From the Pen of the Pastor


From the Pen of the Pastor
The newsletter of St. Michael the Archangel Parish
January/February 2014
Fr o m t h e Pen of th e Pas tor
By Father Thomas P. DiFolco, Pastor
Inside this Issue
From the Pen of the Pastor
Processional Crosses
Understanding the Liturgy
Vatican and You
A Beacon of Hope
Toy and Clothing Sale
1-4 For All and All For Fun
St. Michael Serves
Parish School News
High School Honor Roll
Parish School Honor Roll
Lenten Schedule
The Light is On for You
In Memory
Educational Memorial and Endowment
Welcome New Members
Upcoming Activities
In this edition of the Messenger, I want to update you on a couple
ongoing features of planning in the parish. On the 12th of January, everyone was invited to attend a reporting meeting on the
work of the Committee for the Pastoral Region comprised of St.
Michael the Archangel and St. Gabriel the Archangel Parishes;
thanks to the 40 or so parishioners who attended. The central
message of that report was that, when the time comes that the two
parishes share one pastor, we will have the basic outline of a plan
for continuing our Vibrant Church life in the two parishes. At that
time, and depending on the availability of other priests to help celebrate Mass and the other Sacraments, some adjustments of the
weekend Mass schedule at the two parishes may be necessary – the
plan accounts for those. Because the two parishes will not be
merged, we will also look for other ways to cooperate and collaborate across our parish boundaries. Because the two schools will
not be merged, the two schools will maintain their current relationships with the two parishes.
continued on page two
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St. Michael Parish ! Sharonville, Ohio
From the Pen of the Pastor, continued
The report was on the “front page” of our parish
website for a few weeks; you can now find it on
the website by clicking on About Us ! Pastoral
Region. Thanks to Susan Bailey, Jim Konves,
Brenda Kuhr, Jason Sauer and Diana O’Hara, the
St. Michael representatives to the Pastoral Region
committee, for the commitment of their time and
talent to this important work. And don’t forget:
we need not only to pray for vocations, but to
encourage our young people to be open to a call
to ordained ministry as priests and deacons, to
consecrated religious life, and to lay ministry in
the Church.
Secondly, I want to thank the scores of parishioners who have been part of the conversation
about making our parish a Strong Catholic Family. Representatives from each group in the parish
listened to Dr. Sean Reynolds, Director of the
Archdiocesan Office for Youth and Young Adult
Ministry, at an initial meeting in September; everyone was invited to meet with Dr. Reynolds in
late October and early November; and the original group of representatives was called back for a
conversation about the significance of what we
heard from Dr. Reynolds – regarding the challenges that our American culture presents to the
faith in Catholic parishes.
P r ocess i onal Cr o sses
Altar servers pose with our three most recent
processional crosses. The newest cross, on the
left, was purchased with money donated by our
parish Altar Society. The Altar Society raises
money, primarily through their annual Craft and
Bake Sale, for the liturgical needs of the parish.
Thank you to the Altar Society for this gift to the
Page 2
The Parish Pastoral Council is now helping me to
consider what all this might mean for the parish.
One way to understand this is what Pope Francis
often says: “Jesus wants followers, not admirers.”
What do we need to be doing here at St. Michael
Parish to grow followers, not just admirers of
Jesus, but followers willing to hand on and to invite others into the family of faith? I invite you
to consider what this means in your personal and
family life, as well as what it means for our parish. Let us pray that we will be open to what God
is dreaming for us.
Parishioners listen to Fr. Tom DiFolco explain the plan for the future.
The Messenger ! January/February, 2014
Unde r s ta nding the Li turgy
by Brian Bisig, Director of Music & Worship
(Adapted from materials provided by Liturgical Training Publications)
December 4, 2013, marks the 50 th anniversary of
the promulgation of the Constitution on the Sacred
Liturgy, or Sacrosanctum Concilium in Latin. This
first of the teachings of the bishops of Vatican II
was devoted to our celebration of liturgy and
was approved by a remarkable vote of 2,147 to 4.
Our parish worship commission has been studying this teaching and will be sharing some of its
key insights throughout the coming year.
Fifty years later, it is perhaps difficult to appreciate the impact that this teaching had on our understanding of the liturgy, but it set in motion
the most far-reaching liturgical reform in Catholic history. In 1985, the Extraordinary Assembly
of the Synod of Bishops would look back and
reflect that “the liturgical renewal is the most
visible fruit of the whole work of the Council.”
