Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula Annual Report 2008


Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula Annual Report 2008
Miracles happen every day
Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula ❙ Annual Report 2008
Table of ConTenTs
The amy lavelle story .................... Page 4
financial Information ...................... Page 24
board of Trustees ............................ Page 24
accolades and achievements .......... Page 30
Charitable Giving........................... Page 31
Gifts from the Community ............... Page 32
MessaGe froM The board
Nearly 75 years ago, a group of visionary doctors and individuals created a clinic in Carmel that
ultimately became Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula. Funded initially by a generous
gift from Grace Deere Velie Harris, the clinic benefited from other generous contributions and has
grown into what you see today — a comprehensive medical center providing the most up-to-date
health services. In this annual report, you will learn how the services of the hospital can make a
dramatic impact in the lives of ordinary people. You will also read how ordinary people can make
a lasting impact themselves through their gifts of time and treasure.
I am proud to be associated with Community Hospital and, as chair of its Board of Trustees, am
pleased to report that our patients continue to rate our overall care among the best in hospitals in
the United States. I invite you to learn more about the significant accomplishments of Community
Hospital in 2008 through these pages.
The tremendous achievements are a testament to the dedicated caregivers — nurses, technicians,
doctors — and other employees and volunteers who are unselfish in their commitment to
providing a high-quality experience for all patients. I thank them for their service and our
community for its unwavering support of our mission.
Ian Arnof
Chair, Board of Trustees
my Lavelle couldn’t wait to get the cast off her
leg. For six long weeks her life had been structured around that
cast, which had inflicted more pain and disruption than the simple
stress fracture that had necessitated it in the first place.
The 33-year-old was in the Navy, stationed in Monterey to study
at the Defense Language Institute (DLI). Off duty, she stayed active
through aerobics classes, dancing, walking, or jogging. It was
overuse, actually, that had led to the fracture. Her leg hurt as it
healed, but she toughed it out and managed her daily duties on
base. And today she was getting the cast off. Just in time to head
to a blues concert in San Jose.
The Presidio’s clinic wasn’t usually open on Saturdays for routine
appointments. But today it was. Amy climbed into the van that
would ferry her across base that morning and took her seat.
And that’s the last thing she remembers
before she nearly died.
WHAT HAPPeNeD NexT, outside the reaches of Amy’s memory, was the perfect
storm — skilled doctors and nurses, quick-thinking medics, the best technology, and the support
and concern of a loving family coming together, each in the right place at the right time.
ome 618
miLes away,
in Tucson, Arizona, Jim and
Wools Lavelle were settling
into the arena at the Pima
County Fairgrounds for the
Coyote Cluster, an all-breed
dog show. Jim, an elementary
school teacher, and Wools,
a nurse specializing in critical
care, had left their busy
workweek behind them and
were looking forward to
seeing some Afghan hounds,
their favorite among the
competitors. Then Wools’ cell
phone rang.
“Do you know amy Lavelle?” the caller asked.
buIldInG a beTTer
eMerGenCy deParTMenT
“yes,” wools replied. “why?”
amy lavelle’s trip to Community
The call was from the emergency department at Community
hospital’s emergency department
Hospital of the monterey Peninsula. Karl Nicholas, the doctor in
was one of 45,641 in 2008. To
charge of the department that day, wanted to speak with wools.
provide the best care as efficiently
as possible, the hospital launched
“i can still remember his tone,” wools recalls. “He said, ‘we have
amy in our eR. we’ve been doing CPR for a very long time, and it
doesn’t look good.’ That was our introduction.”
after four decades as a nurse, more than half in critical care, wools
Lavelle knew what the phone call meant.
a “Code Purple” system last year.
The code is announced throughout
the hospital when all beds in the
emergency department are full
and there are five or more people
in the waiting room, or when any
“when his words hit me,” she says, “it was this feeling of horror
patient has been waiting for more
and then disbelief. amy was so far from us. The only thing i could
than two hours. a multidisciplinary
think was ‘This can’t be; i don’t think you really mean what you’re
team from throughout the hospital
responds immediately to care for
patients as safely and expeditiously
“The next thing i thought was that we needed to get back to the
house, to get plane tickets, to get to amy. we drove home with
as possible.
blinkers on and the horn blowing. But how fast we got to monterey
meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Her life was literally
on the line at that minute.”
“When his words hit me, it was this feeling of horror
and then disbelief.”
— Wools Lavelle, Amy’s mother
amy LaveLLe HaD aRRiveD
in Monterey by a circuitous route. She grew up in Southern
Illinois, the middle of three children born to Wools and Jim
Lavelle, who have been married 38 years. Her elder brother Jim
had followed their mother into medicine and is an internist,
pulmonologist, critical-care specialist, and assistant professor of
medicine in Denver, Colorado. Younger sister Megan works for an
airline overseas.
Amy earned a degree in psychology from Marquette University
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is a virtuoso on piano, oboe, and
violin. But after the terrorist attacks of September 11, she set aside
all of that to serve her country. She joined the Navy, a career path
that eventually brought her to DLI at the Presidio of Monterey.
Last November 15, she awoke and
readied for her trip to the Presidio clinic.
T aBouT THe
same Time,
Army Sgt. David Ramos was
rolling out of bed and into his
uniform, preparing to start his shift
as a medic at the clinic. It was the
same duty he’d had during two
tours in Iraq; but in this setting,
really not the same duty at all.
an hour into his shift, Ramos was asked to get a wheelchair for a
savInG lIves aT
patient who had arrived by van and wasn’t doing well.
reMoTe sITes
“i found amy sitting on the sidewalk,” says Ramos, “next to a sailor
Community hospital is an advocate
in uniform who was the van driver. as i helped her up, she told me
of making automated external
that on the way to the clinic she had lost consciousness and had
defibrillators (aeds) available in
vomited. she said she still felt nauseated and lightheaded, that she
the Monterey area. since 2003, the
had never felt quite like that before.
hospital has donated or provided
at reduced cost more than 40
“i wheeled amy into the clinic to get her checked in and then put
her in a treatment room. she was young, it was saturday morning,
and she was looking pretty beat up. i imagined she’d probably had a
late night.
aeds, working in partnership
with other organizations
and businesses. effective
cardiopulmonary resuscitation,
“But then i noticed she was leaning forward, farther and farther,
coupled with a simultaneous call to
until her head was in her lap. i remember hearing her snoring —
9-1-1 for dispatch of an emergency
not like she was sleeping, but like her airway was closing. i pulled
medical team, can double a
her head back to keep her airway open and noticed how white her
victim’s chance of survival; and
skin had become. Her pupils were dilating, then constricting, then
defibrillation within three minutes of
Three soldiers helped Ramos lift amy onto a treatment bed. Her
eyes rolled back into her head and she lost consciousness. Ramos
gave her oxygen and wrapped a blood-pressure cuff around her arm
a victim collapsing can improve the
chance of survival up to 74 percent.
since most cardiac arrests happen
outside hospitals, having aeds
but couldn’t get a solid reading. He connected her to an automatic
widely available in community
external defibrillator (aeD) and it instructed “start CPR.”
gathering spots can potentially
save many lives.
“in the time it takes to blink an eye,” says Ramos, “i began CPR.
when i was in iraq, seeing what i saw and doing what i did, it had
little effect on me. i had learned to dehumanize my patients, who
“She was my patient, my responsibility.”
— Sgt. David Ramos
were in such awful conditions. They were not someone’s son or father or sister or daughter; they were puzzles
i needed to put back together. But this time, it was different. i had a name for her and a voice. i knew who
she was and what she did. i knew she was someone’s daughter, sister, friend.”
Ramos, who has a tattoo that reads “Faith without action is Dead,” put those feelings aside and stayed on
task, continuing CPR until paramedics arrived to take amy to Community Hospital.
“she was my patient,” he says, “my responsibility.”
“Never, in all my years in the
ED, have we had a situation
where the patient was so
young and so critically ill.”
— Dr. Karl Nicholas
R. KaRL NiCHoLas was in charge in the Emergency
department when the call came in: An ambulance was on its way from the
Presidio with a young woman in full cardiac arrest.
“Saturday mornings are typically very busy in the eD,” says
Nicholas, a 23-year veteran of the department. “The schedule
is filled with people who waited all week to see a doctor. In the
midst of it, Amy was brought to us Code 3 — lights and sirens
— in cardiac arrest with CPR in progress.
“When Amy came into our world, we had very little information
on her, but we got what we could from the military. Never, in
all my years in the eD, have we had a situation where the patient
was so young and so critically ill. We were doing everything we
could to resuscitate her and come up with a diagnosis. Usually,
this kind of patient is diagnosed at autopsy.”
The team trying to bring Amy back to life that morning
included registered nurses Noel McKernan and Jodi Guinvarch,
who, like Nicholas, kept coming back to the incongruity of
Amy’s age and her condition.
“Your antennae go up extra high when you hear it’s a young
person whose heart has stopped,” McKernan says. “You have to
consider it an unusual circumstance, especially when there hasn’t
been a trauma involved. You go back into your experience and
training to figure out why this person is dying and how you can
save her.”
McKernan has been at Community Hospital for 15 years, all but
a short stint of that time in the emergency department.
Guinvarch landed in nursing after working as a manicurist. she job-shadowed some of her clients when she
was thinking about a career change, and the day she followed a doctor around an emergency department she
knew she needed to go into medicine.
This day she started her shift at 7 a.m. and two hours later found herself enveloped in amy’s trauma.
“i hardly know what to say,” says Guinvarch. “well, i do
know; it’s just hard to describe. amy’s status was that she
was dead. at some periods, she did have a pulse, but she was
gone. i was the primary nurse that morning, working
with the doctors to organize the whole resuscitation.
i just kept looking at her and thinking, ‘she’s way
too young to die today.’
“Dr. Nicholas was doing a great job with aCLs
— advanced cardiac life support — but we
weren’t getting where we needed to go.”
while his colleagues continued the efforts,
Nicholas had his introductory telephone
conversation with wools Lavelle.
“i told her mother she was critically ill and might
not survive. That call is never easy, but it was
His next call was to Dr. Georgina Heal, medical
director of Community Hospital’s intensive Care unit
and the critical-care doctor for the day.
“after working on amy for more than 45 minutes, we still
didn’t have her back. i called for Dr. Heal, and she showed
up immediately.”
registered nurses noel McKernan and Jodi Guinvarch
siLeNT FLame licks at logs in the hearth, creating the warmth,
lighting, and mood of the living room. Hardcover books on art and nature form
a small stack next to a teapot and two mugs on the coffee table near chairs
designed with comfort in mind. Burmese cats slip through the room. Dr. Georgina
Heal — usually called Gina — considers her home a sanctuary and the antidote
to her stress-filled days in critical care at Community Hospital.
Heal, 41, is convinced that intensive-care medicine
is a young person’s job. Trained in California and
Canada, the internist, intensivist, and pulmonologist
has never really had a good answer for why she went
into medicine. A self-proclaimed healer who was
sewing earthworms back together at age 5, she still
wonders why she didn’t go into veterinary medicine.
No family member had ever pursued medicine of any
kind, so she had no idea what the lifestyle might be.
But she imagined it would be challenging and bright,
and she has been, she says, lucky enough to love it.
She couldn’t pinpoint the date Amy Lavelle came
to Community Hospital, but she remembers it was
a weekend in November when she’d gotten up,
shampooed her hair, pulled it into a ponytail, and
slipped into her scrubs. While brewing a cup of tea,
she put on her white lab coat and got ready, she
assumed, for anything that might happen during a
“normal day in the ICU.”
donors InvesT In
Heal still remembers Dr. Nicholas calling her in the iCu and saying,
CoMMunITy hosPITal
“Please come help.”
by helping to pay for everything
“He told me the ambulance attendants had briefly gotten a pulse, but
from diagnostic equipment to
no blood pressure. Karl also had gotten a pulse, but again, no blood
building projects to education
pressure. ‘she’s so young,’ he said. ‘i can’t get her back.’
programs, donations from our
community make a lasting impact
on patient care. In 2008, charitable
giving totaled nearly $10 million.
That includes $2.5 million raised
by a small group of community
women committed to bringing
“i walked into the eD and saw a staff member doing CPR and
ambulance attendants still standing there. i noticed the noise, the
chaos, the stuff on the floor. and i remember looking at this young
woman with the splint on her leg and thinking, ‘when a young
person crashes, there are only a few reasons: something has gone
massively wrong, such as bleeding on the brain, a drug overdose, or a
blood clot in the lungs.’
digital mammography and other
cutting-edge technology to the
“a bedside ultrasound told us the right side of amy’s heart was
breast Care Center. as the gap
bigger than the left side, which is opposite of what is normal.
widens between what healthcare
This implied that there was a blood clot in her lung. i did another
costs and what insurers and the
ultrasound, which confirmed a large blood clot.
government pay in reimbursement,
we must increasingly find other
funding to protect our ability to
serve our patients. Philanthropic
“Community Hospital is one of the few community hospitals that
has an ultrasound machine in the eD. without it, we would not have
been able to diagnose amy’s problem. if we think it will improve the
quality of care for our patients, the hospital never turns us down on
support enables us to offer services
what we need. No other iCu doctors elsewhere would tell you that.
we would not otherwise be able
Here, if we need something for a patient, administration asks, ‘when
to provide, and to maintain and
do you want it?’ There is nothing they haven’t provided for us on
enhance our facilities for the
behalf of our patients. in this day and age, that is amazing. This is
community while minimizing the
made possible by an incredibly generous community.”
impact on what patients pay for
The clot in amy’s lung needed to be broken up immediately, so she
was given a “clot buster” called tissue plasminogen activator, or tPa.
one of the better-known drugs on the market for dissolving clots
related to heart attacks, it has been extended to other uses, such as
for strokes.
“i credit Dr. Heal for so aggressively starting the tPa,” says
The GIfT of lIfe
Nicholas. “otherwise, amy would not have survived. as we
pushed in the tPa, Dr. Heal told the team to plan on doing CPR
during her treatment at Community
for another half-hour. Normally, after a half-hour on anybody
hospital, amy lavelle needed nine
at any place, it’s over. There is no coming back. But this time,
units of red blood cells, two units of
we were working on a young person who was otherwise healthy.
plasma, and other blood products to
This would allow time for the tPa to get in there and dissolve
control her bleeding. Thanks to our
the clots to resume circulation.
community, the blood amy needed
was available from Community
“it worked,” Nicholas says. “she got back her blood pressure, her
heartbeat. it was nothing short of amazing.”
“i don’t think we cheered,” says Guinvarch. “we were still
holding our breath at that time. we had been giving her CPR
hospital’s blood Center. In 2008,
donors gave 6,864 pints of blood
and our patients used 7,086 pints.
The hospital strives to be self-
for about 45 minutes, and she had undergone CPR prior to her
sufficient when it comes to blood
arrival. it’s unheard of; but i felt passionate about not giving up.
use. having its own blood center
if any one person had even thought of giving up, she wouldn’t be
helps ensure a stable supply and
here today.”
keeps down costs by reducing the
need to buy blood. blood use has
“we had nothing to lose,” Heal says. “she was dead. once we
got her back, blood started pouring out of her breathing tube.
she was experiencing complications from the clot buster; but
increased in recent years, so donors
are needed now more than ever.
after 80 minutes in death, amy was alive. she was on life support
and had received a massive blood transfusion to replace her entire
volume of blood, but she was alive.
“my fear at the end of that day,” Heal continues, “was what the
next few days would bring. although a CT scan read normal, we
didn’t know if her brain would recover from this. we knew we
had saved her life, at least temporarily, but we didn’t know if we
could get her brain back. in all honesty, i didn’t think we’d get
enough of her brain back to enable her to resume her life at the
language school.”
Beginning in the emergency department and continuing 24
hours into her stay in the ICU, ice was packed around Amy’s
head to keep her brain cold at about 32–33 degrees Celsius.
Two recent studies have suggested that if a patient’s brain is
cooled for 24 hours after cardiac arrest, it has a chance to
recover with better neurological outcomes.
“We wouldn’t know until we tried to wake her if cooling Amy’s
brain was the right thing to do,” says Heal. “It’s a relatively
new thing, but it improves neurological outcomes 40 percent
of the time. We were cooling her before we ever got her back,
knowing it could make a big difference.”
Amy’s parents were in Arizona
working desperately to get to
Monterey while trying to keep
abreast of what was happening
with their daughter. Wools called
their son Jim, the pulmonologist
and critical-care doctor in
Colorado, and urged him to
call his Community Hospital
dr. Jim lavelle
counterparts in Monterey.
“my mom was frantic,” says Jim. “she said, ‘Jimmy, this is an
deCIsIons based on
emergency; amy’s in the eR in full cardiac arrest. she’s had a Pe.’
evIdenCe, exPerTIse
a critical-care nurse, she knew that meant pulmonary embolism. so
did i. and we both understood how dire the situation was.”
Community hospital’s latest strategic
plan, adopted in 2008, commits to
a pulmonary embolism occurs when an artery in the lung becomes
the “rapid adoption and integration
blocked, usually by blood clots traveling from another part of the
of evidence-based best practices in
the delivery of quality care for every
patient across the continuum of care.”
“it’s hard to describe how it feels to receive that call. my first
thought was, ‘Pe, cardiac arrest — most of them don’t survive.’ my
next thought was to make sure my parents were oK. i told them,
‘stop. Relax. you’re going to get on a flight. it doesn’t matter if it
takes 3 hours or 6 hours or 12. it’s not going to change anything.
That means we use a decisionmaking process that integrates the
best available research, clinician
expertise, and the patient’s
you have to take care of yourselves.’ i wasn’t going to lose a sister
characteristics. That approach was
and both parents in the same day.”
demonstrated throughout amy
lavelle’s care, including through
in a telephone call, Dr. Nicholas filled Jim in on amy’s status and
use of the “clot buster” tissue
told him they had been doing CPR for more than 30 minutes.
plasminogen activator (tPa) and
through the simultaneous cooling
“at that point,” says Jim, “i thought, ‘This is done.’ The classic
literature says even with CPR, after about 10 minutes of cardiac
arrest, you almost certainly are looking at severe and unrecoverable
brain damage.”
of her head to reduce the chances
of brain damage. a more common
example of evidence-based bestpractice treatment is giving an aspirin
He had had a case with striking parallels two weeks earlier — with a
to a heart attack patient when he or
bad outcome.
she arrives at the hospital, in order to
reduce the chance of death.
“It’s hard to describe how it feels to receive that call. My first
thought was, ‘PE, cardiac arrest — most of them don’t survive.’”
— Dr. Jim Lavelle, Amy’s brother
safeTy fIrsT
“i had been right there two weeks ago, and my patient had died,”
Jim says. “No words can describe the helplessness and doom that
a hospital’s reputation is built on
came over me about amy.
its ability to deliver care safely
and effectively. at Community
“with that as background, i already knew more than one would
hospital, we literally put safety first
probably want to. The fact that i had just experienced a very similar
in our strategic plan, which says
situation was hard to take. Not to mention that this time it was my
“Community hospital will be relentless
sister. my initial thought was ‘This is probably not going to turn
in eliminating preventable patient
harm.” amy lavelle’s case involved
more safety precautions than can
be listed here, but one example is
use of the “ventilator bundle.” amy
out well.’ i remember saying to Dr. Nicholas as politely as possible,
‘i understand this is your patient, but you also need to understand
this is what i do for a living, and this is my sister. i don’t want to
overstep my bounds, but i want to make sure everything is optimal.’
Basically, i wanted to make sure he was doing what i would have
was on a ventilator for breathing
assistance. research and experience
“i learned they were already cooling her brain while doing CPR,
show that mechanical ventilation
which was incredibly forward-thinking. it was clear to me they were
of critical-care patients has risks of
completely on top of the situation. amy could not have had better
complications including pneumonia.
care if i had been directing it myself.”
To reduce these risks, we follow a
series of interventions called the
ventilator bundle, which include
elevating the head of the bed, making
a daily assessment to see whether the
Jim called his mother.
“mom wanted to know if there was any hope. ‘yes,’ i told her,
‘there is hope, but the odds are against her.’ There is always hope.
until there isn’t.”
ventilator can be removed, and taking
steps to prevent deep vein thrombosis,
“my son knows his stuff,” wools says. “He said, ‘amy has the best
or blood clots. for a broader picture
she could have right now in Dr. Nicholas and Dr. Heal.’”
of how Community hospital measures
up when it comes to providing clinical
care, preventing patient harm, and
patient experience, please visit, which provides links to
ratings by external organizations.
wooLs aND Jim
touched down at the
Monterey Airport nearly 12 hours after their first call from
Dr. Nicholas. They were met by Amy’s commanding officer,
who had maintained contact with the couple hourly, made
hotel arrangements, and provided transportation for their
entire stay.
“He was our lifeline, the hospital was Amy’s,” Wools says.
“We didn’t know Amy’s status when we landed. We at least
knew she was alive. When we walked into Amy’s room, she was
on a ventilator to help her breathe and hooked up to so much
stuff. She was paralyzed to prevent movement, heavily sedated,
and unconscious.
“Jim and I held her and talked to her. We were there with her
for several hours until we had to leave for the night.”
From time to time as the day wore on, Guinvarch took a
moment to check in on Amy, to see how she was doing. And to
marvel, once again, that she had made it.
“I remember looking at her parents,” she says, “and thinking,
‘This person has a mom and a dad, and I didn’t have to tell
them their still-young daughter had died.’ I watched them
sitting with Amy, looking at her like she was a newborn. I’ve
never believed in miracles before, but looking at this family in
the ICU, I kind of thought I should start believing.”
“We didn’t know Amy’s status when we landed.
We at least knew she was alive.”
— Wools Lavelle
“I remember
“amy was iN THe iCu, unconscious, for
that the Navy
3 days and in the hospital for 10 full days,” wools says. “on the third
choir, of which I
open. Dr. Heal stopped all her medications so she was not so sedated,
am a member,
they were really worried; they didn’t know what we’d have in her.
came to sing
day, she woke up. well, she didn’t really wake up, but she had her eyes
then pulled the breathing tube, and then let us in the room. i think
“amy was sitting in a chair when we came in, but she wasn’t really able
for me. At least
to hold her head up. she was very, very sluggish. i’ve taken care of a lot
20 people
them. i was thinking, ‘How much of this is the medications, and how
stood there in
uniform, singing
‘Eternal Father,’
of people with head traumas, and they frequently stay the way you see
much of this is how she is going to be?’”
when she awoke, coughing, confused, and without her cast, amy had
no idea where she was, what had happened, or why her chest hurt so
much. The last thing she remembered was climbing into the van at the
Presidio on saturday morning.
Grace,’ and
“my mom told me what happened to me and why my ribs were
‘America the
mom telling me what happened, i would ask her again.
— Amy Lavelle
broken,” amy says. “But my memory was shaky. Five minutes after my
“i don’t remember much of my stay in the hospital,” amy says. “But
toward the end, i remember walking with my mom to see the koi fish
pond. and i remember that the Navy choir, of which i am a member,
came to sing for me. at least 20 people stood there in uniform, singing
‘eternal Father,’ ‘amazing Grace,’ and ‘america the Beautiful.’”
amy eNTeReD Diana salazar’s world once she was
transferred from the iCu into main Pavilion, an area for patients
whose medical care is urgent but not as intensive. as one of the
registered nurses caring for amy, salazar’s role was to monitor her
progress, administer her medications, and help her continue to
“amy was my patient from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. for a couple of days, and
then she was cared for by other nurses on main Pavilion,” says salazar,
who has been working at Community Hospital for six years.
“we always try to get our patients up and walking as soon as possible,
which we did with amy. we also were working to help her get her
memory back; when we met her, she had really short-term memory. so we
wrote things down and posted notes on the wall to help her remember
what had happened, why she was there, and what we were doing. we
repeated ourselves a lot, and we were always asking her questions.
“at first, amy carried some fear about what had happened to her and
what was going to become of her. she didn’t think she could go back to
her normal life. But by the time she walked out of here, her memory was
largely intact. it was incredible.
“i believe she recovered so well because of a lot of factors, not least
of which was her own will. But also because she had nurses working
around the clock, making sure she was eating and getting up to walk,
and helping her to remember who she was, what had happened, and what
she was trying to accomplish.
“what made me want to become a nurse is exactly what i experienced
with amy — seeing her, after her initial prognosis and what she had gone
through, up and walking and getting ready to leave the hospital to return
to her life. it is the greatest satisfaction. we all wanted to cry because we
were so excited for her. we gave her a standing ovation.”
“We wrote things down and posted notes on the
wall to help her remember what had happened,
why she was there, and what we were doing.”
—Diana Salazar, RN
Where The auxIlIary
CoMes In
from greeting visitors at the
information desk to taking discharged
patients to their cars by wheelchair,
oN NovemBeR 25, 10 days after she had arrived,
amy was discharged. a member of the hospital auxiliary pushed
amy’s wheelchair to a car driven by a fellow Navy member — the same
car that had shuttled her parents to the hospital every day.
“There were so many wonderful acts of kindness given to amy,”
the auxiliary is part of the fabric
wools says. “From the staff in the sandwich shop to the sweet lady
of Community hospital. In 2008,
who pushed her wheelchair at discharge, to the doctors and nurses —
the auxiliary’s 508 members put in
everyone was incredible. Community Hospital and everyone who cared
89,000 volunteers hours. That included
for amy are responsible for her survival.”
a new role as ambassadors on the
Garden east unit of the hospital,
providing nonclinical services that
make patients more comfortable.
The pilot program was so successful
it is being expanded. The auxiliary
amy and her parents stayed in a monterey hotel on base for two weeks,
until she was well enough to fly to Tucson.
“i was home for a month,” says amy. “and during that time i slept
a lot. my parents were very protective. my sister came stateside for a
week. my brother called. i was still very beat up, very tired.
also continued its history of financial
support, with gifts including nearly
“when i first sat down at the piano, i couldn’t even play a scale. i was
$158,000 for new equipment in the
just sitting there, sobbing. it’s funny the things we take for granted.
Cardiopulmonary Wellness gym.
suddenly, i had to think through everything; to do this first, and then
that next. with everything. i’ve been told it will keep getting better.”
wools played memory games to help her daughter recover.
“The brain is very elastic and can be re-taught,” wools says. “at the
piano, we had to figure out where to start. we began by reading the
notes and then playing them. once she had scales, she tried to put
them together but couldn’t. amy had won scholarships on the piano.
she could play ‘Nocturne’ by Chopin, anything an accomplished
pianist could play — that caliber. i knew it was bothering her, but
she wouldn’t show it. Finally, she burst into tears and said, ‘what’s
happening? what has become of me?’”
aileen doolittle, auxiliary volunteer
But more and more, the old amy returned.
“By the time she left home, a month later, we were playing
technically difficult schubert duets,” wools says. “This kid —
you would never know what she’s been through.”
By JaNuaRy,
amy was back at the Defense Language
institute, easing into her work and wearing the medical bracelet that
indicates her use of Coumadin®, a blood thinner prescribed after
Community Hospital’s medical team diagnosed a disorder that puts
her at higher-than-normal risk of blood clots.
