pring 200 - Jewish Family Service


pring 200 - Jewish Family Service
Jackie Curtis Silverman, co-author
of Caring for the Elderly
]ewi~h Family ervice i proud to
pre em a new b ok ro help Families
care for their dd rlr relatives. GU'ing
fOr the Elderly: A Guide jor Caregivers
in the New Or!ettns.ArM, is a wonder­
ful guidebook rhar explains tbe many
options for elder carl' in dli~ <Irea.
\Vrirr'n by ]ackil; Curci Silvennan
andJeanllc Cunningham. the book
covers topics such .L\ long-term care
i nsur:mce me stress of caregiving,
bow ro hire in-home help, making
physical adjusrm nrs ro rhe home.
choosing a nursing home, and
hospi <:: care.
Older Aduh ervlce 'oordinalOr
Anne FI edman. T.CSW, say. "For
1110S[ of us caring for an e1d rly parent
is unchaned territory. Tlli book
provide a much-needed road map."
Author Jackie Curtis ilverman
was the JFS Older Adulr , ervices
Coordinator for over a decade. he
<lctcrmined that caregiver~ needed
an easy way to get information.
aregivers are so caught up in liv .'
fhat encompas~ 'pouses, children.
jobs and meir paren s, that lhey hay
no time LO ear h me telt:phon . book
for needed services. The rUSt
caregivers' guide was wrirten eleven
years ago by Deena Gerber, executive
director ol]F ,and Carol Good, past
hoard member.
When jnformarion in the fir t
gujdeho k needed l be upda.ted.
Jackic pcarheaded production of the
new book. Many morc choices are
available for ca.regivers today. Case
Iter From the re ident
1 am ddiglHt:J co scrv~ as the currCnt pre id or oFkwi h Familv
St:rviCl:. :vI} involvcmelll with JJ Over lhe past 10 years has bee-~ a
whirlwind cxpuII.':nct' of people, program~. and \ rvicc to our commu­
nity. I l(1v\;. worklllg wilh our volunteers. who are young in heart, mind
ami spirit. JF board member and. taff are energeri and so wiIJing ro
'xlend [h m 'Ivt:S a.nd pUt in
time neLt~. . r.o help ochers.
wh dlCf dJerly or young.
Over rhe p~r few months I hav become an aCtive volunreer in Tet:n
Life _OW1[$ (TL J)' a school-hascd suicide prevelHion program
co rdlnaled by our ,Ig-en y. r have urked wirh (Wo sdlOl'1.'., Mc.Main
anJ Mr. Carmel, and hared infomlarion wirh 1(l'h grade smdcms on
rhe am Ing ign
depreSSion and SUll,.;id . Usi ng a variety of melh­
orb, we helped scudt:nrs learn whar to do if rhev find a [rjend or
rhemsclve col1lemF I~Hing permanent response; (0 lemporary prob­
It has been a.n eve openIng cxpcnencc for mc. Young pcople loday
hay mULh more He: sfullivt:~ than 1 h,uJ uruwing up. ClHlllicL\ with
p:l.n:ms :lnc1 friends cause lecllagt:rs LU quesuoll Ilrernsdve.s. 10. t of lbe:
teens in rhe d,lSses feel rrcrncnoom peer prcssme dboU[ e" erythlllg
from who ro be frit.'nds vith and what clothe.'> to wear ro m'lking
cJe ISJOns abOUt u'lI1g drugs anJ ha 'ing e'. I he sLUdenrs' eyes how
how helpful ir i for rhem 10 dl eu, rh ·i, lruggles openly anu to kno
rhar (here are adults who care and wam ro help. h i vcry grati1}'ing LO
me to know char I hay gUlJ·c1 rh In
figurlng om hm rhey r el and
t.: aillarillg their rdatlon hip~.
rbL Jr stall diu a grear Job in prepanng me to go inca the ,la s­
room 1 he ,-urn ulll111 th y have Jevdnp..:d Juring the pr 18 years i
comprchcn lve and [h rough. I ell confident anJ able to hamlle rhe
I . lfuesrion .UlJ COnl,;Cffi . If something arne up mal TJidn'r
know mere was always help availabl .