Pope John Paul II, on the document’s twentyfifth anniversary, agreed: “For many people the
message of the Second Vatican Council has been
experienced principally through the liturgical reform.”
From its opening days in October of 1962, the
Second Vatican Council was prompted by the
two-fold desire for both ressourcement and aggiornamento. When understood in relationship with one
another, these two terms--in French and Italian,
respectively--serve to illuminate the underlying
spirit of Sacrosanctum Concilium.
Ressourcement, a French term meaning "a return to
the sources," identified the growing desire to revisit the early sources of our faith and liturgical
practice through a renewed focus on historical
theology. European theologians such as Karl Rahner, Yves Congar, and Joseph Ratzinger (now
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) championed this
scholarly movement. In Sacrosanctum Concilium, the
desire for ressourcement was articulated through the
emphasis on "sound tradition," calling liturgists
and theologians to consider liturgical renewal
through the lens of early Church and biblical
The term aggiornamento, an Italian word meaning "a
bringing up to date," is most often associated with
Pope John XXIII and the convening of the Council itself. In his encyclical on the Church, Pope
Paul VI describes this term as "the guiding principle of the Ecumenical Council," stating that "it
should prove a stimulus to the Church to increase
its ever growing vitality" (Ecclesiam Suam, 50). In
Sacrosanctum Concilium, the desire for aggiornamento is
found in the Council's aim to "adapt more suitably
to the needs of our own times" (SC, 1).
When taken together, these two terms present a
vision of the Church as an institution that seeks to
continually invigorate the lives of the faithful
through liturgical reforms based on the rigorous
academic study of the sources at the heart of our
Va ti c an an d You
In an effort to greater understand the liturgy, we have been featuring weekly reflections on “The Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy” in our Sunday bulletin. The Worship Commission is also leading an
effort to engage parishioners in the discussion about the liturgy by using our new website and social
media tools. Stay tuned for more information!
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St. Michael Parish ! Sharonville, Ohio
A Bea con of Ho pe
by Sue Konves
Because of you, our generous parishioners, our St. Michael St. Vincent de Paul conference has been
able to serve clients in the Sharonville area for more than nine years. We have given hope to many
families, by providing help with rent, utilities, food, gas, clothing and furniture.
Along with the above mentioned services, we inform clients of organizations that provide job services, legal aid, medical help and budget counseling.
Clients seek our help because of lost jobs, illness, or significant medical bills. Generally they live
paycheck to paycheck. Often, they face eviction and homelessness, struggling to keep their children
Home visits can be shocking and eye opening. We have many in need in our own community. We
often walk into apartments with no furniture, or almost none. We see people sleeping on bare floors.
Families of 3 or 4 live in motels for months. Some of our clients struggle with mental illness.
We ask that our clients contribute what they can to help pay for their rent and or bills, and we will
pay the rest.
We pray with them, as we do before each of our meetings, reminding them of God’s presence in both
their lives and ours. As one of our members so eloquently stated: “My experience as a member of
SVDP has made me more aware of my neighbors in Sharonville. I see the face of Jesus in those we
serve and experience His love through the support of our generous parishioners. I have learned to
judge people less, realizing I have not walked in their shoes. I have grown in my faith and spiritual
life through this service and my shared experience with the other members. We all feel we receive
more than we give.” We often leave feeling more blessed than they, for the perseverance, love, gratitude, and humility they share with us.
Thank you for your support, generosity and kindness! We will continue to strive to be good stewards
as we share your donations to those in need. Please keep us and our clients in your prayers.
For more information, please contact Jan Deters at [email protected] or call (513) 769-0848.
Toy a nd Cl o thing S ale
Saturday, March 1, 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
Clean out your closets and sell your gently used toys and children’s summer clothing items! You price
your items and receive 60% of the profit; the rest goes to St. Michael PTO. If you are interested in
selling, please contact Iris Johnson at [email protected].
Note: Donated items that are not sold will go to St. Vincent de Paul after the sale.
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The Messenger ! January/February, 2014
1-4 A ll and All Fo r Fun
In the midst of our very snowy and cold winter, the St. Michael
Festival Committee is hard at work planning our annual summer
festival. This year’s theme is “1-4 All and All For Fun!”, and incorporates the idea of Strong Catholic Families. The festival will
be held on June 6, 7, and 8.
