a pet like Samantha Crain who loves band like Kelsey
who has nice handwriting like Min Zheng who has first period with Mrs. Speakman like Grace Woods who was in Footloose
who has a dog like Sam Konig who adores history like Shawn Hammons who went to Westview with Taylor McCoin who is in ICE
like Victoria Thornburg who is going to Ivy Tech and Ball State like Rachael Riseden whose favorite class is an AP class like An
his name like Joshua Melton who plays football like Hontz McCarty who has second period with Ashley Horton who is really tale
who hates spiders like Collin Bosquez who wants to join the service like Robert Manry who likes pizza like Austin Martin who has
are way too tight like Destinee Scott who loves music like Bailey Bebout who doesn’t like when people talk over him like Britt
Kaitlyn Blessing who is really nice like Taylor Jones who loves Mrs. McGuire like Savannah Sears who likes music with meaning b
Taylor Jones will hate leaving friends like Ron Bryan whose favorite teacher is Mr. Peters like Alton Byer who is friends with Ric
nursing at Tucker like Tiffany Mettert who has blonde hair like Caleb Switzer who is friends with Shelby Jacks and Rachel Rush wh
of hair as Jacob Leonard who has second period with Brianna Deaton who has two of the same letters in her name like Daniel K
Ghannam-Burns who has long hair like Andrew Fox who went to Northview at some point lik
Shawn Sexton who has always gone to Mississinewa like Skylir Adrianson whose first phone was a Nokia
rom another state like Sandy Davis who is in choir like Wesley Garrison who has two younger siblings like Niah Briz who worked
adet teacher with Christalynn Peek who has one younger brother just like Maddy Lennen who is best friends with Karli Feller
n who went to Westview like Kody Johnson who has a Galaxy phone like Sarah Kirkwood who grew up with Jessi Barker who has
e class is gym like Brady Musick who went to Northview like Zeke Lockwood who is on the golf team with Jacob May who is goUI like Sara Simon who has an iPhone 5c like Bryce Doyle who loved senior homecoming week like Alex Rice who has an older
ys fishing like Kelsey Eastes who never went to a different school system like Michelle Poling who is a sister to Jacob Leonard
cross country like Jacob Warran who likes to play basketball like Austin Ehmer who drives a dodge like Payton Lowe who has a
name as Erik Moon who goes to Tucker like Kati Pogue who has a family member on staff at MHS just like Caleb Woodard who
ass just like Sheldon Francis who has a younger sibling like Taylor Hodges whose brother is Deckoda Hodges who is also going to
s an older sibling like Bobbie Abston who has a chihuahua just like Kayetlin Shady who is cousins with Brittany Wright who has a
n the track team with Mason Pattison who goes to Tucker like Brandon Fultz who has a Samsung Galaxy like Jacob Graves who
Jessica Aguilar who went to Westview like Brandi Brown who is going to school for music like Taylor Tyson who grew up with
o go to Eastbrook like Steven Coleman who loves sports like Essence Tatum who partied at prom with Satang Ceesay who transho went to prom with Emily Heineman who plays soccer like Jeremy Walton who is on student council with Emily Hart who went
o dogs like Damon Weirich who has the same first name as Damon Carlson who is best friends with Travis Sampson who goes to
n who loves shopping just like Kelsey Kimes who is studying the same thing in college as McKenna Muncy who is a peer tutor
who loves English class like Alex Morrison who grew up with a lot of his friends like Austin Wolff who went to Lincoln Elemene Mark Jones who is a runner like Alicia Warmath who is going to be college roommates with Abbie Maddox whose first phone
riends with Alexis Case who does Cadet like Marisa Alford who loves Hannah Trent who lives next door to Caroline Cassidy who
y Gibson who has a sister like Sam Cerny who is practically a genius like Andy Kirby who is the oldest child like Gabriellia Theuer
with Kasey Emmett who is a gamer like Shaden Bobo who is going Vincennes like Tyler Wright who loves art like Joseph Garcia
E like Misty Poling who had a date for prom like Kylee Elliott who has cousins at MHS like Scott Gerber who has an older sibling
ndrew Smelser who likes environmental science like Joshua Slage who loves sports like Colton Shipley who has seven letters in
ented with art like Alex Dyer who has a ‘y’ in her last name like Morgan Layman who has the first same name as Morgan Mount
s six letters in his name like Markus King who will miss friends like Victoria Schmerber who hates when girls wear clothes that
tany Morris who is terrified of heights like Koleman Shannon who has a unique name like Raquel Steeby who loves chicken like
behind it like Teddie Arnett who hates the high-waisted shorts trend like Tyler Jones who doesn’t appreciate rude people like
chard Byrd who has brown hair like Darin Fridley who once dated Alyssa Thompson who wears glasses like Kelsey Porter who did
ho has the same amount of letters in her name as Donald Williams who was in JAG like Jacob Orona whos has the same color
Kellogg whose name is similar to Danielle Thompson who went to middle school with Austin Gallion who has siblings like Joseph
ke Kiley Scott whose last name starts with ‘S’ like Cordel Simpson who is graduating with the
ho plays football like
s of 2014
Damon Carlson
What is your biggest pet
peeve? Reading the word
What is your least favorite fashion trend right
now? Skinny jeans.
