registration - American Freedom Alliance


registration - American Freedom Alliance
Name / Nome____________________________________________________
Address / Indirizzo
Phone / Telefono __________________________________________________
e-mail ___________________________________________________________
Affiliation / Affiliazione______________________________________________
For U.S. registrants please mail registration form to:
American Freedom Alliance
11500 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 400,
Los Angeles, CA 90064
For European registrants please mail registration form to:
European Freedom Alliance
European Freedom Alliance
European Freedom Alliance is an organization based in Switzerland devoted to
building alliances throughout Europe between individuals and communities who
recognize the threats to freedom and Western values represented by the growth
of fascist ideologies and the application of anti-Western religious doctrine. Its
programs include an annual international conference addressing the social and
cultural problems of Europe; the establishment of an international legal task force
to represent European victims of terror and cultural intimidation and a program to
encourage investigative and scholarly research into the origins of Eurabian
ideology and its application in modern Europe.
in conjunction with
European University of Rome
Lepanto Foundation
The Lepanto Foundation is a non-profit institution founded in Washington D.C. in
March 2001 and with a seat in Rome. Its stated mission is to defend the principles
and institutions of western and Christian civilization and to improve relations
between the United States and Europe.
Università Europea di Roma
Via Aldobrandeschi, 190 – 00163 Roma
Tel. 06-66 52 78 00 Fax 06-66 52 78 50 e-mail: [email protected]
All sessions will be conducted in English with simultaneous Italian translation.
Cosponsored by
audiotape at the EFA website at
Books Several speakers and panelists will sign copies of their books at the conference.
Orders will be taken for other books not available on the first day.
Live Streaming The proceedings of the conference will be filmed and streamed live.
Further information will be available at the EFA website
Refreshments for morning break and afternoon break will be provided by the conference organizers. Lunch will be available for purchase in the University cafeteria.
Participants are advised that the conference will be subject to strict security
procedures and the patience and cooperation of all is gratefully appreciated.
Hotel Information
Melia Roma Aurelia Antica
Black Hotel
Jolly Hotel Midas
Summit Roma Hotel
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 223,
00163 Rome
Tel: 39 06 66544 398
Fax: 39 0665444 467
Via Aurelia 800,
00165 Rome
Tel: 39 066639625
Fax: 39 0666418457
The European University of Rome is a private Catholic university recognised and
supported by the Italian State. It is linked to the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina
Conferenza “Crisi d’identita”
Università Europea di Roma
Via Aldobrandeschi, 190 – 00163 Roma, Italia
a cura di Virginia Coda Nunziante
Taping All sessions will be recorded and available for purchase on either CD, DVD or
European University of Rome and Lepanto Foundation
Middle East Forum
Christian Solidarity International
Council for Democracy and Tolerance
FAES:Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies
with generous support from the
Emerson Family Foundation
California Community Foundation
Via Sardiello 18
00165, Rome
Phone: 39 06 66410148
39 06 66418483
Via Della Stazione Aurelia 99
00165 Rome
Tel: 39 06 6650 7366
Fax: 39 06 6641 8062
European Office:
Alliance Européenne pour la Liberté
PO BOX 5979,
1002 Lausanne, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 320 30 85
U.S. Office:
European Freedom Alliance
11500 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 400,
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Phone: (310)444-3085
Thursday March 13 and Friday, March 14, 2008
European University of Rome, Italy
Università Europea di Roma, Italia
Friday, March 14, 2008
Closed Door Workshop
9:00 am - 1:00 pm:
Morning Workshop: Legal Methods for Addressing European Concerns.
Moderator: Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
11:00 am - 11:15 am: Break
Thursday, March 13, 2008
8:30 am - 9:30 am: Registration
9:50 am - 10:30 am: Opening Plenary: European conflicts and the threat to Western civilization
Keynote speaker: Pres. Marcello Pera
Respondents: Bat Ye’or, Baroness Caroline Cox
11:15 am - 11:30 am: Morning Break
11:30 am - 1:00 pm:
Second Morning Panel: External threats to European survival:
Geo-Strategy of the Muslim World
Panelists: Bat Ye’or, Robert Spencer, Johannes Jansen,
Baroness Caroline Cox
Moderator: John Marks
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Lunch
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm:
First Afternoon Panel: Internal threats to European survival: Multiculturalism and the impact of cultural and moral relativism upon European identity.