“This outcome,” her mother says, “was not something that
happens. i’ve been a nurse for 40 years; more than 25 of
which were in intensive care. i understand exactly what
happened in that emergency department and the ramifications
of it. it was truly a miracle. it shouldn’t have come out this way.
it just doesn’t.”
“amy’s outcome was a miracle,” says Dr. Heal, “but a whole
team of people and technologies are responsible for her life: sgt.
David Ramos, who initiated CPR at the Presidio; the ambulance
attendants who continued CPR during the ambulance ride; Dr. Karl
Nicholas, the eD doctor who wouldn’t give up; the rest of the eD
staff; the ultrasound machine in the eD; the intensive care staff,
including five nurses at amy’s bedside that first night; the staff
who cared for her over the next 10 days; and of course, amy and
her family.”
“i carry a little fear, wondering if i will recover as well as they say i
will, wondering if it could ever happen again,” amy says. “But life is
so short, and i almost lost mine — actually, i did. my greatest fear is
not living my life to the fullest. everyone who came together to save
my life will always have a special place in my heart. i would like to
say that miracles do happen. i’m proof of that.”
amy lavelle and dr. Georgina heal
Maintaining financial health and providing the best
The recent global economic
achieving this goal is
To keep patient costs down, we
turbulence has had impacts
increasingly challenging.
have implemented numerous
on healthcare, but to a lesser
The primary obstacle is
practices, including a system
degree than on many other
that government healthcare
to ensure that the prices we
sectors. at Community
programs such as medicare,
charge for every one of our
Hospital, our overall financial
medi-Cal, and CHamPus
services are below the prices
health remains good, and we
(the military’s healthcare
of three-quarters of our peer
are committed to maintaining
program), pay us only about
that status. we do that, in
half of what it actually costs
part, by working to keep
to provide those services. That
we know that healthcare is
down our operating costs and
means those with insurance
not inexpensive, but we are
the costs to you, our patients.
and people who pay for their
committed to providing our
care themselves must make up
community with the best
the difference.
care possible while carefully
managing the hospital’s
2009 Board of Trustees
William W. Lewis
Ian Arnof
Frank C. Amato
vice Chair
Rita Echenique
auxiliary President
care possible in 2008
❚ In 2008, we billed patients for:
Inpatient general care ................................................................................................................... $180,121,000
Inpatient allied services ................................................................................................................. $456,745,000
outpatient allied services .............................................................................................................. $309,491,000
❚ We also received revenue from:
donations and endowment earnings .................................................................................................. $5,360,000
billing, food services, and other business activities .............................................................................. $8,071,000
❚ Giving us gross revenue of ................................................................................................................. $959,788,000
❚ but we were unable to collect almost half that amount, due to:
Medicare, Medi-Cal, ChaMPus, and Workers’ Compensation failure to pay ................................... $485,028,000
administrative adjustments ................................................................................................................ $9,857,000
Charity care provided ..................................................................................................................... $23,739,000
❚ Total we did not collect ....................................................................................................................... $518,624,000
❚ That means our net operating revenue was .......................................................................................... $441,164,000
❚ We had operating expenses for:
salaries and wages, employee benefits, professional fees ................................................................ $252,269,000
supplies and services...................................................................................................................... $96,372,000
Patient bad debt ............................................................................................................................. $22,104,000
depreciation .................................................................................................................................. $31,432,000
Interest............................................................................................................................................. $5,080,000
❚ Total operating expenses .................................................................................................................... $407,257,000
❚ That left this amount for improvement of services and facilities ................................................................. $33,907,000
Jay Hudson
Stephen M. Dart
Shelley Claudel
H. James Griggs
the Monterey Peninsula
Community hospital of
financial Information
for the 12 months ending december
2008, Community hospital of the
Monterey Peninsula’s average charge per
stay was $57,633. These figures from the
office of statewide health Planning and
development are the most recent figures
available. The other 16 hospitals were
chosen based on similarity in size and
scope of services. see opposite page for
the list of hospitals used for comparison.
2008 Average Charge per Stay
(Compared to 16 Other Northern California Hospitals)
Carsbia W. Anderson, Jr.
Laurie M. Benjamin
Steven J. Packer, MD
Mark Vierra, MD
financial Information
Community hospital of
16 other northern California hospitals
used for comparison:
seton Medical Center
John Muir Medical Center, Walnut Creek
alta bates summit Medical Center
Good samaritan hospital
el Camino hospital
Peninsula Medical Center
sutter Medical Center, sacramento
Mercy san Juan hospital
the Monterey Peninsula
dominican santa Cruz hospital
California Pacific Medical Center
natividad Medical Center
salinas valley Memorial hospital
sequoia hospital
John Muir Medical Center, Concord
st. Mary’s Medical Center
st. francis Memorial hospital
2008 Occupancy Rate/Available Beds
(Compared to 16 Other Northern California Hospitals)
James J. Didion
Ted J. Balestreri
Robert Kavner
Michael Smith, MD
Chief of staff
financial Information
74% • Workers’ Compensation
23.7% • Supplies and services
50% • Medicare
5.4% • Patient bad debt
45% • Medi-Cal
7.7% • Depreciation
salaries and wages,
employee benefits,
professional fees
1.3% • Interest
2008 Community Hospital
2008 Percentage of Government
Operating Expenses
Reimbursement of Actual Cost of Care
56.1% • Medical
5.9% • Obstetrical
38.0% • Surgical
2008 Patient Days
by Service
1.0% • Workers’ Compensation
4.9% • Self-Pay
7.1% • Age 0–13
5.5% • CHAMPUS
13.7% • Age 14–39
54.1% • Medicare
29.3% • Age 40–64
27.3% • Insurance
49.9% • Age 65+
7.2% • Medi-Cal
2008 Patient Days
2008 Patient Days
by Payer
by Age
financial Information
Keeping our Community Healthy
In 1996, we started the Community benefit program, a way to make sure we were doing everything we could — inside the
hospital and out — to advance the health and well-being of our community. Through it, we have provided millions of dollars to
local organizations with health-related goals, paid for access to care for thousands of people who couldn’t pay for themselves,
provided education on health and wellness, and invested in programs for those with special needs. That commitment continued
in 2008, with nearly $141 million spent on community benefits. here’s where that money went:
Improving Access to Care
$135,962,093 to people in need, people who might not otherwise be able to afford
Building Healthy Communities
$2,466,681 for identifying and addressing our community’s unmet health needs
Health Education and Wellness
$1,698,135 to educate people about how their lifestyle choices affect their health
Special Care for Special Needs
$547,025 for those at risk because of age, involvement in a violent relationship,
chemical dependence, mental illness, hIv, or socioeconomics
If you would like a copy of our complete Community benefit report, please write to: administration, P.o. box hh, Monterey, Ca
93942, or call 625-4528.
Community Hospital by the Numbers
staffed beds:
active volunteers:
Community hospital ...........................................205
auxiliary, adults ................................................314
Westland house ..................................................28
auxiliary, Collegiates ...........................................40
Patient days:
auxiliary, Juniors ...............................................154
Community hospital ......................................53,830
hospice of the Central Coast...............................147
Westland house .............................................7,395
Chaplains, Community Clergy ..............................24
Community hospital ......................................10,935
Chaplains, eucharistic Ministers ............................21
Westland house ................................................799
Therapy dogs ......................................................32
emergency visits ..............................................45,641
outpatient visits .............................................259,996
surgeries, Inpatient ............................................3,924
surgeries, outpatient..........................................3,174
employees .........................................................2,317
active Medical staff:
Community hospital ...........................................256
Westland house ................................................110
accolades and achievements
Clinical Quality
Gold seal of approval, the Joint Commission
accredited Comprehensive Cancer Center, american College of surgeons
outstanding achievement award for scope of cancer care, american College of surgeons
accredited Breast Care Center, american College of Radiology
accredited sleep Disorders Center, american academy of sleep medicine
Center of excellence, american society for Bariatric surgery
Best-Practice site for Critical Care medicine, Cerner Corporation
Baby-Friendly Hospital, world Health organization/uNiCeF
samuel R. sherman award for innovation in Continuing medical education Program Planning,
institute for medical Quality, California medical association
excellence in Physical Therapy Clinical education, samuel merritt College
Patient Safety
Circle of excellence award, Computerized Physician order entry (CPoe), eclipsys Corporation
Patient and Employee Experience
Hospital Consumer assessment of Healthcare Providers and systems (HCaHPs),
Top 10 percent of hospitals nationwide for overall patient experience
Top-scoring Hospital for employee satisfaction, Professional Research Corporation (PRC)
Best Place to work in monterey County, Monterey County Weekly
Best Place to work in monterey County, Carmel Pine Cone
Best Place to volunteer, Carmel Pine Cone
Resource Management
a+ bond rating, standard & Poor’s Financial services, LLC
aa- bond rating, Fitch, inc.
seeR award for financial savings through CHiP (Community Hospital improvement Plan)
employee suggestion program, employee involvement association
Charitable Giving
when members of the
These gifts help us maintain
in the pages that follow,
community contribute to
the high quality of healthcare
you’ll find the names of our
Community Hospital, that
the people we serve expect
many contributors, each of
support is a sign that we
and deserve from Community
whom has made a positive
have earned their trust,
Hospital. The funds are used
impact in the hospital and, as
engagement, and investment.
for building projects, advanced
a result, in the community.
in 2008, thousands of you
technology, continuing
you’ll also learn about a few
gave us that vote of confidence
education for staff, and in
of those donors and what
by generously contributing a
many other ways to help us
motivated them to contribute
total of nearly $10 million.
fulfill our mission to meet the
to Community Hospital. we
changing healthcare needs of
hope you’ll find their stories
our community.
enlightening and inspirational.
2008 Income from
Charitable Donations
$6,862,228 • Donations
$2,778,614 • Bequests
12% • Pavilions Project
57% • Individuals
13% • Tyler Heart Institute
30% • Organizations
38% • General Fund
10% • Auxiliary
18% • Other
2% • Trustees
19% • Breast Care Center
1% • Employees
<1% • Medical Staff
2008 Giving for
2008 Giving by
Specific Needs
This society was created
to honor, recognize, and
encourage life income gifts
and bequests to Community
hospital. Planned gifts
represent a substantial
resource to ensure a
long-term, stable financial
future for your community
anonymous (3)
estate of lillian W. adams
Mr. and Mrs. robert M. allan, Jr.
Mrs. Mildred T. annand
antone ara bia Trust
dr. and Mrs. John n. baldwin
Mrs. violet baldwin†
Mrs. betty P. bass
Mr. and Mrs. John b. bergin
Mr. and Mrs. a.e. bernardin
estate of Margaret G. blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles h. bloom
Mrs. bobbie bockes
Mrs. rosalie bonsignore-Wampler
Mr. William f. borland
estate of Ingeborg borovicka
evella M. brandon living Trust
dr. and Mrs. John h. brazinsky
The brennan family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. norman W. Calkins
Mrs. Jeanne Canel
Mrs. roberta s. Chappell
dr. Kyung Cho and
Mrs. yoshiko† Chung
ralph d. and Joyce r. Clark Trust
estate of russell M. Comrie
Margaret e. Costa Trust
Mrs. lilli Cothran
Crawford family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. leland e. dake
Marie M. darby Trust
Mrs. Marcia Gluck davenport
Mrs. virginia M. davis
Judith e. derrick
Mrs. Peggy T. diehl
Martha and stephen dolley
Mrs. Margaret b. donat
estate of sarah elizabeth dyer
francis C. and Marie e. dykeman
The eriksson Trust
Mr. T. Conway esselstyn†
Mr. robert h. evans†
Mrs. Gloria fenton
lewis l. fenton Trust
fran friscia
dr. and Mrs. Charles Gallup, sr.
Kenneth a. Gardner
Gelin Charitable remainder unitrust
Mr. Jack Godkin
estate of bernice Gold
estate of Charles donald Graef
estate of rose Mary Graham
olive K. Greenwald Trust
Mr. and Mrs. h. James Griggs
dorothy Webster Guy Trust
dolores P. hagey
Marie Philips hamilton Trust
estate of howard hamman
Trust of Celia ellen harris
esther n. haskins
Mrs. ruth Mary heath
estate of stephanie and Joseph henelt
Mrs. Peggy h. hicks
Mrs. Marjorie higgins
dr. daniel and lora hightower
hill family Trust
Ms. anna hoffman
Jean G. holt Trust
Jay and Kip hudson
h. h. hughson Trust
Mrs. alwine hume
Mr. and Mrs. William hyland
harold J. Jacobs Trust
l. M. Jacobs Trust
estate of Marilyn J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. stanley e. Jorgensen
Mrs. Josephine Kale
lois a. Kord Trust
edward l. Kowal Trust
Phyllis and lawrence Krause
Mr. and Mrs. harold e. Kren
Mr. erling lagerholm
Mr. and Mrs. richard lasalle
Mrs. eleanor leheney
dr. and Mrs. William r. lewis
alan C. lisser family Charitable
remainder Trust
Mrs. Marjorie P. love
The luckett Trust
Mrs. eleanor hatlo lusignan
Patricia McGee Maino
Mrs. dorothy v. Manor†
Mr. richard f. Marcus†
horace s. Mazet Trust
Mr. and Mrs. T. d. McCloud
Mr. Joseph M. Mcdevitt
Mr. William G. Mennen
dr. and Mrs. George e. Miller, Jr.
The Mary v. and George e. Miller, Jr.
Charitable remainder Trust
estate of norman W. Miller
estate of sara e. Mitchell
bethene M. Moore Trust
The Jo Mora Trust
Ms. Mary Jean nieman
Mrs. virginia northcote
estate of Charles e. norton
andrew downey orrick†
Miller and evelyn outcalt Trust
Mr. Wim a. C. ouwendijk
lt. Col. usa ret. elliott G. Parker
estate of frederika C. Phelps
dr. and Mrs. richard a. Pirotte
dr. Martin a. Platsko
estate of alicia M. Powell
Mrs. e. Gordon Pratt
Col. and Mrs. J. l. ramos
Mr. and Mrs. William n. reno
dr. and Mrs. John e. rhodenbaugh *
John† and Marion robotti
Jerry and sue rockwood
Mrs. Joy rosales
Mr. and Mrs. lee rosen
Mrs. nancy b. roth
Mrs. Gloria M. russell
Mrs. barbara J. saunders
younghe oak and Ken schachter
dr. henry schiffman
The schraft family Charitable
remainder annuity Trust
Mr. and Mrs. robert b. sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. William G. shreve
Marion e. stearns estate
Ms. hilda h. stengard
June duran stock
estate of eleanor e. strand
dr. Charles and Mrs. Carol sweet
estate of franklin Pierce Thacker
Tharp family Trust
Charles f. Thomas Trust
Mrs. Carla a. Thompson
e. J. and elizabeth Thorndike
e. T. “Tom” and addie M.† Thornton
florence and Tom† Tonkin
estate of Mary C. Toole
Kathleen Kinsler Trattner Trust
susanne s. and William h. Tyler
Mrs. betty f. von Maszynski
Mrs. elizabeth haywood Watt
Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Weber
helen Geis Westland
Mr. John Weston
alfred W. Wheldon Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Wigton
roxanne and Carroll Wilde
Melvin young and verda rae
living Trust
Ms. Madelon h. Zimner
† deceased in 2008
* new member in 2008
The following friends have
achieved remarkable levels
of generosity over the years,
contributing more than
$120 million to our
community’s healthcare
$5,000,000 OR MORE
Maurine Church Coburn
Charitable Trust
Community hospital’s auxiliary
hospice foundation
Mr. s. f. b. Morse
susanne s. and William h. Tyler
$1,000,000 - $4,999,999
estate of lillian adams
estate of sadie adriani
estate of nancy barkalow
estate of Marybelle barton
Mr. and Mrs. al bernardin
bertie bialek elliott
estate of Kathryn boulter
estate of dorothy and henton brenan
Mrs. Maurine Church Coburn
Mr. and Mrs. luis P. echenique
Mr. and Mrs. Paul fahrney
estate of Marie and earl foor
estate of frank Groves
estate of elizabeth harrington
estate of stephanie and Joseph henelt
ann and Michael lyon
Mr. John McCone
McCone foundation
Capt. Walter s. McCreery
Monterey Peninsula foundation
Montgomery street foundation
estate of Georgia Moradian
Marion and John robotti
Mr. and Mrs. robert roth
Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Weber
Mrs. helen Woodard
$500,000 - $999,999
Mrs. Mary alter
Mr. and Mrs. stephen d. bechtel, Jr.
s. d. bechtel, Jr. foundation
Isabel blythe
Kathleen blythe
Mr. and Mrs. robert bonner
estate of Ingeborg borovicka
estate of evella brandon
The dunspaugh-dalton foundation,
Mr. donald elrod
Mrs. herbert fredrichs
estate of bernice Gold
estate of olive Greenwald
estate of elizabeth Gregersen
estate of alborg herud
estate of alice Jacobs
Mrs. Mary b. Kirsopp
Mr. lloyd l. Mills
estate of Margaret l. Musser
estate of Giovanna d. nelson
estate of evelyn and Miller outcalt
estate of edna Parratt
estate of alice and harry Pearce
estate of lt. Col. frank rogers
dr. and Mrs. Peter b. salamon
Mrs. frances shaffi
estate of elizabeth stats
estate of Kathleen Trattner
estate of alfred W. Wheldon
estate of doris M. Wright
$100,000 - $499,999
estate of robert C. aitkenhead
estate of Margaret albertson
Mrs. andrea arnof
Mr. Ian arnof
arnof family foundation
estate of Maryanne auerbach
Mr. and Mrs. richard barkelew
Mr. and Mrs. Jack baskin
Mrs. betty P. bass
Mr. Clarke W. bearden
estate of rita behal
Mr. and Mrs. david J. benjamin, III
Mr. hilton bialek
estate of helen M. bird
Mr. and Mrs. Charles h. bloom
The borgman family foundation
The California endowment
Mr. and Mrs. norman W. Calkins
estate of George o. Carlson
Mr. leonard Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. alger Chaney
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Chappellet
Mr. earle M. Chiles
Chiles foundation
Mrs. Winifred Channing Chrisman
estate of Joyce and ralph Clark
Mrs. bob Clinton
estate of russell M. Comrie
estate of Jeane Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Couch, III
bing Crosby youth fund
Mrs. Charlotte I. Cruickshank
estate of Kenneth M. davidson
Mrs. virginia M. davis
estate of Constance dick
Mr. and Mrs. James M. dobbins, Jr.
dobbins family foundation
nancy and William doolittle
estate of sarah dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ehrman
estate of esther eklund
estate of Irma and harry eriksson
Mr. and Mrs. John e. evans
Mr. and Mrs. robert h. evans
Mr. and Mrs. davis factor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter farrell
estate of Kathryn M. Gardner
lawrence M. Gelb foundation,
Mr. and Mrs. richard Gelb
estate of anne Girard
estate of Cecilia b. Graham
estate of rose Mary Graham
Juli and david Grainger
The Grainger foundation, Incorporated
Greeley Publishing
Mr. and Mrs. donald Grenier
Mr. and Mrs. h. James Griggs
estate of dorothy W. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. edgar haber
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
beverly and lyman hamilton
estate of Marie l. hamilton
estate of Genemarie hammonds
estate of Marguerite C. haughton
Mr. homer M. hayward
The healing Center of the
Monterey Peninsula
estate of rudy heinz
estate of laurena M. heple
Mrs. sarah Thurmond hermann
Mr. louis W. hill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. samuel hopkins
estate of James hughes
Mr. howard h. hughson
estate of doris G. hunt
Mrs. lise Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. darrell Kale
Ms. Carolyn Mary Kleefeld
estate of lois Kord
estate of stanley h. Kord
estate of sarah lang
Mr. and Mrs. robert M. larsen
Mr. Gordon l. lawry
Mr. and Mrs. victor lobue
hing J. and Chow K. lom
Charitable Trust
Mrs. Theiline M. McCone
Mr. Carroll M. McKee
Mr. robert o. McMahan
The donald Mcneely family
Mr. and Mrs. William Mennen
The Mennen Company
dr. and Mrs. George e. Miller, Jr.
Mrs. Mary v. Miller
estate of norman W. Miller
estate of sara e. Mitchell
Monterey County aIds Project
Mrs. anita Muhs
fred r. Muhs family foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mumford
Mrs. eileen f. Murray
Margaret l. Musser fund of the
Community foundation for
Monterey County
northwest area foundation
estate of barbara nugent
estate of elizabeth o’Connor
Mr. Carl r. otto
John f. otto, Incorporated
estate of Patricia d. Peer
Pfizer, Incorporated
Phfe Management solutions
dr. and Mrs. richard a. Pirotte
estate of Carita s. Pope
estate of William J. ramsay
Mrs. douglas e. ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. William n. reno
estate of Permelia M. roeber
estate of dana rood, Jr.
estate of elizabeth rood
Mrs. Carolyn samson
Carolyn and Joseph samson
Philanthropic fund of the Jewish
Community endowment fund
estate of dorothy and robert schraft
estate of dorothy scott
estate of stanley h. shaw
estate of Inez I. sladowski
dr. and Mrs. bob smith
dr. bob and Jean smith foundation
estate of Julia smith
Mr. and Mrs. lyle smith
dr. C. arthur spaulding
robert and virginia stanton endowment
fund of the Community foundation
for Monterey County
estate of Marion e. stearns
Marshall steel, sr. fund of the
Community foundation for
Monterey County
Mr. and Mrs. arthur stewart
Mr. Walter e. stewart
Mr. and Mrs. lars svendsgaard
Mrs. audrey s. Talbott
Ms. harriet Thurmond
Mr. and Mrs. Peter v. ueberroth
The ueberroth family foundation
estate of nathalie h. utley
variety Clubs International
Mr. and Mrs. howard Waner
Miss ada elizabeth Welty
Mr. and Mrs. robert Whitehead
estate of Jean Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. horace Wilson
estate of blanche Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. George yates
Mrs. Mary anita o’brien Zumach
$50,000 - $99,999
action Council of Monterey County
estate of violet T. appert
estate of antone ara bia
velma and Ted balestreri
bamberger-allen foundation
banbury fund
Mrs. Mary o. barkelew
Mr. howard P. barker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter barry, Jr.
Mrs. Clarke W. bearden
Mrs. audria bedell
Mrs. rosemary h. benning
edwina f. bent and Gordon Kauhanen
Mr. and Mrs. John b. bergin
Mr. stuart berman
Mr. david bernolfo
Ms. Marie bernolfo
dr. remsen d. bird
estate of andrew b. blomquist, Jr.
blue Cross of California —
Community Clinics fund
Mary Wolf rolfing bogue foundation
Mr. and Mrs. verle bogue
estate of Charles W. bramhall, Jr.
estate of James M. brittain
Mr. and Mrs. William brodsley
estate of estelle M. buckley
Mr. and Mrs. roger Canel
Cannery row Company
estate of arthur s. Carruthers
Mrs. eleanor M. Chayne
The PdG Gloria M. & first dude
bobby J. Clinton donor advised
fund of the rotary foundation
estate of Margaret a. Cornelious
Mr. and Mrs. George d. Covell, Jr.
Marilyn and lee Cox
Mr. and Mrs. bert Cutino
estate of Marie darby
Mrs. Jane dart
Mr. and Mrs. stephen M. dart
Mr. alan W. davis
estate of alice and Joel dickie
dickie family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James J. didion
Mr. and Mrs. Michael dorn
Mr. and Mrs. ron dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Clint eastwood
estate of ada v. edwards
Mr. and Mrs. robert J. ernst, III
Mr. and Mrs. howard M. evans
Mr. and Mrs. robert ewen
estate of donald C. faber
Mr. and Mrs. James d. farley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack v. feather
Mr. and Mrs. vaughn G. feather
Mr. and Mrs. leonard firestone
Mrs. elizabeth M. friedenthal
dr. and Mrs. vincent a. Gaudiani
estate of sharile M. Gellner
Mrs. hester h. Griffin
estate of leon e. Groth
edgar and Terry haber fund of the
Community foundation for
Monterey County
estate of Madeline and
Charles hampton
bill hannon foundation
Mrs. nancy e. hayward
Mrs. elizabeth u. heard
estate of Joyce herman
Mr. and Mrs. roy higgins
Mrs. Cortlandt T. hill
dr. and Mrs. david r. holley
estate of Jennie May hooker
dr. and Mrs. Theodore hooker
Kip and Jay hudson
Mr. and Mrs. William hyland
The ann Jackson family foundation
estate of Col. harold J. Jacobs
estate of albert n. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. r. Clint Johnstone, Jr.
florence and Paul Kagan
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
betty and Jim Kasson
honorable lorraine Kendall
Kirsopp foundation
Mr. Clayton C. larson
Mrs. sharon J. larson
Mr. and Mrs. howard h. leach
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph lee, Jr.
estate of alan C. lisser
Mr. and Mrs. John l. love
ann and John Mahoney
Manitou fund
dr. and Mrs. arnold Manor
Mrs. Mary h. Marble
estate of Mark s. Massel
Mr. and Mrs. George Mayer
estate of elizabeth C. Mcbride
Mr. frank Mcdowell
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mcelroy
Mcelroy family Charity fund of the
advisor Charitable Gift fund
estate of donald harvey McGilvra
Ms. Molly McKenzie
The McKenzie foundation, Incorporated
estate of Irma l. McKever
Mrs. Catherine l. McMahan
Mrs. Marjorie Mcneely
Monterey bay emergency Physicians
Monterey County ryan White
edwin e. and ruby C. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. howard Morgens
Mrs. helen K. Morton
estate of lorene Mowbray
Mr. fred r. Muhs
Mr. robert e. Murphy
Mr. James G. Murray, Jr.
Murray fund of the Community
foundation for Monterey County
estate of arnold oehler
Mr. david Packard
dr. and Mrs. steven J. Packer
Mrs. stephanie d. Paillard
Mr. and Mrs. Carl d. Panattoni
Mr. and Mrs. John Peoples
estate of frederika C. Phelps
estate of elva C. Phillips
dr. and Mrs. Martin Platsko
The Martin and lillian Platsko Trust
estate of alicia M. Powell
dr. douglas e. ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. George records
Mrs. Marybeth d. sargent
estate of C. verne scoggins
barnet segal Charitable Trust
shenandoah foundation
Mr. and Mrs. hulet smith
Mr. frank s. souchak
sports Car racing association
of the Monterey Peninsula
Mrs. June C. stock
Mrs. Katherine swim
Mr. robert s. Talbott, Jr.
robert Talbott, Incorporated
estate of dr. herbert M. Tolfree
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas e. Tonkin
The upjohn California fund
Mr. and Mrs. James vorhes
T. b. Walker foundation
dr. and Mrs. Patrick Welton
Mr. William G. West
estate of helen Westland
Mrs. Cynthia Towne Wheary
dr. darnell M. Whitt II
estate of andrew C. Wiemann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson
Thomas and Karen Wilson foundation
Many individuals,
corporations, and
foundations have shared our
goal of continued excellence
in patient care. We thank
each of our donors, who
together contributed more
than $9.6 million to our
hospital in 2008.
