2012-13 - The Hunger Coalition


2012-13 - The Hunger Coalition
the hunger coalition
IMPACT REPORT {2003-2013}
This year The Hunger Coalition celebrates its ten year anniversary. As I reflect back on the last
decade, I am in awe of the immense challenges you’ve helped us overcome and the triumphant
successes we’ve shared. Having been involved from the start, it is amazing to me to see how far
we’ve come since those early days of 2003.
From attending the very first meeting with founder Tom Iselin in 2003 to joining the Board of
Directors in 2005, those early years for me were about understanding the face of hunger and
the needs of the people we served. Back then we were collecting and distributing food to social
service agencies who were, in turn, handing it out to those in need. We never saw the people we fed.
In 2007 the need became too great for a 100% volunteer-run organization to handle. I was
honored to be hired as the organization’s first paid staff. Since then you have helped us grow
from a behind the scenes support organization to the primary provider of food assistance for
the general public in our community.
Ten years after that first meeting with our founder, I am still trying to understand the face of
hunger and the needs of the people we serve. Alarmingly, recent hunger reports show that we
are only scratching the surface of the need, with at any given time over 3,000 children and adults in Blaine County not having access to the
basic food they need to thrive.
In response to this, our Board and staff have created a three year strategic plan that doubles our efforts to feed more people. Part of that
involves digging deeper to better understand this new face of hunger and poverty and how we can best meet their needs. It involves bold new
approaches, solid research and, above all, your unflagging support to ensure no one in our community goes hungry.
I hope you’ll enjoy reading about some of the lives you’ve impacted through your support over the years, and I thank you for helping us reach
this ten year milestone. Your partnership is truly vital to our success!
i m pa c t r e p o r t
i m pa c t r e p o r t
i m pa c t r e p o r t
The Hunger Project allows families to voluntarily experience what it’s
like to be a food recipient.
In thirty years of working, Roger had never had to ask for help. Unfortunately,
the last few years were the most difficult he’d ever faced. Getting laid off from
work was humiliating; being unable to find a job due to competition from a
younger labor pool was worse. With his savings depleted and no more options
in sight, Roger finally called The Hunger Coalition. The woman he met with
was kind, and he was surprised to learn there were others in his position. As she
listened, relief began to wash over him. He had to hold himself together when
she told him about the Paws for Hunger program and how Roscoe, his dog of 13
years, would get fed too.
When Roger visited the Mobile Food Bank, he was grateful to be treated with
respect, not pity. Instead of being handed a box of food to eat, he had choices
to make; a nutritious mix of fresh, frozen, and canned foods. A few weeks later
at The Hope Garden, Hallie, the Garden Education Manager, introduced him
to the Grow Your Own program. Over the next few months, she mentored him
while he planted and harvested crops from his row. She watched Roger begin
to walk a little taller and speak with pride about his garden, excited to have
regained control in one more aspect of his life.
Roger’s participation at The Hope Garden taught him new skills. Seeing his hard
work produce something so beautiful and necessary as food has helped him to
regain his pride and given him back the choices he felt he had lost during those
trying times.
Food for thought:
i m pa c t r e p o r t
In a survey of Mobile
Food Bank participants...
Meet Jessie, 36 year old mother of 8 year old Alex and 6 year old Lilly. About
three years ago, she lost her job as an office assistant at a construction firm.
Then she found herself in the middle of a divorce from an abusive husband and
was struggling as a new, single mother. She’d been cleaning houses and doing
temporary jobs to make ends meet but found it difficult to obtain consistent
work. Jessie worried that her extremely limited budget was impacting her ability
to feed her children the healthy meals they needed to grow. She found that
although she had been skipping meals so her children could eat, she had been
gaining weight and thought it was the stress of the divorce. Jessie came to us and
we connected her with food stamps and enrolled her in our six-week cooking
and nutrition course.
This course changed Jessie’s life. She was amazed to discover that frozen vegetables
had as much nutrition as fresh. She rarely made a shopping list before attending
the course, instead just buying packaged meals and easy to prepare foods that
she could afford. Little did she know that those packaged foods were likely the
culprit in her weight gain. By planning meals ahead of time and factoring in
the use of leftovers, Jessie was able to significantly improve her family’s overall
nutrition while staying within budget. Jessie was excited to see her children’s
positive response to the meals she learned to cook in the course.
Food for thought:
i m pa c t r e p o r t
i m pa c t r e p o r t
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Dear Hunger Coalition Staff,
I wanted to let you know how you changed my life. When my oldest son Daniel
came home from school and told me he was not going to be dumb like me
because he was going to graduate from high school, I almost cried. I did well in
school, but when my mom got sick I had to take care of her, so I dropped out. I
thought I would get my GED when I was older. Well, that was thirteen years ago.
I kept telling myself I should finish school, but I was so busy with two jobs and
three kids, and my husband and I just couldn’t pay the bills.
In surveys of those who
have received our help...
When I met with Sharon to get food and she told me to sign up for your classes,
I knew it was time. I’m so glad that I signed up! Melissa was an amazing mentor
and she made me feel good when we talked about my progress. I was so happy
when I finished that last test – and Melissa was right there cheering me on. And
I passed! I now have my GED certificate.