We.Lte <tlways loukingclI V lunte.:rs w be [rained in tcaching rhi
progr.:lm. 1fyoll are inrereslcd glvt' us a call
Becoming j I L volllm~t"r nal> !!,i\'I:JJ mt: .1 nt:w per!>penive J[] ill)
board rc.<;pon~ibiliC) of [undraising. .xing tht.. wl1rk of j Fe;; in action
anJ per:onaJly being pan 01 ,1 lifc, aV1l1g progr,lIn rnakt I e rt'ali1.c ho v
vital our genc)' h co tht: communir}. Please )Oln mc in 'upponing
Jcwi h Falll ily Service - an agency Jor all age , at all slages.
Jonathan M. L, kc, Prt!>iuenr
Golf Classic
Supports JFS
Teen Life COUnts ( LC), oLir
'wool-based l>wcide prevention
program has received a very generous
gram from the Fore! Kids Foundarion,
producers of the RP Classic of ew
Orleans - the rCA Tour's annual golf
tournamenr. The tlnal • moum of the
grant depends on the uccess of the
~venr. Your attendance will help
uppon TLC, as well as orher local
children's programs. For rickets and
infurmacion, cill831-GOLF. ur gu w The
HP Cia sic will be at EngUsh 111m
Golf and Country Club from April
28 to May 4, 2003.
BOOK .. cQminutdfrom pl1g~ J
managers have filled a viral role in
helping fanlilies where the children
and p renr~ live in different cities.
Jackie said people also arc living
longer and ~taying healthier, which
has crea.ted a need for independem
Jjvlng rnciliri .
Jackie brings tim-hand experience
as a caregivet to the book. She ared
for her hu band' 92-year-old
grandm thel" in cheir h me for rhe
laH two years of her Iii" . Wh n
Jackie was a child, her materna..!
grandmother lived with her family
for six months our of each year.. he
fulfllled a per anal mission in wflling
"Caregiving Cl11 be good and
positive. Everybody can come away
with a positive relationship, and
thal' growth,'· he aid.
Copies of rhe book can he pur­
chased from JF For $15 C'".lch, plus
$3.00 posrage and handling. The
book's pLlbli ation was funded with a
grant from the]ewish Endowment
Foundation. Please call 831-8475 for
more information or co order your
Recent Dona ·ons
From: Ms. DelJomh /I[arl
Dr. Lil/fut (fJdin
Dr. & Mrs, Adm A Bllrka
Borb'ira fmlrt
/ltllde/mt HYlldman
Upper :,clJool SwdelJls tit
f"dore Nn(lman School
.. f
Dear fnend ,
"J hillll so If/flllY plOblt ltlJ / fi't'! f ,a,,'t dl'l1! with tlnv IIWTt. I
trit'd to /.:ill 1tlJI't'/f la J rugl;t flnd ef/n-/l/ lime-- bejore ,htu. Its
over. Ml' pll1mr if(' think it' fCt'l1t1t' liji- - .he'!l grt OWl tI.
T/ley don't bait'lll tTl(. J!lq do Iz/I the U'f'OJlg dungs. "
The c wurth ,er wrill~n h. a local high $ hoal sruJem ill F bruar)',
200 , whik partlClpating in the e II I 1I"c COllnr- suicidc preventiun
program. h \ as IInlllcdi.udy rakcn to the counsdor's ullk ,tnd her paren
were called. Ry rhe cnd of till: day, sht: Wd5 rccci"ing psychiatric em:.
