Spring 2012 - McLAREN HEALTH


Spring 2012 - McLAREN HEALTH
Our Mission: To receive and administer
funds to support the mission of
Northern Michigan Regional Health System
and support programs that enhance the
well-being of the community.
Northern Michigan Regional Health System Foundation
Spring 2012
Here For You, In Every Season
No matter where you reside, when you
need the best care, we are here for you.
Whether northern Michigan is your primary home, your seasonal
residence, or your favorite place to visit, Northern Michigan
Regional Health System is here for you — at any time of the day,
and every month of the year. No matter where you live,
choose us when you need the best care.
Award-winning healthcare facilities are found wherever people
care enough to pursue the best — in services, staff, technology, and
treatments. Northern Michigan Regional Health System is such an
organization, known throughout the state, the Midwest, and
even the nation where quality is the norm, and the best
treatment is the outcome. Oncology, orthopaedics, heart health,
and neuroscience specialties are among the best anywhere.
Patient care yields thoughtful donors. Meet some
individuals on pages 4 and 5 who have become Friends
of the Foundation after experiencing our care.
2 Letter from Your Chair and Chief Development Officer
3 The McLaren Relationship
4Specialty Care, Grateful Patients — Cover Story Continued
6 2012 Fundraising Priorities
7Structural Heart — A Top Priority
8 Planned Giving — Creating an Endowment
9 2011 Memorials and Honorariums
12 Faces of Generosity
Carlos Fernandez
and his daughter, Caroline,
recall their Northern
Michigan Regional
Hospital experience
on page 4.
dear friends
Dear Friends of the Foundation:
moon seagren
ham schirmer
he past year of negotiations and due diligence with Flint-based McLaren Health Care has come to a
happy conclusion. Northern Michigan Regional Hospital has joined a network of nine other Michigan
hospitals as a subsidiary of Flint-based McLaren Health Care.
Many thanks to those of you who completed the survey regarding a potential new name. After evaluating
the survey results of over 2,000 participants, the Hospital Board of Trustees unanimously voted to adopt
McLaren–Northern Michigan, overwhelmingly favored by survey respondents.
Northern Michigan Regional Health System Foundation will transition to McLaren–Northern Michigan
Foundation. Over the course of the next few weeks and months, you will begin to see our new name
incorporated throughout our facilities and into our workflow — all according to an implementation plan that
represents a financially prudent approach.
This is an exciting time for us, and we look forward to new opportunities which will enhance our ability to
provide healthcare as we expect for our own family. One thing that will not change, however, is the direction
of Foundation fundraising. Donations and gifts in all forms will continue to work for the sole benefit of
Northern Michigan Regional Health System and its patients.
This newsletter presents some remarkable stories of individuals who have benefited from care received
through Northern Michigan Regional Health System — from emergent Hospital visits to Hospice services.
Significantly, these individuals were seasonal residents or occasional visitors, proof that the best care anywhere
can be found right here in our region. Their experiences speak eloquently and decisively about the Health
System, the Foundation, and the importance of philanthropy. We hope you derive inspiration from them.
Finally, we wish to recognize our outgoing Board of Trustees Chair, Elise Hayes. On behalf of the
Foundation and entire Health System, we thank her for her dedication to the health of our community and
the patients we serve. We look forward to working with Elise in her new role as Foundation Board Secretary.
Respectfully yours,
Ham Schirmer
board chair foundation
nmh-foundation.org · 231.487.3500
Moon Seagren
chief development officer
the McLaren relationship
A Name Changes,
but the Goal Remains the Same:
Board of Trustees
Supporting Quality Healthcare and
Its Benefactors, Right Here at Home
Most hospitals have their own fundraising arm, and Northern Michigan Regional
Health System Foundation (soon to be known as McLaren–Northern Michigan
Foundation) remains totally independent and dedicated to furthering the emerging
needs and aims of our hospital and affiliates. The Foundation will continue to
exercise its flexibility and autonomy as it responds to the needs of the Hospital, its
regional affiliates, and the primary and seasonal residents of its region through a
variety of fundraising opportunities like VitalCare Hospice Care. Assets, revenue,
and charitable contributions will be used solely for the betterment of
McLaren–Northern Michigan.
The McLaren Story:
Embracing Our New Healthcare Paradigm
The Foundation celebrates the new relationship with McLaren Health Care for
the increased financial, medical, and professional strengths which it brings to
our organization. Brands are built on customer experience, and it is because of
the excellent care that we provide here that the McLaren name will soon be
synonymous in our region with quality and excellence. “We will realize many
advantages by joining a larger health system,” says Reezie DeVet, McLaren–
Northern Michigan President & CEO. “Most significantly, we will enhance our
long-term sustainability at a time when independent hospitals are struggling
to survive.” Access to capital, enhanced buying power, recruitment
opportunities, and cost savings will all result from the new relationship.
McLaren was named among the top 25 Integrated Health
Networks in America in 2011 by SDI and its National Committee for
Quality Assurance Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information
Set (HEDIS) scores for health management success are among
the highest in the nation. In this way, the McLaren strategic
vision complements our own long-term quality goal: the pursuit of
continuing excellence.