I’ve always told my children that school is really important. Now they can see
that I mean it. I thought when I came to you that it was just for food, but you’ve
given me so much more. I was reminded how much I like learning again and
would like to sign up for your six-week cooking and nutrition course. Now I want
to learn how to cook healthy foods for my family and make my food budget last.
Many thanks,
A New Louisa
Food for thought:
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Eight year old Julian likes playing soccer with his friends. He likes his
collection of cars and wishes his mother would get a dog for their family.
His older sister, Mary, who’s 11, bosses him around a lot but he still loves
her. Julian’s mommy and daddy both work very hard and are often gone on
weekends working, leaving him and Mary at home.
Despite all the hard work, sometimes Julian and his family don’t have
enough food in the house. Before the Backpack Club, Julian remembers
going to school hungry after long weekends with no food in the house.
He would have a tough time listening to the teacher since his stomach was
talking so loudly.
Julian and Mary’s school social worker got them
connected to the Backpack Club, so now
they go home from school every Friday
with a bag full of delicious and healthy
foods they can make themselves.
Julian especially loves the mandarin
oranges. He never had them
before the Backpack Club.
Food for thought:
i m pa c t r e p o r t
i m pa c t r e p o r t
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Eric thought he understood people in need. He volunteered at a soup kitchen
through his church on weekends when he’d lived and worked at a well-paying job
in California. After retiring and moving to Blaine County, he felt it would be a
natural fit to help out at The Hunger Coalition. His first day volunteering, he was
put to work with Tim, unloading and stacking food items in the warehouse. Tim
was younger than Eric, but not by much, and they quickly found they shared a
love of fly fishing and had both worked in real estate sales.
We collaborate with 48 different
organizations to fight hunger and
create a whole and healthy community.
One day, Eric casually asked if Tim had volunteered for other food banks. He
was surprised when Tim told him he volunteered for The Hunger Coalition to
give back to a group that was helping him through some very tough times. Tim
lost his job when the economy collapsed, then his wife got in a terrible car crash
that left her with debilitating back pain and unable to work. They owned their
home and had decent savings, so Tim found odd jobs to help pay medical bills
while he searched for long-term employment. When his wife had complications
that required several surgeries, they depleted their savings to cover the bills.
They were left with a mortgage they could no longer pay and an empty pantry.
Tim told Eric he spent many weeks depressed, especially after the bank began
foreclosure proceedings on the house where they had raised their kids.
A friend’s wife saw the situation they were in and recommended The Hunger
Coalition. Tim said he stepped through the door full of shame for needing help,
but left the building feeling more hope than he’d had
in years. Eric was amazed to hear Tim’s story
and looked at his fellow volunteer with
new eyes, realizing that he could have
easily ended up in Tim’s position.
Food for thought:
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Transformational Giving: Realize your philanthropic goals by including The
Hunger Coalition in your estate planning and ensure there will be nourishing
food and essential support for future generations.
Vibrant Community Giving: Build long-term financial stability for The Hunger
Coalition through careful investment and stewardship. With a long-term goal
of $4,000,000, gifts to the Endowment Fund strengthen our community for the
future with a lasting commitment to the health and well-being of local families.
Empowerment Giving: Arrange for the transfer of your publicly-traded stocks
to The Hunger Coalition and create an immediate impact. Your investment
portfolio can help meet critical funding needs securely and conveniently. Or,
double the difference a single gift can make! Businesses and individuals working
together through a Matching Gift Program make a powerful statement about
community commitment.
Compassionate Giving for 2013: Friends of The Hunger Coalition who are 70 1/2
or older can use their IRAs to make a gift of up to $100,000 by December 31,
2013 without reporting the withdrawal as taxable income. Help meet the basic
needs of those struggling with food insecurity in our community, today!
We cannot do this important work without
Your willingness to give is an essential
part of everything we do here at The
Hunger Coalition. Thank you for
choosing to help your neighbors
in need!
Food for thought:
i m pa c t r e p o r t
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Throughout The Hunger Coalition’s 10 years, and particularly
over the last several, our understanding of the complexity
of hunger has grown against a background of economic
fluctuation, shifting demographics, and general instability.
One powerful characteristic has remained stable—your generosity and support. As financial fluctuations have rippled
through our community, you have responded in such a way that has enabled The Hunger Coalition to mature into a
highly effective and efficient organization.
The Hunger Coalition’s maturation is evident in its solid financial foundation. We recently established a Critical Needs
Fund to provide security against unforeseen and unpredictable events. We started a modest Endowment Fund that has
the potential to grow into something that will provide a substantial buffer against hunger in our community forever. We
are now poised for the exciting next phase of our development.
This phase will be to fully inhabit both sides of our mission. Your support and generosity enable us to continually improve the quality of food we distribute by offering more fresh goods. It also has enabled us to create a platform on which
we can build programs and initiatives to tackle the more challenging second half of our mission- promoting solutions
to the underlying causes of hunger.
We know this challenge will not be met by any one organization, but rather by the collective efforts of many. As The
Hunger Coalition becomes an increasingly vital voice in this conversation, your ongoing support makes the solutions more
possible, and will highlight what has been the power of this organization all along- that it is “we”, and together we are making a significant and substantial difference.
