portland, ore. camp meeting - iFPHC.org | Flower Pentecostal


portland, ore. camp meeting - iFPHC.org | Flower Pentecostal
"And this Gospel
ot the Kingdom shall
be preached (published, :\lark 13:10)
In all the world to r
a witness unto nil
nations; nnd l hen
shall the- end come."
)'latt. 24:14.
Pu bllAhed In t h &
Intereata of tl:e f;.en-
era1 AAlembly of
God, en<leavoring to
the unity o f
the S p I r i t In the
bondA ot peace until
we all come Into the
"Go Ye Into All The World And Preach The Gospel To Every Creature"
unity of the faltb.
2838 EASTOS A\'EN UE, ST. LOL'lS, MO "
God is with us in the work. One man
was reclaimed lao:;t night who used to
preach the gospel.
lIe has renewed IllS
vow to take cp his cross where he laid it
dow n nine years ago and work for the
L ord. PI'ay
fo r
us. - T h omas
Many Signs and Wonders Performed In The Name Of Jesu s.
T r uly there is "a sound or a.bundQ,ncr o(
rain" in our midst and shouts o r jo~' ar£'
heard all over the camp grounds and God'-:;
p r,OL' Hl S HIXC;
.1 '1'
j \ JahaI11H.
God is sti ll bl0'3sing in th i s part of 1II s
vineyard, by savi n g, baptizing, healing awl
l eadi n g Hi s people into cteepe r truths and
there is a c r y among H is people for more
of Him and His truth.
\\'e also have .1.
good Sunday-school here at Bcthal Ch urch.
""e arc expecti n g g r eater things f r om God.
-Elder J. A. Cullefer.
shekjnah glory is covering a~ a mantle
entire encampment.
ing day, the
July 4th our opendeeply
~Iethodist minister who was in Portland on
his summer vacation.
I fe is the pastor of
the 1st M. E. chu r ch In )laci i"5oll , \\'is., hnd
lost out thru fighti n g the t ru th.
He aros"
in the meting and confessed that he had
lost out and aHked our prHy(>rs-later camp.
' rilE CHICO CA )II'-)IEI,;'I'lX(;.
to tho altar, \\'as b l essedly restored and
while prai"3illg the Lord lhe pow<,r fell Uil-
The Cam p -meeting: closed with 22 saved:
6 ba p tized.
",\Oe start the ('am p at
Jose , Ca liC o A u g, 15th in slum s and the
Span is h District, as l on g as th e Lo rd
\\'e a r e xilecting a -sweepi n g \'ictory over the enemy, Th e preach in g is in
'S pani sh or l~ ngli s h as th e Lord l ea d s 0:'
\Y e are asking big things o[
God.-Evangelist J. D. W e ll s.
on him and he was soon wond('rfully bail
in t h e Spirit spf2'aking In tonguf':j,
wh ic h he had m any times publicly denoun('ed.
H e afterwards testified in lhe nighl
meeting that he had ueen saved and ba!14
Lized in the lI ol y SJ)i r it.
Tha t same Sunday night he asked tho
Assembly to pray for hi'S com'J)nnion, W'10
had been t otally dea.f fo r 37 years. had
('.\ H l ·'I'J-tERS\· II ILl :,
XIi': ,\R
Th is i s a co untry place four miles f r om
Car u the r svill e.
Bro . Joseph Snyd er lUi ::;
pr ea ched the \Vord a nd th er e ha\'e b eell
'3everal hundred people in attendance.
Many w er e sav ed and some received th~
Some we r e baptized in water.
Some came f i fteen mil es ill wagons to att end th e m eeting s. Th e last night there
wore n earl y 600 p resent.
Th i s is a Yery
wick ed plac e anel yet we h ad good orde-:',
We ar e prai sin g God for lhi s way. Pray
for u s.-:\frs, 1"'ina l\1cCulr y.
AIlK. IX S .I S SO'rlcS.
( 'X en t' H ot S pt·in).!:Jooi , )
I am here i n a l oca l Camp-meeting
(nea r H ot Springs) h aving a good m eeting.
The sain t'S are getti n g r eviv ed . A
few have b een saved_ Three have r eceive'l
the baptism of t h e Hol y Ghost as in Acts
2: 4.
, came th r ough Littl e Rock . Th ey a"c
having a bl essed m eeti ng .
About 20 ~)
h ave be en saved. About 40 hav e r eceivi-!1
the H Oly Ghost.
T l e ft t h e sai nts at Houston in good co n d ition .- Evangelist Gha.:.;, \Villiam so n .
Tellico Pln.ins, Tenn.
have just closed a meeting here, Sixteen were saved and some were baptizen
,\,ith the blessed Holy Ghost, and ther~
'vere many hungry -sou ls in attendanc ,
The meeting l asted fi:leen days,
I want the saints to h elp me pray for
mv wife who i s down wi t h p elagra and i s
v~r y l ow , Pray also for m e and th e mountain wor k.- J. J , Tallent .
(Any offering in the way of clothing o r
money toward Bro Tall ent's work will ~1")
grateru ll y r eceived and u sed by h i m for
th e furth eran ce ot the work of the Lord
among the Mountai n people.)
NEF.O 01' ,\ PREA C HEH.
Brother B . F. Ca mpb e ll of Chita, T ex .
t:iend s an a pp eal f o r help in th e followin g
wor d s, " Th ere is in thi s commun ity great
n eed of some good preachers, Th er e i s no
mi~s i on h ere and the r e are o nl y two families having pray er service once a week.
T h er e are hun ry people h er e. T myself
have r ecei ved t h e baptism but fe el the need
o f r en ewin g, O. that I may once more be
sa tisfied in Him.
I som etimes th ink Go 1
has ca ll ed m e to th e m inistry but the enemy h olds m e ba ck from being perfectly
M ay God burn upon the h eart s of
people o ur n ee d.
\\' e a r e located about
se ven miles -south of Galves ton and can
use a private house for servi ces, or w e ca:l
m ake an arb or . Anyone who f eel s l ed to
this p lace will please write to B en HUb!:lCl' Y,
(; r oycs ton, Texll~ . or B, P . Cumphell , Chita, T exas .
!l;1.00 P ER )·EAR.
\l(il :0;'1' ::! I , lUI;;
been se\'er al times OPC' r a.tcd upon, al m o!"!t
died in one, and the on l y way she cou~' l
be made to hear anything at all was thru
a sp eCially co n structed ear trumpet, thrll
those who tried to sp eak with her we l'l"'
compelled to ye ll in the trumpet.
prayed, Th r next morning he went to thc
telephone off i c£'! a nd called up h i'S brothel',
living at Cor v all is , Ore, 96 miles distant,
and asked him to call his wire to t he phon".
Ili s brother said "\\'hy, Ben she can't hpar
a. wOl'd you say." BUl he i ll blst e d Shd
<:Iho uld come just the sa m e. " ' h en h e sai d
"Hell o, )'Iarnma" she bur st out "0, Pa ~) a
r ca n hear every word you say. " She said
th a t th a t morni n g whil e at br eakfast, Sh '3
su ddenly h ea rd a cracking, tearing nOi se ilt
her ears and the n ext thin g sh e knew sh o
was heari ng the bird"3 singing, and now 3
weeks l ater sh e i s sti ll h ealed a nd heari n ~
more pl ai nl y a ll th e time,
Dr. Mi cha l es, th e minister d ecl ar es h e i s
r e turning to his charg e to pr each Pente·
costa l tr uth s and a-sks all -to pray for hit'
that he may not [ail God.
Another man, a sinner, cam e a sking tha t
we "cl ea n him up. " For 3 month s he hall
not sl ep t 1 hour any ni ght. had fallen and
broken hi s shou l der- had not been ablq
to lift his hand or arm fo r 3 y ears. th e
co mpany for whom h e worked paid him
$ 300 to k eep it out of the co urts, h e wt\!i
a physica l w r eck , infiamato ry rh eu matis:1l
had mad e him a cripple, his vo i ce w as gonlJ
h e spoke in a whi sp er , H e came to the
a lla r, we prayed for him f or salvation n ot
h ealing , expec ting to do tha.t wh en he had
gollen saved: but when h e aro se he was
completely h ea l ed, thr e w orr hi s coat. lifted his arms above hi s head l eaped abolLt
for pure j oy. every organ in hl"3 body h ad
b een instantly h ea l ed ,
In e v er y po ck et
w as plug tobacco. and. as h e said, h q
"str e w ed tobacco all the way f r om t h e
camp grounds to Sl. John s, 11 mil es away,
and all appetite was tak en away for thp
weed." H e went home and slept soundl.v
for si x and a half hours and ever si nce has
sl ept about seven hou r s a night, has R
strong voice n o w a nd has gained 4 pounds
in 10 days.
0 , th e healings ar e wonderful.
woman w as h ea led of cancrl' of the stom·
aeh. Had been operated upon and wa'S '0
have another, and \\'as told f:\hf' could no~
li ve mor e than a month. God hE'aied hE'r
of cancer and kidn£'y disease Instantly, r 'lsto red her and mightily baptized her in
the Spi rit. The next night H e healed her
com pl etely of chronic, lite long conc:tipo·
tion. a l so healed her eyes.
H er two
daughters were also ~aved and healNi an(t
are close to their baptism.
A n othe r wom an came hobbling in, on
h er crutch, suffer ing so mu ch she had t('
stand during ~e rvi ce--was prayed for an'i
threw away her crutch. sa\'ed and thrn
baptized her in lI1f'~ ~pjrit. Sho ha'i no Uflr>
at all for he r crutch any more.
A man in la1o;t stag<'R of consumption
came from Independence. OrC'- k~J)t tht
saint~ awake ('oughing. was praYl'd tor anC1
God healed him in~tant l y and ho ha~ gain.
cd OH'r 6 pounds alrl~ady. his wife al.,o
was h(luled or lung troul>l('.
womall came with great pain and
dling in l iver. God hcaled her in!'olnn'
Iy, She turu<.'d nbout and told the nudi('lh't'
:sht' was entirel y hcnlod and at ahar cnll
call1C' for hri' bnptlRnl in I he ::;plrit
received a. strong' bapti!-;IlI, shouting all'l
clapping her hnnd~. \\'0 nsked lH'r it shf'
wantNI her p;lass~ which had bN'n n'
Illl)\"('<1 to pr('v('nt bl'caking. $ho rC\pllr'd
"0, ~O, my ('Y<'8 arc healru, nft('1' wcarlnl:'
them for o\'er 12 yearH, She was so haPllY
~h(' w('nt hQme without hat and umbrelh\,
returned latcl' on in wCl'k to ])rnhw the
hnd IlO need of her glasRe1o;.
.Just this aft('rnoon an rmal'iatl'd womall
of 51 ycars CHmt'" ror healing, sick ~5 year....
opc r atE'd upon, stomach ('ut ollen fI inc'liN',
weighed 85 Ibs" scarcely able to walk.
She had neuralgia in ht~l' head and c,\:,
cl·lIc.iating pain from kidney trouull~ sO th"
doctors said.
\\'cll. belovcd, Goel actuHII~
healed that woman at oncc. and l'oavecl 11(':'
soul. She exc l aimed. "0, is itl)OHslulc thnt
1 am really healed, and 0, will it laRt, will
it be th is way to-morrow. "She ran aroun'l
the tent like a young: girl, said ht'r wboll"'
body relt like tihe was oi1{'d, Rhe had to
be brought to the ground~ by fri('nd~, b'..lt
she said I am healed now. and want SOI11(1.
thing to eat, ] am so hungry, She kl'llt saying, "0, aftrr 25 yC<:1.rs of suftrl'ing , am
free," She is now, aq I write at tho restaurant eati ng, as sh sa y s sh o co uld n ot
do tal' many year s.
