15- OctNovDec12b - Cross Style Global Ministries


15- OctNovDec12b - Cross Style Global Ministries
Issue 15
October – December 2012
Cross Style
Looking Back
Looking Ahead
Up co ming Even ts
Cross Style January Conference
January 11-13, 2013
living in the Word of God
Scriptural Football 21
with Stephen Manley
Bible St udies
proclaiming the Message
Words of Life
by Jeremiah Bolich
A Unique Community Kingdom
by Stephen Manley
Follow His Service
by Delphine Manley
Musings in the Word
by Diane Aikens
Ministry Updates
International Update
Evangelist Schedules
Come and Dine
hospitality with love
Where CHRIST ! All!
This month’s magazine features reflec4ons on the Cross Style Conference. I (Quincy) would like to offer my reflec4on as the editorial for the month. Although I was only able to come to the conference for three days, I was impressed with the following ques4on: “Why does the Spirit of God not fall in power and convic4on on our country and our churches?”
One of the obvious answers, I suppose, is that we do not truly want the Spirit to come. Though we preach about His power, and we acknowledge that His source is the Only Real Life that exists, we do not truly want to experience His presence fully because it would change too much. I no4ce that the immediate results of the Spirit coming on the apostles of Acts were primarily seen in persecu4on and complete upheaval of every aspect of their lives. And, yet, the believers pressed on, because having tasted the Spirit, they were unwilling to con4nue in the flesh (Gal. 3:3). The in4macy they had been given was too precious for them to consider anything else as worthwhile in comparison. But, the ques4on I found myself asking aUer the Cross Style Conference was this: do I truly desire the Holy Spirit of Jesus to fill the temple of my life so that there is no room for anything else (II. Chron. 7:1-­‐2)?
Of course, as those who have embraced the life of the Cross, we can only pray that our answer is yes, we have been filled with the desire for the Spirit that comes from the Presence of Jesus within us, giving us His determina4on to be filled with only the Father’s Will and Person. So, the next ques4on becomes, “Why has God not given us the Spirit in a life-­‐wrecking, world-­‐changing fire-­‐
fall on the church?” One possible answer may be, “He has, and we do not recognize it.” Another might be, “He is wai4ng.” And, finally, we might conclude that since it is clearly God’s constant desire to send His Spirit in ever-­‐
increasing measure, He cannot enter a heart, a world, a church, a people that are so full of worldly concerns that His entrance would barely register.
I beg you to join me in the call I heard at the Cross Style conference to live out of the call of the Spirit in our lives. He calls us away from even the lifestyle that gives ripe occasion for sin. He calls us away from the desire to feel like we are compe4ng for or achieving anything. He calls us to be broken, cut to the core, and leU desiring nothing other than Himself. I believe the Father wants to revive the world through the Spirit of His Son. Can you make that my desire, Jesus? You are, as you always are, my Only Hope.
Quincy Wheeler
Cross Style Connection| October - December 2012 | Page 3
A Look Back at
Training Camp
June 2012
This is our 17th or 18th Training Camp and they just keep ge8ng be:er. Seeing all those young people listening and responding to the Word is amazing to behold.
Personally I was impacted again with this whole idea of saturaEng in the Scriptures. The fact that I don’t have to produce truth but let it be revealed to me is really helpful. I am giving more Eme to the observaEon part of the saturaEng. I have heard this tons of Emes but I needed to hear it again.
Everyone’s sermon impacted myself and my sisters. I remember much of what was shared from all the speakers. The one that talked about the access we have to the Father is really wonderful. When we arrived back home my brother-­‐in-­‐law asked me if I felt it was worth the effort, Eme and money. I could honestly give him a resounding yes, yes,yes.
It is always great to see everyone and we love all the laughs we have as the speakers make comments about each other. We think that is really fun. It is just too bad more people don’t take the effort to a:end.
