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1. Secret AGEnt® Color Primer
Limited Edition
Apply a lile primer to the back of your hand, then lightly
sweep it over the face with a foundation brush, using light,
even strokes. Sweep some over the jawline and neck to
ensure the color stays even.
Apply thickening primer to lashes in an upward sweep
and allow it to dry. Be sure to also prime boom lashes.
Follow with mascara in the same motion, working from
the inside corner out, covering the primer. Apply multiple
times for more intense lashes, allowing mascara to dry
between coats.
Color Shadow Control Creme
Prep the eyes by dabbing a lile BC Color Shadow
Control Creme onto each eyelid with your middle finger,
or a foundation or concealer brush. Start toward the inside
corner of the eye and work your way out.
COLOR Work, Weekend, WOW Color Palee in Showstopper
COLOR Eye Perfecting Pencil in Black
COLOR Work, Weekend, WOW Color Palee in Showstopper
COLOR Work, Weekend, WOW Color Palee in Showstopper
COLOR Lip Perfecting Pencil in Nude
COLOR Hydrating Lip Color in Starlet
COLOR Moisturizing Lip Gloss in Tease
©2013 BeautiControl, Inc. All rights reserved. 002323-0913
Color Work, Weekend, WOW Color Palee
First, apply Eye Color 1 to the eye and inside corner of the
eye and then sweep it up to the brow bone. Second, apply
Eye Color 2 to the lower part of the lid near the lashes, and
sweep the color up to the crease. Next, apply Eye Color
3 into the crease, then to the outer corner of the eye and
lash line to create a V shape, adding depth. Finally, apply
Eye Color 4 to the outside corner, then down to and along
the lash line.
Our WOW girl is wearing…
warm cool
Color Lip Perfecting Pencil
Start by drawing a line at the boom of the lower lip. Then
using light, feathery strokes, work your way down from
each corner to connect the line. Do the top lip in the same
way: adding a line in the center, then joining it with lines
from each corner.
Color Perfecting Wet/Dry Finish
Apply a lile of your BC Color Perfecting Wet/Dry Finish
to minimize shine and create a healthy glow. Swirl a large
powder brush over the powder, then tap off the excess
before sweeping it over the entire face.
Color Work, Weekend, WOW Color Palee
Swirl a thick blush brush into your highlighter, and then
tap off the excess. Lightly apply highlighter to the area just
above your cheekbones to help enhance them. Follow with
a light application of blush to your cheekbones, starting
at the apples of the cheeks and swirling up and out with
a circular motion. Your cheekbones should appear more
noticeable from the contrast of the highlighter and blush.
4. Regeneration® Tight, Firm & Fill® Foundation
Using the back of your hand as a palee, paint foundation
on with a brush. Concentrate most of the coverage along
the T-zone of the face, and blend outward. Make sure you
work foundation right under the lash line, adding more as
needed, and along to jawline, and partially down the neck
to blend well. Include some on the eyelids, which will help
give you an even eye shadow application. Blend well as
you go.
Color Brow Perfecting Pencil
First, comb brows into place with an eyebrow comb, and
give them just a lile depth with a brow pencil. For an easy,
natural brow look, apply a lile color from the pencil onto
the eye-brow brush, instead of directly on the brows. Gently
comb upward, with the hair growth, working your way out.
3. Regeneration® Tight, Firm & Fill® Concealer
Make sure to choose a concealer shade that matches or
is a bit lighter than your skin tone. Using a foundation or
concealer brush, start at the corners of the eyes, near the
boom lash line, working your way out. This area has a lot
of pigment, which needs to be evened out to really make
the eyes pop. Be sure to cover blemishes and dark areas
with a lile concealer, as well.
Color SpectacuLash® Thickening Primer &
Intense Mascara
Color Hydrating Lip Color
Fill in lips with a bold, daring lip color, starting at the center
of lips and blending out using so , small taps.
Color Moisturizing Lip Gloss
Top with a lip gloss to add a lile shine.
Color Eye Perfecting Pencil
Use an eye pencil, or use liquid eyeliner to add a lile
drama—black will give you the most dramatic look. Start
on the inside corner of the eye, right along the lash line.
Apply a thin line, working outward, as close to the lashes as
possible. As you get to the outside corner, you can create
more of a cat-eye look by making the line a lile thicker at
the end and extending it out beyond the eye. Finish with a
black eye pencil on the boom lashes. Work the color right
inside the lash line, using small, even strokes.