Math/Science - Riverside City College
Math/Science - Riverside City College
Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership Assessment Physical Resource Advisory Group (PRAG) Math/Science and Nursing Does this project align with the Long Range Educational Plan? Yes No N/A Strategic Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. ● 5. Student Success Student Access Institutional Effectiveness Resource and Learning Environment Development Community Engagement Comments: Goals 1, 2, 4 and 5 The Educational Master Plan (EMP) serves as the guiding document for the Facilities Master Planning on the RCC campus. The Math/Science & Nursing facility provides high tech labs, more classrooms, and innovative technologically advanced learning environments. Have FTES considerations been addressed? Yes No N/A Comments: Goals 1, 2, 3 and 4 The College enrollment plan has taken into consideration the expected growth population in the Math/Science & Nursing disciplines. Recent growth trends in Nursing & Science are expected to continue. Does this project align with the Facilities Master Plan? Yes No N/A Comments: Goals 4 and 5 The RCC Strategic Planning Executive Council on June 13, 2008 recommended approval of this facility. The project was board approved on June 17, 2008. This project is in line with the 2008 Long Range Facilities Master Plan to provide students with significantly improved space, and will meet the demands of our community by educating highly trained technicians and professionals. Have cap/load ratio considerations been addressed? Yes No N/A Comments: Goal 4 Cap load ratios considerations were initially evaluated in 2007 during the planning of the project and have been reassessed since that period to ensure no negative affect on load ratios when analyzing interior space. Has sustainability considerations been addressed? Yes No N/A Comments: Goal 4 The Math/Science & Nursing facility meet LEED Silver standards for green (sustainable) efficiencies. C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Summary Planning Year: Project Title: 2004 MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Name of Facility MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING State Inventory Building Number 197 (existing facility data from FUSION) Age of Facility 2 (choose from dropdown) Year Built Years 2012 Last Addition 0 Project Description This collaborative program project seeks to facilitate both Life and Physical Sciences, Math and Nursing in a combined project that will provide an up-to-date technological education environment for RCC students. Project Justification The proposed project responds to the curriculum-driven Educational and Facilities Master Plans and the District's Five year Construction Plan to provide additional lecture, laboratory and office space to meet the demands of the College's increasing enrollment in math, physical/life sciences and health-related career programs, which includes RN and VN programs, as well as the community's increasing need for health-related career graduates. Gross Square Footage (GSF) 131,450 Assignable Square Footage (ASF) Weekly Student Contact Hour Capacity(WSCH) Project Delivery Management: 135,416 One-Time Total Project Costs $ 61,861,624 Total Project Funding $ 63,711,999 $ 1,850,375 Funding Sources Over / Under Project Costs 85,238 Operations Management (Operations, Planned Maintenance, User Requested Needs and Repairs) New One-Time New Ongoing Salaries and Benefits 3,055,411 Total 11,077,146 14,132,557 New FT Faculty & Counselor Equipment - Equipment, Supplies and Services 3,728,313 295,135 4,023,448 Technology 2,743,577 397,209 3,140,786 Building Maintenance and Operations 72,150 701,457 773,607 9,599,452 $ 12,470,945 $ Total Operating Costs $ Capital Asset Management - (Capital Renewal, Replacements, Improvements, Retrofits/Upgrade and Disposal) Current Total Projected Capital Asset Management $ - Annualized Costs 61,100,261 $ 22,070,397 Replacement Costs 1,947,221 $ 65,608,465 Total Cost of Ownership Project Delivery Management 41.37% 43.87% 14.76% Operations Management Assessment by Physical Resources Advisory Group (PRAG) Completed on April 2015 MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING Project Recommendation: Completed Capital Asset Management C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings 10/9/2015 (2).xlsm Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement New Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Name of Facility MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING (choose from dropdown) State Inventory Building Number (existing facility data from FUSION) Year Built 2012 Age of Facility 2 197 Years Last Addition 0 Project Description This collaborative program project seeks to facilitate both Life and Physical Sciences, Math and Nursing in a combined project that will provide an up-to-date technological education environment for RCC students. Project Justification The proposed project responds to the curriculum-driven Educational and Facilities Master Plans and the District's Five year Construction Plan to provide additional lecture, laboratory and office space to meet the demands of the College's increasing enrollment in math, physical/life sciences and health-related career programs, which includes RN and VN programs, as well as the community's increasing need for health-related career graduates. Condition and Efficiencies of Building (choose from dropdown) free form field for comments Present Condition Roof 2 years into current life cycle, excellent condition. Present Condition Mechanical 2 years into current life cycle, excellent condition. Chillers, HVAC, Pumps, Backflow and check valves all in good to excellent condition. Boilers are in poor condition. Temperature controls are inconsistent and difficult to moderate. Present Condition Electrical 2 years into current life cycle, excellent condition, however lighting control system remains difficult to program and adjust, system needs to be integrated into the EMS system. Present Condition Low Voltage Electrical Present Condition Plumbing Present Condition Structural Present Condition Present Condition Present Condition Present Condition 2 years into current life cycle - fire alarm systems are in excellent condition. Card reader system continues to be problematic. 2 years into current life cycle, excellent condition. 2 years into current life cycle, excellent condition. Flooring 2 years into current life cycle, excellent condition - poor selection of classroom furniture requires constant maintenance to the flooring. Paint 2 years into current life cycle, good condition. Technology 2 years into current life cycle, good condition. FFE 2 years into current life cycle, good condition. Present Condition Other Lab equipment in good condition, requires yearly testing and annual maintenance. Estimated Cost to Fully Renovate Building (data in FUSION) Recent Renovations No Date of Renovation N/A $ Cost of Renovation $ - Describe Renovations Below: N/A (choose from dropdown) free form field for comments Energy Efficiencies Lighting Crestron Lighting Control Systems provide for auto dimming, time and motion controlled. LEED Certified. Energy Efficiencies HVAC / Mechanical HVAC system is VFD controlled and fully monitored thru the Automated Logic EMS. Ajax Boilers are 87% energy efficient meeting AQMD standards for energy efficiencies. C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement New Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Energy Efficiencies Plumbing All toilets and urinals are low flow and sensor controlled for reduction in water usage. Energy Efficiencies Roofing Has a Sarnafil single-ply 80 ml roof with insulation and provides for a Title 24 approved high R value roofing system. Energy Efficiencies Solar N/A Energy Efficiencies Wind N/A Exterior landscaping is drought resistant zero scape. Irrigation is temperature and humidity controlled. Energy Efficiencies Other free form field for comments The MTSC and Nursing Building was designed to meet LEED Silver standards for green (sustainable) efficiencies. Sustainability Square Footage Data: Gross 131,450 Assignable Efficiency 85,238 Programs/Services Housed in the Facility (Instructional Programs/Support Services) 64.84% free form field for comments This facility houses all the physical/ life science, math and nursing courses. Analysis of Interior Space (data from FUSION) ASF Inventory Assigned Stations 1 Classroom (100 space) 28,107 2 Laboratory (200 space) 39,563 3 Office (300 space) 4 Library (400 space) AV/TV and Physical 5 Education(500 space) 6 Assembly (600 space) Data Processing and 7 Storage (700 space) 9,349 949 4,081 3,189 free form field for comments General Academic Instructional 1404 classrooms. 684 Physical science, nursing & biology. 84 Faculty & staff office space. 44 Audio visual, radio & TV. 166 Meeting rooms & lounges. - Storage. 8 Inactive (800 space) - - 9 All Other Space - - Total ASF 85,238 Total # of Rooms 174 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement New Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Capacity Load Ratio/Utilization of Facility 1 2 3 4 Classroom Load (State Std.) 25-32 Hours/week Classroom Use (F-06) 30 Hours/week Laboratory Load (State Std.) 28-32 Hours/week Laboratory Use (F-06) 32 Hours/week Please discuss outcome of space load ratios versus intended use. If there is a negative effect on the overall Cap Load Ratio, justify why this project should continue. The cap load ratios are not negatively affected as the Life/Physical Science buildings were taken off-line and placed in an inactive status. Weekly Student Contact Hour Capacity(WSCH) (Maximum Capacity) Weekly Student Contact Hour Capacity(WSCH) (Current Capacity) Weekly Student Contact Hour (WSCH) (Currently Generated) 135,416 115,104 Data Unavailable C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Science Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement Existing Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Name of Facility PHYSICAL SCIENCE (choose from dropdown) State Inventory Building Number (existing facility data from FUSION) Year Built 1968 Age of Facility 46 22 Years Last Addition 0 Project Description This project is proposed to reconstruct the Physical Science and Life Science buildings into an interdisciplinary complex that can accommodate program growth in many disciplines. The Physical Science and Life Science buildings are now vacant since the Math/Science and Nursing buildings are online. The campus was predicted to have a dismal 50% Capacity/Load ratio in the lab category in 2014 and many programs have outgrown their current facilities. The entire Business program will be relocated and the Business Education building will be repurposed. Project Justification The reuse and renovation of this facility will provide appropriate program space for the expansion of the Business Education program. The need for a permanent, centralized, flexible and technologically-advanced instructional space to support the Business Education program in a "real life" manner is essential. A final project proposal was completed in 2012 and approved for State Capital Outlay funding. This reuse alternative is in alignment with the College's facility Master Plan. Condition and Efficiencies of Building (choose from dropdown) free form field for comments Present Condition Roof The roof is 20 years into a 20 year life cycle. The roof is in need of replacement. They do not met the title 24 current code requirements. Present Condition Mechanical The air handler is 20 years old into a 25 year life cycle. The boilers, pumps, chiller, ducting, and insulation are past their useful life. The entire intake and exhaust system needs a full renovation. Present Condition Electrical The electrical system is 47 years old into a 40 year life cycle. The switches are OFC's which is obsolete technology. The electrical system is far past its useful life and must be completely renovated. Present Condition Low Voltage Electrical Present Condition Plumbing Present Condition Structural Present Condition Flooring Present Condition Paint Present Condition Technology Present Condition FFE Present Condition Other The fire alarm system is 20 years into a 15 year life cycle. It is not code compliant. The HVAC controls are pneumatic and therefore must be replaced with the EMS system. There is no lightning control system and therefore is not title 24 compliant. The plumbing system is in very poor condition. The main sewer line and storm drain lines need a full restoration. The fixtures are in very poor condition and must be replaced. The structural components of the building appear to be in good condition however a seismic study needs to be conducted in order to fully assess the building. The flooring is 47 years into a 15 year life cycle. The flooring throughout the building is I poor condition. Replacement of the flooring would be necessary as it contains asbestos. The flooring is 47 years into a 15 year life cycle. The flooring throughout the building is I poor condition. Replacement of the flooring would be necessary as it contains asbestos. At the present time there is no technology in the building. Full replacement is necessary. At the present time there is no FFE in the building. Full replacement is necessary. N/A Estimated Cost to Fully Renovate Building (data in FUSION) $ - C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Science Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement Existing Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Recent Renovations No Date of Renovation N/A Cost of Renovation $ 19,487 Describe Renovations Below: The College has an approved final project proposal to reconstruct the Life and Physical Science buildings into an interdisciplinary complex that can accommodate program growth in multiple disciplines. Both buildings are currently vacant since the Math/Science and Nursing buildings are online. The entire Business Education program will be relocated and the Business Education building will be repurposed. Estimated Cost is per the JCAF 32 as of December 23, 2014. (choose from dropdown) free form field for comments This building does not offer a lightning control system. The building does have T-8 lightning with motion sensors. The lightning is a very inefficient lightning system. Energy Efficiencies Lighting Energy Efficiencies Plumbing The HVAC units are moderately efficient, however they are controlled by stand alone thermostats that are highly inefficient. The entire system needs to be renovated and added to the Energy Management System. All toilets and urinals are not low flow and most are not sensor controlled for reduction in water usage. Replacement of the fixtures for water consumption is recommended. Energy Efficiencies Roofing The built up roof is not title 24 compliant as per current code. The roof must be replaced with a title 24 high efficiency roof system. Energy Efficiencies Solar N/A Energy Efficiencies Wind N/A Energy Efficiencies Other N/A Energy Efficiencies HVAC / Mechanical free form field for comments Sustainability Square Footage Data: This facility is offline. Gross 26,335 Assignable 20,291 Programs/Services Housed in the Facility (Instructional Programs/Support Services) Efficiency 77.05% free form field for comments There are currently no programs housed in this facility. C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Science Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement Existing Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Analysis of Interior Space (data from FUSION) ASF Inventory Assigned Stations free form field for comments 1 Classroom (100 space) - - 2 Laboratory (200 space) - - 3 Office (300 space) - - 4 Library (400 space) AV/TV and Physical 5 Education(500 space) - - - - 6 Assembly (600 space) Data Processing and 7 Storage (700 space) - - - - 20,291 - - - 8 Inactive (800 space) 9 All Other Space Total ASF 20,291 Total # of Rooms 56 Capacity Load Ratio/Utilization of Facility 1 2 3 4 Classroom Load (State Std.) 25-32 Hours/week Classroom Use (F-06) 00 Hours/week Laboratory Load (State Std.) 28-32 Hours/week Laboratory Use (F-06) 00 Hours/week N/A N/A Please discuss outcome of space load ratios versus intended use. If there is a negative effect on the overall Cap Load Ratio, justify why this project should continue. This facility was taken offline after the construction of the Math/Science and Nursing Buildings and therefore there is not an impact on the College's cap load ratio for offices & classrooms. Weekly Student Contact Hour Capacity(WSCH) (Maximum Capacity) Weekly Student Contact Hour Capacity(WSCH) (Current Capacity) Weekly Student Contact Hour (WSCH) (Currently Generated) N/A N/A N/A C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Science Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement Existing Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Name of Facility LIFE SCIENCE (choose from dropdown) State Inventory Building Number (existing facility data from FUSION) Year Built 1967 Age of Facility 47 20 Years Last Addition 0 Project Description This project is proposed to reconstruct the Physical Science and Life Science buildings into an interdisciplinary complex that can accommodate program growth in many disciplines. The Physical Science and Life Science buildings are now vacant since the Math/Science and Nursing buildings are online. The campus was predicted to have a dismal 50% Capacity/Load ratio in the lab category in 2014 and many programs have outgrown their current facilities. The entire Business program will be relocated and the Business Education building will be repurposed. Project Justification The reuse and renovation of this facility will provide appropriate program space for the expansion of the Business Education program. The need for a permanent, centralized, flexible and technologically-advanced instructional space to support the Business Education program in a "real life" manner is essential. A final project proposal was completed in 2012 and approved for State Capital Outlay funding. This reuse alternative is in alignment with the College's facility Master Plan. Condition and Efficiencies of Building (choose from dropdown) free form field for comments Present Condition Roof The roof is 20 years into a 20 year life cycle. The roof is in need of replacement. It does not meet the tile 24 current code requirements. Present Condition Mechanical The air handler is 20 years old into a 25 year life cycle. The boilers, pumps, chiller, ducting, and installation are past due their useful life. The entire intake and exhaust system needs a full renovation. Present Condition Electrical The electrical system is 47 years old into a 40 year life cycle. The switches are OFC's which is obsolete technology. The electrical system is far past its useful life and must be completely renovated. Present Condition Low Voltage Electrical Present Condition Plumbing Present Condition Structural Present Condition Flooring Present Condition Paint Present Condition Technology Present Condition FFE Present Condition Other The fire alarm system is 20 years into a 15 year life cycle. It is not code compliant. The HVAC controls are pneumatic and therefore must be replaced with the EMS system. There is no lightning control system and therefore is not title 24 compliant. The plumbing system is in very poor condition. The main sewer line and storm drain lines need a full restoration. The fixtures are in very poor condition and must be The structural components of the building appear to be in good condition however a seismic study needs to be conducted in order to fully assess the building. The flooring is 47 years into a 15 year life cycle. The flooring throughout the building is I poor condition. Replacement of the flooring would be necessary as it contains asbestos. The flooring is 47 years into a 15 year life cycle. The flooring throughout the building is I poor condition. Replacement of the flooring would be necessary as it contains asbestos. At the present time there is no technology in the building. Full replacement is necessary. At the present time there is no FFE in the building. Full replacement is necessary. N/A Estimated Cost to Fully Renovate Building (data in FUSION) $ - C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Science Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement Existing Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Recent Renovations No Date of Renovation N/A Cost of Renovation $ 16,555 Describe Renovations Below: The College has an approved final project proposal to reconstruct the Life and Physical Science buildings into an interdisciplinary complex that can accommodate program growth in multiple disciplines. Both buildings are currently vacant since the Math/Science and Nursing buildings are online. The entire Business Education program will be relocated and the Business Education building will be repurposed. Estimated Cost is per the JCAF 32 as of December 23, 2014. (choose from dropdown) free form field for comments This building does not offer a lightning control system. The building does have T-8 lightning with motion sensors. The lightning is a very inefficient lightning system. Energy Efficiencies Lighting Energy Efficiencies Roofing The HVAC units are moderately efficient, however they are controlled by stand alone thermostats that are highly inefficient. The entire system needs to be renovated and added to the Energy Management System. All toilets and urinals are not low flow and most are not sensor controlled for reduction in water usage. Replacement of the fixtures for water consumption is recommended. The built up roof is not title 24 compliant as per current code. The roof must be replaced with a title 24 high efficiency roof system. Energy Efficiencies Solar N/A Energy Efficiencies Wind N/A Energy Efficiencies Other N/A Energy Efficiencies HVAC / Mechanical Energy Efficiencies Plumbing free form field for comments Sustainability Square Footage Data: This facility is offline. Gross 28,642 Assignable 17,239 Programs/Services Housed in the Facility (Instructional Programs/Support Services) Efficiency 60.19% free form field for comments There are currently no programs housed in this facility. C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Science Project Title Math/Science & Nursing New or Replacement Existing Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 SPACE MANAGEMENT (Planning & Development, Utilization and Programming) Analysis of Interior Space (data from FUSION) ASF Inventory Assigned Stations free form field for comments 1 Classroom (100 space) - - 2 Laboratory (200 space) - - 3 Office (300 space) - - 4 Library (400 space) - - AV/TV and Physical 5 Education(500 space) - - 6 Assembly (600 space) - - Data Processing and 7 Storage (700 space) - - 8 Inactive (800 space) 17,239 - - - 9 All Other Space Total ASF 17,239 Total # of Rooms 59 Capacity Load Ratio/Utilization of Facility 1 2 3 4 Classroom Load (State Std.) 25-32 Hours/week Classroom Use (F-06) 00 Hours/week Laboratory Load (State Std.) 28-32 Hours/week Laboratory Use (F-06) 00 Hours/week N/A N/A Please discuss outcome of space load ratios versus intended use. If there is a negative effect on the overall Cap Load Ratio, justify why this project should continue. This facility was taken offline after the construction of the Math/Science and Nursing Facility and therefore there is not an impact on the College's cap load ratio for offices & classrooms. Weekly Student Contact Hour Capacity(WSCH) (Maximum Capacity) Weekly Student Contact Hour Capacity(WSCH) (Current Capacity) Weekly Student Contact Hour (WSCH) (Currently Generated) N/A N/A N/A C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Math/Science & Requestor Project Title Life/Physical Sciences Math/Science & Nursing Department/Division Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 Project Delivery Management (Design, Construction & Start-up/Commissioning) Total Project Cost (Capital Outlay) Acquisition Preliminary Plans Working Drawings Construction Equipment Total Project Cost (Capital Outlay) Project Funding Sources: State Funding Local Funding (including donations) Grant Funding College Contribution (budgeted resources) One-Time Costs $ 2,138,000 2,759,000 50,466,384 6,498,240 $ 61,861,624 $ 44,893,999 545,400 18,272,600 Total Funding Sources $ 63,711,999 Funding Sources Over / Under Project Costs $ 1,850,375 **Measure C Project Savings $ 1,873,045 New New (choose from dropdown) (choose from dropdown) HUD Funding Measure C Funding C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 Operations Management (Operations, Planned Maintenance, User Requested Needs and Repairs) Use the Total Cost of Ownership Estimator Select Job Title (Choose from Drop Down and Cost Information will populate automatically ) Dean, School of Nursing Dean, Instruction Salaries and Benefits Certificated Administrator/Manager New One Time Salary New Ongoing Salary New Ongoing Benefits Total 148,935 49,086 198,021 148,935 49,086 198,021 Nursing Simulation Laboratory Specialist Nursing Skills Laboratory Technician Administrative Assistant III Nursing Enrollment Evaluations Specialist Instructional Department Specialist Educational Advisor Laboratory Technician II Laboratory Technician II Administrative Assistant III Instructional Department Specialist Custodian Custodian Custodian Custodian Senior Grounds person 49,392 47,977 97,369 43,224 46,575 89,799 45,216 47,028 92,244 49,392 47,977 97,369 49,392 47,977 97,369 54,444 49,126 103,570 59,268 50,223 109,491 59,268 50,223 109,491 45,216 47,028 92,244 49,392 47,977 97,369 34,248 44,534 78,782 34,248 44,534 78,782 34,248 44,534 78,782 34,248 44,534 78,782 59,268 50,223 109,491 0.75 Laboratory Technician II 44,451 37,667 82,118 0.50 Laboratory Technician II Certificated Administrator/Manager Classified Manager Full-Time Classified - Position 1 Nursing Full-Time Classified - Position 2 Nursing Full-Time Classified - Position 3: Nursing Full-Time Classified - Position 4 Nursing Full-Time Classified - Position 5 Nursing Full-Time Classified - Position 6 Nursing Full-Time Classified - Position 7 MTSC Full-Time Classified - Position 8 MTSC Full-Time Classified - Position 9 DOI Full-Time Classified - Position 10 MTSC Full-Time Classified - Position 11 Full-Time Classified - Position 12 Full-Time Classified - Position 13 Full-Time Classified - Position 14 Full-Time Classified - Position 15 Permanent Part-Time Classified Enter FTE MTSC Permanent Part-Time Classified Enter FTE MTSC 29,634 25,111 54,745 Full Time Faculty - Enter # of FT Nursing 22.00 All Full Time Faculty are Costed at H-6 ($89,213) 1,962,686 1,111,080 3,073,766 Full Time Faculty - Enter # of FT Math 18.00 All Full Time Faculty are Costed at H-6 ($89,213) 1,605,834 909,066 2,514,900 7.00 All Full Time Faculty are Costed at H-6 ($89,213) 624,491 353,526 978,017 Full Time Faculty - Enter # of FT Chemistry C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 Operations Management (Operations, Planned Maintenance, User Requested Needs and Repairs) Full Time Faculty - Enter # of FT Physical and Life Sciences Full Time Counselor/Librarian Enter # of FT 15.00 All Full Time Faculty are Costed at H-6 ($89,213) 1,338,195 757,555 2,095,750 0.00 All Full Time Counselors/Librarians are Costed at H-6 ($94,282) C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 Operations Management (Operations, Planned Maintenance, User Requested Needs and Repairs) Select Job Title Short Term Non Classified Enter Annual Hrs. Student Employee Enter Annual Hrs. Nursing Associate Faculty Enter Faculty Load Nursing Associate Faculty Enter Faculty Load Math Associate Faculty Enter Faculty Load Chemistry Associate Faculty Enter Faculty Load Life Sciences Associate Faculty Enter Faculty Load Physical Science Rate Will Fill In Ongoing? Select Yes or No 0 0 No 2,205 0 70 2,275 60.00 Associate Faculty Costed at $77.55/hr. No 1,300,620 0 200,556 1,501,176 46.10 Associate Faculty Costed at $77.55/hr. No 999,310 0 154,094 1,153,404 12.00 Associate Faculty Costed at $77.55/hr. No 260,124 0 40,111 300,235 13.25 Associate Faculty Costed at $77.55/hr. No 287,220 0 44,289 331,509 9.50 Associate Faculty Costed at $77.55/hr. No 205,932 0 31,755 237,687 0 0 - - 3,055,411 6,603,625 4,473,521 14,132,557 245.00 Student Aide I PT Counselor or Librarian Enter Annual Hrs. $ 9.00 PT Counselor/Librarian Costed at $77.55/hr. Salaries and Benefits Total New FT Faculty & Counselor Equipment Allocation Computer, Desk, Bookcase & Phone New One Time Will Populate Automatically When Adding Permanent Positions New FT Faculty & Counselor Equipment Total C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm New Ongoing Total - - - - 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 Operations Management (Operations, Planned Maintenance, User Requested Needs and Repairs) Supplies, Services and Equipment Life Cycle Enter Description New One Time New Ongoing Total Supplies - Nursing Instructional, Office and Repair Parts, Technology (computer security cabling) 105,580 49,957 155,537 Supplies - MTSC Instructional, Office and Repair Parts, Technology (computer security cabling) 240,539 51,818 292,357 Software - Nursing Instructional Media, Software, Maintenance & Licensing 3,422 8,492 11,914 Software - MTSC Instructional Media, Software, Maintenance & Licensing 3,422 5,582 9,004 Printing or Copying Services - Nursing Printing - 464 464 Printing or Copying Services - MTSC Printing - 257 257 Memberships/Subscriptions Memberships, Subscriptions, Reference Books, Surveys - 11,813 11,813 Travel/Conference/Training - Nursing Mileage, Travel, Conference, Transportation - 25,389 25,389 Travel/Conference/Training - MTSC Mileage, Travel, Conference, Transportation - 14,107 14,107 3,042 329 3,371 Advertising - Nursing / MTSC Repairs - Nursing Repairs by Vendor - 2,423 2,423 Repairs - MTSC Repairs by Vendor - 41,369 41,369 Other Services - Nursing / MTSC Other Services, Insurance, Permits, Indirects 43,024 52,711 95,735 Office Equipment < $1,000 - Nursing / MTSC Equipment Maintenance Agreements/Other Contracts Office Phones 37,012 91,272 Furniture and Fixtures Nursing SimMan Equipment, Benches, Receptacles, outside emergency phones, Key Access System, Furniture Instructional Equipment - Nursing Instructional Equipment - MTSC Supplies, Services and Equipment Total 37,012 30,424 121,696 595,348 595,348 Nursing Tab 1,230,170 1,230,170 Chemistry, Physical Science, Life Science 1,375,482 1,375,482 3,728,313 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 295,135 4,023,448 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING Department/Division Math/Science & Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 Operations Management (Operations, Planned Maintenance, User Requested Needs and Repairs) Technology Life Cycle Computer Hardware/Software Varies Upgrade / New One Annualized Replacement Time Cost Cost Enter Information on Technology Tab Technology Total 2,743,577 397,209 2,813,122 2,743,577 397,209 2,813,122 Annual Operating Costs - Maintenance and Operations Operating Expenses - Buildings Building Maintenance choose building from dropdown list New One Time New Ongoing Total MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING - Service and Routine Maintenance - Custodial Supplies Custodial Equipment 29,852 67,968 97,819 27,082 - 27,082 Maintenance Supplies Routine Maintenance: Restrooms and Lighting, Fixtures and Fixed Equipment - 92,966 92,966 Contracts / Services Maintenance Agreements - 55,638 55,638 Security Services Firstline Security Systems, Security by Design 15,217 2,532 17,749 Insurance /Licenses Card Reader License and EMS Software - 5,000 5,000 - 12,548 12,548 Grounds Care, Landscape/Hardscape Maintenance Mandated Costs (Integrated Waste Management) Permits, Fees, Hazardous Waste, Fire Inspections - 43,847 43,847 Telephone (both landlines and cell phone) Cell Phone - 811 811 - 13,366 13,366 - 41,311 41,311 365,471 365,471 701,457 773,607 Waste Hauling and Waste Diversion (Recycling) Annualized Costs: Utilities (Electric, Gas, Water) Operating Expenses Total Flooring, Wall Coverings, Ceiling, Plumbing, Doors Use Utilities Estimator on Utilities Tab 72,150 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Math/Science & Department/Division Nursing Planning Year 2004 Date April 2015 Requestor Life/Physical Sciences Project Title Math/Science & Nursing Capital Asset Management (Capital Renewal, Replacements, Improvements, Retrofits/Upgrade and Disposal) Name of Facility MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING State Inventory Building Number Age of Facility 2 (choose from dropdown) (existing facility data from FUSION) 197 Years 2012 Last Addition Life Cycle Range Equipment < $1K per item Equipment > $1K per item Furniture Replacement Furniture Replacement Furniture Replacement Furniture Replacement Furniture Replacement Furniture Replacement Vehicle Acquisition Roof Replacement Lighting System Upgrade or Replacement Elevators HVAC System Upgrade or Replacement IMC Equipment (detail on separate tab) Other Technology Equipment Building Construction/Acquisition Building Improvement Land Acquisition Interior Renovations Site Improvement Swing Space Removal of Existing Facility Moving Costs Address Repurpose Demolition Other Year Built 6 10 12 20 25 30 5 25 25 5 - 9 years 5 50 Current $ 47,839 2,462,894 36,286 810 182,545 158,110 19,305 140,608 82,862 483,125 1,488,755 1,079,450 1,613,421 53,308,642 43,449 - Total Projected Capital Asset Management $ 61,100,261 Annualized Cost $ 4,955 360,018 6,048 81 15,212 7,906 772 4,687 16,572 19,325 59,550.20 175,453 215,424 1,066,173 $ 1,947,221 0 Replacement Cost $ 49,375 2,561,242 37,168 834 188,021 162,853 19,884 144,825 87,005 507,281 1,563,193 1,110,598 1,652,228 57,573,334 - $ 65,608,465 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Technology Estimator Technology Items: IMC Technology Equipment Set up Costs Nursing and Math / Science Bldg.: IMC Equipment MTSC: IMC Equipment Nursing: MTSC Listening Devices Nursing Listening Devices Total Cost Life Cycle Annualized Cost 660,350 5-9 Years 419,100 5-11 Years 12,000 7-10 Years 18,000 7-10 Years Additional Component(s) Cost: (chemistry tab, technology tab Maintenance Contract/Warranty/Software License Cost: Software Training Cost: Installation Cost: 1,615,419 14,659 4,050 Total Cost of Ownership 2,743,577 5 5 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Upgrade / Replacement Cost 105,744 69,709 1,200 1,800 680,161 430,437 13,200 19,800 215,824 2,932 - 1,654,426 15,098 - 397,209 2,813,122 10/9/2015 Charting Data Total Cost of Ownership $ 149,540,486 Total Cost of Ownership Project Delivery Management Operations Management Capital Asset Management 41.37% 14.76% 43.87% Project Recommendation In-progress Approved to Move Forward Completed Disapproved New or Replacement New Replacement Remodel / Repurpose Existing Design Cost New Remodeled C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Present Condition Energy Efficiencies Roof Mechanical Electrical Low Voltage Electrical Plumbing Structural Flooring Paint Technology FFE Other Lighting HVAC / Mechanical Plumbing Roofing Solar Wind Other Yes No Completed Date Projected Date Interior Space Classroom Laboratory Office Classroom / Office Library Library / Office AV/TV All Other Space C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Equipment Maintenance Mechanical (HVAC, Lighting, Boiler, Pool) Departmental (R-O, Autoclave, Fume Hood Testing) Elevator Fire Alarm Testing Fire Mechanical Testing Security Ongoing List Yes No Service and Routine Maintenance HVAC Boilers Chillers Pool Autoclave Fume Hood Testing Reverse Osmosis (R-O) Elevator Fire Alarm Testing Fire Mechanical Testing Security C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm POSITION TITLE - ADMINISTRATORS Accounting Services Manager Assistant Custodial Manager Assistant Dean, CalWorks & Special Funded Programs ** Assistant Dean, Center for International Students and Programs Assistant Director, Admissions and Records Assistant Director, Facilities, Maintenance and Operations Assistant Director, RCC Foundation Assistant Manager, Food Services Associate Dean, Academic Support Associate Dean, CTE/Project Director, NSF Associate Dean, Grants & College Support Programs ** Associate Dean, Grants & College Support Programs/Project Director ** Associate Dean, Public Safety Education and Training Associate Vice Chancellor, Economic Development Associate Vice Chancellor, Educational Services Associate Vice Chancellor, Information Technology and Learning Services Associate Vice Chancellor, Strategic Communications & Relations Campus Administrative Support Center Supervisor * Chief of Police Community Education Supervisor * Controller Custodial Manager Dean of Instruction, Career & Technical Education Dean, Admissions and Records Dean, Educational Services Dean, Enrollment Services Dean, Grants Dean, Institutional Effectiveness