Thesis - BS Abdur Rahman University
Thesis - BS Abdur Rahman University
A STOCHASTIC MODELLING WITH VARYING DEMAND DISTRIBUTIONS IN INVENTORY CONTROL A THESIS REPORT Submitted by DOWLATH FATHIMA Under the guidance of Dr. P.S SEHIK UDUMAN in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS B.S.ABDUR RAHMAN UNIVERSITY (B.S. ABDUR RAHMAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY) (Estd. u/s 3 of the UGC Act. 1956) SEPTEMBER 2013 B.S.ABDUR RAHMAN UNIVERSITY (B.S. ABDUR RAHMAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY) (Estd. u/s 3 of the UGC Act. 1956) Date: 16.04.2014 SUBMITTED TO THE DEAN (AR) Sub: Thesis submission of Dowlath Fathima (RRN: 0989205)-Reg. Ref.: Lr No. 291 / DEAN (AR) /2014 dated 03.03.2014. This is to certify that all the corrections and suggestions pointed out by the external examiners are incorporated in the thesis entitled A Stochastic modelling with varying demand distributions in inventory control submitted by Mrs. Dowlath Fathima (RRN 0989205). SIGNATURE Dr. P.S SEHIK UDUMAN RESEARCH SUPERVISOR Department of Mathematics B.S Abdur Rahman University Vandalur, Chennai-600048 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ph.D VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF Mrs. DOWLATH FATHIMA HELD AT 11.00 A.M ON 16.04.2014 IN SEMINAR HALL, EEE DEPARTMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Mrs Dowlath Fathima (RRN.0989205) on her Ph.D. Thesis Entitled “A Stochastic Modelling with Varying Demand Distributions in Inventory Control” was conducted on 16.04.2014 at 11.00 A.M in the Department of EEE, Seminar Hall. The following Members of the Oral Examination Board were present: 1. Indian Examiner 2. Subject Expert Dr.D.Arivudainambi Dr.P.Vijayaraju Associate Professor Department of Mathematics Anna University, Chennai-600025 Professor Department of Mathematics Anna University, Chennai-600025 3. Supervisor & Convener Dr. P.S Sehik Uduman Professor Department of Mathematics B.S Abdur Rahman University The research scholar, Mrs. Dowlath Fathima presented the salient features of her Ph.D. work. This was followed by questions from the board members. The questions raised by the Foreign and Indian Examiners were also put to the scholar. The scholar answered the questions to the full satisfaction of the board members. The corrections suggested by the Indian/Foreign examiner have been carried out and incorporated in the Thesis before the Oral examination. Based on the scholar’s research work, her presentation and also the clarifications and answers by the scholar to the questions, the board recommends that Mrs. Dowlath Fathima be awarded Ph.D. degree in the Faculty of Mathematics 1. Indian Examiner 2. Subject Expert 3. Supervisor & Convener B.S.ABDUR RAHMAN UNIVERSITY (B.S. ABDUR RAHMAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY) (Estd. u/s 3 of the UGC Act. 1956) BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE Certified that this thesis report A STOCHASTIC MODELLING WITH VARYING DEMAND DISTRIBUTIONS IN INVENTORY CONTROL is the bonafide work of DOWLATH FATHIMA (RRN: 0989205) who carried out the thesis work under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other thesis report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate. SIGNATURE Dr. P.S.SEHIK UDUMAN RESEARCH SUPERVISOR Professor Department of Mathematics SIGNATURE Dr. S.SRINIVASAN HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT Professor & Head Department of Mathematics B.S. Abdur Rahman University B.S. Abdur Rahman University Vandalur, Chennai – 600 048 Vandalur, Chennai – 600 048 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, I am fortunate to have Dr. P. S Sehik Uduman, Professor, Department of Mathematics, B.S Abdur Rahman University, Chennai as my supervisor. His flexibility in scheduling, gentle encouragement made a good working environment and the impetus for me to finish my research. He has been a strong and supportive advisor throughout my research. I am grateful to the Management, Vice-chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Deans and Directors of B.S Abdur Rahman University for their encouragement throughout the course of my research. My sincere thanks are to the Doctoral committee members Dr. G. P Youvraj, Associate Professor, University of Madras and Dr. S. Srinivasan, Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, B.S Abdur Rahman University for their suggestions. I wish to thank Dr. R. Sathiyamoorthy, Professor and Head(Retd), Department of Statistics, Annamalai University, Chidambaram and Dr. I. Raja Mohamed, Professor, Department of Physics, B.S Abdur Rahman University for giving very useful suggestions during my course of research. I am grateful to the University Grant Commission (UGC), for providing me the research fellowship in the scheme of Maulana Azad National Fellowship for minority community under award number MANF/TAM/MUS/4867. I offer my thanks to Mr. Nazeer Ahmed, for the support during my Ph.D admission. Also, I offer my thanks to the staff members and Research Scholar in the Department of Mathematics. Let me thank my family members especially my mom Mrs. Sultana Begum for her blessings and encouragement. Also, I wish to thank my sister Mrs. Dilara Fathima, better half Mr. Ameen Sherief and my son Mohammed Sarfaraz Sherief for their support. DOWLATH FATHIMA v ABSTRACT The thesis presents the studies on single-period and multi-period demand models. Here keeping a stock of goods, manpower etc., is necessary to meet the fluctuating demand and both the factors like salvage and stock-out situations are equally important. Hence, depending upon the problems that arise, suitable stochastic inventory models are analysed. In Single-period demand model, finite inventory process models such as Newsboy and Base-Stock models are studied. The contribution of this thesis involves a study on the single-period demand model such as the Newsboy model using the SCBZ property, truncated exponential distribution and renewal reward theory. Truncated exponential distribution being the appropriate distribution for the study of change point, hence this distribution is analysed in case of base stock for patient customer. After analysing the patient customer model, the discussion on impatient customer is carried out and hence the model of impatience customer is discussed in form of queuing model which is then extended to the continuous case. Also, the optimal stock size is obtained along with the appropriate numerical illustrations. Multi-period demand models are studied using truncated exponential distribution and using the renewal theory with Nth epoch demand approach. Also, the generalised gamma distribution with Bessel function and exponential order statistics is analysed for its stochastic behaviour. The overall objective of this study is to derive the optimal stock level or the optimal reorder level. Obtaining the optimal expected cost is very important, since it is cost effective. Hence, the optimal expected cost is derived along with the appropriate numerical illustrations. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NO. 1 TITLE PAGE NO. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v ABSTRACT vi LIST OF TABLES xiv LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF SYMBOLS xvii LIST OF ABBREVATIONS xviii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 1.2 THE INVENTORY THEORY 3 1.3 DEFINITION 3 1.4 CLASSIFICATION OF INVENTORY CONTROL MODEL 8 1.5 CLASSIFICATION OF CLASS OF INVENTORIES 9 1.6 OPTIMIZATION OF AN INVENTORY PROBLEM 10 1.7 STOCHASTIC PROCESS 12 1.8 SELECTING A DISTRIBUTION 14 1.9 STOCHASTIC INVENTORY MODEL 15 1.10 PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS AND RESULTS 16 vii CHAPTER NO. 1.11 TITLE PAGE NO. ARRANGEMENT OF THE CHAPTERS 19 LITERATURE OVERVIEW 23 2.1 INTRODUCTION 23 2.2 EOQ MODELS 23 2.3 HIDDEN MARKOV MODELS(HMMS) 25 2.4 ORDER STATISTICS 26 2.5 SINGLE-PERIOD MODELS 27 2 2.5.1 Newsboy problem 28 2.5.2 Base-stock systems 31 2.6 MULTI-PERIOD DEMAND MODELS 34 2.7 GENERAL OVERVIEW 39 SINGLE PERIOD NEWSBOY PROBLEM WITH 43 3 STOCHASTIC DEMAND AND PARTIAL BACKLOGGING 3.1 INTRODUCTION 43 3.2 ASSUMPTIONS AND NOTATIONS 44 3.3 BASIC MODEL 46 3.4 FINITE PROCESS INVENTORY MODEL USING SCBZ PROPERTY 3.5 47 OPTIMALITY OF TOTAL EXPECTED COST USING viii CHAPTER NO. 3.6 3.7 TITLE SCBZ PROPERTY 51 3.5.1 Numerical illustration 56 3.5.2 Inference 57 3.5.3 Numerical illustration 58 3.5.4 Inference 59 OPTIMALITY FOR HOLDING COST USING SCBZ PROPERTY 60 3.6.1 Numerical illustration 62 OPTIMALITY IN CASE OF PLANNED SHORTAGE USING PARTIAL BACKLOGGING 3.7.1 Inference 3.8 PAGE NO. 64 67 GENERALIZATION OF NEWSBOY PROBLEM WITH DEMAND DISTRIBUTION SATISFYING THE SCBZ PROPERTY 3.9 4 68 3.8.1 Basic Model 68 3.8.2 Numerical illustration 74 3.8.3 Inference 76 77 CONCLUSION TRUNCATED DEMAND DISTRIBUTION AND RENEWAL REWARD THEORY IN SINGLE PERIOD MODEL 78 ix CHAPTER NO. TITLE 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.2 OPTIMAL HOLDING COST USING THE 78 TRUNCATED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION 4.3 5 79 RENEWAL REWARD SHORTAGE AND PARTIAL BACKORDERING 4.4 PAGE NO. 82 4.3.1 Numerical illustration 88 4.3.2 Inference 88 4.3.3 Numerical illustration 87 4.3.4 Inference 89 90 CONCLUSION BASE-STOCK SYSTEM FOR PATIENT CUSTOMER WITH DEMAND DISTRIBUTION UNDERGOING A CHANGE 91 5.1 INTRODUCTION 91 5.2 ASSUMPTIONS 94 5.3 NOTATIONS 94 5.4 ERLANG2 DISTRIBUTION FOR OPTIMAL BASE STOCK 94 5.4.1 Numerical illustration 97 5.4.2 Inference 98 x CHAPTER NO. 5.5 TITLE 5.4.3 Numerical illustration 98 5.4.4 Inference 99 TRUNCATED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION FOR PATIENT CUSTOMER 5.6 6 PAGE NO. 100 5.5.1 Numerical illustration 104 5.5.2 Inference 104 104 CONCLUSION BASE STOCK IMPATIENT CUSTOMER USING FINITE-HORIZON MODEL 105 6.1 INTRODUCTION 105 6.2 ASSUMPTIONS 105 6.3 OPTIMIZING THE NUMBER OF BEDS 106 6.4 6.3.1 BASIC MODEL 107 6.3.2 Numerical illustration 110 6.3.3 Cost model 110 6.3.4 Inference 112 BASE STOCK MODEL FOR IMPATIENT CUSTOMERS WITH VARYING DEMAND 6.5 DISTRIBUTION 113 CONCLUSION 116 xi CHAPTER NO. 7 TITLE PAGE NO. THE MULTI-PERIOD MODEL WITH TWO VARYING DEMANDS 118 7.1 INTRODUCTION 118 7.2 BASIC MODEL 119 7.3 NOTATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS 121 7.4 THE MULTI-DEMAND TRUNCATED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION 7.5 7.4.1 Numerical illustration 124 7.4.2 Inference 123 7.4.3 Numerical illustration 126 7.4.4 Inference 127 NTH EPOCH TWO COMMODITY MODEL 7.5.1 Conclusion 7.6 122 128 131 GENERALIZED GAMMA BESSEL MODEL 131 7.6.1 Basic model 132 7.6.2 Numerical illustration 135 7.6.3 Inference 136 7.6.4 Numerical illustration 136 xii CHAPTER NO. TITLE 7.6.5 Inference 7.7 7.8 8 PAGE NO. 136 A MULTI-COMMODITY EXPONENTIAL ORDER STATISTICS 137 CONCLUSION 140 CONCLUSION 141 8.1 SUMMARY 141 8.2 SCOPE FOR FURTHER WORK 144 REFERENCES 146 TECHNICAL BIOGRAPHY 153 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE 1.1 Classification of inventories 3.1 Numerical tabulation for obtaining optimal PAGE NO. 10 supply 57 3.2 Comparative result for supply size 59 3.3 Load of data for 1 to 6 tonnes for finding 63 3.4 variation for obtaining 74 3.5 variation for obtaining 75 3.6 variation for obtaining 75 4.1 Optimal profit for increasing value 87 4.2 Optimal profit for decreasing value 89 5.1 Shortage variability for base stock 98 5.2 Holding variability for base stock 99 5.3 Optimal base stock case with varying 103 6.1 Number of beds and queue characteristics corresponding to 110 6.2 The value of average cost per unit time 111 7.1 Numerical value for 124 7.2 Tabulation for obtaining for obtaining xiv 127 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 1.1 Lot-size model with shortages allowed 1.2 A sample path of the (environment–inventory) PAGE NO. 5 process 6 1.3 Classification of inventory control model 8 3.1 Shortage curve under negative inventory level 48 3.2 Supply size against the time t 52 3.3 Expected profit curve 57 3.4 Optimal supply vs truncation point 58 3.5 Comparative graph 59 3.6 Supply against holding cost 63 3.7 State space for the expected total profit 64 3.8 Supply against 74 3.9 Curve for supply 3.10 Curve for supply and truncation point 76 4.1 Truncation point with respect to the optimal cost 88 4.2 Supply curve when curve against 75 is varied with respect to 89 5.1 Base-stock with the shortage cost 98 5.2 Base-stock with holding cost 99 5.3 Base-stock curve for truncation point 104 xv FIGURE NO. TITLE 6.1 Actual cost per bed 6.2 Indifference curve for the optimal number of 112 beds 7.1 112 Optimal expected ordering when the truncation occurs 7.2 Optimal supply 119 against the truncation point when 7.3 Optimal supply 124 against the truncation point when 7.4 7.5 PAGE NO. 127 Optimal profit curve with respect to arrival of demand 135 Lead time with optimal supply size 136 xvi LIST OF SYMBOLS - The cost of each unit produced but not sold called holding cost. - The shortage cost arising due to unsatisfied demand. - Random variables denoting the demand - Truncation Point - Supply level and is the optimal value of . - Base Stock T, t - Total Time interval - Time interval with respect to the shortage and holding cost - The probability density function. - Probability density functions when - Probability density function when > . . - Parameter prior to the truncation point - Parameter posterior to the truncation Point . - Inventory level at the time t - Total expected cost - Optimal expected cost - n-fold convolution of L - Mean lead time xvii , Cumulative distribution LIST OF ABBREVATIONS SCBZ - Setting the Clock Back to Zero property PDF - Probability Distribution Function CDF - Cumulative Distribution Function LMP - Lack of Memory Property GLD - Generalised Lead time Demand CTMC - Continuous Time Markov Chain EOQ - Economic Order Quantity PH - PHase type distribution NPV - Net Present Value KKT - Karush Kuhn Tucker(KKT) IFR - Increasing Failure Rate PR - Protection lost sale xviii 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 OPERATIONS RESEARCH ‘Operations Research’ was coined during the World War II, but the scientific origin of the subject dates much further back. Economist Quesnay in 1759 and Walras in 1874 have developed primitive mathematical programming models. More sophisticated economic models of a similar genre were proposed by Von Newmann in 1937 and Kantrovich in 1939. The mathematical foundations of linear models were established near the turn of the 19th century by Jordan in 1873, Minkowski in 1896 and Farkas in 1903. Many definitions of Operations Research are available. The following are a few of them. In the words of T.L Saaty, “operations research is the art of giving bad answers to problem which otherwise have worse answers”. According to Fabrycky and Torgersen, “operations research is the application of scientific methods to problems arising from the operations involving integrated system by man, machine and materials. It normally utilizes the knowledge and skill of an interdisciplinary research team to provide the managers of such systems with optimum operating solutions”. Churchman, Ackoff and Arnoff observe, “operations research in the most general sense can be characterized as the application of scientific methods, techniques and tools to problems involving the operations of a system so as to provide those in control of the operations with optimum solutions to the problems”. In a nutshell, operations research is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions. The rapid growth of operations research during and after World War II stemmed from the same root with the application of mathematics to build and understand models that only approximate the reality being studied. During World War II, the military depots had the problems of maintaining their inventory such as their materials, arms, ammunition and fuel etc., and hence the optimal utilization of the same was needed with a view to minimize their costs. So, the military management called-on Scientists from various disciplines and organized them into teams to assist in solving strategic and tactic problems. 1 Operations research as a field has always tried to maintain its multidisciplinary character and its uniqueness. Operations research comprises of various branches which includes Inventory control, Queuing theory, Mathematical Programming, Game theory and Reliability methods. In all these branches many real life problems are conceptualized as mathematical and stochastic models. In operations research, a model is almost always a mathematical and necessarily an approximate representation of reality. Operations research gives the executive’s power to make more effective decisions and build more productive systems based on More complete data, Consideration of all available options, Careful predictions of outcomes and estimates of risk and finally on the latest decision tools and techniques. During model building in operations research, the researcher draws upon the latest analytical technologies, such as i) Probability and Statistics for helping measure risk, mine data to find valuable connections, insights, test conclusions and make reliable forecasts. ii) Simulation for giving the ability to try out approaches and test ideas for improvement. iii) Optimization for narrowing choices to the best when there are virtually innumerable feasible options. Operations researcher and computer scientists have been implementing inventory systems, while the economists have been focusing on the effect of inventories in the business cycle rather than inventory policies. Mainly, operations research provides tools to (i) analyze the activity (ii) assist in decision making, (iii) enhancement of organisations and experiences all around us. Application of operations research involves better scheduling of airline crews, the design of waiting lines at Disney theme parks, two-person start-ups to Fortune 500® leaders and global resource planning decisions to optimizing hundreds of local delivery routes. All benefit directly from operations research decision. Inventory control is one of the most developed fields of operations research. Many sophisticated methods of practical utility were developed in inventory management by using tools of mathematics, stochastic process and probability theory. The primary motivation of this thesis is to analyse the few inventory model from Hanssman F [33] using the stochastic concept with 2 varying demand distribution. Hence this study is followed in the succeeding chapters. 1.2 INVENTORY THEORY Inventory has been defined by Monks, as idle resources that have certain economic value. Usually, it is an important component of the investment portfolio of any production system. Keeping an inventory for future sales and utilizing it whenever necessary is common in business. For example, Retail firms, wholesalers, manufacturing companies and blood banks generally have a stock on hand. Quite often, the demand rate is decided by the amount of the stock level. The motivational effect on the people is caused by the presence of stock at times. Large quantities of goods displayed in markets according to seasons, motivate the customers to buy more. Either insufficient stock or stock in excess, both situations fetch loss to the manufacturer. 1.3 DEFINITION This section lists the factors that are important in making decisions related to inventories and establishes some of the notation that is used in this thesis. Additional model dependent notations are introduced in the subsequent Chapters. 1. Holding cost ( ): This is the cost of holding an item in inventory for some given unit of time. It usually includes the loss investment income caused by having the asset tied up in inventory. For example, if c is the unit cost of the product, this component of the cost is c , is the discount or interest rate. The holding cost may also include the cost of storage, insurance and other factors that are proportional to the amount stored in inventory. 2. Shortage cost ( ): When a customer seeks the product and finds the inventory empty, the demand can either go unfulfilled or be satisfied later when the product becomes available. The former case is called a lost sale, 3 and the latter is called a backorder. Although lost sales are often important in inventory analysis. The total backorder cost is assumed to be proportional to the number of units backordered and time the customer must wait. 3. Ordering cost ( ): This is the cost of placing an order to an outside supplier or releasing a production order to a manufacturing shop. The amount ordered is and its function is given as . 4. Setup cost ( ): A common assumption is that the ordering cost consists of a fixed cost that is independent of the amount ordered, and a variable cost is dependent on the amount ordered. 5. Product cost ( ): This is the unit cost of purchasing the product as part of an order. If the cost is independent of the amount ordered, the total cost is is the unit cost and is the amount ordered. 6. Demand rate ( ): This is the constant rate at which the product is withdrawn from inventory. 7. Order level ( ): The maximum level reached by the inventory is the order level. When backorders are not allowed, this quantity is the same as When backorders are allowed, it is less than . . 8. Cycle time ( ): The time between consecutive inventory replenishments is the cycle time. 9. Cost per time ( ): This is the total of all costs related to the inventory system that are affected by the decision under consideration. 10. Optimal Quantities ( ): The quantities defined above that maximize profit or minimize cost for a given model are the optimal solution. 11. Shortages Backordered: The stochastic model considered in this thesis allows shortages to be backordered. This situation is illustrated in figure 1.1. In this model, when the inventory level decreases below the 0 level, then it implies that a portion of the demand is backlogged. The maximum inventory level is considered as and occurs when the order arrives. The maximum – and backorder is represented in the figure 1.1 by a backorder level is negative inventory level. 4 Figure 1.1 Lot-size model with shortages allowed 12. Random Variable: A random variable, usually written as , is a variable whose possible values are numerical outcome of a random phenomenon. There are two types of random variables, discrete and continuous. 13. Discrete random variable: A discrete random variable is one which may take on only a countable number of distinct values such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,… If a random variable can take only a finite number of distinct values, then it said to be discrete. Examples for discrete random variables include the number of children in a family, the number of patients in a doctor's surgery and the number of defective light bulbs in a box of ten. 14. Continuous random variable: A continuous random variable is one, which takes an infinite number of possible values. Continuous random variables are usually measurements. Examples include height, weight, the amount of sugar in an orange and the time required to run a mile. A continuous random variable is not defined at specific values. Instead, it is defined over an interval of values, and is represented by the area under a curve. The probability of observing any single value is equal to 0, since the number of values which may be assumed by the random variable is infinite. 