Space will not p ermit mo to tell of many
oth er ju st a n miraculou s heatin gs , man \'
deaf ears op n ed, eyes healed, a child with
cataracts on both ey es, n eve r ha.c; seen h \<;
m o th er' s face. li e sa id the other day, "0,
Mamma I see your (ac I l ooks funny," A
chi l d 1 00 mil es away, born with a g r ent
growth on his eyes. hankerchl ef pray er)
'Vonl comes n ow that growth Is
entirely r em oved. A Phon e m essa ge camll
l ast n ig h t, man dy in g , h eart "Jtopped, pra yed. A nother phone sai d h o w en t to sl ee')
in 3 or 4 minutes afte r we pra yed, and
that man was here to-day h eal ed ,
Sunday, the 26 th was a g l ori ous day.
Th e pow er rell like r ain all dny. but III
th e arternoon amounted to a cloud burst.
M or e th an a do zen wer e pr ostr a t ed und(;.J'
the pow er .
Ono young married w oma n,
just out of Ul e Evangelical church, cam e
thr u with mighty power, under tbe pow er
thr eo h o urs, sp eaking continuously In difSh e had a beautiful
f er en t la ngullges,
vi-slon of J esus. A Dunkard sister just In
from Olympia, ' Vash , r eceived a beautIrul
baptism, th e total fo r the day being 4 or ~
baptized In the Spi r it.
Whil e thI s w ....
goi n g on, sinner s w er e being f:\8 \'ed an.1
n umb rs or sick bodIes hea led.
Las t night
(Fri day) three m or e baptized. bringIng t'le
total for the w eek up to 1 5 nnel 30 bopltz"d
rOI" th e meeting which has been nlnnin,
three weeks.
At our St J oh n s m eeting Thur"1dny thp
power fell a nd 5 were und er the power, and
2 came thru, one being our brother Secr ls' ,
pastor of the Pentecostal A!'I!oIe-mbly 'n
Olympia, \\'a~h,
lI e had n ever RPoken In
t ongu('s, but during the Ringing of the
Ileavenly chOir. he spokp out strong se\'cral
Lirncs to hi'i great delight and bh~ssin~
. urf'ly God is moving. and "Thls Is Hur('liv
T il \T."
Tim(> and spa('e ro rb ids further lllenti('l'1
of Indi\'ldual casE'S and further details, \\ !I
rpport later on.
Let all the Halnt~ pray
much for us . therE' is blMBed unllY anel
frepdom absolutely f r om all contrO\'ersv
and "great grace is upon Uf:\ all ..
Yours t or lost souls, \\'HI C, 1'rotl€,j',
rt is \\" o ndertul- l uHcr R E'pOrl
Thr mighty power ot God Is railing an,l
the <'loud of H is PrMence hO\Ters OVPI'
the cntirf! grounds,
Y('sterday, Friday
\ug Gth was pprhaps thf' rno t wonnf!rful
day \\C h8\'e f'\'er sce-n anywhprf' n:>
words ('an deReribr it no one was ablfl tl>
preach all day,
Re\'erpntIy speaking it
S(' mN) to be God'~ bUBY day-took lhin,;.{""
l'ntirely in lIis own hands. Great numb~rs
W('re prostrated undE.'r thf' power and T
wt're most powerfully baptized In the Sl,lrit, making 16 who have rt'cC'I\'ell llll" ~pt(­
It ror th(' 6 days and about 56 to GO for
month Wt' ha\'(' b('I'11 going-one mhl.~tf'r·s.
wire slnyin~ at home n('ar camll~roUnc1s.
with th(l rhtldrpn got down to pray anci Gn.l
mightily hRlltiZf'd hftr beroff' her hl: "and
t'I'ach~1 home. numbf'rs of lho~E' who got
tllru Wllre hf'olt'u at th~ same time thC'y
w(>rp ~:;palf'd, so many getting ~a\'(>(1 no R('('ount CRn bl" kf'pt. but lht' Spirit lhat I~ 0.1
thp ground cannot he wId hy typf wrJtpr.,
it is hrllvpnly.
\\'ill Trottf'r, Pa:-{(,r
D.I HI.I\(;T()\. 1'1 . 1.
Lord :~ flavln~ 81HI haplizlIlr; witll
til(' Spirit as in \('t :! 1. In the mpPtin~s
just cloH'd n{'ar Darlington, Florida lhf"
Lord wonderfully hlE'sHl'd.
seven bnlHism~ in lh<' Spirit and !'h wer~
Raved ( rom 1o;In
S('H'ral WI'ft' hrnll'l\
In thf' IH'glnnlng or one !"C'n'lce a hrotht:'r
walk d up anti ,nmt<,d \Is to go 10 hi~
home 8<"'rn mll"H away 10 pray for h:g
\\'r W('l1t down In 11ra),f'r In bc.half ot tho rhi1<lrPIl and Ihry w{'rf' h(talf'Cl' •
The feve r had b('rn on tlH'm thrp(, .Iays
and night~, und Arter this ~f'nlC' .. Bro,
\\'('lIs Rnll I Wf'l1l to th!::' hom"5 and rl'l\clH'l
lhf'rE' ahout 3 o'clo('k In the mornin~ an 1
found thf'm rMtln~ gooel
"'r f'~I)('clflll~' invite th£' prayf'r" of lht"
saintK PH'rywi1('rC'
1 ';\'an~f'lIstH \\' l'llt) and
and ;\lo!'l'ly, n 1. IIncocIn, \Ia.
\\ Il l Bl 1(:1'0:\. 01(1 1.\.
T CO III 0 h er e two weeks ngo wit II nro.
A, lTOl'n and wif('.
Th ey are now at M~­
1'11('> dlfticultle-s se-em \;nSU I-
mountabl e, but w e trust Olll' great ('aPtain,
I desire the pra ye r s of th e Pent ecosta l peol >le fo r Ihl s plnce a t thl'S tim e,
" '(' look th e Opera Ii ouse as soon a.'; w e
3niv(>(1 and have preach ft d ('very (>v{>n ing.
Some, 1 think, have b een sav('d: man)',
ve r y many r eRtorC'd to their first l nn:lo" GOd
h as mell('(1 the h ea rt s of mony .
The hl Rto ry of this Assemb l y l.q df!plorabl e. A g l·flut l'ev h 'a l , many inter es ted,.
work n url sh ed with Jea p s a nd bounds, a
hairsplitting cliapute on do('tl'lnC6, Il. seplLr ation, an d a d eclin e and tou r year!'; or i n differ en ce and n eg l ect.
I t seem.q to md>
that many d ear yo un g brethren n flg l ('ct thP.'
ca r e rul cstabllshlng ot assemblies. I wouirI
rath er es tablish one goo d work wit h onC'
r eviv a l and stftady advance than twenty
mom ntary strawf l r e r e vival s.
Th e l ack
oC leve lh eaded rn ~ n Is great. Men oC God
Pastors and '9 h eph erd s, Lot us pr ay God to
send work er s In th e g r ent harvesttleld, -
W. E . BOOlh-Cllbborn.
'I'l,; XMi ~n; ~; 1 ' I N(;I; BU,;SSE O (W 000.
' Ve came to H ighland and p u t up our
Go spe-l tellt Ju ly 16th and bega n servicM
that nlJ)hL
Inte r es t was good fro m tha
begi nning anel on the next \V edn e5;day th~
tire tel l and a gr{'at travail for sou l s ca me
ove r UH a ll and thE' ~ervlces continuE'd from
10:30 A. M. until 6 P.
d uring "hicll
time s<'v{>ral werG sa...·cd and tbl'e(' baptized
I n the H oly Gho"t.
Every "'e n -Irp was 1
wonderful manlfe-!'tation or God's power,
unti l w(, closed, l en days later . Eighteen
w(' r r saved and tPIl baptized in t h e- Hol '/
Ghost a nd a numb{'r \\'('re seek i ng whel'\
we ('lo~pd.
Prah·r God for victory.
Sunday July 2rith , bapti7.€'<l eil!"htP{' n in
w at£'r and we had a ~ l orious !:le l'\'lce at
the watE'r'R edgE'. One man and ·"ix o r hi::;
daughters folloWNI Chrl~t I n water baptism and ('sme rorth rejoicing.
Prom Highland w r movrd to lh{' C'amrme('tlng at Glen Ro~c
,,0E' staYN! 1\ we-ek
and rarne hE'rt' to C l e-bournt' for a few"
clays or \\'(>€'kg. 1'11(' pr o~peC lS al'l;' prollli<;-
\\"111 repo rt later.
Pray [ o r U1o; thn.t God will u!::e- \: ... t(\ Hiq,
~Iory everywh('re we go.
Lonnlp \\Yhi ....worth nnd band
Weekly Evangel
a. Pentaeoatal ]fewavaper uubltebed w •• kly
with the esoeptlon of one week durina' the
me.ting of tb. Oeneral Co unoll o f the Ae •• mbU •• of 004 , and Chriatm •• w eek, 5. t .. " ••
in the lnterut. of th e Oenerat
.... embly or O od ... d for reno w.hl p in l\Dd
'\he prom'Ulgatio D of the O Olpel of the XIDljf'dom
lD .U the earth.
publishe d by
2838 E •• tOD Avenue, St . L on t. M o.
(Owned by tbe aeneral CauDell of tbe Aa ·
•• mbl1n of Ood.)
E . N. BELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bd lto r - I n- ~?:.f
3 . R.. FLOWER. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . omce E
JI . N . BELL ......... , .. . . . .. St. LOJUle. TMO .
r r BOSWOBTB ......... . DILl lU, 81.
...: P: COLLIWS , ...... . ... Ft. W~rtb, T~~ .
.A.BDll.EW L . FRASE:& , .... ·
. Ch cago,
• . A . 009S .............. B ot Spring:, g-~t
D . W. X.ERl\ ..... . ......... · . Clevelan , OhiO
'r. X . LEONAB.D . . . . . . . . . . . . . Findla y,
D. B. McD owell .......... Totten v11le, If. y .
M . ld.. PINSON ...... . ...... On.'kl 'Lnd, C"Uf.
K . G . )lODGERS ............... Jackaon, T e nn.
:r. W. WELCH ................... D .. ex, M o.
D . C. O. OPPERMAN . . . . . . . . . Ottunlwa , Iowa
• . r. LAW'BENOE ..... ,Shepherd.town, W . Va,
J . B.. PLOWER .......... . ... ·· st. L oula, M o.
SUBscaXPTION PIlIOE: 11.00 Ver yoar, 50
ot •. for .u mont.h • • 25 o ta. for three moutb •.
All aubaorlptl ons shonld be aont by Poatal
or Expre .. Monoy Ordera, made paya-blo \0
'rho Goapel PnbUshlnl' B on ae, St. Lou is, Mo.
Subsoripti on., artloles for publl c a-Llon, o rders
fOl Bibles and organ. , etc., sh ou ld be addre .. ed
to tbe OOspel PubU.hlnll" Jlo u .. , 2030 Ea.ston
Avenue , St. Louis, Mo ., t o Insure pro lnpt "t·
Artlol.. for pubUoaUon should be
written on on. sid8 of paper a-nd bo brlof Rnd
to the point •• tar IU It b po .. tbla.
All ma-ttars tor pubUoaUon mus' rfu\ob our
o:ft'lc e not latar tba.a Thursday of eRch weelt.
sick neighbor, or so mE' elderly "shut in"
who n v('r othe r wlso g('te to hear from
God 'M m p.ss(' ng(~ r s. A Iso th l"r(' 'iCE"ms to b~
some 1101(' for I'cst, ror "visi ting" with tho
ramily at JUHt the mom(>l1t8 th('y are frep .
And by m~tlng time everything IR in a
g l ow or (\XIH"ctancy and JOY where tho oth er
"' w Ol'k€' I'" haR dragged hlm":lelr and everybody f"IR(, through an irksome day into defeat at th(' ev('ning meellng.
Now t hrre may be just the opposite extrE'm(\. the cievil doesn't ('a r e much which
extreme God's m('SSPIlKerH take, JUBt so It
1'3 ono or thf' othf'r.
fio whil e about it,
I will pOint out anothe r mi stake in th~
o PPoAltc dlr(,Cllon.
