Children`s Activity Guide - Valley Forge Park Alliance


Children`s Activity Guide - Valley Forge Park Alliance
The Encampment at
Va l l e y F o r g e
O n D e ce mb er 19, 1 7 7 7, G eorg e Wa sh i n gton a n d th e Conti n ent a l A r my a r r ived at Va l ley Forge.
Th er e w er e s old ier s at th e Va l ley Forg e E n c a mp m ent fro m e ach of th e th i r te en colon ie s.
Ca n you m atch e ach colony w ith it s n a m e ?
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina
North Carolina
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Cou rtesy of The Friends of Valley Forge Park.
A rt w o r k c o u rt e s y o f B e n j a m i n Z . Wa l t e r .
Individual pages may be reproduced as is for non-commercial use.
w w w.f r i e n ds of va l l e y forg
Help the Conti nenta l A r my  nd its way from the
Bra ndywi ne B attleeld to Va lley Forge !
Gulph Mills
December 13-19
Valley Forge
December 19, 1777 – June 19, 1778
Pennypacker Mills
Sept. 26-29
Sept. 22-26
Germantown Battle
— Oct. 4
September 11, 1777
Cou rtesy of The Friends of Valley Forge Park.
A rt w o r k c o u rt e s y o f B e n j a m i n Z . Wa l t e r .
Individual pages may be reproduced as is for non-commercial use.
w w w.f r i e n ds of va l l e y forg
M a r th a Wa shi n gton left Mou nt Ver non for Va l ley Forge on Ja nu a ry 2 6, 177 8,
a n d a r rived at ca mp on Febr u a ry 5. Ca n you help her  nd the way ?
Cou rtesy of The Friends of Valley Forge Park.
A rt w o r k c o u rt e s y o f B e n j a m i n Z . Wa l t e r .
Individual pages may be reproduced as is for non-commercial use.
w w w.f r i e n ds of va l l e y forg
Th e fol lowi n g i nd ividu a ls were at the en ca mp m ent at Va l ley Forge.
How m a ny na m es ca n you match with th e prop er d es cription ?
(The answers are at the bottom of the page.)
1. ____ George Washington
A. Prussian ofcer, known as the “ Drillmaster ”
2. ____ Marquis de Lafayette
B. Boston bookseller who became Brigadier General
3. ____ Hannah Till
C. Lutheran minister of Vi rginia turned soldier
4. ____ Henry Knox
D. Commander in chief of the Continental Army
5. ____ Joseph Plum Martin
E. One of General Wa shington’s cooks
6. ____ Nathanael Greene
F. Wa shington’s worthy wife
7. ____ Peter Muhlenberg
G. General from Rhode Island who recommended the
enlistment of blacks
8. ____ Patrick Henry
H. Young French nobleman who sailed to America’s aid
9. ____ Martha Washington
J. Conne‰icut soldier who later published an account of
his wa rtime experiences
10. ____ Baron von Steuben
K. Arrogant soldier of fortune who opposed Wa shington
11. ____ James Varnum
L. Quaker turned soldier ; qua rtermaster general at
Wa shington’s re quest
12. ____ Elizabeth Stephens
M. French ofcer of German birth who came to America
with Lafayette
13. ____ Anthony Wayne
N. Continued to live in her farm house while General
Va rnum rented a room upstairs
14. ____ Johann de Kalb
O. Vi rginia governor who sent a bounty of supplies
15. ____ Alexander Hamilton
P. Fie ry Continental ofcer from Chester County
16. ____ Thomas Conway
Q. Aide-de-camp to General Wa shington
Answers: 1-d, 2-h, 3-e, 4-b, 5-j, 6-l, 7-c, 8-o, 9-f, 10-a, 11-g, 12-n, 13-p, 14-m, 15-q, 16-k
P rov i de d by Th e Fr i e n ds of Va l l e y Forg e Pa r k
in support of Valley Forge National Historical Park.
Visit w w w . f r i e n d s of va l l e y forg e. org or w w w . n p s . g ov / va fo.
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Printed by Litho Grafix Printing Services, Concordville, Pennsylvania.