15. Random Variable for Demand ( ): This is a random variable that is the demand for a given period of time. The random variable defined for a particular period may differ with the models considered. 16. Discrete Demand Probability Distribution Function ( demand is assumed to be a discrete random variable, probability that the demand equals . 5 ): When ) gives the 17. Discrete Cumulative Distribution Function ( demand is less than or equal to b is ): The probability that when demand is discrete then (1.1) 18. Continuous Demand Probability Density Function ( demand is assumed to be continuous, probability that the demand is between ): When is its density function. The and is (1.2) When the demand is assumed to be nonnegative, then is zero for negative values. 19. Continuous Cumulative Distribution Function ( that demand is less than or equal to ): The probability when demand is continuous then (1.3) 20. Standard Normal Distribution Function and : These are the density function and cumulative distribution function for the standard normal distribution. The study of inventory control requires a practical example for better understanding. Hence, in figure 1.2 two figures on sample path are shown one in environment process and other in inventory process. Figure 1.2: A sample path of the (environment–inventory) process A sample path of the environment-inventory level process of K. Yan [79] is illustrated in figure 1.2, where is the production rate and 6 is demand rate are associated with each state of the inventory system. ‘ ’ is taken as the supply in the interval . The inventory increases when the production rate exceeds the demand rate, and decreases when the demand rate exceeds the production rate. For example, the inventory level under continuous review is viewed as a fluid process that fluctuates according to the evolution of the underlying background environment. The subject of inventory control is a major consideration in many situations, because of its practical and economic importance. Questions must be constantly answered as to when and how much raw material should be ordered, when a production order should be released to the plant, what level of safety stock should be maintained at a retail outlet, or how in-process inventory is to be maintained in a production process. These questions are amenable to quantitative analysis with the help of inventory theory. The modern inventory theory offers a variety of economical and mathematical models of inventory systems together with a number of methods and approaches aimed at achieving an optimal inventory policy. The main steps in applying a systematic inventory control are outlined as follows. a) Formulating a mathematical model by describing the behavior of the inventory system. b) Seeking an optimal inventory policy with respect to the model. c) Using a computerized information processing system to maintain a record of the current inventory levels. d) Using this record of current inventory levels, applying the optimal inventory policy to indicate when and how much to replenish inventory. In the conceptualization of inventory control, various costs and different variables such as control variables and non-control variables are incorporated. It is quite interesting to observe that the inventory model can be either deterministic or probabilistic. If the model is probabilistic in nature then, the probability theory and stochastic processes plays a vital role in the formulation of the model and also in the determination of optimal solution. Optimization techniques such as dynamic programming and calculus based methods to find optimal inventory policies have been studied by Arrow 7 K.J [6]. Using linear programming principles and competitive bidding methods many models have been developed by Hanssmann F [32]. Arrow K.J [6, 7] has studied a generalized model of inventory control encompassing many inventory situations. A model for the optimal discharge of water from a reservoir has been developed in Little J.D.C [40]. A systematic review of such models is seen in Whitin T. M [77]. After a period of dormancy in the 1960’s and 1970’s, empirical work on inventories has enjoyed resurgence in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Inventory control model in the literature is classified according to its deterministic and continuous nature. 1.4 CLASSIFICATION OF INVENTORY CONTROL MODEL The study on inventory control deals with two types of problems such as single-item and multi-item problems. Concerning the process of demand for single-items, the mathematical inventory models are divided into two large categories deterministic and stochastic models which is shown in figure 1.3 Figure 1.3: Classification of inventory control model In single-item stochastic models, the rate of demand for products stocked by the system is considered to be known with uncertainty and it is called stochastic demand and when the demand is known with certainty it is considered to be deterministic. Also in single-item, the deterministic demand is either a constant quantity i.e., deterministic static model or a known 8 function of time i.e., deterministic dynamic model. Multi-period is further subdivided into periodic review and continuous review. Many of the available stochastic models and their solutions are used here to conceptualize some interesting new problems and solve them. The problems which are conceptualized on certain hypothetical assumptions are in Inventory Control, Reliability Theory and Queuing theory. All these disciplines depend more and more for their development and sophistication, the use of advanced probability theory for which stochastic process is a basic structure. Many of the real life problems which are governed by chance mechanism are deeply involved with the concept of stochastic process. An important aspect in the theory of stochastic process is the renewal theory which is from the mathematical view point and at the same time is a handy tool to solve many problems of stochastic process. One of the inventory models that have recently received renewed attention is the Newsboy problem and Base stock system problem. Hadley G [29] and Hanssman F [33] have been credited for the seminal work on the classical version of these problems. Their models have been the foundation for many subsequent works by extending the original models to other diverse scenarios and applications. Nevertheless, despite its importance and the numerous publications related to the Newsboy problem or the multi-product Newsboy model and its variations remain limited. The basic problem of inventory control or inventory management is to determine the optimal stock size and optimal reorder size. Determination of the time to reorder is also a question. A very detailed and application oriented treatment of this subject is seen in Hanssman F [33]. 1.5 CLASSIFICATION OF CLASS OF INVENTORIES The classification of the class I, II, III, IV and V of inventories are discussed in form of Table 1.1. 9 Table 1.1 Classification of inventories Class Inventory Supply process Demand I Raw Material Supplier Production II Work in process Production Production III Finished goods Production Wholesaler IV Wholesale Manufacturer Retailer V Retailer Wholesaler Consumer The inventory on hand at any time ‘t’ is given by (1.4) Where = supply rate / unit time = demand rate / unit time = initial or starting inventory level. In an inventory system, if the supply and demand is from a single source, then it is called a single station model. If there are many supply sources and similarly several sources of demand and a number of stations operate simultaneously then it is called a system of parallel stations model. A system of stations is called a series of station model, if the output of one station is the input for the next, which are in series. The solution to any model depends upon these three characteristics. If the supply and demand namely and are constant over time, then it is called a static system, otherwise it is called a dynamic one. The inventory problems in real life situation, is conceptualized as a stochastic model and involves the optimization of inventory problem. 1.6 OPTIMIZATION OF AN INVENTORY PROBLEM In the case of stochastic models, the periodic approach of expressing demand is preferred to be a continuous (demand rate) approach. In doing so, the two costs namely the cost of excess inventory which is also known as the salvage cost and shortage cost is incorporated into the model. If the demand is more than the supply the shortage may arise and hence the stock-out cost 10 is incorporated. The solution is derived by using the standard mathematical tools and techniques. If the derived solution is optimal, then process of solution is complete. The objective of obtaining the optimal solution is to determine the solution which minimizes the overall cost. It is known as the optimal policy. In addition, the cost of reordering, the optimal reorder size as well the time at which the reordering is to be made has been incorporated by many authors for the optimization of inventory problem. It may be observed that the demand depends upon many factors like market conditions, availability of substitutes etc., and hence it is not under the control of the decision maker. On the other hand the supply is under the control of the decision maker and hence called the control variable. The demand and supply are two different variables associated with the inventory model. If the demand is assumed to be a random variable then the demand is called the probabilistic demand. Another aspect is the static or dynamic aspect of demand and also the supply. If the demand and supply do not change with the passage of time, it is called static demand and static supply, respectively otherwise it is called dynamic. In many problems of inventory control, obtaining the optimal size of the supply is a prime interest. Hence the optimal solution is often the determination of the supply size. A similar approach is to determine the time of reorder and quantity of reorder. If the demands as well as the supply are probabilistic in nature then the probability distributions are taken into account and the expected cost is obtained. The solution which minimizes the expected cost is the optimal solution. It may be noted that the recent approach to find the optimal solution takes into consideration another fact. The demand distribution may undergo a parametric change, after a particular value of the random variable involved in the model and the point at which the change occurs is called the truncation point. Sometimes after the truncation point, the distribution of demand which is a random variable can undergo a change of distribution itself. Such facts are also incorporated in the model and the optimal solution is derived. Another interesting area of research in inventory control has come up recently. It is the so called perishable inventory theory. There are many products such as vegetables, food products, fruits and pharmaceutical 11 products in which deterioration occurs. After a certain period the entire lot unsold will deteriorate completely and hence cannot be sold. In such models, the rate of deterioration is an important aspect of consideration and these models were studied using exponential and Weibull distribution. In this thesis, the contribution follows the following tools for analysis of inventory systems subject to supply disruptions such as i) exact and approximate expected cost functions when supply is disrupted and demand is stochastic. ii) A closed-form approximation for the optimal base-stock level when supply is disrupted and demand is stochastic. iii) A closed-form approximation for the optimal base-stock level when demand is disrupted and supply is stochastic. Hence, this thesis involves the concept of closed form in chapter 4 and chapter 5 with the application of stochastic process. 1.7 STOCHASTIC PROCESS Stochastic process is concerned with the sequence of events governed by probabilistic laws. Many applications of stochastic process are available in Physics, Engineering, Mathematical Analysis and other disciplines. In some cases, arising in certain industries or military installations not only the demand for a particular commodity is a stochastic variable but its supply as well. In these cases it is convenient to consider the inventory level resulting from the interaction of supply and demand as a stochastic variable. The variation of the inventory level in time can be considered as a stochastic process. If the process is ergodic, the total inventory cost over a certain time may be represented as a function of the mean inventory level. This mean level can then be manipulated in such a way as to minimize the total inventory cost. In case of a stochastic process, if a specific ordering policy is introduced then the resultant fluctuating inventory level is a stochastic phenomenon. Also it becomes a problem to investigate the transient and stationary characteristics of the underlying stochastic process. A special class of problems arises, if a situation where the system is already in a stationary state is assumed, and where the acquisition policy 12 has no apparent relation to the inventory level. In the case discussed above the mean inventory level becomes a decision variable. As an example liquid flowing in random fashion in and out of storage tank is considered. The fluctuation of the inventory level is then a stochastic process. Recently, the problem of how to determine optimum mean inventory levels has arisen frequently in large industrial concerns, where it appears to be a consequence of the institutional framework of the modern firm. In many of the integrated companies of today, the principle of decentralized management has become a well established fact. This has led with necessity in many cases to the practice of sub-optimization, because if a large industrial enterprise is subdivided for administrative purpose into several rather independent acting departments, such as production, transportation, manufacturing, distribution, sales-department etc. It will often happen that the different decision parameters, which are necessary to decide upon in order to achieve an overall optimization, are controlled by different departments. For example, in an integrated oil company, the size and composition of the crude oil inventories held by the manufacturing department at the refineries are the result of the interaction of the crude oil supply from overseas areas. It is managed and controlled by the production and transportation departments on the one hand and the demand for the finished goods coming from the distribution and sales departments on the other hand. Thus, the manufacturing department is left with just one decision variable under its direct control which is the mean inventory level. This is in general manipulated by exchange with oil companies. This concept of decentralisation is discussed in chapter 3. Uncertainty plays an important role in most inventory management situations. The retail merchant needs enough supply to satisfy customer demands, but ordering too much increases holding costs and the risk of losses through obsolescence or spoilage. A fewer order increases the risk of lost sales and unsatisfied customers. For example, the water resources manager must set the amount of water stored in a reservoir at a level that balances the risk of flooding and the risk of shortages. Hence, this concept of shortage and holding is analyzed throughout the thesis. 13 The company manager sets a master production schedule considering the imprecise nature of forecasts of future demands and the uncertain lead time of the manufacturing process. These situations are common and the answer one gets from a deterministic analysis varies often when uncertainty prevails. The decision maker faced with uncertainty may not act in the same way as the one who operates with perfect knowledge of the future. The inventory model in which the stochastic nature of demand is explicitly recognized is dealt. In inventory theory, demand for the product is considered to be one of the features of uncertainty. In this thesis, the demand is assumed to be unknown and the probability distribution of demand is known. Mathematical derivation determines the optimal policies in terms of the distribution and selecting an appropriate distribution for the study is very important. 1.8 SELECTING A DISTRIBUTION In this thesis, the prime motivation is to study which distribution may be suitable for the representation of demand. A common assumption is that individual demand occurs independently. This assumption leads to the Poisson distribution when the expected demand in a time interval is small and the normal distribution when the expected demand is large. Later the uniform distribution and the exponential distribution were used for their analytical simplicity. Erlang distribution was prime interest for the solution of inventory problem in 2000’s. Hence, the literature suggests that other distributions can be assumed for demand. Hence, motivated from the view of usage of other distribution, this thesis involves the study of single-period model and multi-period model using SCBZ property, renewal reward theory, truncated exponential distribution, exponential order statistics and generalized gamma distribution with bessel’s function. Once decided on the demand distribution to be applied, the next aim is to find the total expected cost of the inventory problems under study of this thesis. 14 1.9 STOCHASTIC INVENTORY MODEL Often, there is some concern about the relation of demand during some time period which is relative to the inventory level at the beginning of the time period. If the demand is less than the initial inventory level and there is an inventory remaining at the end of the interval then the condition of excess incurs. If the demand is greater than the initial inventory level then the condition of shortage incurs. At some point, the inventory level is assumed to be a positive value . During some interval of time, the demand is a random variable with PDF and CDF standard deviation of this distribution are and distribution, the probability of a shortage . The mean and respectively. With the given and the probability of excess are computed. For a continuous distribution, and is given as (1.5) (1.6) In some shortage cases it may be interesting to expected . This depend on whether the demand is greater or less than Items short = Then obtain (1.7) is the expected shortage and is (1.8) Similarly for excess, the expected excess is (1.9) Also the expected excess can be represented in terms of (1.10) Hence, this concept of stochastic process has similarity with the model discussed in Hanssman F [33] which is the prime motivation behind this research work. 15 1.10 PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS AND RESULTS The following are some of the basic, existing and recently developed concepts in Mathematics and Statistics that are used to analyse some inventory models in this thesis. 1. SETTING THE CLOCK BACK TO ZERO (SCBZ) PROPERTY: In stochastic process when considering sequence of random variables each random variable has an associated probability distribution. So, the probability distribution function of random variable is denoted as . For every probability distribution there are corresponding one or more parameters. The corresponding distribution function is denoted as , and is called the survivor function and it gives the probability that a random variable . For example, if a random variable parameter then is distributed as exponential with . Hence, exponential distribution satisfy the lack of memory property and there is slight modification of this property known as Setting the Clock Back to Zero (SCBZ) property which was introduced by Raja Rao [53].This property is given as, a family of life distribution , (where is the space parameter) is said to have the ‘Setting the Clock Back to Zero’ (SCBZ) property if remains unchanged except for the value of the parameters under the following three cases, (i) Truncating the original distribution at some point (ii) Considering the observable distribution for inventory control and (iii) Let be a truncation point and be fixed. If , then When When (1.11) Setting the clock back to zero property is the prime interest of study throughout the thesis and it is discussed in chapter 3 and 5. 16 2. CHANGE OF DISTRIBUTION AT A CHANGE POINT: The concept of SCBZ property indicates that a random variable with density function undergoes a parametric change after a certain value of say which is called the truncation point. This is a slight modification of the lack of memory property. An extension of this concept is change of distribution after a change point. For example, if component and is a random variable denoting the life time of the is the probability density function then the random variable undergoes a change of distribution after a change point, when the following condition is satisfied. The random variable and it has PDF has a PDF with CDF if with CDF , whenever . Here is called the change point. It can be noted that (1.12) The concept of change of distribution is discussed in Stagnl D.K [71]. An application of this property in shock model cumulative damage process has been introduced by Suresh Kumar R [72]. The detailed study on this concept is given in chapter 7. 3. TRUNCATED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION: Suppose that is a random variable with exponential Probability Density Function (PDF) of mean ( ) then the PDF of the random variable is truncated on the right at is given by Deemer W.L [18] and the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter is derived in the form of truncated exponential distribution as (1.13) 4. RENEWAL REWARD THEORY: Chang H.C [12] revisited the work of Wee H.M et al [76] and adopted the suggestion of Maddah B [41] to use renewal reward theorem to derive the expected profit per unit time for their model. Exact closed-form solutions were derived for the optimal lot size, backordering quantity and maximum expected profit. Given the attention received by the Salameh M.K [61], it was important to enhance it and correct any flaws in the problems. Renewal theory to obtain the exact expression for the expected profit is applied. This approach leads to a 17 simpler expression for the optimal order quantity than that in Salameh [61]. The annual profit function in the simplified way is given by (1.14) Truncation exponential distribution and renewal reward concepts are discussed in chapter 4, 5 and 7. 