President’s Circle
($10,000 or more)
anonymous (2)
velma and Ted balestreri
Mrs. betty P. bass
Mr. and Mrs. david J. benjamin, III
edwina f. bent and Gordon Kauhanen
bertie bialek elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall bloom
The borgman family foundation
estate of Ingeborg borovicka
henton s. and dorothy s. brenan Trust
The California endowment
Cannery row Company
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Couch, III
Mr. and Mrs. bert Cutino
Mr. and Mrs. stephen M. dart
Mr. and Mrs. James J. didion
Mr. and Mrs. James M. dobbins, Jr.
dobbins family foundation
Mr. and Mrs. howard M. evans
howard and Karin evans family
Mrs. Marguerite evans
estate of robert h. evans
Mr. and Mrs. robert ewen
first national bank of Central California
Mr. Melvin f. fortes
Mr. and Mrs. h. James Griggs
beverly and lyman hamilton
bill hannon foundation
Ms. Celia ellen harris
estate of stephanie and Joseph henelt
hospice foundation
Mr. and Mrs. r. Clint Johnstone, Jr.
betty and Jim Kasson
Mr. and Mrs. robert Kavner
honorable lorraine Kendall
Ms. Carolyn Mary Kleefeld
Ms. Mavis lautaret
ann and Michael d. lyon
ann and John Mahoney
estate of dorothy v. Manor
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mcelroy
Mr. and Mrs. richard G. Merrill
Monterey Peninsula foundation
Margaret l. Musser fund of the
Community foundation for
Monterey County
Miller and evelyn outcalt Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Carl d. Panattoni
Phfe Management solutions
Mr. and Mrs. George records
Mr. and Mrs. William n. reno
dr. and Mrs. John e. rhodenbaugh
Marion and John robottii
dr. and Mrs. Peter b. salamon
Mrs. Carolyn samson
The samson foundation
Mr. norman schultz
schultz foundation
Mrs. frances shaffi
shenandoah foundation
dr. frank Pye smith Medical facilities
fund of Community foundation for
Monterey County
robert and virginia stanton endowment
fund of the Community foundation for
Monterey County
estate of Marion e. stearns
Mr. and Mrs. dean C. storkan
estate of helen Westland
Mr. and Mrs. nick Wheeler
alfred W. Wheldon Trust
Mr. and Mrs. edward Zander
Mona & edward Zander family
$5,000 - $9,999
anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. d. Kent anderson
Mrs. esther s. anderson
Mr. Ian arnof
arnof family foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter a. baird
banbury fund
Mr. and Mrs. Walter barry, Jr.
Mr. stuart berman
Mr. and Mrs. J. a. bohland
Mr. and Mrs. William brodsley
dr. and Mrs. eugene Chandler
Mr. John s. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. ryan edwards
Mr. and Mrs. C. Pardee erdman
Mr. and Mrs. robert J. ernst, III
Mr. and Mrs. davis factor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. russell M. frankel
frankel family foundation
fran friscia
Mrs. amalia Gillette
Mr. homer M. hayward
hayward family foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James himonas
Kip and Jay hudson
The ann Jackson family foundation
Mrs. henryetta Kraus
Ms. lynn b. laMar
dr. and Mrs. William r. lewis
Mr. and Mrs. John l. love
edwin e. and ruby C. Morgan foundation
Mrs. eileen f. Murray
Mr. andrew d. orrick
dr. and Mrs. steven J. Packer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles h. Page
Pfizer, Incorporated
Plumbers & steamfitters united association,
local union 062
Mrs. douglas e. ramsey
Mr. Jack r. salo
Mr. and Mrs. stephen J. schulte
schwab fund for Charitable Giving
barnet segal Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. robert b. sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Colin short
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. strohm, Jr.
Mr. raymond f. Tissue
The Tissue foundation
estate of Jules Trattner
Mr. and Mrs. James vorhes
Mrs. Wendy ann Wendling
dr. darnell M. Whitt II
Mr. and Mrs. dean M. Willard
horace and Julia Wilson family
$1,000 - $4,999
abbott laboratories
access I.v., Incorporated
Mary adams and John bailey
advogent Group, Incorporated
sally and albert J. alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. frank C. amato
american Cancer society
american College of Chest Physicians,
California Chapter
d. Kent and linda C. anderson
Mary anderson and salvador Gutierrez
Mr. John a. andrews, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. baker
Mrs. sigrid s. banks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael barber
Ms. shirley barrett-sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. david J. basham, Jr.
dr. and Mrs. Jan belza
lowell berry foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Craige bertero
Mr. and Mrs. richard J. bertero
Paula black and laura Zehm
Mr. and Mrs. Jack bloomfield
Mr. and Mrs. brian bode
dr. and Mrs. Jack r. borsting
boston scientific Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas a. branson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. brooks
Mr. William M. buchholz
The burnham foundation
Capital Group Companies
Cardionet, Incorporated
Mrs. roberta s. Chappell
Mr. Glen Charles
Glen and Mary ann Charles family
ralph and Joyce Clark Trust
Mr. and Mrs. alain Claudel
Mrs. Geneva a. Clymer
Mrs. Patricia b. Conklin
Mr. eugene a. Conley
Mr. Geoffrey Couch
Mrs. Carole Cuffman
Cypress Medical Group, Incorporated
daiichi sankyo, Incorporated
Mr. Gary dangerfield
Claire and Jack davis
Mr. and Mrs. Craig davis
Mrs. virginia M. davis
Mr. and Mrs. richard denier
Mr. and Mrs. stephen h. dolley
nancy and William doolittle
Mr. and Mrs. liam doust
Mrs. Jean l. draper
dr. and Mrs. James dyer
Mrs. rita echenique
Mrs. lucille eggerman
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Mr. and Mrs. G. robert evans
Mr. Peter C. felice
Capt. and Mrs. Cyrus f. fitton
forest Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated
Mrs. Mary anne Garner
estate of bernice Gold
The Good steward Charitable fund of the
Goldman sachs Philanthropy fund
Mr. and Mrs. andrew d. Goodman
Mr. Tracy n. Gordon
Ms. Jane Groscost
Ms. Candace haber
dr. and Mrs. John h. hage
Mr. and Mrs. harlan o. hall
Mr. and Mrs. yates f. hallam
Ms. ruth hartmann
Mr. Warwick J. hayes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. laurence P. horan
Mrs. Mary h. horn
houston endowment, Incorporated
Ward and Mary Ingrim fund of the
Community foundation for
Monterey County
Mr. Thomas h. Jamison
dr. and Mrs. albert b. Janko
Mr. bob a. Johnson
Mr. Phelix n. Joiner
estate of Marilyn J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Warren G. Jorgenson
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
dr. and Mrs. Thomas a. Kehl
Mr. and Mrs. daniel Keig
Mr. and Mrs. robert Kelly
robert and renee Kelly foundation
Ms. susan K. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. barry M. Kilzer
Ms. Mary M. Kramer
lynn laMar associates
Col. dorothea Terry layne
Mrs. edith M. leach
Mrs. barbara lee
dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey lehr
Mr. and Mrs. Mark d. levine
Phyllis and herb lister
Mr. Thomas b. lowary
Mr. and Mrs. Graeme f. Mackenzie
Manitou fund
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. robert Markey
susan and Thomas Masters
Mr. and Mrs. donald Mayol
sherrie and Tom McCullough
Mrs. Jane d. McCune
Mr. and Mrs. deWitt h. Mcfadden
Mr. and Mrs. James McGillen
The donald Mcneely family
The Medicines Company
Merrill lynch & Company foundation,
Incorporated Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Clifford a. Mettler
Mr. and Mrs. herbert G. Meyer
Mrs. nancy v. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. eric T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. david v. Milligan
elinor and robert Minardi
Mr. and Mrs. William b. Mitchell
Mr. Kile Morgan, Jr.
Morgan family foundation, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. anthony r. Muller
Mrs. dorothea G. Mumford
ona e. Murphy & robert e. Murphy Trust
Mr. Murray h. neidorf
Mr. and Mrs. Cary neiman
Ms. ruth M. noble
Mr. Paul e. nowack
Mr. Thomas P. nunes, sr.
Mr. Tim r. nylen
Mrs. amber a. o’rear
Mr. and Mrs. norman f. ottley
Ann and Mike Lyon
Their first gift to Community Hospital was a modest memorial. A month later, Mike and Ann
Lyon pledged a substantial gift to the hospital’s Tyler Heart Institute. The motivation? Firsthand
confirmation that the healthcare Community Hospital provides is top-notch, just like they had
been told. The Lyons were relative newcomers to the Peninsula, having moved to Pebble Beach
just three years before. They had reached a stage in their lives, post-employment, where they
wanted to move closer to their children and grandchildren in California. They departed the Twin
Cities area of Minnesota and settled on the Peninsula, embarking on an extensive remodel of
their new home. “A Realtor told us that there was excellent healthcare in the area,” Mike says.
“We did not, however, have a reason to investigate or get closely involved in that — until a year
later, when I found myself in an emergency situation and wound up with intimate knowledge of
the staff and facilities of the Tyler Heart Institute.” Through emergency care, intensive care, and
ultimately, heart surgery, Mike was impressed with the clinical and support staff for their skill,
their morale, their kindness. “Our contribution to the hospital,” says Mike, “was our recognition
of the hospital board and the community citizens for having the foresight to make this kind of
facility available to local people and to attract the quality of doctors and staff to make it happen.
In this case, we received first and gave later.”
oya salon
dr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Parker
Ms. audrey P. Parry
Cynthia and ron Peck
Mr. and Mrs. William Perocchi
frederika C. Phelps Trust
Philips Medical system north america
dr. and Mrs. richard a. Pirotte
Mr. and Mrs. bernard d. Plack
Ms. Patricia Powell
Mrs. Patricia smith ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jack randle
Mrs. nancy b. ransom
reckitt benckiser special events
Mr. donald r. riehl
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth roberts
robinson Jeffers Tor house foundation
Mrs. Koslyn l. rogers
Mrs. nancy b. roth
Mr. and Mrs. alan l. rushfeldt
Mr. and Mrs. francis d. ryan
The safeway foundation
saint Jude Medical
Mr. Wayne C. sargent
dr. donald M. scanlon
Mr. and Mrs. William M. scearce
schering Corporation
Mr. Warren P. schmidt
scius, llC
Mr. and Mrs. lary scott
Mr. Myron seres
Mrs. Mary elizabeth severson
Mr. and Mrs. George G. skou
dr. david d. spilker
Mrs. virginia srsen
dr. and Mrs. John h. steel
Jeannette stern and robert Moskowitz
Mr. and Mrs. William d. stevens
Mrs. June C. stock
dr. and Mrs. Patrick M. sullivan
Mrs. eugenia l. sweeney
Mr. ronald b. Thomas
uCb, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. steven undorte
united Way of Monterey County
Mrs. atsumi uyeda
Mrs. hildegard von dehn
roxanne and Carroll Wilde
Col. and Mrs. George r. Wiley
Celeste Williams and Peter hiller
Mr. and Mrs. J. d. Williamson, II
Col. bertram h. Witham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. samuel h. Wolcott
Mr. and Mrs. ernest f. Zanetta
Mrs. rayma Zwinge
$100 - $999
anonymous (4)
a. W. shucks
dr. boushra y. abadir
Ms. Terry e. aday
Mr. and Mrs. al adolph, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. aeschliman
aG business Management, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. James e. agan
Ms. Christine agel
Mrs. Chun aguirre
dr. and Mrs. edward J. ahmann
Mr. Gus P. aiello
airClean systems
debra and steve aitchison
Ms. Janice M. akre
Ms. laurie albrecht
Mr. arthur alexander
Mr. Timothy C. alexander
Mrs. laura alladeen
Mrs. Terry d. allen
Ms. norine M. alto
beverley a. ambort
Mrs. Marianne andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Carsbia anderson, Jr.
Mr. douglas r. anderson
Mrs. Gloria anello
Mr. and Mrs. Morton angrist
Ms. Tanya anistratenko
Iathan annand and John stafsnes
Mr. and Mrs. felix anongos
Joan hately anthony
hon. and Mrs. John n. anton
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale antonellis
dr. aytac h. apaydin
Mr. Johnny apodaca
Mr. and Mrs. Julio a. arce
Mr. Jack arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Genghis atalima
Mrs. doris auerbach
Mrs. doris T. ausan
Mrs. frances avanzino
dr. William l. babaian
Ms. frances C. baca
Mr. Kenneth d. bailey
rev. and Mrs. dale W. baker
Ms. renette baker
Ms. laverne baker-leyva
barbara baldock and Phillip butler
dr. and Mrs. John n. baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Gary bales
Mrs. ruth baltes
Mr. Charles e. bancroft
dr. barbara bannan
Mrs. doreen l. bannerman
Mary barker and lisa Crawford Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael barker
dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey e. barnum
sister Claire barone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. barron
Ms. Charmin l. barry
Mr. and Mrs. robert l. bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. hugh P. barton
Mrs. Geraldine bassford
Mr. anthony G. bauer
Ms. Patricia bauer
Mrs. barbara J. beck
Mr. and Mrs. robert n. beck
Mr. and Mrs. James beckemeyer
Ms. robin beckman-Jones
Ms. Michelle bedard
Mr. and Mrs. William J. belanger
Ms. Juliana a. belen
Mrs. Jean M. bell
dr. and Mrs. richard W. bell
Mr. and Mrs. robert beller
buff and bob belter
Mr. and Mrs. Tom bengard
Mr. and Mrs. bert benjamin
Ms. stella a. bennett
Mr. and Mrs. frederick bensch
Mrs. Mezola benton
Mr. and Mrs. John b. bergin
Mr. arnulfo M. bermudez
dr. and Mrs. leon bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Grant J. berry
Mrs. Mary berry
Mrs. laurie MacTavish best
Mr. and Mrs. albert J. bettencourt
Mr. and Mrs. ron bettencourt
bianchi, Kasavan & Pope, llP
lee bickford and Joann hazeltine
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence r. bigbee
Ms. sue biggs
Mr. salvador M. bileci
dr. brooke bilyeu
Ms. ann v. bispo
dr. and Mrs. robert l. black
C. benjamin blair
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry blanchard
Ms. anne r. blankenhorn
Mrs. roxana h. blanks
Mrs. ferne blee
Mr. and Mrs. richard M. blois
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne bloomer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles l. bloxham, III
Mr. John a. bohn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. bobby P. boles
Mr. and Mrs. roger bolgard
Mr. and Mrs. John bonifas
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bonner
Mr. William r. boone
Mr. and Mrs. dan borden
Mr. and Mrs. John h. bottomley, III
Ms. louise a. bouchard
Col. and Mrs. John f. bouldry
Mr. and Mrs. dennis M. bowman
lisa bradburn
Mr. and Mrs. robert d. bradner
Ms. unchu n. brandt
Ms. louisa brann
Mr. and Mrs. beau breck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas bremser
Mrs. elizabeth s. brennan
Ms. Teri a. breschini
Ms. Cindra M. brinsmead
Mr. and Mrs. richard a. briscoe
Ms. Marilyn brookman
Ms. brenda n. brown
Ms. deborah e. brown
dr. and Mrs. harry I. brown
Mr. Malcolm brown
Mr. and Mrs. Mikel brown
Mrs. beverley l. brownell
Mr. and Mrs. robert brownlee
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bruner
Mrs. barbara bryan
Ms. Carol ann buchanan
Mrs. barbara b. bucquet
Ms. Katherine l. bucquet
Mr. raymond M. budnick
Ms. Janet buechner
Mr. and Mrs. William burgess
Ms. Madelyn e. burke
Ms. linda C. burnhardt
Mr. and Mrs. frank burns
Ms. Peggy burnside
Capt. and Mrs. dempsey butler, Jr.
Mrs. Jae youn butler
Mrs. Janet M. buttgereit
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. byers
Mrs. dolores K. byrne
C.M. Capital Corporation
Cachagua volunteer firefighters
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caddell
Mrs. Giselle lehning Cadle
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Calandra
Mr. and Mrs. louis r. Calcagno
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore h. Calhoon
California International airshow
Mr. and Mrs. robert J. Callander
Mr. and Mrs. douglas s. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell
lt. Col. and Mrs. frank Campos
Mr. and Mrs. frank Capurro
Mr. domenico f. Capuzzi
Ms. Maria r. Cardenas
Mr. and Mrs. sal P. Cardinale
Mr. Joey d. Cardoza
Ms. sharen Carey
dr. and Mrs. bradford Carl
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carley
Ms. letha b. Carlon
Mr. and Mrs. sheldon Carman
Ms. robin Carmichael
Julia Carpenter and Greta Marlatt
Ms. stacy e. Carr
Ms. nellie Carrillo
dr. Christine r. Pearson Casanave
Mrs. Julie Casarino
Mr. and Mrs. daniel l. Casas
Ms. Karen a. Casas
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Case
Mr. and Mrs. nelson h. Case
Mr. and Mrs. arthur e. Cassel
Mr. bernardino Castaneda
Mr. rosendo Castillo
Mr. rico T. Catalig
Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Catbagan, Jr.
Ms. Patricia r. Cattermoul
Central Coast senior services
Ms. sandy read Chaix
Mrs. Kim Challis
Ms. Pearl Chan
Mr. Paul Chang
Mr. and Mrs. young Chang
Mrs. bonnie l. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. George b. Chapman, Jr.
Mrs. Kristi a. Chase
dr. and Mrs. anthony d. Chavis
Mrs. Connie r. Chavoya
Ms. Zofia T. Chciuk
dr. and Mrs. nicholas Chee
Mr. and Mrs. James s. Chibidakis
Mrs. Maureen Chodosh
Mrs. sandra s. Choi
dr. and Mrs. Craig Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. harry M. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. donald d. Chubbuck
City of sand City
Mrs. Mary J. Clapper
Marjorie J. Clark
dr. James l. Clayton
Mrs. beverly b. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Jack r. Clifton
Mrs. bob Clinton
Mr. loren Cloninger
Ms. beverly d. Clough
Mr. hubert Cnudde
Coastal Terminals, Incorporated
Mrs. Pamela Coates
Mr. and Mrs. James Cochran
Mrs. norma Cocklin
Ms. Jacqueline M. Colbert
Mr. roger W. Coleman
Mr. eric v. Coley
Mr. and Mrs. James Collins
Mrs. Mary K. Collins
Mr. samuel G. Conboy
Mr. franklin P. Conlan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Conmy
Mr. and Mrs. brendan Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. lowell T. Cooke
Ms. nancy b. Corkrum
Maria and Michael Corn
Cornell university
Mr. and Mrs. Claude J. Cory
Mrs. linda C. Cosmero
Ms. Jo ann Costa
Ms. deborah l. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. William Cox
Ms. Pamela Crean
Mr. and Mrs. Wardner Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford s. Crooks, Jr.
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Ms. dorothy a. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cruzan
Ms. alijandra f. Cruz-Tokar
diana Pavloff Cryan
Mr. and Mrs. John Cuda
Judge and Mrs. William d. Curtis
Mrs. Margaret e. Custer
Mrs. anne Cutler
Cypress Inn
Mr. ernest P. daghir
Mr. and Mrs. robert a. d’ambrosio
daniels-houlton family foundation
Mr. anthony C. dann
Mr. and Mrs. richard f. darvey
Mrs. Praveen l. datt
Mr. and Mrs. f. John davey
Mr. andrew a. davidson
Mr. and Mrs. rudolph davidson
Ms. anna J. davis
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck davis
Mr. and Mrs. dick davis
norma h. davis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul davis
Paul davis Partnership, llP
Mrs. yuriko davis
Mrs. diane C. day
Mr. and Mrs. James n. de Chalk
Ms. Mary louise de font
dr. and Mrs. adorjan I. deGalffy
Ms. nancy de haven
Mr. Gayl delacroix
Mr. and Mrs. robert delcambre
del rey Car Wash, Incorporated
delta Team services
Mr. and Mrs. William deMartini
Ms. Tinker deranian
Ms. Marion deroza
Ms. Jean derr
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. devine
Ms. Marie v. diez-Quinton
Patricia deborah di Grazia
Mrs. Charo s. dingson
Ms. Muriel I. dobry
Ms. dorothy dodge
Mr. and Mrs. frank P. donangelo
Mrs. Margaret b. donat
Mr. and Mrs. Jim dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. brad dow
Mrs. Madeleine a. dowdakin
Mrs. Iris dowden
Mrs. Cary T. doyle
Ms. Judith dudley
Mrs. anwar duensing
Mr. anthony W. duffel
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick e. duggan
Ms. faith b. duhring
Mr. William C. duncan, III
Mrs. Claire dungan
lt. Col. Phillip l. dunn
Mr. and Mrs. richard T. dunn
Ms. ruth l. dunne
Ms. shannon dunne-Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. donald d. durant
Mrs. Jane dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. francis dykeman
Mr. and Mrs. bill eason
Mrs. aria d. eberhardt
Ms. deborah G. edwards
Ms. helen M. edwards
Ms. yvonne l. edwards
Ms. Karen d. egan
Mr. and Mrs. William eggleston
Mr. and Mrs. floyd P. eisiminger
rear adm. and Mrs. John J. ekelund
Mr. and Mrs. John C. eller
Ms. betty ellet
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. elsensohn
Mr. and Mrs. James C. emery
Mr. and Mrs. Michael emmett
Ms. laurel s. emsley
Mrs. lynda lee ensminger-Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. donald e. ervin
Thomas ethington and robert Garland
Mr. raymond C. ewing
Mr. richard a. falge
Mr. and Mrs. david G. fanucchi
Mr. and Mrs. James f. farrell
Ms. lynn farris
Ms. JoMarie faulkerson
Mr. Mark feldberg
Mr. douglas felt
Mr. John l. fenner
Ms. anna M. fennimore
fenton & Keller
Mr. and Mrs. arthur e. ferguson
Mrs. Carroll a. fergusson
Mr. and Mrs. bernard J. ferrara
Mrs. Judy C. field
Mr. and Mrs. Paul fingerote
Mrs. Chong o. fink
Mr. John W. fischer
Marjorie fisher
Mr. and Mrs. dan f. fitch
dr. anne r. fitzpatrick
Ms. betty flause
Mr. George G. flores
Ms. anne M. flynn
Ms. linda M. fogle
Mr. and Mrs. William e. foletta
Mr. eric J. folkins
Mr. George e. fontes
foothill elementary school
Mr. and Mrs. James ford
Mr. James d. forkner
Mr. John d. foskett
Mr. and Mrs. T. Jack foster
dr. nathan b. fountain
Miss diane M. fourchy
Mrs. Gloria francisco
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. frarie, Jr.