Ham Schirmer – chair
H. Gunner Deery, MD – vice chair
Stephen Eibling – treasurer
Elise F. Hayes – secretary
Pat Anton
Michael Bacon, DO
Lawrence D. Buhl, Jr
Sally I. Cannon, PhD
Gay Cummings
Reezie DeVet, RN, EdD
Patrick Leavy
William Meengs, MD
William Meengs, Jr
Michael Pettibone
Miriam Schulingkamp
John N. Shevillo
Philip Smith
Tracy Souder
Miles Trumble, MD
Advisory Council
Cindy Baiardi
Lawrence Beck
Robert Bleyaert
Ermy Bonfield
J. Steven Brown
Fay Buhl
David Crouse
Allen Damschroder, MD
Mary Kay Farley
Richard Hirrel
William Hofmann
Ann Irish
Frederick Koehler
Philip Millard
Thomas Moran
James S. Offield
Borge Reimer
Susanna Souder
Ann Stallkamp
Fundraising Staff
Moon Seagren – chief development officer
Julie Jarema – senior director of development
Christopher Dundon – director of development
Christine Meister – major gift officer
Maurika Reed – development officer
Betsy Ralley – development board specialist
Denise Dundon – grant specialist
T. Jones – grant specialist
Alison Hubbard – annual giving manager
specialty care — grateful patients
Life saving services and exemplary care have turned many into foundation donors
Four Healthcare Experiences, Four Grateful Patients
THE LONG ROAD HOME: A Skiing Accident Changes Lives
Christmas tradition for the Fernandez family of Orlando, Florida,
quickly turned nightmarish when Carlos Fernandez, father and
husband, took a serious fall on the ski slopes. “We had skied this
run a hundred times before,” says daughter Caroline Fernandez, now 16.
“I saw my dad tumble a few times, but I expected him to sit up, laugh,
and get on his feet, just like always.” But this time was not like the others.
Even though he was wearing a helmet, Carlos Fernandez had suffered a
serious brain injury and his prognosis would be anything but certain.
Carlos received
excellent care because
of the generosity of
donors who funded
the state-of-the-art
equipment, technology,
staff training, and
facilities, from which
we benefited greatly.
The Hospital needs
our donations to
continue offering the
highest quality care to
patients — to be ready
and available when
someone else needs it.
— peggy fernandez
nmh-foundation.org · 231.487.3500
Once admitted to Northern Michigan Regional Hospital, Fernandez
received multiple CT scans to determine the nature of his injury. His
neurosurgeon was anything but hopeful. By 11:30 p.m. on the night of the accident, the
family was told the news: there was about a 5% chance of surviving the surgery due to
the severity of the injury, but he was willing to operate in an attempt to save the patient.
Following neurosurgery, Carlos Fernandez lay in the Hospital for weeks, his condition
critical. Finally, almost two months after the family had come to northern Michigan for a
Christmas ski trip, Carlos was stable enough to be discharged to rehabilitation. “No one
plans for a tragedy like ours,” says Peggy Fernandez, Carlos’ wife.
“On the first day, I kept wishing we had been near a large city with a big
hospital,” Peggy adds. “But I soon realized just how incredibly blessed we were to be
15 minutes from Petoskey.” It is this story — one of professional dedication and
unflinching emotional support — that Peggy Fernandez wishes to share. “Against all
odds, Northern Michigan Regional Hospital not only saved my husband’s life, but also
the person we knew and loved.” During the 56 days that the Fernandez family spent at
Carlos’ ICU bedside, they became well acquainted with many Hospital colleagues.
“They supported me and my family in ways that we never expected,” Peggy says.
“We came to know the heart and soul of Northern Michigan Regional Hospital — from
doctors and nurses who worked so hard through Carlos’ ups and downs, to the security
guards and cleaning staff. We could not have been in a better place for such a horrible
thing to happen.”
Today, “Carlos is back to golfing and getting better at it each time,” Peggy adds. “And
he is very close to getting his driver’s license back.”
If there is a lesson to take from their experience, the Fernandez family believes that it
concerns charitable contributions to the Hospital. “Carlos received excellent care because
of the generosity of donors who funded the state-of-the-art equipment, technology, staff
training, and facilities, from which we benefited greatly,” says Peggy Fernandez. “The
Hospital needs our donations to continue offering the highest quality care to patients
— to be ready and available when someone else needs it.”
Fred Koehler
Cincinnati and Walloon Lake
Prostate Cancer Survivor
Foundation Donor
Fred Koehler is well known to Foundation
and Hospital supporters. As a trustee and
fundraiser, Fred is representative of the
type of energetic and altruistic individuals
who make things happen. But he is also
a frequent patient of Northern Michigan
Regional Hospital.
In memory of bill sAal
Harbor Springs and Cincinnati
VitalCare Hospice Care
Foundation Donor
”My life is full of good memories, and
thanks to Hospice, I can go on with good
memories,” explains Betsy Saal.
Betsy and Bill Saal summered in Harbor
Springs for forty years, and their relationship
with the Hospital goes back to the early
1980s when Bill was approached to help
with the Foundation. “We liked the Hospital
A resident of Cincinnati and Walloon
and had always had a good experience,”
Lake, Fred has been in the area for many of
his procedures, both planned and unplanned. says Betsy. But their experiences were about
to take a momentous change in 2009 when
Perhaps the most serious of them occurred
Bill was diagnosed with melanoma cancer.
on Walloon Lake in 1978 when Fred was
severely injured by a powerboat.
