27th Edition 2014 Harare Awards


27th Edition 2014 Harare Awards
Megafest team
Tafadzwa P. Matsika
chief editor
Mercy Matsika
Udwin P. Moyo
[email protected]
Editorial team
Linda Mnkandla
Sibusisiwe Danisa
Kellie Muteerwa
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2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 2
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Editor’s Notes
Mercy Matsika
t some point you get to realise
that life does not happen TO
you, it happens THROUGH you.
You totally forget that you are
100% the CAUSE of all of the circumstances in your life, not the EFFECT
of it. You stop being the victim and
have an awakening, a REALIZATION of
profound significance. You understand
that YOU are creating every moment
of your existence (and existence itself ),
either consciously or unconsciously, in
every moment. It’s pretty damn scary
when it claps you between the eyes.
The penny drops. The moaning stops.
There is no-thing and no-body to blame
for ANYTHING anymore. There is just
you, surrounded by the magnificence
(or disaster) of every single one of your
Humans are by far the most creative
species on our planet. All the other species are able to procreate, to make more
of themselves. Humans have the magic
capability to co-create and make themselves more. We are able to create both
positively and negatively, yin and yan,
depending upon whether we are creating from a space of love or fear. From
a space of love we can create amazing
artworks, haunting music, inspiring
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 4
movies, beautiful buildings, astounding
automobiles, miraculous medication
and daring dreams. From a space of
fear (often assisted by testosterone)
we can create bombs and guns and
nuclear weapons and mass destruction
and concentration camps and corrupt
governments and lopsided societies
with huge inequalities. For hundreds
of years we have created so much from
fear – look at the result. Now is the time
to choose to create from love.
There are 3 levels of creation, three
stages through which we create everything (man-made) which we see around
us. The 3 levels are: THOUGHT, WORDS
and ACTION. Take a quick look around
you and reflect upon the computer,
chair, desk, light or any other object you
can see. It probably began as a thought
in somebody’s head. They then spoke
about it or wrote it down and then drew
or designed it, before taking the required action to produce it. Consciously
or unconsciously we are creating every
moment, every situation, every relationship, every success and every failure,
using the 3 levels of creation. The state
of our health, wealth and happiness are
direct results of how effectively we use
the 3 levels. In my experience it helps
to first fully understand and master
each level separately, then consciously
combine them for maximum effect.
The first level of creation is THOUGHT.
Thoughts have power, thought activity can be measured electrically, but
thoughts are not powerful enough to
create on their own. They need their
allies, words and action, for the creative
magic to work. But first, thoughts need
to be managed, mastered and focused.
For example: “I wish I had a nice car”
is a weak thought. It has almost no
power. There is infinitely more power
in thinking: “I am going to purchase
a second-hand car, costing no more
than $15 000, by the end of December 2014”. Now it sounds more like a
goal than a wish. To make the thought
more powerful, you could create more
detail, including the make of car, model,
mileage, preferred colour etc. You could
also visualise the vehicle, which brings
the right hemisphere of your brain
into play. The more detail and clarity
of thought you can manage, the more
brain power you invoke, the more powerful the thought becomes.
Apparently only one in ten people have
got clarity and detail on what it is they
really want, why they want it, when they want it, who can
help them get it and how they plan to start taking action. So
the world is full of disappointed dreamers, wishing for more
but living with less. A world full of victims, who could instantly become visionaries, if they simply learned to master their
thoughts and then applied the next level of creation, words.
The second level of creation is WORDS. Words come in 3
main forms, spoken, written and images. The spoken word
is far more powerful than thought because it can be heard
by many. It can be amplified and recorded and broadcast to
millions. The written word is equally powerful, it can be printed and read and shared and distributed and blogged and
even tweeted. But pictures are the most powerful, because
everything physical we are able to create, from clothing to
furniture to technology to buildings, has to be DRAWN as an
image or design before it becomes manifest as reality.
So the chances of creating something magnify exponentially if you first think about it clearly and in detail, then speak
about it and write it down as words and finally create or
source an image of it. Going back to the vehicle example
above, it is now possible to write and display prominently
in various place: “By the end of December 2014, I will be the
proud owner of a silver Toyota, with no more than 50 000
km’s on the clock, costing me no more than $15 000”. Then to
make the goal MORE POWERFUL, you find some pictures of
a silver Toyota and display it alongside the words. This is the
basis for a VISION BOARD, one of the most powerful creation
tools available today. If you do not have a vision board,
Google it and see how simple it is to make one. But for you
to Google the word and make the vision board and display it
and look at it often requires level 3, ACTION.
The third level of creation is ACTION. This is by far the most
powerful level, the final piece of the puzzle. The action begins
at level one, when you actively seek tools to assist you in
managing, mastering, clarifying and focusing your thoughts.
Action continues to level two when you choose to speak,
write or draw your thoughts. But the most important action
is to understand and overcome inertia. Inertia is our tendency to stay with the comfortable, the familiar and the “safe,”
however grim or disappointing it is. Inertia is a powerful force
affecting all material things on our planet. To overcome inertia requires serious will-power, self-discipline, mental mastery
tools or simply becoming passionately pissed off. We need
to become aware of the self sabotage mechanisms of doubt,
fear and uncertainty.
The self sabotage mechanism is the little voice in your head
which tells you constantly: “You can’t do it, you don’t deserve
it, you don’t have enough time / money, this article is bull,
none of this self-help crap works, it is too difficult, it is impossible.” Action requires you to re-punctuate the word impossi-
ble to read: I’m Possible. Action requires you to really get off
your but’s and butts and JUST DO IT. Action requires you to
trust the 3 levels of creation, because they are self-evident.
Action requires you to try and fail and try again, which is how
we all learned to walk. Action requires taking control of what
you feed your mind, who you surround yourself with, what
you think, feel and say every moment of every day.
Whoa. That all seems so HARD to do!
Make the choice. What do you want to create? A life of quiet
desperation or a life of dreams becoming reality? A life of
being the blaming victim or a life of being the victorious
Make the choice. Make it happen. I guarantee that with
commitment, repetition, practice and persistence, conscious
creation will become a habit. A life changing and life affirming habit. Thank you for taking the action to read these
words. Now go and implement the 3 levels of creation in your
own life and watch what happens. Please remember to create
from a space of love.
Prepare to be astounded!
With Love
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 5
CEO’s Remarks
Dr T. P. Matsika
plan every
aspect of your
egardless of your definition of
success, there are, oddly enough,
a great number of common
characteristics that are shared
by successful business people. You can
place a check beside each characteristic
that you feel that you possess. This way,
you can see how you stack up. Even if
you don't have all of these characteristics, don't fret. Most can be learned with
practice and by developing a winning
attitude, especially if you set goals and
apply yourself, through strategic planning, to reach those goals in incremental and measurable stages.
The Home
Business Musts
Like any activity you pursue, there are
certain musts that are required to be
successful in a chosen activity. To legally
operate a vehicle on public roadways,
one must have a driver's license; to
excel in sports, one must train and practice; to retire comfortably, one must
become an informed investor and actively invest for retirement. If your goal
is success in business, then the formula
is no different. There are certain musts
that have to be fully developed, implemented and managed for your business
to succeed. There are many business
musts, but this article contains I believe
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 6
to be some of the more important
musts that are required to start, operate
and grow a profitable home business.
1. Do what you enjoy.
What you get out of your business in
the form of personal satisfaction, financial gain, stability and enjoyment will
be the sum of what you put into your
business. So if you don't enjoy what
you're doing, in all likelihood it's safe
to assume that will be reflected in the
success of your business or subsequent
lack of success. In fact, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, chances are you
won't succeed.
2. Take what you do
You cannot expect to be effective and
successful in business unless you truly
believe in your business and in the
goods and services that you sell. Far too
many home business owners fail to take
their own businesses seriously enough,
getting easily sidetracked and not staying motivated and keeping their noses
to the grindstone. They also fall prey to
naysayers who don't take them seriously because they don't work from an
office building, office park, storefront,
or factory. Little do these skeptics, who
rain on the home business owner's parade, know is that the number of people working from home, and making
very good annual incomes, has grown
by leaps and bounds in recent years.
3. Plan everything.
Planning every aspect of your home
business is not only a must, but also
builds habits that every home business
owner should develop, implement, and
maintain. The act of business planning
is so important because it requires you
to analyze each business situation,
research and compile data, and make
conclusions based mainly on the facts
as revealed through the research. A
business plan also serves a second function, which is having your goals and
how you will achieve them, on paper.
You can use the plan that you create
both as map to take you from point A to
Z and as a yardstick to measure the success of each individual plan or segment
within the plan.
4. Manage money
The lifeblood of any business enterprise
is cash flow. You need it to buy inventory, pay for services, promote and market
your business, repair and replace tools
and equipment, and pay yourself so
that you can continue to work. Therefore, all home business owners must become wise money managers to ensure
that the cash keeps flowing and the
bills get paid.
There are two aspects to wise money management.
a) The money you receive from clients in exchange for your
goods and services you provide (income).
b) The money you spend on inventory, supplies, wages and
other items required to keep your business operating (expenses).
5. Ask for the sale.
A home business entrepreneur must always remember
that marketing, advertising, or promotional activities are
completely worthless, regardless of how clever, expensive,
or perfectly targeted they are, unless one simple thing is
accomplished--ask for the sale. This is not to say that being a
great salesperson, advertising copywriting whiz or a public
relations specialist isn't a tremendous asset to your business.
However, all of these skills will be for naught if you do not
actively ask people to buy what you are selling.
6. Remember it's all
about the customer.
Your home business is not about the products or services
that you sell. Your home business is not about the prices that
you charge for your goods and services. Your home business
is not about your competition and how to beat them. Your
business is all about your customers, or clients, period. After
all, your customers are the people that will ultimately decide
if your business goes boom or bust. Everything you do in
business must be customer focused, including your policies,
warranties, payment options, operating hours, presentations,
advertising and promotional campaigns and website. In
addition, you must know who your customers are inside out
and upside down.
7. Become a shameless self-promoter
(without becoming obnoxious).
One of the greatest myths about personal or business success
is that eventually your business, personal abilities, products
or services will get discovered and be embraced by the
masses that will beat a path to your door to buy what you are
selling. But how can this happen if no one knows who you
are, what you sell and why they should be buying?
Self-promotion is one of the most beneficial, yet most
under-utilized, marketing tools that the majority of home
business owners have at their immediate disposal.
8. Project a positive business image.
You have but a passing moment to make a positive and
memorable impression on people with whom you intend
to do business. Home business owners must go out of their
way and make a conscious effort to always project the most
professional business image possible. The majority of home
business owners do not have the advantage of elaborate
offices or elegant storefronts and showrooms to wow
prospects and impress customers. Instead, they must rely on
imagination, creativity and attention to the smallest detail
when creating and maintaining a professional image for their
home business.
9. Get to know your customers.
One of the biggest features and often the most significant
competitive edge the home based entrepreneur has over the
larger competitors is the he can offer personalized attention.