Ms. Mary beth frearson
Mr. dean W. fredrick
dr. and Mrs. J. M. freeder
Mrs. heidi freitas
Ms. Marilyn G. frickleton
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore fridolfs
Mr. larry f. frisone
frisone family foundation
Mrs. Mary a. fry
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck fryer
dr. and Mrs. ronald C. fuerstner
dr. allen e. fuhs
Ms. Kimiko e. fujii
Mr. and Mrs. robert fujii
Mr. and Mrs. randall C. fuller
renee and Jim fuqua
Mr. Matthew y. furukawa
Mr. and Mrs. ronald Gaasch
Ms. Connie M. Galmes
Mr. and Mrs. donald P. Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gardner
Mr. seif Gattas
Ms. Theresa e. Gaudoin
Mr. and Mrs. daren Gee
Ms. Manuela Gehri
Ms. helen M. Gehringer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gelke
Mr. and Mrs. david l. Gellatly
Ms. debra s. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. david b. Gillig
Ms. Melanie P. Gilman
Mr. franklin l. Gin
Mrs. Gladysann Gindick
dr. neal Glover
Mr. Theodore P. Gold
dr. and Mrs. david s. Goldberg
Ms. veronica Golden
Mr. and Mrs. robert Golding
Mr. and Mrs. John Goldman
Mr. seth Goldsmith
dr. sohrab Gollogly
Ms. Tina Gonzalez
Ms. louise Corrie Good
Ms. Mary Goodby
Mr. bernard Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon
Mr. Kenneth J. Gordon
Ms. Pamela r. Gordon
Mrs. lynn W. Goree
Mr. and Mrs. harrison G. Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Grady, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. bryce P. Graybill
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Green
Ms. alicia Greenan
Mr. Thomas e. Greer
dr. Gery C. Grey
Mrs. sharon l. Griffin
Ms. suzanne M. Grimes
Mr. raymond a. Groo
Mrs. benjamin Grosvenor
drs. Jan and lawrence Grouse
Ms. rachel Grout
Mr. ruel s. Guevarra
Mr. felipe J. Guillen
Ms. Jodi r. Guinvarch
dr. and Mrs. stan Gum
Mr. and Mrs. brian d. Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. Thorne a. hacker
Mr. and Mrs. abdo n. hage
Mr. Kyle l. hagen
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
Mr. and Mrs. John M. haidich
Monty and russ haisley
Mr. Grant d. hale
Mr. anthony hall
Mr. and Mrs. stanley d. hall
Mr. eugene haller
Mr. and Mrs. George haltiner
Mrs. armetta hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. finley M. hamilton
Mrs. Wanda l. hamming
Mr. and Mrs. richard b. hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Tai Choon han
Mr. and Mrs. James a. hanlon
Ms. emma Jane hansen
Ms. Peggy a. hansen
Mr. and Mrs. linn hanson
Mrs. hilda l. harder
Ms. linnet harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack d. harmon
Miss Jeannie harner
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn harrell
Ms. arlene J. harris
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence harris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. reuben T. harris
Mr. and Mrs. Tom hart
Mr. John e. hartman
Ms. Joyce M. haruki
ruth harvey
Mr. and Mrs. nevin harwood
Mr. and Mrs. Chris T. hasegawa
Ms. alyson G. hash
Mr. eigoro hashimoto
esther n. haskins
Mr. and Mrs. William W. hatfield
Ms. J. l. hathaway
dr. and Mrs. david J. hatton
Mr. Michael T. hattori
Mr. Millard hauser
Ms. Paula hazdovac
Mr. and Mrs. otto heinz
Mr. and Mrs. ernesto heres
Ms. Jeane b. heres
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth l. hess
Mrs. evelyn n. hewson
Ms. delores a. heyl
Mrs. Joan heyler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth l. hicks
danielle and bill hill
Ms. deborah a. hill
Mr. and Mrs. roger hilleary
hillside Capital, Incorporated
ann and Glen hiner
Mr. and Mrs. harvey d. hinman
Ms. sylvia G. hoang
Ms. sue hobbs
Ms. Patricia hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Joachim hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. John C. hollo
dr. alexander holmes and staff
Ms. Jacqueline holmes
Mrs. Mary Jane holmes
Mr. and Mrs. r. blakeley honeyman
dr. and Mrs. Theodore hooker
Mrs. Christine hoover
Mrs. barbara f. hornady
Mr. and Mrs. Gary hornbuckle
Ms. Catherine owen horne
Mr. frank e. horst, III
Mr. Jay f. house
Capt. and Mrs. Willard s. houston
deborah ewan howitt
ann hudacek and Marvin biasotti
Mr. William l. hoyer
Ms. Paula J. hughes
Mrs. richard C. hunner
Mr. and Mrs. robert huntley
Mr. and Mrs. George e. huston
Mrs. nancy hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. bruce hyndman
IbM Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. yoshiko edith Ichiuji
Mrs. Josephine Ihnot
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Incaviglia
Ms. Magdalena T. Ines
Mr. and Mrs. Merv C. Ingram
Ms. angie Inlow
Mr. John n. Irwin, III
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Irwin
Ms. Carla Isberg
dr. and Mrs. John K. Ishizuka
Ms. nancy Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles e. Jacobson
Ms. June K. Jaffee
dr. and Mrs. hans W. Jannasch
dr. and Mrs. robert W. Janzen
Mr. and Mrs. robert s. Jaster
Mr. and Mrs. robert d. Jay
Mr. dan s. Jeffers
Ms. dorothy Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter h. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy s. Jimenez
Mrs. nancy C. John
Mr. and Mrs. rodney l. Johns
Johnson & Johnson family of Companies
Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Carol a. Johnson
Ms. Christina M. Johnson
Mr. James e. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James h. Johnson
Mr. Jeffery d. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. lewis Johnson
Ms. Mae C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark h. Johnson
Mr. Marlyn l. Johnson
Mrs. Mary d. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. vernon J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. brian r. Jones
Ms. Kimberly J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. sydney s. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. stanley e. Jorgensen
Mrs. Josephine Kale
Mr. and Mrs. roy Kamimori
anita and bill Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kapp
Mr. anthony T. Karachale
Mr. and Mrs. Geza Karakas
Mrs. edith Karas
Ms. fariba Katouzi
Mr. and Mrs. robin Katsuki
Mr. Keith Kauhanen
Ms. Pat Kaulukukui
Mr. okusitino o. Kautai
Mr. and Mrs. Jack l. Kay
Mr. saeed M. Kayre
Ms. Teresa l. Keaton
Mr. and Mrs. neil h. Keefer
Phyllis and Milt Kegley
Mr. and Mrs. frank Keith
Mr. and Mrs. harold W. Keland
Mr. and Mrs. Charles r. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kellner
dr. richard J. Kelly
The Kenrich Group, llC
dana Kent and William Monning
Mr. and Mrs. robert W. Kent
Ms. Claudia Kenyon
Ms. lois b. Kettel
Mr. and Mrs. Tong P. Kim
Kimley-horn & associates
Mr. Gerald e. King
Mr. and Mrs. William Kinnunen
dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kitagawa
Mr. and Mrs. henry C. Klaput
Maxine Klaput antiques
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klitten
Ms. renata Klosowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin K. Knapp
Mr. frederick Knoop
Mrs. nicole Knovick
dr. you Jong Ko
rear adm. and Mrs. edward M. Kocher
Ms. anne Kofoed-rosen
Mrs. amalia Kohatsu
Ms. dorothy Konrad
Ms. lynn M. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. William a. Krause
Mrs. Mary l. Krecki
Mr. and Mrs. harold e. Kren
dr. susan Kubica
Mr. and Mrs. ralph Kuchler
Ms. heidi G. Kuehn
Mr. and Mrs. Masahiro Kumangai
Ms. debbie Kurteff
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kurzava
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Kuwatani
Mr. and Mrs. armand l. labbe
Ms. amy f. laboda
Mr. and Mrs. reynaldo lacar
Ms. Mary a. laffin
Mr. erling lagerholm
Cmdr. and Mrs. spud lambing
Mr. and Mrs. James l. langley
drs. libby and lovell langstroth
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald d. lanois
Mr. Jack l. larsen
Mr. and Mrs. John r. larson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary b. laughlin
Mrs. hedy lauter
Mr. and Mrs. William J. lavagnino
Mr. and Mrs. ron J. lavaun
Ms. Carolyn r. lavengood
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne lavengood
Ms. Joy law
Mr. and Mrs. robert l. lawson
Ms. doris M. lawton
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson lay
Mrs. Margaret P. layton
Ms. norma T. lazzarini
Mr. and Mrs. Zad leavy
betsy and dale le Clerc
Mr. and Mrs. Charles y. lee
Ms. deanna K. leetch
Ms. Gail lehman
Mrs. Kimberly lemaire
Mr. and Mrs. daniel r. limesand
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert o. linderman
Mr. James lindgren
Mr. and Mrs. donald r. lindsay
Ms. lynn e. ling
lions Club - Monterey host
dr. and Mrs. Martin r. lipp
dr. and Mrs. arthur l. lippman
Ms. Joanna liston
Ms. lucinda lloyd
dr. and Mrs. earl loder
Mr. and Mrs. Gary logan
Mr. and Mrs. edward b. lohmann
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Mr. and Mrs. robert b. long
Ms. shirley C. long
Ms. laura J. loop
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
dr. stephen los
Mrs. Marjorie P. love
Ms. frances J. low
Mr. and Mrs. edwin r. lowry
Ms. Gladys loya
Mr. and Mrs. sila lualemana
Ms. Marsha J. lubow
Mr. franklin lunding
Mr. and Mrs. richard lundy
Ms. diane r. lunsford
Mrs. Marilyn v. Mabaet
Ms. Kathy Maclean
Mr. and Mrs. roderick K. Macleod
Msgr. edward MacMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael e. Magee
Mr. and Mrs. edward e. Magner, III
Magnetic Circuit elements, Incorporated
Mr. Kevin Mahoney
Ms. Patricia a. Mahoney
Ms. Kathryn l. Mahosky
Mr. and Mrs. Majid Mahroom
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Makanani
Mrs. Katalin Mako
Mr. rafael Maldonado
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Manes
Mr. and Mrs. roger Manley
Mr. henry l. Manuel
Mr. san G. Mar
dr. anne l. Marangoni
Ms. Judi Marotta
Mr. and Mrs. nicholas Marotta
Marotta land Company
Mr. and Mrs. Kneale Marshall
Mrs. Marion Martignoni
Mrs. elizabeth Martin
Mr. harold Martin
Mrs. Jennifer Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. frank Martins
Mr. James J. Martins
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos v. Masangkay
Mr. and Mrs. louis Maske
Mrs. simone l. Matney
Mrs. Gisela Matson
Mrs. rosemary Matson
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence W. Matteson
Ms. sigrid Mattheis
Mrs. linda l. Mauck
Mr. and Mrs. William a. Mauer
Mr. and Mrs. henry Mauz
Ms. Carmina Mayorga
Ms. Christine Mazzorin
dr. and Mrs. William s. Mcafee
Ms. Joanne M. Mcalpine
Mrs. norma Mcaravy
Ms. Kathleen M. Mcbride
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. McCarthy
Ms. laurie McClain
Mr. and Mrs. George d. McClelland
Mr. William T. McClintock
Mrs. Willie e. McCoin
Mr. andrew f. McCombs
Ms. Martha K. McCommons
Mr. John P. McCormack
McCormick & Company, Incorporated
Mrs. dorothy Mcdermott
Mr. Mark Mcdermott
Mr. and Mrs. hugh W. Mcdevitt
Ms. Karen Mcdonald
Mr. and Mrs. robert Mceachran
Mrs. Joanne Mcfann
Mr. andrew J. b. Mcfarland
Ms. elizabeth s. McGowan
The McGraw hill Companies
Mrs. lisa McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. leonard McIntosh
McIntosh enterprises
Mr. Jack W. McKay, III
Ms. Patricia McKean
Mr. Thomas G. McKenzie
Mr. John W. Mclaughlin
Ms. Julie Mclaughlin
frances C. Mc lennan
Mrs. nicki W. McMahan
Jacqueline McManus and robert reid
Col. and Mrs. druery C. McMillan
Mr. roy a. McMullan
Mr. Thomas e. Mcnamara
Mrs. luann Meador
Mr. and Mrs. roy b. Meazell
Ms. lynne f. Melcher
Mr. and Mrs. richard Melcher
Ms. lynn b. Menashian
Mr. and Mrs. donald C. Menzel
Ms. Judith M. Merritt
Mesa de Tierra homeowners association
dr. and Mrs. l. bruce Meyer
Ms. Kathleen a. Michel
elizabeth Miles and Charles harmon
Ms. dorothy l. Micheletti
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. Mills
Col. frank d. Minerva
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Minor
Mr. and Mrs. donald Miraco
Mrs. Connie Mitchell
Mrs. frances C. Mitchell
Mobil foundation Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mocettini
Ms. alicia Molina
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mollman
Mr. and Mrs. edward Monteith
Monterey County association of realtors
Monterey County Convention
& visitors bureau
Monterey County Mayors association
Monterey elks Club bPoe 1285
Mr. and Mrs. robert e. Montgomery
Monument administrators
Ms. Janet roberts Mooers
Mrs. Joan e. Moore
Mr. Thomas W. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. francisco Moreno
Mr. Martin C. Morey
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. richard P. Morgantini
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris
dr. and Mrs. robert G. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. sidney M. Morris
Ms. else K. Morton
Mr. frank Morton
Ms. Martha s. Mosher
Mr. arthur Muenzel
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mulholland
Mr. david M. Munson
Grace elaine Munzer
Col. richard l. Murnighan
dr. and Mrs. richard l. Murtland
dr. sadri Musavi
Mr. and Mrs. dominic Muzzi
Mr. frank P. Myers
Ms. susan Myong
Mr. david C. nagai
Ms. Karen l. nair
Ms. urmilla nair
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk e. napier
Mrs. Patricia M. nash
Mr. and Mrs. randy naylor
Ms. lisa neal
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin neben
Ms. Gail a. neff
Ms. barbara nelson
Mrs. Charmain T. nelson
Ms. Joan e. neumann
Mr. and Mrs. donald d. newbury
Mrs. Mary Will newell
Ms. nancy b. newgard
laura and donald newmark
dorothy f. newton
Mr. Gene newton
Mr. and Mrs. lit ng
Mr. and Mrs. dong h. nguyen
Mrs. hideko nishi
dr. and Mrs. oguchi nkwocha
Ms. barbara noble
Ms. daisy v. noguera
Mr. and Mrs. fred nohr
Ms. Gail nonella
Mr. John a. nooyen
Mr. Joseph b. nordmann
Mrs. Mariann M. novarina
Ms. alyce M. nunes
Mr. and Mrs. John l. nunes
ocean honda
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. o’Connell
dr. and Mrs. dennis M. o’Connor
Ms. erin o’Connor
Mr. William o’Connor
Ms. anne M. oda
dr. and Mrs. William odom
Mr. and Mrs. frank o’dowd
Mrs. noriko ogawa
Mrs. alma K. ogle
Ms. Charleen o’hern
Ms. shirley J. o’Keefe
Ms. suzanne o’Keefe
Ms. Miyoko okubo
Mr. Mark okumura
Mr. and Mrs. Tillio olcese
Carri and Matthew olin
Mr. and Mrs. dennis a. oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas a. oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. olivola
Mr. and Mrs. henry o’loughlin
Ms. nancy l. opsata
Mr. edward T. oronos
Ms. Christine oster
Mrs. bea ostrom
Mr. and Mrs. fred o’such
Mr. Wim a. C. ouwendijk
Ms. Josephine owen
dr. Calvin e. oyer
Mr. edwin b. oyer
Pacific Grove Women’s Golf Club
Mrs. sharon M. Paddock
Mr. and Mrs. richard Pagnillo
dr. and Mrs. Gary d. Palma
Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer
Mrs. leona G. Palmer
Ms. Peggy e. Palmer
Paramount Property Management
Mr. allan b. Paschke
Mrs. alva lee Patton
Mrs. elisa v. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paul-Coker
Mr. albert Pawlick
Ms. Patricia s. Peabody
Mrs. reuben Pearson
Pebble beach Company
Ms. betty Pemberton
dr. and Mrs. George h. Penn
Ms. Wendy Perea-Cowan
Ms. aracelia Perez
Mr. and Mrs. eliezer Perez-vergara
Ms. rosalind Perino
Mrs. Marjorie C. Perrine
Mr. and Mrs. darrell Petersen
Mrs. lorette J. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. raymond e. Phares
Mrs. anne M. Phillips
Mr. Gregory Pickert
Ms. Carolyn s. Pierson
Kathy and frank Pinney
dr. and Mrs. Martin Platsko
Ms. beverly M. Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pluth
Ms. Paula Pomales-dawson
Mr. and Mrs. George a. Poole, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. alf r. Popp
Ms. nancy Porter
Ms. Marilyn s. Post
Mr. William C. Potter
Col. John f. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. antonio M. Prado
Mr. and Mrs. santu Prasad
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. James h. Price
Mrs. Myong s. Prive
Mr. William Provost
The Prudential foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Mr. richard Puertas, III
Ms. Jane Pura
Ms. Joyce Cacy Quinn
Mrs. Jean K. raab
Mr. david f. rabe
Mr. and Mrs. robert a. rader
dr. allen b. radner
Ms. Tamie T. ramey
Mr. and Mrs. frank ramistella
Mrs. edith ramsay
Ms. shontelle d. randell Chubbs
Mr. and Mrs. harold e. rankin
Ted rapalus
Mr. and Mrs. bruce rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Clive h. rayne
Mr. and Mrs. david s. reade
Mrs. Joan reade
Ms. Carmela M. reda
Mr. and Mrs. sean T. reeves
Mr. and Mrs. daniel I. reith
Michele and bob rench
Mr. and Mrs. rene requiro
Ms. daria C. reyes
dr. and Mrs. James rheim
Mr. and Mrs. roger C. rhoads
Mr. and Mrs. bill richmond
Mr. John richter
Mr. frank J. rief, III
Ms. Prudence h. rieflin
Mrs. Clare riggs
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson riggs
Ms. harriet s. riley
dr. and Mrs. robert W. riley
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck ripp
roberta Gloria ritter
Mrs. audrey rivera
Ms. Cheryle l. rivera
Capt. and Mrs. George e. roach
sheri and Paul robbins
Ms. dora l. robinson
dr. bruce h. robison
Mrs. Mary J. rockwell
dr. and Mrs. James M. rodda
Ms. ashley rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. James a. rodgers
Mrs. Patricia rodrigues
Mrs. Jean rodriguez
Ms. Michele l. rodriguez
Ms. lauren M. rogalsky
Ms. Pablita n. rojas
Mr. frank rombi
Mrs. Christina v. rondez
roney-fitzpatrick foundation
ron’s liquors
Mrs. ann C. rook
Ms. Joan M. rosati
dr. Marga rose
Mr. and Mrs. lee rosen
Col. usMC ret. h. Gary roser
Mr. and Mrs. bruce h. rosnes
Mr. and Mrs. alan a. ross
ross roofing & Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Philip roston
Mrs. Marlene s. rotar
dr. amy l. roth
Mr. and Mrs. bill roth
Mrs. Martha C. rothrock
Mrs. susan l. rowland
Mrs. Jean W. rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Warren ruhl
Mr. Paul P. ruiz
Ms. helen rush
Mr. and Mrs. Mike russo
Mr. and Mrs. richard russo
Mr. and Mrs. Tom russo
Ms. Patricia s. rutowski
Mr. and Mrs. edward ryder
Mr. Tawfik y. sabet
Mrs. Kay sabin
saint Mary’s by-the-sea episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. robert saleen
Mr. sam salerno
Mr. richard n. sales
salinas valley urology
Ms. ervina o. salzmann
Mr. and Mrs. Tony sammut
Mr. and Mrs. John r. sanders
Mr. and Mrs. allan W. sandstrum
Mr. and Mrs. Ted sanford
Mrs. dora san nicolas
Ms. daisy v. santiago
Mr. and Mrs. Michael sapon
Mr. and Mrs. robert sasso
dr. and Mrs. Gregg K. satow
Mr. and Mrs. richard e. saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Peter e. savale
Ms. barbara G. saxton
Ms. Irma b. scanlon
Mr. Warren e. scarr
Mr. and Mrs. alfred b. schaeffer
Mrs. Mary ellen scharffenberger
Ms. nancy scheid
Mr. and Mrs. William scheidecker
Mr. otto M. schiff
Mr. and Mrs. alexander h. schilling
Mr. and Mrs. bruce W. schmeiser
dr. and Mrs. andrew schmidt
Mrs. Janet schmied
Mrs. doris r. schneider
Mrs. Katharine T. schoellerman
Ms. Gail scholl
Mr. and Mrs. George schroeder
Ms. Patricia M. scott
scurich Insurance services
Ms. barbara P. seely
Ms. Carol l. sendell
Mrs. Jean seput
Mr. and Mrs. Ken shachmut
Mrs. Iris d. shaffer
Kathy and bill sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. John I. shaw, Jr.
Ms. sheri ann shaw
Ms. Paula J. sheltrown
Mr. and Mrs. franklin T. shippen
Mrs. erik short
shumaker, loop & Kendrick, llP
Mr. and Mrs. William shumway
Mrs. susan e. sibbald
Ms. harriet M. sievers
Mr. Marvin silverman
Ms. leslie simon
dr. and Mrs. richard T. sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. ernie singleton
Mr. and Mrs. richard M. sippel
Mr. and Mrs. howard sitton
Ms. Jacquelyn C. skala
Mr. Martin l. skerritt
Ms. Patricia skinner-Williams
Mr. and Mrs. richard W. skow
Ms. sidney sue slade
Mr. and Mrs. ross slater
Mr. and Mrs. Jim sleeper
dr. and Mrs. Kurt P. sligar
Ms. Kathryn l. sliter
Ms. evelyn smart
barbara and ladd smith
bonney and frederick smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. smith
Ms. Janet M. smith
Ms. Joy M. smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ken d. smith
Ms. Philomene smith
Mr. and Mrs. robert f. smith
Mr. and Mrs. ross G. smith
Mr. and Mrs. stacy smith
Mr. and Mrs. Todd smith
dr. and Mrs. Charles r. snorf
Ms. deborah r. sober
Ms. robin d. soboleski
Mr. and Mrs. andrew b. soh
Mr. and Mrs. Peter a. sonne
Mr. and Mrs. david l. sonnenberg
Ms. Karen sonnergren
Mr. and Mrs. Keuaine M. sopoaga
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua l. soske
Mr. William h. soskin
Ms. dorothy G. souza
Mr. and Mrs. b. G. sparks
spencers stationery
Caryll M. and norman f. sprague Jr.
laura and bill stahl
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. staley
Ms. shirley stanger
Ms. laurie e. stanley
Ms. lila staples
Ms. evelyn a. starr
state farm Companies foundation
dr. Maus W. stearns, Jr.
Mrs. Jean K. stemmons
Ms. hilda h. stengard
Mr. and Mrs. robert a. stephan
emily and robert stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. herbert d. stern
dr. Martin sternstein
Mrs. beth sterten
Mr. and Mrs. hugh steven
Ms. Jeanne stevens
stevenson brownie Girl scout
Troop 32095
Mr. and Mrs. ron stewart
Ms. Marie stewart-helms
Ms. Jane a. stile
Mr. Jackson stock
Mr. Morgan e. stock
Mrs. alice h. stoessel
Mr. and Mrs. donald J. stornetta
Mrs. bertha r. stotz
Mr. and Mrs. richard o. straight
Clark W. and Toshia struve
Margaret a. sturges
Mr. leon h. stutzman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter e. sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. yukio sumida
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth summers
dr. and Mrs. douglas sunde
Mr. and Mrs. Jon sutherland
Ms. Martha suzuki
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. suzuki
Ms. sallie M. swanson
dr. Charles and Mrs. Carol sweet
Ms. Marge s. swenson
dr. and Mrs. John Tagg
Ms. viki l. Takacs
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Takigawa
Mrs. dalia Tannis-Mikell
Mr. and Mrs. harris Taylor
Mrs. Meg Taylor
Mr. robert T. Taylor
Ms. sachiko Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John s. Tegtmeier
Tegtmeier associates, Incorporated
Mr. luciano Tempo
Mrs. shirley I. Thackara
Ms. susan b. Thamer
Mr. John Thibeau
Mr. andrew Thiele
Mrs. Marilyn h. Thomas
Ms. deeann l. Thompson
Ms. niki l. Thompson
dr. and Mrs. Warren C. Thompson
Mrs. helen M. Thorngate
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Thorp
Mr. Michael l. Thurman
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Thurman
Mr. and Mrs. J. daniel Tibbitts
Ms. Paula M. Tipton
Ms. rita Titus
Ms. susan Titus
Mrs. Carol G. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tonkin
Ms. lavonne Tosh
Mr. and Mrs. J. breck Tostevin
Tostevin accountancy Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. lloyd M. Townley
Mrs. ruth Townsend-huff
Mr. and Mrs. don Tragethon
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Trantham
Ms. hilary Traynor-duda
Mr. andrew b. Tronick
Mr. lane f. Trotter
Mr. roscoe Trout
Joan and sam Trust
Ms. Masiana s. Tulua
Mr. randall J. Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turnan
susanne s. and William h. Tyler
ubs foundation usa
Mrs. Jane ulrich
united food & Commercial Workers
union local 5
Mrs. namiko uyeda
Mr. alfonso G. valdez
Mr. and Mrs. richard valentine
Ms. Judith valliere
Mrs. ruth vallon
Mrs. anne W. vanderhoof
Mr. nick vander Poel
Mr. and Mrs. Jim vanderzwaan
Mr. and Mrs. herman van Gansen
Mr. and Mrs. Ken vantress
Mr. and Mrs. John M. van Zander
Ms. linda n. vaughan
Mrs. Mina vaziri
Ms. sandra vazquez
Mr. and Mrs. frank vecchione
Ms. Patricia v. velez
Judy and lane verlenden
dr. Joseph J. verska
Mrs. nancy verska
Mr. and Mrs. frank vervoort
Ms. Isabel r. vervoort
Mr. and Mrs. John T. vinson
Mrs. beverly J. von bima
Ms. Christine M. von hurfurth
Ms. vicki vorhes
Ms. linda votaw
Mr. and Mrs. bob Wacker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeptha a. Wade, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Waite
Ms. Joanne C. Wakeland
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wakeland
Mr. and Mrs. don Wald
Mr. and Mrs. fredrick a. Walker
Ms. Jeanne Wallace
Mr. William a. Wallace
Ms. Judi a. Wallner
Ms. yung s. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wangberg
Mrs. Marcia Waples
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Warren
Mr. and Mrs. lee Warren
Ms. Jean Warriner
Mr. John l. Washington
Mrs. Kimberly M. Wasserman
Mr. russell Watkins
Mrs. elizabeth s. Watson
Ms. venus M. Watson
Mrs. elizabeth haywood Watt
Jonnie Webb
Mr. forest e. Weber
Capt. and Mrs. James M. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. lowell Webster
Mr. and Mrs. stephen Weeks
Celia and stanley Weiss
Mr. Wayne a. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. robert Wellington
Mr. and Mrs. Willis l. Wells
Ms. Joanne Wemheuer
Ms. Janet P. West
Ms. deni Wetsel
Mrs. dorothy h. Wheeler
Mrs. Marilynn r. Whitcomb
Jo and George White
Mr. and Mrs. robert W. White
Mrs. suzanne White
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Whitson
Mr. donald M. Wiberg
Mr. and Mrs. ronell h. Wight
Mr. Jay d. Wilkerson
Mrs. Phyllis s. Wilkinson
The larry and Phyllis Wilkinson
Chris Williams
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Williams
Mrs. hope d. Williams
Mrs. Josephine h. Williams
Mr. richard a. Williams
Mr. scott K. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Williamson, Jr.
Ms. nancy l. Willingham
Mr. and Mrs. les Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wills
dr. and Mrs. h. lawrence Wilsey
Mr. bruce Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson
Winners Investment Club
Mr. William M. Winterrowd
Mr. and Mrs. doug Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wong
World Graphics
dr. stephan Worsham
Mr. ralph e. Wrenn
Ms. darlene Wright
Ms. susan a. Wright
Ms. Kathleen M. Wuori
Ms. Mary Wurth
dr. and Mrs. alfred yager
Mr. and Mrs. Terry K. yamamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. yeomans
Ms. Carol G. young
Michele Melicia young and donald young
Ms. Margaret young
Ms. Mary e. young
dr. Clara yu
Ms. Patricia yurus
Ms. leigh a. Zacarias
Mrs. fred Zeder
Ms. Marsha McMahan Zelus
Ms. Marie Zenorini
dr. and Mrs. richard C. Zug
Mr. edward Zwinge
a community-led fundraising
campaign successfully
reached its $2.5 million
goal to help bring the next
generation in technology to
the breast Care Center of
Community hospital of the
Monterey Peninsula.
anonymous (7)
Mary adams and John bailey
Ms. Carol W. ader
Mr. and Mrs. al adolph, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. aeschliman
Mr. and Mrs. James e. agan
Ms. Christine agel
Ms. sheryl l. ainsworth
debra and steve aitchison
Mrs. laura alladeen
sally and albert J. alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. frank C. amato
Mr. and Mrs. G. harry andersen
Mr. and Mrs. damon J. anderson
Mr. and Mrs. d. Kent anderson
Mrs. esther s. anderson
Mary anderson and salvador Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Morton angrist
Ms. Tanya anistratenko
Mrs. hilaria C. aquino
Mr. larry armstead
Mr. Ian arnof
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence avila
barbara baldock and Phillip butler
dr. and Mrs. John n. baldwin
velma and Ted balestreri
Mrs. ruth baltes
Ms. Margaret J. barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. barron
Mr. and Mrs. Walter barry, Jr.
Mrs. betty P. bass
Mrs. Geraldine bassford
Ms. barbara b. bastian
Ms. Kathryn baumann
Mr. and Mrs. robert n. beck
Mr. and Mrs. William J. belanger
Mrs. Joan beller
dr. and Mrs. Jan belza
Ms. linda beneke
Mr. and Mrs. Tom bengard
Mr. and Mrs. bert benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. david J. benjamin, III
Ms. deborah l. bennett
edwina f. bent and Gordon Kauhanen
Paula bertolino and Joseph Cavallaro
Mr. and Mrs. Craig G. bessette
bertie bialek elliott
Ms. hayley bikle
Mr. and Mrs. bobby blaushild
Joyce blevins and Katherine Coopman
Mr. and Mrs. richard M. blois
Mr. and Mrs. Jack bloomfield
Mr. and Mrs. Charles l. bloxham, III
Mr. and Mrs. J.a. bohland
Mr. and Mrs. bobby P. boles
Mr. and Mrs. John bonifas
Mr. and Mrs. John h. bottomley, III
Mr. and Mrs. Casey boyns
Mr. Teo bozilov
lisa bradburn
Mrs. Myrna C. brandwein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas a. branson
Ms. Miki brennan
Ms. barbara M. breyer
Mr. and Mrs. richard a. briscoe
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. brooks
Ms. brigette brown
Mrs. beverley l. brownell
Mr. and Mrs. robert brownlee
Mr. Peyton l. bryan
Ms. fujie a. bryant
Ms. Janet buechner
Ms. helga b. buss
Capt. and Mrs. dempsey butler, Jr.