What are your phobias?
Talking to people I don’t know and my dirtbike
getting stolen.
What three items would you take if you
were stranded on an island? Saltine crackers,
a ghost pepper, and chapstick.
Who was you rfavorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mr. Childers makes teaching interesting.
What will you miss most about MHS? Why?
Sitting in a chair and doing nothing.
Kohleman Shannon
What are your plans
after high school? Attend
to a trade school.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom? Megan
What is your biggest pet
Tyler O’Hara
What are your plans after high school? Working
in construction.
What is your biggest pet
peeve? People who just
stand in the middle of the
What is the best halloween costume you’ve
ever seen? A panda suit.
What is your least favorite fashing trend
right now? Girls who sag their pants.
What three items would you take if you
were stranded on an island? Food, a friend,
What will you miss most about MHS? The
Cody Wick
What is your biggest
pet peeve? When people
pull infront of me and go
Favorite band/artist?
Why? Bob Marley. He
speaks the truth and has a
peeve? Laziness.
What is the best Halloween costume you’ve
ever seen? A Jason Voorhees costume.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite movie that they star in? Mel Gibson in The
What are your phobias? Fear of extreme
lot of great sayings.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite movie that they star in? Will Smith in I Am
What are your phobias? The secrets that the
goverment hides.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mr. Childers. If you have him, then you
should know.
Jacob Diskey
Carl Simpson
What are your plans
after high school? Gate
Favorite band/arstist?
Why? Wocka Flocka, ‘cause
he goes hard in the paint.
Favorite actor/actress?
What’s your favorite movie that they star
in? Mark Wahlberg in 2 Guns.
What are your phobias? None.
What three items would you take if you
were stranded on an island? Water, a knife,
and rope.
What will you miss most about MHS?
Probably nothing at all.
peeve? Thieves.
Favorite band/artist? Why? Kid Cudi because
his words are inspirational.
What is your least favorite fashion trend
right now? V-necks.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite
movie that they star in? Lucas Black in Tokyo
What are your plans after high school? Work for
a year, then go to college.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom?
Hayden Panettiere
What is your biggest pet
Seth McPheron
What are your plans
after high school? Play
college basketball.
Favorite band/artist?
Why? 2 Chainz because he
kills every beat!
What is your least favorite fashing trend right now? Gauges.
What are your phobias? Spiders, snakes, and
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mr. Childers, there’s never a dull moment
in his class.
What will you miss most about MHS? Playing on Friday and Saturday nights.
Brayton Miller
What are your plans
after high school? To go
to the Air Force to build
emergency runways.
What is your biggest
pet peeve? When people
ask for a ride and then
bring friends to go somewhere else.
What is your least favorite fashing trend
right now? None. I honestly don’t care about
others likes/dislikes.
Do you have any strange hobbies, talents,
or obsessions? I enjoy going ghost hunting.
Who was your favorite teacher and MHS?
Why? Mrs. Helm changed my life around.
Gaby Theurer
What are your plans
after high school? Go to
Ivy Tech, become a ultra
sound tech and move to
Savannah, Georgia.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom?
Johnny Depp.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Favorite band/artist? Why? Luke Bryan because he’s a great singer.
Favorite actor/actress? Whats your favorite movie they star in? Johnny Depp in Public
Kelsey Eastes
Wesley Garrison
Kassi Beatty
What are your phobias? Claustrophobia.
Who was your favorite
teacher at MHS? Why?
Mr. Childers, because he’s
hilarious and has the best
teaching methods. What
is your biggest pet peeve? When people
don’t use turn signals.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite movie that they star in? Tom Hardy
in Lawless.