Dean, Institutional Research and Strategic Planning Dean, Instruction Dean, Instruction (Fine and Performing Arts) Dean, Instruction (Language/Humanities/Social Science) Dean, Instruction CTE Programs & Grants ** Grade R L R T O S T O V V V V V X AB AB Z M X Q Y N Z X V Y U W W Z Z Z Z Step 1 78,222 55,274 78,222 85,310 69,821 81,547 85,310 69,821 104,431 104,431 104,431 104,431 104,431 115,327 130,848 130,848 122,333 58,182 115,327 75,159 118,654 61,092 122,333 115,327 104,431 118,654 89,335 112,304 112,304 122,333 122,333 122,333 122,333 Step 2 82,166 58,060 82,166 89,611 73,342 85,659 89,611 73,342 109,699 109,699 109,699 109,699 109,699 121,142 137,446 137,446 128,501 61,116 121,142 78,949 124,637 64,172 128,501 121,142 109,699 124,637 93,838 117,967 117,967 128,501 128,501 128,501 128,501 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 3 86,307 60,987 86,307 94,129 77,040 89,976 94,129 77,040 115,227 115,227 115,227 115,227 115,227 127,251 144,377 144,377 134,980 64,198 127,251 82,930 130,921 67,409 134,980 127,251 115,227 130,921 98,570 123,914 123,914 134,980 134,980 134,980 134,980 Step 4 90,659 64,064 90,659 98,875 80,924 94,514 98,875 80,924 121,038 121,038 121,038 121,038 121,038 133,668 151,655 151,655 141,787 67,434 133,668 87,112 137,523 70,808 141,787 133,668 121,038 137,523 103,540 130,161 130,161 141,787 141,787 141,787 141,787 Market Step 5 95,232 67,292 95,232 103,861 85,005 99,278 103,861 85,005 127,142 127,142 127,142 127,142 127,142 140,406 159,302 159,302 148,935 70,834 140,406 91,503 144,456 74,376 148,935 140,406 127,142 144,456 108,761 136,726 136,726 148,935 148,935 148,935 148,935 10/9/2015 POSITION TITLE - ADMINISTRATORS Dean, Public Safety Education and Training Dean, School of Nursing Dean, Special Funded Programs ** Dean, Student Life Dean, Student Services Dean, Technology & Learning Resources Director, Administrative Support Center Director, Athletics Director, Career & Technical Education Projects ** Director, Center for International Trade Development Director, Center for Social Justice and Civil Liberties Director, Corporate and Business Development Director, Disabled Student Programs and Services Director, Distance Education/Open Campus Director, Diversity and Human Resources Director, Diversity, Equity and Compliance Director, Enrollment Services Director, Facilities Director, Facilities Maintenance and Operations Director, Food Services Director, Foster and Kinship Care Education Program Director, Grants Director, Health Services Director, Institutional Research Director, Middle College High School Director, Pathways to Excellence (Title V) ** Director, Procurement Assistance Center ** Director, RCC Foundation and Alumni Affairs Director, Risk Management Director, Software Development Director, Student Financial Services Director, Student Support Services Grant ** Director, Title III STEM Grant ** Director, TriTech Small Business Development Center Grade Z Z W W X X Q X T R P R V V Y V R T V T S S V T T T R W X X V R T T Step 1 122,333 122,333 112,304 112,304 115,327 115,327 75,159 115,327 85,310 78,222 72,359 78,222 104,431 104,431 118,654 104,431 78,222 85,310 104,431 85,310 81,547 81,547 104,431 85,310 85,310 85,310 78,222 112,304 115,327 115,327 104,431 78,222 85,310 85,310 Step 2 128,501 128,501 117,967 117,967 121,142 121,142 78,949 121,142 89,611 82,166 76,007 82,166 109,699 109,699 124,637 109,699 82,166 89,611 109,699 89,611 85,659 85,659 109,699 89,611 89,611 89,611 82,166 117,967 121,142 121,142 109,699 82,166 89,611 89,611 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 3 134,980 134,980 123,914 123,914 127,251 127,251 82,930 127,251 94,129 86,307 79,840 86,307 115,227 115,227 130,921 115,227 86,307 94,129 115,227 94,129 89,976 89,976 115,227 94,129 94,129 94,129 86,307 123,914 127,251 127,251 115,227 86,307 94,129 94,129 Step 4 141,787 141,787 130,161 130,161 133,668 133,668 87,112 133,668 98,875 90,659 83,865 90,659 121,038 121,038 137,523 121,038 90,659 98,875 121,038 98,875 94,514 94,514 121,038 98,875 98,875 98,875 90,659 130,161 133,668 133,668 121,038 90,659 98,875 98,875 Market Step 5 148,935 148,935 136,726 136,726 140,406 140,406 91,503 140,406 103,861 95,232 88,094 95,232 127,142 127,142 144,456 127,142 95,232 103,861 127,142 103,861 99,278 99,278 127,142 103,861 103,861 103,861 95,232 136,726 140,406 140,406 127,142 95,232 103,861 103,861 10/9/2015 POSITION TITLE - ADMINISTRATORS Director, Upward Bound ** Director, Upward Bound Math and Science ** Director, Upward Bound Program ** Director, Web Applications Director, Workforce Preparation Grants and Contracts ** Early Childhood Education Center Manager Executive Director, Hospitality and Culinary Arts Facilities Development Director General Counsel Health Services Supervisor * Human Resources Administrative Manager Information Architect ** Instructional Media Center Manager Library/Learning Resources Administrative Manager Manager, District Safety and Emergency Planning Manager, Facilities, Grounds and Utilization Manager, Technology Support Services Network Manager Outcomes Assessment Specialist ** Outreach Services Supervisor Payroll Manager Program Director, Student Support Services ** Project Director, Gateway to College President Purchasing Manager Sergeant * Service Desk Manager Statewide Director, Center for International Trade Development Vice President, Academic Affairs Vice President, Business Services Vice President, Student Services Vice President, Workforce & Resource Development Warehouse Supervisor * Grade R R R U S Q U U V R T R S S S O R U P O T S T 12 R R R V AB AB AB Z M Step 1 78,222 78,222 78,222 89,335 81,547 75,159 89,335 89,335 104,431 78,222 85,310 78,222 81,547 81,547 81,547 69,821 78,222 89,335 72,359 69,821 85,310 81,547 85,310 213,304 78,222 78,222 78,222 104,431 130,848 130,848 130,848 122,333 58,182 Step 2 82,166 82,166 82,166 93,838 85,659 78,949 93,838 93,838 109,699 82,166 89,611 82,166 85,659 85,659 85,659 73,342 82,166 93,838 76,007 73,342 89,611 85,659 89,611 194,623 82,166 82,166 82,166 109,699 137,446 137,446 137,446 128,501 61,116 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 3 86,307 86,307 86,307 98,570 89,976 82,930 98,570 98,570 115,227 86,307 94,129 86,307 89,976 89,976 89,976 77,040 86,307 98,570 79,840 77,040 94,129 89,976 94,129 199,843 86,307 86,307 86,307 115,227 144,377 144,377 144,377 134,980 64,198 Step 4 90,659 90,659 90,659 103,540 94,514 87,112 103,540 103,540 121,038 90,659 98,875 90,659 94,514 94,514 94,514 80,924 90,659 103,540 83,865 80,924 98,875 94,514 98,875 205,172 90,659 90,659 90,659 121,038 151,655 151,655 151,655 141,787 67,434 Market Step 5 95,232 95,232 95,232 108,761 99,278 91,503 108,761 108,761 127,142 95,232 103,861 95,232 99,278 99,278 99,278 85,005 95,232 108,761 88,094 85,005 103,861 99,278 103,861 173,112 95,232 95,232 95,232 127,142 159,302 159,302 159,302 148,935 70,834 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Academic Evaluations Specialist Accounting Clerk Accounting Services Clerk Accounting Technician Accounts Payable Clerk Accounts Payable Specialist Adaptive Technology Specialist Adaptive Technology-Alternative Media Support Coordinator Administrative Assistant I Administrative Assistant II Administrative Assistant III Administrative Assistant IV Admissions and Records Operations Assistant Analyst/Programmer Applications Support Technician Art Gallery Coordinator/Curator Assessment Specialist Assessment Testing Coordinator Assistant Cashier/Clerk Assistant to Coordinator, Upward Bound Assistant to the Coordinator, International Education Program Athletic Equipment Manager Athletic Field Caretaker Auditorium Specialist Auxiliary Business Services Bookkeeper Auxiliary Business Services Clerk Auxiliary Business Services Specialist Background Investigator Benefits Specialist - Conf. Budget Analyst Business Development Administrative Specialist Business Development Assistant Business Systems Analyst Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 K E K N G I L O E G I K C S (P) N (M) L M R G K I G F I M G H G M O K I T 49,392 37,452 47,459 56,880 41,052 45,216 52,332 59,268 37,452 41,052 45,216 49,392 34,248 72,384 56,880 52,332 54,444 68,736 41,052 49,392 45,216 41,052 39,156 45,216 54,444 41,052 43,224 41,052 55,512 59,268 49,392 45,216 76,572 51,888 39,336 49,856 59,736 43,116 47,484 54,960 62,256 39,336 43,116 47,484 51,888 35,976 76,032 59,736 54,960 57,168 72,228 43,116 51,888 47,484 43,116 41,160 47,484 57,168 43,116 45,408 43,116 58,308 62,256 51,888 47,484 80,436 54,504 41,316 52,376 62,760 45,300 49,884 57,756 65,388 41,316 45,300 49,884 54,504 37,800 79,872 62,760 57,756 60,072 75,840 45,300 54,504 49,884 45,300 43,212 49,884 60,072 45,300 47,700 45,300 61,260 65,388 54,504 49,884 84,492 57,240 43,392 55,007 65,904 47,568 52,392 60,660 68,688 43,392 47,568 52,392 57,240 39,696 83,904 65,904 60,660 63,084 79,668 47,568 57,240 52,392 47,568 45,396 52,392 63,084 47,568 50,088 47,568 64,344 68,688 57,240 52,392 88,752 60,132 45,588 57,785 69,240 49,968 55,044 63,720 72,168 45,588 49,968 55,044 60,132 41,700 88,116 69,240 63,720 66,264 83,676 49,968 60,132 55,044 49,968 47,688 55,044 66,264 49,968 52,620 49,968 67,596 72,168 60,132 55,044 93,216 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Cablecast/Satellite Specialist CalWorks Specialist Capital Asset Inventory Technician Career and Technical Education Specialist Cashier/Clerk Casualty Claims Coordinator Cellular Account Clerk Certified Athletic Trainer Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator Chief Photographer Clerk Typist Clinical Licensed Vocational Nurse College Nurse College Receptionist College Safety & Police Dispatch Community Education Clerk Community Relations Specialist Community Service Aide I Community Service Coordinator Computer Laboratory Assistant Computer Laboratory Specialist Computer Technician Copy Center Operator Cosmetology Clerk Cosmetology Operations Assistant Cosmetology Receptionist/Cashier Counseling Clerk I Counseling Clerk II Counseling Clerk III Culinary Laboratory Assistant Culinary Program Specialist Custodian Customer Service Clerk Dance Accompanist Grade O I E P G N G O O J E M O C G G P C G G K E E E G G E G I G K C E M Step 1 59,268 45,216 37,452 62,100 41,052 56,880 41,052 59,268 59,268 47,196 37,452 54,444 59,268 34,248 41,052 41,052 62,100 34,248 41,052 41,052 49,392 37,452 37,452 37,452 41,052 41,052 37,452 41,052 45,216 41,052 49,392 34,248 37,452 54,444 Step 2 62,256 47,484 39,336 65,244 43,116 59,736 43,116 62,256 62,256 49,584 39,336 57,168 62,256 35,976 43,116 43,116 65,244 35,976 43,116 43,116 51,888 39,336 39,336 39,336 43,116 43,116 39,336 43,116 47,484 43,116 51,888 35,976 39,336 57,168 Step 3 65,388 49,884 41,316 68,532 45,300 62,760 45,300 65,388 65,388 52,080 41,316 60,072 65,388 37,800 45,300 45,300 68,532 37,800 45,300 45,300 54,504 41,316 41,316 41,316 45,300 45,300 41,316 45,300 49,884 45,300 54,504 37,800 41,316 60,072 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 4 68,688 52,392 43,392 72,000 47,568 65,904 47,568 68,688 68,688 54,696 43,392 63,084 68,688 39,696 47,568 47,568 72,000 39,696 47,568 47,568 57,240 43,392 43,392 43,392 47,568 47,568 43,392 47,568 52,392 47,568 57,240 39,696 43,392 63,084 Step 5 72,168 55,044 45,588 75,624 49,968 69,240 49,968 72,168 72,168 57,468 45,588 66,264 72,168 41,700 49,968 49,968 75,624 41,700 49,968 49,968 60,132 45,588 45,588 45,588 49,968 49,968 45,588 49,968 55,044 49,968 60,132 41,700 45,588 66,264 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Dental Education Center Administrative Assistant Designer Technical Director Disability Specialist Disability Specialist/Workability III Disabled Student Services Specialist Distance Education Support Specialist District Campaign Specialist Diversity and Human Resources Analyst - Conf Document Services Coordinator Document Services Coordinator (Evening) Document Services Technician Economic Development Assistant Educational Advisor Educational Technologies Trainer Emancipation Coach Employment Placement Coordinator Enrollment Services Assistant EOPS Specialist EOPS/CARE Specialist Assistant -Office Conf of the Chancellor / Executive Administrative Assistant, BOT - Conf Facilities Administrative and Utilization Specialist Facilities Planning Specialist/Accounting Facilities Planning Specialist/Support Services Facilities Utilization Specialist Facility Access & Utilization Coordinator Financial Aid Advisor Financial and Technical Analyst Fire Technology Program Assistant Floor Crew Food Service I Food Service III Food Service IV Foundation Administrative Technician Grade I Q M M M L K N K K G K M M N K E K K M P K K K I M H P E E C F I K Step 1 45,216 65,280 54,444 54,444 54,444 52,332 49,392 58,008 49,392 49,392 41,052 49,392 54,444 54,444 56,880 49,392 37,452 49,392 49,392 55,512 63,348 49,392 49,392 49,392 45,216 54,444 43,224 62,100 37,452 37,452 34,248 39,156 45,216 49,392 Step 2 47,484 68,568 57,168 57,168 57,168 54,960 51,888 60,924 51,888 51,888 43,116 51,888 57,168 57,168 59,736 51,888 39,336 51,888 51,888 58308/ 66,552 51,888 51,888 51,888 47,484 57,168 45,408 65,244 39,336 39,336 35,976 41,160 47,484 51,888 Step 3 49,884 72,036 60,072 60,072 60,072 57,756 54,504 64,020 54,504 54,504 45,300 54,504 60,072 60,072 62,760 54,504 41,316 54,504 54,504 61,260 69,900 54,504 54,504 54,504 49,884 60,072 47,700 68,532 41,316 41,316 37,800 43,212 49,884 54,504 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 4 52,392 75,672 63,084 63,084 63,084 60,660 57,240 67,248 57,240 57,240 47,568 57,240 63,084 63,084 65,904 57,240 43,392 57,240 57,240 64,344 73,440 57,240 57,240 57,240 52,392 63,084 50,088 72,000 43,392 43,392 39,696 45,396 52,392 57,240 Step 5 55,044 79,488 66,264 66,264 66,264 63,720 60,132 70,932 60,132 60,132 49,968 60,132 66,264 66,264 69,240 60,132 45,588 60,132 60,132 67,596 77,124 60,132 60,132 60,132 55,044 66,264 52,620 75,624 45,588 45,588 41,700 47,688 55,044 60,132 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Foundation Specialist Grants Administrative Specialist Grants Specialist Grants Writer Grounds Equipment Repairperson/Operator Groundsperson Gymnasium Attendant Health Services Specialist Help Desk Support Technician Human Resources Generalist - Conf Human Resources Liaison - Conf Human Resosurces Specialist I - Conf Information Support/Operator Information Technology Analyst Institutional Research Specialist Specialist Instructional Department Specialist/Senior Citizen Education Program Coordinator Instructional Media Aide Instructional Media Assistant Instructional Media Support Coordinator Instructional Media Technician Instructional Media/Broadcast Coordinator Instructional Media/Broadcast Technician Instructional Production Specialist Instructional Program Support Coordinator Instructional Support Coordinator Instructional Support Specialist Instructional Technology Specialist International Students & Program Specialist Internet Communications Specialist Interpreter Specialist Job Placement Technician Journalism Program Support Specialist Laboratory Technician I Grade K I P R J E C K I L O G C O O K K D K N M Q M M M M K M M K L K I K Step 1 49,392 45,216 62,100 68,736 47,196 37,452 34,248 49,392 45,216 53,388 60,456 41,856 34,248 59,268 59,268 49,392 49,392 35,640 49,392 56,880 54,444 65,280 54,444 54,444 54,444 54,444 49,392 54,444 54,444 49,392 52,332 49,392 45,216 49,392 Step 2 51,888 47,484 65,244 72,228 49,584 39,336 35,976 51,888 47,484 56,076 63,504 43,980 35,976 62,256 62,256 51,888 51,888 37,416 51,888 59,736 57,168 68,568 57,168 57,168 57,168 57,168 51,888 57,168 57,168 51,888 54,960 51,888 47,484 51,888 Step 3 54,504 49,884 68,532 75,840 52,080 41,316 37,800 54,504 49,884 58,908 66,696 46,200 37,800 65,388 65,388 54,504 54,504 39,312 54,504 62,760 60,072 72,036 60,072 60,072 60,072 60,072 54,504 60,072 60,072 54,504 57,756 54,504 49,884 54,504 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 4 57,240 52,392 72,000 79,668 54,696 43,392 39,696 57,240 52,392 61,884 70,056 48,540 39,696 68,688 68,688 57,240 57,240 41,304 57,240 65,904 63,084 75,672 63,084 63,084 63,084 63,084 57,240 63,084 63,084 57,240 60,660 57,240 52,392 57,240 Step 5 60,132 55,044 75,624 83,676 57,468 45,588 41,700 60,132 55,044 65,004 73,608 50,964 41,700 72,168 72,168 60,132 60,132 43,356 60,132 69,240 66,264 79,488 66,264 66,264 66,264 66,264 60,132 66,264 66,264 60,132 63,720 60,132 55,044 60,132 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Laboratory Technician II Learning Center Assistant Library Catalog Clerk Library Clerk I Library Clerk II Library Network/Web Development Library Operations Assistant Library Systems Coordinator Library Systems/Network Coordinator Library Technical Assistant I Library Technical Assistant II Library/IMC Operations Coordinator Mailroom Coordinator Maintenance Helper Maintenance Mechanic Maintenance Mechanic - Carpenter Maintenance Mechanic - Electrician Maintenance Mechanic - Equipment Repair Maintenance Mechanic - General Maintenance Mechanic - HVAC Maintenance Mechanic - Locksmith Maintenance Mechanic - Painter Maintenance Mechanic - Plumber/Boiler Repair Maintenance Mechanic - Specialty Electronics Matriculation Program Assistant Matriculation Specialist Media Services Repair Technician Medical Administrative Assistant Medical Office Receptionist MESA Program Coordinator Microcomputer Support Specialist Microcomputer Support Technician Multi-Media Graphic Artist Multi-Media Graphic Artist/Web Technician Grade O A I E G P I N P I J O G G L K L L L L K I L L O M M I F M N (M) N (K) M N Step 1 59,268 32,004 45,216 37,452 41,052 62,100 45,216 56,880 62,100 45,216 47,196 59,268 41,052 41,052 52,332 49,392 52,332 52,332 52,332 52,332 49,392 45,216 52,332 52,332 59,268 54,444 54,444 45,216 39,156 54,444 56,880 56,880 54,444 56,880 Step 2 62,256 33,612 47,484 39,336 43,116 65,244 47,484 59,736 65,244 47,484 49,584 62,256 43,116 43,116 54,960 51,888 54,960 54,960 54,960 54,960 51,888 47,484 54,960 54,960 62,256 57,168 57,168 47,484 41,160 57,168 59,736 59,736 57,168 59,736 Step 3 65,388 35,316 49,884 41,316 45,300 68,532 49,884 62,760 68,532 49,884 52,080 65,388 45,300 45,300 57,756 54,504 57,756 57,756 57,756 57,756 54,504 49,884 57,756 57,756 65,388 60,072 60,072 49,884 43,212 60,072 62,760 62,760 60,072 62,760 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 4 68,688 37,092 52,392 43,392 47,568 72,000 52,392 65,904 72,000 52,392 54,696 68,688 47,568 47,568 60,660 57,240 60,660 60,660 60,660 60,660 57,240 52,392 60,660 60,660 68,688 63,084 63,084 52,392 45,396 63,084 65,904 65,904 63,084 65,904 Step 5 72,168 38,964 55,044 45,588 49,968 75,624 55,044 69,240 75,624 55,044 57,468 72,168 49,968 49,968 63,720 60,132 63,720 63,720 63,720 63,720 60,132 55,044 63,720 63,720 72,168 66,264 66,264 55,044 47,688 66,264 69,240 69,240 66,264 69,240 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Multi-Media Operations Specialist Music Accompanist/Assistant Music Specialist Network & Communications Specialist Network Specialist Network Specialist - Data Systems Security Network Specialist - Infrastructure Management Network Specialist (Data) Network Specialist (Server Administrator) Network Specialist (Telecommunications) Network Specialist (Wireless LAN) Network Support Specialist Nursing Enrollment Evaluations Specialist Nursing Enrollment Technician Nursing Simulation Laboratory Assistant Nursing Simulation Laboratory Specialist Nursing Skills Laboratory Technician Occupational Education Assistant Officer, Safety & Police Outreach and Recruitment Services Specialist Outreach Specialist Outreach Specialist/Upward Bound Outreach/Middle College High School Coordinator Outreach/Passport to College Coordinator Parking Administrative Clerk Payroll Technician - Conf Photo Lab Assistant Piano Accompanist Piano Accompanist (Music) Piano Accompanist (Theater) Placement and Tutorial Services Coordinator Placement Coordinator Planner, Capital and Facilities Police Records Clerk Grade O M M R P R R P P P P N K I J K H K N I K K M O E K I M M M O O T G Step 1 59,268 54,444 54,444 68,736 62,100 68,736 68,736 62,100 62,100 62,100 62,100 56,880 49,392 45,216 47,196 49,392 43,224 49,392 56,880 45,216 49,392 49,392 54,444 59,268 37,452 50,364 45,216 54,444 54,444 54,444 59,268 59,268 76,572 41,052 Step 2 62,256 57,168 57,168 72,228 65,244 72,228 72,228 65,244 65,244 65,244 65,244 59,736 51,888 47,484 49,584 51,888 45,408 51,888 59,736 47,484 51,888 51,888 57,168 62,256 39,336 52,920 47,484 57,168 57,168 57,168 62,256 62,256 80,436 43,116 Step 3 65,388 60,072 60,072 75,840 68,532 75,840 75,840 68,532 68,532 68,532 68,532 62,760 54,504 49,884 52,080 54,504 47,700 54,504 62,760 49,884 54,504 54,504 60,072 65,388 41,316 55,596 49,884 60,072 60,072 60,072 65,388 65,388 84,492 45,300 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 4 68,688 63,084 63,084 79,668 72,000 79,668 79,668 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 65,904 57,240 52,392 54,696 57,240 50,088 57,240 65,904 52,392 57,240 57,240 63,084 68,688 43,392 58,380 52,392 63,084 63,084 63,084 68,688 68,688 88,752 47,568 Step 5 72,168 66,264 66,264 83,676 75,624 83,676 83,676 75,624 75,624 75,624 75,624 69,240 60,132 55,044 57,468 60,132 52,620 60,132 69,240 55,044 60,132 60,132 66,264 72,168 45,588 61,320 55,044 66,264 66,264 66,264 72,168 72,168 93,216 49,968 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Printing & Graphics Center Coordinator Procurement Specialist Production Coordinator Production Graphic Designer Production Printer Production Printing Specialist Programmer Developer Project Manager Properties Outreach Specialist Public Affairs and Marketing Specialist Public Affairs Officer Purchasing Clerk Purchasing Specialist Reading Paraprofessional Revenue/Accounts Receivable Clerk Revenue/Accounts Receivable Specialist Safety & Police Dispatch Coordinator Senior Academic Evaluations Specialist Senior Applied Technologist Senior Custodian Senior Financial Aid Advisor Senior Graphics Designer Senior Groundsperson Senior Human Resources Liaison - Conf Senior Interpreter Senior Officer, Safety & Police Senior Public Affairs Officer Senior Tool Room Attendant Sprinkler Repair Person STEM Services Developer STEM Student Success Center Coordinator Student Accounts Specialist Student Activities Clerk Student Employment Personnel Specialist Grade K O O K K M P R K N Q E K K G I I M M E J O F P L P R G H M O I G K Step 1 49,392 59,268 59,268 49,392 49,392 54,444 62,100 68,736 49,392 56,880 65,280 37,452 49,392 49,392 41,052 45,216 45,216 54,444 54,444 37,452 47,196 59,268 39,156 63,348 52,332 62,100 68,736 41,052 43,224 54,444 59,268 45,216 41,052 49,392 Step 2 51,888 62,256 62,256 51,888 51,888 57,168 65,244 72,228 51,888 59,736 68,568 39,336 51,888 51,888 43,116 47,484 47,484 57,168 57,168 39,336 49,584 62,256 41,160 66,552 54,960 65,244 72,228 43,116 45,408 57,168 62,256 47,484 43,116 51,888 Step 3 54,504 65,388 65,388 54,504 54,504 60,072 68,532 75,840 54,504 62,760 72,036 41,316 54,504 54,504 45,300 49,884 49,884 60,072 60,072 41,316 52,080 65,388 43,212 69,900 57,756 68,532 75,840 45,300 47,700 60,072 65,388 49,884 45,300 54,504 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 4 57,240 68,688 68,688 57,240 57,240 63,084 72,000 79,668 57,240 65,904 75,672 43,392 57,240 57,240 47,568 52,392 52,392 63,084 63,084 43,392 54,696 68,688 45,396 73,440 60,660 72,000 79,668 47,568 50,088 63,084 68,688 52,392 47,568 57,240 Step 5 60,132 72,168 72,168 60,132 60,132 66,264 75,624 83,676 60,132 69,240 79,488 45,588 60,132 60,132 49,968 55,044 55,044 66,264 66,264 45,588 57,468 72,168 47,688 77,124 63,720 75,624 83,676 49,968 52,620 66,264 72,168 55,044 49,968 60,132 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Student Financial Services Account Specialist Student Financial Services Analyst Student Financial Services Lead Analyst Student Financial Services Officer Student Financial Services Outreach Specialist Student Financial Services Support Specialist Student Resource Specialist Student Services Specialist Student Services Technician Student Success Specialist Student Support Services Site Coordinator Supplemental Instructional Coordinator Support Center Technician Support Services Specialist Support Services Specialist Aide Swimming Pool Caretaker Systems Administrator Telephone Systems Account Clerk Telephone Systems Account Specialist Television Production Studio Specialist Television Studio Technician Theater Box Office Assistant Theater Box Office Coordinator Theater Box Office Specialist Theater Scenic Specialist Theater Sound Specialist Tutorial Services Clerk Tutorial Services Specialist Tutorial Services Technician Upward Bound Coordinator Upward Bound Program Assistant User Support Coordinator Veterans Services Coordinator Veterans Services Specialist Veterans Services Technician Grade J M O P J G L J J K O M H K E F U G M N K E K G M I G O M O K R O N L Step 1 47,196 54,444 59,268 62,100 47,196 41,052 52,332 47,196 47,196 49,392 59,268 54,444 43,224 49,392 37,452 39,156 80,568 41,052 54,444 56,880 49,392 37,452 49,392 41,052 54,444 45,216 41,052 59,268 54,444 59,268 49,392 68,736 59,268 56,880 52,332 Step 2 49,584 57,168 62,256 65,244 49,584 43,116 54,960 49,584 49,584 51,888 62,256 57,168 45,408 51,888 39,336 41,160 84,612 43,116 57,168 59,736 51,888 39,336 51,888 43,116 57,168 47,484 43,116 62,256 57,168 62,256 51,888 72,228 62,256 59,736 54,960 Step 3 52,080 60,072 65,388 68,532 52,080 45,300 57,756 52,080 52,080 54,504 65,388 60,072 47,700 54,504 41,316 43,212 88,896 45,300 60,072 62,760 54,504 41,316 54,504 45,300 60,072 49,884 45,300 65,388 60,072 65,388 54,504 75,840 65,388 62,760 57,756 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 4 54,696 63,084 68,688 72,000 54,696 47,568 60,660 54,696 54,696 57,240 68,688 63,084 50,088 57,240 43,392 45,396 93,372 47,568 63,084 65,904 57,240 43,392 57,240 47,568 63,084 52,392 47,568 68,688 63,084 68,688 57,240 79,668 68,688 65,904 60,660 Step 5 57,468 66,264 72,168 75,624 57,468 49,968 63,720 57,468 57,468 60,132 72,168 66,264 52,620 60,132 45,588 47,688 98,076 49,968 66,264 69,240 60,132 45,588 60,132 49,968 66,264 55,044 49,968 72,168 66,264 72,168 60,132 83,676 72,168 69,240 63,720 10/9/2015 Job Description Title - CLASSIFIED Warehouse Assistant Web Applications Developer Web Applications Technician Grade D R M Step 1 35,640 68,736 54,444 Step 2 37,416 72,228 57,168 Step 3 39,312 75,840 60,072 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Step 4 41,304 79,668 63,084 Step 5 43,356 83,676 66,264 10/9/2015 SHORT TERM NON CLASSIFIED Academy Coordinator Academy Scenario Asst Activities Asst Asst Pool Manager Asst Project Coordinator (Dental Hygiene) Box Office Specialist Budget/Accounting Specialist Classroom Assistant Clerk Trainee Coaches, Summer Activities Communication Asst Community Liaison Conference Coordinator Copy Editor Custodial Asst Dental Asst Dental Health Educator Detective/Investigator Diversity, Equity & Compliance Intern Educational Asst E-Text Transcriber Executive Asst Evaluator, Administration of Justice Facilities Asst Facilities ADA Accessibility Coordinator Facilities Planning and Development Assistant Finance Specialist Food Services Assistant Forensics Assistant Grant Analyst Grant Facilitator Grant Project Educational Aide II Grant Project Educational Trainer I Grant Project Educational Trainer II Grant Project Technician Grounds Asst Health Services Facilitator High School Program Coordinator IMC Trainee IMC Asst I IMC Asst II Instructional Aide I Instructional Aide II Instructional Aide III International Trade Asst Interpreter Apprentice Interpreter I Interpreter II Interpreter III Interpreter IV (Certified Interpreter) Laboratory Aide I Laboratory Aide II Lifeguard (Instructor) Lifeguard (Senior) 25.00 12.00 9.00 10.50 24.00 13.00 35.00 10.00 9.00 17.54 9.00 13.00 24.00 17.00 12.50 18.00 45.00 25.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 33.00 10.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.25 9.00 10.00 35.00 40.00 9.00 25.00 35.00 20.00 13.00 42.05 50.00 9.00 9.00 11.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 11.38 11.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Lifeguard (Advanced) Maintenance Asst Marketing & Media Coordinator Matriculation Asst I Matriculation Asst II Matriculation Asst III Matriculation & Educational Support Associate Nurse Practitioner Office Asst I Office Asst II Office Asst III Office Asst IV Photographer I (Intern) Photographer II Photographer III Production Technician Asst I Production Printer II Proofreader Public Safety Coordinator (Title V) Publicist Trainee Puente Assistant Registered Nurse I Registered Nurse II Registered Nurse III Research Asst Research Intern Reserve College Police Officer Role Player Scanner Sports Publicist Stage Hand Stage Tech I Stage Tech II Stage Tech III Stage Tech IV Stage Tech V Stage Tech VI Stage Master Carpenter Stage Master Electrician STEM Activities Coordinator STEM Mentor Student Activities Advisor Student Activities Assistant Student Health Specialist Student Success Coach Student Support Services University Mentor Study Group Leader Summer Youth Worker Summer Bridge Coordinator Supplemental Instructional Leader Survey Analyst Technical Business Advisor Theater Sound Technician Tri-Tech Business Associate Tutor I 9.00 16.00 18.00 9.00 9.50 10.00 20.00 52.00 9.00 10.50 12.50 14.00 15.00 20.50 25.00 13.00 11.50 25.00 25.00 9.00 9.00 35.00 37.00 40.00 11.00 14.22 15.65 9.00 15.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.55 10.00 10.65 11.65 12.65 17.00 17.00 25.00 12.50 13.45 10.50 30.00 25.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 20.00 12.00 35.00 55.00 9.00 24.00 9.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Tutor II Tutor III Tutor IV Upward Bound College Mentor Video Technician, Football Games Web Accessibility Technician 9.00 9.25 10.00 12.00 135.00 12.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Riverside Community College District 2015/2016 Faculty Total Cost of Position Salary STRS Medi OPEB SUI WC GL&P H&W* TCP H-6 10.73% 1.45% 0.30% 0.05% 1.00% 1.89% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 89,213 9,573 1,294 268 45 892 1,686 36,747 139,718 *Standard H&W with Jefferson Pilot Life, Delta Dental and RCCD Salary and fixed costs set to FY 15-16 standards C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Riverside Community College District 2015/2016 Counselor/Librarian Total Cost of Position Salary STRS Medi OPEB SUI WC GL&P H&W* TCP H-6 10.73% 1.45% 0.30% 0.05% 1.00% 1.89% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 94,282 10,116 1,367 283 47 943 1,782 36,747 145,567 *Standard H&W with Jefferson Pilot Life, Delta Dental and RCCD Salary and fixed costs set to FY 15-16 standards C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Riverside Community College District 2015/2016 Part Time Faculty Cost for 2.0 FTEs Hourly Rate @ 3/3 Hours for 3 Unit Class Hourly Rate @ 1/1 (Unit Pay) Units Salary Per 3 Unit Class (.2 FTE) Salary for 2.0 FTEs Salary for 1.0 FTE STRS 10.73% Medi 1.45% OPEB 0.30% SUI 0.05% WC 1.00% GL&P 1.89% H&W TCP $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 77.55 54 49.23 3 4,335 43,354 21,677 4,652 629 130 22 434 819 71,717 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm LEVELS Student Aide I Student Aide II Student Aide III DESCRIPTION Performs a variety of unskilled clerical &/or manual duties for a specific work area. Work is performed under close supervision. Work is assigned and student receives detailed instruction. No experience at all is required. Job details are learned from supervisor or classified staff members Performs a variety of clerical &/or manual related duties that are usually semi-skilled in nature and may require only limited skill, training or experience. Learns role on the job. Requires basic knowledge of administrative activities and procedures within work area. Exchanges information with co-workers, staff within the District and the community. May require completion of certain courses to qualify. Performs a variety of skilled duties in support of administrative and academic projects. Performs clerical and manual duties that require some specialized skill level. Typically requires some experience related to the assignment or special education in the area of assignment. Requires knowledge of the District/College programs and services EXAMPLES OF ASSIGNMENTS Food Services worker, area attendant, laborer, ticket taker, usher, locker room attendant, general clerk, Copy Room Attendant, mail distributor, Art gallery attendant, file clerk, Lab Aide, Instructional Aide, DSPS Aide, $9.00 to Student Clerk, IMC Aide, Journalism Aide, Circulation $9.75 Aide, Library Aide, Student Ambassador, Health program Aide, Recital Assistant, Athletic Field Aide, Sports Program Aide, College Police Aides, lifeguard I $ 9.00 $ 10.75 $ 11.75 $12.00 to $12.75 $ 12.75 $13.00 to $13.75 $ 13.75 Study Group Leader, Educational Assistant, Sports Program Coordinator, Specialized Tutors, group tutors, Computer Aides, light and sound technicians, Computer Network Assistants, Sports officials, Child program $10.00 to Aides, Automotive Assistants $10.75 Study Group Leader, Educational Assistant, Sports Program Coordinator, Specialized Tutors, group tutors, Computer Aides, light and sound technicians, Computer $11.00 to Network Assistants, Sports officials, Child program $11.75 Aides, Automotive Assistants Media Center delivery assistants, Special Student Program Assistant (Puente, Ujima), Lab Specialist, Stem Mentors, advanced tutors Student Aide IV Performs a variety of duties requiring advanced knowledge of subject in support of administrative or academic projects or functions. Requires knowledge of how program/work unit function and fit into the District or College programs. Gathers, integrates and interprets information. Student Aide V Performs a variety of complex duties in support of Media Center Student Production Assistants, Media Center Student Technicians, Business Associates, administrative and academic projects/functions. Computer Specialist, Project Specialist, Requires more extensive experience and subject matter expertise to be successful. May do advanced and complex research for department assigned to. Developing and working with contacts outside of the work unit is common. Rate for Costing Purposes RATES OF PAY C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Cost Per Section 13/14 Cost Per Section 12/13 2 Year Average TOPS Function 05020 ACCOUNTING 04100 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 22020 ANTHROPOLOGY 02010 ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY 10020 ART 217 87 152 04010 BIOLOGY, GENERAL 910 926 918 05050 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 48 05010 BUSINESS AND COMMERCE, GENERAL 86 05060 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 19050 13058 CHEMISTRY, GENERAL CHILD DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 13050 CHILD DEVELOPMENT/EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION 8 8 8 10050 COMMERCIAL MUSIC 7 273 140 07020 COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 77 140 109 07060 COMPUTER SCIENCE (transfer) 18 18 09572 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 58 58 09530 DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY - - 10070 DRAMATIC ARTS 772 772 22040 ECONOMICS 14 14 06142 ELECTRONIC GAME DESIGN 35 35 09340 ELECTRONICS & ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY 09240 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, GENERAL 12 15010 ENGLISH 28 26 27 49308 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 14 8 11 49320 GENERAL WORK EXPERIENCE 22060 14 9 12 990 370 680 50 8 29 9 9 48 29 9 1,158 9 2,066 9 1,252 58 1,612 9 955 1,104 12 197 197 GEOGRAPHY 14 14 49301 GUIDANCE 11 11 08370 HEALTH EDUCATION 43 43 22050 HISTORY 25 25 08355 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS 11080 JAPANESE 06020 JOURNALISM 16010 LIBRARY SCIENCE, GENERAL 09563 MACHINING AND MACHINE TOOLS 05063 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT & SUPERVISION 1,422 926 1,174 9 9 46 46 9 9 2,956 740 1,848 46 20 33 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm TOPS Function 09560 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY 05090 MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION 17010 MATHEMATICS, GENERAL 04030 MICROBIOLOGY 06141 MULTIMEDIA 10040 MUSIC 15090 Cost Per Section 13/14 Cost Per Section 12/13 2 Year Average 17,151 12,960 15,056 179 110 145 17 11 14 1,415 1,781 1,598 14,890 14,890 1,879 160 1,020 PHILOSOPHY 19 19 19 10110 PHOTOGRAPHY 37 08350 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 81 08351 PHYSICAL FITNESS AND BODY MOVEMENTS - - 19010 PHYSICAL SCIENCES, GENERAL 9 9 19020 PHYSICS, GENERAL 203 22070 POLITICAL SCIENCE 12 12 20010 PSYCHOLOGY, GENERAL 20 20 05110 REAL ESTATE 13 13 22080 SOCIOLOGY 28 3 16 11050 SPANISH 109 29 69 15060 SPEECH COMMUNICATION - 37 173 207 127 205 - C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Table V