Torneo HEB de golf proyecta 8.4 millones para
Torneo HEB de golf proyecta 8.4 millones para
San Antonio Lives Bilingual AÑO XXVII • NÚMERO 50 12 de junio de 2016 Torneo H-E-B de golf proyecta Temple Beth-El 8.4 millones para beneficencia awards $30,000 to new Children’s Court program By Christina Acosta [email protected] El jueves 9 de junio a las 8 de la mañana 280 voluntarios llegaron a las instalaciones de San Antonio Food Bank con el objetivo prestar un día de servicio en esta institución realizando diversas tareas. Los voluntarios son empleados de diversas empresas proveedores de mercancía o servicios para H-E-B. (Foto, R. J. Pérez) Por Roberto J. Pérez [email protected] La campaña anual “H-E-B Tournament of Champions” en su 31 aniversario tiene el objetivo de reunir un fondo de 8.4 millones de dólares generados por las inscripciones al torneo de golf 2016 que organiza H-E-B. Este capital será distribuido entre un centenar de instituciones caritativas y agencias no lucrativas en San Antonio y otras comunidades del estado. Además del torneo de golf, esta campaña de capital tiene una segunda fase, que es el trabajo que harán 1,200 voluntarios para mejorar las instalaciones y edificios y campos de recreo en Blue Print Ministries, Inner City Development, St. Jude’s Ranch y San Antonio Food Bank. La campaña de mejoramiento material en las entidades enumeradas líneas arriba empezó el jueves 9 de junio y en entre estas actividades está incluida la recepción que el público y voluntarios darán a un grupo de combatientes heridos en la guerra de Iraq, quienes ocuparán casas habitación para ellos y sus familias que fueron construidas como parte de esta campaña a lo largo de la avenida New Braunfels. Esta recepción se celebró el viernes 10 de junio. Los trabajos de mejoramiento empezaron a las 8 de la mañana (jueves 9) continuando por el resto del fin de semana. La fuerza de trabajo está integrada por 1,200 voluntarios que trabajan a las múltiples empresas de vendedores, pro veedores de mercancía y de servicios que tienen contratos con la cadena H-E-B. A ellos se agregan voluntarios de que laboran en la cadena H-E-B. En San Antonio Food Bank, el jueves a las 8 de la mañana llegaron varios autobuses transportando a 280 voluntarios –representando diversas empresas– para dedicar un día de labor en las instalaciones de SAFB. Los voluntarios se apres taron a cumplir diferentes tareas como empacar cajas de alimentos, que son distribuidos diariamente por Food Bank. Una parte de este grupo trabajó en el mantenimiento de los campos de cultivo anexos al Food Bank. En Blue Print Ministries (2275 Hays) los voluntarios unidos con jóvenes del East Side trabajaron en casas de familias modestas practicando diferentes obras de reparación en el techo, poniendo paredes nuevas (draywall), pisos, pintura e instalaciones de servicios domésticos. En St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, ubicado en el suburbio de Bulverde, los trabajadores voluntarios mejoraron los campos de recreo de los niños, limpiaron las cabañas y las áreas de recreo. Para mejorar las condiciones habitacionales en el West Side socios y voluntarios de Inner City Development se concentraron en Lanier High School para partir de allí a diferentes casas habitación y lugares públicos con el objetivo de rea lizar trabajo de mejoramiento ambiental. Santikos Casa Blanca brings world class entertainment to S.A. By Lucy Almanza [email protected] San Antonio’s newest enterThe impressive Spanish- doors on June 9 to offer a movie tainment destination, Santikos themed venue, located at High- experience like no other. Casa Blanca Theatre, is now way 151 and Alamo Ranch See Santikos Casa Blanca open. Parkway, officially opened its on page 4-A The Bexar County Commissioners Court received a donation of $30,000 from Temple Beth-El Tuesday morning to support the new Early Intervention Program of the Children’s Court. At hand to celebrate were Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff, 225th District Judge Peter Sakai, President of Hidalgo Foundation Tracy Wolff, President of the Board at Temple Beth-El David Adelman and several fund members of Temple Beth-El. The program in Judge Sakai’s court will help reunify families with young children by emphasizing a healthy attachment between parent and child, focusing on the most vulnerable populations in the child welfare system – children three years old and younger. According to the Texas Department of Family Protective Services, there were 4,941 cases of child abuse and neglect last year in San Antonio. In an effort to decrease these statistics, the program will target the young mothers who had their children removed by Child Protective Services because of child abuse and neglect cases by providing a wraparound multi-disciplinary team approach. For Judge Sakai, the fund was necessary for abuse and neglectful parents to receive the help they need before the child grows older. “Many parents are dealing with drugs and alcohol addiction, mental health, poverty, criminal activity and illiteracy. These are cycles that we need to break in order to get these healthy families as a whole,” Judge Sakai told La Prensa. “We are bringing children and families into these intensive programs that the court and I, as the presiding judge, will preside over to make sure that parents are held accountable; the parents get the services they need and we resolve the issues they face.” The donation was secured by the Hidalgo Foundation of Bexar County, a nonprofit organization formed in 2001 to give Bexar County a fund targeting charitable, literary, historical and educational purposes. So far, the foundation has raised $400,000 for the Early Intervention Program allowing the fund to grow to its potential to help families in need. The Children’s Court program will achieve their mission by providing a comprehensive network of services in mental health and cognitive social development to families with children who are involved in the child welfare system. Parents will be empowered with child development skills and education, while addressing attachment and bonding issues often seen in these vulnerable children. Ultimately, the donation will lead to an improved home life once parents and children receive the aid they need, creating unity with parents and children. This is the first step to transforming parents into proper and fit role models for young children. “We are going to have healthy children grow up to healthy adults. Parents will no longer be a burden on society, having to constantly put them in jail or have them stay in our assistant programs… We are creating a synergy here in Bexar County to take care of our children and families,” concluded Judge Sakai. Judge Peter Sakai is grateful for Temple Beth-El, who awarded $30,000 to an Early Intervention Program that An entertainment venue like no other, the new Santikos Casa Blanca Theatre features the two largest screen in will help reunify families with young children by emphaTexas (at 90 feet wide), 100 percent laser projection, 16 lanes of bowling, a full-service sports bar, arcade and café. sizing a healthy attachment between parent and child. (Courtesy photo) (Photo, Christina Acosta) 2-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 12 de junio de 2016 Viene el verano, protéjase la piel LOCK & GO Lic. #B12044 Por La Prensa Con los días de verano cerca (vacaciones, playa, piscina y actividades al aire libre) el Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recuerda a los estadounidenses protegerse la piel para evitar cáncer de piel, el tipo de cáncer más común en los Estados Unidos. “La mayoría de los casos del melanoma, el tercer tipo de cáncer de piel más mortal, SATX son provocados por la exposición a la luz ultravioleta (UV)”, sostiene el CDC. Los rayos UV pueden causar daños en la piel desprotegida en tan solo quince minutos, pero pueden pasar hasta doce horas para que se note el daño. El CDC explica que la piel bronceada es en realidad una piel que ha sufrido daños; prácticamente cualquier cambio en la coloración de la piel. Y que aunque el día esté nublado, la piel necesita protección, puesto que son Inner City Development Friendship Festival and street dance La festival de amistad y baile en la calle Free Admission July 9, 2016 Performances by: 6 to 11:30 p.m. Grupo Cielo Pinata Protest 1300 Chihuahua Liberty Band, DJ Gabriel and Danzavida De San Antonio Music | Food | Beverages Games | Raffle | Street Dance Sponsored by: Sponsorship also provided by City of San Antonio District 䔀渀最氀椀猀栀 愀猀 愀 匀攀挀漀渀搀 䰀愀渀最甀愀最攀 䔀匀䰀 䀀 一嘀䌀 䄀挀挀攀氀攀爀愀琀攀搀 㘀ⴀ䰀攀瘀攀氀 倀爀漀最爀愀洀 䄀昀昀漀爀搀愀戀氀攀 吀甀椀琀椀漀渀 䴀漀爀渀椀渀最 愀渀搀 䔀瘀攀渀椀渀最 䌀氀愀猀猀攀猀 圀攀攀欀攀渀搀 倀爀漀最爀愀洀 吀伀䔀䘀䰀 倀爀攀瀀愀爀愀琀椀漀渀 泰 䈀甀猀椀渀攀猀猀 䔀渀最氀椀猀栀 泰 倀爀漀渀甀渀挀椀愀琀椀漀渀 泰 䜀爀愀洀洀愀爀 愀渀搀 䌀漀渀瘀攀爀猀愀琀椀漀渀 泰 吀漀 刀攀最椀猀琀攀爀Ⰰ 䌀愀氀氀 ㈀ ⴀ㐀㠀㘀ⴀ㐀㐀㈀㘀 漀爀 ㈀ ⴀ㐀㠀㘀ⴀ㐀㐀 㐀 愀氀愀洀漀⸀攀搀甀⼀渀瘀挀⼀攀猀氀 ㌀㔀㌀㔀 一漀爀琀栀 䔀氀氀椀猀漀渀 䐀爀椀瘀攀 匀愀渀 䄀渀琀漀渀椀漀Ⰰ 吀堀 㜀㠀㈀㔀 los rayos UV lo que dañan la piel, no la temperatura. Asimismo, indica que el bronceado en interiores (camas de bronceado) con lleva a la exposición de rayos UVA y UVB, que también dañan la piel y pueden ocasionar cáncer. Las camas de bronceado son peligrosas para las personas que empiezan a broncearse muy jóvenes. Y en la medida que lo siguen hacien do a lo largo de su vida el bronceado en interiores puede causar envejecimiento prematuro de la piel, manchas de la edad, cambiar la textura de la piel y aumentar la posibilidad de contraer enfermedades en el ojo potencialmente cegadoras. Asimismo, el bronceado en interiores no es más seguro que el bronceado al aire libre. Un cambio en la piel es el síntoma más común de cáncer de piel. Esto puede ser una lesión nueva, una llaga que no cicatriza o un cambio en un lugar. Recomendaciones Por lo tanto el CDC recomienda para proteger la piel durante los días de verano: quedarse en la sombra, especialmente durante los mediodías, proteger la piel expuesta al sol con ropa; usar sombrero de ala ancha para cubrir la cara, orejas, cuello y cabeza; usar lentes de sol que en lo posible bloqueen el 100 por ciento de los rayos UVA y UVB. También utilizar filtro solar con factor de protección solar (FPS) 15 o más alto y que contenga protección contra los rayos UVA y UVB. Aplicárselo como mínimo cada dos horas, cada vez que vaya al agua, sude o se seque. Riesgos Hay personas que presentan más riesgo de contraer cáncer de piel. Entre estos factores están: tener piel clara, exposición al sol debido al trabajo o actividades recreativas, antecedentes de bronceado en camas solares, antecedentes de quemaduras de sol (especialmente durante la infancia), antecedentes (Infografía, cortesía CDC) familiares y personales de cáncer de piel, piel que se quema o enrojece, le salen pecas o que en el sol se sien te adolorida, cabello rubio o pelirrojo, ojos azules o verdes, ciertos tipos de lunares o numerosos lunares. 12 de junio de 2016 3-A Es humillante cuando no aceptan la póliza del seguro médico Por José I. Franco [email protected] Desde que se me diagnosticó con la enfermedad de vértigo (mareo), me ha sido difícil encontrar alguna clínica especializada que acepte mi póliza de seguro médico, por ser de marca desconocida. OSCAR es su nombre comercial, por lo que al parecer en algunas clínicas no la han tomado en conside ración aceptarla. Bueno en este testimonio les comunicaré a mis tres lectores sobre la humillación que me hicieron pasar dos chicas empleadas en la recepción de clínica especializada en problemas del oído, equilibrio, nariz y garganta. En los momentos de solicitar una cita, de inmediato se me pidió la tarjeta del seguro médico, después de revisarla momentáneamente la recepcionista me pasó a ver a su compañera, quien también me pido ver la tarjeta. “Oye: ¿Alguna vez has visto esta póliza, tiene un nombre curioso? Se llama OSCAR”, le comentó la segunda chica a su compañero, quien con sonrisa burlona, le dijo que no. “Lo siento señor pero no le podemos dar la cita porque su póliza no la tenemos en registro en nuestra gerencia”, expresó la encargada de verificar el seguro médico de cada paciente. Detrás de mí tenía dos pacientes en espera para obtener información sobre sus respectivas citas. La sala de espera estaba llena, por lo que logré escuchar algu- nos pacientes mofarse de mi situación. En esos momentos, con mis padecimientos de ansiedad y mareos, me pude contener para no explotar y decirle barbaridades a ambas empleadas y de paso a los pacientes (la mayoría personas de la tercera edad). Sin embargo, recuerdo que les pregunté a ambas chicas cuál era el problema de no tomar mi póliza. Les dije claramente que su gerencia general me debería dar una respuesta, ya que por ella (la póliza) pago cerca de $600 mensualmente. “Este seguro no es del plan Obamacare. Pago bastante al mes como para que ustedes ni tan siquiera me puedan dar una explicación decente y no hacerlo saber públicamente”, me expresé ante las encargadas de atender al paciente en la recepción. No tuve más que abandonar el edificio, mal humorado y con todo un gran coraje, que por poco y me conduce a sobrepasarme en mi protesta. Sin embargo, a los pocos minutos los efectos del medicamento que tomó para controlar la ansiedad comenzaron hacer efecto y pude calmar mi ira. La reforma de salud postulada por el primer mandatario para muchas personas ha sido de gran beneficio y para otras ha sido toda una batalla contra el sistema de aceptación en las pólizas “de marcas desconocidas” de seguro médico. Por ser Estados Unidos un país abierto a la compra y demanda, esto le da el derecho a que algunas clínicas donde se practica especialidad en servicios médicos se nieguen a darles consulta a personas que ostentan un seguro médico de marca desconocida. De acuerdo a Obamacare, la reforma de salud es para que todo paciente sea aceptado en clínicas y nosocomios, sin importar su estado de salud. Sin embargo, a mí para nada me sirvió la póliza por la que pago una buena cantidad. El sistema de salud no le da opciones buenas a quienes carezcan de alguna póliza, ya que de no tenerla se le estaría multando en los momentos de hacer el reporte de sueldo devengado anualmente. Su servidor en los últimos tres años ha cambiado de póliza de seguro médico en tres ocasiones. Primero, estuve afiliado a un pequeño grupo laboral de esta casa editorial. Posteriormente se nos acabó el plan porque se redujo el grupo, quedándome a la deriva, por lo cual para no ser “multado” por Obamacare tuve que comprar un plan individual que me costaba cerca de la mitad de mi salario. No duré mucho con esa póliza, porque aparte de que no la usaba me estaba sacando fuera de mi presupuesto. Sin embargo, la dueña de mis quincenas (mi esposa), quien es la que lleva al co rriente las finanzas, por fin logró conseguirme la tercera póliza de seguro médico arri ba citada. Su marca tiene nombre popular (OSCAR) con sede en la ciudad de la gran manzana. Esta póliza la estrené recientemente en mi primera visita a la sala de emergencia donde no tuve ningún problema y también con mi doctor particular, donde la recepcionista me aceptó de buena gana mi póliza. Al concluir la visita, cuando iba hacer el pago, la recepcionista me dijo que OSCAR pagaba por visita al médico. Seguidamente fui a la farmacia para ordenar las recetas, preguntando a la vez cuanto sería el costo de las mismas. El encargado me dijo que no lo podía hacer de inmediato, pero cuando fuera a recoger el medicamento me iba a sorprender con el pago, porque OSCAR es una póliza que cubre un ochenta por ciento de costos en medicamentos. La verdad que así fue: en las tres recetas que me surtie ron solo pague la cantidad de $25. Al fijarme sobre el ahorro que tuve en la receta de pastillas para la ansiedad, en la etiqueta marcaba que me estaba ahorrando $115. Por 60 pastillas solo me tocó pagar cinco dólares, lo cual me hizo feliz y de paso contento porque al fin tengo una póliza que vale la pena por lo que pago. OSCAR tiene su slogan. “Con nuestros planes el cliente paga menos por sus medicamentos. OSCAR abarata el surtido de sus recetas médicas”. Hasta la próxima D.M. Your family can get in shape and win big this summer with the San Antonio Sports Fit Family Challenge presented by BlueCross BlueShield of Texas! FREE weekly fitness activities and four family-friendly Saturday Big Events. EXCITING REWARDS PROGRAM Regular participation earns you the chance to win $1,000 at our Big Events, sports and movie tickets, gift cards, cash and more! For a list of weekly fitness activity locations near you and to learn more, visit or call 210-820-2101 La Prensa, raíces en la cultura de San Antonio 4-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Fighting the Zika virus – federal funding delays are intolerable U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett Many of us are headed outside to enjoy summer in San Antonio. But while we’re taking a bite of some delicious barbecue, we don’t want to have to worry about what might be taking a bite out of us. With the mosquitos that carry Zika virus common throughout Texas, we need to act now to protect our community from this growing health threat. Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that can result in devastating birth defects. Recent research suggests that children born to women infected with Zika during the first three months of pregnancy have a significant risk of developing microcephaly, severe brain damage linked to death or lifelong disabilities. Two babies have been born with microcephaly in the United States, and almost 300 more mothers-to-be in the U.S. and its territories have been infected. No pregnant American should be living in fear of a mosquito bite. There are more than 600 reported cases in the U.S. contracted through travel, and 1,110 locally acquired cases of Zika virus in citizens living in U.S. territories. Already, 40 Texans have been infected through international travel or sexual contact with someone who caught the virus, including six confirmed Zika cases in San Antonio. Many public health experts warn that we are on the cusp of an epidemic in the U.S. Mike Merchant, a Texas A&M insect specialist, said that “the clock is ticking right now” as mosquitos start breeding and biting in the hotter, warmer and wetter weather. According to experts, it’s no longer a question of if the virus will come, but when. We should not panic, but we must prepare. Despite warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Republicans in Congress have shown a stunning amount of indifference toward this looming public health crisis. I spoke on the House floor in support of full funding of the CDC’s plan, yet my colleagues in the majority passed a bill that provides one out of every five dollars the CDC needs. When federal funding wasn’t promptly delivered, the CDC was forced to take money out of Ebola response and state emergency preparedness funds. Concerned for our community, I spoke directly with CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden to learn how this reduced funding would affect plans to protect us from Zika. He warned that without proper funding, we lose the ability to effectively monitor people infected with Zika and control the mosquitos around them, putting their neighbors at risk. Additionally, without replenishing state grants, Texas will be less able to respond to other health emergencies. Texas lost almost 10 percent of its health preparedness money, funding that the state counts on in floods and other disasters. This doesn’t need to be a partisan fight. Mosquitoes certainly cannot tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Even top Texas Senate Republicans and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick have urged the Texas congressional delegation to act, saying that Texas desperately needs federal funding to combat the Zika virus—particularly after widespread recent flooding. I hope their fellow Republicans in Congress are listening. This is not something that Congress should fight piecemeal or that citizens should be expected to fight with only DEET and a flyswatter. Vaccines take years to develop. Mosquito populations take time to control. If we do not fund a robust response, we are headed toward stop-and-go drug development or no development at all. This is a grave mistake, one that we cannot let come back to bite us. I will continue to advocate to fully fund what the health care experts say is required to fight the spread of Zika and to help protect Bexar County families. Given the threat of the Zika virus, especially to our now water-logged region, it is inexcusable not to immediately provide the resources needed to prevent, control and cure this disease. 12 de junio de 2016 Free swim lessons offered by the S.A. Parks Foundation Special to La Prensa The San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department will offer free swimming lessons in partnership with the San Antonio Parks Foundation to San Antonio children and adults through a new summer program. The goal of “Let’s Swim SA,” presented by University Health System and additional partner Security Service Federal Credit Union, is to teach 2,760 lessons over the course of six weeks at various City of San Antonio outdoor pools. “Our intention is for 2,760 San Antonians to develop the skills needed to swim safely and enjoyably this summer. These are also skills they can use for the rest of their lives,” said Noah Almanza, president and CEO, San Antonio Parks Foundation. ““According to the CDC, more than one in five fatal drowning victims are children younger than 14. We hope these lessons will enhance the quality of life for these kids and their families, and we thank San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department for providing this service.” This year, 23 City of San Antonio outdoor pools are participating in the program and registration is currently taking place until all the slots are filled. Each pool can accommodate approximately 100 kids. Sessions are based on a first come first served basis. Each session includes six group lessons. The parent/child and preschool swim classes last 30 minutes, while the school age/adult classes last 45 minutes. The swim lesson times vary depending on pool site, with classes taking place both in the mornings and evenings. The three sessions will take place over the following dates: Session I: June 21 - June 30; session II: July 5 - July 14; Session III: July 19 - July 28. For a link to all participating City pools and availability of lessons, please visit the following link: http://bit. ly/1YC5cqA. Swim lesson FAQ’s for parents of participants can be found here: http://bit. ly/20Kut2F. interested in taking lessons can call the San Antonio Natatorium at (210) 207-3299 or 210-215-7520 to inquire about availability. Santikos Casa Blanca... (continued from page 1-A) “Welcome to a new era of movie-going in San Antonio,” said David Holmes, CEO of Santikos Entertainment, at the ribbon cutting event. The lobby and auditoriums were filled with eager guests finally getting a glimpse of the area’s newest cinema. From the walls to the flooring, the building stuns with modern automated ticket services, large screens, 16 lanes of bowling, a full-service sports bar, café and arcade. However, that’s not all. The theatre is also home to the largest movie screen in Texas at 90 feet wide. “The Santikos Casa Blanca Theatre is a jewel in the community with its stunning architecture, the best projection and sound technology available,” said Holmes. “Moviegoers will enjoy in-theatre dining with an upscale menu and recliner and oversized seating, and Santikos legendary guest service.” Adding to the movie magic, the Casa Blanca is the first 100 percent laser digital projection theatre in the world using Barco Laser Projection to illuminate all 16 screens. Laser projection delivers significantly better picture clarity, better color saturation and a three times brighter image for the best movie viewing experience available anywhere. “Barco Laser is the pinnacle of cinema projection, and we are proud to have outfitted the Casa Blanca with the best product that the industry has to offer,” said Holmes. “It’s a game changer for the moviegoer experience – there is no bad seat in the house.” Viewers are immersed in a realistic, special-effects environment right in their comfortably padded, reclining seats. For those who prefer more than popcorn with their movie, the theatre also offers excellent food and drinks in an upscale atmosphere. The Casa Blanca, the last theatre designed by the late John L. Santikos, is projected to be one of the top 20 theatres in the country. One million people are expected to visit the new entertainment venue annually. The opening of the new theatre extends the charitable legacy of the cinema pioneer and visionary to the West Side of the city. As part of the theatre group now organized under the John L. Santikos Charitable Foundation, a fund of the San Antonio Area Foun- The goal of “Let’s Swim SA” is to teach 2,760 lessons over the course of six weeks at dation, the Casa Blanca and all various City of San Antonio outdoor pools. (Courtesy photo) Santikos Theatres exist for the sole benefit of the community, making Santikos Entertainment the only theatre group in the world that operates as a social enterprise. “You can see a movie anywhere, but every time you see a movie at a Santikos theatre, you become a vital part of our charitable legacy because all of the economic benefits associated with our operations are ® reinvested directly back into the community,” said Holmes. The net result of dollars spent on movie tickets, concessions, dining and other amenities funnels back into the local community in the form of donations, sponsorships, grants and programming that educate, cure, support, and otherwise enhance life within our community. Through the operation of Santikos theatres, $12 million will be given to the community in 2016. Over the next 10 years, the fund will generate $20 million a year or $400,000 a week for the community. For more information on the Casa Blanca and upcoming movies, visit www.santikos. com. Pet of the week Four-year-old Brooke is a “Torbie” kitty—that’s a shorthair cat with a tortoiseshell tabby-patterned coat. In short, she’s gorgeous! The warm bronze of her fur and the striking yellow-orange of her eyes are enough to draw anyone in—if you could just see her! Brooke is rather fond of hanging out in her cat condo, and like any newcomer to the San Antonio Humane Society, she’s still doing a little bit of adjusting. But don’t mistake her timidity for unfriendliness; she still appreciates some sweet talk and affection. Spend a little time with her and don’t be surprised when she nuzzles your hand asking for more love. Visit Brooke soon! She’s ready for a devoted and understanding forever home. Please remember to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society: Connecting Friends for Life. Cruise Home in a New Audi! GRAND PRIZE DRAWING | MONDAY, JUNE 27 | 10:30 P.M. On June 27, you’ve got a chance at winning the second Audi Q5 or $1,000 cash in our Audi Adventures giveaway! Come in now through June 27 for your one FREE daily entry, and receive an additional entry for every 777 points you earn! Don’t miss your chance to win a luxurious ride! Vehicle shown will vary from actual prize. Must be a Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino Hotel Players Club Member to participate. Management reserves all rights. Adoption fees for Cats: Less than 5 Months - $65 Over 5 months of age - $30 *Adoption fees may vary This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., visit, or call (210) 226-7461. E AG L E PA S S, T X | LUCKYEAGLETEXAS.COM 12 de junio de 2016 5-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Comentarios... El peligro de ser neutrales Decir que los periodistas debemos tomar partido y dejar de ser neutrales parecería ir Jorge Ramos en contra de lo que aprendimos en la escuela. Los periodistas, nos dijeron muchos maestros, deben ser neutrales y objetivos. Pero, creo que la única forma de cumplir con nuestra principal responsabilidad social, que es cuestionar a los que tienen el poder, es dejando a un lado la neutralidad. No tengo nada en contra de la objetividad, hay que reflejar la realidad como es y no como quisiéramos que fuera. Si es rojo decimos rojo, y si murie ron 15, decimos 15. Lo básico es responder al qué, dónde, cuándo, cómo y por qué. El reto viene después. ¿Cuándo debemos tomar partido los periodistas y dejar la neutralidad a un lado? He identificado seis áreas. No debemos ser neutrales en casos de racismo, discriminación, corrupción, mentiras públicas, dictaduras y violaciones a los derechos humanos. No podemos tratar igual a un dictador que a una víctima de su dictadura. No debe ser lo mismo entrevistar a Donald Trump, que hizo comentarios racistas sobre mexicanos y musulmanes, e insultó pública- mente a varias mujeres, que a las personas que ofendió. Dar los dos puntos de vista para equilibrar la información no nos lleva necesariamente a la verdad. Los mejores ejemplos de periodismo que tenemos en Estados Unidos ocurrieron cuando los reporteros tomaron partido: los periodistas del Washington Post que obligan al presidente Richard Nixon a renunciar; la postura de Walter Cronkite contra la guerra de Vietnam; y los reporteros del Boston Globe contra los sacerdotes pedófilos (y cuyo caso se explora en la película ‘Spotlight’). Hay muchos más. La neutralidad no es buena compañía. Siempre debemos tomar partido, dijo Elie Wiesel, el escritor y sobreviviente del Holocausto en su discurso después de haber aceptado el Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1986. La neutralidad ayuda al opresor, nunca a la víctima. El silencio alienta al atormentador, nunca al atormentado. Siguiendo esta idea, nos corresponde a los periodistas denunciar la dictadura cubana, los presos políticos en Venezue la, la corrupción en Brasil, las mentiras oficiales de los 43 desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa en México y las expresiones racistas de la campaña electoral en Estados Unidos. La idea de que los periodistas nunca puedan tomar una posición y sonar las alarmas, especialmente cuando tienes una amenaza y un peligro como el de Donald Trump, es realmente una idea pervertida y corrompida del periodismo, me dijo en una entrevista Glenn Greenwald, quien colaboró con Edward Snowden para filtrar los documentos secretos de la dependencia de seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos. Algunas entrevistas con Trump donde no se le cuestionan sus opiniones prejuiciadas y sus comentarios sexistas han sido verdaderamente vergonzosas. Lo mismo pasa con los abusos y la represión del régimen autoritario de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela. No es posible la neutralidad moral cuando hay presos políticos y la democracia no está funcionando, dijo sobre Venezuela Luis Almagro, el secretario general de la Organización de los Estados Americanos. No denunciar una injusticia, seas o no perio dista, nos podría convertir en cómplices. Si eres neutral con respecto a una injusticia, estás escogiendo el lado del opresor, dijo alguna vez Desmond Tutu, quien luchó junto con Nelson Mandela para terminar con el sistema del apartheid en Sudáfrica. Si un elefante tiene su pata en la cola de un ratón y tú dices que eres neutral, el ratón no va a apreciar tu neutralidad. Los periodistas, en casos muy específicos, debemos tomar partido. Ojo, esto no significa ser del partido Demócrata o del Republicano. Esto significa ser de una independencia feroz y hacer preguntas duras, incómodas, a todos. Si no tomamos partido, no es periodismo, escribió el profesor Jeff Jarvis en su libro Geeks Bearing Gifts: Imagining New Futures for News. Todo nuevo periodista debe leerlo. El oficio del periodista no es ser una grabadora y solo repetir lo que nos dicen. Yo no me siento, ni lograré jamás sentirme, un frío registrador de lo que escucho y veo, escribió la periodista italiana Oriana Fallaci en su libro, “Entrevista con La Historia”. Sobre toda experiencia profesional dejo jirones del alma. Cómo sugirió alguna vez Martin Luther King, el proble ma no son las acciones violentas de los malos, sino el apabu llante silencio e indiferencia de la gente buena. El verdadero riesgo de ser neutrales es creer que estamos haciendo nuestro trabajo periodístico cuando, en verdad, solo ayudamos a que alguien abuse de su poder. Y eso no es periodismo. (¿Tiene algún comenta rio o pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a Jorge.Ramos@ Por favor incluya su nombre, ciudad y país). Just a Thought: remembering Father Eddie Bernal San Antonio is still mourning the passing of one of its finest priests and civic Steve Walker leaders, Father Edward “Eddie” Bernal. “Father Eddie,” as he was affectionately known to everyone, suffered a fatal heart attack and passed away on May 29 at the age of 66. He attended St. Ann’s Catholic School, St. Paul’s Catholic School, Holy Cross High School, Jefferson High School, St. Mary’s University and the Oblate School of Theology. Ordained in 1987, he served as Pastor of St. Matthews, St. John Berchmans, St. Leo’s and St. Benedict’s Catholic Churches. His last 13 years were at St. Benedict’s. Since 2007, I have been taking his photo at various events throughout San Antonio. In all that time, every time I encountered him, he always had a smile on his face and was funny, jovial and uplifting. On every encounter, I would make sure I mentioned to him that, “since you know God personally, please put in a good word for me.” We would laugh as he promised he would certainly do so. The last time I saw him April 21 at a Fiesta event, I started to remind him to put in a good word with God for me, and before I could actually say it, he interjected, “I know, I got you covered,” laughing as he said it. He was that kind of guy. When I was about to take his photo at those events, he would normally say, “Wait, let me fix my collar.” Again we would have a good laugh. He also graciously posed with others at those events – no pretentiousness whatsoever. On June 2, I attended the first of two rosaries for Father Eddie at St. Benedict’s. I got there a little late, and it took me some time to find a parking spot. There were cars parked up and down the street. It was almost nearly impossible, but I did find a slot two blocks away. I ran in to take photos and forgot my umbrella. The crowd was overwhelming. The line of mourners to attend the rosary was out into the parking lot, and they were pushing to get in with the pending rain. The church was packed. The crowd was estimated to be over 600 people! You couldn’t move. I made it to the balcony where the various media outlets were stationed. Thankfully, I did have my La Prensa pass with me. When I left the rosary, a gracious woman offered me her umbrella as I tried to make it to my car. Even with the umbrella, I still got soaked from the downpour. On June 3, I attended St. John Berchman’s rosary for Father Eddie; and again, it was packed with an estimated 500 plus mourners! People were lining the back of the church. Fortunately, there was no rain. Saturday, June 4 was overwhelming. An estimated 1,700 plus filled the church – the cry room and every possible corner or wall to stand by to participate. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller led the service with about 100 priests. Judges, commissioners, College Board members, former City Council members and even State Senator José Menéndez attended. Obviously, Father Eddie is truly loved by not only his parishioners, but San Antonio as a whole. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, “Father Eddie.” Anyway, as always, what I write is “Just a Thought.” Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran, former Journalist and Justice of the Peace. Cuando el cielo se hace pedazos Por Humberto Caspa El día martes fue un verdadero “supermartes” para las mujeres. Después de su derrota ante Barack Obama en las primarias de 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton reconoció que el destino le fue un tanto indiferente a las mujeres norteamericanas. Cuando aceptó su derrota ante el entonces senador Barack Obama, su voz estremeció el entorno político norteamericano. No se resignó o aceptó una derrota total. Nos dijo que lo mejor estaba por llegar; era cuestión de tiempo para que el cielo se desplomara y las mujeres vuelvan a encontrar la brújula que las condujera a un futuro propicio. “A pesar de que esta vez no pudimos destrozar el más alto y más sólido cielo raso de cristal, hoy lo dejamos con 18 millones de rajaduras”, dijo ese día en un emocional discurso que volvió a resonar hoy en todos los rincones del país. Los días lúgubres, que cegaban el sendero de la igualdad de los sexos y el género se tornaron en días luminosos. Como reconoció en su discurso del martes, este logro histórico de ser la candidata de los demócratas no corres ponde al trabajo de una sola persona o de las personas que la apoyaron en el presente proceso electoral, sino que ha sido un tarea mancomunada de muchísimos años, de muchas generaciones de mujeres que, desde el inicio mismo de la República, han luchado y han dado la vida por alcanzar la igualdad en diversos ámbitos de la sociedad. Irónicamente, antes de que las mujeres pudieran ejercer su derecho al voto, Jeannette Rankin, republicana del estado de Montana, fue la primera mujer de ser elegida como representante en la Cámara Baja del Congreso en 1916. El 4 de junio de 1919, la Enmienda 19, la cual permitió a las mujeres sufragar su voto en elecciones nacionales y locales, fue aprobada por el Congreso. Fue una lucha intensa contra grupos e individuos que, en esos tiempos, todavía sentían que las mujeres eran ciudadanas de segunda clase. El último estado en aprobar la Enmienda 19 fue Tennessee. Con su rectificación se daba cumplimiento a uno de los requisitos más difíciles en un proceso de enmienda constitucional. El cuerpo legislativo de 3/4 de los estados tiene que rectificar el proyecto federal de enmienda. Es decir, aparte de una aprobación en el Congreso, 38 de los 50 estados tienen que dar su visto bueno. En 1932 se produjo otro logro importante para las mujeres. Hattie Caraway fue elegida al Senado Federal por el estado de Arkansas. Más después, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las mujeres empezaron a tomar parte de mercado laboral y se convirtieron en el pulmón de las diversas fábricas y ensambladoras. A inicios de la guerra hubo alrededor de 12 millones de mujeres en el mercado laboral. Cuando terminó la guerra, el número de trabajadoras incrementó a 18 millones. En la década de 1950, las mujeres empezaron a movilizarse por los derechos civiles. En diciembre de 1955, la afroamericana Rosa Parks rehusó cederle su asiento a una persona de origen europeoamericano en un bus de Montgomery, Alabama. Este hecho produjo el movimiento civil contra la discriminación y la segregación liderado por Martin Luther King. Tendríamos que escribir hoja tras hoja para resaltar tantos logros alcanzados por tantas mujeres. Hillary tiene razón. Darle crédito a una persona por todo lo que ocurre hoy es ignorar una historia llena de logros. Sin embargo, Hillary Clinton se merece un reconocimiento por su tenacidad, su trabajo, su fe en el cambio y su enorme sueño de lograr la ansiada igualdad de las mujeres. Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move. COMMENTARY... Calendario de la comunidad PEDRO FRIEDEBERG: PRAISE OF FOLLY— Ruiz-Healy Art is pleased to present “Pedro Friedeberg: Praise of Folly.” The exhibition will feature an eclectic mix of Pedro Friedeberg’s art across a fairly broad range of media including: hand woven carpets, paintings, his iconic hand-chairs, fantastical sculptures and prints. A catalogue will be available with an essay by Dan Cameron. One of the master illusionists of late 20th century art, Pedro Friedeberg is enjoying something of a resurgent moment in the second decade of the 21st century. Ever since the 2009 retrospective of his work at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City coincided one year later with the definitive critical study on him, authored by James Oles, there has been a noticeable uptick in international critical, collector and museum attention toward his unique oeuvre. Visit www. for more details. Exhibit will take place until June 18 at Ruiz-Healy Art, 201-A East Olmos Dr. LINDA PACE FOUNDATION PRESENTS: RIVANE NEUENSCHWANDER-SECONDARY STORIES— This spring, the Linda Pace Foundation presents the Texas debut of “Secondary Stories,” a room-sized installation by Brazilian artist Rivane Neuenschwander, who has become widely regarded for her often ephemeral work that explores narratives about language, nature, social interactions and the passing of time. Showcasing “Secondary Stories” as well as three video installation works, the exhibition opens at SPACE, the public gallery of the Linda Pace Foundation. The exhibit will be on view through July 29, 2017 at Linda Pace Foundation, 111 Camp St. CONEY ISLAND AT THE MCNAY— The exhibition explores and celebrates Coney Island, the most iconic, uniquely American Amusement Park in the United States, which has served as national cultural symbol inspiring artists, musicians, novelists, poets and filmmakers. From Coney Island’s beginning as a watering hole for the wealthy, through its transformation into an entertainment mecca for the masses, to the closing of Astroland Amusement Park following decades of urban decline, this first-of-its-kind exhibition uses visual art as a lens to explore 150 years of Coney Island. For more information, visit The exhibition will be on display until Sept. 11 at the McNay Art Museum, 600 N. New Braunfels Ave. FOOD TRUCKS IN TRAVIS PARK— Food trucks are back in downtown San Antonio! The season of rotating food trucks and vendors will be available for the lunch time crowd every week day. Admission is free and open to the public. Call (210) 207-3677 or visit for details. The event will take place all month from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Travis Park, 301 East Travis St. SIDEWALK COST SHARING PROGRAM — The City of San Antonio has a new pilot program that will share the costs of sidewalk repairs. The cost share that residents are required to provide will range from 30-50 percent of the cost to replace the sidewalk. The share that residents need to provide will depend on their residential location. If the property is located in a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) area, as designated by the Federal Government, residents may qualify for the City paying 70 percent of the total cost of repair and funds are limited. For more information, call 311 for details. Visit for complete details. SAISD HOSTS FREE SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM— Once again, thousands of students who depend on free breakfast and lunch at school as their main source of nutrition, can continue to enjoy these meals at no charge during the summer. As part of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s “Seamless Summer Nutrition Program,” SAISD campuses hosting summer school programs will offer anyone 18 years old and younger one breakfast and one lunch free of charge, regardless of ability to pay. Breakfast will be served primarily from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. and lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (depending upon location). The program will run June 7 through Aug. 5 (depending upon location) at the sites listed on or by calling (210) 554-2290 (Option 7). SA-READS ANNUAL SUMMER BOOK DRIVE—The SAReads Book Bank needs books for children from infants to teens. The book bank distributes books to hundreds of nonprofits, faith-based entities, youth centers, schools and pediatric clinics. Organizations interested in hosting their own book drive are encouraged to contact SAReads at [email protected] or by phone at (210) 957-8790. Any organization interested in requesting books from the SAReads Book Bank can do so online at Anyone can donate books through Friday, Aug. 19 at more than 50 locations across San Antonio, including all San Antonio Public Library branches, Firstmark Credit Union, YMCAs and The Twig Book Shop. EASTSIDE DEVELOPER OPEN HOUSE— Join us for the “Eastside Developer Open House” to learn about the state of the East Side real estate market, development opportunities and the types of public assistance available for small to large development projects. You’ll also have a chance to network with other real estate professionals and pose questions to our panel of residential and commercial development experts. This event is hosted in partnership with San Antonio for Growth on the Eastside (SAGE) and the City of San Antonio. The $25 registration fee includes a guided bus tour of the eastside, admission to the event and a free beer. Tuesday, June 14 from 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Alamo Beer Company, 415 Burnet St. A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. TINO DURAN Sr. CEO NINA DURAN Publisher LUCY ALMANZA Editor MARCO LOPEZ Production Manager ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor JOE AGUILAR Production Assistants JOSE FRANCO Sports Editor MILYANKA ROBERT PEREZ Staff Photographers CHRISTINA ACOSTA Reporters ALYSSA BUNTING Advertising Director MARIA CISNEROS Sales Representative REY GONZALES Circulation Manager JORGE RAMOS STEVE WALKER Contributing Writers EFE News Services La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St. Suite 240, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. 6-A EMPLOYMENT: Lawn Maintenance Company:Now Hiring! Crew Leader and Helpers. 5 + years experience a must, Weeding Experience a must, Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Necessary/Yard in Elmendorf,TX, Excellent pay, Serious inquiries only. Call for interview (210) 12 de junio de 2016 336-7807 --------------------Housekeeper needed. Must have own transportation. Must be willing to do light housekeeping and cooking. Flexible hours. (210) 641-9886. Ask for Amelia. (6/12) --------------------Busco gente para limpiar oficinas. Necesi- J3 Company, LLC Requesting sub-bids and material quotations for SALADO CREEK TRIBUTARY D AT IRA LEE Bid Deadline FRI JUNE 10th, 2016 @ 10am RUNWAY 12R-30L ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS AND TERMINAL AREA TAXIWAY IMP PKG 4 Bid Deadline TUES JUNE 14, 2016 @ 2:00PM PERIMETER ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AT SAN ANTONIO INT’L AIRPORT Bid Deadline TUES JUNE 14, 2016 @ 2:00PM We encourage all certified ABE/ DIBE/VBE/ESBE/HABE /NABE/SBE/DBE/MBE/ WBE/AABE/HUB bidders to submit bids 24 HOURS prior to BID DEADLINE with Certifications. Please fax or email quotes to Fax: (830) 995-5199 [email protected] It is the policy of J3 Company, LLC that minority business enterprises (“MBE”) as defined 49 C.F.R. Part 23, Subpart D shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts by the City of San Antonio, and J3 Company will take all necessary and reasonable steps to aide MBE’s or otherwise qualifying companies to maximize this policy. Please contact us for assistance in this regard. (830) 995-5100 ta carro y licencia. (210) 854-5663. (6/12) --------------------Colonial Home Health is seeking a full-time Bilingual CNA with reliable transportation to travel within the Bexar County area. Also seeking attendants available in the evenings and weekends. Experience with total care clients is a plus! 2735 Nacogdoches Rd., San Antonio TX, 78217. 210-225-1115 Ask for Jessica. (6/12) Rento cuarto para mujer cristiana que viaje 210-257-6818. (6/12) --------------------Rento departamento de una recamara con RENT: utilidades incluidos, $600 al mes por 90 y Departamento de 1 Military. (210) 430recamara. $375 men- 7270. (6/12, 6/15) suales, más deposito. (210) 862-3878 o (210) 534-2757. SALE/VENTAS/ (6/12) FOR SALE: Two twin beds complete. Washer. Dryer. Table with chairs. A complete sink and mirror for bathroom. 634 Aaron Street, 78221. (6/12) SERVICOS: Pintura, plomería, tile, cercas de madera y alambre, shower tile reparación, sheetrock, carpintería, puertas y ventanas. Llama a Jesús, (210) 254- 4502 o (210) 574- no me desampares de las puertas que se me 0707 (6/12) deben de abrir en mi camino, sea tu Brazo --------------------Reparamos desde Poderoso el que las $49 lavadoras, seca- abra para darme la trandoras, refrigerado- quilidad que ansío (tres peticiones difíciles). ras, estufas, AC’s. Súplica que te hace un Todas marcas, ga- corazón afligido por rantizado. (210) los duros golpes del 605-9418 o (210) cruel destino que lo han 489-0604 o (210) vencido siempre en la 488-0779. lucha humana, ya que (6/12) sin tu poder divino no intercede en mi favor --------------------$7.50 SERVICIO sucumbiré por falta de A D O M I C I L O , ayuda. Brazo poderoso, REFRIGERADO- asísteme, ampárame y RAS, LAVADOR- condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias dulce AS, SECADORAS Jesús (rezar quince Y ESTUFAS. UN días empezando viAÑO GARANTIA. ernes). Publicar antes LLAME A (210) de los ocho. Confío 291-5431. en Dios Padre y en su (6/8-7/10) misericordia divina, por eso pido a Él que ilumine mi camino y Para los casos más me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo. Gradifíciles Ante ti vengo con la fe cias Padre por oírme. de mi alma, a buscar Mande publicar y obtu sagrado consuelo serve lo que ocurrirá el en mi difícil situación, cuarto día. E.V. Novena Los tres ángeles Novena Los tres ángeles Protectores: San Gabriel, San Miguel, y San Rafael. Prenda 3 velas blancas en un plato con agua y azúcar y haga su petición. A los tres días publique esta oración. Aunque no crea mire que pasa el cuarto día. San Miguel Arcángel, San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder, humildemente te lo pedimos. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con el poder que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a Satanás, y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén. P.A.B.C. Novena To St. Jude Request for Proposals #1605-909-23-4532 Invitation for Bids #1605-670-93-4521 The SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY and its Affiliates request bids for: Water Softener Upgrades. Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. (CST) on, July 1, 2016 and publicly opened at that time at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal meeting will be held on June 16, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 The SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY and its Affiliates request proposals for: New Affordable Home Construction Services. Proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. (CST) on, June 24, 2016 and publicly opened at that time at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal meeting will be held on June 16, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result, contractors will be required to provide economic, educational and/or training opportunities to very low and low income individuals. This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result, contractors will be required to provide economic, educational and/or training opportunities to very low and low income individuals. Specifications packages are available online at http://www.,, http://www.nahro., or at SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059. Specifications packages are available online at http://www.,, http://www.nahro., or at SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059. San Antonio Housing Authority By: David Nisivoccia Interim President and CEO San Antonio Housing Authority By: David Nisivoccia Interim President and CEO Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. J.V. Saint Expedite Prayer of Urgent Needs Saint Expedite you lay in rest I come to you and ask that this wish be granted (Request) Saint Expedite now what I ask of you Saint Expedite now what I want of you, this very second Don’t wait another day, Grant me what I ask for I know your power I know you because of your work I know you can help me. Do this for me and I will spread Your name with love and honor so that it will be invoked again and again. Expedite the wish with speed, love, honor and goodness. Glory to you, Saint Expedite. M.R. ¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283 Me gustaría conocer a un hombre que sea detallista que crea en Dios, que le guste vivir una vida sana sin problemas familiares ni económicos, que sea trabajador, fiel, amoroso, cariñoso, divorciado, soltero o viudo, que quiera una relación sana y estable. Soy ciudadana, pero nací en México. Me gusta leer, viajar, soy fiel, muy cariñosa, me gusta caminar. Me gustaría que nos entendiéramos. Yo estaré esperando tu amor. Llámame, escríbeme. Te espero. Manda tu foto y número de teléfono. Te espero con mucho amor. D-243 ----------------------------¡Hola! Me llamo H. Soy algo alto, cuerpo normal, un poco blanco, trabajador, sin vicios. Me gusta divertirme sanamente, vivo solo. Tengo dos hijos que viven en mi país. Busco una mujer seria, trabajadora, noble y con deseos de amar y ser amada. Interesada mandar su número para empezar a conocernos sin juegos, ni mentiras. Te espero. C-244 ----------------------------Dama de 46 años desea conocer un gran caballero que sea fiel, amable, detallista, romántico, trabajador, sin problemas económicos ni familiares. Soy divorciada. Me gusta una vida sana, no tomo, no fumo, no tengo vicios, me considero que soy muy romántica y quiero una relación seria para fines serios y estable. Quiero que nos conozcamos y si se llega a un compromiso está bien. Espero tu llamada, foto y dirección. Tengo una hija y un hijo grandes, viven aparte. D-247 ----------------------------Deseo conocer un gran caballero que sea trabajador, detallista, amoroso, cariñoso, que no tenga vicios, de buen carácter, humilde de corazón, estabilidad económica, que sea muy romántico. Me considero ser una dama romántica, fiel, soy divorciada, amorosa y cariñosa, me gusta la estabilidad y ser fiel. Quiero una relación estable para fines serios, sin problemas familiares. Hay que conocernos y te aseguro no te arrepentirás. Espero tu llamada, dirección y foto. Te espero con mucho amor. D-248 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre soltero. Tengo 56 años. 5’10’’, 220, ojos azules y calvo. Me gustan los libros, música, películas y ejercicio. He aprendido español. Estoy buscando una mujer simpática, de 45 a 60 años. Bonita, fiel, con intereses similares. C-249 ----------------------------Señor retirado. En mis sesenta años, joven bien parecido, bien vestido. Busco una muchacha o señora joven, de los 30 a 60 años de edad, que no tenga compromisos, sea cristiana y que no sea mentirosa, que sea trabajadora, limpia y romántica. Seria con otra gente, pero alegre conmigo. C-250 ----------------------------Soy un hombre católico, divorciado, de buen corazón. Soy de San Antonio, vivo en un rancho. Estoy de buena salud, gracias a nuestro Dios. Estoy en mis 70´s, pero no los muestro. Me gusta la música norteña. Toco guitarra. Voy a San Antonio cada año al Conjunto Festival. Busco una mujer sincera, hogareña, que le guste el rancho, los animales, caballos. Que no sepa mentir ni jugar juegos. Para una relación seria. De 35 a 55 años, piel blanca, ojos claros o de color, no más de 5’7 y 135 -140 libras. Yo tengo 5´7. Peso 170 libras. ¡También tengo una Harley Davison! Me gustaría que toque el acordeón o que quiera aprender. También que no fume, pero en todo Cristo es el primero, porque sin él no tenemos nada! Llámame para platicar y si no se puede podemos ser amigos, porque todos necesitamos una linda amistad. ¡Bendiciones! C-251 ----------------------------Hello to whoever reads this serious message. I need a man that has a clean pure heart and is not ashamed to be a child of God like me. I am hoping to meet the man that has a strong foundation to stand on with faith and believes in God and has a relationship with Jesus. A friend that I can have a conversation with that has to do with all goodness and will say to me that everything will be alright. I ask to please speak clear English. Age 5560, ht. 5’10 -5’12, weight average. Hope to hear from someone that is a Christian Brother. God Bless and God be with you. D-253 ----------------------------Hola, soy viudo mexicano-americano, militar retirado de 82 años, de 5’4” de altura, 139 lbs. (delgado). Me gusta el baile, ir de paseo a pueblos cercanos, ir a las pulgas, parques, salir a comer y más. Sin vicios, educado. Busco señora/ amiga que tenga tiempo para salir de casa. Prefiero señora sola de 55 a 65 años, de 4’5”, de no más de 135 libras. (delgada). Me gustaría conocerla y hablar socialmente con usted. Vivo en San Antonio. Disculpe mi español, si gusta, llámeme para hablar. C-254 ----------------------------Dama de 77 años, saludable y viuda, desea conocer caballero sin problemas familiares, regular estatura, no gordo, quien quiera compartir una buena amistad. Sin problemas de salud, con buen sentido del humor, sin vicios, que la guste la música, viajar al campo, vivo en San Antonio. Peso 145 libras, mido 5’5’’, ojos claros. Me gustan los deportes, la música, la naturaleza. Quiero aprender a tocar guitarra. Soy activa, me gusta hacer ejercicios, jugar boliche, caminar, solo quiero una buena amistad. D-301 ----------------------------Hola, soy un caballero de 57 años, viudo, no soy feo ni gordo, pero guapo. Soy amable, sin vicios, sé valorarte, te protejo y hablo muy bien el inglés. Me gusta el cine, el baile y más, mi regalo, presentable. Busco una dama de 40 a 58 años, que sea sola, que sea muy cariñosa, romántica y decente, honesta, cortés. Mi sueño es casarme bien. Amén. Espero tu linda carta. I speak English too. C-300 ----------------------------Deseo una persona que se sienta sola (mayor de 60 años) y no tenga problemas de familia. Sea libre, no tenga compromiso y desee y quiera unir una familia cuando él decida y me conozca. Cuando él quiera. No me importa el físico y la religión que tenga. Yo respeto su decisión. Yo soy una mujer sin compromiso, sin problemas de familia. No tomo ni fumo. Me gusta la cocina. Me gustan las diversiones sanas, el baile, la tv, la música y salir a pasear, vivir y disfrutar de un hogar o una amistad sincera. Yo no tengo ningún defecto físico. Soy agradable, tengo cualidades. Yo tengo demasiados años viviendo sola en San Antonio Texas, de vivir y sostenerme sola. Tengo familiares, pero no me dan problemas de ningún aspecto y viven separados de mí. Yo los visito a ellos cuando puedo y tengo tiempo. Respeto el espacio de tiempo de cada uno. D-259 ----------------------------Caballero trabajador, educado, muy limpio, vivo solo, sin vicios, román- tico, detallista desea conocer una mujer educada, noble, sincera y dispuesta a amar y ser amada, y que busque también una relación estable y duradera, para vivir juntos hasta que Dios lo decida. Solo interesadas, por favor. C-302 ----------------------------Caballero jubilado, 65 años, sin vicios, cariñoso y alegre con un buen carácter, con mente moral y espiritual. Deseo conocer una damita cariñosa, hogareña, no importa la nacionalidad ni su estado migratorio, para una relación seria con fines matrimoniales. Espero tu llamada. C-303 ----------------------------Ciudadana de 46 años desea conocer a un gran caballero trabajador, amoroso, responsable, noble, de buenos sentimientos, fiel, detallista, cariñoso, agradable, sin problemas, buena estabilidad, sin compromisos, para una relación seria con fines matrimoniales. Pido respeto para nuestra felicidad. Mándame tu dirección y foto. D-304 ----------------------------Dama mexicana de 47 años busca una relación serie y estable con un gran caballero que sea trabajador, soltero, viudo o divorciado, sin compromisos, fiel, responsable, sin vicios, sin problemas de ningún tipo. No me gustan las mentiras. Te espero con todo mi amor. Escríbeme. Mándame tu foto, dirección y teléfono. D-305 ----------------------------Hola, mi nombre es Linda P. Soy retirada de enfermera. Cumplí 60 años. Tengo cabello poco largo, ojos color miel, blanca, con cuerpo normal, no gorda, no flaca, alegre, soy muy sincera, me gusta la música clásica, ir a los parques, viajar. Soy romántica, soy viuda. Quisiera conocer a un hombre bueno, sin vicios, cariñoso, que tenga rancho a la orilla de San Antonio y que sea sincero, que no diga mentiras y que no tenga compromiso ni problemas familiares, de 70 años para adelante, que sea veterano retirado. No recibo cartas, no tengo domicilio fijo, solo recibo llamadas. Hablarme a mi celular. C-306 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre de 34 años, no tengo hijos, mido 5’10 y peso 195. Me gusta hacer ejercicio y leer libros. Soy alegre, con buen sentido del humor. Busco una amistad y prefiero a alguien mayor de mi edad que yo. Que sea cariñosa y le guste disfrutar la vida. C-307 ----------------------------¡Hola! Quizás les sorprenda, pero yo quiero conocer amigas (relación amorosa) solo quiero tener alguien con quien salir a compras o a pasear, platicar. Yo tengo mi carro, pero no me gusta salir sola. Y también si hay un caballero que se interese. Yo soy blanca, bajita, peso regular (no gorda), pelo claro. Me gustaría de 55 a 60 años, trabajador y serio (no gordo, por favor) D-308 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy cocinera, piel morena, ojos color café, pelo chino, mido 1.60, soy alta, tengo 46 años. Quiero conocer al ser de la clave No. 300. Que me llame. Espero su llamada. D-309 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy alta, mido 1.60. Piel morena, soy muy hogareña, me gusta mucho la cocina, soy madre soltera sin vicios, educada, muy romántica. Y me gustaría conocer al caballero de la clave No. 302. Que me llame. Estaré esperando su llamada. Gracias. Dios le bendiga. D-311 12 de junio de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 7-A Moving a person with Alzheimer’s When an individual with Alzheimer’s disease can no longer live alone, alternative care arrangements must be made to ensure the individual’s safety: • The time when an individual with dementia can no longer live alone represents a turning point in the lives of both the individuals and their loved ones. • After considering emotional and financial issues, some families decide that moving the person with Alzheimer’s disease into a loved one’s home offers the best solution. Strategies for caregiver to cope with moving issues acknowledging the impact on the household • If the person with Alzheimer’s is moving into a family situation, the adults and children should have open discussions about why the move is necessary and the impact of having a person with confusion and memory problems living in their home. • The noise and activity level of young children or teenagers may cause increased stimulation and confusion in the individual with dementia. • Certain behaviors of a person with Alzheimer’s may puzzle or alarm young children. • Caregiving can take time away from family and leisure activities and increase stress in the caregiver’s relationship with a significant other. Discussing the move with the person who has dementia • Try to include the individual with Alzheimer’s in the decision-making process, but avoid providing an overwhelming number of details. Manageable kinds of involvement could include letting the person choose which favored items— such as pictures, blankets, pil- lows, sports or craft items—to take to the new home. • Despite the caregiver’s best efforts, dementia may limit the affected individual’s ability to participate in the decision. Impaired judgment and reasoning may prevent an understanding of why the move is necessary. • The person with Alzheimer’s may agree to the move in one conversation then refuse to move during the next discussion. • The caregiver must proceed with plans to move regardless of whether the person is willing or able to participate in the decision. Once safety concerns about the person’s remaining alone have been identified, the caregiver must take responsibility for ensuring that the affected individual moves to a safer environment. • The person’s physician may be willing to write down the need to move as a “prescrip- tion” on a prescription form, communicating the idea that the move is the medically responsible and necessary thing to do at this time. The impact of moving on the person with dementia Moving is a stressful and difficult decision for anyone to make — dementia complicates a process that is already acknowledged as one of life’s most challenging events. The person with dementia may experience a profound sense of loss when having to move out of his or her home. • The move forces the person to confront the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and its implications for health and independence. • The person has to give up a place that may hold many memories. • The person loses the sense of safety and familiarity of being in a place where he or she knows all the rooms and landmarks. Helping the person adjust to the new living arrangement • Stress the positive aspects of the move — tell the person with dementia that you are glad that he or she will be living with you because you can spend more time together. Whenever possible, place less emphasis on the person’s mental state and safety issues. • The unfamiliarity of the new environment may make the person with Alzheimer’s more confused and may benefit from increased assistance and patience. • Try to spend extra time with the person to help him or her adjust to the new environment. • Label the main rooms — such as the bathroom, bedroom and kitchen — with largeprint, brightly colored signs to help the person become oriented to the new layout. • Never threaten to move a person with dementia in an attempt to change his or her behavior, as in, “I’m going to put you in a nursing home if you don’t behave better.” About the Alzheimer’s Association The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s. For more information, call 800-272-3900 or visit The local San Antonio office has moved. Their new address is: 10223 McAllister Freeway, Suite 100, San Antonio, Texas 78216. Mayor Taylor announces plans for major park acquisition Special to La Prensa Standing on a bluff overlooking rugged ranchland, Mayor Ivy R. Taylor announced this week an agreement to purchase 204 of acres green space and parkland, the largest project of its kind since Hardberger Park in 2007. The Classen-Steubing family has owned the property for several generations. It’s one of the last major, undeveloped parcels of land in North San Antonio. The family has agreed to sell 204 acres of their property, all of it over the sensitive Edwards Aquifer recharge zone, to the City. The land, a green oasis surrounded by dense subdivisions and a stone quarry, is located Northwest of the Loop1604-U.S. 281 intersection. “The acquisition would keep the land out of residential development. That means that as many as 3,500 houses and apartment units that could have been built on the property wouldn’t be,” Mayor Taylor said. “The purchase would protect San Antonio’s largest source of drinking water, the area’s roadways and the North East Independent School District from the pressure of so much new development. “This would be a great opportunity for the City of San Antonio,” Mayor Taylor said. “It’s rare that this much pristine land is available on the North Side, directly over the recharge zone. With this acquisition, we are protecting the Edwards Aquifer and ensuring that most of this beautiful, rugged green space remains untouched for generations to come.” The City also plans to build baseball and soccer fields and hike-and-bike trails on a portion of the property. The two-part acquisition will total $10.1 million. The Conservation Advisory Board, which administers Prop 1 funds for the protection of the Edwards Aquifer, voted April 27 to recommend dedicating $5.3 million to the purchase of 165.3 acres of the property. The City would contribute another $1 million in funds from the Hardy Oak extension project in District 9. City Council is expected to vote June 16 on the acquisition. The purchase of the remaining 39 acres, at a cost of $3.8 million, could be part of the 2017 bond package. This portion of the property would eventually be developed into six soccer fields and baseball diamonds. “This is a landmark project for the City of San Antonio,” District 9 City Councilman Joe Krier said. “The Steubing property would address some of our most widely-held concerns, including protecting the aquifer and providing sport fields to keep our children active and healthy. “I am grateful to the Classen-Steubing family. They could have gotten a higher price for the property from a developer, but they had a vision of their property becoming one of San Antonio’s great open spaces. I also want to thank City Manager Sheryl Sculley and her staff — especially Parks and Recreation Director Xavier Urrutia and Deputy City Manager Peter Zanoni — for working so closely with the family and the District 9 office over the past year.” The family has agreed to sell the 204 acres at the property’s appraised value. The private nonprofit Nature Conservancy commissioned the appraisal using City funds. The Planning Commission voted in favor of the project on May 25. “We’ve significantly in- creased the amount of open space available to residents over the past decade, but an opportunity of this size and magnitude is rare,” City Manager Sheryl Sculley said. “With Bond Committee, City Council and voter approval of the 2017 Bond Program, this acquisition would allow us to protect a beautiful area inside the City that will directly benefit all San Antonians through green space, aquifer protection and new parkland.” NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS BUDGET AND PROPOSED TAX RATE The San Antonio Independent School District will hold a public meeting at 5:30 pm, June 20, 2016 in the Burnet Center Board Room, 406 Barrera Street, San Antonio, TX 78210. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the school district's budget that will determine the tax rate that will be adopted. Public participation in the discussion is invited. The tax rate that is ultimately adopted at this meeting or at a separate meeting at a later date may not exceed the proposed rate shown below unless the district publishes a revised notice containing the same information and comparisons set out below and holds another public meeting to discuss the revised notice. Maintenance Tax $1.040000/$100 (proposed rate for maintenance and operations) School Debt Service Tax $0.342600/$100 (proposed rate to pay bonded indebtedness) Approved by Local Voters Comparison of Proposed Budget with Last Year's Budget The applicable percentage increase or decrease (or difference) in the amount budgeted in the preceding fiscal year and the amount budgeted for the fiscal year that begins during the current tax year is indicated for each of the following expenditure categories. Maintenance and operations 0.97 % increase Debt Service -8.20 % decrease Total expenditures -0.22 % decrease Total Appraised Value and Total Taxable Value (as calculated under Section 26.04, Tax Code) Preceding Tax Year Current Tax Year Total appraised value* of all property $18,476,056,480 Total appraised value* of new property** $200,349,603 Total taxable value*** of all property $14,739,156,252 Total taxable value*** of new property** $144,085,049 *Appraised value is the amount shown on the appraisal roll and defined by Section 1.04(8), Tax Code. ** "New property" is defined by Section 26.012(17), Tax Code. *** "Taxable value" is defined by Section 1.04(10), Tax Code. $20,274,783,928 $354,720,730 $16,311,575,603 $353,678,385 Bonded Indebtedness Total amount of outstanding and unpaid bonded indebtedness* $762,254,988 *Outstanding principal. Comparison of Proposed Rates with Last Year's Rates Last Year's Rate Rate to Maintain Same Level of Maintenance & Operations Revenue & Pay Debt Service Maintenance & Interest & Local Revenue State Revenue Operations Sinking Fund* Total Per Student Per Student $1.040000 $0.342600* $1.382600 $4,065 $5,571 $1.051308 $0.342600* $1.393908 $4,506 $5,398 $4,502 $5,317 Proposed Rate $1.040000 $0.342600* $1.382600 *The Interest & Sinking Fund tax revenue is used to pay for bonded indebtedness on construction, equipment, or both. The bonds, and the tax rate necessary to pay those bonds, were approved by the voters of this district. Comparison of Proposed Levy with Last Year's Levy on Average Residence Last Year This Year Average Market Value of Residences $93,543 $106,197 Average Taxable Value of Residences $61,555 $69,654 Last Year's Rate Versus Proposed Rate per $100 Value $1.382600 $1.382600 Taxes Due on Average Residence $851.06 $963.04 Increase (Decrease) in Taxes $111.98 Under state law, the dollar amount of school taxes imposed on the residence homestead of a person 65 years of age or older or of the surviving spouse of such a person, if the surviving spouse was 55 years of age or older when the person died, may not be increased above the amount paid in the first year after the person turned 65, regardless of changes in tax rate or property value. Notice of Rollback Rate: The highest tax rate the district can adopt before requiring voter approval at an election is $1.382600. This election will be automatically held if the district adopts a rate in excess of the rollback rate of $1.382600. Fund Balances The following estimated balances will remain at the end of the current fiscal year and are not encumbered with or by a corresponding debt obligation, less estimated funds necessary for operating the district before receipt of the first state aid payment. Maintenance and Operations Fund Balance(s) $61,980,947 Interest & Sinking Fund Balance(s) $83,958,811 Prepared by Moak, Casey & Associates 8-A 12 de junio de 2016 This Week In Sports Sharapova suspended two years after testing positive for doping Maria Sharapova was suspended for two years by the International Tennis Federation on Wednesday for testing positive for the banned substance meldonium. Sharapova maintained that she was unaware that the drug she had been taking since 2006, mildronate, was also known as meldonium. She plans to appeal the decision. USA Swimming bans swimmer convicted of sexual assault Former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner has been banned from USA Swimming for life after being convicted of raping an unconscious woman on campus in 2015. Turner is no longer eligible for USA Swimming membership and will not be allowed to compete in any USA Swimming-sanctioned events including the Olympic Trials. Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio unveils new marathon routes Special to La Prensa The 9th Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon and Half Marathon announced a revamped marathon and half marathon course for the 2016 event. The course changes were made to create a flatter, faster course and will take runners past new sights including the San Fernando Cathedral and Mission Concepción. San Antonio’s premier running festival returns the weekend of Dec. 3 – 4. “After months of planning with our partners in San Antonio, we are thrilled to unveil this new course,” said David Benjes, course director. “The goal was to create a fast and flat course highlighting the best of San Antonio and we are proud of the result. We would like to thank the city for going above and beyond to make this possible and look forward to debuting the new marathon and half marathon routes in December.” The marathon, half marathon and 5K will start on Presa and Commerce St. and will finish near Hemisfair Park and La Villita. The marathon and half marathon will travel together before splitting at mile 12. Runners will once again experience the historic and scenic sights of San Antonio including the Alamo, San Fer- The 2016 Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon and Half Marathon unveils new routes. (Courtesy photo) nando Cathedral, University of Texas San Antonio downtown campus, San Antonio River Walk, The Pearl and more. In true Rock ‘n’ Roll fashion, live bands, enthusiastic cheerleaders and spectators will line the race route, concluding with a celebratory finish line festival and post race Toyota Rock ‘n’ Roll Concert Series. “This is truly a stunning course,” said Sheryl Sculley, San Antonio city manager. “Both routes highlight diverse parts of the city and will show runners from all over the world the beauty of San Antonio. This event generates millions of dollars in annual economic impact and we are proud to host this race each year. Let the countdown begin for December!” Other notable highlights include the updated Subway Kids Rock location at Brackenridge Park. The annual children’s race returns on Saturday, Dec. 3 and allows children in first through seventh grade the opportunity to race one-mile while kindergartners run a half mile. Hundreds of children and their families come out for this race. “2016 is going to be a big year for San Antonio,” said Russ Bookbinder, president/ CEO of San Antonio Sports. “Not only is there a beautiful new course but Subway Kids Rock is also returning to Brackenridge Park for the first time in three years. With the San Antonio Zoo and other amenities onsite, Brackenridge Park is an ideal venue for Kids Rock participants and their families to spend the morning. We look forward to a great race weekend in December.” The 2015 Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon and Half Marathon generated a total economic impact of over $28,563,883 for the local economy, according to an economic impact study conducted by the San Diego State University Sports MBA program. The report showed that the event filled 15,330 hotel room nights, producing $1,422,507 in tax revenue and other tourism-related fees collected by local government. The race attracted more than 20,000 registrants from all 50 states and 27 countries throughout race weekend. The event will once again feature two-days of running with the marathon, half-marathon and 5K on Sunday and the 10K on Saturday. Participants can automatically qualify for the “Remix Challenge” by running the 10K on Saturday and any distance on Sunday and earn the coveted Remix Challenge medal in addition to each race’s finisher medals. The 10K starts on Cherry St. at the Alamodome and finishes on Alamo Plaza. Race weekend kicks off with a free health and fitness expo, where runners can find the latest in running technologies, fitness apparel, health and nutrition information and interactive displays. The expo takes place at The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center on Friday, Dec. 2 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The expo is free and open to the public. For more information about Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio or to register for the event, please visit or follow on Twitter @runrocknroll. USA Basketball names 25 top young NBA players to 2016 USA Men’s Select Team By USA Basketball Featuring 15 players owning USA Basketball experience and including seven members of the 2015-16 NBA All-Rookie first and second teams, USA Basketball announced 25 players have been chosen for the 2016 USA Men’s Select Team that will train July 18-21 with the 2016 USA Basketball Men’s National Team during its training camp in Las Vegas, Nevada. Selected for the 2016 USA Basketball Select squad were: Devin Booker (Phoenix Suns); Malcolm Brogdon (University of Virginia); Kentavious Caldwell-Pope (Detroit Pistons); Willie Cauley-Stein (Sacramento Kings); Kris Dunn (Providence College); Aaron Gordon (Orlando Magic); Jerami Grant (Philadelphia 76ers); Gary Harris (Denver Nuggets); Rodney Hood (Utah Jazz); Brandon Ingram (Duke University); Brice Johnson (University of North Carolina), Stanley Johnson (Detroit Pistons); Zach LaVine (Minnesota Timberwolves); CJ McCollum (Portland Trail Blazers); Doug McDermott (Chicago Bulls); Emmanuel Mudiay (Denver Nuggets); Jahlil Okafor (Philadelphia 76ers); Jabari Parker (Milwaukee Bucks); Julius Randle (Los Angeles Lakers); D’Angelo Russell (Los Angeles Lakers); Marcus Smart (Boston Celtics); Myles Turner (Indiana Pacers); Denzel Valentine (Michigan State University); Justise Winslow (Miami Heat) and Cody Zeller (Charlotte Hornets). San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich, who on Oct. 23, 2015, was named head coach of the USA Basketball Men’s National Team for the 2017-20 quadrennium, will oversee the Select Team and Spurs assistant coach Ime Udoka and Villanova University head coach Jay Wright will serve as assistant coaches. “The 2016 USA Basketball Select Team continues to our tradition of featuring some of the game’s brightest and most promising young players. Participation in this camp provides them with valuable experience at the USA Basketball National Team level, while helping prepare the 2016 USA National Team for its upcoming international competition. For many of the Select Team players this is a continuation of their USA Basketball experiences, and for others it is an introduction into our pipeline,” said Jerry Colangelo, USA Basketball National Team managing director. “Being chosen for the Select Team is an honor and it is an important step in becoming involved in USA Basketball’s National Team program in the future. Current national team players like Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, Klay Thompson, Kevin Love, Russell Westbrook, as well as many other outstanding players, got their USA National Team start through a Select Team. “We’re also very excited to get our future national team head coach Gregg Popovich involved this summer. Coach Popovich’s coaching success speaks for itself, and it will be great to have him be a part of this year’s Las Vegas training camp.” Members of the USA Select Team will train daily with the USA National Team from July 18-21 (12-2 p.m. PDT) at UNLV’s Mendenhall Center. All practices are closed to the public. The 2016 USA Basketball Showcase presented by Verizon will feature the USA Basketball Men’s National Team playing five domestic exhibition games and conducting training camps in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Oakland, Chicago and Houston. The USA Basketball Showcase presented by Verizon will feature in Las Vegas the USA going against South American rival Argentina on July 22 in Las Vegas. Tickets for the USA Basketball Showcase exhibition games are on sale now. VIP ticket packages are available in select markets. For ticket information, visit usab. com/showcase. The 2016 USA Select Team features eight players who completed their rookie NBA season in 2015-16, nine who wrapped up their second NBA season, three third-year NBA players and five players who are eligible for the 2016 NBA Draft. Booker and Okafor were named to the 2015-16 NBA All-Rookie first team, while Cauley-Stein, Mudiay, Russell, Turner and Winslow earned All-Rookie second team honors. Additionally, LaVine and Smart earned 2014-15 All-Rookie second team honors, while Oladipo was named to the 2013-14 NBA All-Rookie first team and Zeller earned All-Rookie second team honors. Since the development of the USA Basketball Men’s National Team program in 2006, USA Basketball has previously selected and utilized five USA Select teams to help the USA National teams prepare for major international competitions. The first USA Select Team was fielded in 2007 and featured up and coming players like Andre Iguodala, Al Jefferson, David Lee and J.J. Redick. USA Basketball assembled another Select squad in 2008 that featured future NBA All-Stars like LaMarcus Aldridge,Kevin Durant, Iguodala, Kevin Love, Derrick Rose, and Russell Westbrook. In 2010 and to help prepare the USA for the FIBA World Championship, a 20-member Select Team was assembled and was comprised by top returning collegiate players. Among players on the 2010 roster were BYU guard Jimmer Fredette; Butler guard Shelvin Mack, Duke’s Kyle Singler and Nolan Smith, UConn’s Kemba Walker and others. The 2012 Select squad featured future USA National Team members DeMarcus Cousins, DeMar DeRozan, Paul George, Gordon Hayward, Kyrie Irving and Klay Thompson, and most recently, the 2014 Select Team included Harrison Barnes, Draymond Green, McDermott, Victor Oladipo, Dion Waiters and Zeller. The 2016 USA Basketball National Team coaching staff features USA head coach and Duke University’s Naismith Hall of Fame mentor Mike Krzyzewski. Serving as assistant coaches are Syracuse University and Naismith Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim, Minnesota Timberwolves head coach Tom Thibodeau and Oklahoma City Thunder associate head coach Monty Williams. The 31 finalists for the 2016 U.S. Olympic Men’s Basketball Team include: Carmelo Anthony, Harrison Barnes, Bradley Beal, Jimmy Butler, Mike Conley, DeMarcus Cousins, DeMar DeRozan, Andre Drummond, Kevin Durant, Kenneth Faried, Rudy Gay, Paul George, Draymond Green, James Harden, Gordon Hayward, Dwight Howard, Andre Iguodala, Kyrie Irving, LeBron James, DeAndre Jordan, Kawhi Leonard, Damian Lillard, Kevin Love, Chris Paul, Klay Thompson, John Wall and Russell Westbrook. Tickets for the USA Basketball Showcase exhibition games are on sale now. VIP ticket packages are available in select markets. For ticket information, visit (Courtesy photo) 12 de junio de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO SAFC advances to 4th round of U.S. Open Cup after 2-1 victory over Des Moines Special to La Prensa San Antonio FC came from behind to beat the Des Moines Menace (PDL) 2-1 in the third round of the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup at Valley Stadium. The goals came from defender Sam McBride and forward Jacques Francois in the second half. “Firstly, I thought Des Moines fought very hard during the game,” said SAFC head coach Darren Powell. “I couldn’t be more proud of our guys by coming from behind to win the game shows good resilience and good urgency from the players, which we need to take into our match at the weekend.” The first half of the match remained scoreless despite quality chances from both teams. The Menace opened the scoring 15 minutes into the second half when midfielder Christian Flath beat SAFC goalkeeper Josh Ford with a direct kick from just outside the box. SAFC defender McBride earned the equalizer in the 72nd minute with a header following a set piece from Carlos Alvarez. The goal was McBride’s first for San Antonio in the defender’s debut professional season. “The game was hectic, but I think we kept our heads,” said McBride. “After their first goal, we got control of the game again and took our chances, so it’s good to come here and get a win.” Nearly 10 minutes later, forward Jacques Francois capitalized on a cross from Greg Cochrane to earn the 2-1 lead. The Haitian has scored three goals and tallied one assist in his two Open Cup appearances so far this season. Menace second-half substitute Elvir Ibisevic was sent off late in the match for an errant elbow to face of SAFC defender Bobby Moseley. San Antonio FC now progress to the fourth round of the tournament, where they will travel to Houston to face the Houston Dynamo (MLS). The Dynamo currently sits in last place of the MLS Western Conference. 