SOA Products


SOA Products
Price: $104.99
Pyramid with collapsible staircase, chute, trap and more
Age: 4 and Up
Building & Construction Toys
Wow, Playmobil has really upped the ante when it comes to creating realistically detailed play sets.
Their Pyramid sets the standard for bringing the mysterious world of the ancient Egyptians to life.
The set, which is crafted to recreate an intricate pyramid down to the last detail, really blew away
our testers. They marveled at the hidden passages and attention to detail all while keeping in mind
the age range of the audience it is intended for. The set really captures the intricacies of the
structure yet provides fun activities to explore like a collapsible staircase, chute, trap and more.
Construction Site
Price: $99.99
Building Toys 7633 - Includes digger, truck, elevator,
Lego Systems Inc.
Age: 6 and Up
Building & Construction Toys
There is so much to build and do with this set that it is sure to provide your Lego enthusiast with
hours of building and imagination play. The design and colors are so authentic, the figures and
accessories so well thought out, that no matter how old your child (or your inner child) might be,
you will find yourself devising scenarios for great construction projects. Lego's trademark
illustrated instructions made the building of each part not only painless but a fun challenge that was
exceptionally rewarding when completed.
Propeller Power
Price: $19.99
Building Toys 6745 - Build and then race, build three
Lego Systems Inc.
Age: 7 and Up
Building & Construction Toys
For Lego enthusiasts, even those who have build more than a fair share of sets, this Propeller Power
toy really got the juices going, providing a nice level of challenge and excitement. The fact that it
can be built into three different creations is a big plus, because reuse is a big plus in the eyes of
parents. This new Creator set really stimulated not just the inner-builder in our testers, but intellect
and imagination, far beyond the norm.
Track Turbo RC
Price: $39.99
Building Toys 8183 - Build and then race, build two
Lego Systems Inc.
Age: 7 and Up
Building & Construction Toys
When parents and kids heard that there was a remote controlled Lego toy in the testing centers they
made a beeline for it. To be able to combine the building experience of Lego with the thrill of
remotely controlling this awesomely designed race car was almost too much to ask for. Had
Christmas come early? There are two different models you can build but both will take off and
drive at your command. This whole concept just blew testers away who gave Lego high marks for
creating a toy with this much appeal and bringing it to market at a very reasonable price.
Spring 2009 Seal of Approval Report - The National Parenting Center -
Shaggy Parrot & the Reggae Band
Price: $20.00
CD Storybook with Cary Case
Reggae Pickney, Ltd.
Age: 0 to 8
Children's Audio
If your children have never been exposed to the joyful expression that is Reggae music, this is a
wonderful way to start. Reggae Pickney has created a thoroughly unique CD and storybook that
will have you up and moving, but will also teach you important lessons about the environment and
how we need to take good care of our planet. That ability to mix a powerful message into the music
really impressed our testers. It also made it interesting and enjoyable so that parents or kids never
tired of hearing the CD whether at home or in the car.
Dance It!
Price: $14.99
CD of upbeat educational kids music
Dancercise Kids
Age: 1 to 8
Children's Audio
This thoroughly enjoyable, upbeat CD really impressed our testers with its ability to entertain and
educate. Each song actually teaches children some important lessons from manners to safety ideas
and even the Seven Wonders of the World. The words are presented in a crisp clear manner and
when combined with the catchy melodies and beats, parents felt it was a superb way to reinforce
and retain the messages.
Cool Kind Kid
Price: $15.95
Original Songs teaching social skills
Etiquette Etc., LLC
Age: 2 to 9
Children's Audio
When we asked reviewers about this CD which teaches manners and social skills the last things we
expected to hear were "fun", "upbeat", "catchy" or "music that we loved dancing to". Just goes to
show you. We read rave reviews time and time again as parents sang the praises of this marvelous
audio CD. Of course the fact that important lessons were being taught also helped. Teaching
children how to be polite and kind to others resonate throughout all the tracks. Parents liked that
the lyrics were printed for them to read and then sing along to. Very well produced and
wonderfully presented, Cool Kind Kid really left quite an impression.
My Baby Can Talk-First Signs Book
Price: $9.95
Inspiring early language development from simple
Baby Hands Productions.
Age: 0 to 3
Children's Books
Sign language is nothing short of amazing when it comes to giving the gift of communication to
your baby who has not yet mastered the ability to speak. This book helps you work together with
your baby to learn useful words like "drink", "more", "eat", "mommy" and "daddy". The big thick
cardboard pages are strong enough to endure some serious baby abuse. The book is terrific at
outlining just how you should show your child the movements and for the little one, there are
colorful pages featuring each word, this is great for keeping the attention of your baby.
Personalized Children's Books
Price: $27.50
Poky Little Puppy Personalized version
Age: 2 to 5
Children's Books
SharedBook has come up with an ingenious way to bridge the generational reading gap. For
parents who love to read and share favorite books from their past with their children, you will be
absolutely delighted with this gem. Personalized with a picture of your child, which thoroughly
enthralled little ones, you can create a special keepsake that can be passed on. The large format
size of the book appealed to testers, but what really impressed was how the book encouraged
parents and/or grandparents to begin an expanded dialogue about their youth.
Katie Caught A Cold
Price: $17.95
Picture book
The Hippocratic Press
Age: 2 to 7
Children's Books
Everyone hates getting a cold, but sooner or later it catches up with us and drags us down, spoiling
plans and making us feel blah. Katie Caught A Cold is a cute book with very nice illustrations that
explain, in an age appropriate way, what colds are and then takes it a step further by offering
parents tips on beating colds. This isn't going to reside on your shelf as an every night bedtime
favorite, but having it nearby for those times when your child finds themselves under the weather is
a good idea.
