
FALL 2015 / VOLUME 33 / NO.3
Why Would Anyone
Get A Flu Vaccine? PAGE 9
Board Member Introspective –
Sayer Ji PAGE 10
Heavy Metal Contamination
And Mass Extinction –
What’s The Connection? PAGE 14
Unconstitutional Detentions
by Medical Doctors –
Are Your Rights at Risk?
Codex Alimentarius Global Food Imperialism
What do you need to know
in order to better act and protect
yourself and your health?
FALL 2015 / VOLUME 33, NO. 3
National Health Federation Publisher
Scott Tips Editor-in-Chief
Katherine A. Carroll Associate Editor
Ben Lizardi Art Director
Tina Marquez Secretary
Peter M. Bisno, Esq. NHF Attorney
Advertising Information: 1.626.357.2181
Literature & Circulation: 1.626.357.2181
National Health Federation
Fred Hart (1888-1975) Founder
2015 Board of Governors & Officers
Scott Tips, J.D., President
Sylvia Provenza, Vice-President
Dr. Hans Kugler, B.S., Ph.D.,
Dan Kenner, Ph.D., LAc, Vice-Chairman/Secretary
Dr. Richard Kunin, M.D.
Dr. Murray Susser, M.D., DIPL
Sherokee Ilse
Pamela Gerry, RN, CCT
Andrea Boland
Cody Long, N.D.
Gregory Kunin
Sayer Ji
hrough the insightful articles written by a handful of health-freedom
fighters who have actually researched, studied, attended, and spoken
out at Codex meetings, this first-of-its-kind collection of articles on
Codex will help answer all your questions and more.
So, if you have never heard of Codex and its agenda to eliminate your
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format, then you must read this book.
Codex affects your health through the “guidelines” it is creating for food
supplements, genetically-modified organisms in food products, infant
formulas, food additives, and many other related issues. Yet, the mainstream
media does not even mention this extremely important subject.
And since your government is clearly not protecting your rights at Codex
meetings, you absolutely must educate yourself about Codex now so that
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or $7.00 – two week arrival) Contact us for special pricing on multiple-copy orders.
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Advisory Board
Paul Harvey
Emma Currie (United Kingdom)
Ilse Van De Wiele (Belgium)
Lisa and Per Hellman (Sweden)
Jay Newman
Marchia Carnicelli Minor
Petra Weiss (Germany)
Morten Krabbe (Denmark)
David C. Massey (Ireland)
Dean Radetsky
Dr. Laurie Pyne
Peet Louw (South Africa)
Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.
NHF Financial Consultant
Harry D. Schultz
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Copyright © 2015 by National Health Federation. The National Health Federation, a nonprofit corporation, at Monrovia, California (P.O. Box 688, Monrovia, California 91017 USA), publishes 4 issues of Health Freedom News yearly.
Telephone 1.626.357.2181, fax 1.626.303.0642. The NHF is a 501(c)(4) non-profit,
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express these views, however, is consistent with our belief in freedom of speech
(1st Amendment), freedom of practice for the physician, and freedom of choice
for the layman. (ISSN 0749-4742)
Letters to the Editor – Our readers
once again comment on Codex, GcMAF,
NHF, and other topics of interest. PAGE 4
President’s Note – Unconstitutional
Medical Detentions – Texas Gov. Abbott
vetoed a bill that would have given doctors
broad powers to detain patients. Scott Tips
reports on this and offers some guidance
on what to do if you are in a State that
medically detains you. PAGE 5
In Memoriam – Dr. Lorraine Hurley –
Lorraine Hurley was a wonderfully caring
doctor with a healing touch and a radio
program that reached many thousands.
Unfortunately, she was recently and
suddenly struck down. PAGE 21
Health Bits & Pieces – Columnist and
health-practitioner Dan Kenner gives us his
latest wisdom on sugar, spices, and other
foods both good & bad for humans. PAGE 22
NHF-UK Report-Save GcMAF
Campaign – Sylvia Gray reports on
NHF-UK’s just-launched campaign
to save the immune-system enhancer
GcMAF so that it is freed from the
pro-drug-industry clutches of Britain’s
medicines and healthcare regulatory
authorities. PAGE 24
NHF World Report – Leadership
Lessons From a Freedom Pioneer –
Katherine Carroll mourns the loss of past
NHF president Charles Crecelius and
reminds us of his numerous contributions
to health freedom and NHF. PAGE 26
Book Review – Margie Miller reviews
Dr. Kharrazian’s fascinating book Why
Isn’t My Brain Working?, which links
autoimmunity, immunology, endocrinology, nutrition, neurochemistry, and metabolism with brain function. PAGE 30
Introducing the NEW
Why Would Anyone Get A Flu
Vaccine? – Newsmax interviews Dr. David
Brownstein on why you should refuse the
flu vaccine this Fall. PAGE 9
Board Member Introspective –
SAYER JI – Multi-faceted NHF Board of
Governor member Sayer Ji is a whirlwind
of action and accomplishments, and NHF
President Scott Tips makes the case for just
how fortunate NHF is to have him on our
Board. PAGE 10
Heavy Metal Contamination And Mass
Extinction, What’s The Connection? –
Dane Wigington once again warns us about
the massive geoengineering project that is
threatening all life as we know it. PAGE 14
The Science of Global Warming –
Dr. Hans J. Kugler gives his own views and
opinion on climate change and geoengineering in a concise manner. PAGE 18
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Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
President’s Note
LETTERS to the editor
Dear Editor,
Thank you NHF for helping us defend
against these evil giants. We need to stand
together as One!
I do workshops monthly and natural
healing discussing these topics and if you
could send me something for donations,
cards or your magazines, which I always
hand out, I would love to be able to help
you more!
Dr. Richard Sears & Marguerite
County Seat Chiropractic & Nutritional
Healing Center
Dear Editor,
Further to the President’s article on
parts of Wikipedia being controlled by the
wrong people, may I say I have tried many
times to upload to Wikipedia a list of the
70 GcMAF research papers that have been
re-published by the U.S. National Library
of Medicine (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
The GcMAF Wikipedia entry is wholly
destructive to GcMAF – and within minutes
of my successful upload appearing, it is
deleted. I messaged those behind it: They are
paid Disinformation Specialists whose job
it is to destroy the reputation of a number
of treatments including GcMAF, which is a
human protein we all make if we are healthy.
It is the best treatment known for 52 diseases
and 33 tumor cancers, and has no side effects.
GcMAF is clearly seen as a threat to
Big Pharma, who spend millions on fake
charities, websites, journalists, and disinformation specialists to destroy inexpensive effective remedies and protect their
multi-billion dollar profits. It seems this is
just one tiny example.
Don’t trust a word Wikipedia says.
Yours sincerely,
Lynda Thyer, Bsc
Biomedical Scientist (15 GcMAF scientific
research papers published.)
Dear Editor,
Almost every day on TV there are
notifications by various law firms for
class-action lawsuits against a drug company because some prescribed drug went
haywire. These law firms are trying to sue
the drug makers. The drug makers did not
prescribe their drugs to some unknowing
person, the doctors did!
With this type of illogical thinking,
we should be filing class-action lawsuits
against the booze-making industries,
for all of the people who were arrested
for D.U.I.s, broken homes, and similar
problems. Maybe we should file class-action lawsuits against the car makers: For
building vehicles that will go faster than
the laws allow and for the persons who
have had to pay for a speeding ticket.
Now this kind of thinking is dumb. In
the case of the alcohol problems, D.U.I.s,
etc., the person who sold the booze to a
person who should not have been served
(i.e., under age or already too drunk)
when they crashed or killed someone, is
the person who should be sued. Likewise
the driver who was breaking the speed
laws is the one who will pay the piper, not
a suit against the car maker. I think the
person who prescribed the drug that went
haywire is the one responsible. He should
have done his homework and study on
each and every drug that he requires to
taken by his unsuspecting patients.
How many advertisements do we see
on TV for drugs every day? The list is long
and so are the side effects. Most average
seven to twelve side effects, one had even
twenty side effects. Question the next
prescription you are prescribed. Do the
doctors have any real knowledge of just
what they are prescribing? Other than the
brochure that they received in the mail or
the sales pitch from some salesman who
spent a few minutes in his office? Even
some pharmacists might be suspect in this
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
by Scott C. Tips
Unconstitutional Detentions
by Medical Doctors
Are Your Rights at Risk?
conspiracy to fill the coffers of the big pharmaceutical companies.
Dale Egger
Dear Editor,
Thank you very much for printing my
obituary for Dr. Jeff Bradstreet M.D., who
was apparently murdered. He was a lovely,
honest man and a good friend. He used our
GcMAF to treat 2,000 autistic children with
excellent results.
With GcMAF we have treated 9,000
patients covering 52 diseases and 33 tumor
cancers, from just halting the advance of the
cancer to being tumor-free. I suspect that this
was too much of a worry for the big pharmaceutical corporations and for the British
MHRA, who have Big Pharma directors
on their board. They stopped us trading
and closed our bank account. We wrote 40
research papers in two years, 17 of them on
these results, which you can still see on the website. Now, we are writing none
as we cannot pay our staff.
Perhaps 200 people who were recovering
from terminal stage 4 cancer on GcMAF
will now die of their cancers because of the
MHRA. See I’m very
much looking forward to some lobbying of
Jeremy Hunt MP and the UK Ministry of
Health to get GcMAF back into the UK.
David Noakes
Dear Editor,
I finally got a chance to read your great
recap of the 2015 CAC meeting in Geneva,
and your terrific work on rBGH, and other
issues. I only wish that other U.S. industry
associations were as active on Codex and its
influential work. Keep up the good work.
Regards & Health,
Karl Riedel
Riedel Enterprises
We welcome your Letters to the Editor.
Please include your name, address, phone number, and email address. We reserve the right to
shorten and/or edit any submitted letters.
Mail: Attention: Editor, P.O. Box 688
Monrovia, California 91017 USA
Email: [email protected]
Should medical staff be asked to engage in law enforcement, especially when
that means depriving a person of the liberty protected by the Constitution?
n true public-health emergency situations, State public-health authorities
can quarantine and isolate individuals
in order to prevent the spread of communicable and dangerous diseases and infections; but these are public-health officials
who issue the declarations and not doctors
and nurses. There is substantial constitutional authority cited by the State and Federal governments in support of this power.1
Recent presidential Executive Orders
have expanded and solidified this detention
power. Barack Obama signed an Executive
Order on July 31, 2014, amending a previous Executive Order of George W. Bush, that
gives the Federal government the power to
“detain and quarantine any individuals confirmed or suspected of having “severe acute
respiratory syndromes” that may be transmissible, except for influenza.2 Many groups
see such orders are the thin edge of the knife
that will then lead to coercive vaccinations.
So, in a time when increasing power is
being sought by such governments to mandate vaccinations (and not just quarantine
and isolate persons), the informed public
(such as NHF members) is becoming more
and more resistant to any such measures,
knowing as they do the dangers and lack
of effectiveness lurking in the vaccines and
other health measures being thrown at them.
The informed public is also increasingly
suspicious of the unholy marriage between
the medical community and politicians that
has resulted in our sinking levels of health,
wealth, and happiness. “Drug everyone,”
the doctors and drug companies say3 and
the politicians agree; and yet every parameter from obesity levels to heart attack and
cancer rates continues to worsen while
healthcare costs rise. The media plays along
with that game by distracting the public and
even outright lying to it, so can anyone really blame those who become highly suspicious and think that some governments are
actually trying to reduce the population particularly in light of a failing Social Security
system that cannot support future retirees?
