Nov/Dec 2014 - LuLu Shriners


Nov/Dec 2014 - LuLu Shriners
From the Pote...
I would like to menAs the year winds
tion some of the
down for 2014 we still
people who worked
have a few items left on
the Pop-Corn-Cotton
the to-do list. Of course
Candy Booth. I would
the Annual Ladies Lunlike to particularly
cheon to Honor My Lady
note the following
Norma on November
people who worked
16, 2014 at The Brookthis booth with me
side Manor at Somerton
and my GrandchilSprings, 50 Bustleton
dren Ross and Sam
Pike, Feasterville, Pa.
Gold, Noble Howat 12 noon. I would like
ard Pressman, Noble
to take a little time to
Laird Bevitz and Lady
publicly thank my Lady
Suzanne, Lady Donna
Norma for all the help Illustrious Sir Bob Gold
Hower, Noble Jerry
and advice she has given Potentate 2014
Jay and Lady Arlene,
me the past 55 years of
Noble Barry Oppenheim and Lady
marriage and being with me in my
Cheryl Davis.
travels through Masonry the past 53
years and 52 years in Shrine.
LuLu Shrine Center is very thankI would like to take this time to
thank Ill. Sir Harry Reiter and Lady
Peggy who made our year of 2014 go
as smooth as it did. In the same vein
I would like to thank Noble Chris
Mason for his advice and service
to LuLu Temple these past 8 years
as our Treasurer, may you and Bea
have a great retirement together?
Remember our LuLu House of
Horrors which is a great fund
raiser for our Shrine Center. Many
thanks to Ill. Sir Gary Davis, PP
and His Lady Sheryl for their
friendship over these many years
and the help they gave Norma and
me this year.
For the past many years (too
numerous to mention), Norma and
ful for all the booths and people who
Article continues on page 3
Attention Nobles!
A Ceremonial will be held on
December 3rd . Dinner at 6:00PM
with the Ceremonial to follow at
7:30 PM
Please go out and get candidates for this last class of 2014.
Our Annual Election meeting will be held on Wednesday
December 17th. Please make
every effort to come out and elect
your new officers to lead LuLu into
the future. Dinner at 6:00PM with
the meeting to start at 7:30
November/December 2014
2014 DIVAN
Potentate . . . . . . . . . . Bob Gold
Chief Rabban . . . Matt Hallowell
Asst. Rabban . . . . . . . Joe Rocco
HP&P . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zalig Stein
Oriental Guide . . . Scott Simkins
Treasurer . . . . . . . . Chris Mason
Recorder . . . . . . Harry Reiter P.P.
12:00 to 3:00 P.M.
Brookside Manor
See the flyer on page 6
of this issue of the Fez.
The Voice of LuLu
Recorder’s Remarks
This will be my last article as
recorder of LuLu Temple.
After 10 years as your Recorder and
with the approach of my 75th Birthday, I have decided not to seek reelection in 2015.
As I reflect on the many challenges
I have undertaken since becoming a
Noble in 1971, it has certainly been
quite a ride!
I would also like to express my
gratitude to my 1990 Chief Aide
Carlo Malantonio, Sr. who, I am
sure, thought it was only a one
year deal when he agreed to help
me. Little did he know that all
these years later I would still be
calling on him for help on numerous occasions. He is a great friend
to me and to LuLu and has never
turned me down.
When I look back on the assignAlso, thanks to our current
ments I was asked to chair over the
Treasurer Chris Mason with
years, I realized all the various activiwhom I have worked closely over
ties Peggy and I have been part of.
the last 7 years. Chris also has
They include: President of two Units, Harry L. Reiter P.P
decided not to seek reelection
Unit Director, Colonel of Units, Chairin 2015.
man of five Potentate’s Trips and or
I would be remiss if I did not
Cruises, Chairman of five Unit & Club Installathank
June from my office staff for
tions, three Potentates Balls, three Imperial Conall
Nobility on a daily basis. We
ventions, and two MASA Conventions.
all count on them for a multitude of tasks.
I served as Editor and Business Manager of “The
I also owe a great deal of thanks to one of our
Fez” for a good many years, and also served on
members Noble Chris Zenzel. Chris
the Mosque advisory Committee and the Trustees
of our IT Committee and has
incredible knowledge and ability in keeping all
I was honored to be named Noble of the Year
of our computers and network up to date and
in 1984 and I was subsequently appointed to the
running smoothly. We call on him regularly and
Divan and elected your Potentate in 1990.
really depend on his expertise.
I served as Rodeo Chairman for 20 years and I
Last but not least the Wednesday Crew made up
was privileged to serve as Director of Court #72
mostly of the MAC Committee members. Because
ROJ in 1997.
of their commitment, talent and abilities, LuLu is
After the untimely death of Jim Campanile, P.P.,
I became Recorder in 2005 and have been elected
each year and have served you since then.
saving many thousands of dollars in labor costs
as they perform maintenance on our building and
arena area.
I especially want to thank my lady Peggy as
she has supported me in every one of these
endeavors. She has worked in the trenches and
supported me as well as LuLu for more than 45
years. I would never have succeeded in all these
positions without her.
I would like to thank all of the Nobility for allowing me to serve you in these many and various
capacities over the years.
My son, Noble Drew Reiter, has been involved
with Shrine activities since his birth and continues to serve, not only LuLu but also the Imperial
Now, as they say it is time to relax and smell the
roses and so I bid you a fond farewell.
Harry L. Reiter P.P.
From The Pote continued
work at our booths and those who collect money such as the Motor Unit,
Legion of Honor who collect tickets, Provost Guard who keep us safe, Stewards who provide much of the food we sell, Clowns who work the midway and
perform for us, Arab Patrol who see that cars are parked in an orderly fashion. There are many of our clubs that help at our Shrine events such as Delaware County Shrine Club which runs the Funnel Cake Booth, Quaker City/
Montgomery County Shrine Club whose members help in my booth, Lenape
Valley Shrine Club who lend us Ill.Sir Bill Adamson and his Lady Kate in
the French Fries and Chicken Nugget booth along with my Chief Aides Lady
Linda Endrick, Ladies that collect tickets and money when you enter the
grounds, THANK YOU! Last but not least is the Beer Booth, Ill. Sir Charles
Young and Lady Irene, who for many years made sure that the Liquor Laws
were enforced regardless and taught me how to fill a glass of beer so it looked
like it was done by a professional, I am glad that I didn’t have to drink all the
bad glasses I attempted to fill while learning.