Mr . Em Friedberg' Birthday
Mrs. andy Heller's Birthday
Mr. & M 1'5. Jack Berke's 50th
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. LeRue Marx's Speedy Recovery
Frl)lII: Ail:
L~<I(r ~t'o';:iiner
Mrs. Gulnare Marks's 80th Birthday
From: /vb). FannyI' ,omrgCII
Mn;. Mildred P. Brou",
Mr 6- Mrs. HIJS M1IITZ
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Weiner's 50th
Wedding Annive~ry
,Me. & Mrs. Bessie Aguiar' grandson'
Bar Mitzvah
From: Dr. d- Mrs. Snh Sill'm.ll'm
Mr. Max ailian, Jr.
hom: D,·, Gene (jldit,
Mr~. Barbara Herman foe receiving the
On linda:,. cprt"mber 7, 2003 J wi h F.uuJr \ervice (J I ) will b
"Makin a P cl ,," at it nimh 311flUa.! r(;!llli, IOllrnamc:nt to rai.e fund.<
for 1h:n LiLe COUI1I: n I C) and orher rF~ programs. 'r III t veil[ which
in-llIdc:s. ,-; nni<; r, urnall1 nt, lun l:lI11il~ lCriviti' and c 'lcbTJrion Jinm:r
with Cajull 1iddlcr Amanda Shaw performing, will be h. lJ at the Huwo
R''lucl:nI 'r Racquet and [-flail h Club.
We quieti) -;tv liv\:,' throughoul the year b) ':w:n ling ~l helping hand
nl dt.; perar t \:'11.. I .lSI year, profc sianall trained stan .tnd \'01 umcers
brough t TLC ra m re than 7,000 l 'en ill 4') met ro ar a ~ h()ols. hlt over
I year. TL h been the most comprchCnS1V( tcen SUludc pr venllan
progr,tm in the Greater ew {)r1can, arta.
\OUl uppon ofTecn Ltfe .GuJIlS on help ~ave lives. Please luok lor
y( ur im it HIOn Jnd jOin tiS fOT a wonuer ul urne in lIPI nrr or a Wi:: savrng
Weiss Award
Mr. Marilyn Kullman hono d
~ founJing
President ufNew Orlean Jewish
Day School
Mrs. Emma Levi Special Birthday
Mr. & Mrs. D"viJ Freedman's Wedding
from: /vi,: 6- Afn, 'Idnq f. NOlh;d'ild
Mrs. MoUy Bernstein'oS 90U1 Birthday
rmm: ,'vII'S. hlllIlJl' Gowl'gl'll
Ms. Elll'II Clbll)'
Dr. Ll:Ster DulilZ
FrorlL' Dr. ':'J" 1111'S. AWII N. Iamb,
Mrs. Fannie K. Yokor's Special Birrhday
From: Mr. 0- jodI'S IdlZel /~ Rollmhtld
Dr 6- 1'vI1'S R,}b~'l A. S'flnl'
1vlT. & Mrs. NedA. GoLd/mg
Marjorie & .Iana,t.h:l,l1 Wallick's Recent Marriage
Dr. Kun Giller
how. 1I1lMmi Brown cr Rl)stJ!l~ Cohm
Jona.than Uouuy) Lake
From: ErtleI'LI'I'Y
An~v LokI'
Mr. & ,\Irs. P,'ur Williams
Mr. & Mrs. (anle)' Levin's 50th Wedding
Annive~ ary
From' Ml: 6- .~'!n. M,lr!.· L CIliaI'
Sin '\:I" 11",
Juli' . illx:rr
Mrs. Leah Goldman Karp
From: t'vlr & l'vl". Julian H Good. jr
Ms. F. nny Hocnikd
Ms Marilyn KaLl
Ms. J~s ilyn Sd1iUing
Mr. Nathan Greenberg
Mr. Leon KolmaiHer
Dr. Morris Wei ler
D/: & A1n. Ri,m M.