– Diane
Being that I'm 1700+ miles from TN, the internet streaming has been a God sent
(please keep that going). I was able to attend most morning sessions and
thoroughly enjoyed them. The sessions keep pointing to Jesus, may we never
forget its ALL about Him.
We have been in church most of our lives and your services has been so refreshing
not only during Training Camp, but also each Sunday. To break open the word and
to go in depth seem at times a foreign language in most churches these days. God
help us all, if we lose our focus on Jesus and make church just a gathering place.
Thanks for the commitment you all seem to have to spread the Word and to point
to Jesus.
– Linda
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January 2012 opens with my thoughts turning to June and Cross Style Conference. My husband, Joe, and I know we have been blessed to attend the conference for
many, many years. Since our circumstances have changed with Joe not able to travel.
The question should I go, should I stay home was my prayer before the Lord. The
question that hounded me was why do you want to go? The many reasons that were
brought to my mind were good reasons and if you've attended a Cross Style
Conference you know them. My Lord and Savior was not letting me off the hook as to
why it was important for me to go. The word TRUTH keep reoccurring to my
thoughts. When I give you Truth, Sue and you respond to that Truth you will know
Me more and then I will give you deeper Truth. The more I give and you respond, I
will give more and you will see me clearer and bigger than before. I crave knowing
Ginosko Him more. It's true even after many years of knowing Him I've only touched
the tip of the Ice berg. God forbid I ever stop seeking and responding to Him. The
Holy Spirit of God moves in each of our services where young and old alike seek to
know Him more. Thank You Jesus.
– Sue
Training Camp this year was one of the best ever! Best in the sense that all
the preaching brought us into a deeper level of intimacy with Jesus more
than ever before.
“Consuming Fire, would You fan into flames, a passion for Your name……
Spirit of God, would You fall on this place and have Your way in us”….was
for me the theme of the week for me. That song wrapped up all the
messages and the was the tone of the week. What a blessing to be a part
such powerful preaching and wonderful fellowship with other believers!
– Ellen
Looking Ahead
January Conference: January 11-13, 2013
Training Camp: June 10-16, 2013
Find out more at: www.CrossStyle.org/conferences
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Words of Life
By Jeremiah Bolich
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt
me." ...well, at least that's what they say.
There is power in human speech and it intrigues me. Not so much
the act of transferring thoughts from mind to mind or the philosophy
of communication, but the power of that communication. It is quite
something to experience, or even witness, the power of human
Last week I was playing disc golf in Nashville when I witnessed an
argument between two men. Apparently one of the men had found
a disc the belonged to the friend of the other man, but was refusing
to surrender it. What escalated the issue was not the seemingly
complicated task of proving who owned the disc, but rather the
choice of words that were used by both men in their communication.
Words like "thief," "liar," and "$@%^" were used by both men, and
the longer the bickering went, the issue became less about the disc
and more about the words spoken. Luckily, the confrontation did
not come to blows, at least not physical ones, but the words
exchanged left an impact on everyone in hearing distance. Truth be
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told, the words that were spoken left none
Jesus' words actually are Life. As recorded
present unmoved or unchanged.
by His disciple, Jesus said,
Words matter and the Bible has a lot to say
"The words I have spoken to you are Spirit
about them. The Bible teaches that the
and they are Life." John 6:63b
tongue, the instrument that forms words, can
do great evil and good. Capable of blessing
In Jesus, a revelation of words might be seen.
and cursing, it can form words that praise the
In fact, the presence of Jesus' words define
God of Heaven, and with the next breath,
all others ever spoken.
form words that curse the very same. With
words, Truth can be confessed, and with
The Spirit
words, lies can be constructed. Words can
On the heals of another great miracle, Jesus
both build up and tear down. And most
speaks to the crowd. They have followed Him
importantly, words remain, always, and will
again, this time to a Synagogue in
somehow condemn or commend on the Last
Capernaum. Those present have listened
intently to Jesus' words, interrupted
occasionally by the questions or concerns of
Of all those who have ever uttered words,
others, and are now pondering what to do
those formed by Jesus are most precious.
with them.