Call it high-tech backlash if you will, but customers are sick
and tired of hearing that their information is somewhere in
the computer and must be retrieved, or told to push a dozen
digits to finally get to the right department only to end up
with voice mail from which they never receive a return phone
The home business owner can actually answer phone calls,
get to know customers, provide personal attention and win
over repeat business by doing so. It's a researched fact that
most business (80 percent) will come from repeat customers
rather than new customers. Therefore, along with trying to
draw newcomers, the more you can do to woo your regular
customers, the better off you will be in the long run and
personalized attention is very much appreciated and remembered in the modern high tech world.
10. Level the playing field with
You should avoid getting overly caught up in the high-tech
world, but you should also know how to take advantage of
using it. One of the most amazing aspects of the internet is
that a one or two person business operating from a basement can have a superior website to a $50 million company,
and nobody knows the difference. Make sure you're keeping
up with the high-tech world as it suits your needs. The best
technology is that which helps you, not that which impresses
your neighbors.
11. Build a top-notch business team.
No one person can build a successful business alone. It's a
task that requires a team that is as committed as you to the
business and its success. Your business team may include
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 7
A successful
business is a
task that requires a TEAM
that is as committed as you to
the business and
its success.
family members, friends, suppliers, business alliances, employees, sub-contractors, industry and business associations,
local government and the community.
Of course the most important team
members will be your customers or
clients. Any or all may have a say in how
your business will function and a stake
in your business future.
12. Become known as
an expert.
When you have a problem that needs
to be solved, do you seek just anyone's
advice or do you seek an expert in
the field to help solve your particular
problem? Obviously, you want the most
accurate information and assistance
that you can get. You naturally seek an
expert to help solve your problem. You
call a plumber when the hot water tank
leaks, a real estate agent when it's time
to sell your home or a dentist when
you have a toothache. Therefore, it only
stands to reason that the more you become known for your expertise in your
business, the more people will seek you
out to tap into your expertise, creating
more selling and referral opportunities.
In effect, becoming known as an expert
is another style of prospecting for new
business, just in reverse. Instead of
finding new and qualified people to sell
to, these people seek you out for your
13. Create a competitive advantage.
A home business must have a clearly
defined unique selling proposition.
This is nothing more than a fancy way
of asking the vital question, “Why
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 8
will people choose to do business
with you or purchase your product or
service instead of doing business with
a competitor and buying his product
or service?” In other words, what one aspect or combination of aspects is going
to separate your business from your
competition? Will it be better service,
a longer warranty, better selection,
longer business hours, more flexible
payment options, lowest price, personalized service, better customer service,
better return and exchange policies or a
combination of several of these?
14. Invest in yourself.
Top entrepreneurs buy and read business and marketing books, magazines,
reports, journals, newsletters, websites
and industry publications, knowing
that these resources will improve
their understanding of business and
marketing functions and skills. They
join business associations and clubs,
and they network with other skilled
business people to learn their secrets
of success and help define their own
goals and objectives. Top entrepreneurs
attend business and marketing seminars, workshops and training courses,
even if they have already mastered the
subject matter of the event. They do
this because they know that education
is an ongoing process. There are usually
ways to do things better, in less time,
with less effort. In short, top entrepreneurs never stop investing in the most
powerful, effective and best business
and marketing tool at their immediate
15. Be accessible.
We’re living in a time when we all ex-
pect our fast food lunch at the drive-thru window to be ready in mere minutes,
our dry cleaning to be ready for pick-up
on the same day, our money to be available at the cash machine and our pizza
delivered in 30 minutes or it’s free. You
see the pattern developing you must
make it as easy as you can for people to
do business with you, regardless of the
home business you operate.
You must remain cognizant of the fact
that few people will work hard, go out
of their way, or be inconvenienced just
for the privilege of giving you their
hard-earned money. The shoe is always
on the other foot. Making it easy for
people to do business with you means
that you must be accessible and knowledgeable about your products and
services. You must be able to provide
customers with what they want, when
they want it.
16. Build a rock-solid
A good reputation is unquestionably
one of the home business owner’s most
tangible and marketable assets. You
can’t simply buy a good reputation; it’s
something that you earn by honoring
your promises. If you promise to have
the merchandise in the customer’s
hands by Wednesday, you have no
excuse not to have it there. If you offer
to repair something, you need to make
good on your offer. Consistency in
what you offer is the other key factor.
If you cannot come through with the
same level of service (and products) for
clients on a regular basis, they have no
reason to trust you and without trust,
you won’t have a good reputation.
Edna Mukurazhizha(BancABC)
Leadership Award of the Year 2014 Nominee
currently have the largest market share.
• Represented BancABC at National Association Secondary
School Head i.e. all the Government & Mission Schools in
Zimbabwe for 2 years first year was Guest of Honour.
• Represented BancABC at CHIZS Conference all the Private
Schools in Zimbabwe.
• Represented BancABC at various schools as Guest of Honour.
• Launched Woman Excel in September 2011 an organisation
that seeks to empower women to break out of mediocrity to
• Have written a book “You have what it takes Woman Excel”
to inspire and empower women not to remain at the same
level but excel in every area of their lives because the seed of
greatness on the inside of them.
• Throughout my career have promoted women and encouraged them to pursue degrees & training that helps them to
y career began as a Graduate Trainee with ZB Bank
in 1998. I then moved to African Banking Corporation in 2001 as an Account Relationship Manager
and am currently Country Head Asset Finance for
BancABC. As a Banker I have managed to develop profitable
relationships for the organisation. I am a co-founder for Woman Excel an organisation that seeks to empower women to
break out of mediocrity to greatness. I believe every woman
has all it takes to rise to the next level and excel in every area
of their lives.
• December 2012 as Woman Excel we invited Dr Cindy Trimm
from Atlanta Georgia as Guest Speaker at Woman Excel Conference after having attended Woman Thou Art loosed Conference in Houston Texas where she was one of the speakers.
She has written many books including Commanding your
morning a book that changed & transformed my life. Every
school I have been to as Guest of Honour I have given way
this book to inspire young girls.
• This year in October 2014 I travelled with a group of 20 ladies on a USA tour starting in Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York
& Washington DC. The exposure is life changing.
• 150 Women Prisoners were released from Chikurubi Max
Prison to come and attend Woman Excel Conference in December 2012.
• At the launch of Woman Excel we started a scholarship program for the disadvantaged Girl Child at the Primary School
and Secondary School that we went to. We currently have 40
students we are paying school fees for.
• Management Leadership Development Program at University of Stellenbosch 2013.
My relationship with God has allowed me to balance being a
mother, wife and professional or career woman. My husband
Lesley who is a Pastor plays a huge role in my life and he is
very supportive and loving. We have been married for 17
years, and we have been blessed with 5 children.
• Master’s in Business Administration at the Graduate School
of Management and graduated in 2004.
• Successfully set up Asset Finance at ZABG 2004.
• Successfully set up Asset Finance at BancABC 2010 and
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 9
Seed Co
Service Champion Award of the Year 2014 Nominee
The planting season
is upon us
eed Co, the leading producer and
marketer of certified crop seeds in
Zimbabwe has started the 2014/15
planting season on a high note. Given the
company’s passion to foster and deliver positive ethos and productive farming, the leading company is determined to continue in
that manner. Ensuring that farmers achieve
ultimate productivity is the organisation’s
main agenda achieved through appropriate
varietal selection, placement and good crop
management by farmers.
The organization takes pride in its high
performing varieties across the ago-ecological zones of Zimbabwe that have proven
incredible yield result. Farmers are continuously edged to grow varieties that are
suitable and appropriate for their regions.
Yield records of 18 metric tonnes per hectare have been recorded for SC 727 while SC
637 demonstrated incredible yield performance of 16 metric tonnes per hectare. The
company is excited about this set of results
as they assure productive and profitable
yields to our farming population. As farmers
continue to redefine excellence both in
communal and commercial segments Seed
Co Research and Development efforts are
continuously focused on developing cutting
edge variety options in Wheat, Soya bean
and Maize crops. The recent successful
launch of SC 533 and the latest development the 300 series (SC 301) which adapts
more in drought susceptible environments
areas with high heat and drought stress
tolerance is evidence of these continual
The company’s goal is to develop maize
hybrid varieties with stable performance
across both sites and seasons. These hybrids have undergone extensive testing in
Zimbabwe and have proved superior across
multi-locational trials. It is important for
farmers to recognize that no single hybrid
performs well under all conditions. All
varieties have a range of adaptability and
perform well under fairly specific conditions.
Some seasons or sites favour early maturing
varieties, others medium maturing or late
maturing varieties. It is important for farmers to select varieties that are suitable and
appropriate for their ago-ecological zones.
Seed Co maize varieties maturity groups are
defined and classified using animal symbol
iconography. The animal symbols have
simplified the variety maturity terms and
has been particularly significant and famous
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 10
in Zimbabwe and across all other regional
country markets.
The late maturity cycle (700 series) is denoted by the Elephant symbol because of
the high yield potential. SC727 and SC 719
are outstanding in this maturity group and
have good resistance to Maize Streak Virus,
Mottle Virus, and the Grey Leaf Spot which
is susceptible in most areas in Zimbabwe.
These varieties are encouraged in regional
areas where there are high rainfalls or areas
with adequate irrigation. Currently, SC 727 is
the highest yielder across all maize varieties
in Zimbabwe
The medium maturity cycle (600 series) uses
the Lion iconography. The yield records of
16 tonnes per hectare have been achieved
with SC 637. The 600 series are recommended for region I, II A, II B and some parts of
region III.
Seed Co’s early maturity (500 series)
variety popularly known as “Mbizi” is fairly
stable and adaptable. These hybrids are
recommended in areas experiencing high
temperatures and little rainfall because they
are widely adaptable and offer good heat
and drought stress tolerance particularly in
Region III, IV and V. The company’s latest
release in this group, SC 533 has proven
higher tolerance to heat and drought in
comparison to its stable mate SC 513
The 400 series denoted by the icon of a
monkey “Tsoko” is suitable in marginal and
drought prone areas, particularly region IV
and V. SC 403 is widely recommended for
harsh conditions where yields of less than 6
tonnes per hectare are expected. Where irrigation is available optimum plant population should be increased to the appropriate
levels. Seed Co is confident that farmers will
benefit from the appointment of selected
stockists across the country, situated at
arm’s reach from most farming areas. The
unified distribution approach Seed Co has
adopted is designed to ensure suitable and
appropriate varietal placement. A team of
supporting field representatives and well
trained agronomists has been placed across
all provinces to ensure effective product
reach and farmers productivity.
Together with farmers the company is
confident of telling an amazing story this
2014/15 season. Seed Co is a leader in both
the Zimbabwean market and across 15
other country markets in the region.