5. PHASE TYPE DISTRIBUTIONS: Poisson process and exponential distribution have mathematical properties that make the inventory models as demand process or service time or replenishment time distribution. However, in applications these assumptions are highly restrictive. Neuts M.F [48] developed the theory of PH-distributions and related point process as an alternative of the above distributions. In stochastic modelling, PHdistributions lend themselves naturally to algorithmic implementations and have closure properties along with a related matrix formulation to utilize in practice. In this thesis, concept of PH-distributions is discussed in Chapter 6. 6. GENERALIZED GAMMA DISTRIBUTION WITH BESSEL FUNCTION: In Nicy Sebastian [50], a new probability density function associated with a Bessel function is introduced, which is the generalization of a gamma-type distribution. Some of its special cases are also mentioned in this thesis. The author also introduced Multivariate analogue, conditional density, best predictor function, Bayesian analysis, etc., connected with this new density. From Nicy Sebastian [50], the probability density function is given as (1.15) This concept is discussed in chapter 7. 7. EXPONENTIAL ORDER STATISTICS: The ordering decision in each period is affected by a single setup cost k, a linear variable ordering cost . In stock level is given as at the beginning of a period. Let an inventory system whose time to shortage and holding of the items is considered which is the prime interest. If the experiment with a single new component at time zero be started and it is replaced upon loss by a new component and so on which is represented by Exponential Order 18 statistics is independent and the key to model when there is joint PDF is (1.16) Suppose are the order statistics of a random variable of size n arising from along with the distribution of the form (1.17) Then will constitute the renewal process. Considering the joint probability density function of all order to be given by (1.18) Chapter 7 involves the use of these concepts in obtaining the optimal expected cost. 1.11 ARRANGEMENT OF THE CHAPTERS In Chapter 1, a brief introduction about operations research, inventory control and its practical applications to real life problems is studied. The results of stochastic process using varying demand distribution are applied in this thesis. In Chapter 2, a brief summary on research papers published by various authors is given as the review of literature. In Chapter 3, Single period Newsboy problem using SCBZ Property is discussed. The Newsboy problem is discussed assuming that the demand distribution satisfies SCBZ property. The Newsboy problem is one under the finite inventory process. In this problem it is assumed that there is a one-time supply of items and demand is probabilistic. Each unit of items produced but not sold is called salvage cost and if the supply is less than demand, it results in stock-out cost. This model has been discussed by Hanssman F [33]. At the beginning of each period of time the stock level of each item is reviewed and a decision to order or not to order is made. The cost elements that affect the ordering decision in each period are salvage cost and stockout cost. The costs are charged on the basis of the stock levels at the end of 19 the period. Demand for the item in each period of time is described by a continuous random variable with a joint density function which is independently distributed from period to period. An approximate closed-form solution is developed using a single stochastic period of demand which is discussed. A Stationary Multicommodity inventory problem has been formulated from a single period inventory model. Also a generalization of Newsboy problem for several individual source of demand is discussed. It is assumed that the demand has a probability distribution which satisfies the so called SCBZ property. Such an assumption is justified since the demand distribution undergoes a change with the size of the demand. Under this assumption the optimal supply size is determined and the change in the optimal size consequent to the change in the parameter involved in the distribution is illustrated numerically. In Chapter 4, the single period Newsboy problem discussed in chapter 3 is extended using Truncated Exponential Distribution and Renewal Reward Theory. In this chapter, a study on the salvage cost undergoing a change using the Truncated Exponential Distribution and the use of Renewal Reward Theory for obtaining the solution involving the occurrence of partial backlogging due to stock-out is carried out. The objective is to derive the optimal stock level and numerical illustration with corresponding figure is provided. In Chapter 5, the Truncated Exponential Distribution discussed in chapter 4 is used to study the base-stock for patient customer. In the base stock system the total inventory on hand is to be taken as the sum of the actual inventory on ground and inventory due to orders for replenishment. The customers do not cancel the orders if shortage occurs but waits till the supply is received. The patient customer case is studied, where all unfilled demand is backlogged. Immediate delivery of orders and complete backlogging of all unfilled demands is assumed. The optimal expected cost of base-stock system for patient customer is obtained when the demand distributions are distributed exponentially before the truncation point and Erlang2 after the truncation point. The objective is to derive the optimal stock level and also numerical illustration is provided. 20 So far in chapter 5, the base-stock system for patient customer is discussed, but in real life there are also customers who are impatient. Hence in chapter 6, a study on the base-stock system for impatient customer is carried out. In Chapter 6, the Base-stock impatient customer using finite-horizon models is studied. So far the Base-stock for impatient customer leaded to a discrete case but in this work is extended for a continuous case. Also a way of optimizing the average cost per day by balancing cost of empty beds against cost of delay patients is analysed which is discussed. The upper and lower echelon case of the impatient customer in base-stock policy is discussed. In this chapter, the base-stock is viewed as the number of initial inventory facility in stock. Here the demand is considered as the Poisson fashion i.e., one demand at a time. The probability lead time for a reordered item corresponds to the service time and its distribution is assumed to be Erlang type. At the upper echelon is a supplier with a single production facility which manufactures to order with a fixed production time on a firstcome first-served basis and the numbers of non-identical and independent retailer is considered at the lower echelon. The objective is to derive the optimal stock level and numerical illustration is provided. So far in the above chapter continuous single-period models are discussed and in chapter 7, the multi-period or the multi-item problems is studied. In Chapter 7, the multi-period stochastic model is discussed with two varying demand models. The m-dimensional convolution method which was introduced by Hanssman F [33] is used for study of generalisation concept of the ordering convolution operation. Now in this chapter, the multi-period or the multi demand case is discussed when has the form where each of it is continuous and differentiable. The function is the cost charged over a given period of time excluding the ordering cost and in general it is the holding and shortage costs. Considering the case when the salvage and stock-out cost for each item is linear. Let for item ( an inventory model is discussed under the following assumptions regarding the model. 21 (i) There is a onetime supply at the start of the period (ii) The demands occur at random epochs in . and the magnitudes of the demands are random variables denoted as (iii) if If the cumulative demand , then salvage occurs and then stock-out occur during . The random variable representing demand namely has PDF and CDF is identically independently distributed random variables. This chapter the demand and lead time is considered a constant and a random variable. By assuming exactly optimal value of demand epochs in , and using renewal theory the is obtained. Another extension discussed in this chapter is by the assuming that the random variable has a distribution initially but there a change of distribution after a truncation. The optimal one time supply during the interval using the generalized gamma distribution with Bessel’s function and a multi-commodity inventory system with periodic review operating under a stationary policy using the exponential order statistics is discussed. The optimal inventory level is determined for the multiperiod demands. Also adequate numerical analysis shows its effectiveness. The result of this study, especially the properties are hoped to be of great use in determining the transient and stationery distribution of the stock level prior to making ordering decision. In Chapter 8, a brief summary of the results and conclusions drawn hereby are furnished. 22 2. LITERATURE OVERVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION In any research study, the work done in the past is of great importance since it forms the foundation of the work to be carried out in future. It is rather a continuous process. While carrying out any research the different types of problems taken for investigation and the various approaches to solve the problem are all quite important. Hence, a brief idea of the work done in the past should all be clearly stated. In this chapter, the development of inventory control theory is reviewed through stochastic techniques. Since the development of inventory control has been over many decades, it is necessary to cover relevant research papers. Some selected research papers which are of greater importance with possibility of practical applications are taken up for review. Application of mathematics, statistics and a stochastic process has contributed to the development of many models, which has real life applications. Also separate set of models has been developed for the determination of optimal re-order size for perishable products such as vegetables, fruits, eatables, and drugs. Proceeding below is few of the literature related to the models under study. 2.2 EOQ MODELS The Inventory control is a major discipline of operations research and the concept of optimization forms the basis for inventory control theory. The overall aim in most of the problems in the existing literature was to determine the optimal reorder quantity and the optimal lot size etc. The famous EOQ formula from Whitin T.M [77] has given an insight on the basic model for the determination of the optimal reorder quantity. This formula provided the base for many of the inventory models which have been developed subsequently and during the subsequent years, different authors have contributed many relative versions of EOQ model. 23 It is interesting to note that Goh M [23] has discussed the concept of EOQ models in demand and holding cost. EOQ formula in the conventional model was derived with the assumption that the holding cost was fixed. In this model, the holding cost was assumed to be a variable and the demand rate depended upon the inventory level and the demand rate was considered as deterministic and known function of the level of inventory. The concave polynomial function defined in this model is (2.1) is considered as constant, parameter and as the inventory level and also as a shape is considered as on hand inventory level. Under these assumptions the two cases discussed in this model are instantaneous replenishment with non linear time dependent holding cost and instantaneous replenishment with non linear stock dependent carrying cost. From the past few decades, researchers have attempted many variations of EOQ models. Brill Percy H [10] has developed an EOQ model with random variations in demand and adopted a system point level crossing theory for the formulation of system of equations in this model. The objective of this model was to explore the implications of demand disruptions. Demand rates assumed in this model were and 0. Here was considered to be the difference between the supplies and demand where demand and process was the supply size. The markov was continuous time markov chain and was considered as sojourn times for the three states 1, 2 and 3 and exponential with parameters 1, 2 and 3. Salameh M.K [61] developed an economic order quantity model for the case where a random proportion of the items in a lot are defective. The concept of uncertainty was first introduced in EOQ model by Arrow K.J [6]. It was a generalized model and many other inventory models were proved as a special case of this model. In this model, n periods were taken and the reordering decisions were considered at n different points called the checking points. Here the demand was assumed to be a random variable ' r ' and these random variables for the n -periods were 24 taken to be identically Independent distributed random variables. The leadtime was taken to be zero and shortages occurred in one period were taken to the next period. Under these assumptions the expressions for the expected cost was given in the form of stock on hand before ordering, where is the quantity to be ordered and demand. The optimal policy was given as is is the . The base of inventory was founded through the model of EOQ. Hence one of the seminal work on EOQ model using policy was by Axsater S [9]. The model was considered a single-item continuous review inventory system with stationary stochastic demand and when the inventory position were dropped down to or below, a number of lot size were ordered so that the inventory position balances . The author has discussed the case where the lead time demand is deterministic and has taken up an improvement over this model using the time homogeneous markov process. This model was solved by approximating its stochastic demand by finding its mean and the order quantity using the conventional EOQ formula. Yan K [79] considered a single stage production inventory system whose production and demand rates were modulated by an environment process modeled as a finite state Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC). When the inventory level reached zero, an order was placed from an external supplier, and it arrived instantaneously. The authors derived an Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) policy that minimizes the long run average cost, if one replaces the deterministic demand rate by the expected demand production rate in steady state and extended the model with backlogging. 2.3 HIDDEN MARKOV MODELS (HMMS) Following the above discussed policy, the next model in review was developed by Metin Cakanyyildirim [43]. In this model, the author considered a continuous review inventory model with random lead times which depended upon the lot size and a the order quantity and policy in which stands for stands for the reorder point. Also the demand rate 25 was taken to be a constant and lead-time was assumed to be a random variable. Here the decision variable namely and were derived in a closed form and the expression for the expected cost of holding and shortage was obtained using the renewal reward theorem. This concept of closed form is studied in chapter 3 and chapter 4 of this thesis and the renewal reward theorem is studied in chapter 4. However, Das C [17] analyzed these models using the quadratic approximation procedure. This model was based on the (Q, r) policy which also takes into account the time weighted backorders. The author considered the lead time as known constant and shorter than the time between successive orders. Also the reorder point was assumed to be non-negative. In this model demand during the stock out period was completely backlogged and the stock out cost was assumed to be directly proportional to the amount as well as the duration of backorders. Under these assumptions, the average annual cost of the HMMS model II was given as (2.2) The exact development of Hidden Markov Models (HMMS) part II for single item and its extension to multiple items was proposed by Holt C.C et al. [34]. In single station models, the concept of dynamic models is very interesting. Several authors have formulated some ordering rules of very general nature. 2.4 ORDER STATISTICS The inventory problem in which the replenishment of inventory takes place from two sources was constituted by Ramasesh R.V et al [56]. In this model, the concept of macro studies and micro studies has been discussed. While in the macro studies, the examination of merits of the procurement policies with cost benefit analysis of dual source competition was considered. Where else in micro studies, the modeling and optimization of total cost arising due to reordering inventory holdings and shortages was considered. The solutions for sole and dual sourcing models were developed in this 26 model and the lead time was considered as stochastic along with the concept of uniform distribution and order statistics. Srinivasan Rao S [69] have discussed an inventory model in which the demand over the time interval (0, t) was taken to be a random variable and a onetime supply denoted as S was considered. In this model, the demands at N random epochs in (0, t) were denoted as random variables X1, X2… XN. It was assumed that the random sample of N observations on demands were taken and arranged in increasing order of magnitude. It is to be noted that X(1) was the first order statistic and X(n), the nth order statistic. Using the distribution of X(1) and X(n), the optimal size of the supply has been determined. 2.5 SINGLE-PERIOD MODELS In case of single-period model, which is discussed above the role of inventory problem by the lead time is important factor. Hence Cawdery M.N [11] have discussed the role of time inventory control problem by the assuming the lead time, lead time demand and influenced many of the result of inventory control. In many inventory problems the lead time was taken to be random variable and the lead time demand were also considered a random variable. The authors in their work compare the lead time demand to the number of customers arising in a single server queuing system during the service time and hence considered the correlation between the lead-time distributions and the lead- time demand distributions. Assuming that the leadtime was not correlated with the consumption of the stock, the authors have derived the expression for the variance of demand during the lead-time. They have also considered a model called the stock control model in which the expression for the cost was derived by the suitable determination of economic batch quantity denoted as . The optimal re-ordering policy or the optimal stock size was determined accordingly. Chapter 6 of this thesis is a motivated work from this model. 27 It is interesting to note that a very general model to form the ordering rule has been formulated by Dvoretsky A [20]. In this model, the authors have considered dynamic single station model with finite number of decision intervals. The demand in any period ' i ' was given by a conditional probability distribution where the vector was a summary description of the history of demands and the stock level before and after ordering , including the stock levels and . Consequently, the expected cost in period form , of the present period was taken as a function of the where . An ordering policy was defined by a set function which obeyed the restrictions , = 1, 2, 3, …, n , = 1, 2, 3, …, n and the expression for the optimal supply size was obtained. Many inventory models of classical nature have been under the assumption that the demand and lead time are of deterministic nature. Considerable changes in the models have been introduced only by assuming that the variables like demand, lead time are stochastic in nature. In this context Newsboy problem and Base-stock system inventory models have been developed which are known as the stochastic models. Also this approach is discussed as chapter 6. 