From Ms. .10)' L. It/hi
Prom: Mr. & ,II,.,. ,\fortOTI Kim;
Mr. Naulan Greenberg
M~ . .Icssilyu Loeb Schilling
Dr. Morris Wei ler
Irs. Fam1}' Homikel
Mr. David Y. Manin
Mrs. Janice Ekman
Ms. Miria.m kun
M~. Shari G!ass
Mr. tcphcn McCall
FrrJlI1: I~fr. 0- /v11~ I.esrer tr.~ij!U/
Mr. M.lx
From: Mr. d- Mn. Sldl'l".,Y ROlhsclJJld
Part)' C. Ungar
CO-l. hair
Mr. Lc:onard Loui Bain
Fro,,, Mr. & MI'. Mrll'S/JflIl G~''J()n
MI' c'" M,) .• ldnl'J F: ROibscll/!d
Ms. Feb Stern
{-'''WI: ,'"Irs. Milrioll L. Lldu
Mr. Martin S. Watsky
From. ,IIrs. :>/w/ R. Wmskl'
M rs. Eli7..ab~th , teiner
Yvette Winston
nia Rothman Feldman
R. Chrwopbrr Goodu'ill
dr Assoc.
Dr. W'alter Tuman
Dr. L:u..ard Brener
From. Mtldrcd P. B"olll/l C\. NO;dltt Co!Jm
Beryl Sloan
From: ,\11' d- Mn, kj{r,'Y Frudmllll
Mrs. E1mere Morgan tein
From: Mr;. R{)Jr 13. Rid,
J';f,.. Sh~r/t)oorf !'Imt
Mr... Aline P. 111I1Ji'lIbl!rg
Mrs. AmyLJk(
Mrs. Edith Weil
From 1\1" 6- Ml). ivlark L. GltJU7
A MIl. Y
New Perspectives
Staff Directory
Would yOIl like afresh look flIll lingering problem? \{'/ritc liS
&emtll't: Director
Deena Gerber, LCSW
mail or at
jfs@jfSneworiean .org. IdentifYing inftrmation will be kept confidential. tlJul
your question will be forwarded to the sttt./fmember most qualified to answer it.
Dear New Perspectives:
In the beginning, my husband and
I seemed
right for t:ach other.
j ow, all we do i bicker and argue.
My 1m band, who was once my b t
friend for life, now hardly talks or
wantS to do things with me. I
question whether J am till ill love
with him. I'm embarrassed to say I'm
bored. I worrder if I have grown and
developed while he has remained in
a rUL
- Questioning Wife
Dear Questioning Wife:
Partners in a relationship often feel
lonely and unappceciated. A couple
can become worn Out from day-to­
day trugglcs lhat n er gcc re olved.
I ofren hear, "This relationship i.~ jw t
too hard and too painful."
Marital counseling is not about
mutual accusations and placing
blame. It's an opportuniry to find our
what each partner is doing char hurts
and di appoints tht: other - and
come up with ways ro do it dlffi r­
Marital cuumeling can help a
couple repair a rdation hip that has
gotten off track, and learn what
makes a u ce ful relationship tick
There is no guarantee lhal counsel­
ing will work for everyone. Remem­
bering - what you and y UI partner
once wished for and co111mirred ro ­
helps guide you in lhe right dire ­
1£ a couple is considering marital
counseling, the e are important
paims to rt:member:
• Approach counseLng with
Counseling Staff
tephanie Crowder. LPC
Mnmage & Family Tbl'mpmlAdoption
of shared coopcralion. One partner
i· usuallv the: initiator for counsel­
ing, and is more committed. Their
trength and cffortS can help the
more r luctanl partner.
• Ideally, marital counseling looks
beyond the presentation of COl11­
plaints and symptom to the
underlying issue that reate
marital disappoinmlclH. Couples
will be challenged ro change With
lhe marriage - to crcate and
mainrain harmony.
• Marital couns ling examine our
culture and our many differem
relationships. Familie and ex­
rended faluilies can inlpact a
rdationship' harmony.
• Initially, mamal counseling can
create incr aseJ anxiety for the
couple. Your rherapi r's role is ro
create a are and stm tured envi­
ronm or for the growth of your
relation hip.