Maintenance and Operations Task Force Staffing Standard Guidelines Updated 11-2014 Riverside Current Standard Variance Staffing Standard Guidelines Updated 11-2014 Moreno Valley Current Standard Variance Updated 12-2012 Norco Current Standard Variance Position Classified Management Director Facility Operations & Maintenance Maintenance Manager Assistant Maintenance Manager Grounds Manager (Note C) Assistant Grounds Manager Facilities Supervisor, Grounds & Utilization Custodial Manager (Note D) Assistant Custodial Manager 1 FTE Per Campus 1 FTE Per Campus (@300,000 GSF) 1 FTE Per Campus (@500,000 GSF) 1 FTE Per Campus 1 FTE Per Campus (@100 Developed Acres) 1 FTE Per Campus (@450,000 GSF) 1 FTE Per Campus 1 FTE Per Campus (@300,000 GSF) 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 (1.0) (1.0) 0.0 (1.0) (1.0) 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1.0) 0.0 0.0 (1.0) 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1.0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Classified Office Staff Administrative Assistant II or III Administrative Assistant I Facility Utilization Specialist 1 FTE Per Campus 1 FTE @ 200,000 GSF (+ one additional FTE after 500,000 GSF) .5 FTE Per 250,000 GSF 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.7 0.0 (1.5) (0.7) 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 (1.0) (1.0) 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 (1.0) 0.0 Classified Custodial Staff (Note A) Custodian 1 FTE Per 23,500 GSF 28.0 39.1 (11.1) 7.5 10.0 (2.5) 8.5 9.9 (1.4) Classified Grounds Staff (Note B) Grounds Person Grounds Person Athletic Field Caretaker Swimming Pool Caretaker Parking Structure Caretaker (Grounds Person) 1 FTE Per 10 Developed Acres 1 FTE Per 50 Undeveloped Acres 1 FTE Per 10 Athletic Field Acres 1 FTE Per Pool 1 FTE Per 450,000 GSF 9.4 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 10.1 0.0 2.7 2.0 1.0 (0.7) 0.0 (0.7) (2.0) 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 1.3 0.6 0.0 0.0 (2.5) (1.3) (0.6) 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 1.6 1.1 0.0 0.0 (4.1) (1.6) (0.1) 0.0 0.0 Classified Trades Staff Maintenance Mechanic Maintenance Helper 1 FTE Per 50,000 GSF 1 FTE Per Campus (+ one additional FTE after 175,000 GSF) 11.0 0.0 17.0 2.0 (6.0) (2.0) 2.0 0.0 4.7 2.0 (2.7) (2.0) 3.0 1.0 4.7 2.0 (1.7) (1.0) 57.9 86.6 (28.7) 66.9% 16.0 29.6 (13.6) 54.1% 18.0 29.9 (11.9) 60.1% Total Staff A B C D E Notes: Custodial staff includes Sr. Custodians; Custodians; Floor Care Personnel; Gym Attendants; Large Campus Factor (500K GSF includes 3.0 Custodians for Day Time Services and Set-Ups) Grounds staff includes Sr. Grounds Person; Irrigation Repair Person; Equipment Repair Persons This Position is to be a Working Manager This Position is to be a Working Manager providing supervision to the night time staff This does not include 450,000 GSF in the Parking Structure Riverside. GSF does include 37,095 GSF and 23,290 ASF realted to District Offices serviced by Riverside. Staff Level (100% = Fully Staffed) Metrics ASF (per FUSION 12-2014) 547,599 151,756 161,162 GSF (Note E) Developed Acres Undeveloped Acres Athletic Field Acres Total Acres 848,571 101 27 128 234,183 60 66 6 132 233,377 56 80 11 147 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 GSF per FUSION labled as Outside Square Feet (FY 13/14) SAMPLE =VLOOKUP(LOOKUP VALUE, DATA RANGE, COLUMN G5 TO MATCH, TRUE/FALSE) Riverside On Campus ASF per Inventory Bldg # GSF 0 ASF 0 81,246 Efficiency 0 43,113 53.06% 8,910 6,838 76.75% 33,105 24,121 72.86% 6,482 86.43% 1,621 91.58% 14,589 86.68% QUADRANGLE 1 STADIUM 2 WHEELOCK GYM 3 MAINTENANCE SHOP 4 MAINTENANCE PT SHOP 5 1,770 TECHNOLOGY A 6 16,830 TECHNOLOGY B 7 20,562 14,237 69.24% ADMISSIONS COUNSEL 10 7,554 5,067 67.08% DATA PROCESSING 11 7,100 4,790 67.46% LANDIS AUDITORIUM 12 30,003 20,680 68.93% MUSIC BUILDING 13 9,553 5,855 61.29% ART BUILDING 14 7,953 5,995 75.38% HUNTLEY GYM 15 22,203 18,830 84.81% MAIN WAREHOUSE 16 6,800 3,090 45.44% ADMINISTRATION 17 19,069 13,069 68.54% COSMETOLOGY CUTTER POOL 18 19 12,897 6,597 9,543 3,285 73.99% 49.80% LIFE SCIENCE 20 28,642 17,239 60.19% MLK HIGH TECH CENTER 21 41,507 27,196 65.52% PHYSICAL SCIENCE 22 26,335 20,291 77.05% PLANETARIUM 23 1,763 1,291 73.23% STUDENT CENTER (BRADSHAW) 24 38,803 26,189 67.49% CERAMICS SCULPTURE 26 8,717 5,108 58.60% AUTO TECHNOLOGY 30 20,812 18,649 89.61% EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES 31 13,729 6,042 44.01% BUSINESS EDUCATION 32 22,100 16,176 73.19% EQUIPMENT STORAGE 33 119 108 90.76% ASSESSMENT/PLACEMENT 34 2,400 2,184 91.00% MUSIC HALL PILATES 35 36 5,952 4,308 4,630 3,669 77.79% 85.17% DIGITAL LIBRARY (DL/LRC) 37 108,234 72,749 67.21% PORTABLE 5 38 960 757 78.85% LOVEKIN PORTABLE COMPLEX 39 16,400 12,143 74.04% STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES 40 480 423 88.13% STORAGE BUILDING 41 1,050 971 92.48% STUDENT GOVT CENTER 42 1,400 1,152 82.29% GROUNDS EQUIPMENT 43 2,000 1,708 85.40% OUTREACH 46 960 760 79.17% PORTABLE 6 47 960 - PARKING STRUCTURE 48 450,000 772 0.17% EVANS SPORTS CMPLX A 161 1,200 553 46.08% EVANS SPORTS CMPLX B 162 958 424 44.26% EVANS SPORTS CMPLX C 163 958 424 44.26% EVANS SPORTS CMPLX D RUBIDOUX ANNEX COMPLEX 164 165 609 9,600 542 9,000 89.00% 93.75% STOKOE ILC 166 16,000 11,153 69.71% AQUATICS 167 3,738 2,243 MECH BLDG 168 1,976 - 0.00% HAZMAT 169 200 200 100.00% STORAGE TRAILER 170 160 160 100.00% CONNEX BOXES #170-183 XXX 4,000 - 0.00% MOD@ECD MOD@161 MOD@162 184 960 900 93.75% 185 960 - 0.00% 186 960 900 93.75% CONNEX BOXES #161-163 XXX 640 - DUGOUTS #190-195 XXX 1,800 - 0.00% MUSIC ANNEX 196 480 420 87.50% MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING 197 131,450 85,238 64.84% CULINARY SSA / STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION XXX - - XXX - - SCHOOL OF THE ARTS XXX - - 7,500 0.00% 60.01% 0.00% YR Built 1923 1928 1928 1932 1932 1933 1938 1949 1949 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1958 1958 1958 1967 1968 1968 1968 1968 1973 1976 1976 1977 1980 2002 2002 2002 2003 2000 2004 2004 1968 2004 1988 2001 2002 2006 1989 1989 1989 1989 2005 2006 2011 2011 2006 1965 1965 2005 2005 2005 1965 2005 2002 2012 Last Addition 2007 0 0 0 0 1976 1976 1970 1975 1975 1975 1970 2013 1998 1976 1979 0 0 2013 0 0 1993 0 1978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Rooms 178 30 28 26 4 34 37 34 27 38 17 20 37 6 47 31 25 59 50 56 6 66 13 36 26 47 0 14 21 13 162 0 55 3 2 6 0 2 10 8 6 7 7 3 10 9 19 0 1 0 15 1 1 1 3 5 4 174 Classroom Laboratory 29153 0 797 0 0 6862 0 0 0 0 0 0 651 0 967 592 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1041 5525 0 0 807 918 0 0 3600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28107 0 0 0 0 0 5691 3289 0 0 0 5139 5413 0 0 0 7420 0 0 19583 0 1201 0 4855 18218 0 6971 0 375 3363 0 6441 0 1649 0 0 0 167 760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39563 Office 8932 249 1547 1301 0 1768 3819 4094 3399 1059 716 582 683 0 5878 850 0 0 2482 0 90 4915 253 431 1049 3680 0 459 333 120 3488 0 4166 423 0 825 0 0 0 429 0 0 0 0 900 0 315 0 0 0 0 900 0 0 0 0 420 9349 Library 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2124 0 0 0 3344 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0 49806 0 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AV/TV PE Assigned Stations Assembly Inactive All Other Classroom Laboratory Office Library AV/TV PE Assembly Inactive 0 6589 21777 0 0 2875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2153 0 0 5181 1621 1454 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 100 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1092 0 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4409 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 949 0 0 0 0 0 0 16792 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2631 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 553 424 424 0 0 0 1872 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4081 0 0 0 17727 0 0 0 0 1941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2846 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3189 0 0 0 195 0 0 0 0 476 0 3285 17239 0 20291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1800 11153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7129 973 1391 0 0 0 704 3090 1683 681 0 0 1787 0 0 21274 0 0 3952 0 108 1350 0 0 5759 0 2525 0 971 327 1541 0 0 168 0 0 0 542 0 0 56 0 200 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 220 0 0 40 49 0 0 171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 245 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1404 72 0 0 0 114 99 0 0 0 163 0 0 516 0 63 0 43 169 0 195 0 10 77 0 185 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 684 61 38 31 6 6 6 10 0 38 10 0 0 25 0 1 52 3 10 14 28 0 5 3 1 26 0 31 4 0 4 1 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 877 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 0 0 0 1404 0 0 0 0 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,273,932 Adjustments Remove Parking Structure Adjusted Total (450,000) 823,932 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm All Other 0 0 0 0 0 10/9/2015 Nursing Science Year Built FCI GSF ASF 2012 0% 131,450 85,238 too new to have been inspected Annualized Costs Routine Maintenance Annual Maintenance - Fixed Equip Custodial Supplies Contracts/Services Fire/Safety Licenses / Software Grounds Hazardous Waste Utilities Rooms, Unassignable Space and Restrooms: Floor Materials Annulaized Costs Wall Coverings Annualized Costs Ceiling Annualized Costs Plumbing Annualized Costs Doors TOTAL $ 92,965.82 restrooms, lighting 55,637.53 fixtures and fixed equip 67,967.72 23,760.00 5,000.00 12,547.92 20,087.00 365,470.53 20,946.76 8,424.67 2,816.17 9,123.22 $684,747.33 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science 10/9/2015 Buildings (2).xlsm Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Room Type ASF Dept. Stations Prog TOP/Service and Floor Material Life Cycle 101 110 Classroom 964 40 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 102 110 Classroom 964 43 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 103 110 Classroom 907 43 11 0099 General Assignment 104 110 Classroom 963 43 11 105 110 Classroom 907 42 106 110 Classroom 966 107 110 Classroom 108 111 112 113 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 730 Storage 530 Audio/Visual 650 Lounge 730 Storage 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Wall Covering Life Cycle 2,603 $ 174 Paint 10 15 2,603 174 Paint Vinyl 15 2,449 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 42 11 0099 General Assignment 966 42 11 267 536 354 160 87 111 96 103 96 103 97 103 95 104 93 102 97 103 95 103 103 103 103 116 0 22 12 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Replacement Annualized Cost (exclusive of Labor) Cost 771 $ 77.12 10 771 77.12 163 Paint 10 726 72.56 2,600 173 Paint 10 770 77.04 15 2,449 163 Paint 10 726 72.56 Vinyl 15 2,608 174 Paint 10 773 77.28 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 2,608 174 Paint 10 773 77.28 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 0099 General Assignment 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General Vinyl Carpet Vinyl Vinyl Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet 15 12 15 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 721 1,876 956 432 305 389 336 361 336 361 340 361 333 364 326 357 340 361 333 361 361 361 361 406 48 156 64 29 25 32 28 30 28 30 28 30 28 30 27 30 28 30 28 30 30 30 30 34 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 214 429 283 128 70 89 77 82 77 82 78 82 76 83 74 82 78 82 76 82 82 82 82 93 21.36 42.88 28.32 12.80 6.96 8.88 7.68 8.24 7.68 8.24 7.76 8.24 7.60 8.32 7.44 8.16 7.76 8.24 7.60 8.24 8.24 8.24 8.24 9.28 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm $ Annualized Cost Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint $ 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Dept. Stations Prog TOP/Service and Replacement Cost Room # A-Z Room Type ASF (exclusive of Labor) 140 141 143 145 146 310 Office 315 Office Service Faculty Resource Rm 680 Meeting Room 110 Classroom 95 63 200 40 1,277 1 1 1 6 75 11 11 11 11 11 1701 Mathematics, General 1701 Mathematics, General 0099 General Assignment 0099 General Assignment 0099 General Assignment Carpet Vinyl Carpet Carpet Vinyl 12 15 12 12 15 333 170 540 140 3,448 28 11 45 12 230 Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint 10 10 10 10 10 76 50 160 32 1,022 7.60 5.04 16.00 3.20 102.16 147 110 Classroom 1,274 76 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 3,440 229 Paint 10 1,019 101.92 151 110 Classroom 1,249 74 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 3,372 225 Paint 10 999 99.92 152 110 Classroom 1,147 64 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 3,097 206 Paint 10 918 91.76 153 110 Classroom 1,186 65 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 3,202 213 Paint 10 949 94.88 154 110 Classroom 1,248 75 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 3,370 225 Paint 10 998 99.84 155 110 Classroom 1,069 50 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 2,886 192 Paint 10 855 85.52 156 110 Classroom 1,045 40 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 2,822 188 Paint 10 836 83.60 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 176 178 179 180 181 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 315 Office Service 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 650 Lounge 310 Office 310 Office 315 Office 680 Meeting 98 98 98 90 97 105 108 98 90 98 98 98 97 101 680 507 85 318 222 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 2 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 0099 General Assignment 0099 General Assignment 0099 General Assignment 0099 General Assignment 0099 General Assignment Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Vinyl Carpet 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 12 343 343 343 315 340 368 378 343 315 343 343 343 340 354 2,380 1,775 298 859 777 29 29 29 26 28 31 32 29 26 29 29 29 28 29 198 148 25 57 65 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 78 78 78 72 78 84 86 78 72 78 78 78 78 81 544 406 68 254 844 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.20 7.76 8.40 8.64 7.84 7.20 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.76 8.08 54.40 40.56 6.80 25.44 84.36 11 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Wall Covering Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint / Wallpaper Life Cycle Replacement Annualized Cost (exclusive of Labor) Cost Annualized Cost Floor Material Life Cycle 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Dept. Stations Prog TOP/Service and Replacement Cost Annualized Cost Replacement Annualized Cost (exclusive of Labor) Cost Room Type ASF 530 Audio/Visual 413 22 11 1230 Nursing Carpet 12 1,446 120 Paint / Wallpaper 10 1,569 156.94 184 187 203 650 Lounge 730 Storage 110 Classroom 309 1,151 825 15 44 11 12 11 0099 General Assignment 1230 Nursing 0099 General Assignment Vinyl Vinyl Vinyl 15 15 15 834 3,108 2,228 56 Paint 207 Paint 149 Paint 10 10 10 247 921 660 24.72 92.08 66.00 204 210 Class Lab 888 24 11 1230 Nursing (wrong) Vinyl 15 2,398 160 Paint 10 710 71.04 205 210 Class Lab 895 24 11 1230 Nursing (wrong) Vinyl 15 2,417 161 Paint 10 716 71.60 206 207 110 Classroom 210 Class Lab 790 967 33 24 11 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 1901 Physical Sciences, General Vinyl 15 15 2,133 2,611 142 Paint 174 Paint 10 10 632 774 63.20 77.36 208 216 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 231 110 Classroom 730 Storage 680 Meeting 680 Meeting 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 215 Class Lab Service 830 154 217 209 103 102 102 102 102 102 102 112 2,994 33 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 0099 General Assignment 1901 Physical Sciences, General 0099 General Assignment 0099 General Assignment 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 15 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 2,241 416 760 732 361 357 357 357 357 357 357 392 8,084 149 28 63 61 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 33 539 Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 664 123 174 167 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 90 2,395 66.40 12.32 17.36 16.72 8.24 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.16 8.96 239.52 231A 215 Class Lab Service 83 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Vinyl 15 224 15 Paint 10 66 6.64 232 210 Class Lab 1,049 24 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Vinyl 15 2,832 189 Paint 10 839 83.92 233 110 Classroom 1,050 50 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 2,835 189 Paint 10 840 84.00 251 251A 210 Class Lab 730 Storage 1,615 120 30 12 12 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing Vinyl Vinyl 15 15 4,361 324 291 Paint 22 Paint 10 10 1,292 96 129.20 9.60 Vinyl Vinyl Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Vinyl C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm (exclusive of Labor) Wall Covering Life Cycle 183 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Floor Material Life Cycle 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Room Type ASF Dept. Stations Prog TOP/Service and Floor Material Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Wall Covering Life Cycle Replacement Annualized Cost (exclusive of Labor) Cost 252 210 Class Lab 1,872 30 12 1230 Nursing Vinyl 15 5,054 337 Paint 10 1,498 149.76 253 253A 210 Class Lab 730 Storage 1,662 120 30 12 12 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing Vinyl Vinyl 15 15 4,487 324 299 Paint 22 Paint 10 10 1,330 96 132.96 9.60 254 255 680 Meeting Room 110 Classroom 262 1,027 14 40 12 11 0099 General Assignment 0099 General Assignment Carpet Carpet 12 12 917 3,595 76 INT - Glass / Paint 300 Paint 10 10 996 822 99.56 82.16 256 110 Classroom 1,014 40 11 0099 General Assignment Carpet 12 3,549 296 Paint 10 811 81.12 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 276 276 279 279 280 280 280 283 301 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 650 Lounge 210 Class Lab 315 Office Service 650 Lounge 99 99 99 99 99 170 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 483 1,641 186 136 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 30 0 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 0099 General Assignment 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 0099 General Assignment Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Vinyl Vinyl Vinyl 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 347 347 347 347 347 595 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 1,691 4,431 502 367 29 29 29 29 29 50 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 141 295 33 24 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 79 79 79 79 79 136 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 386 1,313 149 109 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 13.60 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 7.92 38.64 131.28 14.88 10.88 905 0 12 1230 Nursing Vinyl 15 2,444 163 Paint 10 724 72.40 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 215 Class Lab Service 210 Class Lab 62 60 53 91 1,321 1 1 1 0 32 12 12 12 12 11 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 1230 Nursing 0401 Biology, General Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Polished Concrete 12 12 12 12 60 217 210 186 319 18,494 18 18 15 27 308 Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint 10 10 10 10 10 50 48 42 73 1,057 4.96 4.80 4.24 7.28 105.68 302 210 Class Lab 1,441 32 11 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 20,174 336 Paint 10 1,153 115.28 EXT - Glass / Wallpaper 730 Storage C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint / Glass Paint / Glass Paint Paint 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Replacement Cost Floor Material 11 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 20,230 337 Paint 10 1,156 115.60 32 11 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 20,356 339 Paint 10 1,163 116.32 1,433 32 11 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 20,062 334 Paint 10 1,146 114.64 210 Class Lab 1,452 32 11 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 20,328 339 Paint 10 1,162 116.16 307 210 Class Lab 1,327 32 11 Polished Concrete Polished Concrete 60 18,578 310 Paint 10 1,062 106.16 308 310 319 110 Classroom 110 Classroom 730 Storage 1,271 262 156 52 12 0 11 11 11 0099 General Assignment Polished Concrete 0099 General Assignment Polished Concrete 1901 Physical Sciences, General Concrete/Epoxy 60 60 60 17,794 3,668 2,184 297 Paint 61 Paint 36 Paint 10 10 10 1,017 210 125 101.68 20.96 12.48 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 335 336 337 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 215 Class Lab Service 109 100 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 112 100 100 1,617 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 0401 Biology, General 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 60 382 350 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 392 350 350 22,638 32 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 33 29 29 377 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 87 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 90 80 80 1,294 8.72 8.00 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.96 8.00 8.00 129.36 Room Type ASF 303 210 Class Lab 1,445 32 304 210 Class Lab 1,454 305 210 Class Lab 306 Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Polished Concrete C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Wall Covering Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Life Cycle Replacement Annualized Cost (exclusive of Labor) Cost Life Cycle Room # A-Z Dept. Stations Prog TOP/Service and 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Room Type 338 339 650 Lounge 210 Class Lab 340 ASF Dept. Stations Prog TOP/Service and Floor Material Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Wall Covering Life Cycle Replacement Annualized Cost (exclusive of Labor) Cost 246 1,336 12 32 11 11 0099 General Assignment 0401 Biology, General (Micro) Polished Concrete Polished Concrete 60 60 3,444 18,704 57 Paint 312 Paint 10 10 197 1,069 19.68 106.88 215 Class Lab Service 199 0 11 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 2,786 46 Paint 10 159 15.92 341 215 Class Lab Service 89 0 11 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 1,246 21 Paint 10 71 7.12 342 215 Class Lab Service 330 0 11 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 4,620 77 Paint 10 264 26.40 ` 343 210 Class Lab 1,345 32 11 0401 Biology, General (Micro) Polished Concrete 60 18,830 314 Paint 10 1,076 107.60 401 110 Classroom 1,975 116 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 5,333 356 Paint 10 1,580 158.00 402 110 Classroom 490 34 11 0099 General Assignment Polished Concrete 60 6,860 114 Paint 10 392 39.20 403 403A 404 215 Class Lab Service 215 Class Lab Service 210 Class Lab 217 140 1,359 0 0 32 11 11 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Polished Concrete 1901 Physical Sciences, General Polished Concrete 0401 Biology, General Polished Concrete 60 60 60 3,038 1,960 19,026 51 Paint 33 Paint 317 Paint 10 10 10 174 112 1,087 17.36 11.20 108.72 1,155 20 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General (Organic) Polished Concrete 60 16,170 270 Paint 10 924 92.40 405 210 Class Lab C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Room Type ASF Dept. Stations Prog TOP/Service and Floor Material Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Wall Covering Life Cycle Replacement Annualized Cost (exclusive of Labor) Cost 406 210 Class Lab 1,272 32 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Polished Concrete 60 17,808 297 Paint 10 1,018 101.76 407 210 Class Lab 1,272 32 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Polished Concrete 60 17,808 297 Paint 10 1,018 101.76 408 210 Class Lab 1,392 32 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Polished Concrete 60 19,488 325 Paint 10 1,114 111.36 409 210 Class Lab 1,310 32 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Polished Concrete 60 18,340 306 Paint 10 1,048 104.80 418 419 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 433 434 730 Storage 680 Meeting Room 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 310 Office 215 Class Lab Service 215 Class Lab Service 156 210 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 111 70 2,158 0 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General 0099 General Assignment 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 1901 Physical Sciences, General 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 60 421 735 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 389 245 30,212 28 61 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 32 20 504 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 125 168 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 89 56 1,726 12.48 16.80 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.88 5.60 172.64 Vinyl Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet Polished Concrete C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Dept. Stations Prog TOP/Service and Replacement Cost Annualized Cost Replacement Annualized Cost (exclusive of Labor) Cost Room Type ASF 435 215 Class Lab Service 294 0 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Polished Concrete 60 4,116 69 Paint 10 235 23.52 436 215 Class Lab Service 378 0 11 1901 Physical Sciences, General Polished Concrete 60 5,292 88 Paint 10 302 30.24 437 110 Classroom 1,179 72 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 3,183 212 Paint 10 943 94.32 438 110 Classroom 1,262 64 11 0099 General Assignment Vinyl 15 3,407 227 Paint 10 1,010 100.96 70,471.80 $ 7,047.18 (exclusive of Labor) Wall Covering Life Cycle Room # A-Z 510 Not found Floor Material Life Cycle Individual Reverse Osmosis Systems Totals C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm $ 558,385.10 $ 18,353.63 $ 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Ceiling Life Cycle 101 Tile 15 102 Tile 103 Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) $ Annualized Cost Plumbing Fixtures Type Life Replacement Annualized Card Cycle Cost Cost # Doors Reader Life Cycle Unit Cost 482 $ 32.13 0 NA 2 2 300.00 15 482 32.13 0 NA 2 2 300.00 Tile 15 454 30.23 0 NA 2 2 300.00 104 Tile 15 482 32.10 0 NA 2 2 300.00 105 Tile 15 454 30.23 0 NA 2 2 300.00 106 Tile 15 483 32.20 0 NA 2 2 300.00 107 Tile 15 483 32.20 0 NA 2 2 300.00 108 111 112 113 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 134 268 177 80 44 56 48 52 48 52 49 52 48 52 47 51 49 52 48 52 52 52 52 58 8.90 17.87 11.80 5.33 2.90 3.70 3.20 3.43 3.20 3.43 3.23 3.43 3.17 3.47 3.10 3.40 3.23 3.43 3.17 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.87 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 2 Faucets NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 150.00 450.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 6 $ 244.00 $ 40.67 Annual Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Ceiling Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Plumbing Fixtures Type 140 141 143 145 146 Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 15 15 48 32 100 20 639 3.17 2.10 6.67 1.33 42.57 0 0 NA NA 0 0 147 Tile 15 637 42.47 151 Tile 15 625 152 Tile 15 153 Tile 154 Life Replacement Annualized Card Cycle Cost Cost # Doors Reader Life Cycle Unit Cost NA NA 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 450.00 0 NA 3 3 450.00 41.63 0 NA 2 2 300.00 574 38.23 0 NA 2 2 300.00 15 593 39.53 0 NA 2 2 300.00 Tile 15 624 41.60 0 NA 2 2 300.00 155 Tile 15 535 35.63 0 NA 2 2 300.00 156 Tile 15 523 34.83 0 NA 2 2 300.00 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 176 178 179 180 181 Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Sheet Rock Tile Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 49 49 49 45 49 53 54 49 45 49 49 49 49 51 340 254 43 159 111 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.00 3.23 3.50 3.60 3.27 3.00 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.23 3.37 11.33 16.90 2.83 10.60 7.40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annual Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Ceiling Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Plumbing Fixtures Type Life Replacement Annualized Card Cycle Cost Cost # Doors Reader 183 Tile 15 207 13.77 184 187 203 Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 155 576 413 10.30 38.37 27.50 0 0 NA NA 204 Tile 15 444 29.60 2 faucets 6 $ 244.00 $ 205 Tile 15 448 29.83 2 faucets 6 $ 244.00 206 207 Tile Tile 15 15 395 484 26.33 32.23 0 2 NA faucets 6 $ 244.00 208 216 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 231 Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 415 77 109 105 52 51 51 51 51 51 51 56 1,497 27.67 5.13 7.23 6.97 3.43 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.73 99.80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA faucet 231A Tile 15 42 2.77 232 Tile 15 525 34.97 2 faucets 233 Tile 15 525 35.00 0 NA 251 251A Tile Tile 15 15 808 60 53.83 4.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 6 6 $ $ 122.00 244.00 Life Cycle Unit Cost 1 1 150.00 1 4 2 1 4 2 150.00 600.00 300.00 81.33 2 2 300.00 $ 81.33 2 2 300.00 $ 81.33 2 2 2 2 300.00 300.00 20.33 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 300.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 600.00 1 1 150.00 2 2 300.00 2 2 300.00 2 1 2 1 300.00 150.00 $ $ 81.33 Annual Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Ceiling Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Plumbing Fixtures 252 Tile 15 936 62.40 253 253A Tile Tile 15 15 831 60 55.40 4.00 0 254 255 Tile Tile 15 15 131 514 8.73 34.23 256 Tile 15 507 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 276 276 279 279 280 280 280 283 301 Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Tile 302 Type Life Replacement Annualized Card Cycle Cost Cost # Doors Reader Life Cycle Unit Cost 2 2 300.00 NA 2 1 2 1 300.00 150.00 0 0 NA NA 1 2 1 2 150.00 300.00 33.80 0 NA 2 2 300.00 50 50 50 50 50 85 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 242 821 93 68 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 5.67 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 16.10 54.70 6.20 4.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 15 453 30.17 0 NA 4 4 600.00 Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 15 15 31 30 27 46 661 2.07 2.00 1.77 3.03 44.03 0 0 0 NA NA NA 4 faucets 6 $ 488.00 $ 325.33 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 300.00 Tile 15 721 48.03 4 faucets 6 $ 488.00 $ 325.33 2 2 300.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annual Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Ceiling Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Plumbing Fixtures Type Life Replacement Annualized Card Cycle Cost Cost # Doors Reader Life Cycle Unit Cost 303 Tile 15 723 48.17 4 faucets 6 $ 488.00 $ 325.33 2 2 300.00 304 Tile 15 727 48.47 4 faucets 6 $ 488.00 $ 325.33 2 2 300.00 305 Tile 15 717 47.77 4 faucets 6 $ 488.00 $ 325.33 2 2 300.00 306 Tile 15 726 48.40 4 faucets 6 $ 488.00 $ 325.33 2 2 300.00 307 Tile 15 664 44.23 4 faucets 6 $ 488.00 $ 325.33 2 2 300.00 308 310 319 Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 636 131 78 42.37 8.73 5.20 0 0 0 NA NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 150.00 150.00 150.00 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 335 336 337 Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 55 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 56 50 50 809 3.63 3.33 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.73 3.33 3.33 53.90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA faucets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 300.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 6 $ 244.00 $ 81.33 Annual Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Ceiling Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Plumbing Fixtures Type Life Replacement Annualized Card Cycle Cost Cost # Doors Reader Life Cycle Unit Cost 338 339 Tile Tile 15 15 123 668 8.20 44.53 1 5 faucet faucets 6 6 122.00 610.00 20.33 508.33 1 2 1 2 150.00 300.00 340 Tile 15 100 6.63 1 faucet 6 122.00 20.33 1 1 150.00 341 Tile 15 45 2.97 0 NA 1 1 150.00 342 Tile 15 165 11.00 1 faucet 6 122.00 20.33 2 2 300.00 343 Tile 15 673 44.83 5 faucets 6 610.00 508.33 2 2 300.00 401 Tile 15 988 65.83 0 NA 3 3 450.00 402 Tile 15 245 16.33 0 NA 2 2 300.00 403 403A 404 Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 109 70 680 7.23 4.67 45.30 0 0 4 NA NA faucets 6 488.00 325.33 2 2 2 2 2 2 300.00 300.00 300.00 Tile 15 578 38.50 5 faucets 6 610.00 508.33 2 2 300.00 405 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annual Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Ceiling Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Plumbing Fixtures Type Life Replacement Annualized Card Cycle Cost Cost # Doors Reader Life Cycle Unit Cost 406 Tile 15 636 42.40 4 faucets 6 488.00 325.33 2 2 300.00 407 Tile 15 636 42.40 4 faucets 6 488.00 325.33 2 2 300.00 408 Tile 15 696 46.40 4 faucets 6 488.00 325.33 2 2 300.00 409 Tile 15 655 43.67 4 faucets 6 488.00 325.33 2 2 300.00 418 419 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 433 434 Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 78 105 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 56 35 1,079 5.20 7.00 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.70 2.33 71.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA faucets 81.33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 600.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 6 244.00 Annual Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Ceiling Life Cycle Replacement Cost (exclusive of Labor) Annualized Cost Plumbing Fixtures Type 435 Tile 15 147 9.80 0 NA 436 Tile 15 189 12.60 1 faucet 437 Tile 15 590 39.30 0 438 Tile 15 631 42.07 510 Not found Totals $ 42,363.00 $ 2,812.87 Life Replacement Annualized Card Cycle Cost Cost # Doors Reader Life Cycle Unit Cost 1 1 150.00 1 1 150.00 NA 3 3 450.00 0 NA 3 3 450.00 23 faucets 247 247 104 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 6 122.00 50 6 20.33 7,049.20 732.00 $ 17,785.20 Annual Cost 140.98 2,806.00 $ 9,006.32 36,900.00 - 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Equipment Number Model Life Unit Cost Cycle Annual Cost Replacement Cost Dept. or Facility 101 VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-17 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 102 VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-18 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 103 VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-19 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 104 VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-20 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 105 VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-21 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 106 VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-22 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 107 VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-23 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 108 111 112 113 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 VAV-S1-24 VAV-S1-11 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 VAV-S1-13 VAV-S1-6 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 1 VAV-S1-13 VAV-S1-5 VAV-S1-12 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-4 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 VAV-S1-10 VAV-S1-3 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-2 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-1 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Life Unit Cost Cycle Annual Cost Replacement Cost Dept. or Facility Number Model VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-9 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 VAV-S1-8 VAV-S1-16 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility 147 VAV Box 1 VAV-S1-15 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 151 VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-7 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 152 VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-6 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 153 VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-5 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 154 VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-4 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 155 VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-2 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 156 VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-1 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 176 178 179 180 181 VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-20 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-21 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-22 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 VAV-N1-23 VAV-N1-24 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-25 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-26 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 1 1 1 1 VAV-N1-27 VAV-N1-10 VAV-N1-14 VAV-N1-11 VAV-N1-13 VAV-N1-12 $ $ $ $ $ $ 25 25 25 25 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility Facility Facility Facility Facility 140 141 143 145 146 Equipment C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Equipment Number Model Life Unit Cost Cycle Annual Cost Replacement Cost Dept. or Facility 183 VAV Box 1 VAV-N1-17 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 184 187 203 VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 1 VAV-N1-18 VAV-N1-16 VAV-N1-15 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility Facility 204 Phoenix Valve Phoenix Valve Phoenix Valve Phoenix Valve VAV Box Phoenix Valve Phoenix Valve VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PX-LSV-2-1 PX-GEV-2-1 PX-LSV-2-2 PX-GEV-2-2 VAV-N1-18 PX-LSV-2-3 PX-GEV-2-3 VAV-S2-20 VAV-S2-2 VAV-S2-3 VAV-S2-4 $13.00 Facility $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility Facility Facility VAV Box 1 VAV Box 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 VAV-S2-5 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 1 VAV-S2-6 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-S2-9 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VAV-S2-10 PX-LSV-2-5 PX-LSV-2-6 PX-LSV-2-7 PX-GEV-2-5 PX-GEV-2-6 PX-GEV-2-7 PX-LSV-2-4 PX-GEV-2-4 PX- FEV-2-1 VAV-S2-13 $ 325.