Do you have any strang hobbies, talents, or obsessions? I have an obsession
with giraffes.
What are your plans
after high school? Go
to IPFW.
Which celebrity
would you take to
prom? Ariana Grande.
What is the best Halloween costume you’ve ever seen? A
little kid that was a legit Transformer.
Favorite band/artist? Why? Ariana
What are your phobias? Strange old
What will you miss about MHS? The
chicken and noodles.
What are your plans
after high school?
Possibly majoring in
What is your biggest
pet peeve? People who
lie over something stupid.
What’s your favorite actor/actress?
Whats your favorite movie that they star
in? I like Jennifer Lopez, she’s amazing in
What is your Least favorite fashion
trend right now? Those peole who are a
size meduim and they wear XXL clothes!
What are you phobias? I hate clowns, and
I’m terrified to live alone. I hate being lonely.
Alex Rice
Jessica Aguilar
Shawn Hammons
What is your biggest pet peeve? When
people get mad over
Favorte band/artist?
Why? The Beatles! Their
music is amazing.
What is your least favorite fashion
trend? Belt buckles.
What are your phobias? Getting a bad
grade on a report card.
Who is your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Miss. Helm, because she’s nice.
What will you miss most about MHS?
My friends.
What is the best
Halloween costume
you’ve ever seen? A
dad dressed as Gru and
his three chrildern were
Favorite actor/actress? Whats your favorite movie that
they star in? Johhny Depp “Public Enemies”.
What are your phobias? Spiders and water i can’t see through.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mr. Kerns, becauses i liked how he
taught things and made things fun.
Bobbie Abston
What are your plans
after high school? To
go to college to become
an RN or surgeon.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom?
Tyler Hoechlin.
What are your phobias? Clowns, spiders,
and snakes.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mr. Childers.
If you could only eat one food or meal
for the rest of your life, what would it
be? Homemade chicken and noodles.
Destinee Scott
What are your plans
after high school? Go to
Lee University and major
in media communications.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom?
Josh Peck.
Favorite band/artist? Why? Alicia Keys.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite movie that they star in? Hugh Jackman in
Les Miserables.
What is your least favorite fashion trend
right now? Space leggings.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Ms. Walters, because I’ve had her every
year since sixth grade.
What are your plans
after high school? Go
to college for collision
Which celebrity would
you take to prom?
Carrie Underwood.
Favorite band/artist? Why? Alan Jackson,
I grew up listening to him.
What is your least favorite fashion trend
right now? Big gauges.
Do you have any weird hobbies, talents,
or obsessions? I have an obsession with
anything that goes bang!
Savannah Acord
What are your plans
after high school?
Attend college and pursue a career in elementary education.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom?
Luke Bryan.
What is your biggest pet peeve? People
smacking their lips.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite movie that they star in? Zach Galifiniakis in The Hangover.
What are your phobias? Roller coasters
and looking out windows at night.
Mason Pattison
What are your plans
after high school? I might
be a firefighter.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom?
Kelly Brook.
What is your biggest pet
peeve? When people ask me the same question
over and over again!
What is the best Halloween costume you’ve
ever seen? Pink Panther.
What are your phobias? Spiders.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mr. Childers.
What will you miss most about MHS? The
people who I grew up with.
Devin Goble
Which celebrity would
you take to prom? Megan
What is your biggest pet
peeve? Whining girls.
Favorite actor/actress?
Whats your favorite
movie they star in? Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption.
What are your phobias? Women.
What three items would you take if you
were stranded on an island? A DSLR camera,
Xbox, and my girlfriend.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Woodard, Schuler, and Stultz because
they’re great at what they do!
Merissa Sutter
What are your phobias?
Which celebrity would
you take to prom? Luke
Bryan because he knows
how to shake it.
What are your plans after high school? I’m studying human services
at IPFW and living in the Grove apartments with
Kylee Boggs. :)
Do you have any strange hobbies, talents,
or obsessions? Giraffes, giraffes, giraffes! I.
Love. Giraffes.
What will you miss most about MHS? Homecoming week, football and basketball games, the
caring teachers.
Bryce Doyle
What are your plans
after high school? To
hopefully get into the art
institutes for media arts for
Which celebrity would
you take to prom? Leonardo Di Caprio!
What is your biggest pet peeve? When people
touch anything of mine.
Favorite band/artist? Why? Nirvana, Kurt
Cobain is a lyrical genius.
What is your leat favorite fashion trend
right now? Wearing yoga pants or tights as if
they were a regular pair of pants.