2.5.1 Newsboy problem An interesting inventory model is the so-called Newsboy problem in which a somewhat different concept is introduced. In most of the models, the inventory on hand is such that it can be kept as a stock for any period of time and hence it is called an infinite process. However, a somewhat different type of problem that arises is that, the inventory processes are terminated after a finite period and several models have been developed using this concept. A typical example of this type of model is the so called newsboy problem in which the newspaper supplied at the beginning of the day is sold and the demand for the same is a random variable. The unsold papers will be called the wastage and there is an associated cost for the same. If the 28 supply is less than the demand, again there is shortage cost. The determination of the optimal one time supply is to be determined. Based on this concept several authors have attempted these inventory models of similar type which are discussed in succeeding part of this chapter. The application of the newsboy problem to quality control and container fill was studied by John S. Rose [36]. The conventional newsboy problem was considered as a one, in which there is a onetime supply with the demand for the product being a random variable, and the holding cost and salvage cost are known quantities. This type of model is known as finite process model and chapter 3 is on the study of this concept. The reversal of the conventional newsboy problem is taken up where the demand is assumed to be known but the replenishment quantity is a random variable which is absolutely continuous. Assuming the material cost ( ), shortage cost ( ) and inventory holding cost ( ) and also the average of the replenishment quantity the expected cost denoted in this model is follows (2.3) Where was taken as support of , of demand and , , as the quantity was considered the quantity of replenishment. This model was a complete reverse of the conventional newsboy problem as discussed by Hanssman F [33]. The author has attempted to determine the optimal value of . By considering the distribution of control variable which is denoted as and the family of absolutely continuous distributions, the optimal value of the replenishment has been derived and in doing so the cost function was taken to be normally distributed with mean and standard deviation . The expected cost function was given as (2.4) In order to minimize , the author attempts to find and such that is minima. This approach differ from the conventional newsboy problem in the sense that in the conventional model the optimal supply size was 29 determined and in there model, the optimal demand size was determined. The author has also discussed the asymptotic behaviour of the optimal solution and has obtained a special character for the determination of optimal demand distribution based on the mean and variance In the category of newsboy or newsvendor problem an intergraded model was developed by Liang-Yuh Ouyang [39]. The authors have discussed an integrated Vendor Buyer inventory model with quality improvement and lead time reduction and also have discussed the advantages of the just – in – time (JIT) production. The concept of JIT is directed towards the shortening of the lead time and improving the quality of the product. In the previous model of classical inventory theory, it has been implicitly assumed that the quality level of the product is fixed at an optimal level and all the items are assumed to have perfect quality. But in real production environment it can be observed that there may be defective items and these items are rejected, repaired and reworked or refunded to the customers. In all such cases substantial costs were incurred. Therefore investing capital on quality improvement will reduce this kind of cost. Hence, the authors have formulated a single vendor, single buyer inventory model with quality issue and lead-time reduction. It was a non-linear programming model in which minimizing the total cost was attempted using algorithms. Numerical example by assuming specific values of the cost component was also provided. The motivational base work on newsboy was from Sehik Uduman P.S [65]. In this work it was shown that the newsboy inventory model with demand satisfied the so called SCBZ property. Since the newsboy problem is an inventory model with a finite process, this implies that the product in question can be sold only for a finite duration, after which the product cannot be used and so it has only a salvage cost. The similar situation exists in the case of newspapers. The newspaper of the day should be sold within the same day itself. It cannot be sold the next day as it has only the value of a waste paper. If the supply is inadequate, the shortage cost arises. So the determination of the optimal supply size is important. The authors have taken up this problem under the 30 assumption that the random variable denoting the demand for newspaper is such that it satisfies the SCBZ property. Under these assumptions, the optimal supply size has been determined. Hence this thesis involves this concept in chapter 3. Grubbstrom R.W [25] provided a compound variation of the newsboy problem. Instead of demand simply being known as to its distribution, here demand was generated by customers arriving at different points in time requiring amounts of varying size. Customer arrival followed a renewal process, and an amount required was taken from a second independent distribution. It was shown, how the optimal purchase quantity in explicit form depends on properties of the two distributions, maximising the expected net present value (NPV) of the payments involved. The development was to use this relation between the NPV and the Laplace transform and also simultaneously using the Laplace transform as a moment-generating function. The work on generalization was reviewed in Kumaran M [38] and the lead time was considered to be the random variable on the basis of the generalized (- type) (GLD). The concept of GLD has been introduced by Ranboy Schmeiser in the year 1974.The GLD distribution can be applied whenever a complete and precise knowledge of the distribution of random variable is not available. The Pth quantile denoted as R(p) was considered and it was based on 1 and 2 called the location and scale parameters. By taking into account the setup cost, purchase cost, salvage cost, penalty cost, the selling price, and the expression for the expected profit and loss have been constituted. The optimal size to be produced has been determined. 2.5.2 Base-stock systems Gaver D.P [21] developed a model on the so-called base-stock level inventory. In this model, a given period was taken and subdivided into smaller intervals of equal length and the demand during each sub-interval of time was taken to be a random variable. The optimal value of the base-stock was derived and in doing so, the author has considered the stationary 31 distribution of available inventory when the customers wait. It is also interesting to note that the author has considered the stationary distribution function of available inventory when the customers are impatient. The motivating contribution on the base-stock system for patient customers is studied by Ramanarayanan R [54, 55]. In this model the interarrival times between successive demand epochs were taken to be random variables which were identically distributed but not independent and were shown to be constantly correlated random variables. In this model, under these assumptions the optimal base-stock levels have been derived by using the distribution of sum of correlated random variables which was discussed by Gurland J [28]. Markus Ettl [42] had modelled a supply network with base-Stock Control and Service Requirements. Dong-Ping Song [19] had discussed the stability and optimization of a production inventory system under prioritized base-stock control. It is common for suppliers operating in batch production mode to deal with patient and impatient customers. Haifeng Wang [31] considered the inventory models in which a supplier provides alternative lead time to its customers, a short or a long term lead time. In this model orders from patient customers were taken by the supplier and included in the next production cycle while orders from impatient customers were satisfied from the on-hand inventory. In their model, the action to commit one unit of on-hand inventory to patient or impatient customers was denoted as the inventory commitment decision and the initial inventory stocking as the inventory replenishment decision. They first characterized the optimal inventory commitment policy as a threshold type and then proved that the optimal inventory replenishment policy to be a base-stock type. This model was extended to analysis a multiple cycle setting, a supply capacity constraint and the online charged inventory holding costs. Haifeng Wang [31] also evaluated and compared the performance of the optimal inventory commitment policy and the inventory rationing policy. Finally, they further investigated the benefit and pitfall of introducing an alternative lead time choice and they used the customer choice model to study the demand 32 gains and losses known as demand induction and demand cannibalization effects. The analysis of the base-stock control production inventory system using queuing theory was discussed by Sandeep Jain [62].They have considered a production inventory system which consists of a manufacturing plant and a warehouse. The demands from the customers were supplied from the inventory in the warehouse and the demand orders from the customer arrival accordingly as Poisson process. In this model the finished goods inventory was considered as the base-stock and its level fixed at K. The finished goods inventory was well defined and each finished goods inventory was attached with production authorization card. The expression for total cost K which is the base-stock level at the warehouse has been obtained. Assuming the arrival process to be Poisson the optimal value of K has been determined. Optimal reorder size is an important parameter of interest. The model on the determination of optimal reorder quantity has been discussed by Hanssman F [33]. Ramanarayanan R [55] has discussed an inventory model based on the Markov processes. The essential difference between this model and the conventional model is that, it uses the phase type (PH) distribution for the representation of the lead time distributions. In this model, it was assumed that the demands occurred according to a Poisson process with parameter and rate of demand was one unit at a time. The inventory capacity was denoted as ‘S’ and the reorder level as ‘s’. In this model the explicit steady state solution has been derived and it gave a reordering rule at different points of the demand epochs. The concept of phase type distribution and its applications have been studied by Neuts.M.F [48] and a variation of phase type distribution is attempted in chapter 6. Chenniappan P.K [13] have considered a new type of an inventory situation. In this model, the inventories are kept as two different stocks i.e., when a demand occurs one unit from each of the two inventories is sold. The model was such that the order for the first product is supplied along with the second product. Sometimes the first product alone is supplied 33 without the second product. For example, computers are sold with or without a printer. The following distributions of the inter-arrival times between demands which were considered are exponential distribution and general distributions and the steady state probabilities for the inventory levels were derived. They have used the matrix geometric method as proposed by Neuts M.F [48]. It may be noted that the scope of this problem was to find out probability of different inventory levels. So far the review of literature discussed in this chapter involved the single period models and its real time applications. Now the proceeding literature review involves the multi-period models and their real time application. 2.6 MULTI-PERIOD DEMAND MODELS Ata Allah Taleizadeh [8] have considered a multi-product inventory control problem in which, the periods between two replenishments of the products were assumed independent random variables. The increasing and decreasing functions were assumed to model the dynamic demands of each product. Furthermore, the quantities of the orders were assumed integer-type, space and budget as constraints, the service-level was considered as a chance-constraint, and that the partial back-ordering policy was taken into account for the shortages. This model was an integer nonlinear programming type and to solve it, a harmony search approach was used. At the end, three numerical examples of different sizes are given to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology in real world inventory control problems, to validate the results obtained, and to compare its performances with the ones of both a genetic and a particle swarm optimization algorithms. Guray Guler M [27] analyzed a periodic review inventory system in which the random demand was contingent on the current price and the reference price. The randomness was considered due to additive and multiplicative random terms. The objective of the model was to maximize the discounted expected profit over the selling horizon by dynamically deciding 34 on the optimal pricing and replenishment policy for each period. The author studied three key issues using numerical computation and simulation. First was the study on the effects of reference price mechanism and the total expected profit. It was shown that high dependence on a good history increases the profit. Second was the investigation on the value of dynamic programming and it was shown that the firm that ignores the dynamic structure suffers from the revenue. Third was the analysis on the value of estimating the correct demand model with reference effects. It was observed that this value is significant when the inventory related costs are low. Mirzazadeh A [44] has analyzed a complex inventory system under uncertain situations. In this model, the item deterioration has been considered and the shortages were allowable. The objectives of the model were the minimization of the total present value of costs over time horizon and decreasing the total quantity of goods in the warehouse over time horizon. In this model the inventory system was considered in a bi-criteria situation and lead time was negligible. Also, the initial and final inventory level was zero and the demand rate was known and constant. Where else the Shortages were allowed and fully backlogged except for the final cycle. The replenishment was instantaneous and lead time was zero and the system was operated for prescribed time-horizon of length H and finally a constant fraction of the on-hand inventory deteriorated per unit time. Hence the solution obtained from this model is as follows (2.5) This article presented inspection scenarios for the multi-objective multi-constraint mixed backorder and lost sales inventory model with imperfect items. There were two inspection scenarios which are the imperfect items observed during inspection and screenings are either all reworked or all discarded. 35 In order to fit some real environment, this study assumed the maximum permissible storage space and available budget were limited. Backorder rate was considered as a function of expected shortages at the end of cycle. Stochastic inflationary conditions with a probability density function were also considered in the presented model. This study assumed that the purchasing cost is paid when an order arrives at the beginning of the cycle, and the ordering cost is paid at the time of the order placing. The aggregate demand followed a normal distribution function. Finally, a solution procedure was proposed in order to solve the discussed multi-objective model. In addition, numerical examples were presented to illustrate the multiobjective model and its solution procedure for different inspection scenarios, and a sensitivity analysis is conducted with respect to the important system parameters. The objective of this model was to minimize expected annual cost and variance of shortages. Roger D.H [57] has discussed a multi-echelon (multilevel) inventory model and newsboy problem for obtaining the optimal solution. It is very common that the inventory may be at different levels of a production system and the centralized decisions for the location and control of inventories is an important aspect. The inventories that are to be maintained at different levels of a production oriented system are very important. The determination of the optimal inventory arises at different locations and at each level the demand may be different. The demand function for the common component was following normal distribution N (u, 2). The optimal values of the decision variables were obtained by taking a Hessian matrix (H) and using the Lagrangian Multiplier technique. Haifeng Wang [30] have considered a multi-period newsvendor problem with partially observed supply capacity information which evolved as a Markovian Process. The supply capacity was fully observed by the buyer when the capacity was smaller than the buyer's ordering quantity. Otherwise, the buyer knew the current-period supply capacity was greater than its ordering quantity. The buyer updates the future supply capacity forecasting accordingly and it was observed that the optimal order quantity was greater 36 than the myopic order quantity. Using dynamic programming formulation the existence of an optimal ordering policy was derived. Zohar M.A. Strinka [80] have studied a class of selective newsvendor problems, where a decision maker has a set of raw materials each of which can be customized shortly before satisfying demand. The goal was then to select which subset of customizations maximizes expected profit. It was shown that certain multi-period and multi-product selective newsvendor problems fall within this problem class. Under the assumption that the demands were independent and normally, but not necessarily identically distributed, it was shown that some problem instances from this class can be solved efficiently using an attractive sorting property that was also established in the literature for some related problems. For a general model, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition was used to develop an exact algorithm that is efficient in the number of raw materials. In addition, a class of heuristic algorithms was developed. From the numerical study, the performance of the algorithms was evaluated and it was shown that the heuristic have excellent performance and running times as compared to available commercial solvers. A considerably more limited case, not including any stochastic intensity, has been reported by the current author Grubbstrom R.W. [25]. Newsboy models have wide applications in solving real-world inventory problems. Shih-Pin Chen [66] analyzed the optimal inventory policy for the single-order newsboy problem with fuzzy demand and quantity discounts. The availability of the quantity discount caused the analysis of the associated model to be more complex, and the proposed solution was based on the ranking of fuzzy numbers and optimization theory. By applying the Yager ranking method, the fuzzy total cost functions with different unit purchasing costs were transformed into convex, piecewise nonlinear functions. In this model by proving certain properties of the ranking index of the fuzzy total cost, several possible cases were identified for investigation. After analyzing the relative positions between the price break and the minimum of these nonlinear functions, the optimal inventory policy was 37 provided and closed-form solutions to the optimal order quantities was derived. Several cases of a numerical example were solved to demonstrate the validity of the proposed analysis method. The advantage of using the proposed approach was also demonstrated by comparing it to the classic stochastic approach. It was clear that the proposed methodology is applicable to other cases with different types of quantity discounts and more complicated cases. In Valentín Pando [73], a generalization of the newsboy problem was presented, where an emergency lot can be ordered to provide a certain fraction of shortage. This fraction was described by a general backorder rate function which was non-increasing with respect to the unsatisfied demand. An exponential distribution for the demand during the selling season was assumed and an expression in a closed form for the optimal lot size and the maximum expected profit was obtained. A general sensitivity analysis of the optimal policy with respect to the backorder rate function and the parameters of the inventory system were developed. When the backorder rate function was described by some particular functions, its behaviour was analyzed with respect to changes in the parameters. To illustrate the theoretical results, some numerical examples were also given in this model. Nicholas A.Nechval [49] had shown how the statistical inference equivalence principle could be employed in a particular case of finding the effective statistical solution for the multiproduct newsboy problem with constraints. Snyder L.V [68] had simulated inventory systems with supply disruptions and demand uncertainty. Also, this model showed a study on how the two sources of uncertainty can cause different inventory designs to be optimal. Dada M [16] had extended the stochastic demand newsboy model to include multiple unreliable suppliers. Guiqing Zhang [26] had considered the newsboy problem with range information. In Jixan Xiao [35] a stochastic newsboy inventory control model was considered and it was solved on multivariate product order and pricing. 38 2.7 GENERAL OVERVIEW Ozalp Ozer [51] have discussed the problem of dual purchase contract systems in which a new contract form with the manufacturer can: i) Push inventory to the retailer, known also as channel stuffing. ii) Create a strict Pareto improvement over the whole sale price contract while inheriting the whole sale price contract’s simplicity, and iii) Reduce the manufacturer’s profit variability. To do so, the authors have proposed a dual purchase contract that induces a retailer to place two consecutive orders which is before and after obtaining the final forecast update. This was essentially a supply chain problem in which the manufacturer and retailer were in series. The authors have formulated a demand model demand after a market research, random variable where is the forecast of is a random error. Assuming that the has a PDF g (.) and CDF G (.) with Increasing Failure Rate (IFR), the authors have discussed the maximization of profit of the retailer and determined the optimal order quantity. Several variations of this model have been taken up and theorems have been established. Another interesting model is by Covert R.P [15]. In this model, the authors have assumed a variable rate of deterioration of the items. A two parameter Weibull distribution has been used to represent the distribution of time to deterioration. Using this model, they have derived the optimum cycle time for reordering with the assumption of associated costs. A generalization of this model has been attempted by Philip G.C [52]. This model was a generalized version of the Covert R.P [15] model, where a three parameter Weibull distribution was used to represent the distribution of time to deterioration. Here three parameters namely scale parameter, = shape parameter and = = location parameter was included. The demand was taken to be deterministic and three costs namely (i) cost of the unit (ii) cost of holding per unit time and (iii) reordering cost was incorporated into the model. The authors have obtained the optimal values 39 of the optimum cycle time, the economic order quantity and also the total deterioration during the cycle time. In Vijaya [74], a study on Greenhouse effect was discussed as one of the important aspects of global warming relating to increase of temperature. In this model, it was also discussed that CO2, CO and Nitrogen etc is said to plays a vital role to hasten the process of increase in global temperature and the only source of global warming is CO2 emission. The stochastic models are widely used in the study of global warming and its consequences but in this model it was shown that, if the global temperature crosses the threshold level it will in turn leads to greenhouse effect. The threshold itself was considered to be a random variable. In this model, the threshold was considered to satisfy the property known as Setting the Clock Back to Zero (SCBZ) property and the expected time to sero-conversion and its variance were derived. In Murthy S [46], an analysis on (s,S) inventory system was carried out. In this model, the demand process was assumed to be a single and bulk demand for entire inventory were the rate of demand had SCBZ property. Also the lead times and intervals of time between successive demand were identically independent random variables. Here, the exponential case of 2 models was discussed. In the first model the unit demand rate were varying and in second model the bulk demand was varying. Also in this model the steady state probability vector of inventory level was obtained through NEUTS matrix. Sathyamoorthy R [63] have obtained the expected time to recruit when the loss of manpower is a continuous random variable and the threshold for loss of manpower is a continuous random variable having SCBZ property. Here SCBZ property was used instead of exponential distribution which has lack of memory property and the inter decision times form a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables was derived. In the area of manpower planning, research has been enormous with the result that a large number of research works have been published since 40 1970. An interesting paper by Abodunde T.T [3] contains the discussions about the model were the manpower system with a constant level of recruitment is considered. It was related to the production planning in the development of telephone services and linking the same to the workforce. In this condition the constant level of recruitment was necessary to bring the number of installations eventually up to their final levels. Also a stochastic model was developed which evaluated the effect of implementing the recruitment policies in terms of changing distribution of staff members, and the changing number of installations with time. Numerical results were provided. Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784 – 1846) studied disturbances in planetary motion, which led him in 1824 to make the first systematic analysis of solutions of this equation. The solutions became known as Bessel functions. The solution of bessels function of order zero was given as (2.6) This concept of Gamma bessels function is discussed in chapter 7. Motivated from the model of Nicy Sebastian [50] who introduced a new probability density function associated with a Bessel function, which is the generalization of a gamma-type distribution led to the study of chapter 7. Some of the special cases of this model were also discussed. Multivariate analogue, conditional density, best predictor function, Bayesian analysis, etc., connected with this new density were introduced. Suitability of this density as a good model in Bayesian inference and regression theory was also discussed. This model involved a different concept of the Bessel functions along with the gamma distribution which was new approach. The Bessel function appears in many diverse scenarios, particularly situations involving cylindrical symmetry. Recently, the work on the estimation of maximum likelihood of truncated exponential distributions was carried out by George Lominashvili [22]. In this model, it was shown that the maximum likelihood equation for truncated exponential distribution has a unique solution which gives an asymptotic effective estimator of the parameter. However the applications of 41 the modified generalized gamma distribution in inventory control was studied by Abd El-Fatah I.M [2]. In their model, the protection lost sale and was determined when the lead time demand had the modified generalized gamma distribution. By using the maximum likelihood method, the five unknown parameters were estimated. Also in this model the protection and the complement of protection lost sales, the mean and the variance of potential lost sales for the modified generalised gamma distribution and its special cases were estimated. Although renewal processes have been related to following models but the particular treatment given still appears to be untouched until now. To insert our current contribution into the context of recent literature, it is need to mention the interest in developments related to the newsboy problem in the last few years have increasingly focused on aspects of risk. A thorough literature survey of the newsboy problem was given in Khouja M [37], containing 92 references. However, the current type of renewal demand and the use of truncated exponential distribution in the model process appear to be lacking. Hence, in order to fill this gap many variations of the newsboy model and base-stock model is studied in this thesis, which are yet untouched in the literature. Also in this thesis, the gap between literatures of the SCBZ property is bridged using inventory systems having periodic order moments in single periodic and multi-period models. This property plays a crucial role due to its application to real life in both theoretical and applied work. 42 3. SINGLE PERIOD NEWSBOY PROBLEM WITH STOCHASTIC DEMAND AND PARTIAL BACKLOGGING 3.1 INTRODUCTION In today’s highly competitive business environment and inventory management, the ability to plan and control inventories to meet the competitive priorities is becoming increasingly important in many types of organizations. Depending on this, the type of inventory problem frequently encountered with seasonal or customized products is the newsboy problem, also called the newsvendor problem or single period stochastic inventory problem because only a single procurement is made. The typical examples are the dilemmas of making a one-period decision on the quantity of newspapers that a newsboy should buy on a given day or the quantity of seasonal goods that a retailer should purchase for the current year or goods that cannot be sold the next year because of style changes. The single period inventory model has wide application in the real world in assisting the decision maker to determine the optimal quantity to order. This is one type of inventory problem frequently discussed in the literature. A wide variety of real world problems including the stocking of spare parts, perishable items, style goods and special season items offer practical example of this sort of situation. These types of problems are referred to as the newsboy problem. Since it can be phrased as a problem of deciding how many newspapers a boy should buy on a given day for his corner news stand. In some real life situation there is a part of the demand which cannot be satisfied from the inventory and it leaves the system stock-out. If the order quantity is larger than the realised demand, the items which are left over at the end of period are sold at a salvage value or disposed off. Hence, both the factors such as salvage and stock-out situations are equally important. The basic Newsboy inventory model has been discussed in Hanssman F [33]. If the demand is uncertain then it must be predicted and the continuous 43 sources of uncertainty or stochastic demand, has a different impact on optimal inventory settings and prevents optimal solutions from being found in closed form. Notably, there are cases in which the probability distribution of the demand for new products is typically unknown because of a lack of historical information, and the use of linguistic expressions by experts for demand forecasting is often employed. The Assorted level of demand is viewed in form of a special class of inventory evolution known as finite inventory process. In this chapter, a variation of the finite Inventory process model i.e., the classical Newsboy problem is attempted. This variation of the Newsboy problem discussed has not been investigated earlier in the literature, although compound demand processes have been studied for a long time. A closed form is introduced and there are many benefits of having a closedform approximate solution. The objective is to obtain the optimal solution in which the demand is varied according to the SCBZ property. Appropriate Numerical illustrations provide a justification for its unique existence. 3.2 ASSUMPTIONS AND NOTATIONS - The cost of each unit produced but not sold called holding cost. - The shortage cost arising due to each unit of unsatisfied demand. - Random variable denoting the demand. - The truncation point. - Total cost per unit time. - Supply level and is the optimal value. - A random variables denoting the demand for both the case 44 when demand is less and more than the production, its PDF is given by , . - The probability distribution function when . - The probability distribution function when . - The cost of each unit of Newspapers purchased for several individual demand but not sold called salvage loss. - The shortage cost arising due to each unit of unsatisfied individual demand of Newspapers. - Optimal supply size. - The probability distribution function when . - The probability distribution function when - The expected total cost - The optimal expected cost - Total holding cost - Total shortage cost - Random variable denoting the several individual demands at the - The th location where expected several truncation point individual demand before the and after the truncation point is 45 3.3 BASIC MODEL Many researchers have suggested that the probability of achieving a target profit level is a realistic managerial objective in the Newsboy problem. However Hanssman F [33] has given a different perspective of the Newsboy model. In this model, somewhat different problem arises when the salvage loss for the left-over units is negligible but a significant holding cost time is incurred. It is assumed that the demand fashion during a given planning interval per unit materializes in a linear . The shortage cost is assumed proportional to the area under the negative part of the inventory curve. If the total cost per unit time is , then the cost incurred during the interval is given as (3.1) The expected total cost given in Hanssman.F [33] is as follows (3.2) Motivated from Newsboy model discussed above and the concept of the setting the clock back to zero property, this chapter follows the different variation of the probability distribution function. A brief discussion on the SCBZ property can be followed from chapter 1 and in present chapter this property is slightly modified with respect to the model and it is defined as a random variable is said to satisfy the SCBZ property if where which is random variable . Here denotes the survivor function is called the truncation point of the . SCBZ property means that the probability distribution of the random variable undergoes a parametric change after the truncation 46 point . Similar definition of SCBZ property was discussed in Raja Rao [53]. Accordingly SCBZ property is defined by the pdf as (3.3) where is constant denoting truncation point. The probability distribution function is denoted as if and if (3.4) Similar model is discussed by Sathiyamoorthy R [63]. Use of this property is throughout the thesis. 3.4 FINITE PROCESS INVENTORY MODEL USING SCBZ PROPERTY During certain situations the inventory process gets terminated after a finite duration. In order to control this, an inventory model is studied. The Newsboy problem is under the category of finite inventory process. There is a onetime supply of the items per day and the demand is probabilistic. The classical model assumes that if the order quantity is larger than the realized demand, the items which are left over at the end of period are sold at a salvage value or are disposed of. Further in cases of stock-out unsatisfied demand is lost. From Hanssman F [33], the total cost incurred during the interval is modified as given (3.5) Where and are defined as in Figure 3.1. Hence the expected total cost function per unit time is given in the form (3.6) 47 To find optimal , involves is considered. Since the limit of the integral which is also in the integrand, the differential of integral is applied (3.7) which can be proved to result in the following equation (3.8) Given the probability distribution of the demand expression for , the optimal and using the is determined. This basic Newsboy problem is quite similar to the one discussed in Hanssman F [33]. Figure 3.1: Shortage curve under negative inventory level The probability distribution function defined above satisfies the SCBZ property and the optimal is to be derived. Now using the equation 3.4 and 3.6, the total expected cost is given as (3.9) 48 Case i) when the holding cost before and after the truncation point is considered and using equation 3.3, the result obtained is as follows (3.10) (3.11) Now to find the following substitution is carried Let (3.12) (3.13) (3.14) (3.15) Now solving the equation the above equation for geometry and , using the and by the rule given by equation 3.7. Hence the following result is obtained 49 (3.16) (3.17) (3.18) (3.19) Hence the total expected cost is given by (3.20) Case ii) When the shortage cost before and after the truncation point is considered and using equation 3.3 the following result is obtained (3.21) 50 (3.22) Similarly to find the above procedure is followed and hence taking and the result is as follows (3.23) Considering the case when the supply and the level of inventory are same and all the other cases are considered negligible. On substitution the equation 3.20 and 3.23 becomes (3.24) Therefore after substituting the value for in solution of the expected cost is obtained as , the optimal =19. In contrary to the above model 3.4 another model 3.5 is developed in order to the test the hypothesis in case of single individual demand which will be a base for the following model 3.5. 3.5 OPTIMALITY OF TOTAL EXPECTED COST USING SCBZ PROPERTY The case discussed in the model 3.4 is modified and a study over a single demand is carried out. Here the assumptions are as given in the model 3.4. Now a change to the model in form of cost function is that here in this model the cost function is denoted as .Total cost incurred during the interval T given is given as (3.25) Where and are defined as in Figure 3.2 51 Figure 3.2: Supply size against the time t Therefore the expected total cost function per unit time is given in the form (3.26) From the geometry it follows that and (3.27) The uncertainty here is related to a well known property called as SCBZ Property. SCBZ property which is defined in model 3.4 is applied in this model 3.5. Accordingly SCBZ property is defined by the PDF as (3.28) where is constant denoting truncation point. The probability distribution function is denoted as if and if (3.29) Sathiyamoorthy R [63] introduced the concept of SCBZ property in inventory. The probability distribution function defined above satisfies the SCBZ property under the above assumptions and the optimal is derived. Now, the total expected cost given in equation 3.26 is written as (3.30) 52 where (3.31) The solution of equation 3.31 is dealt in form two model i.e., model 3.6 and model 3.7 due to the complexity involved while using the limit. In solving model 3.5 following is study carried out. Using equation 3.7 (3.32) (3.33) 53 (3.34) using equation 3.27, the following equation are obtained (3.35) 54 (3.36) (3.37) (3.38) 55 (3.39) The following assumption is considered while solving equation 3.39 that the lead time is zero and single period inventory model will be used with the time horizon considered to as finite. When the supply and the level of inventory are same and all the other cases are considered zero. Since analytical solutions to the problem are difficult to obtain. Equation3.39 is solved using Maple 13 and using equation 3.7. Hence, (3.40) The optimal solution is obtained using the numerical illustration by substituting the value for is obtained in form of numerical illustration 3.5.1 shown below. The Table 3.1 and Figure 3.3, shows the numerical illustration for model 3.5 when the shortage cost is permitted in the interval . 3.5.1 Numerical illustration In this Numerical illustration the value for and . is evaluated and the graph representing these values are given below which is obtained to get the optimal expected cost . This numerical illustration provides a clear idea of the increased profit form curve. 56 Table 3.1 Numerical tabulation for obtaining optimal supply 1 0.5 5 2 1.648 12.18249 0.1213 0.16417 0.410425 -0.54 2 1 10 1 2.718 22026.47 0.0735 4.54E-05 0.000454 0.926 3 1.5 15 0.6 4.481 5.91E+09 0.0446 1.13E-10 2.54E-09 2.288 4 2 20 0.5 7.389 2.35E+17 0.0270 2.12E-18 8.5E-17 3.472 5 2.5 25 0.4 12.182 1.39E+27 0.0164 2.88E-28 1.8E-26 4.583 6 3 30 0.3 20.085 1.14E+26 0.0149 2.92E-27 1.75E-25 5.651 Figure 3.3 Expected profit curve 57 Figure 3.4 Optimal supply vs truncation point 3.5.2 Inference: Supply against is shown in the Figure 3.3. When the supply size is increased according to the demand then there a profit or otherwise instantaneous increase in is noted. This model shows a sharp increase in the cost curve is obtained. Figure 3.4 shows a instantaneous decrease in optimal supply. 3.5.3 Numerical illustration A comparative study was carried out with the data value available from Sehik Uduman P.S [65] to check the optimality if the cost curve unique. Table 3.2 and Figure 3.5 shows the comparative result for supply size and the shortage graph. When there is shortage in the supply size then there is a decrease in the expected cost which leads to the profit loss for the company. 58 Table 3.2 Comparative result for supply size 0.5 0.5 5 1.648 12.18249 2 0.0606 0.164169997 0.410425 -0.986 10 2.718 22026.47 1 0.0257 4.53999E-05 0.000454 -0.325 0.9 1.5 15 4.481 5.91E+09 0.66 0.0133 1.12793E-10 2.54E-09 0.2199 1.1 2 20 7.389 2.35E+17 0.5 0.0074 2.12418E-18 8.5E-17 0.5925 1.3 2.5 25 12.18 1.39E+27 0.4 0.0042 2.87511E-28 1.8E-26 0.8957 1.5 3 0.0037 2.91884E-27 1.75E-25 1.1629 0.7 1 20 20.08 1.14E+26 0.33 [1] [2] 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 EXPE CTED 2.0 1.5 COST 3.0 2.5 1.6 1.4 C 1.2 1.0 0.8 SU P B 0.6 PL Y 0.4 SI ZE Figure 3.5 Comparative graph 3.5.4 Inference A comparative study on the optimal expected profit curve with that of a Sehik Uduman P.S [65] is shown in form of the Figure 3.5 where curve [1] is a curve as in the existing model Sehik Uduman P.S [65] and curve [2] is a new curve for model 3.5. It observed that there is an increase in the 59 profit from negative to positive value leading to an instantaneous increase in supply size and increased profit. The curve shows the optimality and validity of this model. 3.6 OPTIMALITY FOR HOLDING COST USING SCBZ PROPERTY A model is developed to study the optimality for holding cost using SCBZ property. In such case the units of items unsold at the end of the season if any are removed from the retail shop to the outlet discount store and are sold at a lowest price than the cost price of the item which is known as the salvage loss. A situation is discussed when there is a holding cost occurred and there is no shortage allowed. In this case the attention can be restricted to the consideration of the part when the holding cost 1 is involved, in which case there is an immense loss to the organisation leading to the setup cost and the cost of holding the item. From Hanssman F [33], the expected holding cost is given as follows and this cost is truncated before and after the particular event in the interval (3.41) Using the rule given in equation 3.7 and substituting equation 3.28, the equation 3.41 changes as follows 60 (3.42) (3.43) (3.44) (3.45) 61 (3.46) (3.47) (3.48) (3.49) Hence the expected cost obtained is given as equation 3.49. 3.6.1 Numerical illustration A load of items from 1 tonnes to 6 tonnes is varied accordingly and the result shows an increase of the expected profit curve which is given by Table 3.3 and Figure 3.6. 62 Table 3.3 Load of data for 1 to 6 tonnes for finding ( 1 0.05 2 20 5 1.28 0.2840 0.2840 5.6808 -5.3968 0.03 33.33 10 1.34 0.3498 0.6997 11.661 -11.312 3 0.07 14.28 15 2.85 1.8576 5.5729 26.537 -24.680 4 0.09 11.11 20 6.04 5.0496 20.198 56.107 -51.057 5 0.08 12.5 25 7.38 6.3890 31.945 79.863 -73.474 6 0.09 11.11 20 6.04 5.0496 30.297 56.107 -51.057 7 S U 6 P 5 P L 4 Y 3 S 2 I Z 1 E 0 1 2 3 4 5 EXPECTED HOLDING COST Figure 3.6 Supply against holding cost 63 6 A state space representation when the supply size is excess then the total expected cost rules out and this state of condition is shown in the figure 3.7 3 S U 2.5 P 2 P L 1.5 1 Y s 0.5 S 0 I -0.5 1 Z E -1 E(C) 2 3 4 5 6 -1.5 EXPECTED COST Figure 3.7 State space for the expected total profit 3.7 OPTIMALITY IN CASE OF PLANNED SHORTAGE USING PARTIAL BACKLOGGING Planned Shortages or backordering model is illustrated in very few text books (Anderson [5] and Vora N.D [75]). In literature, few authors use term "back ordering" while many authors prefer "planned shortages" to describe this model. Notable work is observed in partial backordering. The backlogging phenomenon is modelled without using the backorder cost and the lost sale cost as these costs are not easy to estimate in practice. Abad. P [1] had studied a continuous review inventory control system over an infinitehorizon with deterministic demand where shortage is partially backlogged. Khouja M [37] had discussed the state of condition in which a single period imperfect inventory model with price dependent stochastic demand and partial backlogging was considered. Mainly there are two types of shortages, inventory followed by shortages and shortages followed by inventory. Occurrence of shortage may be either due to the presence of the 64 defective items in the ordered lot or due to the uncertainty of demand. The shortage cost is assumed proportional to the area under the negative part of the inventory curve. The following are the assumptions which are relative to Vora N.D [75] used in this model. a) The demand for the item is taken to be constant and continuous. b) The replenishment for order quantity is done when shortage level reaches planned shortage level. c) Stock outs are permitted and shortage or backordering cost per unit is known and is constant. From (a) and (b), the limit of integral is considered to be . Now from equation 3.32, the expected holding cost is given as follows and this cost is truncated before and after the particular event in the interval (3.50) Using equation 3.28 in equation 3.50, the following equation is obtained (3.51) Using equation 3.27 in equation 3.51, the following observation is carried out (3.52) 65 (3.53) Using the equation 3.7, the equation 3.53 changes as follows (3.54) From equation 3.49 and equation 3.54 the following result is obtained (3.55) The solution of equation 3.55 requires the basic property and from equation 3.32 it suggests a general principle of balancing the shortage and overage which shall have an occasion to be applied repeatedly. By recalling the standard notations generally a control variable variable and a random with known density which was earlier introduced and two functions and which may be interpreted as overage and shortage levels respectively. Assuming the fundamental property of linear control: where (3.56) denotes the expected value and is a constant. For minimizing a cost of the form using equation 3.56 by differentiated with respect to , thus following equation is obtained (3.57) The following condition for the optimal valve is obtained (3.58) 66 In other words the derivative of the expected overage must be equal to the characteristics cost ratio in the equation 3.58. Accordingly, the SCBZ Property satisfies the existence of the solution hence (3.59) when and by computing the general principle of balancing shortage and overage the following is computed (3.60) Thus the optimal solution is given by the following (3.61) by considering a linear control with =1 equation 3.61 to the following result (3.62) 3.7.1 Inference The necessity of storage of items cannot be ignored and emphasis should be given whether the storage is needed or not in the context of deteriorating items and allowing shortages. So far in the previous models of this thesis the newsboy problem for single and double demand was considered, now the generalisation of newsboy problem is discussed in model 3.8 using SCBZ property. 