With deep appreciation on behalf of the
Board, our staff, and especially
our clients,
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Business/Church/Group Donations
Family Foundation Donations
Individual Donations
Event Income
Value of Donated Food
Other Income
Total Income
Operating Expenses
Sub Total
Capital Improvements
Total Expenditures
Other Funds Invested
Critical Needs Fund
Endowment Fund
Operations Fund
To more efficiently manage resources, The Hunger Coalition moved from a calendar fiscal year to a fiscal year
ending in June, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 2013. These financials reflect activity that occurred
from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Financials for Jan 1 to June 30, 2012 avaiblable upon request.
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Our sincere thanks to the following individuals, foundations and groups who gave gifts of $25 or more. Due to a
change in fiscal year reporting, we are including those donors who gave between January 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013.
With special thanks to Jake & Ruth
Bloom for their ongoing generosity.
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (1)
BW718 Foundation Inc
Buddy Wilton & Shay Doll
Kemmerer Family Foundation
Peter & Betty Gray
Nancy Eccles & Homer M Hayward
Family Foundation
Bill, Hope & Wendy Hayward
Ochsman Foundation, Inc.
Michael & Esther Ochsman
Walmart Foundation
$10,000 - 24,999
Anonymous (2)
Richard C. Barker Family Fund
Richard Barker
Blaine County Commissioners
Bob & Linda Edwards
Good Works Institute, Inc.
Gordon R. & Mary M. Howard
Family Foundation
Kathleen Phelan-Britt
Theo Gund
Hare Family Foundation
Dick Hare & Patty Duetting
Helen K. & Arthur E. Johnson
Deer Creek Fund
John & Geri Herbert
Idaho Community Foundation
Heart of Gold Fund
Wood River Women’s Charitable
Janice Seagraves Family Foundation, Inc.
Judy Seagraves
Joan Leidy Foundation
Nancy & John Goldsmith Family
Amy & Rob Swanson
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Peco Foundation
Peter & Bonni Curran
David Pyle
St. Luke’s Wood River Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
McNair & Will Bailey
Boswell Family Foundation
Barbara Wallace Boswell
Lorraine & Ron Wilcox
Theresa & Terry Williams
Dawson Family Charitable Gift Fund
Hanley & Cathie Dawson
Helios Foundation
Betsey Thomson
Steven & Karen Holzman
HRH Foundation
Harry & Shirley Hagey & Family
Hull Family Foundation
Blair Hull & Gail Severn
Idaho Food Bank Fund
Laura & Scott Jordan
Landmark Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Frank & Damaris Ford
Gerhardt Morrison & Julie Weston
Northern Trust, NA
AGL Foundation
Orange County Community
Draper Family Foundation Fund
Schriber Family Fund
Priscilla Pittiglio
Richard & Judith Smooke
Robert A. and Margaret C. Houston
Family Foundation
Scoob Trust Foundation
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Thrasher Koffey Foundation
Barbara Thrasher & Rick Koffey
Charlotte Unger
$2,500 - 4,999
Anonymous (1)
Lynn Campion & Ted Waddell
Paul Connolly
Michael Cortese
Daniel and Mary Reeves Foundation
Moya Bullis
Tyler & Christine Davis-Jeffers
Robert & Jeannine Foster
Glad To Be Here Foundation, Inc.
John Foley & Carol Rees
Jack & Peggy Grove
Brack Hale
Idaho Community Foundation
Little Black Dress Club
Tom Iselin & Sara Giacobbi
Gerry & Kaye Kearns
Robin Leavitt & Terry Friedlander
The Martin Djos Family Foundation
Kiki & Wayne Martin
Jim Moore
Alex & Suzanne Orb
Brian Ross & Susan Reinstein
Robert & Beth Rohe
Mary Bachman and William
Claudia Sanchez Mahedy & John
Jim & Spooky Taft
Phillip & Susan Usher
Wood River Foundation
WOW Students
Works of Grace Foundation
Benjamin Wood & Theresa
Castellano Wood
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (3)
John Agoglia
David & Lexa Ayer
Dan & Kathleen Burton
Caritas Chorale
Dan & Micki Chapin
Christensen Family Foundation
Ann Christensen
Steve Clayton
David Cole
Buena Vista Foundation
Patrick and Betsy Collins
Susan Conner & Sam Adicoff
Julia & Jude Damasco
DeBard Johnson Foundation
Janet & Roger DeBard
Melvin & Grace Dyck
East Bay Community Foundation
David & Barbara Rognlien
Nancy & Charles Ferries
Happy Fitzgerald
Diana & John Flood
Paul & Carol Fremont-Smith
Elaine & John French
Jane & Jeff Gale
Donna & Jon Gerstenfeld
Morley & Deana Golden
Wayne & Cynnie Griffin
Hailey Rotary Foundation Inc.