The Moose with Loose Poops
Price: $17.95
Picture book with parent guide
The Hippocratic Press
Age: 2 to 7
Children's Books
Over the years numerous commercials and comedians have noted that "there really is never a good
time to have diarrhea". On that point you will not get any arguments, but the fact remains that at
some time, we all fall victim to it and for children it can be a scary and disconcerting experience.
How or why this became the subject of a children's book struck our testers as curious until they
spent some time with the book and came to appreciate the understanding and sensitive approach the
book takes at explaining what is happening inside. For children, hearing that this is a temporary
period of discomfort can sometimes be the best medicine.
Meet The Feeling Friends
Price: $12.99
Book that teaches kids to appropriately express their
KK & Friends, Inc.
Age: 4 and Up
Children's Books
Meet The Feeling Friends is an message book that encourages children to talk about their feelings
rather than act out or keep those feelings bottled up inside. Even as adults we can take those
lessons to heart, especially in our role as parents. The story also lets children know that it is normal
and okay to sometimes feel sad or mad and it encourages healthy communication about those
feelings. If your child is open to exploring these ideas, or if you feel that you could use an aid in
trying to help them express themselves this book might be a good place to start.
World Music DVD
Price: $19.99
The Baby Einstein Company
Age: 3 mos. and Up
Children's Video
This terrific new DVD from the magicians at Baby Einstein opens a baby's eyes and ears to music
and images from other countries and cultures. Does a three month old care? Well it's not so much
about that as it is about introducing the concepts of rhythms and melodies apart from those that are
typically played over and over to children at this age. The images on the DVD are beautiful and
capture, not only the beauty and diversity of animals, foods, people and dances, but they also
captivate children who watch the DVD whether at home or in the car. Utilizing the Baby Einstein
familiar cast of characters, the animal puppets, the educational toys and soothing music all
contributed to making this another winner for a company that is getting used to receiving Seals.
Price: $49.99
Maxis/Electronic Arts
Age: 10 and Up
Computer Software
The most innovative, push-the-envelope, creative computer game on the market today. It is hard to
capture the essence of this remarkable game in words, SPORE is an experience that is so unique
that you really have to just give yourself over to the concept and see where it takes you. As testers
young and old guided their creations through its earliest stages of evolution and far, far beyond,
they became rapt enthusiasts who sang the game's praises. The graphics are remarkable and the
possibilities for fun and adventure are endless. The online component, where you share your
creation with the greater universe is a real treat. Two big thumbs up.
Didi & Ditto Preschool
Price: $19.99
Educational Software
Kutoka Interactive
Age: 2 to 4
Computer Software
This wonderfully entertaining computer game for pre-schoolers engaged and captivated our young
testers with a perfect combination of story, colors and stimulating games. The characters, Didi and
Ditto, are adorable and appealing. Kids wanted to play for hours and parents had a hard time
saying no since they saw their children learning hand-eye coordination, numbers, sequencing,
colors, letters, sounds, some basic science and even good behavior. The program itself was easy to
load onto the computer, which was appreciated by parents.
Earth Science DVD
Price: $19.99
Educational DVD
Rock 'N Learn, Inc.
Age: 10 and Up
Educational Products
If you have a pre-teen child who is studying Earth Science in school you will positively be amazed
at how helpful, reinforceing and supportive this DVD is. The same topics that they are spending
their days learning in school: astronomy, geology, mineralogy, weather, soil erosion, etc. are all
here with visually apealling, colorful animations. What made it more fun than school was a certain
sense of fun that Rock 'N Learn sprinkles liberally throughout the DVD. Whether it is the fun
characters or some silly banter it clearly worked. The use of rhyme and rhythm to memorize planet
names and other scientific facts was not only viewed by parents as ingenious but exceptionally
effective as well.
Physical Science DVD
Price: $19.99
Educational DVD
Rock 'N Learn, Inc.
Age: 10 and Up
Educational Products
If your child enjoys science and wants to explore the subject outside of the classroom, or if you just
want them to brush up on topics being covered in class, then this DVD is for you. As you join the
cleverly animated Marco the Pencil and his friend the talking light bulb, you will learn about the
scientific method: Question, Gather, Hypothesize, Experiment, Conclude and Report. (Parents: You
knew that already, right?) Then it's on to the Matter Learning Center for lessons on melting and
boiling points, what is conductivity, color, density, hardness, magnetism and much more.
Writing Made Simple
Price: $29.99
Handwriting Program
Junction of Function, Inc.
Age: 3 to 7
Educational Products
This early writing system struck testers with how effective it was with their children. Not just in
what and how they learned, but how excited they were about learning. When that kind of
excitement exists about an educational product parents take notice. They noted how their children's
letter recognition increased dramatically, that the instructions for helping children use the system
properly so that they can get the most out of the program were well written and easy to follow.
Also noted time and time again was how perfect the set was to take along to restaurants, a perfect
time to pull out a product like this and squeeze in some fun learning time.
MusIQ Homeschool - Year 1
Price: $69.95
Interactive music and piano learning for homeschooled
Adventus, Inc.
Age: 4 to 10
Educational Products
The homeschooling movement is no longer a fringe element of society as more and more parents
are embracing the concept. But homeschooling is much more than keeping your kids on track with
Math, English, Science and the like. Part of the educational experience has to include the arts and
MusIQ is a perfect tool for incorporating music into your curriculum. The CD offers a visually
stimulating experience with great graphics and even a funny, engaging Beethoven. Kids loved the
improvisation room where they could record their own tunes and then proudly play them back.
There are also fun games like "Catch The Note" that will keep your child entertained and looking
forward to "music class".