This is not because of his eloquence of
speech or talent as an orator, but because His
We are not given much detail as to specifics,
words were different than any before him.
but only a general consensus of the crowds
response to Jesus' words; they are hard to
hear. (John 6:60) It is plain this deeply
concerns Jesus, for His words, once again,
define them. Jesus' words reveals sin living
in them. (John 6:61) With an effort that never
ends, Jesus calls them to heed His words.
Jesus says His words are "Spirit" and they
are "Life." The term used for his "words" is
the greek word rehma and means phrases or statements. Therefore Jesus is speaking
of all that He has been speaking to them. The statements He has made, the words He
chose to express His thoughts were Spirit.
The Spirit Jesus is speaking of is the Holy Spirit, as He has just explained earlier in the
verse, and is responsible for the statements He has made. This is to say, that the ideas,
thoughts, and promptings which having instigated the forming of Jesus' statements have
been the Spirit. Jesus has not been speaking on His own, utilizing His own intellect or
experience. In Jesus, the Holy Spirit is present, active, and participating in His choice of
words and phrases.
This is why John calls Jesus The Eternal Logos, the Word of God that became flesh.
Jesus is the expression of God completely, God's very reasoning. To listen to Jesus is
to quite literally listen to God. This is why Jesus will say in a few chapters,
"As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do no judge him. For
I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. There is a judge for the one who
rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn
him at the last day. For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me
commanded me what to say and how to say it. I know that his command leads to
eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say." (John
To the group of disciples who have followed Him to Capernaum, Jesus speaks words
and phrases conceived, formulated, and ushered forth by the Holy Spirit.
What startles me most about Jesus' speaking is not only that it is formulated in
participation with the Spirit, but that His words are also Life. Listen as you read: Jesus'
words are life. His words do not produce life, they are life.
"The Spirit gives (makes, produces) Life...The words (phrases, statements) I have
spoken to you are Spirit and they are life." (John 6:63)
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This is the quintessential description, the perfect illustration, to communicate
all that Jesus has taught and lived before this group for the past three years.
The Spirit at work in Jesus, sourcing and enlivening His being, even
spreads influence in His mind and psyche. And the result of that
involvement is the production of Life.
Words of Life
There are many aspects of this statement that demand attention, but for the
scope of this article, we want to focus only on one, and it has two parts: (1)
Jesus’ words are Life, and (2) Jesus' words were demonstrative of the
words of every Spirit-sourced person.
First, Jesus’ words are life. Not life in the psychological or physiological
sense, but in the sense of Holiness, Love and Spirit. To experience Life,
namely the Life experienced by Jesus, is to experience God Himself.
Therefore to speak with Jesus was to be bombarded by the pure,
unadulterated, Life of God.
A conversation with Jesus was an event so defining, that it pushed you to
decide: To embrace or hate, to accept or refuse. Jesus' words do not return
void, for they are Life. And by virtue of The Spirit, Jesus' words present
God Himself through the prototype of those whom He created to be His
Image. That Life that proceeded out of the mouth of Jesus would therefore
be received or rejected.
Which leads us to the second part, Jesus' identity as our example. John
reveals Jesus as a son of man. At most points, Jesus is The
Son of Man, and rightfully so. For He is The
prototype in which humanity is elevated
(ascends) to their rightful place in God's plan. Jesus is what The Father intended mankind to
look like.
This has startling conclusions for any who claim to be Christian. If Jesus is our prototype,
every Christian must acknowledge what Jesus called the crowd in John 6 to acknowledge; as
His words are Spirit, our words are to be also. In the same way that Jesus was the event
where God flowed in speech, we also are to be that same event where God flows into our
I have seriously pondered what this might mean in my day to day living. As I walk hand in
hand with Jesus, being saturated in His presence through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, my
words are Life. I do not think on my own. The ideas and thoughts that surface, those that do
not conflict with the Scriptures, are validated as having been composed with God.
