September 11, 2015 - Church of Saint Eugene


September 11, 2015 - Church of Saint Eugene
Roman Catholic Church of Saint Eugene
“The Work of Justice Shall be Peace.”
pope pius xii
Tuckahoe Road and Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, New York
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:00-4:45 and 7:30-8:30 PM
and by appointment at the Parish
Sacrament of Baptism
Sundays at 1:45 PM. Please call the
Parish Offices and speak to a priest.
Baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of
the month. Baptism Classes are the 1st
Thurs. of each month.
Adoration Chapel
Open from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Served by
Rev. Matthew Fernan, Pastor
Rev. Leo Perera, Parochial Vicar
Ms. Gina Mastrangelo
Parish Administrator
Deacon John Duffy
Weekend Associates
Mill Hill Missionaries
Maryknoll Missionaries
Saturday Vigil for Sunday...
5:00 PM
Sacrament of Matrimony
Please call the Parish Offices to
speak to a priest at least 6 months
in advance. An Archdiocesan marriage
preparation program is required.
Parish Office Hours:
Sacraments for the Sick
31 Massitoa Rd., Yonkers, NY 10710
Please contact the Parish Offices for the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
and Communion for the homebound.
Parish Membership
Our parish invites all of its members to
participate fully in our spiritual and social
life. Every new parishioner is requested
to register at the Parish Office. If you
move to another parish, or change your
address, please notify the Parish Office.
Holy Mass Schedule
Monday to Friday...9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Parish & Religious Education Offices
Regional School
707 Tuckahoe Rd., Yonkers, NY 10710
8:00 AM, 9:30 AM,
10:45 AM Traditional Latin Mass on
First and Third Sundays of the
12:15 PM
6:00 PM
Mon-Fri… 6:45 AM & 9:00 AM
Saturday… 9:00 AM
Holy Days of Obligation...
6:45, 9:00 AM, & 12:00 noon, 7:30 PM
First Friday Devotion...
Evening Mass each month at 7:30 PM
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 13, 2015
Page two - SEPTEMBER 13, 2015
Twenty fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Lord God is my help.
Therefore I am not disgraced.
Isaiah 50:7
Nelly Hernandez
Adelita Davis
12:15 Eunice Medina Chowdhry
Umberto Recce
MONDAY 9/14 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Teofilo Rodriguez
John A. Donato
TUESDAY 9/15 Our Lady of Sorrows
Rita Ianni
Anna Boria
WEDNESDAY 9/16 Sts. Cornelius/Cypro
Mary Brady (special intentions)
Thomas Hoey
THURSDAY 9/17 St. Robert Bellarmine
Andre Mitton
Maria Mastrangelo
Teofilo Rodriguez
Bernard Madden
SATURDAY 9/19 St. Januarius
Frank Torelli
Please keep in your prayers the ill of our parish,
especially… John Ahearn III, Curtis Arditi, Terry Arlotta,
Julie Barbato, Dolores Beaver, Dolores Betances, Tara Burke,
Elisa Burslem, Christopher Capano, Catherine Cabin, Cesar
Casiano, Marie Castry, Lawrence Christian Jr., James Patrick
Conneely, Nancy Cornell, Aurora Crevani, Frances Cuevo,
Dominic D’Angelo, Ann DiCarmine, Silvio DiSalvatore,
Nicole Pisani-Frame, G. DeNike, Stephen Forlenza, Jessica
Galloza, Nicholas Gardini, Bill Gelpi, John Gibson, James
Gibson, Peter Gioella, Nanci Hennes, Ana Herrera, (Little);
Kathy Joyce,
Margaret Kielkucki, Lanyi Family, James
LaRosa, Alexandra Laurent, Jack Lenehan, Lana Leonelli,
Peter Lombardo, Dave McCarthy, William McDonald, Clara
Angelo Manginelli, Fred and Sasa Meindl, John
Mescall, Earl Micheline, Betsy Miranda, Angelo Morra,
Teresa Multari, James O’Connor, Joseph O’Reilly, Theresa
Patanella, Louis Petrulo, Maria Pian, Ruth, Tomasz
Przywarczak Marjorie Putorti, Michele Ragusa, Giovanni
Lakambini Ramos, Antoinette Reynolds, Dante
Riccoboni, Lorraine Rhine., Dante Riccoboni, Teofilo
Rodriguez, Kristin Sadlon, Vincent Sangalli, Tony and Terry
Scatola, Terrence J. Semler, Helen Sheedy Peter Sheridan Jr.,
D. Mario A. Sindona, Michael Sirocco, Sade Sorentino,
Daniel Taylor Sr., Michael Tomanelli, Joseph Volpe, Ann
Wallace, Marie Young, Barbara Zunker, (Little) Mary
Zuzulo… and those recently called home to God… Emily
Jannelle Amador, Jose Luis Petrovich,
Matthew Valentinetti, Brian Mulhern
& John Kollinger
If you have family members or friends you would like to put on
our Military Prayer list please notify the Parish Office 9612590.