Magic School Bus Going Green
Price: $19.99
Green experiments & activities
The Young Scientists Club,
Age: 5 and Up
Educational Products
In case you missed the memo, the theme of the year, at least in the toy world, is going green. The
Magic School Bus team was prepped and ready to go, being a science oriented gang of kids, so it
came as no surprise to see them design a kit that captured the essence of becoming ecologically
aware. There are loads of kid friendly experiments where the lessons of recycling are taught in an
age appropriate manner. Other experiments include what happens when you take something out of
the freezer and place it in boiling water (with parental supervision of course). How do you make
paper out of pulp? What plastics can be recycled, and many more. Everything in the kit comes
clearly labeled so that you know you are using the right parts for each experiment.
Science on a Gardening Adventure
Price: $29.99
Learn gardening through hands-on experiments
The Young Scientists Club,
Age: 5 and Up
Educational Products
There is no shortage of fun with this wonderfully educational kit from The Young Scientists Club.
A great teaching tool with superb directions you'll also find everything needed to get started right
away. Of course you and your children will discover all about plant and animal life and how they
co-exist, but you will also learn what lives in soil, how to test your tap water, how to make a sun
dial and more. Parents were impressed at how engaged their children were and how it really
encouraged them to ask questions. The small plastic terrarium became a center of attention each
day as eager farmers watched their efforts sprout from the soil.
Kidzup Productions
Addition & Subtraction and Multiplication & Division
Price: $16.99
Age: 6 and Up
Math Book and CD
Educational Products
A wonderfully useful tool for teaching and reinforcing lessons, these book/CD sets impressed
parents with their relevance to what their children were learning in school. They are especially
helpful for homeschoolers. The pages are laid out in such a way that there is a nice level of
repetition as well as progressive advancement to harder lessons. The colorful pages were fun and
engaging for children providing a nice mix of problems with games. The songs on the CD match
the pages in the book to further reinforce the lessons and mathematic rules. In addition to the book
and CD parents were delighted to discover flash cards that they could use together with their
children. Finally, kudos to Kidzup for donating a portion of the cost of each workbook to their
foundation which provides food and medicine to children around the world.
Rosetta Stone Personal Edition v3, Italian
Price: $259
Interactive software program that teaches language
Rosetta Stone
Age: 6 and Up
Educational Products
If you have never heard or seen the Rosetta Stone, you must promise to climb out from under that
rock very soon. Testers were excited to try out this language teaching system that they had heard so
much about and the product did not disappoint. Never had they seen software that was so
ingeniously interactive especially when using the included microphone to speak the words and
phrases that they were learning. The system truly takes advantage of all of the technological
abilities of today's multimedia computers and testers responded with an enthusiasm that they said
shocked even themselves. They were eager to use the system every single day after seeing results
almost immediately. We tested the Italian version and testers were already telling us that they had
begun looking into booking vacations to Italy.
"So Skip Counting" CD and Workbook
Price: $19.99
Musical Counting with 10 genres
Rock N Go, LLC
Age: 6 to 13
Educational Products
The concept of Skip Counting might not be familiar to many but it has proven that it can be a great
asset to children who are learning multiplication. This Book and Musical CD set was viewed by
our testers as being very creative in the manner it presented the material. The tunes on the CD were
very catchy and even induced some to get up and dance while counting. Any method that learning
fun gets high marks from most parents and this was no exception.
Price: $29.99
Board Game
Mindlogic, Inc.
Age: 12 and Up
A new game that borrows liberally from one of our favorite games of all time, Apples to Apples,
Consensus adds a unique twist that makes for a terrific family/friends game night. By taking the
"Apples" judge out of the equation the scoring is based on the group mentality when it comes to
matching adjectives to people, places and things. You now must think not just about your own
answer but what those at the table will choose. This added element of strategy and group thinking
really impressed our testers and made for a very engaging experience.
Price: $20.00
Strategy/Logic Game
LMD Enterprises
Age: 12 and Up
Trying to decipher the secret selection of your opponent is the key to this game, but it is the way in
which you go about deducing the answer is what sets serious mentalists apart from amateurs. Using
intuition along with deductive reasoning and the process of elimination, players race to find the
secret square of their opponent before they discover theirs. The game is quick and according to our
testers, impossible to play just once. Its a great mental workout and a whole lot of fun as well. The
materials of the game are first-rate as is the concept, the packaging and execution.
Price: $24.99
Educational Board Game
Acumen Associates, LLC
Age: 3 and Up
Er-u-di-tion is an outstanding game that may fool you at first. The packaging looks like one of
those adult bookshelf games, but when you look inside you will find a game suitable for
preschoolers. Getting past that visual inconsistency you will discover an interesting and engaging
game that can be enjoyed by several children at once. There are age level cards that help to widen
the appeal of the game to more family members. Players must constantly be thinking and even if
you think that that might be a tall order for such your children, think again. A nice touch is that the
game is laid out in left to right/top to bottom fashion, just like we read. Parents noted that children
bonded while learning at the same time.
Curious George: Discovery Beach
Price: $16.99
3 Dimensional match & memory game
I Can Do That! Games
Age: 3 to 8
This game was so much fun we had to pry children away from it, their desire to play over and over
and over was so great. Parents were reluctant to say no because they recognized the fact that their
kids were really enhancing and developing their memory skills while playing this exciting game.
