O RLC N ew sleer O RLC N ew sleer —— July 2013July 2013


O RLC N ew sleer O RLC N ew sleer —— July 2013July 2013
Don’t m iss t hese items:
 District News
 The L C MS Na onal Conven on
 Sunday School Notes
 Life L ines
 For The Record
 Camp CILCA Openings
 The Wall Is Down
 Kid’s Page
ORLC Newsle er—July 2013
 Human Resource Commi ee
O U R R E D E E M E R L U T H E R A N C H U R C H , J A C K S O N V I L L E , I L — L C M S
 “Base Camp”
The Expedi on Begins!
On June 9th, the V BS expedi on to learn more about God, Jesus and mountains began. The picture above was taken at “base camp” as the kids watched a video about TJ and Cassie. They are two cousins l earning about climbing. Our lesson for the first two weeks was about God giving the Ten Com-­‐
mandments to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Star ng June 23rd, we will learn about God displaying on Mt. Carmel that He i s the one true God.
Above: Jamaica, Priscilla, Alisia, Julian, Anjolida, Aubree and Zachary can be seen enjoying the comfort of “base camp” complete with snacks. Please consider having your li le climber join us.
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The LCMS Na onal Conven on
Pastor David K nuth
"Repent and be bap zed every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gi of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself." Acts 2 :38-39
As most of you know, our congrega on is a mem-­‐
ber of a larger body called the Lutheran Church Mis-­‐
souri Synod (LCMS). Every three years our synod holds a na onal conven on. This year will mark the 65th regular conven on of synod a nd will be held in St. Louis from July 20-25. We have elected two delegates to a end the con-­‐
ven on from a mong our c ircuit churches: Pastor Bri-­‐
an Lesemann a nd our own Gerry Raymond. They will represent the c ongrega ons of our circuit which are located in Jacksonville, W inchester, Chapin, Bluffs, Beardstown, Mt. Sterling, Rushville, Arenzville, Bath, and Chandlerville.
The purpose of the conven on is summarized by the following statement put forth by our synod:
The na onal conven on of the Synod shall afford an opportunity for worship, nurture, fellowship and the communica on of vital informa on. It is the principal legisla ve assembly, which amends the Cons tu on and Bylaws, considers and takes ac-­‐
on on reports and overtures, and handles appro-­‐
priate appeals. It establishes general posi ons and policies of the Synod, provides overall program di-­‐
rec on and priori es, and evaluates all such posi-­‐
ons, programs, policies, direc ons, and priori es in order to provide responsible service for and on behalf of its members. Only a na onal conven on of the Synod shall authorize affilia on or associa-­‐
on and the discon nuance of such affilia on or associa on of the Synod with other church bodies, synods or federa ons.
For more informa on about specific issues and overtures that will be addressed a t this year’s c on-­‐
ven on please go to the following website: h p://
www.lcms.org/conven on.
Every c onven on has an overarching theme which guides the worship a nd Bible studies during the con-­‐
ven on. The theme a nd Bible text this year is “Bap zed for This Moment,” Acts 2 :38-39. You can download a complete c opy of the c onven on Bible Study a t the following: h p://www.lcms.org/
conven on/biblestudy.
Please pray for a ll our delegates a nd elected offi-­‐
cials who will a end this year’s na onal c onven on. It is some mes easy to take for granted that we be-­‐
long to a faithful, Bible based c hurch body in the LCMS a nd how important it is to c on nue to support its work.
Like any organiza on the LCMS has its flaws a nd struggles because the people in it are flawed a nd im-­‐
perfect. But thanks be to God that He gives us His clear Word to guide us and His gi of Holy Bap sm to assure us of His promise that we are His forgiven c hil-­‐
May the grace of God con nue to uphold a nd strengthen a ll c ongrega ons in our synod so that we would con nue to treasure the gi s of God’s W ord and sacraments a nd be faithful witnesses to a ll that He has done.
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Life Lines
By Jeanne S trubbe Courtesy of Lifenews.com
In a pregnancy that defied the odds, a Phoenix woman gave birth Monday to a baby she had car-­‐
ried just outside her uterus, a feat so rare that doc-­‐
tors c ouldn't say for sure whether such a birth had ever occurred before.
Azelan Cruz Perfecto began the day in a precari-­‐
ous posi on, surrounded by a thin wall of mem-­‐
brane a nd muscle just outside the safety of his mother's womb. Doctors knew they needed to op-­‐
erate to get him out, fearing that if they waited too long, his protec ve bubble would burst.