Eventually, Betsy realized that it was time to
call VitalCare Hospice of Little Traverse
A well-known fitness buff, Fred was
“It was one of the hardest decisions
taking his daily swim across a mile-wide
section of the lake, spotted as always by his I ever had to make,” she says. And while
they could have gone anywhere for Bill’s
daughter. A speeding power boat crashed
end-of-life care, they chose the service
into Fred, nearly severing his leg. Hospital
affiliated with Northern Michigan
physicians worked quickly and skillfully to
Regional Hospital.
reconnect shattered bones, veins, arteries,
and damaged tissue. A metal plate was
“Everyone was kind and compassionate
placed on one side of the leg and three
and respectful — beyond fabulous,” she
screws were attached in each of the
says. Betsy credits Hospice with making
the difference for Bill at the end of his life.
severed bones. After more than a year of
rehabilitation, Fred today walks with scarcely “Because of Hospice, his illness and death
a limp.
were beautiful,” Betsy says. “On the night of
his death, they (Hospice) came to the house
Fred’s additional procedures include a
and told me to spend as much time with him
cardioversion to correct atrial fibrillation,
as I would like.”
a double hernia operation, radiation
therapy for prostate cancer, and a subdural
hematoma operation.The procedures reflect
the breadth and depth of surgical skills found
at Northern Michigan Regional Hospital.
“Needless to say,” adds Fred, “I am a true
supporter of “our Hospital” and it has been
my pleasure to serve as a trustee, donor, and
fundraiser in support of this institution.”
Following Mr. Saal’s death, his family,
including three grown children, decided to
continue their support for the Hospital and
Hospice with a donation to the Foundation.
“If someone wants to know how to give
a sick and dying person dignity, use this
system,” Betsy says. “I believe in the
care here.”
ham schirmer
Burt Lake
Total Hip Replacement Patient
Foundation Donor and Board Chair
“If you sit on a board, you should give of
your mind, your time, or your money, and I
think it’s best to give all three,” expresses
Ham Schirmer.
Ham Schirmer, Foundation Board Chair
and Foundation donor, has a long history
with the Hospital. A lifelong summer
resident of Burt Lake — year around for
the past seven years — Schirmer even
remembers early founders Dr. Burns and
his son Dean. But it was his experience
as a husband and a patient that defines
his relationship with Northern Michigan
Regional Hospital.
Ham’s first wife, Alice, was diagnosed
with cancer at the Hospital and later passed
away in 2004. “The Hospital was fabulous,”
he says. Ham, himself, was a candidate
for hip replacement surgery in December,
2011. “I needed it before,” he laughs, but
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Ronald Ronquist, MD,
agreed to wait until after hunting season.
“It was a marvelous experience,” he says,
“including pre-op, post-op, the Joint Clinic,
the nurse liaison program, and VitalCare
home visits. I was impressed with the whole
experience, from start to finish,” he says.
A longtime Foundation donor and
Board member, his most significant
financial gift was made after his “best
pal,” David E. Davis, Jr, died, and Schirmer
donated funds for a room at the Demmer
Wellness Pavilion to be named in his friend’s
memory. “I felt that this fine person deserved
to be remembered always,” he says.
fundraising priorities
Setting Priorities
Understanding the needs of the region, its residents, and the entire Health System guide the annual
Foundation fundraising priorities — a $7 million goal for 2012. The major priority for 2012 is the Structural
Heart Program, described on the facing page. Provided below is a summarized list of equipment and
programmatic needs. For more information about these items, contact the Foundation at 231.487.3500.
Structural Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,662,178
Unrestricted funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,925,622
Community Free Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 130,000
Kathleen Jontz Breast Health Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
Patient Assistance: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
Adult, Pediatric, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Dialysis, and Diabetes
Colleague Scholarships and Continuing Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
Programmatic Support: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 117,000
Research, Breast Health Navigator, Sound Beginnings, and
john and marnie Demmer wellness pavilion and dialysis center
VitalCare: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 706,000
Palliative Care program, Adult Day Center, Home Health Telehealth equipment,
Patient assistance, Cheboygan Hospice house, Hiland Cottage, Volunteer programs,
pregnancy and infant loss program, memorial and reflection gardens, education,
hospice of little traverse bay, hospice of the straits, and Hospice of the sunrise shore
Various Restricted Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 360,400
Structural Heart Program
Treating a Heart, Saving a Life
Structural heart disease is an abnormality, or defect, of the heart
muscle or the heart valves. Congenital heart disease, for example,
is a structural heart disease that is present at birth.
Structural Heart Program will focus on treating heart valve disorders
and structural heart defects at Northern Michigan Regional Hospital,
without requiring patients to travel elsewhere for surgeries,
treatments, and follow-up care. “Developing a Structural Heart Program is
important for the region’s patients,” says Cardiologist, Louis Cannon, MD.
“Unlike traditional open heart surgical prcedures, it allows us to address
this important need with minimally invasive techniques and state-of-the-art
imaging capabilities right here at home.”
A comprehensive Structural Heart Program offers treatment
strategies that address all types of structural heart disease: minimally
invasive valve surgery, peripheral aortic valve replacement, left atrial
appendage occlusion, patent foramen ovale closure, percutaneous
treatment for mitral valve regurgitation, and renal sympathetic-nerve
ablation. “Statistically, heart disease is one of the leading causes of
death in our region,” says Cannon. “Funding the Structural Heart
Program is the obvious next step for a nationally-recognized regional
heart and vascular facility like Northern Michigan Regional Hospital.”