Texas Acts and Reacts
So it was into this climate of mistrust that
both legislative houses in Texas passed with
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
little debate a Senate Bill (SB 359) last May
2015 that was to have changed current State
law by granting hospital officials the police
power to detain for a short period those patients whom they believe may have mental
issues, and with immunity from any liability for doing so. The bill was heavily supported and lobbied for by the Texas Medical
Association, the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians, the Hogg Foundation for
Mental Health, and the Meadows Institute,
and considered a “shoo-in.” Sent to Texas
Governor Greg Abbott, he caught the bill’s
supporters off guard when he vetoed it on
June 1st explaining his position as follows:
“The Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth
Amendments to the United States Constitution limit the state’s authority to
deprive a person of liberty. Under our
constitutional tradition, the power to arrest and forcibly hold a person against
his or her will is generally reserved for
officers of the law acting in the name of
the people of Texas. By bestowing that
grave authority on private parties who
lack the training of peace officers and are
not bound by the same oath to protect
and serve the public, SB 359 raises serious
constitutional concerns and would lay the
groundwork for further erosion of constitutional liberties.
“Medical facilities have options at their
disposal to protect mentally ill patients
and the public. Many hospitals already
keep a peace officer on site at all times. For
smaller facilities, law enforcement are always just a phone call and a few minutes
away. Medical staff should work closely
with law enforcement to help protect mentally ill patients and the public. But just
as law enforcement should not be asked
to practice medicine, medical staff should
not be asked to engage in law enforcement,
especially when that means depriving a
person of the liberty protected by the Constitution.”4
The mainstream press savaged Governor Abbott for his veto, but those who
had opposed the bill and advocated a veto
were just as vocal in his defense. Those
seeking to kill the bill were the Texas Libertarian Party (co-founded by this author
in the early 1970s), Texans for Accountable
Government, the Texas Home School Coalition, the League of United Latin American Citizens, and the Citizens Commission
on Human Rights. The last group, founded
by the Church of Scientology, provided
the media with a wedge issue to accuse
the Governor of having been unduly influenced by a suspect “fringe” group.5 Not
discussed by the media, however, was
the huge pressure that was exerted by Big
Medicine and almost certainly Big Pharma
to get the bill passed in the first place.
Hospital Tricks
Hospitals have already been known in
other States for playing the clever little
trick of using a “psychiatric” detention
in order to force a patient to submit to a
non-psychiatric medical procedure against
that patient’s consent. 6 Had the bill not
been vetoed by the Governor, Texas hospitals and doctors would have had this
extra power to coerce patients into medical
procedures that in certain cases they neither wanted nor were beneficial. Whatever
happened to the Hippocratic Oath? To Informed Consent? And why give even more
God-like powers to doctors, especially
those who might be in need of detention
Of course the 800-pound gorilla in this
discussion is that these detention powers
are merely a means of forcing strong, dangerous anti-psychotic drugs on patients
who do not want them and/or will then
truly be at a risk of harm should they get
them. No one in the mainstream press
raises this issue, but it exists nonetheless;
and in the drug-happy closed universe
that characterizes hospitals, we would be
foolish not to acknowledge this drug risk
right alongside the attendant death tolls
hospitals have racked up with drugs both
properly and improperly prescribed.
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
Protective Laws Already
As pointed out by Dr. Douglas Mossman
and others, including Governor Abbott,
laws already exist in all States permitting
them to detain those patients where there
exists a “risk of harm through self-neglect,
‘grave disability,’ or failure to meet basic
needs” or a “risk that a person might physically injure or kill himself” or a “risk that
a person might physically harm other persons.” It just requires that a peace or judicial
officer make the decision.
Some understandably fear that mentally-ill patients will be released into the public, grab a gun, and then start killing people.
I would be more afraid that continued psychiatric treatment by the medical profession
with anti-psychotic drugs would lead to
more gun violence; and, indeed, the statistics have shown that. Still, gun-seizure laws
exist – even in Texas – that would protect
the public. As Dr. Jeffrey Swanson states,
“Connecticut, Indiana, and Texas already
have a dangerous person gun seizure law.
With the gun violence restraining order
idea, a judge would make that decision.
There has to be evidence there. There is a
constitutional right at stake.”7
However alluring it might seem, allowing doctors and nurses to detain patients
whom they think represent a threat is no
different than granting attorneys judicial
powers that are more properly reserved for
judges. According to many constitutional
guardians, it should just not be allowed as
it would be a first step down the slippery
slope in a grant of dangerous powers to detain for other reasons, such as refusing to
allow oneself to be vaccinated. Detention
proponents claim that only a very limited
number of people would be detained and
that is all. Still, regardless of the number
detained, what is called into question is the
authority to detain and to whom that right
On the other hand, all States allow mentally-ill persons to be committed if their recent behavior poses a danger. With proper
constitutional safeguards, some very few
persons might be better off confined. The
only question then would be: Can we trust
our current medical and political system
with such power?
© 2015 Scott C. Tips
Services, HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan, S8-14
1. See U.S. Department of Health and Human
(November 2005), available at http://www.hhs.
gov/pandemicflu/plan/pdf/HHSPandemicInfluenzaPlan.pdf ; See also Kathleen Swendiman
drugged-into-oblivion-nearly-60-percent-of-all4. See
& Nancy Lee Jones, Congressional Research
5. See Morgan Smith, “Scientology Group Urged
Legal Issues, at 10 (Oct. 29, 2009). See also U.S.
July 14, 2015, at: http://www.texastribune.
197 U.S. 11, 25 (1905) (“According to settled
Service, The 2009 Influenza Pandemic: Selected
Veto of Mental Health Bill,” The Texas Tribune,
Const. Amend. X; Jacobson v. Massachusetts,
principles…the police power of a State must
6. See, e.g., Douglas Mossman M.D., “Psychiatric
be held to embrace, at least, such reasonable
regulations established directly by legislative
enactment as will protect the public health and
the public safety.”).
2. See
3. Michael Snyder, “Drugged Into Obliv-
ion: Nearly 60 Percent Of All U.S. Adults
Are On Prescription Drugs,” End of the
American Dream, Nov. 3, 2015, at http://
‘Holds” for Non-psychiatric Patients,” Current
Psychiatry, Vol. 12, No. 3, March 2013, at http://
7. Lois Beckett, “What We Actually Know
About the Connections Between Mental Illness,
Mass Shootings, and Gun Violence,” Pacific
Standard, June 10, 2014, at http://www.psmag.
What to Do If Wrongfully Detained
What to do if you, a member of your family, or a friend
is detained by a hospital because the responsible doctor
there thinks you are a threat? And, even worse, what to
do if they want to impose a medical treatment without
your informed consent?
1. If you, the patient, have the mental capacity to make
a medical decision, then your decision is binding even
if it creates a clear risk of death. If you are certain of
your choice, then stand upon your rights, do not be
intimidated, and insist upon it.
2. Demand legal counsel if you find yourself “outgunned” by those pressuring you or your family
member or friend.
3. Refuse any medical treatment, including drugs, that
you truly think might endanger your health or life.
4. Remember, psychiatric holds not made in “good
faith” will exclude the doctor and hospital from
immunity under the law and subject them to legal
liability. If you observe any such bad-faith action,
use the threat of personal legal action as leverage
to obtain your immediate release.
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
Why Would Anyone
Get A Flu Vaccine?
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In MemoryOf...
The NHF is an organization devoted
to truth. Thank you for caring!
Charles Crecelius
Gail Howard
Dr. Lorraine Hurley
Herb Daly
Michael Meacher
Richard B. Goodman
Bill Katovsky
Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet
A Caring Memorial
Would you like us to send you an
acknowledgement card?
Please mail your gift to:
P.O. Box 688
Monrovia, CA 91017 USA
Remember your loved ones
by serving the living.
Your loving memorial
will preserve the freedom
to choose for your children
and grandchildren.
YOUR NAME_________________________________________________________
CITY ______________________________________STATE________ ZIP__________
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
“The vaccine failed 99 percent of those who took it –
they received no benefit at preventing the flu.”
t is Fall, and health officials are beginning
their yearly push to convince Americans
to get the latest version of the flu shot.
Last year’s vaccine was a tremendous dud
– a new strain of H3N2 influenza emerged
after the vaccine was formulated and the
shot was a poor match. Even the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
admitted it did little to protect against flu.
This year’s vaccine has been designed to
protect against the new H3N2 strain and the
CDC hopes it will be a good match for this
year’s virus, although the Agency admitted
in a recent advisory that it is impossible to
predict the upcoming flu season. Should you
get the new vaccine? The CDC says “yes,”
and CDC Director Tom Frieden, M.D., got
his yearly shot during a news conference
meant to convince others to follow suit.
Not so fast, says holistic family physician
David Brownstein, M.D. “In the past, the flu
vaccine hasn’t worked for most of us, and
there’s no indication that it will this year,”
he tells Newsmax Health. “The flu vaccine
has been around for over 30 years, and there
is not one single study showing that any flu
vaccine has helped prevent the flu in the majority who receive it,” says Dr. Brownstein.
“Nor has it been shown to prevent flu
complications, such as pneumonia, hospitalizations and death, in well over 90 percent
who receive it. As usual, they are taking
their best guess as to which strain of flu will
be predominant, but they have no way of
being sure,” he says.
Even when the flu vaccine matches the
circulating strains of influenza, the shot
performs poorly, and does not offer 100
percent protection, Dr. Brownstein argues.
“Whether they are right or wrong, the
cases of flu are about the same whether the
vaccine is a good match or not because flu
shots don’t work,” he says. “A review of
50 studies that included more than 70,000
adults found that 100 people needed to be
vaccinated to avoid one case of flu. That
means the vaccine failed 99 percent of
those who took it – they received no benefit at preventing the flu.”
Although seniors are especially urged
to get the flu shot, some experts say they
don’t protect older people, and the government knows it. Investigative reporter
Sharyl Attkisson says the government has
ignored numerous studies showing the
vaccine was ineffective in the elderly, and
a ten-year-old study was ignored because
the results were not what were expected.
“It found that after decades and billions of
dollars spent promoting flu shots for the
elderly, the mass vaccination program did
not result in saving lives,” Attkisson wrote.
“In fact, the death rate among the elderly
increased substantially.”
Dr. Brownstein agrees. “There are no
good studies showing that the flu vaccine is
effective for seniors,” he says. “When you
take apart and break down a recent study
that the government uses to promote the flu
vaccine to senior citizens, you’ll find that 217
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
elderly people had to take the high-dose flu
vaccine to prevent a single case of flu – that’s
a 99 percent failure. In addition, every single person was exposed to possible adverse
effects. It’s vital to always bear in mind that
the flu vaccine can cause side effects, including Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), and has
been linked with narcolepsy in children and
an increased risk of Alzheimer’s.”
He also points to a study published in the
International Journal of Obesity which found
that flu shots are not effective in obese people. In fact, Johns Hopkins scientist Peter
Doshi says that although the vaccines are
being pushed on the public in record numbers, they are less effective and cause more
side effects than admitted by the CDC.
Dr. Brownstein also notes some formulations of the flu shot contain trace elements
of mercury and formaldehyde. Although
CDC and other health authorities say these
preservatives are at levels so low that they
pose no harm, Dr. Brownstein disagrees.
“There is simply no justification for injecting
any living being with mercury or formaldehyde, especially pregnant women,” he says.
“I guess I could encourage people to get
vaccinated if the flu vaccine actually worked
and did not contain toxic additives, such as
mercury and formaldehyde. But it doesn’t
work, and it does contains toxins, so I advise
people to avoid it. There’s no real reason to
believe that this year’s vaccine is going to be
any better than in the past.”
© 2015 NewsmaxHealth. All rights reserved.
(Reprinted here with the kind permission of Dr.
Brownstein and NewsmaxHealth)
For more information about Dr. Brownstein,
please go to: Dr. David
Brownstein is the author of Natural Way to Health,
a monthly newsletter that focuses on achieving
and maintaining optimal health. To subscribe,
go to: or call
“Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald
studying the fundamental unit of biology –
the Cell. Money is no lure to Sayer’s father;
rather, discovering a biological “Theory of
Everything” is his goal. For a man who
survived the Korean War, the specter of
starvation, and dodged fighter-jet bullets,
Professor Ji has demonstrated a will to live
and learn with an enduring passion that
continues to this very day. But, as the saying goes, “the apple doesn’t fall far from
the tree.”