The object of the game is fairly simple, shake the box up to re-hide the treasure, draw cards, spin
the spinner and then go off on a treasure hunt. Everything is self contained which struck testers as
creative and wonderful, especially since it involved sand, none of which got trampled into their
Curious George: Super Helper
Price: $12.99
Game promoting good game choices and helpfulness
I Can Do That! Games
Age: 3 to 8
The bright yellow packaging that is synonymous with Curious George was instantly appealing to
our young testers. George's multi-generational appeal along with his recent resurgence in our
collective consciousness helped make this new game a winner in the eyes of our testers. Easy to
assemble right out of the box, your child will discover a game that encourages helpfulness and
making educated choices about helping others. Other lessons included manners, recycling,
matching, counting and dexterity, not too shabby for a game priced under $15.
Curious George: Hide & Seek Zoo Game
Price: $19.99
Playful Problem solving hide and seek activity game
I Can Do That! Games
Age: 4 to 8
Parents sang the praises of this adorable game that they felt was a perfect rainy day/indoor activity.
It kept their kids up and moving and engaged them with fun active play. As zoo keepers children
are tasked with caring for and occasionally rounding up mischievous zoo residents who have
managed to wander off. Kids loved wearing the masks of the various animals when it was their
turn to hide. They also loved the walkie-talkie that would alert them about escapees. The
directions are direct and easy to follow and the replay factor scored high marks.
Pick A Paint
Price: $10.00
card game
Playroom Entertainment
Age: 5 and Up
If your young child loves playing games and you are looking for a quick, fun game that you can
play and enjoy together, then Pick A Paint is a nice place to start. It's a great game to help reinforce
simple counting and color recognition. It also brings into play a higher level of thinking when it
comes to the rules that do not allow certain colors to be placed in the same rows or columns. That
level of strategic thinking impressed parents as did the excellent quality of the playing cards.
Price: $24.95
Strategy Game
Age: 6 and Up
This wonderfully strategic game is an excellent example of how games of this nature can be
thoroughly engaging, challenging and exciting while not requiring a commitment of hours, even the
rules can be picked up in a moment or two. Game play is quick which encourages replaying,
especially to even the score. While you play you will find your mind completely focused not only
on your own moves but those of your opponent. The ever changing nature of the board requires
shifting strategies which really impressed testers as both they and their children zoned the rest of
the world out as they tried to outwit each other.
Say Cheese
Price: $6.49
Dice Game
Age: 6 and Up
With summer vacation closing in on us, its good to keep an eye out for good travel games that can
entertain and pack away into small cases for stuffing into a bag. Say Cheese delivers all the size
and travel requirements but most importantly it brings the fun. The game itself has its roots in
Bunco according to our parent testers. Utilizing fine motor skills as well as memory and matching.
The game play itself is exciting because players are encouraged to play quickly because the faster
you roll the dice the better your chances are of getting more matches or even double cheeses! That
may not make sense now, but after you play, you'll know what we mean.
Sherlock Deluxe
Price: $7.95
Game where memory and deduction are elementary
Playroom Entertainment
Age: 6 and Up
Sherlock, like it's famous namesake, is a game that is both ingenious and remarkable. The game is
noteworthy for to its ability to get players to tap into their deductive reasoning skills, which they
may not be aware they had in such abundance. What also sets the game apart is that each time you
play you will have a quite unique experience. Sherlock has the ability to entertain and amuse all
ages simultaneously. Kids were showing up their parents regularly to everyone's delight.
UPDATE NOTE: Playroom has added a wonderful new package design as well as new cards that
serve to make this previous Seal of Approval winner even more noteworthy for 2009.
Mind Fizzle
Price: $19.99
Card Game
Mind Fizzle
Age: 7 and Up
A fast, simple yet challenging card game, our testers enjoyed how captivated both they and their
children were while playing Mind Fizzle. You must stay on your toes and have fast reaction times
or you will be left behind. The rules are easy and straightforward which means that you can be
playing Mind Fizzle within minutes of opening the box. Scores for replayability were quite high,
partly because the game plays fast, but also because it's lots of fun. The graphic on the box cover is
good for a laugh too.
Polar Derby
Price: $14.99
Dice Game
Age: 8 and Up
The colorful packaging and adorable graphics were the first appealing aspect of this new game from
Gamewright. Inside was a game that featured directions that were easy to follow and game pieces
that are sturdy, colorful and best of all, fit nicely back into a provided bag. To keep score your
child will be called on to use some math skills which parents found to be a real plus. The numbers
are small so it is not too taxing and it even gave them a nice level of pride being able to do it on
their own. The game has a nice replayability factor making it a superb bargain and a great gift idea.
This Big!
Price: $10.99
Card Game
Age: 8 and Up
We all know the phrase "Good things come in small packages" and even though the name of this
game might seem a contradiction, it truly applies to the level of fun you will find when you play
This Big!. Here you'll find a fun strategy game that requires outwitting opponents and even
rewards those with good poker faces. Easy to understand directions helped testers get right down to
the business of trying to collect the biggest fish. The replay factor is very high and strong scores
were given to Gamewright for the sturdy, colorfully illustrated cards. The compact size of the
package makes it ideal for storage and travel.
Shape the World Game
Price: $34.95
Family Game
Shape the World, LLC
Age: 9 and Up
A truly fascinating game that not only kept testers entertained and involved but also encouraged
children to think about the world around them. Testers found the game to be completely new and
original. Furthermore, since artistic ability is not necessary nor is age an advantage, the game
provided hours of terrific intergenerational fun. The box itself got high marks as well for being
well organized a featuring sturdy playing pieces. A final word from one tester who summed it all
up when she wrote: "If you're looking to play a game to laugh and have fun, this this one definitely
meets that criteria."
stride rite Natural Motion system Early Walkers
Price: $42.00
shoes crafted specially for busy little feet
Stride Rite Children's Group
Age: 0-12 months
Kids Clothing & Accessories
Who is immune to fawning over shoes that are this small and adorable? No one in our testing
centers, that's for sure. This line of shoes for the very youngest of walkers really bowled our testers
over, not just for the precious designs, but also for the support they offer little feet. Of course most
walking at this stage is done in bare feet around the house, but when venturing beyond the safe
confines of home, having these easy on/easy off shoes handy to protect little tootsies is a plus.
