July 3, 2016 - Trinity Lutheran Freistadt


July 3, 2016 - Trinity Lutheran Freistadt
July 3, 2016
We are glad you’re here! Here are a few
things we thought you would like to know
to help you feel at home with us today.
When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we
do so convinced that Jesus gives us His
true body and blood for the forgiveness of
our sins. Receiving the Lord’s Supper expresses not only fellowship with the Lord,
but also agreement with the teachings of
this congregation. Communicant members of LC-MS congregations are always
welcome to commune with us. All other
guests are kindly asked to speak with the
pastor before the service. Thank you for
respecting our position of love when it comes to
this delicate matter.
The offering is an opportunity for our members
to support the Lord’s work at Trinity. As our
guest, we ask only that you fill out the GUEST
side of an attendance card and place that in the
offering basket during this time.
Restrooms are located in the large room adjacent to the sanctuary. Our ushers will be glad to
point you in the proper direction.
Hearing Assistance– This facility is equipped
with a hearing assistance system.
Please ask an Usher for a receiver.
Children are always welcome to worship with
us. However, for your convenience, a nursery is
available for parents with children 3 years
old and younger. It is located on the office
level in the childcare room on the right. The
nursery is staffed during the 9:15am Bible
Study hour & 10:45 am service. Parents may
use this room during the 8:00 am service as
well, being able to watch the service projected on the TV located in that room.
In service to Christ,
This Week at Trinity
Weekly Church Bulletin
July 2-4
5:00 PM– Ron Wolf/Team #1/Worship Assistant
8:00 AM– Gene Ladendorf/Team #5/Worship Assistant
10:45 AM– John Bultman/Team #3/Worship Assistant
Organist: Marlene Forshee (5:00 & 8:00)
Nursery– Carol Boehlke (9:15) Open for your convenience but not staffed (10:45)
July 9-10
5:00 PM– Tim Schoessow/Team #1/Worship Assistant
8:00 AM– Charlie Thon/Team #5/Worship Assistant
10:45 AM– Phil Mireles/Team #3/Worship Assistant
Organist: Esther Boehlke (5:00 & 8:00)
Nursery– Diane Klug (9:15) Holly Boehlke (10:45)
7:00 AM– Men’s Bible Study
5:00 PM– Traditional Worship/C
SUNDAY (7/3)
8:00 AM– Traditional Worship/C
9:15 AM– Foundations
No Answers in Genesis-Resumes
July 10
10:45 AM– Praise Service
MONDAY (7/4)
10:00 AM– Outdoor Worship
11:00 AM– Picnic begins
1:00 PM– Parade (followed by variety of July
4th activities)
7:30 AM– No Men’s Bible Study-Resumes
July 12
2nd– Robert Hilgendorf 3rd– Lory Puente, Diana Fricke 4th–Conrad Heinzel, James
Hilgendorf, Emily Seeger, James Wood 5th– Brian Zanow 6th– Lisa Gantner, Taylor
Jowers, Robin Kressin, Ellen Leslie, James Reilly 7th– Deborah Humiston, Christina
Guild, Harper Noffke, Leah Kropp, Cheryl Mader, Mollie Price, Shane Welter 8th–
Maggie Bultman, Jeff Kenny, Ethel Kidd, Kim Pietrowiak, Christian Seyfer, Ken
Tschudy 9th-Norman Kidd, Andrew Schoessow, Jodi Kessel Szpiszar
2nd–Brandon & Brenda Hofmann 3rd- Becky & Josh Kuehnl, Kendra & Matthew
McCormick 4th– None 5th–None 6th–Scott & Alyson Carpenter, Richard & Lynda
Sterna 7th– Brian & Angela Axtman 8th– Mary & Noel Starosta 9th– Ginny &
Dan Jagla, Terry & Kristie Kurtenbach, Cory & Jill Busch
The Ozaukee County Thrivent Chapter will match
$500 of LWML’s July 4th meals for you. Their Thrivent donation will
add to all profits LWML makes on the 4th. These monies will be divided between the Lutheran Special School and the Lutheran Radio
Church Service. Please plan to make some of your food consumption that day in the gym — homemade German potato salad and all
kinds of homemade desserts available!!
BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING will not be available in JULY & AUGUST. Watch the bulletin for
date & time of when it returns this Fall.
The Trinity Mixed Choir will again be singing for the traditional July
4th service.
We will meet at 9:30 on the outdoor stage to run
through our anthem. See you all there.