Austin Martin
What are your plans
after high school? Join
the work force.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom? Beyonce.
What is the best Halloween costume you’ve ever seen? The Hulk.
Wat are your phobias? Spiders.
What are three items you would take if you
were stranded on an island? A boat, a knife,
a friend.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mrs. Little, because she’s a boss!
What will you miss most about MHS? Seeing
some of my friends.
Morgan Layman
What are yourplans
after high school? Go to
college and start my carrer
after schooling is finished.
Which celebrity would
you take to prom?
Hunter Hayes.
What is your biggest pet peeve? People
smacking their lips and people who never shut up!
Favorite band/artist? Why? Sugar Land.
Favorite actor/actress? Whats your favorite
movie that they star in? Adam Sandler in Big
What will you miss most about MHS? Seeing
Deckoda Hodges
What are your plans
after high school? To
go into either writing or
culinary arts.
What is your biggest pet
peeve? Stupid people.
Favorite band/artist?
Why? Avenged Sevenfold.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite movie that they star in?
Tom Hanks in Cloud Atlas.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mrs. Dickey because she encouraged me
to get into writing.
Steven Coleman
What are your plans
after high school? Go to
tracking school.
What is your biggest pet
peeve? People who don’t
Favorite actor/actress?
What’s your favorite movie they star in? Vin
Diesel, The D-Day Movie.
Do you have any strange hobbies, talents,
or obsessions? Sometimes I can dream of stuff
before it happens.
What will you miss most about MHS?
What is the best Halloween costume you’ve
ever seen? A vampire.
Shelby Hodge
Which celebrity would
you take to prom? Justin
What is your biggest pet
peeve? Taking care of my
What is the best Halloween costume you’ve ever seen? My
brother’s pumpkin costume.
Favorite actor/actress? What your favorite
movie that they star in? Beyonce.
What is your least favorite fashion trend
right now? Miley Cyrus.
What are your phobias? Spiders.
senior spotlights
Morgan Mount
What is your favorite pet
peeve? When people read
my texts or notes.
What are your plans
after high school? To go
to beauty school then to
business school.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mrs. Lamar because she was calm & cool,
yet she knew when to lay down the law.
What is the best Halloween costume you’ve
ever seen? A Freddy Krueger costume when i
was 10. Scared me to death.
What are you phobias? Spiders and thunder
Christalynn Peek
What are your plans after high school? I plan to
go to college and work my
way to become a teacher.
Favorite band/artist?
Why? Secondhand Serenade because I just love
their music. it sounds awesome.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite movie that they star in? Vin Diesel in
Do you have any strange hobbies, talents,
or obsessions? I have an obsession with pandas! I just love them!
What is your least favorite fashin trend
right now? Sweats and baggy pants.
Shawn Sexton
If you could only eat one
food or meal for the rest
of your life what would
it be? Chicken.
What are your plans
after high school? Going
to Ball State.
What are your phobias? Spiders.
What three items would you take if you
were stranded on an island? A motor boat,
gas, and a GPS.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Coach Funk, He’s my coach.
What will you miss most about MHS? Weight
lifting after school.
Haley Reese
Which celebrity would
you take to prom? Adam
IF you could only eat one
food or meal for the rest
of your life, what would
it be? Mashed potatoes and
fruit snacks.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite
movie that they star in? Channing Tatum in
She’s The Man.
What is your least favorite fashing trend
right now? Denim on denim and camouflage.
What is your biggest pet peeve? People who
chew with their mouth open.
Caroline Cassidy
What is your biggest
pet peeve? When people
shush me.
Favorite band/artist?
Why? Taylor Swift because
she is honest.
Favorite actor/actress?
What’s your favorite movie they star in?
Morgan Freeman in everything. I just love him.
What is your least favorite fashing trend
right now? Maxi dresses. Not because I don’t
like them, they just aren’t my favorite.
What are your phobias? Bugs, feet, and mascots.
What will you miss most about MHS? Tennis.
Collin Bosquez
What are your plans
after high school? Join
the military.
What is your biggest pet
peeve? When somebody is
talking to you when you’re
not listening.
What is the best Halloween costume you’ve
ever seen? Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite
movie that they star in? Vin Deisel in Fast Five.
What is your favorite fashing trend right
now? Boat shoes.
Who was your favorite teacher at MHS?
Why? Mrs. Davis because she has been there to
make sure I graduate.
Emily Hart
What are your plans after
high school? Go to college
and become a nurse.