Mrs. Janet M. buttgereit
rita Cademartori
Mr. and Mrs. louis r. Calcagno
Mr. and Mrs. William Callahan
Ms. sharen Carey
Mr. Will n. Cargile
dr. and Mrs. bradford Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carlsen
Ms. robin Carmichael
Mr. and Mrs. Jack I. Carnahan
Julia a. Carpenter and Greta Marlatt
Mr. Gene J. Carroll
Mrs. beatrice Case
Mrs. Winifred J. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. young Chang
Mrs. roberta s. Chappell
Mr. Glen Charles
Mrs. Connie r. Chavoya
Mr. and Mrs. James s. Chibidakis
Mrs. Maureen Chodosh
Mr. James n. Christensen
dr. and Mrs. david a. Clark
Ms. Inge h. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. alain Claudel
Ms. demetria Clavel
Mr. and Mrs. Jack r. Clifton
Ms. loraine Cline
Mrs. Pamela Coates
dr. and Mrs. Martin s. Cohen
Ms. Jacqueline M. Colbert
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Mr. John s. Conklin
Ms. hannelore Cooper
rev. and Mrs. Gordon l. Corbett
Maria and Michael Corn
Mrs. linda C. Cosmero
Mr. Geoffrey Couch
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Couch, III
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Crooke
Mrs. Carole Cuffman
Mr. and Mrs. oscar Cunanan
Mr. and Mrs. bert Cutino
Cypress Inn
Ms. Mary suzanne dainton
Mr. and Mrs. robert a. d’ambrosio
Mr. Gary dangerfield
Mr. andrew a. davidson
Mr. landau davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck davis
Claire and Jack davis
Mr. and Mrs. douglas a. davis
norma h. davis
Ms. nancy de haven
del rey Car Wash, Incorporated
Ms. Tinker deranian
diagnostic and Interventional
radiology staff
Ms. fortunata dickens
Mr. and Mrs. James J. didion
Mr. and Mrs. James M. dobbins, Jr.
Mr. douglas dodge
Mr. and Mrs. stephen h. dolley
Mr. and Mrs. Jim dougherty
Ms. Miriam W. edwards
Mr. and Mrs. ryan edwards
Mr. bernard e. egerter
Ms. betty ellet
Kathleen and stephen engelhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Gene englund
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Mr. and Mrs. robert J. ernst, III
May esquerra and dave Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. howard M. evans
Mr. and Mrs. robert evans
Mr. and Mrs. robert ewen
Mr. and Mrs. davis factor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mic falkel
Mr. and Mrs. James f. farrell
Ms. lynn farris
fenton & Keller
Mr. and Mrs. arthur e. ferguson
Mrs. letittia K. fernandez
first national bank of Central California
Mr. John W. fischer
Capt. and Mrs. Cyrus f. fitton
Janice fitzhugh and nolan ferreira
dr. anne r. fitzpatrick
Mrs. Claire l. flowers
Ms. Jane flury
Mr. George e. fontes
Mr. and Mrs. T. Jack foster
dr. and Mrs. Jack franke
Mr. and Mrs. russell M. frankel
Ms. Mary beth frearson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore fridolfs
fran friscia
Mr. and Mrs. robert fujii
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. funk
Ms. Mildred furman
Ms. Tanya J. Gabbert
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Galloway
Mrs. Mary anne Garner
Ms. archie Mae Gibson
Ms. alice Gill
Mrs. amalia Gillette
Mrs. Claire Gorman
Ms. smillka Goynich
Ms. Carolyn s. Graham
Ms. frankie Green
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg
Mr. larry Greene
dr. Gery C. Grey
Mr. and Mrs. h. James Griggs
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Guidotti
Mr. and Mrs. brian d. Guthrie
beverly and lyman hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. finley M. hamilton
Mrs. Jackie C. hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. robert l. haney
Mr. and Mrs. James a. hanlon
Ms. Peggy a. hansen
Mrs. lois J. harbert
Ms. linnet harlan
Mr. and Mrs. reuben T. harris
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. hart
Ms. ruth hartmann
Mr. eigoro hashimoto
Ms. Monika hassler
Mrs. Carol hatton
Mr. homer M. hayward
Ms. Marie b. henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth l. hess
Mrs. evelyn n. hewson
Mrs. Joan heyler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth l. hicks
Mrs. Carol hilburn
Ms. deborah a. hill
Mr. and Mrs. roger hilleary
Mr. and Mrs. James himonas
ann and Glen hiner
Ms. sue hobbs
Mrs. Mary Jane holmes
Mrs. Christine hoover
Ms. ellis h. hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Gary hornbuckle
houston endowment, Incorporated
Ms. Jeanne C. howard
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. howard
deborah ewan howitt
ann hudacek and Marvin biasotti
Kip and Jay hudson
Mr. and Mrs. robert huntley
Mrs. nancy hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ingram
Ward and Mary Ingrim fund of the
Community foundation for
Monterey County
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Irwin
Ms. Carla Isberg
Ms. Patricia K. Ishizuka
Mr. and Mrs. bryan Jaeger
dr. and Mrs. hans W. Jannasch
Mrs. M. Kathy Jaramillo
Mr. and Mrs. robert d. Jay
Ms. Colleen G. Johnson
Ms. linda J. Johnson
Ms. Mae C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark h. Johnson
Mrs. stacee Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. vernon J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. r. Clint Johnstone, Jr.
Ms. Courtney Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn l. Jones
Ms. reba M. Jones
Mrs. Kelly a. Joos
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. sydney s. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. stanley e. Jorgensen
Ms. Pauline J. Jud
Mr. anthony T. Karachale
Mr. and Mrs. Geza Karakas
betty and Jim Kasson
Mr. and Mrs. alex Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. steve Kaufman
Mr. Keith Kauhanen
Mr. and Mrs. robert Kavner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack l. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. daniel Keig
Mrs. Mary l. Keith
Ms. Carolyn Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. rex C. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. robert Kelly
honorable lorraine Kendall
Ms. susan K. Kennedy
dana Kent and William Monning
Mr. and Mrs. robert W. Kent
Ms. Claudia Kenyon
Mr. and Mrs. barry M. Kilzer
Mr. and Mrs. Tong P. Kim
Mr. Troy a. Kingshaven
dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kitagawa
Mr. and Mrs. david Kleinman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klitten
Mrs. nicole Knovick
dr. and Mrs. david M. Kolinsky
Mrs. henryetta Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. harold e. Kren
Mr. and Mrs. ralph Kuchler
Ms. debbie Kurteff
Mr. erling lagerholm
Ms. lynn b. laMar
Ms. lillian f. lampi
Mr. and Mrs. Monte larick
Mr. Jack l. larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary b. laughlin
Ms. Mavis lautaret
Mrs. hedy lauter
Mr. and Mrs. ron J. lavaun
Ms. Carolyn r. lavengood
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne lavengood
Mrs. edith M. leach
Mr. and Mrs. Jovan lebaric
Mrs. Connie leblanc
Ms. Gail lehman
dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey lehr
Mrs. Kimberly lemaire
Mr. and Mrs. Mark d. levine
Mr. and Mrs. harry C. lewis
dr. and Mrs. William r. lewis
Ms. lynn e. ling
Phyllis and herb lister
Ms. adele f. lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Gary logan
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Mr. and Mrs. robert b. long
Mr. and Mrs. John l. love
Mr. Thomas b. lowary
Ms. Gladys loya
Ms. Marsha J. lubow
Mr. and Mrs. Todd lueders
Mr. and Mrs. richard lundy
Ms. amron G. lykins
Mrs. Gay a. Machado
Mr. russell J. Mackey
ann and John Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. roger Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. robert Markey
Mr. harold Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph r. Martin
Mrs. lillian Martins
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos v. Masangkay
Mr. and Mrs. eric Matta
Mrs. linda l. Mauck
Mr. and Mrs. donald Mayol
dr. and Mrs. William s. Mcafee
Mrs. elizabeth C. McCartney
Mr. and Mrs. George d. McClelland
Mrs. Willie e. McCoin
sherrie and Tom McCullough
Mrs. Jane d. McCune
Mrs. Gertrude J. Mcewen
Mr. and Mrs. deWitt h. Mcfadden
Mrs. Joanne Mcfann
Mr. and Mrs. James McGillen
Mrs. nicki W. McMahan
Jacqueline McManus and robert G. reid
Col. and Mrs. druery C. McMillan
Ms. beverly Medaglia
Ms. lynne f. Melcher
Mr. and Mrs. richard Melcher
Mr. and Mrs. frank Melicia
Mr. and Mrs. bernard s. Merilos
Mr. and Mrs. richard G. Merrill
Ms. Judith M. Merritt
Ms. Judith Metz
dr. and Mrs. James bret Michael
Ms. natalya Michnikova
elizabeth Miles and Charles harmon
Mrs. nancy v. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. eric T. Miller
Ms. erin Miller
Mr. and Mrs. david v. Milligan
Col. frank d. Minerva
Mr. and Mrs. donald Miraco
Mrs. Connie Mitchell
Mrs. frances C. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. William b. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Modisette
Monterey Peninsula foundation
Ms. Janet roberts Mooers
Mrs. Joan e. Moore
Mr. Jesus Manuel Mora
Mr. and Mrs. edwin Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris
dr. and Mrs. robert G. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. sidney M. Morris
Mr. frank Morton
Mr. and Mrs. lionel Mosley
Mr. arthur Muenzel
Mr. david M. Munson
Mrs. eileen f. Murray
Margaret l. Musser fund of the
Community foundation for
Monterey County
dr. linda-lee Myers
Ms. anna e. neal
Mr. and Mrs. Cary neiman
Ms. barbara nelson
dr. and Mrs. Conrad f. newberry
Mrs. Mary Will newell
laura and donald newmark
Mrs. Joyce newsome
Ms. lynne r. niederhaus
fatemeh noreshi and amir Gharibian
Mr. Thomas P. nunes, sr.
Ms. elaine r. nyunt
Mr. and Mrs. Morris K. o’briant
Ms. barbara n. ochoa
dr. and Mrs. William odom
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas a. oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. olivola
ona e. Murphy & robert e. Murphy Trust
Ms. Mary f. o’neil
Mrs. amber a. o’rear
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro osoria
Mrs. bea ostrom
Ms. Josephine owen
oya salon Inc., “a beautiful Mess”
dr. and Mrs. steven J. Packer
Mrs. Jennifer b. Paduan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl d. Panattoni
Ms. audrey P. Parry
Cynthia and ron Peck
Ms. betty Pemberton
Mrs. Marian r. Penn
Ms. Gabriella Perez
Ms. rosalind Perino
Mr. and Mrs. William Perocchi
Mrs. Marian Perry
Mrs. Patricia M. Peterson
Ms. Janet M. Petray
Mrs. lia Pilotte
Kathy and frank Pinney
Ms. nancy Porter
Ms. Marilyn s. Post
Ms. Patricia Powell
Mr. and Mrs. James h. Price
Ms. lieselotte Prock
Ms. Jane Pura
Mrs. douglas e. ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. William h. rand
Mr. and Mrs. Jack randle
Ms. linda f. ransom
Mr. and Mrs. Paul rappa
Mrs. Joan reade
Mr. and Mrs. steve reclusado
Mrs. emma v. ren
Michele and bob rench
Mr. and Mrs. William n. reno
Mr. George a. reta
dr. and Mrs. James rheim
Mr. donald r. riehl
Mrs. Clare riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Tom h. riordan
Capt. and Mrs. George e. roach
Ms. ashley rodgers
Mrs. Jean rodriguez
Mrs. Gwen rohr
dr. amy l. roth
Mrs. nancy b. roth
Mrs. Jean W. rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. alan l. rushfeldt
Mr. and Mrs. dana l. russell
Mr. richard n. sales
The samson foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John r. sanders
Ms. Myrna e. santiago
Mr. Wayne C. sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Chester sarina
Mr. and Mrs. robert sasso
Mr. and Mrs. richard e. saunders
dr. donald M. scanlon
Ms. santa M. scaroni
Mr. and Mrs. William M. scearce
Mr. and Mrs. leonard schader
Ms. Mary lou schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. George schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. stephen J. schulte
Mr. norman schultz
Mr. and Mrs. leroy e. schwab
lt. Col. and Mrs. luther l. schwinn
Mr. and Mrs. lary scott
Ms. nancy J. selfridge
Mrs. frances shaffi
Mr. victor M. shaw
Mr. and Mrs. robert b. sheppard
Ms. barbara shirley
Mrs. erik short
Mrs. susan e. sibbald
Ms. nancy skager
Mr. and Mrs. George G. skou
Ms. sidney sue slade
Mr. and Mrs. Jim sleeper
Mr. and Mrs. stacy smith
dr. frank Pye smith Medical facilities
fund of Community foundation for
Monterey County
Mr. and Mrs. Mel f. soares, Jr.
Ms. Karen sonnergren
Mr. William h. soskin
robert and virginia stanton endowment
fund of the Community foundation for
Ms. lila staples
Ms. sandra staples
dr. and Mrs. John h. steel
Mr. and Mrs. robert a. stephan
Jeannette stern and robert Moskowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. stern
Mrs. beth sterten
Ms. Carol a. stollorz
Mr. and Mrs. dean C. storkan
Mrs. bertha r. stotz
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. strohm, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. david strong
dr. and Mrs. Patrick M. sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Jon sutherland
Marti and Michael sutton
Mr. david C. sweigert
Ms. Marge s. swenson
Mrs. loraine l. swiess
Ms. Glenda ann Tange
Mrs. Karen Tanner
Ms. sara J. Tanner
nalene Tavares and sal Cardinale
Ms. sachiko Taylor
Mr. luciano Tempo
Ms. susan b. Thamer
The Good steward Charitable fund of the
Goldman sachs Philanthropy fund
Mrs. Margaret Thiltgen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Thorp
Ms. Paula M. Tipton
Mrs. Carol G. Todd
Ms. Mere r. Tokailagi
Mr. and Mrs. frank Tokubo
Mrs. viola v. Trautman
Ms. hilary Traynor-duda
Mrs. eugenia Tsyporin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker
Mr. brian e. Turlington
Mr. and Mrs. robert J. Tuscany
susanne s. and William h. Tyler
Mrs. Jane ulrich
united Way of Monterey County
Ms. ruth P. vansandt
Ms. Patricia v. velez
Mrs. florence ventimiglia
Ms. noradele veronis
Mrs. nancy verska
Ms. Isabel r. vervoort
Ms. louise C. von hasseln
Mr. James G. vorhes
Ms. barbara l. Wake
Mr. and Mrs. don Wald
Ms. Judi a. Wallner
Mr. and Mrs. norman d. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wangberg
Mrs. Kimberly M. Wasserman
Mrs. ruthie Watts
Fenton & Keller
At Fenton & Keller, a law firm serving the Monterey Bay area for more than 50 years, the protocol is practical, progressive, and
professional. Yet the 18 attorneys and 16 staff members who make up the firm like to dress down on an occasional Friday. Because
the firm also is characterized by a culture of philanthropy, the firm’s members decided to marry the cultures and invite everyone in the
firm to wear denim jeans to work — as long as they were willing to pay for it. “Our firm is about service to clients,” says partner Jackie
McManus, “and that service extends to community. It’s not unusual for someone to put out a jar, confident the staff will fill it on behalf of a
local cause. I had recently attended a luncheon where we became aware of the needs of the Breast Care Center of Community Hospital
and its initiative to raise money for new digital mammography equipment.” The firm held a Friday potluck lunch, where they put out
an envelope and asked people who wanted to wear jeans to contribute to the Breast Care Center. By the end of the day, the envelope
held $673 in checks, plus considerable cash. “In 2006, we won the National Philanthropy Day Award for Outstanding Philanthropic
Corporation,” says McManus. “People here, from our most senior partner to the newest member of the staff, are very generous within
their own means. Our founder, Lewis Fenton, was a longtime friend and legal counsel to Community Hospital, so our legacy of interest in
and support for the hospital continues.”
fenton & Keller philanthropists (from left): Tanya Gabbert, Troy Kingshaven, Jackie McManus, sandra Kandell,
sara boyns, Mark Cameron, Kristie Campbell, John bridges, and barbara bastian.
Ms. brenda Webster
Capt. and Mrs. James M. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. robert Wellington
Mr. and Mrs. Willis l. Wells
Ms. Joanne Wemheuer
Mrs. Wendy ann Wendling
Mr. and Mrs. nick Wheeler
Mrs. Clyde G. Whelden
Ms. Cristina Whitacre
Mrs. Marilynn r. Whitcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whyte
roxanne and Carroll Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. harlan Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. dean M. Willard
Celeste Williams and Peter hiller
Mr. richard a. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. les Willis
Mr. ramon l. Wilson
dr. vaughn Wittry
Mr. and Mrs. doug Wong
Ms. darlene Wright
Ms. Geneva Wright
Mrs. nancy Wright
Ms. Pat yates
Mrs. erica yeiser
Michele Melicia young and donald young
dr. Clara yu
Mrs. barbara Zabrowski
Mr. and Mrs. ernest f. Zanetta
Mrs. fred Zeder
Ms. Marsha McMahan Zelus
Ms. nurten Zeren
Gifts from our own hospital
family members are among
the most meaningful because
they demonstrate commitment
beyond daily contributions of
time and talent. Community
hospital is grateful for the
support of the following
active, retired, and honorary
medical staff members.
John a. anderson, Md
aytac h. apaydin, Md
Jan belza, Md
robert l. black, Md
John h. brazinsky, Md
harry I. brown, Md
anthony d. Chavis, Md
nicholas Chee, do
Craig e. Christensen, Md
david a. Clark, Md
reb J.h. Close, Md
eric J. del Piero, Md
shirley l. dickinson, Md
Michael f. eandi, Md
John M. ellison, Md
ronald C. fuerstner, Md
neal Glover, Md
david s. Goldberg, Md
sohrab Gollogly, Md
J. Gary Grant, Md
John h. hage, Md
alexander holmes, Md
ann hudacek, dPM
Glenn e. hudgens, Md
Paul G. James, Md
albert b. Janko, Md
Theodore Kaczmar, Md
hisashi Kajikuri, Md
richard J. Kanak, Md
robert Keaney, do
Thomas a. Kehl, Md
richard J. Kelly, Md
edwin J. Kingsley, Md
you Jong Ko, Md
Michelle Krueger-Kalinski, Md
susan Kubica, Md
saul Kunitz, Md
Pierre la Mothe, Md
Kevin G. landon, dds
Jeffrey M. lehr, Md
William r. lewis, Md
Martin r. lipp, Md
a. lawrence lippman, Md
anne l. Marangoni, dPM
William s. Mcafee, Md
l. bruce Meyer, Md
J. allan Miller, Md
richard l. Murtland, Md
linda-lee Myers, Md
dennis M. o’Connor, Md
steven J. Packer, Md
Jerry M. Parker, Md
George h. Penn, Md
allen b. radner, Md
James rheim, Md
alan h. rosen, Md
Gregg K. satow, Md
donald M. scanlon, Md
andrew schmidt, Md
robert W. selle, Md
Pir W. shah, Md
emile f. shaheen, Md
ladd d. smith, Md
david d. spilker, Md
John h. steel, dds
douglas e. sunde, Md
david Tappan, Md
William l. verlenden, III, Md
Geoffrey G. White, Md
stephan Worsham, Md
frederick J. Ziegler, Md
richard C. Zug, Md
every day, Community
hospital employees put
their hearts and souls into
their work. In addition to
contributing their talent and
compassion, employees also
make gifts to support patient
care, community programs,
and new facilities.
Chun aguirre
Janice akre
Timothy alexander
norine alto
albert alvarez
douglas anderson
Tanya anistratenko
lydia anongos
Johnny apodaca
Julio arce
Genghis atalima
renette baker
Michael barber
Mary barker
eileen barnum
shirley barrett-sheridan
Charmin barry
david basham, Jr.
Therese beauclair
robin beckman-Jones
Michelle bedard
Juliana belen
Jean bell
stella bennett
frederick bensch
Marianne bensch
arnulfo bermudez
albert bettencourt
sharon bettencourt
hayley bikle
ann bispo
Carol blaushild
Carlyn boggan
louise bouchard
dennis bowman
Kristi bowman
unchu brandt
Thomas bremser
Teri breschini
brenda brown
Madelyn burke
linda burnhardt
Joann burns
valerie Cabaniss
domenico Capuzzi
Maria Cardenas
Joey Cardoza
stacy Carr
nellie Carrillo
Karen Casas
bernardino Castaneda
rosendo Castillo
Kim Catalano
rico Catalig
Mariano Catbagan, Jr.
Kim Challis
anthony d. Chavis, Md
Zofia Chciuk
Tublai Christensen
alain Claudel
sharon Cleary
beverly Clough
hubert Cnudde
eric Coley
leticia Coria
Maria Corn
deborah Cox
alijandra Cruz-Tokar
diana Cryan
barbara dangerfield
Praveen datt
Josefa davi-nolan
landau davidson
diane day
Mary de font
linda delcambre
asha devi
Marie diez-Quinton
Charo dingson
anwar duensing
ruth dunne
shannon dunne-Gamble
deborah edwards
helen edwards
yvonne edwards
dixie eisenhauer
robert elsensohn
Patricia emmett
laurel emsley
laddie erbele
May esquerra
JoMarie faulkerson
anna fennimore
Cheryl fife
Quinsana fingerote
Chong fink
susan fitch
George flores
eric folkins
debra ford
Marilyn frickleton
Kimiko fujii
Matthew furukawa
ronald Gaasch
Penney Gaines
Connie Galmes
Theresa Gaudoin
debra Gill
Melanie Gilman
franklin Gin
veronica Golden
Kathleen Gordon
Kenneth Gordon
Pamela Gordon
bryce Graybill
suzanne Graybill
Marilyn Green
sharon Griffin
suzanne Grimes
Jane Groscost
rachel Grout
ruel Guevarra
felipe Guillen
Jodi Guinvarch
valerie Guthrie
Juliana hage
samar hage
Kyle hagen
Grant hale
Joseph haney
nancy hanson
Janice harrell
emelita harvey
James harvey
denise hasegawa
alyson hash
Carol hatton
Michael hattori
ernesto heres
Jeane heres
Joann hidalgo
Patricia hoffman
Irene hoffmann
Kathleen howe
deborah howitt
William hoyer
Paula hughes
bruce hyndman
Kathleen Incaviglia
Magdalena Ines
louise Ingram
Merv Ingram
dan Jeffers
elisiva Jimenez
diane Johns
Christina Johnson
Jeffery Johnson
Marlyn Johnson
Mary Johnson
Kimberly Jones
okusitino Kautai
saeed Kayre
Teresa Keaton
Martha Kennifer
Geraldine Kenyon
brenda Kinnunen
renata Klosowicz
anne Kofoed-rosen
lynn Kraft
Mary Kramer
elizabeth Kurzava
amy laboda
nenita lacar
Mary laffin
eileen la Mothe
nino landingin
deanna leetch
daniel limesand
Cathy linehan
natividad lipp
lucinda lloyd
eric loMonaco
sharon loomis
laura loop
shirley lualemana
diane lunsford
amron lykins
Marilyn Mabaet
Pamela Macino-villaflores
Patricia Mahoney
Tammy Makanani
Carmelita Masangkay
heidi Maske
sigrid Mattheis
Carmina Mayorga
Patricia Mcaleer
Joanne Mcalpine
Kathleen Mcbride
andrew McCombs
Karen Mcdonald
lisa McGuire
Patricia McKean
roy McMullan
Thomas Mcnamara
frank Melicia
Michele Melicia young
lynn Menashian
Judith Merritt
dorothy Micheletti
alicia Molina
Joan Moore
Matthew Morgan
else Morton
Karen nair
urmilla nair
sheryl naylor
Gail neff
Gail nkwocha
barbara noble
ruth noble
daisy noguera
Judy nohr
Gail nonella
John nooyen
Mariann novarina
Tim nylen
rosemary o’dowd
Charleen o’hern
anne oda
rosemarie oliver
edward oronos
steven J. Packer, Md
sharon Paddock
Krishan Pal
George Palmer
Peggy Palmer
allan Paschke
elisa Paul
Michael Paul-Coker
Patricia Peabody
Cynthia Peck
Wendy Perea-Cowan
aracelia Perez
Carolyn Pierson
beverly Plummer
lynn Posey
sylvia Prado
Myong Prive
richard Puertas, III
david rabe
shontelle randell Chubbs
Janet rappa
lisaliana reeves
daria reyes
audrey rivera
Cheryle rivera
dora robinson
Mary rockwell
Patricia rodrigues
Michele rodriguez
lauren rogalsky
Koslyn rogers
Pablita rojas
Christina rondez
linda roston
Philip roston
robert roth
susan rowland
alicia ruelas
linda ruhl
Warren ruhl
Paul ruiz
helen rush
nancy russo
susan russo
Patricia rutowski
sam salerno
ervina salzmann
Theodore sanford
daisy santiago
Mary savale
debra schulte-hacker
Kathleen schwellenbach
sheri shaw
Paula sheltrown
Jacquelyn skala
Martin skerritt
Patricia skinner-Williams
Kathryn sliter
dessa smith
Joy smith
Todd smith
deborah sober
robin soboleski
angela soh
rebecca soliz-fuller
barbara sopoaga
Keuaine sopoaga
Jeanne stevens
Marie stewart-helms
rachel stuhler
Peter sullivan
viki Takacs
dalia Tannis-Mikell
Meg Taylor
John Thibeau
niki Thompson
susan Titus
andrew Tronick
Masiana Tulua
Mary Turnan
alfonso valdez
richard valentine
Jeri vanderzwaan
Irene vasquez
linda vaughan
sandra vazquez
Ielome visesio
Jeanne Wallace
Geraldine Warren
venus Watson
Charlene Webber-schuss
Joanne Webster
elaine Weeks
suzanne White
Jay Wilkerson
Chris Williams
scott Williams
nancy Willingham
Julie Wilson
barbara Wishart
susan Wright
Kathleen Wuori
Mary Wurth
Mary young
Patricia yurus
leigh Zacarias
laura Zehm
Tribute gifts honor friends
and loved ones on their
birthdays, anniversaries,
or other special occasions.
These gifts help enhance
the quality of healthcare
provided at Community
hospital. friends who have
made tribute gifts are listed
following the name of the
person they honor.
