We are to be with you - Gimnazjum im. Grzegorza Chodkiewicza w


We are to be with you - Gimnazjum im. Grzegorza Chodkiewicza w
Gimnazjum im. Grzegorza Chodkiewicza w Zabłudowie
We are
to be with you
November / December
Letters Writting Marathon
What at our school
At the Theatre
Scout camping
School of the dialogue
Elections for student council
School of the dialogue
Urban game
In a library and art gallery
Photographic exhibition
Pupils’ writing
Fachion, health and beauty
Competition of logical games
Important subjects:
School of the dialogue
Photographic exhibition
Letters Writting Marathon
Fot. Emilia Ostaszewska
We are November/December 2014
Marathon of writing letters
There is winter fast approaching to us,
that means lots of long, frosty evenings
spent dunder the rug, with a cup of warm
tea, with a good book… beautiful truth?
According to his we Gould like to recommend You books, which, we hope, make
sou enjoy these frosty evenings coming.
December is also Christmas time. On that
ocasion I wholeheartedly wish You a lot
of love, peace all dreams fullfilling and to
be his special time spent in warm, family
Like every year we were taking part in Letters
Kasia Woronicz, redaktor naczelna
Writing Marathon organized by Amnesty International. In this year we are writing in our school on 8-13.12.2014. During Marathon we are
call for authorities and solidarity lists accordning to people , which rights are violated.
The more letters we send the more chance for
victims’ real help exist. In this action, there participate the habitants of our town as well.
Within 9-11.12.2014 we were writing mock
exams with Operon. There were different opinions about that, some students say that it was
easy, others that hard. We need to wait for results. It was a test of our abilities before lower
secondary school exams, which take place in
April 2015.
We still have some time for overcoming any deficiencies.
We are November/December 2014
What new at our school
Evacuation exercises
New aids and the sports equipment
thanks to the support PZU
On 7th of November, making use of the sunny
weather, we have verified the knowledge
about the rules of conduct in situations involving threats. Long sound of the bell announced
the evacuation exercises. Almost all of the students were able to behave appropriate to danger
(luckily, non existing) we faced.
As a result of funds obtained from PZU Życie
S.A. preventive funding, our school was able to
purchase new educational materials. Education
about safety lessons would be carried out involving child puppet and training defibrillator.
We hope, that this will bring effectiveness in
first aid learning and our pupils will provide
help without any difficulty if necessary what
Preventive workshops
could safe someone’s life. Additionally, there
will be purchased sports balls in order to pro13.11.2014 13.11.2014 pupils of the first grade mote active style of life and sport among teenagclass participated in preventive workshops led ers. Without funds transferred by PZU that retby Ms Agata Niemczynowicz, a psychotherapist rofitting would not be possible. Thank you.
from ETAP in Białystok. Classes concerned
threats which can result in improper use of high ,, Let us restore the smile for children "
technology. A speech with similar subject was
also directed to parents arrived that day to the Our school is sharing in the share of the wastepaper collection under the name,, let us restore
school meeting.
the smile for children ". A help to staying children in family children's homes is an aim of the
A Foundation is an organiser of the action Pleasant World of the Child from Warsaw.
We are encouraging everyone for the participation in the action and bringing the newspaper
waste paper i.e. unnecessary newspapers, of
magazines, notebooks worn out, books.
We are November/December 2014
At the theatre
Revenge’ at the theatre is not the same as film or
oneself reading of literary work. It is much more
easier to understand the piece of literature by
watching the performance. That is why, the students of the first grade went on 27.11.2014y. to
Białystok, in order to enjoying Fredro’s sense of
humor. They did not realize that a surprise was
waiting for them. Two of the students could not
only be the spectators but they were actors in the
performance as well. Wiktoria and Ernest became convinced how it is to act on a scene in
front of the hall full of people. Who knows,
maybe they have just set the first step towards
the glory, because they both get thunderous applause.
Incidentally, there may be mentioned, that the
trip to Białystok included short visit in Braniccy
Palace and trekking in the park as well.