Medium maturity:
Medium maturity hybrids are also known
as “ SHUMBA” they have a white, semi-flint,
with Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) tolerance and
very good Maize Streak Virus tolerance. The
average yield potential of these varieties
ranges from 9-13 t/ha. They consist of high
ear placement and are fairly prolific under
favorable conditions in comparison to 5
series varieties. Grain quality is very good,
being flintier than other hybrids of earlier
maturity rates also consisting of good yield
stability with varieties like SC 637 reaching
up to 13t/ha. It is recommended in region
II particularly in areas where GLS or Maize
Streak Virus incidence is high.
Early maturity:
In this “MBIZI” category Seed Co is proud to
present the latest member of the 5 series
family, the SC 533 which has greater potential compared to the SC 513. Early maturity
hybrids have good tolerance to Grey Leaf
Spot Tolerance and Maize Streak Virus. Early
maturing varieties are recommended in
areas experiencing high temperatures and
little rainfall because they consist of wide
adaptability and good heat and drought
stress tolerance. SC 533 was constituted at
Seed Co Kadoma Research Centre in 2004
from parents generated from Seed Co’s elite
germ-plasm. The hybrid was first tested
in the Seed Co Intermediate and Special
Drought Variety Trial Early Series in 2004/05
season at nine and six sites respectively. In
the 2005/6 and 2006/7 seasons, the variety
was tested in the Seed Co Advanced Trials
in the SADC region. The results saw SC533
having higher tolerance and adaptability in
comparison to SC 513
Very early maturity:
Lastly we have the “TSOKO”, 4 series varieties, which is mainly consist of SC 403, which
is a Maize Streak and Mottle Viruses tolerant
hybrid, with a relatively short, flinty ear and
excellent yield stability over a range of environments with relatively slow dry down rate.
It has outstanding drought tolerance with
very good synchronization of silks with pollen. In numerous trials in communal areas
over several seasons, SC 403 has performed
very well under drought conditions. SC 403
is widely recommended for harsh conditions
where yields of less than 6t/ha are expected. It is also recommended for irrigation
schemes an early Maize Streak Virus tolerant
hybrid is required. Where irrigation is available optimum plant population should be
increased to the levels recommended for
the given expected yield level.
Juliet Ziswa
Female Manager of the Year 2014 Nominee
who has deployed life changing and award
winning campaigns like the Sunlight Chiedza
Campaign which won the 1st ever Gold Loerie
Award for Zimbabwe and Unilever. The Sunlight
Chiedza Campaign seeks to make the life of a
woman easy by making access to water easy. The
Sunlight brand has since seen the brand growing
double digit.
passionate business & marketing enthusiast with over 10 years of a solid and
successful Marketing career inside and
outside Zimbabwe.
Her wealth of experience across geographies &
cultures has been a real asset to the Zimbabwean business and marketing landscape.
I love to see people develop and progress, therefore I do quite a lot of mentoring & coaching to a
number of people in Zimbabwe and across Africa.
I strongly believe in actions and activities that
make a positive social impact in the market place
and in people’s lives.
I am a real Thought Leader in the marketplace
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 12
I have worked with a number of teams from
Activation and Creative agencies to inspire them
to deliver world class execution with a positive
social impact in the country: Extremely passionate about the concept of ‘doing well by doing good’
in the communities businesses operate in. Some
of the notable executions include promotions that
have seen consumers’ lives changed, below to
name but a few:
Sunlight Chiedza Campaign
OMO Wash & Fly to Dubai,
OMO Wash & Fly to Brazil
OMO Door to Door Season 1 & 2
Geisha Musha Mukadzi
Keeping Healthy Homes Healthy
Vaseline Winter Warmer
These activities have contributed to growth across
brands whilst adding value to consumer and
peoples’ lives. I have empowered my teams who
have also grown in the time that we have worked
OMO making a difference in the Community
Best Marketed Organisation of the Year 2014 Nominee
or the past few years OMO has
run a number of initiatives all
centred on Unilever’s vision
which states that, “We work to
create a better future everyday with
brands and services that make people
look good, feel good and get more
out of life.” As a brand, OMO’s Big Idea,
the Dirt Is Good (DIG) Philosophy, is to
unleash human potential by delighting
and rewarding mothers with superior
cleaning on tough stains and empowering parents to give their children the
freedom to get dirty and experience
life, preparing them better for the
Florence from Chitungwiza with Themba
Mkanda won a trip to Dubai for 2.
True to our vision and the DIG philosophy, OMO has run different promotions
and activities in Zimbabwe over the
past few years. In 2013, from April to
June, we ran the OMO Wash & Fly to
Dubai promotion, the first of its kind in
Zimbabwe more so, one from a washing
powder brand.
This was centred around 10 winners
going on an all expenses paid shopping
trip to Dubai for four days with spending money, as well as lots of other consolation prizes, all valued at more than
$300,000. The promotion was huge
success and OMO managed to exceed
set targets by 47%. One of the grand
prize winners took advantage of the trip
to Dubai to buy equipment to start her
hair salon business in Chitungwiza. Her
life is totally changed thanks to OMO.
In the same year, from August to
December, OMO ran the Door to Door
Stains Challenge where a team led by
our celebrity brand ambassador, Themba Mkanda, went around the country
rewarding OMO consumers. Instant
cash rewards and other prizes valued at
more than $200,000 were given out.
As part of the Stains Challenge launch
we got 500 women to wash at the same
time with OMO!!!! A feat that has never
been done before in Zimbabwe!
Children (both boys and girls)
attending OMO soccer clinics run
by the soccer legends
500 women washing with OMO
in Chitungwiza
Going into 2014, the world was gripped
with World Cup fever! We know that our
Zimbabwean consumer is passionate
about soccer and so building on the
success of OMO Wash & Fly to Dubai, we
launched OMO Wash & Fly to Brazil.
The promotion saw 6 lucky winners
going on a 4 day fully sponsored trip
to Brazil, including tickets to watch one
World cup match and a sight-seeing
package. Total value of this and other
consolation prizes added up to more
than $400,000. The trip was such an
awesome experience for all the winners
as none of them had passports - OMO
processed their passports and paid for
their first trip out of Zimbabwe. Again,
the promotion was a huge success and
beat targets by 30%!
In our quest to unleash human potential and believing that children need to
be allowed to play in order to develop
well, we launched the OMO 5 Aside
Challenge focussing on the grassroots
soccer that is Primary school children’s
teams. To date we have held several
coaching clinics for primary school
children in Harare & Masvingo. We partnered with Alois Bunjira and yesteryear
soccer legends to assist in the sessions
as they gave back to the communities
that made them iconic soccer players.
nspired by the resounding
support we got from OMO
Door to Door in 2013, we
launched Season 2. The campaign was launched with OMO
donating bed linen and detergent powder to Mpilo Hospital’s
Children’s Ward. To date the
campaign has been to Harare, Bindura, Mupandawana,
Zvishavane, Hwange, Bulawayo
& Mutare giving away more
than $200,000.00 in instant
cash prizes to our loyal consumers.
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 13
Noel Manika(NicozDiamond)
Leadership Award of the Year 2014 Nominee
oel is currently
the General Manager (Operations)
for NicozDiamond
Insurance Limited, a publicly
traded company in Zimbabwe.
He has over 19 years of diversified experience in insurance
and sits on several Boards of
companies. Noel has a passion for his work and is results driven.
He holds a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in
Economics and a Masters
in Business Administration
Degree from the University of
He is also a holder of a Master of Science Degree in Insurance & Risk Management
from the National University
of Science & Technology. Noel
is an active member of the Insurance Council of Zimbabwe,
& has made immense contribution to the industry.
Noel has contributed immensely towards the formulation & implementation of
winning strategies for his
He upholds very high service
level standards & is driven
by the desire to serve clients.
Noel has a unique & effective
way of combining technical &
people skills.
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 14
Megafest Holdings Brand Ambassador
resilience and determination to make it
in an environment like ours. His messages in his songs are testimony of God
blessing an honest hardwork. Megafest
a leading marketing company hailing
from Bulawayo are fast becoming the
leader in their industry and probably
the OSCARS of Zimbabwe awards
MUSICIAN Mathias Mhere, who took
the local music industry by storm after
releasing his second album Anoita
Minana, says the album is working miracles in his life.
The album has unlocked doors of
opportunity, making him an instant
celebrity and drastically changing his
The title Anoita Minana can be loosely
translated to mean “He can perform
miracles.” The album has performed
miracles in his life.
“God picked me from the dust and
placed me on a golden chair,” said the
young Saints of God front-man, adding “I was a nobody from an unknown
village in Gutu.”
His Lyton Ngolomi-produced eighttrack album has seen Mhere undertake
a countrywide tour, making him an
instant celebrity.
ISING and talented gospel
artiste Mathias Mhere has been
appointed Megafest’s brand
ambassador. The pint-sized musician has been doing well on the local
scene and has a record of mesmerising
audiences leaving lasting impressions
every time he performs. According to
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 16
Megafest management this is what it
means to be a brand ambassador:
Brand ambassador (celebrity spokesman) is a marketing term for a person
employed by an organization or company to promote its products or services
within the activity known as branding.
The brand ambassador is meant to embody the corporate identity in appearance, demeanor, values and ethics.
When you look at Mathias Mhere he is a
clear reflection of a young and upcoming company like Megafest. Born out of
“I never imagined I would scale such
dizzy heights. The album has taken me
around the country and soon it will take
me around the globe,” said the musician. It is such tenacity that attracted
Management at Megafest and have sort
to partner with such a growing brand.
See, he is not the strait-jacket prototype
of a gospel artiste. Despite his age, he
does not opt for the fast-paced racy,
youthful ‘bvisa bhachi’ type of gospel
music associated with modern Pentecostalism and religious ‘fun’ as it were.
So yes indeed there is something good
about him for him to attract some attention. People hardly pay attention to
quiet dudes and soggy artistes. It is the
From Left: Raj Modi and Dr TP Matsika (Megafest Holdings CEO) hand over award to Mathias
Mhere during the Megafest Business Awards 2014 at ZITF on the 31st of October.
captivating ones complete with their
provocative lyrics that warrant attention and Mathias Mhere falls into this
category no doubt.
He is more conservative which draws
attention to him no doubt as people
battle to understand the man behind
that man of few words they see. What
is he thinking? What inspires him in his
writing? And who on God’s wide earth
is he writing to reach?
But Mathias is inspired by all things
religious and his fame has gone beyond
the borders of the nation as he got his
first big break with a ticket to a Texas
gospel gig at the end of June in 2013.
Married to Susan Dzinamarira and
with three children, Shayne, Sean and
Shelton. Mathias has had a bit of a trip
coming from Gutu, through Gweru and
eventually landing in Harare in 2007.
He has four albums to his credit. One
with the group Rock of Ages which did
not do well in 2004; another in 2007
called Tinoda Nyasha which he recorded at Monolio Studios with Clive ‘Mono’
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 16
Mukundu, which also was not successful.
Then there was the return sizzler
Anoita Minana ‘Favour NaMwari’ which
endeared him to many and the chart
smashing Anoita Minana, which has
songs like Number Busy (Try Again).