Margaret Hecht
Elizabeth Huish
Idaho Community Foundation
Donald & Gretchen Fraser Fund
Tracey Jacobs
Judy Jellinek
Johnson Family Fund
Charles & Katrin Johnson
Johnson Family Trust
Tim & Candy Johnson
Gerald & Kathleen Kavka
Kremer Foundation
Peter & Bonnie Kremer
Kathie Levison
Light on the Mountains Spiritual
Gerald & Mary Lively
Lyman Drake III Fund
Lyman & Debra Drake
April & Robert MacLeod
The Marshall Frankel Foundation
Bex Wilkinson
Camille McCray
John & Kristin Miller
Tom & Cindy Monge
Jane & Tom Oliver
Pesky Family Foundation
Alan & Wendy Pesky
The Papoose Club
Bob & Betsy Reniers
Dan Riviera & Lee Harris Riviera
Robert and Lynda Safron
Sam and Peggy Grossman Family
Sam & Peggy Grossman
Bill Schliiter & Gloria Kimball
Jane & Marc Schorr
Barbara & Richard Shelton
Jennifer & Cory Smith
Open Hands Club Member:
We are grateful for this special group
of supporters who give recurring
monthly donations, helping us to
fight hunger year-round.
Lisa Stelck & William Boeger
Todd & Georgia Stewart
Tricia Swartling
Gretchen Wagner & Erik Leidecker
Annette Weber
Gail and Rhys Wilkie
Wood River High School Projects
Milana Austin
Grace Carroll
FCCLA & Culinary Arts
Madi Hendrix
Student Union
Madison Waller
Wood River Middle School
Bob & Patience Ziebarth
$500 - $999
Anonymous (1)
Gwynn & Mitch August
John Bailey
Leslie Benz
John & Martha Bolliger
Chas & Torene Bonner
Deborah & Jason Brickley
Christina Carroll
Jim & Mary Ann Chubb
Charles Conn & Beverley Robertson
Sophie & Derek Craighead
Carmen Cruz
Jamie & Leigh Everitt
Martin Flannes
Angela & Rob Freeman
George & Kathy Gibson
Phil Gillis & J. E-Gillis
L’Anne & Nick Gilman
George Giroux & Linda
Scott & Carol Glenn
Kathryn & Jeff Guylay
Len & Carol Harlig
Happy Hawn
Dave & Jackie Hennessy
Ronica & John Henning
Idaho Community Foundation
Bald Mountain Ski Patrol Fund
John & Pamela Beckert Family
John & Pamela Beckert
Kathy Jones
Gail Kearns
Bob & Alice Lane
Nick & Jean Latham
Lawrence Gordon Family
Larry & Diedre Gordon
Rick & Terri LeFaivre
The Life Church
Jeanne & Tom Liston
Jim & Alison Luckman
Lisa & Jeff Lynn
Mary & Stephen Malkmus
Bob & Sue McCollum
Col. Edgar & Constance
Scott McLean
Charles & Charline McNamee
Nicole & Bill McNichols
Gerald & Sheila Mells
Joe Miczulski & Angela Rayborn
Pat Millington & Claire Turner
Carol Moerdyk & James Greene
Patricia F. Scott Family Foundation
Greg Scott & Dorothea Cheney
Steve & Marilyn Pauley
Ken & Susi Pedersen
The Perlstein Foundation
Jan Philipsborn & Mitchell Hollins
John & Jana Rizner
Catherine & William Rousey
Carol Scheifele-Holmes & Ben
Michael & Elisa Schenkman
Deborah & Joel Shinkle
Mark & Deborah Slonim
Lisa Minervini Smith
Peter & Becky Smith
Amelia & Vinton Sommerville
David Stansfield & Linda Drake
Michelle & Chris Stephens
David & Peggy Sterling
John & Elizabeth Stevenson
Nan & Larry Stone
The Swig Foundation
Cissy Swig
Jeff & Pilar Tumolo
Harry & Hilary Weekes
James & Jeanne Welch
Lynn Whittelsey
Windermere Foundation
Sara Gorham
WRWCF Members Fund
Susan Blair
Theresa Castellano Wood
Susan Cohen
Sherry Jones
Lisa Lynn
Melisa Williams
Lili Zanuck
$250 - $499
Randy & Susan Acker
Arthur Anderson
Lesley Andrus
Richard & Barbara Angle
John & Betsy Ashton
Sandra Baker
Edie Baskin Bronson & Skip
Ruby & Peter Becker
Elizabeth & GW Bischoff
Eric Boe & Wendel Wirth
Brooke Bonner & Kyle Baysinger
Bruce Karatz Family Foundation
Bruce Karatz
Steve Butler
Bill & Eltiena Campbell
Murray & Mollie Campbell
James Cannavino
Paul & Susan Canton
Janet Carter & Charlie Meyer
Sam Christian & Casey Dove
Diana Citret
Erin & Neil Clark
Barbara & Charles Corwin
Karen Curry
Daniel & Sandra Dahl
John & Lynn Dominick
Poppy & Robin Englehardt
Gretchen Evans
Kerri Everett & Justin Williams
Christine Ferguson & David Berman
Jerry & Susan Flynt
John & Molly Fox
Gary & Nancy Goodenough
Kathie & Rich Gouley
Teresa Gregory