Mrs. Robin Aeschliman
Mr. and Mrs. John bonifas
Ms. susan K. Kennedy
Mrs. Jean rodriguez
Mr. Albert Alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. david b. Gillig
Mr. Ian Arnof
Mr. and Mrs. d. Kent anderson
houston endowment, Incorporated
Mr. Christopher Arnold
Mr. Jack arnold
Ms. Catherine Bagley
Mrs. June C. stock
Mrs. Peggy Downes Baskin
Mrs. Jean esaki
Laurie and David Benjamin’s
25th Wedding Anniversary
Ms. lynne f. Melcher
Mr. and Mrs. richard Melcher
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Benjamin, III
Mr. and Mrs. bert benjamin
Mrs. Laurie Benjamin
Ms. Patricia Powell
Mr. and Mrs. dean C. storkan
Marriage of Roberta Bialek and
David Elliott
sally and albert J. alvarez
Mrs. Carol A. Blaushild
The Bloomer Children
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne bloomer
Mrs. Carol M. Bloomfield
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Kathleen Blythe
Ms. eileen M. finn
Ms. Bernadette T. Boyle
Mr. Theodore P. Gold
Stephen Brabeck, MD
Mr. ronald b. Thomas
Lisa Bradburn
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Thomas P. Bradley, MD
Mrs. heidi freitas
Mr. Harmon W. Brown
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Sally and Alan Brudos’s
50th Wedding Anniversary
Ms. lisa C. bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Brudos
Mrs. lois bennett
Mr. Robert K. Byers
Mr. and Mrs. sidney M. Morris
Mrs. Joanna Campbell
Mrs. rita echenique
Ms. Melanie Canter
Mrs. linda C. Cosmero
Cardio-Pulmonary Associates
Medical Group, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bruner
Ms. Amy Carrol
Mr. robert fett
Ms. Carolyn K. Chenoweth
Mr. Theodore P. Gold
Dr. Craig Christensen and staff
Mr. and Mrs. donald d. durant
Ms. Loraine Cline
Mrs. rita echenique
Ms. Angela M. Coatu
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Mrs. Linda W. Collins
Mr. James Collins
Community Hospital of the Monterey
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bruner
Community Hospital’s Auxiliary
Mrs. Walter h. Klee, Jr.
Community Hospital’s Breast Care
Center Radiology group
dana Kent and William Monning
Community Hospital’s
Development Office
sally and albert J. alvarez
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Community Hospital’s Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology Staff
Mr. and Mrs. eric loMonaco
Community Hospital’s Hospice of the
Central Coast
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall bloom
Community Hospital’s Main East Staff
Mr. and Mrs. frank burns
Community Hospital’s Operating
Room Staff
Mr. and Mrs. frank burns
Community Hospital’s Radiology Services
dana Kent and William Monning
Community Hospital’s
Repertory Company
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Community Hospital’s Short Stay
Unit Staff
Mr. and Mrs. frank burns
Community Hospital’s Terrace West
Ms. Janet P. hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack harp
Mrs. haruko honda
Mrs. Kikuyo Kuwatani
Mrs. Chow lom and family
Ms. diane Mcadams
Mr. and Mrs. lester ng
Mr. and Mrs. lit ng and family
Mrs. Joanne nishi
Mrs. fusae Price
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. suzuki
Mr. and Mrs. John M. vucina, Jr.
Community Hospital’s Terrace West Staff
harry r. beller
Joan beller
Mr. and Mrs. frank burns
Mrs. heidi freitas
susan b. hughes
Mrs. Marta Elena Corona-LoMonaco
Mr. eric b. loMonaco
Mrs. Linda C. Cosmero
Mrs. Kimberly lemaire
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cox
Mrs. hilda l. harder
Kathy Davidson
Mr. landau davidson
Ms. Lorene De Hart
Mr. James s. egar
Mr. George Di Girolamo
Mr. vincent di Girolamo
Dragan Dimitrov, MD
honorable lorraine Kendall
Mrs. Jean M. Duff
beverley a. ambort
Mrs. Janet S. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dutra
dr. and Mrs. ronald C. fuerstner
Jay S. Edmonds, Jr., MD
Ms. Cheryle l. rivera
Mr. James Egbert
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Ms. Lauren Elsensohn
Ms. Cheryle l. rivera
Ms. Donna T. Evans
Mr. Theodore P. Gold
Mrs. Minnie L. Fett
Mr. robert fett
Mrs. Eleanor Fremgen
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Fran Friscia
renee and Jim fuqua
Michael Galloway, MD
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bruner
Mr. ronald b. Thomas
Ms. Donna Gatson
laverne baker-leyva
Judy Gonzales
nancy shammas
Craig Geiler, MD
Mr. and Mrs. stephen J. schulte
Melvin f. fortes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Getter
Mr. and Mrs. doug Wong
Ms. Julie E. Giguere
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Mr. Franklin L. Gin
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Oscar Gray, MD
Ms. alice Gill
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenway
Mr. Jack arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Harris
Mr. Jack arnold
Carol “Mom” Hatton
Mr. landau davidson
Mrs. Carol L. Hatton
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. aeschliman
Mrs. Carol a. blaushild
Mrs. Maria P. Corn
May esquerra and dave Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. davis factor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. brian d. Guthrie
deborah ewan howitt
dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kitagawa
Mr. and Mrs. Paul rappa
Mr. and Mrs. William n. reno
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. smith
Ms. Judi a. Wallner
Mrs. Joan Wellington
Celeste Williams and Peter hiller
Michele Melicia young and
donald young
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Hatton
Mr. and Mrs. George d. McClelland
Richard W. Hell, MD
Melvin f. fortes
Mrs. Lydia Henricksen
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. Jeffrey Holden
Ms. Kelly Greever
Dr. Alexander Holmes and Staff
Ms. helen M. Gehringer
Walter L. Holz, Jr., MD
honorable lorraine Kendall
Ms. Sue F. Hoppe
Mr. and Mrs. david J. basham, Jr.
Ms. Charlotte Houde
Mrs. rita echenique
Deborah Ewan Howitt
Mrs. Kelly a. Joos
Mrs. Josephine Kale
Mrs. Geraldine G. Hubbard
Mr. Theodore P. Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hueblein
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Grady, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Indorato
Mrs. edith Karas
Mr. Kurt A. Jensen
Mr. Theodore P. Gold
Mrs. Rose May Jung
Mrs. betty oka
Ms. Sandi Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. sidney M. Morris
Mrs. Sandra Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bruner
Ms. Christine M. von hurfurth
Hisashi Kajikuri, MD
Ms. virginia a. bickford
Richard J. Kanak, MD
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bruner
Edwina F. Bent and Gordon Kauhanen
Mr. Keith Kauhanen
Mr. John S. Kazel
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Thomas A. Kehl, MD
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
Ms. Lois B. Kettel
Mrs. Carlyle Mothersill
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. King
Mr. and Mrs. david howe
John M. Koostra, MD
Mr. Tracy n. Gordon
Mrs. Jo Dee Krebs
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Mrs. Barbara Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Mrs. Sandra M. Larson
deborah ewan howitt
Mrs. Sharry Lauter
Mrs. hedy lauter
Ms. Carolyn R. Lavengood
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne lavengood
Mr. Wayne P. Lavengood
Ms. Carolyn r. lavengood
Mrs. Suzanne K. Lehr
Ms. Carolyn Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lincoln
Mr. Jack arnold
Mr. Roy D. Lorenz
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. and Mrs. hugh W. Mcdevitt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth summers
Michael K. Lurie, MD
Mr. and Mrs. steven undorte
Ann and Michael D. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. nevin harwood
Mr. Jeff Magallanes
dr. and Mrs. vernon Milligan
Mrs. Margery M. Mann
Ms. Charlotte Townsend
Father Jerry McCormick
Mrs. Jane D. McCune
Mrs. rita echenique
Ms. Jean McFaul
Mrs. Marie robinson
Mrs. Michele Melicia Young
Mr. and Mrs. Charles l. bloxham, III
dr. and Mrs. david J. hatton
Mr. and Mrs. frank Melicia
Ms. Danica V. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Ms. Ellen R. Moir
Mr. and Mrs. harry rosen
Ms. Alicia Molina
Mrs. donna vaughan
Ms. Soheila A. Montante
Mr. Theodore P. Gold
Mrs. Lynn S. Morris
Mrs. rita echenique
Ms. Donna Nico
Ms. Judi Marotta
Mrs. Ann O’Neill
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Panattoni
Ms. Janet buechner
Ms. Charlotte Panattoni
Mr. and Mrs. Carl d. Panattoni
Ms. Katherine Panattoni
Mr. and Mrs. Carl d. Panattoni
Ms. Tara Panattoni
Mr. and Mrs. Carl d. Panattoni
Mrs. Anna A. Panetta
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Mr. Alan Pedersen
Ms. Judi Marotta
Ms. Jeanne Powell
Ms. Patricia Powell
Ms. Trinidad Raffs
May esquerra and dave Gomez
Mrs. Douglas E. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. david J. basham, Jr.
Mrs. Janet Rappa
Michele Melicia young and
donald young
Ms. Inez Regan
Mr. and Mrs. roger Manley
Ms. Elna Ribarsky
Mr. arthur Jaseau
Jerome L. Rubin, MD
Ms. sandy read Chaix
Mr. and Mrs. david b. Gillig
dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey lehr
Mrs. Robin Sawyer
Mrs. Mary Will newell
Mrs. Jodi R. Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. richard M. sippel
Ms. Kathleen C. Schwellenbach
Ms. Kathleen M. Wuori
Pir W. Shah, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale antonellis
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bruner
Mr. Randy Shupe
Ms. Cheryle l. rivera
Ms. Oliva Sime
Mrs. Peggy Smith
Mr. Jack arnold
Mrs. Ramona C. Smith
Mrs. Mary J. Clapper
Patricia and Paul Soifer’s
50th Wedding Anniversary
dr. and Mrs. robert sokol
Ms. Jane A. Stile
Mrs. rita echenique
Mrs. Shirley A. Thomas
Mrs. sandra M. larson
Ms. Niki L. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. eric b. loMonaco
Mrs. Eleanor Uhlinger
Julia a. Carpenter and Greta Marlatt
Mr. and Mrs. William Updike
Mrs. dorothea G. Mumford
Mrs. Vicki Van Elswyk
Mrs. Kelly a. Joos
Ms. Celeste Ventura
Mr. robert andersen
Mark Vierra, MD
Mr. Theodore P. Gold
Mr. and Mrs. robert e. Montgomery
Mrs. John T. Vinson
Mrs. rita echenique
Mrs. Patricia B. Wagy
Ms. sharen Carey
Ms. Patricia K. Ishizuka
Daniel P. Waligora, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore h. Calhoon
Jonnie Webb
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Mrs. George White
Mr. robert T. Taylor
Roxanne and Carroll Wilde
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Mrs. Kathy Wittpenn
The safeway foundation
Sylvia and Paul Wong’s
50th Wedding Anniversary
Ms. sylvia G. hoang
Mr. and Mrs. robert a. lee
Ms. Laura L. Wright
deborah ewan howitt
Memorial gifts provide a
way for people to express
their sympathy when words
just don’t seem adequate.
such gifts also play an
important role in enhancing
the programs and services of
Community hospital. friends
who have made memorial
donations are listed following
the name of the person
whose memory they honor.
Mrs. Margaret B. Abercrombie
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Coleman
Mrs. Marilyn T. doe
Mrs. Gladysann Gindick
dr. and Mrs. robert W. Janzen
Mr. Philip J. Abinante
Ms. Jennie rouch
Mrs. Jane Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. dick Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Acfalle
Mr. and Mrs. sheldon Carman
Ms. Modesta Acuna
Ms. beth s. Gill
Mr. Lloyd A. Addleman
Mr. and Mrs. duane fulk
Ms. Jane a. spung
Mrs. Anna Marie Aiello
Mr. Gus P. aiello
Mr. Neno R. Aiello
Ms. dolores Conger
Mrs. Terry D. Allen
Ms. nancy folk
Ms. Marietta Alvarez
sally and albert J. alvarez
Mr. Larry Alan Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter rossi
Mr. Reuben Anderson
laverne baker-leyva
Judy Gonzales
nancy shammas
Mr. Arthur A. Andrews, Sr.
Ms. sarah a. andrews
Mrs. Sue Sutherland Applegate
Mr. rodger b. applegate
Mrs. Frances S. Arriola
dr. and Mrs. l. bruce Meyer
Mr. Gus Arriola
Mrs. barbara r. larsh
dr. and Mrs. l. bruce Meyer
Mrs. Hester M. Aschle
Mr. and Mrs. sal ursino
Mr. Constantine Ash
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mrs. rita echenique
Mrs. Margaret P. layton
Mr. Layne J. Atwood
Mr. and Mrs. frank Mates
Mr. Edward M. Avanzino
Mrs. frances avanzino
Mr. Alfred Aydelott
Mrs. Joanne T. Millard
Mrs. Helen Babaian
dr. William l. babaian
Mrs. Rena Babb
Mrs. bob Clinton
Mrs. Yoko Babcock
Mr. Jay aul
Mrs. Iris dowden
Ms. Jacqueline Gee
Ms. Marita Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. richard a. lipsky
Ms. sandra Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Ken d. smith
Mr. richard C. smith
Mrs. sharon smith
Mr. John D. Baker
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mr. Bill W. Baldwin
Ms. anne M. flynn
Mrs. Violet Baldwin
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
Mrs. Veronica Balesteri
ross roofing & Construction
Mrs. Sally Barnes
Ms. louise Corrie Good
Ms. June K. Jaffee
Mr. and Mrs. henry C. Klaput
Mrs. sheila McGuire
Mrs. Lynn Bassetti
Mr. and Mrs. Jim a. Caraccioli
Ms. rosemary soares
Mrs. Carol B. Beckenhauer
Mr. William r. boone
Mr. Robert W. Beller
harry r. beller
Joan beller
susan b. hughes
Mr. Sam Belli
Mrs. lina belli
The Jim Micheletti family
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Micheletti
Mrs. Barbara Berchem
Mr. Paul berchem
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg
Mrs. sydney Tabler
Mr. W. Harrold Bigelow
Mrs. olivia C. bigelow
Ms. Esther M. Bird
Ms. Carol a. Johnson
Mr. Edward F. Bispo
Mr. John s. bevilacqua
Mrs. elizabeth s. brennan
Mrs. Nancy E. Blaisdell
Mr. and Mrs. robert brownlee
Ms. Lois J. Blanton
Mr. and Mrs. Garry bousum
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Gertrude Blatner
Ms. Martha suzuki
Ms. Margaret Bludsworth
Mr. and Mrs. deWitt h. Mcfadden
Isabel Blythe
Ms. eileen M. finn
Mrs. Mary W. Bogue
Mrs. rose a. silva
Mrs. Olga Bommarito
Mrs. Carmela Castorina
Mr. Hubert A. Boore
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Ms. linda Thorpe
Mr. Ehrman J. Borba
Mrs. Mary da silva
Mr. Edward Borg
dr. and Mrs. robert b. rowse
Mr. and Mrs. John Bouldry
Col. and Mrs. John f. bouldry
Mrs. Patricia Bousum
Mr. and Mrs. ron stewart
Mrs. Christel Bowen
Mr. Charles l. bowen
Mrs. Josephine Brinckloe
Mr. and Mrs. lewis Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. stuart C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jim s. Kaplan
Ms. heidi G. Kuehn
Mr. and Mrs. richard b. lyon
Mr. William T. McClintock
Mr. and Mrs. ralph o. Moller
Mrs. Jean K. raab
Mr. and Mrs. rex reade
Mr. and Mrs. William n. reno
Mrs. Jean seput
Ms. evelyn smart
Mr. Robert L. Brownlee
Mrs. loraine b. brownlee
Ms. Jean Warriner
Ms. Harriet F. Brunet
Mrs. Kathleen M. howe
Mr. and Mrs. fred nohr
Ms. Christine L. Bryan
Ms. Paula breschini Clark
Mr. and Mrs. don deroza
Mr. Kenneth A. Buchanan
Ms. Carol ann buchanan
Mrs. Peggy A. Budnick
Mr. raymond M. budnick
Mr. Robert J. Buhavac
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Ms. linda Thorpe
Mrs. Nancy Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell
Ms. Madelon h. Zimner
Mrs. Marie Bush
Mr. and Mrs. larry amelio
Mr. and Mrs. Mikel brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt bush
Mrs. harriet P. Claessen
Ms. Joyce r. Conner
Mrs. betty M. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. ernest fiske
Ms. Tina Gonzalez
Mrs. eleonore Gutierrez
Ms. florence sue hall
alicia and Mack herndon and family
Ms. Patricia K. Ishizuka
Mr. Gene Jacobson
belle James line-dancing class
Mr. and Mrs. alfred W. Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Kuwatani
Ms. barbara l. latham
Ms. Grace liu
Chow lom family
Mr. and Mrs. david lum
Marie’s line-dancing friends
Ms. diane Mcadams
Mrs. Patricia M. nash
angelika and lester ng
lit and sintao ng and family
dr. and Mrs. George h. Penn
Mr. and Mrs. William Perocchi
Mr. and Mrs. harold G. ragan
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel sousa
Ms. Trudy Butler
Capt. and Mrs. dempsey butler, Jr.
The Cademartori Family
rita Cademartori
Mrs. Ann Calhoun
Mrs. lynda lee ensminger-Kaplan
Mr. Mark Campagna
Mrs. Marie C. Grindstaff
Mr. and Mrs. douglas Tilly
Mr. Robert S. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John Goulart, Jr.
Mr. Steve Canepa
Tina and Jack britton
Ms. anne M. flynn
Ione and Jack Miller
Rose and Vince Cardinale
Mr. and Mrs. sal P. Cardinale
Ms. Alice Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gelke
Mrs. Patricia M. Casas
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Joyce and Peter Tracey
Mr. John Castorina
Mrs. Carmela Castorina
Mr. John Catalano
Mr. John s. bevilacqua
Eugene F. Chandler, MD
Mrs. Winifred J. Chandler
Dr. Douglas E. Chappell
Mrs. roberta s. Chappell
Mr. Ray Charlson
Mrs. elizabeth s. brennan
Mr. and Mrs. sal h. Cardinalli
Mr. and Mrs. richard P. Morgantini
Mrs. alma K. ogle
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. harry rosen
Mr. William Chee
dr. and Mrs. nicholas Chee
Capt. Norman D. Chetlin
Ms. linda Chetlin
Mr. Howard K. P. Choi
Mrs. sandra s. Choi
Col. Charles A. Christin
Mrs. Charles a. Christin
Ms. Mary T. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wangberg
Mr. James A. Classen
Mrs. rita Muller
Mrs. Diana Cleaves
Mr. richard h. Cleaves
Mrs. Joan N. Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. byers
Col. John B. Coleman
Mrs. elizabeth s. brennan
Mrs. Sheila M. Collins
dr. and Mrs. edward h. Wedlake
Dr. Harold L. Compton
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
dr. and Mrs. richard l. Murtland
Mrs. Gretchen S. Conlan
Mr. and Mrs. hugh P. barton
Mr. and Mrs. James beckemeyer
Mr. franklin P. Conlan
hank Conlan and family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph f. Conlan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. stephen h. dolley
Ms. rosemary donahue
Ms. Judith dudley
Mr. emery o. Goity
nancy Conlan Griffith and Tom Griffith
ann and Glen hiner
Mr. and Mrs. harvey d. hinman
Mr. and Mrs. vernon J. Johnson
Ms. Joanna liston
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a. Mark
Ms. Jayme Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. donald Mayol
Mr. and Mrs. eric T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pecorella
Mr. and Mrs. roger e. Perso
Mr. and Mrs. George a. Poole, Jr.
Ms. Prudence h. rieflin
Mr. and Mrs. bill roth
Mrs. Kay sabin
Mr. and Mrs. William M. scearce
Mr. and Mrs. alexander h. schilling
Mr. and Mrs. John I. shaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tabor
Mr. and Mrs. John s. Tegtmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tormey
Ms. deni Wetsel
Mr. and Mrs. bruce Wolfe
Mrs. fred Zeder
Mrs. Erma Grace Conley
Mr. eugene a. Conley
Mr. Robert Constantino
Pacific valley bank
Gage Monroe Cote
dr. and Mrs. Kenneth a. King
Mrs. Maria Covington
Mrs. lily uyeda
Mrs. Charity Crane
Mrs. roberta s. Chappell
Mr. Anthony P. Crivello
Mrs. dolores W. velcoff
Mr. Wardner B. Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. hugh P. barton
Mrs. Talcott bates
Mr. and Mrs. William J. belanger
Capt. and Mrs. ernest bizzozero
dr. and Mrs. lawrence C. blair
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore h. Calhoon
Monty and russ haisley
Kip and Jay hudson
Mrs. Christina Judson
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
Pebble beach Company
Mrs. Marion P. robotti
laura and bill stahl
Mr. H. Turner Croonquist
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore h. Calhoon
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carley
Ms. sharon Cleary
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Col. and Mrs. arvid P. Croonquist, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret e. Custer
Mrs. anne Cutler
Ms. helen ann davis
Mrs. rita echenique
Ms. Kate s. farlow
Mr. Gerald flowers
Ms. florence l. fowler
Mr. and Mrs. John M. haidich
Mrs. Phyllis J. henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul hoburg
Mr. and Mrs. John C. hollo
Mrs. elizabeth Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mcaleer
Mrs. sheila McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. leonard McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. donald W. Phipps
Ms. Patricia a. Quinlan
Mrs. Marion P. robotti
Ms. barbara G. saxton
Ms. dorothy G. souza
Mrs. Jean K. stemmons
Mrs. Carol J. stratton
Troia dairy distributing, Incorporated
Michele Melicia young and
donald young
Ms. Simone M. Cryns
Ms. Peggy a. hansen
Mr. Carl E. Cullen
Ms. Martha Kishman
Mr. Fred E. Cunningham
Mrs. Jean Cunningham
Mr. Jim Curtis
Missy and ron read
Mrs. Catherine Daker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas d. house, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Daniels
Mrs. erik short
Mr. Pat Danser
dr. and Mrs. James bret Michael
Mr. Peter Anthony Davi
Mrs. Josefa M. davi-nolan
Mr. Haig Davidian
Mrs. lina belli
Ms. Maureen Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. rudolph davidson
dr. Calvin e. oyer
Mr. edwin b. oyer
Ms. barbara P. seely
Ms. harriet M. sievers
Ms. louise Warner
Mr. Alan W. Davis
Mrs. virginia M. davis
Mrs. Mary Louise Davis
Ms. diane Garrison
Mrs. Shirley R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall reeves
Mrs. Muriel L. Dawson
Mrs. Karen Wolter
Mr. Peter Delfino
Mrs. Mary delfino
Mr. Angelo De Maria, Sr.
Mr. Thomas d. Gladney
Mr. Ray Dillenback
Mrs. Kate dillenback
Mrs. Jeannette C. Dommer
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell
Mr. Edward F. Doran
Toland S. Doud, DDS
beverly doud
Mrs. Anna Dow
Mrs. bob Clinton
Mrs. Juliane Downs
dr. neal Glover
Dr. Robert A. Doyle
Mrs. Cary T. doyle
Dr. Ira DuPratt
dr. and Mrs. richard T. sinclair
Mrs. Claudine K. Durieck
Mrs. Claudine van vleet
Mr. George William Dutton
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Jose
Mr. William Dwyer
Mrs. Jane dwyer
Mrs. Diana D. Dymitrow
Mr. and Mrs. William shumway
Mrs. Betty M. East
Mr. George W. east
Ms. florence C. Johnson
Dr. Lothar R. Eberhardt
Mrs. aria d. eberhardt
Mr. Robert E. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Garese
Mr. and Mrs. ernest f. Zanetta
Mrs. Claudia Egbert
Mrs. helen schmeltz
Dr. Bernard Eggerman
Mrs. lucille eggerman
Ms. Martha El-Hage
seif Gattas
Middle east school III
Mr. Glenn H. Ely
Mrs. Kristi a. Chase
Ms. Norma Ennis
Ms. amron G. lykins
Mr. Norman A. Ensminger
Mrs. lynda lee ensminger-Kaplan
Rosario Esquerra
May esquerra and dave Gomez
Mr. T. Conway Esselstyn
Mrs. Margaret P. layton
Ms. alison M. schwyzer
Mr. David E. Evans
Mrs. Cecelia Perez
Mr. Robert H. Evans
lisa bradburn
Ms. anne M. flynn
fran friscia
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
Mrs. Ottilie V. Ewer
dr. and Mrs. dennis M. o’Connor
Ms. Anita Fanoe
Ms. Paula breschini Clark
Mr. Scott Farquhar
Mr. and Mrs. richard d. harrison
Mr. Martin E. Fatchett
Mr. John W. Mclaughlin
Mrs. Bernice L. Faus
Mr. William faus
Mrs. Leona J. Felder
Mr. and Mrs. ron berry
Ms. Maureen Fenton
Ms. sarah spencer
Mrs. Maureen Fenton-Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. david strong
Mrs. Virginia R. Ferrante
Mrs. Cathy vallaire
Mrs. Erelene Ferreira
Ms. norma azcona
Mr. Jerry Carlsen
Mr. loren Cloninger
Mrs. barbara J. deroza
Ms. Marion deroza
Ms. dorothy J. errea
Ms. Janice escobar
Mr. and Mrs. robert G. fellows
Mr. and Mrs. William e. foletta
ed, rose and Kate Gianolini
dr. Gregory s. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gularte
Mr. and Mrs. Paul hart
Mr. and Mrs. dennis J. hearne
Mrs. esther b. hudson
Mr. and Mrs. robert l. lawson
Mr. and Mrs. dudley little
Mr. and Mrs. John Maggini
Mr. and Mrs. robert a. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. richard P. Morgantini
lori and brandon Padgett
Mr. and Mrs. daniel Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim n. Pedrazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pedrazzi
Mrs. evelyn M. Peterson
Ms. Mary Jo renfro
Mr. and Mrs. ron shires
Mr. and Mrs. david a. silacci
Ms. rosemary soares
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Warren
Mrs. barbara Whitney
Ms. Edna Ferrel-Walker
Mr. and Mrs. edward Zwinge
Mrs. Nika Flaws
Mrs. Mary a. diMaggio
Mr. and Mrs. John M. haidich
J. Randall Forbes, MD
Mr. Ian arnof
Mr. and Mrs. davis factor, Jr.
dr. and Mrs. ronald C. fuerstner
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
dr. and Mrs. Pierre la Mothe
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Miller
dana Kent and William Monning
dr. and Mrs. richard l. Murtland
dr. allen b. radner
dr. and Mrs. richard T. sinclair
dr. david d. spilker
dr. and Mrs. douglas sunde
dr. and Mrs. richard C. Zug
Mr. Louis Ford, Jr.