Mereclith Mey, M.Ed. NCe
ChIld 5'pmt1liJl
Lauren Raff, GSW
Ado/rccm IjJt:(tnlm
Linda Ruthschild. L W
Adufr/Couple 5pennllit
Resettlemerzt Counselor/Translator
Older Adult Services
· Anne Graham Freedman, LCSW
Older Adult ervices Coordinator
Berry Galloway
Sandra Harris
Marie Martinez
Shaeron Turner
Lifeline Emergency Response Sy ce-;;;­
M,ab Oulia FdJ
LiMine Coordinator
And; a Merlin
LifelifJ~ RepresentatillC
· Jan Miller
L~ft/ine Support
Family Life Education
Marital counseling i about olving
problems. It idemifles the positive
aspects of rhe relationshIp thar may
have been forgotten. It motivates dIe
couple to et new priorities and try
new behaviors. And, it remind rh'
couple why they fell in love in the
fI rst place.
Becoming a loving, supporuve and
cooperative partner make.'> .t relation­
ship work.
For more informauon on marriage
ounseling, call tcphanie Crowder,
LPC, Marriage and Family Thera­
pist, ae 831-8475.
'ue Daube, LC W
hlmi/y Lift Education CoordillaJor
Ellie Wainer
uen Life Counts Coordinator
Carol Schudmak, RN
'Teen 1.ift CO!l1Jf.\ Assisttwt
aehan, LCS\XI
Outr~llch ta lntaftitb Coordhul!ol'
Administrative Staff
I.inda Prallini
Business d Finance Manager
Debra Louque
OffiCl' Manager Fernand z
Admillistrtttive Assistilnt
Marlis Hampt n
Admiuistrttti ue Assistant
Groups Help Cope with ife's Challenges
Somerimes life's challenges are a
: have losr a loved one by sui ide.
Lale ca.<;ier to handle along wirh orher . They are en ouraged to connect
people who are facing similar sirua­
with other urvivor!> in a safe and
tions. Thi.~ is, hy]F olTers numer­
healing environmenl.
au group rhrough ur the year.
mcilirarcd by experienced I herapisrs,
Women Who Have Lost Their
thal are designed to help people cope
with rough issues.
This group is designed for women
For information on group srart
who have lost thei r mothers,
dat s. please call 8~ 1-8475. Pre­
whether recendy or long ago.
registration i~ required, and a sliding
Panicipanrs shMe their own slorie.s
fee scale is available upon reque r.
of adaptarion. growth and change
as motherles daughter. The eight­
he Joy and Oys of Childbirth
week group is faciLtated by Mindy
This four-week da s encompasses
Milam, LC W.
borh medical information and topi
ofJewish im r t. Opcn to expecranr
couples where one or both parrner
are Jewish, the ourse is facilitated by
Courtney aehan, L lW
Helping Children Cope with
This ren-week class is [or children
a.nd [hcir divorced or 'eparaled
parenr . Facilit::lred by Lauren RafT,
GSW, and Stephanie rowder,
the serie' has been chosen by rhe
Children's Services Collaborative as a
"Best Pra rice" program. The
program i made possible by a gram
from The re;:ner ew Orleans
Are Religious Differences Purring
a Wrinkle in Your Relationship?
A four-week workshop for inrer­
f.'lilh couples who are dating, engaged
or married leads participants in
discus ion abour ethnicit)', idenriry,
weddings, in-law, life-cycle events,
celebrating holidays, and raising
children. The group is facilitated by
Courtney arhan, L W.
the One Left Behind
(Survivor of Suicide)
When You're
Mindy 1.ilam, L W, facilitares
rhis eight-week group for people who
Til is is a three-week marriage
pn:paracion program for engaged
oupJcs where one or horh parrners
are Jewish. FacilitaLOrs are Rabbi
Edward Cohn and Courtney :lthan,
LCSW. The program take' place at
Temple inai, bur temple member­
ship is not required.
Girl Power
A brand new program for JFS, this
is an eight-week group for 8 to 11
year-old gIrls rhat helps foster po itivc
feelings of df-esteem and self-worth.