Tod & Barbara Hamachek
Andrea Hartogensis
Michael & Irene Healy
Larry & Rebekah Helzel
Jane Hocking
Mollie Holt
Jim & Wendy Jaquet
Jonathan & Susan Dolgen Family
Jon & Susan Dolgen
Stanford & Harriet Joseph
Randi & John Kanellitsas
Laura Kirk
Barbara Kruse
Josh & Maryam Lieberman
Catherine Lile
Georgie Lindquist
Jeff London
Sandra & Peter Maier
Murray & Mary Sue McClain
Stephen T! Millhouse
John Milner & Kim Taylor
Kelly & Thomas Moreland
Dr. Gerald & Doris Moress
Duncan & Kristen Morton
Julie Muer
Roland Nickerson
Britt & Peter Palmedo
Bruce Parker
Patricia & Rand Peebles
Marshall Peterson
Chris Pollock
Elke Pont Scholl
Leigh & Louise Rabel
Kirk & Kathryn Riedinger
Pam Ritzau
Keith & Laurie Roark
Rick Robertson
Ann Scales
Sara Scirica Gilman & Mike
Neil & Julie Siegel
Silicon Valley Community
Ben & Hilary Sinnamon
Steven & Sarah Snapp
Naomi & Matt Spence
Gail & Jack Thornton
Dan & Chris Turner
Lois Ukropina
Peter & Cindy Urbanowicz
Robert & Rebecca Voertman
Chuck & Judy Webb
Kathryn Woods & Richard Paris
WRWCF Members Fund
Florence Harvey
Winkie McCray
Linda Thorson
$100 - $249
Anonymous (2)
Lois & Bart Adrian
Mary Ahern & John Chlebowski
Susan Alban
Peter & Jacqueline Anderson
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Joan Anderson
Bob & Mickey Angell
Ted & Leila Angle
Thomas Archie & Heidi Woog
Nancy Auseklis
Don & Maureen Baker
Bob & Sonya Baker
Maxton & Sharon Beckwith
Scott & Tamara Bethel
Fred & Gayle Bieker
Patricia Bishop
Arnold & Susan Blair
Donna Booth
Mike Bordenkircher
Kenyetta Brummitt & George Sean
Joey & Rebecca Buchan
Burns Family Foundation
Patricia Gentry
Larry & Terri Butler
Jennifer Card & James Laski
Richard Carr & Jeanne Meyers
Joni Cashman & Michael Dunham
Mike & Dody Chatterton
Chun & Serena Chin
Cohen 1997 Trust
Earl & Susan Cohen
Nancy Colhoun
Andrea Cookston
Charlie & Nancy Cord
Scott & Katie Corkery
Jack & Lila Corrock
Barbara Gilbert Cowan
Diann Craven
Janna & Bob Crist
Sandra & D. Allen Dalton
Barbara Dargatz
Pamela Mason Davey & Marc Davey
Beverly & Mike De Chevrieux
Margaret Dean
Susan Desko & Tim Semones
Ann Dickinson
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Gabrielle Diedrick
Sharon Dohse & Kirk Collins
Dan & Martine Drackett
Sally & Cecil Drinkward
Kathryn Earhart
Anne Edmondson
Gadrie Edmunds
Carol & William Eittreim
April Ellinwood
Anne Elliott
Charles Ellis
Noel Ellman
Dick & Diana Fassino
Scott Featherstone DDS
James Feldbaum
Carl Feldbaum
Richard & Kelly Feldman
Judith Ferries
Bruce Fery
Diana & Rick Filkins
Jackie & Chris Flanigan
Judy Foster
James Frehling
Vanessa & Jason Fry
Sheila & Dayton Fryberger
Ann Fuller
Wolf & Feli Funke-Riehle
Julie & Brian Gallagher
Robert & Kathryn Gardner
Anne Marie & Chris Gardner
Mark & Ellie Gilbreath
Stephen Gilman
Bob & Claudie Goldstein
Ezmaralda Gordon
Connie Grabow
Kelly & Michael Graham
Pirie Grossman
Abby Grosvenor
Kathleen Grotto
Lloyd & Nancy Gurney
Leslie Gushwa
Lars & Heather Guy
Nick & Kathy Gyurkey
Mary & Mat Hall
Yvette & Scott Harris
Francie & Mike Hawkey
Hemingway Elementary School
Ann Hender
John & Judith Hill
Dave & Jill Hitchin
Kimberly Holden
Carol Holman
William & Susan Homan
Bill & Penny Hon
Chrissie & Phil Huss
Edith Iler-Wiedemann
Anne Jeffery & Jack Sept
Tish Jochums
Heather Johns & Jennifer Smith
Steve Johnston
Lori & James Johnston
John & Diane Kahm
Ed & Carol Karner
Joan Katz
Ryan Kavanaugh
Linda Kaveny
Nelda & Bob Kendall
Marcia Kent & Frank Halverson
Pat & Alex Higgins
Terry & Joanne Hogue
Raine Kidder
Ted & Diane Kiel
Linda Kish & Jeff Brown
Trish Klahr & Lee Melly
Page Klune
Susan Kniffen
Susan Koharski
Amanda Koonce
Jack & Marie Kueneman
Linda & Rod Kvamme
Robin & Bob Leahy
John & Tracy Lee
Violeta Leja
Nancy Lemaster
Judy & Jerry Levy
Marc & Mary Longley
Robert Lonning
Jean Luchi
M&J Baker Charitable Account
Hayden, Blair & Wilson Baker
Macdonald 1996 Revocable Trust