Our major fund raisers this year are the Circus, Rodeo and Haunted House
along with Our Magic Show. Thank you The Finks, Doug and Don, without
their help we would not be able to have a Budget. Ill. Sir Gary Davis, P.P. for
his Haunted House which contributes greatly to our Budget. As you see it
takes many people to add their talents to LuLu to make a year happen, thank
you all for your help.
I know I missed some Nobles and Ladies, who worked on projects in the
year 2014, please forgive me if I didn’t mention you in the above article, it’s
a senior moment.
As for the rest of 2014 please mark your calendars for November 28, 2014,
FAMILY NIGHT AT LULU SHRINER’S. This is a free dinner for our members
and their Families. Kids are welcome. This is my way of saying thank you for
being a member of LuLu and paying your dues. Call reservations to Chrissy
in our office 610-828-9050.
I have attempted to call every Noble who is behind in his dues for 2014. It
is gratifying to hear from all our Nobles and I always end the conversation
with we will help any Noble with a monetary problem. Please call me at LuLu
Thank you all for letting me serve as your Potentate for 2014.
Yours in the Faith,
Leonard R. “Bob” Gold
Potentate 2014
From The Pote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Recorder’s Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Official Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Hello Nobles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
LuLu Ladies Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Shriners Hospital Broadway . . . . . . . . 7
Benefit Concert
Save The Date, Potentates Ball . . . . . . 7
Celebrating a Century . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
of Service, LuLu Mounted Guard
The Black Camel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Letter from Father Lolk . . . . . . . . . . . 10
To Nobles of LuLu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chris Mason, Treasurer
Benefit Pop Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Shriners Family Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
LuLu Shepherds Float a . . . . . . . . . . 13
Huge Success
Sightings from the Crows Nest . . . . . 13
LuLu Yacht Club
Bucks County Shrine Club . . . . . . . . . 15
LuLu History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Beef & Beer Comedy Night . . . . . . . . 18
LuLu Petition for Initiation . . . . . . . . . 19
and Membership
Birthdays for November . . . . . . . . . . 20
& December
Northeast Shrine Club, Home . . . . . 21
to the Happy Shriner
Ill. Sir William Niemeyer . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2014 Chair Fund Contributions
LuLu Fez Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
LuLu’s House of Horrors . . Back Cover
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stay informed of the latest
news and upcoming events:
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LuLu Shrine Stated Meeting
& Election of Officers and
Wednesday December 17th, 2014
at 7:30 PM
Notice is hereby given that a stated meeting of LuLu Temple will be held at the shrine
on Thursday, December 17, 2014 at 7:30PM at
which time the elective officers and representatives to the Imperial Council will be elected
and all temple business as may regularly come
before this meeting will be addressed.
Your attention is called to section 325.11
of the Imperial Council By-Laws
Hello Nobles:
The year is ending; It has been,
for me, a learning experience.
Whether at MASA, Imperial, or
Virginia Beach the interaction
with other Nobles was priceless.
Last year, as OG, my counterparts, at Virginia Beach, went
hospitality hoping. This year, we
went as HP&P.
There were many, many, activities this year, led by Ill Sir Bob
Gold. He put his heart and soul, to the best of his ability,
into each activity.
Personally, the Rodeo was the best. I operated the Taco
Stand. There, with the assistance of three super women,
Walking Tacos, Pickles, Water Ice, and Ice Cream were
offered for sale.
Section 325.11 election regulations
Even with the rain, we sold and sold product. It was
very warming to have run out of product.
( a ) The printing, publication, circulating or
distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams,
tickets, e-mails or other devices, by a Noble,
suggesting, recommending, opposing or containing names of proposed candidates for
office in their temple is prohibited.
Nobles, if you missed the opportunity to volunteer, I
hope you will consider participating next year, Come out
and see a Finky and Stinky production. Their ability will
amaze you. These two Nobles are, in my opinion; represent the ideal Mason-Noble. It is both an honor and
privilege to be able to call them friend.
( b ) For any violation of ( a ) , the Imperial
Potentate may suspend any offending Nobles,
and he may declare the election of officers void
and order a new election.
Nobles, I am here to serve your needs. However, I cannot read your thoughts. Please, please, if something bothers you, then it bothers me. Call, text, email, or knock on
my door. I, along with the other Divan Members, are as
good as you will permit us to be.
( c ) At least one week prior to the Annual
Meeting or any election the Temple Recorder
shall mail to each member a notice hereof containing this section.
Harry L. Reiter, P.P., Recorder
Leonard “Bob” Gold, Potentate
January/February 2015 . . . . . December 1
All articles not submitted electronically may
not be published as submitted due to possible
errors that may occur during translation.
Mar/Apr . . Feb 1, 2015, May/Jun . . Apr 1, 2015
The official bi-monthly publication of the LuLu Shriners.
Business Manager: Harry L. Reiter
5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Business Phone: 610-828-9050
Editor: Bernie Homer
2605 Egypt Rd.,Trooper, PA 19403
Business Phone: 610-539-8400
All articles must be submitted electronically to:
[email protected] with the subject “LULU FEZ”
All ads must be submitted electronically to:
[email protected]
We would like to thank everyone who has submitted articles and photos.
November 1 & 2
Antique Arms Show
November 8
Lower Makefield Veterans Day Parade
Have You Noticed How The
Homer Group Has Changed?
Given the growth of our promotional strategy, website
development, and online marketing services, we're proud
to announce our new division: Navitas, a creative marketing
and digital agency.
November 9
LOH Trip - Tomb of the Unknown
November 13
12015 Planning Night
November 15
Stewards Comedy Night
November 16
Annual Ladies Luncheon
November 23
Orchestra Band Concert
Holmesburg Parade
2605 Egypt Road, Trooper, PA 19403
610.539.8400 • [email protected]
Proud designers and developers of LuLu’s
award winning website and newsletter.