His mother, Nicollete Soto, 27, of Phoenix, had been a dvised by doctors that carrying the baby brought r isk to both his life a nd hers, but she want-­‐
ed to see the pregnancy through, said her boy-­‐
friend, Victor Perfecto.
Azelan Cruz was born a round 9 :20 a.m. The premature baby, born a t 32 weeks, weighed just 2 pounds, 14 ounc-­‐
es, but doctors say he's doing great.
Doctors originally thought that Soto was carrying the baby in her a bdomen, completely outside her uterus. But a er delivering the baby, doctors found that Soto didn't a ppear to have a n ab-­‐
dominal pregnancy, a s they thought. Instead, the embryo had a ached itself to the a rea where the fallopian tube meets the uterus, or what is known a s a cornual pregnancy.
"For some r eason, hers did not rupture," said Ed-­‐
wards, the director of the Maternal Fetal Medicine Center a t Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center. "It c on nued to stretch."
"This is just a case that proves, in medicine, noth-­‐
ing happens 'always' or 'never,' " he said.
Doctors said that if Soto's unusual pregnancy had been spo ed earlier, they would have advised her to terminate it. The r isk of rupture, a nd possible fa-­‐
tal blood loss, would have been too great, said Dr. William Clewell of the maternal-fetal c enter.
But with the fetus that far a long, doctors knew they were a lready on dangerous ground. Soto's father, Benjamin Soto of Tucson, said that even a s doctors debated the exact nature and c om-­‐
plica ons of his daughter's pregnancy, she wanted to press forward. "She said, 'No ma er what, I'm going to have this baby,' " he r ecalled.
Her faith wavered a bit on Monday morning, said Maria Garcia, the paternal grandmother. Soto was crying a nd worried that the surgery would go badly, Garcia said, in Spanish.
"I told her, 'Only God knows if he will live,' " Gar-­‐
cia said. "Have faith."
In the opera ng room, doctors handled her gin-­‐
gerly. Clewell said he a dvised one surgeon to not tap the a bdominal area too hard.
"If you know you have a cking bomb," he said, "one thing you don't want to do is play with it."
Perfecto stood by as doctors began the surgery and removed the wiggling, crying, baby boy. Soto was a ble to see her son for a few minutes, but Perfecto said the anesthe c was star ng to kick in.
"She was in a nother world," he said.
The name Azelan is a varia on of Aslan, the name of the Great Lion in the C.S. Lewis book "The Chronicles of Narnia," he said.
The baby is expected to be hospitalized for three to four weeks. Soto is expected to be r eleased in three to four days.
Perfecto said the c ouple has to hit the stores.
"We haven't shopped for the baby," he said. They waited, he said, because had this day turned out differently, it would have been too painful to return it a ll.
“Who among us does not know t hat t he hand of the L ord has done t his, in His hand is the life of every creature and t he breath of all m ankind.” Job 12:9-10.
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The Wall Is Down
By Joy Kom nick
Early in the morning (June 1st), an able-bodied crew of 9 men began the demoli on work on the wall between Pastor's old office and the lounge. This demoli on will enable the congrega on to have one larger room in which to have a ll kinds of ac vi es.
The idea of demoli on came about because the Thursday morning Bible class is becoming so crowd-­‐
ed. A endance is anywhere on a ny given Thursday from 16 to 22 people. The c onference r oom was ge ng to be terribly small and so the idea was born to remove the office/lounge wall a nd make a bigger space in which to meet. The place where Bible c lass used to meet will become whatever is needed…..for daycare on Sunday morning's, a c onference r oom, a Sunday school class….most anything a t a ll.
Now that the wall has been r emoved, trimming out the gaps that were le in the side walls and c eil-­‐
What’s Your Bugle?
Numbers 10 tells of God’s c ommand that Moses make two bugles for various purposes: summoning the leaders, sending the people to war, announcing worship, presen ng offerings, calling everyone for a fes val. “Blow the bugles,” declares the Lord. “They will keep your a en on on God” (v. 1 0, The Mes-­‐
What “bugles” draw our a en on to God? May-­‐
be church bells chime daily near your home. Maybe worship a endance serves a s the “bugle” that calls ing will be the finishing touches needed to make the office/lounge room a very nice, big room. The trim-­‐
ming-out process began June 3rd. Thursday morning Bible c lass met in the new r oom the following Thursday. Rather than having a r ibbon-cu ng c ere-­‐
mony to c ommemorate the opening of the new room, the sugges on was made to have a "browniecu ng" c eremony . (If you're thinking of joining the Thursday morning Bible class, yes, we do have snacks.) Class meets a t 10AM and r uns ll 11. (Seriously though, do think a bout joining us. W e learn so much.)