Augusta G. Macdonald
Scott & Tyra MacGuffie
Maffei Foundation
Kerensa Majerus
Jon & Leslie Maksik
Stani Malmgren
Bruce & Kelly Martin
Steve Matecki
Claudia McCain
Anita McCann
Tisa McCombs
Lisa & Wilson McElhinny
Jim & Willa McLaughlin
Pat & Carol McLaughlin
J.R. & Katrina McNeal
Kathleen McQuiggan
Joseph & Elizabeth Miczulski
Barbara & Donald Miller
Andy Munter
Kingsley & Cynthia Murphy
Stephen Myers & Susan Tucker
Tom Nash
Jon Paris Nicholson
Hilary & Christian Nickum
Diane Nini
Bill & Adrian Norris
Ed & Carmen Northen
Darlene Norton
James Noyes & Louise Wilson Noyes
Linda & John O’Connor
The Oliphant Family Trust
Don & Judy Oliphant
Our Lady of the Snows
Candice & Josh Pate
Cheryl & Doug Pederson
James Perkins
Jake & Trina Peters
Martin & Fay Petersen
Sue Petersen
Jim & Evelyn Phillips
Connie Price
Nick & Sharon Purdy
Julie Quayle & Kent Bell
Marline Rennils and Bob Bell
Jima Rice
Jeannette & Gerald Riedel
Debra Riedel
Lee Ritzau
Scott & Susan Robinson
Nancy & Brad Rosenberg
Bernice Rosenthal
Pamela & Andy Sabel
Russell & Johanna Sample
Damian Santonastaso
Lisa Saul & Wally Smith
Steve Schwarz & Wanda Baxter
Michael & Laura Shannon
Kim & Robert Shaw
Louise Shaw & Chris Schultz
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Tessa Sheehan
Greg & Jennifer Sherwood
Brian Shields
Leslie & Tim Silva
Betsy Sise
Billie Smardon
Matthew Smith
Pam & Mike Smith
John Sofro
Benjamin Spector
Judy Sproule
Jeff Steinberg & Sherry WarnerSteinberg
Al & Nancy Steinmetz
Megan & Justin Stevenson
Gail & Lon Stickney
Lara Stone
Betty Swanson
John & Brenda Taber
Doug & Ann Taylor
Judith Teller Kaye
Dave Theobald
Wanda Tierney
Margaret & Thomas Tierney
Jane & Paul Tillotson
Barbee Tucker-Pigott & George
Jeffrey & Kathleen Uberuaga
Helen & Bruce Ullmann
Annie & Victor Vandenberg
Valeta Wallace
John & Ellen Wallace
Carolyn Walton
Cindy & Kenny Ward
Wick & Liz Warrick
Daniel Watts
Gretchen Weber
Liza Weekes
Starr Weekes
Geoff Wells
Wendy Werth
Maryanne Whitcomb
Jano Wiedemann
Jackie Wieman
Jon Wiese
Jaci & Mason Wilkins
Sharon & Russ Williams
Susan Stanek Winget
Susan Woodruff
Ben & Susan Worst
Cecil Wright & Linda Light
Julie Wrigley
$25 - $99
Anonymous (2)
Janet Abromeit
Jon & Mary Adams
Gail Allen
Trace Allen
Dave & Patty Anderson
Donald & Marian Anderson
Bruce & Cindy Aschliman
Sara Astorquia
Claudia Aulum-Pedersen & Ralph
Karen Bailey
Thomas & Jeanett Barratt
Gini & Mark Baumgardner
Eddie & Bill Beggrow
Tom Bergin
Elli & Jerry Bernacchi
Hugh & Kathleen Blue
Michelle Bobbitt
Richard Boddie
Susan Tabor-Boesch & Rudy Boesch
Dennis Botkin & Mary Hogan
Brian & Kimberly Bourgette
Patti Lousen & Tom Bowman
Kristine Bretall
Liz Brown
Nolina Burge & Clifford Freeman
Lori & Will Burks
Susan Cady
Mary Ellen Card
Eric & Stephanie Carlson
Susan Carlson
Ragna Caron
Danielle Carruth
Abbey Christensen
Nancy Clark
Tamera Clifford
The Collins Family
Jay & Linda Cooper
Warren & Darsi Cordingley
Tom Crais
Sylvia & Pat Cunningham
Thomas & Lee Dabney
Zana Davey
Martha Deffe
Judy Demetre
Rae Devito
Bob Dix
Sally L. Donart
Donna M. Finegan Family Trust
Donna Finegan & Ken Steinauer
Amy & Tom Downey
Kevin & Jennifer Embree
Yvonne Ferrell
Zachary Feuer & Andrea Luria
Molly & Ronald Fields
Josh Fields
Kristin Fletcher
Aris & Randy Flood
Margery & Woody Friedlander
Joyce & Norman Friedman
Sara Garcia
Kathleen & Richard Gariepy
Christine Gelb & Justin Hellman
Elaine & Bob Hughes
Leah Giacobazzi
Anne & Charlie Gifford
Deborah & Robert Gilbert
Allison & Dan Gingrich
Kathryn Goldman & Carl Evenson
Jon & Chrissy Gove
Kathryn & Tim Graves
Erika Greenberg
John Grossman
Hailey Elementary School
Jennifer & Michael Halverson
Casey Hanrahan
John Hansen
Amy Hanson
John & Wendy Hardman
Richard & Sharon Haugen
Mary Jo & Todd Helmeke
Dana Henry
Charley Herrington & Ilene Shell
Arianne & Joshua Heyser
Michael Hipsher
Holly Ann Holmquist
Meghan Huether