What would this mean for my family? What would this mean for those in my work
environment? What would change around me if I completely yielded every aspect of my day
to the participation of the Holy Spirit in the formulation of my words? What would happen if I
took every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, not letting my tongue form any word
that had not yet been inspected by the Holy Spirit? What spiritual aroma would be in my
home, not having been polluted by fleshly speech, but fragranced by the breath of God.
I would like you not to simply agree or applaud the truth of the passage discussed in this
article, but to ponder the possibilities of its truth for your own life. Who would you like to wash
in Life? How would like the spiritual atmosphere of your home to smell? What kind of
television shows or music are you listening to and what are they breathing in your home?
Seek with me the possibilities of a speech saturated with the Life of God.
Yours in Cross sTyle,
Jeremiah Bolich
watch Cross Style classes online
A Unique Community Kingdom
Stephen Manley
In other kingdoms, the king rules from without; Jesus rules from within!
Other kings are satisfied as we supply them; Jesus wants to supply us!
Earthly kings enlist us to defend them; Jesus wants to be our defense!
Other kings demand we serve them; Jesus wants to serve through us!
Many kings hoard supplies in case of a shortage; Jesus is our unlimited supply!
Reigning kings have advisors for they lack wisdom; Jesus is Wisdom!
Reigning kings tremble at the strength of other kings; Jesus has no rivals!
Other kingdoms develop stars; Jesus is our only Star!
Other kingdoms experience internal conflict; Jesus brings “one accord!”
Earthly kings attempt to hide their private lives; Jesus desires to reveal Himself!
Earthly kings demand payment for service; Jesus ministers “grace!”
Reigning kings withhold information; Jesus desires to reveal all Truth!
Reigning kings are not accessible; Jesus is my brother!
Other kings depend upon the skills of others; Jesus is the only Source!
Other kings grow old and die; Jesus conquered death!
Earthly kings are temporary; Jesus is eternal!
Earthly kings experience selfish pleasures; we are Jesus’ pleasure!
Other kingdoms have laws; Jesus is our only Law!
Other kingdoms have boundaries; Jesus is our boundary!
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New Training Centers
Each Month!
After several months of not opening any new Training Centers, this
past June at Cross Style Training Camp, a commission was sent
forth to pledge toward opening a new Training Center every month.
With donations coming in each month, we have been able to open
THREE new centers these last couple months:
Malawi (2)
Uganda (2)
Be checking CrossStyle.org/international in the next few weeks
for a listing of all our Training Centers around the world (27
countries) with updates, information, and prayer requests.
Thank you for partnering internationally with Cross Style Global
Cross Style Connection| October - December 2012 | Page 14
I Have You
In My
by Delphine Manley
Follow His Service :: Philippians 2:1-11
Paul continues to exhort the Philippians concerning their present situation. He is speaking to them in
regard to their conduct as a church. We are not aware of any major crisis in the Philippian Church, but
here Paul speaks to the issue of disunity and self-centeredness which has crept into this congregation.
Be Unified in Conduct
2:1 erefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the
Spirit, if any affection and mercy,
Four times the words if any are used. e word, if, does not express any doubt here. On the
contrary it is to be considered a strong affirmation.
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Paul speaks of four distinct motives of perfect
harmony. ey are (1) the consolation found in
union with the Christ, (2) the power of love in
prevention of strife, (3) the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit as a basis of unity, and (4) tenderness of feeling
for brethren and compassion for them who err. Paul
assumes these four motives exist among them and in
their individual hearts.
Listen to the translation from Today’s
English Version of verse one. Your life in Christ
makes you strong, and his love comforts you. You
have fellowship with the Spirit, and you have
kindness and compassion for one another. Do you
hear the force of Paul’s love in these positive words?
He pours out his heart to a people he loves
completely, and who are worthy of his love.