Because Pastor's old office was needed to c om-­‐
bine it with the lounge, Pastor voluntarily moved his office to the church's library across from the church's main office. His new office will be smaller than what he had before, but, knowing how r esili-­‐
ent he is, we know he will find a place for every-­‐
thing. W e do sincerely thank him for sacrificing his larger space for the c lass. We welcome you in our Thursday morning Bible class and we hope you will consider joining us. A small banner has been made to commemorate our new space a nd the present members of c lass a s well as any new members will be a ble to sign their names to the banner a s Thursday morning Bible class members. You are most welcomed to c ome see the changes in our c hurch.
you back to the Divine. Some people place a small dot-s cker on the face of their watch to r emind them to pray whenever they c heck the me. A s ck-­‐
er on your cell phone might work even be er. May-­‐
be you set your Bible or devo ons on the kitchen table before bed to r emind you to start your day with God.
God’s people get distracted easily, whether with tent-pitching in the desert 3 ,500 years a go or with jam-packed schedules today. W e a ll need a bugle.
What’s yours?
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O R L C N EW SL ETTER — J UL Y 2 0 1 3
Human Resource Commi ee
Inform a on provided b y Be y Hillig
Please bring some school supplies on July 2 1 st.
God bless you a ll for your con nued generous dona-­‐
ons for these a gencies that reach out to the less fortu-­‐
nate in our community. The Human Resource Commi ee is a sking all members, including a ll of our Sunday School c hildren, to bring school supplies to church on Sunday July 21st. These dona ons will be giv-­‐
en to the Salva on Army
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Report to the c hurches from the Jacksonville Area Community Food Center:
During the month of May we served 160 families for food orders for a total of 328 people a t a cost of $20,451.48. W e served 733 families for extra bakery, a total of 1 ,805 people a t a cost of $ 10,804.37. The churches contributed $2,294.00 in money a nd $786.00 in food. Thank you and God bless you for your con nued support.
The Postal Worker’s Food Drive in May brought in 6,746 pounds of food a nd $25.00 in money.
The Fireman’s Drive in June brought in 1 ,081 pounds of food.
Thank you to everyone who also c ontributed to these food drives Sunday School Notebook
By S ara D aws on Needed for Fall
Our VBS theme this year is Tell It on t he Mountain. On June 9 th a nd 1 6 th the stu-­‐
dents learned about Moses on Mount Sinai and the Ten Commandments. Each student enjoyed a snack, cra or game, and learned new songs. They a lso had the opportunity to climb Mt. Sinai with the help of Brian Dawson. The fun c on nues for several more weeks following each Sunday service. The adult c lass is following a long and everyone 6 th grade a nd older is welcome to a end. See the table below for future topics and teachers.
We have been overwhelmed with the generosity of the congrega on for VBS sup-­‐
plies. W e can’t thank you enough! The stu-­‐
dents a re enjoying the supplies each week. Beginning in the fall, a teacher for the 3 year old through 2nd grade class will be needed. Contact Tomi Knuth if interested. PreK-Second Date
Grade teacher, June 2 3 & 3 0
Tammy McCormick
Beth Davidsmeyer
On Mount Carmel: God is with his people.
July 7 & 14
Laurie Evans
On the Mount of Transfigura on: Jesus is with his people.
July 2 1 & 28
Allie Behrends (21 st)
Tomi Knuth (28 th)
On Golgatha: Jesus Saves Us.
August 4 & 11
Becky Pa on
On a Mountain: Jesus Says, “Go to All”.
please contact Tomi Knuth
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O R L C N EW SL ETTER — J UL Y 2 0 1 3
Shopping Lists For Our Supported Agencies
By Be y H illig
The Human Resource Commi ee supports five local a gencies. These a gencies are listed along with some needed items for each of them. Clip this list a nd take it with you!
There a re five baskets in the Narthex for dona ons. The baskets are marked for each of the different a gen-­‐
cies. There is a lso a wooden box on the table by the baskets for monetary dona ons. Any monetary dona-­‐
ons will be divided a mong the five a gencies.
Thank you for your support!
