July 5, 2016 Vision - Morningside Baptist Church


July 5, 2016 Vision - Morningside Baptist Church
The vision
July 5, 2016
On Sunday evening the Morningside Youth Choir took us “over the top” in worshipping the
Lord Jesus and blessing us beyond measure as they presented the same I-53 (based on Isaiah
chapter 53) program that they shared while on tour. Their Bible study for the week was on the
subject of suffering. Each song, testimony, and scripture they shared was a reminder that
suffering is something everyone faces and that Jesus is faithful to walk with you if you will
walk with him. I want to thank the youth and their families for their participation. I would like
to thank David Tew for giving faithful guidance to the youth ministry and express a special
word of appreciation to Miranda Robertson for leading the youth choir and working with them
each week. The lives of youth are being impacted by the truth of the music they learn. The
program on Sunday evening exalted Christ to the fullest and edified all who were present. To
God be the glory!
Wayne Robertson
If you missed hearing the message that Brother John Yates preached on Sunday evening, June 26 titled
“Christian Essentials,” I want to encourage you to order a CD of his sermon. In my estimation, it gives the most
basic of fundamentals to keep one on a path of spiritual growth and avoid backsliding. If a person ignores what
Brother John said, he/she is headed for spiritual defeat and ruin.
We are less than two weeks away from the start of the 2016 South Georgia Bible Conference. We are about half
way in our conference giving. I hope you will give yours before the conference begins if you have not already done
so. As you look at the program guests below, pray for each one by name as a part of your daily devotional time from
now until the conference begins. We're in store for gigantic blessings.
July 17 - 20, 2016
Mike Everson
Mike Griffin
Gerald Harris
Herman Parker
Jack Price
Baptist Church
Worship Center
425 Connell Rd.
Valdosta, GA 31602
Mike Stone
Terry Trivette
Hershael York
David Tew
Minister of Music
Wayne Robertson
With gratitude in my soul and God's message in my heart, I look forward to seeing you in Sunday School this Lord's
Brother Wayne
Pray for America
In March of 1863, in the midst of the terrible and bloody Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln
issued a proclamation calling for a national day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer for America.
Here is a portion of what President Lincoln said:
John Yates
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been
preserved these many years in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers,
wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown.
But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious Hand which preserved us
in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly
imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by
some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the
necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made
us! It behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our
national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.
Was that date 1863 or 2016??? The American people once again need to confess our sins and humble ourselves
before Almighty God. We need leaders who will boldly call us to such actions. Please pray for America.
Praise God for the outstanding I-53 Tour presentation Sunday night! Thank you, young people and leaders, for
blessing our hearts.
College & Career Update
Our College & Career group, along with several guests, had a great time of fellowship Sunday night. A total of 31
attended, ate, played games, and enjoyed each other’s company. Our next event is a cookout and swim party at the
Mosley’s home on Friday, July 15 at 6:30 p.m. More events are scheduled in the coming weeks.
Sunday School
Praise the Lord! Average Sunday School attendance in June was 346, which is 11 more than last month and 17
more than June of last year!!! The idea of attendance going UP in the summer months is almost unheard of, but the
Lord has blessed us with three consecutive months of higher attendance than last year! Connection Day was truly
a turning point in our Sunday School and in many lives. Thank you for your prayer and work, and thank God for His
This Sunday our Youth and Adults begin a study of the book of Joel. Weekly Workers Meeting next Wednesday
(July 13) will focus on preparing for the July 24 Sunday School lesson. Remember that we will NOT have Sunday
School on the Sunday of Bible Conference – July 17.
I look forward to studying God’s Word and worshiping with you this Sunday! Don’t miss Sunday School at 8:45 a.m.
Brother John
Prayer - Outreach - Ministry - Fellowship
David Tew
Another choir tour is in the books and it was a fantastic experience for everyone that was involved - from the
students, leaders, and those that were able to hear this group sing and testify. Our Lord was very evident in each
performance and blessed those in attendance. Our Bible study time with Brother Wayne was uplifting and
A special thank you goes to Miranda Robertson as she leads the choir. It was obvious that the students were singing
from their heart.
Many thanks to the adults that were also with us: Gina Arnold, Nan Brown, Robbie and Marcia Dixon, Matthew
Harrell, Ward and Julie Holton, Craig Jenkins, Rachel Johnson, John and Traci Nitschke, Wayne and Beth
Robertson, and Tammy Tew. I am so grateful to all that gave of their time to invest in the lives of our youth.
Please continue to pray for our Chancel Choir and Orchestra as we prepare for the South Georgia Bible Conference.
I am praying that God will show up and move in the lives of our church, beginning with me!
Because He Lives,
Brother David
Attention Ladies of
Morningside Baptist Church ladies are celebrating the birth of a baby girl to
Patrick & Sharon Kennedy. The celebration will be held on July 9 from
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. (drop-in) held in the Youth Building.
All ladies of Morningside are invited and encouraged to attend this
momentous occasion and take this opportunity to celebrate life and celebrate a
new addition to our church family.
Sharon is registered at: Toys R Us (Babies R Us) and Kohls
 The girls will meet each week at John & Gina Arnold’s home.
 The guys will meet at the following homes:
July 7: Home of Ward and Julie Holton
July 14: Home of David and Tammy Tew
July 28: Home of Craig and Greta Jenkins
Nursery Team D for July 10 - 16, 2016
24 HOUR HOSPITAL HOTLINE....... 229-242-1344
Church Records July 3, 2016
Worship Service
Morning Worship ..............................................348
Nursery ........................................................ 17
Evening Worship ......................................... 284
Nursery ........................................................ 14
Sunday School
Preschool ..................................................... 31
Children ....................................................... 28
Youth ........................................................... 41
College & Career .......................................... 22
Adults ......................................................... 205
Contacts ..................................................... 986
Visitation ...................................................... 21