67 3.8 GENERALIZATION OF NEWSBOY PROBLEM WITH DEMEND DISTRIBUTION SATISFYING THE SCBZ PROPERTY The basic Newsboy model has been discussed in Hanssman F [33]. According to the review, the researchers have followed two approaches to solve the newsboy problems. In the first approach, the expected cost is overestimated and demand was underestimated. In the second approach, the expected profit is maximized. But, both the approach yields the same result. In this chapter, the first approach is used to solve the newsboy problem. By an appropriate demand decision, the expected cost due to lost sale could be minimised. Amy Lau [4] studied the price dependent demand in the Newsboy problem, Chin Tsai [14] studied the generalisation of Chang and Lin’s model in a multi location Newsboy problem in which the actual model of Chang and Lin’s model was extended by adding the delay supply product cost. In Chin Tsai [14], the Newsboy problem was solved in the centralised and decentralised system. Nicholas A. Nechval [49] showed how the statistical inference equivalence principle could be employed in a particular case of finding the effective statistical solution for the multiproduct Newsboy problem with constraints. In this chapter, a generalisation of the actual problem as discussed in Sehik Uduman P.S [65] is derived using the demand distribution which satisfies the SCBZ property. This chapter aims to show how SCBZ property is applied in case of single period, single product inventory model with several individual source of demand. The objective is to derive the optimal stock level or the optimal reorder level. Hence the optimal order quantity is derived. Numerical illustrations are also provided as an example for the validation of this model. 3.8.1 Basic model The concept of decentralized inventory system is introduced. The decentralized inventory system is a system in which a separate inventory is 68 kept to satisfy the several individual source of demand and there is no reinforcement between locations of demands. Its aim is to minimize the expected total cost and hence the expected total cost function is given in the form (3.63) where The basic newsboy problem is derived in Hanssman F [33] and hence adopting the expected total cost given in this model, which is as follows (3.64) To find optimal , involves is considered. Since the limit of the integral which is also in the integrand, the differential of integral is applied as given in equation 3.7. Hence it is proved to result in the equation 3.8. Given the probability distribution of the demand for , the optimal using the expression was determined. This was the basic Newsboy problem discussed by Hanssman F [33]. In this model, the SCBZ property is reformulated as (3.65) where is constant denoting truncation point. The probability distribution function is denoted as if if (3.66) 69 The probability distribution function defined above satisfies the SCBZ property under the above assumptions and the optimal is to be derived. Now, the total expected cost from equation 3.63 is given by (3.67) Using the PDF given of equation 3.65 for and in equation 3.67, the following is obtained (3.68) Using the equation 3.7, the equation 3.68 is solved as follows 70 (3.69) To find . Assuming (3.70) (3.71) To find (3.72) 71 (3.73) Adding equation 3.72 and equation 3.73 (3.74) Similarly to find (3.75) (3.76) 72 (3.77) Hence by the equation 3.76 and equation 3.77, is obtained as follows, (3.78) Hence Therefore (3.79) Taking log on both sides (3.80) (3.81) 73 By substituting the values of , , and which satisfies equation 3.81. The value of , the value of is obtained is also evaluated using a suitable computer program. 3.8.2 Numerical illustration In the numerical example is fixed and is varied accordingly and these value are substituted in equation 3.81 to obtain the value of Case i) , Table 3.4: , variation for obtaining 1.0 1.5 2.0 5.7 2.6 0.17 Figure 3.8: Supply against 74 curve Case ii) , Table 3.5: , variation for obtaining 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.23 3.56 6.89 Figure 3.9: Curve for supply Case iii) , Table 3.6: against , variation for obtaining 10 15 20 1.4 2.04 2.67 75 Figure 3.10: Curve for supply and truncation point 3.8.3 Inference From the numerical illustrations and corresponding figures the following conclusions may be drawn. Case i) If the parameter point of the demand distribution prior to the truncation is varied exponentially then the expected demand will decrease because this implies that whenever decrease and hence a smaller supply size increases the demand will for several individual demand is suggested. Case ii): When the parameter is fixed and which denotes the parameter of the demand distribution posterior to the truncation point then a corresponding increase in supply size is increased, for several individual demand is suggested. Case iii): If both and are fixed and if the truncation point increases then there will be an increase in the supply size. The demand after smaller. As the truncation point increases then for several individual demand increases and the demand is dominated by increased inventory is suggested. 76 is .Therefore an 3.9 CONCLUSION In the most realistic setting, the variability of benefit in stochastic inventory models cannot be ignored. This model is examined in form of time point occurring before the truncation point, and the time point occurring after the truncation point. In which case, the SCBZ property seems to be a useful concept and needs further attention. Thus the demand may be stock dependent up to certain time after that it is constant due to some good will of the retailer. This model can be considered in future with deteriorating items. Hence the optimal order level or Supply is less than the risk neutral counterpart is applied as base stock policy which is discussed in chapter 5. This model framework can be extended in several ways. An obvious extension would be to consider this as newsvendor model for two products or multiproduct, in which case the expression would be more complex and it will have complex probability functions and integrations. So an attempt is made to solve these models in form of chapter 7. 77 4. TRUNCATED DEMAND DISTRIBUTION AND RENEWAL REWARD THEORY IN SINGLE PERIOD MODEL 4.1 INTRODUCTION The single period Newsboy problem discussed in chapter 3 is extended using Truncated Exponential Distribution and Renewal Reward Theory. In 4.2, the salvage cost alone undergoes a change using the Truncated Exponential Distribution. Truncated distributions can be used to simplify the asymptotic theory of robust estimators of location and regression. The truncated distributions have found many applications. Several examples have been given employing the truncated distributions in fitting rainfall data and animal population studies where observations usually begin after migration has commenced or concluded before it has stopped. Similar situations arise with regard to aiming errors i.e., range, deflection, etc., in gunnery and other bombing accuracy studies. For example, in gun camera missions, the view angle of the camera defines a known truncation point for an exponentially distributed random variable, observable as some function of the radial error or the distance from the aiming point to the point of impact. Muhammad Aslam [45] have studied Time-Truncated acceptance sampling plans for generalized exponential distribution and also they studied Double acceptance sampling based on truncated life tests in Rayleigh distribution. Where else the work on Truncated Exponential Distribution satisfying the Base stock policy for the patient customer as a continuous model will be discussed in chapter 5. The use of Renewal Reward Theory for obtaining the solution involving the occurrence of partial backlogging due to stock-out is studied in 4.3. The expected cost is derived in its existence form in a way by taking the log as negligible. The objective is to derive the optimal stock level and appropriate numerical illustration is provided. 78 4.2 OPTIMAL HOLDING COST USING THE TRUNCATED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION The basic model of Hanssman F [33] discussed in chapter 3 is considered in this chapter with the following variations as discussed below. Definition 1: Let be a (one sided) truncated exponential be a random variable, then its PDF is given as 0 where where for is the same as the usual definition for expectation if is a continuous random variable. Deemer W.L [18] derived the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter in the truncated exponential distribution as (4.1) Since the truncated exponential distribution constitute an exponential family. In this case the attention can be restricted to the consideration of the part when the holding cost is occurred. Now the expected cost satisfies equation 4.1. Hence from Hanssman F [33] (4.2) using the concept of truncation the equation 4.2 is given as (4.3) 79 Using equation 4.1 in equation 4.3, the following equation is obtained, (4.4) (4.5) 80 (4.6) Equation 4.6 is solved using the equation 3.7 in chapter 3 (4.7) Hence after due simplification the following equation is obtained (4.8) 81 To find optimal , it is needed to formulate the well known result , then (4.9) Now equation 4.9 satisfies the condition for a single period model in the limit . Where else in model 4.3 which is discussed below, the renewal reward and partial backordering concept is initiated. 4.3 RENEWAL REWARD SHORTAGE AND PARTIAL BACKORDERING In this model the close form introduced in the chapter 3 is considered for study. There are many benefits of having a closed-form approximate solution. A closed-form solution clearly demonstrates the sensitivity of solutions to input parameters. It can also be embedded into more complicated models to add- tractability. Closed-form approximations are also useful tools in practice, since they are easier to implement and use on an ongoing basis. When the price increase, its components is anticipated hence the companies purchase large amounts of items without considering related costs. However ordering large quantities would not be economical if the items in the inventory system deteriorate and demand depends on the stock level. A situation is modelled by considering the partial backordering in a mathematical formulation of inventory model. 82 Exact closed form solution was derived for the optimal solution for order of existence of backordering quantity and maximum expected profit. The usage of annual profit function in its simplified way into model gives a wide range of change and hence the expected cost was derived in its existence form. Also, the concept of backorder as discussed in chapter 3 is also adopted in this chapter. During the determination of the optimality, the shortage of item is subject to backordering. The backlogging rate was considered as random variable and depended on the length of waiting time for the next replacement. The backlogging rate is assumed as where was taken to be the nonnegative constant backlogging. Many authors in the literature used the Renewal Reward Theorem to derive the expected profit per unit time for their model. Exact closed form solution was derived for the optimal lot size, backordering quantity and maximum expected profit. The annual profit function in their simplified model was given by (4.10) The above is discussed in Salameh M.K [61] also they discussed the case when buyer’s cycle starts with shortage that may have occurred due to lead time or labour problems. The fraction of the demand in this stock out period was varied according to time and the items were backordered. Where else the time invariant demand was left as a lost sale. Considering the shortage cost from equation 3.26 of chapter 3 is given by (4.11) Equation 4.10 satisfies the equation 4.11 and hence the following equation is obtained 83 (4.12) This model is solved in a view to obtain an annual profit function. Equation 4.13 involves the differential of integral as discussed in equation 3.7 of chapter 3 (4.13) Where 84 (4.14) Now to find following calculation is carried (4.15) Hence (4.16) 85 (4.17) Similarly can be calculated as (4.18) The following result is obtained Therefore the expected cost is given by (4.19) Hence after due simplification the total expected cost is calculated, as (4.20) 86 Hence the Optimal Expected Cost from equation 4.20 and equation 4.9 is given by (4.21) Thus the above result is proved using the numerical illustration. Equation 4.21 is evaluated numerically by substituting the values in ascending and descending order of its initial values for 4.3.1 Numerical illustration Considering the initial value of the cost function to be , , , and these values are set in an ascending order to obtain the profit curve as follows Table 4.1: Optimal profit for increasing value 1.0 1.5 10 27.3125 1.2 2 12 60.1344 1.4 2.5 14 139.7725 1.6 3 16 317.5424 1.8 3.5 18 679.5981 2 4 20 1360 87 Figure 4.1: Truncation point with respect to the optimal cost 4.3.2 Inference From Table 4.1 and the corresponding figure 4.1, it is seen that as namely the inventory holding cost increases then smaller size of inventory is suggested. Similarly if the shortage cost increases then it is desirable to have a larger stock size. 4.3.3 Numerical illustration Considering , , the initial , value of the cost function to be and these values are set in decreasing order to obtain the profit curve as follows 88 Table 4.2: Optimal profit for decreasing value 2 1 30 140 1.8 0.8 25 98.04557 1.6 0.6 20 66.69107 1.4 0.4 15 42.66483 1.2 0.2 10 24.08525 1 0 5 10 160 Ẑ 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 Figure 4.2: Supply curve when 4 5 6 Q0 is varied with respect to 4.3.4 Inference From Table 4.2.and the corresponding figure 4.2 it is seen that as namely the inventory holding cost decreases then larger size of inventory is 89 suggested. Similarly if the shortage cost decreases then it is desirable to have a smaller stock size. 4.4 CONCLUSION In the most realistic setting the variability of benefit in stochastic inventory models cannot be ignored. Closed form approximations are also useful tools in practice, since they are easier to implement and are used on an ongoing basis. A closed form solution clearly demonstrates the sensitivity of solutions to input parameters. It can also be embedded into more complicated models to add tractability. When the price increases, its component is anticipated. In this situation companies may purchase large amounts of items without considering related costs. However ordering large quantities would not be economical if the items in the inventory system deteriorate. Also demand depends on the stock level. The newsboy problem is treated in this chapter which involves the use of truncated exponential distribution and the renewal reward theory for the optimal expected cost. This model is also illustrated numerically in order to prove its uniqueness. Also, this model can be extended when in case of the truncated exponential distribution. So far, the previous chapter is dealt with the single period model using different variation of newsboy problem. The preceding chapter 5 deals on the base stock system for patient customer. 90 5. BASE-STOCK SYSTEM FOR PATIENT CUSTOMER WITH DEMAND DISTRIBUTION UNDERGOING A CHANGE 5.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the base-stock for patient customer is studied. The base-stock system for patient customer is a different type of inventory policy in which an ordering mechanism of a new type is introduced. Under the basestock systems, the total inventory on hand is to be taken as the sum of the actual inventory on ground and inventory due to orders for replenishment. In this model, the inventory process starts with initial inventory of size . Whenever a customer order is received, it is supplied immediately and at the same time a replenishment order is placed immediately. The replenishment takes place after a lead time . If the demand exceeds this stock level on hand then customer do not leave, but they wait till supply is received. For this reason the customer are called patient customer. In this case there is no shortage cost, but some concession is shown to the customer and it is a denoted as a shortage cost. The total inventory is denoted as , which is the sum of the inventory on hand, and inventory on order. This is called Base-Stock. Here the demand during the period is taken to be a random variable. In this model it is assumed that, the distribution of the random variable denoting the demand undergoes a change in the distribution after a change or truncation point. The demand distributions in this model is distributed as an exponential before the truncation point and distributed as Erlang2 after the truncation point. Truncated exponential distribution discussed in chapter 4 is used to obtain the optimal expected cost of base-stock system for patient customer. The objective is to derive the expression for optimal base-stock and also numerical illustration is provided. If lead-time demand is denoted as then is the probability density of this random variable. Under these circumstances the equation for the expected cost can be written in the form 91 (5.1) The optimal value of is to be determined by taking be shown that the optimal value optimal and is one such that and can where is is the cumulative distribution of the random variable . This model has been discussed in Hanssman F [33]. The base stock system for patient customer has been initially discussed by Gaver D.P [21] and a modification of this model has been attempted by Ramanarayanan R [54] In this chapter, a new model is developed by assuming that during the lead time which is deterministic, there are different demand epochs and the demand during these epochs are denoted as , which are identically independent random variables. The inter-arrival times between the demand epochs are also random variables which are identically independent with the density function and the distribution function probability there will be exactly n demands denoting the lead-time as . The is given by the renewal theory which is discussed in chapter 4 where is -fold convolution of G with itself. Therefore the probability of total demand is utmost during is (5.2) where denotes the number of demand epochs during (5.3) is the –fold convolution of with itself. The expression for the expected cost is given as 92 (5.4) where the assumption are followed below. To find the optimal level satisfies the following equation in accordance with the equation for the optimal base-stock. Now (5.5) Using the equation 3.7 of chapter 3, following equation is obtained (5.6) Hence (5.7) on simplification since becomes , then equation 5.7 . From the model discussed above, a new model is developed by considering the fact that the demand distribution undergoes a change after a change point. This assumption of the demand distribution undergoing a change is valid, since the demand distribution has the very basic nature that the probability that a random variable denoting the demand taking a value beyond a certain level may undergo change in its structure. 93 5.2 ASSUMPTIONS i) The total demand is a constant, which under goes a change of distribution after a change point . ii) The distribution of the total demand follows exponential with parameter and becomes Erlang2 with parameter after the change point. iii) Also the demand is considered to be truncated exponential distribution. 5.3 NOTATIONS = Inventory holding cost /unit = Shortage cost/unit = k fold convolution of = The total demand 5.4 ERLANG2 DISTRIBUTION FOR OPTIMAL BASE STOCK Assuming that the distribution of of the random variable denoting the demand undergoes a change of distribution in the sense that if if Where is called the change point. Let the change of distribution in the expression for expected total cost is incorporated. In doing so, less than base stock. Hence considering the model when 94 becomes If (5.8) by the formulation of rule discussed in chapter 3 as equation 3.7, the following result is obtained (5.9) (5.10) To find 95 (5.11) To find (5.12) 96 (5.13) Substituting equation 5.11, 5.12 and 5.13 in equation 5.10, the following result is obtained (5.14) Any value of namely which satisfies equation 5.14 is the optimal base stock . 5.4.1 Numerical illustration Considering the value , 97 , , Table 5.1: Shortage variability for base stock 10 20 30 40 50 7.7 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 Figure 5.1: Base-stock with the shortage cost 5.4.2 Inference In fig.5.1, as the value of the shortage cost ‘ ’ increases, a larger inventory size is suggested as in the case of all other models discussed earlier by many authors the above curve obtained in the figure is valid and is similar to the one obtained earlier by the other authors. 5.4.3 Numerical illustration Considering the value , , 98 , Table 5.2: Holding variability for base stock 5 10 15 20 7.7 7.4 7.0 6.8 Figure 5.2: Base-stock with holding cost 5.4.4 Inference In figure 5.2, as the inventory holding cost ‘ ’ increases then this model suggests a smaller inventory size to be stocked, which is common to all inventory models. 