do you feel the spirit of christmas?


do you feel the spirit of christmas?
VOL 1/2012
The Christmas season is always a time of endings and beginnings. The sense of time condensing and then unfolding
again is palpable. The Advent season begins, blossoms, and passes by, Christmas comes, with its joy, thick with
memories, and then Epiphany, and we go on, leaving the Christmas season behind and entering into the new year.
And often this entire season is a whirlwind, filled with preparations of all types. We ought to stop and be still for a
moment. We ought to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas.
What is the center of Christmas? It is Christ. Christ was born as the light of the world and to spread God’s love. This
can be found in John 8:12: When Jesus spoke
again to the people, he said, “I am the light of
the world. Whoever follows me will
never walk in darkness, but will have
the light of life.”
Where can we find and feel the
reminds us that we find him
seafaring." We find Christ
he who abides in love abides in
Jn 4:16).
presence of Christ? St. Augustine
through love. "God is love, and
God, and God abides in him” (1
How do we love? Christ has taught
us about love. ‘Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind and
with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love
your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no
commandment greater than these (Mk 12: 30-31). Pope Benedict also writes: "Love is not merely a sentiment.
Sentiments come and go. A sentiment can be a marvelous first spark, but it is not the fullness of love."
Each personal or moral effort we make, each act of love in our lives, to our parents, to our spouses, to our brothers
and sisters, to our children, to our friends, is connected in an intimate way with the Spirit of Christ, that same Spirit
present in the Eucharist.
In this regard, St. Teresa of Avila writes in her classic work on spiritual life, The Way of Perfection (1566), "Another
very good proof of love is that you strive in household duties to relieve others of work, and also rejoice and praise
the Lord very much for any increase you see in their virtues... May it please his Majesty that this love continues." In
short, to do the dishes, to wash and fold clothes, to sweep the floor, to set and clear the table, to take out the trash.
These are "good proof of love."
Hari Natal mengingatkan tentang kelahiran Tuhan Yesus. Apabila Hari Natal menjelang, wujud
suasana harmoni, gembira dan damai sambil merayakannya bersama keluarga. Sempena Hari
Natal yang akan datang, saya berazam untuk memperbaiki diri untuk lebih peka kepada
kehendak-kehendak Tuhan.
Bonny Duni (Pekerja-FRU)
After Christmas Mass, the feast of abundance starts at home. Turkey, cookies and many
different mouth-watering dishes.
Thomas Luther Albert (Student-INSTEP)
Sememangnya sambutan Krismas di sini tidak semeriah di Sarawak, sebab jauh daripada
keluarga. Saya agak sedih tetapi pada masa yang sama saya bersyukur sebab dapat mengenali
dan mendalami erti Krismas yang sebenar semasa berada di Terengganu.
Vivien Jimmy (Pelajar-UniSZA)
On Christmas Eve, my family and I will attend Mass. Christmas Day is about sharing the joy of
Christ with family and friends.
Roger Tanis (Student-INSTEP)
Sempena Hari Krismas, keluarga saya, sama ada jauh atau dekat, selalunya akan balik ke
kampung dan berkumpul bersama. Sempena Hari Krismas yang akan datang ini, saya berazam
untuk datang ke gereja setiap minggu supaya lebih dekat dengan Tuhan.
Emmanuel Julius (Pekerja-FRU)
For me, Christmas is about what happens in your heart,not mere festivities.
Stephanie (Student-UniSZA)
Christmas is to reach out to one another, also to the people of other religion.
Michael (Local Parishioner-Dungun)
Bagi saya, Hari Krismas bukanlah suatu pesta semata-mata tetapi lebih kepada kegembiraan dan
cinta kasih. Kristus lahir ke dunia dan kita bersukacita kerana kita sudah ada penyelamat.
Racheal Alena Richard (Pelajar-UMT)
I celebrate Christmas with my family , in great gratitude and joy. My wish for Christmas is to reach
out to the poor and to help them.
Stanley James (Student-RANACO Kemaman)
Krismas mengeratkan hubungan dengan saudara mara dan sahabat handai yang berlainan
Henrietta Konihing (Pelajar-UMT)
Christmas is a time to celebrate the birthday of Jesus and in the process to bring joy and peace to
Anita Bhandal (Local Parishioner-KT)
Bagi saya, Krismas merupakan hari Yesus lahir di dalam hati kita dan membawa kegembiraan
kepada dunia.
