Monthly Newsletter Managers Corner


Monthly Newsletter Managers Corner
Monthly Newsletter
Dates to Remember
Twice a year we hold Member Appreciation Week as a big thank you to our
members for choosing Timberlane as their club. The first one for 2010 is
coming up the week of February 8th and running until the 14th. This is also a
lead up to our “Go For Gold” Olympic celebration. Here’s what you can look
forward to during the week.
Monday, February 8th
Olympic Themed Cake & Balloons
Olympic Spin Classes – Morning, Lunch & Evening Classes using Olympic
inspired music. Come in Red & White to support our team!
Tuesday, February 9th
Bottle of Water Giveaway – Pick up a bottle of water on your way in or on your
way out! Body Composition Analysis in the Fitness Centre – Ever wondered
what percentage your body fat is? How about what your Body Mass Index is?
Find out as we’ll have the machine in the fitness centre and you can learn “The
Wednesday, February 10th
Complimentary Fruit Trays – Enjoy the Good Stuff!
Golf in the Fitness Centre – Jason Helman will be setting up the Boom Room
in the Fitness Centre. Sign up for a free swing analysis and hit some balls.
Tennis Events:
9am – 12:00 The Ladies House League will turn into a Fed Cup for the day.
Michal will organize the teams to play for an Olympic Country for bragging
12-1:30pm: Free Dartfish Video Analysis Clinic with Adam and Bill (tennis
members only). Sign up will begin on gametime as of Wed, Feb. 3 at 7:30am
(12 players max.)
7-9pm: Like the Fed Cup for the Ladies the Men will be playing for the Davis
Cup. Adam will organize the teams in advance, wear your country’s colours,
play for world domination!
Thursday, February 11th
Bistro Special: Buy a muffin and receive a free coffee
Olympic Challenge Day in the Fitness Centre – Sign up for an Olympic Challenge against other members and/or compete against the Staff! Are you up for
the Challenge?
Friday, February 12th
Opening Day of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics
Free Guest Day – Bring a Friend, Family Member or Colleague
Smoothie Samples will be served throughout the day in the fitness centre and
upstairs classes; there will also be free smoothie giveaways to some lucky winners!
Saturday, February 13th
Bottle of Water Day – Receive a free bottle of water on your way in or out!
Free Tennis Clinic with Mike White from 1 to 2! Open to Fitness Members!
Sweetheart’s Tennis Round Robin: Play a round with your spouse or sweetheart
and then join Edward Street in the Library for an exceptional meal. Limited
to 10 couples on a first come, first served basis. Watch for an email with more
details coming soon!
Sunday, February 14
Bring Your Sweetheart / Free Guest Day!
Managers Corner
Here’s the first newsletter of 2010! In order to keep you better informed of what’s
going on around the club we’ll be sending these out the middle of the previous
month for the following month. That way
you’ll be better aware of events, programs
and specials, long enough in advance to
I was given an article recently called “Tips
To A Positive, Powerful New Year”. I was
quite impressed with the content and felt
the tips were not only useful, but for all
intents and purposes easily achieved. We
all start the New Year with lofty goals, the
best intentions, and a determination to
stick to them. For whatever reason, those
intentions fall by the wayside usually within
the first month according to statistics. So
here are some of the tips that were suggested and each month for the next four
months I will share more of them.
1. Drink Water! How many years have we
been hearing this? Ideally you should drink
8, 500 ml glasses of water a day which is
the standard size for bottled water. Water
carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells, it
regulates body temperature and it’s totally
free of calories. A 500 ml glass sipped over
the start of your morning not only re-hydrates you after a night of sleep, but it kick
starts your metabolism. Keep a bottle at
your desk and in your car; take sips approximately every 15 to 20 minutes. You’ll be
amazed at the difference you’ll start feeling
in a very short time. P.S. help out by buying a re-usable water bottle.
2. Pay attention to serving sizes on beverages if you drink high-calorie drinks such as
soda pop or juices. As per item #1 above,
swap one glass of water for one soda pop
or juice each day and you will save yourself
36,500 calories in a year!
3. Eat out one less day each week. Unless
you are personally preparing your food,
you truly have no idea what or how many
calories you are taking in.
4. Try a new, healthy recipe one night a
week! For quick and easy options check
Watch further issues for more tips!
w w w. Ti m b e r l a n e A t h l e t i c C l u b . c o m
N e w a t Timberlane
New Programs
Golf at Timberlane!
Get in the Swing
by Jason Helman
With the implementation of the new Yoga Studio we are now able to offer
more and varied programs not only for kids but also any golfers among us. The
golf program is perfect for those of you who take a winter golf vacation and
want to tune up a bit beforehand or if you’re looking to sharpen your skills before the spring. Find out more about what we have to offer in this newsletter.
Our kids’ programs have excellent instructors and we try to time them to meet
the needs of busy schedules. As with any program, we need a minimum number
of participants in order to run them and it’s very frustrating when we are one or
two short and have to disappoint both kids and parents. Our members always
get first dibs on spaces and a discount on the price, but if you have friends or
friends of your children who you think would be interested, let them know and
invite them along. These programs are open to non-members as well.