If you are interested in helping plan this year’s fun, please contact Festival Chair Craig Capell at [email protected].
Watch our plans develop by visiting the festival website
(, liking us on Facebook (St. Michael Summer Festival), and following
us on Twitter (#stmikefestival)! Also, please make sure you patronize our festival sponsors!
S t. Michael Se r ve s
Instead of “giving up” something in your life this Lent, how about “giving back”? St. Michael Community Outreach Commission and Mustangs Serve will be sponsoring a weekend of service for all
members of the parish who wish to volunteer. The activities will take place on March 21-23, 2014.
The projects listed below need volunteers both on-site at St. Michael and at off-site locations. Most
projects are open to all: young children, school-age kids, teens, adults, and seniors. Further information, including a more detailed explanation of each project, will be in the bulletin starting midFebruary. Sign-ups for specific projects will begin February 22.
March 21
• Princeton Closet – Clothes Sorting, Washing, Drying
March 22
• Ouch Buddies – Ronald McDonald House
• No Sew Tie Blankets – Project Linus
• Making Prayer Bouquets – Nursing Home Residents and Shut-ins
• Cottingham Retirement Community – Various activities such as bingo, chair volleyball, playing
board games, and fellowship with the residents are planned.
• St. Leo – Potential projects include sorting books for the library, helping organize food pantry,
minor building improvements, and cleaning
March 23
• St. Leo – Assist with Children’s Liturgy
As shown by the life and work of Pope Francis, we as Catholics are all given “a call to serve”. Please
consider giving your time and talents by offering help to those in need and comforting those who suffer. Contact Mary Heilers at 779-4626 or at [email protected] if you have any questions.
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St. Michael Parish ! Sharonville, Ohio
P ari sh S cho ol News
The 2013-2014 school year is flying by, and it is
hard to believe that it is already February!
We just celebrated Catholic Schools Week (CSW)
with an appreciation breakfast for our many
wonderful volunteers; a special lunch for our
hard-working teachers and staff; a faith presentation by motivational storyteller and juggler Tom
Sparough; and our Open House, where we welcomed prospective families to our school and
then celebrated our accomplishments with our
current school families. Unfortunately, the Catholic Schools Week Mass at the Cathedral of St.
Peter in Chains downtown was canceled because
of the extremely cold weather.
In keeping with the CSW theme of
“Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service”, on Monday, following a truly inspirational
opening prayer service, each grade participated in
a day of service to others and reflection. For example, our first and second graders made cheerful cards and heart puzzles for patients at Children’s Hospital. These will be delivered to the
children in the hospital along with a gently-used
book that our children are bringing to school.
The most far-reaching and impactful event, however, was our a school-wide Catholic Schools
Week-themed bingo tournament, where the 25
coins used by each student as bingo markers
were then donated to Heifer International.
Thanks to our generous students and families, we
collected $260, which allowed us to purchase one
goat, a flock of ducks, a flock of chicks, a flock
of geese, a colony of honey bees, and a Hope
Basket (a flock of chicks and some rabbits) for
villages who are living in poverty. Those donations will certainly help make positive changes in
the lives of people all over the world!
Our students are also making significant changes
in their own lives. Our second graders are currently preparing to make their First Eucharist in
May, and our eighth graders will be confirmed on
March 4. Please keep them, and all of the children in the parish, in your prayers as they receive
their sacraments.
St. Michael Parish School is now accepting registrations for the 2014-2015 school year. If your
friends or family are looking for a new school,
please invite them to visit us and see what we can
offer them!
St. Michael Parish School students listen to Fr. Tom DiFolco during the
prayer service on the first day of school.
Students in the annual Christmas program.
Second graders play Catholic Schools Week Bingo.
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The Messenger ! January/February, 2014
High S chool Ho no r R oll
Congratulations to the following parishioners who earned academic honors during the first quarter at their high school,
and whose school has sent us their name.