How can you help:
The Structural Heart Program would include necessary facility renovations, purchase of
imaging technology, recruitment, and training of existing staff. The fundraising goal is $3.6 million.
To make a donation or for more information about donor naming opportunities, call 231.487.3500.
planned giving
The Joan Jensen Haupricht Endowment Fund:
The Forever Gift
“To meet Joan was to like her. To know her was to love her!”
— Friends of Joan
varian cancer can be notoriously difficult to diagnose and often goes
undetected until symptoms are very advanced. The Haupricht family of
Cedarville learned firsthand this frightening aspect of the disease. In 1996,
Paul and Joan Haupricht were visiting friends in Montana when Joan began to
experience severe pelvic pain. A perceptive doctor there strongly advised Joan to
have tests done in Salt Lake City, where it was confirmed that she was a strong
suspect for ovarian cancer and should have immediate surgery. Joan decided to have
her procedure at Northern Michigan Regional Hospital in order to be closer to family.
During the eighteen months in which Joan’s disease ran its course, she struggled to find
information about ovarian cancer written for the general population. “She was very frustrated because she
couldn’t find materials written specifically for patients,” says Paul Haupricht. “She would go to the Hospital nurses’ offices
and look at their libraries, but the information available was written for medical professionals.” This experience, as well
as the remarkable care that Joan received from Hospital physicians and nurses, became the impetus for the Joan Jensen
Haupricht Endowment Fund.
The endowment fund was established after she passed from ovarian cancer in 1997 so that educational resources
would always be available for oncology patients. Paul, a retired school psychologist, and Joan both believed that education
should be available to all people. The oncology mini-library and nursing student scholarships were created with their belief
in mind, both of which are funded by the endowment.
“The Haupricht Endowment is a reflection of their dedication to education and the Hospital,” says Julie Jarema,
Foundation Senior Director of Development. “We will see the benefits of their kindness and generosity in countless
ways — through nursing education and the patient care that follows.”
Two Scholarship Recipients
JOHN Binko was inspired to become an oncology nurse while observing Hospital
staff who positively impacted his father’s life when he was diagnosed with cancer,
and later became a cancer survivor. During that time, John became passionate
about patient care and realized that he wanted to become a nurse. Working in
the oncology unit as a Patient Care Tech (PCT), John earned praise from his patients and Hospital
colleagues. With the help of the Joan Jensen Haupricht Fund, John enrolled at North Central
Michigan College in 2010 and will earn his nursing degree this year. “This scholarship has allowed
me to fully concentrate on my education. I am very thankful to the Hauprichts.”
DAWN SAGER joined the Hospital’s oncology unit as a PCT in January 2002. As the
sole provider for her family, the opportunity to further her education and advance her
career would be life-changing. The endowment fund allowed her to enroll in the Kirtland Community
College Nursing Program where she earned her Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) certification and will
earn her Registered Nurse (RN) degree. “This scholarship has changed my life. I owe so much to the
Haupricht family and to my Hospital colleagues who encouraged me to pursue my education.”
Are you interested
in creating an
endowment fund?
A financial endowment
begins with a minimum
donation of $50,000 that is
invested so that the principal
remains intact for
a designated period of
time or in perpetuity. An
endowment is the gift that
keeps on giving.
For details,
contact Julie Jarema
at 231.487.4811 or
[email protected].
Thank You
memorials and honorariums
Generous 2011 Donors Who Honored
and Memorialized Loved Ones, and
Recognized Colleagues was Guardian Angels.
In honor of William F. Heise, II, MD
Steven and Linda Alexander
Mr. James S. Penix
In honor of H. Gunner Deery, MD
Tom and Mary Tomaski
In honor of Cindy Hofbauer
In honor of Michele I. Adaline
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of John L. Diedrich, MD
Ms. Mary A. Hagadone
In honor of Chris W. Akins, MD
Alan J. Wilhere, DDS
In honor of Kristi L. Dipzinski
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Daniel A. Beard
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of James Doull, MD
Mark S. Gray
In honor of Michael D. Beatty
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of JoAnn Dowsett
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Dawn Behling
Anne and Noel Melvin
In honor of Cheryl Eberhart
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Michelle L. Beigle
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Grant G. Elliott
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Sandra A. Boettger
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Sherri Engler
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Adam J. Brege
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Erine E. Erickson, MD
Nancy L. and Geoffrey C. MacGlashan
In honor of Lawrence D. Buhl, Jr
Amy and Larry Buhl
In honor of Nicole A. Burd
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Justin A. Call, MD
Mr. Gary J. Babcock
In honor of Louis A. Cannon, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G. George, Jr
Paul and Susan Heneks
Hal and Susan Hunsaker
Alan J. Wilhere, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams
In honor of Lisa J. Caudle
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Christine L. Ceglarek
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Elyse H. Cherry
Donna Sobier
In honor of Karen A. Ciccoretti
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Sharon K. Coen
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Todd M. Erickson, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Milford T. Lewis
In honor of Nickolas G. Fame
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Richard D. Ferguson, DO
Gerald and Lois Park
In honor of Carlos M. Fernandez
Mr. James L. Mellon, Jr
In honor of Caroline Fernandez
Mr. James L. Mellon, Jr
In honor of Marguerite A. Fernandez
Mr. James L. Mellon, Jr
In honor of James R. Galloway, DO
Mr. and Mrs. Lucius J. Munger
In honor of Brian H. Gelb, MD
Mark and Julie Jarema