GreenMedInfo is
an online, subscriber database
containing many
thousands of
studies of natural remedies
for over 3,100
Early Work Helping Others
hen I first met Sayer
Ji in person, I was immediately impressed
by his quiet but strong demeanor,
with intelligent, inquiring eyes
that blazed with a deep-set passion for freedom and health that
is all too rare these days. I knew
at once that he was one of us,
someone who would keep fighting for health freedom until his
last breath, no matter what. I also
knew that he was someone who
could be counted upon, a trust
that has since been proven time
and again.
The Early Years and
Born in a Leap Year and just
barely ahead of an autumnal
snowfall in Wisconsin, Sayer was
fortunate to have been born into
a family that was not only loving
but gifted. His father had survived the Korean War as a young boy and
emigrated to the United States where he
became a Professor of Theoretical Biology,
teaching at many prestigious universities.
This accounts for the family’s many moves
during Sayer’s youth, from Wisconsin to
Pennsylvania, and then on to Dortmund,
Germany where Sayer of course learned
German as a child. After living several years
in Germany, the family moved back to the
United States, to the beautiful college town
of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and then finally on to central New Jersey, where Sayer
grew up and attended high school, and
then college at Rutgers. He always seemed
to have intellectual stimulation around him.
So it only seems natural that Sayer’s
mother, of Irish-American stock, would be
a librarian and an activist in her own right.
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
Now retired, she had worked
for many years getting information out to others (which,
not surprisingly, is exactly
what her son does now through
GreenMedInfo). She met Sayer’s father while they were
both in graduate school in Upstate New York and it was love
at first sight. From that union,
a daughter, Mia, was born first
and then of course Sayer. Mia’s
own strong, nurturing feminine
traits gave Sayer the blessing of
a “second mother” during his
early, formative years.
After his graduation from
high school, Sayer enrolled in
the Art School at Rutgers University but soon transferred
to the main University there,
where he earned a B.A. degree
in Philosophy. These were four
hard years of study but also influential years.
Typically, Sayer’s father and
mother were enormous influences in his life; but his father impressed
Sayer perhaps even more profoundly. A
theoretical biologist, he “induced in me an
almost mystical appreciation for science,” as
Sayer said. Eschewing the lure of the comfortable corporate research world, Professor Ji turned down the pursuit of lucrative
grants in order to focus more on learning
and teaching. And so he could continue
Wanting to help others, and even before graduating from Rutgers, Sayer first
worked with troubled children. First at the
Princeton-Blairstown Center in New Jersey and later at the Mayhew Foundation
in New Hampshire and the Eckerd Youth
Alternatives in the Florida Everglades, he
helped one troubled child after another
to regain control and expand the vistas
of their lives. Naturally there were failures as not every child can or wants to be
helped, but enough troubled children were
helped in a very satisfying way that Sayer
persisted in this line of work throughout
the 1990s. Today, there is no telling how
many young adults owe Sayer a huge debt
of gratitude for having helped them to
straighten out their lives.
Still, as rewarding as his work was,
warmer climes beckoned and in the early
2000s, Sayer moved from New York down
to Florida. There, he worked as an educator and patient advocate for a chain of
health-food stores. As Sayer put it, “I was
the guy in the aisles answering questions
from anyone who walked in the door.”
This work actually foreshadowed his current life’s work with lines forming after
every speech of his and he is still answering
questions individually and for the World.
This was a natural move for Sayer because of his early childhood interest in
maintaining his health, brought on by
bronchial asthma while an infant as well
as an injury suffered later on as a young
child. In fact, having been sick a good
part of his early life was a prime motivator for Sayer to get healthy; and with his
inquisitive mind, he quite understandably graduated into natural remedies.
So, working in health-food stores for a
philosophy-degreed graduate was not as
strange as it might first have seemed; and
it actually tracked his life’s work of helping others.
Sayer Ji’s
early work
helping others
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
The Currency of Democracy
Yet Sayer knew that there was a much
better way to get health information into
the hands of those who needed it. “I could
not believe that no one had created an entirely evidence-based and open-access database to support our health industry and its
needs, so I created one,” Sayer said. Calling it
GreenMedInfo, it is an online, subscriber database containing many thousands of peerreviewed studies of natural remedies for
over 3,100 ailments. In fact, all known cancers are listed and addressed in the database,
with 1700 abstracts researched and listed on
tumors alone. In many cases, where no one
else has an answer to an ailment, does. There are no fewer than
25,000 articles on Sayer’s website.
However, as Sayer related, “it took me
four solid years of working 30 hours a week
while holding down a full-time job to develop the platform. It
was neither easy nor cheap to develop and
put in place.” He also honestly admits that is still a work in progress and is far from complete. But then what
useful database of growing information is
ever complete?
Importantly, Sayer has generously made
the database available to
the National Health Federation and spread
NHF’s messages and articles about Codex
Alimentarius and health freedom far and
wide. With GreenMedInfo’s huge subscriber
base, this is naturally beneficial to us all.
Sayer is fond of quoting Thomas Jefferson
in this regard, “Information is the currency
of democracy.” And Sayer intends to keep
circulating that currency as much as possible
so as to enrich the World.
Health-Freedom Activist
At the same time as Sayer was working
full time, and as he was working nearly
full-time creating his natural database,
and as he was working overtime to write
articles such as “The Dark Side of Wheat”
that brought him to the attention of Dr.
Joseph Mercola, he plunged headfirst
into the world of health freedom. Having
viewed a video on Codex Alimentarius
(the international body establishing food
standards and guidelines for the World)
in 2007, Sayer clearly saw that “we are in
one of our darkest periods now.” As he
puts it, “although the latest information
is now available through any device on
the Planet, health freedom was and is imploding.”
From 2011 to this year, Sayer worked
with Dr. Mercola to get the word out about
natural health and health freedom. But
stating it that way actually belittles Sayer’s
influence in the then-Number-1 natural
health website in the World, for Sayer was
Mercola’s research advisor and top-level
editor (meaning that he looked at article
concepts just the same as Dr. Mercola did).
Sayer was also asked to and did join
the NHF’s Advisory Board as an import-
ant NHF advisor. So much so that he was
sought out by many Board members, including me, to be on the NHF Board of
Governors. Appointed by me to a vacancy
on the Board of Governors in February
2015, Sayer was enthusiastically and unanimously confirmed to that position by the
Board; and he has been a very active and
life-saving Board member ever since.
Plus, Sayer’s vision is so clear. “It’s not
really about Big Pharma making money
anymore,” he states, “it’s about control.”
“Health freedom is precarious and we are
about to lose everything if we do not act
and act now. We have a whole new way of
communicating using the internet and we
need to use that system. Everyone should
know that NHF is the sole entity fighting
for health freedom both nationally and on
a global level.”
Health Advocate Too
To Sayer, maintaining one’s balance in
life is vital. As he puts it so well, “I think
the most important thing that carries us
through life whole, healthy, and with a
sense of the sacred close by, is our mindset: the way we stay present to our experiences, and one another, remembering
always that service is not just a selfless
act, but the only one that can truly secure
our own happiness.”
His own health regime is a good example to others. When I asked Sayer
how he maintains and balances family
time so that the burnout typical among
health-freedom activists does not occur,
he told me, “I love to focus on day-to-day
nutrition, exercise, yoga, and meditation
as a way to stay centered.” But there was
more. “I try to eat an entirely organic
diet, minimizing grains, and I leave a
good amount of time in the morning to
fast, opting for intense exercise before
eating, as I find this helps to keep my
mind clear and energize me throughout
the day. That said, I’m not too rigid and
will take rest days and let my body guide
me nutritionally so I can let my ‘food be
my medicine.’ I think it’s also important
to be mindful of Nietzsche’s sage advice:
‘Beware that, when fighting monsters,
you yourself do not become a monster
... for when you gaze too long into the
abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.’ In
other words, while we live in dark times,
and health freedom seems increasingly
under mortal threat, we should remember
to try to embody as much peace, strength,
and equanimity as possible while we ‘fight
the good fight.’”
Curious about Sayer’s deep interest in
drumming (largely because I myself am
so musically untalented) and yoga, I also
asked him about his experiences there.
Sayer was typically frank and direct, “I
feel like drumming is as fundamental to
self-expression and community to me as
is having a heartbeat. I think its origins
stretch back to the birth of most all civilizations, and that it helps us all – those
from all walks of life, ages, backgrounds,
Sayer presenting
at two different
Sayer holding
Sienna, one of
his two little
and cultures – to experience harmony and unity together in a way
that does not require words. My
experience with yoga is it can be
as simple as just getting a good
“stretch” and “work out,” to experiencing the deep union of mind
and body. No matter how you
enter, it always seems to provide
the practitioner some unexpected
surplus of benefit once completed.”
That Sayer seems to have the incredible ability and talent to make
time for everything in his busy life
is a source of constant amazement
to others, including me. With all
that he does, Sayer still manages
to make time for his own family –
for his two little girls, Sienna and
Bella, of whom he is very proud
and whom he loves deeply. To
stay close to them, he will not
let other activities interfere with
family time.
The Final Word
Sayer is such a multifaceted individual
that it is hard to summarize him and his
life in any short way. That his parents
are still involved in his life and very
supportive of him and his activities, that
he is still as close as ever with his sister
Mia, and has two loving daughters, all
while he maintains the constant hum of
his 48-hour days, speaks volumes about
this man. But Sayer, the gifted writer and
wordsmith, humbly and very typically
turns what I consider NHF’s own good
fortune in having him on our side into a
blessing for him. “I’m just so blessed to
have so much support, so many people in
my life have helped me to realize my mission with and as part
of the National Health Federation community, so that I can take my best work
and combine forces with an organization
that has the opportunity to continue to affect massive positive change around the
World.” Amen.
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Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
In the attempt to hide the unfolding climate and
environmental cataclysm from the public for as long as possible,
the Power Structure and the geoengineers are actually
fueling the fire overall and effectively poisoning the entire
Planet with toxic heavy metals in the process.
What’s The Connection?
Health Freedom News / Summer 2015
orests are silent, oceans are increasingly lifeless, so how can
so many be completely oblivious
to what is unfolding by the day?
The sixth mass extinction event
on our planet is not far out on the horizon
somewhere, it is here.1 Global populations
in more affluent countries have been largely
shielded from reality for so long that they
have absolutely no understanding of the
unravelling environment around them.
The power-structure-controlled mainstream media has done their absolute best
to distract already complacent populations
with a long list of heavily dramatized stories that are virtually meaningless against
the background of the bigger picture. All
over the Globe, ecosystems2 are collapsing
and mass species die-off is occurring.3 So
many have embraced the lie that technology will save us from ourselves, isn’t such
a notion the ultimate paradox? Modern industrialized technology is actually what has
pushed us over the edge.
In one form or another, climate engineering (also known as geoengineering or solar
radiation management) can be connected
to the vast majority of unfolding environmental catastrophes and the endless list
of now epidemic human diseases around
the World. There is a mountain of data to
prove the global climate engineering assault
has been going on for over six decades. A
recently posed 750-page Congressional
report from 1978 outlined the ongoing
global climate engineering insanity as of
that date and confirmed the programs had
already been going on for 30 years.4 Our
government is doing their best to be sure
the public does not wake up to the toxic atmospheric spraying. “Gag orders” have just
been placed on all National Weather Service
employees and all National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration personnel.5
Not only has the entire climate system been
derailed, the entire Planet has now been irreparably contaminated with highly toxic
heavy metals that are consistently sprayed
into the skies as part of what is termed
“solar radiation management.” The most
prevalent of these heavy metals are aluminum and barium.
Internationally recognized geoengineer
David Keith has stated on the record that
climate engineers calculate the need to put
20,000,000 tons of aluminum nano-particulars into the atmosphere annually.6 This is
an almost inconceivable amount of highly
toxic metal. Aluminum has been conclusively connected to autism.7 Now researchers at MIT have concluded that on the
current trajectory of autism increase, within
ten years 1 out of 2 children will have
autism.8 Where are the headlines on this
dire statistic?