Jacksonville Area Community Food Center
 Cake Mix
 Jello
 Pudding
 Canned Ravioli
 Canned meat
 Canned t una
 Any non -perishable food i tem
Salva on A rmy
 Flour  Oil
 Sugar
 Dry milk
 Non refrigerated c heese (Velveeta, parmesan)
 Unopened t oiletries from Hotel/Motel
 New t oothbrush a nd t oothpaste
 New c omb or brush
 New disposable razor a nd s having c ream
 New baby s tarter kit (pacifier, diapers, formula)
 Baby s tarter kit (diapers, ra le, i nfant food)
Women’s Crisi s Center
 Paper products (toilet paper, Kleenex, paper t owels)
 Canned goods
 Diapers
 Unopened t oiletries from Hotel/Motel
 New or gently used l inens (towels, s heets, blankets)
 New c omb or brush
 New t oothbrush a nd t oothpaste
 Unopened t oiletries (lo on, s hampoo, e tc.)
Pregnanc y Resource Center
 Baby wipes
 Baby receiving blankets
Infant, boys, girls fi ed towels
Infant s ocks
Burp c lothes
Baby wash
Baby l o on
Baby s hampoo
Basket (This c an be found a t Wal-Mart for a bout $ 5 $6 i n the l aundry basket department. It i s plas c, flexible, oval, white a nd has handles. It will be used to c reate gi baskets c ontaining newborn i tems.)
Wal-Mart gi c ard (These will e ither be given by the Pregnancy Center to c lients to buy needed i tems or used by the Pregnancy Center Baby for needed s up-­‐
New Beginnings (Homeless S helter)
 Paper products  Paper plates, napkins, plas c forks, s poons, knives
 Large black garbage bags
 Laundry s oap
 Dish s oap
 Hotel s hampoo
 Soap
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O R L C N EW SL ETTER — J UL Y 2 0 1 3
For The Record
By S taff Write rs
to our L ord a nd Savior for His gift of ing Max’s i llness a nd a t her pass-­‐
music a
nd t
he m
usicians w
ho h
ave ing.
We e xtend s ympathies to the fami-­‐
voluntarily g
iven t
heir t
ime a
nd t
alents lies of the following i ndividuals a t the
 To Samuel Bi shop for s haring his that they have s o richly been blessed musical talent (organist) with the death of their l oved one:
by s haring them this past year i n our ORLC c on grega on on 5 /26
 Milton L ovekamp (6 /9) Aunt of worship s ervices.
 To P astor A lvin Schmidt for s erv-­‐
Diane Ryals
6/9 – Gary and R osemary V ortman i n ing a s our guest Pastor on 6 /16.
 Charles Werries (6/12) Brother o f celebration of their 4 4 th a nniversary Alvin Werries, uncle of Roger (6/8)
Lovekamp a nd Barry Werries
Congratulations to all 2 013 gr adu-­‐
6/16 – J ohn M ullens, Sr. i n memory o f Marriages
Phyllis Mullens
Congratula ons to the following High School
couples upon c elebra on of their mar-­‐
 Katie B oston – daughter of Ron Radio Broadc ast
and Connie Boston
The b
roadcast w
as p
rovided t
o t
he  Andrew and Oli via (Knuth) H arris  Allison Behrends – daughter of Glory of God by:
were married on Saturday J une Todd a nd J amie Behrends
15 th. Olivia i s the daughter of Pas-­‐ 5/26 – Russ a nd Berniece Neff
tor David a nd Tomi Knuth.
6/16 – J ohn Mullens, Sr.  James and M ark Williams - sons  Mike and M elissa B olino c elebrat-­‐
of Bob a nd Mary L ee Williams
ed their 2 5 th wedding a nniversary The F
lower a
nd Radio c
harts a
re on J une 2 5 th a nd renewed their hanging i n the narthex. Please s ign up vows during the s ervice on J une No fica ons
if you would l ike to s ponsor a s ervice th
26 .
at a c ost of $ 30 a nd $ 85, respec vely.  Our next Doorbell Dinner dates are 9 /23-9/27.
Altar Flowers
Thank You
The flowers were provided to the  The family o f M axine Krohe would Glory of God by:
like to thank e veryone a t ORLC 5/19 - K arma V ortman i n thankfulness who e xtended their s upport dur-­‐
Living T ha nks
tom orrow . .. ne xt week . .. ne xt month . ..” u n l s oon we don’t reme mbe r how t o play a t all.
