Waikato Rivercare Presentation


Waikato Rivercare Presentation
The Lower Waikato River
Enhancement Society Incorporated
trading as Waikato RiverCare
What is Waikato RiverCare?
• Waikato RiverCare is a registered “not for profit” charity operating in the low
Waikato River since 1999.
• Waikato RiverCare is governed by a Executive Committee (public, crown agen
business representatives and iwi representatives).
• Waikato RiverCare provides a forum that encourages a collaborative approach
between all the major interest groups.
Current Waikato RiverCare Executive Committee
Ben Wolf (Chairman/Waikato District Council)
Dawn Metcalf (Deputy Chairwomen/Resident)
David Klee (Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game)
Eric Pene (Department of Conservation)
Wayne Bennett (Resident)
Larnie Chrystall (Mighty River Power)
Donna Barakat (Treasurer/Genesis)
Leanne Thomson (Waikato Regional Council)
Hori Awa (Waahi Whaanui Trust)
Raymond Kumar (Nga Muka Development Trust)
Wally Lee (North Waikato Federated Farmers)
Joseph Chaloner Warman (Watercare Services)
Lizana Tuake (Genesis Energy)
Waikato RiverCare staff
Kevin Hutchinson (Operations Manager)
Jayne Signal (Administrator)
Advisory members
Peter Buckley
Don Scarlet
What does Waikato RiverCare do?
• Focused on restoring corridors of self-sustaining
native plantings in the riparian zone of the lower
Waikato River.
• Waikato RiverCare’s vision is “To make a positive
difference to the wellbeing of our River”.
• Kai whakapakari te mauri o te taatou
Waikato RiverCare
project sites
Why is Waikato RiverCare asking for support
from the Lower Waikato Zone sub committee?
• Last financial year Waikato RiverCare spent $20,626.00 excl on scheme
land planting, spraying and maintaining planting projects; this current
financial year spending on scheme land is forecast to top $74,172.00 excl.
• Over the past three financial years Waikato RiverCare has committed
$146,445.00 excl of funding directly onto scheme land and $200,000.00
on staff time supporting this work.
• Forecast Waikato RiverCare spending on scheme land in the coming
financial years is expect to increase significantly . Why?
Increased Waikato RiverCare spending
forecast on scheme land
• Increased weed threats (Yellow flag, Tutsan and Alligator weed)
• Regional Plan rule changes for new pest plants and land use round
• Waikato RiverCare with financial support from the Waikato River
Authority and Waikato Regional Council engaged consultants
Wildlands Consultants Ltd to prioritise restoration sites on the
lower Waikato River.
• 44 priority sites identified, 13 are located on lands administered or
managed as part of the lower Waikato River flood protect scheme.
Waikato RiverCare is requesting $80,000.00/yr opex funding to be
included in the Waikato Regional Council LTP.
• Waikato RiverCare has access to funding
opportunities and sources not available to
Council - more bang for your buck
• Waikato RiverCare is a successful partnership
model providing its partners with excellent
returns for the level of investment
• Significant pressure on Council
resources/staff time forecast for the lower
Waikato River with proposed policy changes
regarding fresh water use and protection
and the development of the Integrated River
Management Plan
• Excellent track record (20 planting
projects covering 15km of river
• Established relationship network
with key groups and funders
• 44 priority restoration sites
• A road map for restoration on the
lower Waikato River for the next 10
• Best practice guidelines for working
around flood protection
• Best positioned partner to support
Council when working on
restoration initiatives with the
Getting on board with Waikato RiverCare
• What other benefits are there for Council from a greater financial
investment in Waikato RiverCare?
• Brand association with the leading charity organisation working
with the communities living next to the river
• Non threating partner to work along side the agricultural sector
• Established positive working relationship with Council staff
• Accountable, transparent and trustworthy organisation with
establish policies covering heath and safety, insurance and
• Established media and public relations programme including web
site exposure, regular media releases, road side signage and links
to partner organisations/events/forms
Let’s get Councils logo on here!