Bulletin - Notre Dame De La Mer Parish
Bulletin - Notre Dame De La Mer Parish
Notre Dame de la Mer Parish www.notredamedelamer.org Mass Schedule St. Ann Church 2901 Atlantic Avenue Wildwood Monday to Friday (Chapel) Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM 7:00 PM (Spanish) Confessions Saturday ~ 3:30 PM 7:00 AM Assumption Church 7100 Seaview Avenue Wildwood Crest Monday to Friday (Kelly Hall) 8:30 AM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM Confessions Saturday ~ 3:30 PM WCHS/CTC School Building 1500 Central Avenue North Wildwood, NJ Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM Notre Dame de la Mer Parish Office Summer Hours Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Our Mission Statement The love of Jesus Christ gathers us together to welcome and embrace all God’s Children. El amor de Jesus Cristo nos unifica para acoger a todos como hijos de Dios August 15 15, 2016 Letter From Father Wallace Dear Parishioner, Today at all the Masses we will have students from our Wildwood Catholic High School speaking to encourage you to be as generous as possible for the annual collection for scholarships to our beloved high school. Here at Notre Dame de la Mer Parish we have two wonderful Catholic Schools, Cape Trinity Catholic Regional and Wildwood Catholic High School. We have found that there are many young people who would like to attend Wildwood Catholic High School but their family finances keep them back. This collection helps them and their families with a much needed scholarship. Many of our neighboring parishes also allow this annual collection at their parishes during the summer months. We are very grateful for their generosity! It is a testimony of how Catholic education is treasured here in Cape May County. These young people who attend our schools are fortified with all the best that a Catholic education can afford them in a strong college preparatory course of studies coupled with a sound moral and Catholic formation. The local community continues at great sacrifice to support our schools year round. Your generous help goes a long way to ensure that future generations of fully educated and spiritually formed young men and women will contribute their talents and strengths to the Church in married life, priesthood, religious life and in all the walks they choose. Please be generous and may God bless you for your goodness. Today is also a special day for our parish of Notre Dame de la Mer, Our Lady of the Sea, as it is our patronal feast day. Bishop Dennis Sullivan, Bishop of Camden, will celebrate a special Mass this afternoon at 4:30pm at our St. Ann Church, followed by the procession to the ocean for the traditional wedding of the sea. He will be accompanied by the seminarians of our diocese and the faithful from far and wide. I hope you will be able to join us this afternoon for this special spiritual event as we honor and celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven and pray for the safety of all those connected to the sea through her powerful intercession. May the Blessed Mother watch over you and your family! Fr. Wallace 2- 650 Mass Intentions Saint Ann Church SATURDAY August 13 4:30 PM Jack Kilpatrick r/b Sally Smith Carol Lafontana r/b Mary Kilgarriff Kathleen Sheahan r/b Pat Matthews SUNDAY August 14 8:30 AM Charles Harvey r/b Lorna & Paul YapDinco Hugh Barnes r/b Joe Werba Alice Gray r/b Terry, Kathy & Baba Oslar 10:30 AM Joyce Skomsky r/b her Family Donors to Wildwood Catholic High School Margaret Collins r/b her Family Greg Di Antonio r/b Kreni & Jeff Rita Grillone r/b Pam & Jeff Hogan 4:30 PM Vigil Mass for Feast of the Assumption 7:00 PM For Our Parishioners MONDAY August 15 7:00 AM Thomas Kelhower r/b his Wife, Theresa TUESDAY August 16 7:00 AM Marie Grecia r/b a Friend WEDNES. August 17 7:00 AM Rich, Rick & Dan r/b Bill Wolf THURSDAY August 18 Jack Weigand r/b Bobbie Gallo FRIDAY August 19 7:00 AM Rick Lamb r/b his Family SATURDAY August 20 4:30 PM Dolores (Wall) Diefenbach r/b Don & Faith Brunell Bob Carson r/b the