Whales Are Not Exempt
From the Blanket Heavy
Metal Contamination
What Is Really
Killing The Bees?
Yes, farm chemicals are very harmful to
bees; but if that were the only factor, why
are the bees dying just as fast a thousand
miles into the wilderness? For a number of
years I have communicated with some of
the top bee keepers in the country. I have
tried and tried to convince them that toxic
heavy-metal contamination was a primary
issue related to colony collapse disorder.
None were even willing to investigate this
issue, but now we have peer-reviewed
studies that prove the reality of massive
heavy-metal contamination in bees.9 Only
three parts per million of aluminum in the
human brain can lead to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia, ALS, and
the like. Bees have now been detected with
levels of aluminum as much as 70 times
higher, so how can they survive at all? Why
isn’t this extremely dire contamination
issue being more widely reported? Because,
as already mentioned, the power structure
is doing everything it can to hide this most
far-reaching crime in all of human history,
climate engineering. Can we survive without pollinators?
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
The largest mammals that have ever
lived on our Planet are just as contaminated as the bees. In 2010, U.S. scientists
tested nearly 1000 whales from some of
the most remote places on the Planet. The
report showed “stunningly high levels of
toxic heavy metals in the animals that they
(the scientists) say could affect the health
of both ocean life and the millions who eat
The entire Planet is being contaminated
as is the entire web of life from the clouds
to the ground. The whale studies and the
bee studies prove there is virtually no place
to hide from the highly toxic heavy-metal
climate engineering fallout9
What Is the Current Overall
State Of The Oceans?
Our oceans are dying by the day, especially along the North American West
Coast.11 Official agencies pretend not to understand what is unfolding in our seas. This
is a lie. It is the assigned task of agency “experts” and mainstream media to downplay
the direst issues in order to keep the public
One example of the countless
species dying are seals that have
been littering West Coast beaches.
calm or confused in regard to the facts. Although many independent news sources
want to place the blame for the dying seas
on a single source or cause, there are in fact
a great many factors involved, all of them related to human activity.
Fukushima’s radiation is one problem, but
only one. The U.S. Navy war games along the
West Coast using live depleted uranium ammunition is another factor. There is of course
pollution, overfishing, and more; but what
are the most likely core causes?
The oceans are warming at an unprecedented pace, this is due to the rapidly worsening anthropogenic greenhouse effect that
has been significantly worsened by 65-plus
years of climate engineering. Geoengineering has destroyed the ozone layer, which
allows lethal levels of UV radiation through
to Earth’s surface.12 The excessive UV is decimating plankton populations and fueling
the thermal buildup of heat on our Planet.
Climate engineering has also radically disrupted wind patterns, which in turn affects
ocean currents. This has contributed to extreme pockets of ocean heat due to a lack of
ocean circulation and mixing. “Red tides”
and the death they bring to the seas will
continue to increase. Since at least 2007, the
climate engineers have aggressively tried
to suppress the development of El Nino
events;13 this has greatly contributed to the
ocean heat build up (and the consequences
of the heat) that we are now seeing.
The die-off of sea stars along the North
American West Coast has also been horrific.14 Much of the Eastern Pacific Ocean is
superheating,15 a very dire fact that most of
the population is still completely unaware of
thanks to the mainstream media machine of
mass distraction.
around the Globe, especially in the Arctic.
As formerly frozen methane hydrate/
clathrate deposits on sea and lake beds
thaw, the methane migrates to the surface
where it can be temporarily trapped in the
ice. As global ice deposits melt and recede,
more and more methane reaches the atmosphere. In the photograph below, methane is
temporarily trapped in the ice.
A mass invasion
and die-off of
red tuna crabs
A mass invasion and die-off of red tuna
crabs is still occurring along the beaches of
Southern California and Northern Baja.16 No
matter how prolific and widespread the carnage becomes along our shores, for many it
seems that all of this death is only an amusement.
Earlier this year beaches in Northern California and Oregon were blanketed with a
mass die-off of “Vellela Vellela,” a cousin to
the jellyfish.17
Rapidly Escalating Ocean
and Land Temperatures
Are Causing Vast Methane
Deposits to Thaw
What Is “Ocean Fertilization” Doing To Our Seas?
Another form of geoengineering, “ocean
fertilization,” is also contributing to the ever
expanding dead zones around the Globe.
Available data indicates that the toxic materials being sprayed for “solar radiation management” over our oceans are engineered
and intended to trigger “ocean fertilization”
when the materials settle to the sea surface.
The intent of ocean fertilization is to cause
an algae bloom in order to absorb CO2 from
the atmosphere. For the climate engineers,
reducing atmospheric CO2 is a success, but
at what cost does it come? Further acidifica16
tion of the oceans, the creation of low and
no oxygen zones, and the further stagnation
and heating of the oceans.18 Overheated
seas are dead seas and the current heat
buildup on Planet Earth is equal to 400,000
Hiroshima bombs per day.19 Rapidly rising
levels of greenhouse gases (especially methane) will intensify algae blooms and marine
die-offs. We are in free fall toward what is
known as “Canfield Ocean,” a state of stratification, overheating, de-oxygenation, and
mass die off.
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
The extremely rapid warming of the
Planet is causing formerly frozen methane
hydrate deposits to thaw and release into the
atmosphere; and global climate engineering
has made this situation far worse overall,
not better. Methane is also releasing at an
ever increasing rate from lake and sea beds
A recent and extremely alarming phenomenon has been occurring in Siberia.
Thawing permafrost is also releasing vast
amounts of methane. In some regions subsurface pressure buildup from releasing
methane has created massive methane
blowholes.20 So, atmospheric methane is
virtually skyrocketing past pre-industrial
levels. As methane releases, it fuels “climate feedback loops” that trigger even
more methane release.
The warming and thawing of methane
deposits is so profound, all life on Earth is
now in the balance.21
The Genie Cannot Be Put
Back Into the Bottle
Very few are willing to face the fact that
the human race is on a trajectory for total
near-term extinction. If we stay on the current course, near-term extinction is not just
a possibility, but rather a mathematical
certainty. Once formerly frozen methane
deposits begin to thaw and gas into the atmosphere, a feedback loop is triggered that
perpetuates itself. As more methane is released, more atmospheric heating occurs.
This in turn thaws yet more methane and
thus the cycle spirals out of control. The
methane release is an avalanche of greenhouse gas potential on top of all the damage
already done to the planet from countless
sources of human activity.
Methane is 100 times more powerful a
greenhouse gas than CO2 over a ten-year
time horizon. The ongoing climate engineering programs are not mitigating this
problem, but rather making it worse. In the
attempt to hide the unfolding climate and
environmental cataclysm from the public for
as long as possible, the Power Structure and
the geoengineers are actually fueling
the fire overall and effectively poisoning the entire Planet with toxic
heavy metals in the process. Bioavailable heavy metals (which are
also bio-accumulative) are building
up in each and every one of us as
well as the entire web of life.
If we are to accurately understand what we face, we must do objective research. It is up to all of us to
sound the alarm. This battle cannot
be won by the few, all must engage.
No matter how dark the horizon is,
if we could expose and halt the climate engineering, it would be a giant leap in the right
direction. If our Planet were able to respond
on its own to the damage already done,
rather than being encased in the destructive
chains of global geoengineering, we would
still have a chance.
1. Dahr Jamail, “Sixth Great Mass Extinction Event Begins; 2015 On Pace To Become Hottest Year On Record,”
Truthout, June 29, 2015, at
2. Dane Wigington, “Racing Toward Total Extinction,”, June 6, 2014, at http://www.
3. Dane Wigington, “Massive US Senate Document On
National And Global Weather Modification,”, October 15, 2015, at http://www.
4. Dane Wigington, “Government Implements Illegal
“Gag Order” On National Weather Service And NOAA
Employees,”, October 21, 2015,
7. Stephanie Seneff, “Empirical Data Confirm Autism
Symptoms Related To Aluminum And Acetaminophen
Exposure,” Entropy, 2012, at
8. Dave Mihalovic, “1 In 2 Children Will Have Autism
By 2025 Warns Senior MIT Scientist,” Prevent Disease,
December 28, 2014, at
9. Peter Bader, “Bees With Alzheimer’s? Aluminum
Pollution Linked To Dementia In Bees,” Reuters, June 7,
2015, at
10. CBS News, “Whales Threatened By Toxic Metals In
The Water,” CBS News, June 24, 2010, at http://www.
11. Dane Wigington, “Climate Engineering And Dying
Oceans,”, January 4, 2015, at
12. Dane Wigington, “Geoengineering Is Destroying
The Ozone Layer,”, May 13,
2014, at
13. Dane Wigington, “Climate Engineers Can No Longer Suppress El Nino,”, May 2,
2015, at
14. Melissa Miner and Rani Gaddam, “Sea Star Wasting
Syndrome,”, October 14, 2015, at
15. Tom Yulsman, “As 2015 Begins With Record
Warmth, Is The Pacific Primed To Dump Huge
Amounts Of Heat Into The Atmosphere?,” Discovery Magazine, April 18, 2015, at http://blogs.
16. Laylan Connelly, “Red Crabs On Beaches” Orange
County Register, June 22, 2015, at
17. Grant McOmie “Jellyfish-like Creatures Pile
Up On Oregon Coast In Massive Die-off,” KGW.
com, April 12, 2015, at
18. Dane Wigington, “Geoengineering With Industrial
Waste”, February 15 2015, at
19. Joe Romm, “Earth’s Rate Of Global Warming Is
400,000 Hiroshima Bombs A Day,” Climate Progress,
December 22, 2013, at
5. End Times Prophecy, “Mass Animal Deaths For
2015,” July 2, 2015, at
20. Anastasia Pantsios, “Huge New Methane Blowholes
In SIberia Have Scientists Worried Climate Change
Is To Blame” EcoWatch, February 25, 2015, at http://
6. YouTube “Geoengineer David Keith Admits To
Dangers Of Spraying Aluminum,” February 2010, at
21. Thom Hartman, “Last Hours,” YouTube, September
28, 2013, at
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
There’s An Urgent Need To Take
Extreme Countermeasures
with scientists from the International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (IAAM)
state of severe confusion exists
among the population at large
concerning climate change. This is
caused mainly by special interests, whose
profits would be affected if needed countermeasures were taken according to scientific
facts and who blatantly plant anti-Global
Warming (GW) bogus arguments. After
scientists separate the bogus from the facts,
a bottom-line picture crystallizes and GW
becomes easy to understand.
An Undisputed Fact
In my opinion and those of many others,* Global Warming is caused by extreme
amounts of CO2, produced by burning carbon fuels, coal, oil, gas, and as a
side-product of the cement industry (85+%).
Worldwide, the annual CO2 production is
37 billion metric tons/year. Over the past
several hundred thousand years, due to
volcanic eruptions and fires, CO2 levels
have varied substantially but Nature has always brought them back to about 300 ppm.
With the Industrial Age’s ever-increasing
use of carbon fuels for electricity and automotive and air/ocean transportation, CO2
levels have been climbing to 350+ ppm.
Trees shut down their CO2 uptake because
it is becoming toxic to them and oceans are
dying due to acidification. At the end of
2014, totally unacceptable levels climbed to
an Earth-destructing 400+ ppm.1
The Need to Take Countermeasures
Starting more than 20 years ago, leading GW experts from around the World
emphasized the need to take countermeasures and to slow down or even reverse
GW by cutting down on CO2 production.
They warned that if nothing were done, the
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
steady global temperature increases would
increase CO2’s capacity to absorb water
and with this CO2’s potency to cause GW,
bringing us ever closer to a point of no return. This, in physics, is known as one of the
“Tyndall Effects.”
Instead of supporting this call for action, irresponsible, greedy special interests, mostly the carbon industries with
profit maintenance as their goal, confused
the issue by planting spurious arguments,
$543 million worth, and delaying needed
actions.2 In a cost evaluation noted in a July
2013 issue of Nature (499, 401-403), authors
Gail Whiteman, Chris Hope, and Peter
Wadhams of Cambridge University warned
of future extreme costs – $60 trillion – for
neglecting to take countermeasures to GW.