In honor of Mark L. Ginkel, MD
Arthur and Debra Smart
In honor of Jane and Mark Ginsberg
Joseph and Linda Hance
In honor of Sheryl A. Golka
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Susan J. Golka
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Timothy Cordes
In honor of Alissa J. Gracy
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Dale and
Dixie Cosier’s Anniversary
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In honor of Stephanie L. Gulledge
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Dixie Cosier
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In honor of Lottie Viola Hayes
John and Ann Hayes
In honor of KayLynn DeCarli, DO
Michael and Linda Konicki
In honor of Vira C. Heise, MD
Mr. Gary J. Babcock
In honor of Robin N. Hoffman
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Dawn M. Horn
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Zachary A. Horton, MD
Marlene J. Hanert
In honor of Terry S. Jackson, DO
John and Lisa MacDonald
Charitable Foundation
Mr. James S. Penix
In honor of Julie Jarema
Anne and Noel Melvin
In honor of Deborah M. Johnson
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Valerie A. Jons
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Mary E. Kafer
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Bradley J. Kearby
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Bobbie J. Kelso
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Christian M. Kessler
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of John T. Kohler
Moon and Glenn Seagren
In honor of Steven M. Konicki, DO
Michael and Linda Konicki
In honor of Peter Levanovich, MD
Noel C. Bufe and Mary D. Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald M. Ruffner
In honor of Wynne J. Lienhardt
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Little Traverse Primary Care
Drs. Steve Konicki and KayLynn DeCarli
In honor of Michelle L. Lydick
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Katie McHugh’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Fitzpatrick
Dr. Michael J. Harmeling and
Dr. Andrea L. Wendling-Harmeling
Ms. Melanie B. Hausler
Ms. Michelle L. Seelye
In honor of William L. Meengs, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald M. Ruffner
Arthur and Debra Smart
In honor of Jaimee E. Metzger
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Susan L. Miller
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Tara M. Miller
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of David A. Moody
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Audrey A. Mooradian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mooradian
In honor of Richard E. Munsterman
Reezie DeVet
In honor of Jamie L. Nelson
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Carin Nielsen, MD
Sherry Haneckow
In honor of Northern Michigan Regional Hospital Intensive Care Unit
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Northern Michigan Regional
Hospital Physical Therapy
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In honor of Northern Michigan Regional
Hospital Emergency Department
Mr. and Mrs. Lucius J. Munger
In honor of Northern Michigan Regional
Hospital Medical Staff
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Fenlon
In honor of Northern Michigan Regional
Hospital Acute
Rehabilitation Department
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In honor of Roger A. Ostwald
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Naomi A. Overton, MD
Hal and Susan Hunsaker
In honor of Catina L. Madison
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Brent J. Penfold
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Nathan J. Martin
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Shannon M. Penfold
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Debbie M. McConnell
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Kelly J. Peterson
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Daniel E. McDonnell, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Milford T. Lewis
In honor of Katherine B. Piper
Dr. David and Lisa Holley
memorials and honorariums
In honor of Doug and Margaret
Rahaim and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rahaim
In honor of Elizabeh G. Ralley
In honor of Mark A. Richmond, MD
In honor of Erin A. Robinson
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Michelle L. Rushing
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Norma Rybinski
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Stephanie A. Schlak
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Mindy S. Sears
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Aurora Seelye’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Fitzpatrick
Dr. Michael J. Harmeling and
Dr. Andrea L. Wendling-Harmeling
Ms. Melanie B. Hausler
Ms. Michelle L. Seelye
In honor of Andrea Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Siegel
In honor of Shannon Slavsky
Shirley Dyckes Kelley
In honor of Stafford and
Janice Smith’s Anniversary
Fay and Larry Buhl
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In honor of Wendy L. Szymoniak
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Tracy R. Tonsor
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Timothy A. Van Every, MD
John and Margaret O’Malley
In honor of Cathy M. Vanwulfen
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Brad E. Vazales, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. DeGraves
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald M. Ruffner
In honor of Tracey S. Walker
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Wendy H. Walker, MD
Marcia and Richard Ames
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Cate
In honor of Ward and Mary Walstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Walstrom
In honor of Suzanne Wehrenberg, MD
Edwin and Ruth Strojny
In honor of Heather H. Williams
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Stacy L. Wilson
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In honor of Brian D. Wittenberg, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Ford
In honor of The Women’s and Children’s
Center of Northern Michigan
Regional Hospital
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In honor of Carol H. Yorkison
Carlos, Peggy, and Caroline Fernandez
Mr. Matthew L. Riley
In memory of Albert Alexander
Mrs. Roscelia G. Alexander
In memory of Robert C. Blanz
Irma Kathleen Noel
In memory of Benjamin B. Blum, MD
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Fenlon
In memory of Margaret
“Lorraine” Brazones