Ted rapalus
Mr. Bruce Fountain
dr. nathan b. fountain
Mr. and Mrs. r. a. Waggoner
Mr. Lyman Fowler
Mrs. Theaople fowler
Ms. Laurie Frank
Mrs. Mary e. Muller
Mr. Joseph H. Franscioni
Mrs. lois Casacca
Mr. Richard B. Frazer
Garth’s workmates at Premera
Carroll and Roxanne Wilde
In 1972, Carroll Wilde needed emergency surgery in the middle of the night, and Community
Hospital was there for him. He and his wife, Roxanne, have been there for the hospital ever
since. “We’ve always felt so fortunate to have a hospital of this caliber in a community of this
size,” says Roxanne. “We realize it is so good because of the people who have come before
us, who used their donations of time and money to build and develop the hospital into what it
is today.” Roxanne joined the hospital Auxiliary in the early 1980s and has logged more than
9,800 volunteer hours, including a two-year term as president. Carroll joined the Auxiliary
in 1998 and has clocked in with more than 8,700 hours of service. “We give time, and we
give dollars,” says Carroll. “The hospital is in our will. We donate once or twice a year to
the hospital foundation. And, usually, when someone we know well passes away, we give a
donation in memory of that person. Or, once in awhile, when someone has done something
special, we give thanks through a donation in their name. The hospital is part of our community,
so we give on behalf of the members of the community, including friends, neighbors, and visitors
who use it.”
Ms. Kathryn S. Freericks
drs. Jan and lawrence Grouse
Mr. Harry Freitas
Mrs. heidi freitas
Mr. and Mrs. brian Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. donald rogers, Jr.
Terry rogers and family
san Jose Public Works
department staff
Mr. Charles E. French
Ms. deborah e. brown
Mr. Everett Lynn French
Ms. Marilyn french
Mrs. Lois French
Ms. deborah e. brown
Ms. Margaret French
Ms. dianne e. belli
Mr. Gerald T. Fry
Mrs. Mary a. fry
The s & b ladies Group
Mrs. leslie fry sonne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter a. sonne
Ms. Eleanor Fuggetta
Mr. and Mrs. anton hrepich
Mr. Allen Funch
Ms. Kathleen a. Michel
Ms. Barbara Funnan
Mr. and Mrs. richard o. straight
Mr. S. Bud Gallaro
Mrs. Cathy vallaire
Mr. Jerry Gallegos
Joann hazeltine and lee bickford
Janette and Jeremy Cate
Church Women united Monterey
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. bert Cutino
Mrs. bernice hamana
Mr. and Mrs. richard heimann
Mr. and Mrs. John Indorato
Mr. and Mrs. henry Johnson
Margot lackner and Carl Gustafson
Ms. Jolene Morrison
Mr. frank P. Myers
Ms. lisa neal
Mr. and Mrs. vern neal
Mrs. helen Piini
bobby ritter
Gloria ritter
Mr. and Mrs. alan a. ross
Ms. Gail scholl
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence Thornley
united food & Commercial Workers
union local 5
lauren Williams
Julian E. Garcia
Ms. noelle Corrao
Ms. Barbara Jean Gardiner
Mrs. Colden o. Whitman
Mr. Mark Gaudoin
Mr. and Mrs. edgar Gaudoin
Mr. Michael Gaudoin
Mr. and Mrs. edgar Gaudoin
Mr. Donald George Gee
Mr. William Chan
Mr. derek Chin
Mr. and Mrs. daren Gee
Mr. henry hibino
Mr. and Mrs. John C. hollo
Ms. nancy Ichikawa
Ms. roberta T. Itani
Mr. and Mrs. roy Kamimori
Mr. and Mrs. david Kong
Ms. Candace lynde
san Mar and family
Mrs. betty oka
santa Clara valley Transportation
authority (vTa)
Ms. Philomene smith
Mickey and bob Tachibana
Mr. and Mrs. frank K. uyeda
Mr. and Mrs. daniel Wong
Ms. Katherine e. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wong
Geno yu and family
Jack yu and family
Patty yu and family
raymond yu and family
Mr. Gilbert Georis
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Maj. Gen. Felix J. Gerace
Mr. and Mrs. Jack oechsel
Ms. Carmella Gervasi
Mr. and Mrs. frank Mates
Mrs. Lucy J. Giamona
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Mr. Paul R. Giamona
Ms. Jennie rouch
Mrs. Lynn Gianolini
Mrs. Mary borzini
Ms. rosemary soares
Mr. Garry L. Giedt
rita and bob anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Croft
Mrs. rita echenique
Mr. and Mrs. Mark eisenhauer
Mr. and Mrs. donald e. ervin
Mrs. Martha haddad
Mrs. lydia henricksen
Ms. delma M. hutton
Mr. and Mrs. reinhold Macziola
dr. and Mrs. richard l. Murtland
dr. and Mrs. George h. Penn
Ms. sharon Pfefferkorn
Mr. and Mrs. James ricketson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Williamson, Jr.
Mr. Bud Giles
Mr. and Mrs. John T. vinson
Mr. Charles Gillette
Mrs. amalia Gillette
Mrs. Anna Giobbe
Janet Tanzi and family
Mrs. hope Tolleson
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wilson
Mrs. Alice Girouard
dr. and Mrs. albert Grosnick
Gay and ryon Metz
ardis and dean Moore
Mrs. dora san nicolas
alicia and George Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John M. vucina, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. daniel Wishart
Mrs. Connie Golding
lt. Col. and Mrs. frank Campos
The Cassel family
Mr. and Mrs. ron J. lavaun
lions Club — Monterey host
Mr. and Mrs. James r. rehkopf
scurich Insurance services
Ms. dorothy G. souza
Mr. and Mrs. Peter b. Weisser
Mr. and Mrs. Les Golding
Mr. and Mrs. robert Crannell
Mr. and Mrs. eugene C. sanchez
Ms. dorothy G. souza
Mr. edward b. sternberg
Mr. J. Michael storm
Mr. Leslie W. Goode
Mr. and Mrs. John M. haidich
Ms. Doris Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. al adolph, Jr.
Mr. William S. Goree
Mr. and Mrs. Morris dolmatch
Mrs. lynn W. Goree
Mrs. Evelyn Gorman
dr. Gregory s. Gorman
Mrs. Shirley Gorman
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mrs. Claire Graber
Mrs. elizabeth J. stogsdill
Ms. Catherine Graham
Mr. and Mrs. robert sasso
Mrs. Leanne Gravley
Mr. and Mrs. henry C. Klaput
Ms. Marion Graziani
The Thibeau family
Mr. David H. Green
ann and John Mahoney
Ms. Thyra June Green
Mr. reed robbins
Mrs. Joan F. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caddell
dr. James l. Clayton
Mr. Thomas e. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. denis r. horn
Mr. James e. Johnson
Kimley-horn & associates
Ms. Priscilla Groefsema
Mrs. alice halbourian
Ms. Gladys Zarounian
Mr. Jeffrey L. Grover
dr. and Mrs. david J. hatton
Mrs. Sarina Guerra
Mr. and Mrs. frank Campo
Mr. and Mrs. anton hrepich
Monterey Civic Club
Mr. and Mrs. frank Tardio
Mr. and Mrs. richard Westfall
Mr. Thomas F. Guthrie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. brian d. Guthrie
Mrs. Santos B. Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey richman
Mr. Wolfgang Haas
Grace elaine Munzer
roxanne and Carroll Wilde
Mr. David C. Hagemeyer
dr. and Mrs. robert G. Morris
Mr. Matthew H. Haisley
russ and Monty haisley
Ms. Ella Hamilton
Ms. lynn hamilton
Ms. Bettina K. Hand
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Mr. Joseph W. Haney
sally and albert J. alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. david J. basham, Jr.
Paula black and laura Zehm
Ms. unchu n. brandt
dr. and Mrs. anthony d. Chavis
fenton & Keller
Mrs. sharon l. Griffin
Mrs. Mary d. Johnson
Ms. Jacqueline P. McManus
Ms. Gloria s. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. randy naylor
Mrs. Cynthia Peck
shumaker, loop & Kendrick, llP
Ms. Jan sipple
Mr. and Mrs. Keuaine M. sopoaga
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. suzuki
Mr. andrew Thiele
Mr. Michael Trocke
Mrs. Joanne M. Webster
Ms. Carol G. young
Mrs. Marjorie Hannas
Ms. dolores dresser
Mrs. linda G. Kent
Mrs. Marguerite Hardies
Ms. Patricia lavin
Ms. Ferne Hare
Mrs. Margaret b. donat
Mrs. Ruth J. Harrell
Mr. John harrell
Ms. Patricia W. Justema
Mrs. Iris d. shaffer
Mr. Hal Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles leblanc
Ms. Lillian Frances Hartmeyer
Mrs. Patricia smith ramsey
Mr. Miki M. Haruki
Ms. Joyce M. haruki
Mrs. Terry T. Haruki
Ms. Joyce M. haruki
Mrs. Suzanne I. Haruki-Meister
Ms. Joyce M. haruki
Ms. Joy Harvey
Peyton and Millie hatcher
Mr. Martin R. Harvey
ruth harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Eiji Hashimoto
Mr. eigoro hashimoto
Mrs. Mitsuye Hashimoto
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Ms. Della Sue Hatten
Mrs. hildegard von dehn
Mrs. Dorothy Hauser
Mr. Millard hauser
Col. Samuel Hays
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mr. Clyde Headley
Mrs. esther b. headley
Mr. Donald A. Hedberg
Ms. Marione browning
Capitol urology Medical Group
Katherine hedberg and don ross
Mr. and Mrs. Tony sammut
Mr. and Mrs. Gene spencer
Mr. James G. Heisinger, Sr.
Mrs. Marion P. robotti
Mrs. Audrey L. Hellam
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Jose
Ms. Linda Kay Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. John billman
delta Team services, Incorporated
Julie Mower-Payne
Jan and don Tragethon
Mrs. Dorothy Herbert
Central Coast senior services
Mrs. Betty Hill
Mrs. Marion P. robotti
Mr. James W. Hinton
Mrs. linda a. Jones
Mrs. edith Karas
Mr. and Mrs. neil h. Keefer
Mr. Frank W. Hobbs
Marian Medical Center laboratory
Mrs. Nancy Holden
The adams family —
bonnie, steve and Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. aeschliman
Mrs. Katherine harrington ashley
velma and Ted balestreri
Mr. and Mrs. William J. belanger
Ms. Marjorie brown
Ms. Jeannine M. Crossland
Mr. and Mrs. bert Cutino
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck davis
Mrs. Carroll a. fergusson
dr. and Mrs. Julian J. fisher
Mr. and Mrs. larry foy
Mr. John e. hartman
Ms. Paula hazdovac
Ms. denise holden
Ms. Karen l. hunting
Mr. and Mrs. vernon J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. henry C. Klaput
Mrs. barbara C. lee
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth lofink
Mr. and Mrs. edward b. lohmann
Mr. and Mrs. robert Mceachran
Mrs. luann Meador
Monterey County Convention
& visitors bureau
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Moritz
Ms. erin o’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. don a. Pelton
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pluth
Mr. and Mrs. robert f. smith
Mr. and Mrs. hebert l. soule
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. staley
Mr. and Mrs. donald J. stornetta
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. sumida
Ms. lavonne Tosh
Mr. and Mrs. James vorhes
Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. yeomans
Ms. Nancy Lynn Holm
Mrs. Marlene s. rotar
Mrs. Joan B. Hooker
Mrs. sue hooker
Theodore C. Hooker, MD
airClean systems
dr. and Mrs. robert l. black
Giselle Cadle and
dr. sylvie Cadle-firary
Ms. Pauline Cantin
Mr. and Mrs. donald Casebolt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Casebolt
dr. and Mrs. eugene Chandler
Mrs. Mary J. Clapper
Wendy Coughtrie and Carl barker
Ms. dorothy a. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cruzan
Judge and Mrs. William d. Curtis
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Mary fry and Terri fry
Mr. and Mrs. henry e. Gilpin
russ and Monty haisley
Ms. Janice hartwig
Mr. homer M. hayward
Kip and Jay hudson
Mrs. yoshiko edith Ichiuji
dr. and Mrs. John K. Ishizuka
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jenifer
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
Mrs. edith Karas
Mr. and Mrs. Charles r. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Kneale Marshall
dr. and Mrs. l. bruce Meyer
dr. and Mrs. richard l. Murtland
Mrs. sumi nakamura
Ms. Joan e. neumann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles h. Page
Mr. and Mrs. richard Pagnillo
dr. and Mrs. Charles r. snorf
Mrs. leslie fry sonne
Ms. shirley stanger
Mr. and Mrs. hugh steven
Mr. Morgan e. stock
Mrs. helen M. Thorngate
Mr. and Mrs. J. daniel Tibbitts
Mrs. Carol G. Todd
Tostevin accountancy Corporation
Mrs. Ruby Y. Hori
Mr. and Mrs. roy Kamimori
Mr. and Mrs. yukio sumida
Capt. Kenneth A. Horn
Mrs. Mary h. horn
Mr. Kenneth Clarence Hornick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas hornick
Mr. Lyman G. Horton
liz and skip lord
Mr. Henry L. Hosea
Mrs. Iris dowden
Mrs. Doretta Houser
Mr. and Mrs. david howe
Mrs. Dorothy Howze
Mrs. elizabeth b. Martin
Ms. Sandra Hudson
Mrs. Mary a. fry
Ms. Shirley Hueblein
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Grady, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Hurt
Mr. and Mrs. William shumway
Mr. Mike Hurt
Mrs. Kathleen M. howe
Mr. Gardner Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck finney
Mrs. Claire Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. brian r. Jones
Mrs. Joann riso
Anna and Nino Incaviglia
Mr. and Mrs. sal P. Cardinale
Mrs. Mary A. Indorato
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whyte
Mr. Bill Ito
Mrs. yoshiko edith Ichiuji
Mr. Richard Iverson
Ms. Jane flury
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Ms. dianne e. belli
Mr. Lance H. Jacobson
Ms. Janet P. West
Mrs. Karen Jang
Ms. sylvia G. hoang
Ms. frances J. low
Mr. Sean Jarvis
Mr. robert C. heinbockel
Ms. Helga Jenkner
Ms. Monika hassler
Mrs. Leila Jenner
Mrs. Mary a. fry
Mr. Bradley Jones
Ms. Jennie e. duncan
Mr. and Mrs. richard Westfall
Mrs. Hiroko Jones
Mr. and Mrs. robert ord
Mr. Jeffrey Jones
dr. and Mrs. James dyer
Mrs. Marilyn J. Jones
Mr. John P. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. harry d. Wardwell
Mrs. Marilyn J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. hiroshi Ito
Mr. and Mrs. Jan f. schetzina
Tostevin accountancy Corporation
Col. Robert D. Jones
Mrs. rita M. Jones
Mrs. Rosemary Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jim dougherty
Kathleen and stephen engelhardt
Ms. Eileen Jordan
Mr. John s. Conklin
Ms. Kazue Jordan
Mr. sydney s. Jordan
Mrs. Katie Julka
Marti and Michael sutton
Ms. Wildrud Kaiser
Ms. hilary Traynor-duda
Mrs. Edith Karas
Mrs. sharon J. larson
Mrs. Lori Kashfi
Mrs. linda C. Cosmero
Ms. sandra staples
Richard C. Kauffman, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph hertlein
hospice foundation
dr. and Mrs. earl loder
Mr. Harry Keeler
Mr. and Mrs. Grant J. berry
Mrs. olivia C. bigelow
Ms. Karen Lee Kelly
Mr. John l. fenner
Ms. Marion Kemp
Ms. Kathryn baumann
Mr. John J. Kennedy
Ms. frances C. baca
Mr. and Mrs. James a. rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. William Wenzel, Jr.
Ms. Rose Ann Kenny
Ms. Joanne Wemheuer
Marilyn and John Kerr
anne and robert smith
Mr. J. Warren Kever
Ms. Paula breschini Clark
Mr. Eugene W. Klauer
Mrs. sally s. bryan
Mr. George Warren Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Carver
Ms. Pauline Knapp
Mrs. bob Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. dick davis
dr. Gregory s. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. rene requiro
salinas firefighters association
local 1270
Mr. and Mrs. robert f. Thomas
Mr. Raymond Kniss
Mrs. raymond Kniss
Mr. Rinji F. Kohatsu
Mrs. amalia Kohatsu
Mr. Katsumi Komatsu
Mrs. Jean esaki
Mrs. yoshiko edith Ichiuji
Mrs. Jean M. Kono
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth l. hicks
Mrs. Mary F. Krikac
Mrs. Jeane bahnsen-Moore
Mr. and Mrs. albert J. bettencourt
Ms. beverly J. dreyer
Mrs. doris s. durr
Mr. and Mrs. William e. foletta
Mr. and Mrs. Jack d. harmon
Ms. dorothy Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. ron C. robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Gary sitton
Mr. nick vander Poel
Ms. Jean Warriner
Mrs. Gordon Wither
Mr. Frank Kuchta
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick h. Taylor
Mr. Milton Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff loftus
Mr. and Mrs. alan a. ross
Mr. and Mrs. herbert a. scherch
Mrs. Pat C. villafranca
Mr. Edward Kuswa
Mrs. olivia C. bigelow
Mr. Jimmie Kuwatani
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chisaki
Ms. Janet P. hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack harp
Mrs. haruko honda
Mrs. Kikuyo Kuwatani
Mrs. Chow lom and family
Ms. diane Mcadams
Mr. and Mrs. lester ng
Mr. and Mrs. lit ng and family
Mrs. Joanne nishi
Mrs. fusae Price
Mrs. Miyoko saiki
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. suzuki
Mr. and Mrs. John M. vucina, Jr.
Mrs. Linda La Chance
Mr. and Mrs. Majid Mahroom
Mr. Daun LaGrange
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. aeschliman
Ms. Lurose Landers
Mrs. alva lee Patton
Dr. Chonita G. Larsen
Mr. Jack l. larsen
Ms. helen J. Wilson
Ms. Pauline Larson
Ms. K. duayne ostergard
Mr. George F. Laughton
Mrs. diana y. lee-Johnson
Mr. Richard Laux
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mrs. Katherine R. Leaman
Mrs. Charles a. Christin
Monterey Peninsula P e o Group
Mrs. Margaret Parenti
Mrs. Isabelle C. smith
Mr. Virgil L. Learned, Jr.
Mrs. June learned
Mrs. Marie Lecce
Mr. and Mrs. Paul rappa
Mrs. Maurine Leckie
Mr. William h. leckie
Mr. Edwin B. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. lee
dr. and Mrs. l. bruce Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. George G. skou
Ms. Jean Warriner
Mrs. Helen Lee
Ms. frances J. low
Mr. Warner W. Lee
Ms. lavonne Tosh
Mr. Warren Lemmon
Mr. and Mrs. ron stewart
Mrs. Jeanne Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. finley M. hamilton
Mickey Linehan
Mrs. Kathleen M. howe
Mrs. Cynthia Peck
Mr. and Mrs. James rotter
Mr. Charles Douglas Lockwood
Michael o’dea
Ms. Bertha Low
Ms. sylvia G. hoang
Ms. frances J. low
Mrs. Mary shintani
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Low
Gerry low-sabado and
randy sabado
Mr. Richard Low
Ms. sylvia G. hoang
Mr. and Mrs. norman d. Walsh
Mr. William Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. les Calloway
Mrs. Inge Madarasz
Mrs. Katalin Mako
Ms. Madeline Logan Magin
Mrs. Kimberly M. Wasserman
Mr. Michael Mahoney
Mrs. Charmain T. nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Manor
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Mrs. Martha J. Manuel
Mr. henry l. Manuel
Ms. Anne Marashian
Mrs. alice halbourian
Ms. Gladys Zarounian
Mr. William E. Marbach
elfriede “elfe” Marbach
Mr. Maurice L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. ed little
Mr. Frank Martins
Mrs. lillian Martins
Mrs. Frances Martorella
Mrs. henry benech
Mrs. yolanda de Maria
Mr. and Mrs. roy Kamimori
Mrs. Hatsuno Masuda
Ms. Miyoko okubo
Mr. Eugene D. Matney
Mrs. simone l. Matney
Mr. Norman W. Matson
Mrs. Gisela Matson
Mrs. Marie Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. John P. ryan
Ms. Nanette Maysonave
sally and albert J. alvarez
Ms. nancy l. bellis
Col. and Mrs. James T. bowen
Mr. Marcus a. brinks
City of sand City
Mr. fred e. Cohn
Mr. Jim h. diMaggio
Ms. Mary I. heney
Ms. erika Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan d. Keil
Mr. and Mrs. richard Mcdermott
Mr. and Mrs. fred Meurer
Monterey County Mayors association
Mrs. Tamara ranker
Ms. Georgia scribner
Mr. and Mrs. ed shehorn
Ms. nada shellhammer
Mr. and Mrs. frank vecchione
Mr. and Mrs. robert Wellington
Lt. Gen. Robert C. McAlister
Ibby and Paul brennan
Mrs. Toddy olow
Mr. George A. McAravy
Mrs. norma Mcaravy
Mr. Joe McCarthy
Paola belli and Mitsou hirosaki
Mrs. Anna J. McClendon
rear adm. William r. McClendon
Mr. Holland McCoin
Mrs. Willie e. McCoin
Ms. Ruth McDaniel
Ms. lynn e. ling
Mr. Joseph E. McEldowney
Mrs. Patricia a. Mceldowney
Mr. Ned McGann
Ms. lavonne Tosh
Mrs. Mary Frances McGilloway
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mr. John E. McGinley
fran neuman
bettie stevens
Toni McHale
Miss Mary C. Mchale
Mrs. Theodora K. McKay
Mr. Jack W. McKay, III
Col. Gregg L. McKee
Mr. robert atkinson
Mrs. elizabeth y. brown
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carley
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mr. and Mrs. Paul davis
Ms. Jane eaton
Mr. James d. forkner
Col. and Mrs. James e. henderson
Capt. and Mrs. Willard s. houston
Kip and Jay hudson
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
Mrs. Joyce louis
Mark Mcdermott and henry bose
Mr. andrew J. b. Mcfarland
dr. and Mrs. l. bruce Meyer
dr. and Mrs. robert G. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. robert nielsen
Mr. William h. soskin
Mrs. Marcella stokes
ygondine and Mike sturdivant
Mrs. Carol G. Todd
West Point society Monterey Peninsula
Mr. Wilson yandell
Mr. Lyle M. McKinsey
Mrs. bob Clinton
susan Covarrubias
Jack votaw
linda votaw
Mr. Richard Means
Mrs. Julie Tonus
Mr. fred W. Wurster
Mrs. Carolyn Miles
Mrs. anne M. Phillips
Ms. Myrna H. Mill
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mr. Brown L. Miller
Mrs. eleanor Jean Miller
Mr. John Minerva
Col. frank d. Minerva
Mrs. Natalie Minerva
Col. frank d. Minerva
Mrs. Helen E. Mirassou
Ms. Carolyn Jessop
Mrs. hope Tolleson
Mrs. St. Clair Mitchell
Ms. Patricia r. Cattermoul
Mr. and Mrs. alf r. Popp
Mr. William F. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. William b. Mitchell
Mr. George Moana
Mr. and Mrs. anton hrepich
Mr. Donald R. Moe
Mrs. alice J. Moe
Mr. Robert H. Mohlenhoff
Ms. Julia bowhay
Ms. Mary Lou Monroe
Mrs. anne M. Phillips
Mr. David L. Moore
Mrs. elizabeth s. brennan
Ms. Terue Moreau
Mrs. Martha Moreau
Sweet Pea Morris
The Pearls
Ms. Lucille Mortell
Carole Mortell Cuffman
Mr. and Mrs. Tony sammut
Mr. Leonard F. Muller
Mrs. honor Muller
Mr. Milton C. Mumford
Mrs. dorothea G. Mumford
Mr. Owen J. Murray
Mrs. Garnet Murray
Mrs. Fusako Beth Nakamura
Mrs. Jean esaki
Ms. Rosalie G. Nelson
Ms. Coral Wylie
Dr. Robert O. Nesheim
Mr. and Mrs. donald f. ault
Cornell university faculty
division of nutritional sciences
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
The de Goff family
Mrs. Wanda l. hamming
dena, bob, Zach and Josh hirsh
Capt. and Mrs. Willard s. houston
Mesa de Tierra homeowners
Mr. and Mrs. William e. Murphy
elaine Musselman and family
Ms. audrey J. nesheim
Mr. and Mrs. John r. nesheim
Mr. o. norman nesheim
Mr. and Mrs. delbert W. Priegnitz
Mr. and Mrs. harold e. rankin
Ms. dorothy a. robertson
Ms. Janet sanderson
Ms. Patricia a. simmers
Ms. Janet M. smith
Ms. Joanne C. Wakeland
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wakeland
Ms. esther Weinreich
Mr. Gary Weinreich
Ms. Alice Netto
Mr. William sanchez
Mrs. Jeanne M. Neubert
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gularte
Mr. Lawrence Neuhausel
Mr. Thomas G. McKenzie
Mr. Robert M. Newell
Mrs. Mary Will newell
Mrs. Carol M. Newton
Mr. Gene newton
Mr. William H. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Joe e. King
Ms. nancy l. nichols
Ms. Chris Nickerson
Mr. and Mrs. david howe
Ms. Hisa Nocis
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
Ms. Lorraine Notter
Mrs. adeline l. Kohn
Mr. Wesley B. Ogle
Mrs. alma K. ogle
Mrs. Yukiko Okada
Mrs. Miyoko saiki
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. suzuki
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Keefe
Ms. suzanne o’Keefe
Mrs. Tsune Okumura
Mr. Mark okumura
Mrs. Ornella M. Oldfield
Mrs. M. Kathy Jaramillo
Mrs. Sharen S. Oliveira
Ms. Mary ruth ewing
Mrs. Jacqueline Otis
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. o’Connell
Mr. Wayne Overcash
Mrs. elizabeth s. brennan
Mrs. Lucy Owens
Mrs. henry benech
Mr. Ted Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pagano
Ms. Marguerite B. Palmer
Ms. Marilyn s. Post
Mr. Noel Palmer
Mrs. Iris dowden
Mrs. Dorothy Pappas
Mrs. bob Clinton
Mr. Larry Parent
Mrs. Joann Parent
Ms. Elsa Parkinson
Mr. and Mrs. William W. hatfield
Mrs. Sally Patterson
Ms. Marie Pace
Mr. and Mrs. douglas Tilly
Mr. Jack T. Payton
Mrs. esther e. Payton
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pearson
Mrs. virginia M. davis
Mr. Reuben T. Pearson
Mrs. reuben Pearson
Mylle Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jim sleeper
Mr. Julius Petalver
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
Ms. Beth E. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. robert brownlee
Mr. Maynard C. Petersen
Mrs. lorette J. Petersen
Mrs. Judith Ann Peterson
Mrs. Ia G. boelter
Mrs. Marion Martignoni
Connie and Philip Teal
Mr. Merrill Peterson
Ms. evelyn a. starr
Mr. Freddie Phillips, Jr.
Mrs. lucy M. Phillips
Mr. Willard R. Phillips
Ms. Katherine l. bucquet
Ms. Christine Mazzorin
Mr. and Mrs. donald a. Messick
Mrs. anne M. Phillips
Mr. richard s. robins
Mrs. Gladys Wren
Mrs. Janet Pisetti
Mrs. barbara J. deroza
Chick Pohlmann
Ms. Irma b. scanlon
Mr. Roy F. Pohlmann
Ms. Cynthia Johnston
Ms. Janice logan
Lt. Col. Abel Potts
Mrs. barbara s. Potts
Mr. and Ms. Herbert Power
Mr. and Mrs. davis factor, Jr.
