January - Fruita Middle School


January - Fruita Middle School
Irene Almond, Principal
Larry Padgett, Asst. Principal
Telephone: 970-254-6570 / Fax 970-858-0486
Attendance 970-254-6550
Si usted necesita una traducción en español favor de llamar al 254-5339. Estamos para servirles.
Fruita Middle School-Cougar Count
Fruita Families,
Welcome Back and Happy New Year. I hope your Winter Holiday was filled with family time,
laughter and relaxation. I know we at Fruita Middle School are ready to return to our Academic routine and keep working on helping your student learn as much as possible. I would like to
encourage you to keep using Parent Bridge (www.mesa.k12.co.us to register) to monitor your
student’s grades/attendance/lunch balances/school announcements or communicate directly
(email) to staff. Parent Bridge is a comprehensive electronic tool which allows us to communicate at a convenient time for all involved. I would also like to invite you to our next Award
Assembly to acknowledge and honor our students for Academic Success for the Second Quarter. If your student is being recognized, he/she will receive an invitation from their Core teachers. We as a staff are incredibly proud of our students and all the effort they demonstrate every day. Thank you for all of your support from home; it takes home and school working together for children to truly succeed.
As always, my door is always open to you; if there is something we need to address at Fruita
Middle School to make your experience/ or your child’s experience better, please don’t hesitate
to contact me/staff. I look forward to working with you and your student in 2011.
Irene Almond: FMS Principal
Fees for this quarter will be due
the first week of January. Fees are:
Art $10
Tech Ed $10
Computers $5
Drama $5
Media Tech $5
PE Shirt $10
March 22-24
March 29-31
Please do not make doctor/dental appointments or plan out-of-town trips
during these dates as these tests are
state mandated.
Calendar for January 2011
Jan 3 - Teacher Work Day - NO STUDENTS
Jan 4 - School Resumes/3rd Quarter begins
Jan 6 - Report cards sent home with students
Jan 7 - Book-A-Palooza, FMS Library, 7:10 a.m.
Jan 17 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - NO
Jan 31 - Wrestling practice starts
Jan 11 - GMMS @ FMS, 3:30 p.m.
Jan 13 - FMS @ WMS, 3:30 p.m.
Jan 18 - FMS @ EMS, 3:30 p.m.
Jan 20 - BMS @ FMS, 3:30 p.m.
Jan 24 - FMS @ RMS, 3:30 p.m.
Jan 28 - Girls’ Basketball Tournament @ TBA
Jan 29 - Girls’ Basketball Tournament @ BMS &
Student Absences
Each day a child is absent, the parent is required to contact the school
unless a pre-arranged absence has been approved.
Please remember to call/email by 9:30 if your child will be absent.
254-6550 or [email protected]
Spelling Bee will be held in February. Homework can be requested on the 2nd day of the abStudents who are interested in prac- sence. Allow 24 hours from the day of the homework reticing for the Spelling Bee can come in quest to be ready for pick-up at or after 3 p.m.
Monday and Wednesday at 7:00 a.m.
to room 106. Students can get a pass
in the cafeteria.
If you have any questions, please see
Mrs. Chinn or Mrs. Leech-Bates.
Please contact our office and notify us of changes in
your work or home phone numbers, cell phone numbers
and/or address throughout the year.
This information is critical in the event your child is
sick, injured or if there is a building emergency.
It is also important for us to have a current list of
emergency contact people on file in case we are unable
Parents, as a school rule, we do not call a child down
to the office to be picked up until the person picking
them up is in the office. This allows the student to
have more instructional time in the classroom and
less time waiting in the office. Please allow extra
time to facilitate this.
For the safety of the students and staff of Fruita
Middle School, every student who claims sickness
must visit the Health Assistant’s office before
leaving the school. If you receive a text from
your child, please instruct them to first visit the
Health Assistant’s office.
Club MID
Did you know that the after-school hours are the peak
time for juvenile crime, including violence and drug and
alcohol use? Mesa County Partners is helping to keep kids
out of trouble and get them into good habits with Club
MID! Club MID is an afterschool program for middle
school youth, providing a safe place to do homework; receive snack; and enjoy recreational enrichment activities
designed to help build self-esteem, increase team-work
and communication skills; and encourage overall positive growth. This program is FREE
of charge to all families. Club MID operates from 2:40pm until 5:00pm. You may pick up
an enrollment packet/parent handbook at your student’s school office, or you may call
Alecia at 245-5555 Ext.13 for more information.
Counselor’s corner
Each child that participates in the Kids Aid Backpack Program will receive a sack full of
food each Friday during the school year. Some examples of what will be in the sacks
are: peanut butter, jelly, mac-n-cheese, soup, microwave popcorn, juice drinks, fruit
cups and snack bars.
We are doing this in hopes that this program will help relieve some stress and enable
you more time to spend with your kids. If you are willing to accept our offering, please
fill out the form below and return to the school as soon as possible.
Please return this portion to Fruita Middle School as soon as possible.
____Yes, I would like my child to participate in the Kids Aid Backpack Program
Name(s) of my children participating in the Kids Aid Backpack Program:
(Please Print Clearly)
Child’s Name
Teacher’s Name
Kelli DeCrow
Cade Halvorson
Sarah Rea
Cienna Miller
Abby Amos
Shaughnessee Courtney
Taylor Happy
Austin Medina
Dominic Gaty
Nathan Javernick
Angeline Lewis
Madison Lowe
Carter Paiz
Tanner Wuster
Christopher Blagg
Mariah Kelling
Thadius Sawyer
Thomas Hayhurst
Hannah Weber
Christian Krogman
Cody Kurtz
Spencer Marlow
Kody Darnell
Taelor Ford
Michael White
Jonathon Heaton
Jayna Nielsen
Jacob Chermok
Kristina Ortiz
Esteban Herrera
William Moore
Rebecca Guidry
Cayla Hammond
Randall Stout
Breeana Lee-Diaz
Shania Marchun
Bayley Russell
Kelle Ryder
David Rosales
Hannah Thornburg
Tawni Reazin
Cody Gordon
Jacob Gordon
Zachary Thomas
Nikkia Ashcraft
Malcolm Combs
Cole Wilson
Rainy Shaball
Hannah Arneson
Chandler Sines
Shawna Wilson