Kilgarriff Family Dennis Murray r/b Aunt Betty Assumption Church SATURDAY August 13 4:30 PM Rosina Stratoti r/b Leon & Stephanie SUNDAY August 14 8:30 AM Lucy Dendofer r/b Tom & Rita Goffredo Elana Quinn r/b her Husband, Jack Caroll Cole r/b Debbie, Bruce & Karen Agnes Raschilla r/b her Children Anna Buccuto r/b the Costantini Family 10:30 AM Donors to Wildwood Catholic High School Mary Jane Hunt r/b her Family Thomas De Feo r/b his Daughter, Gloria Intentions of Carol Bailey r/b her Friends at the Fleur de Lis MONDAY August 15 8:30 AM Mary Tomassi r/b her Family TUESDAY August 16 8:30 AM Mary “Gabby” Melchiorre r/b Tom & Kathy Melchiorre WEDNES. August 17 8:30 AM Ginny Young r/b her Family THURSDAY August 18 Intentions of Joe Maloy FRIDAY August 19 8:30 AM Dolores Avalone r/b Di Bruno & Collelouri Families SATURDAY August 20 4:30 PM Joseph J. Driscoll (7th anniv.) r/b his Wife, Grace & Children Dolores Avallone r/b Rita Quercetti Isabella Steige r/b Helen Kita Rudy Kita r/b his Wife, Helen Sebastiano Stratoti r/b Leon & Stephanie Wildwood Catholic High School SATURDAY August 13 4:30 PM Jamie Panetta r/b Mc Glinchey & Mc Cain Families SUNDAY August 14 8:30 AM Dr. John Incarvito r/b his Wife 10:30 AM Peg Mc Ginnis r/b Roger & Pat Belz Helen Young r/b NDDLM Parish Judy Lovett r/b George & Carolyn Miller Bob Starr r/b North Wildwood Dept. of Public Works SATURDAY August 20 4:00 PM Barbara Lotierzo r/b Marie & Richard Dooley SUNDAY August 21 8:30 AM Intentions of the Priest 10:30 AM Judy Lovett r/b Joe & Marie Tighe Bob Starr r/b North Wildwood Department of Public Works Sanctuary Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp at the Assumption Church is lit this week for Anna Di Benedetto r/b her Children and at St. Ann Church for Dr. John Incarvito r/b his wife 3- 650 Stewardship Stewards Take a Stance Year of Mercy Dear Parishioners, “Do you think I have come to give you peace on Earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” Luke 12:51 Living a Stewardship lifestyle means stepping out of our comfort zone when needed. Many of us like to play it safe, not cause waves, stay in the middle of the road. In today’s world we are called to be informed and take a stance for life, marriage and religious liberty. Thank you to everyone who have already given generously to the 2016 House of Charity Bishop's Annual Appeal. We are all called to be instruments of God's Mercy. We invite all parishioners who have not already done so to support the programs and ministries of the Diocese of Camden by making a pledge to this year's campaign. We ask that anyone who received the mailing from the Diocese to return your pledge to the parish office. Additional cards are available in the back of the church. God our Almighty Father is the protector of all. Last January Fr. Yvans, Fr. Wallace and a group of parishioners went to Haiti on a Mission Trip. They saw firsthand that most of the people living in Haiti lack many of the basic daily items. During the month of September, the “Mercy Team” has decided to ask the parish to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti with some of their basic needs in keeping with the Corporal and Spiritual Acts of Mercy. September – The Sisters of Mercy were known as the ‘walking nuns’. They were the first nuns to leave their convent and go out to the people in their homes, hospitals and prisons were the need was great. Therefore the boots are a symbol of the work that the sisters were able to do in their communities. Boots today are commonly worn in the winter but not in warm weather or warm climates. Therefore, we make a transfer here to meet the people of Haiti as well. We look especially here at the need for footwear of the children. The children in Haiti will soon begin school. They are not permitted to attend school in Haiti without having a pair of shoes. All summer they were allowed to run the streets in their bare feet but to receive an education shoes are required. Therefore, I suggest the purchase of shoes, sneakers are fine. All children sizes of sneakers