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 2,528.00 $ 325.00 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 $13.00 $78.24 $78.24 $78.24 $78.24 $78.24 $78.24 $78.24 $78.24 $101.12 $13.00 Facility 233 VAV Box Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix VAV Box 251 251A VAV Box 1 VAV-N2-6 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 205 206 207 208 216 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 231 231A 232 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm $ 325.00 $ $ $ $ F D Facility 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Equipment Number Model Life Unit Cost Cycle Annual Cost Replacement Cost Dept. or Facility 252 VAV Box 1 VAV-N2-5 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 253 253A VAV Box 1 VAV-N2-4 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 254 255 VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 VAV-N2-3 VAV-N2-2 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility 256 VAV Box 1 VAV-N2-1 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 276 276 279 279 280 280 280 283 301 VAV Box 1 VAV-N2-20 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-N2-21 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Facility VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 1 1 VAV-N2-22 VAV-N2-23 VAV-N2-24 VAV-N2-25 $ $ $ $ 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 25 25 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 Facility Facility VAV Box 1 VAV-N2-26 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box Copier - Maintenance VAV Box VAV Box Washer & Dryer VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box VAV Box Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VAV-N2-27 VAV-N2-8 VAV-N2-10 MX-B-402SC VAV-N2-9 VAV-N2-15 Cabrio Platinum VAV-N2-16 VAV-N2-17 VAV-N2-14 VAV-N2-13 VAV-N2-19 PX-LSV 3-1 PX-GEV-3-1 PX-LSV-3-2 PX-GEV-3-2 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 25 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $1,111.12 $13.00 $13.00 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 302 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z 303 304 305 306 307 308 310 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 335 336 337 Equipment Number Model Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Bio Safety Cabinet Incubator Centrifuge Phoenix Phoenix Environ Cabinet Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PX-LSV-3-3 PX-GEV-3-3 PX-LSV-3-4 PX-GEV-3-4 3441001 Avanti J-E PX-LSV-3-5 PX-GEV-3-5 Model A1000 PX-LSV-3-6 PX-GEN-3-6 PX-LSV-3-7 PX-GEN-3-7 VAV Box Copier - Maintenance VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 1 1 VAV Box Life Unit Cost Cycle Annual Cost $ 1,956.00 20 $ 1,956.00 20 $ 1,956.00 20 $ 1,956.00 20 Annual Test (All) $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 $1,145.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 20 20 $97.80 $97.80 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 20 20 20 20 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 VAV-S3-1 MX-B-402SC VAV-S3-19 VAV-S3-21 $ 325.00 25 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $1,111.12 $13.00 $13.00 1 VAV-S3-22 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box 1 VAV-S3-7 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box 1 VAV-S3-6 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box VAV Box 1 1 VAV-S3-5 VAV-S3-4 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 VAV Box Bio Safety Cabinet Fume Hood Flammable Cabinet Dishwasher Corrosives Cabinet Phoenix Phoenix 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 VAV-S3-14 346100 Safe Aire I $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Dept. or Facility F D D F PX-LSV-3-9, 3-10 $ 1,956.00 PX-GEV-3-9, 3-10 $ 1,956.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Replacement Cost F F D D D 20 20 $195.60 $195.60 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Equipment Number Model Life Unit Cost Cycle 3 PX-FEV-3-11, 3-12, 3-13$ 2,528.00 1 VAV-S3-13 $ 325.00 1 3441001 7 2 1 PX-LSV-3-11 $ 1,956.00 1 PX-GEV-3-11 $ 1,956.00 1 PX-EV-3-6 $ 2,528.00 2 250 20 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 2 1 20 20 20 20 401 Valves VAV Box Bio Safety Cabinet Incubator Chemical Refrigerator Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Autoclave - Maint Contract Water Treatment Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Bio Safety Cabinet Incubator Chemical Refrigerator Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Bio Safety Cabinet Incubator Chemical Refrigerator Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix VAV Box 402 VAV Box 338 339 340 341 342 343 403 403A 404 405 Annual Cost Dept. or Facility $379.20 $13.00 F D D 20 20 20 $97.80 $97.80 $126.40 $12,320.54 $966.00 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 PX-LSV-3-12 PX-GEV-3-12 PX-LSV-3-14 PX-GEV-3-14 3441001 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 PX-LSV-3-15 PX-GEV-3-15 PX-EV-3-3 3441001 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 2,528.00 PX-LSV-3-13 PX-GEV-3-13 PX-EV-3-1, 3-2 VAV-S4-14 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 2,528.00 $ 325.00 20 20 20 25 $97.80 $97.80 $252.80 $13.00 1 VAV-S4-15 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 Flammables Cabinet Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix 1 1 1 1 PX-LSV-4-1 PX-GEV-4-1 PX-FEV-4-30 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 2,528.00 20 20 20 $97.80 $97.80 $126.40 Double Fume Hood Single Fume Hood 11 4 Safe Aire I C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Replacement Cost D F D D 20 20 20 $97.80 $97.80 $126.40 F D D Annual Trst (All) $1,920.00 F F 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z 406 407 408 409 418 419 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 433 434 Equipment Number Model Life Unit Cost Cycle Annual Cost Replacement Cost PX-LSV-4-2, 4-3, 44,4-5 Phoenix 4 $ 1,956.00 20 $391.20 Phoenix PX-FEV-4-29, 4-28, 4-26, 4-25,15 4-24, 4-23, 4-21, 4-20,4-19, $ 2,528.00 4-18, 4-17, 4-16, 20 4-15, $1,896.00 4-14. 4-13 Fume Hood 4 Safe Aire I Flammables Cabinet 1 Phoenix 1 PX-LSV-4-6 $ 1,956.00 20 $97.80 Phoenix 2 PX-GEV-4-2, 4-3 $ 1,956.00 20 $195.60 Phoenix 4PX-FEV-4-11, 4-12, 4-22, 4-27 $ 2,528.00 20 $505.60 Fume Hood 4 Safe Aire I Flammables Cabinet 1 Phoenix 1 PX-LSV-4-7 $ 1,956.00 20 $97.80 Phoenix 1 PX-GEV-4-4 $ 1,956.00 20 $97.80 Phoenix 4 PX-FEV-4-5, 4-8, 4-9, 4-102,528.00 $ 20 $505.60 Flammables Cabinet Phoenix 1 PX-LSV-4-8 $ 1,956.00 20 $97.80 Phoenix 2 PX-GEV-4-5, 4-6 $ 1,956.00 20 $195.60 Phoenix 4 PX-FEV-4-5, 4-6, 4-3, 4-4 $ 2,528.00 20 $505.60 Flammables Cabinet Phoenix 1 PX-LSV-4-9 $ 1,956.00 20 $97.80 Phoenix 2 PX-GEV-4-7, 4-8 $ 1,956.00 20 $195.60 Phoenix 2 PX-FEV-4-1, 4-2 $ 2,528.00 20 $252.80 VAV Box 1 VAV-S4-13 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box 1 VAV-S4-12 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box 1 VAV-S4-10 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box 1 VAV-S4-9 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box 1 VAV-S4-7 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box 1 VAV-S4-5 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 VAV Box VAV Box Fume Hood Dishwasher Icemaker Explosion Proof Refrigerator Incubator Phoenix 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 VAV-S4-3 VAV-S4-11 Safe Aire I $ 325.00 $ 325.00 25 25 $13.00 $13.00 PX-LSV-4-10, 4-11 $ 1,956.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Dept. or Facility F D F D D D F D D 20 $195.60 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Rooms Room # A-Z Life Unit Cost Cycle Annual Cost Number Model 2 1 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 PX-GEV-4-9, 4-10 PX-FEV-4-31 SureGrip EX 170 L SureGrip EX 170 L PX-LSV-4-13 PX-GEV-4-11 PX-LSV-4-12 PX-GEV-4-12 VAV-S4-2 $ 1,956.00 $ 2,528.00 437 Phoenix Phoenix Acid Cabinets Flammables Cabinet Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix VAV Box $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 1,956.00 $ 325.00 20 20 20 20 25 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 $97.80 $13.00 438 VAV Box 1 VAV-S4-1 $ 325.00 25 $13.00 435 436 Equipment 20 20 Replacement Cost Dept. or Facility $195.60 $126.40 D 510 Not found Totals C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm $30,600.42 10/9/2015 MATH/SCIENCE AND NURSING - GSF SPACES GSF Janitorial Closets Room # 109A 160J 200J 279A 309 Electrical Main Electrical Emerg Data/Telecom Server Room Server Room Server Room Plumbing Mech Elevator Mech Floor Replacement Annualized Material Life Cycle Cost Cost Wall Replacement Covering Life Cycle Cost Annualized Cost Ceiling Life Cycle 30 Replacement Annualized Cost Cost Doors 50 45 47 49 91 vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl 15 15 15 15 15 135.00 121.50 126.90 132.30 245.70 9.00 8.10 8.46 8.82 16.38 Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint 10 10 10 10 10 $50.00 $45.00 $47.00 $49.00 $91.00 $5.00 $4.50 $4.70 $4.90 $9.10 T Bar none none T Bar none Room # 116 160A 213 316 353 415 506 507 162 83 89 88 182 88 176 297 vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl cement vinyl vinyl vinyl 15 15 15 15 60 15 15 15 437.40 224.10 240.30 237.60 2,548.00 237.60 475.20 801.90 29.16 14.94 16.02 15.84 42.47 15.84 31.68 53.46 Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 $162.00 $83.00 $89.00 $88.00 $182.00 $88.00 $176.00 $297.00 $16.20 $8.30 $8.90 $8.80 $18.20 $8.80 $17.60 $29.70 none none none none none none none none 1 1 1 1 Room # 117 214 317 354 416 58 58 58 168 58 vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl 15 15 15 15 15 156.60 156.60 156.60 453.60 156.60 10.44 10.44 10.44 30.24 10.44 Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint 10 10 10 10 10 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $168.00 $58.00 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $16.80 $5.80 none none none none none 2 1 1 1 1 Room # 115 182 215 278 318 417 211 140 148 140 148 146 vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl 15 15 15 15 15 15 569.70 378.00 399.60 378.00 399.60 394.20 37.98 25.20 26.64 25.20 26.64 26.28 Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint 10 10 10 10 10 10 $211.00 $140.00 $148.00 $140.00 $148.00 $146.00 $21.10 $14.00 $14.80 $14.00 $14.80 $14.60 none none none none none none 2 1 Room # 510 315A 121 78 concrete vinyl 60 15 1,694.00 210.60 28.23 14.04 Paint Paint 10 10 $121.00 $62.40 $12.10 $6.24 none hard 1 50.00 Card Reader Interval 1.67 1 1 30 49.00 1.63 1 1 2 1 2 1 Room # C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 MATH/SCIENCE AND NURSING - GSF SPACES Corridors GSF Floor Replacement Annualized Material Life Cycle Cost Cost 352 504 52.5 17 concrete concrete 60 60 735.00 238.00 12.25 3.97 Paint Paint 10 10 Room # Sci1A Sci1B Sci1C Sci elev1 Sci2A Sci2B Sci2C Sci elev2 Sci3A Sci3B Sci3C Sci elev3 Sci4A Sci4B Sci4C Sci elev4 Sci5 Nurs1A 1266 170 610 123 340 165 615 77 1020 615 170 78 1075 665 170 75 157 360 vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl tile 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 3,418.20 459.00 1,647.00 332.10 918.00 445.50 1,660.50 207.90 2,754.00 1,660.50 459.00 210.60 2,902.50 1,795.50 459.00 202.50 423.90 1,782.00 227.88 30.60 109.80 22.14 61.20 29.70 110.70 13.86 183.60 110.70 30.60 14.04 193.50 119.70 30.60 13.50 28.26 59.40 Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Nurs1B 915 tile 30 4,529.25 150.98 Nurs1C Nurs2A Nurs2B Nurs2C Nurs Roof 710 656 305 405 carpet tile tile tile carpet tile 12 30 30 12 2,485.00 3,247.20 1,509.75 1,417.50 207.08 108.24 50.33 118.13 Total Annualized Costs Wall Replacement Covering Life Cycle Cost Annualized Cost Ceiling $52.50 $17.00 $5.25 $1.70 none none 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 $1,266.00 $170.00 $610.00 $123.00 $340.00 $165.00 $615.00 $77.00 $1,020.00 $615.00 $170.00 $78.00 $1,075.00 $665.00 $170.00 $75.00 $157.00 $360.00 $126.60 $17.00 $61.00 $12.30 $34.00 $16.50 $61.50 $7.70 $102.00 $61.50 $17.00 $7.80 $107.50 $66.50 $17.00 $7.50 $15.70 $36.00 Paint 10 $915.00 $91.50 Paint Paint Paint Paint 10 10 10 10 $710.00 $656.00 $305.00 $405.00 $71.00 $65.60 $30.50 $40.50 2,593.13 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 1,377.49 Life Cycle Replacement Annualized Cost Cost Doors 1 Card Reader Interval 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 2 hard hard 3.30 22 0 10/9/2015 MATH/SCIENCE AND NURSING - GSF SPACES Unit Cost Annual Cost Sinks Life Cycle Unit Cost 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 116.90 116.90 116.90 116.90 116.90 116.90 Annual Cost Drink Fountain Equipment Number Manufacturer Model Yearly Cost Replacement Cost Dept. or Facility Janitorial Closets $19.48 $19.48 $19.48 $19.48 $19.48 $19.48 Electrical Main Electrical Emerg Data/Telecom Server Room Server Room Server Room Plumbing Mech Elevator Mech C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 MATH/SCIENCE AND NURSING - GSF SPACES Unit Cost Annual Cost Sinks Life Cycle Unit Cost Annual Cost Drink Fountain Equipment Number Manufacturer Model Yearly Cost Replacement Cost Dept. or Facility Corridors 2 4 Sci2B Sci2C Sci elev2 Sci3A Sci3B Sci3C Sci elev3 Sci4A Sci4B Sci4C Sci elev4 Sci5 Nurs1A Icemaker 1 Hoshizaki D Nurs1B Nurs1C Nurs2A Nurs2B Nurs2C Nurs Roof Total Annualized0Costs 6 0 $116.90 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm $0.00 10/9/2015 MATH/SCIENCE AND NURSING - RESTROOMS Room # 109 110 142 143 148 149 157 158 185 186 201 202 209 210 229 230 234 235 257 258 281 282 311 312 333 334 344 345 410 411 431 432 439 440 277A GSF 318 284 45 45 263 325 388 418 53 53 308 308 420 420 49 49 371 363 438 438 53 53 253 331 53 43 262 325 247 280 45 45 263 325 41 Toilets 5 3 1 1 3 3 6 10 1 1 2 7 9 5 1 1 3 8 6 10 1 1 3 7 1 1 3 6 3 5 1 1 3 6 128 Life Cycle 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Unit Cost $ 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 120.80 Total Annual Costs, Toilets, Urinals, and Sinks Annual Cost $ 151.00 90.60 30.20 30.20 90.60 90.60 181.20 302.00 30.20 30.20 60.40 211.40 271.80 151.00 30.20 30.20 90.60 241.60 181.20 302.00 30.20 30.20 90.60 211.40 30.20 30.20 90.60 181.20 90.60 151.00 30.20 30.20 90.60 181.20 $3,865.60 Urinals 0 3 0 0 3 3 7 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 7 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 49 Life Cycle 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Unit Cost $ 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 116.80 Annual Cost $0.00 87.60 0.00 0.00 87.60 87.60 204.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.60 0.00 0.00 146.00 0.00 0.00 116.80 0.00 204.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 116.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.60 0.00 116.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.60 0.00 $1,430.80 Sinks 4 4 1 1 4 4 6 6 1 1 3 3 5 5 1 1 4 6 6 6 1 1 3 6 1 1 4 4 3 5 1 1 4 4 111 Life Cycle 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Unit Cost $ 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 173.25 Annual Cost $ 173.25 173.25 43.31 43.31 173.25 173.25 259.88 259.88 43.31 43.31 129.94 129.94 216.56 216.56 43.31 43.31 173.25 259.88 259.88 259.88 43.31 43.31 129.94 259.88 43.31 43.31 173.25 173.25 129.94 216.56 43.31 43.31 173.25 173.25 $4,807.69 Wall and Floor Material Tile Tile Tile 4' Tile 4' Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 4' Tile 4' Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 4' Tile 4' Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 4' Tile 4' Tile Tile Tile 4' Tile 4' Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile 4' Tile 4' Tile Tile Tile 4' Height 10 10 4 4 10 10 10 10 4 4 10 10 10 10 4 4 10 10 10 10 4 4 10 10 4 4 10 10 10 10 4 4 10 10 4 Linear 73 70 108 108 67 73 87 89 29 29 72 72 88 88 28 28 82 83 97 97 29 29 65 87 29 21.5 68 73 74 79 27 27 67 73 26 $10,104.09 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 MATH/SCIENCE AND NURSING - RESTROOMS Room # 109 110 142 143 148 149 157 158 185 186 201 202 209 210 229 230 234 235 257 258 281 282 311 312 333 334 344 345 410 411 431 432 439 440 277A Square Foot 1048 984 477 477 933 1055 1258 1308 169 169 1028 1028 1300 1300 161 161 1191 1193 1408 1408 169 169 903 1201 169 129 942 1055 987 1070 153 153 933 1055 145 Unit Cost 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 Life Replacement Cycle Cost 30 $ 5,187.60 30 4,870.80 30 2,361.15 30 2,361.15 30 4,618.35 30 5,222.25 30 6,227.10 30 6,474.60 30 836.55 30 836.55 30 5,088.60 30 5,088.60 30 6,435.00 30 6,435.00 30 796.95 30 796.95 30 5,895.45 30 5,905.35 30 6,969.60 30 6,969.60 30 836.55 30 836.55 30 4,469.85 30 5,944.95 30 836.55 30 638.55 30 4,662.90 30 5,222.25 30 4,885.65 30 5,296.50 30 757.35 30 757.35 30 4,618.35 30 5,222.25 30 717.75 Total Annual Costs, Toilets, Urinals, and Sinks Annualized Cost $ 172.92 162.36 78.71 78.71 153.95 174.08 207.57 215.82 27.89 27.89 169.62 169.62 214.50 214.50 26.57 26.57 196.52 196.85 232.32 232.32 27.89 27.89 149.00 198.17 27.89 21.29 155.43 174.08 162.86 176.55 25.25 25.25 153.95 174.08 23.93 Ceiling Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Drywall / Paint Unit Replacement Cost Life Cycle Cost 0.80 10 $ 254.40 0.80 10 227.20 0.80 10 36.00 0.80 10 36.00 0.80 10 210.40 0.80 10 260.00 0.80 10 310.40 0.80 10 334.40 0.80 10 42.40 0.80 10 42.40 0.80 10 246.40 0.80 10 246.40 0.80 10 336.00 0.80 10 336.00 0.80 10 39.20 0.80 10 39.20 0.80 10 296.80 0.80 10 290.40 0.80 10 350.40 0.80 10 350.40 0.80 10 42.40 0.80 10 42.40 0.80 10 202.40 0.80 10 264.80 0.80 10 42.40 0.80 10 34.40 0.80 10 209.60 0.80 10 260.00 0.80 10 197.60 0.80 10 224.00 0.80 10 36.00 0.80 10 36.00 0.80 10 210.40 0.80 10 260.00 0.80 10 32.80 $ 4,502.69 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost $ 25.44 22.72 3.60 3.60 21.04 26.00 31.04 33.44 4.24 4.24 24.64 24.64 33.60 33.60 3.92 3.92 29.68 29.04 35.04 35.04 4.24 4.24 20.24 26.48 4.24 3.44 20.96 26.00 19.76 22.40 3.60 3.60 21.04 26.00 3.28 $ 638.00 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Equipment HVAC System Manufacturer Model Number CVHE0450 CVHE0450 15350 15350 Size 300ton 300ton 960 GPM 960 GPM Location Chiller #1 Chiller #2 Cooling Tower #1 Cooling Tower #2 Water Treatment Unit for Cooling Towers Trane Trane BAC BAC Chiller Yard Chiller Yard Chiller Yard Chiller Yard Boiler #1 Parker TI 995-LR 1695MBH Mechanical Yard Boiler #2 Parker TI 995-LR 1695MBH Air Handler #1 Temtrol Single Tunnel Air Handler #2 Temtrol Air Handler #3 AH Chilled Water Coil #1 AH Chilled Water Coil #2 AH Chilled Water Coil #3 Fan Coil Unit Pump #1 Pump #2 Pump #3 Pump #4 Pump #5 Pump #6 Pump #7 Pump #8 Pump #9 Pump #10 Warranty 5 YR 5 YR Dolphin Maintenance Cycle Annually Annually Annually Annually Annual Maintenance Cost $ 5,976 397 397 Annually 4,500 none Annually 3,316 Mechanical Yard none Annually 3,316 9000cfm Nursing none Monthly 4,359 Dual Tunnel 25,500cfm MTSC none Monthly 4,802 Temtrol Temtrol Temtrol Temtrol Carrier Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Dual Tunnel Single Tunnel Dual Tunnel Dual Tunnel 42BH-20 E6V9-CC E6V9-CC V2C7A-CC V2C7A-CC E4F13A-CC E4F13A-CC V5C7A-CC V5C7A-CC E2.5F9A E2.5F9A 25,500cfm 47,000cfm 60,385cfm 60,385cfm 50MBH 960GPM 960GPM 85GPM 85GPM 675GPM 675GPM 360GPM 360GPM 225GPM 225GPM MTSC Nursing MTSC MTSC none none none none Monthly 4,802 Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard none none none none none none none none none none Twice Annually Twice Annually Twice Annually Twice Annually Twice Annually Twice Annually Twice Annually Twice Annually Twice Annually Twice Annually 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Variable Speed Drive #1 ACH 550 25HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #2 ACH 550 25HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Equipment Manufacturer Model Number Size Location Annual Maintenance Cost Warranty Maintenance Cycle none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #3 ACH 550 20HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard Variable Speed Drive #4 ACH 550 20HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #5 ACH 550 1.5HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 1.5HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 30HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 30HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #6 Variable Speed Drive #7 Variable Speed Drive #8 ACH ACH ACH 550 550 550 Variable Speed Drive #9 ACH 550 7.5HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard Variable Speed Drive #10 ACH 550 7.5HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 10HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #11 ACH 550 Variable Speed Drive #12 ACH 550 10HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard Variable Speed Drive #13 ACH 550 75HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #14 ACH 550 40HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 100HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #15 ACH 550 Variable Speed Drive #16 ACH 550 100HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard Variable Speed Drive #17 ACH 550 20HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 20HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #18 ACH 550 Variable Speed Drive #19 ACH 550 50HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard Variable Speed Drive #20 ACH 550 50HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 50HP Nursing / MTSC and Mechanical Yard none Annually 30 Variable Speed Drive #21 ACH 550 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Annual Maintenance Cost - Warranty none Maintenance Cycle Monthly Nursing none Twice Annually 50 30,000CFM Scince Flr 1&2 none Twice Annually 853 AXIJET-FSW-4450 30,000CFM Scince Flr 3 none Twice Annually 853 MK Plastics AXIJET-FSW-4450 30,000CFM Scince Flr 4 none Twice Annually 853 Greenheck Patterson Patterson Spirotherm Spirotherm Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier BSQ-160-10 NLA 400 NLA 300 VHT-500 VHT-400 38HDF-024 38HDF-024 38MVC-012 38MVC-012 38HDF-036 38HDF-036 38HDF-036 38HDF-036 38HDF-036 38HDF-018 38HDF-018 3500CFM 106 Gal 79 Gal 720GPM 168GPM 22,000BTUH 22,000BTUH 11,400BTUH 11,400BTUH 34,200BTUH 34,200BTUH 34,200BTUH 34,200BTUH 34,200BTUH 16,600BTUH 16,600BTUH 22,000BTUH 22,000BTUH 34,200BTUH 11,400BTUH 24,000BTUH 24,000BTUH 11,400BTUH 11,400BTUH 33,600BTUH 33,600BTUH 33,600BTUH 33,600BTUH Chiller Room Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing MTSC MTSC MTSC none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Twice Annually none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none - Equipment Solids Separator Manufacturer Model Number Puroflux PF64-040 Size 280GPM Location Cooling Tower 1&2 Exhaust Fan #1 Greenheck 16-BISW-21 3380CFM Exhaust Fan #2 MK Plastics AXIJET-FSW-4450 Exhaust Fan #3 MK Plastics Exhaust Fan #4 Exhaust Fan #5 Expansion Tank#1 Expansion Tank#2 Separator #1 Separator #2 Condensing Unit #N1-1 Condensing Unit #N2-1 Condensing Unit #N3-1 Condensing Unit #N3-2 Condensing Unit #N3-3 Condensing Unit #S1-1 Condensing Unit #S1-2 Condensing Unit #S1-3 Condensing Unit #S1-4 Condensing Unit #S2-1 Condensing Unit #S2-2 Condensing Unit #S5-1 Condensing Unit #S5-2 Condensing Unit #S5-3 Condensing Unit #S5-4 Fan Coil Unit #N1-1 Fan Coil Unit #N2-1 Fan Coil Unit #N3-1 Fan Coil Unit #N3-2 Fan Coil Unit #N3-3 Fan Coil Unit #S1-1 Fan Coil Unit #S1-2 Fan Coil Unit #S1-3 38HDF-024 38HDF-036 38HDF-036 38MVC-012 40QNC-024 40QNC-024 40MVC-012 40MVC-012 40QNC-036 40QNC-036 40QNC-036 40QNC-036 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 55 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Annual Maintenance Cost - Location MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC MTSC Warranty none none none none none none none Maintenance Cycle none none none none none none none Nurs #1 Sci #1 Sci #2 (inside) Sci #3 Sci #4 none none none none none Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 9,047 LPS-10T-SD200 150SCFM PL-50 5GPM PL-36B 13GPM JDL-3E-411-79-VS-RT137GPM 4-383-78 500GPM Sci Room 510 MTSC Roof MTSC Roof Nursing Mechanical Yard none none none none none Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually - Dekker A O Smith A O Smith A O Smith Safe-T-Quake American Meter Wilklins VMX153MA3-40-ES BTX-80 BTX-80 BTH-300 315-HPF 1813C 975MSOSY 150ACFM 50Gal 50Gal 130Gal MTSC Roof MTSC Roof Nursing Roof MTSC Roof Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard Mechanical Yard none none none none none none none Annually none none none none none none - Acid Neutralizer Orion Style 7 500Gal MTSC none Annually Acid Sampling Tank IHW Storage Tank CO2 Gas System Compressed Air Filter/Regulator Mixing Valve Generator Orion A O Smith AMICO Watts Fluidair Leonard Onan 5Gal 80Gal MTSC MTSC Roof none none Annually none - none none none Annually none Annually 772 EMS Lighting Controls Automated Logic Crestron MTSC Roof MTSC Roof MTSC / Nursing Virtual Machine -Software MTSC / Nursing none none Annually Annually 5,000 5,400 Equipment Fan Coil Unit #S1-4 Fan Coil Unit #S2-1 Fan Coil Unit #S2-2 Fan Coil Unit #S5-1 Fan Coil Unit #S5-2 Fan Coil Unit #S5-3 Fan Coil Unit #S5-4 Manufacturer Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Elevator #1 Elevator #2 Elevator #3 Elevator #4 Elevator #5 Otis Otis Otis Otis Otis Air Compressor #1 Pump Domestic HW Pump Industrial HW Booster Pump Domestic HW Fire Water Booster Pump Beacon Medaes Bell & Gossett Bell & Gossett JDL Systems Aurora Vacuum Pump Gas Water Heater #1 Gas Water Heater #2 Gas Water Heater #3 Gas Seismic Shut-Off Gas Regulator IW Backflow Preventor Model Number 40QNC-036 40QNC-018 40QNC-018 40QNC-024 40QNC-024 40QNC-036 40MVC-012 Size 33,600BTUH 12,000BTUH 12,000BTUH 24,000BTUH 24,000BTUH 33,600BTUH 11,400BTUH CST5-80T Alert-2 B105-06 BJAG TM-186-12520-PRV 1.0-165GPM C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 60 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Equipment Manufacturer Total Annualized Maintenance Costs Model Number Size Location Warranty Maintenance Cycle Annual Maintenance Cost $ 55,638 Fire / Safety Fire Extinguishers MTSC none 41 units Fire Extinguishers Nursing none 12 Units Fire System Mechanical Cal State MTSC / Nursing none Annually 12,760 Fire System Alarm Total Fire System Costs Notifier MTSC / Nursing none Annually 11,000 Hazardous Waste Permit Hazardous Waste Removal Total Hazardous Waste Costs C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm $ 23,760 $ 87 20,000 20,087 Annually 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Equipment HVAC System Maintenance Covered Water Treatment Maintenance Agreement Chiller #1 Chiller #2 Cooling Tower #1 Cooling Tower #2 Water Treatment Unit for Cooling Dolphin Unit - water Towers treatment Replaceable Parts Replacement Annualized Expected Cost (exclusive Capital Life of labor costs) Replacement R 123 refrigerant 600 lbs R 123 refrigerant 600 lbs V-Belt: B136 6RIB Banded V-Belt: B136 6RIB Banded 25 25 25 25 $ 213,650 213,650 116,750 116,750 $ 8,546 8,546 4,670 4,670 not owned by RCC 0 - 2,166 Max Energy Use 155.4kW 155.4kW 18.6kW 18.6kW 1,995,000B TU/H 1,995,000B TU/H 2,166 Boiler #1 no agreement repaird as needed 25 54,150 Boiler #2 no agreement repaird as needed 25 54,150 filers 20 185,000 9,250 29.8kW filers 20 198,300 9,915 14.9kW filers none none none 198,300 - 9,915 - 14.9kW twice annually twice annually twice annually twice annually twice annually twice annually twice annually twice annually twice annually twice annually 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 annually 12 4,800 400 18.6kW annually 12 4,800 400 18.6kW Air Handler #1 Air Handler #2 Air Handler #3 AH Chilled Water Coil #1 AH Chilled Water Coil #2 AH Chilled Water Coil #3 Fan Coil Unit Pump #1 Pump #2 Pump #3 Pump #4 Pump #5 Pump #6 Pump #7 Pump #8 Pump #9 Pump #10 Variable Speed Drive #1 Variable Speed Drive #2 no agreement - filters only no agreement - filters only no agreement - filters only no agreement no agreement no agreement lubrication of pump lubrication of pump lubrication of pump lubrication of pump lubrication of pump lubrication of pump lubrication of pump lubrication of pump lubrication of pump lubrication of pump cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 14.9kW 14.9kW 1.1kW 1.1kW 22.4kW 22.4kW 5.6kW 5.6kW 7.4kW 7.4kW 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Equipment Variable Speed Drive #3 Variable Speed Drive #4 Variable Speed Drive #5 Variable Speed Drive #6 Variable Speed Drive #7 Variable Speed Drive #8 Variable Speed Drive #9 Variable Speed Drive #10 Variable Speed Drive #11 Variable Speed Drive #12 Variable Speed Drive #13 Variable Speed Drive #14 Variable Speed Drive #15 Variable Speed Drive #16 Variable Speed Drive #17 Variable Speed Drive #18 Variable Speed Drive #19 Variable Speed Drive #20 Variable Speed Drive #21 Maintenance Covered cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air cleaning with compressed air Replaceable Parts Replacement Annualized Expected Cost (exclusive Capital Life of labor costs) Replacement Max Energy Use annually 12 3,800 317 14.9kW annually 12 3,800 317 14.9kW annually 12 1,000 83 1.1kW annually 12 1,000 83 1.1kW annually 12 5,500 458 22.4kW annually 12 5,500 458 22.4kW annually 12 2,500 208 5.6kW annually 12 2,500 208 5.6kW annually 12 2,900 242 7.4kW annually 12 2,900 242 7.4kW annually 12 10,950 913 55.9kW annually 12 6,700 558 29.8kW annually 12 13,250 1,104 74.6kW annually 12 13,250 1,104 74.6kW annually 12 3,800 317 14.9kW annually 12 3,800 317 14.9kW annually 12 8,300 692 37.3kW annually 12 8,300 692 37.3kW annually 12 8,300 692 37.3kW C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Equipment Solids Separator Exhaust Fan #1 Exhaust Fan #2 Exhaust Fan #3 Exhaust Fan #4 Exhaust Fan #5 Expansion Tank#1 Expansion Tank#2 Separator #1 Separator #2 Condensing Unit #N1-1 Condensing Unit #N2-1 Condensing Unit #N3-1 Condensing Unit #N3-2 Condensing Unit #N3-3 Condensing Unit #S1-1 Condensing Unit #S1-2 Condensing Unit #S1-3 Condensing Unit #S1-4 Condensing Unit #S2-1 Condensing Unit #S2-2 Condensing Unit #S5-1 Condensing Unit #S5-2 Condensing Unit #S5-3 Condensing Unit #S5-4 Fan Coil Unit #N1-1 Fan Coil Unit #N2-1 Fan Coil Unit #N3-1 Fan Coil Unit #N3-2 Fan Coil Unit #N3-3 Fan Coil Unit #S1-1 Fan Coil Unit #S1-2 Fan Coil Unit #S1-3 Maintenance Covered labor only - cleaning lubrication and belt replacement lubrication and belt replacement lubrication and belt replacement lubrication and belt replacement lubrication and belt replacement no maintenance no maintenance labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning Replaceable Parts monthly simi-annually simi-annually none none none none Replacement Annualized Expected Cost (exclusive Capital Life of labor costs) Replacement 25 11,405 456 Max Energy Use 20 300 15 1.5kW 20 2,800 140 37.3kW 20 2,800 140 37.3kW 20 2,800 140 37.3kW 20 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 300 15 .75kW C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm - 3.5kW 3.5kW 3.1kW 3.1kW 4.9kW 4.9kW 4.9kW 4.9kW 4.9kW 4.9kW 2.5kW 2.5kW 3.5kW 3.5kW 4.9kW 3.1kW 64W 64W 23W 23W 74W 74W 74W 74W 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Equipment Fan Coil Unit #S1-4 Fan Coil Unit #S2-1 Fan Coil Unit #S2-2 Fan Coil Unit #S5-1 Fan Coil Unit #S5-2 Fan Coil Unit #S5-3 Fan Coil Unit #S5-4 Maintenance Covered labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning labor only - cleaning Elevator #1 Elevator #2 Elevator #3 Elevator #4 Elevator #5 All elevators All elevators All elevators All elevators All elevators 25 25 25 25 25 Air Compressor #1 Pump Domestic HW Pump Industrial HW Booster Pump Domestic HW Fire Water Booster Pump labor only - cleaning labor only - lubrication labor only - lubrication labor only - lubrication labor only - lubrication labor only - cleaning and lubrication 20 10 10 20 20 Vacuum Pump Gas Water Heater #1 Gas Water Heater #2 Gas Water Heater #3 Gas Seismic Shut-Off Gas Regulator IW Backflow Preventor Acid Neutralizer Mandated Cost hazmat - pumped annually hazmat - pumped annually Replaceable Parts Replacement Annualized Expected Cost (exclusive Capital Life of labor costs) Replacement 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 - Acid Sampling Tank IHW Storage Tank CO2 Gas System Compressed Air Filter/Regulator filter clean Mixing Valve Maintenance Agreement Generator No agreement est. annual maintenance EMS software upgrade Maintenance Agreement Lighting Controls 20 12 12 12 20 20 20 89,598 72,450 134,685 93,196 93,196 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 3,500 3,584 2,898 5,387 3,728 3,728 100 100 208 208 292 - 20 5,000 250 20 20 20 20 20 30 500 800 25 40 2 10 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Max Energy Use 74W 64W 64W 64W 64W 74W 23W 1,000 545,000 50 18,167 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Fixtures and Fixed Equipment Equipment Maintenance Covered Total Annualized Maintenance Costs Replaceable Parts Replacement Annualized Expected Cost (exclusive Capital Life of labor costs) Replacement Max Energy Use Fire / Safety Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers Fire System Mechanical included in Fire System Testing - Mandated included in Fire System Testing - Mandated Fire System Testing Mandated Cost Fire System Alarm Total Fire System Costs Fire System Maintenance Hazardous Waste Permit Hazardous Waste Removal Total Hazardous Waste Costs Annual Permit Annual Removal Costs 10 5,781 578.10 10 1,692 169.20 20 - $ 2,542,153 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm $ 110,067 10/9/2015 Grounds Inventory - Math/Science and Nursing Life Cycle in years Unit Cost Vehicles Mowers Blowers Edgers Weed Eaters Trimmer 10 5 5 5 5 5 $20,000.00 750.00 350.00 550.00 350.00 350.