Unconcerned about these science-based
warnings, the carbon industry kept playing
dumb by planting more anti-GW stories.
Strangely enough, the GMO industry entered the picture with the development of
aluminum-resistant crops as noted below.
No Shortcuts
There are “no shortcuts,” say numerous
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(ICPP) scientists, when asked how to solve
the problem. Harrison Ford and Arnold
Schwarzenegger in the movie “Years of Living Dangerously” asked what must be done
about GW. Since everything is connected,
shortcuts to lighten the GW load in one area
will cause a multiple of problems elsewhere.
Yet, what are the science-facts-lacking ignoramuses doing – obviously with maintaining special-interest profits on their minds
– shortcuts and more shortcuts. By so doing,
they worsen GW problems worldwide.
Reference Dane Wigington’s work on
geoengineering3 for the details of one of
hundreds of key examples of the worsening
situation. Others include greatly increased
and often uncontrolled record wildfires
adding far above acceptable amounts of
CO2 back into the equation; earthquakes releasing methane from underground pockets
and causing tsunamis as correctly predicted
for the Ventura coast in California by two
geological studies; droughts; and increased
ocean temperatures that change weather
patterns and, from previously cold waters,
release GW-accelerating methane.
Chemtrails or
The only large-scale, special-interest,
carbon-driven “countermeasure” that was
initiated is Chemtrails, also known as Geoengineering or Solar Radiation Management
(SRM). Geoengineering is the high-altitude
(30,000 to 40,000 feet) spraying of toxic metals including aluminum, barium, strontium,
and others in the form of reprocessed coal
ash “to lay a shield against some Sun energy
from reaching Earth.” Obviously, with pseudo-scientific excuses designed to maintain
carbon profits, it proved to be GW-worsening and is now referred to by real scientists as “pseudo-scientific Voodoo” and the
“climate change blunder of the Century,” as
well as a variety of expletives because it does
nothing about the real cause of GW. Excess
CO2 production poisons the environment
"The only thing
necessary for the
triumph of evil
is that good men
do nothing."
– John F. Kennedy,
Edmund Burke,
R. Murray Hyslop,
Charles F. Aked,
& John Stuart Mill
beyond imagination and wastes billions.
The lack of concern for Earth’s future and
our health, and the outright stupidity of geoengineering was further demonstrated with
respect to our trees, the first line of defense
against CO2, which are being poisoned by
aluminum. Aluminum poisoning is implicated in both Alzheimer’s and Autism. The
toxins in the sprays cause extreme inflammation, the starting point for literally every
disease, and allergies in the population at
large but especially in airline crews and passengers.
In airliners flying at the above-quoted altitudes, and with no precautions to prevent
them from flying through sprayed space, the
airliner’s cabin air is nothing but compressed
outside air.5 The ingredients in the sprays are
endocrine disrupters, mimicking estrogens,
and dousing us with estrogen-mimicking,
immune-suppressing, poisons. This is most
likely a contributing reason why we suddenly have 1.6 male transgenders “coming
out of the closet,” all wanting sex changes
to become women as Time reported as their
cover story in March 2015.6
The Global Downhill Spiral
With this global downhill spiral continuing, and with real action further delayed
by the oil industry’s continued planting
of bogus anti-GW arguments and even by
high-ranking politicians who are in the pockets of carbon-industry connected sources,
some have evoked God by claiming that they
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
talk to God and that “this is God’s will.” Monsanto also indirectly confirms this nonsense
with – guess what? – more aluminum-resistant crops! How much phonier and insulting
to science can special interests get? Among
numerous other negative effects, geoengineering is fueling Superheated Pacific Dead
Zones, which then change global weather
patterns and more. 7
Clowning Around With
This irresponsible clowning around with
Earth’s chance to survive has now elevated
GW to the “Earth Catastrophe” level. As
demonstrated with a report by the Arctic
Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) that
shocked even the usually science-facts-lacking GW deniers, the Arctic ice that was
previously believed to last until 2050 was
instead melting and disappearing at an unprecedented rate. Two key reports, a U.S.
study showing a 350-cubic-miles ice loss
per year and a German study showing a
500-cubic-kilometers Arctic ice loss per year
both pinpointed the date when all Arctic ice
would be gone and with more severe consequences to follow. Literally each one of the
many scientific studies proves excess CO2 as
the cause. When will we acknowledge that
carbon fuels are outdated, dinosaur, polluting Earth-destructing sources of energy that
we have to get away from?
Could Have, Should Have
What could have and should have the nations around the World been doing to reduce
CO2 production? The number-one action
should have been to broadcast a message
of extreme urgency to the people, to explain
the situation, and to get everybody involved,
similar to the mobilization of the U.S. when
it entered WWII. A strong plan of conservation was created by the Rocky Mountain
Institute (RMI)9 that would reduce energy
needs and with this action reduce CO2 production by 30%.
Next should have been a much stronger
push towards changes to solar and electrical cars, other CO2-free energy sources,
and more. But, as even elaborated on by
the Pope, carbon-industry greed, deceiving the public as in the Drexel University
publication referred to above, scientific
ignorance, and plain stupidity slowed all
required actions down to a snail’s pace. Let
me demonstrate this with the automotive
blunder of the century: Nearly twenty years
ago, GM produced the EV-1, an electric car
that was praised as “the automotive miracle of
the Century,” boasting an 80-mile range on
one charge, with a range extender (a combination of a small lawn-mower type motor,
connected to a generator) that gave it a range
of up to 140 miles, and still with a 100-mileper-gallon fuel efficiency. Pushed by the oil
industry, GM recalled the cars and crushed
them; the oil industry just would not accept a
car that did not guzzle gasoline. For the facts
on this action, watch “Who killed the Electric Car?”10 If you want to read more about
CO2-free energy projects galore,11 reference
my end notes.
Arctic Ice Losses: The
Turning Point
Why were the Arctic ice losses the turning
point in the fight against GW? The pristine
Arctic ice used to reflect about 85% to 90%
of incoming solar energy back into space.
With the ice gone, this energy, equivalent to
400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per day, is
now warming thawing permafrost areas and
cold oceans where megatons of previously
safely frozen methane (a gas; considered the
excrement of the Earth) are buried. Now escaping into the atmosphere as confirmed by
NASA satellite measurements, methane gas
totals 50 million tons in the first year alone.12
Taking into account a “heat absorbing”
Tyndall Effect up to one hundred three
times as potent as CO2 in causing further
GW, methane is a problem. It is produced
by cattle-farming and often released by
earthquakes from underground and ocean
depositories. Scientists have calculated that
a mere one percent of now-frozen methane
released into the atmosphere would cause
a no-return Earth catastrophe. For an excellent overview of the methane problem reference, see Dr. Jennifer Hines’ work online
How real is this threat? Very Real! In
Earth’s history there were five extinction
periods. The Fifth, the Permian, was very
much like todays’ threat caused by methane:
volcanic eruptions and fires warmed permafrost areas causing the release of excess
methane and life on Earth vanished.
It’s Wake-Up Time
Are the nations of this Earth finally waking up and taking effective countermeasures? Only very slowly. Special interests are
still playing politics, too ignorant and money-hungry to acknowledge scientific facts.
Not one single contender in the GOP debate
on August 6, 2015, commented on GW. The
carbon industry obviously gives a hoot.
Come hell, earth-destruction, or high water
(literally) they will do anything to maintain
their carbon profits. Greedy politicians take
the money and, blatantly denying science,
yodel along with special-interest-planted
bogus claims. Since all of the pseudoscientific actions are kept covert, “you have no
right to know” but are paid for with your tax
dollars, the message to the people is obvious:
“We The People” has been replaced by “We
The Special Interests.”
Having to finally recognize that CO2 is
the problem, the carbon interests are planning to trick us, similar to what occurred
with the 1964 tobacco-industry blunders,
with a soon-to-come extensive publication –
almost a book, with pretty pictures – more
unscientific and bogus than you could ever
conceive of, mixed in with some real science
and pushing CO2 sequestration (collecting
CO2, and pumping it 3/4s of a mile underground), true high-risk Voodoo exposed
with numerous science references.13
CO2-Free Energy
Do we have enough CO2-free energy
alternatives to replace carbon fuels? The
answer is a resounding “yes.” With solar
power now more cost-effective than carbon
fuels this opens the doors for real electric
cars like Tesla and saving more money by
installing solar panels; charging an electric
car via your own solar panels can cost as
little as $ 2.68 per 100 miles. Even getting
off the grid, using a variety of possible energy alternatives like Tesla batteries, and/or
combining it with MIT- and Harvard-proven
hydrogen technology.14
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
1. “EXPLORE Graphic: The relentless rise of
carbon dioxide,” NASA Global Climate Change
Vital Signs of the Planet, at http://climate.nasa.
2. Alex McKechnie, “Not Just The Koch Brothers: New Drexel Study Reveals Funders Behind
The Climate Change Denial Effort,” December 20, 2013, at
Dr. Lorraine K. Hurley
November 2, 1958 – October 2, 2015
By Katherine A. Carroll, Associate Editor, NTP
10. Chris Paine, “Who Killed the Electric Car?,”
11. Dr. Hans Kugler, “A PREDICTION: Expect
more - soon - pseudo-scientific bogus/VooDoo
– CO2 SEQUESTRATION – from the Carbon
industries. PART II,” ExpertClick, July 16, 2015,
12. Harold Hensel, “Support Methanetracker.
org,” June 1, 2014; http://arctic-news.blogspot.
13. Dr. Hans Kugler, “A PREDICTION: Expect
more - soon - pseudo-scientific bogus/VooDoo
– CO2 SEQUESTRATION – from the Carbon
industries. PART I,” ExpertClick, July 9, 2015, at
14. Dr. Hans Kugler, “A Prediction,” ExpertClick,
July 16, 2015, at
* This article reflects the personal views of
Chairman Dr. Hans J. Kugler
riding her bike. She was the wife of Jay Hur-
other children. Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Dr.
5. Dr. Hans Kugler, “Unusual, symptoms in
airline passengers – inflammation, allergies,
flu-like – connected to the toxins in Chemtrail/
SRM spraying,” March 28, 2015; http://www.
7. Dane Wigington, “Geoengineering
Watch Global Alert News,” Geoengineering
Watch, October 31, 2015, at http://www.; http://www.
setts was killed October 2, 2015, while she was
ley and devoted mother to Gabrielle and stepmother to
4. Ibid.
6. Dr. Hans Kugler, “Why is there a GREATLY
offset ratio of Transgenders; many more men
wanting to be females, much more MTFs
(man to female) than FTM?,” August 12, 2015,
r. Lorraine K. Hurley of Brewster, Massachu-
Hurley graduated from Boston University School of
Medicine and was a dedicated holistic doctor as well
as hostess of an internet radio program called “Un-
common Awareness” on the Genesis Communication
Network. A friend and great supporter of the National
Health Federation, she had President Scott Tips as a guest many times on her show.
Lorraine was a tireless and passionate educator and writer focusing on progressive
and leading-edge health and human potential opportunities. An excellent writer,
she was a contributor to Health Freedom News as well.
Because of these many intersections of Lorraine’s life with ours at NHF, we be-
came friends. Having the privilege of a conversation with Lorraine was an event.
Her agile mind nimbly raced from one book to another, citing authors as well as
a synopsis of the contents or the points she was reinforcing as she scaled through
quantum physics, spiritual enlightenment, and winding back up at her current passion with water, food, and always herbs, which I have since come to love as well.
I trusted Lorraine with my health and she became my doctor. I trusted her with
conversations that evolved mutually into “girl talk” as we are close to the same
age. We commiserated with one another about the work overloads and demands
of the health and health-freedom life; our mutual path of service. In one long conversation, we decided to hold a retreat for “burned out health-freedom workers” at
Adytum Sanctuary, my home and guest house in the Pacific Northwest. In future
conversations and by email, this desire was discussed as a goal in the near future.