12:00 PM– Lunch Hour Bible Study
FRIDAY (7/8)
4:00-8:00 PM– Kreienbrink/Froehling Wedding Rehearsal/Dinner
7:00 AM– Men’s Bible Study
2:00 PM– Kreienbrink/Froehling Wedding
5:00 PM– Traditional Worship/C
SUNDAY (7/10)
8:00 AM– Traditional Worship
9:15 AM– Foundations
Answers in Genesis
10:45 AM– Praise Service/C
Monday –Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Pasta & meals in a box; canned soups
JULY 10th
Parish Staff
Senior Pastor
Rev. Carl W. Lehenbauer
Associate Pastor
Rev. Joshua D. Rusert
Aaron Mol
Mr. Roger Tessendorf
Director of Discipleship
Mr. Richard Adams
Director of Music
Mrs. Marlene Forshee
Lay Minister
Mr. Gene Kreienbrink
Mr. Joshua Hunholz
Ministry Coordinator
Mrs. Cindy Mollwitz
Director of Athletics
Mr. John Saleska
School Secretary
Ms. Nancy Dittloff
Office Manager
Mrs. Lori Scheck
Business Manager
Mr. Brian Axtman
Financial Director
Mr. Daniel DeDecker
Mr. Erick Granke
Early Childhood Director
Mrs. Catrina Kagerbauer
Mrs. Stacy Gehrke
Mrs. Cindy Putnam
1st Grade
Mrs. Susan Ernst
2nd Grade
Mrs. Kathy Adams
3rd Grade
Mrs. Sarah Knuth
4th Grade
Mrs. Nichol Kreger
5th-8th Grade
Ms. Rebecca Jahr
5th - 8th Grade
Mr. Robert Anderson
5th-8th Science
Mrs. Vicki Mokros
Art Teacher
Mr. Joshua Janetzke
Support Teacher
Mrs. Terry Schoessow
Lunch Program
Mrs. Eunice Szpiszar
Mr. Daniel Szpiszar
Sunday at 9:15am Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis (Art
and Science Room) Beginning June 5th
 Foundations of the Lutheran Faith
(Gathering Room) Beginning June 5th
Monday at 6:00pm- (Young Adult Women)
 On hiatus for the summer
Tuesday at 7:30am– (Men’s Bible Study)
 2nd Samuel– Gathering Room
Thursday at 12:00pm Things They Didn’t Teach You in Sunday
School- Conference Room
Saturday at 7:00am- (Men’s Bible Study)
 Promised Land- Music Room
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights with whom
there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:
God of all blessings, source of all life, giver of all
grace: We thank You for the gift of life: for the breath
that sustains life, for the food of this earth
that nurtures life, for the love of family and friends
without which there would be no life. We thank You
for this day: for life and one more day to love,
for opportunity and one more day to work for justice
and peace for all of Your children throughout the
world. For these, and all blessings, including those we
lift up here, we give You thanks, eternal, loving God,
through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
 Harper Kate Makowski (daughter of Nick & Jessica
Makowski (nee Humiston) made God’s child
through the waters of Holy Baptism
John (son of John & Marie Ernst diagnosed with
inoperable, untreatable cancer who has received
the miracle of healing and has been told the tumor
is no longer malignant)
 Nina Kreienbrink & David Froehling (who will be
married next weekend)
God is love, and he who abides in love, abides in God
and God in him. 1 John 4:16
Lord, teach me how to be a blessing to others today.
Show me what You want me to do and enable me to
do it. Give me all I need to minister life, hope, help &
healing to people You put in my life. Make me to be
one of Your faithful prayer warriors so I can pray in
power. Help me to make a difference in the world
because You are working through me to touch lives.
May I be a blessing to….Amen.
 David & Rachel Baker serving in Mongolia; Deacones Rachel Powell serving in the Cayman Islands
 Our military, serving our country abroad: Sarah
Geidel (Reserves), Mark Liedtke (Special Ops),
Akan Udoeyop (serving in Iraq), Rebecca Guild
(serving in Hawaii), James Hauser (serving in North
Carolina), Madison Kessel Lyon serving in Kuwait
 Howard Sager, Mark Jaeger, Lloyd Tupper, Kathleen, Aaron Kagerbauer, Peter Kelm and all others
on our hearts who need the power of Your physical and spiritual healing.
 Jan Bruskewitz (hospitalized this past week)
 Family of Deborah Krueger (as they mourn her
JULY’S PRAYER: Couples struggling with infertility
Attendance Last Week
June 25 & 26
5:00 PM– 89
8:00 AM– 171
10:45 AM– 140
Email: [email protected]
Prayer Request Form:
Telephone Prayer Chain: 262-242-2045
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of children. We ask that You would listen to the cry of our
hearts and the hearts of those who struggle with infertility. You know how much they long for a child.