‘Teenager yesterday and tomorrow’ programme,
which funded entrance tickets on performance,
help to care not only about spirit values but also
about healthy entertainment for the body. Hope
this will continue!
Małgorzata Kossakowska
Fot. Elżbieta Kalinowska
We are November/December 2014
Scout camping
School of the dialogue
'The School of Dialogue" Project
Approximately since mid September our school
took part in project called ‘The school of Dialogue’. This is the project on the history and life
of Jews who lived on Zabłudów area before the
war. The project shows us students as well as
other residents of Zabłudów that we are attentive to the history of Jews because in the past
they accounted about 70% of Zabłudów society,
we were living with them normally and functioning within the same town. They should be
remembered because they were our neighbors
and colleagues from the neighborhood. There
were also a lot of places related to their culture
On 28th of November 2014y. girl scouts from
and there is almost no sign about it in Zabłudów
Lower Secondary School in Zabłudów set off on today.
Andrew’s scout camp. After managing accom- Within this project our lower secondary school
modation, there started the first amusements.
organised urban game – ‘Riddles of multicultural Zabłudów- testifing Jewish culture’. ParYoung ‘Zuchy’, who joined in this September
ticipants of the game were students of 6th grade
40 GBDW coordinated by school in Dojlidy
primary school. Thanks to it, our younger colGórne, were enojoying themselves as well.
leagues may find out how Zabłudów looked like
There were also enough time for learning dance
in the past as well as broaden the knowledge
elements. When the dusk fell, we started
about the Jews. When the game was over, we
Adrew’s fortune telling, young ‘zuchy’ and
met altogether in our school. We had an opporolder ‘druhny’ found out the names of their fu- tunity to watch multimedia presentation and
ture husbands, and the door entrance exceeded Jewish dance. We had also a pleasure to taste
Zuzia’s shoe. After the supper, we were eating dishes of Jewish cuisine. All were delighted
with cookies kichlach, kugel with rice and pasta,
sweet croissants and cookies. There were also
halva, fish cakes gefitle fish. We hope as well
bedtime stories. The next day- on Saturday, after that our work will not be forgotten, and the
the breakfast, we handed our duties and went
game will be repeated from time to time in comhome. According to me, the camp was success- ing years.
ful and we are waiting for next ones.
Zuzanna Radziszewska
Magdalena Pokrowska
We are November/December 2014
Student self-government acting
‘Friend Helping’
Changes In students self-goernment
Every Wednesday student who has difficulties with
There are some changes in the school learning may take advantage of helping offered by
government, a lider is Kasia Woro- colleagues good at this particular subject.
nicz form III grade class A.
Atest student government actions:
Participation in nationwide action ,,Pence
Andrew’s fortune telling
’Friend Helping’ Action
Nicola’s Day
,,Pence collecting”
The organiser of the action is OurHouse Assosiation in Warsaw. The aim of his action is collecting funds for Orphanages, family child home, foster familie and other care and education
In our naszej school that took place at the end
of November.
Nicolas Day
It is celebrating on 6th of December, prising
Saint Bishop Nicolas from Mira. On this day
students shared presents and sweets.
Andrew’s fortune telling
Andrew’s fortune helling is popular around
whole Europe for years. St. Andrew is the patron of love and getting married, that is why Andrew’s Day is a great opportunity for all young
people to know one’s love future, and a great
fun as well. In our school Andrew’s fortune helling took place in a school corridor.
We are November/December 2014
Music passions
My adventure
with the piano
started at the
age of 7. Passion to piano
playing introduces to me my
dad chich is a
great music
lover. In his
June czerwcu I
finished six Lear lasting course of the piano playing In music
school in Białymstok. I mosty prefere palying
film music, one of my favourite artist is Howard
‘The Blond of Olimpus’ is a great final of
series ‘Olimpic Heroes’ Ricka Riordana.
There will be plenty of fascinating battles, fighting
to the death, friendship, supernatural beings, and
many great adventures. Time is very important
thing, it depends on the life of teenage heroes.