(ontmll~d 011 !,'Ig~
ing Comfort"
Learning and sharing in the shadow of loss
ew Healing roup Will eet in May
"J mi, s hcr mort" I;;wn day"
. c ·king Comfon,"
~ ill
he co-I· i
if j 1f7 V':Jr .
Dan' ,,,,de died aboUI ~I . In nrh\
ago. Hi £1 icf eellls to ha VI: g-rO\ 11
mor'diEfi Wt, despite tht' pasqg
01 time rll.:r "II lh . ,I uvif) ()(
l}' Anne Fr 'dman, L W. and
Rabbi Robert 1.oew). 1h· group
arranging thl:' funeral. fceding the
vi. iring family l11embl:l"!>. rhanklllg
rh' 11 i~hbor, whQ brought lood for
shiv I anJ wh fa cd with and
omft rted him. Dan il> n w. Ion
in lu 4wct hou~c. He -I... lond
and ~ad. He also j\lJ't 'ur il" his
family rill wants to hear his
reminisr.; ·IKes. 11e wOIIJers Whl;'f •
or tVt'n ifhe ~n find alace.
Jcwi'h r l1lih \ervi 'C and
Con n:garion Gale' 01 Pray<:r .1ft:
co- ponsoflng ;\ healing Uppt It
group lor Jewish adult... who han:
10 r:J. loved one. rLLC group,
parricip3fl[s Il safd. cxpl()(i Lll ·ir
f'lat j 11 hi", with G .d ; Ilt'1' ut t:r­
ing:J. 10. s, sh;lfe Jlcir wri with
.lch Lil'r ;lJ1J !I:'am '-wi h
IT <!irium Jnd pr.t til.
J arh llld bcrcav ml:nt. The ~rlJlIp
will al (l learn hO\\ our le- r and
lirurb')' call bt. .1 ~ourCl of Cl millrl..
.IT J1ld .ongreg.t1 i n G.ltes of
Prayer arc wry pleased rn b
o{}ering thi 11 'W group. Pr -rcgi rer
by calling Anne ar H~ l-H4 5. A
d nari n f '\ X lor lite lUI'
~t:ssillns is su~~'tl:d.
1);.1 11
rcrncJ1)bt'r~ his
\\ ill
et on
a(tl r­
:00 p. rn. at C.mes IIf
Prar r n ~1 y -, 14,11 ,mel ..S.
Thi ",ur~ on gl' lip" ill aUt W
. E
Therapy: It's All about Growth
In a word Laura's' childhood was
horrible. Her father was an alcoholic
and her brothers abused drugs. One
of her brother exually molested
Laura. 'he and her mother, who was
passive and unable to protect herself
or her daughter, wer both bea.tcn by
rhe fath rand rhe
brothers. urpris­
ingly, Law"a did
well in chool, but
she isolated herself
at home, closed up
jn her room.
As a young adult,
when Laura 6nally
sought help at
J wish Famil
, ervice, she felt
extremely dc·
pressed and
hope\ 's, he wa:;
drinking tOo
much, having
unprotccted onenight stands, and
choosing inappropriate m n to dare,
She knew her behavior was self.
destructive, but he didn't know how
to srop It.
How do the Jf ' therapists help
pcople like Laura get "unstuck" [rom
their old pattern of behavior? Linda
Roths hild, LCSW. work d with
Laura to help he rransforrn her
underlying anger and hun from her
childhood imo energy for construc­
tive change. A ording to Linda. "No
one comes from a perfect home.
hildren learn different ways of
coping to ~urvive in their family
unit. When they become adult', tbey
frequently discover that those old
patterns don't work anymore. A
therapi I helps a client identifY thes
negative parrerns and work on
changing them."