A Ilrcachcr or wo rk er m ay un der taka
E RP ciall y II he or s h e u n-
c1prtak('s to PLKi\R~ pgOPLI~, Instead of
s('cklng only to PLEAS I~ nO)). You m ay
be s ur(' i f you please th
Lord you wll}
pleaap the -peop l e the beHt they ca n or ought
to b(' pl eased . A preachcr may clt'ny h i m -se lf j)rO I)(' r r ef:lt and pr op e.r nouri shm ent
out of I1lrrr human sy mpathy for tho se
in dl str R abo ut him. Co d doee not d '-l'
siro that, and I t w fll bring d feat t he same
as th e other cou r se.
R c memb .r d ear w o r ker , you are God'jJ
amba~ador, 80 yo u must l oo k li t ever y·
thing nnd everybody FROM GOI)'S VIEW
POINT nnd, know no man u ft or th e fl esh.
L oo k at p eopl (' wi t h n vi e ...... to savin g th eir
so ul s o r perf ecting their l o v e, NOTH I Nn
}~ L S E .
Rllch n. vi e w will probab l y makd
YO u b o th dili ge-nt a nd r stt lll tn you r w o r k .
The I,o rd grant It.- W .
Entered as second-ol a •• matter MIn'ob 24,
1915, at t.be post otrlce at St. Louta, Jdi . . ourl,
'Gnder the Act o f Maroh 3, 1879.
1 06
Loo k a t th e 1I11t1rc~s lulle t on th e w rapp er
In wh ich you r Weekly JBv811gei
I s mailed to YOIl, and II you
(Ind No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
you will kno w your subscriPtion
tn two weeks . Pl euRc r en ew now .
If It s h ou ld happen that yOIl do not d oe\r e to co ntinu e th o pn pe r any l on ger,
pl ease drop u s a card or uollty your poSI·
maet{lr, wh o will t n turn notHy us to stop
th r- pappr. If wo do 1I 0 t h oa r f r o m y o u nt
unce, w e will t n k e it for g r anted that yo u
de~lre u s to conl lnu
the paper to YOllr nd dress and so w i ll expec t to r ecei v e a r eo e wal from you sh or tly .
~1:en are not turned away from h arm f r l
habits as a rul e by being told how h armful
th ose habits arc. Th ey can b est be separated from s u ch habits by b ei ng show",
f:.o m eth ing that is sure to be m o r e i tlt er esting wh en rightly '3een:
and thnt
somethi ng Is C hri st. Dr. Scofield h as toltl
"Paul said, 'Ye turned to God from
Idol,.' :-/ot, 'Ye t u rn ed from Idols to G od:
There is entirel y too much preachin g about
'1 determilled t o kn o w n ot hing ill
idola.tro u s Corinth
but .TeslI::)
<""11I'i-:;t and Him c ru cified.''' " It is better
o hold up Christ," says ano th or, "lhan I ')
run down ido l s. " -Sophia Bronson Titter ·
tllgto n .
EllS ,\Xl)
\\'OIlI(J,; n;;
SUO!!I,]) BE )}1I,lGEX 'I'.
Many of our pr achers and workers,
h a ving been called in to th e field early in
life , baye neyer f elt the burden and thl'
responsibility that r ests upon th e. laity i n
temporal m atter s.
1n l3ucb cases it b ehOOH'S th em to ask God 1.0 help them to
r ealize those burdens in order to shar In
tbem and h e lp to bear them.
The p erplexity of the layman ove r 11I'ovid-
i og for h is o r h e r family is often distJ"Po;;si n g beyond measure.
The daily bread IS
often earn ed at lI J\ RD l abo r during lont;
hours and at inadequate pay. The g r o',\'ing demand'3 of t h e family threaten to
b w arnp as a nood. Rent must bC' paid and
there is no monpy to pay it. Cloth!'!:! mu~t
be bought and there Is no mon ey to buy.
Child r en must be school ed and tl1£l're is
nothing to buy clothes and books with.
Bu~ine~ m n have bill~ to meet. hell) lO
pay. Rnd cannot co ll ect. Etc., Etc
H, in th e rnidl-it o[ such daily toil, n listless. careless "preacher" or "worker" <: )
comps d r iCting along. spelldin~ the day in
Idl(>npss waiting for the "mc{'ting" .tT
night, it is '9ure to bring r ebellion in man:
And It Is not r ight. Soonpr or
later such a preach er will conclude he ~
'lot callp d to the ministry and will drop
out. perhaps into sin.
How different if, under the same cil'cum'Stances of toil and pl'rplpxity a yount;'
preacher or worker cornel\, along who has
Teally prayed throu g h on the!;f" lilles 8n(\
K. ·O"·S a few things from Gorl ~ The well
ordpn~d day's program of such a visitoi'
is an Inspiration and a help to e,'ery on i '.
There seems to be plenty of time for Dib lro
Mudy, for pr ayer, tor helping cOIlBiderably
a.bout the l)lace, and also for visiting ~onH\
]'~ ST"j ljl j A
}\. BI1: nN f\ l IEH.
\V e openN I a mi ssi o n h a ll In the Sp rilL b"
and in th e thr e months wo h elll m eeting"..
ther(' baptized f ou r . TIHI;n from th e mifision tn K n nd a (~nglish) we h ave:' b ap tiz ed
si x, making t{l ll i n all. Th e funds han '
been g r ow in g l ess and l e~s with m ore and
m o r e Illouthfl to r eed and m o r e p l aces f o1'
th e m o n ('ly.
At last th ere wns no mon ey
ror the l'enl n nd wc w er e ob li ged t o g i ve un
our Iitll o h ouse which hu s becom e·"lIome"
10 lI ~ .
This place (Go t ('mba) was sugg('~t{'(l an d we came here, rinding room s
in i.l Japanese ho use for $2 .5 0 a month.
whl('h w e took for the s ummer .
"hi!; jr.; a mountain village and at t h e
root of th E' mountain, n oout u. mil e and 3hair away. nbout 300 foreigners are sp enn ing the summ (' r . Our room s are v ery hC't
but th e co untry ail' is pur e and th e nigh ts
here are cooler.
Thi s country h as always been n eglected. It costs twi ce as mu ch to live h er e o.R
it do('os in India, at I a st a third more th an
in ArriCa. or Ch ina. but u suall y whil e fifty
doll ars go to India or Chinn , fh'e or te'l
dollars go to .Japan . Thi s 'Spring I h ad oJ"
pOl'lunity to get o n e of the finest .Japan eg l '
boys I know who i s a Co ll ege Graduate, as
a worker, but had n o mo n ey to 'Pay him.
and aR h e had a n aged f a th er a nd moth~r
to look a.fter . h e mu st have so m ething to
lh'e on.
Now he has secu r od a position
and go n e to work.
Pl e-ase pray that w (' l'n ay b e g uid ed by
His bl f"Ssed Spi r it and con tro ll ed by Hi 'll
in a ll thin gs.
l'ln~SE ~CI;; O~'
" It wa s in God' s presen ce that f aith
was wak en ed and str en gth on ell in Abraham and th e saints' of o ld . It was in Je5us' presE?nre on ea rth that unbelief \\'f'.S
ca'3t o ut, and that little faith b ecam n
It w as in th e presenre of th e
Glo rifi ed One that faith received the blessing of Pentecost. The Throne of God i s
now o pen d to u s in Christ: it is becotnp
the throne or God and the Lamb : As we
tnrr\' in humble wt)rship, nnd walk in lovillg 'se-n ' iC(' brfore the throne~ the riv er o[
the- watpr of lire that flows; rrom un der it
wi ll f l ow into uo:::.. and throu~ll us. <Hl'l
out of u~.
'lie th at believeth. rh·e-rs of
wat<>r 5h8 11 fl ow out of him' ,. -.\ndr~ '\·
Murray .
1'11(1 so nl tnU~t stand in th e funlight to
brar witn('s~ to the sun."
--:0:-• On'·id·~ pilgrim s. going thro u gh the
vale of miser~·, 'use it for a w('lI.' • • •
"·h en th ey ~rew thirsty they 100kE'd not
n1rre-ly fnrther on into the heart of the
futurE", but deeper down into the b~om of
the pr{lse l1 l."
- - : 0: - "It clop!". not tak e great men to do great
things it only takes ('on"ecratpd men."
--:0:-"Our str('ngth is measured by Ollr pln,·tic power • • • Bricks :l.nd mortar 3iC
mortar and bricks until the anhitect ca.l
make thE'm into somethi ng pIse." - frol·l
PhillIP'! Brooks.
Sunday School
realize the consciousnoos of His Almighty
faithfulness as in no other way.
1 havf\
proved it. " Th e lmrf'el of m ea l was ted n O l ,
n e ithl~ r lUd th (' ('ru se o f o il fail."
Halle-lujah!-A. n. FLOWER.
.\ ugus t. 2U. J 0 i i> .
nOI) 's CAllE 01,' . ,; LIJAH.
' j&J~() n
T('\:t,-.l King. 17: 1-16.
Go ldon 1'c:\t-Casting all your care upon 111m, ror H e careth for you. 1 Pet. 5: 7
J j("adlng Thought
ob dlent s hall eat"
4:5; but no
• • •
I . J ~ JjJuh roo hy B U\'(, II S. VB. 1-7. \Vithalit any I ntroduction Elijah suddenly app parl3 o n t h e stage of hi sto r y. His acti vity
was lim ited to I srael: b ence n o account or
him in the Chronicles which gives the histor y of .Judah.
li e is mentioned twice jo
O. T. 2 Ch. 2 1 : 1 2;
HEQl-ES'I' S 1"011 PH.\ Y En.
Pray for Galion aud !l.lansfleld, Ohio,
that God will send a full Pentecostal
worker to these p l aces.
Pray for a mother in Lindale, Texas ,
who har'3 heart failure; also that 8. hu ~­
band may be saved.
• • •
Pray for a sister who Is suf fering from
sciatic rh eumatism .
• • •
P r ay for a sister in Daugherty, Okl a .•
proph et Is 60 often m entio n ed in the N. T.
John th e bapti st was but a r epr oduction or
that sbe may be healed for God's Glory .
Pray tor a Siste r suffering from deafn eS'S, catarrh a nd sto mach trouble, so th nt
she cannot sl ee p, a nd is yery weak. Pray
that sh e may be till ed with th e Sp irit; al90
that a daughter JUay be healed who h as
been insane.
Ma tt. 11:12 - 1 4; Mk. 9:13; Luke
'Vo see t he supernatural par t i c ular-
ly em pha si zed in hl"3 li fe. Hi s ve ry nam e
m ean':; " th e Almighty God;" Burely his li fe
evidenced th e pr esen ce and power ot Got! .
Coming from a wandering, parti ally civ il ized peo pl e, the Ti shbites, he must indeBd
have a l)Pe..'l.r ed a v ery eccentric character .
But he had God ' s m essage- that wa c;
H ow often sin ce G od has u sed
some untutored eccentri c cbaracter to
co nvey His m eSlS age; and again h e choost:s
an el oquent, ta~tful Paul. R ead iness an rl
obedience a re two great r eqUisi t es in th o
Id eal servant o f God . 'Vith w ha t authority Ji-:lijah stand s before Ahab, th e most
co rrupt o f all l srael's kings (ch. ]6 :33 ..
and pronounces the judgment of God. v. l
Pra ye r i s back of hi"3 bold , confident stan t1.
.las. 5:17.
See al so Deu t. 1l : 16 , 17 . A
h ol y stead fast faith en cou r ages th e exer ·
clse o f Huth o rity . Hi s duty discharged, b "~
fore h e co uld ev en wo n der conc~l'ning h i:\
o ..... n secu rity, God speak s again, "Get thre
h ence," vs ~- 4 -God will a lw ays take care
o [ Lh e m esscn ger that does h is duty.