and shoes are welcome. In this case we only ask that they be new. In the shipping process it takes weeks to get to Haiti and used shoes can build up an odor in shipment therefore new shoes are requested. The shoes should be brought to the church sites on September 4th, and September 11th and placed in the marked containers. If you prefer to make a financial donation to Haiti please write a check to Notre Dame de la Mer parish and in the memo portion of the check please put the word “HAITI”. These check donations will be tallied and one check will be sent to the orphanage in Haiti in the name of the parish. Thank you in advance for taking care of the needs of the least of our brothers and sisters. In deep and eternal gratitude, The Mercy Team Our parish goal is $145,170.00 of which we have received $63,256.00 please pray about this and make your pledge. 4- 650 Parish Information Sacraments Pre-Baptismal Classes: As the primary educators of their child, the parents/guardians and godparents have the most important influence on the faith development of children and parishes must provide catechesis for them before their child is baptized. Notre Dame de la Mer Parish offers six Baptism Preparation Classes throughout the year. It is important for the expectant parents/ guardians to arrange to attend a session 5 months before the birth and Baptism of the child. Contact the parish offices for more information. The next class is scheduled for Saturday, September 10, 2016, from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. Parish News The Car Raffle is Back! Notre Dame de la Mer Parish is selling chances on a 2016 Ford Mustang coupe with the complete California Special Package. Chances are available on the boardwalk, after weekend masses and in the parish office or by mailing a check to Notre Dame de la Mer Parish, 1500 Central Avenue #100, North Wildwood, NJ 08260 or for credit card purchases call Pat at 609-522-2709 x210. Funerals: To be arranged with a priest and funeral director. Sacrament of the Sick: Anytime Christmas 50/50 Raffle Marriage: Arrangements should be made one year in advance and prior to making reception plans. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THOSE WHO ARE ILL- John Barkovitch, Isoletta Batten, Edward Daniel Bauman, Melissa Anne Marie Bauman, Walter Bendis, William Boykin. Sr., Christian Buscham, Joseph Carfagno, Ken Clemente, Maggie Chase, Don Chiancone, Bob Collelouri, Betty Collins, Stumpy Countiss, Angie Dabbingino, Carol Danzeison, Rosemary Delgado, Marion & Dana Di Caprio, Patricia Dan Elkins, Fran Feketics, Jean Feketics, Andre Ferry, Ken Ford, Rita Frankowski, Helen Garagosa, Joanne Golley, Ann Grasso, David Grasso, Maggie Hartley, Drew Heimack, Frank & Janet Heller, Janet Johnson, Jessica Karabian, Barbara Klecz, Henry Korzeniowski, Yvonne Kukielka, Elizabeth Love, Mark McKee, Marge McMullin, Mary Ann Metzger, Krista Mote, Marie Murphy, Lynn Nichols, Bob Necker, Frank Niemczak, Tim O’Leary, Sr., Madison Pagliaccetti, Valerie Biedzian Parr, Brittany Peace, James Peterson, Mamie Reed, Tony Robinson, Pat Rooney, Luigi Rovar, Rose Salvitelli, Noel Sanesec, Maria “Gabby” Sarri, Jane Scarano, Michael Bailey Schafer, Steven Seeberger, Michael Schaefer, Rita Sicilia, Jess Silver, Leatrice Spiewak, Sr. Joe Stella, Tom Stephano, John & Jennifer Tipton, Stacey Tipton, John Tirello, Cheryl Tolen, Luke Trask, Bob Tschenkel, Brian Uetz, Mike Vey, Sue Reich Walden, Dawn Herman Williams, Shannon (Lentz) Wilson, Bob Young. Also, anyone who wishes to receive Communion may also call the parish offices. Notre Dame de la Mer Parish is sponsoring a 50/50 raffle just in time for Christmas. Tickets sales have begun just into time for “Christmas in July” and the winning ticket will be drawn December 18, 2015, just in time for “Christmas”. Tickets are available at the car raffle pavilion on the boardwalk, before and after weekend masses at all 3 of our worship sites, and at the parish offices. Tickets are $1 each. Save the Date December 18, 2016 Christmas Concert Assumption Church Wildwood Crest, NJ Notre Dame de la Mer Parish More information to follow. Hope to see you there. 