“Thank y ou!” I e xuded, a e r rece iving a h e y bag of h ome-­‐
grown tomatoes. I set t he produce o n the k itche n floor; I would We pass u p c hances to v isit s ome one dea r a nd, whe n s he a end to it shortly. But I got d istracte d… f or days.
moves a way, reg ret squandering the f rie nds hip. We opt to sleep i n i nstea d of a e nding worship, u nawa re of wha t g i s of Finally, I l i e d the bag to make use of the gi , and t he God’s Word and Chris an fellowship we’ll m iss.
bo om fell out. M any of the t omatoes had be come s quishy, the ir juice s soak ing the pa per be nea th them. I ns tead of making Next m e I rece ive something — f rom G od o r a nyone els e good use of t he ge ne rous gi , I was le c leaning up r o en to-­‐
— may the S pirit help me n ot j ust give thanks b utLive thanks by matoe s and throwing ma ny of t he v eggies away.
using and e njoying the gi !
We d o the same with G od’s gi s: “I’ll p rac ce piano
—He idi M ann, Editot
Have a s tory i dea OR do you want to write a n a r cle? Contact Brian or Sara Dawson ([email protected]) or Joy Komnick ([email protected]). We welcome a nd e ncourage s ubmission of reports from a ny ORLC Commi ee. If your material is ready for s ubmission , please s end i t to NEWSL ETTER@ ORLCWEB.ORG. I f it is not, S ara will gladly type it for you. Pictures of ORLC a c vi es or of our members i n general, a lso welcomed!.
Page 8
Kid’s Corner
Spend a fe w minutes w ith t he kids to s olve this puzz le.
O R L C N EW SL ETTER — J UL Y 2 0 1 3
Page 9
June 2013 Opening Thoughts:
“For here we have no las ng c ity, but we s eek the c ity that i s to c ome.” Hebrews 13:14 ESV
The Church of God i s made up of pilgrims and is on the move. Its members a re “ homeless” un l we reach God’s household a bove. Here, the Church is a haven for those homeless, but once e stablished it c an become s mug and sa sfied with the s tatus quo. However, as J esus foresaw, for its good, i t will e nd up shaken when this world’s hos lity wreaks its havoc.
O R L C N EW SL ETTER — J UL Y 2 0 1 3
theran Volunteer Teacher of the Year. The Parish Educa on Commi ee c ongratulates Barbara Maske for her dedicated service, a nd thanks e veryone who nominated teachers for the award this year.
District Bible Bowl (couldn’t fit it in last month’s newsle er)
The fi eenth a nnual Central Illinois District Youth Bible Bowl took place on Sunday a ernoon, April 1 4, 2013. 1 2 teams from 6 c ircuits par cipated by a nswering ques ons about “ The Exodus.” The c hampionship team for the fi h year i n a row c ame Against the e vil foe’s flaming darts the L ord Himself has from St. Ma hew’s Lutheran Church i n Milan, Illinois. In 2 nd clothed us i n the “ belt of Truth, the breastplate of righteous-­‐ place was Trinity – Coal Valley a nd 3rd place was Immanuel – ness, given us s hoes – the Gospel of peace, the s hield of faith, Altamont. the helmet of salva on, the s word of the Spirit.” (Eph. 6 :14- Board Briefs from the Central Illinois District Board of Direc-­‐
17) We wait with l onging to be freed of our cap vity a nd to tors mee ng on Tuesday, M ay 2 8, 2 013.
return home.
 Rev. Jensen presented t o t he Board regarding t he work As the owner of a trailer, during the summer, I briefly rent of the District a t Wi enberg Center, Illinois State Univer-­‐
li le parcels of l and, and a er a few days, we move on. The sity.
trailer is not meant to be a permanent home. Some mes we  The Board has asked t o be provided with a c opy of re-­‐
camp i n s ome very s cenic s pots where we might wish to re-­‐
vised c ongrega onal cons tu ons before vo ng to ra fy main. Yet, here i s the reality. While being away is nice, a er a changes reviewed by the Congrega onal Cons tu on while our own bed is preferred.
and District Handbook Commi ee.
The e vil foe i s a lready defeated. Our c rucified L ord Jesus  Board a pproved a ppointment of Melissa Wren, Betsy has risen victorious. Our real a nd permanent home i s with Lash and Rev. Sam Janssen to replace members of the Him. The a uthor of Hebrews makes it c lear that our true Educa on Commi ee whose terms had e xpired.
affec on l ies i n our heavenly fatherland of which we a re ci -­‐
 Board a ppointed Deaconess Tiffany Manor a s the District zens e ven now. Disaster Coordinator. Deaconess Manor already works Li up your e yes as we are “ pressing on toward the goal with L utheran Church Chari es in the a rea of disaster for the prize of the upward call of God i n Christ Jesus.” (Phil. response.