Parents liked that there was ScotchGuard protection and that the shoes were breathable.
Outdoor Vegetable Garden kit
Price: $19.99
Grow three Kinds of Veggies
DuneCraft, Inc.
Age: 4 and Up
Kits & Crafts
Everything you need to introduce your child to the miracle of growing vegetables from seedlings is
included in this wonderful kit from DuneCraft. Many parents told us that they have often meant to
teach their children about gardening but now with everything enclosed in the kit, there were no
more excuses. Exceptionally kid friendly and fun for you to set-up together with your child, you
will love watching the enthusiasm your kids will show checking in each day on the growth of their
plantings. The entire experience also encourages the inquisitive mind to ask questions and seek
answers about flowers, plants and even vegetables.
Make A Plate
Price: $14.99
Make a plate
Makit Products
Age: 4 to 99
Kits & Crafts
Children positively love seeing their artwork transformed into new shapes and in this case a
reusable plate that they can not only proudly show off, but eat off of too! The whole process is
really quite easy, just have your child create their masterpiece, then ship it off to the company who
will send back the finished product. The anticipation, arrival and unpacking might be the most fun
part. Make A Plate really encourages open ended artistic creativity since there are no rules or
templates to follow. It was noted by our testers that this would make an excellent birthday or
holiday gift.
Crayola Glow Station on the Go
Price: $14.99
Glow Board gives great 3D effects to drawings, now on
Crayola, LLC
Age: 6 and Up
Kits & Crafts
How many art/craft kits do you know that involve absolutely no mess whatsoever? OK time's up.
We're guessing you didn't need two hands to count. Your child will discover endless hours of
creative play with this terrifically designed and portable Glow Station. Just set up the glow station
in a dark room and watch as your child creates masterpieces. The Station runs on only three
batteries which lasted a long time in our testing centers. Of note is the fact that the accessories all
hid away in a storage compartment, helping to keep all the tools easily at the ready for the next
artistic spark.
Fuji Enviromax Batteries
Price: $3.99
Eco-Friendly Batteries
Age: 10 and Up
New Technologies
In our battery powered lives we use them like crazy, but how often do we think about the impact all
these batteries have on our environment? According to our testers, the answer was a sheepish "not
at all". These brand new batteries from the people at Fuji are impressive in that no ozone-depleting
compounds are emitted during their manufacture. They are made with recycled materials, and are
also packaged in recycled paper and plastic. This so impressed our testers that they vowed to
rethink their battery buying habits telling us that it just feels good to go-green whenever possible
and this was a solution they were eager to embrace.
4moms Goodnight Sleep Trainer
Price: $29.95
Tool to train babies to sleep through the night
Age: 4 months and Up
New Technologies
4moms, a company that continues to impress our testers with its innovative gadgets designed to
make life easier for parents has done it again. Even if you haven't experienced it firsthand it is no
secret that the first year of your baby's life will be the most sleep deprived period of your life. The
Goodnight Sleep Trainer is a very easy to use monitor that tracks your baby's sleep patterns so that
you can maximize your time, whether to catch some shuteye yourself or to get things done things
that are just too hard with a baby in tow.
Baby Sleeps Safe
Price: $39.99
system to prevent babies from rolling onto their
Baby Guardian
Age: 0 to 9 months
Products for Babies
No one likes being confined when they sleep, although swaddling is how most of us start out. Of
course parents do it to keep baby protected. That's exactly what parents loved about the Baby
Sleeps Safe. They knew that their babies would be cozy, safe and warm all night. This of course
allowed them to sleep better knowing their children were protected since the system is designed to
prevent babies from rolling onto their stomachs. The material is extremely soft and stretchy so as
not to confine too much. Parents were also impressed with the packaging and the instructions for
Crayola Beginnings Baby Drop & See
Price: $24.99
Colorful ball drop toy for babies
Crayola, LLC
Age: 9 mos. and Up
Products for Babies
A baby's first manipulative toy needs to be bright and colorful, something Crayola clearly kept in
mind as they designed this wonderful new toy. The Drop & See, which requires the manipulation
of levers to move balls through the mazes, is completely engaging especially as the color of the
balls appears to change as it travels down the chutes. There are accompanying sound effects that
delighted babies. Interesting, if not surprising fact: parents loved the option to be able to turn those
sounds off! Another plus for parents was the built-in storage area for the balls so they don't go
Baby Spring Float
Price: $24.99
Swim float for babies
Age: 9 mos. to 2
Products for Babies
Summer is around the corner and the Baby Spring Float is a great product that will allow your
whole family to spend more time splashing in the pool and staying cool. Ingeniously designed,
parents were impressed with how easy the float was to assemble and inflate. The canopy protects
sensitive skin from the harmful rays of the sun, which are made more intense at the pool. Using
mesh on the sides was a brilliant design idea as it allows parents to keep an eye on baby. The float
itself is extremely durable, sturdy and floated on the water wonderfully. Another design point that
drew raves was how easy it was to pack the float up in its included carrying case.