5- 650 Wildwood Catholic High School Phone: 609-522-7257 Website: www.wildwoodcatholic.org Mission Statement of Wildwood Catholic High School: Since 1948, Wildwood Catholic High school has provided a valuecentered, college preparatory education to the youth of Southern New Jersey. We nurture hearts and minds by the light of Christ forming well-rounded individuals who will shape their communities through leadership and service. All are welcome to become part of our tradition. WCHS Special Collection The second collection during our masses this August 13/14th weekend will be for the benefit of the Wildwood Catholic tuition assistance program. Since 1948, this has been the only Catholic high school serving all of Cape May County. Your tax deductible donation will help make a Catholic education affordable for all those who wish to attend. Donations made by check should be "paid to "Save Wildwood Catholic ". You will receive a receipt, and acknowledgement of your donation in the mail, along with the appropriate Tax exempt identification number. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our great school" WILDWOOD CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Congratulates & wishes JOE MALOY Triathlete good luck during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio Donut Sale WCHS is once again selling donuts, cinnamon buns, and tea biscuits at 2 locations: St. Ann Church and Assumption Church before and after the Sunday morning Masses. Thank you for your continued support! 6- 650 Cape Trinity Catholic School Phone: 609-522-2704 Website: www.capetrinitycatholic.org Mission Statement of Cape Trinity Catholic : A school for critical thinking, is based on gospel values and the promotion of academic excellence. We challenge all to engage in meaningful learning and to make Christ-like decisions in an environment rich in prayer and service. With the support of our caring community, we aspire to develop students who will celebrate life and make a positive difference in the world. Are you ready for back to school? Opening day is Tuesday, September 6, 2016 Full day and lunch program begins Thursday, September 8, 2016 1. Physical forms completed for sports participation? 2. Uniform pieces ordered? - Shoes for your grade? 3. School supplies ready? 4. Reading, Math & Science summer reports? 7- 650 Community Outreach Lazarus House (Emergency Food Pantry) “For I was hungry and you gave me food…” Thank you for your kind donations to Lazarus House emergency food pantry. We welcome all donations of food delivered to Lazarus House on any Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 10:00 AM and 12:00 noon, or placed in one of the baskets at the doors of the churches. All donations to poor boxes, plus cash, checks, gift cards or in memory of someone, or bequests identified for Lazarus House, in any collection, or sent to the parish offices, go directly to help provide food and other essentials for those in need in our community. We are always in need of cereal, pasta, tuna fish, peanut butter, hot chocolate, oatmeal, canned stews, pasta sauce and chili. Thank you. For questions or additional information contact: Frank Stone 609-729-7217. UPCOMING EVENTS Ecumenical Prayer Service ~ St. Ann Church , will be rescheduled for a later date Living Rosary ~ Assumption Church, September 18, 2016 ~10:00 AM (More info to follow.) Diocesan Pilgrimage ~ to Washington, DC, October 1, 2016 (more info on the cost and timing will be in a future bulletin.) Bereavement sessions Are you in need of prayer and compassion regarding the loss of a loved one; or do you know a friend or someone in your neighborhood who might have this need? If so, please come to Notre Dame de la Mer Parish Conference Room for our bereavement sessions. These meetings are held each Wednesday beginning September 14th through November 16th at 1:00 pm. One does not need to be a member of the parish in order to attend. All are