: haling environment, explajn Linda,
Although ir rook a lot ofeffon, rhe · While p 'ople who seek help are
good news is that L1.ura completely
· unhappy with their live - either
turned her lifi ar und, She lopped
with themse1v or with a relation­
blaming rl iogs on. her childhood,
ship wid, sumeone else - they often
realiI.,d he had choic ,and brok"
don't have the courage or morivatlon
the .elf-d structive patterns that
to make necessary changes. The
therapist a [ as a
guide, offering
emotional 'upport
and encouragement
along the way.
"People wan the
experience of bei ng
(fuly listened co and
understood," says
Linda. "Listening
and understanding
are a validation of a
human being's
existence, promoong
growth and df­
When Oledica­
Illustration by Katy Glazer
oons are 11 cessary,
the fF~ therapists
stood in th way of change. Eventu­
collaborare with psychiatrists.
ally sh eamed a graduate degree, gor : Medicine alone, though, is u ually
a good job in b r field, and married a : nOl enough ro help c1iems achieve
loving man. She and h r husband are , major life improvements, Linda
· explains, "A pill due n't provid a
now the respomible pJJ'ems of a
beauriful baby
healing relationship or the coping
Linda is one of even therapists on
techniques that a therapist can
staff at ]FS and has helped hundreds
of people during her 13 yea a. a a
Please call Linda ac 831-8475 ir
licensed clinical social worker. he
you would 1k(,; hdp undoing old
specializes in rhe area~ of grief, loss,
panerns of behavior rhar arl:: keeping
transitions. relationship problems,
~'ou tuck. Therapy can help you
d pres~ion. and anxiety. When aura : grow into the r r on you want to be.
came to 'ee her, Li nda kn w mat th
'(DeftliLs I1bollt "Laum" and her
Firsc step wa.\ ro establish a po itive,
rru.~ting rdanon ·hip between them.
: .ramify have bet'll cbanged to protect
In order to feel safe enough co open
: confid. Iititt/if], which i maintained in
up, a c1iem mUSt be reassured that
: perpetuity,)
what she says will remain confidential,
-r hcrapy i a process of challge in a
E 'I'
Dr. Alice Domar to Lecture on
Stress and fertility
1enility issues, suess, and ,c1f­
nurturing will b th main wpics
addres'cd by Dr. Alice Domar in a
eric. of lhree program in May.
Dr. Damar is (he director of The
MindJBody Clinic at the Center for
Women' Health Jr Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical C'I1 le[ in
Bo ton. She will offer programs for
the general public and for profe!>sion­
als on Mar IS and 16.
On Thursday, May 15, at 5:30
p.m., Dr. Domar will speak on "The
Infertility/Stress Connection" for
women who are current!) truggling
with infertility. A communi[)' lecture
af 7:30 p.m. will addr s "Worn n
and Stress: The Art of Self-Nurture. '
The laner program is open to th .
public. BOlh programs arc free of
charge and will be held ~r the
Uptown ]ewi. h Communi[)' C mer,
5342 "t. hades Avenue.
011 Friday, May 16 from 8:45
a.l11. - noon, Dr. Domar will
conducr a professional workshop
especially for counselors. social
workers and medical professionals on
"The Mind/Body Connection: The
Application of Mind /Body Medicine
to Women's Health Issue ." The
workshop fee is $60.
Dr. Domar is an assiStant prore sor
or medicine al Harvard MedicaJ
School, and has wrinen numer u
books, including rhe narional
besr dler, SelfNurrure. She has
2003 Board of Director
IUllarhan 1. L:lk~
Pr( irlm!
D bh.· rrk'(h.llaI1
Virr P,,·.,jdmt
. L.: { lit
h3.n B. Ba.nk
Cully Ban
\larjorir.: Bb~ingcr
1 ~bra L. Bre,ler
I' clw;1rd
Dr. AlIce Domar
appenred on the Today how. Good
i\1orni71g America, CBS Tbis Jv]Onl­
ing and CNN.