H 03
a lrea dy h a d th e l>lace of hidin g pr epar ed ,
tho T~ li jnh of course kn e w nothin g about.
H alleluj ah. God will do t h e ~ am e for u s.
P sa. 31: 20. I'\ote however the meaning o r
"C h erilh "-"C ut off. se parated." Th at i s
always a good pla ce for u s t o be j u st after
God ha s mad e so m e sp ecial u sc of u s. Hi dden aWRy- no co mpanion s but Gorl and
the raven s, whom God had made specl;:..1
m essen gers of m er cy to his pro phet. "Bread
an d fl esh" twice a day-"the r e is no wan t
to them that fear him." Psa. 3 4 : 9, 10. Th e
food and the raven s w e r e v ery natm'al; b ut
G od 's provision for Elijah th er eby was very
"He went und did" v "
:\' oti('c l he same r eady obedience in v. 10 .
Go d was pr eparing him fol' greater worll .
\\'hat a tCo-:.t of faith it mu st ha\'e been to
see thal broo k El ow ly drying trp day artr-r
Some of us mi ght have changpcI
boarding houses befo r e God's time.
yet it wa s the very thing Elijah e)..1Jected.
~ o do ubt- no r ain . Do we ever stumbl e
over the th i n g Cod gra n ts u s in an swer to
our own pray er.
EliJah fed by a \\·idow. "~So 8- 1 6.
Thou gh we might ju st as corr ectly -sa y. ":1
widow fed by Elijah ." God most genera l ly w ork s things on a partnership basi E'
th en n o one gets all the cr edit. U\\'QI'd or
(;()(I ('lunc.'· Surely hi s ear s w er e open toward h ea v en. "Gel. thee to 7.l1l'cphuth,'·
Could not God have co ntinu ed to f eed him
miracu lou sly at th e brook? 'Vh y send hinl
to Za r ephath. "a place o f r efi ning" Go J
wanled to develop a new kind of faith in
Elijah as we ll a~ bring blegsing and sa l ·
vation to the wi dow's household.
It wac;
a 'Place of refining all around. Noti ce hi ')
r ath er
indefinite-· f ~
widow." v. 9. But God had gone before
a od prepared the W3y.
Elijah's natural
heart Tllust have sunk wh('n he hl?'al'd tb:l~
widow' s tale or woe. " Surel y h e had roun I
the '\Tong widow this limp. " )1any of u:;
would have looked a little farthpr . .:\.h no
" the word of th(' I J(wd lutd (,oHlP"-an.l
hpr£' t h e fil'>';t thing was a widow. Elijah
r e('o~ ni1. ed God's hand and proce eded ac·
('ordingly. Like Abraham. "he staggerf'd
not at I he promi!'e." So long as God \\' rt~
bphind it anyway it didn't matter how it
":'\ot in my way, not in thy way
But in His own way-the Lord
" )lake 111(' th{lreof a little cake- first" (\
there W3 the secret. Believe me 't
was th e fin.t honoring Cod with her sul.stanC'e that b rought the increa-se. )Iany ~
l)arrei and c ruse is failing today for this
I'r ')v. 3:9 , 10.
Let God speak to
\'our soul in some straightE"ned hour of
~esting the words Of \". 14, and you will
• • •
'ro ~nIY
\'Ve are pr eaching among the Filipino s
Fili and Porto Rican s in th ese Islands;;.
pinos are callod th e wild and savage pfh.pie ' of th e l os land s a od a r e l oo koo dow :l
u pon, but w e a r e g lad to r eport that ~om e
of lhem are good C hri sti an s an d although
m a n y or th eir paren ts have been h ea,t
hunter s and stoep ed in Mohamm edan dor.trin es a nd practi ces , God can a.nd i s sa~­
Ing them. Our work Is only in the coffee
and su gar plantations among Filipinos,
Porto Rican s and Spaniard,'S.
So we u se
th e Spani sh to ngue and interpreters fo r
F'ilipino dialects. " ·e never pr each among
whit e p eo pl e or in their chu r ches a lthou g~,
in co nn ection with th e Hawaiian Oriental
BoaI'd of Mi ssi on s, ou r liberty is not cut
ofr and w e pr each th e r eal P entecostal
doctrin es of th e Apostles, with soign'S.
Peop l e in t ho '",l and have r eceive d the
Holy Gh os t and s peak in tongu es. There
a r e a l so h ealings.
\\'e d eSi r e you r f el lowsh ip and prayers.
B elow is th e t r ansl ation or a
known Hindu stani so ng whic:l is
wh er ev er thi ~ langu ago i s sP')kcn.
wells ung
J esu s t h e Ch ri st is m y so ul's only Savior.
Jes u s th e Ch ri St.
Th e sinn er who m ay come to Jesus:
Joou s i s the on e and only Savior,
J es us the C hri st.
consecrate myself to J esu s.
J esus gives me deliverance and f r ep.dom,
J esus th e Chr i st.
Thi s river is d eep and my bo at i s so lea k) ;
Jesus him self will tal(e m e acr()03S it.
Jesus th e C hri st
He i s th e Lord of th e poo r and the o rphan s.
Thou Lord, Thyself over si nn i ng gives ..
vict o ry,
Jesus the Ch ri st.
Shelter, Oh Lord, thi s sinner in Thyself
Take care or m e till the end o( timp,
Oh, Lord ,
J esu s th e C hri st.
-Contributed by James Har vey.
HI,~ r j p
\\·. \XTED.
'V e d eSire the h elp of a m an or wo m a')
who undeMtands mu sic and i s a good s in ~­
er . ab l e to play an o r ga n and l E'ad in si n g ing. 'Ve need one su ch to h elp us her€:,
(~l arioll. Ohio): one who is P entecostal.
and can trust the Lord for support, as
we are on the faith linr- ou:·~e l\' es.
.\dd ress:
S. Gra '·PS. I';,'angelist. in
tent. co r . Greenwood ~nd George St'S. ,
I\larion, Ohio.
)IOl' XT
(,O :'i\ · E:'iTIO~.
nett'oil, )1ici1ig-un.
The Fifth Pentec()03tal Convention of
)Iollnt Horeb closed .-\ ugust 4th.
received the baptism of the holy Ghost ..
One was sa ved.
Two were rf:>(' l ai mecl.
~even were h ea l('d . and one delivered rroro
demon power. Six were baptized in wate r .
Bro. A. E. idford of \\"innipeg, Canada,
Sister Su~ie Duncan of Rochester, X e\\'
York. and ister Gerber of Turkey. assisted in the meeting::;. .\ II the expenses were
met by (ree-will offerings. Pasto r s Phillip
" 'i tlich and B njamin "·iltich were i:l.
charge of the Conyention.-Frank 111. Moll.
~ :J-~ I?/~
.\ HE YOLO H E .\ Il\".
Flo r'('nce L. BU I'pee.
wh;e and foolis h \'irgins
\\-110 hayc left the paths of sin
"arc waiting for Llle Bride-g-room,
nging 1I0W to en te r in.
Some h ave oil lo-<hty in pl enty :
()th('rs say lher 's lime to buy.
To the waking and lh ·'Sleeping
Soon will ~ound the midnight cry.
lI}ne you sought [01' your baptism
\\'aken, brother. from your sleep.
ira mall love IOC,' says .J esus,
'He my eve r y wo rd will keep.'
{;o and say to eve ry nation,
'Turn, all, turn, why will ye die.
But before you take tho message
Tarry here for power on high.'
A re you r eady for r ede mption,
Dear OIl CS waitin g he re below?
Hn\-c you o n the weddi n g garrnent,
Through th e bl ood mad e while as snow'?
lI a-, th e p ro mi se of the Fath e r
(';lused your so ul to r eac h up higher?
H as th e Lord lIim self bapti zed you
\\' ith th e H o l y Gho st alld fire?
Ar e you r eady for tran sl allon,
Oh my b r other, sister, dear?
i?-trive t o b e an overcomer
In the short tim e given h er e.
'Soon wil l come th e Marriage Supper
.A nd th e w l?dding in the sl<y.
11 ej oice and sholl t fOI" JOY, y e wise one:.
Your red em'H io n d"uwcth nigh .
T ilE 1,()HIl'S SlJ PPER .
:\I edi cille ro.· His C hildre n.
.. But let a man examine himself for he
th at ea teth and drinketh unwo r thily, no~
discerning the Lo d's body , brings judg-,
nlent on h'm scH , and for th i s cause many
are weak and sickly among you and many
s lee p."- l Cor. 11: 23-24 .
Dear r ead er, on th e night of the 2 4 th or
Augusl. 1914, I had a dream, and in tn?
dream J held a co n versation with my Lo r :.]
rcgarding lIis sup per . J '3eem ed to be s tand in g be side a sm::lll table wh :ch was draperl
in white , on it w as a small wh i t e l oa t of
bread-w h ite as snow -a nd a littl e C I' U S( ,
which l oo k ed like s: l ve r , f illed wi th swee t
grape j u ice o r wTne.
r tnougn·t th e 1:ord''3
su pp e r wa s auout to be ad m in i stered. It
see med 1 kn ew the Lo r d was t h ere bu t
cou l d not see lI ;m.
Presently TI e spoke io me, He sa i d,
"This i s My lable,"
0 ye'3 Lord , " But
c' Th ~~ is :\Iy lab i a."
Y es, Lord, "Bu t th i~
is my tab l e."
A s H e spoke the third lime
1 see med to awaken to the fact that my p rtl'Cious Lord .J es u s was spe aking to m e,
and I said "Yes dear Lord, what i.-; it?"
A nd Tie an sw er ed saying " Thi s i s :'l Tv
d!r diCinc for ,\Iy littl e c hildren, Look ."
~ .tI d I l ooked and sa w bc fo r e me a congregation of p eo pl e, sick, aff l icted , a n d
c ri p pl es , a very sorry looking lot of peop l e.
I f elt asham e d of t h em as r l ookect ,
and I tho u ght what a l ot of poo r rep r esen ·
talivC'3 of th e L ord '5 Gospel.
"'W h at is th'9
matte r w i t h t h em Lord ?" A n d He sa id to
me, " Th ey eat and drink of My table ca r p.1ess l y , h eed lessly, faithless l y, and then e-o
away w o r se t h an b er ore t h ey have eate:1,
beca u se they have sinned. "
'·How is it
Lor d?" "Because what I s not at faith If!
sin." "Yoo Lo r d" [sa i d.
He spo k e the second li m e. " \ \' b at i s no t
of faith is sin," and ag a in the th i r d ti m e,
" "' h a t Is n ot of faith is sin. "
Then He sho w ed me the d if fe r ent bodi e"
('f peop l e or cong r egations, w h o t ake the
Lord's Su p pm' each we ek, a n d no t one o r
th em discern ing ill t h e b read H is 'Per fect
body b r o lcen for t h ei r imper fect bodioo, ju !:! t
<1S much as th e b l ood shed on Calvary ror
t hei r sins. A nd J wept as 1 realised how
llHlny time~ I had done the same.
Ir e' ~ajd to
"will you te ll )'fy children ?"
and I said ·' Y es. Lord, r will."
, awoke and f ell asl ee p again, anti th ~
dream wa s r epea ted a "Second time, and
again the third lim e: and so 1 tak e this
way to pa ss it on to God's children, and the
re,;,;u lt s are with Him.
1 ca n see noW,
that if w e are sick or a fflic ted in any way
\flo d will p artak e of the bread and wine ill
i lth, we m Ul"rt be healed a nd will no l onger
1)E' \"eal< ly a n d sickly a nd di~ca':;erl if we a r ,>
1i\'ing in obrciif'ncc to the will of God in.
other ways, and we 11a\'e no ri ght to eat UIItil we exa mtne oUl'selves and are clear before God, anG J10t t h en if we are l3ick unle~s
we cun ea t in faith an d be h ealed. for wha l
is not of fa ith i s sin. 011, 1 p r ay God you
may get the light and truth and rise to your
"privi leges and be made e\'ery whit whol,',
body, 'Sou l , and spirit, for it i s our Lord's
medicine t o keep Hi s ch ildren well ana
free rrom disease until He shall come agaiTI
and call us to Himself.