2:2 fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the
same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
He urges them in verse two to make his joy
perfect by having a spirit of complete unity. He
speaks not of external matters, but of unity in all the
affairs of the church on which they are called to form
or express an opinion. ey are to agree in spirit as
they labor for the Master. At the end of chapter one
Paul called for the unity of the church in the face of
hostility as they shared in the same battle as him.
Now we hear him continue the call for unity and for
harmonious churchmanship that will gladden his
2:3-4 let nothing be done through selfish ambition
or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem
others better than himself. Let each of you look out
not only for his own interests, but also for the
interests of others.
In every church there are those who are
opinionated, conceited, self-seeking, and confident of
their own comparative excellences, who are
inconsiderate of others.
ey push themselves
forward into prominence and high positions for
selfish ends. ey are bound to be first against all
is was evidently the case even in the
Philippian church.
Paul, knowing this brings
destruction to the body, says that it is better to be
lowly in spirit which is true humility. Instead of
looking to one’s own self the Christian is to look out
for the interests of others. True unity exists when
each person denies himself and considers the rights,
opinions, claims, wishes, and interests of his brother
Unity is the work of the Holy Spirit in the
lives of each Christian as they work together. If there
is disunity, someone does not have the Holy Spirit.
e Attitude of Christ Jesus
2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in
Christ Jesus,
is verse needs no explanation. e attitude
we should have is the attitude that Christ Jesus had.
You are probably most familiar with the King James
Version which reads: Let this mind be in you which
was also in Christ Jesus.
It was Paul’s habit to speak of the sacrifice
Jesus made for mankind. In verses six through eleven
he states this simple idea with a fullness and richness
which is without parallel.
He pleads with the
Philippians to live in unity and harmony, not to
operate out of selfish desires but to always work for
the ultimate good of others. What better example
could he give them to follow than the example of
Christ Himself?
In order to explain the example of Jesus, Paul
had to show two things – the reality of the manhood
of Christ and the reality of the godhead of Christ.
2:6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider
it robbery to be equal with God,
Being in the Greek describes that which a
man is in his very essence, that which cannot be
changed, that which he possesses inalienably and in
such a way that it cannot be taken from him. It
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describes the innate, unchangeable, unalterable,
characteristics and abilities of a man. It describes
that part of a man which in spite of all the chances
and changes, and in any circumstances, remains the
same. Paul says there that Jesus was essentially,
unalterably, and unchangeably God. (William Barclay,
Edinburgh, Scotland: e Saint Andrew Press, 1959, p.43).
Nature comes from the Greek word morphe.
It means essential form of something, which never
alters. Jesus is unalterably in the form of God; His
essence, His unchangeable being is divine. ough
He became a man, Jesus remained God in essence
and being.
In His pre-existent state Jesus already had as
His possession the unique dignity of His place
within the Godhead. He had a vantage-point from
which He could have exploited His position and
seized the glory and honor of His office. But He
chose not to do this.
2:7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the
form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness
of men.
When Jesus made Himself nothing that
means He emptied Himself. is was the great
sacrifice of the Incarnation. Jesus voluntarily and
willingly gave up the serenity, peace, and glory of
divinity in order to become man. He emptied
Himself of His deity to take upon Himself His
humanity. ough we cannot understand how, we
see Him, who is almighty God, take on hunger,
weariness and sorrow, and we can only stand in awe.
He who was rich, for our sakes became poor.
Taking the very nature of a servant brings
us to the Greek word morphe again. It means the
essential form, or something which never alters. Paul
says that Jesus was not role-playing here; this was
reality. Jesus was really and truly a man. He was not
God running around in a man suit. He became a
man in the sense of true human manhood.
But that’s not all. ere is something more
here. Being made in human likeness, Jesus became
a man. He took on the form, shape, and appearance
of a human being. e essences or substances both
of deity and humanity are displayed in Jesus.