Ms. Marie J. Benner
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell D. Brenner, Jr
David and Joy McBride
In memory of Martin B. Breighner, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Borge R. Reimer
David J. Sparrow
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Taylor
In memory of Robert W. Brummeler
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Shawn
In memory of Norman C. Burke
Mrs. Margery W. Willey
In memory of Dean C. Burns, MD
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Fenlon
In memory of Karol K. Caldwell
In memory of Martha Cameron
Michael T. Cameron
In memory of William S. Conway, MD
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Fenlon
In memory of William J. Corbett
Charlotte W. Corbett
In memory of C.A. Coryell
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Feldmann
In memory of Leslie R. Cottrill
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cunningham, Jr
In memory of Harrington M. Cummings
Mrs. Harrington M. Cummings
In memory of Karl Daniels
Don and Jacqui Smith
In memory of Julia I. Dean
Steve and Barb Berry
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In memory of Elmer L. DeSimpel
Mrs. Lois M. Desimpel
In memory of Russel Downey, Jr
Anne D. Wallace
In memory of Martha G. Drake
In memory of Andrew M. Dreelin, III
Milly Wilson
In memory of Marilyn Dudley
Afternoon Charity Bridge Marathon
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Aspenleiter
In memory of William Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Shawn
nmh-foundation.org · 231.487.3500
In memory of Jean Ebling
J. Chester and Anita Ebling
In memory of Barrie A. FitzSimons
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hord Armstrong, III
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Barksdale
Mrs. William Barnes, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brodie
Fay and Larry Buhl
Mr. William Y. Campbell
Mrs. Thomas H. Carruthers, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Dalby
Mr. and Mrs. James Dingeman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dunlap, Jr
Jim and Christy Everest
Mrs. Jean I. Everest
Mrs. William A. Fisher, II and Family
David W. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ford, III
David G. Frey
Janet and Dick Fruehauf
Charles F. and Susan G. Glass
Bill and Bev Hoglund
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Howe, III
Mr. and Mrs. George W. James, II
Mr. and Mrs. Grant H. James
Mrs. Flora B. Jansing
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kemp, Jr
Willard P. Kerr
DeDe and Don Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Mackell
Virginia B. McCoy
Mr. William A. McWhirter
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Offield
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Parrish, III
The Skoglund Family
David W. and Kathy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Smith
William and Sarah Ross Soter
Mrs. Susanna J. Souder
Ms. Elizabeth G. Terry
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomas, Jr
Mrs. Helena P. Thurber
Mrs. Patricia M. Townsend
Michael and Patricia Turnbull
John and Barbara Wallace
Allen and Terry Whittemore
Robert H. Wolf and Sandra S. Wolf
In memory of Francis Stanley Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Case
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cloutier
Elizabeth M. Frey
Harbor Springs Ladies Golf League
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Juneau
Jim and Diane Thomas
In memory of George H. Hall
Mrs. Mary E. Hall
In memory of George Hargreaves
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Schulingkamp
In memory of Ginnie Harris
Eugene Harris
In memory of Carolyn Himmelein
Evelyn and Peter Gryson
In memory of Donald Hodgkiss
Nancy A. Hodgkiss
In memory of James A. Holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Gokee
Ms. Patricia A. Horgan
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Luettjohann
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weber
In memory of Donald Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. DuMouchelle
In memory of Joseph F. Imbs
Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Amice
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hord Armstrong, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Babcock
Mr. Richard Baer
Ms. Lucy M. Bangs
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Barksdale
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Barnes
Bob and Sue Bleyaert
Boy Scouts of America
Brokerage Unlimited, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Budden
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Bunta
Ms. Ann M. Burroughs
Mr. James B. Buse, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Buttrick
Ms. Helen S. Capps
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Capps
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Carruthers
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Castellano
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chamness, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Parker B. Condie, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Cranmer
Crump Nashville Team
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Dozier, Jr
Dr. and Mrs. W. Claiborne Dunagan
Mr. and Mrs. Niel C. Ellerbrook
Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis Engler
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ferrara
Mrs. William A. Fisher, II and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Fisher
Carolyn and Bob Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Minot P. Fryer, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gagen
Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Gery
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Graham
Ms. Mary F. Griffith
Mr. Douglas R. Guenther
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Guenther
Mr. Bob Gulino
Mr. Frank J. Guyol, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Guyol
Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Hailand, III
William A. and Elise Hanley, Jr
Elaine I. Heile
Mrs. L. Shepley Hermann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Heuermann, Jr
Margo and Paul Hields
Mrs. Arthur C. Hiemenz, Jr
John and Joan Hillenbrand
Mr. Briggs A. Hoffman
Ms. Jerome T. Holden
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Holden
Mr. William Holekamp
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holiday, III
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. Holthaus, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Howe, III
Hufford’s Jewelry, Inc.