Shawn & Jenna Huntington
Lisa Huttinger
Terri James & Benton Krumpe
Maureen & Page Jenner
Lisa & Peter Jenner
Linda Jensen
Christine Jensen
Carol Jensen
Russ & Andrea Jenson
Virginia Johnson
Harry Jones
Emily & Steven Karassik
David & Colleen Kassner
Robert King
Deborah Knapp
Nathan & Tenaya Kolar
Jim Koonce
Wallee & Nancie Lange
Heather Langley-Evans
Bart Lassman & Evan Stelma
Sarah & Zachary Latham
Matt Leidecker
Ruth Lieder
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Caroline Lightner
Irv & Trudy Littman
Janet Longe
Heidi Marcus & Jason Blamires
David & Dorrie Marks
Robyn Marrelli
Kara Maxwell
Donna Mayry
Sally McCollum
Stephen McCracken
Rain McDonald
Teresa McGoffin
Rich McIntyre & Karen Greene
Mike & Brooke McKenna
Alex McPherson
Gayle Meredith
Jean & Mick Mickelson
Jason & Suzanne Miller
Will Miller
Curtis & Lisa Miller
Miki Mooney
Susie Moore
Dana Morgan
Craig & Jill Morse
Tom & Shannon Moss
Jeanne & Eugene Mowlds
Laurie Murach
Linda Murphy
Mary Jo Musselman
Kristin Myers
Skip & Kim Nalen
Charlene & Keith Nelson
Richard & Elaine Niedrich
Ann Nosworthy
Carol O’Loughlin & Fred Grabos, Jr.
Quinn & Kate Orb
Mary Tess O’Sullivan & Jeremy
Thomas & Molly Page
Daria & Paul Painter-Chapman
i m pa c t r e p o r t
Andy & Kate Parnes
Aaron Pearson
Jan Peppler
Kim Peterson
Calysta & Matthew Phillips
Kathy Pierce
Scott Pinizzotto & Eva Frank
Linnea & David Polichetti
Leonard Purdy
Troy & Susan Quesnel
RBC Wealth Management
Jeff Currie
Marc & Grace Reinemann
Jenna & Willie Resko
Kathryn Keefer Reynolds
Alain & Karla Rinckwald
Carlyn Ring
Anna & Joseph Rodriguez
Nancy & Dawn Romagnoli
Char Roth
Robert Rubel
Andrea Rule
Rose Rumball-Petre & Ted Stout
Sara Santa
Barbara Scher
Candice Schley
Trudi Schneider
Travis Scott & Carrie Thomas Scott
Brigid & Bass Sears
Kathryn Shannon
Sandra Shaw
Frankie Silveira
Carol Sinnott
Scott Slonim
William & Patricia Smallwood
Cindy & Fred Smith
Bette Smith
Taryn Smith & Paul Jones
Marji Bailey Sofro & Stephen Sofro
Barbara & Allen Spafford
Christina Stanley
Gene & Sharon Steiner
Karen Stern
Mark Stewart & Margaret
Macdonald Stewart
Peter & Suzan Stommel
Bob & Betty Stone
Janis Storey
Elizabeth Stribling & Elizabeth
Daniel & Sheila Summers
Betsy & Paul Sunich
Jill Swanger
Jennifer & Ben Talmadge
Jane & David Taylor
Alex & Ron Taylor
Cathy Thomason
Janet & John Toner
Susan Tryon
Pamela & Richard Tucker
Greg & Nancy Urbany
Kat & Dan Vanden Heuvel
Deborah Vignes
David & Christie Vik
Joel & Jeanne Vilinsky
Jonathan Wagoner
Patricia A Warner
Stephen & Nancy Wasilewski
Julia Ann Watson
Eben Watt
Brian & Dawn Webber
Larry Weinberger
Davy & Dot Weller
Roger & Madeleine Williams
Michael Williams
Nancy Winton
Theodore & Candace Witt
Mike Wolter & Molly! Goodyear
Lisa Wood
The Woodham Family
Sue Woodyard
Janet Wygle & Barry Luboviski
Susanne Cummings Zeman
Corporate Support
Thanks to these businesses for their
cash gifts of $25 or more.
$2,500 +
Wood River Motors
$1,000 - $2,499
American Heating
Atkinsons’ Markets
Bank of the West
DL Evans
Idaho Transportation Department
Lee Gilman Builders
Scape Design Studio, Inc.
$500 - $999
Duke Computer Solutions
F/V Atlantis LLC
Four Seasons Spa & Pool
Gould Advisors
Maestro Technology Solutions
Sawtooth Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Silver Creek Outfitters, Inc
Sterling Realty Organization
Waddell Fine Art
Zenergy at Thunderspring
$250 - $499
Big Wood Landscape
ClearDirection LLC
Clearwater Landscaping
Country Cousin
Figgleaf Productions
Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch
Law Offices of Stratton P. Laggis
POWER Engineers
Resource Salon
S. Erwin Excavation
Sun Valley Gallery Association
Sun Valley Resort
The Blues Jean Bar
Valley Maintenance & Restoration
$100 - $249
Altitude Electric
Apex Vacation Home Services
Carpenter Construction
Carroll Painting Company
Clemens Associates, Inc.