Mt. Notre Dame H.S.: Grace Adkins, Isabella Asbrock, Kelsey
Moeller H.S.: Bradley Buller, Evan Ernst, Kurtis Hoffman, Adam
Beitman, Carly Bowling, Malea Casey, Natalie Casey, Madison
Kohlman, Andrew Olinger, Benjamin Piller, Matthew Rusche,
Childers, Meagan Deyhle, Madeline Dolan, Kacy Eckley, Megan
Owen Schneider, Hayden Bianchini, Kyle Bowling, Samuel BrackFiscus, Claudia Garcia, Hannah Gordon, Victoria Jansing, Elizaen, Ethan Clarke, Logan Heister, Nathaniel Heister, Andrew
beth Johnson, Christy Kennedy, Amy Koetter, Alia Mack, Katelin
Hicks, Joshua Huster, Zachary Jansing, Benjamin Love, Kevin
Marklay, Kelly Martin, Grace Nunn, Olivia Nunn, Jill O'Bryan,
Morrison, Braden Porter, Cullan Sanders, Sean Smith, Kyle ZimAshley Reinert, Anna Rosenthal, Kate Rosenthal, Rebecka
Schlake, Lindsey Scott, Taylor Shawver, Lindsey Theis, Breann
Webb, Abigail Weeks
Ursuline Academy: Marjorie Alvord, Allison Baker, Brenna Barber, Sabrina Barber, Isabel Baumgartner, Rina Baumgartner, CaroStephen T. Badin H.S.: Michelle Jung
line Blandford, Amy Brokamp, Taylor Brokamp, Kelly Cameron,
Sarah Connaughton, Elise Dermody, Lauren Endres, Sarah
St. Ursula Academy: Megan Bair, Shauna Reilly, Claire Weisbrod
Goodridge, Anna Jonas, Kalee Koetter, Megan Lay, Emily Lowe,
Hannah McKaig, Olivia Nurre, Julie Olinger, Kristin Rodriguez,
Roger Bacon High School: Luke Mitsch
Olivia Schappacher, Grace Schlaack, Hanna Schlaack, Paige
Thompson, Sarah Timmel, Katherine Vondenbrink, Madeleine
Parents, if your child attends a public high school and is on
that school’s honor roll, and you would like your child’s
St. Xavier H.S.: Robert Anderson, Benjamin Borja, James Brill,
name to be included in our “Honor Roll” listing in the parRyan Brokamp, Jonathon Brus, Sean Connaughton, Ryan Gordon,
ish newsletter, please forward that information to the ParPatrick Guye, David Hauck, Andrew Hauck, Kevin Herbig, Eric
ish Office. The local Catholic high schools send us the
Hoffman, Nathan Jonas, Nathan Kiniyalocts, Matthew Kuhr, John
names of St. Michael graduates who have earned honors,
Marshall, Nicholas Meyer, Robert Morgan, Andrew Niehaus, Albut the public schools do not. Please send your child’s
exander Puthoff, Jacob Reese, Thomas Reilly, Nicholas Rotsching,
name and the name of their school Kaylene Schwab at
James Rucker, Matthew Schmid, Donald Schroeder, Ryan
[email protected], or call the Parish OfStrotman, Eric Strotman, Jacob Thaman, Stephen Toney, John
fice. Thank you!
Trentman, Thomas Uhl, Richard Welsh, Samuel Welsh, Nicholas
Zarick, Thomas Zarick
S t. Mi ch ae l Parish S ch ool Hon or Roll
Congratulations to the following St. Michael Parish School students who earned academic honors in the first trimester.