We are pleased to announce
Golf Lessons are now avail able at Timberlane!
Jason Helman is the Direc tor of Instr uction at the Wyn dance Golf Club located in
Uxbridg e. Wyndance is par t
of the club l ink g roup and
is the first Greg Nor man de signed proper ty in Canada.
He will be offering his services through until April and
brings a wealth of knowledg e
and experience with him.
Jason cur rently holds his PGA Tour Instr uctor cre dentials and has students playing on a number of
tours including the PGA, Nationwide and Canadian
tours. He’s not only an instr uctor but a competitor
himself having played on several tours.
Jack Patrick
Personal Trainer
Jack joined the Timberlane Personal Training Team
back in September of 2009. He brought with him a
solid background in both traditional and non-traditional
training methods. Jack’s philosophy is based on focus,
intensity and attention to detail. He believes if you can
consistently apply these three things to your own workouts, then success in meeting both your short and long
term goals is inevitable. Not only is he a CanFitPro
Certified Personal Trainer, but Jack spent many years as a Registered Massage
Among his life experiences Jack also counts five years service as a Combat
Infantry soldier and Anti-Tank Gunner with 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian
Regiment, where he learned the hard way the value and importance of mental
toughness when confronting difficult tasks. So if you’ve ever wondered what a
REAL Boot Camp is like and what “good to go” really means, talk to him; he’d
be more than happy to show you!
Welcome to the team Jack!
To book an appointment for any of our
programs or services, please contact
reception at 905-727-4252.
If you’ve ever taken a Dar tfish clinic with Adam on
the tennis cour t, Jason brings the same technolog y
to a g olf lesson. It can be invaluable in making ad justments to your g ame, your swing and your understanding. He is available for lessons in the “Boom
Room” in our new Yog a studio Monday to Saturday.
For the ladies, Ja son r uns special
Pink Out Clinics
for women g olfers
of any level. T he
day is g eared toward
raising money for
Breast Cancer re search and includes
instr uction on all
aspects of the g ame,
Breakfast, Lunch, Wine & Cheese, Gift Bags, Networking Oppor tunities and more. It will be held at
Wyndance Golf Club with 3 dates to choose from:
Tuesday, June 29th; Tuesday, July 13th; T hursday,
August 12th. Get a g roup tog ether and par ticipate
in this fun, wor thwhile event.
Need more infor mation on any of the above? Call
Jason at 905 925-0129 or email him at Jason.helman@
rog ers.blackber r Watch for Jason in the Fitness
Centre during Member Appreciation Week! Join him
for a free 15 minute demo!
w w w. Ti m b e r l a n e A t h l e t i c C l u b . c o m
Ti m b e r lane News
Thanks for your Support
Every year from almost its inception, Timberlane has done fundraising
during the Holiday Season. Children’s Aid in particular has been a focus
and our members have always been generous with their support. 2009
was a particularly difficult year for families and once again Timberlane
members rose to the occasion. I’d like to sincerely thank all who took the
time and donated gifts to the Children’s Aid. A lot families’ Christmas’s
were made as a result.
In addition, this year’s Ladies Holiday Luncheon, Silent and Live Auction
and other events was another smashing success. Thanks to the efforts
of Dianne Ingwersen in particular with assistance from Julie O’Neill, the
events of the day and subsequent functions raised almost $6,000 for The
Southlake Foundation. We’d also like to thank Edward Street Grill for
catering the function and for providing excellent service and the members
who helped us out with donations for the auctions. It was all for a worthy
cause and made for a great function!
We need your Help!
2009 was not a great year for towels going missing from the club. Compared to previous years, we ordered 30 per cent more towels in 2009
than the previous 2 years. I asked Richard our Maintenance Supervisor
to monitor the towel count each week for the months of November and
December. We started November with 141 towels; we added 8 dozen December 1st and as of January 4th the number of towels in circulation is at
127. Considering December is a slower month that number is probably
lower than other times of the year.
So, we’re holding a Towel Amnesty Day, Wednesday February 10th
as part of our Member Appreciation Week. Check your closets, your
cottage, your car…bring back the towels if you have any…no questions
asked, no dirty looks!
Shoes In The Fitness Centre
Many members wear their fitness shoes from the parking lot into the club
and eventually the fitness centre or studios. In the winter with slushy, salty
conditions this creates not only a cleaning issue for our maintenance staff
but inconvenience for fellow members and potential equipment issues.
Please either carry your workout shoes into the club with you or if you
wear them in from the outside, ensure they are dry and clean before you
use the cardio equipment, the stretching area and or the studios. I was
finishing my workout in the stretching area the other afternoon and I
had to dodge the wet and salt stains and eventually used towels to wipe
them up. A bigger and more expensive issue is the water and salt getting
into the mechanics of the fitness equipment. Treadmills in particular are
susceptible to damage as the water and salt from shoes gets into the belt
which then gets deposited and builds up on the inner workings.
Please out of respect for your fellow members and the equipment, ensure
your shoes are dry and clean before entering the Fitness Centre
New to Fitness..?