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 2,000.00 150.00 70.00 110.00 70.00 70.00 Sprinkler Drip System Filters Valves Irrigation Clock Sand Grouted Pavers Planter Mulch/Bark per Yard 6 5 10 10 5 3 $8.90 50.00 125.00 350.00 50.00 60.00 275 48 36 2 1,000 20 $ 407.92 480.00 450.00 70.00 10,000.00 400.00 1 $23 /case $15 / pair 15.00 Item Total Units Annual Cost Capitol Cost $ 20,000.00 750.00 350.00 550.00 350.00 350.00 $2,447.50 2,400.00 4,500.00 700.00 50,000.00 1,200.00 Annual Consumable Supplies Trash Bags Gloves Plants and Ground Cover 10 cases 4 pair 30 Total 230.00 60.00 450.00 $ 12,547.92 $61,247.50 posted to general tab posted to operations tab Grounds Staff Assigned to the Nursing and Science Buildings Mateo, Mariano 5:30 am - 2:00 pm Monday thru Friday Need - Weekend Person for additional work - 16.0 hours Sat / Sunday C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing 10/9/2015 Science Buildings (2).xlsm Lighting Inventory - Math/Science and Nursing Life Unit Total Number Item Cycle Cost of Units Annual Costs 3 Lamp Del: Ballast T-8 32 Watts 5 $120.00 875 2 Lamp Del: Ballast T-8 32 watts 5 $114.00 270 6,156.00 1 Lamp Del: Ballast T-8 32 watts 5 $114.00 1,058 24,122.40 2 Lamp Tandem Del: Ballast F 40 5 $98.00 302 5,919.20 1 Lamp Metal Halide: 70w Ballast T-6 5 $99.00 30 594.00 1 Lamp Metal Halide: 150 W Ballast 5 $99.00 42 831.60 1 Lamp Metel Halide: 20w ballast T-4 5 $99.00 9 178.20 1 Lamp Del: Ballast T-5 28 watt 5 $120.00 171 4,104.00 1Led Exit Sign 10 $125.00 184 2,300.00 1 Lamp Metel Halde 35 w Ballast 5 $99.00 7 138.60 1 Lamp CFL Del: Ballast 18 Watts 5 $98.00 25 490.00 2 Lamp CFL Del: Ballast 26 Watts 5 $98.00 112 2,195.20 1 Lamp CFL Del: Ballast 26 watts 5 $98.00 10 196.00 2 Lamp CFL Del: Ballast 26 Watts 5 $98.00 123 2,410.80 1 Lamp CFL Del: Ballast 32 Watts 5 $98.00 78 1,528.80 1 Lamp CFL Electronic: Ballast 42 Watts 5 $28.00 25 140.00 2 Lamp CFL Del: Ballast 42 Watts 5 $98.00 91 1,783.60 T-8 4100k Lamp 3 $1.50 4,220 2,110.00 CF 40 4100k Lamp 2 $6.00 604 1,812.00 T-6 70 Metel Halide 1.5 $36.00 30 720.00 150 W Ceramic: Metal Halide 1.5 $36.00 42 1,008.00 T-4 20 1.5 $36.00 9 216.00 3 $5.00 171 285.00 35 Watt Ceramic: Metel Halide 1.5 $32.00 7 149.33 CFL 18 compact bulb 1.5 $4.50 249 747.00 CFL 26 compact bulb 1.5 $4.50 246 738.00 CFL 32 compact bulb 1.5 $5.00 78 260.00 CFL 42 compact bulb 1.5 $6.00 182 728.00 T-5 2800 TOTAL $ $ 21,000.00 82,861.73 posted to general tab - maintenance posted to operations tab - maintenance supplies C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings 10/9/2015 (2).xlsm Custodial Inventory - Math/Science and Nursing Equipment Vacuums Buffer / Scrubber Carpet Extractors Automatic Scrubber Life Cycle 4 5 5 5 Cost $ 600.00 2,600.00 7,750.00 5,986.00 Total Units 5 1 1 1 Annual Costs $ $ Annual Consumable Supplies Toilet Seat Covers MTSC (cases) Toilet Paper MTSC (cases) Paper Towels (cases) Mop Handle Mop Head Brooms Dust Mop Trash Liners (cases) Dial Foam Soap (cases) Cleaning Chemicals Cost $ Annually weekly weekly 30.00 34.00 32.00 8.00 6.00 10.00 1.75 26.50 41.68 86.55 Total Units 208 468 364 6 each 6 each 6 each 6 each 416 260 68 TOTAL 750.00 520.00 1,550.00 1,197.20 4,017.20 Capitol Cost $ 3,000.00 2,600.00 7,750.00 5,986.00 Annual Costs $ 6,240.00 15,912.00 11,648.00 48.00 1,750.32 60.00 546.00 11,024.00 10,836.80 5,885.40 $ 63,950.52 posted to generat tab and then to operations tab Custodians Assigned to Nursing / MTSC Buildings Tinoco Garibay, Angel Nursing 10 pm to 6 am Chairez, Dorinda MTSC 10 pm to 6 am Rodriguez, Dorinda MTSC 10 pm to 6 am McKennan, Jeffrey MTSC 10 pm to 6 am Peralta, Carlos MTSC 10 pm to 6 am TCP 66,854 70,298 77,221 65,138 61,650 341,161 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Math/Science and Nursing - Annual Building Utilities Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Month July August September October November December January February March April May June Total 2012-13 2013-2014 Total 2013-14 July August September October November December January February March April May June Electrical Use Electrical Cost Natural Gas Use Natural Gas Cost Water Use Water Cost Cost Per Month 272648 251912 327840 230984 249556 228016 162292 205696 175388 250460 201092 257032 $30,704.11 $28,080.39 $35,524.69 $28,839.98 $27,456.14 $24,359.31 $18,576.13 $22,734.25 $20,932.40 $27,917.86 $23,078.55 $29,029.03 1585 1552 1299 1219 1643 2883 3475 3537 3540 3422 1587 1536 $1,155.44 $1,142.07 $979.52 $876.41 $1,190.73 $2,180.28 $2,721.52 $2,539.25 $3,592.65 $2,459.19 $1,286.56 $1,289.02 681 830 1046 724 593 370 123 362 350 342 345 471 $1,481.40 $1,763.61 $2,173.65 $1,568.91 $1,325.64 $801.43 $450.69 $648.07 $773.03 $761.67 $765.93 $944.85 $33,340.95 $30,986.07 $38,677.86 $31,285.30 $29,972.51 $27,341.02 $21,748.34 $25,921.57 $25,298.08 $31,138.72 $25,131.04 $31,262.90 2812916 $317,232.84 27278 $21,412.64 6237 $13,458.88 $352,104.36 332116 271916 287844 212264 208456 224104 188404 201964 195596 190880 222928 244644 $36,909.15 $29,785.76 $22,551.12 $24,824.66 $23,010.46 $24,382.84 $20,966.35 $22,149.89 $21,763.48 $21,658.32 $24,617.40 $26,764.18 1540 1590 1534 1483 2090 2548 2466 2247 2240 2240 3891 1940 $1,357.19 $1,348.35 $1,281.90 $1,178.08 $1,608.90 $2,050.71 $2,017.58 $2,027.16 $2,144.21 $2,144.21 $7,584.50 $1,847.79 309 1256 847 559 398 243 15 267 317 392 511 633 $822.96 $2,559.39 $1,793.34 $1,265.46 $980.49 $621.09 $297.33 $655.17 $726.17 $932.67 $1,001.65 $1,174.89 $39,089.30 $33,693.50 $25,626.36 $27,268.20 $25,599.85 $27,054.64 $23,281.26 $24,832.22 $24,633.86 $24,735.20 $33,203.55 $29,786.86 2781116 $299,383.61 25809 $26,590.58 5747 $12,830.61 $338,804.80 Average Cost Per Month $29,342.03 $28,233.73 posted to operations tab C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Utilities Analysis FY 2013-14 - All Funding Sources Object 5510 Entity District RCC NC MVC GSF* Gas ASF* 77,487 50,839 $ Vendor 8,829 Gas Company 1,266,352 238,177 234,133 547,599 161,162 151,756 $ $ $ 159,204 Gas Company 27,585 Gas Company 20,588 Gas Company Object 5520 Electricity Per GSF 0.11 Per ASF 0.17 $ 160,283 0.13 0.12 0.09 0.11 0.29 0.17 0.14 $ $ $ 1,719,531 729,173 581,514 Average Object 5530 Water District $ Vendor 8,305 City of Corona, $ $ $ 237,920 City of Riverside 114,186 City of Norco 63,934 EMWD Average Per GSF 0.11 Per ASF 0.16 Waste $ 0.19 0.48 0.43 0.71 $ 0.27 0.26 0.42 $ $ Vendor 3,977 Magnon Prop Mgmt, Trico, Waste Management Agua Mans, Trico 37,066 Disposal Inc. 29,479 Athens Svcs, Trico Waste 47,382 Management, Trico Average Building Name MATH/SCIENCE & NURSING GSF 131,450 Total GSF=Outside Gross Square Footage ASF=Assignable Square Footage Per GSF 2.07 Per ASF 3.15 1.36 3.06 2.48 2.24 3.14 4.52 3.83 Per GSF 0.05 Per ASF 0.08 0.03 0.12 0.07 0.18 0.20 0.10 0.31 Object 5570 Magnon Prop Mgmt, RCC NC MVC Vendor SCE, Magnon Prop Mgmt, City of Riverside, City of Riverside SCE SCE Average RCC Waste Costs 13,366 13,366 posted to operations tab Utility amounts paid in all resources per Galaxy as of 6/30/14 - View Financial Summary *Per Fusion - Space Inventory FY 2015-16 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Mitsubishi Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Mitsubishi Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 XD600U 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 70-101-13 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RC-3 ? U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 XD600U 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 70-101-13 60-569-01 NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 00-0a-40-01-6e-59 46141 0005A606CE7D 46139 00-26-92-70-00-ef 46000 46135 10-65-a3-00-12-97 433-5072-004 8001787752 1093302961 A0FQLUW A0F9CD7 A0F9CHF 4013299 A0F9CHC A0F9CEN A0CG3SW A0J4JHD A0FPF6K A0FVAK7 A0FYUDY A0FE521 A0DXLML A0EXDDH A0CBDG3 A0FKEEH A0HLR60 46133 W643135AOA21KO168 46053 860112900779 46226 1KL1487960 46143 46137 00-0a-40-01-7d-9e 46142 0005A606D3E1 46140 00-26-92-70-1f-51 46001 46136 1014613 433-5072-009 15000465146 1093302970 A0FQLYP A0F9CFM A0F9CFF 4013277 A0F9CD5 A0F9CD8 A0CUE0T A0HXX1X A0DX82C A0FVAJH A0FYUFY A0FE515 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 117 721 122 1,133 150 927 158 979 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 9 6 6 2018 2021 2018 2018 700 1,100 900 950 5 2017 1,500 300 1,545 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 6 2018 2018 50 1,350 8 225 52 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 75 8 13 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 5 2017 1,500 300 1,545 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 6 2018 2018 50 1,350 8 225 52 1,391 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RC-3 XD600U ? U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # A0DXDYL A0EXD48 A0CBDGE A0FKEDN AOHLR4T 10-65-a3-00-12-98 46134 W643135OAO21KO157 46054 860112900780 46227 1KL1487974 46144 46138 46148 1014733 433-5072-007 15000465152 1093302976 A0FQLR3 A0F9CDH A0F9CEP A0F9CDW A0F9CFA A0CG3PT A0J4JHR A0DX847 A0FVAJ2 A0FE4YJ A0E3WLV A0EXD1J A0F7CCK A0CDP71 A0FKEEC A0HIR68 A0FHTHV W643135AOA21KO177 00-26-92-3a-de-e0 46002 4010803 10-65-a3-00-12-c9 46055 860112900790 46228 1KL1487967 00-0a-40-01-7d-4c 46147 0005A606CEB3 46152 46149 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 6 2018 2018 50 75 8 13 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 2017 1,500 300 1,545 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 103 103 103 103 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46157 46150 00-0a-40-01-7d-9d 46153 0005A606D34A 46151 46195 00-26-92-70-01-44 10-65-a3-00-13-94 1014609 433-5072-008 15000465145 1093302981 A0FQLY0 A0F9CDP A0F9CDY A0F9CFH A0F9CFJ A0CG3PS A0J4JFV A0FPFDH A0FVAEU A0FE50E A0DXLNU A0EXD10 A0F7CA8 A0CBDG8 A0FKED8 A0HLR5V 46154 W643135AOA21KO149 46003 46056 4013279 860112900807 46229 1KL1487956 46158 46155 00-0a-40-01-7d-42 46161 0005A6044E4B 46159 1014694 433-5072-006 15000465154 1093302964 A0FQLXE A0F9CDQ A0F9CDV A0F9CFP A0F9CF6 A0CG3R9 A0HXX42 AODX7XR QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 2018 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 7 2019 1,600 229 309 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RC-3 ? U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RC-3 ? U317 XD600U M4320-Pro Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46162 00-26-92-3a-de-46 10-65-a3-00-13-95 A0FVAJU A0FE4YM A0DXLX1 A0EXD1W A0FYTV0 46160 A0CDP6Z A0HLR42 A0EQHYR W643135AOA21KOO98 46004 46057 4010804 860112900808 46231 1KL1487850 46369 46156 00-0a-40-01-6e-23 46165 0005A606D3D7 46167 46168 00-26-92-70-1f-38 10-65-a3-00-13-96 1014880 433-5072-005 8001787138 1093302978 A0FQLYM A0F9CEJ A0F9CEF A0F9CEE A0F9CF2 A0CUE70 A0J4JK5 A0E2E0M A0FVAJW A0FE52E A0DXDVJ A0EXD29 A0F7CAR A0CBDG4 A0FKT2U A0HLR6J 46169 W643135AOA21KO138 46005 46058 4013297 860112900809 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio ? Biamp Contemporary Research Crown Denon Elmo Elmo PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RC-3 ? U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 ? Nexia SP 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 9416-1 TT02RX Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD 30"x60" tables w/ grommet Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player Security Bracket Document Camera Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46232 1KL1487856 46170 46166 46176 1014730 433-5072-040 15000465150 1093302982 A0FQLT5 A0F9CEK A0F9CEM A0F9CER A0F9CEL A0CG3PG A0J4JM0 A0FPF9E A0FVAJ9 A0FE50L A0DXLM8 A0EXD42 A0FYTYW A0CBDG1 A0FKT2Q A0HLR3N A0EQHYJ W643135AOA21KO160 46006 46059 4010801 860112900810 46230 1KL1487990 00-0a-40-01-7d-9f 46177 0005A6075007 46178 46179 00-26-92-3a-de-a3 10-65-a3-00-13-97 46189 46175 1014700 00-90-5E-12-C1-99 46185 00-0A-40-01-7D-A1 46181 1806565 437-5072-039 15000465147 1093302985 46187 8404102733 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 2017 1,900 380 1,957 5 6 9 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 1,300 700 1,100 900 260 117 122 150 1,339 721 1,133 927 5 2017 800 160 824 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description MAC 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Polycom Polycom Polycom Polycom Polycom Shure CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? PTRK 2126MDK PTRK -RR21 RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV 2200-26740-001 2215-23327-001 2215-24143-001 4870-00262-106 8200-23610-001 SLX124/85/SM58 6032 6000A 6010A 6020A 7820-C7S 7820-C7S 7820-C7S 7820-C7S 7820-C7S 7820-C7S 7820-C7S 7821-C7S 7821-C7S 7821-C7S 7821-C7S 7821-C7S 7821-C7S 7821-C7S MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack PTRk Middle Atlantic Rack Rear Rails Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV POLYCOM HDX 9000 Codec POLYCOM Microphone Array POLYCOM Camera Mount POLYCOM Support POLYCOM Eagleeye HD Camera SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic 2 slot blank CSI Fiberlink Cage CSI Fiberlink PS CSI Fiberlink Alarm Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Rx card Fiberlink Rx card Fiberlink Rx card Fiberlink Rx card Fiberlink Rx card Fiberlink Rx card Fiberlink Rx card 0005A606CEAD Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46182 46183 00-26-92-70-1e-df 10-65-A3-00-13-98 A0FQLR4 A0F9CF7 A0F9CF1 A0F9CDX A0F9CDE A0CUDYX A0DX83U A0FE511 AWE3WFD A0EXD1N A0F7CDQ A0CBDGF A0FKECP A0HLR4R 46184 W643135AOA21KO139 46007 46060 4013300 860112900811 46188 46186 881136109617CR 821129034AA4C5 46516 46233 11646485 1KL1488005 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 2018 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 950 158 979 8 8 6 2020 2020 2018 150 400 950 19 50 158 155 412 979 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 9 9 2021 2021 17,500 500 1,944 56 18,025 515 9 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2021 2017 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2,500 750 50 500 250 175 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 278 150 5 45 23 16 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 2,575 773 52 515 258 180 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 1,236 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 232-ATSC+ CTS4200A-USPCN DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 55139 97503 99021 21772FMB 55140FMB 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS4200A-USPCN DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 4 Chn. 220W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic 42" Rack Rail Option For LinkCart Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet EX1 42" Link LecternFusion Maple & Black Document Camera Shelf - Fusion Maple and Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 4 Chn. 220W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46192 433-5072-041 15000548977 1093302969 A0FQLXW A0F9CH2 A0F9CH5 A0F9CH7 A0F9CH9 A0CG3RZ A0J4JJY A0FPF89 A0FVAJ6 A0FE566 A0DXLMT A0EXDD1 A0F7C9K A0CDP6E A0FKEDR A0HLR4K A0FHT93 W643135A0A21K0314 46008 46061 4013293 860112900812 46234 1KL1488007 00-0a-40-01-7c-ca 46193 0005A606CEC5 46190 46191 00-26-92-70-1f-34 10-65-a3-00-13-99 46395 46194 00-0A-40-01-7C-D1 46197 0005A6074FD6 46196 1014578 433-5072-036 15000548978 1093302972 A0FQLTN 46198 A0CG3TR A0J4JJJ A0FPF53 A0FVAJA A0FE569 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 117 721 233 2,163 150 927 158 979 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 9 6 6 2018 2021 2018 2018 700 2,100 900 950 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 2,100 900 950 380 117 233 150 158 1,957 721 2,163 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RC-3 ? U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 55139 97503 99021 21772FMB 55140FMB 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic 42" Rack Rail Option For LinkCart Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet EX1 42" Link LecternFusion Maple & Black Document Camera Shelf - Fusion Maple and Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # A0JCM3C A0FKEAC A0HLR67 00-26-92-3a-de-ae 10-65-a3-00-13-9a 46199 W643135A0A21K0179 46009 46062 4010802 860112900813 46235 1KL1487992 46415 46200 00-0a-40-01-7d-41 46386 0005A606D2DB 46385 46387 00-26-92-3a-da-e0 10-65-a3-00-13-d9 1014665 433-5072-029 15000465119 1093303037 A0FQLRK A0F22QY A0F22RV A0F22QU A0F22QX A0CUE82 A0J4JJN A0FPF5N A0FVAJD A0FE544 46388 A0JCM3U A0FKEA9 A0HLR3T A0FHTEV W643135A0A21K0167 46018 46071 4010864 860112900822 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46243 1KL1487977 46384 46389 00-0a-40-01-7d-4b 46494 0005A6074E74 46492 46496 00-26-92-3a-de-93 10-65-a3-00-14-09 1014731 433-5072-047 15000465148 1093302980 A0FQLTM A0F22C7 A0F22RQ A0F22QC A0F22CP A0CUE87 A0J4JHM A0FPFE2 A0FVAJM A0FE536 A0C7P14 46495 A0CDP6C A0FKEF2 A0HLR4Y A0EQHYU W643135A0A21K0156 46019 46072 4010875 860112900825 46244 46493 1KL1487964 1014879 433-5072-045 15000465142 1093302712 A0FQLR5 A0F22RC A0F22RE A0F22PY A0F22QL A0CG3TZ A0J4JH5 00-0a-40-01-7d-a3 46477 0005A606CEBE 46479 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 750 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 150 380 117 122 150 158 773 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 2020 2018 150 950 19 158 155 979 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46480 00-26-92-3a-de-8a 10-65-a3-00-14-19 46478 A0CDP73 A0FKEDW A0HLR61 A0EQHWR W643135A0A21K0041 46020 46073 4010857 860112900826 46245 46481 1KL1488001 1014669 433-5072-024 15000465144 1093302774 A0FQLTK A0F22TN A0F22Q3 A0F22RT A0F22Q1 A0CUE17 A0J4JH6 A0DX80X A0FVAJP A0FE53W 00-0a-40-01-7d-9c 46392 0005A606DD8F 46391 46394 00-26-92-3a-ce-06 10-65-a3-00-14-29 A0DX88X A0FVAJL A0FE549 A0C7OZQ 46393 A0JCM33 A0FKEE1 A0HLR4V A0FHTHD W643135A0A21K0283 46021 46074 4010781 860112900827 46246 1KL1487993 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 400 50 412 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 8 2020 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 750 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 150 380 117 122 150 158 773 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 206 206 206 206 206 206 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46390 46396 00-0a-40-01-7d-0e 46482 0005A606CE41 46483 46484 00-26-92-3a-da-db 10-65-a3-00-14-39 1014728 433-5072-049 15000465153 1093302956 A0FQLX5 A0F228R A0F22TD A0F22R7 A0F22Q5 A0CG3R5 A0J4JHP A0FPF69 A0FVAHP A0FE535 A0C7P0H 46485 A0CDP6Q A0FKE9T A0HLR66 A0EQHYT W643135A0A21K0303 46022 46075 4010861 860112900828 46247 46486 1KL1487999 1014702 433-5072-025 15000465151 1093302773 A0FQLT4 A0F22RM A0F22RJ A0F22TE A0F228Y A0CUDYT A0J4JJ9 A0DX883 A0FVAJT A0FE4YY 00-0a-40-01-7d-a0 46399 0005A6074E8B 46400 46402 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 750 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 150 380 117 122 150 158 773 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 232 232 232 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Mitsubishi Peerless Contemporary Research Crown Denon 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 6032 6034 6034 6034 6000A 6010A 6020A 7820-C7S 7821-C7S 60-818-12 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-415-01 70-090-11 70-090-12 70-093-12 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-101-13 70-211-01 70-211-01 XD600U PRG-UNV 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD 2 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank CSI Fiberlink Cage CSI Fiberlink PS CSI Fiberlink Alarm Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Rx card MLC 104 IP Plus AAP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Hideaway HSA 400 Blank AAP Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 00-26-92-3a-de-da 10-65-a3-00-14-49 Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46401 A0CDP6T A0DQE67 A0HLR5X A0FHTJ3 W643135A0A21K0285 46023 46076 4010871 860112900829 46248 1KL1487985 46397 0005A607F274 46398 1014878 46180 A0EVCA6 A0F9CHA A0F9CH3 A0F9CEQ A0F9CEH A0H4JV5 A0E3WHT A072JBL A0EXD4A A0EXD4R A0FYTXJ A0F7CCJ A0FKECY A0FKT46 4010787 00-26-92-3a-df-00 46024 00-0a-40-01-7d-04 46487 433-5072-046 15000464880 1093302952 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 6 2017 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2018 1,900 50 50 50 50 500 250 175 1,200 1,200 700 380 5 5 5 5 45 23 16 109 109 117 1,957 52 52 52 52 515 258 180 1,236 1,236 721 6 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 2018 50 50 50 50 8 8 8 8 52 52 52 52 5 2017 1,500 300 1,545 6 9 6 2018 2021 2018 700 1,100 900 117 122 150 721 1,133 927 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description MAC 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? 0005A606D32B Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46488 46489 00-26-92-3a-de-95 10-65-a3-00-14-59 A0FQLY7 A0F229V A0F22TC A0F22CF A0F22C9 A0CG3TX A0J4JJL A0FPF4X A0FVAK6 A0FE53H A0C7P1C 46490 A0CDP74 A0FKEE0 A0HLR47 A0EQHWF W643135A0A21K0304 46025 46077 4010797 860112900830 46249 46491 1KL1487953 1014582 433-5072-030 15000464884 1093303026 A0FQLU9 A0F22TH A0F22RR A0F22TF A0F22T9 A0CUE80 A0J4JK6 A0FPF8R A0FVAJF A0FE519 00-0a-40-01-79-a4 46405 0005A606D4F0 46406 46407 46408 A0JCM3T A0FKEC8 A0HLR3M A0FHTEW W643135A0A21K0189 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 2018 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 950 158 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 750 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 150 380 117 122 150 158 773 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Denon Extron Extron Extron Crown Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 CTS600 LITE 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 00-26-92-3a-da-da 10-65-a3-00-14-95 Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46026 46078 4010794 860112900839 46251 1KL1487987 46403 46404 0005A606CEAE 46284 00-0a-40-01-79-a7 46283 46285 46286 10-65-a3-00-14-99 1014725 433-5072-034 1093302973 A0FQLYQ A0F9C34 A0F9C33 15000464887 A0F9C56 A0F9C51 A0CUE07 A0HXX40 A0DX86W A0FVAJ8 A0FE51Y A0C7OZY A0JCM3H A0HLR45 A0FHTHA a0f9cf0 a0f9ceu 46082 8.60113E+11 46257 1KL1487822 46289 46288 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 6 6 2017 2018 2018 2018 1,900 700 900 950 380 117 150 158 1,957 721 927 979 9 2021 1,100 122 1,133 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 300 8 8 13 50 52 52 77 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 301 301 301 301 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 303 303 303 303 Spectrum Vaddio Extron Mitsubishi Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron 97506B 999-2008-000 70-211-01 XD600U 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46287 00-26-92-3a-de-ef 46032 00-0a-40-01-79-a3 46293 0005A606CE76 46290 46291 00-26-92-3a-de-b8 10-65-a3-00-14-9a 1014607 A0FKEE2 4010780 433-5072-035 15000464888 1093302979 A0FQLR8 A0F9C4J A0F9C4L A0F9C4K A0F9C2T A0CUE7X A0J4JJ2 A0DX7Y3 A0FVAJR A0FE52M A0C7P2B 46292 A0JCM37 A0FKEAD A0HLR41 A0EQHYW W643135A0A21K0316 46033 46083 4010865 860112900844 46258 1KL1487830 46300 46354 46294 00-0a-40-01-79-9e 46298 0005A606CE4A 46296 1014575 433-5072-037 15000464899 1093302793 A0FQLU4 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 5 2017 1,900 380 1,957 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,500 700 1,100 900 950 300 117 122 150 158 1,545 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46297 00-26-92-3a-de-c2 10-65-a3-00-14-9b A0F9CTT A0F9CVK A0F9C39 A0F9C3J A0CUE6W A0J4JJF A0DX890 A0FVAJC A0FE525 A0C7OZM 46302 A0CBDG7 A0FKEEN A0HLR4X A0EQHYK W643135A0A21K0181 46034 46084 4010778 860112900845 46259 1KL1487807 46351 46317 46299 00-01-40-01-79-99 46306 0005A6074E5A 46303 1014583 433-5072-038 15000464907 1093302987 A0FQLT3 A0F9C3X A0F9C4F A0F9C3A A0F9C4T A0CUE13 A0J4JK1 A0DX82R A0FVAK8 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46305 00-26-92-3a-db-09 10-65-a3-00-14-9c A0FE52F A0C7OZV 46304 A0CBDGA A0FKEEX A0HLR4C A0EQHYQ W643135A0A21K0170 46035 46085 4010772 860112900846 46260 1KL1487810 46352 46318 46301 00-0a-40-01-79-9a 46311 0005A606CE74 46309 46307 1014876 433-5072-014 15000464902 1093302790 A0FQLRE A0F9CH1 A0F9CFL A0F9CFX A0F9CFV A0CG3SZ A0J4JHX A0DX86A A0FVAJ3 A0FE4YR A0C7OZO A0CDP6U A0FKEEL A0HLR4A QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 1,350 225 1,391 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 2018 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 00-26-92-3a-da-e2 10-65-a3-00-14-9f Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46313 A0EQHWV W643135A0A21K0158 46036 46086 4010874 860112900849 46261 1KL1487791 46319 46333 46315 00-0a-40-01-79-ac 46312 0005A606CEB0 46310 46308 00-26-92-3a-de-f4 10-65-a3-00-14-a9 1014605 433-5072-019 15000464889 1093302986 A0FQLXV A0F9CFK A0F9CFQ A0F9CFW A0F9CFR A0CG3SB A0J4JKJ A0FPF4H A0FVAJJ A0FE53P A0C7P0F 46314 A0CDP6G A0FKEDU A0HLR50 A0EQHY0 W643135A0A21K0315 46037 46087 4010867 860112900850 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 307 Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46262 1KL1487774 46350 46322 46316 00-0a-40-01-79-a6 46323 0005A606D3DD 46325 46327 00-26-92-3a-da-ef 10-65-a3-00-14-b9 1014574 433-5072-018 15000464885 1093302988 A0FQLU8 A0F9C4V A0F9C4Y A0F9CDR A0F9CH0 A0CUE12 A0J4JJA A0DX885 A0FVAK3 A0FE528 A0C7P1D 46328 A0CBDGB A0FKEDK A0HLR3V A0EQHWJ W643135A0A21K0153 46038 46088 4010873 860112900851 46263 1KL1487892 46321 46320 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 750 150 773 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 5 2017 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 307 307 307 307 307 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 318 318 318 318 318 318 318 318 318 339 Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI Contemporary Research 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 6032 6034 6034 6034 6000A 6010A 6020A 7820-C7S 7821-C7S 232-ATSC+ IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD 2 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank CSI Fiberlink Cage CSI Fiberlink PS CSI Fiberlink Alarm Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Rx card NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46329 00-0a-40-01-79-96 46370 0005A606CEBA 46371 46372 1014608 433-5072-016 15000464890 1093302983 A0FQLUX A0F9CHE A0F9CE3 A0F9CD9 A0F9CEY A0CG3SU A0HXX1Y A0FVAHU A0FE4YH A0JCM2W A0FKT2P A0HLR4M 00-26-92-3a-db-07 10-65-a3-00-14-c9 46373 W643135A0A21K0310 46039 46089 4010852 860112900852 46264 1KL1487921 46375 46374 1014697 433-5072-017 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 6 2017 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2018 1,900 50 50 50 50 500 250 175 1,200 1,200 700 380 5 5 5 5 45 23 16 109 109 117 1,957 52 52 52 52 515 258 180 1,236 1,236 721 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Asset Tag Serial #'s # Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description MAC 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS 00-0a-40-01-7d-05 46324 0005A606CE86 46326 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 46330 00-26-92-3a-de-df 10-65-a3-00-14-d9 15000464881 1093302796 A0FQLXM A0F9CDJ A0F9CDK A0F9CF0 A0F9CEU A0CUE7H A0J4JH7 A0FPFC8 A0FVAK4 A0FE53T A0C7P0N 46331 A0CDP6R A0FKEA7 A0HLR6F A0EQHY1 W643135A0A21K0307 46040 46090 4010869 860112900853 46265 1KL1487868 46335 46336 46332 00-0a-40-01-79-a8 46338 0005A6044E2B 46340 1014664 433-5072-022 15000464883 1093302779 A0FQLY5 A0F9CEW A0F9CHD A0F9CE8 A0F9CE9 A0CG3PR QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 1,100 122 1,133 900 150 927 950 158 979 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 9 6 6 2021 2018 2018 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 2020 150 19 155 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Crown Extron Contemporary Research Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 CTS4200A-USPCN 70-101-13 232-ATSC+ DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Amplifier - 4 Chn. 220W@70V VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46342 00-26-92-3a-de-b9 10-65-a3-00-14-e9 A0J4JHC A0FPFEH A0FVAHR A0FE52A A0C7P17 46343 A0CBDG6 A0DQE5Y A0HLR69 A0FHTHC W643135A0A21K0308 46041 46091 4010880 860112900854 46266 1KL1487868 46344 46334 00-0A-40-01-7D-F2 0005A606DD93 46345 46339 46341 46349 1014881 15000548986 433-5072-023 1093302775 A0FQLT8 A0F9CV8 A0F9CDC A0F9C50 A0F9C4U A0CG3SC A0HXX18 A0E2E03 A0FVAHQ A0FE52C A0C7P1B QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 950 158 979 400 50 412 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 8 2018 2020 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 9 6 6 6 6 2017 2021 2018 2018 2018 2018 1,900 2,100 50 700 900 950 380 233 8 117 150 158 1,957 2,163 52 721 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 2018 50 8 52 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 401 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Extron Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Mitsubishi Crown Extron Contemporary Research Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 70-185-02 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 95520 97503 97503 99021 99021 21770B 21770B 21771B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68200FM 68202FM 68202FM 68205B 70-211-01 68205B 97506B 97506B 999-2008-000 XD600U CTS600 LITE 70-101-13 232-ATSC+ DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Econo Keyboard Tray - NO AV Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf - NO AV Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet - NO AV IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black - NO AV IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black - NO AV IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black - NO AV IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black - NO AV IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple - NO AV IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple - NO AV IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black - NO AV Rack Mount Fan Double Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black - NO AV CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 10-65-a3-00-14-f9 Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46346 A0JCM36 A0HLR63 A0FHTF8 W643135A0A21K0282 46092 8.60113E+11 46267 1KL1487906 46347 46498 46338 46499 A0FKEF0 00-26-92-3a-de-63 00-0a-40-01-79-93 0005A6074FE2 46348 46042 46409 46411 46412 1014698 4010851 15000464893 433-5072-031 1093302772 A0FQLTF A0F22TK A0F22TM A0F22T1 A0F22AN A0CG3Z2 A0J4JL8 A0FPFEM A0FVAJE A0FE52K QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 75 13 77 300 50 309 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 6 2018 2018 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 6 2018 2018 3,200 3,200 533 533 3,296 3,296 5 5 9 6 6 6 6 2017 2017 2021 2018 2018 2018 2018 1,900 1,500 1,100 50 700 900 950 380 300 122 8 117 150 158 1,957 1,545 1,133 52 721 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Mitsubishi Spectrum Vaddio Extron Crown Extron Contemporary Research Mitsubishi Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-185-02 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768FMB 55264B XD600U 97506B 999-2008-000 70-211-01 CTS600 LITE 70-101-13 232-ATSC+ XD600U DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-185-02 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Maple & black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 10-65-a3-00-15-09 Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46410 A0CDP6M A0HLR4F A0EQHYH W643135A0A21K0291 46093 860112900856 46268 1KL1487927 46414 00-26-92-3a-de-aa 46043 4010859 46413 1014883 A0DQE50 15000464892 00-0a-40-01-79-91 46355 00-26-92-3a-de-8c 46044 0005A6044E67 46357 46358 10-65-a3-00-15-19 433-5072-021 4010844 1093302776 A0FQLU5 A0F9CF3 A0F9CTV A0F9CTR A0F9CDD A0CUE3M A0J4JHT A0FPF79 A0FVAJQ A0FE523 A0C7P21 46361 A0JCM30 A0HLR65 A0EQHYF 4.57129E+12 46094 860112900857 46269 1KL1487888 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 75 300 8 13 50 52 77 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 2017 1,500 300 1,545 5 2017 1,900 380 1,957 9 6 6 5 6 6 2021 2018 2018 2017 2018 2018 1,100 50 700 1,500 900 950 122 8 117 300 150 158 1,133 52 721 1,545 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 75 300 8 13 50 52 77 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Extron Crown Extron Mitsubishi Contemporary Research Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 70-211-01 CTS600 LITE 70-101-13 XD600U 232-ATSC+ DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46359 46360 46356 00-0a-40-01-79-94 46419 00-26-92-3a-de-fe 46045 0005A606D4E8 46416 46418 10-65-a3-00-15-29 1014874 A0DQE5H 15000464897 4010868 433-5072-032 1093302713 A0FQLX9 A0F22Q4 A0F228T A0F228P A0F228W A0CG3SA A0J4JHU A0DX7Y8 A0FVAJY A0FE52J A0C7P22 46420 A0CDP6P A0DQE54 A0HLR3R A0FHT94 W643135A0A21K0184 46095 860112900858 46270 46417 1KL1487902 1014726 433-5072-033 15000464886 1093302766 A0FQLXH A0F22QQ A0F22RX A0F22Q8 00-0a-40-01-79-a5 46424 0005A606CE20 46421 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 2017 1,900 380 1,957 9 6 5 6 6 6 2021 2018 2017 2018 2018 2018 1,100 50 1,500 700 900 950 122 8 300 117 150 158 1,133 52 1,545 721 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 75 8 13 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 750 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 150 380 117 122 150 158 773 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi 26-566-02 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio 60-046-03 P/2 DA PLUS 60-1096-01 MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer 60-506-21 P/2 DA2xi MT 60-526-01 Cable Cubby 300S 60-569-01 IN1508 - Presentation Scaler 60-645-02 Surface Mount Box 7 gang 70-090-11 Blank AAP 70-093-12 Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP 70-101-13 VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP 70-185-02 CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP 70-211-01 HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 70-220-02 IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 70-340-02 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit T-17SXL 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? ? RC-3 Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf U317 Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 M4320-Pro Panamax M4320-Pro PDU PRG-UNV Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic 999-2008-000 CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD 232-ATSC+ NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner CTS600 LITE Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V DB1093302718P-2012UDCIP Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player 60-600-02 MLC 226 IP 26-566-02 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio 26-566-02 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio 26-566-02 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio 26-566-02 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio 60-046-03 P/2 DA PLUS 60-1096-01 MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer 60-506-21 P/2 DA2xi MT 60-526-01 Cable Cubby 300S 60-569-01 IN1508 - Presentation Scaler 60-645-02 Surface Mount Box 7 gang 70-090-11 Blank AAP 70-093-12 Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP 70-101-13 VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP 70-185-02 CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP 70-211-01 HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 70-220-02 IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 70-340-02 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit T-17SXL 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? ? RC-3 Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf U317 Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Item Description C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46422 00-26-92-3a-de-65 10-65-a3-00-15-39 46423 A0CDP6W A0FKT2J A0HLR6H A0EQHWM W643135A0A21K0286 46046 46096 4010876 860112900859 46271 46425 1KL1487817 00-0a-40-01-79-92 46426 0005A606CEDF 46427 46428 00-26-92-3a-de-41 A0F22QR A0CUDYY A0J4JKK A0DX7WN A0FVAJN A0FE526 A0C7P1F 433-5072-026 15000464894 A0FQLRF A0F22QH A0F22RP A0F22QJ A0F22RN A0CG3SX A0J4JK4 A0DX84C A0FVAHN A0FE54X A0C7P0G 46429 A0JCM3J A0FKEDJ A0HLRCP A0EQHWC W643135A0A21K0147 46047 4010862 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost Life Expectancy Replacement Year 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 750 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 150 380 117 122 150 158 773 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 2017 1,500 300 1,545 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description MAC 407 407 407 407 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP 10-65-a3-00-15-49 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46097 860112900860 46272 46430 1KL1487796 1014882 433-5072-028 15000464906 1093302968 A0FQLXF A0F22RF A0F22RH A0F22RA A0F22R3 A0CG3SP A0J4JHW A0DX7X2 A0FVAJ1 A0FE52N A0C7OZJ 00-0a-40-01-79-a1 46431 0005A606CE1E 46432 46433 00-26-92-3a-da-e3 10-65-a3-00-15-59 46434 A0JCM3P A0FKT31 A0HLR3J A0EQHXY W643135A0A21K0271 46048 46098 4010877 860112900861 46273 46435 1KL1487784 1014581 433-5072-027 15000464905 1093302728 A0FQLYF A0F22RU A0F22RU A0F22QD A0F22RK A0CG3TY A0J4JFX A0FPF3R AOFVAJ0 A0FE55H A0C7P1Z 00-0a-40-01-79-a2 46438 0005A606CED4 46436 46437 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 750 83 773 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 9 2021 5 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 750 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 150 380 117 122 150 158 773 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 750 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 150 380 117 122 150 158 773 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 419 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Vaddio CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Mitsubishi Peerless Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 999-2008-000 6032 6034 6034 6034 6000A 6010A 6020A 7820-C7S 7821-C7S 60-818-12 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-415-01 70-090-11 70-090-12 70-093-12 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-101-13 70-211-01 70-211-01 XD600U PRG-UNV 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD 2 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank CSI Fiberlink Cage CSI Fiberlink PS CSI Fiberlink Alarm Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Rx card MLC 104 IP Plus AAP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Hideaway HSA 400 Blank AAP Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 00-26-92-3a-de-4b 10-65-a3-00-15-69 0005A607F230 Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46439 A0JCM3E A0FKEAV A0HLR48 A0EQHWD W643135A0A21K0288 46049 46099 4010848 860112900862 46274 46440 1KL1487800 1014732 46295 A0EVC5H A0F9C4N