“I had almost lost interest after the album Tinoda Nyasha because I thought
I had done my best and could do no
better. That was before I met Lyton
Ngolomi with whom I started recording
the first hit album in October 2011 and
releasing it finally on September 3 a
year later. So that was a labour of love
which we took time to work on,” he
Nguva Yenyasha has shamed his critics
with him having a string of local and
international tours that have been sold
out after becoming the big kahuna in
gospel music.
Certainly the monotone to the albums
that have made him a brand name;
Anoita Minana and Nguva Yenyasha is
apparent to the music connoisseur but
with him ready to grow, certainly his
music is expected to mature and diversify along with him as time progresses.
Yet, born as the sixth in a family of seven children, almost all of whom could
sing, and with a family choir called
Living in Praise’ with siblings Andrew,
Melody, Miriro and Daniel, it was almost
certain that a man born into a nest of
larks would himself sing as a free roaming bird!
With a new added verve and willingness to pursue music as a professional
career, the story of Mathias Mhere is
only beginning to unfold!
To mentor other young people Mathias
Mhere in his calm quiet voice would
say ‘never give up’; he almost did and
would not have lived this unfolding
dream! He has released two DVD
albums and because of not giving up
he has prospered. Even though it was
initially ‘number busy’, Mathias Mhere
‘tried again!’
With such tenacity we are proud to
have him as our Brand Ambassador.
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 17
Dr Chomi Makina(Moonlight)
Businessman of the Year 2014 Nominee
2010 to date.
7. ZAFA President from 2000 – 2013 (Zimbabwe Association
of Funeral Assurers).
8. MAZ - Marketing Practitioner 2013.
9. Enactus Universities Judge – 2013.
10. Fellow – Institute of Directors (IOD).
- Philanthropy- Doctor of Humane Letters 2014
- Philanthropy – Professor (h .c ) Emeritus of Philanthropy
- Philanthropy Institute of Zimbabwe – Honorary Award in
Philanthropy 2013
- Megafest Top 20 Outstanding Men in Business Personality
Award 2013
- Megafest Business man of the year 2013 – 2nd runner up
Harare Region
- ZNCC Business Man of the year 2014 1st runner up National Awards
- ZNCC Business man of the year winner 2013 Harare Region
- Career and leadership – Legacy Builders Award 2013
- Victor Awards – Award for Customer care and Service Excellence 2013
Current Position
Group Chief Executive Officer of Moonlight Holdings which
has the following subsidiaries:
- Moonlight Funeral Assurance P/L
- Moonlight Funeral Services P/L
- Mashfords Funeral Assurance and Services P/L
- J Davies Manufacturing P/L
- Endowment Provident Associates P/L t/a Executive Funeral
Assurance and Services
1. FUSA President (Funeral Services Association of Zimbabwe) 2013 to date.
Dr Makina’s vision is to see the next generation stand on our
shoulders and be able to carry the work we have started to
do to greater heights. They should be able to get an upward
push and do greater things than we have done or accomplished.
Dr Makina’s inspiration comes from a bible verse in Proverbs
13:22(a) which says “A good man leaves an inheritance for his
children’s children”.
- Dr C Makina’s passion is to see the poor and the marginalized raised from the dust and to take places of honor in
society. 1 Samuel, 2:8
2. Institute of Philanthropy President 2013 to Date.
3. IIZ President (Insurance Institute of Zimbabwe) 2012 to
4. International Council of Direction Member ( ICD) for FIAT/
Skills and personal qualities
Nov 2014.
IFTA and Zimbabwe (2009 to date).
5. Board Member (FIAT – IFTA) – International Association of
Thanatologists (2009 to date).
6. Board Member – Insurance and Pensions Housing Fund –
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 18
- Dr C Makina is a professional golfer.
Dr C Makina is one of the top Chief Executives who is energetic, enthusiastic, goal oriented and hardworking. He believes that, in the end, all business can be reduced into three
words, people, product and profit. Unless you have a good
team, you cannot do much with the other two – Lee Lococca
Auxillia Dzenga(Moonlight)
Young Manager of the Year 2014 Nominee
UXILLIA DZENGA (Marketing Practitioner MP, MAZ/
IMM 2013 & CDP Practitioner 2014 MAZ/IMM).
Marketing & Public Relations Manager Moonlight
Provident Associates.
Born in 1985 Auxillia is an accomplished female Marketing &
Public relations specialist with a decade of experience in Public Relations, Marketing, brand management and event management. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in
Marketing Management, Diploma in marketing management
from (IMM- SA), and Insurance C.O.P (IIZ). Auxillia is currently
reading for a Master of Commerce in Marketing Strategy and
also studying Insurance Diploma.
Auxillia’s dynamic, energetic, enthusiasm and total commitment to her new found responsibilities, have given her the
edge of being recognized not only within the professional
industry, but also within the community. She has earned
Moonlight Funeral Assurance the following accolades in less
than 2 years:
land West Provincial Agric Show 2014).
• Winner of the Most Innovative Organisation of the year 2013
(Megafest National Business Awards).
• Super brand 2nd runner up 2013 (MAZ).
• Overall winner End of Life Category (Manicaland Agric Show
• Winner of the Most Focused Customer Service Award 2013
(Contact Service Center CCAZ) .
• Winner of the Most Outstanding Funeral Assurance & Services (SME International 2014).
• Winner of the Most Consistent organisation of the year 2014
southern Region (Megafest).
• Overall winner of Most Focused Company (Funeral Assurance sector) 2014 (CCAZ).
• Time Buster award in the Funeral Assurance & Services (Zim
promo in-conjunction with Harare International Carnival
• 2nd Runner up in Contemporary Category (Harare International Carnival).
• Moonlight funeral Assurance is the only Funeral & Assurance
Company which qualified into the top 200 brands in Zimbabwe for the year 2014.
• Overall winner in the Industry and Commerce sector (Plumtree Business expo 2014).
• Overall winner (Chegutu Agric show 2014).
• Overall winner in the Financial Services category (Mashona2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 16
• Overall winner Agricultural business service provider category (Mash east Agric Show 2014).
• Overall winner Insurance Sector (Kadoma District Agric
Show 2013).
• 2nd prize (Matabeleland South Agric Show 2014).
• 2nd prize Commercial Sector (Masvingo Provincial show
• 2nd prize End of Life Category (Manicaland Agric show
• 2nd prize Corporate Category (Lowveld Agric show 2014).
• 2nd prize Insurance Category (Kadoma District Agric show
• 2nd prize Service Provider category (Lowveld Show Society
• 2nd prize Service Providers Category (Mashonaland East
Provincial Agric show 2013).
• 2nd prize Financial services Category (Mashonaland west
Agric Show 2014).
• 2nd prize Insurance Sector (Midlands Show Society 2013).
• 2nd prize Commercial sector (Masvingo Provincial Show
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 19
Isheunesu (Ish) Makuzwa(Cell Holdings)
Chief Executive Officer of the Year 2014 Nominee
and Cellmed Private Limited were established. The entry of Cellmed into the
medical funding space coincided with
establishment of a few other players
which has resulted in the improvement
of service provision by this industry
barring the current economic challenges prevailing in the country.
sheunesu (Ish) MakuzwaGroup Chief Executive Officer – Cell
Born on the 26th of December 1963 to
Christian parents who were both Teachers, Isheunesu Makuzwa, known as Ish
in the business circles, was educated in
Lower Gweru at a school pioneered by
his father, known as Dimbamiwa Primary School. He then moved to Gweru for
his early secondary education before
moving to Kwekwe where he completed his secondary education.
Now a qualified Millwright Artisan,
Mechanical Engineer, Insurance
Practitioner and a Master of Business
Administration, Ish initially joined CGU
Insurance in 1990 as its Risk Engineer
after working for the NRZ and ZESA
for approximately 15 years in various
capacities of Engineering. During his
tenure in ZESA he was deployed at
Harare Power Station where among his
various responsibilities, he was Senior
Engineer (Planning) during the first refurbishment of the Power Station. This
refurbishment resulted in the installed
capacity of the station being restored
close to its initial capacity.
Keen to join commerce, he decided to
move to the insurance industry. After
only two years in the insurance indus-
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 20
try, his excellent performance saw him
appointed Operations Director at AON
Zimbabwe, responsible for the mining
and energy team. Within 10 months,
AON promoted him to General Manager for the Retain Division. With this, he
was then responsible for all AON’s retail
Broking in Zimbabwe.
His entrepreneurial and innovative
thinking drove him to combine efforts
with other partners to start the Cell
Insurance Operations 2003. Ish became
the pioneering Chief Executive Officer
of Cell Insurance at its formation. The
company grew within its first three
years of operations to become the fifth
largest in the country among twenty
three other players. In 2007, Ish and
his team decided to grow into other
operations of Alternative Risk Transfer
solutions. This saw the birth of Cell
Funeral Assurance Company. In order to
coordinate the operations of the then
two entities and ensure that support
services are shared, they decided to
form a Holdings company in 2009. Ish
unsurprisingly became the pioneering
Group Chief Executive Officer of Cell
Under his guidance, Cell Holdings has
continued to grow. During the same
year, 2009, the group added a new
entity to its group. Cellmed Health Fund
With no capital at all save for intellectual property, Ish and his team established Lidwala Insurance Company
in Swaziland under a management
agreement in 2009. Ish was again the
pioneering Chief Executive of this
company which he led for the first two
years before handing over to one of
his subordinates who then completed
the four year management contract.
Lidwala has now grown to write almost
ZAR100 Million last year. Cell has since
acquired 25% shareholding of that
company through fees paid under the
management agreement. Ish remains
actively involved in this company as a
The Cell Group recently celebrated
ten years since the establishment of
the first company in the group, Cell
Insurance. At ten years Cell Insurance is
within the top three companies in the
country in terms of Gross Written Premium. This has mainly been driven by
its innovative rent-a-cell concept where
clients benefit from the profitability of
their portfolios. The group is currently
reviewing its operations in order to
strengthen their capital so as to benefit
from the business they write.
In line with Ish’s visionary leadership,
most of the Senior Managers in the Cell
Group were mostly recruited by him
at very low management levels or as
trainees. This has helped to engrave his
preferred performance culture in the
group. Inevitably they also added a few
expert managers in order to complement the existing team.
Ish is happily married to Claire and together they have three lovely kids- two
girls and one boy.
Mrs. Patricia Tavaziva
Female Manager of the Year 2014 Nominee
Principal Nursing Officer of
Medical Investments Limited T/A The Avenues Clinic.
sion for care, she was then promoted
to Clinical Matron – Mother and Child
department responsible for Labour
Ward, Maternity Ward, Neonatal Unit
and the Paediatric Ward in year 2000.
Her local and international experience
and tenacity saw her elevated to the
post of Principal Nursing Officer in
2007, a post which she holds to date.
With 37 years of medical experience
and international exposure, Mrs. Tavaziva has managed to become one of
the driving forces behind the success
of The Avenues Clinic.
rs. Patricia Tavaziva holds
a Bachelors’ degree in
Nursing Science, diplomas
in Nursing Administration, Midwifery, General Nursing and
several certificates in Counselling,
Management and Leadership. She
is well travelled, which has seen her
gain much valued experience in The
United States of America, The United
Kingdom and Botswana. During these
travels she also acquired a certificate
in American Nursing Principles.
