Open Space - Aspire


Open Space - Aspire
Open Space
June 2016
Word from Simone
I recently attended one of the NZDSN Provider Development Programme where there was a presentation
by Peter Cammrock around the spirit of leadership and it was fantastic. Peter talked about bringing
mindfulness into leadership creating conscious intentional practice. So this means creating a space
between what we hear, think or see or feel and how we respond. Paying attention to this space increases
our own self responsibility by making conscious choices in how we respond. This is a powerful tool to be
present right here right now, getting more meaningful outcomes in our lives and those around us. Peter
shared a quote, ‘every moment is a gift of opportunity’ (Steindl-Rast), so why not start noticing the
opportunities that surround you.
Onwards and Upwards,
Simone Molenaar
Matariki is the Māori name for the small cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters, in
the Taurus constellation. In New Zealand it comes into view low on the north-eastern horizon, appearing
in the tail of the Milky Way in the last days of May or in early June, just before dawn. This heralds the
Māori New Year.
Matariki is also associated with the winter solstice. It appears when the sun, drifting north on the shortest
day in winter, reaches the north-eastern end of the horizon. The sun then turns around and begins its
journey south.
Celebrate Matariki in Hamilton:
28 May 2016 – 13 July 2018
Te Whaanau Maarama: The Heavenly Bodies,
Waikato Museum. Free entry
This ground-breaking exhibition shines the spotlight
on Māori astronomy and examines the traditional
Māori societal view of the night sky and how it is
being revitalised in the modern world.
June 18
Matariki in the City, Garden Place Library
Hamilton Garden Place Library along with Entertainment Suite will be bringing you another fun-filled day
of live performances, craft and kite making, pūoro presentation by Horomona Horo, kirituhi stencils, spot
prizes and much more. A day for the whole whanau to enjoy.
Follow us on Facebook for all the latest news.
Kelly Tarlton’s Trip
The men from Clarence Street have been
enjoying regular trips to places they have all
chosen. This is a photo taken at Kelly
Tarlton’s recently.
As you can see it was a highlight for
everyone. A huge thank you to the great
team at Clarence Street for the effort they
put in to ensure the men have many exciting
Paul, Brian and Tim at Kelly Tarlton’s
Every day lives - long weekend trip to Tauranga
What awesome weather we had on Queens Birthday weekend. Matthew, Todd and Oliver took advantage
of the sunshine and headed over to Tauranga for a swim, and feed of fish and chips!
Matthew J, Oliver and Todd enjoying the local news
while waiting for their fish and chips in Tauranga
Mean bombs in the pool—Matthew J
What an interesting period we’ve had lately. With illness, new challenges, new people and ideas
circulating. Making for interesting times had by all. I would like to commend Taya and Melissa on the
recent advocacy time in Auckland. Judging from the feedback and comments, it sounds like a very
interesting time and plenty of info came through.
On a personal note, I wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks Naida and Karen, for the
help over recent weeks. This was good old fashioned care at it’s very best. Thank you
both very much for your company and help.
Thank you too Palmerston Street—you guys rock. You guys are now also a very special
family and don’t you forget it. Once again, thank you all very much and keep up the
good work. I appreciate it in every way.
Jimmy H.
Supported Decision Making Hui
In April Melissa and Taya attended a two day Hui in Auckland, hosted by Auckland Disability Law. The topic
of this hui was Supported Decision Making.
Supported Decision Making is a way people can make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives,
while receiving any support they need to do so.
Melissa’s highlight was a talk by Helen from Spectrum Care, who talked about the Advisory Group that
Spectrum run.
Taya’s highlight was getting a better understanding of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities, and came away with a desire to learn more about the growing role technology
can play with communication for non-speaking people.
Easy Read Wills
Inspired by the talk from People First at the
Supported Decision Making Hui, the Aspire
Self Advocacy Committee met recently to
discuss writing wills. People First have
released a wonderful resource called “Easy
Read Will and Guide”.
The will form is a template, designed for
people with learning disability to fill in,
alongside their lawyer or legal representative.
The guide is just that – a guide to how to fill
out the form and an introduction to the ideas
and words involved.
Nikki, Colleen, Kim, Claire, Jimmy, Steph and Melissa
You might think a discussion about our wishes once we’ve passed away would be a bit depressing. But
the talk was anything but! We discussed the importance of having a will and choosing the right people to
support you in big decisions. The theme of the day was “It’s your last chance to be bossy!” and that’s the
message we all took home.
Anyone who wants a copy of the will guide and form can get it from
Disability Strategy Workshop
In 2015, the Government agreed to develop a new
disability strategy for New Zealand. The new strategy
will provide clear direction for the government over
the next ten years, helping them to make informed
decisions on issues that impact disabled people.
As part of developing the new strategy, several of the
people supported by Aspire met recently to provide
feedback on how they could live a good live, feel
valued and participate in their communities.
The next step in the process are for the reference
group reviewing the strategy to produce a research
report and draft a new disability strategy.
Jimmy, Claire, Jo, Chuck, Taya, Tim
Jo reading to Zoe
Shannon at RDA Cambridge
Tim on the Waikino-Waihi train
Roger won several ribbons at the recent Piako Bird
Show. Pictured is his Best Champion Roller
Erika walking Chester the Dog
Imraan and Smokey the cat
Amber and Jo at the Zoo
Marry Anne’s super salad
Dennis on the Waikino-Waihi Train
Todd planting at Hammond Bush
Joy and her cousin having a birthday lunch
at Valentines Restaurant
Methodist City Action—What’s Happening
Art & Craft: This class provides the opportunity to engage in a range of basic art and craft media.
Wednesday, 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm $2
Brain Gym Plus: Activity class for those with limited ability. Wednesday, 10.30 am to 11.30 am $5
Community Meal: Monday, 12 noon $1
Fitness & Fun: Enjoy the fun of a fitness class involving music and dance. Thursday, 10.30 am to 11.30 am
Indoor Team Sports: Active class with the opportunity to learn and play volleyball, badminton, indoor
bowls, indoor soccer and table tennis. Tuesday 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm $2
Methodist City Action is based at 62 London Street in the Hamilton CBD.
Fish and Chips at the beach!
Erika making dinner
Dennis at Kelly Tarlton’s
Seia at Raglan
Harry and Paul on the train
Forum for people with disability
When: Saturday 25th of June, from 11:30am until
Where: The Recreation Centre, Blind Foundation, 15
Liverpool Street, Hamilton Central
Topic: Disability and Diversity
This is a first in a series of looking at different aspects
of sexuality and diversity. This conversation will be cofacilitated by Leadership Group Members Rodney Bell
and Glen Terry. Following this conversation, hang
around for pizza and a chat.
The forums for people with disability are a good place
to hear from others who have a disability, and also
have your say about how you think Enabling Good
Lives should be.
If you have any questions contact Helena. Email:
[email protected] Phone or text Helena on:
021 720978.