Eighth Grade: Marcus Bauer, Julia DeVita, Joe Durham, Brendan Eagan, Tyler Grinstead, Julia Harmon, Rachel Harmon, Rebecca Janka, Emma Jonas, Maggie Kohlman, David Kowalski,
Nicholas Lay, Annie Longo, Kevin Marklay, Matthew Medl, Sarah
Mehrle, Ryan Muldoon, Jackson O’Bryan, Joey Phipps, Amber
Reinert, Allison Riley, Ryan Sage, Logan Wolf
Seventh Grade: Jack Connaughton, Hailey Coulehan, Emily
Ernst, Amy Horton, Gabby Huster, Lucy Jones, Megan Kowal,
Brian Longo, Katie Meyer, Caleb Maletta, Cristian Monahan, Aaron Mullen, Kelli Niehaus, Ethan Nurre, Kelly Packer, Leah Piller,
Matthew Proctor, Marion Reilly, Patrick Rotsching, Adam
Strotman, John Weisbrod, Emily Wittekind, Lanie Wysong
Fifth Grade: Reva Allgood, Claire Anderton, Hannah Bailey, Alex
Barber, Raegan Bauer, Alyssa Blandford, Megan Boehl, Benjamin
Broughton, Andrew Collins, Logan Coulehan, Patrick Diemar,
Abby Dupps, Ryan Eagan, Grace Fenton, Jack Frambes, Zane
Gabriel, Zachary George, Reagan Gloyd, Ryan Hallau, Tyler Hargrave, Anna Heilers, Owen Hoffman, Callie Jacobs, Ellie Jonas,
Madeline Jones-Huddle, Alex Koetter, TJ Koetter, Anna Kowalski, Allison Laughlin, Jack Loughnane, Gabbi Mayne, Dean Misleh, Luke Misleh, Alex Nguyen, Emma Niehaus, Nora O’Bryan,
Nathaniel Pabst, Matthew Rohlfs, Ryan Rotsching, Samantha Sauer, Benjamin Schlaack, Heather Schwab, Maddie Sova, Evan
Webb, Alex Wolf
Sixth Grade: Abby Adams, Ally Adams, John Alvord, Leah
Baumgartner, Megan Brokamp, Madison Brown, Jenna Brus, Owen Capell, Emily Edwards, Abigail Gloyd, Caroline Graue, Tyler
Houck, Ryan Janka, Melina Koch, Caroline Lederle, Sam Linduff,
Isabella Madrid, Jeremy Martin, John Meder, Madelyn Meder, Jacob Mitsch, Jessica Mitsch, Caroline Moore, Delaney Muldoon,
Liz Rolfes, John Stevenson, Katie Tippenhauer, Megan VonLehmden, Addison Werling
Page 7
St. Michael Parish ! Sharonville, Ohio
L enten S che dule
Mass Schedule
Ash Wednesday, March 5
Ashes will be distributed at all Masses.
8:15 a.m., 12:00 noon, and 7:00 p.m.
Ash Wednesday and Good
Lenten Weekday Masses
Monday through Friday at 8:15 a.m.
Opportunities for Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Light is On for You
Tuesday, March 18, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Private Confessions in Church
Friday are days of fasting and
abstinence (no meat).
All other Fridays in Lent are
days of abstinence (no meat).
Parish Reconciliation Service with Private Confession
Wednesday, March 26, 7:00 p.m.
Weekly Reconciliation (Confession)
Saturdays, 4:00 p.m. (except April 19, Holy Saturday)
Other Opportunities for Lenten Prayer
Stations of the Cross
Fridays—7:15 p.m. (except April 18, Good Friday)
The St. Michael Parish Fish Fry will be
Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration
Mondays 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
returning this Lent!
Evening Prayer and Benediction
Mondays 7:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Watch the bulletin, our website
and our Facebook page for more
Parish Lenten Mission
Monday and Tuesday, March 31 and April, 1 7:00 p.m.
T he Light is On Fo r Yo u
“The Light Is On for You” is an initiative of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to invite all Catholics to
experience the love and mercy of God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is a wonderful opportunity to turn away from our sinfulness and to experience the grace of reconciliation with
God and with others in our lives. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, every parish will be celebrating
the Sacrament of Reconciliation by offering private confessions on Tuesday, March 18, 2014 from
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Every parish church will have their doors open for you.
Parishes also have other scheduled times for private confession and communal penance services.
Learn more at:
Page 8
The Messenger ! January/February, 2014
In Me mor y
Parishioners Who Have Died (November 2012—December 2013)
Louis J. Litkenhaus
Ralph W. Popp
Thomas Joseph Schmidt
Sylvia Ann McAninch
Chalmers Frederick Rea
Nancy Stein
John David Maxwell
Richard Arnold Riesenberg
Charlene Ann Van Camp
Lois Knueven
Donald Raymond Robertson
Wes Whanger
Marjorie Nickolas
Charles Lee Sanders
Joseph Wilking
Patricia Helen Paquette
Frank Anthony Schatzel, Sr.
Leo Clifford Woycke
Rita Pierson
Charlyne Schecker
E duc ati o nal Me mo ri al and Endow me nt Fund
The following people have been enrolled in the Fund through December 2013. They are remembered
at Mass twice a month from the time of their enrollment. Proceeds from the endowment are used for
the educational needs of the parish. Envelopes for donations are available at church doors.