According to industry statistics, the first 3 months of your membership
are key! Develop a regular schedule ie set aside a time 3 to 5 times a week
that is your fitness time. Make your fitness time a priority, don’t allow other
things to knock it out of its scheduled time. If you stick to the schedule for
6 weeks, it will become routine! Maintain that regular routine for 3 months
and it will become a habit…and we all know how habits are hard to break!
w w w. Ti m b e r l a n e A t h l e t i c C l u b . c o m
Ti p s a n d Tricks
Timberlane Therapy Clinic
by Kelly Gardiner, R.M.T
Tennis Tips
by Adam Johnston
Having a Problem with Net Rushers? Try
hitting to their Feet!
Do aggressive serve-and-volleyers intimidate you when playing doubles? Instead of going for a low-percentage, angled
passing shot...try hitting down the middle at the net-rusher’s
feet. In doing so you will be hitting over the lowest part of
the net and your opponent will have a difficult time hitting an
offensive volley or half-volley from below knee level. Remember, it’s the shot hit to the net-rusher’s feet that often forces a
mistake or a weak, attackable return.
Nutrition Tips
by Kim Harper-Daynes
Top 10 Tips to control your FAT intake.
1. Include plenty of high fibre, lower fat whole grains, vegetables and fruit
each day as suggested in Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide. Enjoy their
true flavour. Limit sauces and spreads.
2. Choose lower fat milk products such as skim, 1% or 2% milk, and yogurt
or cottage cheese made with less than 2% milk fat. Have cheese in small
amounts – a Food Guide Serving is 50 grams (1 ½ oz) – the size of 3 oneinch cubes.
3. Choose fish, poultry and lean meats, with fat and skin removed. A Food
Guide Serving size is 75 g (2 ½ oz), which is about the size and thickness
of a deck of cards.
4. Have foods that are steamed, baked or broiled more often than fried
5. Have more meals made with meat alternatives, such as beans, peas, lentils
and tofu.
6. Limit rich desserts and baked goods.
7. Cut down on all fats. Use polyunsaturated fats (soybean, corn, safflower,
sunflower oils and soft margarines) and monounsaturated fats (olive and
canola oils) in place of saturated fats (lard, butter and hard margarine).
8. Choose lower fat snack foods such as light microwave or air popped
popcorn (without added butter or topping) and pretzels.
9. Read package labels and choose lower fat versions of salad dressings,
frozen foods, cream soups, etc. To be called “low fat”, a food must contain
less than 3 grams of fat per serving.
10. Flavour foods without adding fat by using lemon, salsa, mustard, ketchup, herbs and spices.
Need more information or help with your eating habits? Make an appointment with Kim and she can assist you in making the right choices for you!
Massage Therapy is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissue for the goal
of improving overall health and daily functions. It is highly effective in
treating many conditions ranging from muscle tension we feel from the
stress of everyday life, to sports injuries, or chronic conditions of pain such
as migraines or fibromyalgia.
Kelly has been a part of the Timberlane Team for over a year now, with
interests in sports, rehabilitative and relaxation massages. In conjunction
with the Timberlane Team, she also works at a clinic with 3 chiropractors in
Newmarket. In her spare time Kelly enjoys working out, traveling, and reading, but most of all she likes to play with her chocolate lab, Harley.
Who can benefit from a massage?
Anyone that experiences muscle cramping/spasms, strains & sprains, headaches, sciatica, even if you’re just interested in spending an hour to relax and
take some time for yourself!
Why Timberlane for a massage?
- Competitive pricing
- Great hours (Mon 8AM-8PM, Tue. 8AM-8PM, Fri. 8AM-12PM)
Other appointment times available,
please call (905) 505-1640 to book your appointment!
- Convenient location
- Babysitting service
- Tranquil Atmosphere
Fitness Tips
By Joan Machin,
F i t n e s s D i re ctor
Aging and your metabolism; are they related?
The answer to this is yes AND no! People assume because they are aging they
automatically have a slower metabolism than when they were younger. Yes, your
metabolism does get slower as you get older, but for a good reason and not what
you may think. It slows not because you get older, but because you stop moving
as much!
Metabolism works off 2 main things: Genetics and Lean Muscle Mass. If your
parents were lethargic, there’s a good chance you will be too; if they were athletic
and active, that means you will most likely be too and everything in between.
You will be more disposed to lead that kind of life based on your genetics. Not
all people are that way though. The MAIN reason metabolism slows with age is
based on your lean muscle mass. When you’re younger you move more and as you
get older you move less! So there’s a direct correlation between the 2; lean body
mass will decrease because you are moving less; a lower lean body mass means
you will not burn as many calories in a day as someone who has a higher volume
of lean muscle mass.
The moral of the story then is as follows: If you want to make sure your metabolism doesn’t slow down as you get older, then keep exercising and moving to stay
in shape thereby keeping your lean muscle mass in check!
See you in the Fitness Centre or on the court!
Club Information
Family Day – Monday, February 15th - Club Hours
Friday, February 12th:
Saturday, February 13th:
Sunday, February 14th:
Monday, February 15th:
5:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
w w w. Ti m b e r l a n e A t h l e t i c C l u b . c o m