Winter / Spring 2016 - Naples Woman`s Club


Winter / Spring 2016 - Naples Woman`s Club
Winter / Spring 2016 Newsletter
The Hibiscus
President’s Letter
In this Issue:
Is it really time? Have four years really passed? For me, it is a somewhat surreal moment in
time, as I write my last President’s letter; yet, any nostalgia I feel is quickly overcome with
a joy in my heart, knowing I will be handing over my responsibility to our wonderful Jalna.
Any melancholy of spirit is superseded, because the last four years at your helm have been
some of the best years of my life, while working beside some of the most energetic, talented
and creative women I have ever known. No one person creates an organization like we now
have. Since becoming a member of the Naples Woman’s Club, I have served under outstanding
Presidents: Patti Stentz, Pat Trowbridge, Jeanie Haustein, and lastly Pam Zbierajewski and
Jackie Pierce, our past International President and our Parlimentarian. As I took over the
Presidency, I looked at what I most admired about each of the five and tried to incorporate
their style with my own … I want to thank them for what they taught me.
• Public Issues Luncheon
In my leadership capacity, it was my responsibility to establish a set of goals and a course of
action. My limits were only restricted by what I believed you could each accomplish. Your
willingness to take on challenges allowed me to set high standards and then not only did
you accomplish them all, you far exceeded any goal I set. Over the last year, we have raised
over $226,000, given out $95,000 in scholarships and to local needy organizations, such as
Dress for Success, the YMCA, and the Shelter for Abused and Battered Women and Children.
We were then able to put aside $100,000 from our first Circle of Support Fundraiser. That
money will generate money for scholarships in perpetuity. To take this a step further,
we have worked over 40,000 volunteer hours!! Amazing! Being a part of the NWC and the
General Federation of Women’s Clubs will now always be a part of my life, because I am so
firmly entrenched in wanting to “Live the Volunteer Spirit." The sisterhood you all have
so often heard me talk about, is alive and well, and will be, Lord willing, for many, many
years to come.
• In the Know, By and For Women
I am not going anywhere. You will all see me in our club still “working," but not as your
President. I am so very happy that Jalna is moving into that role, because I know with her
at the top and our continuous support of her during her presidency, we will only continue
to get even better at doing more for others. I pray God’s richest blessings may be upon each
of you. I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful support and trust you have given me
over these last four, fabulous years.
Your Sister,
Lee Kraus
• Empowering Women Luncheon
• International Outreach Luncheon
• Home Life Luncheon
• Naples Juniorettes - Baby Basics / Yoga
• Art Luncheon
• Kitchen Tour 2016 Event
• Tropical Cruise Fashion Show
• Annual Flea Market & Bake Sale
• Education Luncheon
• District 12 Arts & Crafts Contest
• Dining for Philanthropy Dinners
• Dining for Philanthropy Reception
• Conservation Meeting
• Naples Juniorettes - Kid's Fishing Clinic
• Circle of Support - Appreciation Tea
“Out to Lunch, Searching for Normal”
October General Meeting
The October Meeting - for NWC
was our traditional annual Salad and
Dessert Pot Luck. It was the Public
Issues Deparment’s event.
The members furnished a fantastic
luncheon for 75 + attendees.
The program was given by Deena
Baxter, who is a published author and
strategic management consultant. In
September, 2014, she created and
launched, The surviving Suicide
Project, & Sudden Loss Project, in
partnership with the National Alliance
on Mental Illness (NAMI). The title of
her presentation was, “Out to Lunch,
Searching for Normal.” It was very
informative and helpful to all in
attendance. Her book is titled,
“Normal” with Heartache & Humor.
"Board the Good Ship Lollipop
and Sparkle" Empowering
Women Luncheon
In November, the Empowering
Women Committee awarded a
scholarship to a woman from the
Naples Shelter for Abused Women and
Children. The scholarship was created by
“Robert Weatherburn Shares Opera”
November General Meeting
the Valentine Family, in memory of
their wife / mother, who was a
long-time member of the GFWC
Naples Woman’s Club, and a
volunteer at the Shelter. In the
beginning, the NWC matched the $500
donation of the Valentine family. In
recent years, the donation of the NWC
has increased to an average of $3000
- $3500. Applicants are interviewed
before being selected.
127 members and their guests
attended the event and luncheon at
Windstar on Naples Bay. We made a
profit of $3900 (127 attendees x $50 a
person = $6300, plus $1000 from raffle
prizes, minus expenses). This was
added to our balance from last year, to
determine the amount of our
scholarship. This year we were able to
give the recipient $4000.