Bill & Mary Haines 60th Anniversary
Cecelia Hudak 80th Birthday
Donald R. Robertson
Fr. Mike Pucke 40th Anniversary
Kenneth Thompson
Lynne Brokamp
Michael Schmidt
Stella and Otto Scheidler
Tom Schmidt
Patty Menrath
Michael Menrath
Estella Schulz
Evelyn Menrath
Violet Ooelker
Welc ome New Member s
Stephanie and Madelyn Burke
Kaitlin, Zachary, Finian, Riley, and Maeve Connelly
Scott, Kelli, and Theodore Fulton
Molly, Paul, and Hailey Jennings and Cooper Scott
Heather Moore, Gil, and Erin Gonzalez
Justin, Amanda, Jackson, and Jaymeson Prior
Dino, Rose, Sara, Holly, and Jacob Carota
Bob, Cindy, Ellie and Natalia Wurzelbacher
Stacey, Andrew, Madeleine and James Piepmeier
Lloyd, Holly, Cooper, Maddeline, and Carrson Sova
Christopher, Nicole, Lillian, and Oakley Strange
Brent, Sheila, and Ella Tabbachi
Dan and Deirdre Simon
Luc, Beth, Allison, Emma, and David Rogiers
John, Peggy, John, Matt, and Will Altman
Julie, Mark, and Eleanora Jackson
Dawn and Thomas Hertlein
David Ratajczak
John and Mary Ann Fisher
Lindsay, Rick, Caitlyn, Connor, and Cooper Wood
Ted and Corinne Kearns
Andrea, Andrew, Scott and Cicily Mosley
Daniel, Jessica, Jackson and Emma Jurkowitz
Stephanie and Eric Roth
Angela, Brian, Max, and Will Schaeper
Rob Sipniewski and Catie Potter
Peter Cunningham
Joseph, Ann and Kaitlyn Grote
Edward Winstel
Alexandra Locke
Andrew and Raychelle Stockton
Ryan, Veronica, Gabriella, and
Anthoney Bonaventura
Page 9
St. Michael Parish ! Sharonville, Ohio
Up c omi ng A ctivities
VIRTUS Training at 6:30 p.m.
Parish Lenten Mission
“Pray for Me” Weekend for First
Communicants at all Masses
Stations of the Cross at 7:15 p.m.
Stations of the Cross at 7:15 p.m.
Confirmation Rehearsal at 7:00 p.m.
Palm Sunday — Masses as usual
Holy Thursday — Mass at 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday — Liturgy at 1:30 p.m.
Holy Saturday — Vigil at 9:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday — Masses as usual
Choir Concert at 7:30 p.m.
Parish Choir Trip
Jesus Day at 7:00 p.m.
Toy and Clothing Sale at 8:00 a.m.
YM Mulch Sale after all Masses
YM Skyzone at 6:30 p.m.
Confirmation at 7:00 p.m.
Ash Wednesday
Stations of the Cross at 7:15 p.m.
YM Mulch Sale after all Masses
YM Sharing at 6:00 p.m.
Stations of the Cross at 7:15 p.m.
YM Game Night at 6:00 p.m.
“The Light is On for You” Private Confessions in Church
VIRTUS Training at 6:30 p.m.
Stations of the Cross at 7:15 p.m.
St. Michael Serves (service projects
throughout weekend)
YM Sharing at 6:00 p.m.
Parish Reconciliation Service with
Private Confessions in Church
at 7:00 p.m.
Jesus Day at 10:00 a.m.
First Communion Pictures
First Communion (Large Group)
at 5:00 p.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses
Parish Golf Outing
First Communion (Large Group)
at 5:00 p.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses
Eighth Grade Graduation
Stations of the Cross at 7:15 p.m.
Parish Lenten Mission
In the Next Iss ue...
Parish Lenten Mission
Holy Week Schedule
And more!
Page 10
St. Michael Parish Festival
YM = Youth Ministry
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Inside: Lenten Schedule
School News
And more!
The Messenger is published six times per year and is distributed free of charge to all members of the St. Michael Parish community.
Comments, articles and photographs may be submitted to the editor, Kaylene Schwab, through the Parish Office or via email at:
[email protected]
Find up-to-date information on our parish website: and on our Facebook page:
Facebook— St. Michael Parish Sharonville, Ohio.
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