Lord, You answered the cry of Hannah, You blessed
her with a son. You gave a child to Abraham, and
blessed Elisabeth in her old age. Lord take into account the tears of each childless couple. If it be Your
will, bless them with the precious gift of parenthood.
Raising the Walls - Building a Habitat Home
Saturday, July 16th, from 11:00am-1:00pm we will be raising walls at the Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity
handicap accessible home at 170 N Park Street in Port
Washington. We would love for you to come out, help
raise a wall and learn more about what Habitat for Humanity is doing in Ozaukee County. The first wall will go up at 11:00am.
Come early July 16th and help prep the walls for the event. The regular work days on the house will
be Wednesday’s and Saturday’s weather permitting from 9 am – 3pm. If you would like to help build the walls we are raising or would like to come out on one of our other work days, please contact our volunteer coordinator Judy Allen
at [email protected].
You will also have an opportunity to learn how you can help Habitat for Humanity Ozaukee by sponsoring 2X4’s and 2X6’s,
other building materials, or by simply making a monetary donation. Lunch will be provided by the Ozaukee County Chapter
of Thrivent Financial and the Chapter will also match the first $1000 of donations raised from the event. RSVP’s are appreciated but are not necessary to Diana at 262-375-0309 or [email protected].
Thank you again for helping us make a difference in the lives of others in Ozaukee County.
Trinity is participating with the other LCMS churches in Ozaukee
County in having an information booth at the Ozaukee County
Fair, August 3-7. Along with First Immanuel-Cedarburg, St. PaulGrafton, and Beautiful Savior-Mequon, Trinity needs volunteers to
take a two hour shift between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on any day
of the fair. It's easy and it's fun - a great way to meet people and
represent our church in the community. You can sign up as an individual or in pairs.
Even whole families can sign up.
To sign up, visit Trinity's website and click on the announcement
under "News and Events" that says OZAUKEE COUNTY FAIR BOOTH
FOR LCMS CHURCHES. If you have further questions, contact Rick
Adams at [email protected], or call/text him at 414-801-6690.
At our South Wisconsin District LWML Convention last weekend, the announcement
was made that we met and exceeded our 2014-2016 mission goal of $213,000. PRAISE
GOD! Eleven new mission grants were selected for the 2016-2018 biennium. Our new
goal is $214,800! Collection for this goal begins today!!!!
Nursery attendants are an important part of Trinity’s ministry and we are looking for individuals who would be
willing to serve their Lord and church family in this capacity. Volunteers are scheduled
no more than 6 times a year serving every other month.
T3 (Trinity Time Together) needs two volunteers from 9:15-10:30 a.m. and one volunteer is needed for the 10:45 a.m. service. If you have volunteered in the past and
would be willing to continue or if you would like more information on serving in the
nursery please call Carol Boehlke at 262.242.4862.
As a consideration, if you use the nursery we ask that you would perhaps return the
favor by volunteering your time so other parents can take advantage of Bible study and
worship. THANK YOU!
Take the "Freistadt Mass Transit" wagon or a short stroll to the Historic Site. Tour the log cabin and 11 other buildings.
Special for 2016: Civil War Small Arms Display—Boehlke Hardware from the 1940s—Clothing from the 1840s - 1940s.
Watch demonstrations of loom weaving, tools, and wood cutting. Try washing clothing with a wringer washer. Enjoy
homemade bread and jam from the bakeoven, or stop for a pulled pork sandwich, all-beef hot dog, ice cream sundae, soda
or lemonade.
Every year during Trinity’s picnic, children come to play old fashioned games much like those
that would have been played over 100 years ago. Ring toss, fishing game, lollipop game,
treasure hunt, frog flop and ball games are among the favorites. Volunteers are needed to
run each of the games and if you would be willing to spend an hour or so at one of the
games please see the sign up sheet in the Gathering Room. Many games still await a willing
YUM! Please plan to bring a cake for the 4th of July picnic. We count
on a cake from every Trinity family. All flavors and types are welcome...just be sure it doesn’t need any refrigeration!
It’s a “piece of cake” to volunteer just a short time in the kitchen the
day of the picnic. Many different ways women and MEN can help.
The time slots most needing help are after noon. Please check out
the LWML Board and sign up today!