Reading this book made me great pleasure, is delightful, very difficult to predict how it will end. The
moments in the struggle and adventure encountering young heroes are breathtaking. There are many
dialogues soaked sense of humor. Graphic design
books attracted our attention. On the cover, which
made John Rocco are two heroes: the son of Mars,
Hazel and Frank daughter of Aphrodite. Most liked
my character is, of course, Percy Jackson, who is the
son of Poseidon (Roman equivalent of Neptune). He
is brave, survived many dangerous adventures such
Radosław Bojko as travel to the depths of Tartarus.
This is the form of a positive sense of humor, which
should not be missed with her even in the worst
situations. However, I liked the least charakter, it is
Annabeth, Percy girl. She changed us our
Glonomóżdżka sweet which was in the previous
sections. Would give her life, she jumped into Tartarus, but it is included in the previous section, "The
House of Hades".
My passion started with guitar lessons, which
took place in Dobrzyniówka. I learnt there a lot,
and thanks to it I am able to continue learning
by oneself , the Internet and books were helpful.
Learning takes me 20 to 30 minutes a day, because now I can remember everything easier.
Martyna Dziemiańczyk
Many fans complain about Rick Riordan V, Part volume of "Heroes Games". They believe that the ending is unfinished, written at the last minute so. "on
his knee." But I do not agree with that. I believe that
most awaited by fans of V part is one of the best in
the series "The Heroes of Olympus", if not the best.
In conclusion, "The blood of Olympus" is a great
read, well worth the time spent. It reads very quickly, and full of action and humor novel memorable
for very long.
Urszula Korolczuk
We are November/December 2014
Urban game
Rafał Ciupek described the multimedia presentation about the Jewish culture
Delicacies of the Jewish kitchen
Headmaster Eugenia Grzyb
Display of the Jewish dance
We are November/December 2014
With tracks of the Jewish culture
School newsletter editors Here we are: Katarzyna Woronicz (editor in chief) , Gabriela Przymierska, , Paulina Tymoszuk, Urszula Dołżyńska, Maciej Lulewicz, Zuzanna Radziszewska, Edyta
Krupska, Magda Sieśkiewicz, Dominika Mojsak, Aleksandra Małyszko, Magdalena Pokrowska,
Kamila Korolczuk, Urszula Korolczuk, counselors -Małgorzata Kozłowska, Barbara Korolczuk.
We are November/December 2014
In a library and art gallery
30.10.2014y. we were in the Jerzy Giedrojcia
University Library and the Art Gallery of Modern Art ARSENAŁ in Białystok.
We had an opportunity to sightseeing the sixstorey building, where there are placed reading
room, lending, workshop of collection digitalaisation , spaces for disabled. The main attraction was Office of the President Ryszarda
Kaczorowskiego the last President RP in Exile.
In Arsenał Gallery we were sightseeing exhibition ,,Pozbawienie”, that were organised within
framework of ,,Wschód kultury” festival. There
took part 27 artists from z 11 countries. The biggest problem,which „Pozbawienie” addresses, it
is migration and its aspects political, social, economical,and psychological.
Cultural Section
Office of the President
Ryszarda Kaczorowskiego the last President
We are November/December 2014
Wonderful Zabłudów - exhibition of outdoor II
Photographes of exhibition ’Wonderful Zabłudów-exhibition of outdoor II’ was made on May
2011 during open-air event, In which participated apart from students of Art Cathedra of
Politechnika Białostocka, two students of third
grade class, nowadays gratuated from our Gimnazjum-Julia Kulikowska and Justyna Przymierska and leader of the exhibition Jarosław Sieradzki as well. His is the secondo part of exhibition of outdoor consisted of 25 colourful photographes, showing ”wonderful face” of our
town. Picture show town landscape, Urban pictures and chapel In memory of zabłudow wonder. We invite You to see it.