Billie and Andy Prego
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Mr. Salvatore Premutati
Mrs. Marie C. Grindstaff
Mr. and Mrs. douglas Tilly
Mr. Jess Prieto
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph r. Panetta
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Nancy Prego Proechel
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Mrs. Rosemary Provost
Mr. William Provost
Mr. Charles Pugh
Mr. and Mrs. William baldwin
Mr. James b. barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Johns
Mrs. Edith Pullen
Mr. and Mrs. henry C. Klaput
Mr. Frederic E. Rainer
Mrs. barbara rainer
Dr. Douglas E. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. david J. basham, Jr.
Mr. Salvatore N. Randazzo
laura and bill stahl
Mr. Catarino Rangel
Ms. June M. smith
Ms. Maria R. Ratcliff
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Mrs. Joan Rauch
Ms. Thea bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. William eggleston
Mr. and Mrs. robert Golding
Mrs. Peggy hubert
Mr. Murray h. neidorf
Mr. and Mrs. Jon d. raggett
Mr. and Mrs. bill richmond
Mr. and Mrs. stan summers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walton
Mrs. Donna Raust
Mr. and Mrs. James s. Chibidakis
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. devine
Mrs. Patricia l. Garvey
Ms. diane W. Jones
Mrs. Joanne lewis
Jan McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. o’Connell
Mrs. rosella M. Prelsnik
Mrs. douglas e. ramsey
Ms. lynn stacey
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. storer
Ms. Michele syth
Mr. and Mrs. robert W. White
Women’s Golf assocication of the
Monterey Peninsula Country Club
Mr. Derek G. Rayne
Mr. and Mrs. Clive h. rayne
Mr. Ernie Reda
Ms. Carmela M. reda
Ms. Margaret E. Repenning
Ms. louise fredrickson
faye hilder and Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck ripp
Mary and Majid vaghefian
and family
Mr. George A. Reta
Mrs. dolores Trovato
Mrs. Jan Retez
Mr. and Mrs. John r. battendieri
Mr. and Mrs. eugene boggiatto
Ms. Joanne burton
Mr. and Mrs. frank Capurro
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick e. duggan
Mr. and Mrs. John duran
Ms. natalie fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. bob hestand
Mr. frank e. horst, III
Ms. Pauline Kitchen
Mr. and Mrs. dominic Muzzi
Ms. Joyce Cacy Quinn
Ms. Marian d. Taylor
Ms. diana virnig
Ms. Josephine Richlin
Mr. and Mrs. frank Campo
Mr. Paul S. Riedel
Mrs. dorothy a. riedel
Mr. Dennis G. Righello
Mr. and Mrs. robert v. Workman, sr.
Capt. Alexander W. Rilling
beverley a. ambort
Mrs. suzanne borg
Col. and Mrs. arvid P. Croonquist, Jr.
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
Mr. and Mrs. William a. Mauer
Mrs. Joyce Riparetti
Ms. Mary Gomon
Mrs. Mary C. Riso
Mrs. henry benech
Mr. John s. bevilacqua
Mr. Robert L. Ritter
roberta Gloria ritter
Ms. Glennella Roberts
diana and david beatson
dan lake
Mr. John J. Robotti
sally and albert J. alvarez
Mrs. esther s. anderson
Mrs. Carolyn berry becker
Mrs. henry benech
lisa bradburn
Mr. bill Cagney
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carley
Mrs. Charles a. Christin
Mrs. Mary J. Clapper
Ms. loraine Cline
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Mrs. anne dick
Ms. anne M. flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Jack b. franklin
fran friscia
Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon
Ms. elizabeth G. Gould
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
Kip and Jay hudson
Mr. and Mrs. ray C. hutton
dr. and Mrs. John K. Ishizuka
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
Mr. and Mrs. henry C. Klaput
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Mrs. Jane d. McCune
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Miller
Ms. Martha s. Mosher
Mr. and Mrs. John odello
Mrs. alma K. ogle
dr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Parker
Mrs. Cynthia Peck
dr. and Mrs. richard a. Pirotte
Mrs. Clarice M. Pruitt
Miss dorothy M. reid
Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. robinson
Mr. Tawfik y. sabet
Mr. and Mrs. frederick stanley
Mr. Morgan e. stock
Mrs. Carol G. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tonkin
Mr. and Mrs. John T. vinson
Ms. Jean Warriner
Jonnie Webb
roxanne and Carroll Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. ernest f. Zanetta
Ms. Ida Rochford
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew King
Mrs. Bienvenida Rodriquez
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Mr. Manuel Rodriguez
Mrs. Carmen M. rodriguez
Mr. Manuel T. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. aeschliman
Mr. and Mrs. richard W. barber
Mrs. Josephine bienek
Mrs. Mary Caballo
barb and Jim Cook
betty and John Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gardner
The Gurash family
Mr. and Mrs. andy Klingelhoefer
Monterey Civic Club
Paramount Property Management
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Carl h. reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. bert saunders
Mrs. Gloria K. souther
Mr. and Mrs. ron stewart
Mr. and Mrs. frank vervoort
Ms. Isabel r. vervoort
Mr. Orville C. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cruzan
Mr. and Mrs. donald C. Menzel
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pappas
Mrs. Marian Paul
Mrs. Clarice M. Pruitt
Mrs. helen M. Thorngate
Mrs. ruth vallon
Mrs. Jeanne Zaches
Mrs. Angela Rombi
Mr. frank rombi
Mrs. Monique Rosendale
bianchi, Kasavan & Pope, llP
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
Mrs. Norma J. Rosenlind
Mrs. Cathy C. doane
Ms. nancy Kleinfelder
Mr. Neil H. Rosenstein
Mr. William C. Potter
Ms. anna b. vassilieva and
dr. William C. Potter
Mr. Richard E. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. bruce W. schmeiser
Mrs. Sally P. Rosenwald
Mr. arnold M. rosenwald
Mr. Theodore E. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Charles bosso
brecksville Center for the arts
Community Chorus
Pebble beach sports Car Club
Mr. and Mrs. richard radowicz
Mr. John Roth
Mrs. John e. roth
Mr. George B. Rothrock
Mrs. Martha C. rothrock
Ms. Bertha S. Rothschild
Mr. and Mrs. robert beller
Mr. Fred D. Rovetti
sue and Garry barron
donovan and frank Carrillo
Margaret and Pearl Chan
Mr. and Mrs. darren davis
May and doug dudley
Mr. and Mrs. robert Garner
ron’s liquors
Mr. Albert G. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Conconi
Mr. and Mrs. richard edvenson
Mr. and Mrs. dennis holthouse
Mr. and Mrs. ray Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. robert orlando
rosaline Perreira and family
Mrs. Robina B. Rumkin
r. b. rumkin
Mrs. O. Rushfeldt
Mr. and Mrs. alan l. rushfeldt
Ms. Jane G. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. robert Garner
Mr. Vincent S. Russo
Janet Tanzi and family
Mr. Peter C. Salmonsen
Ms. Jennifer dyer Cornelissen
Ms. Judith dudley
Mr. and Mrs. stephen dyer
Ms. Jill Golden
Ms. nancy Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. armand l. labbe
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald d. lanois
Monterey County association
of realtors
Patty and bob Pierce and family
Mr. and Mrs. richard T. Pierce
Prostate Cancer self-help Group of
the Central Coast
Ms. shirley l. roberson
John a russell, Jr.
Martha T. russell
Mr. richard seavey
Iathan annand and John stafsnes
Mr. and Mrs. howard h. Tsuchiya
Mr. bruce Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. satoru yoshizato
Mrs. Yaeko Salo
Pearl aronen
Mrs. eiko Karpowsky
Mr. and Mrs. bob Milberger
Mr. harvey J. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Plante
Jack and bruce salo
noriko spaulding
Ms. Betty J. Sanderson
Ms. rose le va
Mr. and Mrs. richard McKennett
Ms. Julie Mclaughlin
Mrs. billie J. Walker
Mrs. Ann Sandon
Mrs. frank e. allgood
Mr. Eugene San Nicolas
Mrs. dora san nicolas
Mr. Steven H. Sassoon
Mr. and Mrs. frank K. uyeda
Mr. Robert Lee Sawyier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. bob hill
Mr. and Mrs. stanley e. Jorgensen
Ms. elizabeth s. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. donald d. newbury
dr. and Mrs. William odom
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson riggs
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence Thornley
Ms. Elaine Scarlett
Mr. and Mrs. bill askew
Mr. stanley K. bishop
ruth Carter and rick Manning
Mrs. roberta s. Chappell
Jill and doug leach
Mrs. elizabeth b. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michel h. nasr
Mrs. Judy Parham
Mr. and Mrs. daniel I. reith
Ms. Mary rile
Mrs. Jean rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. howard l. roloff
Mrs. Phyllis y. sokol
Ms. loucinda stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. sumida
Mr. raymond f. Tissue
Mr. and Mrs. James Womble
Mr. and Mrs. roy r. Woods
Ms. Barbara L. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. aram Kinosian
Mr. and Mrs. William a. Krause
Ms. Marjorie Wintermute Schiffeler
Mr. John Wm. schiffeler
Mrs. Sandra Schroeder
Mrs. Mary a. fry
Mr. Vino Scoppettone
Mr. and Mrs. harry M. Mauras
Mrs. Margarete Sears
Mr. and Mrs. rex C. Kelley
Ms. Florence Seaton
dr. and Mrs. James M. rodda
Mr. Stephen Segel
Mrs. arline a. Castleberry
Mr. and Mrs. richard denier
Mr. George Segelbacher
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Mrs. Carol Seres
Mr. Myron seres
Winners Investment Club
Mr. Jack Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon r. ewig
Mrs. Beverley C. Sherwood
Mr. and Mrs. Jack r. beatty
Mr. Erik Short
Mrs. erik short
Ms. Margaret Shumway
Mr. and Mrs. William shumway
Mr. Randy Shupe
Ms. Cheryle l. rivera
Mr. Paul Sidone
Mr. and Mrs. John M. haidich
Ms. Mary M. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. richard J. nunes
Ms. Joan Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. edward Zwinge
Ms. Kay Simpson
Cachagua volunteer firefighters
Ms. ruth elmgren
Mrs. doris Mark
Ms. elsie M. Phillips
seaside Police officers association
Ms. Joyce secondo
Mr. Odell Sims
Ms. Martha suzuki
Mr. Mark Sincoff
Mr. and Mrs. harry M. Mauras
Mr. Martin G. Skelin
hon. and Mrs. John n. anton
Mr. Howard Skidmore
Mrs. Margery M. Mann
Mrs. florence T. snyder
Mrs. renate-Karin Wunsch
Mrs. Madelyn A. Sloan
Mrs. Melissa b. sloan
Ms. Esther L. Smith
Mrs. Myrle a. Kirk
Mrs. Evelyn Smith
barbara and ladd smith
The Honorable Gerald Smith
Mrs. henry benech
Ms. Kinisimere Sokia
Ms. Mere r. Tokailagi
Mr. Hal Spade
Ms. laverne baker-leyva
Mr. and Mrs. bradford n. boggan
Mr. and Mrs. ron Cole
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Crompton
Mr. and Mrs. bill eason
Mr. John s. Kriegsman
Molly, stephen and James laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. edward s. levi
Mr. larry d. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk e. napier
Pacific Grove high school faculty
and staff
Mr. and Mrs. david l. Peelo
Margaret Pokrzywinski and
robert Canete
sandy rief
Mr. and Mrs. dean C. storkan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom uretsky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wills
Mr. James F. Sparolini
Tina and Jack britton
Mr. and Mrs. frank bruno
Mrs. donna bua
Mrs. barbara b. bucquet
dr. and Mrs. david J. hatton
dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey lehr
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Martorella
Mrs. Mary frances McGilloway
Ione and Jack J. Miller
Mr. frank rombi
ron’s liquors
Mr. and Mrs. Mike russo
Mrs. Joan Wellington
Ms. Audrey Speer
dr. vaughn Wittry
Ms. Mary J. Spiering
Ms. Patricia M. scott
Mr. Thomas Springer
The Golden Girls
Mrs. Marlene A. Stadille
Mrs. sandra s. Choi
nalene Tavares and sal Cardinale
Ms. Joan Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Garry bousum
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell
Mrs. Connie leblanc
Mr. and Mrs. ron stewart
Mrs. Trudy Start
Capt. and Mrs. dempsey butler, Jr.
Mr. Gordon S. Stevens
Ms. Marilyn s. Post
Mrs. Anita B. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. foster McCormack
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Stewart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. hampton s. stewart, III
Mr. John Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. hampton s. stewart, III
Mr. Robert L. Stewart
Mrs. Jacqueline l. stewart
Mr. Frank J. Straface
Mr. and Mrs. ernest f. Zanetta
Mrs. LaVerne A. Strong
Mr. and Mrs. roy Kamimori
Mr. Robert Strum
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Miller
Mr. Delbert D. Sturman
Mrs. eva C. sturman
Mrs. Mary Louise Stutzman
Mr. leon h. stutzman
Mr. Jeffrey R. Sutton
dr. and Mrs. Glenn e. hudgens
Mr. James Sutty
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence W. Matteson
Mr. Myles Elliott Sweeney
Mrs. eugenia l. sweeney
Mr. Don Swiess
Mrs. loraine l. swiess
Mrs. Wilma E. Taggart
Ms. bettie Q. Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Talbott
Mr. and Mrs. frank C. eubanks
Mr. Robert E. Tanner
Ms. bette e. riggs
Rev. Robert H. Tarr
Mrs. donna Tarr
Mrs. Anita Vaughn Taylor
Mrs. b. J. o’Connor
Mrs. Paulette Terrano
Mr. Joseph Terrano
Mr. Gerry L. Thibault
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon r. ewig
Mrs. Carol Thornberry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas l. hitchcock
Mrs. Julia lawrence
George Thorngate, IV, MD
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Mrs. helen M. Thorngate
Mr. Wendell L. Thurman
Ms. susan Myong
Ms. rosella f. russell
Mrs. dora f. Thurman
Mr. Michael l. Thurman
Mr. Robert Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. vance baldwin
Mr. anthony G. bauer
Mr. and Mrs. William eggleston
Mr. and Mrs. Walker finney
Mr. John d. foskett
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck fryer
Ms. arlene J. harris
Mr. and Mrs. James h. Johnson
The Kenrich Group, llC
Mr. alexander J. Mackimm
Ms. donna a. Masto
dr. and Mrs. robert s. o’neill
united states Military academy
Class of 1958, Company G-2,
West Point, new york
Mrs. Mary h. Wilson
Ms. Virginia Tobitt
Mr. and Mrs. sheldon Carman
Mr. Frank T. Tokubo
Mrs. yoshiko edith Ichiuji
Mr. Thomas E. Tonkin
sally and albert J. alvarez
dr. and Mrs. John n. baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. david J. benjamin, III
dr. and Mrs. robert l. black
lisa bradburn
Capital Group Companies
Ms. Pearl Chan
Community hospital’s auxiliary
Mr. Gary M. Cooke
Mr. h. Turner Croonquist
Ms. dorothy a. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. donald d. durant
Ms. Miyoko enokida
Ms. anne M. flynn
fran friscia
Ms. Mary Goodby
Mr. and Mrs. bryce P. Graybill
Mrs. dolores P. hagey
dr. and Mrs. david J. hatton
Mr. homer M. hayward
Mrs. lydia henricksen
Mrs. sue hooker
Kip and Jay hudson
Mrs. yoshiko edith Ichiuji
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
Mr. and Mrs. roy d. lorenz
Mr. and Mrs. reinhold Macziola
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mcaleer
Mrs. dorothy Mcdermott
dr. and Mrs. l. bruce Meyer
dr. and Mrs. richard l. Murtland
dorothy f. newton
Mrs. Joanne nishi
Ms. barbara noble
Cynthia and ron Peck
Mrs. Marion P. robotti
Mrs. Jean W. rudolph
Ms. Karen sonnergren
Ms. dorothy G. souza
dr. david d. spilker
Mrs. Jean K. stemmons
Mrs. helen M. Thorngate
Mrs. Carol G. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. John T. vinson
Mr. and Mrs. James vorhes
Ms. Jean Warriner
roxanne and Carroll Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. ernest f. Zanetta
dr. and Mrs. richard C. Zug
Mr. Pedro Totaan, Sr.
Mrs. Maria r. Totaan
Ms. Margaret Tout
hillside Capital, Incorporated
Mr. John n. Irwin, III
Katharine G. Tucker
Mrs. Katharine T. schoellerman
Ms. June Gustafson Turner
ann Prego and andy Gonzalez
Ms. Benita Updike
Mrs. Juanita M. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher a. smith
Mr. raymond f. Tissue
Mr. and Mrs. Peter b. Weisser
Mr. and Mrs. ernest f. Zanetta
Mr. George Y. Uyeda
Mr. and Mrs. ron berry
Mrs. betty M. Crane
Ms. Karen d. egan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Green, II
Ms. sylvia G. hoang
Marilyn and Harold “Hal” Kren
Marilyn Kren will never forget the poppies blooming on a canvas at Community Hospital. The
prominent Ferdinand Bergdorf painting was, for quite some time, the pathfinder that directed her
to her husband Hal’s hospital room. “My husband’s hospitalization was a wonderful experience,
if you can say a near-death is wonderful,” says Marilyn. “The care he got was, at first, on an
emergency basis. You arrive at the Emergency department, who knows what’s the matter, and
it’s all frightening. But you’re at Community Hospital, so you know you’re in good hands. The
care Hal received was always exceptional.” The Krens, who have been married 38 years,
recently established a charitable gift annuity on behalf of Community Hospital. “At this stage
in life,” says Hal, “we looked at a number of charitable gift annuities, which were all, if not
identical, then very much the same. It’s not about who’s going to give you the best deal; it comes
down to how you feel about the particular charity you’re zeroing in on. Community Hospital is
subjectively closer to both of us than any particular other charity. I’ve been up there, and they
got me through something, but that wasn’t it. It’s the aura they have, and the feeling we have for
the hospital. All who work there are the kind of people who seem to care about other people,
and we’re the other people. Giving to Community Hospital creates the opportunity to participate
in a win-win situation. That’s what we wanted to do.”
Mrs. yoshiko edith Ichiuji
Mrs. Takane Kawata
Mr. Jack W. McKay, III
Mrs. Joanne nishi
Mr. and Mrs. bruno odello
Mr. and Mrs. John odello
Mrs. noriko ogawa
Mr. and Mrs. d. J. o’higgins
Mr. and Mrs. frank ramistella
Mr. and Mrs. robert K. suzuki
Mickey and bob Tachibana
Mr. and Mrs. hiroshi uchida
Mrs. atsumi uyeda
Mr. and Mrs. frank K. uyeda
Mr. and Mrs. roger van Klaveren
Mr. and Mrs. robert Zampatti
Mrs. Rita Van Bibber
Mrs. beverley l. brownell
Ms. Mary B. Varela
Mr. rey Montes
Ms. Margaret Varney
Mr. and Mrs. John J. bettencourt
Mark R. Velcoff, MD
Mrs. dolores W. velcoff
Mrs. Geraldine Verga
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell
Mrs. Mary a. fry
Mr. John Vierra
Mr. and Mrs. don benedetti
Ms. Janice escobar
Mr. louie J. Grossi
Mr. James J. Martins
Mr. and Mrs. John l. nunes
Mr. Thomas P. nunes, sr.
Ms. Mary Painter
Mr. and Mrs. daniel Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. William v. surman, Jr.
sally and Tom vallieres
eloise and Glynn Warren
larry Warren
Mrs. Frances M. Vorhes
Mr. richard f. barrett
Mr. and Mrs. hugh P. barton
Mr. and Mrs. david J. benjamin, III
bertie bialek elliott
Mr. and Mrs. robert C. bonner
Mr. and Mrs. John h. bottomley, III
Mr. and Mrs. robert bouchier
Mrs. barbara b. bucquet
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Case
Ms. Pamela Crean
nancy and William doolittle
Mr. and Mrs. brad dow
Ms. Judith dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph eccher
Mr. and Mrs. davis factor, Jr.
Mr. douglas felt
Mrs. Pamela ford
dr. and Mrs. Crawford e. foy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. stanley d. hall
Mrs. deane h. hollenbach
Mr. and Mrs. r. blakeley honeyman
Kip and Jay hudson
Mrs. nancy C. John
Mr. and Mrs. vernon J. Johnson
dr. and Mrs. hisashi Kajikuri
Mr. and Mrs. James l. langley
Mr. and Mrs. John l. love
ann and John Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a. Mark
Monument administrators
ocean honda
Mr. and Mrs. William scheidecker
Mrs. Janet schmied
Toshia and Clark struve
Mr. and Mrs. J. daniel Tibbitts
Ms. vicki vorhes
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Walmsley
dr. and Mrs. allen Woodhour
Mrs. nancy Wright
Mr. Lester B. Waddel
dr. and Mrs. roy bryggman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall reeves
Ms. Joan Wagner
Ms. frances b. Tomany
Mr. George Wang
Mr. and Mrs. arthur Weinman
Mr. Russell J. Ward
dr. and Mrs. robert Kraft
Ms. Carolyn a. savage
Mr. James Michael Waters
Janet Tanzi and family
Deborah Watkins
Mr. russell Watkins
Mr. Dennis D. Watkins
Ms. helen M. Gehringer
Simon Watkins
Mr. russell Watkins
George Wayne, MD
Mr. bernard G. Wayne
Mr. Edward Weiner
Mrs. edward Weiner
Mrs. Dianna Wells
Mrs. Mary ellen scharffenberger
Mrs. Virginia Wells
Ms. dorothy G. souza
Ms. Anita L. Wemheuer
Ms. Joanne Wemheuer
Helen G. Westland
Mrs. eileen f. Murray
Mrs. Marian Weygers
Ms. Jean Warriner
Ms. Elva Whinery
Mr. and Mrs. Jack r. beatty
Mr. lari M. Cowgill
Mrs. Carolyn S. White
Janet s. Phillips
Mr. Carl Whitney
Mrs. Patricia e. anloff
Mr. Richard Whitworth
rick and ellie hattori
Mr. and Mrs. ernie singleton
Ms. Margaret Marie Wildberger
Mr. and Mrs. david howe
Mrs. Ann Wiley
Ms. Max bernard-blackwell
Mrs. bob Clinton
harriet and ron riley
Mr. and Mrs. Gino rossi
Ms. Mary louise soriano
Mr. Richard B. Williams, Jr.
Mrs. helen r. Williams
Mr. David Winfield
Ms. susan Giacometti
Mr. and Mrs. James h. Johnson
anita and bill Kaplan
dr. and Mrs. robert sokol
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walchli
Mr. and Mrs. stuart Walzer
Mr. Dennis L. Woodman
Mrs. florence e. Woodman
Mr. Thomas E. Woolcock
Mrs. Mary h. horn
Mr. and Mrs. William Woolsey
Mr. and Mrs. robert saleen
Mr. Robert E. Work
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Miller
Mrs. Lynn Wuco
Mr. raymond d. Wuco
Ms. Bonnie Yeargain
betty and richard Grothe
Mrs. Ruth R. Young
Mr. George e. young, Jr.
Ms. Martha Anne Yungblut
Mr. raymond C. ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mulholland
The following individuals
provided non-cash gifts to
support patient-care needs in
all saints’ episcopal day school
seventh Grade
Mrs. Mary amaral
Mr. Thomas George aviet
Mr. and Mrs. Peter a. baird
Mr. and Mrs. don barberie
Mr. and Mrs. Jack baskin
Ms. stella a. bennett
Mr. and Mrs. albert J. bettencourt
Ms. brigette brown
Mrs. angie bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collins
hank Conlan and family
Mr. and Mrs. dick Cornell
Mrs. Penny Cruikshank
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Culcasi
dr. and Mrs. eric J. del Piero
Ms. linda edmond
rev. and Mrs. dwight edwards
Mr. and Mrs. davis factor, Jr.
Mr. William faus
Mrs. Patricia favalora
Mr. and Mrs. robert fett
Ms. Jane flury
Ms. nancy folk
Ms. nancy r. fox
Mrs. virginia f. fry
Ms. Margie Gillaspy
Mr. farid hagodi
Ms. lynn hamilton
Mr. howard e. hamman
Mr. John harrell
Mr. Pat hathaway
Mr. robert r. hewitt
Mr. bert Ihlenfeld
Ms. Marion Ingber
Mr. roldan Jimenez
Mrs. Chris Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kasson
Mrs. Marge Kohler
Mr. hitoshi Kono
Mr. and Mrs. robert lamvik
Mrs. sharon leveque
Mr. and Mrs. Todd lueders
Ms. emma Machado
Mahoney & associates
ann and John Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. bud Marchette
Mr. Michael s. Martinez
susan and Thomas Masters
Ms. susan McCormick
dr. lubo Michaylov
dr. and Mrs. vernon Milligan
Monterey Peninsula Quilters Guild
Mr. Jo n. Mora
Mrs. Martha Moreau
Ms. Karen nagano
national Charity league
Mr. Joseph b. nordmann
Ms. Jeanne Pederson
Mrs. Patricia Portnoy
Ms. stephanie regevig
Mr. James rickenbocker
rip squeak, Incorporated
Mrs. Marie robinson
Mr. Tawfik y. sabet
dr. and Mrs. robert W. selle
Ms. beth shirk
Mr. Kevin smith
Ms. rhonda somerton
Ms. sarah spencer
Mr. J. f. steuckert
Mr. and Mrs. William d. stevens
Mr. William K. stewart
Ms. Maggie stiles
Ms. Pamela Tanous
Judy Tatelbaum
Ms. sara C. Thomas
Mrs. Illia Thompson
Mrs. Johanna Turner
Ms. nan Walker
Mrs. Kathleen a. Warthan
Ms. alyssa Weber
Ms. Cara Weston
Ms. Margaret Wickenden
Celeste Williams and Peter hiller
Ms. brenda Wood
Mr. larry Zellers
Mrs. rayma Zwinge
The honor roll is composed of donors
who supported Community hospital
in 2008. Inevitably with such a list, an
occasional oversight occurs. If your
name has been omitted or there is an
error in the listing, we apologize and
ask that you notify the development
office, Community hospital foundation,
1000 Munras avenue, Monterey, Ca
93940, or call (831) 625-4506.
P.O. Box HH, Monterey, CA 93942
AS pARt of Community HoSpitAl’S Commitment to ReSponSible enviRonmentAl pRACtiCeS, tHiS AnnuAl RepoRt iS pRinteD on
ReCyCleD pApeR. We enCouRAge eveRyone in ouR Community to ReCyCle. infoRmAtion on ReCyCling fACilitieS tHRougHout
monteRey County CAn be obtAineD by CAlling tHe monteRey RegionAl WASte mAnAgement DiStRiCt At (831) 384-5313.