Mrs. Tavaziva acts as the Managing
Director in the incumbent’s absence
and has been at the helm of The Avenues Clinic as the Principal Nursing
Officer since 2007.
She joined The Avenues Clinic in 1989
as a Midwife and was promoted to
Charge Sister in 1993 after acting for a
full year. Due to her diligence and pas-
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 22
Mrs. Tavaziva assumed the role of
Principal Nursing Officer, during the
hyper inflationary era characterised
by a serious skills flight especially in
her department. Needless to say that
this department is the core business
of the hospital and she managed to
steer through this period with distinction.
She managed to play a difficult
balancing act to maintain nursing
standards even at times when the
hospital would find itself with just a
handful of nurses each morning. This
was a notable achievement considering that a standard ratio of nurses to
patients needs to be kept at all times
because nursing is all about care.
The hospital got ISO certification
SAZS ISO 9001:2008 in the year 2008
and Mrs. Tavaziva was instrumental in
the process. She manages the Quality
Management Systems Department
and during her leadership the organisation has managed to retain its
certification even after two intensive
re-certification audits. This certifi-
cation has put the organisation on
the map in the region and beyond in
fulfilment of its vision which is “To be
recognised as the centre of excellence
for acute healthcare delivery in Zimbabwe and the Central African region.
Before moving to The Avenues Clinic,
internationally, she has worked at
Princess Marina Hospital in Botswana, a hospital in Texas in The United
States America and in The United
Kingdom. Locally, she has worked at
the School of Nursing at Harare Central Hospital, Lady Chancellor Maternity, Elim Mission Hospital in Nyanga as
well as Gunderson-Horness (Karanda)
Mission Hospital in Mount Darwin.
She is married to Mr. Timothy Tavaziva, Assistant Director of Scripture
Union Zimbabwe, and they are both
active members of The Central Baptist
Church in Zimbabwe. She is a mother
of four (4) children, three (3) boys and
one (1) girl who are all graduates in
American Universities.
She is a devoted Christian, mother
and wife and dedicated manager who
is not afraid to get her hands dirty in
the line of duty. And you will often
hear her say Iwe Neni Tinebasa (INT)
which means You and Me have a Job
to do.
Award of Excellence of the Year 2014 Nominee
Officially opened on the 1st of October
1983, The Avenues Clinic opened its doors
to its first patient on the 3rd of October
1983. The Avenues Clinic was originally the
brainchild of a Harare gynaecologist and
obstetrician, whose initial plan was for a
maternity home. A consortium of business
leaders, however, took over the scheme,
deciding to expand the vision to encompass
a multi-faceted hospital that would complement government facilities. Thus Medical
Investments Ltd (MIL) was established. The
shareholders were made up of local companies exhibiting a high level of corporate
social responsibility.
Their faith in the concept more than proved
itself with the hospital soon serving Harare,
Zimbabwe, the Southern African Region and
beyond. The original design proposed that
the clinic contain single rooms. However, it
was soon realized that this was not feasible
in Zimbabwe where 80 per cent of the private health sector was sustained by medical
aid societies anxious to keep fees affordable
for members. The rooms were turned into
doubles, and there are now 187 beds in the
clinic. As The Avenues Clinic expanded, so
did the need for more space. In the mid1980s, MIL acquired an adjacent block of
flats to house the accounts offices, and later
the post-graduate nursing school.
In 1990, the company bought the near-by
Montagu Clinic, a tranquilly set clinic that
caters mainly for ear, nose and throat day
surgery in addition to laparascopic, ophthalmic and minor surgery. This operates as
a post surgical and rehabilitation annex of
the Avenues, accepting both surgical and
medical cases. The clinic has 29 beds and
is able to handle overnight patients, and if
necessary, the overflow from the Avenues.
Five years later, St Clement’s Clinic in Baines
Avenue was bought to complete the three
units under MIL management. The Clinic
houses both the Chemotherapy and Dialysis
MIL is run by a board of directors and a management team. The Board consists of Messrs
P. Chitando (Chairman); M. S Kambani
(Managing Director); M.T. Chaora; I. H. Harris;
J. P. Maposa (Alternate R.C.D. Chitengu); M. E
Mlambo; Prof. G. I. Muguti; M. Suddens; G. A.
N. Vera; R. F. Ward.
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 16
The management team is made up of The
Managing Director Mrs. M. S. Kambani; The
Principal Matron Mrs. P. Tavaziva; The Financial Controller Mr. S. Nyamhenda; The Pharmacy Manager Ms. J. Kafuka; The Human
Resources Manager Mr. J. W. Chitombo; The
Services Manager Mrs. J. Mapondera and
The Maintenance Manager Mr. J. Ndlovu.
Implementing Quality Management System
(QMS) has been a major pillar in the success
of The Avenues Clinic. Following the
guidelines in the Standard, ISO 9001:2008
has allowed The Avenues Clinic to set up the
basic QMS requirements as well as continually improve resulting in consistent and
efficient care for our customers. Driven by
the Vision and Mission Statement, The Avenues Clinic is maintaining its dedication to
the provision of Quality Acute Health Care,
through its core values; honesty, integrity,
total professional approach in all dealings as
well as continued professional development
for staff across the board.
We were originally certified on the 3rd of
July 2008 by The Standards Association
of Zimbabwe (SAZ), during the peak of
the hyperinflationary challenges. Several
surveillance and recertification audits have
been conducted by SAZ resulting in our
most recent recertification awarded on the
22nd of April 2013. This audit confirmed our
compliance after the first 2 years of certification and qualifies the hospital to be certified
for the next coming 3 years.
The organization offers free medical aid, a
good pension scheme, subsidised housing
for some staff, and subsidised canteen facilities as well as Christmas hampers every year.
Employees at all levels are assisted with
development programs for both professional and personal growth through the Human
Resources Department. The organization
also runs a school of nursing where a core
group of nurses is equipped with special
skills in theatre and critical care nursing
every year. The management team is also
continuously developed through strategy,
innovation, leadership, and team building
Medical Investments Limited is an equal
opportunities employer with a senior
management team comprising of four (4)
females and Three (3) males. Our diversity
transcends gender and is also found on
the variety of skills and age of our human
The organization continues to expand in all
areas which has seen the opening of The Avenues Clinic – B. Braun Dialysis Unit supported by at least 13 top of the range dialysis
machines. Keeping abreast with technology,
the organization in a joint venture with the
Baines Imaging Group (BIG) has equipped
the Clinic with an MRI scanner which has
seen the expansion of the institution with
the MRI Unit constructed onsite and officially opened on 31st of May 2013.
It is the availability of various services ranging from Laboratory tests (with Pathologists
onsite) and Radiology facilities; all found in
one location that makes the Medical Investments Limited complete in a unique way.
Beyond our fiscal strength and operational
infrastructure, which has set us up as a “onestop-shop-“ hospital, our strength lies in
our professional expertise and unrelenting
pursuit of excellence.
As part of our corporate social responsibility
the organisation conducts Immunization
programs every June and December in
observation of the World Health Organisation guidelines and in conjunction with the
Ministry of Health and Child Welfare. There
are also regular donations of various items
to the Female Prisons and children’s homes.
The Avenues clinic has seen itself in the
spotlight in recognition of its provision of
quality service in acute healthcare and has
attained several awards over the years including, the NAQA Service Award of the Year
by SAZ – 09 Oct 2013; the Service Excellence
Award in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals by
CCAZ – for both 2013 and 2014; the SADC
Service of the Year Award – Large Enterprise
– 18 March 2014; and the Honorary Award
in Organizational Philanthropy conferred by
The Philanthropy Institute of Zimbabwe –
March 2014.
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 23
Rutendo Chabururuka(Netone)
Personality of the Year 2014 Nominee
rate Social Responsibility projects for
• Manage the scripting and execution of
NetOne radio programmes on all radio
• Managing NetOne’s sports sponsorships e.g OneWallet Cup, NetOne Charity Shield soccer tournaments, NetOne
Zimbabwe Open Tennis championships
and NetOne corporate golf tournaments.
• Advertising and promoting the
NetOne post-paid brand. Generating
consumer promotions that raise ARPU
and revenue collections.
• Advertising and promotion of NetOne
Value Added Services (VAS).
• Managing exhibitions for NetOne e.g
Zimbabwe Agricultural Show (ZAS),
Zimbabwe International Trade Fair
(ZITF), ICT Africa Exhibition, Dubai
World Telecom 2012 where Zimbabwe
exhibited all Mobile Network Operators
and other industry specific exhibitons
and also Bangkok, Thailand ITU exhibition in 2013.
• I am now a speaker and advisor to
Dubai based Fleming Gulf Conferences’
Customer Retentions Strategies Seminar held in Johannesburg every July.
Mobile network operators from across
the world meet at this forum to share
ideas on how best to maintain customers, increase revenue, increase uptake
of existing products and also craft
consumer-centric VAS.
Willowvale Mazda Motor Industries
Public Relations and Marketing Manager
To be an iconic multi-faceted marketing
communications expert in advertising,
branding, public relations and social
media marketing.
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 24
NetOne Cellular (Pvt) Ltd
Corporate Brand & Public Relations
Duties and Responsiblities
• Managing all media relations for
• Crafting consumer promotions for
post paid and data consumers for the
• Initiating and managing the Corpo-
• Successfully launched a 360 degrees
integrated marketing campaign for the
Mazda BT-50 brand in fourth quarter
2007. The Mazda BT-50 4x4 outsold
its competitors by first quarter 2008.
The market share for Mazda vehicles
went up from below 25% to above 40%
through these marketing efforts.
• Started a Corporate Social Responsibility programme for all motorist by giving
them vehicle maintenance advice
through an advertorial press column
the Motoring Hints.
Duties and Responsibilities
• Design and co-odinate the implementation of marketing strategies for the
different vehicle brands being assembled and sold by WMMI.
• Advertising Agency liason. This entails
briefing, directing and co-ordinating
Agency’s public relations, advertising
and branding efforts in line with marketing goals.
• Event co-ordination for the different
exhibitions at trade shows, motorshows
and golf tournaments.
• Media relations. This involves liasing
with electronic and print media.
Michael Hogg Young & Rubicam
Account Manager
• Launching and maintaining the NetOne Cellular 10th anniversary advertising campaign in 2006. In this campaign
I headed a team of media manager,
creative director, public relations
consultants and event co-ordinators
in launching an integrated marketing
communications campaign that utilized
print, TV, radio, outdoor and internet
communications in celebrating the
tenth anniversary of the first mobile
network provider of Zimbabwe. There
was a marked demand increase of NetOne’s products and services out of the
10th anniversary media campaign.