Winner of the Fund Raiser Club is
Congratulations, your check is in the mail.
Sun. Sept. 6th $ 10,819.00
God love you for your generosity to your parish.
Adoration Chapel…
Natalie Philpin 793-4757
Patricia Finan 961-0146
Altar Guild…
Jennie Sepe 776-9847
Bereavement Group… Carolyn Walsh 961-8689
Boy Scouts…
Donna Ragusa 472-7567
Rob Pechin (646)208-6385
Catholic Daughters…
Rita DiPippo 793-3065
Catherine Blanco 793-1539
Lori Fox 325-0333
Couples for Christ…
Cesar Tipwan 343-0914
Girl Scouts…
Jerilin Carota 968-5526
H. S. A….
Caroline Bagan 224-5995
Nancy Arzola 274-0016
Holy Name…
Frank Giacoio 793-5392
Legion of Mary…
Josephine Bitetti 337-1372
Living Rosary…
Natalie Philpin 793-4757
Respect Life Society… Jackie Barton 793-9322
Serra Club…
George Alessi 779-8719
Senior Club…
Jennie Sepe 776-9847
St. Vincent DePaul…
Walter Whitmore 779-1826
The Sanctuary Lamp on the Main Altar, the Blessed
Mother’s Lamp on our Lady’s Altar and the Altar
Bread and Wine can be memorialized for a loved one
for the week. The donation for these items are $25.00
for the week and your loved ones will be noted in the
St. Eugene Parish has daily adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament for vocations each weekday
from 7 AM to 4PM, in our Adoration Chapel
located off of the vestibule church. More info.
Page Three
St. Eugene Catholic School is currently
accepting applications for Grades PK4—8.
Please contact the school at 914-779-2956 to
arrange for a tour, STUDENTS
APPLYING FOR PRE-K Must be 4 Yrs. of
age by 12/31/15. STUDENTS APPLYING
FOR KINDERGARTEN Must be 5 yrs. of
age by 12/31/15
IMPORTANT NOTE: St. Eugene Catholic School has
started a program for 3 year old children. If you would be
interested in a full day PreK3 program for your child,
contact the school office at 914-779-2956.
going to the Sands on Thurs. Oct. 15th. Cost is $41.00
includes bus & day at the Casino and home. Return is
$30.00 slot play and $5.00 for food & trip for bus
driver. If interested please call ASAP Jennie 776-9847
in the evening.
:”SHOW BOAT” - on Friday October 9th, cost
is $55.00 includes show and lunch. Don’t have
many seats, if interested so call quickly for reservation. Jennie
Sepe 776-9847.
****Our first meeting for the fall is Wednesday, September 9th at
1:00 PM held in the OLD Kindergarten Classroom on the bottom
floor of the Parish Office.
We are having a member from the office of the Attorney General
come to one of our meetings to speak about fraud Financial &
investments and scams. We are welcoming any one who would
like to attend. You don’t have to be a Senior but you have to call
me before I make he arrangements. Jennie 77609847.
We are always looking for volunteers to cook chicken. If you are
interested in helping, you can do so in many forms,
by cooking, by making phone calls, by organizing, by
using your computer skill etc. It only takes an hour
or two of you time, once every two months. Also,
We NEED MORE Packaged & Can foods to be
put in our baskets. Please bring these foods with
you to Mass and put them in the basket in the
school corridor (boxes of pastas, cereals, rice, cans
soups, assorted vegetables, etc.
Will say the rosary outside by the Blessed Mother
in the Parking Lot thru the summer until
October. 7:00PM Wednesday nights.
Please come and join us.
St. Eugene’s Bereavement Group on every third Thursday of the
month at 1:00PM in the Parish Office. Through caring support, we
hope to lessen the pain and confusion brought on by the death of a
loved one.
Monthly Meeting: 2nd Thurs. of the month,
7:30 pm in the Parish Center. New members
Next Meeting: No Summer Meetings
The purpose of this simple prayer group is to
petition Our Lord through His Blessed Mother
for the end of the Culture of Death by meeting
once a week to pray.
Cenacle Meeting: Sat. after the 9:00 AM Mass
Religious Education News
Religious Education Classes will begin on Wednesday, October
7th. As you may already have heard, the school was vandalized
and property was stolen at sometime during this past long
weekend. Due to these circumstances, Fr. Fernan and Ms.
Mastrangelo will be working very closely with the
Archdiocesan Insurance and Safe Environment Offices so that
we can install some new regulations and make the
recommended changes to the building. If you have not
registered yet, please stop by the parish offices and we will be
glad to give you all of the proper forms that are needed. Thank
you for your patience. The safety of our children, staff and
property are our first priority.