9-A Broncos de Reynosa SA doblegaron a Colt 45 En partido de revancha (final del playoff invernal), los Broncos de Reynosa SA, propiedad de los esposos Linda y Roberto Garza, con su manager Rudy Barrientez y coaches Tomás Muñoz y Efraín Cruz Franco, cele braron la victoria con pizarra de 8 a 3 carreras. Por los derrotados lanzaron Leonard Gates. Y por Broncos, el exprofesional Luis Alfonso Velázquez, lanzó toda la ruta. El primera base Kelly Skeen, con un compañero abordo, ubicó la pizarra 5-3, lo cual le dio confianza a Velázquez para no ceder terreno y guiar al campeón (temporada invernal) a su primera victoria de la temporada dedicada al beisbolista Gabriel “La Puntada” Ruiz. “Jugamos buena defensiva y ofensiva. El picheo de Velázquez (Chorejas) estuvo a la altura del partido. El cuadro le ayudó con cuatro doble matanzas y efectivo bateo”, dijo Barrientez. El equipo O’s propinó paliza de 14 a 3 carreras al ex invicto Cachorros de Nava, con bateo de César Muñoz 4-2, José Tomás Ortiz 4-3 y Charlie Zapata de 4-2 con par de dobletes. Cazadores noquearon 19 a 1 a los Sultanes, con victoria para Hugo Méndez, destacando el bateo del campo corto dominicano Ezequiel Pérez que conectó cuadrangular con un compañero en base, bateando 6-3. Pérez del 2003 al 2005 jugó para la organización Tigres de Detroit en el béisbol de Ligas Menores. “Estoy contento porque Cazadores me han dado la oportuni- dad de seguir jugando béisbol en la categoría veteranos”, dijo Pérez. Rol de juegos: 9:50 a.m. Red Sox vs. Colt 45. 1 p.m. Broncos vs. O’s. 4:10 p.m. Cazadores vs. Cachorros. Ezequiel Pérez, campo corto dominicano, con bateo de 6-3 y cuadrangular apoyó a Cazadores en su victoria contra Sultanes. Tecolotes noquearon a Neighbors En el clásico entre líderes de la tabla general en el circuito dominical abierto Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League, que preside el Marine Eddy Rodríguez, fue todo un combate en el estadio Capitol Park. Ambos equipos utilizaron lanzadores zurdos. Por Tecolotes, dirigidos por el manager Gustavo To rres y el coach Pedro Espinoza, comenzó en la lomita de los disparos Keith Vazquez. Por Neighbors, comandados por Jaime Luna y Juan “Pachín” Martínez, lanzó Rudy “Pee Wee” Barrientez. Tanto Tecolotes como Neighbors, con marca de 5 victorias por 1 derrota cada uno, marcaban la pauta en el liderato de la primera ronda. El domingo 5 de junio fue el comienzo de la segunda vuelta, por lo que para el equipo que saliera airoso sus directivos serían quienes obtuvieran el derecho para dirigir al equipo de estrellas, cuyo partido se jugará el domingo 3 de julio en Capitol Park contra el equipo similar de Liga de Béisbol Dominical “Potranco de Juan Sánchez”. Tecolotes en el sexto epiArnold Ponce, campo corto de Tecolotes, pegó jonrón sodio se encontraban arriba con bases llenas contra en la pizarra con 3 carreras por 1. Neighbors. (Fotos, Franco) Cardenales doblegaron a Rieleros HOOPS FOR Por José I. Franco [email protected] Tony Frausto, corredor de Colt 45, fue puesto out por el campo corto JoJo Farías de Broncos de Reynosa SA en lo que fue una controversial jugada, marcada out por el Los cartones se empare- ampáyer de bases. (Foto, Franco) jaron cuando el short stop (campo corto) y lanzador zurdo Chris Pacheco le coEn el clásico dominical en 4-1 al rival Águilas de La Sauceda. novatos y prospectos que están sonectó cuadrangular con un Liga Potranco Juan Sánchez los En el tercer partido de la jor- bresaliendo, por lo que vamos ser compañero abordo al lanzaCardenales estrenaron con éxito nada dominical Águilas de Nueva bien representados”, dijo Sánchez. dor rival Keith Vazquez. su nueva franela derrotando al Rosita apalearon a Westsiders Con pizarra de 3-3, Tecosubcampeón Rieleros (playoff con pizarra de 15-8. lotes abrieron el séptimo final de invierno) con pizarra de Este domingo 12 de junio se anotándole 10 carreras al 5 a 2 carreras. jugarán tres interesantes partidos. zurdo Barrientez y al relevisLa victoria se la agenció el Se comenzará a las 10 a.m. con ta Chris Pacheco, que nada barbado lanzador derecho Zack el partido de Westsideres vs. pudo hacer para detener Sullivan, quien en nueve entradas Rieleros. la descomunal ofensiva de A la 1 p.m. Diablos vs. Bravos. los bateadores rivales, con- ponchó a 15 bateadores, permitió también 2 imparables y cua Y a las 4 p.m. Piratas vs. Águilas cediendo batazo de cuatro drangular de Miguel García con de Nueva Rosita. esquinas con las bases llenas, un compañero abordo, siendo El presidente Juan Sánchez ya ejecutado por el campo corto las dos únicas anotaciones del comienza a observar el talento y tercer bate Arnold Ponce, Francisco Nájera, en jugada partido, que fue presenciado por que será elegido para representar quien compartió honores con de pisa y corre de tercera el lanzador victorioso Keith un buen número de seguidores de a su liga en el primer partido de base al plato, anotó carrera estrellas contra selectivo de TexVazquez, luego de que el ambas novenas. para Cardenales, barriénLos Bravos de Francisco NaMex IBL, partido que será dentro ampáyer en jefe decretó por dose para no ser tocado por reglamento la victoria por varro, con su lanzador derecho de los festejos del 4 de julio. el receptor Richard Namon “Tenemos varios jugadores nocaut, al tener Tecolotes 10 estelar Iván Vaquera, derrotaron de Rieleros. (Foto, Franco) carreras de ventaja. La victoria fue celebrada en grande por los esposos Elvia y Gilberto Rodríguez, padrinos de la temporada, y su hijo Gilbert Jr., quien prendió la mecha para el racimo de 10 carreras tras recibir base por bolas con las bases llenas. Los esposos Rodríguez cambiaron de residencia; sin embargo, no han dejado de estar en contacto con este circuito el cual ambos fundaron en el 2010. “Gustavo Torres será el manager que dirija a nuestro equipo All-Star durante los festejos del 4 de julio. Tecolotes alinearán a cinco jugadores. El resto del roster lo integrarán jugadores que serán elegidos por sus respectivos manejadores. Invitamos a los fans para que vengan a disfrutar de las competencias de jonrones (Home Run Derby), las cuales se efectuarán START AT en categoría libre y de abierta con premios monetarios para el bateador que saqué más pelotas del estadio”, dijo Eddy Rodríguez. En otros resultados, Dod gers, con pizarra de 7-6, PRESENTED BY: dejaron en el terreno a High Sox cobrándose venganza de su primera confrontación. La victoria se la adjudicó el lanzador Noah Hinojosa. *MILITARY DISCOUNT AVAILABLE FOR ACTIVE DUTY & VETERANS. Bobcats con su lanzador FREE LAPEL PIN FOR MILITARY & estelar Eric Granado dobleVETERANS W/MILITARY ID garon 15-7 a Juggernauts. Rol de juegos domingo 12 de junio en Capitol Park: 9 a.m. Juggernauts vs. Desperados. 12:15 p.m. Tecolotes vs. Dodgers. 3:30 p.m. High Sox vs. Neighbors. TROOPS FRIDAY 17 JUNE DOLLAR DN RI GI NH KT Rudy “Pee Wee” Barrientez, lanzador de Neighbors. La Prensa, raíces en la cultura de San Antonio Keith Vazquez, lanzador zurdo del líder Tecolotes. TICKETS 7:00 PM $10 SASTARS.COM SEASON PRESENTED BY: 10-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 12 de junio de 2016 compra Hamburguesas H-E-B Fully Cooked bolsa de 8 piezas, de 24 a 32 onzas. Surtido variado. Llévate 4 ¡gratis! productos con los cupones de la tienda • Pepinillos en rodajas para hamburguesa Mini Stuffers de Mt. Olive frasco de 16 onzas. French’s • Catsup botella de 20 onzas. Surtido variado. • Rebanadas de queso natural Kraft paquete de 7 a 8 onzas. preparado H-E-B • Té botella de 64 onzas. Surtido variado. ¡Ahorra más de 7 $ 57 en productos Gratis! con los cupones de la tienda Precios válidos hasta el martes 21 de junio del 2016 en tus tiendas vecinas H-E-B incluyendo H-E-B Marketplace y H-E-B plus! ® Las ofertas no son válidas en la tienda Central Market de Broadway. Debido a la popularidad de nuestros PRECIOS BAJOS DE CADA DÍA, reservamos el derecho a limitar cantidades. No todos los productos están disponibles en todas las tiendas. Impreso en papel reciclable. ©2016 HEB, 16-0658 12 de junio de 2016 Reto matemático para niños en el DoSeum Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez El Museo de los Niños, The DoSeum, abre una exposición interactiva de aparatos fáciles de manejar para los niños, que –al mismo tiempo que entretienen– les permiten conocer y explorar los principios matemáticos y de disciplinas científicas que mueven al mundo en instrumentos de la vida diaria. Con el título de “Matletics Summer Challenge” la ex- posición está disponible hasta el 5 de septiembre dando oportunidad a los niños asistentes de asomarse al fascinante mundo de la ciencia y la tecnología en disciplinas relacionadas con la velocidad, proporciones, simetría y escalas de medición. Los niños que visiten la exposición y que cumplan con una serie de ejercicios recibirán medallas de premiación el 13 de agosto en la ceremonia DOlympics en alusión a los juegos olímpicos en Brasil este año. 2 Los esposos José y Juanita Gámez celebraron la graduación de su hija Jasmine Gámez, quien recibió altos honores y diploma de Brackenridge High School Class of 2016. La ceremonia de graduación fue el viernes 3 de junio en el Alamodome. Posteriormente, Jasmine, acompañada de sus hermanos Carlos y Julián, hermanas Abigail e Ivone, familiares y amistades disfrutaron de los inolvidables festejos en su honor. “Jasmine gusta hacer servicio comunitario, por lo que le deseamos todo lo mejor en sus estudios superiores, que alcance a realizar su sueño (enfermera certificada). Nosotros estamos para apoyarla y orgullosa de ella”, dijo la dichosa progenitora. Jasmine cursará estudios superiores en San Antonio College. (Foto, cortesía). 12 de junio de 2016 Un afortunado espectador que asistió al renovado estadio AT&T para aplaudir el espectacular partido entre Stars de San Antonio y las visitantes Sparks de Los Ángeles fue elegido por la gerencia general para su participación en la tradicional promoción H-E-B Beach Ball Mania. El seguidor de Stars, durante 45 segundos, logró capturar balones de playa que le dieron un total de $375 en certificado de compras para su tienda H-E-B favorita. (Fotos, Franco) El intermedio del partido Stars de San Antonio y Sparks de Los Ángeles fue animado por el colorido Ballet Folklórico Festival, cuyos artistas presentaron una exitosa coreografía con emotivo “zapateado”. El público asistente premió su actuación con emotiva ovación y aplausos. La gerencia general de Stars, a cargo de la ex basquetbolista Ruth Riley, por el resto de la temporada continuará presentando valor y talento artístico con sede en nuestra deportiva región de El Álamo. Jared Borgetti, exseleccionado del Tricolor, ahora comentarista de ESPN Deportes y portavoz de la campaña deportiva #Haz Tu Copa Wonderful, que promueve la empresa Wonderful Pistachios, en su visita al supermercado La Fiesta (6050 Ingram Road) convivió con pequeños futbolistas afiliados a Urban Soccer Leadership Academy. José Montes, Jaime Guerrero, Gabriel Ruiz Sr. y Mike Altamirano captados en la emotiva ceremonia del primer lanzamiento en la apertura de la temporada de béisbol categoría veterano en el legendario estadio Colt 45 Baseball Field. Ruiz Sr. fue reconocido por su trayectoria en el rey de los deportes, siendo nombrado padrino de temporada. El club de béisbol y social Colt 45, bajo la dirección del manager y jugador Jaime Guerrero y su flamante coach y segunda base José Montes, celebraron en grande su coronación del playoff invernal. En el tradicional baño de champaña participaron familiares de jugadores, lo que hizo más relevante la fiesta en la que brindaron por el éxito obtenido. El sensacional novato Jacques Francois, nativo de Puerto Príncipe, Haití, con sus espectaculares actuaciones en el nuevo equipo de fútbol soccer San Antonio FC, propiedad de la empresa Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E), recibió felicitaciones de los espectadores e integrantes de la porra Mission City 118 en el estadio Toyota Field al finalizar su partido contra el equipo visitante RGV FC Toros. Josh Ford, arquero titular y capitán del equipo San Antonio FC (SAFC), por su valiosa actuación en el partido sostenido contra Toros de Río Grance Valley FC, recibió el nombramiento del Jugador Más Valioso, por lo que al concluir su faena visitó la tribuna donde lo aclamaban fans e integrantes de la porra Mission City 118 (MC 118). Ford a la vez complació a espectadores tomándose el auto retrato (selfie). “Estoy contento porque los fans nos han venido apoyando desde que comenzó la temporada”, dijo Ford. 12 de junio de 2016 Simpática ranita hace su debut como mascota del popular restaurant Rain Forest Café. (Fotos, R. J. Pérez) 3 Saludos a nuestros lectores envía América González, del Grupo No. 10 de Boy Scouts, club que recientemente celebró su centenario. Su graciosa majestad Beatriz Flores, Miss Texas Belleza Latina 2016. En gira por diferentes escenarios en el estado de Texas, Conjunto Taller, de Monterrey, se presentó en San Antonio por invitación de Esperanza Peace and Justice Center. Conjunto Heritage Taller, que tiene 30 alumnos de todas las edades. Esta es una de las academias de música del Westside que mantienen viva la música popular. Joaquin Linn Gecía, de la escuela de música Conjunto Heritage Taller. A los nueve años de edad se proyecta Izaluna Garza, del conjunto regiomontano Conjunto Taller. como una de las futuras estrellas de la música. Refrescándose del calor en la fuente frente a la Catedral de San Fernando. Niños y adultos disfrutando de agua fresca en la fuente de la plaza de la catedral. Novedosas casitas para mascotas fabrica la agencia no lucrativa Barkitecture San Antonio. 