• In 2006 I successfully headed a team of
media, creatives and event managers in
repositioning the Delta Beverages Bohlinger’s beer brand from being a beer
for reserved mature adults to a hip and
trendy youthful beer brand. The media
campaign was channeled through billboards, TV, radio and targeted parties at
venues that the target market hanged
out. The success of the campaign was
reflected by the newer buying trends
after the campaign.
• Rebranding the CBZ Bank. I managed
Agency relations in redesigning the
brand identity, repositioning and communicating it to the public through all
available media channels. This entailed
direct marketing, outdoor, internet, TV,
radio and redesigning banking halls.
Pro-Comm Public Relations
Client Services Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
• Preparing editorial, designing and
production of Client magazines.
• Writing press releases, news copy and
co-ordinating the production of press
supplements for Clients.
• Managing Client events- product
launches, golf tournaments and end of
year parties.
Sunday Mirror and Daily Mirror
News Reporter – Sunday Mirror and Daily
• Currently in the final year for a Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degree with the Graduate School of
Management at the University of Zimbabwe.
• Chartered Institute of Marketing
• 2002-2004. Public Relations Diploma
with the Zimbabwe Institute of Public
Relations (ZIPR).
• 1999-2002. Bachelor of Arts General
Degree in English and Linguistics with
the University of Zimbabwe.
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 25
Jessica Kurangwa(Corporate24)
Female Manager of the Year 2014 Nominee
essica Kurangwa was
born in Zimbabwe, on
17 April 1984. Jessica is
currently enrolled at The
Women’s University in Africa
and will be graduating with a
BSc Hon. in Management and
Entrepreneurial Development
Studies in October 2015.
She also possesses a diploma in
Business administration from
the London Chamber of Commerce Institution, as well as a
certificate in Business Administration from the Zimbabwe
Institute of Management.
Jessica joined the Corporate 24
Group in 2012 as the Marketing
Manager and since her tenure;
Her efforts have immensely
contributed to the Corporate
24 Hospital Group being strategically positioned as a world
class private healthcare institution providing quality Health
Care Services in Zimbabwe.
Corporate 24 has also won the
1st runner up in the Customer Service excellence Awards
in Zimbabwe, 2 years running
(2013 -2014).
As the head of marketing at
Corporate 24, Ms Kurangwa has
also launched the campaign of
the medi-funeral plans, which
are the pioneers of a complete
and relevant solution to life's
unavoidable occurrences.
Jessica believes that her success
was inspired by God, Her Mentor Dr M.Joka, her precious son
Jason Mubaiwa and the support
of her friends and family.
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 26
Most Consistent Organisation of the Year 2014 Nominee
e at Pioneer are
pleased to be
doing business in
Zimbabwe. We are
an international business, with a
unique combination of cultures,
languages and experiences. Our
business environment and customers have changed dramatically
since Pioneer was first established
in Zimbabwe. But our philosophy
our attitude toward research,
production and marketing, and
the worldwide network of Pioneer
people will always remain true
to the four simple statements of
business policy which have guided
us since our early years.
ly. The Pioneer National Good farming competition
for small scale farmers, and the TEN TONNE club
competition for commercial farmers. This is part of
our advertising campaigns as well as partnership
with government on the ZIMASSET through ensuring
increased productivity from the village, ward, district,
provincial and ultimately national level thus maintaining food and nutrition security for the people of
Zimbabwe. We give various types of prizes for both
The winner of the 2011/2012 edition of the small
scale category walked away with a fully paid for
holiday visit to the United States of America, whilst
for the 2012/13 the winner had a 1 acre irrigation kit
set up as their grand prize. This season 2013/14 the
winner is going to have a borehole installed at their
We fund this competition to the tune of
$200 000.00 every year and we have structured it such that we have 3 winners starting
from district level, for all 52 districts of the
country, the 3 winners for each Province and
from these Provincial winners we will select
the top three winners in the country.
Our judging is conducted in collaboration
with the Ministry of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development through its
Department of Agricultural Extension.
Our National winners for the small scale category and the ten tonne club for this season
are shown in the tables below in order of
• We strive to produce the best
products on the market. Our
Flagship 30G19 has proved beyond
reasonable doubt to be the most
stable medium maturing hybrid,
exceeding 10t/ha in dry land
production. Our other products
30D79, 3812 (new), 3253, 2859 and
30B50 (yellow) are solid performers with a promise of excellent
genetics to give the best possible
margins to our customers.
• We deal honestly and fairly with
our customers, seed growers,
employees, sales force, business
associates, and shareholders.
• We advertise and sell our
products vigorously, but without
• We give helpful management
suggestions to our customers to
assist them in making the greatest
possible profit from our products.
We have an experienced and
dedicated team of Agronomists
strategically positioned to cover
every Province, District and ward of
These principles, along with our
Core Values – safety and health,
environmental stewardship, highest ethical behavior and respect
for people – are the foundation for
everything that we do.
Pioneer National Good Farming Competition.
We run two competitions annual-
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 28
Our prizes are deliberately crafted to ensure a farmer increases his or her productivity rather than to give prizes that become a liability as they eat again into the farmer’s income. At
Pioneer we live by our simple motto PIONEER! Shamhuyenzara/Uswazi Lwendlala
Who is Family Voices?
Standing From Left:
• Tinashe Chitsaka
• Basil Mafu
• Ronald Pearson
• Bobby James
• Melusi Sibanda
• Brighton Ncube
• Michael Sibanda
• Luke Kamanga
nspired by a few before them, Family
voices was founded in the late 1999's
and has been going strong ever since
Those who have had the opportunity
to hear them, have always been left
enthused by the showcasing of their
"gifting" and their ability to display the
best in talent as far as vocal "boy bands"
are concerned. Family Voices have
existed in Bulawayo and since then, the
group has faced many struggles and
challenges but they have reformed into
a male voice ensemble that has gained
international recognition with a new
style of house-cappella singing.
Family Voices are eight young accappella voices brought together by a common calling, vision and aim to fulfill a
dream of ministering using accappella.
Today they are a dedicated group of
men who love God and ministering the
word through songs. They euphorically
express and celebrate their identity as
Christians so as to bring souls to God's
Kingdom. They have been raised and
taught to be champions for God and
believe that their musical talents are
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 30
vessels to preach the word of God.
Coming in as the third generation of the
Family Voices is Tinashe Chitsaka, Luke
Kamanga, Ronald Sithole, Bobby James,
Basil Mafu, Melusi Sibanda, Michael
Sibanda and Brighton Ncube with roots
in the Family of God church, the group
gave birth to Idols Africa stars Eric Moyo
and Joyous Celebration’s Mkhululi
Bhebhe who now run successful solo
Family Voices is now one of the leading
male voice groups in Zimbabwe venturing into main stream music circuit with
this house-cappella gospel music genre
and subsequently they have made
more than 100 public appearances at
festivals and public events in the last
two years. In more recent years their
radical attitude to music making and
touring the sound have seen Family
Voices breaking new grounds in and
around Zimbabwe, Namibia, South
Africa, Zambia, Kenya & Botswana.
Black Umfolosi, Hugh Masekela, Jeys
Marabini, Siyaya, Deborah Frazer, Sipho
Makhabane and Steve Dyer just to
name a few. The group recently appeared in South Africa’s popular soap
Muvhango sharing the stage with the
likes of Joyous Celebration & Bongani.
Family Voices have performed in
churches, concert halls, festivals, streets,
shops, cinemas, cathedrals, amphitheaters, tents, actually everywhere. The
songs of this fast rising gospel ensemble are inspired by the societal issues
and Africa’s beautiful sounds.
“Time for Breaking Through” is Family
Voices’ debut studio album signaling
the birth of a new sound and the time
for Breaking through. Enjoy the Music.
They have also shared the stage with
some of Africa’s greatest musicians and
celebrities who include Oliver Mtukudzi,
Brenda Fadzai Kamoto(Old Mutual)
Young Manager of the Year 2014 Nominee
renda Fadzai Kamoto is a goal
oriented, success-driven financially groomed lady with a
little over 8 years of experience
in various arms of finance at the largest financial institute in Zimbabwe,
Old Mutual. She possesses very strong
leadership qualities and as a result
was the youngest appointed finance
manager (management accounting
section) within Old Mutual at the
tender age of 27. In this role she has
contributed greatly to revamping the
company’s processes and procedures,
authorising transactions of over $3
million daily and monitoring budgets
exceeding $65 million in expenses.
Directly leading a team of 18 (over 20
people indirectly) she was jointly responsible for the Group’s financial and
management reporting across the 10
business units of Old Mutual Zimbabwe. She was also placed in charge
of designing and implementing a
new way of management reporting
after the Group implemented a new
accounting system.
During the second half of this year,
Brenda was involved intensively in the
Group’s business planning processes
and strategy alignment which has
led her into Strategy and Business
reporting. In this role she managed
to improve business reporting within
Old Mutual Zimbabwe, as well as to
Head-quarters for the Africa region on
a consolidated basis in a short space
of time. This has sharpened her analytical eye and her administrative skill.
Brenda is a holder of a Master of Science Degree in Finance & Accounting
from the University of Birmingham
(UK) and also holds a Bachelor of Arts
(Hons) degree in Business Administration, Finance and combined studies
from Richmond, the American International University in London (UK).
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 16
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 31
Adrenalin Advertising and Design
Award Of Excellence of the Year 2014 Nominee
Adrenalin excels in both creativity and
administrative efficiency
drenalin Advertising
and Design is one of
the country’s leading
advertising agencies,
enjoying a reputation for creativity and for delivering advertising concepts that increase its
clients’ profitability.
Founded by Bester and Kareen
Zambuko in November 1998,
the agency has grown steadily.
It now has a staff complement
of 43, making it possibly the
largest advertising agency in
the country in terms of human
It has three subsidiary companies, Mindspace Communications, Openedge Media Inc. and
Hexagon Sports Management,
which publishes Gemazo Soccer
magazine and Gemazo Blitz.
Its success is attributable in no
small part to the determination
and vision of Mr and Mrs Zambuko, who together guided it
through the tempestuous hyperinflationary period that saw
many businesses go under, and
to the loyalty, commitment and
talent of its staff.
The business was established
on the building blocks of profit,
growth and continuity. Emphasis was placed on knowing each
client’s business well, in order to
come up with creative advertising campaigns that win the cli2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 32
ent sales and convert customers
and other key stakeholders into
brand advocates who positively
influence others towards the
brand through word of mouth.
Teamwork is important at
Adrenalin, as are the relationships members of the team build
with clients, many of which
have been with Adrenalin for
more than a decade.
The agency places equal emphasis on creativity and administrative efficiency, aware that some
agencies are strong in one or
other of these areas but rarely
in both.
It is the only agency to have
installed the Chase advertising
agency management system,
which barely six months after
its installation resulted in major
cost savings and, through better
managed processes, a 40 percent
increase in productivity.
As changes have occurred internationally and locally, Adrenalin
has developed or made use of
new tools to meet the needs of
its clients.
When Adrenalin was formed
in 1998, the major means of
advertising was through advertisements in newspapers and
magazines and on television.