November 27
Klownz Thanksgiving Day Parade
November 28
Shriners Family Night
December 6
Mounted Guard Party
December 7
Arab Patrol & Yacht Club Party
December 11
Rod & Gun Club Holiday Party
December 13
DCSC Party
December 14
Klownz Party
Stewards Party
December 15
LOH Party
"Leave it to me…
I'll lead you home."
Heather Wahl Bloemker
Realtor ®
office 215.345.7171
cell 215.307.8557
[email protected]
149 S. Main Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
December 17
LuLu Election Meeting
December 20
LuLu Magic Show
Keep up on dates calendar updates
LuLu Shriners Divan Ladies present the
Annual Ladies Luncheon
Honoring First Lady Norma Gold
Sunday, November 16, 2014
The Brookside Manor at Somerton Springs
50 Bustleton Pike, Feasterville, PA 19053
Doors Open at 12:00 noon
Shop the Vendors and Take a Chance on the Theme Baskets
Luncheon Begins at 1:00 p.m.
Choice of Broiled Salmon w/Dill Sauce or
Breast of Chicken w/Wild Rice Stuffing
Surprise Entertainment to Follow Lunch
Shop Vendors from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Early Bird Discount: $35 per person if received by November 7, 2014
$40 per person if received after November 7, 2014
Questions? Contact Chairlady: Bobbie Hallowell, 215-918-0418
Make Check Payable to: LuLu Shriners
Net proceeds are for the benefit of the LuLu Shrine First Lady’s Beautification Project and are not tax deductable.
Mail Reservation to: LuLu Shriners, 5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462, Attn. Chrissy
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________
Seat with ________________________________________________________________________________________
Entrée Choice of: _____ Broiled Salmon _____ Breast of Chicken
Check enclosed for ________ person(s) @ $ ________ each. Total $ __________
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Potentates Ball
Celebrating a Century of Service
Small minded people seem to use ideas of others and
brag about these grand ideas while other people have
done all the work, where Great Individuals do things
quietly that turn into ideas that last for Century’s. W.
Freeland Kendrick was one of those people. He served
as Potentate of LuLu Temple from 1906 through 1918
as Imperial Potentate 1919-1920 and again LuLu’s
Potentate 1921 through 1923 a position he only gave
up to serve as Mayor of Philadelphia 1924 through
1927 and we all know he
was the driving force in
starting our Shriner’s
Hospitals. But what you do
not know is that in April
of 1914, the nation’s oldest military organization,
the Ancient and Honorable
Artillery Company of Massachusetts was invited to
Philadelphia as a guest of
the City. Potentate Kendrick was determined that
a suitable mounted escort
was needed to meet and
accompany them. After
casting about elsewhere with little success, Ill Sir
Kendrick was determined to organize a Mounted Unit
out of the Shriner membership. Ill Sir Kendrick then
served as President of the Mounted Guard from 1914
through 1918.
Our Mounted has served as the official escort to Lu
Lu’s Potentates ever since then. In 1930, our Mounted
Guard membership reached a peak of 160 consisting
of an A – Troop and a B – Troop. In 1952, we held
the first annual horse pageant at her Philadelphia
Polo Grounds an annual for the next sixteen years.
At the old Shriner’s Hospital for Children on the
Roosevelt Boulevard and we were privileged to
perform to the delight of the Kids every National Hospital
Day. This continued for decades through 1997, until the
hospital was moved to Broad Street. In 1972, we were
honored by request of the Liberty Bell Racing Association to escort the visiting foreign drivers competing in the International Driving Tournament. In 1976
the Mounted Guard was challenged by the Cheyenne
Sheriff’s Posse to a series of Pony Express Races,
which we accepted. Of the seven races, we won 3,
losing the last and deciding race when one of our
riders was thrown from his horse (sounds like what is
happening to us today) while making a right turn and
we were ahead at the time. Once again, in 1988 the
Mounted Guard was called upon to serve as the “Start
Up Committee” for the Cowboys for Kids Rodeo.
Over the years, more than a few of the LuLu’s Potentates have sprung from the ranks of our Mounted
Guard. Illustrious Sirs George Kranich (1968), Oskar
Huber (1980), Emanuel Iglesias (1982), George W
Mano (1994), Charles R
Young (1996), William
J Kelly (1998), Roy L.
Knauth (2000), William J
Morwald (2006) and Gary
Davis (2013).
On the International
level, members of Lu
have served in position
of leadership as well.
Noble Joseph Bomenblit served as Secretary/
Treasurer from inception until 1982. The first
President of INSHIP, upon formation in 1955, was also
one of our own, Noble Thomas G Erwin. Other Past
Presidents from LuLu include Paul A Jacobs (1978),
Emanuel Iglesias (1994) Fran Norbeck (2001), Ron
Haines (2010) and now Roy L. Knauth (2015).
Mid Atlantic Horse Patrol has seen Charles
Roberts (2013 -2014) and Gary Davis currently serving as
Clearly Imperial Sir W. Freeland Kendrick flame of
enthusiasm and love for the Hospital and Horses has
not left our Unit over the last one hundred years.
This year although we were unable to participate
at Imperial our membership was in attendance. Fall
MASA brought its own problems but we were till able
to score third place in competition with a second,
fifth and seventh in individual horsemanship. Unfortunately we had insurmountable problems with a
new mayor which we could not leave alone and with
the concerns of safety were unable to participate in
the street Parade. By the way no longer have Tillie in
our stable. Our Drill Master found her a new home
and she seems to be quite content being left alone and
grazing in an open field with no one on her back.
Article continues on page 9
Celebrating a Century of Service continued
The photo which is attached is our Drill team from
2013 for which we won the traveling banner but only
received it this year at Imperial and were just able to
have it embroidered this month. As you can see from
the other trophies 2013 was a great year.
So you see you do not have to tell everyone what you
have done actions speak louder that words and they
keep speaking after one hundred years.
Our next major event is our 50/50 which as you
remember had a top price of $700.00, tickets are
$5.00 or 5 for $20.00. See a Mounted Guard Member for you chance to win. The Drawing will be on
December 17th 2014.
This year again December 6th is our Holiday
Evening at Springhouse Tavern. Each year it seems
a couple of more Nobles and their Ladies are attending. The cost will remain the same as last year
$42.00 per person but reservations must be in by
November 24th. Cocktails are at seven and Dinner is at eight with the menu of Twin Lump Crab
Cakes, Prime Rib of Beef, Chicken Parmagiana.