4 12 de junio de 2016 Nao restaurant presents delightful lunch menu By Christina Acosta [email protected] Price Range: $$ Nao Latin Gastro Bar is providing a new and savory lunch menu with the help of students from The Culinary Institute of America. In order to perfect the lunch menu, the restaurant took the time to create a learning environment for students, where they learned how create innovative dishes and how to offer a memorable dining experience. With the help of Chef/Instructor Justin Ward, the students were able to cultivate the South American culture with new dishes including Jicama Tacos and Crème de Tequila Tres Leches. “The process of creating the menu included developing the recipes, testing the recipes and designing the plate,” Chef Ward told La Prensa. “We utilize what is in season and what is obvious to the extent. For example, when fish is in season, we start cutting up, seasoning and learning how we can be set apart from other restaurants, but also to stay within the guidelines of the American food. We use a contemporary twist on the menu.” La Prensa recently stopped by to try the new lunch menu Nao has to offer, and I must admit, I have never bit into so many juicy, tender, light and colorful items in one menu. The best part Nao Latin Gastro Bar has unveiled a lunch featuring Jicama Tacos, Salad Bowl, Grilled Octopus and Créme de Tequila de Tres Leches. (Photo, Christina Acosta) of the restaurant was entering and being greeted by students happily waiting for our presence. It is nice when a restaurant adds a personal touch. As we sat down, the Grilled Octopus came to welcome us. With botija olives, baby arugula, purple potatoes, smoked lemon and roasted garlic mayo, you can taste the citrus and smoke blended together – an ideal choice for those who enjoy a kick to their fish. Then, an old favorite, Jicama Tacos, came to our table; and with the green mango slaw, avocado and chamoy sauce, you taste a raw, crunchy taco that would remind many of the little stands in Mexico. The best thing to try on the menu is the Sea Scallop Tostones. With a pineapple, radish, orange and cilantro emulsion, you get sweet and tenderness all in one bite. The restaurant also added a seasonal Salad Bowl with mixed green, almonds, variety of fruits and orange-cumin vinaigrette. This salad is worth every penny as you bite into greens and charred beets, making it a smoked salad. Desserts were also astonishing when you taste a hint of Tequila in your Créme de Tequila Tres Leches cake or have a student serve tableside vanilla bean ice cream with toppings for you to choose from. It was a dining experience that gave lunch a cordial way of doing things with the help of the staff and the colorful food on the menu. “I think a lot of people want to know where their food comes from, what ingredients we use and how it is prepared,” said Stephany Vargas, CIA student. “There is a lot of flavor involved; there is a lot of texture, colors and seafood involved in giving the dishes a character for customers.” The lunch menu is offered Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Nao Latin Gastro Bar, located at 312 Pkwy., also continues to provide professionally staffed dinner service, helmed by Executive Chef Zach Garza. For more information, please visit www. ` 12 de junio de 2016 Top S.A. spots to go watch summer movies By Christina Acosta [email protected] With summer approaching, it is time to get children and adults out of the house to go on a free movie adventure. This season, the city is providing the community the privilege to enjoy a free movie at a theatre or under the stars on a hot summer night. In fact, many movie screenings will also have free food or a spot to enjoy a picnic from home. From Travis Park to Santikos Theatre, here are some movie spots you cannot miss this summer: Movies by moonlight 301 E. Travis St. This family and friendly event is offering movies downtown in the park. The screenings will be held every Tuesday in June and July at Travis Park. Pre-show entertainment starts around 7:30 p.m. followed by a brief intermission, with the feature film beginning at 8:30 p.m. The feature time and schedule may vary due to movie length. Movie-goers can park for free at the St. Mary’s Garage (corner of St. Mary’s and Travis) or at participating City-operated garages, lot and meters after 5 p.m. Make sure to bring your picnic baskets, lawn chairs and blankets for the whole family or utilize the concessions at the movies such as popcorn, soda and cotton candy. June 14: “Little Rascals,” June 21: “Field of Dreams,” June 28: “Cinderella” (original Disney film from 1950), July 5: “Minions,” July 12: “Goosebumps,” July 19: “The Good Dinosaur,” and July 26: “Disney’s Aladdin.” Santikos free summer movies Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 a.m., there will be free movie screenings at: Palladium IMAX, 17703 W IH-10, 78257; Silverado, 11505 W Loop 1604 N, 78250; Mayan Palace, 1918 S.W. Military Drive, 78221; Embassy, 13707 Embassy This summer, enjoy a free movie in a theatre or under the stars to spend time with family and friends. (Photo, Slab Cinema) Row, 78216; Rialto, 2938 NE Loop 410, 78218; Northwest Theatre, 7600 I-10 West, 78230. The tickets to Santikos free summer movies are only available at the box office on the day of the show. Tickets are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Here are some popular movies you could not miss at one of the locations: June 14 and 15: “Minions,” June 21 and 22: “Alvin and the Chipmunks,” “The Road Chip,” June 28 and 29: “Hotel Transylvania 2,” July 12 and 13: “Back to the Future,” July 19 and 20: “Goosebumps,” July 26 and 27: “Max,” Aug. 2 and 3: “Turbo.” Visit http://www.santikos. com for more information. Southside ISD 2016 summer movie nights Southside High School Stadium, 19190 US-281, The best thing in the world is when the community comes together to spend time with friends, colleagues and family members. Watching a good movie or sharing a favorite book is safe way to make last- “Zootopia”, una fábula utópica en 3-D Por Adda Montalvo [email protected] “Zootopia” llegó ya a DVD, Blu-ray y Digital HD. La más reciente de las películas de animales animados de Disney es como una gran fábula, estilo Esopo, en una ciudad utópica: donde los animales conviven –humanizados- en armonía en barrios a su medida de su hábitat: tundra, bosque tropical, desierto, sabana. Es también la historia de Judy Hopps, una conejita decidida a ser la primera oficial de policía conejo, quien debe enfrentarse a los estereotipos y prejuicios de los demás (y sus propios compañeros de trabajo por ser chica y coneja). Para probarse a sí misma debe resolver la extraña desaparición de una nutria y un misterio “salvaje”. Judy contará con la ayuda de un zorro de nombre Nick, quien con su natural astucia, la sacará de sus casillas y le probará que aun con buena intención también ella alberga prejuicios. Y los prejuicios, expresados a través de un cuento de animales, es lo que hacen a “Zootopia” una película para todas las edades. Hay momentos que en verdad “duele” cómo los prejuicios pueden afectar las relación entre seres de diferentes colores, pelambres, tamaños, culturas, En “Zootopia” se cumplen los sueños, no sin dificultades. (Foto cortesía) pero eso no quiere decir que “Zootopia” es una historia triste, no, es Disney. Sin embargo, al revisar los materiales extra es interesante saber que al principio del proyecto era Nick, el zorro, el personaje principal, el cual portaba un collar (como perro) para apaciguar su instinto depredador. De haber seguido esta línea, la historia de “Zootopia” hubiera sido mucho más oscura, y no brillante y positiva, al ritmo de una vibrante canción de empoderamiento personal cantada por Shakira. Si le gusta el mundo de los animales animados, los materiales extra le contarán cómo Disney ha evolucionado este género a través de los años. ing memories during the summer vacation. This June, stop by to enjoy a Jumbotron movie at Southside High School Stadium along with popcorn and hotdogs, while supplies last. You can also bring your lawn chairs and coolers to have a comfortable setting while watching the movie In case you miss the free food, keep in mind that concession stands will be open. Here are upcoming movie showings you cannot miss every Thursday at 7 p.m. this month: June 9: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” June 16: “The Good Dinosaur,” June 23: “Zootopia,” and June 30: “Grease.” For more information, visit for more details. San Antonio Museum of Art 200 West Jones Avenue The San Antonio Museum of Art’s “Family Flicks” series is free and open to the public on select Fridays this summer (ages 6 and up, unless otherwise noted). Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and food/ beverages. Keep in mind that in case of bad weather films will be canceled. Here are some movies to check out at the San Antonio Museum of Art: June 17: “Nocturna” (for ages 7 and up), July 15: Family Double Feature – “Best of the Fest Kid Flix Mix,” and Aug. 5: “The Painting” (for ages 9 and up). For more information, visit for more details. San Antonio también es hospitalario con las mariposas Por Adda Montalvo [email protected] Turistas van, turistas vienen. Por eso San Antonio tiene muchos buenos hoteles, pero también, por su ubicación al sur de Texas, también es un lugar perfecto para hospedar a las mariposas monarca durante su viaje de norte a sur. Y si hay un lugar perfecto para observar a este maravilloso insecto ese es el Jardín Botánico (San Antonio Botanical Garden, 555 Funston PL, San Antonio TX, 78209). Y ahora también se puede aprender qué flores le atraen más a las monarcas y otras mariposas gracias a su nueva exhibición educativa “Winged Wonders” (Maravillas Aladas). “Winged Wonders” es una exhibición a lo largo del jardín en la cual las plantas preferidas por las mariposas, orugas y los colibríes para alimentarse presentan un marcador –similar a su forma anatómica– con su respectivo nombre para identificarlas. Por ejemplo, las mariposas adultas se sienten atraídas por flores planas, apiñadas o con tubos cortos de color púrpura, rojo, amarillo o naranja. Entre ellas, girasoles, margaritas, coreopsis, lantana, aster, entre otras. Y las plantas de las cuales se alimentan las orugas (maripo- Las mariposas monarca gustan de flores amarillas, púrpura o rojas para alimentarse. San Antonio es una estación de su recorrido migratorio hacia México. (Foto, Adda Montalvo) sas en estado larvario) pueden ser algodoncillo (milkweed) para las mariposas monarca, repollo para la Cabbage Butterfly, o Willow/Poplar para la mariposa Viceroy. En un área del jardín, cercana a la entrada, se concentran varias de estas plantas. Asimismo, también se encuentran allí las plantas que atraen a los colibríes: Columbine, Strawberry Floxglove, Bee Balm y Cardinal Flower, por ejemplo, por sus nombres en inglés. Durante la apertura de esta exhibición botánica –educativa, el pasado sábado padres de familia junto a sus niños pudieron observar mariposas monarca alimentándose de las flores, participaron en actividades en donde especialistas del jardín hablaron sobre esas “maravillas aladas” y los niños recibieron bolsas de semillas o plantitas atractivas para las mariposas para iniciar su propio jardín. Asimismo, para celebrar la designación de San Antonio como “Monarch Butterfly Champion City”, el jardín ha colocado dos alas gigantes de Monarca para que los visitantes puedan hacerse una fotografía. San Antonio, por su ubicación en el sur de Texas, es Vea Mariposas en la pág. 7-D 6 La Prensa de San Antonio Los Fabulosos Cadillacs regresan con nuevo disco Por La Prensa Hace años dijeron “chau”, pero ahora están de regreso, y con nuevo disco. Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, la banda de ska más famosa de Argentina, ha lanzado un nuevo disco titulado “La Salvación de Solo y Juan”. Este nuevo material discográfico trae 14 canciones “en la historia de los hermanos Clementi”, explica el sello Sony Music Latin. Las 14 canciones se dividen en tres actos. Y el primer sencillo se titula “La Tormenta”, el cual viene acompañado de “Averno, El Fantasma”, “No era para vos” y “Navidad”. Las canciones de “La Salvación de Solo y Juan” fueron compuestas por Vicentico (voz) y Flavio Cianciarulo (bajo). Él álbum fue grabado en Buenos Aires (Argentina) con algunas grabaciones realizadas en Nueva York. Participaron en ellas, entre otros músicos, Florián Fernández (guitarra) y Astor Cianciarulo (bajo y batería), hijos de Vicentico y Flavio, respectivamente. Este álbum representa el regreso de Los Fabulosos Cadillacs a los escenarios. La presentación de este nuevo material se realizó en el Special to La Prensa The Esperanza Peace and Justice Center announces the Summer 2016 Noche Azul de Esperanza concert lineup. Each month, Azul Barrientos will take her audience on a journey through the night’s theme weaving music and multi-media story telling. June 25- Bésame Mucho June’s Noche Azul will take the audience through a journey of the History of the Mexican Bolero. Barrientos will pay homage to its songs, composers, musicians and singers. She will especially highlight female composers such as Consuelo Velázquez, who composed the famous song “Bésame Mucho.” Artpace unveils new summer exhibition Special to La Prensa Artpace San Antonio continues to celebrate its 21st birthday with a series of special exhibitions and events. Artpace’s Summer 2016 Window Works exhibition will feature a San Antonio-favorite artist, Ramin Samandari from June 9 to Aug. 28. “When we learned about Ramin’s larger project, we thought this would be a great way to celebrate 21 years of Artpace by highlighting some of the many faces that have helped make us who we are as an organization,” said Veronique Le Melle, executive director of Artpace. Samandari’s Window Works “La Salvación de Solo y Juan” es el primer álbum de Los Exhibition, “Faces of Artpace,” Fabulosos Cadillacs en 17 años. (Foto, cortesía Sony Music Latin) will feature 56 photographic portraits, representing a seestadio Luna Park, en Buenos destino en Estados Unidos, lect group of former Artpace Aires, ante más de nueve mil América Latina, Estados Unifanáticos. dos y Europa. Además de presentar las El 10 de julio se presennuevas canciones como “La tarán en el Chicago Ruido Tormenta” y “Averno, El Fest; el 27 de agosto en San Fantasma”, la banda, con José (Costa Rica), el 19 de más de 30 años de trayectoria octubre en el Palacio de musical, repasaron algunos los Deportes en Ciudad de de sus más grandes éxitos México. como “Matador”, “Mal bicho”, La dirección del arte del “Saco azul”, “Carmela”, “Vos nuevo disco “La salvación de sabés”, “Vasos vacíos”, entre Solo y Juan” estuvo a cargo del reconocido ilustrador y muchos otros. Este concierto fue el inicio animador Argentino el Dr. de una nueva gira que incluye Alderete. ‘Noche de Azul Esperanza’ presents three summer concerts July 16- La Sirena July’s Noche Azul will focus on the legends, songs and stories dedicated to “La Tlanchana,” the Mexican siren. “From our inland towns, the Atltonan Chane, ‘La Tlanchana’ or ‘Mamá Lanchana,’ Goddess Woman, resident of the lakes, islets, boulders, water springs and lagoons. Her skin is gray or black, fishwoman, serpent-woman. The Lanchana is our Siren Mother and keeper of our fresh waters.” – “Sirena de Tule” by Jorge Arzate S. Aug. 20- Sor Juana Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz is a 17th-century colonial Mexican poet, playwright and intellectual. Sor Juana is known for her homo-erotic poetry and feminist writings that show that she was a woman before her time. Featuring a new theme and musical lineup each month, Noche Azul showcases traditional Mexican songs while highlighting the cultural influences and interconnections between Latin America, Africa, Europe, the United States and Mexico. The doors open at 7:15 p.m. and ticket prices are $7 at the door, but the center has a más o menos policy where they will not turn away anyone for not being able to pay and also encourage people who can afford to pay more to donate more so that others can pay less. Seating is first-come firstserved and concessions will be available. For more information, please visit 12 de junio de 2016 artists-in-residence, exhibiting artists, staff, interns, contractors and artist collaborators who helped shape Artpace into the dynamic organization it is today, from its founding in 1995. The selection, “Faces of Artpace,” is not all-inclusive of every person who has been formally involved with Artpace. The group is limited to people who were included in Samandari’s original project, “San Antonio Faces of Art.” Several current Artpace staff members were photographed for Samandari’s original project, “San Antonio Faces of Art,” which spurred the idea to look through all 244 faces included in the original project and present a selection for a separate exhibition, “Faces of Artpace.” The portraits will be printed in various scales—large (35” x 47”), medium (17” x 20”), and small (8.5” x 11”). Born in 1960 in Tehran, Iran, Samandari immigrated to the United States in 1978 where he has made San Antonio, Texas his home. Samandari is a versatile artist working with photographic and digital imaging processes that investigate the human form in relation to space and the intangible forces of time, place and history. Samandari teaches photography at the Southwest School of Art and owns Magical Realism Studio, located in the Blue Star Art Complex. Samandari’s work is in the permanent collections at the San Antonio Museum of Art and the University of Texas at San Antonio, along with numerous private collections. For more information on Artpace, please visit www. The Summer 2016 Window Works exhibition presents 56 photographic portraits by Ramin Samandari titled “Faces of Artpace.” (Courtesy photo) SACVB launches online survey program to enhance city experience Special to La Prensa The San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau (SACVB) is launching a new partner program called Experience Dedicated Destination (EDD). This on-going online survey program helps San