Dia Su T-s bab sav dia Tra shi the whe onl shi inc The mo use Vel
Dia Su T-s bab sav dia Tra shi the whe onl shi inc The mo use Vel
Dia apers forr Haiti Miissions, made fro om recyc cled T-sh hirts (Velcro v version) Supplies: Wash W and d dry adult sized, cotton c T-sshirts. Usse design ns/dark co olored T-sshirts for the t outsid de of diap per, and plain/ligh p t colors for f insides, next to o the bab by. (Stain ns are oka ay, no ho oles thoug gh.) Cut off sleeves at the seam ed dges, savving these e for the soakers inside the e diaper. You can often cut two full diapers out of each T-shirt T if pattern p iss carefullyy placed. ace the sa ample ho ourglass shape s en nclosed fo or a patte ern. Place e pattern on TTra shirt and cut 2 hourg glass shapes, be sure s not to t get sea am edgess, or colla ars in e cut out piece. p (Nick the diiaper at 3” 3 from fro ont and back b edges to mark for the whe ere elastic will be stitched.. Nicks must m be small s as the t seam allowancce is only ¼”). Cut 2 T-sh hirt soakers for insside diape er, from sleeve s or leftoverss on Tshirt: Draw a paper or cardbo oard patttern 4 by 11 inch for f the so oaker (4 x 13 inches for medium, m 4 x 15 incches for large). The ese diape ers are on nly two la ayers thicck, with tw wo soake ers, so the ey will airr-dry mo ore quicklyy after laundering. The bab bies are changed c frequenttly, no pla astic is use ed, to pre event diap per rash. Vellcro: Use e 1” inch wide w sew w-on Velccro, cut in nto 4” long g pieces.. Keep the soft side e whole, but cut th he rough side in half, h 2 - 2” pieces, with the corners rou unded on one end, to make e the tabss. Ela astic: Use e 1/4 inch h soft, bra aided ela astic arou und leg op penings. (About 4-6 4 inches.) Do o not cut until afte er stitchin ng. Dirrections: Sta ack up an nd sew the two soa akers dow wn the ce enter of the t inside e diaper piece e. Zigzag to catch the edge es of the soakers all the wa ay aro ound. See e diagram m. Ma atch two hourglass h s pieces, inner and d outer la ayers, right sides together t (so oakers willl be show wing on the t outsid de). Sew them tog gether, 1/4 inch in,, leaving a 3" opening on top of o the fron nt edge, for f turning g right sid de out. Start S add ding elasttic for the e leg opening 3 inches dow wn (where e you ma ade the nick) 3” from the top and sew to 3 inches from the back top of diaper. Stitch a couple times at the beginning to attach elastic, then pull very tight to get good gathering as you sew thru the elastic. Clip the elastic, continue the 1/4 inch seam around to the second leg and repeat the process with the elastic. See diagram. Trim excess fabric at corners and turn diaper right side out. Push out the corners to make a clean line. Stitch the opening closed as you topstitch around the diaper in the next step. Top-stitch the diaper across top and bottom edges, catching the end of the elastic. Don't sew over the elastic leg opening itself. This keeps the diaper softer at the leg; it fits more body shapes, and is easier to dry in the outside air in Haiti. Sew the 4-inch piece of soft Velcro onto the outside, narrow end of diaper, 1/4 inch down from top, going thru all layers. Sew the 2 inch tabs on each side of the wider back end, (on the outside to protect the babies' skin.) Place the tabs as close to the edge as you can, so there is enough surface to stick to the Velcro when different sized babies are diapered. Straight-stitch the Velcro down first, close to the edge of the diaper, two times. Then zigzag over the rough side further back (see sample). Voila! You have a beautiful diaper! Thank You. Fifty diapers will fit in a medium Flat Rate Priority Mail box. Bundle them in groups of 10 diapers tied with leftover strips from the T-Shirts. The hem area works well for this tie. Return diapers to ACC for shipping to Haiti or send to: Sacred Heart Haiti Mission, 3304 Lake St NW, Rochester, MN 55901. Pattern and instructions are available on our website. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 10 to print out the pattern in tile format. Go to http://get.adobe.com/reader/ to download the FREE Reader (on right side of Adobe web page).
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