Reservations are being taken by Roy L. Knauth at
[email protected], or 215-355-3796.
At the writing of this article our President Ron
Schumann is still in a neck brace and it was not from
riding a horse but riding the waves doing a head plant
into the sand, you see horse back riding is a saver
sport. By the last week in September he should know
if he will need to stay that was for four more week or
will they let him out for good behavior. You can call
him at 215-343-9396 and help him not have to keep
looking at reruns of Gilligan’s Island.
Drill Master Ill Sir Bill has discontinued practices
for the year but we will still be riding every month
participating with Four H doing trail rides and our
annual January 1st. So as always we are always
looking for that new member for our award winning
Drill Team. If you have an interest in horses, own a
horse, or have ridden before, our meetings are on the
fourth Tuesday of every month at LuLu Temple in the
Mounted Guard Room at 7:00. We hope to see you
soon and again thanks for your support.
Roy L Knauth P.P. Captain
Nobles that are now traveling
with the Black Camel
“May your soul be bound up in the bond
of eternal life”.
C. John Singletary
12/15/1976 7/7/2014
Scott Robert Harp
David Menasha Handler
Ill. Sir Frank H. Guinn, DO, PP.
Leroy Richmond
William F. Englehart
People of faith have always ask
themselves “if someone offends me do
I forgive them?” And if so “how many
times?” Various people have different
belief systems that will allow them to
respond when they are in a situation
of offense. We are often faced with a
surprise from hurtful and imperfect
situations that offend us. How do you
respond when such a dilemma occurs
to you? When you wake up, on any
Father Otto Lolk
given morning, you can be certain of
Chaplain of LuLu
two things. You can be certain that you
Past Master,
are going to be surprised by an event
Frankford Lodge 292
that day. How many of us, as we think
back to our High School graduations,
can honestly say that my life turned
out exactly the way I imagined it would through the years to
come? Wouldn’t every one of us have to admit that we represent
astonishing surprises? Every morning count on the fact that you
will encounter some kind of imperfection in a variety of forms.
We live in a world filled with less than perfect people. So the
way we choose to respond to these activating events of imperfect
people, imperfect structures or imperfect institutions, is crucial
to how we are going to deal with the darkness that surrounds us
as well as within us.
To start with lets look at the Hebrew scriptures. The Mosaic
code tells us that three times when someone misuses their power
against you, or neglects you, you’re called on to offer that person
forgiveness. After that you are justified to let that person “have
it”, you are then set free to offer that person a comparable kind
of activity.
The noble savage, on the other hand, was willing to let that
person make one mistake and not respond in revenge. The old
Latin saying was: “hurt me once, shame on you, hurt me twice,
shame on me”. In other words: I’ll let you do something, but I will
remember and I will take notice, but if you do that ever again,
expect me to respond in giving you “a dose of your own medicine”.
However, when one gets down to our instinctive emotional
level, the answer is that there is no such thing as forgiveness.
It’s the old code an “eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. Somebody comes up and does something that causes you pain and you
instantly decide to let that pain giver feel what it is like to do what
he has done to you.
In today’s world we tend to even wait for somebody to hurt us,
we just preemptively initiate and go ahead to get them first. It’s
the perversion of the golden rule: “do unto others before they
can do unto you”. Just accept the fact that they are going to take
advantage of you, so don’t give them a chance, beat them to the
draw. So our cynicism in our belief systems so far tallies: three
times, one time, no time, and get them first.
Now let me propose forgiveness as a way of life to effectively
respond to imperfection. Forgiveness is not just something up to a
point and then you resort to revenge, because any time you try to
deal with evil that way, you create a bigger problem for everyone.
The only creative way for faith people is to respond not in giving
back in revenge, but turning evil into good so that evil might be
transformed to something good. You see, whenever you and I
think of forgiveness as a transaction, as some kind of thing that
we do up to a point, and after that we are justified to do something
back, we have really a cognitive distortion in our belief system,
that is simply going to cause us, in our consequent behavior, to
add evil for evil and make matters even worse. We would find
ourselves building a whole life not on the rock of reality, but on
the sand of illusion. Think about it, when one answers fire with
fire what do you wind up with? You wind up with more fire and
we are seduced into initiating what we abhor; it has become part
of the problem and not part of the answer.
So the first thing that not choosing to initiate evil with more evil
does, at least it doesn’t add to it; one doesn’t buy into the seduction of imitating evil but giving a vision of another way of luring
ones power.
How do we get the energy to respond to the evil doer who has
abused their power in this way? I get this energy by remembering how God has chosen to handle his sins. We get the strength
to forgive other people, for what they did to us, when we remember how God handled my imperfections. That you and I are here
today, is a testimony to the fact that somebody forgave us. If you
had gotten justice for everything that you ever did, if you had been
handled with a kind of retributive revenge, so that every time you
misused your power, and you were absolutely zapped with a kind
of punishment, then not one of us would be here today. “Goodness
and mercy” have, indeed, followed us every day of our lives. Our
parents were forgiving and merciful or we would not have survived. Our friends our teachers and compatriots, if you think of
all the junk foods you have eaten in your life and you still have a
modicum of health, and if you think of all the time you have had
your mind somewhere else and have run a red light or turned
left when you weren’t supposed to and you didn’t get hit or get
arrested; every one of us are here today because someone was
willing to forgive. What I am suggesting is that mercy is the only
hope for any of us. We can only survive without imperfections
because it is God’s nature “always to show mercy”. If we can ever
remember how incredibly good of God it was to handle our imperfections with mercy not just some of the time, all of the time, then
we can walk through life in great astonishment of his amazing
grace and do for others the very same thing He has done for you
personally. You are forgiven. Go and forgive, go in peace. Shalom.
The Rev. Fr. Otto Lolk
Chaplain LuLu Temple
To Nobles of LuLu Shrine
After much consideration I have
decided not to run for LuLu Treasurer
in December 2014. Having served
more than half of my seventh term as
Treasurer, the responsibilities have
become a draining job rather than the
exciting challenges I assumed, when I
first started in 2008.
one of 195 Shrine Centers, ultimately
governed by the requirements and
direction of Shriners’ International.
