Maple Street Congregational Church United Church of Christ
Maple Street Congregational Church United Church of Christ
Maple Street Congregational Church United Church of Christ No matter who you are or where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here! June 21, 2015 Fathers’ Day and Strengthen the Church Offering 10:00 a.m. Childcare is offered for 3 and under during Worship at “Kid’s Korner” in the hall behind the Sanctuary. PRELUDE Reverie Claude Debussy (A time for meditation in preparation for worshipping God) WORDS OF WELCOME CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Strength is commanding the wind and sea to obey, Strength is wielding a slingshot in the face of a raging giant. Strength is accepting vulnerability from inside the boat, Strength is standing in solidarity with the powerless. Strength is turning a cheek, Strength is loving an enemy. We come to worship a God who redefines our vision of strength. Amen. --Kathryn Hawker *OPENING HYMN A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Black No. 439 *INVOCATION OF GOD’S PRESENCE (IN UNISON) As we sit in the palm of your hand, loving God, May we continue to see your strength revealed In the vulnerability… The dying, the crying, the rising Of your people. May our seeing thus inspire our acting. We enter into your gates with hope and openness to see the love in our neighbor. --Adapted, Kathryn Hawker *Please stand as you are able. In the name of the one who inspires our hope and taught us each one to pray, saying… *THE LORD’S PRAYER (in unison) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. *RESPONSE Tune: Red No. 241 Spirit divine, attend our prayers and make this world thy home; Descend with all thy gracious powers, o come, great Spirit, come! The Gift of Love ANTHEM Hal Hopson SILENT PRAYER AND PASTORAL PRAYER *HYMN Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love Black No. 498 OFFERING OUR GIFTS TO GOD *Offertory Simple Gifts *Doxology Shaker Song arr. William Llewellyn Red No. 64, verse 5 Let all things their creator bless, and worship him in humbleness, O praise him, alleluia. Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, And praise the Spirit, three in one. O praise him, O praise him. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen. *Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication Maple Street News Today is Fathers’ Day and Strengthen the Church Offering. Please be as generous as you are able. We wish all the fathers a very happy Fathers’ Day! 9:50 am Joys and Concerns 9:55 am Announcements 10:00 am Morning Worship. Babycare is offered for children 3 and under. 11:30 am Enjoy a cup of justice with the Maple Street Church Family during Fellowship time in the Social Hall following Worship. Next Sunday is Hymn Sing Sunday--please find a hymn request form inserted in this bulletin, complete it and either put with the collection or hand to an usher. The “Clock winder Workshop” originally scheduled for today has been postponed to a date to be determined. Annual Lowell Spinners Outing---The MSC Men's Club will once again be taking in a Lowell Spinners game this summer! Join the Men's Club on Thursday evening, July 23rd for a fun evening of baseball, fellowship, and bratwursts! The game begins at 7:05 pm. Let Linda and Tom Manuel know if you will be riding in the carpool to the game by giving your RSVP to Linda in the church office (978-774-4510)The carpool will be leaving the parking lot in the back of the church at a time to be determined. We will each buy our own tickets to the game at the door. This coming Saturday, June 27, from 11 until 3 the Church Growth Committee will “man” their booth at Endicott Park Day. Please plan to visit the Church Growth Committee’s booth at this Danvers Family Festival event for children’s fun and games and to support MSC’s efforts. Pastor Kevin will be on vacation beginning this coming Thursday, June 25. Beginning Sunday, July 5, Worship will be held in the Chapel. The Boy Scouts will sponsor a Spaghetti Supper on Wednesday, July 1, from 5 to 7 pm in the Social Hall. Tickets are $20 per family; $7 per adult; and $5 for children and seniors. You can contact Wayne at 508-254-7945 for tickets or you can buy them at the door. Monday: 10 am to noon Tuesday to Thursday: 9 am to noon Friday: Closed This Week Monday 6:00 pm Cub Scouts in Rooms 22/24 and 23/25 (Lafata) Scouts in Social Hall Tuesday 9:15 am A New Day Yoga in the Reception Room 6:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 16 in Social Hall Cub Scouts in Rooms 22/24 and 23/25 (Lafata) Wednesday 7:00 pm CE Committee Meeting in the CE Office. Thursday Pastor Kevin on vacation 6:00 pm Cub Scouts in Room 22/24 (Lafata) Friday 9:15 am Saturday A New Day Yoga in