I am Sure He
wants us to be well in body a~ much a'3
well in soul. Let us no longer Nit careles~­
l y. hee(ll~sly, and faithles~ly. but realis·
Ing that we are complete in n:m, body,
soul, and EPil'It, for He carne tha' we might
have life and ha\"{' it more abundantly.
J was t lUng my dream to a brother RTln
he said: "That rcminds me of n missioll
ary out in a forei?;n Innel, who tulli me that
the only way h(' could I;:('ep well and k('('p
his \\ ife and children w('11 was to IlHrtakl'
oftC'n of the Lord's Supper in faith.
said if ally of the childr('n were taken sir).;,
tbey would gather around the lA>rd's tabie
aud he would ha\'e the childr.'a ))<\rt31«'
and they would always be he-aled."
1 was -so glad for this te8li rp('Iny, as I
myself was healed in partakin;.:: in fait11
for m y body.
1 was afflicted in m y fl~N
vcry badly, r said as I t ook I hc brC'ad'
Dear Lo rd. Your llerfecl body ,va!i brolcen
tor my im'J)('rfect one , Y ou 111\\,(:'o paid th"
pri ce, a nd I may go free and wh o l e. Y o.\
will hoal my poor afflicted feet," and as
1 t a lk ed to lIim, it seemed a sof t fl eeer
c loud, about a s big as a hanu, passe ci
through my body down to my feel. so "3ott
and warm, and my feet \\7er healed. 0,
prais e lIis d ear n ame Hall e l ujah, for th e
truth that sets u s free. I wa s giving o n'
thi s m essage one morning, as we werC'
a.bout to partake of the Lord' s Su pp er , and
it si~Hcr In the audience said "J will eat in
fai lh" Sh e had (:ilI ffe r ed for y ears with
sick h cn da che s, and sh e wa s heal ed from
that h o u r , Oh. Prai se our d ea r Lord who
ha s mad e su ch pro vi sio n ( o r a lt HI ~ dear
ch il drell . Oh. let Us ha ve faith In 1Il s
\Vord . n o t ono word can fail of all l ie h3. :3
p romi sed .
Hall elujah to Hi s pr eciou..;
n a m e, II i'3 eye is over Hi s peop l e, Hi s a1'
is o pen to th ei r c ri es, and H e ha s promise,l
to fulfill th e desires of the r ighteo u s. D o
we believe 11 is w ord ? Thell l et us r ejOice
and b e glad, for all thing~ a r c yours, and
ye are Ch ri st's and Christ i s God's.-Ame!l.
B y E . R, Tru ssell from "Trust,"
( ' I·Il'HXIX G OF
~lIl j l~
" Surely th e, ch urning of milk brin gelh
fort h butto r !"
The r e has to be a '3tirr in~
u p , a continual co m motion in th a t ch urn,
of t ile mi lk of t h e kine , but out of the·t
churning, oul of that co m moLion, out Dr
that pla sh ing togethe r , back and forlll,
arc tak e n the \'cry finest clements of th~
milk and it b ecomes butte r to eat. "Surely th e churning or milk bring eth for Ul
butle r ~"
\\'e are in the churning boat
t hese days, a seet hing mass; e\'e rYlhi ng
coming upo n li S, reli g iOUS lhought a p pa:'en liy in co mm otio n, and we are inclin ed
to wonder what will be t h e ... end of it all,
but God ca n bring good OUt of it.
oily globules a r e being se pa r ated and
brought tog et h e r.
God wil l bring g lad ·
n es'';) o ut of a ll the exp er ie n ce3 of the~'"
day s. H e i s b r inging out the butter. \\'~
would rath er be qu i et , u n distu r b ed, j u ~t
like th e pan of mille. But you will nevel'
get bull el' o u t of it if you just l e t it set
II is onl y as it is put i n to lhe c hurn,
p l ashed and churned and set in commotio \
that th e bull er. th e rich est of the milk,
is e\' olved, until that whi ch i s l eft i'1 fi j
o nl y to be d i scarded. God is churning YOll
up , b eloved.
Is He getting m uc h bult.~ ..
out of you?
Th e 'Pl'oph cy of Malac}li
speaks of th e r efining of silver. The Re·
fin e r ha s the crucible 011 th e f i r e, and II s
purpo se I s to r efine the m eta l, ljet rid ('It
all the dross. A~ lI e holds it th c l'e ill tllp
crucible over th e hot flam e it begin s trl
It Is chlll'nin~ and cll lll'nin g. bH t ,'S
it chUrns thC'r e all lll?'ar o n the surfac(' lit th·
hit ~ of dI'OSR; the SCUIll, th o dirt, th (' i lll·
purity. com('~ t o the top and th e Ilefill! I'
l':lliently skims it off and d i ~cards it. 11 .:holds til ('I' u ('ih ll' o,'er the fire until the·
chu rn ing pl'oce:-:~ i~ completed. \\'hen will
t h e ('hur n ing 1If' done?
\\"hf'l1 lhe RC'·
rin('1' is ab l e to bphold Jlis own ima~e in
thf' molt('n metal. You are in God'~ crucib l e the~(' clays, iii lIis chul'nin~ hORt
Pre~enlly the cll'o~~ will all i)(> ('1('ar!?ll
away. skimmed off by thp great IV-finer
and Puriflf'r of ~i"·er.
You say, "1I0'\'
long. P u r ifipr?
It iK get ling pretty hot
down her('," and thf' reilly ('omes hac1;:,
":\'Ot l o ng, now. m)' child." .Just a liltl p
whii(' a nd tilC' lineaments of that bl('!;sPfI
f ace will appeal' in the moltf'n Illa!o;!i ~m(l
when thp$f' aptlE'al' the testing j'3 0\'('1"
H e h as H is moulds rE'ady.
HI? pours u!-<
into Ill s moulds and we are like 1Iim
You say the r efining JlfOCMS is pr('ttv
hard. \\'hat (>Is(' did you expect in ordf' r to
bf' transformed into His bles~f'd likenesr?
\Ve have n ot gone this way before
It ~s
a new way; it is an untried wa y. but.
bh."',!;ed be God!
t here Is one with us ia
tht' way and lIe Is going to bring m
throuf.h. So try nOt to mind thp <'Ilurninl;
and the !Jolling-, for that means tht' St".
ling- rid of th(' dro:-:g anti tht' impurity. and
tht' brln1!:ing out of the rt~fl€l{·tlon or (,lIrt II
in your life and mine.
"Sun'ly the churning or milk hrlngC'tH
forth bUller"
In the!;e days Wl' at'(' Jr'
the churn Of doctrinal discus~lon anti so.
cul1NI rev(>latioll, but th(-r£' is iJutt('r com.
ing Ollt of it nil.
If Wt' aro dett'rmllll',1 10
have butter inSlf'ad of !Jutt('rll1lIk, lit' will
givi;l it to us. He will not pl'rmit lH to th'
dt'luded by an y fals(' tt'Rching. but wl'l
hring us out more SL'ltiNI anel built UP Irt
Him than ('ver we could have hC'l'1l withoul
th(' churning prOCt'S3,
Lpt th(' faist' elm'.
Hin('s go.
lie wilt bring- butter out l~ t
the churning pot when li e ~N"i throu~h.
))0 you teel as If you are in th£' ch u rn and
know not whic h way to turn? You don't
ha\"(~ to turn.
You don't ho.\·(' to do till'
c hurn i ng:
You don't ha ve to mtll{(~ t h,..
No, th e buller will b£' madC' Oll~
o f you.
J u st stay in the ch urn , that t~
a ll.
So m eone will ~i\'e yo u a f; lnp OYC'I'
here, and someone Over there; QOI1l(,OOf1y
will Say somothlng aboul you,
mind, t ho butler Is comin~. Som('bod~ i~
maligning you. Trust It a ll to your Y in
Let get u s rid of the milk n ne!
have th e nou ri sh ing butter. You ~ay, "It
see m s as If my way wcre hedgcd up." l.Pt
It s ta y hedged. Don't try to get out o( tilt"
c h urn until you h ave goll('n th (' I('sso!t
God wantoq yo u t o l earn.
11 (' will !H.'l)arate th e butter from the SOllr buUer-mlJ1\
Don't try to gPt out of th e ('x pf'ri(' n c'f' bc.'·
f o r e Ood's ti m e has ca mp for t'f'IC'asln£!;
you . .JUSt sta nd still and RC'{' Cod work.
and wh en l i e gets: through th('re will Ill'
butte T' In yo ur life.
"Bullf'r nnd h one'v,
sha ll li e ('aL" :\fay we bri n g f orth hll lt ('r
and hon('y to the glory of God.
forget th e homely IIlu~tralfol1 of thC' hlP.t el' and the churn when you ~et Into a
ha rd p l ace. Just ~ta n d oCitill nnel Ii'l (:od
hring you out of Il.-Andrew I.. I '~ra~('r 1;'1
The L atter-Rai n Bnlngel.
!lrmlng the word with ~lgnB roOowln,::.
One woman, artf'r being unclI'lr thp r)OWf'r
or thE" Spirit for quitE'" a while, bpg:' rt
NPpaklng in oth(lr tonJ!ues as th(' Spirit
J!;aq' )H'r the utterancf', ('ontinuing for
about on(' hour and a hal!,
There arl)
mnny hlln~ry Jle~pl(l In this lo('al{ty but ?:
pr('s('nl no pia<:e to hold a tn('('tinp:. ";vcry
clnor is harn'd.
Th(' ~plrjt or anll-Chrikt Is Ew(,pplng thfo:
Jlf'opif" into th(' gulf of unhf'Jj('f by thl~
Th(' day Is apprortchinl; wh(°'1
it will tnt-an ~omNhlng to Ilr(>arh aO{ Pa.d
uncI P(,I('r and .John the flaplist did
Ilis ~rn('<" Wf' nrf' mar<'lting on to Gol~olha.
Pra~' for U~ that Wp may stnnel -E. 1-' CU!l.
nillJ.:'hnm and wiff', ColclC'n Gal(l, f11
PJ.E. \ S \,\ 1"
\ 1. 1/ 1-: \ , .\IU e
"'1" hnd a hl('~~('cl two wf'rks of our IOCi11
Camp nl PIC'o!Hlnt ,'all('y
GO(I hl('R~(>f;
>.;a\'('<1, hf'RIC'd and hnptizt'" ~o\ll~ In th~
On thf' II1.qt ~un()n~· Wt' look n l\1!'i!'lionary orrl)rin~ and harl n baPtismal R(>r ..
Our mpe-lin~ nlll ronltnUf'R in 8 r rvlval ~pirit· L('(' Floyd
l'i TO P E " \ . ''\'i s \ ''.
Is h('rE" 1n powe-r
Thr city iR t"f'tf ng ~tlrr('d.
""hll(' dH' ('nf'm~' I" rns;inr
t ' nrly Ih(' wlwlf' C'rowclNt pa\"llion Kland ..
in fh('\ work
\'"l' (':qH\Cf ma,'\I'lIouo; vjC'
t ory for tht" caU!-i(' in Topf'ka
L('t all
~mlnt8 pray for the work and the work('r"\
h ere,
From A\1gu~t !ll.qt nnel for tf'n rlnYR or
lon~('r Wf' nrf' hillNI foT' Color adO Springe.,
('010., cal'(' of Pastor.l R M c C'onnrll , 4'::'
l1u('rfnno St.