That person must also have the time
to spend at this “volunteer job”, to
accomplish those responsibilities as
the CFO of Lu Lu; it’s not something he
can delegate or shrug off.
government vocation after 38 ½ years of
service, at age 55 (8 years ago), so I
would have time for myself and Lady
Bea, but with the hours I’m spending at LuLu, it feels like I’m working
more now than when I was a salaried
Government employee, working a 40
hour week.
Come January 2015 when my term
is done and the new Treasurer is
installed, I hope my efforts these 7
years have supported LuLu Temples
continuing solvent operations and I
wish the upcoming Officers and LuLu
well in the future.
Chris Mason
Vacation (?), other than going to an Imperial or
MASA (always a working trip for a Divan member),
neither Bea nor I have had vacation since I
started at LuLu and that’s not fair to Bea. My
fault, yes, but true none the same.
The respect and working relationships that
have developed within the Recorders Office
these seven years, between Harry, June,
Chrissy and myself are rare and I will always
remember and cherish that.
As you search for someone to fill this
position, remember, that person by Shrine
International By-Laws, is the Chief Financial
Officer of this Temple and although he advises
the Potentate and other Divan members, his
ultimate responsibility is to handle the
finances of this Temple, in the best interest of
this Temple and its members, not necessarily
the direction or interest of the elected officer(s)
or event chairmen. I hope and believe that
Ill Sir Harry and I have always formed our
opinions and given our advice, based on this
I wish the Divan well in their search to
find someone and I admonish the Divan
not to take someone just because they
volunteer, but look long and hard at that volunteers’ financial background or his ability to
learn the many and various tasks of this Office
and his vision should always look after LuLu
as the sum of its membership not the direction of one. He must remember that LuLu is
Es Selamu Aleikum
Chris Mason
3rd Annual
Fall Benefit Pops Concert
“A Little Jazzy”
“Fun, family, fellowship”!
Celebrate Thanksgiving and bringing in the Holiday Season
Sunday, November 23rd, 2014
1:00 PM, LuLu Shrine Center
5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
$10.00 per Person, Lunch is Included
Please reserve with check or credit card to LuLu Shrine Center (610-828-9050)
Concert Pianist Noble Lance Wiseman performing/conducting
PROFESSIONAL from the keyboard a
famous Mozart Piano Concerto
Light Classics, Movie Music & Jazzy Favorites
Arts International
Festival Orchestra
LuLu Shriners
Concert Band
Surprise Guest
All proceeds go to LuLu Shrine Center
Show case YOUR creativity by exhibiting paintings, arts & crafts,
flower arrangements, pottery, wood carvings, table decoration,
knitting, potted plants & flowers, hand-made Christmas tree
decorations, reactive writings. Send in your ideas to
[email protected]
LuLu Shrine Auditorium
Friday November 28, 2014
Social Hour 6PM (BYOB), Camels Milk (Free)
Come out and join us with your family for
Ice cream sundaes for Dessert
This dinner is free to all Shriner’s and their immediate families.
(Kids Welcome)
You must make reserva’ons with Chrissy in our office by
November 21, 2014 (610)-828-9050
Chicken and Biscuit Dinner
Please fill out and return,
RSVP by November 21, 2014
Send to: 5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Mee‹ng,, PA. 19462
Name of a”ending Noble/Person: ______________________________________
Total Adults A”ending________
Total Kids A”ending ________
Phone Number:_________________________
LuLu Shepherds New Float A Huge Success
Our new float was a huge success at the 2014 Bucks
County Grange fair
These are 2 pictures of our new float. I personally would
like to thank the following people for coming out and
helping Illustrious Bob Gold, Drew Pincus, Rachel Cohen,
Jack Richards, Stinky & Finky, Dennis Gold, Nick Lutz,
Ben Baird P.P, Harry Reiter P.P ,Bill Adamson P.P, John
Casanover, Harry Speth, June Durr, Bill Hower, Wayne
& Donna Lewis, Joe Rocco, Matt Hallowell, Ray Cardona,
Barry Mcbride,
I couldn’t have done any of this work without any of the
people listed we raised $1244.82 in a paper drive for OUR
PHILA SHRINERS HOSPITAL. This is what it’s all about
our Hospital, remember We can’t do any of this with out
you our members please come out to suport all that we do
Drew Pincus
Pres. Lulu Shepherds
“Sightings From The Crow’s Nest”
Yacht Club
For whatever reason, my last communication was not
transmitted!! However, several Yacht
Club members, true
experiences, participated in the Shrine
Parade in Virginia
Beach as members of
the Float Crew in the
The Old Salt
B.C.S.C. Float, depicting Brother George Washington Crossing the
Delaware River for the Battle of Trenton, December, 1775. The Boat had a full Crew and took a 1st
Place Trophy.
Our next Port of Call will be on November
11th, Veteran’s Day, at a Restaurant in Delaware
or Chester Counties. This site was selected to
encourage Yacht Club Members living in that area
to attend a Dinner with their significant others.
Hope to see you there!!
In December, our Course will be NNE to Montgomeryville where we will dock for the Annual
Holiday Party at Pine Crest Country Club, December 7th (Pearl Harbor Day). The Affair will be CoHosted by the Yacht Club and the Arab Patrol.
With much sorrow, we report the passing of
Past Commodore Bill Englehart (1990), our sympathy to Lady Caroline.
On the failed communication, we noted that
P.C. Bill Pugliese was on the Binnacle List. Bill is
recovering well! Please call or send messages to
Noble Bill and Lady Trish, also Lady Caroline.
“The Greatest Yacht Club in Shrinedom” invites
you to join them for Social and Charitable Events.
Contact Noble Harry Speth, P.C. for more details
and Petitions at 215-682-0450.
Until we see you again through the Binoculars
– “Keep Both Oars in the Water and Steady the
Bucks County Shrine Club
Virginia Beach has come and gone and even
though George Washington refused to ride a horse
in the parade we were able to come home with a
first place trophy for the best in the parade. A huge
thanks must go to our float Captain Jack Richards
and another Past President Brad Houchins for getting across the Delaware in stile. We still have two
more parades and Captain Jack is well on alert to
filling our float for both of them. He has promised
a smooth crossing for both events but he can be
hailed 215-264-5121 or email him at jrich2255@
When you receive you this issue of the Fez, you
should have already heard that this years Lady’s
Night will be on November 23rd (yes that is the
same day as the Mayfair Parade and yes we will
be in that Parade as well) at Twinning Hall in
Trevose. Reservations are being taken by our
President yea that is right me at 215-355-3796 or
[email protected] Last year was certainly
an event to remember and this year is going to be
bigger and better with a cost of only $42.50 per
person and that includes an open bar, a deal you
can’t pass up.