George Bobby (Pelajar-UMT)
Christmas is a time to bring joy to migrants and reach out to the poor and being close to the
Christmas is about bringing Jesus to others with a smile.
Alvin (Local Parishioner-Dungun)
Christmas is me trying to keep Jesus in the picture while I bake too many cookies, prepare for
Mass and try to keep my cool with my family.
Brenda (Local Parishioner-Dungun)
Christmas for me is all about God’s love. It is a time of giving, sharing and forgiving.
Alberto (Local Parishioner-Dungun)
I must say we mostly celebrated Christmas with my husband’s family except when circumstances really did
not permit. Christmas was a lot of eating and drinking, apart from the Midnight Mass which we made a
point to attend. The journey during the season of Advent and Christmas has always been a personal
journey for me: the renewal of the understanding of Advent, the visitations and the joy of the birth of
Christ all make me want to be stronger in my faith. Now, with grown-up children, I really appreciate our
family gathering each year and as far as possible, we try to extend this celebration, sharing the joy not only
with family but with friends. We are not very good singers, but now we sing the carols on Christmas day.
Now that’s a start!(Grace Bates)
Christmas is the mystery of the birth of Christ. He came to save the world and redeem us. Christ is the light
who destroys the darkness(the moral darkness of the world). Four candles in the advent wreath
symbolises hope, faith, joy and peace. Thus, Christmas is the time to renew our faith and hope for a better
world. Christmas brings joy and peace to the family. For me, Christmas celebration is the reunion of the
family where we can pray together, have a simple celebration and most importantly, share the joy with
others. For this coming Christmas, I hope especially for the younger generation to be united with God in a
special way and through faith to be able to overcome the lure of today’s materialistic world. I hope and
pray that everyone will always be in a good health.(Angelique Pakiam)
Krismas ialah suatu perayaan untuk kita menyambut kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Krismas juga ialah suatu
peluang untuk saya dan keluarga berkumpul bersama dengan penganut Kristian yang lain untuk bersamasama merayakan hari yang mulia ini. Tahun ini masuk tahun kedua saya dan keluarga merayakan Krismas
di Terengganu dan pada tahun yang lepas, kami sekeluarga akan balik ke Sarawak. Pada tahun ini, saya dan
keluarga akan mengadakan majlis rumah terbuka untuk semua jiran-jiran kami dan semua umat Katolik
untuk memeriahkan suasana. Saya berharap agar hubungan antara sesama penganut Kristian walaupun
berlainan mazhab akan tetap utuh di samping berharap agar iman kita semua menjadi semakin
Saya rasa sedih sebab tidak dapat menyambut Krismas dengan famili di Sarawak. Namun demikian, saya
tetap bersyukur kerana dapat menyambut Krismas dengan keluarga-keluarga Kristian yang turut tidak balik
ke kampung. Kami sekeluarga biasanya akan mengadakan majlis rumah terbuka dan menyanyikan lagulagu Krismas bersama jiran-jiran yang beragama Kristian. Kamu juga berdoa beramai-ramai dari rumah ke
rumah pada malam sebelum Krismas. Saya berharap Krismas yang bakal tiba ini akan menjadi lebih meriah
lagi. Sempena Hari Krismas ini, saya akan mengadakan majlis rumah terbuka saya dan keluarga.(Leila)
Bringing the good news to one another
Berdirilah dengan teguh dalam iman! – I Korintus 16:13
Pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2011, Bapa Suci Benediktus XVI telah mengisytiharkan Tahun
Iman yang akan berlangsung dari 11 Oktober 2012 sehingga 24 November 2013,
bersamaan dengan Hari Raya Kristus Raja.
Bertepatan dengan pengumuman tersebut, Bapa Suci telah mengeluarkan sebuah Surat Apostolik (ditulisnya sendiri
dan ditandatanganinya) yang bertajuk Porta Fidei (Pintu kepada Iman). Dalam surat itu, Bapa Suci mewartakan dan
menerangkan secara rasmi apakah itu Tahun Iman.