Ms Headmaster of Gimnazjum, Eugenia
Grzyb opening the exhibition
Jarosław Sieradzki, leader of exhibition
Wall 22
Scool Choir and its coordinator
Iza Brant- Szehidewicz
Mr Adam Tomanek– Mayor elect,
among invited gests
Youth of III grade class c
We are November/December 2014
Pupils write
Apparently, they sensed that I come from Hell. Well,
that's tough. When I regained consciousness, I heard them
talking about the fact that they will train me and as soon
The man, as it turned out during our route to Asmodina
was named Marlon and came from Elphegort, the capital as I find the shot, they will sell me to some pervert for a
of dwarves’ race. Ironically, the dwarves are always con- larger amount of money. And the worst of all, I did not
sidered, for low and fat. In this world, which is also how I care what happens to me. I did not understand the seriouslearned, was called Superbia, the dwarves were extremely ness of the situation at all. My pride was then too high.
However, my soul was linked with Cat, making this woktall and slim, but their forelocks were always rude and
ing the sleeping Marlon.
faces sprinkled with freckles. Everything made sense.
The Bounty Hunter Part II ‘Shot and temporary redeployment’
And I introduced myself as Mammon, but I asked him to
call me Nanik *, because that name gave me Father himself. Mammon originated from sin, which came me to
represent- Jealousy. However, Marlon politely declined,
explaining that it was impolite to call me that way. There
I took over this too much, quite the contrary. I found out
the enthusiasm in that I have a hook for him. There, a
gentleman appeared. The dwarf explained to me exactly
what order to help him and what I get for it. Marlon received a tip from an informant, that on the black market
there appeared valuable artefakt- Cup of Eternal Life,
called among drunks as a shot. The boy said that he pays
to acquire this artifact, but it is highly dangerous, because ... comes from Heaven. And here I show up! As a
demon, I could feel the stinking duperele kilometer angels, so no problems should find an artifact when I fall on
his trail. So, I help Marlon with the robot, and he explained to me anything what I do not know about this
world. Thanks to this, maybe I could get back to the Father and to find out why I was cursed by him? So, now we
were in a small village Asmodina, in the inn "Under the
cedar". Marlon rented us a small little room, and because
of that I do not need to sleep, he went to the room with
the intention of relaxing and left me only one tiny piece of
advice: "Do not overreach and do not do anything stupid."
Since I was damned upset (treats me like a child, pff), I
decided to get drunk a little. Of course, I knew what alcohol is and immediately chose some stronger liquors, so
that in less than three hours, I have already stood on the
table and laughed heartily, making a few older men to
look under my skirt without any problem.
I even did not realise that at the inn apart from me and
Marlon there were also a few others, horny on shot of
vodka. So, when it was a few hours after midnight and I
was properly Spit, I planted a tiny pill, by which I lost
They took me to their hiding place, far behind the village
and handcuffed in chains of pure silver, and the eyes and
mouth tied with a bandage. Unfortunately, demons react
to silver. As soon as they have contact with it, they lose
all powers and forces, are duped and docile.
-Nanika Was kidnapped.- he said, but the dwarf did not
care too much and turned to the other side.
-It's A demon, he mumbled sleepily himself- handle.
-Oh No. She was handcuffed pure silver. She did not
come out of this mess alone, Marlon.-said cat patiently,
raising his sightless eyes heavenward. Oh, I would forget
to mention. The cat is blind. He sees only through the
earth shake. She senses his paws every obstacle.
So coming back, Marlon, resigned, went along with him
leading Cat and after a few hours they reached the bandits
hideout. I did not see what happened, but the cat told me
later that there redhead arranged terrible slaughter. Apparently, he did it with an axe, which he wore on his back. It
was huge and heavy. I know this because when one night
I tried to pick it up. My small, human corpus strongly
protested then.
The only thing is I heard the terrified screams of the enormity and the sound of breaking bones. It lasted only a
moment. Then someone's hand touched my face and rags
wrapped loosened ties. Marlon stood in front pf me, safe
and sound in a completely bloody robes. New forces began to pour me.