Washington Crossing the Delaware. This year
we will have Light Walnut Halves $9.00, Deluxe
Mixed Nuts No Peanuts $10.00, Giant Slated Whole
Cashews $10.00, Colossal Natural Pistachios $9.00,
Whole Almonds $9.00, Homey Roasted Cashews
$9.00, Turkish Apricot Halves $7.00, Fruit and Nut
Mix $7.00 Dark Chocolate Cranberries $7.00, Dark
Chocolate Fruit and Nut Mix $7.00 and all in one
pound resalable bags. Orders are being taken by
Chief Rabban Matt W. Hallowell 215-918-0418 or
[email protected] and Ill Sir Roy L. Knauth 215355-3796 or [email protected], and will be
available before Thanksgiving. These make great
gifts for the Holiday Season either of us will be
happy to take you order
Our November meeting will be on the 4th but
there will not be a meeting in December due to the
fact that Our Ladies Night and Holiday Party will
be on November 23rd again this year at Twining
Hall in Trevose Pa.
Crescent Temple Nobles now number three new
in Bucks County Shrine Club. Our Membership
Chairman Past President Bob Swan will be sending out additional invitations to Crescent Nobles
who live here in Bucks County and asked them to
join us with their ladies at our meetings the first
Tuesday of each month at Vereinigung Erzgebirge
130Davisville Road Warminster Pa 18974 Third
Vice President Nat Cooper 267-679-9137 [email protected] will be more than happy to
take all your reservations but please no later than
Monday morning before the meeting and preferably the Friday before. We are looking forward to
seeing you there.
Once again this year Our Blind Squire, Bucks
County Float Committee will be selling its store
of nuts to raise money to maintain and transport
Roy L. Knauth P.P.
The History of the Shrine & LuLu (16)
Chapter LxIII (63)
UNIT DIRECTORS (1970-2014)
By Noble Harry Speth, Historian
ing”. Assessment is due
The Uniformed Bodies Association (UBA)
January of each year
was chartered by Ill. Sir
and must be paid by
John F. Kull, Jr., in 1970.
March 1st of that year
By-laws were written
for a Unit, Club or Memby Ill Sir Jacques H. Fox
ber to be eligible for any
(1965) and approved by
rebates that year.
Ill. Sir John. Imperial
Note that prior to
Council required this
the By-Laws revision
type organization when
of 1984, only Units and
it appeared that general
Unit Members were entiUBA
dues income from all
to membership and
Temple members were
being expended to support Unit Members to attend and participate in parades and
The 1984 Revision of the By-Laws extended membership in
events beyond the local Oasis. Therefore, a new organization
the UBA to Clubs and Club Members. None of Lu Lu’s Clubs
was necessary to receive and disburse funds exclusively for
opted to join at that time. Since 2012, however, several have
this purpose.
joined. For the Shrine Year 2014, eight (8) Units and three (3)
Clubs paid the required assessment, or less than half of the
The Original By-Laws required two Nobles from each parUnits and Clubs.
ticipating Unit. Those two, plus the Presiding Officer of each
Unit, would select the Line Officers of the Association and
In addition to the Annual Assessments and Parade Donahelp in its mission. Any Unit Member could run for office in
tions, UBA has sponsored various Fund Raisers. The earliest
the Association, but the By-Laws required that a Unit could
one occurred on January 7, 1972 with tickets to the Ice Folonly have one member in a Line Officer position at a time.
lies Show at the Philadelphia Civic Center, 34th & Civic Center Blvd. at $5.00 per seat. “No Half-Priced Seats”. In recent
An early Notice indicated that the UBA organization would
years, funds have been raised by selling Citrus Fruit and
also have a Board of Directors (3 Nobles), but no further
record is found of this Board being implemented.
Vidalia Onions.
Note that the UBA must work closely with the Unit Directors. Its Presiding Officer, the Colonel of Units, is appointed by
the Potentate. The Colonel then selects his Appointments (Lt.,
Col., Major, etc.). This Unit is responsible for directing the
Pageantry of LuLu Shriners at all Parades and Ceremonials.
Over the years, the UBA has used several Projects to raise
necessary funds: Donations from Local Parade Committees
when LuLu participates; Sale of Citrus Fruit; Sale of Vidalia
Onions; various other Fund Raisers, and finally by assessing
Annual Dues.
The UBA Executive Board (President, three Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer) has the authority to assess
each Unit (and Club since 1984) “an amount each year per
Active Member for administration expenses with approval of
the Potentate and announced at the November Stated Meet-
Because of Imperial Council Directives, the UBA was organized as a separate Association, and treated as a Unit, to
raise Funds and disburse Funds to assist Uniformed Shrine
Members or Units with extra expenses needed to parade or
perform outside of Lu Lu’s Oasis, primarily at MASA and
Imperial Conventions. In 1984, as noted, this privilege was
extended to Lu Lu Clubs.
The Temple Potentate has final approval of all UBA
events and expenditures, but the issue of control of the
Funds is unclear and conflicting in the UBA By-Laws. Since
the UBA is a Chartered Organization, with By-Laws and
Elected Officers, it should be treated as a Unit, controlling
all income and expenses, submitting an Annual Financial
Statement by Mid-February, for the previous Shrine Year,
as required of all Units and Clubs.
Current organization of UBA consists of the Executive Board and at least one Representative from each
Unit or Club. Others may attend but only one vote
from each Unit or Club is permitted. Meetings are
held at least five times per year, normally on the 4th
Friday evening, but always by Notice in the FEZ, or written
notice, 10 days in advance to the Officers and Club/Unit Representatives, by the Secretary.
The Annual Assessment to the Units (and Clubs) has
changed as necessary to support the mission. With Approval
of the Potentate, the Annual Dues for 2014 were set as “Basic
Fee of $35.00 plus $.75 per member with a minimum of
$50.00 and a maximum of $150.00”. It is anticipated that this
structure will apply to 2015 dues
that are due by March 1st.