Bapa Suci telah mengadakan Tahun Iman untuk meneguhkan iman orang Katolik yang menghadiri gereja, untuk
menghulurkan tangan kepada orang-orang yang telah meninggalkan Gereja tetapi masih merindui kehadiran Tuhan
dalam hidup mereka, dan juga untuk memberikan jawapan kepada sesiapa yang mencari erti hidup dan bimbingan.
Tidak ketinggalan juga orang-orang yang menyangka bahawa mereka tidak memerlukan Allah.
Kata Bapa Suci, “iman tumbuh ketika dihidupi sebagai suatu pengalaman kasih yang diterima, dan apabila
disampaikan sebagai sebuah pengalaman rahmat dan sukacita”
Kita dipanggil untuk mengakui iman dengan yakin, untuk merayakan Misteri Kristus melalui sakramen-sakramen,
untuk hidup dalam kasih dan berdoa setiap hari.
Sempena Tahun Iman ini, beberapa cadangan aktiviti telah diatur demi mencapai misinya, iaitu
“Mengaku, Merayakan, Hidup, Doa”. Antaranya, lagu “Iman Kita” telah dicipta oleh CSS
Terengganu. Selain itu, Catholic Mission Terengganu juga telah memulakan pembelajaran
“YOUCAT” sejak November 2012 di tiga Pusat Misa(Kuala Terengganu, Dungun, Kemaman) di
Terengganu untuk pembinaan iman terus menerus di kalangan umat. Walaupun bilangan
kecil tapi ini bukan masalah bagi kita kerana kita diingatkan akan Gereja awal pada zaman
para Rasul. Kelas dibahagikan kepada dua bahasa, iaitu Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris.
Inisiatif telah diambil oleh Paroki Kuala Terengganu untuk menterjemahkan ajaran-ajaran di
dalam buku “YOUCAT” tersebut dalam Bahasa Melayu.
Risalah tentang ajaran Katolik yang dipetik dari “YOUCAT” juga diedarkan
secara mingguan untuk memudahkan lagi pemahaman iman Katolik kepada
setiap umat. Di samping itu, sesi formasi khusus untuk pelajar-pelajar varsiti
juga telah dianjurkan untuk menguatkan iman mereka.
Diharap, aktiviti-aktiviti yang akan dianjurkan sempena Tahun Iman ini
dapat mengukuhkan lagi iman Katolik di kalangan umat sekaligus menjadi
seorang Kristian yang lebih baik.
YOUCAT Training with the varsity student (KT)
“stay firm in the faith” – I Corinthians 16:13
On 16th October 2011, Pope Benedict XVI announced the Year of Faith which is to run
from Thursday, 11th October 2012, until 24th November 2013, the Solemnity of Christ
the King.
To coincide with the announcement, the Holy Father issued an Apostolic Letter (written on his own
initiative and signed personally by him) called Porta Fidei ('The Door of Faith') in which he formally proclaimed and
explained the Year of Faith.
Pope Benedict has called the Year of Faith to strengthen Catholics who go to church, reach out to those who have
left but still yearn for God in their lives, and to offer a response to those who are searching for meaning and help
and those who think they do not need God.
'Faith grows when it is lived as an experience of love received, and when it is communicated as an experience of
grace and joy,' the Pope wrote.
We are called to Profess the Faith with conviction, to Celebrate the Mysteries of Christ through the Sacraments, to
Live in love and to Pray daily.
In conjunction with the Year of Faith, we have taken a few steps to enhance
the four important aspects of our Faith “Profess, Celebrate, Live, Pray”. One
of it is the composition of a new Theme song called “Iman Kita” created with
the aid of CSS Terengganu. Apart from that, we have started to study the
YOUCAT as a community in all three Mass Centres (Kuala Terengganu,
Dungun and Kemaman) in the state of Terengganu both in English and
Bahasa Melayu. This is to foster a continuous faith formation among the
parishioners. The number is small but this is not a problem as we are
reminded of the Early Church during the time of the Apostles. We have
begun to translate parts of the YOUCAT into Bahasa Melayu.