 Board a pproved Salary Guidelines for 2 014. Guidelines Rev. M ark A. M iller, CID President
are a vailable on the CID website.
Prayers for CID M issions
 Board a ppointed Rev. Chuck Olander t o a one year term During the next 3 0 days please i nclude the following i n as Planned Gi Counselor, s ucceeding Mr. Dave Rohe.
your c hurch’s and your personal prayers:
 Board a pproved a recommenda on by t he Stewardship  Our Central Illinois District pastors and other t rained Commission to reinstate publishing the a nnual report of workers who s erve the s piritual needs of many inmates congrega onal c ontribu ons to district.
at a me of c hange i n our Illinois Prison System: Pastor  Treasurer reports both c ontribu ons a nd e xpenses are Chuck Olander, L ogan a nd L incoln Correc ons Center; close to budgeted expecta ons.
Pastor Stephen Southward, work c amps i n Pi sfield a nd  Board designated a recent unrestricted gi to be used t o Roodhouse a nd the Western Correc onal Center, Mt. pay for roof repair on the Red Building a cross the parking Sterling; a nd the Rev. Pablo Dominguez, East Moline Cor-­‐
lot from the CID Office Building.
rec onal Center (Pastor Dominguez was recently named East Moline’s Volunteer of the Year)!
 Board made several recommenda ons t o t he Synod for nomina ons to various boards.
CID A nnounces 2 013 CID V olunteer Teacher The CID Parish Educa on Commi ee s elected Barbara Maske, of Zion L utheran Church, Mt. Pulaski, a s the 2013 Lu-­‐
O u r R e d ee m er L u t her a n C h ur c h
405 Massey Lane
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Require d
Phone: 217.243.3939
Fax: 217.479.8959
E-mail: ne wsle [email protected] rg
Camp CILCA, s ll has room in all of the camps for the 2013 Summer Season. Please consider spending a fun week with the caring staff at Camp CILCA.
For over 60 years Camp CILCA has served the needs for many different congrega ons, businesses, and families throughout Central Illinois. Founded by the Lutheran Church Mis-­‐
souri Synod, the camp con nues to provide many opportuni es for all denomina ons. Children coming to camp today literally can stay i n cabins that their own grandparents once e njoyed camp as a kid. Camp CILCA is commi ed to fostering the Chris an faith of all genera ons i n an outdoor se ng.
Check the website www.cilca.org for a l ist of camps and to register or call 217.487.7497.
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Volunteers for July
*7-Max Willner
l4-Austin Dufelmeier
*2l-Cameron Patton
28-Mallory Erickson
7-Merle/ Sharon Dufelrneier
l4-Betty Hillig
Marian McDonald
2l-Toddllaurie Evans
28-David/Shirley Hicks
Nurserv Service
2l-Allison Behrends
Tammy McCorrnick
Elder of the Month
Reg Carls
Deaf Interoreters
7-Becky Patton
l4-Sharon Huppe
(first name on the list calls others to arrange setup time)
2l-Becky Patton
28-Sharon Huppe
* Communion service
(7 l7& 7121)
WaUy Davenport
Randy Bentley
Darlene Elsome
Liiht & Sbund
Altar AssistantsCharles Hillig
*7-Joy Komnick
Shirley Hicks
*2l-Betty Hillig
Kathy Tribble
Marian McDonald
*Communion Divine Service
7-Bev Fricke
Christina Antemate
Altar Guitd
l4-Charles Hillig
2l-Charles Hillig
28-Charles Hiilig
243-2015 Trustees
John Mullens, Sr.
Robert Shumaker
John Shumaker
John Mullens, Jr.
3e5 66mnick
Cameron Shumaker 435-8051
(Larry Brockhous e, backuP)
l4-Larry Brockhouse
(Ro ger Lovekamp, baclatP)
2l-Roger LovekamP
(Dirk Ericla on, bachtP)
28-Dirk Erickson
(Dave Hicl<s, baclary)
Bible Brealdast Hosts
3-Jay Hornbeek
1.0-Z,eke Mullens
17-Ron Proffitt
3l-Kurt Heller