With income declining, it
becomes more important that
the UBA Officers recommend
disbursement of funds that will
present maximum credit to LuLu
Shriners in parades (or events)
beyond its Oasis, especially Imperial and MASA parades. UBA
makes the recommendations to
the Potentate, who makes the
final decision.
In recent years, LuLu Potentates
have provided additional funds in
order that at least a few Units and Clubs have been able to
participate at MASA and Imperial Conventions. And, this has
proved successful in winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Awards on
various occasions.
The original Officers of the UBA in 1971 were Nobles
Harry Groom, President; Elmer Schmidt, 1st V.P.;
William Krebs, Treasurer; and Samuel T. Brown, Sr., Secretary. In succeeding years, the dedicated Nobles who served
an Elected Position for three or more years, are recognized:
Sam Brown, 11 years - Secretary
Alfred Bumberger, 14 years - Treasurer
Dallett Bowers, 13 years - Treasurer
Jack Hughes, 5 years - Secretary
Hank Hoster, 4 years - Secretary
Robert Ritter, 3 years - President
Ill. Sir Gary Davis, 3 years - Secretary
Roy Guyer, 3 years - President
Ill. Sir Edward Cervonka, 3 years - President
Ill. Sir Bill Adamson, 5 years - Secretary
Donald Blankley, 4 years - Treasurer
Tom White, 5 years - Secretary
I ll. Sir Charles Young, 3 years President, 1 year - 1st V.P.
arry Snyder, 2 years H
President, 3 years - 1st V.P.
Nobles – UBA is in need of your
help. It needs Elected Officers
and Chairmen for Fund Raising Events. Please Contact Ill. Sir
Charles Young or Noble Harry
Snyder to offer your assistance.
In the words of UBA President
Harry Snyder “we want to encourage all to join and help
each Unit/Club to increase interest in their area, to show the
diversity of Units/Clubs at LuLu”. By participating in parades,
we not only inform other LuLu Shriners of our activities, but
can show off our activities through floats and performances
in parades.
See elsewhere, a 1972 Ad by UBA sponsoring a Trip to the
Ice Follies as a Fund Raiser. See also photo of a UBA Meeting
in 1975.
LuLu Stewards of LuLu Shrine
The 9th Annual
Beef and Beer Comedy Night
Saturday, November 15, 2014
At LuLu Shrine ~ 5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA
Featuring the Entertaining
and Popular
Chris Rich
with Joe Bublewicz
& Corey Alexander
Chris Rich
6:30 pm ~ Doors Open
RSVP by 11/12/14
To Bob Ochotny
7:00 pm ~ Beef and Beer Buffet
with roast beef, salads
and dessert
B.Y.O.B. (set ups provided)
8:00 pm ~ Showtime
Purchase Tickets
Mail to: LuLu Stewards ~ 1728 Norristown Road, Ambler PA 19002
City:_______________________ State:_____ Zip:________ Phone: _______________
# of tickets__________ at $ 30.00 ea
Total enclosed: $______________
Proceeds are for the benefit of LuLu Shriners and are not tax deductable
November 2014
Alan R. Gold
Alfred L. Logan, III
Andrew A. Horton, Jr.
Andrew J. Wahn
Archibald M. Fenner
Arthur S. Kafrissen
Bruce T. Sullivan
Bruce W. Sunderland
Charles F. McCleary
Charles J. Stecker, Jr.
Charles V. Roberts
Christopher A. Rowe
Christopher M. Hines
Dale W. Estus
Daniel Veloric
Daniel Wiseman
Daniel Zenzel
Darren E. Massey
David K. Beaulieu
David L. Moss
David M. Turner
David R. Stover, III
David Tansey
David W. Hughes, Sr.
Dean C. Soderberg
Dennis E. Hawk
Donald M. Fink
Donald Richard Scott
Donald S. Blankley
Douglas E. Skinner
Douglas H. Fink
Edward Budman
Edward F. Collins, Jr.
Edward H. Cervonka
Edward R. Bell
Edwin J. Starosta
Eric A. Rosen
Ernest N. Perilli
Francis A. Norbeck
Frank J. McKee
Fred H. Goldblatt
Frederick N. Koehler
G. William Tunnell
George B. Scheerbaum
George P. Bennett, Jr.
George T. Stone, II
George W. Bowen, Jr.
George W. Richardson
Gerald L. Dotter
Grant E. Purtle
Guy T. Schnabel
Harold A. Herr
Harry L. Clark, Jr.
Herman W. Pisacano
James A. Huddy, III
James A. Rowdon
James C. Rae
James E. Knott
James G. Kotz
James G. Vernon
James Malaby
James P. Ryan, Jr.
Jay J. Handler
Jeffrey G. Myers
Jesse P. Richardson
Joel J. Whitcomb
John C. Apeldorn
John C. Gabel, Jr.
John E. Dorsz, II
John J. Gigliotti
John P. Casanover
John R. Schumann, Jr.
Johnny J. Delia
Joseph J. Szafran, Jr.
Larry R. Christenson
Leroy O. McClellan
Levi E. Hosband
Martin Goldstein
Martin J. Bockhorn
Michael E. Logan
Michael I. Brody
Mike D. Smith
Nelson M. Baird
Ovidio G. Vitale
Paris Washington
Paul Elanjian
Rajeh A. Saadeh
Raymond C. Fegley
Raymond F. Deane
Raymond J. Sharp
Reginald E. James
Richard T. Claus
Robert A. Ziff
Robert D. Duffy
Robert E. Apeldorn
Robert E. Forst
Robert E. Porter
Robert H. Parkinson
Robert J. Burns
Robert L. Baker
Robert L. Gleason
Robert Sarkisian
Robert T. Girling
Rodney W. Hackman
Roland W. Heinel, Jr.
Russell K. Gibson
Santo J. Bocchinfuso
Scott D. Simkins
Stephen E. Sulzbach
Stephen W. Price
Steven Aberblatt
Thaddeus S. Cymerman
Thomas A. Freeman
Thomas G. Shepherd
Thomas J. Day, Jr.
Timothy D. Cowperthwaite
Timothy G. Reekie
Walter H. Gentry, Jr.