A F'('i<'k
'rh o t"nl y("r \in l Bl h l c f) lr f to n o r y nounrl
I n (''\tra cloth. Thl!-l Is the original Smith's
J1ihlp nl('tionap" rf'\'i~('(l and f'nlan:od or
F . ~ and ~1. A. Pp'ollhrt, 7fl~ pnC'ct:::. 508
lll ul"tratlon'\ and !i.419 nrtlC'1cl\, Ju~t thp
hook yOll ha VP hf"f'1l lookln~ for
Publl h·
ors price $2.75, our ~JJElcln l pri('p nOw $2 1~
(~I\'rn f r('f' f or tf'n ~'(>arly ~\tb~H'rlptlons ',l
Ihe \\'ord anti \\'Ilnes~ at [10 each Or
t('Jl ycarly subscript'ons to the \\'eokly
Evangel at $1 each.
~1.\ )i Y
S .\ \ . " 1) .\ )il) 11.\1 "1' 17.E I) ,
L u n d ill J,: .
~ I is~ ,
The fi gh t still conti nues and w(, are fol
lowing th e ene m y's r etreat. P n l il'\{' GOd, Wi"!
have m e t th e e n emy and th ey nrc oun-l.
S urely on ce mOr e in th e hi story of tim o
God ha s r ep eated Phillip' s journey t(l
Sa mar ia for thi." whole co untry I ~ glo rifyIng God. Th e L o rd only kn ows h o w m a lt )'
ha ve been saved. A b out 14 h er e have rl'·
ce ived the lIo l y Spi rit.
Sinn ers arC' rf'sponcling with m eans , so m e aH high us on.'
hund r ed doll a r s, t o build a place to worship.
God i s good to u s.
B ro. !,;iti n g of
Sa n Antonio aMisted in the meeling, doll1~
the pr eaching.
J esus is sure ly co ming soo n anel 11 (' is
prr J)I.lI'i n g I li s peopl e. "'f' n erel t(f prf' IH'~
th e pure \\'orel of God if we expcct to c1r
f ea t Sa tan , -.l ames 0, Save ll , Pa sto r .
HI .OO Il A 0 .\1 )iS1' HI ,oo n .
Sh o uld (,h r l .. ttn tl ~ .'to t o \\' n r 7
A most gtriking, rf'nll.'!lic and rorcet ul
boo \.; hy A r t hu r Syd n ey Oooth ·(' libbO l' n, an
I~ n~li s h P e nt eco~t al Evnng ell st and Elder
who ha s Pllt InlO worl1 R the principles
burnin g in the henrts of all the Penteco stal Ra int s on the s ubject o f \\ h et h e r a Chrlst a in Rho ul d go to war 01' lIot
Tht s book
pr sen t s w a r tra m It Chrbtinn standpoi n t
and is not intcnded (or tho~c o ut of Chris t..
Should th e rnlted States go to war w i th
Germ any, Or any othe-r natio n, what shall
be the atlitud of the Pcnt ('ro~ tal people
Send for a ('opy of this wonch'rtol book
and then make a deeision. Pri ce 55 cts.
flo~ tpa id.
rrh e Gos pel l'uhll"hiH ~ H o u se..
28aS F.ns t o n A ve. , Rt. l .o lli ~. M o"
\ · I(VI·O H\· A1' nAI , I .. \ fl.
I am g l ad to r eport \' i ctor y in the m C'f't
ings at Dallas and t h o s urrounding t en';
to r y. A numbe r have lJ ef'n '39 vel1 r ecent!"
and believers filled with the ~plrll.
The sai nts of G ra nd Prair ie have bc"''l
in a battl e for so uls sinc(' Ru nda y, A lI ~. I s' ,
a nd the prec i ous Christ ha ~ r('warded lh('ir
e ffort s by giving them a few more yOtlT;,~
people In the K i n g 'K arlllY. \\'e a r f' look·
ing for sti ll g l'eatp r thing'i.
Pra y fol' \h
C. j\ , Godwin.
New Song Books
Now i s the time to in Ve at III uew
Song bo oks and be pre pa r ed ror the
op n ing up of lhe Sp rln);
Nothing attracts outside so much a!)
good mu sic and we handle the bookR
which take the hest in Pentecos tal
meeting s.
I,OOl{ .\T 1' HE Sr.; PHI (' ~' S .
Ho n gs of 11ls Coming (New , over 300
so ngs) R o und notes only 25 ct"
Per doz ... , ......... , . . $2 .bO
Songs or Power, 246
:'tr.\l " n , ILL.
\\' 0 pitch(>cl our t('nt u n (1 on t1H' night or
Jul y 1 ath o;)(' llPd u p (or se'rvl('C' on till'
main road I('ad in g from :\It. ('armc,I, Ifl.
W(,Ht about l-iix miles, ne:1I' a liul(' villag
('nIiNI "';\1alld"
ThE' finH I1ll-:hl, afll'r
s('nice , a storm blew ollr 1('111 down, df'
layin~ ~ervi('ps until Tue' 'd;l~ niJ..:hl follow
\\'p found the most .. llIb'·(JI·n oP;losi
I ion to the GO~Ilf'l IH'rf' of any pla('f' ".,
I'a\'(' })('('n durin'! OUI' ministry of mn-,
than f!\,(' ),<'ars.
Art('r mudl OPllooltitit,n
anrl th(> burt\in,; of Ollr I('nt. Wf' ('ontinll',·1
in thp op('n air and in tIl<' home' of a df':'j'
\)I'otl\(>r at whosp home WI" Wt'f(' Ill'jng ('nr
f'C1 for.
Thf' truth WC'llt forth anel man
WPI'C' cO lnincp<:1 that WI' \\,'£'I'£' ht~lIrjn~ Cod'
nH"!-I~a,l:'p and ac("ppt('ci thr' Ii,:::ht allel tW)
rC'C'f'i\,pd thp ,girt of til(' 1I 0ly Spiril
long m(>mbers or the ~t('thoc1hH nnll Clirj-.:Uan rhurchps f"'3POll";e<1 thf' (;(H\[»)"-l trutlt
that theRe "~ign~ do follow Ihpm that h'
liC'v(>." On Sunday, .\ul{. "th '\I' rptul'n(,.l
and tmmf"'r~f"'d fourtf\('n in tl)(' \\'aha:'~\
l"rpe·'INhodl r
prea('her, at ",hosp home we lH'ld "'('T\·te"s
at night, the l ...ord \vorking with ll,", con
15c each
Pe r doz. shape noles on l y $1.50
LI"'n clo.h Edition. 20c eacb
P er doz . . . . . ... . . .. " . $1.76
~tlt r
Cloth E<llIlon. 277 So n g_. ~;,c
earb. Pe r doz . . . . .. ... $2 6 0
,It' wel
So og s each
. . .. . ' ... , . 1Kc
Per doz . . . . . . . . , ....•. $2 011
WI )iSET'f'R
1\fe,"s(>nger . . . 25c ('ach
Per doz, ...... . .. , .... sz.oo
~ongs of the Klngc1om.
.. 25c eacn
Go~p(' l SOn~
Per doz . . . , . . . . . . . . .
Pe- n tecostnl Power, (enlarged ed t·
lion l .... . ... , . , .... 26c each
Per cIo7- . . . . . . . . , ..... ,
2 fll!
Combined 1(ln~<lom and M ('s~cuger , .. , .. , ...... ,. 50c earn
The above pr ire,q InClude postage
I n each cose.
SI1ecial prices to evangelists and
r eg ul ar agents,
Order now tram
T il E GOS P E T, P l'Bl, IS llI NG Ii O('SIiJ.
2838 Ea.Qto n .4. l'e. , St. Lou1"
.\ local c" mil m"f'tlll,t.;' will be ilf'!d bl'g[nnln,; Aug. :!l~t. .\11 ;[1'(' Inv! lt'd 10 nttcnfl ..,nU
pray .. r Is rj'qlU'Rtt'd for lh(' mt'eting.-~ ... allg,
For ll1(' Horne 13lbl(> SLudy course and turthfir Infol'matlon '>'rlte '.rhos. K. Leonard. Findlay, OhIo. U. S. A.
Commenctng Aug. 22nd, lasting two weeks.
to :;ulli\';\fl. ,\10. on the VrIH(:o. H. H ...tnl!
Findlay, Ohio.
F or Bible Study aud Mi . . ionary Tra.inin«".
Fall T{'rm from Oct. 10th to lJ~c. 25th, J 1Il5.
Spring TE'rm trom Jan. 10th to April
will hf' filllllf' nnl' Llwrf' lO Inr . rm tht'm ~
how nlH1 whr-rt> to go.
I~\'('ryon(' IllU!it
hi!'! own Ll'l1t and provlsions.-R.
~jlll(>r. Rrantnn, ~In.
All wl!'lhlng to lltL(,IHt Lhi~ m{'('t\ng can come
1I lt
A ugust 25th to Sept, 6th.
!, !
! !
! •
B eglnu1n8' July 31.t aud continUing one m('uih.
nN'd fnr OlI~~lonury rund~
I\ l thIN
many lund!'!. Thl'(,(, or (0 ' 11'
hUlHln'd !','nl+'('OfCL;11 ~lll'1l'Clonarh '!i 111'(' dt'IWlld·
('ItL 1111"11 (;"d to !olupply lIlt'lr lll'pdl'C lhroll~h
ttll' 1" 'l1 t "('Ill'C1H1 ;\! O\'p !TI l'nt..
\\'j' will Kindly
r Ol"wllnl mnn,·y. in lillY nmounl' from n\"(' c ,'nls
up, III an:. nl'Plly III ", .... Innnry.
Rf'nil all ml ",~Jon lln
nrr"rin;';l-l to I'; .. N
Ikll, TrNI~ul' (>r,
2~:;~ i-:M'tf'on ~\\'('1\1I". foil. Loul"', !'o10.
I~ ~r,·.ll
tllllt' In
It S.
I) .
)1('( ', \ BTL
lIulin .
I am haPll), to ~tutc thnt , am in illY new
hOIJlP, frpo from liebt.
This Illy wor1ce.rl-;
l1ladt\ IJOH !->Ib h"- by lileir failhful sllcr lfic"',
I do 11 (,{,c\ hadly a !linn and wirp.
Lord'!:! coming is sO near, \\'c an' Illurh in
pray{ rand io()l{ing- for Ililll at any tlllll',
Ht'f'm'i to 1)(> polnllnp; lo a union
of church with ('at holiCK, and ,1(>HU8 is ilr!rI
lip as nn ('x:lI11pl<' or purily and nol. as ollr
i\IH)' God (}JI('11 !Iw f'y('''; of lhl1
J';\'~ryt hlng-
Pl'OII){' h('fol'(' il IH too lntl',
PI',l), for Wi
Ji; '\DI.\ I ,. \\' !C ' I\..
So ,\ h'iI'll,
\\'f' prniKc tli(' Isorcl.
Up is working :11
our midst.
III n. RundllY s('hool in 011(' 01'
opr Uttlf' mission s Rix chilcll'pn W(,1'(' bar ·
ti:wd In 0111" RPsKlon. nboul a wenk ago
III u lilth. ' Il1b~lon al .lepPcH llli.' power h;
falllll~ mightily and lwopll:' aI'£" gCltin~~
halltile<l in tile Spirit at almosl (l'\'('ry meeting. and the ll{'opio are geHln~ stlrrcd awi
walll to know whnt this mcuncth. 1'hl"v
stayed until 1 ::l P. 1\1. one Sunday nighl
to IiRt(>n to tho (''(p l anation. a\'l<.>r witnN~­
ing the 1101y Ghost r nt c'ring inlo a t (,1111)1
of God's. This was a woman, It strang r,
\\ho fl'criv('d h('1' !)nplbm.
I\lloth(,f litll e miA\
~!(ln, ~>('\'(,I'nl bOYM \\'('1'(' throwing stonl'S at
tllf.' hall nnd now fou l' out or the !ie\'(' 11 who
\\t'n' guIlL':', Iw\C' lJocn converled untu Got!
\\'p IlC'Pd youI' prllycrs,.