Perhaps we shall carry on with this desire that Lorraine and I had and it will be
dedicated to the joyous one who was always so loving and completely transparent
with me and others too I am sure. She ended all her communications with “Big
Love!” and that’s exactly what Lorraine lived, right from the heart.
Lorraine loved traveling and was inherently curious, which fueled her path of
perpetual growth and expansion. She had several seminars and retreats planned
in Costa Rica and other locations in addition to Adytum Sanctuary. Generously
giving her wisdom and training, which was sculpted to reflect natural healing,
Give The
Greatest Health
Freedom Gift
of All.
Help Preserve and
Protect a Health
Freedom Heritage for
The Next Generation.
One of the most powerful ways to
preserve and protect a Health Freedom
Heritage for the next generation is by
remembering the NHF in your will.
Over the last five decades, periodic
bequests from our dedicated members
have served as a valuable financial boost
to enable us to better fight for your health
freedom. Many of the major victories we
have achieved through the decades would
not have been possible without someone
caring enough to remember the NHF in
their will.
Please, act today to preserve and
HERITAGE for the next generation by
taking the time to remember the NHF in
your will.
Your passionate advocate for Health
she often gave her time gratis to the healing of many, expecting nothing in return.
Spiritual healing, healthy eating, and restoring others to health was her focus.
She practiced what she taught and it showed most in the brightness of spirit she
brought to all her endeavors.
A more passionate educator and healer would be hard to find. Dr. Lorraine
Hurley’s entire heart was invested in everything she focused on. The health-freedom community and a multitude of friends and her family will surely miss her
great spirit.
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
By Dan Kenner, Ph.D., LAc
Neither Health Freedom News nor I are suggesting
that any such medical care or treatment
be conducted without competent
medical advice and supervision.
For decades we have been warned of
the dangers of fat and cholesterol as a
cause of cardiovascular disease. But the
real enemy of heart and arterial health
is not fat but sugar. In fact, sugar is very
likely the worst enemy of cardiovascular
health. A comprehensive 15-year long
study, including the data of 31,000 Americans, found that people who consumed
25 percent or more of their daily calories
as sugar were more than twice as likely to
die from heart disease as those who got
less than 10 percent of their calories from
sugar. A study published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association (JAMA)
concluded that “most US adults consume
more added sugar than is recommended
for a healthy diet,” and that there’s “a significant relationship between added sugar
consumption and increased risk for cardiovascular disease mortality.”
Dhurandhar N, Thomas D, “The Link Between
Dietary Sugar Intake and Cardiovascular Disease
Mortality; An Unresolved Question,” Journal
of the American Medical Association, 2015;
313(9):959-960. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.18267;
Yang Q, Zhang Z, Gregg EW, et al., “Added
sugar intake and cardiovascular diseases mortality
among US adults,” JAMA Internal Medicine,
2014 Apr;174(4):516-24. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.13563.
And Spice
We were taught in school that Columbus set out on a mission to find a
new trade route to the spices of the East
when he arrived in the New World. As
a primary-school student, you may have
wondered why that was such a big deal.
But spices like black pepper, cinnamon,
cloves, and nutmeg were such hot commodities 500 years ago that nations mobilized substantial resources to sail across
vast oceans to find new routes to the spicerich Orient and avoid paying Middle Eastern and North African middlemen who
had become extremely wealthy by closely
controlling access to them. Spices were
important for flavoring food but also for
such tasks as making perfume, embalming the dead, medications, and preserving
meat. The essential oils in black pepper
and cayenne literally turn death into life
by preserving raw meat to make sausages,
which were rich in probiotics like Lactobacillus plantarum and became richer as they
“cured.” Now research from the East has
confirmed the value of spices for health
and longevity.
A study at China Kadoorie Biobank
followed 487,375 subjects, aged 30-79,
from 10 geographically diverse areas
across China who were enrolled between
2004 and 2008. The study found that participants who consumed spicy foods 6 or
7 days a week showed a 14% reduction in
relative risk for total mortality, including
deaths due to cancer, respiratory diseases,
and ischemic heart diseases, compared to
those who ate spicy foods less than once
per week. The beneficial effect of spicy
foods was stronger in non-drinkers of
Lv J, Qi L, Yu C, Yang L, et al., “China Kadoorie
Biobank Collaborative Group, Consumption of
spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality:
population based cohort study,” British Medical
Journal, 2015 Aug 4;351:h3942. doi: 10.1136/bmj.
h3942.tives; DOI:10.1289/ehp.1104912.
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
And Everything Nice
Ginger is a well-known flavor in the
form of ginger snaps or ginger ale and
even ginger beer. The preventive effect
of ginger on the nausea, dizziness, and
vomiting of motion sickness and for postoperative vomiting and vomiting of pregnancy is well documented in numerous
high-quality clinical studies. It is used in
traditional Chinese medicine in dozens
of classical formulas for gastrointestinal
Black pepper stimulates the secretion
of pancreatic digestive enzymes and promotes peristalsis. Blends of spices that
include turmeric, red chili, black pepper,
and cumin have been shown to enhance
the activity of pancreatic lipase, amylase,
and chymotrypsin in rats by 40%, 16%,
and 77%, respectively. This combination
also stimulated increased production of
bile, with a higher concentration of bile
acid. Ginger, piperine (from black pepper), capsaicin (from chili peppers), and
curcumin (from turmeric) enhanced secretion of bile and pancreatic enzymes
in rats fed a high-fat diet. They also prevented the accumulation of triglycerides
in the liver. The combination also pointed
toward a possible weight-loss effect by reducing the activity of enzymes, which are
targets for the treatment and prevention
of obesity and diabetes. It also increases
the activity of an enzyme that releases
fatty acids from fat cells to be used as fuel.
Langner E, Greifenberg S, Gruenwald J, “Ginger:
history and use,” Advances in Therapy, 1998 JanFeb;15(1): 25-44; Srinivasan K, “Black pepper and
its pungent principle-piperine: a review of diverse
physiological effects,” Critical Reviews in Food
Science and Nutrition, 2007;47(8):735-48; Platel
K, Rao A, Saraswathi G, Srinivasan K, “Digestive
stimulant action of three Indian spice mixes in experimental rats,” Nahrung, 2002 Dec;46(6):394-8.
Healthcare Costs
According to a new study, certain nutritional supplements may reduce healthcare
costs by preventing hospitalization for coronary heart disease (CHD). In a cost-benefit analysis of adults over 55, researchers
found a reduction of costly catastrophic
medical events from CHD occurring with
individuals who take either omega-3 fatty
acids or B vitamins daily. The amount of
money spent on the treatment of CHD, as
opposed to prevention, is a huge burden
on individuals and on society. Hospitalization for all U.S. adults over the age of
55 with CHD cost over $64 billion in 2012.
The potential of nutritional supplements
with demonstrated benefits to cardiovascular health have a great potential to help
decrease total healthcare expenditures.
A cost-savings model was presented
in the report, “Smart Prevention – Health
Care Cost Savings Resulting from the Targeted Use of Dietary Supplements.” Researchers conducted a systematic review
of scientific research on the relationship
between risk of a CHD event and daily use
of Omega-3 supplements and B vitamins.
The research team applied a cost-benefit
analysis on projected rates of CHD-related medical events in adults over the
age of 55 with CHD across the U.S. They
found that if every high-risk person took
a fish-oil supplement daily, an average of
$2.1 billion in healthcare expenditures per
year could be avoided; and if they took B
vitamins daily, an average of an additional
$1.5 billion in expenditures per year would
be saved.
Widespread official endorsement of the
use of nutritional supplements to help reduce healthcare costs would be a desirable
outcome of research like this. This would
result in a much less expensive approach
to treatment of CHD patients not only for
patients but for employers, HMOs, and
healthcare policymakers.
Shanahan C, de Lorimier R, “Science to FinanceA tool for Deriving Economic Implications from
the Results of Dietary Supplement Clinical Studies,” Journal of Dietary Supplements, 08/2014;
OI: 10.3109/19390211.2014.952866
A Discouraging Word
Industrial toxins accumulate in our bodies and can contribute to a variety of health
problems. These cumulative effects of chemicals on the human body prompted a
taskforce of over 170 scientists from leading research centers in 28 countries to study
the connection between these chemicals and the development of cancer. They investigated 85 chemicals not classified as carcinogens and discovered that 50 of them
encouraged cancer-promoting mechanisms at levels normally encountered in day-today exposure. According to cancer biologist Dr. Hemad Yasaei, “This research backs
up the idea that chemicals not considered harmful by themselves are combining and
accumulating in our bodies
to trigger cancer and might
lie behind the global cancer
epidemic we are witnessing.”
In the research study, they estimated that chemicals could be
responsible for as many 20% of
all cancers.
Goodson W, Lowe L, et al., “Assessing
the carcinogenic potential of low-dose
exposures to chemical mixtures in the
environment: the challenge ahead,”
Carcinogenesis, 2015; 36 (Suppl 1):
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
Hormone Derange
A study published in The Journal of
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in
March 2015 estimated that exposure to
endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
will likely cost the European Union $209
billion a year in health care expenses and
lost earning potential. Since a prior report
by the Endocrine Society in 2009, which
examined the scientific evidence on EDCs
and the health risks associated with them,
recent research has demonstrated that
exposure to EDCs is also associated with
an increased risk of diabetes and obesity.
Exposure to EDCs is also linked to infertility, hormone-related cancers, neurological
issues, and other chronic diseases. EDCs
alter the way cells proliferate and develop
by imitating, blocking, or otherwise interfering with the body’s normal hormones.
The report linked EDCs to hormone-related cancers, prostate disorders, thyroid
disease, and nervous system problems.
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals include
BPA (bisphenol A) (found in food can linings and cash register receipts), phthalates
from plastics (PVC products, vinyl shower
curtains) and cosmetics (perfumes, nail
polish, lotions), flame retardants, solvents,
lubricants (PCBs, PBBs, and PBDEs), pesticides (sprayed on fruits and vegetables), and
some insecticides containing heavy metals
like cadmium, lead, arsenic, and mercury.
Damage to human health from EDCs has
been confirmed in hundreds of studies.
Today, these chemicals are ubiquitous
and accumulating throughout the World.
Over 80,000 chemicals are introduced into
the environment each year. We are exposed to all types of industrial chemicals
in our food, our water, and in the air.
Gore A, Chappell V, Fenton S, Flaws J, et al.,
“Executive Summary to EDC-2: The Endocrine Society’s Second Scientific Statement on
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals,” Endocrine
Reviews, 2015; er.2015-1093
Here is the Problem
By Sylvia Gray, NHF-UK
GcMAF Saves Lives,
Maybe Even Your Own,
But Only If You Save
GcMAF First!
magine that you had the means to defeat most cancers, as well as many other
diseases, and at a cost far below that
normally charged patients. Now imagine
again that this ability had been researched
for almost 25 years and had not been publicized widely in the mainstream media.
Now imagine yet further that not only was
this incredible discovery not publicized but
it was even actively suppressed by your
very own government, all while many hundreds of thousands of people were being
subjected to barbaric “treatments” in cancer
therapy’s “standard of care” showing little
efficacy, great harm, and needless early
GcMAF: Our Hero
GcMAF is a human protein that all
healthy people make, with 21 excellent
effects in the body. Needless to say it has
no side effects, and is one of the safest
treatments available.
One hundred-eighty
scientists from eight nations have written research papers on GcMAF, so it is a
well-understood molecule, which exists inside each of us in billionths of a gram. Some
of those research papers, all peer reviewed
and published in the World’s most prestigious scientific journals, report the extraordinary successes it has had with cancer,
autism, and other diseases. It seems to work
where other treatments fail.
Natural Immune System devouring a cancer cell
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
According to one report, Britain has the
worst medical laws in Europe. The 1939
Cancer Act makes it illegal to discuss the
possibility of cancer being cured, which is
why 160,000 people die unnecessarily each
and every year in the United Kingdom.