welcome to come; pray; and share the stories of their loved ones. Please join us! For further information, please call Sister Ro at the parish offices: 609-522-2709 ext. 221. Thank you. 8- 650 Community Events Feast of the Assumption You are cordially invited to celebrate the Wedding of the Sea on August 14, 2016. Celebration will begin at St. Ann’s Church, 2901 Atlantic Ave. Starting at 4:00 pm there will be a prelude of musical selections performed by the NDDLM Music Ministry and accompanying orchestra. The vigil mass celebrating the Assumption of Mary into heaven follows at 4:30. Immediately following mass, the procession to the ocean will begin. Once at the water’s edge, Wildwood lifeguards will take the bishop into the tide where he will bless the ocean by throwing a ring of flowers. A tradition started in Venice, Italy in the 1400’s. A gold ring would be tossed into the ocean ‘Marrying’ it to the land. This symbolic gesture shows the significance the ocean has on the land in all Shore towns. A union so very important then as it is today. All are welcome to celebrate!! Women’s Retreat You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before all. There will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, August 17th at 6:00 PM in Kelly Hall. Atlantic City “Air Show” Bus Trip Come and join us on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 as we are going to see the USAF Thunderbirds perform. Cost is $45 per person includes transportation, lunch at Carmines, $10 slot play at Tropicana (photo id required for slot play) and the Air Show. For tickets please call Joe Tighe @ 609-522-3362. Bus will leave St. Ann’s small parking lot at 10:00 AM and depart Tropicana at 5:30 PM. Retreat Day for Women ~ Saint Mary by-the-Sea Retreat House, 101 Lehigh Avenue ~ Cape May Point, NJ When: September 8, OR September 20, OR September 21, 2016 Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Donation: $35.00 (continental breakfast and lunch included) Presenter: Sister Barbara Springer SSJ For registration information, please call 609-884-8708 or email Mary Ann Mulzet SSJ at mamulzet @gmail.com Come and rest a while at Saint Mary by-the-Sea! 9- 650 Staff Directory More Parish News Parish Offices 1500 Central Avenue Suite 100 North Wildwood, NJ 08260 Phone: 609-522-2709 Fax: 609-522-9375 www.NotreDamedelaMer.org Pastor Rev. Joseph D. Wallace…………. x215 Parochial Vicars Fr. Yvans Jazon……………………... x214 Fr. Cesar A. Rebolledo-Ramirez.x211 Parish Administrator Mr. Kevin Quinn….……………….. x217 Life-Long Faith Formation Director Ms. AnnaMae Muryasz…………...x218 Pastoral Associate Seniors’ Ministries and Bereavement /Volunteers Sr. Rosaline Walters………………..x221 Director of Music & Liturgy Mr. Jonathan Delgado……………..x219 [email protected] Parish Activities Mary, Refuge of Sinners Prayer Group Wednesday 7:00 PM at Assumption Church in Msgr. Kelly Hall. Franciscan Fraternity of Divine Mercy welcomes you every 3rd Sunday of each month at St. Elizabeth Seton Church, Absecon. All are welcome. For information call Tom Stephano @729-6284. Knights of Columbus Our Lady of the Rosary Council #2572 Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month at 8:00 PM at the Council Home, 206 New York Ave, N. Wildwood. Columbian Squires Circle #558 a Catholic Young men’s organization for ages 11 thru 16. Contact Dan DeMaio 729-1427 or Tom Connelly 408-6398. Forever Young meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 12:00 Noon at Kelly Hall for lunch and program. We will begin again in September. Legion of Mary Tuesday at 11:00 AM in St. Ann Chapel Adoration is held every Thursday after the 7:00 AM Mass until Noon at St. Ann Church. Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction 1st Friday of the month 3:00 PM at Assumption Church. Rosary for World Peace 1st Saturday of the month 4:00 PM at St. Ann Church. Office Staff Bookkeeper Mrs. Anna Landis…………………...x213 Parish Secretary/Volunteers Mrs. Pat Manning…………………...x210 Religious Ed. Assistant Mrs. Sonia Ford……………………...x222 Gift Shop The gift shop at Assumption Church is available before and after our Masses at that location or by calling Betty 609-675-5146. 