Panelists: Douglas Murray, Melanie Phillips, Emanuele Ottolenghi,
Alfredo Mantovano, Oscar Elía Mañú
Moderator: Bruce Bawer
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Afternoon Break
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm:
Second Afternoon Panel: The influence of the media, non-governmental
organizations and the United Nations in shaping European values and policies.
Panelists: Melanie Phillips, Philippe Karsenty, David Littman,
Gerald Steinberg, Flemming Rose
Moderator: Salvatore Rebecchini
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Closing Panel: The role of Christianity and Judeo-Christian values in the col-
lapse and recovery of European identity.
Panelists: Roberto de Mattei, Rev. Hans Stückelberger, Johannes Jansen,
Giorgio Israel, Emanuele Ottolenghi
Moderator: Giuseppe Valditara
Melanie Phillips
Bat Ye’or
David Littman
Bat Ye’or is a world authority on the history of non-Muslims under Islam and has written many articles and four major works on the subject. Her latest study, the widely
acclaimed Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005)
concerns the gradual political and cultural transformation of Europe into a Euro-Arab
David Littman is a British historian and human rights activist based in Switzerland.
He is a representative at the United Nations in Geneva for the Association for World
Education and the World Union for Progressive Judaism. During his work at the U.N.,
he has delivered or drafted over 300 oral and written NGO statements to the Council
on Human Rights and the Sub-Council on Human Rights.
Daniel Pipes
Rafael L. Bardají
Alfredo Mantovano
Florentino Portero
Alfredo Mantovano is a member of the Italian Senate. He was Undersecretary at the
Ministry of Internal Affairs during the Berlusconi Government (2002-2006).
Florentino Portero Ph.D., is Professor of Contemporary History at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid. He is the author of many books and articles
on Spanish foreign policy and international relations and a commentator on international policy in the Spanish journals La Razón, Libertad Digital, Expansion, and at the
television station Telemadrid.
Bruce Bawer
Oscar Elía Mañú
Salvatore Rebecchini
Bruce Bawer is an American poet, literary critic and author who resides in Oslo,
Norway. He is the author, most recently, of While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is
Destroying the West from Within ( Random House, 2006)
Oscar Elía Mañú Ph.D., is an analyst in Political Thought at Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos- GEES (Strategic Studies Group) in Madrid. He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy
(University of Navarra) and a postgraduate degree in Peace, Security and Defense
Salvatore Rebecchini is an Italian banker and businessman. In 2004 he was appointed
Chairman of the board of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Spa, a large financial institution
owned by the Italian Treasury. He is currently Chairman of the F2i S.g.r. (Fondi italiani
per le infrastrutture, Società di gestione del risparmio), a private equity fund, specializing in infrastructure investment.
Baroness Caroline Cox
John Marks
Flemming Rose
Massimo de Leonardis
Douglas Murray
Roberto de Mattei
Emanuele Ottolenghi
Gerald Steinberg
Giorgio Israel
Angelo Maria Petroni
Rev. Hans J. Stückelberger
Johannes Jansen
Marcello Pera
Giuseppe Valditara
9:30 am - 9:50 am:
Welcome: Father Paolo Scarafoni L.C.
Introduction to Conference: Avi Davis, Roberto de Mattei
10:30 am - 12:00 pm:
First Morning Panel: The Future of the Trans-Atlantic Alliance
Panelists: Angelo Maria Petroni, Massimo de Leonardis, Daniel Pipes, Bruce Bawer, Florentino Portero
Moderator: Rafael Bardaji
Philippe Karsenty
Rafael L. Bardají is the International Policy Director of the Spanish policy center FAES
(Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies) and the former National Policy Advisor to
President Jose Maria Aznar. In 1986 he founded the Strategic Studies Group (GEES) of which he was director until May 1996, carrying out consultancy tasks for the Atlantic
Alliance and Spanish Military Headquarters.
Baroness Cox is a member of the British House of Lords and an advocate for many
humanitarian causes and issues concerning disability. She is Chief Executive of HART
(Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust) and a Trustee of MERLIN (Medical Emergency Relief
International). She is co-author, with Dr. John Marks, of The West, Islam and Islamism:
Is Ideological Islam Compatible with Liberal Democracy? (Civitas, 2005)
Massimo de Leonardis Ph.D., is Professor of History of International Relations and Institutions and of International Politics at the Catholic University of Milan. He also teaches
Contemporary History at the European University of Rome. He is author of several
books on international relations between Italy and the United States.