Our speaker this year was our own
Jackie Pierce, who did her rendition of
Shirley Temple, a woman who had
empowered herself several times over
her lifetime. Thus, the title / theme of
our luncheon was fitting: “Board the
Good Ship Lollipop and Sparkle.” The
colors were a nautical blue and white.
The November Meeting of the
NWC was the first time that we
used a caterer. The luncheon,
made by Culivita Catering, was
delicious and well-received by 138
Since it was Veteran’s Day, my
Thought of the Day was,
“Freedom is not FREE,” and I
shared about the stories of
Veterans that gave their lives during
various conflicts in which the United
States Armed Forces were involved.
The Speaker for the International
Outreach Luncheon was Roger
Weatherburn Baker. Roger is
currently Vice President of The
Board of Directors of Opera
Naples, and is a pianist, composer,
photographer, painter and writer.
Roger presented a very
informative and entertaining
presentation about Opera Naples.
Roger brought with him, as a
surprise, Livio Ferrari, who sang
4 arias a Capella from various
operas. The program lasted 35
minutes and was enthusiastically
received by the membership!
- Bonnie Slobodien
Author Peggy Post “Holiday Gifts” Book Signing
December General Meeting
Peggy Post was our Home Life Committee Speaker at the
December 9th General Meeting. She spoke on etiquette
in general and answered many interesting questions. She
brought her most recent book, Etiquette 18th edition (Emily
Post) and her children’s etiquette books. Peggy Post is one
of Emily Post’s great-great grandchildren, and the 18th
edition picks up where modern technology begins,
covering all things pertaining to social media. It also tackles
Baby Boomer woes, like grown children’s weddings and
retirement, as well as elderly parent care. They were
available for purchase after after the luncheon.
The Naples Juniorettes
Baby Basics & Yoga
The “Naples Juniorettes” are a group of
young ladies, part of the Naples Woman’s Club,
“Living the Volunteer Spirit” by participating in
community events and doing service projects for
their Community. Membership is open to high
school girls. For more information, contact Gail
Klein at 612-387-7931.
On December 13th they made 10 infant blankets
for the Baby Basics Organization, followed by a
session of relaxation yoga by Julie Szilagyi from
Donation Yoga Naples.
Front Row, left to right - Sheebensh Prophilien,
Jasmine Osorto, Leeza Leon, Nodine Duverseau,
Lisa Fradeus
Back row: Kiki Andre, Idania Gomez, Nerayda
Pascual, Helen Corzo, Carolina Medellin, Jocelyn
Vazquez, Gail Klein, Chairperson.
"An Artistic Experience" The January Meeting
The January Meeting of the Naples
Women’s club was sponsored by the Art
Committee, chaired by Bonnie Slobodien and
Jane Tripp. It was well-attended and the room
was decorated by centerpieces donated by Youth
Haven. Entries and winners of the Art
competition were displayed along the
perimeter of the room. Winners were
announced. Aimee Schler head of the Naples Art
Association, talked about how there is a little art
in everyone. She described her career as
comptroller originally, and how she was
promoted to CEO. A basket was raffled and the
raffle made $1550, which will be
donated to Youth Haven.
-Jane Tripp
"An Artistic Experience"
Kitchen Tour 4
Another successful fundraiser for the Naples Woman's
Club - the Kitchen Tour - was enjoyed by 500 guests
who toured exquisite Port Royal mansions, while we
raised money for local charities. The proceeds this year
went to: Shelter for Abused Women & Children, YMCA,
Dress for Success, and NWC student scholarships. The
guests were shuttled to each home and enjoyed edibles
from area chefs / restaurants ... Barbatella, Le Lafayette,
Here's Howe Catering and Ritz Golf Resort. There were
also fantastic prizes of chance, at which to try your luck
at winning, musicians to serenade you in each home and
lots of fun and laughter. The weather cooperated for the
4th year in a row, making the tour even more enjoyable
for all. The date for next years Kitchen Tour will be
January 18th, so mark your calendars and watch for an
email announcing a date to reserve your online tickets,
before they sell out again this year.
- Debi McInnis
Kitchen Tour 4
“In the Know, By and For Women”
Wednesday, February 3rd at 9:00am, marked the launch of the inaugural,
“In the Know, By and For Women.” The event was held at the Naples Woman’s
Club. Over 90 excited and enthusiastic women were in attendance, ready to shop,
network and gain valuable information to help them better achieve their most
important personal goals. The event, which was held from 9:00am to 12:30pm
at the Clubhouse, consisted of a complimentary continental breakfast, an
opportunity to shop and interact with fourteen local vendors, and a powerful
and informative Speakers Symposium.
Attendees enthusiastically shopped for jewelry, table books, beautiful and
one-of-a-kind clothing, travel bargains, fitness information, real estate
professionals, senior services, and more. Others spent the time networking
with old and new friends.