Boogie Wipes
Price: $3.99
Saline wipes that dissolve mucous
Boogie Wipes
Age: 0 to 10
Products for Parents
Yes, those boogies, not Boogie Nights or Boogie Fever! Let's face it, most of us didn't give much
thought to nasal discharge when dreaming about little bundles of joy coming into our lives but such
is life as a parent. The battles to clean the faces of our little cherubs were also not part of the
fantasy. Now that we are dealing with reality we need something to help discharge the discharge
quickly and painlessly and nothing, let us repeat, NOTHING works as well or as effectively as
Boogie Wipes. Our parent testers went nuts for how effective these wipes were at softly wiping
away whatever was running, caked or dried up on little faces, and with no argument at all! There is
no scratching or soreness afterwards, just the clean, smiling, cherubic faces of our dreams.
Safe Sizer Choking Prevention Plate
Price: $5.00
Child's Plate with choking prevention safety feature
Midwest Monkeys
Age: 0 to 4
Products for Parents
As parents we are always willing to go the extra mile to ensure the safety of our children and when
it comes to choking prevention you can never be too careful. This plate makes food sizing easy.
Simply put, if the piece of food fits into the mold it is safe to be served to your child. The plate
designs are cute and colorful, so much so that you might even lose the food on the plate. Parents
told us that the plates were durable and do not fade through multiple dishwashings. For just $5 you
might want to pick up a few.
Price: $74.95
Child Aviation Restraint System
Kids Fly Safe
Age: 1 to 3
Products for Parents
Isn't it strange with all the safety regulations we experience at airports and in airplanes that our kids
still sit in their seats with minimal restraint? CARES is an very well designed belt-and-buckle
device/harness that works in conjunction with the standard airplane seat belt and provides children
with virtually the same level of safety they have when seated in a standard car seat. The system
itself is easy to use and carry and gives parents an extra level of confidence knowing that their child
is belted in well. Kids adapted very easily to the system, given the fact that it does replicate the feel
of their own car seat.
Quick Stick Write On!
Price: $9.95
temporary safety information tattoo for kids
Age: 1 to 7
Products for Parents
An unfortunate reality of life today is that as parents we need to remain ever vigilant and tools that
can give us a level of security, beyond our normal protective skills, is welcomed by parents. Based
on the evaluations of our testers The Quick Stick Write On was such a product. By applying an
easy to use temporary tattoo, before venturing into busy locales such as the zoo or an amusement
park, you can write a cell phone number for security or another parent to contact you in case you
get separated from your child. The tattoo stayed on all day, the pen didn't smear and it was easy to
remove at the end of the day.
Thomas Nelson Publishing
Proud Parents Guide to Raising Athletic, Balanced and
Price: $16.95
Age: Birth to 6
Book for parents
Products for Parents
If you are a parent who is interested in furthering your child's physical well-being (and who isn't?),
this book is one that should be sitting in your night stand. The author uses easy-to-understand
language and approaches which serve to make it very easy to implement the skills needed to nurture
and help make the development of your child's physical skills a fun and positive experience. There
is nothing so far reaching that any parent should feel unable to accomplish the goals set out here.
The suggestions are practical and parents told us they felt they were very doable. Another big plus
that our testers noted was the fact that the book makes a point to include tips for children with
RipRider 360
Price: $99.99
Next Generation Ride-On Big Wheel with swivel rear
Razor USA
Age: 5 and Up
Riding/Exercise Toys
By adding swiveling wheels at the back of the rider, Razor USA has added a whole new level of
excitement and control to the traditional Big Wheel experience. Kids were ecstatic with the new
tricks they were able to show off to their parents. The raised handle bars made them feel like they
were riding a big ol' Harley. Whether tooling down the sidewalk, in the cul de sac or around the
park, parents told us that their kids wanted to ride and show off their new RipRider everywhere
they went.
Price: $349.00
Three Wheeled Cruiser
ASA Products
Age: 5 and Up
Riding/Exercise Toys
We can say with confidence that you or your children have never ridden anything quite like the
Triton. Perhaps that's what made it such a magnet with testers who were eager to give this oddlooking conflagration of exercise bike and tricycle a whirl. What they found was a unique riding
experience where you sit low to the ground, peddle with your legs extended in front of you and
steer by simultaneously pulling and pushing vertical handlebars. It takes a few minutes to get used
to and longer to master, but the reactions were overwhelmingly positive. Parents especially loved
that the Triton could be sized to fit just about any member of the family and gave their thighs and
calf muscles a serious workout.
Thinkativity Feed & Learn Singing Croc
Price: $19.99
Sings, teaches letters and words
Age: 18 months and Up
Toys that Teach
Big, bright and funny looking is all kids needed to gravitate to this educational learning toy. It is
that kind of design concept that really works for toddlers, and parents really appreciated the
response their children had to this letter chomping, singing crocodile. Kids absolutely loved
feeding the croc his "dinner" and laughed and giggled at the munching sounds he made. Of course
with all this wonderful play value comes the bonus of the educational component of seeing children
excited about learning the alphabet.
Tidoo Lutin Bright
Price: $40.00
12 doll with designed for water fun
Corolle USA
Age: 18 mos. and up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
Parents raved about this adorable baby doll as being one of the most lovable their children had ever
spent time with. An instant sensation, it allowed children to act out all their care taking instincts
since it was perfectly sized and lightweight making Tidoo easy to carry and manipulate. Tidoo is
also completely waterproof, making her a perfect companion for bath time. The doll also dries and
cleans up effortlessly. It should be noted that even though she is both plastic and waterproof,
children found her to be soft and snuggly. Parents also believed that this doll helped their children
cultivate the important qualities of empathy and caring for others.
Sand & Water Transportation Station
Price: $49.99
Water Table with train & rake
Step 2
Age: 2 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
The fluidity of sand and water makes for a fascinating time of adventure and fun. Step 2 has taken
all that fun and sized it perfectly for toddlers to enjoy hours of playtime. The set itself is easy to
assemble, made of high quality plastic impressing our testers with its sturdiness. Apart from just
the sand and water there is a train set including both a train and tracks. The filling station is a great
manipulative that never seemed to get old. Parents loved the thoughtful design element of placing
an umbrella holder (umbrella not included) in the middle of the set so that children can play outside
protected from the harmful rays of the sun.