The Papal Visit to New York
We along with the faithful are excited to be hosting Pope
Francis as he visits the Archdiocese of New York on this his
first visit to the United States.
The Church of Saint Eugene has been given twenty -six (26)
tickets for the event at Madison Square Garden which will take
place on Friday, September 25. The tickets will be distributed
by lottery. Please fill out the forms which are available around
the church. All entry forms can be returned in either the
collection basket or be dropped off to the church offices by
Friday, September 18. Names will be drawn by the pastor and
all of the ticket holders will be contacted by the church staff.
Please do not call and ask the office staff to fill out a form for
The applicants must be parishioners of Saint Eugene's Church.
Only one applicant per form. Please do not list multiple names
on the form as we have a very limited amount of tickets. The
Holy Mass at Madison Square Garden will begin at
approximately 6:30pm and conclude at 8:00pm. As you know
the Holy Father is also a head of state, and so the United States
Secret Service requires that everyone arrive early for the Mass
to accommodate the security checkpoints . All mass attendees
are to arrive at Madison Square Garden by 2:00pm. Given the
early arrival time the Archdiocese is arranging for locations for
confession, purchasing of Papal Merchandise, and religious and
catechetical material. There will also be a two hour event prior
to the Mass. Concessions stands will be open to purchase food
and beverages, please do not bring your own they will be
The parishes have been directed by the
Archdiocese not to supply busses. All pilgrims are urged to use
mass transportation.
We pray that the visit of The Holy Father will be a great source
of faith and inspiration for all Catholics.
Page Four
Beloved of God,
"The only constant is change."
As I explained last weekend at most of the Holy Masses, after I was
told on a number of occasions that "You can't change anything," many
changes occurred before Cardinal Dolan assigned me to Saint Eugene...
Father Mizzi-Gili was transferred (he is the parochial vicar at Saint
Barnabas, Bronx, may God bless him in his ministry), the parish secretary JoAnn Liberatore and the parish/school maintenance man GuiloVedovino are retiring with the Enhanced
Severance Package offered by the Archdiocese (we thank them for their years of service), and during the
month of August the music director/organist Lakambini Ramos retired for health reasons (let us keep her in our
daily prayers), the parish bookkeeper left a letter of resignation on my desk while I was away, and the parish
accountant has given notice. And as I also said, when one person leaves, it does not affect just one person/
situation... there is a domino. In this case domino multiplied by six. We ask for your patience and understanding.
I also explained about where we are regarding "Making All Things New." Those selected parishes that were to
be merged have been. All the remaining parishes in the Archdiocese are now in the process of Collaboration...
where the parishes discuss among themselves in designated Clusters what services and ministries might be
able to be shared. Over the summer, Cardinal Dolan notified all pastors and administrators of parishes that
every parish must undergo a review/change of all Holy Mass schedules. Depending on the seating capacity of
the church and the number of people attending, the parish must cut or add Holy Masses accordingly. When
Saint Eugene holds approximately 500 and there are six Holy Masses, the number expected should be anywhere from 2500-3000 people. The numbers of congregants is somewhere between 1200-2000. As directed
by the Cardinal, the Holy Mass schedule will change. Also, Fr. Joseph, who offers the Latin Mass at 10:45am
on Sunday, has asked at 88 years old, if he could begin to scale back the Holy Masses to just two a month... the
First and Third Sundays of the month. How could we refuse? We thank Father Joe for his priesthood and
please note that on the other Sundays, the 10:45 Holy Mass will be a regular Sunday Holy Mass.
Over Labor Day weekend, sadly, the school was broken into... Theft in the classrooms and Vandalism in the
Gym. The Parish Administrator, Gina Mastrangelo, called Yonkers Finest first, then followed up with the
Archdiocesan Insurance Division and then the Regional Superintendent for Education. Yonkers Police sent
two patrolman, then a Sergeant, then three detectives and finally the CSI Unit. We thank them for all efforts.
Unfortunately, the actions of those who perpetrated these crimes have, I mentioned above, set off a domino
effect that is disturbing many... the school children with lunch, gym, etc., and the planning of the yearly activities for the school, the parish and a variety of organizations. We apologize, even though it's not our fault, for
any inconvenience and ask that you pray those who did this... may their lives be converted.
Also, because of the burglary, many procedures and policies are being evaluated by the Archdiocesan Insurance Division, the Safe Environment for Children Offices of the Archdiocese and the Yonkers Police Department which will affect many aspects of the parish from the CCD (delayed opening is October 7) to CYO and
any society which uses the parish properties. All of this is being done to safeguard you, your children, the
staff, the priests and the property of Saint Eugene. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
God love you... Father Fernan
Church of St. Eugene
707 Tuckahoe Road
Yonkers, New York 10710
Phone Number
914) 961-2590
Bulletin number
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