However, we must note that He was always God.
en He became a man. e true sacrifice is
revealed when we fully comprehend that now that
He has become a man He will remain a Man, Christ
Jesus, for all eternity. Wiley said we will never see
God the Father or the Holy Spirit, but we will be
able to see Jesus Christ the Man, the only begotten
Son of God.
2:8 And being found in appearance as a man, He
humbled Himself and became obedient to the point
of death, even the death of the cross.
ough He was a Son, yet He learned
obedience by the things which He suffered. And
having been perfected, He became the author of
eternal salvation to all who obey Him, (Hebrews
5:8-9). Jesus had known from eternity and had
consented to the death on a cross as a plan for man’s
redemption. But it is one thing to submit to this
plan as Creator of the Universe in union with the
Father. It is quite another thing to submit as the Son
of God from a human point of view. He had helped
devise the plan while He was still in Heaven, now on
earth He had to surrender to obedience to the great
cost, utter humiliation, and ultimate death.
Jesus voluntarily surrendered Himself to this
humiliation. Jesus wholly God and wholly man was
a perfect example of one who did not operate out of
selfish ambition but put the needs and interests of
other before His own. A more powerful argument
against strife, vain glory, and all self-seeking could
not be framed. He submitted Himself to do the will
of His Father, even the death of the cross, which was
the most cruel and hideous of punishments. He was
without sin, yet He became sin and endured the
separation from the Father. He became a curse and
suffered the wrath of God.
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God’s Response to the Son’s Obedience
Death comes to man naturally, but Jesus Christ chose to lay down His life. He paid the high cost and
went to the lowest depth for all mankind.
2:9 erefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,
Because Christ had been obedient and suffered the lowest depths of degradation, God now exalts Him
to the highest heights. e Father raises His Son from the dead and elevates Him to the place of honor. e
Father’s response to the Son’s obedience is to resurrect Him from the dead and glorify Him as Lord.
At His birth the Christ child was given the name Jesus which means, “He will save His people from their
sins.” is name had become His name of humiliation, but now is His name of glory. e name which was
once scoffed at now becomes the highest in the universe.
2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those
under the earth,
is is the first of two outstanding proofs of God’s exaltation. All voices will proclaim that Jesus Christ
is Lord. It will be universal worship for some and submission for the rest. ose who do not worship will
submit. Angels in heaven, men on earth, and demons under the earth are expected sooner or later, willingly or
unwillingly, to recognize his high position.
2:11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
God will be glorified as every tongue confesses the Lordship of Jesus Christ. e lost will admit He is
Lord grudgingly and defiantly, and the saved will admit He is Lord by whispering humbly and shouting
triumphantly. All men will know it is true, and whether it is given as an admission or as a happy testimony
from a redeemed heart, the result will be the glory of God the Father. is universal acclaim will be Christ’s
reward for the agony of His redemptive achievement at the cross and the anguish of His soul in the Garden of
In Closing
As the Philippians yielded on a moment by moment basis to the indwelling Holy Spirit, He would work
in them the will of God and their lives would display their connection to the Body of Christ. ere need be no
promotion on their part. is was the formula for a victorious Christian life. Paul knew if the Philippians
followed the serve of Christ they would know victory.
As Paul said to the Philippians, so I say to you: “I have you in my heart.” •
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Scriptural Football
Saturation: How Hard Could It Be?
My favorite experience regarding “Saturation Bible Study” took
place one day during a revival campaign. We spent most of the day
ministering to a young couple.
The meal was delightful; the
fellowship was good. There was a definite focus concerning the
conversation; it was football. This was a strong focus of this young
father. The pictures on the wall, the colors of the rooms, and even
the toys his young son played with, all gave evidence of his
obsession. There was no doubt. He was an expert on his favorite
sport. He could quote from memory all of the detail information
about players both past and present. He was so confident in his
information that he was predicting the football games of the future.
It was not necessary for me to enter into the conversation. I just
nodded agreement and shook my head in marvel at certain
It was after the revival service this young man expressed an interest
in speaking with me. When in private he stated, “I have been
thinking a lot about the Bible. I do not know the Scriptures very
well. Could you give me some advice on how to study the Bible?