The dear onlS
in thE' Homeland must keep sti rr ed up fol'
lhe~e count r ies inhabited by heathen peoIlle, for the de\'j\ s('e m ~ to be ''3trongel' here
\\'0 fpcl the Lord would ha\'e us get u
l)r:nlillg press so we can print lracts t()
('ounteract the influence of spiritism ,
('!lri:;tian Scien('o and :\filif'lUlia l Onw 1
t(>aching wh~ch is being acatle-I'ed abroa(l
\Ve have a little loward it.
I t i:,i
strange how many ha\'e novel' been "30V0(1
;'~ T1d as ~oon as we get them star t ed these
fa.lsE' prophets put in lh ei r l ilerature , and
we havc not the workers to h e lp the peo \t
Two young girls. oged 1 G and 17 1'esroective-Iy, have sta rted a Sunday-schoo l
They had 45 the las l lime. Pray for them .
\\'e had a good time of unity in th(>
('onventlon al EnstE'r with the P e nt costal
)1I~slo n In charge of Brothel' Bowie.
Al~o had a good time wllh the Pentecosta.l
MisRio n at Pretoria, a rew days ago aUG
there wel' c t e n baptisms in lh e Holy G h os~.
Surh sweet unlly. "'e p r aise God tor this.
\\'e hav e lost some of our denr work e r s
by fever, and the callie, horsO'$ and sh ee:)
are dYing, but these arc all Signs of the
last days.
The Ap stolic Faith and tilt" Pentecoslal
){isslons are the two large Mi ssions hero.
Wilh work all around S. Africn and amon~
whHc'3 and natives. There are also othC!l'
worken; like Bro. Lehman whose work is:
indoIJCndent,-and Bro. Hutchinson.
\\' 0
hav(' so much new work starting but grE'a.l
need of workers, especial1y Dutrh.
w, n, ORm " ,
('ey l o n .
\\"c came to thi'3 town (Bandarawclo) tJ
(\ 'cape the monsoon in X-Ellyn.
roming we have been b l essed of the Lord.
vcry much. T believe in one 1110I'e mont:l
1 will be. able to go to the fron t in the
battle for soul"i. The Lord gives Us good
"{etory to stay in Ceylon and ~N the lan guage and labor for Him.
I hll.ndpd an
engineer on the Railroad a paper and to my
surprise IH' asked me to sit down he wanted to talk with me,
Said he wa~ onct?
converted in a meeting held by ,\, G, Garr
in India, but now he was a backslider. He
invited me to his home and we lalked J.
while. They came to our hou::;e on Sunday and the Lord was with us to ble~.
The ~ister is seeking the baptism and we
have hopes of tho brother's being rcstoren,
Their Bon in the arm y i s also a co nvert ot
Bro. Garr'''J.
\Ve have bright prospects as nev r bC'tor, in N.r~liya. One of the leadi ng meroben; of the Ii oliness Church i!; ou r porsonal
frl o n(\ and she' to ld u s after read in g the
19t and 2nd of Acts since hearinp; us tal!{,
Hhe ha.d never scpn SO great a li g ht on tlWHC
C'hu l>tel's.
My seve ra l months of suffering were fOI'
my ~ood and God's glory, God has give,}
Wi OPGn doors for the Gospel.
J was not
ab le lO do any work willi in N. Io';li ya but
Goel ~cnt pf'OpiC to ou r home. Pray for 1.1 !::i ,
'1' II g
h \ 1' 1,; H'1' XI'; \\, S It'HO .\[ ' l'l" f{I{I ;; \~.
By .\Im·ia .\ (;t'> " h C'r, Mi N:-.iOlHII·.r.
It is now eight months sinc~ I have beLIl
ill lh(' l'nited State~ in my labor fo l' the
pOOl' orp h ans in the bloody l an(1 of Turkoy,
and I thnnl, the denl' Lord and all the dear
friends in lhls land who have enabled 111'"
lo ot;cn(i out monel' to Lhc orphan familv
every month r have be('11 hore,
rC'!lrhcs mo that tll(' money has reach('r{
thern t'u r e l y , which is only in an swer to
Th(' last l etter from the Orphans Hom e
cnmo thiH weelc elated Jul y 2 nd.
All al'P
a li vc and w(,11 and had enough to eat u~
to thal limo.
Everythi n g was in ordrr
uncl Quiet in the hom, while around was
much sllfl'(' r ing an d pl eading for help.
I do a <: k th e clear readers of thOCle lines
to sta nd by m e in earllP st prayer tor morc
means to sa \'0 II r ew more from spiritual
nnel physical stnrvatlon. Hundr eds die for
want of bread. A letter received ycste r da~' from a n Armenian broth er gives th0
following sad n cws: • ']'ho Ill Msuc.re is a.wful.
'Vhole cities (towns) nre deported
to far away Cities and deserts. The men
with influence ar e tal{cn away. Th e han ging is going on.
In Cesarca twelve men
are already hanged.
Th e poor Armenia 1
familie s arc se nt sl?'pa rnted f r om th e ir
hll sbnn ci s and fathe r s. Our who l e nation
is ·simp ly in the frying-Jlan oC persecutiol1.
~othing like that eve r h appened in our
b lo odiest h i story.
Th e outcome God only
Th e g r eatest and the most important work that ca n e ver be done, afte:'
t h is slo rm is over, Is the work you are
doing, clear Sister Gerbet', and so I wis l
yo u all SUCCMS in t h is you r h e rO ic effor:s
to sec ure h e l p and s h e lter tor the Armen ian orphans.
There are thousands upon
thou~nnds of t h em."
011 my dea r Brothers nnd Si sters, my
heart is so r e. ~ly tears flow freely wh en
I am pleading with my Lord for mo r e
money to r eli eve a little of the <9ufterin ,t,; .
Oh, what a comfort to kn ow that J es u s ic;
coming soo n.
QUI' time to h e lp Is short.
Ra tan is using hi s la st effort to destr o:.'.
Let us oppose h im in his w ork, SIS lo n g as
we a r e not yet tran s lated, with ho ly bold~
noss and God ly authority. P r ay also, my
cleAr onC'f; Ihat the sad . bloody war m'\y
soon fton and t IUlt 1 m ay be able to r etu rn
~n(' n 10 my dC'sr Orphan family.
This is
sample of th r ee cases of 8 point
CC'nturv Expanopr{ type which this office has
for sale. ThiR type ha s never been on the
\Vas purchased last year for the
mailinJ,! list hut Wp could not use it as we
now set the mail list on th e Linotype Machine. Can you use some of it? 'Will make
the price right.
2838 Easton A YO , . St, Louis, Mo,
Thf' Nhll.h .-\nnual Camp-l\ IE'etlng IH Gar·
nl'ld Park. on North Topeka Car Line. Topeka.,
Knn8al-l. will hp hpld tor one month begln'll ng
J uly 31M. Come and bring the sick and afflic ted to b(' hf'oled. Mrs. M. R. Woodworth-El'ter.
who ha~ hAd a f'{'mnrkablf' ministry. will be
prC'Rl'nt throughout the month. POr Informa·
tlon as to cot~. tent$. ('tc. \Vrlle C. E. FO!5ter,
219 Grt'ttlnn Ave .. Topeka. Kan.s.
Or Life nnd Work 01 ~rs , M, B,
Woodwor th-E tl er, One 01 the most
remarkable books published ot God' s
wond erful works of heal1ng and savine- po\\·er.
A few of these wonder~
lu I books left.
Pri ce ~ 1.50.
St. LouJs, )[0,
2R.1S F.as ton A " e.,
I ndianapolis, Ind. Ten D ays beginning
August 27th.
A UgUBt IBt to 3ht. 1915.
\\'ill bf' h('I(I:'tt the .-\poxtolk I'<l ith .\"'~I'mbly.
('or. 11th Ilnd S('nat(' '-\\·C. Slceping qUill·tt'!",..
will b(' furn il'1lwd to tiHIl'1(> nOt' ahl(' to Ket
th('lr OWI1. \\' r ile Elder G. 'I'. Il nywood, pastor. 330 ",Y. T('nth f.:t., Indianapolis Ind.
This camp mectlnJ.,:' wil l hI' hf'id III th e intel' ~
e!';ts of thc \Vo ri< In SoutlH.'astern ;"'lIg sou rl ~
Sout1wrn Tllinols nnc! J.:enll[cl>:y. aL Dexte r
Mo. Beginning- AUgllfit 27Lh nnd continuing
ov('r Sl'pl{'mb(>I' fith. For' fUl'the,· Informatio n
wl'lt(> .1. \\'. W ro lell. I<':SH(,X. Mo.
Brother E. N. B ell, Editor ot the \\'('(>kly
Evange l and the Word nod \V!tn esE expects t()
be prese nt at thh:t c;nnp meeL'ing.
\Ve hn,vE' a large tf'nl'. sltuat('d In Ol. be3-uLttul locution Ilnel nod hll!-l nnd 1"1 richly b ID ~s·
Ing 11"1. J\hl .. \\'ork('>rs will h(' with us to lilve
out th(' \Vonl. Rooms for light hOuf'lekec.... lng
and furnlslH!d "ooms :lnd board can be obta lnNI aL re'llf'lon<lbl" pricE'S.
Arldrf")o1S. Pn.f'ltol· F'r(>d VoS' lcr. 5!.l0 \V. Mor"an
St., Martinsv ille, Ind.
- H:"I-"'
-,":'-P- A
Augu s t 1st to S eptemb er ht,
The Sf'con(\ Annual AposLoll c Camp McertJng
to be' held at 70Lh and l.anHdown Ave .. PkJlla·
(\('Iphln, Pa. will nIH frOm Aug-Uf'lt 1st to 8ep·
tembe>r lRL. 0 " lo nger. \\'e ('xpt'ct to have !!I"me
chosen \\'orl~ers with us. Come ;-lnd bring your
unsavt'(1 friends to hpnr til(' Gospel. M eals
1'If"'vf'c1 on liJf' gt'O\ln<!s III reasonable rates.
ThORP dl'Rlrlng' tf'ntR or Olhpr In f or m al~OI1,
wrll(> at on('(' to Wm. Anderson, G003 Larchwood Ave .. PhIladelphia. P n.
The' Mi dway , TexaB ('amp-meetlng l\'lll begin
tiw 3rd ot AU;..;'1l8t and conti nue us long ae t he
Lo rd mny INUI.
The- call1p~mcetlnJ;' nt :Eelton, T e xa., will be-
gin AlIgll~l 10t h.
\V", hope all the 'l'PI.1pl e,
B.ogr-I'S nnd \Vn('o ~fllntH, \\'iLl1 n~ m:'tny OLhers
as the Lord may lead , will ('omo and hClp In
th(' B('ILon mf"t'tlng'.
\\'f' Invite all.-J . O.
Sheumach. R. 2, Austin, Texas.
F or twenty dn.ys beginning A ug. 5th.
\YIII begi n
fl cnmp meeting )1cre (D. V.) be ~
ginni n g ~\UJ.:m.;t 5th Hnd conti nui ng :!O day~
01' 1 0!l~el'. It you hn\'p a tf'nL bl'ill~ It, Rlso
b1'ln~ l oil('f ') I' Licl('s. ('tC'.
Board will be free.
Th(' {'xp<,ns(' of lho m c(' Llngs will he met I)y
fl' ('('-wI1 1 oftc>rlng'!'l.
POI' furth('1' info rm atio n
wrlLe J. M. GI'Hhnm. 1"lol'ala, Ala..
J uly 30th to AUgnBt 31st.
hf' hpl(l ll1H l p l' IhE> 1lIlSnl('p", of the Hun A!':~cmbly find
thp 42nd Street As~pmhh' of N('w Yorl< Ci ty. known as Clad Tid·
In gs Hall. Cnmp is located in a large locust
grove on 'Noodbury, Ave .. in the cen L'e r of the
"iIlage of H untington. Bros. ,Robl. A. Brow n
of New Yo r k And ("hfH:\. S. 'Jeona rd. retu r ning
from J en[SH\e m and EgY I)L. will
huve charge. Bro. D Il"W 1\IcDowe ll and Sis~
tcr Brown will nlso be prosent a nd o t her
r{'n tf' ('o~tn l workrora rlr(' f':x.TH'("tNI, For full Informnl1011 nddrp~s J('f<~e n. Pullen, Jr .. Huntington. L. I., Lock Box 244.