What is your least favorite fashing trend right
now? Sagging pants.
What three items would
you take if you were stranded on an island?
Tooth brush, a knife, and a friend.
Who was your favorite teach at MHS? Why?
Mrs. Powell because she was just my favorite.
What will you miss most about MHS?
Seeing some of the people everyday.
If you could eat one food or meal for the
rest of your life, what would it be?
Only Mexican food .
Kaylee Scott
What are your plans
after high school? Going
off to college and pursuing
my dreams.
Favorite band/artist?
Why? Florida Georgia Line
and anything country.
Favorite actor/actress? What’s your favorite movie that they star in? Adam Sandler;
any movie he is in.
What three items would you take if you
were stranded on an island? My mom, my
boyfriend, and a boat full of supplies.
What will you miss most about MHS? Seeing
my friends and teachers daily.
Brady Leisure
What are your plans after high school? Become
an accountant.
What is your biggest pet
peeve? Ignortant people.
Favorite actor/actress?
What’s your favorite
movie that they star in? Jennifer Aniston in
We’re the Millers.
What are your phobias? Spiders, snakes, and
What three items would you take if you
were stranded on an island? Food, water, and
my phone.
MHS graduate
before you go...
Leaving home to move somewhere without your parents to supply you with all the junk you normally
have at home can be scary to some people. So that it’s not as frightening, we’ve compiled a few lists
of things you will need to take to fill your dorm room, some that you may not have thought to bring
with you. Some of these may depend on your rooming situation, but it’s great to know what you
need ahead of time if you don’t know what your situation is yet!
Monday, June 2, 2014
8 a.m.
Senior breakfast
in the cafeteria.
9 a.m.
Sheet set
Pillow cases
Hand vaccuum
Alarm clock
Desk lamp
Trash can
Closet organizers
Laundry detergent
Laundry hamper
Shoe hanger
Under bed storage
Desk organizers
Dry erase/bulletin board
Pencil holder
Sticky notes
Three hole punch
White out
Paper clips
Lined paper
+ Seasonal clothing
+ Jacket/coat
+ Tennis shoes
+ Rain boots
+ Raincoat
+ Formal clothes
+ Dress shoes
+ Underwear
+ Socks
+ Pajamas
+ Swimsuit
+ Computer
+ Mouse/mousepad
+ Headphones
+ Speakers
+ Computer charger
+ Cord organizer
+ Extension cord
+ Printer
+ Surge protector
+ Flash drive
+ Cell phone/charger
+ iPod/mp3/charger
+ TV/DVD player
+ Camera
+ Tool kit
+ Batteries
+ Bike lock
+ Flashlight
+ Duct tape
+ Umbrella
+ Sunglasses
Household items:
+ Wet wipes
+ Disinfectant spray
+ Paper towel
+ Glass cleaner
+ Hand sanitizer
+ Hand soap
+ Stain remover
Drivers license
Student ID
Social security card
Bank information
Insurance cards
Birth certificate
Shower caddy
Shower shoes/flip flops
Toilet paper
Shower curtain
Feminine products
Makeup/makeup bag
Shaving cream
Nail kit
First aid kit
Body wash
Blow dryer
Hair products
Curling iron
Lint roller
Can opener
Water filter
Coffee pot
Ziploc bags
Paper towels
Measuring spoons
Mini fridge
Water bottle
Lunch bag
+ Peanut butter/jelly
+ Bread
+ Ramen noodles
+ Cereal
+ Popcorn
+ Granola bars
+ Nuts
+ Fruit
+ Bottled juice/water
+ Tea bags
+ Coffee
+ Soda
Dish soap
Tide To-Go pen
Lysol wipes
Air freshener
Sponge/scrub pad
Trash bags
Allergy/cold medicine
Pain relief medicine
practice in the gym. (Dress
rehearsal! Wear cap and gown.)
Thursday, June 5, 2014
5:30 p.m.
Those participating in the Senior Honor
Night program are to meet Mrs. Dailey
and Mrs. Richards in the pit.
6 p.m.
Senior Honor Night
Program in the cafeteria.
Friday, June 6, 2014
7 p.m.
Baccalaureate at Westview
Wesleyan Church. Seniors are to be at
the church by 6:30 p.m. Dress formal
and wear your gown, but NO CAP.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
1:15 p.m.
Seniors are to assemble with Mrs. Richards, Mrs. McGuire, and Mr. Roesch in
the cafeteria.
2 p.m.