Yo Gabba Gabba DJ Lance Hat
Price: $19.99
Sound effects happen when motion is detected
Spin Master Ltd.
Age: 2 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
This fun and dynamic toy, as silly as it might look, is actually a remarkable tool for teaching
coordination and movement to children. Embedded in the fuzzy/hairy hat is an audio system that
plays catchy dance music. Parents told us that they had never seen any product that got their kids
so physically engaged without the use of video or an instructor. The unit in the hat responds
accurately to to all the movements of the child, it's almost eerie how in tune with your kids it is.
Kids of course were so busy laughing and giggling at the silly movements that they didn't notice
what a good workout they were getting.
African Adventure Tent & Tunnel
Price: $79.00
Adventure fun
Pacific Play Tents, Inc.
Age: 3 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
When you are pint-sized there is magic in tunnels and tents. Making them, crawling through them
and imagining all sorts of thrilling adventures as the world shrinks down to your size. This tent and
tunnel set was instantly appealing to parents and children. Kids were loving the potential for
adventure, while parents were impressed with the design. A notable feature is that the wires which
run through and prop up the tent and tunnel are padded to protect children crawling through. The
MSRP is a little on the high side according to our testers, but the enthusiasm our child testers
showed for this set ended up outweighing that.
Moon Sand Cement City
Price: $14.99
With cement truck, build bricks for walls etc.
Spin Master Ltd.
Age: 3 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
Moon Sand is one of those tactile experience toys that you really have to experience first hand. No
matter what we write about it here, you have to feel it to understand. In our testing centers kids
absolutely loved the texture and how easy it was to manipulate Moon Sand. In this set, kids can use
molds to create building blocks. The sand blocks pop easily out of the molds so that you can get
right to work. The toy cement truck, brick molds, builder and cement smoothing tools were all well
received because they worked so perfectly with the Moon Sand. Parents appreciated the plastic
container that comes with the set as it is ideal for containing and storing the sand, ensuring that it
does not dry out. This play set got consistently high marks for being a great value.
Eco-Truck Loader
Price: $14.99
Classic Construction Vehicle - Bulldozer
Sprig Toys
Age: 3 to 6
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
This wonderfully simple, classic toy, glaringly devoid of bells and whistles, engaged children,
challenged their motor skills and fired up their imaginations. Eco-friendly is what this toy and what
Sprig Toys are all about. This is evident immediately when you look at the packaging and the
recycled materials that are used to produce this toy. Parents told us that it made it all that much
easier to buy whether for their own kids or for a gift. When it comes to actual play value, kids
loved being able to use the big shovel to pickup rocks and pebbles as well as Lego pieces and
Sprig Hollow DuneBug's Farm Truck
Price: $14.99
Vehicle that transforms into sand tools
Sprig Toys
Age: 3 to 6
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
When your child first interacts with Sprig Hollow DuneBug's Farm Truck you will enjoy all the
ways that they find to play with it. Kids have a way of turning their imagination engines on so
effortlessly and this truck seemed to fit perfectly into that wonderful ability. An ingenious design
that features a terrific play value along with the environmentally conscious design that Sprig Toys
is rapidly becoming famous for, makes this a toy that should be on your short list whether for your
own child or as a gift. Parents raved about the unique colors and the fact that Sprig prints the toy's
directions right on the box so as not to waste paper. We can only hope that ideas like these are
adopted by other companies, and soon.
PLAYMOBIL Expedition Ship
Price: $54.99
Ship floats on water and has functional winch
Age: 4 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
Playmobil brings all of their considerable toy expertise to the table with the Expedition Ship and the
results really impressed our testers. From the outset everyone was delighted with the easy-tofollow directions. These instructions were so simple that it almost made parent's assistance
unnecessary. The Expedition Ship itself is made with solid, durable pieces that will stand up to
hours of imagination play, whether on the high seas executing a daring rescue or just exploring the
oceans in search of adventure.
PLAYMOBIL Take Along Construction
Price: $59.99
Garage with handle for take-along fun
Age: 4 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
What is great about this play set from Playmobil, apart from the fact that it is well made, portable,
attractively designed and exceptionally appealing to young children is.....well who needs more than
that? Kids enthusiastically played for hours with this take along toy even adding their own cars and
trucks to expand the "construction site". Parents loved how the set encouraged imaginative play
and made special note of how nice and neat the whole thing packed up, making clean up time a
snap while ensuring that pieces don't get lost or left behind.
Maru and Friends
Price: $110.00
21" vinyl designer doll
Maru and Friends, LLC
Age: 5 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
There are dolls and then there are dolls! Maru blew our testers away with her exceptional beauty
and superb design. In fact some testers were impressed even before they laid eyes on Maru. The
packaging she comes in is lovely and elegant with ribbons and bows, not plastic and wires like most
toys. There is also a wonderful book that is tucked in the box that tells her story, further bringing
her to life for your child. Testers gushed over her exquisite features, realistic hair, stunning eyes,
eyelashes and facial features. Her clothing also drew raves as being incredibly well-made and
designer worthy. Maru is a high quality doll with a sweet message that celebrates differences and
Baby Talk - My Magical Castle
Price: $22.99
Educational Plush, encourages learning and
Aurora World, Inc.