A0F9C4W A0F9C5E A0F9C5D A0H4JR7 00-26-92-3a-de-87 46050 00-0a-40-01-79-9d 46364 0005A606CE7A 46365 A0FKECN A0FKEE5 4010847 433-5072-015 15000464904 1093302769 A0FQLYN A0F228V A0F22RL A0F9CEX A0F9CEV A0CG3U1 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 50 8 52 50 8 52 75 13 77 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 6 2017 2017 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2018 750 1,900 50 50 50 50 500 250 175 1,200 1,200 700 150 380 5 5 5 5 45 23 16 109 109 117 773 1,957 52 52 52 52 515 258 180 1,236 1,236 721 6 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 2018 50 50 50 50 8 8 8 8 52 52 52 52 5 2017 1,500 300 1,545 6 9 6 6 2018 2021 2018 2018 700 1,100 900 950 117 122 150 158 721 1,133 927 979 8 2020 150 19 155 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 437 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Extron Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Mitsubishi Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL 70-211-01 ? RC-3 U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 95520 XD600U 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46368 46367 10-65-a3-00-15-79 00-26-92-3a-da-df A0HXX35 A0DX81T A0FVAHT A0FE50K A0C7OZL A0CDP6O A0HLR3U A0FHTHN W643135A0A21K0148 A0FKEDL 46100 860112900863 46275 1KL1487841 46051 4010789 46362 46363 46366 00-0a-40-01-79-9c 46382 0005A606D4E1 46379 46378 1014724 433-5072-020 15000464903 1093302777 A0FQLX6 A0F22PX A0F22T6 A0F22PU A0F22PW A0CUE0Q A0J4JHE A0FPFDR A0FVAHV A0FE54M A0C7P1Y QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 950 158 979 400 50 412 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 8 2018 2020 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 300 8 8 13 50 52 52 77 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 5 2017 1,500 300 1,545 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 950 380 117 122 150 158 1,957 721 1,133 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 Cost 10/9/2015 Math/Science - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Panamax Peerless Extron Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Mitsubishi Vaddio 70-185-02 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 M4320-Pro PRG-UNV 70-211-01 SLX124/85/SM58 95520 97503 99021 21770B 21771B 68101B 68101B 68200FM 68202FM 68205B 97506B XD600U 999-2008-000 CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Econo Keyboard Tray Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet IMC 29" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 36" Equipment Rack w/Acrylic Doorw/Mounts Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC 29" Wall Filler Panel Black IMC Single Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Triple Worksurface Fusion Maple IMC Stepped Height Bracket Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science MAC 10-65-a3-00-15-89 Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46381 A0JCM3N A0HLR4Q A0EQHYC W643135A0A21K0166 46101 860112900864 46380 A0FKE9R 1KL1487846 46377 46376 00-26-92-3a-de-a1 46052 46383 4010853 1014670 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Annualized Replacement Cost Cost 75 13 77 300 50 309 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 6 2018 2018 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 9 2021 750 83 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 5 2017 2017 1,500 1,900 300 380 1,545 1,957 660,350 105,744 680,161 Cost posted to technology tab C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi MediaSite Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio 232-ATSC+ CTS4200A-USPCN DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-533-12 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-850-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RL Recorder ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 999-7205-000 342-0062 452-2000-024 535-2000-233 880-7200-001 998-6915-000 998-6916-000 998-7200-011 998-7211-001 998-7220-000 NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 4 Chn. 220W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP SYM BNCM 15-pin HD Male to BNC Male MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Science Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Room-based capture device ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Vaddio AutoTrak system Kit, Auto Trak Power Supply, 24V Mount, AutoTrak Keyboard PS/2 AutoTrak HD-18 TR AutoTrak HD-18 IR Autotrak worldwide Autotrak Belt PAC Autotrak Lanyard C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 0005A606DD92 Asset Tag Serial #'s # 433-5072-042 46202 46203 1093302966.00 A0FQLT6 A0CP0BN A0F9CH8 A0F9CDN A0F9CDA A0F9CE5 A0CUDYW A0J4JHQ A0DX7XL A0FVAK0 A0FE4YQ A0H4LMU A0JCM35 A0DWJFE A0HLR4P 46205 46204 00-26-92-3a-d8-f2 10-65-a3-00-13-9b 46010 46063 46238 W643135A0A21K0165 MV000420679 4010790.00 860112900814.00 1KL1487988 46510 46208 1014703.00 342006222111017 535200023329611017 46206 46207 998691500033311003 998691600033311004 998720001129311010 998721100127711021 998722000027711022 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy 6 9 6 6 Replacement Year 2018 2021 2018 2018 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 6 2019 2018 1,600 19,200 229 3,200 1,648 19,776 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 2017 2017 750 750 150 150 773 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 5 2017 2017 1,900 11,000 380 2,200 1,957 11,330 Cost 700 2,100 900 950 Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 117 721 233 2,163 150 927 158 979 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 153 Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi MediaSite Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Contemporary Research 232-ATSC+ CTS4200A-USPCN DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-533-12 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RL Recorder ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 999-7205-000 342-0062 452-2000-024 535-2000-233 880-7200-001 998-6915-000 998-6916-000 998-7200-011 998-7211-001 998-7220-000 232-ATSC+ NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 4 Chn. 220W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP SYM BNCM 15-pin HD Male to BNC Male MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Room-based capture device ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Vaddio AutoTrak system Kit, Auto Trak Power Supply, 24V Mount, AutoTrak Keyboard PS/2 AutoTrak HD-18 TR AutoTrak HD-18 IR Autotrak worldwide Autotrak Belt PAC Autotrak Lanyard NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 0005A606D46C 00-26-92-3a-db-02 10-65-a3-00-13-9c Asset Tag Serial #'s QTY # 433-5072-012 1 46123 15000548975 1 1093302967 1 1 46111 A0FQLTV A0CP0BP 1 AOF9CDF 1 AOF9CE7 1 AOF9CE6 1 AOF9CEC 1 A0CUDW9 1 A0J4JKO 1 A0FPFF3 1 A0FVAHW 1 46112 A0FE54P 1 A0E3WJL 1 A0EXD4J 1 A0F7CDT 1 A0CBDG2 1 A0FKEE6 1 A0HLR6M 1 A0EQHX8 1 46116 ,W643135AOA211KO155 1 46117 MV000420661 1 1 1 1 46011 4010774 1 46064 860112900815 1 1 1 46236 1KL1487917 1 1 1 46145 1 1 1 46115 1014877 1 1 ,342006222111004 1 1 ,532200023329611019 1 E1117A 0 0 1 8 5 9 1 46113 ,998691500033311004 1 46114 ,998691600033311003 1 ,998720001129311016 1 ,998721100127711023 1 ,998722000027711012 1 433-5027-013 1 Life Expectancy 6 9 6 6 Replacement Year 2018 2021 2018 2018 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 6 2019 2018 1,600 19,200 229 3,200 1,648 19,776 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 2017 2017 750 750 150 150 773 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 5 2017 2017 1,900 11,000 380 2,200 1,957 11,330 6 2018 700 117 721 Cost 700 2,100 900 950 Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 117 721 233 2,163 150 927 158 979 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description MAC 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi MediaSite Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio CTS4200A-USPCN DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-533-12 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RL Recorder ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 342-0062 452-2000-024 535-2000-233 880-7200-001 998-6915-000 998-6916-000 998-7200-011 998-7211-001 998-7220-000 999-7205-000 342-0062 452-2000-024 535-2000-233 Amplifier - 4 Chn. 220W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP SYM BNCM 15-pin HD Male to BNC Male MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Room-based capture device ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Kit, Auto Trak Power Supply, 24V Mount, AutoTrak Keyboard PS/2 AutoTrak HD-18 TR AutoTrak HD-18 IR Autotrak worldwide Autotrak Belt PAC Autotrak Lanyard Vaddio AutoTrak system Kit, Auto Trak Power Supply, 24V Mount, AutoTrak 00-0A-40-01-7E-38 Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 0005A606D32D 00-26-92-3a-de-a2 10-65-a3-00-13-9d Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46124 15000548976 1093302971 46104 A0FQLTW A0CP0BM A0F9CFY A0F9CH6 A0F9CH6 A0F9CDM A0F9CDU A0J4JH0 AOCUE22 A0FPFCF A0FVAJ5 46107 A0FE565 A0J42DC A0FYU02 A0CBDG5 A0FKT1X A0HLR6L A0EUHYV 46108 W643135A0A21K0151 46105 MV000420662 97506B 46012 46065 46237 46237 4010806 860112900816 * 1KL1487938 1KL1487938 99021 46146 55264B 46106 46110 46109 1014611 ,342002222111016 ,535200023329611008 K64370A 998691500033311001 998691600033311002 ,998720001129311013 ,998721100127711001 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy 9 6 6 Replacement Year 2021 2018 2018 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 75 8 13 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 6 2019 2018 1,600 19,200 229 3,200 1,648 19,776 6 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 250 83 1,545 773 5 5 2017 2017 750 750 150 150 773 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 5 2017 2017 1,900 11,000 380 2,200 1,957 11,330 Cost 2,100 900 950 Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 233 2,163 150 927 158 979 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 153 153 153 153 153 153 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi MediaSite Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio 880-7200-001 998-6915-000 998-6916-000 998-7200-011 998-7211-001 998-7220-000 232-ATSC+ CTS4200A-USPCN DBP-2012UDCIP 60-600-02 26-533-12 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL RL Recorder ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21768CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 999-7205-000 342-0062 452-2000-024 535-2000-233 880-7200-001 Keyboard PS/2 AutoTrak HD-18 TR AutoTrak HD-18 IR Autotrak worldwide Autotrak Belt PAC Autotrak Lanyard NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 4 Chn. 220W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player MLC 226 IP SYM BNCM 15-pin HD Male to BNC Male MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Room-based capture device ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet OB3 Media Director V2 w/7Gang Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Vaddio AutoTrak system Kit, Auto Trak Power Supply, 24V Mount, AutoTrak Keyboard PS/2 Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 00-0A-40-01-7E-3B 46211 0005A606CEBC 46209 46213 46210 46212 00-26-92-3a-da-f3 10-65-a3-00-13-9e ,998722000027711029 433-5072-043 15000548974 1093302975 A0FQLUV A0CP0BK A0F9C4X A0F9C4Q A0F9C4P A0F9CFT A0CG3U2 A0J4JM7 A0FPFE7 A0FVAK1 A0FLYXY A0CBDG9 A0FKEDX A0HLR5W A0FQLUV W643135A0A21K0180 MV000420641 46013 46066 46241 46241 4010807 860112900817 1KL1487930 1KL1487930 46511 46214 1014576 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 9 6 6 2018 2021 2018 2018 700 2,100 900 950 117 233 150 158 721 2,163 927 979 8 6 8 2020 2018 2020 150 950 400 19 158 50 155 979 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 6 2019 2018 1,600 19,200 229 3,200 1,648 19,776 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 2017 2017 750 750 150 150 773 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 5 2017 2017 1,900 11,000 380 2,200 1,957 11,330 Cost Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 342006222111024 2 535200023329611002 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 154 154 154 154 154 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Contemporary Research Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Sharp Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Tightrope Vaddio Biamp Biamp Contemporary Research Crown Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron 998-6915-000 998-6916-000 998-7200-011 998-7211-001 998-7220-000 232-ATSC+ DBP-2012UDCIP 60-1071-02 60-546-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-211-01 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV LC60LE750U SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21769CHB 55264B 97506B Solo-230 999-2008-000 Nexia SP Nexia SP 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-1071-02 60-546-02 26-566-02 AutoTrak HD-18 TR AutoTrak HD-18 IR Autotrak worldwide Autotrak Belt PAC Autotrak Lanyard NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player IPCP 505 IP Link® Control Processor TLP 700MV - 7" Wall Mount TouchLink™ Touch panel MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV Sharp 60" LED TV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet TL700MV Media Director V2 Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black Tightrope Solo Digital Signage Player CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player IPCP 505 IP Link® Control Processor TLP 700MV - 7" Wall Mount TouchLink™ Touch panel MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 0005A607E794 0005A6081BEE Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46215 998691500033311002 46216 998691600033311001 998720001129311017 998721100127711022 998722000027711008 46171 46173 46130 46129 00-26-92-3A-CD-0E 10-65-A3-00-13-9F A0FPURF A0HX34R A0FE520 W643135AOA21KO63 46014 46067 46239 4010805 860112900818 1KL1487982 46163 00-90-5E-12-C2-99 00-90-5E-12-C4-54 46127 46126 46120 00-0a-40-01-7d-4a 00-0a-40-01-7d-0a 46122 46128 0005A607E259 0005A608536E 46172 46174 114606 1830401 1817833 15000465155 15000465156 A0FPUT3 A0HX33Y QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 6 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 2018 700 900 950 1,600 117 150 158 267 721 927 979 1,648 8 8 2020 2020 150 400 19 50 155 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 6 5 2018 2017 2,200 750 367 150 2,266 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 8 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 2020 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 3,900 1,900 1,300 1,300 700 900 900 950 1,500 1,600 488 380 260 260 117 150 150 158 250 267 4,017 1,957 1,339 1,339 721 927 927 979 1,545 1,648 Cost Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi MediaSite Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Elmo Elmo Extron Extron Extron Extron 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-635-21 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-211-01 T-17SXL RL Recorder ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21769CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 999-7205-000 342-0062 452-2000-024 535-2000-233 880-7200-001 998-6915-000 998-6916-000 998-7200-011 998-7211-001 998-7220-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 9416-1 TT02RX 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler MVX 44 VGA A Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable Room-based capture device ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet TL700MV Media Director V2 Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Vaddio AutoTrak system Kit, Auto Trak Power Supply, 24V Mount, AutoTrak Keyboard PS/2 AutoTrak HD-18 TR AutoTrak HD-18 IR Autotrak worldwide Autotrak Belt PAC Autotrak Lanyard NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player Security Bracket Document Camera MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46121 46119 46125 46212 00-26-92-3a-da-ec 10-65-a3-00-13-a9 A0FE524 A0CWPCT W643135A0A21K0169 MV000420641 46015 46068 46240 4010795 860112900819 1KL1487986 46164 46118 1014610 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 8 8 2020 2020 150 400 19 50 155 412 6 6 2018 2018 1,350 700 225 117 1,391 721 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 7 6 2019 2018 1,600 19,200 229 3,200 1,648 19,776 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 9 2017 750 83 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 5 2017 2017 1,900 11,000 380 2,200 1,957 11,330 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 700 900 950 117 150 158 721 927 979 5 6 2017 2018 800 950 160 158 824 979 Cost Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 342006222111024 2 535200023329611002 46215 46216 00-0A-40-01-7D-A4 46474 0005A6044E6C 46472 46475 998691500033311002 998691600033311001 998720001129311017 998721100127711022 998722000027711008 433-5072-044 15000465143 1093302962 647904 A0FQLXN A0F22Q7 A0F22RW A0F2299 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI Biamp Contemporary Research Crown Denon Elmo Elmo Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-1096-01 60-506-21 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 6032 6034 6034 6034 6000A 6010A 6020A 7820-C7S 7821-C7S Nexia SP 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 9416-1 TT02RX 60-600-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-569-01 60-645-02 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS MVC 121 - Mic/Line Volume Controller and Mixer P/2 DA2xi MT IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic 2 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank CSI Fiberlink Cage CSI Fiberlink PS CSI Fiberlink Alarm Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Rx card Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player Security Bracket Document Camera MLC 226 IP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Surface Mount Box 7 gang Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # A0F22CR A0CG3RA A0J4JH2 A0FPF9W 46476 A0FE545 A0C7OZU 46473 00-26-92-3a-da-ff 10-65-A3-00-13-B9 46016 46069 A0JCM3A A0FKECX A0HLR4U A0EQHWU W643135A0A21K0159 4010791 860112900820 46250 1KL1487947 00-90-5E-12-C4-51 46276 00-0A-40-01-7d-A2 46465 1817834 433-5072-054 15000465157 1093302720 0005A6074E70 46466 46468 46467 647884 A0FQLT7 A0F22Q6 A0F22U2 A0F22RD A0F229J A0CG3R7 A0DX86F A0FE550 A0C7OZW QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 8 6 8 6 2020 2018 2020 2018 150 950 400 1,350 19 158 50 225 155 979 412 1,391 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 50 50 75 8 8 13 52 52 77 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 5 6 6 6 2017 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2017 2018 2018 2018 750 50 50 50 50 500 250 175 1,200 1,200 1,300 700 900 950 150 5 5 5 5 45 23 16 109 109 260 117 150 158 773 52 52 52 52 515 258 180 1,236 1,236 1,339 721 927 979 5 6 2017 2018 800 950 160 158 824 979 8 6 6 2020 2018 2018 150 950 1,350 19 158 225 155 979 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 Cost Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Polycom Polycom Polycom Polycom Polycom Shure Contemporary Research Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum 70-185-02 70-211-01 70-220-02 70-340-02 T-17SXL ? PTRK 2126MDK PTRK -RR21 RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV 2200-26740-001 2215-23327-001 2215-24143-001 4870-00262-106 8200-23610-001 SLX124/85/SM58 232-ATSC+ DBP-2012UDCIP 60-1071-02 60-546-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-211-01 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV 97503 99021 21769CHB 55264B CM-5BB - Five-Button, Double Space Control AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP IRCM DV+ Dual-Function DVD & VCR Control Module 7 Gang Wall Mount Kit 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack PTRk Middle Atlantic Rack Rear Rails Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV POLYCOM HDX 9000 Codec POLYCOM Microphone Array POLYCOM Camera Mount POLYCOM Support POLYCOM Eagleeye HD Camera SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player IPCP 505 IP Link® Control Processor TLP 700MV - 7" Wall Mount TouchLink™ Touch panel MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet TL700MV Media Director V2 Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC 00-26-92-3a-df-05 10-65-A3-00-13-C9 0005A607E84F 0005A6085369 Asset Tag Serial #'s # A0JCM3F A0FKEDQ A0HLR4H A0EQHWL 46469 W643135A0A21K0296 46017 46070 46471 46470 8811361095FBCR 8211290348DDC5 46517 46242 10649364 1KL1487970 433-5072-050 1093302953 A0FPUV8 A0HX34D A0F22TL A0F22TJ A0F22A1 A0F22QN A0F22QV A0F22Q0 A0CUE0R A0FPFFL A0FVAJK A0FE4YW 46222 46217 46503 46502 00-26-92-3a-de-e9 10-65-a3-00-15-90 4010788 860112900821 46027 46102 46497 A0FKT2E W643135A0A21K0272 4010863 860112900865 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy 6 Replacement Year 2018 6 2018 300 50 309 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 9 9 2021 2021 17,500 500 1,944 56 18,025 515 9 5 6 6 6 6 2021 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2,500 750 700 900 1,500 1,600 278 150 117 150 250 267 2,575 773 721 927 1,545 1,648 8 8 2020 2020 150 400 19 50 155 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 Cost 75 Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 13 77 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 251 251 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 Spectrum Vaddio Biamp Biamp Biamp Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Shure Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron 97506B 999-2008-000 Nexia SP Nexia SP Nexia SP 232-ATSC+ CTS4200A-USPCN DBP-2012UDCIP 60-1071-02 60-546-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-635-21 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-211-01 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 SLX124/85/SM58 SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21769CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-1071-02 60-546-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 4 Chn. 220W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player IPCP 505 IP Link® Control Processor TLP 700MV - 7" Wall Mount TouchLink™ Touch panel MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler MVX 44 VGA A Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet TL700MV Media Director V2 Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player IPCP 505 IP Link® Control Processor TLP 700MV - 7" Wall Mount TouchLink™ Touch panel MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 00-90-5E-12-C4-53 00-90-5E-12-C4-55 00-90-5E-12-C2-9E 46501 46277 46278 46279 00-0A-40-01-7E-40 46201 0005A607E255 0005A60853F0 46223 46218 46505 46506 46508 00-26-92-3a-db-03 10-65-a3-00-14-96 46028 46079 46252 46253 46254 1014577 1830417 1830418 1830433 433-5072-051 15000548981.00 1093302954 A0FPUT0 A0HX34Q A0F22R9 A0F22CH A0F22C6 A0F229W A0F229Y A0F22TX A0CG3RB A0FPF2K A0FVAJX A0FE527 A0CWP89 A0FKEEQ W643135A0A21K0306 4010779 860112900840 1KL1487911 1KL1487874 1KL1487895 46504 46509 00-0a-40-01-79-9f 46512 0005A607E812 0005A608535B 46224 46219 1014698 433-5072-048 15000464908 1093302950 A0FPUUU A0HX337 A0F22T8 A0F22CK QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 5 5 5 5 6 9 6 6 6 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 2018 1,900 1,300 1,300 1,300 700 2,100 900 1,500 1,600 380 260 260 260 117 233 150 250 267 1,957 1,339 1,339 1,339 721 2,163 927 1,545 1,648 8 8 2020 2020 150 400 19 50 155 412 6 6 2018 2018 1,350 700 225 117 1,391 721 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 5 5 2017 2017 2017 750 750 750 150 150 150 773 773 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 6 9 6 6 6 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 2018 1,900 700 1,100 900 1,500 1,600 380 117 122 150 250 267 1,957 721 1,133 927 1,545 1,648 Cost Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Chief Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Samsung Biamp Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-211-01 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV 97503 99021 21769CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 MTAU 60-818-12 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-415-01 70-090-11 70-090-12 70-093-12 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-101-13 70-211-01 70-211-01 ME46A Nexia SP 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-1071-02 60-546-02 26-566-02 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet TL700MV Media Director V2 Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD FUSION Universal Tilt Wall Mount (26-47" Displays) MLC 104 IP Plus AAP MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Hideaway HSA 400 Blank AAP Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 46" LED Display Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player IPCP 505 IP Link® Control Processor TLP 700MV - 7" Wall Mount TouchLink™ Touch panel MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # A0F22CC A0F22CD A0F22QF A0F22QE A0CG3PV A0FPFFR A0FVAK9 46513 A0FE522 46514 00-26-92-3a-de-57 10-65-a3-00-15-91 A0FKED4 W643135A0A21K0305 46029 46103 4010854 860112900866 46529 0005A607F3FA 00-90-5E-12-C1-9F 46515 1014727 46132 A0EVCAM A0F9CDL A0F9CDT A0F9CFN A0F9CED A0H4JQM A0DXDVM A0763RH A0EXDDT A0EXDDX A0FYTUN A0F7CC3 A0FKEA1 A0FKEEM Z446HCDB900487 1830437 433-5072-052 15000464901 1093302965 A0HK02M A0HX32Y 46131 46280 00-0a-40-01-79-9b 0005A6082A6F 0005A60853DE 46225 46220 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 8 8 2020 2020 150 400 19 50 155 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 2017 1,900 380 1,957 6 2018 700 117 721 6 6 6 6 6 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 50 50 50 50 50 8 8 8 8 8 52 52 52 52 52 6 5 6 9 6 6 6 2018 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 2018 1,800 1,300 700 1,100 900 1,500 1,600 300 260 117 122 150 250 267 1,854 1,339 721 1,133 927 1,545 1,648 Cost Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio Biamp Contemporary Research Crown Denon Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron Extron 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-211-01 T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21769CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 Nexia SP 232-ATSC+ CTS600 LITE DBP-2012UDCIP 60-1071-02 60-546-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 26-566-02 60-046-03 60-506-21 60-526-01 60-569-01 60-635-21 70-090-11 70-093-12 70-101-13 70-211-01 MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet TL700MV Media Director V2 Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD Audio Digital Proessor. 4 Mic/Line In, 8 Out NTSC/ATSC Cable Tuner Amplifier - 2 Chn. 300W@70V Professional Blu-ray/DVD Player IPCP 505 IP Link® Control Processor TLP 700MV - 7" Wall Mount TouchLink™ Touch panel MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio MVGA-A M-M - 6' Micro VGA with Audio P/2 DA PLUS P/2 DA2xi MT Cable Cubby 300S IN1508 - Presentation Scaler MVX 44 VGA A Blank AAP Three RCA Female to Female Barrels AAP VGA w/3.5mm Stereo to Solder Tabs - AAP HSA AC Net AAP - AC Outlet and RJ-11 / RJ-45 AAP Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm MAC Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46522 46524 00-26-92-3a-ce-26 10-65-a3-00-14-97 46030 46080 46255 A0CUE7W A0DX84L A0FVAHX A0FE564 A0FKECR W643038A0A21K0116 4010783 860112900841 1KL1487880 46523 00-90-5E-12-C2-94 46519 46281 00-0a-40-01-79-8e 46520 0005A6082A92 0005A60853BA 46518 46221 1014604 1830410 433-5072-053 15000464900 1093302984 A0J7256 A0HX325 A0CG3U3 46521 46526 A0FVAJ4 A0FE52L A0CWPMU A0FKED3 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy Replacement Year 8 8 2020 2020 150 400 19 50 155 412 6 2018 1,350 225 1,391 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 7 2019 1,600 229 1,648 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 5 6 9 6 6 6 2017 2017 2018 2021 2018 2018 2018 1,900 1,300 700 1,100 900 1,500 1,600 380 260 117 122 150 250 267 1,957 1,339 721 1,133 927 1,545 1,648 8 8 2020 2020 150 400 19 50 155 412 6 6 2018 2018 1,350 700 225 117 1,391 721 6 6 2018 2018 50 50 8 8 52 52 Cost Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Equipment Inventory Room # Building Manufacturing Part Item Description 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 Hitachi Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Middle Atlantic Mitsubishi Panamax Peerless Shure Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum Vaddio CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI T-17SXL ? RC-3 U317 XD600U M4320-Pro PRG-UNV SLX124/85/SM58 97503 99021 21769CHB 55264B 97506B 999-2008-000 6032 6034 6034 6034 6000A 6010A 6020A 7820-C7S 7821-C7S 17" StarBoard w/ 5 Foot USB cable ? Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf Middle Atlantic Rack Shelf XD600U - DLP, 4500 ANSI Lumens, XGA, 1.4-2.1 Panamax M4320-Pro PDU Peerless Projector Mount PRG-UNV SLX4 Wireless Receiver, Lav Mic, Handheld Mic Rack Mount Pull Out Shelf Power Strip Rackmount 9Outlet TL700MV Media Director V2 Cherry & Black Pull out Drawer MDLV2 Black Rack Mount Fan Double Black CeilingView SD w/ Quick-Connect CV HD/SD 2 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank 4 slot blank CSI Fiberlink Cage CSI Fiberlink PS CSI Fiberlink Alarm Fiberlink Tx card Fiberlink Rx card Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing MAC 00-26-92-3a-de-bd 10-65-a3-00-14-98 Asset Tag Serial #'s # 46527 W643135A0A21K0284 46031 46081 46256 4010775 860112900842 1KL1487995 46525 46528 1014612 QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy 7 Replacement Year 2019 5 9 2017 2021 1,500 750 300 83 1,545 773 5 2017 750 150 773 6 2018 3,200 533 3,296 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2017 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 1,900 50 50 50 50 500 250 175 1,200 1,200 419,100 380 5 5 5 5 45 23 16 109 1,957 52 52 52 52 515 258 180 1,236 69,709 430,437 Cost 1,600 Annualized Estimated Cost Replacement 229 1,648 posted to technology tab C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Math and Science - Building IMC Listening Devices Inventory - detail Room 111 146 147 233 308 401 437 438 Manufacturing Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Part PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 Item Description Speaker QTY ALS System 1 ALS System 1 ALS System 1 ALS System 1 ALS System 1 ALS System 1 ALS System 1 ALS System 1 astive listening device Listen System is the normal purchase for RCC hard wired into the rack in each classroom Life Expectancy 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years Replacement year 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Replacement Cost Cost 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 12,000 13,200 posted to technology tab C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Nursing - Building IMC Listening Devices Inventory - detail Room 151 152 153 154 155 156 183 251 252 253 255 256 Manufacturing Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Williams Sound Part PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 PPA T35 Item Description ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System ALS System astive listening device Listen System is the normal purchase for RCC hard wired into the rack in each classroom Speaker QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Life Expectancy 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years 7-10 years Replacement year 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Replacement Cost Cost 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 18,000 19,800 posted to technology tab C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Nikon Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Chemistry Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Total Cost Student Microscopes - E200 Basic Set R Equipment > $1K 301 Student Microscopes - E200 Basic Set R Equipment > $1K 302 Student Microscopes - E200 Basic Set R Equipment > $1K 339 Student Microscopes - E200 Basic Set R Equipment > $1K 343 Student Microscopes - E200 Basic Set R Equipment > $1K Student Microscopes - E200 Basic Set R E2-EP Eyepiece pointer for E200 E2-EP Eyepiece pointer for E201 E2-EP Eyepiece pointer for E202 E2-EP Eyepiece pointer for E203 E2-EP Eyepiece pointer for E204 E2-EP Eyepiece pointer for E205 Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 32 1,431.00 45,792.00 7 6,541.71 50,371.20 32 1,431.00 45,792.00 7 6,541.71 50,371.20 25 1,431.00 35,775.00 7 5,110.71 39,352.50 25 1,431.00 35,775.00 7 5,110.71 39,352.50 303 32 1,431.00 45,792.00 7 6,541.71 50,371.20 Equipment > $1K Equipment > $1K Equipment > $1K Equipment > $1K Equipment > $1K Equipment > $1K Equipment > $1K 304 301 302 339 343 303 304 32 32 32 25 25 32 32 1,431.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 45,792.00 256.00 256.00 200.00 200.00 256.00 256.00 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6,541.71 36.57 36.57 28.57 28.57 36.57 36.57 50,371.20 281.60 281.60 220.00 220.00 281.60 281.60 Instructor Microscopes, E200 Basic set Equipment > $1K 301/302 2 1,431.00 2,862.00 7 408.86 3,148.20 Instructor Microscopes, E200 Basic set Equipment > $1K 339/343 2 1,431.00 2,862.00 7 408.86 3,148.20 Instructor Microscopes, E200 Basic set Equipment > $1K 303/304 2 1,431.00 2,862.00 7 408.86 3,148.20 Instructor Microscopes, E200 Basic set Equipment > $1K 305 1 1,431.00 1,431.00 7 204.43 1,574.10 Instructor Microscopes, E200 Basic set Equipment > $1K 306 1 1,431.00 1,431.00 7 204.43 1,574.10 Instructor Microscopes, E200 Basic set Equipment > $1K 404 1 1,431.00 1,431.00 7 204.43 1,574.10 Instructor Microscopes, E200 Basic set Equipment > $1K 307 1 1,431.00 1,431.00 7 204.43 1,574.10 Instructor Microscopes, E200 Basic set Y-T TV Tube/C Mount Adapter A Equipment > $1K 342 2 12 1,431.00 115.20 2,862.00 1,382.40 7 7 408.86 197.49 3,148.20 1,520.64 12 797.00 9,564.00 7 1,366.29 10,520.40 7 7 372.64 995.77 2,869.35 7,667.44 E2-TF Trinocular Eyepiece Tube, 2-way prism 100% visual - 100% phot Siedentopf eye tube rotates 180 degrees Office Depot Chemistry Literature Organizer Supply 2 98.99 197.98 Sargent-Welch Sanitizer Goggle 40 Goggle Hotplate/Stir Dig Corning 5x7 Equipment < $1K Equipment < $1K 5 20 521.70 348.52 2,608.50 6,970.40 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Digital Melting Point App VWR Beaker 150ML pk 12 VWR Beaker 250ML pk 12 VWR Beaker 400ML pk 12 VWR Beaker 600ML pk 6 VWR Beaker 125ML pk 12 VWR Beaker 25ML pk 12 Dish Evaporating SZ 0-80ML Stirring Rod 200MM pk 12 VWR Pipette Straight 4 pk 12 Tube Cult 10x75 MM 9820 72/pk Tube Cult 10x150 MM 9820 72/pk Corks XXXX - No. 5 100/pk Tongs Crucible/Flask S/S Filter Oaor 125 MM 50 ENV of 25 Funnel 60Deg PP - 75MM Paper Litmus Blue VL 12/pk Litmus Paper Red VL Pk 12 Plastic Spatula White 5 in PK 36 Brush T-Tube Radial MED9 1/41IN Support T-T PE 24-Place Clamp Buret-single coated jaws Watch glass 90 MM 9985 pk 12 Wire Gauze w/Ceram Ctr - 4 x 4in Spatula Lab-Scoop Style pk6 Forceps Chemical Steel - 127 MM Crucible w/Cover High Frm 15 ML Clamp T-Tube Stoddard-Brass Triangles Clay - 1 1/2" 10/pk Burner Tirrill - Natural Gas Goggles Hooded Vent UV Fog free Buret Transparent Acryl - 25ML School Outfitters Laptop Storage Cart VWR International, Inc Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Chemistry Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Total Cost Equipment < $1K 15 715.57 10,733.55 Supply 14 26.71 373.94 Supply 28 28.51 798.28 Supply 14 33.43 468.02 Supply 27 21.26 574.02 Supply 14 38.15 534.10 Supply 27 40.62 1,096.74 Supply 162 9.09 1,472.58 Supply 27 3.37 90.99 Supply 27 2.64 71.28 Supply 12 21.64 259.68 Supply 16 36.49 583.84 Supply 12 7.01 84.12 Supply 162 5.46 884.52 Supply 4 112.09 448.36 Supply 60 2.64 158.40 Supply 14 8.11 113.54 Supply 14 8.11 113.54 Supply 5 4.93 24.65 Supply 80 1.62 129.60 Supply 162 5.57 902.34 Supply 162 5.53 895.86 Supply 14 25.98 363.72 Supply 162 1.37 221.94 Supply 27 5.99 161.73 Supply 162 1.23 199.26 Supply 162 1.59 257.58 Supply 162 1.30 210.60 Supply 17 11.91 202.47 Supply 30 19.00 570.00 Supply 40 5.25 210.00 Supply 20 59.89 1,197.80 2 1,395.00 2,790.00 - Life Cycle 7 20 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 1,533.36 Replacement Cost 11,806.91 139.50 2,803.95 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Chemistry Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Total Cost Supply 18 36.76 661.68 1 2,957.74 2,957.74 Equipment < $1K 2 182.46 364.92 Equipment < $1K 2 206.99 413.98 1 1,484.86 1,484.86 Equipment < $1K 1 358.19 358.19 Equipment < $1K 1 358.19 358.19 Equipment < $1K 1 499.66 499.66 Equipment < $1K 1 765.88 765.88 Equipment < $1K 1 710.47 710.47 8 1,210.62 9,684.96 1 1,257.62 1,257.62 20 103.77 2,075.40 1 1,511.16 1,511.16 Equipment < $1K 1 487.06 487.06 3 67.96 203.88 Item VWR Clock Radio Traceable VWR Refrigerator/Freezer 10.1 CUFT Cart HD Utility 2-Shelf Cart HD 2-Shelf Beige ED115-UL Oven RS 422 115V Dispensette Organic 5ML ADJ Dispensette Organic 10 ML ADL Dispensette Organic 25ML ADJ Printer for Spectrum BXII Microwave 120V Programmable Balance Prec 820 G X 0.01 G Spectronic Colorimeter MDL 20D+ Support Base with Rod PC Lenovo XP/SP3 M58P Monitor: 17 inch LCD VWR Barometer Temp + Humidity VWR International, Inc Chemistry - Equipment - P31823 Per Quote D13-120211 Western Pacific Distributors, Inc. Manitowoc Flare Self-Contained Ever pure Insurice Single-12000(2) water filter Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 10 20 20 10 7 7 7 7 10 7 7 7 5 5 422.53 52.13 59.14 212.12 51.17 51.17 71.38 109.41 101.50 1,383.57 179.66 296.49 302.23 97.41 2,972.53 366.74 416.05 1,492.28 359.98 359.98 502.16 769.71 781.52 9,733.38 1,263.91 2,179.17 1,662.28 535.77 Lot 26,580.75 26,580.75 7 3,797.25 27,909.79 1 3,014.00 3,014.00 7 430.57 3,164.70 1 172.50 172.50 374,797.23 7 24.64 51,292.28 181.13 392,485.16 50,892.64 399.64 51,292.28 390,287.11 2,198.04 392,485.16 TOTAL couldn't find backup Total Supply Items Total Instructional Equipment Total Technology Equipment posted posted posted 14,737.04 358,061.97 1,998.22 374,797.23 posted to operations tab equipment >$1K -- Capital Asset Management C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Kingsley North, Inc. Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Physical Sciences Budgeted Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Total Cost Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 162.67 5,026.40 Slab Saw Oil Lubra Kool - Gallon Jug 7-0369 231 231 231 1 1 2 4,880.00 137.14 105.00 4,880.00 137.14 210.00 30 1 1 Solderless Powered Breadboard w/meters 231 12 89.95 1,079.40 5 231 12 1,766.07 21,192.84 15 1,412.86 21,828.63 231 12 519.87 6,238.44 15 415.90 6,425.59 231 12 1,533.57 18,402.84 15 1,226.86 18,954.93 231 12 873.27 10,479.24 15 698.62 10,793.62 Marlin P. Jones & Associates, Inc. Pasco Univ Gravitational Const 012-12021 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources 1.5M Fbrgls Measure Tape Blue w/logo Gravitational Torsion Balance 45CM Steel Rod, Large Table Clamp, X-Y ADJ Diode Lase Rotational Inertia 012-12021 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources Rotary Motion Sensor Mini-Rotational Access, Large Rod Stand 90 CM Steel Rod, Mass and Hanger Set DR Damped Harmonic OSC EX-9906 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources, Rotary Motion Sensor Power Amplifier II, Chaos Accessory Large Rod Stand, 45CM Steel Rod 120 CM Rod, Mech Oscillator/Driver Multi-Clamp, Braided Physics String Power Supply 18V 5A 4MM Banna Plg. Cords-Red set of 5 Thermal Expansion SW 012-12021 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources, Thermistor Sensor Rotary Motion Sensor, Steam Generator Comp Based Therm Exp C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Physical Sciences Budgeted Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Total Cost Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost Ratio of Specific Heat - 012-12021 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources, Press Sns 0-10 KPA GA Large Rod Stand, 45CM Steel Rod Heat Engine 231 12 547.77 6,573.24 15 438.22 6,770.44 Blackbody Radiation 012-12021 Black Body Light Source, Black Body Prism Bulb, #64 Replacement 10 pk (EM-8662) 4MM Banana Plg. Cords - BLK set of 5 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources, Voltage Sensor Rotary Motion Sensor, Power Amplifier II Broad Spectrum Light Sns, Aperture Bracket Spectrophotometer Acc 60CM Optics Bench, Black Body Prism Bulb #64 Replacement 10 pk (EM-8662) 4MM Bana Plg. Cords-Blk set of 5 231 12 1,728.87 20,746.44 15 1,383.10 21,368.83 231 12 677.97 8,135.64 15 Mechanical Waves Instructor, Phy Exp Resources Cord, Braided, #18 Yel 012-12021 45 CM Steel Rod Adj. Angle Rod Clamp Mass and Hanger Set Universal Table Clamp Super Pulley Pulley Mounting Rod Braided Physics String Elastic Wave Cord 3MM Dia 4MM Banan Plg. Cords-Red set of 5 Economy Resonance Tube String Vibrator Sine Wave Generator Open Speaker C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Physical Sciences Budgeted Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Diffraction of Light 012-12021 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources Light Sensor Rotary Motion Sensor Optics Track 1.2M Slit Acc. Basic Optics Red Diode Laser BSC Opts Aperture Bracket Linear Translator 231 12 743.07 Speed of Light 012-12021, Instructor, Phy Exp Resources Mini Laser with Adapter, Optics Bench (1 meter) Component Carrier, Calibrated Polarizer Lens, 48 MM FL DBL CNVX Convex Lens, 252MM FL, Plano, CNVX Laser Align.Law Bench, Basic Speed of Light 231 12 4,602.57 Coulomb's 012-12021, Instructor, Phyapparatus Exp Resources Faraday Ice Pail, Charge Prod/Proof Planex Electrometer, Kilovolt Power Supply 231 12 2,221.77 Earth's Magnetic Field 012-12021 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources, Magnetic Field Sensor Rotary Motion Sensor, Zero Motion Sensor Zero Gauss Chamber, 45CM Steel Rod ADJ. Angle Rod Clamp, Angle Indicator Dip Needle 231 12 687.27 Total Cost Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 8,916.84 15 594.46 9,184.35 55,230.84 15 3,682.06 56,887.77 26,661.24 25 1,066.45 27,461.08 8,247.24 15 549.82 8,494.66 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Physical Sciences Budgeted Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Magnetic Fields of Coils, Instructor, Phy Exp Resources Magnetic Field Sensor, Rotary Motion Sensor IDS Mount Accessory, Field Coil, 200 Turn Helmholtz Coil Base, Small Round Base 2 Pack 25CM Threader Rod, Optics Rod Clamp 60 CM Optics Bench, Primary/Secondary Coils Hooked Mass Set, Power Supply 18V 5A 4MM Banana Plg.Cords-BLK set of 5 Basic Digital Miltimeter Archim. Prcple. Expt Kit 012-12021 Instructor, Phy Exp Resources 100 ML Beaker, Pyrex, 1000 ML Beaker, Pyrex 50 ML Graded Cyl, Pyrex, Density SetKarge Rid Stand 50 ML Graded Cyl, Pyrex, Density Set Large Rod Stand, 45CM Steel Rod Braided Physics String, Overflow Can Ohaus 760-00 Triple Beam Balance Calipers (Stainless) Centripetal Force App Hooke's Law Sciwrksp, Instructor, Phy Exp Resources Economy Force Sensor, Universal Table Clamp Demonstration Spring Set, Bumper Accessory Set Four-Scale Meter Stick Newton's Law, Sciswhshp, Instructor, Phy Exp Resources SW Motion Sensor, Pascar (set of 2) 1.2M Pascar Trk w/o cart Discover Friction Acc., Mass and Hanger Set Super Pulley with clamp 4 "AA" Batteries Hover Puck, Braided Physics String 20MHZ, 2TRC, STU O Scope Total Cost Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 231 24 161.57 3,877.68 15 258.51 3,994.01 231 231 12 12 464.07 287.37 5,568.84 3,448.44 15 15 371.26 229.90 5,735.91 3,551.89 231 12 185.07 2,220.84 10 222.08 2,287.47 231 231 12 12 677.97 584.97 8,135.64 7,019.64 15 10 542.38 701.96 8,379.71 7,230.23 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Physical Sciences Budgeted Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Prec DMM/Comp Test/Therm Multimeter 231 12 82.77 Wide Range FN Generator 231 12 371.07 Decade Capacitance Box 231 36 120.90 Resistance Decade Box 231 36 93.00 DC Power Supply, o-30V 231 78 186.00 Spectrmtr Sys NUC Rad 231 1 5,393.07 E/M Apparatus 231 4 1,440.57 Van De Graff Generator 231 2 529.17 Student Spectrometer 231 24 929.07 Item Total Cost Life Cycle 993.24 4,452.84 4,352.40 3,348.00 14,508.00 5,393.07 5,762.28 1,058.34 22,297.68 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 15 Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 445.28 4,586.43 539.31 1,152.46 211.67 1,486.51 5,554.86 5,935.15 1,090.09 22,966.61 750 USB Stand PHS BNDL Cordet Domestic To IEC, Picket Fence, DYN Cart 18 QT Clr Snap lock, Voltage Sensor Light Sensor, Sound Sensor, Magnetic Field Sensor Press Sns 0-700KPA ABS, Force Sensor 12V Rotary Motion Sensor, Power Motion Sensor Power Amplifier II Charge Sensor, Acceleration Sensor, Temperature Sensor, SW Motion Sensor 750 Interface-USB Photogate/Pulley System, Dynamics Track Bracket Accessory Photogate, Picket Fence Alligator Clip Adapters BSET = 10 for 4MM Ban PL Function Generator Mech. Equiv of Heat app 231 231 231 231 24 12 23 14 2,324.07 18.60 584.97 454.77 55,777.68 223.20 13,454.31 6,366.78 15 5 10 10 3,718.51 57,451.01 1,345.43 636.68 13,857.94 6,557.78 Inclined Plane Set Roller F/Inclined Plane - Econ Friction Box Precision Airtrack + Access Timing System Digital W/Photogate Quiet Air Source Stroboscope Dig. 30-14,000 FPM Engraved Precision Force Table 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 12 12 12 13 12 12 13 13 217.98 23.55 11.07 270.12 176.38 189.93 589.99 541.08 2,615.76 282.60 132.84 3,511.56 2,116.56 2,279.16 7,669.87 7,034.04 10 25 5 10 5 5 5 25 261.58 2,694.23 351.16 3,616.91 1,533.97 281.36 7,899.97 7,245.06 Sargent-Welch C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Physical Sciences Budgeted Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Pulley Force Table with clamp 231 36 29.46 Slotted WT Set 5x0.IN-SS ST12 231 12 145.23 Mass Hanger 500G Capacity 231 24 6.76 Collision Balls Apparatus 231 2 179.20 Digital Motor-Driven Rotator 231 13 967.96 Precision Centripetal Force 231 12 287.29 Ball Bearing Rotating Support 231 7 511.82 Pulley - Low Friction w/Rod 231 12 25.77 Black Nylon Pulley Cord 231 12 3.95 Braided Cord White Thick 45M 231 12 5.99 Ball set drilled - Asstd 12/st 231 11 40.18 Cotton Twine 1/6 Ball 200M 231 2 2.96 Density Identification Kit ST 231 12 28.16 Pascal's Demonstrator 231 1 20.69 Balance Scout Pro 400 x .1 G 231 6 138.18 Decade Capacitance Source 231 12 124.01 Decade Resistance Box 4 Decade 231 12 41.21 Cenco St. Louis Motor 231 2 171.39 Spectrum Tube Power Supply 231 12 140.29 Spectrum Tube Hydrogen 231 6 25.03 Spectrum Tube Helium 231 6 25.03 Deluxe Ray Boc Optics Set 231 12 102.78 Rive Ray Box Optics Set 231 12 116.32 Multimeter Basix 231 12 13.08 Clamp Rod Support - Table Top 231 12 25.73 Thermal Camera 231 1 1,595.09 Radiological Survey Meter 231 1 596.15 Cenco Behr Free-Fall Apparatus 231 1 652.12 Cenco Spark Generator 231 1 423.19 Paper - Hydrion AB 231 12 15.86 Dynamics Cart Set w/2 Spring 231 1 53.05 Magnetic Pole Detector 231 1 16.67 Cenco Resonance Apparatus 231 6 202.54 The Mirage 231 1 38.28 Deluxe Green Laser Pointer 231 1 77.55 Total Cost 1,060.56 1,742.76 162.24 358.40 12,583.48 3,447.48 3,582.74 309.24 47.40 71.88 441.98 5.92 337.92 20.69 829.08 1,488.12 494.52 342.78 1,683.48 150.18 150.18 1,233.36 1,395.84 156.96 308.76 1,595.09 596.15 652.12 423.19 190.32 53.05 16.67 1,215.24 38.28 77.55 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Life Cycle 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 1 5 5 10 25 5 5 10 10 5 25 1 1 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 5 10 5 Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 1,258.35 689.50 358.27 12,960.98 3,550.90 3,690.22 159.51 59.62 65.21 42.32 1,642.94 614.03 671.68 435.89 243.05 1,251.70 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Physical Sciences Budgeted Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Chart - Fundamental Particles 231 3 19.11 Meter Stick Hardwood 231 24 1.75 Spring Harmonic Motion 231 12 19.03 Item Total Cost 57.33 42.00 228.36 Life Cycle 10 5 10 Annualized Cost Replacement Cost School Outfitters Oak tables with epoxy tops 231 8 724.86 5,798.88 20 289.94 5,972.85 Biological Microscopes Polarizing Microscope Polarizing Microscope Binocular Microscopes Acculab Balances Large Maps Large Plastic Maps Belt Sander Lap Polisher Large Rock Saw Small Rock Saw Lap Polisher Sieve Shaker Hydraulic Rock Splitter Refrigerator Sieve Shaker USA Plastic Map Drafting Table Chainfall Lift Barometer mercury style Portable Whiteboards Big Loop for Energy BK Precision Function Gen INTERFEROMETER Triple Beam Balance Rolling Cart Drill, Stand and Drills Heavy Duty Socket Set 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 239.00 550.00 2,989.00 538.00 595.00 395.00 395.00 329.99 375.00 3,750.00 665.00 4,150.00 755.00 1,000.00 229.00 1,980.00 395.00 224.99 292.64 6,074.00 340.59 200.00 399.00 1,595.00 1,315.25 148.45 279.98 209.00 239.00 550.00 2,989.00 538.00 595.00 395.00 395.00 329.99 375.00 3,750.00 665.00 4,150.00 755.00 1,000.00 229.00 1,980.00 395.00 224.99 292.64 6,074.00 1,362.36 200.00 399.00 1,595.00 1,315.25 148.45 279.98 209.00 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 25 25 25 25 25 15 25 15 15 10 25 25 25 5 25 10 25 25 25 10 25 23.90 55.00 298.90 53.80 119.00 39.50 39.50 13.20 15.00 150.00 26.60 166.00 50.33 40.00 15.27 132.00 39.50 9.00 11.71 242.96 272.47 8.00 39.90 63.80 52.61 246.17 566.50 3,078.67 554.14 612.85 406.85 406.85 339.89 386.25 3,862.50 684.95 4,274.50 777.65 1,030.00 235.87 2,039.40 406.85 231.74 301.42 6,256.22 1,403.23 206.00 410.97 1,642.85 1,354.71 28.00 8.36 288.38 215.27 MISC C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Physical Sciences Budgeted Description / Model Information Room # Qty Amount Hickcock Power Supply 231 1 446.00 Vice Clamp 231 1 480.95 2 Wheel Grinder/Sharpener 231 1 329.99 Workshop 231 26 2,089.00 Digital tachometer 231 6 269.99 Travelling Microscope 231 1 397.00 Cathode ray tube 231 2 276.00 Nuclear detector 231 3 1,595.00 Geiger-Muller sensor 231 6 345.00 Gamma ray detector 231 1 6,495.00 Pressure Plate 231 2 255.00 Vacuum Plate 231 1 255.00 Vacuum pump 231 2 259.00 Bell Jar 231 4 883.00 Tesla Coil 231 1 275.00 Resistance-Capacitance Box 231 1 359.00 Student Potentiometer 231 3 289.99 GE Transformer 231 1 399.00 Horseshoe magnet 231 1 385.35 Large galvanometer 231 1 50.00 Magnetic ring toss 231 1 8.99 Impedance circuit 231 5 261.00 Lg Wimhurst Machine 231 1 707.95 Millikan oil drop apparatus 231 1 1,859.00 Oscilloscope 231 25 659.00 Total 95,676.13 Math and Sciences Building Information Total Supply Items 3,094.43 Total Instructional Equipment 92,581.70 Annualized Cost 17.84 19.24 13.20 5,431.40 323.99 15.88 55.20 478.50 207.00 649.50 20.40 10.20 20.72 141.28 27.50 35.90 34.80 15.96 15.41 Replacement Cost 459.38 495.38 339.89 55,943.42 1,668.54 408.91 568.56 4,928.55 2,132.10 6,689.85 525.30 262.65 533.54 3,637.96 283.25 369.77 896.07 410.97 396.91 52.20 28.32 123.93 1,098.33 39,937.76 1,344.15 729.19 1,914.77 16,969.25 528,751.76 43,365.79 521,486.86 39,937.76 528,751.76 15,223 1,093 15,680 Total Cost 446.00 480.95 329.99 54,314.00 1,619.94 397.00 552.00 4,785.00 2,070.00 6,495.00 510.00 255.00 518.00 3,532.00 275.00 359.00 869.97 399.00 385.35 50.00 8.99 1,305.00 707.95 1,859.00 16,475.00 564,852.65 Life Cycle 25 25 25 10 5 25 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 25 10 10 25 25 25 15 25 25 25 15 15 **Note: yellow highlights -- Life cycle not provided by the department Replacement costs estimated at 3% increase posted to operations tab < $1000 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Bio-Rad Laboratories Micro centrifuge Micro centrifuge MyCycler Thermal Cycler Vortexers Fluorimeter Fluorimeter filter set Fluorimeter filter set Fluorimeter filter Fluorimeter filter Carolina Biological Supply Co Sarcomere Animal Meiosis Set Animal Mitosis Set 3B Human Musc Disartic Skeleton Bone Sections Beauchene Skull, color coded Muscle Fiber Models Half Head Model Ear Models Fetal Skulls Human Cervical Vertebrae Set Human Thoracic Vertebrae Set Human Lumbar Vertebrae Set Human Demonstration Skull Human Demonstration Skull, Color Human Bone Structures Human Inner Ear Functional Human Eye Model RNA Protein Synth. Models Altay Human Head and Neck Somso Human Dura Mater Somso Human Head Sections Model Somso Human Larynx, Trachea Model Somso Human Lung Model Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Life Sciences Description / Model Budgeted Information Room# Qty Costs Total Cost supply supply supply supply supply supply supply supply supply Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 305 337 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1,628.58 1,628.58 2,300.04 471.44 3,566.40 405.60 405.60 54.60 54.60 1,628.58 1,628.58 4,600.08 1,885.76 3,566.40 405.60 405.60 54.60 54.60 5 5 10 5 10 10 10 325.72 325.72 460.01 377.15 356.64 40.56 40.56 1,677.44 1,677.44 4,738.08 1,942.33 3,673.39 417.77 417.77 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 2 2 1 4 5 3 7 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 1 866.64 229.78 205.77 759.05 142.45 1,604.55 284.95 879.94 322.64 180.15 38.12 38.12 40.97 502.76 681.15 102.21 370.02 313.46 525.82 171.00 546.01 2,012.57 649.80 920.55 1,733.28 459.56 205.77 3,036.20 712.25 4,813.65 1,994.65 1,759.88 967.92 360.30 76.24 76.24 81.94 1,005.52 1,362.30 204.42 740.04 626.92 1,051.64 342.00 2,184.04 4,025.14 1,949.40 920.55 10 10 10 10 173.33 45.96 20.58 303.62 1,785.28 473.35 211.94 3,127.29 10 10 10 10 481.37 199.47 175.99 96.79 4,958.06 2,054.49 1,812.68 996.96 10 10 100.55 136.23 1,035.69 1,403.17 10 10 10 74.00 62.69 105.16 762.24 645.73 1,083.19 10 10 10 10 218.40 402.51 194.94 92.06 2,249.56 4,145.89 2,007.88 948.17 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Microanatomy Digestive System Model Microstructure of Stomach Wall Liver Microanatomy Model Human Vertebrae Spinal Cord Dissection Altay Nerves of Human Neck Kidney Microanatomy Model Altay Human Female Pelvis Model Altay Human Male Pelvis Model Altay Human Ovary Model Somso Human Leg and Pelvis Model Somso Human Arm and Shoulder Model UV Lamps Weather Station Compass w/ Clinometer Plant Model Stem, Monocot Plant Model Stem, Dicot Plant Model Root, Dicot Plant Model Wood Buret Plankton nets 50m Measuring Tape Conviron Environmental Chamber Environmental Chamber Home Depot K-Log, Inc. Stainless Steel Carts Stainless Steel Carts Midwest Information Systems Instructor Microscope Camera Instructor Microscope Camera Instructor Microscope Camera Instructor Microscope Camera Instructor Microscope Camera Instructor Microscope Camera Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Life Sciences Description / Model Budgeted Information Room# Qty Costs Total Cost 301/302 1 284.95 284.95 supply 301/302 1 135.37 135.37 301/302 1 284.95 284.95 supply 301/302 2 92.62 185.24 supply 301/302 2 114.00 228.00 301/302 3 280.25 840.75 supply 301/302 2 131.81 263.62 supply 301/302 2 131.78 263.56 supply 301/302 2 64.09 128.18 301/302 6 1,800.49 10,802.94 301/302 5 1,647.06 8,235.30 supply 339/343 2 90.84 181.68 404 1 627.24 627.24 supply 404 16 42.71 683.36 supply 404 1 197.72 197.72 404 1 210.19 210.19 404 1 245.81 245.81 404 1 206.62 206.62 supply 307 8 87.64 701.12 supply 307 2 165.30 330.60 supply 307 8 35.62 284.96 Life Cycle 10 Annualized Cost 28.50 Replacement Cost 293.50 10 28.50 293.50 10 84.08 865.97 10 10 1,080.29 823.53 11,127.03 8,482.36 15 41.82 646.06 15 15 15 14.01 16.39 13.77 216.50 253.18 212.82 306 404 1 1 14,014.00 14,014.00 14,014.00 14,014.00 10 10 1,401.40 1,401.40 14,434.42 14,434.42 337 339/343 4 4 1,214.44 1,214.44 4,857.76 4,857.76 20 20 242.89 242.89 5,003.49 5,003.49 301/302 339/343 303/304 305 306 308/401/402 1 1 1 1 1 1 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 3,141.00 5 5 5 5 5 5 628.20 628.20 628.20 628.20 628.20 628.20 3,235.23 3,235.23 3,235.23 3,235.23 3,235.23 3,235.23 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Instructor Microscope Camera Nasco Healthcare Ed Materials Density Tank Office Depot 20" Potable Fans- High velocity Commercial Coffee Machine Shredder- Heavy Duty Poster Storage Shelves Olympus America, Inc. Stereo Microscopes Dissection Stereo Microscopes Dissection Stereo Microscopes Dissection Stereo Microscopes Dissection School Outfitters Steel Laptop Storage Cart Thermo Fisher Scientific LLC Brinkman Dispensers Spectrophotometers Analytical Balances Electronic Balances Ohaus Scot Pro Electronic Balances Ohaus Scot Pro Water Baths Ph/O2 Meter Spectrophotometers Water Baths Refrigerated Water Circular Analytical Balances Electronic Balances Ohaus Scot Pro Ph/O2 Meter Electric Balances Ohaus Scout pro Ph/O2 Meter Analytical Balances Analytical Balances Pump Dispensers (Peristaltic) VWR International, Inc Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Life Sciences Description / Model Budgeted Information Room# Qty Costs Total Cost 307 1 3,141.00 3,141.00 supply Fellowes supply Life Cycle 5 Annualized Cost 628.20 Replacement Cost 3,235.23 307 1 229.46 229.46 5 45.89 236.34 339/343 Rec/Lounge Rec/Lounge 337 4 1 1 6 69.99 359.96 371.69 149.99 279.96 359.96 371.69 899.94 5 5 20 71.99 74.34 45.00 370.76 382.84 926.94 303/304 306 404 307 64 8 32 8 1,313.90 1,313.90 1,313.90 1,313.90 84,089.60 10,511.20 42,044.80 10,511.20 10 10 10 10 8,408.96 1,051.12 4,204.48 1,051.12 86,612.29 10,826.54 43,306.14 10,826.54 3 539.88 1,619.64 20 80.98 1,668.23 4 6 2 6 8 2 4 3 6 3 2 6 1 8 8 1 1 1 261.12 972.22 1,484.88 330.51 330.51 665.38 1,511.64 5,770.00 665.38 2,452.95 1,484.88 330.51 1,511.64 330.51 1,511.64 1,484.88 1,484.88 182.11 1,044.48 5,833.32 2,969.76 1,983.06 2,644.08 1,330.76 6,046.56 17,310.00 3,992.28 7,358.85 2,969.76 1,983.06 1,511.64 2,644.08 12,093.12 1,484.88 1,484.88 182.11 5 10 10 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 208.90 583.33 296.98 661.02 881.36 133.08 604.66 1,731.00 399.23 735.89 296.98 198.31 151.16 264.41 1,209.31 148.49 148.49 1,075.81 6,008.32 3,058.85 2,042.55 2,723.40 1,370.68 6,227.96 17,829.30 4,112.05 7,579.62 3,058.85 2,042.55 1,556.99 2,723.40 12,455.91 1,529.43 1,529.43 339/343 337 303 303 304 303/304 303/304 305 305 305 305 305 305 307 307 337 342 342 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Colony Counter Water Bath Shake 12L White LT Transil Refrigerator GLS Door Refrigerator GLS Door Incubator Incubator Waste Container for Biohazard Refrigerator Gen Pur Lab 17 Freezer Centrifuge Avanti Conical Adapter (Centrifuge) Avanti Conical Adapter (Centrifuge) Micropipettes (Adjustable) Micropipettes (Adjustable) Micropipettes (Adjustable) Micropipettes (Adjustable) White LT Transil Forced Air Drying Oven Dishwasher Lab Grade Base Storage Cabinets: Acid/Corrosive Base Storage Cabinets: Flammable Wards Blood Pressure Sensors EKG Sensors Exercise Hear Rate Monitor Spirometer Sensors Vernier Lab Pro Interface Microscopes Slide Storage Cabinet Hot Plates with Stirrer Hot Plates with Stirrer Plant Stands Plant Stands Field Binoculars Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Life Sciences Description / Model Budgeted Information Room# Qty Costs Total Cost 4 778.86 3,115.44 342 2 2,008.11 4,016.22 301/302 2 351.88 703.76 339 2 2,653.54 5,307.08 343 2 2,653.54 5,307.08 343 6 2,633.10 15,798.60 339 6 2,633.10 15,798.60 supply 339/343 6 115.08 690.48 305 3 1,403.62 4,210.86 305 1 1,286.32 1,286.32 305 1 18,939.85 18,939.85 305 1 858.77 858.77 305 1 858.77 858.77 305 8 203.14 1,625.12 305 8 203.14 1,625.12 305 8 203.14 1,625.12 305 8 203.14 1,625.12 404 1 351.88 351.88 404 1 1,487.98 1,487.98 337 1 5,867.65 5,867.65 337 1 706.62 706.62 337 1 605.85 605.85 supply supply supply supply supply supply supply 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 301/302 303/304 303/304 305 306 404 404 8 8 8 8 1 2 2 4 2 1 32 105.00 147.00 95.80 199.00 220.00 1,107.00 394.65 394.65 103.97 103.97 70.04 840.00 1,176.00 766.40 1,592.00 220.00 2,214.00 789.30 1,578.60 207.94 103.97 2,241.28 Life Cycle 20 20 15 10 10 10 10 Annualized Cost 155.77 200.81 46.92 530.71 530.71 1,579.86 1,579.86 Replacement Cost 3,208.90 4,136.71 724.87 5,466.29 5,466.29 16,272.56 16,272.56 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 15 15 10 20 20 421.09 128.63 1,893.99 85.88 85.88 541.71 541.71 541.71 541.71 23.46 99.20 586.77 35.33 30.29 4,337.19 1,324.91 19,508.05 884.53 884.53 1,673.87 1,673.87 1,673.87 1,673.87 362.44 1,532.62 6,043.68 727.82 624.03 5 20 5 5 44.00 110.70 157.86 315.72 226.60 2,280.42 812.98 1,625.96 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Refractometers Corning Hot Plat VWR Hot Plate/Stirrer Spirometers DNA Models Deluxe Human Torso Models Functional Model Knee Joint Functional Model Shoulder Joint Articulated Human Skeleton, Female Articulated Human Skeleton, Male Human Pelvis Male Human Pelvis Female Skin Section Models Head & Neck Plaques Denoyer Geppart Eyeball Model Atlay Human Flexible Vertebrae Somso Human Eye in Orbit Animal Cell Models Reflex Arc Somso Human Spinal Cord Somso Dissectible Human Neuron Nervous System Model Somso Human Brain, 2 Part Denoyer Geppart Giant Functional Brain Human Brain Ventricles Atlay Human Endocrine Organs Somso Human Spleen and Pancreas Atlay Human Circulatory Model Heart of America Model Atlay Human Respiratory System Human Digestive Tract Models Human Spinal Cord Section Nerve Ending and synapse Model Male and Female Urinary System Model Atlay Human Kidney, Nephron Model Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Life Sciences Description / Model Budgeted Information Room# Qty Costs Total Cost supply 307 8 87.87 702.96 307 8 394.65 3,157.20 337 2 370.80 741.60 supply 301/302 8 164.00 1,312.00 301/302 5 420.75 2,103.75 301/302 4 976.65 3,906.60 301/302 3 215.64 646.92 301/302 3 249.07 747.21 337 2 1,406.06 2,812.12 337 2 1,423.91 2,847.82 supply 301/302 1 53.87 53.87 supply 301/302 1 53.87 53.87 301/302 5 490.91 2,454.55 supply 301/302 5 104.31 521.55 301/302 6 254.15 1,524.90 supply 301/302 2 93.35 186.70 301/302 2 665.30 1,330.60 301/302 5 408.90 2,044.50 supply 301/302 1 91.26 91.26 301/302 5 262.45 1,312.25 301/302 4 498.15 1,992.60 301/302 2 288.15 576.30 301/302 7 245.44 1,718.08 301/302 5 442.00 2,210.00 supply 301/302 4 98.73 394.92 supply 301/302 2 122.50 245.00 301/302 1 237.15 237.15 supply 301/302 5 162.99 814.95 301/302 6 345.95 2,075.70 301/302 1 236.36 236.36 301/302 5 348.50 1,742.50 301/302 2 302.58 605.16 301/302 2 331.10 662.20 301/302 1 390.15 390.15 301/302 5 209.30 1,046.50 Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 5 5 631.44 148.32 3,251.92 763.85 10 10 10 10 10 10 210.38 390.66 64.69 74.72 281.21 284.78 2,166.86 4,023.80 666.33 769.63 2,896.48 2,933.25 10 245.46 2,528.19 10 152.49 1,570.65 10 10 133.06 204.45 1,370.52 2,105.84 10 10 10 5 5 131.23 199.26 57.63 343.62 442.00 1,351.62 2,052.38 593.59 1,769.62 2,276.30 10 23.72 244.26 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 415.14 23.64 174.25 60.52 66.22 39.02 104.65 2,137.97 243.45 1,794.78 623.31 682.07 401.85 1,077.90 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Life Sciences Description / Model Budgeted Information Room# Qty Costs Total Cost 301/302 2 391.00 782.00 301/302 2 379.45 758.90 301/302 2 475.15 950.30 supply 404 1 145.90 145.90 supply 404 1 156.69 156.69 404 1 442.00 442.00 404 1 283.19 283.19 Item Human Urinary System Somso Human Female Half Pelvis Somso Human Male Half Pelvis Plant Model Leaf, Monocot Plant Model Leaf, Dicot Plant Model Flower Plant Model Root, Monocot MISC Microwave Refrigerator Microwave Microwave Refrigerator Microwave Dishwasher Lab Grade 303 304 304 305 337 337 342 TOTAL Total Supplies Total Instructional Equipment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 249.00 229.00 249.00 249.00 229.00 249.00 5,867.65 183,957.08 249.00 229.00 249.00 249.00 229.00 249.00 5,867.65 514,238.67 4,639.02 179,318.06 18,305.81 495,932.86 Life Cycle 10 10 10 Annualized Cost 78.20 75.89 95.03 Replacement Cost 805.46 781.67 978.81 10 15 44.20 18.88 455.26 291.69 5 10 5 5 10 5 10 49.80 22.90 49.80 49.80 22.90 49.80 586.77 55,170.05 256.47 235.87 256.47 256.47 235.87 256.47 6,043.68 510,810.85 55,170.05 510,810.85 posted to operations tab C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Math Budgeted Description / Model Information Qty Amount Invoice # Item Home Depot Math - supplies Per quote 6619-360397 split cost between disciplines Lot TOTAL 712.73 8310572 Vendor Home Depot Req. Date Req./PO # 9/16/2011 P0030338 712.73 Operaterions Management Tab Misc. supplies - i.e. screws, nuts, bolts, etc. posted to operations tab C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item American Time & Signal Digital Code Timer AMICO Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Nursing Budgeted Description / Model Information Room# Qty Amount Total Cost Amico Headwall Unit & Accessories Armstrong Medical Wire Mobile Cart Wire Mobile Cart FIA - (Walmart) Nursing - Equipment Breast pump Gaumard Noelle S574 Home Depot Nursing - Equipment Laerdal Medical Corp. SimMan Ess. Bleed w/ monitor Sim Man Ess.Bleed - 3 yr warranty & preventative maintenance SimMan 3G Complete w/ monitor SimMan 3G - 3 yr warranty & preventative maintenance Pt. monitor for Sim 3G & Sim Essential Nursing Anne simulator Nursing Kelly simulator Extended warranty for Nursing Anne 1 yr. Extended warranty for Nursing Anne 1 yr. Virtual Phlebotomy kit Virtual IV haptic devices Virtual IV extendend warranty Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 187 1 467.58 467.58 5 93.52 251 22 2,360.80 51,937.60 5 10,387.52 187 279 10 7 695.00 695.00 6,950.00 4,865.00 10 10 695.00 486.50 7,158.50 5,010.95 5 7,002.78 36,064.31 1 187 Per quote 6619-360397 85.12 35,013.89 Lot 712.73 85.12 35,013.89 481.61 53,495.73 3 712.73 275 2 42,507.45 85,014.90 5 17,002.98 89,265.65 277 2 1 10,777.75 64,125.00 21,555.50 64,125.00 3 5 7,185.17 12,825.00 22,633.28 67,331.25 187 1 17,570.25 17,570.25 3 5,856.75 18,448.76 251-253 251-253 3 13 6 3,195.00 8,678.00 8,478.00 9,585.00 112,814.00 50,868.00 5 5 5 1,917.00 22,562.80 10,173.60 10,064.25 118,454.70 53,411.40 13 418.00 5,434.00 1 1,811.33 5,705.70 6 1 2 2 370.50 4,200.00 11,000.00 1,182.00 2,223.00 4,200.00 22,000.00 2,364.00 1 5 5 2 741.00 840.00 4,400.00 788.00 2,334.15 4,410.00 23,100.00 2,482.20 275A 275 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Nursing Budgeted Description / Model Information Room# Qty Amount Total Cost Life Cycle Item 251-253 Sim Pads for Vital Sims 16 3,600.00 57,600.00 5 251-253 Sim Pad Monitor Software license 1 1,040.00 1,040.00 3 251/275B Sim fundus/post partum modules 2 448.00 896.00 5 251-253 Wound care assessment modules for simulators 18 1,733.00 31,194.00 5 Sim Pad protection plan - 2 yr 16 750.00 12,000.00 2 275B/251 Sim Newborn 2 28,111.00 56,222.00 5 Sim Newborn protection plan - 3 yr 2 8,895.00 17,790.00 3 275 Sim View Software for AV 4 7,732.00 30,928.00 5 275C Sim Jr simulator 2 23,764.57 47,529.14 5 Sim Jr. protection plan - 2 yr 2 5,647.75 11,295.50 2 Monet Advanta Bed Bedside Cabinet Overbed Table Welch Allen VS Monitor, NIBP, HR, Temp, SP02 Stand for VSM Welch Allen Suretemp Plus oral probe Welch Allen Pro Tymp Therm IV League Medical Kendall Kangaroo ePumps (enteral feeding) Monet Medical Mobile Computer Workstation Overbed Trapeze & Buck traction Servo ventilator w/ compressor 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 Annualized Cost 11,520.00 346.67 179.20 6,238.80 4,000.00 11,244.40 5,930.00 6,185.60 9,505.83 3,765.17 Replacement Cost 60,480.00 1,092.00 940.80 32,753.70 12,600.00 59,033.10 18,679.50 32,474.40 49,905.60 11,860.28 22 2,600.00 57,200.00 5 11,440.00 58,916.00 22 275.00 6,050.00 5 1,210.00 6,231.50 22 250.00 5,500.00 5 1,100.00 5,665.00 4 1,395.00 5,580.00 5 1,116.00 5,747.40 4 325.00 1,300.00 5 260.00 1,339.00 1 350.00 350.00 5 70.00 360.50 1 395.00 395.00 5 79.00 406.85 25 217.00 5,425.00 5 1,085.00 5,587.75 4 495.00 1,980.00 5 396.00 2,039.40 6 750.00 4,500.00 5 900.00 4,635.00 2 795.00 1,590.00 5 318.00 1,637.70 1 11,750.00 11,750.00 5 2,350.00 12,102.50 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Nursing Budgeted Description / Model Information Room# Qty Amount Total Cost Item Ohmeda Infant warmer w/ temp probe 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 251-253; 275 Alaris pump module Alaris pump PCA module Alaris pump syringe module Alaris ETCO2 module Braun Infusomat Space IV pump Sigma Spectru IV pumps Braun Outlook IV pump Wound vac machine Bladder scan machine CPM Machine Defibrillators - Life Pak Office Depot Shredder-Commercial-Fellowes Power System Wall Clock Pocket Nurse Enterprise Rolling Binder Cart Physician's scale Ht Rod-Dual (Pocket Nurse# 04-33-339) 252 275 Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 2 2,895.00 5,790.00 5 1,158.00 5,963.70 5 1,900.00 9,500.00 5 1,900.00 9,785.00 3 2,195.00 6,585.00 5 1,317.00 6,782.55 3 2,370.00 7,110.00 5 1,422.00 7,323.30 3 2,395.00 7,185.00 5 1,437.00 7,400.55 1 2,200.00 2,200.00 5 440.00 2,266.00 10 3,500.00 35,000.00 5 7,000.00 36,050.00 3 1,925.00 5,775.00 5 1,155.00 5,948.25 1 1,651.00 1,651.00 5 330.20 1,700.53 1 1 2 6,540.00 1,595.00 6,165.00 6,540.00 1,595.00 12,330.00 5 5 5 1,308.00 319.00 2,466.00 6,736.20 1,642.85 12,699.90 180/276 2 36 3,240.00 64.62 6,480.00 2,326.32 10 648.00 6,674.40 151 3 269.99 809.97 10 81.00 834.27 251A 2 200.00 400.00 10 40.00 412.00 251A 4 130.86 523.44 10 52.34 539.14 251-253 3 2,364.00 5 472.80 2,434.92 Wall Clock - 532059 Linen Hamper, Optional Foot Pedal Roche Diagnostics Corp Accu-Check Inform recert meter& base-Roche Diagnostics ACCU-CHEK Life Cycle 788.00 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Nursing Budgeted Description / Model Information Room# Qty Amount Total Cost Item Sears Instructional Equipment Refrigerator Sharp Copier Washer/Dryer for Nursing 279 274 LOT 1,747.51 1,000.00 N255 4 6,122.25 276 251A 251A 251A 187 1 1 1 1 20 277 252 279 253A 275B 1 1 2 1 2 275B 3 275B 275C 275D 4 1 1 1,747.51 1,000.00 Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 1,799.94 1,030.00 10 10 174.75 100.00 24,489.00 10 2,448.90 25,223.67 327.00 64,125.00 8,678.00 5,973.00 1,362.31 327.00 64,125.00 8,678.00 5,973.00 27,246.20 10 5 5 5 10 32.70 12,825.00 1,735.60 1,194.60 2,724.62 336.81 66,048.75 8,938.34 6,152.19 28,063.59 19,235.37 8,052.00 3,230.00 42,507.45 6,366.00 19,235.37 8,052.00 6,460.00 42,507.45 12,732.00 5 5 10 5 5 3,847.07 1,610.40 646.00 8,501.49 2,546.40 19,812.43 8,293.56 6,653.80 43,782.67 13,113.96 4,000.00 959.40 547.20 20,600.00 4,940.91 2,818.08 MISC Moulage supply refrigerator METI ECS-old Adult Manikin-old Vital Sim Kid-old Per quote HC518-1011-Cre-34261-R1 Supply bins Meddispense Automated Medication Dispensing Unit Adult Manikin-old Medication carts Sim Man Generation 2- old Birthing Bed (refurbished) Wall mount swing-arm for PC/EMR use Computer/monitor/mouse for EMR ICU Bed with Scale (refurbished) Pediatric Hospital bed/crib TOTAL Total Supplies Total Instructional Equipment Total Maintence Agreements / Warranties posted posted posted - 10 5,000.00 4,797.00 2,736.00 20,000.00 4,797.00 2,736.00 5 5 5 535,133.75 1,230,170.47 249,449.08 1,277,142.65 3,647.61 1,135,250.61 91,272.25 1,230,170.47 219,025.00 30,424.08 249,449.08 1,181,306.79 95,835.86 1,277,142.65 575 218,397 218,973 3,773 1,176,995 1,180,768 - posted to operations tab < $1000 >$1000 3,646 1,131,605 1,135,251 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Nursing Budgeted Description / Model Information Room# Qty Amount Total Cost - Life Cycle C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Description / Model Information Room 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 335 336 337 421 422 423 424 426 427 428 429 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 Total Cost 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 Replacement Cost 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Desk, Sled Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Desk, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chairs Student Desk, Rowdy Student Desk, Rowdy Student Desk, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Description / Model Information Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Room 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 222 224 225 226 227 320 105 106 107 112 145 146 147 203 206 208 233 308 338 401 402 437 438 102 103 104 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 41 41 43 42 44 72 72 16 12 34 30 34 109 30 30 74 4 4 8 Budgeted Amount 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 64.41 64.41 64.41 Total Cost 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 44.32 2,665.32 2,601.86 2,601.86 2,728.78 2,665.32 2,792.24 4,569.12 4,569.12 1,015.36 761.52 2,157.64 1,903.80 2,157.64 6,917.14 1,903.80 1,903.80 4,696.04 257.64 257.64 515.28 Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 222.11 216.82 216.82 227.40 222.11 232.69 380.76 380.76 84.61 63.46 179.80 158.65 179.80 576.43 158.65 158.65 391.34 21.47 21.47 42.94 Replacement Cost 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 2,745.28 2,679.92 2,679.92 2,810.64 2,745.28 2,876.01 4,706.19 4,706.19 1,045.82 784.37 2,222.37 1,960.91 2,222.37 7,124.65 1,960.91 1,960.91 4,836.92 265.37 265.37 530.74 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram End Table Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Description / Model Information AmericanEx Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Room 112 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 320 321 322 Qty 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 89.00 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 Total Cost 89.00 228.10 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 7.42 19.01 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 Replacement Cost 91.67 234.94 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair Student Task Chair Student Task Chair Student Task Chair Student Task Chair Student Task Chair Student Task Chair Student Task Chair Student Task Chair Description / Model Information Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Room 