Industrial Contractors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. James, II
Dr. and Mrs. Reynold E. Klages, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Kloecker
Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Kloppenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Ladd
DeDe and Don Lambert
Mr. Donald E. Lasater
Nesta and Maury Lonsway
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lowell
Mr. Tom Lowell
Mr. Wilhelm Lowell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Luppens
Mrs. Mary Jane Lynch
Bruce and Mary Jo Maguire
Joseph L. and Sarah S. Marcum
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Marcum
Mr. and Mrs. Lansden McCandless, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McDonald
In memory of Joseph F. Imbs continued
Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinney
Mr. R. Wesley Mellow, III
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Merten
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Mogavero
Mrs. Reuben M. Morriss, III
Mr. and Mrs. Birch Mullins
Mrs. Dolor P. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Myers
Anna P. Nichols Fund of the Indian
River Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John T. O’Connell
Ms. Marie P. Oetting
Mr. and Mrs. John D. O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. O’Neal
Cynthia W. Ottaway
John and Mary Jo Parker and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Peters, II
Mr. Roy Pfautch
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Pierson
Mr. Francis J. Pollnow, Jr
Mr. John K. Pruellage
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Purcell, Jr
G. T. Rhodes Men’s Wear
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Rocchio
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Terry S. Schnuck
Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Schnuck
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Seeger, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Spitzer
St. Louis Arc
Ms. Dorothy M. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Steward
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Streett, Jr
Hugh and Julie Sullivan
Mr. Jack C. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Ternes, Jr
Richard and Betty Terrell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Thaman
Theta Forum
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Thomas, Jr
Thompson Coburn LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Van Dyke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Vermeiren
Watermark Foundation
Mr. Kelvin R. Westbrook and
Ms. Valerie D. Bell
Joseph H. White
Allen and Terry Whittemore
Ms. Mary June Wilkinson
Mrs. Charles L. Wilson, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wirtz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Yeatts
Mr. and Mrs. Ted C. Ziemer, Jr
In memory of Nicholas A. Johnson
Mr. Robert A. Sloan and Ms. Ellen M. Byerlein
In memory of Kathleen E. Jontz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stokel
In memory of Edmund J. Kauffman
Mrs. Kate P. Haddox
In memory of Charles E. Kirsch
Durwood and Leslie Allen
Ben and Carolyn Benjamin
Dick and Sally Bouton
Ms. Barbara J. Brothers
Judge and Mrs. James P. Churchill
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cloutier
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Eckhardt
David G. Frey
Mr. Joseph Hamlin
Kathleen and Jeff Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Horn
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Jackson
Richard and June Jackson
Ray and Martha Joynt
Mrs. Ann A. Kelley
Barbara Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kozlowski
In memory of Charles E. Kirsch continued
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martin
Ms. Ruth R. Perry
Ruth Ann Rowan
David and Sharon Smith
Sturgis Molded Products Company
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Ternes, Jr
Bert and Martha Treiber
In memory of Elizabeth M. Klopcic
Donald L. Klopcic
In memory of Edwin L. Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Kohler, Jr
In memory of Irene Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Kohler, Jr
In memory of Jessica E. Kohlligian
Mr. Martin C. Kohlligian
In memory of Emily Laffoon
Mr. Peter Laffoon
In memory of Reba Lawrence
John W. Lawrence
In memory of Deborah LeValley
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In memory of Roger W. Lintz
Jon and Sue Jontz
In memory of Maurine E. Loop
Ms. Julianne C. Chan
Ms. Mary Jane Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Wunderlich
In memory of Leonard Luszczynski
Diane Luszczynski
In memory of R. Webster MacKenzie
Dr. and Mrs. C. Clyde Anderson
Barbara and Richard Baker
Mrs. William A. Fisher, II and Family
Elizabeth M. Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Garber, II
Mr. David D. Green and Mrs. Molly Ballor
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. House, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. John Janicki
Mrs. Diane K. MacKenzie
Mr. Neal L. McCue
Mrs. Harry W. Mellen
Gerald and Lois Park
Sarah A. Richardson
Pat and Jerry Slebiska
Bernie and Deanna VanAntwerp
In memory of Loretta I. Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Burkhardt
Ms. Kathleen A. Hart
Ms. Judy C. Honor
In memory of Marie M. Maximiuk
John W. Maximiuk
In memory of Rita J. McCue
Mr. Neal L. McCue
In memory of Robert E. McGeorge
Margaret E. McGeorge
In memory of LaMoine R. McMurray
Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson
Boyne Highlands Ski Patrol
Cline, Cline and Griffin, P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Freehan
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Granlund
Mr. and Mrs. James Greenhoe
Ms. Sarah E. Harper
Mr. Michael C. MacMillan, CRNA
Robert G. and Helen L. Maldegen
Mr. and Mrs. Jaan Mannik
Mr. and Mrs. Berton J. Mathias
Richard J. McMurray, MD
Michigan State Medical Society
Mr. and Mrs. Verne H. Osterlund
In memory of LaMoine R. McMurray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Pattison
Mr. and Mrs. Borge R. Reimer
Mrs. Judith A. Stubbs
Jim and Marilyn Truesdell
In memory of George L. Menzi
Mrs. Diane K. MacKenzie
In memory of Nick Michels
Mr. Robert A. Sloan and Ms. Ellen M. Byerlein
In memory of David Mikhail, MD
Mrs. Samia T. S. Mikhail
In memory of Elizabeth H. Miller
Mrs. Elizabeth Reutlinger
In memory of Bettyjane L. Mogg
Eleanor Stude
In memory of Thomas C. Mroczkowski
Northern Michigan Regional Health System IT – Technical Services Team
In memory of Mary Lou D. Munroe
Kirk Munroe, Sr.