Cynthia Unger DDS
Donahue-McNamara Steel LLC
First American Title
First Lite, LLC
James Phillips-Attorney at Law
Johnson Architectural Group
Ketchum Pawn
Kneeland, Korb, and Collier
Matt Bogue Real Estate
Phyllis Schlessinger, CPA
Restorations, Inc.
River Run Auto Parts
Sawtooth Brewery, LLC
Sun Valley Brewing Company
Sun Valley Ski Patrol
The Dollhouse Consignment
The Mountain School
Tight Lines LLC
Tim Black Custom Cabinetry
& Furniture
Warming Trend of Idaho Inc.
$25 - $99
5B Technologies, Inc.
Branching Out
zCarson International
Chandler Appraisal
Davis Embroidery
Hailey Eye Center
Jasidaho LLC
Johnson Company, Inc
Poster Construction
Scott Miley Roofing
Soares Builder, Inc.
Sun Valley Brochure Center
Sun Valley Garden Center
Sun Valley Mustard
The Creative Edge, Inc.
Third Floor Salon
Thornton Heating & Sheetmetal
Town Refrigeration, Inc.
In-Kind Support
We sincerely thank the following
individuals and companies who
provided in-kind support.
44º North Vodka
5B Paws N Claws
A Taste of Thai
Altitude Electric
Atkinsons’ Markets
Atlantic Aviation Sun
Audrey & Jerry Bashaw
B. Restaurant & Bar
Barbara & Charles Corwin
Barbara Thrasher & Rick Koffey
Bart Lassman & Evan Stelma
Bellevue Community Church
Betsy & Bob Reniers
Big Belly Deli
Bigwood Bread
Blaine County Commissioners
Blaine County Recreation District
Blue Sage Farm
Bluebird Day Cafe
Bob & Elaine Hughes
Boy Scouts of America
Brooke Bonner & Kyle Baysinger
Bruce’s Automotive
Building Material Thrift Store
Cabot Creamery
Calista Carter
Carpenter Construction
Chapter One Bookstore
City of Hailey
CK’s Real Food
Clear Creek Disposal
Clear Mind Graphics
Clearwater Nursery
College of Southern Idaho
Davis Embroidery
Deb Gelet
Della Mano Restaurant
Dev Khalsa Photography
Diana Whiting & Doug Walton
Doug Neff
Esta Hornstein
Fair Mountain Farms
Five Bee Hives
Five Loaves
Frenchman’s Gulch
Frostenson Farms
G & G Landscaping
Globus Spice, Inc.
Hailey Elementary School
Hailey Eye Center
Hallie Reikowsky
Hawley Graphics
Hennessy Company
Idaho Mountain Express
Idaho’s Bounty
Idealist Consulting
IL Naso Ristorante Italiano
James & Jeanne Welch
James Frehling
Jan Peppler
Janet Longe
John & Brenda Taber
Kathy Jones
Ketchum Flower Company
Ketchum Grill
Kiwanis Club of Hailey & Wood
River Valley
Kraig Sundberg
Larry & Rebecca Schoen
Locally Owned Radio, LLC
Maestro Technology Solutions
Main Street Market
Marion Grig-Bass
McNair & Will Bailey
McPherson & Keppler CPAs, LLC
Michael Alcid
Mountain Fresh Produce
Mountain Rides
Nancy & Paul Richards
Next Generation Organics
Nora Marra
Organic Solutions
Our Lady of the Snows
Pam Feld
Paula & David Doub
Perry’s Restaurant
Pioneer Montessori School
POWER Engineers
Presbyterian Church of the
Big Wood
Red Heron Builders
Restorations, Inc.
REV Gyms
Richard Vanderpool
Robert & Beth Rohe
Robin Moore Leahy
Roger & Marina Post
Rolling in Dough
Ruthie Matthes
Scott Wantanabe
Smiley Creek Lodge
Soares Builder, Inc.
Sotheby’s International Realty
St. Luke’s Wood River Medical
Steve & Cecelia Giacobbi
Sue Ellen Bridgman - Florist
Sun Valley Garden Center
Sun Valley Garden Club
Sun Valley Resort
Susan Passovoy
Table Toppers
Telaya Wine Co.
The Community Campus
The Community School
The Sage School
The Weekly Sun
Theo Gund
Toni’s Ice Cream
Town Refrigeration, Inc.
Twila Oliver
Valley Maintenance & Restoration
Walter & Nancie Lange
Webb Landscape & Garden Centers
Whitehead’s Landscaping
Wiederrick’s Custom Metalworks
Wise Guy Pizza Pie
Wives Behind the Badge
Wood River High School
Wood River Motors
Wood River Organics
Wood River YMCA
Zenergy at Thunderspring
Zions Bank
ZOU 75
i m pa c t r e p o r t
, Dev Khalsa and Hallie Reikowsky