Do you think I should enroll Bible college?” I must state that I was
amazed at his question. It was totally unexpected. When I gained
my composure, I responded with a question, “Would you like to
know the Scriptures like you know football?” He and I both grinned
at each other. He responded, ”Oh that would be great!” I quickly
followed with another question, “How did you learn football? Did
you go to “football” college?” He was a bit stunned as he replied,
“Oh, no! I simply like football. I watched the games, studied the
players, and learned the stats. Football is a central part of my life.”
What a lesson for life! Isn’t it true we become experts, really know,
what is our true interest? Could the Scriptures have this kind of
priority in your life? Could understanding the Scriptures be as
simple as focusing on them? This is the genius of “saturation.”
These statements assume you are filled with Jesus. He is the author
of the Book. You can saturate all you desire and not know the depth
of the Scriptures unless you are filled with Him. Saturation in the
Scriptures is really saturation in His Person. He reveals Himself
through His Word. The Living Word brings the Written Word to life!
He moves it from academic scholarship to relationship of intimacy.
Jesus so completely reveals Himself through the Scriptures that they
become His present speaking to you.
Would you saturate in the Scriptures? Would you give Him time to
teach you? Would you allow Him to reveal Himself, so you know
Him and what He is saying? Could it be we know more about
football than the Scriptures because we simply want to?
Cross Style Connection| October - December 2012 | Page 21
By Stephen Manley
Come and Dine
Indian Corn
by Delphine Manley
2 Cans Whole Kernel Corn – drained
1 Can Creamed Corn
2 Eggs - Beaten
1 Box Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
1 Stick Butter - Melted
1 Cup Sour Cream
Mix all ingredients together and pour into a greased 9x13 baking
Bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes or until golden brown.
(This casserole is very easy and is a huge hit at carry in dinners.)
Cross Style Connection| October - December 2012 | Page 22
Musings in the Word
by Diane Aikens
Trust these are great days for you all. As I have been going further along in I Cor. 15 I came to verse 14 “And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.” I was surprised to realize that the first “fall out” of Christ not being raised from the dead is “preaching.” This has to highlight how important preaching is to the kingdom. If that is the case then the “preacher” and the “preaching” most both be the demonstraEon of Jesus. However, it seems so many Emes that does not happen. The one area that seems to come up Eme and again and is happening in one of our churches on this District right now. It seems that preachers fail to realize that layman (hopefully filled with the Spirit but maybe not everyone) might, just might have a word that is true and sensible. I have seen it so many Emes the people that have loved and supported the preacher and helped him to get where he is – is not really listened too. The preacher is the shepherd of the sheep as well as the lambs as well as the ones that are not yet either. So is it possible that the preacher because he wants to move quickly instead of the slow process of thinking and working together as a team – takes things into his own hands in the face of advice to the contrary and there causes more tension and trouble then if he trusted a living Jesus to move the whole church along together. So as preachers and layman we need to be conscious if we have a dead Jesus (so we trust in ourselves) or a living Jesus and trust Him to move the people in the direcEon we want to go.