Antonio find out how we’re doing in the eyes of visitors – now and over time. San Antonio is the fourth city in the U.S. to become accredited to strategically measure the experience visitors have in our destination, which will help set us apart on the national stage. This research and consumer standards-based program is based on a quick, one-minute survey at http://mysananto- Visitors, and even locals, are served up five short questions about their San Antonio experience. With 32.5 million visitors, spending $13.4 billion annually in San Antonio, the new EDD program is just one more way we can ensure visitors are having a high quality experience and encourage them to return. “We’re excited to be one of the first cities in the country to launch the Experience Dedicated Destination (EDD) program,” said Casandra Matej, executive director of the San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau. “This program works hand in hand with our Certified Tourism Ambassador program to continually gauge and enhance the visitor experience in San Antonio.” The EDD survey covers various sectors of the tourism industry including attractions, lodging, restaurants, local government/civic organizations, venues/facilities and transportation. Partners in these sectors will meet quarterly to stay up to date on progress regarding the destination’s overall plan and findings from the ongoing consumer data and research. Each sector will hold strategic conversations to help determine how they can best help meet the destination’s visitorcentric objectives. For more information on San Antonio’s EDD program and to get involved, visit The Summer 2016 Noche de Azul de Esperanza concert lineup includes three concerts: Bésame Mucho, La Sirena and Sor Juana. (Courtesy photo) The Experience Dedicated Destination (EDD) program is based on a quick, one-minute survey where visitors, and even locals, are served up five short questions about their San Antonio experience. (Photo, Lucy Almanza) 12 de junio de 2016 Mariposas... La Prensa de San Antonio (viene de página 1-D) parte del corredor migratorio de la mariposa monarca, desde Canadá a México (su casa durante el invierno), durante la primavera y el otoño. La población de las mariposas monarca ha declinado peligrosamente en los últimos años. Los científicos atribuyen esto a la pérdida de su hábitat. Por lo tanto, con esta exhibición el Jardín Botánico de San Antonio quiere educar a los visitantes sobre qué plantas nativas pueden plantar en sus respectivos jardines para hospedar a las mariposas monarca, u otro tipo de mariposas, en su paso por San Antonio. Con este objetivo, también se realizarán otras actividades educativas posteriormente. Entre ellas “Conteo de Mariposas con Butterfly Association (NABA)”, el lunes 20 de junio a las 9:00 a.m. Asimismo, para aprender más sobre las mariposas que viven en Texas se despliega en el jardín una rueda giratoria que muestra imágenes de las mariposas presentes en Texas con su respectiva imagen en estado de oruga. Este recurso ha sido diseñado por Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Más información sobre otras actividades educativas sobre mariposas, colibríes, conservación de agua y murciélagos en Neil deGrasse Tyson presents a brand new show at The Tobin Special to La Prensa Neil deGrasse Tyson is making his way back to San Antonio with a whole new show. The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts presents Tyson’s new show in the H-E-B Performance Hall on Jan. 19, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online, via phone (210) 223-8624 and in-person at the Tobin Center’s Box Office (100 Auditorium Circle 78205). Box Office hours are Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m-2 p.m. Tickets are $76.50 and $89.50. VIP Tickets, which include premium seating, an autographed poster and meet and greet, are $250. Tyson was born and raised in New York City where he was educated in the public schools clear through his graduation from the Bronx High School of Science. Tyson went on to earn his bachelor’s degree in physics from Harvard and his doctorate in astrophysics from Columbia. Tyson’s professional research interests are broad, but include star formation, exploding stars, dwarf galaxies and the structure of our Milky Way. In 2001, Tyson was appointed by President Bush to serve on a 12-member commission that studied the future of the U.S. aerospace industry. The final report was published in 2002 and contained recommendations (for Congress and for the major agencies of the government) that would promote a thriving future of transportation, space exploration and national security. In 2004, Tyson was once again appointed by President Bush to serve on a nine-member commission on the Implementation of the United States Space Exploration Policy, dubbed the Moon, Mars, and Beyond commission. This group navigated a path by which the new space vision can become a successful part of the American agenda. And in 2006, the head of NASA appointed Tyson to serve on its prestigious advisory council, which will help guide NASA through its perennial need to fit its ambitious vision into its restricted budget. In addition to dozens of professional publications, Dr. Tyson has written and continues to write for the public. From 1995 to 2005, Tyson was a monthly essayist for Natural History magazine under the title Universe. And among Tyson’s 10 books is his memoir “The Sky is Not the Limit: Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist;” and “Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution,” co-written with Donald Goldsmith. “Origins” is the companion book to the PBS-NOVA 4-part mini-series “Origins,” in which Tyson served as oncamera host. The program premiered on Sept. 28 and 29, 2004. Two of Tyson’s recent books are the playful and informative “Death By Black Hole” and “Other Cosmic Quandaries,” which was a New York Times bestseller, and “The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America’s Favorite Planet,” chronicling his experience at the center of the controversy over Pluto’s planetary status. The PBS/ NOVA documentary “The Pluto Files”, based on the book, premiered in March 2010. For five seasons, beginning in the fall of 2006, Tyson appeared as the on-camera host of PBS-NOVA’s spinoff program “NOVA ScienceNOW,” which is an accessible look at the frontier of all the science that shapes the understanding of our place in the universe. During the summer of 2009, Tyson identified a stable of professional standup comedians to assist his effort in bringing science to commercial radio with the NSF-funded pilot program “StarTalk.” Now also a popular podcast, and a limited-run television series on the National Geographic Channel, “StarTalk” combines celebrity guests with informative yet playful banter. The target audience is all those people who never thought they would, or could, like science. In its first year on television, it was nominated for a “Best Informational Programming” Emmy. Tyson is the recipient of 19 honorary doctorates and the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal, the highest award given by NASA to a See Neil deGrasse Tyson on page 8-D 7 Telemundo kicks off production of ‘La Doña’ Special to la Prensa Telemnundo confirmed the production kickoff of its new original production “La Doña,” starring Aracely Arámbula, David Chocarro, Danna Paola and Rebecca Jones. “La Doña” is inspired by the classic novel “Doña Bárbara,” by Rómulo Gallegos, and was written and adapted by José Vicente Spataro, directed by Carlos Villegas, and produced by Mariana Iskandarani and Gabriela Valentan. “La Doña” is a tale of revenge, ambition and seduction revolving around “Altagracia” (Arámbula), an elegant, beautiful and successful woman who runs a construction empire and enjoys widespread respect in society. A series of major traumas early in life left their mark on Altagracia and made her the implacable “Doña” she is today. “Gallegos’ novel has been adapted successfully for film and television before, but what makes this new Telemundo version different is the story, set in modern times” commented Luis Silberwasser, president of Telemundo Network. “Audiences are increasingly demanding more realism in our telenovelas, and ‘La Doña’ addresses contemporary issues through believable characters with whom viewers can identify with. Violence against women, corruption in politics and business, and the economic crisis many countries in the region are experiencing are just some of the topics that anchor this story in current times.” Despite her considerable success, Altagracia is missing something in her life: true love, which she discovers for the first time when she meets Saúl (Chocarro), an attorney who defends the victims of gender violence and all young women fighting for a way out of unemployment, poverty and overpopulation. Danna Paola plays “Mónica,” a lovely young woman from a humble background with a The story starring Aracely Arambula, David Chocarro, Danna Paola and Rebecca Jones reflects the lives of the hundreds of thousands of women who are victims of gender violence every day and struggle to remake their lives. (Courtesy photo) compassionate and optimistic attitude toward life. Mónica is Altagracia’s daughter but was raised by her father, who kept the two of them constantly on the move to stay away from her mother. Despite the responsibility of caring for her invalid father, Mónica has grown into a resourceful and hardworking woman. She makes her living as a street vendor, facing and reflecting the realities of this difficult job, so widespread in Latin America. Rebecca Jones is “Yesenia,” Altagracia’s aunt, an ambitious woman who reads Tarot cards and dabbles in spells and fortunetelling. Her character symbolizes all of those who believe in the power of magic and look for shortcuts to re- write their destiny. In addition to the lead actors mentioned above, the supporting cast includes Diego Soldano, Rafael Sánchez Navarro, Gabriela Roél, Odiseo Bichir, Fátima Molia, Andrea Martí, Carlos Torres, José María Galeano, Daniela Bascopé, Mauricio Isaac, Rodrigo Murray, María del Carmen Félix, Michelle Olvera, Leo D’luglio and Mario Moran. “La Doña” is a Telemundo original production made by Argos Television. Viewers can follow the production on Facebook at www.facebook. com/LaDonaTLMD and @ LaDonaTLMD on Twitter and Instagram. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter @ TLMDPR. Trailblazing Hollywood female to be recognized at local movie premiere Special to La Prensa A new documentary, “A Classy Broad,” chronicles the career of trailblazing Hollywood executive Marcia Nasatir of San Antonio, who broke through the glass ceiling back in the ‘70s. At a time when gender inequality in Hollywood continues to make headlines, Anne Gouraud’s movie, first shown at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, seems especially relevant. Nasatir, 90, will be recognized for her lifetime contributions at a special event on Friday, June 17 in San Antonio. Local comedian Cleto Rodriguez will do the honors as emcee at Thomas Jefferson High School, 723 Donaldson Ave. The event will begin at 5 p.m. with a tour of the exterior of the beautiful campus, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. From 6-6:30 p.m. visitors can check out the carvings and the ceiling in the library, corridors and also visit the school’s Hall of Fame, which includes Nasatir and several Nobel Prize winners. The program will begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by the showing of the documentary at 7 p.m. sharp. No one will be admitted to the auditorium after the film has begun. The documentary will be followed by a Q&A at 8:30 p.m. with Marcia Nasatir and producer Anne Goursaud, who worked on films for Francis Ford Coppola. Nasatir is a 1943 graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School and a former member of the famed Lassos roping dance team, which was featured on the cover of Life magazine. She was the first female vice president of production at United Artists and later served as president of Johnny Carson Productions. The event is co-sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson High School Historic Preservation Society, the TJHS Lasso Alumni Association and the Northwestern University Alumni Club of San Antonio. Tickets are $10 per person and may be purchased at the door or via Paypal or credit card via the website: www.aclassybroad. info. The documentary, “A Classy Broad,” chronicles the career of Marcia Nasatir of San Antonio, who broke through the glass ceiling back in the ‘70s. Nasatir, 90, will be recognized for her lifetime contributions at Thomas Jefferson High School on June 17. (Courtesy photo) 8 La Prensa de San Antonio Smokey Robinson to perform at the Majestic Special to La Prensa Once pronounced by Bob Dylan as America’s “greatest living poet,” acclaimed singersongwriter Smokey Robinson will perform at the Majestic Theatre (224 E. Houston St.) on Saturday, Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. Smokey Robinson’s career spans over four decades of hits. Robinson has received numerous awards including the Grammy Living Legend Award, NARAS Lifetime Achievement Award, Honorary Doctorate (Howard University), Kennedy Center Honors and the National Medal of Arts Award from the president of the United States. He has also been inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters’ Hall of Fame. Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Robinson founded The Miracles while still in high school. Their single of Robinson’s “Shop Around” became Motown’s first number one hit on the R&B singles chart. In the years following, Robinson continued to pen hits for the group including “You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me,” “Ooo Baby Baby,” “Going to a GoGo,” “Tears of a Clown” (cowritten with Stevie Wonder) and “I Second That Emotion.” In addition to writing hits for the Miracles, Robinson wrote and produced hits for other Motown greats including The Temptations, Mary Wells, Brenda Holloway, Marvin Gaye and more. “The Way You Do the Things You Do,” “My Girl,” “Get Ready,” “Ain’t That Peculiar” and “My Guy” are just a few of his songwriting triumphs during those years. He later turned to a solo career where he continued his tradition of hit making with “Just to See Her,” “Quiet Storm,” “Cruisin’,” and “Being with You,” among others. During the course of his 50-year career in music, Robinson has accumulated more than 4,000 songs to his credit and continues to thrill soldout audiences around the world with his high tenor voice, impeccable timing and profound sense of lyric. Never resting on his laurels, Smokey Robinson remains a beloved icon in our musical heritage. Tickets ($49.50-$135.00) are available at all Ticketmaster outlets, including the Majestic Theatre Box Office, online at www.ticketmaster. com, or charge by phone at 800.745.3000. All tickets subject to applicable service charges and fees. For more information, please visit 12 de junio de 2016 Neil deGrasse Tyson...(continued from page 7-D) non-government citizen. His contributions to the public appreciation of the cosmos have been recognized by the International Astronomical Union in their official naming of asteroid 13123 Tyson. On the lighter side, Tyson was voted “Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive” by People Magazine in 2000. In February 2012, Tyson released his tenth book, containing every thought he has ever had on the past, present and future of space exploration: “Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier.” Recently, Tyson served as executive editor and on camera host and narrator for “Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey,” the 21st century continuation of Carl Sagan’s landmark television series. The show began in March 2014 and ran 13 episodes in Primetime on the FOX network, and appeared in 181 countries in 45 languages around the world on the National Geographic Channels. “Cosmos,” which is also available in DVD and BluRay , won four Emmy Awards, a Peabody Award, two Critics Choice awards, as well as a dozen other industry recognitions. Tyson is the fifth head of the world-renowned Hayden Planetarium in New York City and the first occupant of its Frederick P. Rose Directorship. He is also a research associate of the Department of Astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History. Neil deGrasse Tyson lives in New York City with his wife, a former IT manager with Bloomberg Financial Markets, and their two kids. Singer-songwriter Smokey Robinson will perform at the Majestic Theatre on Oct. 8 at 8 The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts presents Tyson’s new show in the H-E-B p.m. Tickets ($49.50-$135.00) are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and the Majestic Performance Hall on Jan. 19, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $76.50 and $89.50. (CourTheatre Box Office. (Courtesy photo) tesy photo)