When billboards became more
common, Adrenalin took full
advantage of this new means
of advertising to promote its
clients’ products and services.
It has continued to make good
use of the various new rapidly developing forms of media,
including social media. It keeps
abreast of changes and recommends to its clients the forms
of media that will best promote
what the client is trying to
As society and means of communication have been evolving, so
too has Adrenalin, which fulfils
the role not only of an advertising and design agency but of a
communications consultant.
Adrenalin has won numerous
awards, including awards for
electronic media, print media,
posters, outdoor advertising,
radio programmes, electronic
direct mail, electronic fliers,
television advertising and supplements.
However, what matters to
Adrenalin more than awards
is the impact that its creative
designs and marketing programmes have on the bottom
line of its clients.
The fact that many of its clients
have been with it for so long
and that it continues to attract
new business is an indication
perhaps of just how successful it
has been.
Caroline Chirima and her rise.(Baztech)
Female Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 Nominee
2004, the company liquidated but
because of my passion for business,
I approached the German directors
who were in South Africa with a
proposal to reopen the firm and
they accepted to support me technically, “I had to start this company
from scratch in June 2004,” said Ms
ot many women are major
players in Zimbabwe’s
information and communication technology sector.
However, the case of Caroline Chirima bucks the trend, as she is the ICT
Businesswoman of the Year 2011.
Ms Caroline Chirima is the Managing Director of ICT firm Baztech
Incorporated, a leading supplier of
innovative biometric time control
systems, access control systems,
CCTV systems and turnstiles in the
The firm supplies and installs computerised biometric time management systems, systems access
control, CCTV, turnstiles, guard
control clocks as well as the service
and repairs of associated hardware
The company has sole Southern
African distributorship in products
from the top rated international
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 34
companies, such as Acroprint, IR
and Uniclox. It has been specifically
awarded distributorship rights in
Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia.
Caroline Chirima is an acclaimed entrepreneur, marketer and proprietor
with over 15 years’ experience in the
ICT industry.
She was instrumental in setting up
Baztech Incorporated, and through
her vision, passion and dedication,
the company has grown to become
a major player in the biometrics industry, besides being one of the first
companies to introduce biometric
technology in Zimbabwe.
“When I joined Beurk Company now
known as Baztech it was still a new
firm on the market and my relatives
and friends were against the idea.
I left Dandy Zimbabwe, then a big
company, to a new firm; but little
did they know that one day I would
be the proud owner of that company, “When my boss passed away in
She had to strategise since she did
not have cash to operate. She did
this by asking her clients to deposit
half of the money before their product was purchased and she would
use the money to buy the products.
The German directors later offered
products on account and expected
to be paid between 30 and 60 days
but they suspended the accounts
in 2008 when the Zimbabwean
economy was in decline, but she
has managed to pull through until
to date. However, she said she was
now facing the challenge of uprooting companies which are selling
fake Chinese machines and her task
nowadays is to fight the competition as these products are being
sold at low prices.
“Our company believes in the
quality of the product that we offer
unlike these fake products which
do not have back-up if a problem
occurs because they are downloaded from the Internet. “We have a
good customer relationship as we
offer good service; we don’t just do
our best we go the extra mile. “If you
want the best product you have to
pay for it once for all but if you want
a fake one then be prepared to fork
out money always,” said Ms Chirima.
Her journey to greatness has not
been that rough as she has not
worked for more than three companies before she became her own
boss. Born in Harare in 1970, in a
family of five, Caroline has lived a
fairly comfortable lifestyle as her
father was a company secretary for
BP and Shell. She did her primary
education in Mufakose and later
Mount Pleasant High for her secondary schooling. “In high school I
was interested in computers, travel
and tourism studies and marketing,
“she said. After high school she
studied for an LCCI Diploma in Marketing. She also studied different
courses in public relations, sales and
In 1991, she joined Dandy Zimbabwe as a sale executive. She left the
company in 1997 after being offered
a post as a personal assistant to the
Director of Beurk Uniclox, a new
firm that supplied time control machines, a move that she says many
people were against.
She was promoted through the
ranks to be the office manager and
then Finance Manager, a position
she held for four years. Asked on
how she managed to get so far in
no time, Caroline smiles shyly and
attributes her success to God.
“I believe in God so much and we
sometimes underestimate the
power of prayer, we need to pray
for wisdom because we cannot do
anything on our own. “I also thank
Pastor Deuschle of Celebration
Ministries because when I started to
go to that church I had nothing of
my own. “I listened to his preaching
of building people, building nations
and my life started to change for the
better,” said Ms Chirima.
She also acknowledged Mrs Christine Dean as her mentor who
inspired and coached her with
patience when she joined Uniclox.
“One needs to have a passion,
desire and know of his/her calling to
achieve what you really want, “she
said. Ms Chirima has several accolades to her name, among them:
• Second runner-up, ZNCC – Businesswoman of the Year Award 2009;
• Second runner-up, ZNCC – Businesswoman of the Year Award 2010;
• First runner-up Zimbabwe Institute
of Management – 2009;
• First runner-up, Businesswoman of
the Year ICT – 2010;
• 2011 Institute of Directors – SME
Director of the Year;
She encourages women to have a
career of their own and not to be
dependent on men.
She enjoys reading, travelling and
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 35
Themba Mkanda(OMO)
Personality Of The Year 2014 Nominee
up a production studio that produced
commercial ads as well as commercial
radio programmes which flight on national radio stations as well as onboard
roadcasting advertising platforms that
he pioneered in long distance buses
such as Kukura Kurerwa, Mhunga and
Tenda buses across the country.
Themba has been motivated by past
achievements to seek excellency and
has used his experience and knowledge
to continuously search for a deeper understanding of the media industry with
a focus on the following:
brand has become synonymous with
the masses and corporates.
Themba is currently a much well sought
after MC at both social and corporate
functions. Econet, Delta, Unilever, ZERA
and many others have engaged him in
various capacities.
The magician continues to cast a spell
on listeners with widely subscribed programme, ZIe Experience on ZiFM stereo.
He is currently the Brand Ambassador
of Zim's favourite and best stain removal washing powder of choice, OMO.
1) Marketing dynamics
2) Production technologies
3) Customer Care
4) Team work and Team building
true maverick to his craft, Mr
Themba Mkanda first caught
the attention of the nation,
weaving his magic broadcasting on radio and television over a decade ago and the same confidence and
charisma he radiated then, has been
graduated to perfection today. With his
humour, wit and charisma it’s no wonder Zimbabwe All Media and Products
Survey (ZAMPS) placed him as the third
most celebrated on-air personality after
having been on air for only a year. He
went on to be named the most popular
radio and television personality by both
ZAMPS and Select Research International between 2001 and 2003.
His journey and his quest for success
is unabated. He ignites audiences with
his balanced style that is sensitive to
market diversity. Professionalism is key
in his conduct.
His performance has not gone unnoticed as evidenced by many companies
that have sought and engaged his
expertise to connect them, their brand
and products to targeted customers
through advertising and other media
platforms. Themba has not disappointed hence the road shows, the Bill
boards, the Radio programs, the TV
adverts, the Product launches and other
marketing and selling initiatives where
he features conspicuously without overshadowing the clients' messages. His
He didn’t stop to rest on his laurels but
in his quest to provide a platform to
salute local musicians he went on to
become the founder of the first music
awards in Zimbabwe then known as
Tinotenda Siyabonga Music Awards
-Tsama which were later rebranded to
the Zimbabwe Music Awards we know
today. An annual event that inspired
many music awards that were to later
emerge in Zimbabwe.
Themba's marketing calling can be
traced to early in his career when he set
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 36
Female Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 Nominee
She is a guru not only in real
estate, but also as a Land Developer as from the projects built. She
advises both local and international
clients on real estate investments.
Her company is a northern suburb
She is affiliated to the Real Estate
Council of Zimbabwe and REIZ
and her company can be found
on LinkedIn, Facebook and Clas-
sifieds. She is also a member of
international groups to do with
Realtors and Brokers where they
share ideas, properties and clients.
She is a go-getter/pacesetter and
does not believe in surrendering to
pressure, that is why she still remains standing where others have
thrown in their towels. The sky is
the limit.
LPS Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd Managing Director
She is a mature entrepreneur with
experience in Real Estate and Land
Development with over 20 years
experience in these fields.
She has worked for a real estate
company from 1990 to 1996 and
then went on to form a company
in 1997 in land development. She
has developed quite a lot of cluster
development projects in Harare
namely Borrowdale Gaydon Road,
Bluffhill, Southerton, Prospect
Park, Chadcombe and Mutare
Chikanga Phase 1 and 2 totaling
over a 1000 houses built between
1997 and 2000. Where land was
bought serviced and built and a
local building society bank gave
buyers mortgages.
LPS Real Estate was bought in
2005 when the owners were leaving
Zimbabwe at the beginning of land
reform and have run the company
with her sister Meggie Mangwadu
as the second Director.
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 16
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 37
Rudo Boka(Boka Tobacco)
Businesswoman of the Year 2014 Nominee
was three (3) years old at the
time and took on a Goliath
Task in an attempt to rescue
her collapse family’s business
that spanned sectors including mining and real estate.
t is during our darkest moments that
we must focus to see the light’ Aristotle Onassis.
The eldest of seven children, born in
1976 and raised in Zimbabwe, Rudo
Boka embarked on her career at the age
of 19 initially as her father’s assistant.
Without any tertiary training and only
an intense upbringing, induction and
mentoring period of the diverse family
business, Rudo made her entry into
the tobacco industry in 1997 as the
youngest and first black woman to do
so managing areas of production and
leaf buying.
With both parents passing away in 1999
and 2000, she became the bread winner
of her siblings, the youngest of which
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 38
In 1999 she successfully
defended the Boka Group
of companies from wholesale liquidation leading to a
Judicial process which was
finalized in 2004.From then
on began a journey of rebirth
and transformation of the salvaged inheritance. Again not
without a fight, another seven
years of court disputes would
go by following a rogue
tenant that breached a lease
agreement for the Tobacco
Floors. In between the court
battles that spanned nearly 12
years, she managed to sustain
the Family’s conglomerate as
well as establish an intercontinental joint venture jewellery manufacturing company with a Korean Arts and
Design Group since 2000.
Within four (4) years of reopening the
tobacco floors, she now leads Boka
Tobacco Floors P/L in an industry dominated by foreign capital. BTF is the largest tobacco marketing facility in Africa
handling Twelve (12) percent of Zimbabwe’s tobacco and 25000 growers as at
the end of 2014 marketing season.
She has spearheaded the BTF initiative
in establishing the Tobacco Growers
Forum in an effort to achieve grassroots
outreach of the small holder farmers
and other stakeholders. The agenda
being to specifically conscientise clients
of the demanding market expectations
of quality and traceability, whilst contributing to and addressing social and
community development issues such
as reforestation, prevention of Green
Tobacco Disease, stoppage of Child
Labour, encouraging women tobacco
growers and compliance to legislation.
In her rural home she has adopted
Chiendambuya Primary School and
built up classroom blocks including an
upcoming ECLD.