FOOD & CLOTHING DRIVE: Please bring your gently used clothing, new clothing and nonperishable food donations to
the 4th of July celebration at Trinity. Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Services depends on donations for homeless vets at
risk and low income vets and their families. God tells us in Galatians 5:13- “Serve one another in love”. Our veterans
were proud to serve. Now they need our help. What better way to celebrate the 4th than by giving back to our nations
Flags: Purchase a flag made from repurposed wood from various projects. A few different varieties will be on sale at the picnic at the Veteran’s table. Prices range from $15-$35. ALL monies
collected will be given to support homeless and low income vets. Please purchase early as there
will only be a small number of each style flag available.
Your generous gifts given during Trinity’s 175th Anniversary Celebration are
making a difference in lives throughout the world. Here are some examples:
Dear Friends at Trinity,
Because of you, Lutheran Hour ministries is better equipped to respond to those who want to hear more about the Savior. Your gift of
$4,000 will help fund our outreach programs in the United States and
abroad. More than that, thank you for your heart for the lost.
Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz-Speaker of the Lutheran Hour
Dear Members of Trinity,
Please accept the heartfelt gratitude of the members of Bethany Lutheran for your most
generous gift of $4,000.
Monetary blessings as well as the willing hearts and hands of Trinity members to come to
Bethany to do repair work, painting, the donation of school supplies, LWML involvement,
etc. Our ministry continues to grow with the addition of a second soup kitchen (volunteers
pictured here) serving our community on Thursdays.
Thank you again, and may God continue to bless you.
Carla A. Claussen, Congregation Secretary
Dear Trinity,
Through the mission gifts of people
like you, LHF translates, publishes,
distributes and introduces books that
are Bible-based, Christ-centered and
Reformation-driven. We thank you so
very much for the $4,000 and pray
God’s blessings and peace to you.
Pastor Matthew Heise, Exec. Director
On behalf of Bethesda Lutheran
Communities, I want to thank you
for your generous gift which
helps further our mission to enhance the lives of people with
intellectual and developmental
disabilities through services that
share the good news of Jesus.
Katey Higgins,
Dir. Of Development
Dear Trinity, Thank you for your
gift of $4,000, from your 175th Anniversary mission. We are grateful
and humbly promise to use this resource carefully as we carry out the
mission of providing quality education for lifelong leadership and service in God’s kingdom.
In Christ, David Miskimen, Principal
Thank you for choosing Camp LuWiSoMo
as your donation recipient. It is through
your generous donations that we are able
to provide faith-growing opportunities for
all ages. Thank you for being a part of the
ministry of Camp LuWiSoMo. God bless
you all!
The Camp LuWiSoMo staff.
September 10, 2016
JOIN US for a GREAT Bike Ride
or 2 mile FUN walk
and make a difference in the lives of
some special kids!
Bike enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels can enjoy an early autumn
ride along the scenic paved roads and trails of Ozaukee and Washington Counties beginning at TRINITY FREISTADT-MEQUON. The
event supports the students and programs of LSSES, helping children
with learning and emotional challenges realize their true potential.
We also have a two-mile+ fun walk to encourage more participants
of all ages and fitness levels to be part of this event! Even if you
don’t bike, but you want to be able to participate in a charitable and
recreational adventure -- this is for you! Bring children, family,
friends to enjoy a walk through the historic cemeteries of Trinity Lutheran Church, along mowed nature paths, and down a country road
past notable Lindenwood Farm and school. You may also opt for
a longer walk if you choose. And all are invited to the post-walk/ride activities, including musical entertainment, lunch,
sports massages, family activities, and great raffle prizes!
Watch for more updates coming through the summer!
Educational Philosophy
Lutheran Special School and Education Services provides
quality education for children with learning difficulties in a
Lutheran school environment.
We believe all children can learn, and all children
should have the right to be able to attend a Lutheran
We believe all children have been blessed with special gifts and abilities, and that as part of the body of Christ, each
has a specific purpose for the benefit and gain of the whole body.
We believe we have the responsibility to work with each child wherever he or she is academically, socially and emotionally.
We believe it is our responsibility to advocate on behalf of special needs students and their families for placement in
regular education programs.
We believe we have an obligation to help educate and prepare regular education teachers.
We believe God is giving us opportunities to work with children, teachers and schools.
Contact us to learn more about LSSES or to inquire about enrolling your child in one of our services: http://www.lsses.org
Trinity Lutheran– Freistadt Church, School and Child Care
10729 W. Freistadt Road, Mequon, WI 53097 Church & School: 262-242-2045
Website: trinityfreistadt.com Email: [email protected]