YOUCAT Training in Kuala Terengganu
“Inserts” or handouts about the Catholic Church’s official teaching is printed
weekly and distributed to the parishioners weekly. This is to deepen the
understanding of the Catholic Faith. Furthermore, formation sessions especially for
the university students were also organized to strengthen the faith of the students.
We hope that such programmes will strengthen the faith of the Catholic
community here in Kuala Terengganu and also form us into better Christians.
YOUCAT Training in Kemaman
World Youth Day 2012 with varsity students
CSS Faith Formation and Teambuilding
SVP BEC in collaboration with CSS visiting Pusat Kanak-kanak Terencat Akal
Family Day of Terengganu Catholic Mission
Confirmation Camp for students
Farewell party for the students
KSKB Students from Sg. Buloh
Kaamatan, Gawai dan Panen Festival 2012
Catechism class for children inGong Badak
Faith formation for the Bomba trainee
Praise and worship conducted by CSS
Blood Donation
Faith formation for the varsity students
Visiting the old folks home
Barbeque with families from Gong Badak
YOUCAT Training for the parishioners and students
Tell us, how could we make Christmas more meaningful?
Its about Jesus - nothing more and nothing less, and if we remove Jesus from the
celebration, it would be without a 'soul'. Thus, Christmas should be a time to reach
out to one another, sharing our love with our family and neighbours. When I say
neighbours, they could be Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims or anyone. For Christmas
marks the birth of Jesus who brings love for one another. Central to our celebration
would be reaching out to the poor. I believe when you touch the poor, you touch Jesus. Celebrations are
important but they must be a volcano of blessings and meaning to one another.
How would you tie the Year of the Faith and Christmas?
What is Faith ? Faith is knowing God , loving God and expressing His love to one another. Christmas is a
wonderful time to express our Faith in loving God and our neighbour. There are many ways I can deepen
my faith ; through prayer , through reading the word of God ; in silence ; visiting the orphanage , the
migrants, and our own family and BEC members.
How to keep the fire of Faith alive after the Christmas season?
Love God sincerely, Promote justice untiringly, Touch the poor constantly, Pray in faith arduously.
Any words for your people in Terengganu?
I thank all of you for the great missionary spirit in you, although we don't have an official decent place of
worship,yet you continue to gather every Friday to worship Jesus in the Eucharist. The college and
university students, who form 85% of our parishioners here, are great gifts to us ; and their contributions
are commendable.
Wishing you a Blessed and Holy Birth of Christ!
In Domino,
Fr Phillips Muthu
Editor: edmand Andrew bedurus
raven paul ram
alice wong FUI NGEE
George bobby
- The Feet signify that Jesus is the Master and we are His Disciples
- We are called to True Discipleship and Martyrdom
- We are called to Holiness and Readiness to do the Will of God
- We are in the hands of Mother Mary, as she prays for us.
Ya Allah Bapa yang Maha Penyayang, aku mengucap syukur kerana memanggilku
Dan memberkatiku dengan karunia iman,
Semoga Tahun Iman ini menjadi masa untuk memperbaharui dan memperdalamkan imanku
serta mewartakannya dengan semangat keyakinan yang mendalam melalui perbuatan dan kata-kataku.
Semoga perayaan sakramen-sakramen yang kami rayakan membantu aku untuk bertumbuh dalam
cintakasih terhadap Engkau dan terhadap komuniti beriman.
Semoga penyerahan diriku untuk melayani-Mu, menjadikan hidupku suatu manifestasi atau penyataan
kehadiranmu yang berterusan dalam dunia masakini.
Ketika Engkau membuka pintu iman bagiku, ya Tuhan,
bantulah aku untuk bertumbuh dalam perhubungan peribadi dengan Engkau.
Semoga aku dapat berkongsi buah-buah doaku
dalam membina Kerajaan kasihmu.
Kami mohon ini melalui Kristus, Tuhan kami. Amin.
Chapels in terengganu
Kuala Terengganu: Catholic Mission of Kuala Terengganu, 382, Jalan Sultan Omar, 20300 Kuala Terengganu
Dungun: Catholic Community, Lot 55932, Jalan Besar, Telok Lipat, 23000 Dungun
Kemaman: St. Philip Minh Catholic Community, 2317 Tmn Bersekutu Chukai, 24000 Kemaman