323 324 326 327 328 329 330 331 335 336 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 146 147 176 204 205 207 232 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 339 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 4 5 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 4 Budgeted Amount 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 Total Cost 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 115.92 115.92 579.60 579.60 579.60 463.68 579.60 3,709.44 3,709.44 3,709.44 3,709.44 3,709.44 3,709.44 3,709.44 463.68 Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.66 9.66 48.30 48.30 48.30 38.64 48.30 309.12 309.12 309.12 309.12 309.12 309.12 309.12 38.64 Replacement Cost 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 119.40 119.40 596.99 596.99 596.99 477.59 596.99 3,820.72 3,820.72 3,820.72 3,820.72 3,820.72 3,820.72 3,820.72 477.59 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Economy Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair Task Chair ADA Desk Lockers Guest Chair Flip up tablet arm chairs Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Description / Model Information Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco School Outfitters Sitonit Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Room 404 405 406 407 408 409 101 144 325 402 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 203 204 205 206 207 208 232 233 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 337 Qty 32 5 5 1 2 5 3 18 2 32 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 21 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 115.92 117.00 125.37 127.87 128.40 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 Total Cost 3,709.44 579.60 579.60 115.92 231.84 579.60 351.00 2,256.66 255.74 4,108.80 129.94 129.94 129.94 519.76 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 2,598.80 2,728.74 2,728.74 2,728.74 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 25 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 309.12 48.30 48.30 9.66 19.32 48.30 29.25 90.27 21.31 342.40 10.83 10.83 10.83 43.31 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 216.57 227.40 227.40 227.40 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 Replacement Cost 3,820.72 596.99 596.99 119.40 238.80 596.99 361.53 2,324.36 263.41 4,232.06 133.84 133.84 133.84 535.35 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 2,676.76 2,810.60 2,810.60 2,810.60 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Student Desk, Sled ADA Table Open Bin Shelf Description / Model Information Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco School Outfitters Room 339 343 401 402 404 405 406 407 408 409 436 437 438 101 402 140 Qty 1 1 1 1 2 1 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 36 1 1 Budgeted Amount 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.95 132.94 139.00 Total Cost 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 259.88 129.94 2,728.74 2,728.74 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 4,678.20 132.94 139.00 Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 20 Annualized Cost 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 21.66 10.83 227.40 227.40 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 10.83 389.85 11.08 6.95 Replacement Cost 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 267.68 133.84 2,810.60 2,810.60 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 133.84 4,818.55 136.93 143.17 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 320 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 321 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 322 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 323 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 324 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 325 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 326 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 327 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 328 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Description / Model Information Room Qty Budgeted Amount Total Cost Lifecycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost Pedestal File, Under Work surface 329 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 330 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 331 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 Pedestal File, Under Work surface 335 1 146.37 146.37 30 4.88 150.76 336 434 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 144 222 223 319 421 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 2 146.37 149.61 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 157.00 157.00 146.37 1,496.10 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 4,396.00 314.00 30 12 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 4.88 124.68 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 219.80 15.70 150.76 1,540.98 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 4,527.88 323.42 Pedestal File, Under Work surface Task Chair Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Overhead Shelf Overhead Port- Single Safco Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Overhead Port- Single Overhead Port- Single Overhead Port- Single Overhead Port- Single Overhead Port- Single Overhead Port- Single Overhead Port- Single Overhead Port- Single Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Description / Model Information Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Room 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 118 119 120 224 225 226 227 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 335 336 421 422 423 424 425 Qty 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 Budgeted Amount 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 Total Cost 314.00 314.00 314.00 314.00 314.00 314.00 314.00 314.00 159.35 478.05 796.75 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 1,115.45 159.35 159.35 Lifecycle 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 15.70 15.70 15.70 15.70 15.70 15.70 15.70 15.70 5.31 15.94 26.56 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 37.18 5.31 5.31 Replacement Cost 323.42 323.42 323.42 323.42 323.42 323.42 323.42 323.42 164.13 492.39 820.65 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 1,148.91 164.13 164.13 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Steelcase Work surface Conference Chair Pedestal-file Pedestal-file Pedestal-file Pedestal-file Pedestal-file Pedestal-file Pedestal-file Pedestal-file Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Description / Model Information Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Richelieu Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Room 426 427 428 429 320 219 321 322 323 324 326 328 329 330 111 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 8 22 1 1 Budgeted Amount 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 161.89 171.29 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 Total Cost 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 161.89 685.16 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 196.34 200.20 400.40 400.40 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 600.60 1,601.60 4,404.40 200.20 200.20 Lifecycle 30 30 30 30 30 12 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.40 57.10 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 6.54 33.37 66.73 66.73 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 100.10 266.93 734.07 33.37 33.37 Replacement Cost 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 166.75 705.71 202.23 202.23 202.23 202.23 202.23 202.23 202.23 202.23 206.21 412.41 412.41 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 618.62 1,649.65 4,536.53 206.21 206.21 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair High Back Chair High Back Chair High Back Chair High Back Chair High Back Chair High Back Chair Description / Model Information Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Room 137 140 144 218 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 231 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 335 336 419 421 422 423 424 425 426 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 Total Cost 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 2,802.80 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 Lifecycle 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 467.13 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 Replacement Cost 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 2,886.88 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram High Back Chair High Back Chair High Back Chair Executive Chair Club Chair Overhead Port-Double Overhead Port-Double Overhead Port-Double Overhead Port-Double Overhead Port-Double Overhead Port-Double Overhead Port-Double Overhead Port-Double Overhead Port-Double Mail Sorter 21-slot Mail Sorter- 21 Slot Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Description / Model Information Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Room 427 428 429 Lg Conf 112 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 112 434 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Qty 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 202.50 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 221.66 221.66 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 Total Cost 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 810.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 886.64 443.32 690.78 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 Lifecycle 6 6 6 6 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 81.00 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 35.47 17.73 23.03 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 Replacement Cost 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 834.30 216.30 216.30 216.30 216.30 216.30 216.30 216.30 216.30 216.30 913.24 456.62 711.50 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File, 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Round Table 36" Adjustable Table Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Table Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Description / Model Information Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Vanerumst Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Vanerumst Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Room 136 137 140 219 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 112 107 108 119 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 176 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 41 3 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 236.50 252.14 265.28 265.28 265.28 265.28 265.28 265.28 265.28 265.28 265.28 265.28 268.75 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 Total Cost 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 709.50 10,337.74 795.84 3,979.20 530.56 530.56 530.56 530.56 530.56 530.56 530.56 530.56 268.75 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 Lifecycle 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 59.13 344.59 26.53 132.64 17.69 17.69 17.69 17.69 17.69 17.69 17.69 17.69 13.44 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 Replacement Cost 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 730.79 10,647.87 819.72 4,098.58 546.48 546.48 546.48 546.48 546.48 546.48 546.48 546.48 276.81 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-Shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Description / Model Information Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Room 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 144 145 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 Total Cost 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 578.30 578.30 578.30 578.30 578.30 578.30 578.30 578.30 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 289.15 Lifecycle 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 Replacement Cost 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 595.65 595.65 595.65 595.65 595.65 595.65 595.65 595.65 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 297.82 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Bookcase 4-shelf Lounge Table, Oval Round Table 42" Round Table 42" Storage Cabinet 4-Shelf Storage Cabinet- 4 shelf Sofa Work Table Lateral File-4 drawer Flip Top Instructor Table Stelter-Reaction Table Student Task Chair Reaction Table Storage Conference Table Instructor Table Instructor Table Magnetic Whiteboard 48x60 Student Table Student Table Student Table Student Table Student Table Student Table Student Table Student Table Student Table Student Table 20x54 Oval Table Rolling Table Cabinet-Combination Cabinet-Combination Description / Model Information Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Vanerumst Vanerumst Steelcase Steelcase NorStar Steelcase Vanerumst Vanerumst Safco GroupLaca Vanerumst Vanerumst Steelcase Steelcase Room 335 336 421 338 144 145 319 403 338 231 420 420 434 343 Lg Conf 319 419 146 147 145 102 103 104 105 106 203 206 208 233 401 219 111 421 422 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 8 1 1 1 1 1 4 8 1 1 1 1 22 21 21 21 21 16 16 16 22 51 1 8 1 1 Budgeted Amount 289.15 289.15 289.15 309.24 320.65 320.65 367.27 367.27 372.00 391.50 430.47 453.75 454.30 463.68 475.20 482.40 488.84 499.00 499.00 500.84 506.30 506.30 506.30 506.30 506.30 506.30 506.30 506.30 506.30 506.30 533.50 540.95 551.72 551.72 Total Cost 289.15 289.15 289.15 309.24 320.65 641.30 1,101.81 2,938.16 372.00 391.50 430.47 453.75 454.30 1,854.72 3,801.60 482.40 488.84 499.00 499.00 500.84 11,138.60 10,632.30 10,632.30 10,632.30 10,632.30 8,100.80 8,100.80 8,100.80 11,138.60 25,821.30 533.50 4,327.60 551.72 551.72 Lifecycle 30 30 30 12 12 12 30 30 6 12 30 20 20 12 20 30 30 25 25 20 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 20 30 30 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 9.64 9.64 9.64 25.77 26.72 53.44 36.73 97.94 62.00 32.63 14.35 22.69 22.72 154.56 190.08 16.08 16.29 19.96 19.96 25.04 928.22 886.03 886.03 886.03 886.03 675.07 675.07 675.07 928.22 2,151.78 44.46 216.38 18.39 18.39 Replacement Cost 297.82 297.82 297.82 318.52 330.27 660.54 1,134.86 3,026.30 383.16 403.25 443.38 467.36 467.93 1,910.36 3,915.65 496.87 503.51 513.97 513.97 515.87 11,472.76 10,951.27 10,951.27 10,951.27 10,951.27 8,343.82 8,343.82 8,343.82 11,472.76 26,595.94 549.51 4,457.43 568.27 568.27 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Cabinet-Combination Cabinet-Combination Cabinet-Combination Cabinet-Combination Cabinet-Combination Cabinet-Combination Cabinet-Combination Workstation Workstation Instructor Desk Instructor Desk Instructor Desk Instructor Desk Instructor Desk Instructor Desk Instructor Desk Sorter 50 Pockets Instructor Table Instructor Table Instructor Table Instructor Table Instructor Table Instructor Table Instructor Table Instructor Table ADA Table Instructor Table Workstation Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Description / Model Information Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase School Outfitters Room 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 141 145 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 231 102 103 104 105 106 107 208 233 308 401 144 222 224 225 226 227 320 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 551.72 551.72 551.72 551.72 551.72 551.72 551.72 558.85 558.85 567.05 567.05 567.05 567.05 567.05 567.05 567.05 726.00 797.89 797.89 797.89 797.89 797.89 797.89 797.89 797.89 797.89 797.89 828.20 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 Total Cost 551.72 551.72 551.72 551.72 551.72 551.72 551.72 558.85 2,235.40 567.05 567.05 567.05 567.05 567.05 567.05 567.05 726.00 1,595.78 1,595.78 1,595.78 1,595.78 1,595.78 1,595.78 1,595.78 1,595.78 1,595.78 3,191.56 4,140.99 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 Lifecycle 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 12 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 18.39 18.39 18.39 18.39 18.39 18.39 18.39 27.94 111.77 28.35 28.35 28.35 28.35 28.35 28.35 28.35 36.30 63.83 63.83 63.83 63.83 63.83 63.83 63.83 63.83 132.98 127.66 207.05 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 Replacement Cost 568.27 568.27 568.27 568.27 568.27 568.27 568.27 575.62 2,302.46 584.06 584.06 584.06 584.06 584.06 584.06 584.06 747.78 1,643.65 1,643.65 1,643.65 1,643.65 1,643.65 1,643.65 1,643.65 1,643.65 1,643.65 3,287.31 4,265.22 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Conference Table Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Description / Model Information GroupLaca Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Room 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 335 336 337 218 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 335 336 421 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,097.73 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 Total Cost 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,064.12 1,097.73 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 1,475.46 Lifecycle 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 53.21 36.59 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 73.77 Replacement Cost 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,096.04 1,130.66 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 1,519.72 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Description / Model Information Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Room 422 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 219 220 225 226 227 231 320 321 222 223 224 221 118 Qty 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 1,475.46 1,592.97 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.53 1,655.53 1,655.53 1,655.53 1,774.69 Total Cost 1,475.46 4,778.92 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,605.04 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.33 1,655.53 1,655.53 1,655.53 1,655.53 1,774.69 Lifecycle 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 73.77 238.95 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 82.77 82.77 82.77 82.77 82.77 82.77 82.78 82.78 82.78 82.78 88.73 Replacement Cost 1,519.72 4,922.29 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,653.19 1,704.99 1,704.99 1,704.99 1,704.99 1,704.99 1,704.99 1,705.20 1,705.20 1,705.20 1,705.20 1,827.93 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Description / Model Information Room Qty Budgeted Amount Total Cost Lifecycle Annualized Cost Replacement Cost Item - all from Tangram Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Office Tack board Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Description / Model Information Room N161 N162 N163 N164 N165 N166 N167 N168 N169 N170 N171 N172 N173 N174 N261 N262 N263 N264 N265 N266 N267 N268 N269 N270 N271 N272 N273 N151 N152 N153 N154 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 46 8 74 Budgeted Amount 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 Total Cost 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 30.68 2,157.64 2,919.16 507.68 4,696.04 Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Annualized Cost 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 179.80 243.26 42.31 391.34 Replacement Cost 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 2,222.37 3,006.73 522.91 4,836.92 Safco Safco Safco Safco C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Student Desk, Rowdy Student Desk, Rowdy Student Desk, Rowdy Student Desk, Rowdy Student Desk, Rowdy Student Desk, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy Student Chair, Rowdy End Table Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Description / Model Information Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Room N251A N252 N253A N255 N256 N274 N176 N184 N274 N161 N162 N163 N164 N165 N166 N168 N169 N170 N171 N172 N173 N174 N179 N261 N262 N263 N264 N265 N266 N267 N268 Qty 4 40 40 66 30 72 74 12 63 66 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.46 63.64 63.64 63.64 89.00 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 Total Cost 253.84 2,538.40 2,538.40 4,188.36 1,903.80 4,569.12 4,696.04 761.52 4,009.32 4,200.24 1,209.16 89.00 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 25 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 21.15 211.53 211.53 349.03 158.65 380.76 391.34 63.46 334.11 350.02 100.76 3.56 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 Replacement Cost 261.46 2,614.55 2,614.55 4,314.01 1,960.91 4,706.19 4,836.92 784.37 4,129.60 4,326.25 1,245.43 91.67 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair Guest Chair ADA Desk ADA Desk Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Workspace Workbench Chair Safco-Workspace Workbench Chair (Nursing) Workspace Workbench Chair Student Desk, Sled Student Desk, Sled Coffee Table Pedestal File-Under work surface Round Table 42" Rolling Cart Rolling Cart Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Room N269 N270 N271 N272 N273 N155 N156 N151 N152 N153 N154 N155 N156 N251A N252 N253A N255 N256 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 28 28 28 6 2 1 19 32 1 1 Budgeted Amount 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 116.99 116.99 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 129.94 Total Cost 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 114.05 233.98 233.98 129.94 3,638.32 3,638.32 3,638.32 779.64 259.88 129.94 2,468.86 4,158.08 129.94 129.94 Vanerumst N274 N274 N155 N156 N274 N280 N266 Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase N171 N172 N173 N174 N177 N177/N178 1 1 40 39 1 3 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 129.94 129.94 129.95 129.95 134.00 146.37 148.18 148.45 148.45 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 129.94 129.94 5,198.00 5,068.05 134.00 439.11 148.18 742.25 742.25 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 152.33 Description / Model Information Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit Sitonit School Outfitters School Outfitters Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco Safco AmericanEx Lifecycle 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 30 12 12 12 30 30 30 30 30 30 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 19.50 19.50 10.83 303.19 303.19 303.19 64.97 21.66 10.83 205.74 346.51 10.83 10.83 Replacement Cost 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 117.47 241.00 241.00 133.84 3,747.47 3,747.47 3,747.47 803.03 267.68 133.84 2,542.93 4,282.82 133.84 133.84 10.83 10.83 433.17 422.34 11.17 14.64 12.35 61.85 61.85 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 133.84 133.84 5,353.94 5,220.09 138.02 452.28 152.63 764.52 764.52 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 156.90 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Pedestal File Conference Chairs Conference Chair Conference Chair Conference Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Description / Model Information Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Room N179 N266 N280 N161 N162 N163 N164 N165 N166 N168 N169 N170 N181 N254 N266 N283 N161 N162 N163 N164 N165 N166 N168 N169 N170 N171 N172 N173 N174 N177 N177/N179 N179 N261 N262 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 14 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 26 1 1 Budgeted Amount 152.33 152.33 152.33 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 163.57 163.92 163.92 163.92 171.29 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 Total Cost 152.33 152.33 152.33 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 159.35 163.57 1,639.20 2,294.88 655.68 1,027.74 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 1,401.40 5,205.20 200.20 200.20 Lifecycle 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.45 136.60 191.24 54.64 85.65 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 233.57 867.53 33.37 33.37 Replacement Cost 156.90 156.90 156.90 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 164.13 168.48 1,688.38 2,363.73 675.35 1,058.57 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 1,443.44 5,361.36 206.21 206.21 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Executive Chair Boss-Club Chair Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Lateral File 2-Drawer Student Table Student Table Safco-Workspace Workbench Chair (Nursing) Mail Sorter 21-Slot Description / Model Information Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Ergocraft Norstar Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Room N263 N264 N265 N267 N268 N269 N270 N271 N272 N273 N275A N275E N275F N280 N274 N177 N261 N262 N263 N264 N265 N266 N267 N268 N269 N270 N271 N272 N273 N176 N184 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 N74 N180 1 4 Budgeted Amount 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 202.50 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 236.50 236.50 Total Cost 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 200.20 2,402.40 1,215.00 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 230.26 709.50 709.50 238.98 254.91 238.98 1,019.64 Lifecycle 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 12 12 25 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 33.37 400.40 101.25 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 59.13 59.13 Replacement Cost 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 206.21 2,474.47 1,251.45 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 237.17 730.79 730.79 19.92 40.79 246.15 1,050.23 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Bookcase 4-Shelf Table Round Table Storage Cabinet, 4-shelf Storage Cabinet 4-Shelf Storage Cabinet 4-Shelf Lateral File 4-Drawer 18x36 Lateral File 4-Drawer 18x42 Flip Top Instructor Table Flip Top Instructor Table Flip Top Instructor Table Flip Top Instructor Table Vanerum Reaction Table, T Leg Flip and Nest Table Lateral File 1 Lift up Door 18x36 Desk Chair Flip Top Student Table Flip Top Student Table Flip Top Student Table Lateral File 1 Lift up Door 18x42 Nova Student Computer Table Nova Student Computer Table Table 22.25x46 Table 22.25x46 Conference Table 54x13 Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Description / Model Information Steelcase Vanerumst Vanerumst Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Vanerumst Vanerumst Vanerumst Vanerumst Steelcase Steelcase Vanerumst Vanerumst Vanerumst Steelcase Nova Solutions Nova Solutions Group Laca Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Room N276 N274 N283 N187 N276 N279 N180 N180 N167 N255 N256 N276 Qty 2 1 1 6 8 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 Budgeted Amount 265.28 320.65 320.65 367.27 367.27 367.27 396.57 447.56 453.75 453.75 453.75 453.75 Total Cost 530.56 320.65 320.65 2,203.62 2,938.16 1,101.81 793.14 1,790.24 453.75 453.75 453.75 453.75 Nursing N180 N266 N251A N252 N253A N180 N255 N256 N252 N253A N254 N170 N171 N172 N173 N174 N177/N180 N179 N266 N280 2 2 1 14 14 14 8 20 20 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 454.30 474.14 478.65 505.75 505.75 505.75 535.45 759.60 759.60 797.89 797.89 997.32 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 908.60 948.28 478.65 7,080.50 7,080.50 7,080.50 4,283.60 15,192.00 15,192.00 1,595.78 1,595.78 997.32 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 1,121.06 Lifecycle 30 12 12 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 30 6 12 12 12 30 12 12 12 12 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 17.69 26.72 26.72 73.45 97.94 36.73 26.44 59.67 22.69 22.69 22.69 22.69 Replacement Cost 546.48 330.27 330.27 2,269.73 3,026.30 1,134.86 816.93 1,843.95 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 45.43 31.61 79.78 590.04 590.04 590.04 142.79 1,266.00 1,266.00 132.98 132.98 33.24 56.05 56.05 56.05 56.05 56.05 56.05 56.05 56.05 56.05 935.86 976.73 493.01 7,292.92 7,292.92 7,292.92 4,412.11 15,647.76 15,647.76 1,643.65 1,643.65 1,027.24 1,154.69 1,154.69 1,154.69 1,154.69 1,154.69 1,154.69 1,154.69 1,154.69 1,154.69 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Custom Storage Cabinet (12 Cubby) Conference Table Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Faculty Desk Mobile Storage Mobile Storage 20x54 Maple Table w/ Black Base TOTAL Description / Model Information GroupLaca Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Steelcase Math and Science Building Total Supplies Total Furniture Nursing Building Total Supplies Room Qty N-Skills Lab N181 N161 N162 N163 N164 N165 N166 N168 N169 N261 N262 N263 N264 N265 N267 N268 N269 N270 N271 N272 N273 Nursing Nursing 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 72 Budgeted Amount Total Cost 1,125.00 1,334.14 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,463.64 1,463.64 49,952.24 334,582.24 3,375.00 1,334.14 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,393.74 1,463.64 1,463.64 49,952.24 772,181.33 30,927.32 175,982.79 206,910.11 11,330.09 Lifecycle 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 12 30 Annualized Cost Replacement Cost 168.75 44.47 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 69.69 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 46.46 121.97 121.97 1,665.07 53,055.41 3,476.25 1,374.16 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,435.55 1,507.55 1,507.55 51,450.81 795,346.77 148,644.59 345,932.21 494,576.80 11,360.22 22,749.84 34,110.06 153,103.93 356,310.18 509,414.10 85,873.13 6,989.82 88,449.32 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Furniture Item - all from Tangram Description / Model Information Room Total Furniture posted to operations tab Qty Budgeted Amount 116,342.04 127,672.13 Total Cost 191,731.40 277,604.53 334,582.24 772,181.33 Lifecycle C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm Annualized Cost 11,955.54 18,945.35 Replacement Cost 197,483.34 285,932.67 53,055.41 795,346.77 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Beginning Custodial Supplies and Equipment Budgeted Description / Model Information Qty Amount Invoice # Pressure Washer/Lat surface cleaner 2 3,783.14 9796624121 1,345.58 9796624139 Item Grainger Home Depot Janitorial supplies Blower/Sweepers and Shelving Lot 860.20 Per Quote CLARKE FLOOR MACHINES 08/29/11 Lot 8,081.54 Per quote by Burt Flores Lot Vendor Grainger Req. Date Req./PO # 4/3/2012 P0032680 Home Depot 1/25/2012 R0046774 321757 Padre Janitorial 8/29/2011 P0030333 30577-1 30577-2 30577-3 30577-4 Rancho Janitorial 8/29/2011 P0030183 34984-1 Rancho Janitorial 1/20/2012 P0031569 72968165 72970660-CM 73005850 73089240-CM 73089240 73110114 73005850 73136431 73120204 73141242 73192810 73172581 Waxie Waxie Padre Janitorial Janitorial supplies Rancho Janitorial Janitorial supplies Janitorial supplies Super Coach Pro Team back pack/w tool kit Waxie Janitorial supplies Janitorial supplies Per quote dated Aug. 25, 2011 Continental Recp Quote Janitorial supplies Janitorial supplies Towel Dispensers w/Batteries Hand towels & Soap for Sciences TOTAL Lot Lot 10 Lot 809.16 14,544.74 (517.16) 12,765.14 (155.06) 672.22 2,034.32 (6,102.96) 4,068.64 903.27 433.69 624.00 580.69 Waxie Waxie 8/29/2011 8/29/2011 P0030184 P0030185 2/10/2012 2/23/2012 2/2/2012 P0031875 2/14/2012 P0032019 56,933.12 Total Beginning Operating Supplies Total Beginning Operating Equipment posted to operations tab 2 10,014.67 465.61 933.77 787.92 29,851.53 27,081.59 56,933.12 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Technology Description / Model Budgeted Vendor Information Req. Date Req./PO # Qty Amount Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Costs Item Apple Computers Apple iMac 21.5 inch 10/12/2011 P0030660 34 44,213.52 5 8,842.70 45,539.93 Computers Apple MacBook 13 inch 10/12/2011 P0030661 83 107,708.57 5 21,541.71 110,939.83 Computer Equipment Apple Mini-Display Port to DVI 10/12/2011 P0030662 34 1,062.45 5 212.49 1,094.32 Computers Computers Computers Computers Dell Dell Dell Dell 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 10/12/2011 P0030664 P0030665 P0030666 P0030667 88 741 80 49 85,015.06 144,425.17 75,796.00 49,487.32 5 5 5 5 17,003.01 28,885.03 15,159.20 9,897.46 87,565.51 148,757.93 78,069.88 50,971.94 Memory Dell OptiPlex 790 Dell Latitude E6520 (Laptop) OptiPlex 790 OptiPlex 790 2GB replacement memory for computers 11/8/2011 P0031003 Lot 4,885.21 5 977.04 5,031.77 Firstline Security Systems Security Upgrade for model R to R Firstline Security System Upgrade P0031431 Lot 12,660.00 5 2,532.00 13,039.80 GHA Technologies Deep Freeze Licenses MACs Deep Freeze Licenses PCs GHA Tech GHA Tech Quote#450741 Quote#450728 12/8/2011 12/8/2011 P0031268 P0031269 Lot Lot 2,610.00 7,460.25 5 5 522.00 1,492.05 Pechanga Installation Services Cisco 81 Cisco Wireless Access Points 2/1/2012 P0031850 Lot 4,050.00 10/10/2011 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 P0030590 Lot 52,065.69 3,008.38 2,360.59 40,332.15 21,499.58 3,218.75 44,734.10 5,241.28 12,180.06 14,133.79 21,411.06 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5,206.57 300.84 236.06 4,033.22 2,149.96 321.88 4,473.41 524.13 1,218.01 1,413.38 2,141.11 Dell Pechanga Technologies Installation Services Cisco Presidio Networked Solutions Network Equipment Presidio Presidio Presidio Presidio Presidio Presidio Presidio Presidio Presidio Presidio Presidio Quote#11147949-03 C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 57,272.26 3,309.22 2,596.65 44,365.37 23,649.54 3,540.63 49,207.51 5,765.41 13,398.07 15,547.17 23,552.17 10/9/2015 Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Technology Description / Model Budgeted Vendor Information Req. Date Req./PO # Qty Amount Item Network Equipment Life Cycle Annualized Cost Replacement Costs Presidio Presidio Presidio Quote#11147798-09 10/10/2011 P0030589 P0030589 P0030589 Lot 274,166.10 557,165.30 21,084.40 10 10 10 27,416.61 55,716.53 2,108.44 Rainmaker Systems (Symantec) Acad Symantec Ghost Solution License Rainmaker Quote#52690 12/8/2011 P0031270 Lot 4,588.33 5 917.67 RCC Warehouse Computer security cable kits RCC Warehouse 241009- cable kits 12/06/011 Req 128 Lot 18,952.55 Sharp Copy machines for Math & Science Sharp 3 copiers 1/13/2012 P0031535 Lot 6,576.26 15,474.27 5,195.14 5 5 5 1,315.25 3,094.85 1,039.03 6,905.07 16,247.98 5,454.90 Shei Computer Products Computer equipment for NSB Shei Per quote Q00034640 12/06/011 P0031418 Lot 980.37 5 196.07 1,029.39 1,663,741.70 220,887.71 1,665,268.01 18,952.55 14,658.58 4,050.00 12,660.00 1,613,420.57 1,663,741.70 0.00 2,931.72 0.00 2,532.00 215,423.99 220,887.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,039.80 1,652,228.21 1,665,268.01 TOTAL posted to technology tab, and operations tab Total Supplies Total Software Total Installation Total Security Total Technology Equipment 274,166.10 557,165.30 21,084.40 Note - Yellow highlights filled in by Business Services Staff C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015 Item Riverside City College Group II Procurement Schedule & Estimated Cost Schedule Miscellaneous Budgeted Description / Model Information Qty Amount Invoice # Vendor Req. Date Req./PO # Coffee Pot (returned Off Depot) Card Integrators Key Access System Key Access Cards & supplies Key Access Cards & supplies Key Access Cards Replacement for Norco Access Cards online order Equipment & Software Supplies Supplies Access Cards Access Cards 1 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 91.40 6,434.73 5,145.51 717.60 1,228.35 624.18 229305568866640 5/4/2012 P0033210 0067742-IN 0068524-IN 0068203-IN 0068404-IN 0069315-IN Card Integrators Card Integrators Card Integrators Card Integrators Card Integrators 9/27/2011 12/2/2012 1/17/2012 1/24/2012 2/15/2012 R0044758 P0031167 P0031537 P0031703 P0032045 F132973 H595992 J048014 CDW-G 1/17/2012 P0031567 CDW-G 3/21/2012 R0047962 Firstline Security 12/15/2011 R0046155 GMF 1/13/2012 R0046513 Jon's 1/27/2012 P0031696 NEC 12/7/2011 R0045970 CDW-G Key Access System equip Potable card reader 1 Key Access System equip Potable card reader 1 154.77 (154.77) 200.16 Firstline Security Systems Security Software Per 12/15/11 Sales Agreement 1 4,287.25 GMF Sound Inc. Emergency Phones for NSB Quote from M McLandrich Lot 44,124.25 (17,745.95) Jon's Flags & Poles Flags & Poles for NSB project Quote Q2349 Lot 471.41 Per 12/15/11 Sales Agreement Lot 37,011.60 Per Terry Saraceno email 1/9/12 180 1/11/2012 P0031484 Per Terry Saraceno email 1/9/12 Per Terry Saraceno quote 1/13/12 10 3 594227144001 594227144002 592522591001 59498234001 Office Depot Additional wall clocks & batteries Coffee Brewers for NSB 146.64 704.80 225.28 872.75 Office Depot Office Depot 1/4/2012 1/13/2012 P0031485 P0031533 Coffee Pots Per Terry Saraceno quote 2/912 4 113.09 59498234001 Office Depot 2/9/2012 P0031912 NSB Group II Integration 1 1,954.80 Press Enterprise 9/27/2011 R0044756 31315 F67441 NEC Phones for NSB Office Depot Surge protectors for computers Press Enterprise Add inviting bids C:\Users\sherried\Documents\Riverside College\Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)\Nursing Building\RCC Working Copy_Nursing Science Buildings (2).xlsm 10/9/2015
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