Alllhree ev~nr~ are sponsored by
rhe Dotty Gold Nathan Memorial
Fund of the Jewi h Endowment
Fowldarion, in association wiTh
Jewish Family ~('.rvice. Hadas ah.
and National Council of Jewish
Women - Grearer Ne'" Orleam
Tilli. summer, J wish Family
e.rvice will offer a support group
for women and rheir partner who
are dealing with inferciliry. "Self­
unure and Infcrriliry: Caring for
Your.dfWhen Coping with
Infertility" will begin on June 11.
Plea~e call ourUl y . Jthan at
83 J -8475 for mar information.
Mission Statement
K. Carl.1I1
y B, Loh 11
( lH
I1~W I
t:aw r
Dian 1romeo
I ur.1 L. I·u!um. 11
DOllgla . Cuff
Dan 1Jalpcrl{l
an Ir,1 H -II 'r
Ellen W,C!.:l1 Kcs.l<:r
1 mh . Klillm, I
G I.x'~
I'CJ1~ . .Ir.
Tohn \ . 1dtl r
D bl i r. e "man
\11cbdl I •. ) 1 1ll"1
jull . lOre k
Barham I'ailer
hili 1',11 11l1.11I jib n
1.I~kit.' CUrtJ5 ~ilvcrm.m
Gn;gor, I
.IaniL l,. "l~ rn
1'. en l . l ngn/
lit,;ha J I \i;' Ullllan
D<:t:na Y. Crnht:r.
I '(((U(ill Dirr, or
The Mission o/Jewish Family ervice is to preserve and
strengthen heaLth jamil)' Life by helping individuals and
finnilies to irnplement the positive vaLues inherent to Judaism.
I am 83 years old and want to keep living independently- what can JFS do to help?
A: Older Adult Services!
Lifeline - A Per onal Emergency
Response System
Care Connection - Case Man­
agemen Services for Seniors
Und rwritten by Jewish Endowm nt
Ar rhl.: touch of a burron worn 011 rhe
wrist or (lroUlJd rhe ne k, hel p can be
summoned 24 hours a day. For older
adults living alone, Lif"elllle provides
reas uran e in a e of a fall.. sudden
illness, or other emergency. Lifeline is
a joinr program ofJFS and Touro
InfLrmary wirh rhe suppon of
I arional Council of Jewish Women,
Touro Infirmary Auxiliary, and
Emcrgy. Call Marla hId or Andrea
Merlin for derails.
Foundation. Care Connection
provides not only concrere solutions.
bur also lllotionaJ L1pport and peace
of mind For seniors and (heir loved
ones. The Care Connection ralf can
a e s seniors' psychosocial and
physical needs, recommend short
and long-term plans, ami oversee
care on behalf of our-oF-town
families. Thi program is managed by
Anne Freedman.
Homemaker Service
Once a week, rrained and uper ised
homemaker visir eniors and help
with light h u 'edcaning, cooking,
and laundry Homem::l!-as can also
ilillL diems [Q r1l grocery or a
doctor' appoimm nL. For more
infof.1TI<l.rion. call Anne Frecdm;ln
Thi s rvi e supplements the rlcUlS­
porr:nion needs u older Jewish
,tduJrs by providing scrip for cab l:uc
at d reduced fee. Over the cour e of a
year, a participant i' entitled ro
purcha $240 of aip for only $GO.
his project is made possible by an
anonymous donor through the
Jewi h Endowment Foundation. For
derail, call Anne Freedman.
Marla. Andrea, and Anne can be
reached at 831-8475 or
GROUl' .. ,(/JIIlInludfrom p,lgt 5
Activities include group di cussions,
~mes, and arts and rafr. The
facilicaror is Meredirh Me)', M.Ed.
Seeking Comfort
This new heaJing group, held ar
Gates of Prayer j led by.Ann
Freedman. LCSW. and Rabbi Robert
Loewy. Jewish adulr who have 10 t a
loved one will learn Jewish rradiri n'
and pracrices regarding death and
Dereavt:menr, share their stories \ II 1
t:ach other, and explore their rela­
tionship with God. Temple memberhip I nOL required.
3330 Wesr Esplanade, uire 600
Metairie, LOllisiana 70002
[email protected]
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