Chemistry 14C: Structure of Organic Molecules


Chemistry 14C: Structure of Organic Molecules
Chemistry 14C: Structure of Organic Molecules
Version 55 - Summer 2016
Instructor: Dr. Steven A. Hardinger
Office: Young Hall 3077C
[email protected]
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday 11:00 AM - noon
WGYoung 3077C
Teaching Assistants: Ethan Rosser, Yolanda Li, and Juno Van Valkenburgh.
TA Email addresses, office hours, etc. on course web site.
What Is This Course About?
Continuing studies in structure of organic molecules; emphasis on biological applications. Resonance,
stereochemistry, conjugation, and aromaticity; spectroscopy (mass spectrometry, IR, NMR); effects of
structure on physical and chemical properties; survey of biomolecular structure.
Summary: Theory, determination, and influence of the structure of organic molecules.
What Tools Will I Need?
• Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function, 6th or 7th edition (Vollhardt and Schore) and Study Guide.
Chemistry 14C Lecture Supplement, 9th edition: Copies of PowerPoint lecture presentations; the skeleton of
your lecture notes. Older versions of the Lecture Supplement are not useful.
Chemistry 14C Thinkbook, 13th edition: Concept focus questions, discussion section problems, and practice
problems. Older versions of the Thinkbook are not useful.
Any molecular model kit. Recommended: HGS Molecular Structure Model Set (Ackerman bookstore)
Web site: Not the CCLE web site.
Ø Announcements and other course materials here.
Ø Access to Chemistry 14C Course Discussion Board, a place to post questions and answers.
Ø Students who make copious use of the web tools earn higher grades.
Weekly Course Activities Schedule (next page)
Ancillary Materials - Also useful for Chemistry 14D so why not invest in your education?
• Organic Chemistry as a Second Language (Klein)
A four-color pen
Exams and Grades
• Midterm exams (100 points each): In class Fridays July 1 and July 15.
Final exam (200 points): In class Friday July 29.
A = 100–85%; B = 84–70%; C = 69–50%. More details on course web site. The lowest exam score will not
be dropped.
Exams cannot be taken at an alternate time or date. There will be no make-up exams, unless you have
presented a superior and documented reason. This reason must be presented before the exam is given,
except for serious medical emergencies.
Extra credit is available: course discussion board (12 pts) and error bounty points (unlimited number).
Check the course web site.
If you wish to request an accommodation due to a suspected or documented disability, please inform your
instructor and contact the Office for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible at A255 Murphy Hall,
(310) 825-1501, (310) 206-6083 (telephone device for the deaf). Website:
Chemistry 14C Lecture Supplement
• Contains PowerPoint slides used in lecture
Is the starting point for your lecture notes → Bring Lecture Supplement to lecture every day
Chem 14C Course Thinkbook ("reader")
• Lists suggested reading and problems from textbook and ancillaries.
Concept Focus Questions (CFQs): These are designed to help you focus on key concepts and organize your
study of course material.
Contains Discussion Section Problems (DSPs) for discussion section → Bring Thinkbook to discussion
every day
Practice Problems (PPs): You should explore as many of these as you can. Many of these practice problems
were drawn from old exams to give you a feeling for style and format of exam questions.
There is no better way to master organic chemistry than to do as many problems as possible. Experience
has shown that students who make copious use of the Thinkbook earn higher grades.
Discussion Section Activities
Why? → A time to further explore lecture topics and focus on difficult details.
→ Develop problem-solving skills.
Discussion section activities may include Discussion Section Problems (written by the instructor). These
problems are included in the course Thinkbook. TAs will use problems in discussion, based upon their
assessment of your learning needs.
Solutions will be available on the course web site about one week after the corresponding topic is covered
in lecture. Unlike the problems in the course Thinkbook or text, DSPs problems are presented without
solutions immediately available to encourage your thorough consideration of the problem before turning to
the solutions. Consider this format as exam practice!