The Speaker’s Symposium began at 10:00am. What a powerful experience! Four
world class women speakers provided the group with cutting-edge knowledge
regarding health, personal and cyber-safety, and wealth management strategies.
Each woman that spoke was fabulous. They included Valerie Butram, MS, RD,
CSO, LDN, Oncology Education Coordinator & Oncology Dietician, Lee
Memorial Regional Cancer Center, who spoke to the group about “Tell Me
What to Eat (Nutrition for Cancer Prevention, Survivorship, and Beyond).”
Alicia Sanchez, CRPC, First Vice President - Wealth Management, Wealth
Management Advisor, Portfolio Advisor & Merrill Lynch Global Wealth
Management, who stressed the importance of “Wealth Management Strategies
For Women.” Suzanne Graziano, RN, MSN, ONC, NE-BC, NCH Healthcare
System, got everyone moving and focused on “The Power of Food and
Movement (The Best Ways to Deal With and/or Prevent Bone Disease).”
Chief Stephanie Spell, Collier County Sheriff’s Office, talked to the group about
“Personal and Cyber Safety” and reminded everyone of the critical need to
always be vigilant regarding your surroundings.
At the conclusion of the morning, each participant left energized, informed
and with a special gift bag to commemorate the day. Everyone who attended
is anxiously anticipating next year’s event. The opportunity to gain so much
valuable information in such a wonderful setting was a tremendous opportunity.
Suzanne Morley, the Chairman of this year’s event, is already lining up a
committee to put together next year’s event. So mark your calendars for the
2017 “In the Know, By and For Women” to be held on February 15, 2017.
See you there! Proceeds from this great event are donated to the Naples
Woman’s Club Scholarship Fund.
- Rochelle H. Jackson
“In the Know, By and For Women”
Tropical Cruise Fashion Show
On Wednesday, February
16, 2016, over 90 members of the
Naples Woman’s Club
boarded the Naples Princess for a
fun day - and everyone was
happy with the propsect of a
delightful luncheon
followed by a fashion show.
It was presented by “Kari’s
Kreations,” a well-known Naples
boutique. All who
attended had a wonderful time.
and are looking
forward to our next
- Millie Savarese
Annual February Flea Market & Bake Sale
February 6, 2016 was the annual Flea Market and Bake Sale at NWC. The Clubhouse and the parking lot were full of bargain
hunters, who sorted through the largest amount of donated items in all the 6 years that NWC has held this event. It was a huge
success for our Club and The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, who received all the leftover items to sell at their shop, Options.
- Pam Zbierajewski
Carol O'Flaherty, Nurse Educator & Humorist
February General Meeting
On February 10, 2016, members of the Education
Committee of the Naples Woman’s Club welcomed over
180 members and guests attending the general monthly
meeting. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, the luncheon
tables were covered with sparkling hearts of all sizes,
and a heart-healthy luncheon was served. Members were
encouraged to wear red or pink and were asked to bring
a book for a child, to be donated to local children in need.
President Lee Kraus welcomed all and asked Gabi Boyd,
a fifth-grade student, to lead the Pledge of Allegiance,
and asked Madelyn Lyon, a twelth-grade student, to give
the Thought for the Day. Jean Nadeau, Education
Committee Chair, introduced the Speaker Carol A.
O’Flaherty, RN, TRW.
Carol O’Flaherty is a nationally-known therapeutic
humorist. She spoke about the positive power of humor
and laughter in our lives. Understanding this concept can
lead us to have a healthier and more fulfilling life. She
has been featured on PBS, A & E, CNN, as well as on
other networks. Her work has appeared in the New York
Times and in many professional journals. She has
spoken at Harvard and to many major businesses and
organizations. How fortunate we were to have had her as
our program speaker at the Naples Woman’s Club.
President Lee Kraus presided over the business meeting
that followed the speaker. The Education Committee
Report was presented by Jean Nadeau. She outlined the
need for volunteers to read scholarship applications,
interview finalists, and help with the reception to honor
the recipients. Janice Crozier and Lynne Powell
introduced the newly-designed annual appeal, Circle of
Support, to
funds to
support and
sustain our
to award
to outstanding
area students.
- Dr. Lynne
February General Meeting
February General Meeting
GFWC District 12 Art & Crafts Contest
GFWC - Rotunda West WC held the February 20th District
Meeting. It included the District Art Show. Five members
from NWC that attended, were: Nancy Quinter, Kathy Abraham, Bonnie
Slobodien, Elaine Sulat and Lee Kraus. Several winners from NWC will be
entered into the State contest in May. Of our 15 entries, we had 7 winners,
with Christa Kaufman winning 2, including Best in Show. These 7 will be
entered into the State Art Competition in May. Congratulations to all of you!