99 5.5 TRUNCATED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION FOR PATIENT CUSTOMER Maintaining inventories is necessary in order to meet the demand of stocks for a given period of time which may be either finite or infinite. An optimal base-stock inventory policies using finite horizon is examined. In Hanssman F [33] the basic model for the base-stock systems is discussed. Sachithanantham S [58] had discussed the model of base stock system for patient customers with lead time distribution undergoing a parametric change. Suresh Kumar R [72] showed how by applying the threshold, a Shock model had a change of distribution after a change point. A modified model had been attempted by Sachithanantham S [58]. The base-stock for Patient customer model discussed in model 5.2 is evaluated using the Truncated Exponential Distribution. Since among the parametric models, the exponential distribution is perhaps the most widely applied statistical approach in several fields. Hence, it is justified to apply the truncated exponential distribution approach. In this model demand during the period [0, t] is taken to be a random variable and truncated exponential distribution satisfies the base-stock policy for the patient customer as a continuous model. Whenever a customer orders for units is received it is supplied immediately and at the same time a replenishment order for units is placed immediately. The replenishment takes place after a lead-time L. From Hanssman F [33] (5.15) Assuming the PDF of the random variable denoting the demand undergoes a change of distribution in the sense that (5.16) 100 Where is called the change point. The following equation is obtained while incorporating the change of distribution in equation 5.15, (5.17) Equation 5.17 is differentiated by using the differential of integral method as discussed in equation 3.7 of chapter 3 and is solved as follows (5.18) Now (5.19) Hence (5.20) 101 Deemer W.L [18] derived the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter in the truncated exponential distribution as (5.21) Applying the equation 5.21, the equation 5.20 becomes as follows, (5.22) (5.23) 102 (5.24) Hence substituting the equation 5.22, 5.23 and 5.24 in equation 5.20, the result obtained is (5.25) The model discussed above is formulated numerically. Therefore by substituting the value for the truncation point, holding cost, base stock and time variant which is denoted as follows , the optimal base stock in case of the patient customer is obtained. Also, this result is compared with that of earlier models. 5.5.1 Numerical illustration The following table 5.3 and figure 5.3 shows the numerical existence of the model developed. Table 5.3: Optimal base stock case with varying 1 10 6 0.5 -1.049 0.393 -4.130 1.5 20 6.2 0.7 -1.013 0.650 -13.17 2 30 6.4 0.9 -1.003 0.834 -25.11 103 Figure 5.3: Base-stock curve for truncation point. 5.5.2 Inference In figure 5.3, as the inventory holding cost is monotonically increasing, then this model demands for stocking of a limited or very fewer inventory. 5.6 CONCLUSION In this chapter, the demand during the period [0, t] is taken to be a constant. In theoretical and applied work, the truncated exponential distribution plays a crucial role due to its application to real life. The idea of inventory decisions could be applied to production systems with several machines and impatient customers. The model presented in this chapter can be extended to system with both customer impatience and allocation of hospital bed. This direction of research is taken into study in the next chapter 6. 104 6. BASE STOCK IMPATIENT CUSTOMER USING FINITE HORIZON MODEL 6.1 INTRODUCTION The initial work in the field of queuing theory was carried out by Erlang in 1909. Queuing model have been proved to be very useful in practical applications such as inventory systems, production system and communication system. In this chapter, the base-stock impatient customer using finite-horizon models is studied. So far the base-stock for impatient customer leads to a discrete case, but in this work it is extended for a continuous case. A way of optimizing the average cost per day by balancing cost of empty beds against cost of delay patients is discussed. If the hospital beds are unavailable, impatient customers have no option but to get admitted in another hospital in order to get the immediate health care facilities. Previous work related to this problem was discussed by Gorunescu F [24] and a theoretical model along with optimization of the number of beds was presented in this model. Upper and lower echelon case of the impatient customer in base-stock policy is discussed. The base-stock is viewed as the number of initial inventory facility in stock. The objective is to derive the optimal stock level. Finally the expression for optimal base-stock is derived. This approach is justified mathematically and also numerically. 6.2 ASSUMPTIONS = Patient demand for bed = The number of phases / compartments = Mixing proportions 105 = Transition rate = Total inventory cost = Cumulative distribution = Number of demand per unit time in case of the idle channels L = Mean lead time 6.3 OPTIMIZING THE NUMBER OF BEDS In this model, the demand for beds in a hospital is optimized using the queuing model of the base-stock system. If all the beds are occupied, then it leads to unsatisfied demand and loss of revenue to the hospital management. In this chapter, a base-stock queuing model is adopted. In emergency situation, the hospital system that is described can result in a patient being turned away because all beds are occupied such a patient may not receive the necessary care. Here, a discrete demand model for slow moving item called queuing model for base-stock system discussed in Hanssman F [33] is studied. In this model, the number of beds B in hospital is viewed as the number of channels of queuing facility. Number of beds in hospital which are vacant is idle channel and the number of beds in need by the patient or demand for beds is busy channel. Here the demand is considered as the Poisson arrival i.e., one demand at a time. The probability lead time for reordered beds corresponds to the service time. Here the probability distribution is assumed to be of Erlang type. If the patient demand for bed cannot be satisfied is lost. The basic model of inventory problem of finding the optimal base-stock was brought into the form of well known queuing problem of optimizing the number of channel discussed in 106 Hanssman F [33]. The actual problem here is to optimize the number of idle channel. 6.3.1 Basic model From Gorunescu F [24], an M/PH/C Queue was used in which the number of beds was fixed and no queuing was allowed. Patient who finds all the beds occupied, would admit themselves in another specialties. The general problem was rather complex. So, a focus of simpler model was adopted in which proof clarification was not involved. In this model, patient arrival was considered as a Poisson process with rate and the service time as phase type with probability density function as (6.1) The corresponding mean was given as The average number of arrivals occurring during an interval of length (6.2) is and therefore, the average number of arrivals during an average length of stay is known as offered load. Using the standard results from queuing theory, the probability of having ‘ ’ occupied beds was given by (6.3) From above formula, it was deduced that probability of there being ‘ ’ beds occupied is given by Erlang’s loss formula (6.4) 107 Another useful quantity is represented by the mean number of occupied beds also known as carried load. It is easy to see that the offered load ‘ ’ is the load that would be carried, if the number of beds was infinite and the carried load ‘ ’ was just that portion of the offered load that was not cleared (lost) from the system. If the bed occupancy was given by , then , otherwise the system cannot be in steady state. Case i): system erlang loss model In this case, the model discussed above is derived using the system Erlang loss model and hence it is given by (6.5) Consider a ‘ ’ server model with Poisson input and exponential service time such that, when all the ‘ ’-channels are busy an arrival leaves the system without waiting for service. This is called a ‘ ’-channel loss system. This is similar to the birth and death queuing model with Then , , , , using and ; (6.6) and (6.7) 108 An arriving unit is lost to the system, when it is found that on arrival all the channels are busy. The possibility of this event is (6.8) The above formula is known as Erlang loss (blocking, or overflow) formula or B formula is denoted by . Case ii): Inventory queuing model to optimize number of bed From Hanssman F [33], the probability that there are idle channel is (6.9) Where By simplify the expected number of idle channels is given by (6.10) Where, (6.11) Finally, the expected number of service performed per unit time is (6.12) In inventory interpretation, the quantities and represents the expected level of inventory on the ground and the expected number of sales per unit time respectively. This quantities is viewed as functions of the only control variable . Let be the profit per unit sold, not considering ordering and inventory charges. Here is the profit if the patients get admitted. Further, it is assumed that the cost of ordering beds and cost of holding bed empty is unit time. The expected profit per unit time will be given as 109 per (6.13) The above equation 6.13 is evaluated for different values of maximizing value to zero then and the profit may be selected directly. The first difference of is set is obtained. 6.3.2 Numerical illustration To optimize number of beds, some typical values for the delay probability is considered and a suitable value of along with corresponding number of beds needed to maintain this level of service is shown in table 6.1. For example, to ensure that at most 10% of patients are turned away, in this case they must have at least 130 beds in hospital. Table 6.1: Number of beds and queue characteristics corresponding to Delay probability 0.1% 1% 5% 10% Minimum number of beds 179 166 150 130 6.3.3 Cost model In order to illustrate the optimal base-stock level i.e., the average cost per unit time for holding and shortage cost as a function of the number of beds ‘ ’. The Table 6.1 corresponds to different ratios of the shortage cost and holding cost. The total cost per patient per day is considered as Rs.168 where Rs.50 is incurred with respect to the bed and Rs.118 with respect to treatment. Then estimate holding cost is =Rs.50 per day and the penalty cost as 25% of the total cost of turning away the patient. In this case it is taken as the cost per day multiplied by the expected length of stay i.e., S = 168 x 24.9 x .25 = 1046. 110 This approach is meant to be indicative of a ballpark for cost and is based on an assumption that shortage may be regarded in some sense as lost revenue incurred, when a patient is turned away due to there being no empty beds available. Hence total cost revenue per patient turned away is then cost per day multiplied by expected number of day that has been lost. In the figure 6.1, an account of the fact that a proportion of revenue must balance the cost when profit occurs it may not affect the lost patients. Table 6.2: The value of average cost per unit time BEDS S/h=10 s/h=20 s/h=30 s/h=40 120 781 1390 1999 2608 125 723 1244 1765 2286 130 676 1112 1548 1984 135 643 998 1353 1708 140 629* 908 1187 1466 145 638 848 1058 1268 150 677 827* 976 1126 155 752 851 951* 1050 160 867 927 988 1049* 165 1022 1055 1089 1122 111 Actual Cost per day 6000 5000 Pounds 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 50 100 150 200 Number of beds 250 300 Figure 6.1: Actual cost per bed 6.3.4 Inference: In figure 6.1, If shortage to holding cost ratio s/h is four times from 10 to 40, then the corresponding feedback of the number of beds needed to obtain minimal costs indicates an increase of only 14% from 140 to 160, suggesting that ratio s/h has no significant influence on the optimal number of beds. The indifference curve 9 c c c c 8 7 = = = = 145 150 155 160 Cost ratio 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 140 145 150 The offered Load a 155 160 Figure 6.2: Indifference curve for the optimal number of beds 112 Finally in figure 6.2, the indifferent curves for different inventory level c=145, 150, 155 and 160 is shown. This figure suggests that it may be indifferent to the ratio s/h, if the number of beds is 145, 150, and even 155 i.e., the lower curve, but when the number of beds exceeds 160, then the cost changes dramatically. This is a reflection of the rapidly increasing costs for more than 155 beds. 6.4 BASE-STOCK MODEL FOR IMPATIENT CUSTOMERS WITH VARYING DEMAND DISTRIBUTION An optimal base-stock inventory policy for impatient customers using finite-horizon models is examined. The base-stock system for impatient customer is a different type of inventory policy and in case of the impatient customer, they are likely to bark. Hence their demand is to be satisfied immediately. The basic model of inventory problem of finding the optimal basestock was brought into the form of well known queuing problem of optimizing the number of channel discussed in Hanssman F [33]. In this model, the upper and lower echelon in applied in the impatient customer base-stock policy. At the upper echelon is a supplier with a single production facility which manufactures to order with a fixed production time and the order are received from retailers on a first-come first-served basis. Where else the numbers of non-identical, independent retailer are considered at the lower echelon. The step function in this model is given as (6.14) Where (6.15) 113 The result in this model is considered as continuous demand which was so far discussed in the form of discrete case. Hence in order to prove this the following result is given, Theorem 1: If , is bounded on [ , is continuous at then (6.16) Proof: let us consider the partition , then where where to and denotes the independent retailers whose stock is replenished from a single supplier and L of idle channels. Since and where is continuous at . It is seen that is the number and converges as By simplifying the expected number of idle channels, from Hanssman F [33], it is seen that from equation 6.10 and equation 6.11, the following, equation is obtained, (6.17) (6.18) (6.19) 114 (6.20) (6.21) (6.22) (6.23) Using the equation 3.7, (6.24) 115 Here Hence the following result is obtained after due simplification (6.25) The above equation 6.25 can be evaluated for different values of profit maximizing value is set to zero then and the may be selected directly. The first difference of can be obtained. 6.5 CONCLUSION In model 6.3, it enables the hospital department to balance the cost of empty beds against the cost of turning patients away, thus facilitating a good choice of bed provision in order to have low cost and high access to service. Thus, in this model a means for calculating optimal bed numbers with an acceptable level of impatient customer in comparison to the model discussed by Gorunescu F [24] is provided. However, more generally the queuing theory results used in this model is valid for any length of stay. So, all it is needed is to use the results for an estimate of the arrival rate and the average length of stay or the mean lead time. The advantage of using the phase-type model for length of stay is that, it provides a useful description of the data and estimation of arrival rates but, the Poisson arrival and steady state distribution is convenient. Hence the above discussed methodology is valid. 116 Hanssman F [33] studied the case of model 6.4 in discrete form. However in model 6.4, a continuous approach is adopted in order to get the optimal basestock. This model can be extended to systems with both customer impatience and perishable inventory. These are two directions of research. Current research is underway on coordinating the above decisions in the context of multistage production systems which is discussed in chapter 7. 117 7. THE MULTI-PERIOD MODEL WITH TWO VARYING DEMANDS 7.1 INTRODUCTION So far in the above chapters, the single period stochastic models are discussed. In this chapter, the multi-period stochastic model is discussed. The key difference between single-period model and multi-period model is that, in single period stock left over will not be carried over to the next period which means profit is loss. In case of the multi-period, the model may involve stock leftovers from previous periods, which makes the optimal choice of order quantities more complicated. It may be observed that in many situations, the demand for a product cannot be below a particular level. Another aspect of consideration in the representation of the demand with a suitable probability distribution is that, the demand size with past has impact or influence over the demand at a future points of time. Hence, it should be represented as not having the Lack of Memory Property (LMP). Hence, it is proposed to use the random variable which follows Erlang 2 distribution that does not satisfy the LMP property. The random variable exponential distribution with parameter prior to the truncation point follows truncated exponential distribution with parameter follows and it after the truncation point. Sakaguchi M [59] studied the probabilistic inventory models of multiperiod in which some conditions are reviewed to help getting an optimal policy provided that the total cost function of single period is known very well. A model with exponential demand is studied in Sakaguchi M [60], since it is easy when demand subjects to an exponential distribution. In this Chapter, two varying demand model is discussed. Under model 7.4, demand and lead time is a constant. In model 7.5, demand and lead time is considered as random variable. In obtaining the expected total cost, the probability of having exactly ‘Nth’ demand epochs in the interval 118 is taken under consideration. In model 7.6, the optimal one time supply during the interval using the generalized gamma distribution with bessel’s function is discussed, where else model 7.7 deals with a multi-commodity inventory system with periodic review operating under a stationary policy using the exponential order statistics. The expected optimal ordering shown in figure 7.1 indicates a point at which there is a requirement of reorder. Hence this point is considered to be the truncation point. Figure 7.1: Optimal expected ordering when the truncation occurs The optimal inventory level or the reorder point is determined form the Figure 7.1 for the multi-period demands. Also adequate numerical analysis shows its effectiveness. 7.2 BASIC MODEL In this chapter, a modified version of the model discussed in Sehik Uduman P.S [64] is considered under the assumption that the random 119 variable denoting demand undergoes a change in the distribution after a change point or truncation point denoted as . Hence, the use of change of the distribution after a change point is justified by the fact that demand for any product over the time interval is not fixed. If the demand for the product is according to some probability distribution initially and it is very likely that after a certain point the demand may undergo some changes and the increase in demand or decrease in demand will undergo considerable change. Hence, to depict the demand as a random variable undergoing a change of distribution after the particular magnitude is quite reasonable. The concept of change of distribution at a change point was discussed by Suresh Kumar R [72]. In the present model, the expected total cost is given as (7.1) Since, equation 7.1 is in form of the differentiation of an integral with respect to the variable , i.e., is as the integrand, as well as in the limits of integration. Hence, differential of integral formula is used to solve the result which is discussed as equation 3.7 of chapter 3. This implies that, the optimal value of is one which satisfies the equation (7.2) Given the values of the inventory holding cost probability distribution product demands, the optimal , the shortage cost of the random variables and the denoting Multi- can be determined. This was a basic procedure for solving the model in Hanssman F [33]. 120 7.3 NOTATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS - A continuous identically independent random variable denoting the demand at the Nth epoch, N = 1,2,…, and has PDF with CDF - Inventory holding cost / unit - Shortage cost / unit - Time variable constant before the truncation point - Time variable constant after the truncation point - The supply size or initial stock level - The change point or truncation point - Total lead time - Optimal value of Z - The inter arrival times between successive demand epochs. - All are nonnegative, and their inequality is - the stock level - Location parameter 121 7.4 THE MULTI-DEMAND TRUNCATED EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTION In this model an extension of the work done by Deemer W.L [18] form of the truncated exponential distribution considered under the two parameters (7.3) When is a constant, then following cases arises. (i) and (ii) Case i): (7.4) (7.5) Applying differential of integral equation 3.7 of chapter 3, the equation 7.5 is given as (7.6) 122 Hence (7.7) Using the equation 7.3, the expression for expected cost is written as (7.8) (7.9) (7.10) Hence using equation 7.8, 7.9 and 7.10, the following result is obtained (7.11) Any value of Z, which satisfies equation 7.11 is the optimal 7.4.1 Numerical illustration Considering the numerical example when the value of and the values of are varied accordingly. Let then the following Table7.1 is obtained. 123 are fixed and Table 7.1: Numerical value for for obtaining 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.7348 0.5511 0.4359 0.3649 0.3109 Figure 7.2: Optimal supply z against the truncation point when 7.4.2 Inference For the case, when is a constant, the condition of the functions of the parameter increases, the value of is independent . It is observed that as decreases. This is due to the fact that is the parameter of the exponential distribution that denotes the demand. Also various points at which there is a fluctuation in demand is shown in the figure 7.2. 124 Case ii): When , then from equation 7.4 (7.12) Applying differential of integral equation 3.7 of chapter 3, the equation 7.12 is given as, (7.13) 125 (7.14) (7.15) Now, gives, (7.16) Any value of which satisfies equation 7.16 is the optimal value ‘ Ẑ ’. 7.4.3 Numerical Illustration Let us take the numerical example when the value of are fixed and the values of and are varied accordingly. Let us assume that 126 , , , . Hence, Table 7.2 is obtained as follows, Table 7.2: Tabulation for obtaining 25 30 35 40 45 4.4804 7.3137 10.0035 12.6383 15.2433 Figure 7.3: Optimal supply z against the truncation point when 7.4.4 Inference It is observed that as the value of the truncation point size of the optimal inventory increases, the also increases. This is due to fact that prior to the truncation point the demand is distributed as exponential with parameter . After the truncation point the demand is distributed as truncated exponential distribution with parameter exponential and after . Also the average of demand before is varies according to the situation. Hence in figure 7.3, 127 the variations of the demand at three points are depicted with different colour arrows. Therefore the optimal inventory is also increasing. 