Wayne E. Lewis
William A. Boharsik, Sr.
William C. Morwald
William D. Enright
William F. Stephenson
William H. Clinger, III
William J. Hackenyos
William James Rice
William L. Young, Jr.
William R. Harris
William R. Wendel
William R. Whartenby, Jr.
December 2014
Abraham Dunoff
Albert B. Miller, Sr.
Albert C. Smith
Albert E. Newsham
Albert Y. Herr
Andrew C. Staiger, Jr.
Anthony E. Stefanski
Barry Olanoff
Bernard Samuels
Carl J. Dunlap
Carl J. Fierimonte
Charles D. Filson
Charles K. Moritz
Charles R. Welch, Jr.
Charles W. Boyd, Jr.
Craig Willard
Daniel R. O’Leary, Jr.
David A. Bevan
David B. Halikman
David C. Mabrey
David K. Nitta
David S. Spangler
Dean E. Kinkel
Donald S. Rosen
Douglas M. Pomietlarz
Earl N. Sladek
Edward C. Carlin
Edward M. Sweeney
Edward T. Lewis
Elmer H. Booz, Jr.
Emanuel Iglesias
Ernest N. Webb
Floyd K. Brenninger
Francis L. Harrold
Fred D. Wittmer
Frederick S. Bernhardt
Gary Papazian
George J. Robinson, Jr.
George S. Gardner
Gerald R. Farrell
Harry L. Reiter
Harry S. Frajerman
Harvey A. London
Howard C. Fury
Israel Wolmark
Jack H. Dunne
James Day
James H. Shacklett, III
James P. Sankey, Jr.
James R. Suny
Jann P. Sherin
Jason S. Spangler
John C. Smith
John E. Keely
John Feldman
John K. Delp
John Love, III
John R. Dougherty
John R. Schaffhauser, Jr.
Jonathan Warren
Joseph D. Gehringer
Joseph E. McQuillin, Jr.
Joseph J. Iandolo
Joseph J. Shawn, Jr.
Joseph W. Calabrese
Julian Factor
Karl F. Miller, III
Keith L. Feldman
Kenneth R. Cundy
Kirk D. Petrill
Larry D. Miller
Lawrence E. McHenry
Lawrence J. Good
Leonard A. Kaufman
Louis G. Graff, III
Mark P. Arnold
Mark Weinstein
Mervyn B. Rambo
Michael J. Hopper, Jr.
Michael J. Reguera
Michael J. Zappitelli
Michael N. Lawrence, Sr.
Murray S. Eckstein
Oliver D. Goldman
Otto F. Hilbert, Jr.
Paul A. Lahm
Paul A. Thomas
Paul Hinton
Peter J. Cistone
Ralph E. Geary
Ralph W. Reigner
Raymond B. Bloemker, Jr.
Raymond C. Townsend
Richard A. Reisert
Richard B. Millham
Richard E. Ciccotelli
Richard G. Jones
Richard H. Graham
Richard Huber
Richard L. Pruitt
Robert A. Milnes
Robert C. Gerhard
Robert C. McConnell
Robert E. Fahey
Robert L. Corey
Robert L. Wehrmann, Jr.
Robert M. Blechman
Robert N. Pressman
Robert T. Shubert, Jr.
Ross T. Bartleson
Russell K. Schulz
Samuel G. Hall
Stephen Gardner
Thomas Gifford
Thomas H. Buck, III
Timothy N. Bossert
Todd D. Lewis
Troy A. Madden
Walter C. Stewart
Walter G. Sketchley
Walter P. Keely, Jr.
Walter Paul Johnson
William C. Soloway
William D. Pugliese
William G. Betzner
William H. Elliot, Jr.
William L. Goldman, Jr.
Northeast Shrine Club ... Home of the
Happy Shriner
Did you know that you can join Northeast Shrine
club for FREE in 2014?
That’s right Free for any member of LuLu that is
not a member already.
Our regular meetings are the 3rd Monday of
the month at Cannstatter Hall located just off the
Academy Rd. exit of I-95. Full dinners are just $20
and that includes beer and soda. Every month we
have a speaker or a program. Meetings are for men
only except for 3 special meetings that include the
women. There is a ladies auxiliary that meets the
first Monday of the month at the same time as our
board meetings.
Our club has a parade float “Hell’s Bells” which
has been at almost every parade so far this year.
We participate in fund raising for Shriner’s hospitals and at LuLu’s Circus and Rodeo. If you think
you might be interested in joining please contact
President Joseph Long at (215)335-4783
Ill. Sir William Niemeyer
2014 Memorial Chair
Fund Contributors!
Gary Portnoy – LuLu Shrine Legion of Honor
Albert Polekoff – In Loving Memory of
Baby Bobbie Osterhout
William Lex – In Memory of Bill Niemeyer
Mary T. Rose – In Memory of Kenneth Rose
Georgina Smith – In Memory of Bill Smith
and Joe Reiter
Harry Speth – In Memory of Harry and Rose Speth
Nicholas and Sherry Perrupato – In Memory of
Nicholas & Marie Perrupato
In Memory of Elenor V. Rohrer
Don McMillan – Donated by Don McMillan
Chris and Bea Mason – In Memory of
George and Lady Midge Mason
In Memory of James and Lady Bernice Bane
Donated by Chris and Lady Bea Mason
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on Facebook
Elmer H. Booz, Jr.
Frances L. Burg
Georgine Collins
Gary Davis, P.P. (2013)
Bob Gold, Potentate 2014
Richard Lawrence Hicks
Emily Devito-Hottum
Joseph J. Iandolo
James N. Katsaounis
Earl W. Laney
William F. Macintire
Christopher Mason,
Edith R. McCarren
Shelly Novack
Ethel Paki
Robert H. Parkinson
Rudolph Pellegrini
William D. Pugliese
Sylvester C. Richardson
Georgie Robinson
Betty Rotenbury
Michael J. Sherlock
Zalig H. Stein
Finky & Stinky
Georgina Smith
Pearls of the Oda/
Gloria Rogers
Harry F. Speth Jr.
Robert J. Taylor
James C. Umlauf, P.P.
A.K.A. “Jimbo”
Olga L. Yomer
Margaret Mano Waler
Margaret E. Waller
5140 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

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