The UK Regulator – the Medicines and
Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
(MHRA) – is a public institution, supposedly charged and entrusted to protect our
health while informing us of and even
promoting life-saving treatments such as
It is essential for the public that we can
trust a regulatory agency whose ethos is the
protection of the public. However, we must
wonder if they take the Hippocratic Oath
“First Do No Harm” seriously in prescribing a dangerous “standard of care” instead
of harmless GcMAF?
After conducting an investigation, the
National Health Federation UK (NHF-UK)
has found that the integrity of certain actions of the MHRA is highly suspect. For
one, the head of the MHRA and the Director
are both ex-employees of Glaxo Smith Kline
(GSK), the World’s second largest Pharmaceutical Company. It also appears that the
MHRA ruthlessly suppresses inexpensive,
effective treatments wherever possible.
One example of this is David Noakes’
Immuno Biotech Ltd. in Guernsey. The
MHRA illegally raided and closed the Company including its bank account earlier this
year. Five days after its raid, the MHRA
fraudulently stated that Immuno Biotech’s
GcMAF may be “contaminated.” Since it
takes 25 days to do a sterility test, they could
not possibly have known either way. In fact,
they deliberately ignored Immuno Biotech’s
certificates of testing on every batch, with 9
tests in each, including sterility results, as
well as the results of a large, independent
laboratory that had tested every batch for
confirmation. Immuno Biotech’s sterility results were always excellent. The University
of Florence had remarked that they were
amazed that, in over 100 GcMAF experiments they had performed, Immuno Biotech’s GcMAF was always sterile, always
free of contamination, and always active.
Yet, to this very day, MHRA has frozen this
Company’s accounts for selling a product
that not only does no harm to its users but
actually helps them!
Another paper says that the MHRA systematically tampered with 6000 reports of
adverse reactions to the vaccine Cervirex
HPV (a vaccine for cervical cancer) in order
to declare the vaccine safe for human use.
The Daily Telegraph, in its September 26,
2015 edition, effectively proved what a disaster the MHRA is for the UK. The MHRA
promoted a painkilling drug for arthritis,
which, after taking it, 25,000 people suffered
heart attacks, and 7,000 people died before
the drug was eventually withdrawn by
Merck Sharpe and Dohme last September.
A Sunday Express investigation found
that nearly a third of the so-called “experts” who sit on the Medical Control
Agency (MCA ) are linked to GSK, Aventis
Pasteur, or Merck Sharpe and Dohme.
The long-standing investigative program, Panorama, has also conducted a
searching examination of the failure of
drug-safety regulation in the UK, with particular focus on the officially unacknowledged harms and dangers of Seroxat and
other common SSRIs. Panorama showed
that the UK Medical Regulation is neither safe nor effective. These concerns and
others about the MHRA can be found at:
The National Health Federation has
launched a campaign to save GcMAF from
the mercenary hands of the MHRA. We
have initiated a petition to disband the
MHRA and replace it with a health agency
truly interested in the public’s health. This
Petition will be sent to all members of Parliament and all appropriate leaders, and
will effectively expose corrupt practices.
NHF will continue to investigate and reveal the depth of the MHRA’s corruption
with the aim and goal of securing our right
to use powerful and proven therapies such
as GcMAF.
We all want a better world for ourselves, our children, and their children.
Authentic healthcare is precious and benefits all, but it is also something that Britons
have lacked for far too many years. Your
support is vital.
The NHF, an organization with integrity
and honesty, is dedicated to making the
World a better and safer place. Help us to
secure health freedom and consumer choice
in this vital area by standing for our right to
use GcMAF.
Please sign our petition at:
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
By Katherine A. Carroll, NTP
Associate Editor
Charles Isaac Crecelius
March 10, 1921 – August 31, 2015
he first time I saw him was October
of 2011. A slight, yet commanding figure perched on the balcony scanning
the street below; piercing blue eyes with
hawk-like intensity searching …. Looking up
from under the weight of the intense gaze, it
was instantly apparent; this was the Charles
Isaac Crecelius; the oldest living past National Health Federation President; the man
who had succeeded founder Fred Hart in
1965. Charles was 90-years old when we first
had the privilege of being on his schedule.
And he still kept a busy schedule as President of the Rough and Ready Chamber of
Commerce and a member of the Economic
Resource Council. He led by example. This
was the first of many lessons I would learn
over the next four years from a veteran and
a true pioneer in a budding health-freedom
movement: Once an activist, always an activist. Once one’s foot was set upon a path of
service, it would remain for life.
Never was there a more gallant, sincere,
noble man driven to elevate and free humanity than Charles Crecelius. Charles was
the touchstone, the fiber of which NHF was
woven through trials by fire, a living history,
an expert strategist, a trench-veteran. In his
presence, the light of his passion ignited his
eyes and the strong timbre of his voice inspired in me, a new NHF volunteer, much
confidence and fed my passion for health
By a chance encounter through NHF
President Scott Tips’ impeccable research
and persuasive writing, I entered the ranks
of health-freedom fighters. In an excellently
written and compelling article on Ractopamine, a veterinary steroid in meat, my inner
activist was unleashed. People were poisoned by meat labeled “all natural.” As it
turned out, Scott Tips had personally waged
war against this atrocity at Codex since 2009.
Despite my graduation as a Nutritional
Therapy Practitioner in 2010, I had neither
heard of Ractopamine nor Codex; this overt
omission another atrocity from my perspective. In cumulative doses ingesting this
doped meat potentially preceded symptoms
mimicking panic and heart attack. Since veterinary drug residues do not show up on
toxicology screens, healthcare practitioners
treating affected patients would never know
what they were treating. Ironically, racehorses incur disqualification if Ractopamine
is detected in their bloodstream but humans
could cumulate a powerful steroid-like drug
despite a warning label that this vet drug
was not for human consumption.
I was furious but grateful that NHF
provided a platform to launch my own
concerted effort to expose this outrageous violation of our health and health freedom. A
sense of indebtedness and a deep respect for
Scott’s front-line work in global policy-setting along with a fascination with the history
of NHF’s now international health-freedom
impact resulted. Little did I know that NHF
had been consistently fighting behind the
scenes for healthcare practitioners and business owners like me – nationally since 1955
before I was even born and internationally
since 2009. Herein lies NHF’s uniqueness as
no other health-freedom organization can
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
even come close to making this claim that
we consider fact and mission.
In a series of personal visits, phone calls,
letters, and historical bulletins, Charles
shared NHF’s genesis when Fred Hart was
the President until 1965. Betty Lee Morales
was an early founder of the Federation and
in early 1960, Chiropractor Hugh Tuckie
was the second founder. When Fred retired,
Charles became President of NHF, serving
20 years in varying capacities. The seedbed of NHF channels the early founders of
America such as Jefferson who said to Dr.
Benjamin Rush in 1800, “I have sworn upon
the altar of God eternal hostility against
every form of tyranny over the mind of
man.” Fred Hart, when asked why he
started NHF in 1955, held that he, “became
deeply concerned with the loss of individual freedom in a country which guarantees
it … loss of the right to choose the method
of treatment for illness or disease, without
government interference.”
President Tips, in the same vein today,
leads NHF based upon libertarian principles
of freedom of choice in a true free-market
economy. These tenets are not guaranteed
now in the “land of the free” as globalization, World Trade facilitation, managed (not
free) trade, and harmonization crush our
freedoms and threaten personal and national sovereignty. We are thrust backwards
hundreds of years fighting for the freedom
to control our own lives once again. The
sovereignty of our nations are threatened
by overarching trade agreements like TTP
and CETA. Corporations such as Monsanto
and Big Pharma invade the sacred territory
of our bodies with poisons and chemicals to
destroy the sanctity of the human terrain.
As I recently returned from a “Staff-Ride
graduation tour” of the Yorktown and Petersburg battlefield sites in Virginia after
receiving three years of leadership training with emphasis on military leaders and
famous battles, it is clear that the war today
NHF fights is for the last frontier, the terrain of
the human being; the soil not of a land in this war
but of our gut and the impact the degradation of
that soil has on our mind and body; the fight for
the sovereign right to govern our own self.
Strategic leadership to carry out the policies of NHF with cogent tactics and operations with global impact will defend health
and health freedom. We are in a siege with
attacks on all fronts. Never in NHF’s history
or even the history of mankind has the attempt to destroy our health been so stealthily advanced yet so overt. Who has studied
the effects of vaccine and drug overload coupled
with GMO-ridden “food” replete with additives,
chemicals, contaminants and their un-researched
interactions coalesced with nutrient depleted
soils, increasing electromagnetic exposure, wearable tech, geoengineering, and trade agreements
that strip away our sovereignty? The battle has
changed, even during President Tips’ eight
years of leadership.
Lessons of the past are enduring and so
I asked Charles, “What triggered your passion for NHF?” We had been enjoying lunch
on a crisp, Fall afternoon in Grass Valley.
Charles pushed his now empty plate back
– he always exhibited an excellent appetite
– and leaning in with his elbows on the table
said he’d accompanied Fred and his wife
Dorothy Hart to a meeting where they were
showing Laetrile films. The suppression of
valid cancer therapies by the Food and Drug
Administration as well as the fluoridation of
water was the shot heard around the World
for soon-to-be President Charles Crecelius.
Charles’ father Isaac had been an evangelist in Mifflin, Wisconsin when Charles was
born March 10, 1921. Later, his mother Irma
noted Charles came home from elementary
school with straight A’s and was his high
school’s valedictorian. Committed to education, he attended Platteville State; received
a bachelor’s degree from the University of
Wisconsin Teachers College, and a Master’s
Degree from the University of Southern
The International Ministerial Federation,
Inc. ordained Charles in 1943 but he went
into public-school education and Amway.
Now a dedicated, passionate health-evangelist crusading for health freedom after
service as an Army Air Corps sharp shooter
during World War II, Charles had been
based in Chabua, India from 1941-1945, receiving five medals. After this tour, Charles
was an elementary-school teacher and later,
Principal. He always occupied leadership
roles. In the early years, Charles went to
Australia a total of nine times, “I was going
like a whirlwind. I noticed that during these
trips to Australia the government tried to
take supplements away in Australia and
America too.”
Charles was entrenched on the front lines
in a new health-freedom, weaponless warfare for the better part of 35 years. In James J.
Schneider’s riveting book, T.E. Lawrence and
the Arab Revolt, the traits of great leaders are
defined as “extraordinary energy, personal
courage, profound curiosity, keen powers
of observation, and an aptitude for novelty and innovation.” It was clear that both
Charles Crecelius and Scott Tips were cut
from the same mold as described Lawrence
of Arabia and I imagined Fred Hart was too.
In his 90s, Charles was still a powerful visionary, analytical, forceful, and exhibiting
the strength and savvy necessary to lead.
His insight and wise counsel freely shared
with NHF proved it.
In the 1990s, Charles and his wife
Jeanette moved to Penn Valley, California.
He lost her in the 53rd year of their marriage. Charles then lost himself in NHF,
humbly stating, “NHF is a unique organization, having maintained its purpose and
intensity over the years since its founding.
This would not be possible without the full
support and cooperation of our members.
Because of our members’ and supporters’
efforts through the years, we can look with
pride on our accomplishments.”
Meeting Charles was the pinnacle of
my initiation into NHF culture; unforgettable. And also interacting with powerful
thought-leaders and NHF history-makers
like Scott Tips who joined NHF in 1986 as a
member, serving on the Board of Governors
nearly continuously since 1989, and becoming President in 2007 after Maureen Salaman
Kennedy’s death. The professionalism and
longevity of the majority of the loyal NHF
Board of Governors and Advisory Board
still strikes me, reflecting strong pride, belief, and enduring commitment to holding
our freedom in relevant and practical ways.
In these mentoring hours with Charles,
a rare privilege, my own commitment to
NHF grew and knowledge of the history
I would come to record as NHF historian
among other duties. My loving respect for
this gentle, powerful man of steel and integrity Charles Crecelius grew as well. The last
Scott Tips and
Charles Crecelius
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
time I saw him early in 2015, I quietly wept
knowing instinctively I would never see
him again on Earth. He died August 31st.