Passionate about youths progress she
has introduced an aggressive internship program for young students from
several local universities and colleges
with the thrust of capacity and preparation for future leadership positions
in accounting and finance, marketing,
agriculture and information technology
among other disciplines in our economy. Her organization employs 600
seasonal employees.
It is her desire that her career be testimony to others that female competence and ability is all that matters in
any sector and situation. Furthermore
that confidence in women heirs be
inspired to confirm that practices of
discrimination on the basis of gender
are unacceptable. Inspired by Justice
Rita Makarau and Divine Ndhlukula,
Rudo is a member of Women In Tobacco
International and was recently featured
in Forbes Africa Magazine. She is a
recipient of the WECA 2013 Winner in
Agriculture Sector Award and the Zimbabwe Investment Authority Woman
Investor of the year 2014 .
If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger!
Joseph Machiva(Telone)
Young Manager of the Year 2014 Nominee
Econet Wireless Zimbabwe.
3. Marketing Manager
Econet Wireless SA
June 2010 – December 2011 (1 year 7
Responsible for the introduction and
development of new products and
brands across the group’s three major
territories, Zimbabwe, Burundi and
Lesotho. Key role is to identify and
develop opportunities for business
diversification particular in the migrant
communities in South Africa.
Sales and Marketing
Director of Tel•One
Zimbabwe Pvt Ltd.
4. Brand Manager
Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
April 2007 – June 2010 (3 years 3 months)
Responsible for the development and
execution of integrated marketing plan
for the post-paid brand “Business Partna”. This process includes the formulation of tactical pricing brand strategies
and their implementation.
Oversee execution of the brands dayto-day operational activities including
brand volume forecasting and brand
financial stewardship.
Jobs & Titles
Joseph Machiva is a marketing professional with over 10 years experience
in brand management, sales, business
development and customer services. He
has worked extensively in the telecommunications industry both locally and
regionally. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Marketing and a Masters of Business Administration from the
University of Gloucestershire(UK).
1. Marketing Director
For the tenure he has been at Tel•One
numerous changes have been seen
from the opening of several shops and
client services branches to numerous
Tel•One Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd
November 2013 – Present (1 year 1
2. Senior Manager High Value Customer
Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
June 2013 – November 2013 (6 months)
Lead in the development and implementation of a high value customer
support and retention strategy for
Continuous monitoring and deciphering of consumer insights as well as to
lead the execution of the Brand plan
to complement the global Business
5. Senior Account
Young and Rubicam Zimbabwe
January 2005 – November 2005 (11
Client services executive managing
brands for SAB Miller (Castle, Zambezi
and Black label) and British American
Tobacco (BAT).
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 39
Most Innovative Organisation of the Year 2014 Nominee
hampions Insurance is primarily
a short-term insurance provider offering a wide range of
innovative short term products,
both for the individual and corporate
clients. Champions Insurance has been
providing rock-solid, renowned and
innovative risk financing solutions to
the nation with astounding success. Its
broad portfolio of innovative products
has since augmented its status as the
preferred insurance provider.
Another key factor that has made
Champions play in its own league is
the fact that since inception, it has
managed to provide consistent, quality
underwriting and a seamless service
delivery courtesy of an experienced
staff complement. In so far as claims
settlements are concerned they boast
of arguably the best turn around period
in the industry.
Over and above the standard conventional insurance products in the market,
Champions Insurance boasts of its flagship products which are second to none
in terms of value. Some of the flagship
products are as highlighted below:
International Travel
This is an affordable and value-laden,
world-wide international travel insurance cover designed for all travel
arrangements, be it for leisure, business, sport or educational amongst
various reasons. Cover includes Medical
Expenses, Loss of checked-in luggage,
delayed departure, repatriation of mortal remains, advance of funds, loss of:
(passport, driver’s license, and national
identity card abroad) and many other
benefits. Enjoy these benefits from as
little as US$10 for a week’s cover anywhere in the world.
The Inbound
Travel Cover
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 40
The first ever travel insurance cover
to be offered to incoming visitors to
Zimbabwe. This product has provided a solution not only to travellers to
Zimbabwe but is also expected to boost
the Zimbabwean tourism industry. Visitors from all over the world can enjoy
word-class travel cover when they visit
Zimbabwe, be it Zimbabweans resident
in other countries or foreigners. Cover
is from as little as US$17.00 for a week’s
Legal Aid
This product was designed to help the
people of Zimbabwe access/afford legal
representation. Any Zimbabwean who
has attained the legal age of majority
can access this cover and can have their
dependents included in the policy.
Cover includes civil matters, criminal
matters, labour matters, contractual
and delictual cases amongst others.
Cover is available from as little as US$3
per month for an annual benefit of
US$2 500. Champions Insurance is the
first and only short term insurance to
provide such a cover.
Online Payment
Champions Insurance is innovation
driven. Recently Champions insurance launched and became the first
short term insurance to provide online
services. Now Champions existing and
prospective clients can enjoy insurance
services in the comfort of their home
via Champions website. From inquiries,quotations, applications, cover
placement, payments, claims registration, processing and settlement all
these services in just a click of a button.
The initiative was driven by the passion
for customer delight in service delivery.
Champions Insurance puts the customer first in everything they do.
Unique Motor Vehicle Insurance
The Champions motor insurance cover
is no ordinary cover but a cut above
the rest. Whilst other insurance companies have remained offering the
standard motor insurance benefits,
Champions has gone a step ahead to
offer unique extensions to the delight
of its esteemed clients. Over and above
the generic motor insurance covers,
Champions offers the following unique
• Courtesy Car
This option enables the insured client to
obtain another vehicle of similar value
and status from leading approved car
hire companies. Cover begins immediately on submission of full documentation of the vehicle disablement
and ends on collection of vehicle from
• Road Mortality Plan
This extension provides funeral benefits
to all occupants of an insured vehicle
following death resulting from a road
traffic accident. Funeral services are
provided by Doves Funeral Assurance
for all occupants of the vehicle. Benefits
include all funerals services, cremation and burial as well as cash benefit
• Roadside assistance
Champions Insurance in conjunction
with Road Angels now offers roadside
assistance for the following circumstances: Flat battery, towing and recovery, tyre change, locked in key retrieval
and fuel delivery for the convenience of
our valued clients. Services are available
anywhere within Zimbabwe.
First ever Short
term insurance
Sale Promotion“Insure and Win”
Last year the promotion team from
Champions introduced the first ever
sales promotion for the insurance in-
dustry dubbed “Insure and Win” and did
a nationwide blitz in an endeavour to
bring awareness to pockets of society
around the country bringing light and
dispelling the thick clouds of ignorance
as well as misinformation about the importance of insurance were. Simultaneously, the monthly draws were heating
up with clients winning ultra-fantastic
monthly prizes such as solar-blocking caps, nice t-shirts, über umbrellas
and snazzy smart-phones have been
up for grabs. In last year’s Insure and
Win promotion, Champions insurance
gave away five Cherry QQs and a travel
voucher worth US$ 5 000.00 to lucky
In 2014 Champions Insurance launched
yet another exciting promotion dubbed
“Insure, Scratch and Win” and embarked
on 2014 winning. Under this promotion,
clients are supposed to spend at least
US$30.00 on any of our the products
and get a scratch card that would reveal
and a prize to be won instantly and
by completing the scratch card, client
would automatically enter the grand
draw where lucky clients would walk
away with LED TVs, Generators and
• International WHO’s
WHO Historical society
North Carolina, September 19, 20 14,
Nathan Chikono, Managing Director,
Champions Insurance Company (Pvt)
Ltd, Harare, Zimbabwe is one of the
newest professionals selected for
inclusion in international WHO’S WHO
Historical Society and will be listed
in the 2014 edition of International
WHO’S WHO of Professionals. IWWHS’s
mission is to recognize successful business executives, who are an expert in
their area of expertise, by listing them
among their peers, and providing them
with an international forum for the
purpose of professional networking,
reference, and self-promotion. Inclusion
is an accomplishment in itself. Interna-
tional WHO’S WHO Historical Society
recognizes the achievements of qualified professionals while simultaneously
providing a practical, reference-quality,
business-to-business directory of its
exclusive membership.
According to Mr Chikono, the Managing Director for Champions Insurance
Company, “Innovation runs in our veins
at Champions. We value our customers
and the invaluable feedback they provide us has enabled us to continuously
improve and provide improved, new
and relevant products and systems”.
For more information visit: championsinsurance.co.zw
Latest International
• Global Green
Awards- Germany
In recognition of its efforts in sustainable development initiative, Champions
Insurance scooped the International
Global Green Award in Berlin Germany
on the 31st of March 2014. Champions
Insurance was one of the few African
countries amongst top companies from
all over the world to win an award on
this occasion. A momentous achievement indeed.
(Mr Charbel S. Tabet- CEO of Otherways
Management Consulting Association)
handing over the Global Green Trophy to
Champions Executives Mr Kativhu and Mr
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 16
2014 Business
Awards Magazine| page 41
Sugar Chagonda(ZTA)
Personality Of The Year 2014 Nominee
for Corporate Affairs. One wonders
his next jobbing place!
A social science graduate with the
University of Zimbabwe and a celebrated and accomplished journalist,
he recently completed a Masters in
Public Policy & Governance.
Born and bred in the dusty streets
of Highfields, Sugar defied all odds
to become one of the influential
young Zimbabweans viewed with
high esteem. His roots can be
traced to Gutu, Masvingo province.
He has traversed across the globe
advancing and defending the national cause at different fora.
He has been leading communication strategies behind local and
international tourism campaigns
and it is his charismatic and Midas
touch that has largely seen him becoming a media savvy. To this end
one can be justified to argue that
he has successfully personified the
undisputed great brand of tourism.
In the wake of a barrage of criticism against the country by some
international media, Sugar is one
person who has resolutely defended the cause of tourism applying
various communications skills and
intelligentsia to drown negative
rhetoric for the good of the country.
ll individuals represent
different brands, strong
or weak, holy or hideous.
God fearing, witty, an orator, charming and composed, is the
summation of his depth of character. The person of Sugar Chagonda
represents such an embodiment of
strong, excellent and spectacular
brand whose priceless equity has
impacted positively on the overall
tourism brand in Zimbabwe.
2014 Business Awards Magazine| page 42
A public servant by calling, Chagonda in his entire life has only
served with organizations whose
names are preceded by the name
Zimbabwe. First it was with the
Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF)
before joining the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) and now
he is advancing the national aspirations with the formidable Zimbabwe Tourism Authority where he is
the communication boss responsible
“I believe and live by Christian and
African values that define Ubuntu.
I strongly believe in the goodness of
the country and its potential across
the sectorial divide.
I remain optimistic that if we are
to work together as Zimbabweans
sharing the same vision with our
able leadership at government level
we will make it as a country. There
is a lot that bring us together that
we need to celebrate than the little
things that divide us. That which
brings us together is what should
define the brand Zimbabwe”.
Businessman of the Year 2014 Nominee