La llegada del hombre a Marte


La llegada del hombre a Marte
La llegada del hombre
(y la mujer)
a Marte
Cayetano Santana Gil (The Mars Society / LEEM) Marte y Sociedad:
Antonio Olmedo Soler (OK-­‐Systems) “La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011
“Marte y Sociedad”, El Escorial, 14-­‐Jul-­‐2011 The Mars Society España •  The Mars Society is a network of independent associaIons, where people from many countries prepare exploraIon and future colonizaIon of Mars. •  The Mars Society has built some laboratories in analogue environments where the Mars Society members and other research insItuIons (universiIes, NASA, ESA, etc) can test the technologies developed for Mars missions. Marte y Sociedad:
“La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011
LEEM: Laboratorio para Experimentación en Espacio y Microgravedad •  LEEM, which stands for Laboratory for Space and Microgravity Research, is an associaIon created by Spanish university students who took or are actually taking part on different ESA EducaIon acIviIes or working in the aerospaIal sector enterprises. •  The main aim of this Laboratory is to help and give support to students and enthusiasIcs wishing to start a microgravity or space related project, by means of providing them informaIon, courses, contact with companies or media and even material and financial support. On the other side, LEEM will develop its own projects taking advantage of cooperaIon in order to approach more ambiIous goals. Marte y Sociedad:
“La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011
OK-­‐Systems: Olmedo Knowledge Systems •  OK-­‐Systems is a small Spanish company specialized in ArIficial Intelligence, Human-­‐Computer InteracIon and Human Factors. •  20 years of experience in the development of astronaut support SoZware tools (training administraIon systems, crew support, mission simulaIon planning and execuIon tools, etc.). •  ParIcipaIon in simulaIons of space missions: – 
EXEMSI (Germany, 1992) HUBES (Russia, 1994) Eifel (Germany, 2009) Mars500 (Russia, 2010-­‐2011) Concordia (AntarcIca, 2011-­‐2012) MSM1 (USA, 2012) Marte y Sociedad:
“La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011
Project MECA: Mission ExecuFon Crew Assistant •  OK-­‐Systems parIcipates since 2005 in a consorIum (together with TNO, S&T and EADS-­‐Astrium) developing for ESA an Intelligent Assistant to support astronauts in Planetary ExploraIon missions. •  MECA will act as an “electronic partner” helping the crew to maintain and improve situaIonal awareness, to solve problems, and to safeguard the astronaut from failures. To establish the required opImizaIon of performance, workload, situaIon awareness, sense making and trust, emerging technologies are applied. Examples of such technologies are mulI-­‐agent systems, automaIc planning and scheduling, model-­‐based health management, decision support, on-­‐the-­‐job training, and affecIve compuIng. •  Different prototypes have been developed and tested in analog environments, like Mars500, and -­‐soon-­‐ in the Concordia AntarcIc research staIon. • Marte y Sociedad:
“La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011
Project MSM1: Mars Spanish Mission 1 •  The Mars Society España and the space students associaIon LEEM are organizing the 1st Spanish Mars Mission SimulaIon, which will take place in the Mars Desert Research StaIon, located in the desert of Utah (USA) in 2012. •  Research groups from different Spanish universiIes are contribuIng with experiments that will be performed by volunteers at the MDRS during 2 weeks: –  “Analysis of the capacity to solve problems in hosIle environments” Research group "Health and Safety in the mountain" (Univ. Zaragoza, GMAM, Univ. Barcelona) –  LEEM-­‐US & ESIBot. “dCHisME” (Device capable of Helping in Mars ExploraIon) (University of Seville) –  “Biogeochemical characterizaIon of desert soil as possible analogue of Mars” (Univ. Alicante) • Marte y Sociedad:
“La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011
Proyectos I+D STARS: Space Tourism And Research StaEon •  We are coordinaIng the construcIon of a permanent facility in Gran Canaria, offering to Space Agencies, companies and universiIes a laboratory where they can test technologies necessary to prepare planetary exploraIon missions. •  Research faciliIes and acIviIes combined with Space Tourism, would produce synergies opImizing research results and public outreach. • Marte y Sociedad:
“La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011
JusFficaFon & OpportuniFes: Technology Transfer •  The effort and resources invested in the preparaIon of future spaceflights can be jusIfied not only with the scienEfic results of the planetary exploraIon and the social aspects of such challenge . •  There is a big potenIal to benefit many people on Earth applying the technologies developed to support human beings in other planets. Some of the problems derived from the need to manage resources to protect life and to perform complex tasks, are similar to what many people have on Earth. So, the soluIons designed for space could help improving the quality of life of many people and opImize the efficient usage of natural resources. •  As an example: intelligent personal assistants designed to support astronaut autonomy in remote and hazardous environments could be used in avalanche and mountain rescue operaEons, helping to coordinate, manage resources and support decision-­‐making processes. Marte y Sociedad:
“La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011
More informaFon hlp:// hlp:// hlp:// hlp:// hlp:// hlp://ok-­‐ Marte y Sociedad:
“La llegada del hombre a Marte”
El Escorial, 14-Jul-2011