-Th-Thh ... I began, but the words could not pass me by
the throat. The boy smiled, almost imperceptibly, and by
one quick move of axe shattered chains. On the joints of
my hands there were visible black, burned parts of the
body. Marlon noticed that it looks awful and made me a
dressing, which seemed ridiculous to me, because it still
does not meant that I was somehow specially weakened.
It hurt, but it was a dull ache, just not mine. A few days
after this incident, Marlon said that his informant sent him
a tip on the current position of the shot. And so we went
together to Avaritii, south of Asmodina.
* Nanika- from the Japanese "It's something." Marlon
considers this to be rude because Superbii Japanese language is considered as antique and is known only to people who are more educated.
We are November/December 2014
Urszula Dołżyńska
Fashion, health and beauty
Don’t you know if you are fashionable
dressed? Or maybe just do not know how to
dress, to be stylish… and warm of course?
All of us noticed (and even felt), that winter
has already started. Probably you are thinking
about what to dress in order to be fashionable
and feel warm. However, we often have to
choose between looking stylish… or just preferring comfort. You do not have to choose anymore J I prepared something special for You to
feel comfortable J
The most fashionable colour of winter jacket or
coat is surely beige. A black belt on the hips to
it will be useful as well.
Magada Sieśkiewicz
Competion of logical-thinking
games– creative thinking!
Pastel jumper that is wearing to half of the calf
is without doubts a hit of this winter. There are a
lot of models of jumpers in different colours,
such as: jersey and cardigan with or without
To fashion, there is coming back long boots below the knee, made of suede or velour. Fashionable as well are Innuit boots, which dominated
in previous years.
There are still fashionable trousers with holes
and rubbing. You can wear it with… everything! With simple Tshirt and sweatshirt as
Winter do not have to be associated with cold
colours, let’s wear colourful elements, for example watches, necklaces or earinngs!!!
We are November/December 2014
Paulina Tymoszuk
Urszula Dołżyńska
Daria Łapińska
Daria Łapińska
We are November/December 2014
13th November In our library took place IX editio of International Information Technology
Competition BÓBR
Shool stage of voivodship school subjects
contest is behind us.
We are happy to inform that Jarek Dakowicz,
III grade student from class b went further to
district stage in chemistry. Congratulations!!!
‘Children Rights Seen
through Child
Eyes’– Contess of Family
Judges Assosiation Pro
We inform, that
our pupils took part in competition ‘Children
Rights Seen through Child Eyes’ carried out under social event of Family Judges AssosiationPro Familia, under honour auspices of RP President’s Wife Ms Anny Komorowskiej.
Moreover, children knew Children Rights
Convention and created art works concerning
one or more chosen rights.
Teachers had to review for students their rights,
and thanks to children’s involvement in creating
art works could consolidate utrwaliła awarness
of right in child awareness.
13.11.2014y. There were a school Voivodship Reading Contess. Do sou know Kazimierz Szymeczki works?
Contess comission choose 12 winners, 4 In
each age group. Winners of the contest together
with their teacher will visit Belweder, President Palace (there is planned a meeting with
RP President’s Wife Ms Anna Komorowska)
and Centrum Nauki Kopernik, and during the
event they will get rewards i certificates.
There were sent works from our school of our
Urszuli Korolczuk class III A
Beaty Andrzejewskiej class II A
Julii Samsonowicz class II B
Małgorzaty Hermanowskiej class I C
We are waiting for final results.
Keep fingers crossed!
Iza Brant-Szehidewicz
The first place gained Paulina Tymoszuk,
class III c
We are November/December 2014
Calendar– November/December
1st November– The Day of Dead
6th November– Nicola’s Day
5th November– Fairytale ceatures Day
11th November– Independence Day
25th November–
Teddy Bear Day 15th December- Day of candel burning for
17th December- Day without cursing
20th December– Fish Day
21st December -Astronomical Winter Begin
30th November- Andrew’s Day
25th December– Christmas
31th December– New Year Eve
Aleksandra Małyszko
We are November/December 2014