Age: 6 mos. and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
If your young children are excited by stories and enjoy imagination play, then this soft plush play
set might provide them with hours of creative fun. Designed with appealing colors, the characters
offer a variety of storylines that you can help them tell. The castle is more like a mini-theater and
that in turn encourages creativity. Parents told us that they were as taken in as their children at how
cute, soft and fun The Magic Castle was. The doll/puppets are very nicely stitched together which
gave parents a sense of security knowing that pieces wouldn't be swallowed.
Air Hogs Wind Chaser
Price: $29.99
Remote Controlled Trick Kite
Spin Master Ltd.
Age: 8 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
When the skies are clear and the winds steadily blow, who among us doesn't dream of, or recall
carefree days of flying a kite? Kites have come a long way and Spin Master has added a terrific
twist to the classic kite (it seems there is nothing that can't use a little tweaking). Everything looks
pretty much the same on the kite end, well kind of. The cool part is what you hold in your hand as
you let out the line and watch your kite rise high above you. Now instead of the traditional spool of
string, you have a remote control that triggers pulleys on the kite allowing it to dip and dive, swish
and swoosh. Testers told us that the best part was when everyone else in the vicinity stopped and
stared, admiring their kite flying prowess.
Hexbug Inchworm
Price: $19.99
micro-robotic creature with two channel RC
Innovation First, Inc.
Age: 8 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
For those of us who have heard of nanotechnology or nanites, this may be the closest we'll get to
ever seeing (and certainly playing with) something like it. While the Hexbug isn't going to fool
anyone as actually being an inchworm it does demonstrate an uncanny ability to imitate the
creeping motion of its namesake. Everything comes in a tiny little case, even the controller is itty
bitty sized, but it responds instantly to your commands and will not only entertain but offer a
unique insight into how robots and their gears work thanks to the transparent, colorful plastic outer
RC Cyber Ray
Price: $79.99
RC pool toy
Age: 8 and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
Over the years many remote controlled vehicles have come and gone through the doors of our
testing centers. The Cyber Ray took this testing period by storm. Starting with its totally cool
design that feature great colors, lights and an articulated, swishing tail, kids could not wait to get
the Ray in the water. Once in, whether being controlled from the side of the pool or actually
underwater while swimming alongside the Ray, the reactions to and the abilities of the Ray were
incredibly impressive. Swift and agile, the Ray executed flips, barrel rolls and more, all of which
delighted testers. Parents were convinced that this would be one pool toy that would get loads of
use all summer long.
Joobles - Icy The Penguin
Price: $29.00
eco-friendly cuddling toy from Peru
Fair Indigo
Age: newborn and Up
Toys, Puzzles, Dolls and More
Adorable, soft and cuddly were the words used over and over by testers who played with Joobles
during the Spring testing period. Oh and cute! Let's not forget the cuteness factor which, according
to testers, was off the charts. The design of this cuddly doll is simple, esthetically pleasing and oh
so huggable. Parents were impressed with the quality of the construction, that it was made of 100%
organic material and the fact that it was very easy to wash. Joobles stayed soft and kept its shape
even after several runs through the washing machine.
Nerf N-Strike
Price: $39.99
Real life and digital Nerf blasting
Electronic Arts
Age: 10 and Up
Video Games
In Nerf N-Strike, the venerable Nerf brand has shown that it can make the transition to the world of
video games without losing its identity. Creating a real soft-tipped Nerf gun that doubles as a Wii
controller holder so that you can play either solo or with a friend. Testers were thrilled to discover
a game that effortlessly shifted both on and off the screen. The Wii shooting games are challenging
and feature increasing levels of difficulty so that your aim and reflexes are always being put to the
Littlest Pet Shop
Price: $29.99
Run a virtual pet shop
Electronic Arts
Age: 6 to 10
Video Games
After a very successful launch on the Nintendo DS system Littlest Pet Shop has moved over to the
wonderful Wii and with great results. Being able to interact with your precious and precocious pets
on the big screen enthralled little girls. Of course being able to successfully navigate your way
through pet shop ownership and unlocking even more animals is still the key and players attacked
the job with relish. There are also Kibble coins to be earned so that your can buy a train ticket to
bring your favorite pet home to live with you. Relax Mom and Dad, it's all virtual reality!
Hasbro Family Game Night
Price: $29.99
Connect Four, Battleship, Yahtzee, Boggle & Sorry on
Electronic Arts
Age: All Ages
Video Games
Traditionalists beware because your precious, classic board games have been given a full Wii
makeover. Though it might rattle your monacles and teacups, the fact is Hasbro Family Game
Night is a certified hit not just with kids but their parents too. Sure we like to associate Family
Game Night as sitting around the table but we have to roll with the times and sitting on the couch
with Wii controllers is just as much, if not more, fun! Parents enjoyed introducing games from
their youth that even they had to admit were better in video game format. In the case of Battleship
the graphics allow you to actually sink a ship, and those plastic pegs will never get lost. In Party
mode you can have speed rounds which allows you to entertain larger groups. This video game
may be the first we've seen that truly embodies the essence of Family Game Night. Bravo.
Price: Free
Free Kids Entertainment Website
Mrs P Enterprises, LLC
Age: 3 to 11
Web Sites
This beautifully conceived, beautifully rendered website thoroughly impressed our testers with its
recognition of the shift that has occurred in childhood learning by marrying the timeless importance
of childhood reading with the reality of our computerized world. Everything on the site is fun and
unique with no blatant advertising. Testers noted that the site felt extremely genuine in its desire to
help children develop a love of reading and did so by creating a fun environment for them to be
read to. The site offers a wide range of stories from ages 3 to 11 and its all free. Warm and
inviting, you will fall in love with the sweet little old lady sitting by the fireplace and a magic
library full of books that she is just waiting to read to your child.