Cross Style Connection| October - December 2012 | Page 23
S t ep he n Ma nl ey
Sept 30-Oct 3 | Sparta, TN
Oct 9-12 | San Angelo, TX
Oct 21-24 | Chatmans Chapel (Pelham, TN)
Nov 2-7 | Catlettsburg, KY
Jan 11-13 | Cross Style January Conference (Lebanon, TN)
* Every weekend at Cross Style Church (Lebanon, TN)
Evangelist Preaching Schedules
Je r e mi a h B o lic h
Oct 5-7 | First Church (Mt Pleasant, MI)
Oct 14-17| Indoor Campmeeting (Warren, OH)
Oct 21-24 | Central Church of the Nazarene (Fort Wright, KY)
Oct 26-28 | Bedford Church of the Nazarene (Lambertville, MI)
Nov 4-7 | Church of the Nazarene (Odon, IN)
Nov 11-14| Harris Chapel Church of the Nazarene (Selma, IN)
Nov 16-18 | First Church of the Nazarene (Columbia City, IN)
Nov 25-28 | First Church of the Nazarene (Findlay, OH)
Nov 30-Dec 2 | Sheffield 1st Church (Sheffield, AL)
Dec 7-9 | Alive Community Church (Astabula, OH)
Dec 14-16 | Purity Conference - Aiken SE Nazarene (Aiken, OH)
Jan 5-8 | Grand Rapids International Fellowship (GRIF, MI)
Jan 11-13 | Cross Style January Conference (Lebanon, TN)
Cross Style Connection| October - December 2012 | Page 24
Evangelist Preaching Schedules
B i l l y Hu d dl e st o n
Sept 30 - Oct 3 | Sonlight Church of the Nazarene (Lancaster, SC)
Oct 7-10 | Crossroads Church of the Nazarene (Lenoir City, TN)
Oct 14-17 | Grace Church of the Nazarene (Nashville, TN)
Oct 21-24 | Church of the Nazarene (Monongahela, PA)
Oct 28-31 | Finley United Methodist Church (Steubenville, OH)
Nov 4-7 | Euclid Community Church of the Nazarene (Boise, ID)
Nov 11-14 | Trinity Church of the Nazarene (Toledo, OH)
Nov 18-21 | Gulf Coast Family Church of the Nazarene (Biloxi, MS)
Nov 25-28 | First Church of the Nazarene (Rock Hill, SC)
Dec 2-5 | Church of the Nazarene (Jefferson, OH)
Dec 9-12 | Church of the Nazarene (Liberty, IN)
Dec 14-16 | Church of the Nazarene (Oxford, OH)
Dec 31 | New Years Eve Service (Franklin Furnace, OH)
B r i a n A r n er
Oct 7-10 | Crossroads Church of the Nazarene (Lenoir City, TN)
Oct 14-17 | Grace Church of the Nazarene (Nashville, TN)
Oct 28am | Plant City Community Church (Plant City, FL)
Oct 28pm | Hernando Nazarene Church (Hernando, FL)
Nov 4 | University Blvd Church of the Nazarene (Jacksonville, FL)
Nov 11-14 | Columbus First Nazarene (Columbus, IN)
Nov 25am | Battlefield Parkway Nazarene (Ft Oglethorpe, GA)
Nov 25pm | Fairview Baptist Church (Rossville, GA)
Dec 2am | NW Nazarene (Columbus, OH)
Dec 2pm | Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene (Mt Vernon, OH)
Dec 9-10 | St Matthews United Methodist Church (Belleville, IL)
Dec 16am | Pinecrest Camp Nazarene Church (Fredericktown, MO)
Dec 16pm | Missouri District Area (TBA)
Dec 23 | Harmony Nazarene (Harmony Springs, GA)
C h a d S ea b r i gh t
Oct 19-21 | Youth Retreat (Fort Caswell, NC)
Oct 25-28 | Sumter, SC
Jan 11-13 | Cross Style January Conference (Lebanon, TN)
Cory Clark
Oct 7 | Bretheran First Church
Oct 8 | Wesley Biblical Seminary (Jackson, MS)
Oct 21 | Bretheran First Church
Oct 28 | Bretheran First Church
Nov 4 | Bretheran First Church
Nov 11 | Bretheran First Church
Nov 18 | Bretheran First Church
Nov 25 | Bretheran First Church
Jan 11-13 | Cross Style January Conference (Lebanon, TN)
N a t ha n Jo h nso n
Nov 3-4 | Cross Style Church (Lebanon, TN)
Nov 10-16 | Ellerslie Training (Windsor, CO)
Jan 11-13 | Cross Style January Conference (Lebanon, TN)
Evangelist Preaching Schedules
Cross Style
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