10- 650 FLYNN Real Estate Agency 609-522-5522 100 E. 7th Ave., (7th & New Jersey Aves.) North Wildwood, NJ www.flynnrealestateagency.com Serving The Finest Veal • Steak Seafood • Pasta *Italian & Seafood Specialties* Ristorante & Pizzeria Take-out Same Location Since 1987 Free Estimates SPECIALIZING IN PIZZA & ITALIAN FOOD Dine-In • Take-Out • Catering Avail. Open 7 Days 11am-11pm 9854 Pacific Ave., Wildwood Crest 609-522-7304 • www.carinis.net 10% OFF “All Work Guaranteed” PA & NJ Licensed & Insured Ron Zatyko Home Improvement Co. Roofing • Siding • Carpentry • Metal Work • Windows • Doors • Additions Open 7 Days We Deliever Grooming Salon Small Dog Doggie Park Flea & Tick Meds Walk-in Nail Clipping 215-612-9536 Serving Wildwood’s Best Sandwiches & Appetizers for 75 Years KELLY’S www.waggingtailcapemay.com EXP 6/15 Ninosfamilyrestaurant.net Earliy Bird Specials 3-5pm The Wagging Tail Pet Nutrition Center Quality Pet Food Est. 1985 WE DELIVER ($9 min.) 609-522-5474 123 E. Magnolia Ave., Wildwood, NJ BYOB Carini’s Get the best for less! 609-886-5999 RESTAURANT & BAR Dinner Served From 5:00 PM 337 Rt. 9 (Erma), Cape May, NJ 08024 Patio Bar Entertainment Open 11:30AM Free Parking 435 WEST SPRUCE AVE. NORTH WILDWOOD, NJ Rick’s Seafood SCALLOPS • SHRIMP • CLAMS LIVE LOBSTERS • JUMBO MARYLAND CRABS 522-6817 CAFE CORNER OF MONTGOMERY & ATLANTIC AVES. Serving ing Full Dinner M Menu in Season (609) 729-9443 or (609) 729-9445 TAKE OUT SEAFOOD PLATTERS CAPE 47 LUMBER, FENCE & STONE CO. 416 RT. 47 SOUTH • GREEN CREEK, NJ • 609-889-9090 101 EAST ROBERTS & NEW JERSEY AVE., WILDWOOD, NJ • 609-522-8395 Treated Lumber, Beach Supplies, Bicycles - new & used, Plumbing, Marine Paint, Garden Supplies Fasteners, Molding, Azek - Trimboard, PVC - Wolf decking, GAF - Roofing WHOLESALE - RETAIL: Drywall, Hardware & Building Materials, Dock Hardware, Insulation DECK OVERLOOKING THE ATLANTIC OCEAN LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT SANCKS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 101 E. 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Wildwood 609-729-2286 www.thegymmat10thstreet.com Specializing in Carpet, Vinyl, Tile, Laminate and Hard Wood Flooring 313 W. Maple Ave., Wildwood, NJ 08260 609-780-0253 • 609-780-0252 JUDITH T. SUDER ALLIANCE SCATTOLINI BROTHERS CONCRETE & MASONRY CONTRACTORS Custom Building and Remodeling KITCHENS AND BATHS • ADDITIONS PATIO ENCLOSURES • WINDOWS & SIDING Showroom & Home Decorating Center In addition to our world class Visit our Website for more information 611 N. Wildwood Blvd. • Cape May Court House, NJ and 2123 Dune Drive Suite 1 • Avalon, NJ www.scattolinibrothers.com 609-463-5482 [email protected] Ernest Troiano, Jr., President We specialize in Custom Home Remodeling & New Construction remodeling business we offer Professional Handyman Service “Dan the Handyman Services” The Best in South Jersey 5811 New Jersey Ave Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260 Office 609-522-1212 Mobile 215-514-3585 P 609-522-3355 • C 609-517-0970 157 W. Leaming Ave., Wildwood, NJ 08260 F 609-523-9001 • E [email protected] New Construction on 24th and 25th Streets Hawaiian Beach Resort Lisa Montello Chlebek Realtor®, Parishioner Licensed in NJ, PA & DE Cell 610.357.8844 Wildwood Sales 609.729.8840 NJ 13VH00094700 [email protected] LEVY WILSON www.LevyWilson.com 6301 Pacific Avenue Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260 BYOB 609.522.2968 609.523.0472 Fax PROPERTY MANAGEMENT [email protected] Authentic Mexican Restaurant Welcome Amigos! Dine In • Take Out 1403 Route 47, Rio Grande 609-886-1223 Call today for a free estimate 609-653-0133 609 653 NJ Lic # 13VHO2854000 650 Notre Dame de la Mer, North Wildwood, NJ (b) FX Concrete, Pavers, Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Foundations, Curbs, and Cultured Stone John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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