7.5 Nth EPOCH TWO COMMODITY MODEL In real life situation demand is always assumed to be random. In this model, demand and the lead time is considered to be random N th epoch. Let there be Nth demand epochs in demands and , i.e., be the random , i = 1, 2…N are identically independent random variables. It may be noted that, if , then inventory holding occurs and if then shortage occurs. Since is sum of the identically independent random variable and its PDF is given by , which is the Nth convolution of Hence (7.17) The probability of having exactly ‘N’ demand epochs in (0,T) is given by renewal theory as proved in chapter 5 and and this statement is is the inter arrival times between successive demand epochs. The determination of , which is the optimal value of is possible using equation 7.17, provided the number of demand epochs in which is namely ‘N’ is known. But, in practice the value of N is not a predetermined constant. It is also of random character. But from Nabil S Faour [47], it is possible to have an approximate value for N. The author discussed that, If N is taken to be a particular value then using incomplete gamma function values the optimal can be obtained. If function of , say > 0 units are ordered, the fixed cost will be a . In general, will take as many different values as the number of alternative different ordering decisions. 128 For the two commodity problem (7.18) Where are all nonnegative, and the inequality is satisfied. It may be observed and are obtained on the basis of an average which is taken by variable of occurrences of demand value before and after and at respectively. It is assumed that there are epochs and random epochs at . Using the property of 7.18 in 7.17, the expected optimal profit is given by (7.19) Let be continuous and twice differentiable. The function is the cost charged over a given period of time excluding the ordering cost and in general it is the holding and shortage costs for each item in a linear form. From Nabil S Faour [47], considering the case of the two commodity, the optimal expected cost is obtained for the th demand epoch, (7.20) Considering and by solving the equation 7.19 with respect to equation 7.20 129 (7.21) (7.22) (7.23) (7.24) 130 Any value of which satisfies the equation 7.24 for the given values of gives the optimal namely . 7.5.1 Conclusion Thus this model provides an insight on the optimal supply using the truncated exponential distribution when the demand over the demand over is a constant and is a Nth demand random epoch. Future work may involve the use of truncation demand distribution when demand over is a Nth demand random epoch. 7.6 GENERALIZED GAMMA BESSEL MODEL In Nicy Sebastian [50], a new probability density function associated with a Bessel function was introduced, which is the generalization of a gamma-type distribution. Some of its special cases were mentioned. Multivariate analogue, conditional density, best predictor function, Bayesian analysis, etc., connected with this new density are also introduced and suitability of this density as a good model in Bayesian inference and regression theory was also discussed in their work. Hence in this model, generalized gamma distribution with Bessel function is used and the optimal supply at is determined using this function. Under these assumptions two different approaches are used in analyzing this model. In model 7.6 using generalized gamma distribution with Bessel function, the probability density function is derived and hence optimal supply size is obtained. In model 7.7, a multi commodity inventory system with periodic review operating under a stationary policy is considered using the exponential order statistics and this methodology is applied in the well known Hanssman F [33] model. Hence 131 the optimal is obtained for both the cases and adequate numerical example is provided. 7.6.1 Basic model The basic model is adopted from the Hanssman F [33] and the notation of the model is as follows, is considered a continuous random variable representing demand and ~ generalized gamma distribution with Bessel function and truncated at ‘ ’ in the left and at ‘ ’ in the right, with parameter ‘ ’. The general form for the total expected cost given in Hanssman F [33] is (7.25) To find the optimal inventory, equation 7.25 is evaluated for The solution of Involves the concept differentiation of an integral given by equation 3.7 of chapter 3, because variable ‘ ’ is in limit as well as in the integrand. Hence . This implies that quantity the demand distribution function Ẑ is determined using such that A different variation of this basic model is attempted in above chapters. But in this chapter, an attempt to solve the above model using generalized gamma distribution with bessel function is made. In model 7.6, the ordering decision in each period is affected by a single setup cost ‘k’ and expected holding and shortage cost function for being in stock level is given as , at the beginning of a period, is assumed to be twice differentiable. Demand sequence of period . Condition for the item over a is assumed to be independently and identically distributed, continuous non-negative random variable with continuous joint density function . Let some constraints be placed on the limits of the 132 demand distribution. Hence the PDF of the generalized gamma distribution with bessel function is given in the form (7.26) Now to prove the validity for the equation 7.26 to be the probability density function and hence the aim is to find (7.27) Consider (7.28) Using equation 7.28 in equation 7.27 (7.29) Hence the value of is obtained as The PDF for the above model is obtained as (7.30) Hence the expected total cost in this case can be written as 133 (7.31) To obtain optimal , (7.32) Hence . So, the Laplace transform for the above model is given as (7.33) Now (7.34) 134 On simplification (7.35) To demonstrate that the objective function is convex, the second order for equation 7.35 is carried out. Hence (7.36) Any value of , which satisfies equation 7.35 for the given is the optimal supply size. 7.6.2 Numerical Illustration When the demand is increased accordingly to the fixed values , , , , then from equation 7.35 the following Figure 7.4 is obtained. Figure 7.4: Optimal profit curve with respect to arrival of demand 135 7.6.3 Inference When the demand is increased, the optimal profit decreases. Hence increases in demand, corresponds to increase in supply size. 7.6.4 Numerical Illustration When the lead time is increased accordingly for the fixed values ,… , , then from equation 7.36 the following Figure7.5 is obtained. Figure7.5: Lead time with optimal supply size 7.6.5 Inference When the lead time is increased, the optimal profit increases. Hence increases in lead time, corresponds to increase in supply size. 136 7.7 A MULTI-COMMODITY EXPONENTIAL ORDER STATISTICS A multi commodity inventory system with periodic review operating under a stationary policy is considered. The ordering decision in each period is affected by a single setup cost k and a linear variable ordering cost At the beginning of a period, the stock level is . An inventory system with time to shortage and holding of the items is our prime interest. A single new component at time zero be started and replace it upon loss by a new component and so on. This time to loss which is represented by exponential order statistics is independent and the key to model when there is joint PDF is (7.37) Suppose are the order statistics of a random variable of size n arising from interested with the distribution of (7.38) Then will constitute the renewal process. Let us consider the joint PDF of all order to be given by (7.39) Let us define as the length of time measured backwards from 1 to the last renewal at or before n 137 (7.40) where , hence (7.41) This proves that and are all independently and exponentially distributed is distributed with an exponential distributed with scale parameter . From the earlier literature of exponential order statistics, following equation is obtained (7.42) where (7.43) 138 (7.44) Using equation 7.30 in equation 7.44, the following equation 7.45 is obtained (7.45) Any value of , which satisfies equation 7.45 is the optimal . It may be noted that the value of depends upon a number of parameter such as , . But for the use of this model in practical situations it becomes necessary to estimate the value of , and on the basis of sample data. are of deterministic character and hence they are fixed. However in the determination of , most vital values are obtained. 139 7.8 CONCLUSION Under a stationary policy as discussed before either all items will be ordered to bring to the inventory level to , if is the inventory level at the beginning of a period prior to making a decision, then after nothing is ordered. The primary concern of this study is to find the optimality condition for stationary policy. This is done by minimizing the expression for the stationary total expected cost per period with respect to the decision variable that characterizes the policy being used. 140 8. CONCLUSION 8.1 SUMMARY From the investigation taken up on the various types of inventory models, it is quite interesting to observe the changes in the optimal solutions when the models are suitably modified by incorporating some changes in the models. The conceptualization of the models is by incorporating some real life-situations, which are acceptable. For example, the demand for any product or commodity can undergo changes with the passage of times. Then there are two possibilities analysed in the study i) If the demand is considered as random variable then this random variable is undergoing a parametric change. ii) Alternatively it is also seen that the demand distribution itself is undergoing a change both in its form and the parameters. Hence, the aim is to study the changes in the optimal inventory size due to the changes out lined above. These solutions are of practical use and importance since they provide the optimal size of the inventory to be maintained. Motivated from Hanssman F [33], various distributions such as SCBZ property, truncated exponential distribution, renewal reward, generalized gamma distribution with Bessel function and exponential order statistics are analyzed with respect to its stochastic behaviour. This study is not only useful for computations, but it is also a basic tool for the theoretical investigation of inventory control problems. The following broad conclusions can be given on the basis of the models developed in this thesis. In the case of single-period newsboy inventory model with stochastic demand and partial backlogging as discussed in chapter 3, it may be concluded that the excess demand is partially backlogged. It is observed that when the parameter of the demand distribution prior to the truncation point increases then the actual demand decreases and so reduction in the supply size is desirable. If the parameter of the demand distribution after the truncation point increases, an increase in supply is suggested. So, the 141 behaviour of the supply prior to truncation and after truncation is well defined. The properties and numerical results that are derived show that there is structure for an easy-to-understand optimal replenishment policy which can be implemented in real-life applications. This is an interesting aspect to investigate in the future. In case of a truncated exponential distribution and renewal reward concept used in single period model discussed in chapter 3 and chapter 4, it is noted that, as the value of parameter prior to the truncation point increases, it results in a decline in the optimal inventory. As the value of inventory holding cost increases a fewer size of inventory is recommended. The truncated distributions have found many applications such as the study involving fitting rainfall data, animal population studies and to aiming errors i.e., range, deflection, etc., in gunnery and other bombing accuracy studies. As per the findings in chapter 5, in which a base-stock system for patient customer with demand distribution undergoing a change, it is seen that a base-stock is necessary for a system before sales, because the customer request may vary accordingly with respect to the demand. In this model it is seen that when the value increases, a decrease in the base-stock is suggested and similarly as the value of shortage cost increases, a higher level of inventory base-stock is desirable as indicated in the numerical illustration in the case when . The dependency between customer satisfaction and availability was hardly studied in the literature. Hence, in order to study this situation, a model of base-stock system for patient customer is analysed using Erlang2 and truncation exponential distribution. In case of base stock for impatient customer model discussed in Chapter 6, a study on two models is carried out. This model enables the hospital managers to balance the cost of empty beds against the cost of turning patients away, thus facilitating a good choice of bed provision in order to have low cost and high access to service. In particular, a case study is analysed on what the level of inventory has to be considered. This is the study in which customers do not accept partially fulfilled requests. 142 The purpose of Chapter 7 is to consider multi-period versions of the single period models. The primary concern of this study is to find the optimality condition for stationary policy. When is a constant, the condition is independent of the functions of the parameter observed that as fact that increases, the value of . It is decreases. This is due to the is the parameter of the exponential distribution that denotes the demand. Where else for the second case, it is observed that as the value of the truncation point increases, the size of the optimal inventory also increases. This is due to fact that prior to the truncation point the demand is distributed as exponential with parameter . After the truncation point the demand is distributed as truncated exponential distribution with parameter Also the average of demand before is exponential and after . it is varies according to the situation. In case of the generalised gamma distribution with Bessel function, when the demand is increased, the optimal profit decreases. Hence, an increase in demand corresponds to increase in supply size. Also in this model when the lead time is increased, the optimal profit increases. Hence increases in lead time, corresponds to increase in supply size. Finally, the optimal cost is obtained for all the models. The overall objective of this thesis is to analysis the stochastic inventory models. The stochastic inventory model is related to model of Hanssman F [33]. Accordingly, Newsboy and Base-stock models in general have a stochastic behaviour. Hence, the aim of selecting these models is justified. So far these models were studied using SCBZ property, Erlang2 and order statistics, but the concept of truncation needed wide attention. Therefore, considering a prime motive to contribute on this topic of truncation, an analysis on the stochastic behaviour of the models is analysed. Earlier work on truncation was studied for Newsboy models with SCBZ property and Erlang2 distribution, but in this thesis a generalised newsboy model is studied using SCBZ property and also newsboy model is studied using renewal reward theory. The role of SCBZ property was limited in case 143 on generalisation. Hence, a change of distribution for change point needed. A switch over of distribution from SCBZ property to truncated exponential distribution is carried out. But when using truncated exponential distribution, the role of exponential distribution is important. Hence in order to analysis this, a new distribution is developed. Finally, adding to this analysis a study on generalised gamma distribution with Bessel function is carried out. The overall optimal supply and stock level is justified using the numerical illustrations. 8.2 SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK Numerous variations are possible which aim at capturing different realworld situations. It is quite interesting to observe the changes in the optimal solution of the inventory models, which are revised taking into consideration the changes in the demand structure and demand distribution. Also it is quite reasonable to expect the changes if the supply is taken to be random variable and in this case the amount of supply has to be decided only by taking a probability distribution of the random variable denoting the supply. It is an open area for further studies. More over the models will have greater utility and real life applications provided the distribution of the random variable involves in the model are approximately chosen. Similarly the demand distribution must be suitably formulated on the basis of real life data. Statistical tests for goodness of fit of the distribution must be carried out and the approximation of the distribution should be decided. The exact data on holding cost and shortage cost is another important point in consideration. If these considerations are carried out perfectly, the models become more application oriented and hence the utility of the optimal solution will be appropriate. The application of the methodologies and techniques developed in this study can be applied to any inventory environment where attrition reduces available cost of inventory level. Examples of potential applications include 144 perishable products such as medicines, tenure based organizations and organizations with retirement eligibility based on years of service. With minor modifications to account for the characteristics of the asset and the operational conditions, this model can be applied and can provide management with useful information. The probability distribution developed in this model can be used in cancer study. Tumour growth in initial stage is unknown, which is exponentially growing. But, the growth of tumour in latter half can be studied using truncated exponential distribution. This concept is helpful for the doctors to give an appropriate treatment to the patient. 145 REFERENCE [1] Abad P, “Optimal price and order size for a reseller under partial backordering”, Computers & Operations Research, Vol.28, Issue 1, pp.5365, 2001. [2] Abd El-Fatah I.M, Mead M.E and Semary H.E, “The application of the modified generalized gamma distribution in inventory control”, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol.6, Issue 35, pp.1699-1712, 2011. [3] Abodunde T.T and McClean S.I, “Production planning for manpower system with a constant level of recruitment”, Applied Statistics, Vol.29, pp.43 – 49, 1980. [4] Amy Lau and Hon-Shiang Lau, “Newsboy problem with price distribution demand distribution”, IIE Transaction, Vol.20, pp.168-175, 1988. [5] Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, “Inventory models-quantitative methods for business”, 1st ed. Kundali, India, Thompson Southwest, pp.135-185, 2009. 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She finished her schooling from P.N Dhawan Adarsh Vidyalaya Matriculation higher secondary school, Chennai. She received her B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from Justice Baheer Ahmed Syeed College for Women (Affiliated to Madras University) in the year 2004. During her school days she obtained N.C.C ‘A’ certificate and during her college days she obtained N.C.C ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificate with ‘A’ grade in N.C.C ‘C’ certificate. She was selected as department secretary during 2003-2004. She completed her M.Sc. in Mathematics from Stella Maris College (Affiliated to Madras University) in the year 2006. She secured 87% in her M.Sc and was awarded with proficiency price for securing centum in Complex Analysis during the year 20052006. Further, she received her M. Phil Mathematics from Allagappa University, Karaikudi in the year 2009. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics, B. S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai. During her Ph.D. trajectory, she was awarded Maulana Azad National Fellowship for minority community for the year 2010-2011. She has six papers under her credit out of which four papers are published in peer reviewed journals and two papers are communicated in International Journals. She has presented three papers in the International Conferences and one paper in National Conference. She has attended a workshop organized by Bhaskarachariya pratiniya and UGC, Pune. Also, she has attended SERB school on multivariable conducted by CMS Pala, Kerala. 153 List of publications based on the research work [1] Dowlath Fathima, P.S Sehik Uduman and S Srinivasan, “Generalization of Newsboy problem with demand distribution satisfying the SCBZ property”, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical sciences, Vol. 6, Issue 40, pp.1989 – 2000, 2011. [2] P.S Sehik Uduman, S Srinivasan, Dowlath Fathima and R. Sathyamoorthy, “Inventory model with change in demand distribution”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied sciences,Vol.5, Issue 8, pp. 468478, 2011. [3] Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sehik Uduman, “Single period inventory model with stochastic demand and partial backlogging”, International Journal of Management, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp.95-111, 2013. [4] Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sehik Uduman, “Truncated distribution and renewal reward theory in single period model”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp.1110-1114, 2013. Papers communicated based on the research work [1] Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sehik Uduman, “A multi-period inventory model with change in demand distribution using truncated exponential distribution”, to European Journal of Operation Research. [2] Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sehik Uduman, “On the determination of optimal supply size with truncated generalized Gamma Bessel model”, to Appl Math Inf Sci. Presentation in National and International conferences [1] Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sehik Uduman, “Base stock queuing model to optimize the demand of beds in a hospital”, National seminar on Graph theory Algorithms and Modeling (GAM 2010), organized by Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy, 2010. 154 [2] Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sehik Uduman, “Base stock systems for patient customers with demand distribution undergoing a change with constant coefficient”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications (ICETMCA 2010), organized by Mepco schlenk engineering college, Sivakasi, 2010. [3] Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sehik Uduman, “A Finite process inventory model using SCBZ property”, International Conference on Mathematics in Engineering and Business Management (ICMEB2012), organized by Stella Maris College and Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai, 2012. [4] Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sehik Uduman, “Base stock systems for Patient VS Impatient customers with varying demand distribution”, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics (ICMSS 2013), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, AIP conference proceedings, Vol.1557, pp.529-533, 2013. 155