Health freedom is increasingly intricate
and litigious. With trade agreements like
TTP and CETA, activists are in danger of
being labeled terrorists and jailed or worse.
Today, we have what may be a lifetime
campaign ahead of us with each of these
assaults a war in its own right; far more
complex and with higher personal casualties such as vaccine-damaged people than
in Charles’ day when he focused on fluoride
or laetrile singularly.
Whether for the right to choose, the right
to clean food and water, the right to use
nutritional supplements with therapeutic
values; NHF fights largely alone on the
global stage of political power with no other
health-freedom organization by its side at
Codex. Four years and many Codex meetings later, I am still stunned at the profound
impact that NHF’s food activism has had on
the seven billion individuals who benefit by
these efforts. I am honored to participate dynamically as an NHF activist championing
health and health freedom alongside other
truly committed activists. The investments
that Charles Crecelius made over the years
bore much fruit. He effectively passed his
mantle to President Tips and to other key
NHF leaders and so his legacy continues.
Charles spoke several times of the inevitable persecution, familiar in the Christian
faith he cherished, which accompanied
those working in health freedom. King
Henry VIII of England burned 300 at the
stake each year for dissenting. Infiltration
and “plants” work by these same principles
through a process Charles called “trial by
publicity,” working to destroy the lives and
reputations of honest, sincere, and dedicated health-freedom champions.
Many NHF pioneers and contemporaries endure the same “trial by publicity”
persecution and prosecution. NHF Board
of Governors member Dr. Richard Kunin
stresses the absolute need for NHF to protect practitioners. Attacked five times by the
medical authorities as a healer, he has both
defended and counter-attacked hard and
won each time. President Tips, having succeeded in breaching global territory by his
skilled introduction of NHF to the Codex
“It was our early
founder’s belief that those
who followed would
dedicate themselves to
the cause of health
freedom as effectively
as they had. They passed
on to us a sacred trust,
with no promise that the
road would be easier.
And for many it hasn’t
been! Stand they did, and
stand we must!”
–Charles I. Crecelius.
process even before his tenure as President,
has citizens of countries like South Africa
petitioning for NHF’s help as they encounter challenges to continued herb and supplement use. NHF fills a unique and vital
role in the World; more so with each passing day and the exponentially increasing
threats to transnational health freedoms.
Charles told us he always opened the
Board of Governors meetings with prayer
as Fred Hart had done. A deeply religious man, the inner light never dimmed
throughout his life. He spoke from his heart
sharing that he never stressed; that was evident in his little-lined face. Many years ago
he found himself in a property dispute requiring arbitration. That was the fulcrum.
Thereafter, he gave up worrying. That decision very likely accounts for his successful
longevity coupled with a largely vegetarian
diet and nutritional supplementation.
Charles never had health insurance. Enjoying good health until nearly the end, he
complained only of a few minor “aches and
pains.” The last visit just months before he
died, compelled by a mental picture of my
father enjoying the last ice cream cone of his
life in the shadow of Mt. Rainier, it seemed
fitting to get a malt for dear Charles. For a
man who had practiced extreme self-care
much of his life, this slightly naughty departure was more than rewarded with the
zeal with which he attacked that malt, and
it was indeed his last.
Curious about the locations of the NHF
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
offices, I asked Charles about them. He
shared, “I moved to the San Francisco office
two years after I became President. I stayed
there two years before suggesting that NHF
use my personal offices in Monrovia. We
remodeled that building and it was ready
to serve as the new headquarters. Back
then, in the 1970s, NHF had about 25,000
members.” NHF was hosting successful
conventions in Pasadena and Chicago
during that time. Large facilities were secured to hold all of the members interested
in health freedom.
Clinton Miller was NHF’s second lobbyist at that time and Charles described him
as a ‘tenacious bulldog.’ When he latched
on to an issue, the lobbyist never released
his death grip. “If Clinton got a ‘no,’ he’d
be back again the next day; the man simply
wouldn’t give up or take no for an answer
but I guess it paid off when Clinton won
the fluoridation issue at that time,” Charles
I asked Charles if he had any words of
advice for President Tips and without a
moment’s hesitation he declared, “Scott
is in control and is doing well.” Today the
distinguished and loyal members of the
NHF Board of Governors and NHF staff
and volunteers carry on honoring Charles’
life of service and the pioneers before him.
Hardworking, true activists, and eminent
thought-leaders making history, President
Tips and Board of Governors members such
as Dr. Richard Kunin who founded the Orthomolecular Society with Linus Pauling, Dr.
Murray Susser, Dr. Hans Kugler – all personally knew and worked alongside former
NHF President Maureen Salaman Kennedy.
Dr. Dan Kenner and then later GreenMedInfo founder Sayer Ji joined this renowned
group to carry on the NHF legacy. Their illustrious names will ring throughout history
as championing health and health freedom,
laying down their lives on the path of service along with our faithful volunteers, staff,
members, and supporters.
In 2011, I wrote that Charles Crecelius
will be in the game as long as he has breath.
And he was. If you’d have asked him, over
his 20-year term with NHF, if it was hard,
he surely would have said, “Don’t ask me if
it’s hard. Ask me if it’s worth it in three to
five years.” And so it was and so it is.
25th Anniversary
Message from
the President of
the National
Health Federation
Health pioneers have been persecuted throughout the centuries. King Henry VIII of England
burned 300 at the stake each year for dissenting. When the National Health Federation was
founded 25 years ago punishment, although not as
barbaric, was commonplace – imposed by a health
monopoly intent on destroying its competition.
Government health agencies, infiltrated
and controlled by these same interests through a
process called “trial by publicity,” worked to destroy the lives and reputations of honest, sincere,
dedicated Americans. Little wonder, then, that
many of our NHF pioneers were persecuted and
prosecuted. Perhaps these testing times helped to
develop in them the determination as well as the
patience and perseverance, so essential in guiding
NHF through its formative years.
In any event, we are proud of their achievements and deeply grateful to each of them for
their contributions. It was their belief that those of
us who followed would dedicate ourselves to the
cause of health freedom as effectively as they had.
They passed on to us a sacred trust, with no promise that the road would be easier. And for many it
hasn’t been! Stand they did, and stand we must!
NHF is a unique organization, having maintained its purpose and intensity over the years
since its founding. This would not have been
possible without the full support and cooperation
of our members. Because of our members’ and
supporters’ efforts through the years, we can look
with pride on our accomplishments. In the final
analysis, it is the action of many individuals in an
organization that bring the victories we seek. We
pledge our continued pursuit and exposure of the
villains who would deny us our health rights.
If you hear of certain health-freedom fights
where victory seems impossible, don’t be surprised
if you learn we have engaged the enemy. Truth is
powerful. Its opposite is vulnerable. If God be for
us, who can be against us? Sometimes it is darkest
just before the dawn. From a little acorn, a mighty
oak is born. NHF founders planted the seed.
We will nourish it until it fills the whole Earth.
Health Freedom News / Summer 2015
President, National Health Federation
Book Review
Join The National Health Federation
Why Isn’t My Brain Working?
by Datis Kharrazian, M.D.
( ISBN 9780-98566904-3-4; 2013; paperback, 587 pages; $24.95)
would usually save any criticism for the
end of my review but I must address the
title first, as it is put before the reader and
is, in my opinion, inappropriate on two levels. This book is about so much more than
the brain; it delves into the functional neurology, endocrinology, neurotransmitters,
autoimmunity, nutrition, and physiology of
the entire being. I also object to the title for
another reason – who would want to be seen
reading from a book with this title? Honestly, I am all for a little self-disclosure, but
this title is a billboard, and an inaccurate one
at that! Lastly, I am not fond of the illustrations in this book. They are childish drawings and nowhere on par with the text. That
being said, please read on ….
I love this book! It is at the top of my list
of must-reads for anyone interested in functional endocrinology and for anyone who
appreciates organized, easy-to-understand
language written in a fashion that builds
upon a comprehensive foundation. I have
to admit I bought the book because I know
the author and his work (otherwise, I would
probably have passed on it because, as stated
above, the title did not pull me in).
Several years ago, I attended a three-day,
post-graduate seminar by Dr. Kharrazian on
the thyroid gland (Dr. Kharrazian’s credentials and research are all listed at the beginning of this new book and are impressive).
I had studied the thyroid while preparing to
become a nurse practitioner and I thought I
was fairly well versed on the topic. What I
found out was the NP schooling I received
was the bare bones of information needed to
accurately diagnosis and treat thyroid dysfunction. Not only that, but many of the standard thyroid study tests used by mainstream
physicians are misinterpreted and usually
I would like to point out several features
of this book that I personally appreciate. Dr.
Kharrazian provides case studies in each
chapter that pertain to the topic that were
written either by him or by another practitioner who used his treatment protocol. I
also appreciate the summary at the end of each
chapter that makes this
book a great reference.
And, finally, although Dr.
Kharrazian is a paid consultant for Apex Energetics, he does not promote
any products. The supplements he does recommend are usually named
generically or by their actual constituents (i.e., the
name of an amino acid,
not the name of a product
containing such).
To summarize the content of this book in one sentence, I would
say Dr. Kharrazian links autoimmunity,
immunology, endocrinology, nutrition, neurochemistry, and metabolism with brain
function. But, he also stresses the importance
of the connection among the brain, the gut,
and the adrenals, and how these functional
relationships depend upon each other for optimal delivery. In Chapter Two, Dr. Kharrazian reminds us that the brain has plasticity
and it has the capacity to be remolded.
Plasticity refers to the brain’s ability to
form new connections/communication and
is dependent upon stimulation to activate
branching and the appropriate chemical
environment, or brain health. The author
uses the example of the Nun study and how
healthy plasticity could prevent Alzheimer’s
disease. “Plasticity can be positive or negative. Examples of negative plasticity include
post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain
disorders, phantom pain, or anything else in
which neuronal communicating pathways
have become more efficient at creating negative responses.”
The remainder of Chapter Two delves
into negative and positive brain plasticity. I
took the following excerpt from the text to
illustrate Dr. Kharrazian’s writing style. I
also chose this excerpt to provide the reader
with a typical example (one of many) found
Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
within the text:
“An all-too-common example of negative plasticity
can occur with children
who play video games constantly and never exercise.
For instance, a 10-year-old
boy who has been playing
video games since the age
of five for hours every day
after school. [sic] These
games are violent and require looking at things
quickly and blowing them
up. This type of activity develops negative plasticity
of the brain’s survival-oriented limbic system. The limbic system is
directly involved in stimulating the flight-orfight response when you feel something may
be attacking you, which can be triggered by
a quick movement in your visual field or an
abrupt noise.”
Basically, playing video games that cause
you to respond quickly to attacks increases
the negative plastic development of your
limbic system. In the meantime, this child
has not been running around outside, reading, playing with friends, or doing other activities that would develop his frontal lobe,
the area of the brain in the forehead that
governs reasoning and controls the limbic
brain. The limbic brain is very reactive and
primitive, while the frontal lobe makes sure
you react appropriately by reasoning and assessing situations.
I do want to stress that I never thought of
this read as “dry.” It is filled with fascinating
accounts. When I was reading the case histories, I invariably thought to myself, “I know
a person just like that, or hey, that’s me!”
One final thought: Do not be dissuaded by
the seemingly complex subject matter. The
text and concepts are easy to follow, even by
the lay person. The book is over 500 pages
long, yet I read it in a couple of days because
I didn’t want to put it down. In fact, I am in
the process of reading it a second time.
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Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is a non-profit, international consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to
protect individuals’ rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements, and use alternative therapies without government restrictions.
With consumer members all over the World, and a Board of Governors and
Advisory Board containing representatives from seven different countries,
the Federation is unique as being the only consumer health-freedom organization in the World to enjoy official observer status (able to speak out for
health freedom) at meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the
highest international body on food standards.
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Health Freedom News / Fall 2015
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