In memory of Jane B. Murphy
Nancy L. and Geoffrey C. MacGlashan
In memory of Nicholas G. Naganashe
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Garrow
David A. Potter
In memory of Virginia L. Smith
Chris and Sara Christensen and Family
In memory of Sophie M. Spears
Ms. Colette Spears
In memory of William R. Sutton
Mrs. Marion G. Sutton
In memory of Roy M. Talley
Robert and Sharon Kammeraad
In memory of C. Ray. Thompson
In memory of Charles R. Thompson
In memory of Rexford P. Thuston
Maryanna P. Thuston
In memory of William R. Todd, DDS
Margo A. Todd
In memory of Bernard and
Mary Jane Tompkins
Dick and Sally Bouton
In memory of Marana W. Tost
Marvin and Roberta Howell
In memory of Betty H. Troth
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Troth
In memory of Margaret J. Tulloch
William W. Tulloch, Jr
In memory of Virginia E. Neuman
Richard and Juanita Wert
In memory of John L. Vala
In memory of Wayne Neuman
Richard and Juanita Wert
In memory of Clifford J. Vaughan
Elise V. Vaughan
In memory of Paul E. Normile
C. M. Normile
In memory of Nickolas J. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bowers
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Brown
In memory of Richard C. Oelke
Clara C. Oelke
In memory of Jean Petoskey
Merrill L. Petoskey
In memory of Elmer Phillips
In memory of Marjorie Porter
Marvin and Roberta Howell
In memory of Nick Puma
Joseph and Doris Bitel
In memory of Donald N. Rhoads
Patricia A. Rhoads
In memory of Betty G. Rondell
Marjory C. Dinwiddie
In memory of Gary Ruell
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In memory of William G. Rupp
Mrs. William G. Rupp
In memory of Frederick C. Schwartz, MD
Jeff Ferris
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Hutto
In memory of Jane Schwartz
Jeff Ferris
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Hutto
In memory of Karen Seelye
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Fitzpatrick
Dr. Michael J. Harmeling and
Dr. Andrea L. Wendling-Harmeling
Ms. Melanie B. Hausler
Ms. Michelle L. Seelye
In memory of Bertrand and
Betty Simmons
Donald and Pat Scott
In memory of Robert J. Smith
Mr. Donald Breed
Ms. Priscilla Galvin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Horner
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Howe, III
Mrs. Roger W. Hull
In memory of Anne M. Weglinski
Brent and Karen Holmes
In memory of Betty S. Wicker
Reezie DeVet and Dick Munsterman
In memory of Walter D. Willey
Mrs. Margery W. Willey
In memory of Paul L. Williams
In memory of John D. Zoerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Zoerhoff
guardian angel
In honor of Oksana B. Dobrovytska
In honor of Marc A. Feeley, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Horn
In honor of William E. Henry, MD
Dr. Robert R. and Mrs. Alice Pattengale
In honor of William L. Meengs, MD
Marcia and Richard Ames
In honor of Calvin Penfold, EMT-P
Family of Joseph F. Imbs, II
Every gift is truly appreciated and allows
the Foundation to meet the greatest needs.
However, because of space limitations, only
2011 honorarium, memorial, and Guardian
Angel gifts are listed. We have made a
sincere effort to accurately honor every
memorial contributor. If you notice an error,
please accept our apology and notify the
Foundation at 231.487.3500 so that we may
correct our records.
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The Generosity of Others
Fundraising can be hard work, but fun, too, when it involves like-minded
individuals coming together for a cause. Community sports and events
are excellent opportunities for fundraising, as illustrated here.
Held January 27, 2012, at Griffin
Arena, Pink in the Rink, raised
more than $2,100 for the Kathleen
Jontz Breast Health Fund. Pictured
is Moon Seagren, Foundation Chief
Development Officer, with the
Petoskey Northmen hockey team.
Measure Up Trunk Show, hosted by the Claymore Shop of Petoskey on
September 11, 2011, raised $500 in support of Prostate Cancer Awareness
Month. Pictured left, Bob Benkert
presents a check to Dawn Behling,
Foundation Nurse Liaison (left), and
Moon Seagren, Foundation Chief
Development Officer (right).
Art Van in Petoskey hosted the
2nd annual Ladies Night Out on
March 11, 2012. Area women enjoyed a free evening of pampering to benefit
the Foundation. Local vendors offered hair and makeup styling, manicures, and
chair massages, plus food and beverage stations. Over 600 women attended and
donations exceeded $2,700.
231.487.3500 · nmh-foundation.org
Upcoming Benefit Events
Pink Ribbon Ride
June 16, 2012, 7 a.m.
Veteran’s Park, Boyne City
Details: bike4breastcancer.org
3rd Annual Golf Outing — A VitalCare
Hospice of the Sunrise Shore Benefit
June, 16, 2012, 9 a.m. Shot Gun Start
Thunder Bay Golf Resort, Hillman
Details: Alison Hubbard at 231.487.3591
or [email protected]
Birchwood Country Club’s
Ladies Golf & Tennis:
Take a Swing at Cancer
June 20, 2012, 9 a.m. (18 holes), 10:30 a.m. (9 Holes)
Details: 231.526.6245 or birchwoodcc.com
Bay Harbor Foundation
in Cooperation with the City of Petoskey
Bay Harbor 5K Run
Saturday, June 23, 2012, 8:30 a.m.
Bay Harbor
Details: 231.439.2700 or
Passport to the Arts Walk — A VitalCare
Hospice of the Straits Benefit
August 30 – September 10, 2012
Opening Night: August 30, 5 – 9 p.m.