A ug 7th to 27th.
""Ill bo h{'ld four milf'f'l bplo w New Brochlon . ..-\ l:l. ExpecLing \V. P. "11m" from Clanton.
A l:i. ~1l~o R ev. \V. B. J es!'!up tro m Mer idian,
)'I I~~.
For InfOI'mnllon wrlt'e J. S. Wooten,
R .. 3 Elba, Ala. ,.\11 Invited.
Internation al Ca mp-m~ t1l1.C ,
H pir: hts. Atlanta. Ga.
Beula h H E'lgh ts Ca mp-m eeti ng wtll beg'.
Au gus t . 10. D . v .. and con tinue fen dqs or
longer as t he L ord m ny l ead .
Beulah H e ight s Is two miles fr om tt. e celt ·
ter o f the cl t v 8.nri within eaSy wa.lkll.g dlB'
tan ce fr om the ca r line.
SeRin to m". 1cf1l vrHlr nh•.nlll tn --,U:Anrt. II.n d
le t u~ hear fro m you in amp lp time.
Add r ess Pau l T . Barth, 78 North BroLd SL.
Atlanta . G ft..
B elll~h
For !'I t f.1te of O kl l1homn will he held at O kla·
h oma, Okln .. Au~ust 12 to 22. Elder N . J
Hol mel'l of Allmont. S, C .. will be with us. Fo r
t ents write Harry P. Lott. 2406 S. Sharte l.
A Penteco~tn l Camp M ee L1ng will be held
bv the Dctrolt Pen trcostai Asse mbly. In char ge
ot Pastor J. R. Kline. and Evangelist L. C .
Grant. b e,::ln nlng August 12, and co ntinuing
15 dny", or ionlrE'r. If the Lord so leads.
CAMP GROUXD locllted I1t Bechtel Far m
n ear Butt·s Stntion, In W n shlngton Township.
Tak e- trom netroit. "Almont. and R o meo ,"
cnr . .$:(>t oft at BUl t' S Sta.
\Ye I1r('o tru5:tln~ God to f<end His own anoint·
ed prl'achers and EVflnJ:'ellsts for t his occasion.
For Informntlon concerning tents, or othe l
pnrtlcul:uK write 't 'lT cl r('tllnr~ to Pastor J. R .
Klln(', 365 Brainard St .. Detroit, Michigan.
Beg-inning AUguBt 13th.
fO ll rt h Pront('cO~Hal CRmp m eetin g fo r
K orth Alahamn wlll he a t \Varrlo r , Ala., be#!Innlng August 13th 1915. Visitors will b e en tprtalned In prl\'nte home~. Those coming wtll
plf'nse write so w e (,An prepare f or you. Fo r
intormntion addre!'!s M. '1'. Hays, Box 76 . Warr Ior. Ala.
Begin B Ang. 16th.
Will comm('nce at c1o<;p of Arkanl'las Cam p.
To hE' held bv Rros. l\forwood and Harvey
Sh€'nrE'r. 'TI'e Invite nil to come. Address A.
J . M cCuistion , Alto, 'fexns,
Only had time to put In :1. xhor t pr('lImlllury
untlounccm('nt. This (';IITlJl i~ nil Introduction
to the oP('nlng of t'he Ozark Blhle and Lit('l'nry
School "hlch ' ...·11 1 commence In a ))('rmallellt
bulldhl.L:' kno\\ n now a~ the ),!agnctic Ilutel
whi ch I", one blocl. ('a~t of the l'erU't' HOtH.... h
will be flnanc('d on tht' fn·(,·wlll offering- plan.
For tllll p:,)rt!t-ul:lrs :tdd rt'sH. D:wlt'l C, O. Opperman, Eurcka Springs. Ark.
Angnt;t 27th to S ent. 5, 1915.
Mountrtln Lni<E" P<ll'k I" ~Illlnl(>(t on 111 0 RaltlmOI'(' nnd Ohio n. It and C"n.loYt> a nation al
rcput;ltlon a~ 11 "'umm('r r('>~ort nnd (':'tml> and
chnut;lqull .£!'I·ound.
Tn.bel'nnC'll' ~Nlt!'l five
t hou~and.
, ,7l'
.H·P In
commllnlcaLion with
m:1ny of the IN1ding ul'(>lhr<>n an d will have"
goorl ('orps of minl"'terl'1 presenL.
" ' :)nl{'rl: One hundred pe"~on~ to pray
t('n h0I1 1'S ertch for thl' !-1:11C'(;PS~ of the m ee t In,r:tR, also ~rOll r co-opl'l'ntion ;lnd pl'nycr~ Lhat
$500 mtly he I'aisf'd to m(>('t Lhl' exp(' n ~f'S ot
Lhf' m(,f'tin~.
A(l(tl '('~~ IlII l1tqllirl<,s t'n, .r. R.
R f'c ld cy. 134 EI (tcr :';1.. CUmhe rl nn(l, Md .. L. G.
Crenm('r. 3616 PI'all'ie AVQ .. Ch l cH~o, TIL ..n.
F. f.a.wrE'n c·f', nox ~j!i. Rlwpliel'{ts l own, \\'. ~
A ~Tent mRn~' heslde~ tli(>se :1 I'e i nt c l'f'Rted, ti'!cludlng A. B. Cox . D. n. MOI·pland .. .T , 'Willi am SOn. O. p. Brnun. J. R . Bl'own and wife and
many oth('rs who w e have not space or time
to mention.
Th(' Lord willing-. we will ha\'c a ("a.mp
mt"('ting n(":U' Npwhopp ('hlll·('h. t"ighIN'll miles:
north o r Owns~n Aln .. beginning Sept. rtr!'!t ~1I1(1
continuing- Indf" f lnltrl~'.
Bl'lnlt quilLs. sh('ct~ ,
pillow",. llIHl otil('1' thing-" nf'('t1f'(l For cnm p11l,E:'.
\Ve ('XP('Cl' to 11a,·c !'le\'crnl Spirit fille l
F'OI' furt1H"r informfltlon l"!.ddl·C~S: ,A. L. She!)
EvprgrN'n, ,-\1:1. R. ~. Pn~tor.
Of the A ssemb lies or God.
T o be held D. V . at L ittle R ock, Ark.
S ept. 2-12
\\, (. ('XIW(' t n won<1Pl'tlll ('amp
t111~ :'>'('111' ns t1w re I~ fl hl('s~pd r(lvh'nl on at
LItt1l' Rocl>: now. " '1 11 h~I\'e ~ome ab le ministel·~ thnt wlI! preach Ih(' nlcl lime (1ospel.
All of t h('o .\~~('mhlles in th(' Statr> shou ld
~end ~om(' one to rep l'esent them.
Spnrl ydur
Pr E"~chf'I' If :-'011 hav(' 011(1.
This will be the
StlH(' ('Olll1CI1 1ll('>eting :lIHo.
For fllrt be r Information Write. 1T. A. COS$,
222 F:. Crand Ave., Hot. Springs, Ark.
Co lumbu s, Ohl(1, S ept . 8th to 20th.
WiJl b e at the ApostoliC 1;'a.ith Assembly,
488 W. Goodale St. Come expecllng- g r eat
Lhings from God.
Po.stor. 22!.l Brier
Wrltp Elder R. C. L a.wson.
sr., Columbus. Ohio.
Sept. 9th, to 20th, 1915.
I ndJanapolis, Ind. S ept 12 to Oct. 3rd.
'W ill he' h('Jd nt th e Oak H ill Ta.bernaclc.
2024 Roos('v e lt Avf" .. I ndinna.poIiR. Tnd. on the
Brlghlwood car line Ser\'iecf'; cvery a f ter noon
nnd nleht.
BOllrd and 10(1.C'ing will h(' pro\'Id('d f or al l thOSe ("oming from a. di~tan c~.
F or turthpr lnformntlnn a d rlrpss. L. V. Rno(lrtl':.
Pastor, 2026 Roosevelt Ave., I nd la n a.poll~, I nd.
of the Unltpd P('nt('co~tal Assoclat'lon will
m eet at 90 .Broadway. Bl1ffalo. N Y. during
the month o f Oc t obe r, 1915. beginning with
ten days of pr:l:-'er and fasling. that t.h e y m ay
ha.\' e Divin e wisdom and ~uldnn ce to disCharge
t hp dutl('s th:n' may c ome hpfore th e m.
Th e Council will b e fOllowf'd by a two weeks
J\ II nrp Invll'cn.
WI! ar('
('x pf'cting God to manlfN:lt Hlm~elf In pnwer In t he ~i'll v ntlo n ot' souls and
the sftnctlf'cntlon of b('liC'v(>rs (a", a definite
~N'onc'l work ot ~ra('E') and In bnpti7.lng them
with the Ho I\' (jho~r flf'; In Acts ~:4.
sick arl' ('sppclallv Im'itecl to Ilttcnd and meet
tht> Lord f o r their r1('Pvcra.llce.
Th E' month ' s m(,pll ng wil l he held in t he
Old Fpnton H i'llJ, 88 BI·oac'lway. For any Informnt1on wrlt('. PasLor R. E. Erdman , !)O
Broadway, Buffalo. )J. Y.
P rom O ct. 4th to N ov. 4th.
.'\. Woodwo rth -Et.tp r Me eUn~ will commence
in thE' In rgp hRll in J..os Angeles O\'er which
Rrothpr A. G. (.;a rr Is Pasror. from Oct. 4th to
Npv. 4th or lonlrf'r as the Lord s hall lead . For
Informati o n address P astor A. G. Garr. tOU
P"'J'lAit","Jt. Av~ .. T..oR Anlo':'eles. Cal if.
Begin. Friday !fight, A Ug'llst 20th.
Ev('r:-'bodv Invited to c~me. old time Gf , ~
p(' l with thr- signs following.
Spi r it fill,.d
mE'n will have cilllrC'E' ns the H o ly Gho~t dl~
r ee ts. l<;xppns es will bf' met with fr ee w ill otf('rine-s.
For p<lrt'lcll lnr s a.ddress , ~-. G.
M lze ll c.
Preparations are being made for the Bt g
Chmp-mpl'tiru: which h(>f;'in~ here August 14th
ThE> t abernaclp nfO:1r thf' Church Is larl:e en·
ou~h tn ac("ommoriat'e hundr d!'l ot p('oplE'. and
a ;:rr1H~ri and e'lorlotls time fli pxpec ted . Co m~
ann brtnl: your f :1mih' and let U!'I unite to~
gathflr on('p a vPflr.-n€,"lT'lectfully Youra. Jeese ~. Goff. C'arclwE'll, ::\10.
Fn'rY(lnl'> I!'; indtpd
ThosE' who can do so.
comp prerarNt to (,,:lmp. Anyon e coming by
rallronrl ~hould wrlr'(> ollr commlttE'P on arr nnl:('mr>nts. R. T.. T.,ittle. W. E . Shue. Garrison.
N. )1.. t. ~. Kldd. Allie. ~. )1.. ThE'~e breth r en
will <:M" thnt :\'0\1 art' mf"t :'tf th(> train. Brothp r
.Jourdan ot S n\'dpr. T(''(A<; will bE" with us. We
hn\'p n ~ood tpnt And li,::ht's and a.s tine and
loyal bAnd of salnt~ as you will find anywher~.
N . R. Nichols, AW e. X. )1.
o r Pent ecos tal Saints nt Mt . L ake Park, 144 ..
A big bo() k of over 300 new Ho ly
Ghost so ngs that make youI' heart
g 1ad and put new life into yOUr singing. Don't miss "Jesus Is Coming,"
and "God Lives 'Vithi n My So ul, "
Them." Anyone of which is worth
many times the price of the book.
25 Cents Each •
$2. 50 per Dozen ,