Dining for Philanthropy
"The Dinners"
Dining for Philanthropy, our signature dinner event,
offered an evening of fun, food and good fellowship
on March 2, 2016. Approximately 400 invitations
were sent to members, past guests, friends and
sponsors. Nine gracious hosts offered themed
dinners with anywhere from 6 to 27 guests in their
homes. There were musicians, artists, chefs, mystery,
and Downton Abbey re-enactments! We sold 117
tickets at $150 each, netting approximately $17,574
after expenses. Four themed baskets were raffled off
to raise an additional $5,100. Along with sponsorships,
this event raised over $35,000 for Scholarships and
NWC philanthropies. A special thanks to the hard
work of the event chairs, Valerie White and Tridy
Albrite, and their entire committee.
- Josie Guenther
Dining for Philanthropy
"The Dinners"
Dining for Philanthropy
"The Dinners"
Dining for Philanthropy
"The Dinners"
Dining for Philanthropy
"The Dinners"
Dining for Philanthropy
"The Dinners"
Dining for Philanthropy
"The Dinners"
Dining for Philanthropy
Reception Cocktail Party
On March 6, 2016, a lovely post-event reception
was held at the home of our President, Lee Kraus
and her husband. All dinner hosts, sponsors, and
committee members were invited to enjoy a lovely
afternoon to celebrate the success of the event and
to thank everyone for their donation. Each host and
sponsor was presented with a beautiful original
painting donated by Edythe Newborne, a local artist
and NWC member.
Dining for Philanthropy
Reception Cocktail Party
Dining for Philanthropy
Reception Cocktail Party
"Our Community Foundation” March General Meeting
The Conservation Committee hosted the NWC
March 9th Luncheon. The St. Patrick Day theme
was displayed with green centerpieces and green
napkins. There was a delicious buffet provided by
Culivita Catering. Our guest speaker was Eileen
Connolly-Keesler, from the Community Foundation
of Collier County. She spoke about the
Foundation’s mission to improve the quality of life
in Collier county. Her presentation was wellreceived by all those present.
-Jessica McCarthy
March General Meeting
"Kid's Fishing Clinic"
The Naples Juniorettes volunteered at the “Kid’s Fishing Clinic” sponsored by the Marine Industries of Collier County on March
12th, 2016 The Juniorettes were working at the informational stations teaching the young children about the necessities of being a
good angler, and the importance of protecting the marine ecosystems. They worked the “touch and feel” tanks where kids could see
hermit crabs, baby horseshoe crabs, starfish and various other sea life. A great time was had by all and many really enjoyed polishing
their presentation skills to kids and parents. They were given a t-shirt, and a lunch at the concession on the Pier. We built in some extra
time on the beach for them to enjoy themselves. We had a bit of a traffic issue on the way home due to the parade activities.
We served over 200 kids and their family members. It seemed to coincide well with the parade. We worked alongside the wonderful
volunteers from the Windstar Mens Fishing Club, Clyde Torp, Jerry Becker, Tom watts and Turk Rose. I am a member of this Fishing
Club, so it was a great three-way collaboration. The organizers and the Fishing Club members had nothing but accolades for the
Juniorettes and the volunteering they did. A special thanks got Pat Perrelli, NWC member, who also worked all morning with the
event and our young girls. She was a valuable asset.
I am so proud of these young ladies, who are truly giving back to the
community where they live!! At our next event we worked at the “Keep
Collier Beautiful” Day on April 3rd at the Naples Pier.
- Gail L Klein
Circle of Support
Members Appreciation Tea
The 48 Circle of Support members were honored at a high tea at the home of Stacy
Vermylen on February 24th. Members wore hats, sipped on a variety of teas, and
enjoyed tea sandwiches, scones and petti-fours provided by committee members. A
lovely silver, hibiscus-in-a-circle pendant designed for the occasion, was given to all
members that donated the minimum of $1,000, to meet the initial challenge offered by
member Blanche Hawkins and husband Thane. Blanche and Thane donated $50,000
of Hawkins Family Foundation Funds to support the NWC Scholarship program. She
then challenged NWC to match her donation. Circle of Support members raised an
additional $60,000. Two $10,000 scholarships were provided this initial year. A
lovely plaque in honor of the Hawkins donation and Circle of Support contributors
was developed by Nancy Quinter and will be displayed in the NWC Trophy case.
Jalna MacLaren, Chair of the initial committee, announced the new chairs for 20162017 will be Janice Crozier and Dr. Lynne Powell. Thanks to the generosity of our
membership, $100,000 will remain in the fund, to perpetuate the scholarship program.
Circle of Support
Members Appreciation Tea
Circle of Support
Members Appreciation Tea
Newsletter by Suzanne Harris