Roberto de Mattei Ph.D., is the Dean of the Faculty of Historical Sciences at the
European University of Rome. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian
National Research Council (C.N.R.) of which he has been Vice-President since 2004.
He was special advisor to the Berlusconi Government (2002-2006) and is President of
the Lepanto Foundation based in Rome and Washington.
Giorgio Israel Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Rome “La Sapienza.” He is author of 20 books and 200 papers and essays in the fields of the history of science, the
history of antisemitism and of racial policy in Italy during fascism. His most recent book
concerns the crisis of values of Western civilization: Liberarsi dei demoni. Odio di sac,
scientismo e relativismo (Marietti).
Johannes J.G. Jansen Ph.D., holds the Houtsma Chair for Contemporary Islamic
Thought in the Department of Arabic, Persian and Turkish at the University of Utrecht,
Netherlands. He has published numerous books and articles about Muslim radicalism
including The Neglected Duty: the Creed of Sadat’s Assassins and The Dual Nature of
Islamic Fundamentlism.
Philippe Karsenty is a French journalist and media critic. After a brief foray into French
politics in 2002, he founded Media-Ratings, the first ever French media rating agency.
Media-Ratings has paid particular attention to the failure of the French media to
document the rise of militant Islam in France.
Professor John Marks is a British nuclear physicist, British educator and author. He
has written extensively on British education and has co-authored, with Caroline Cox,
This Immoral Trade: Slavery in the 21st Century, (Monarch, 2006) and The West, Islam
and Islamism: Is Ideological Islam Compatible with Liberal Democracy? (Civitas, 2006).
Douglas Murray is a bestselling writer and broadcaster based in London. He is
Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, based in Westminster - the only think-tank in
Britain to focus exclusively on Islamic extremism within the UK.
Emanuele Ottolenghi Ph.D., is the executive director of the Transatlantic Institute,
based in Belgium. He is a frequent commentator on Israeli domestic politics, the ArabIsraeli conflict, and Europe’s Middle East policy.
Angelo Maria Petroni Ph.D., is Professor of Epistemology at the University of Bologna,
and General Secretary of the Aspen Institute Italy. He is the former director of the High
School of Public Administration and an advisor to Minister Giulio Tremonti during the
Berlusconi Government (2002-2006).
Pres. Marcello Pera is currently a member of the Italian Senate and was formerly its
President (2001-2006). He is currently Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Pisa. He is author of many books, some written in partnership with Cardinal
Joseph Ratzinger, now known as Pope Benedict XVI.
Melanie Phillips is a British journalist, author, broadcaster and diarist. She writes a
regular column in both the Daily Mail and the London Jewish Chronicle and appears as
a panellist on BBC Radio Four’s The Moral Maze. In May, 2006 she published Londonistan (Encounter) an analysis of the British failure to confront radical Islam.
Daniel Pipes, Ph.D., is an academic, journalist and Director of the Middle East Forum
whose writings on Islam, Europe and the threat to the West have appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world. His website,, is the
single most accessed internet source of specialized information on the Middle East
and Islam.
Flemming Rose is a Danish journalist, author and the cultural editor of the Danish daily
newspaper, Jyllands-Posten. In this position he was responsible for the August 2005
publication of cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed.
Robert Spencer
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom
Center, and the author of seven books, including the New York Times bestsellers The
Truth About Muhammad (Regnery, 2006) and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam
(and the Crusades) (Regnery, 2005).
Gerald Steinberg Ph.D., heads the Political Studies Department at Bar Ilan University
in Israel, and is the founder and Executive Director of NGO Monitor. He specializes in
Middle East security issues, including the political uses and misuses of international
law and human rights policy.
Rev. Hans J. Stüceklberger is founder and international president of Christian Solidaritiy International (CSI), based in Binz/Zurich, Switzerland with affiliates in the USA,
Italy and eight other countries. He is also president of Zukunft CH, whose goal is the
re-establishment of European identity.
Giuseppe Valditara Ph.D., is a member of the Italian Senate. He is the Dean of the
Faculty of Law at the European University of Rome and Professor of Roman Law at the
University of Turin.