the Reception Room Endicott Park Day--be sure to visit the Church Growth Committee’s booth from 11 to 3. Sunday Hymn Sing Sunday Reminder Our lighted steeple is an important symbol of our presence in the community. Your contributions in memory of loved ones and friends or to commemorate a special event help keep the steeple lighted. If you would like to have the steeple lighted for one or more weeks, please refer to the form on the next page. Maple Street Congregational Church United Church of Christ 90 Maple Street, Danvers, MA 01923 Rev. Kevin Smith Minister 978-774-4510, ext. 3 Cell 978-968-5020 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Kathryn Titus Interim Director of Christian Ed. 089-774-4510, ext. 4 [email protected] Ms. Kathy Gross Director of Music Ministry 978-774-4510, ext. 5 [email protected] Ms. Ji-Hye Jung Asst. Director of Music Ministry 978-774-4510, ext. 1 [email protected] Ms. Linda Blair Office Administrator 978-774-4510, ext. 1 [email protected] Mrs. Lynne Hathaway Nursery School Director 978-774-4510, ext. 6 [email protected] Our Worship Services are recorded each week aired on Danvers Comcast Channel 99 and Verizon Channel 36, Sunday 10:00 am and 7:00 pm (one week delay) OFFICE HOURS—Monday through Friday from 9 am until 2 pm Pastor Kevin Smith is available for home visitation, member weddings, funerals, memorial services, baptisms, and pastoral counseling. Feel free to contact Pastor Kevin if you need a listening ear, if you want to discuss the work of the congregation, or if you would like to join Maple Street Church! Office schedules can vary for ministers as they attend meetings, attend to church business, write and prepare for Sunday worship away from the office, visit members of the congregation, and more, so it’s always wise to call or e-mail to make an appointment if at all possible. Pastor Kevin’s day off is Friday. Pastor Kevin’s worship preparation times are Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon when he will be out of the office. You can contact him at the Church Office phone listed above, the e-mail listed above, or at 978-968-5020. Rev. Kathryn will usually be in the CE Office or community on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. She can be reached by email or phone listed above for appointments if needed. SCRIPTURE LESSONS Exodus 34:1-9 Luke 7:36-50 “Who SERMON *HYMN OF RESPONSE pew Bible pg. 76 pew Bible pgs. 897-898 Do You See?” Pastor Kevin We Would Be Building Black No. 607 BENEDICTION BENEDICTION RESPONSE Shalom to You Now Spanish melody words by Elise Eslinger Please join in singing Shalom to you now, shalom, my friends. May God's full mercies bless you, my friends. In all your living and through your loving, Christ be your shalom, Christ be your shalom. POSTLUDE Golliwogg's Cakewalk Claude Debussy Our Worship together concludes with the Benediction Response. The Postlude is transitional music which inspires us as we go forth as disciples to serve God and one another. to Maple Street Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. If you are here for the first time, please fill out the friendship pad and pass it on to your neighbor. Our ushers and greeters are happy to answer any questions. Nursery care, with a trained staff, is offered throughout the worship service. The church of disciples who welcome you! Visit our web page at Sunday’s Servants: Greeter: Sheila Rizzotti Acolytes: Matthew Shannon and Michaela Bartlett Deacon of the Month: John Soderblom Ushers: Donna Willis, Aaron Bartlett and Casey Brennan Special Assistant to the Deacon: Bob Wilkinson The Steeple is lit in memory of Tom Tutko By his sons Dave and Mike Tutko The flowers in the Chancel are in loving memory of our fathers Merwin Hathaway and E. Philip Littlefield Given by Lew and Marge Hathaway Donating flowers for the altar or narthex is a wonderful way to honor a loved one. If you wish to donate flowers, please contact Judy Manuel at 978-273-1485 Our lighted steeple is an important symbol of our presence in the community. Your contributions in memory of loved ones and friends or to commemorate a special event help keep the steeple lighted. If you would like to have the steeple lighted for one or more weeks, please fill out the form below and send it with $15 per week to the church office. I would like the steeple lighted in memory of: _____________________________ I would like the steeple lighted in honor of: _______________________________ Requested date (if available) to light: ___________________________ (signed) ________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________
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Maple Street Congregational Church United Church of Christ
Interim Director of Christian Ed.