Discussion section attendance is not mandatory but experience has shown a strong correlation
between active attendance, mastery of the course material, and a good grade.
Attendance = Taking notes, asking questions, solving problems, thinking. Attendance ≠ Sleeping,
doing LS homework, passive listening, or playing cell phone games.
You may attend any discussion section that you wish. However, because course enrollment is very high,
you may be asked to return to your assigned section if sections become too crowded.
Read about these other topics on the Chemistry 14C web site
Course philosophies and inspirational quotes:
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
-- Thomas Alva Edison, 1903
"If there is no struggle there is no progress."
-- Frederick Douglass, 1857
"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and
do the other things, not because they are easy,
but because they are hard."
--John F. Kennedy, 1962
Exam and Study Hints
Study organic chemistry for at least one hour every day that ends in –day
Start studying and seek help ***early*** in the quarter
Instructor and Teaching Assistants’ office hours, discussion sections, and email addresses
Course announcements
Organic Chemistry Tutorials
Old Exams
Bruincast lecture videos
Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry
And all sorts of other good stuff!
From five previous quarters
Not an excuse to avoid lecture.
>2000 illustrated and hyperlinked entries
Homework to complete before next lecture
Explore course web site
Starting reading textbook. Get page assignments from Thinkbook.
Read Concept Focus Questions (Thinkbook) and PowerPoint slides (Lecture Supplement) before lecture.
Reading before lecture makes lecture content more meaningful.
Chemistry 14C Summer 2016 Lecture and Exam Schedule
Suggested reading, practice problems, etc. can all be found in the course Thinkbook.
June 20
Lecture Topic
Course Introduction
Topics in Molecular Structure
June 20
Lecture 1: Molecular Structure - Introduction and Review
June 22
Lecture 2: Resonance
Lecture 3: Conjugated Molecules - Part 1
June 24
Lecture 4: Conjugated Molecules - Part 2
Lecture 5: Introduction to Aromaticity
June 27
Lecture 6: Stereochemistry - Part 1
Lecture 7: Stereochemistry - Part 2
Laboratory Determination of Structure
June 29
Lecture 9: Mass Spectrometry - Part 1
Lecture 10: Mass Spectrometry - Part 2
July 1
First midterm exam: Covers Lectures 1–7
July 4
Independence Day Holiday - Campus closed
July 6
Lecture 11: Infrared Spectroscopy - Part 1
Lecture 12: Infrared Spectroscopy - Part 2
July 8
Lecture 13: 1H-NMR Spectroscopy - Part 1
Lecture 14: 1H-NMR Spectroscopy - Part 2
July 11
Lecture 15: 1H-NMR Spectroscopy - Part 3
Lecture 16: 1H-NMR Spectroscopy - Part 4 and Solving Spectroscopy Problems - Part 1
July 13
Lecture 17: Solving Spectroscopy Problems - Part 2
Lecture 18: 13C-NMR, 2D-NMR, and MRI
July 15
Second midterm exam: Covers Lectures 9-17
Structure Controls Everything
July 18
Lecture 20: Noncovalent Molecular Forces - Part 1
Lecture 21: Noncovalent Molecular Forces - Part 2
July 20
Lecture 22: Introduction to Structure and Reactivity - Organic Acids and Bases - Part 1
Lecture 23: Introduction to Structure and Reactivity - Organic Acids and Bases - Part 2
July 22
Lecture 8: Biomolecules Survey I - Carbohydrates
Lecture 24: Biomolecules Survey II - Lipids
July 25
Lecture 25: Biomolecules Survey III - Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
Lecture 26: Biomolecules Survey IV - DNA
July 27
Final exam Q&A
July 29
Final Exam - Select: Part A (Lectures 8 and 20–26), or
Part B (all Lectures except Lecture 19)
Weekly Course Activities Schedule: Chemistry 14C
Summer 2016
Revised 06/20/16
Print your own copy of this schedule at the course web site:
ER = Ethan Rosser
Discussion section 1D (YL)
Math Sciences 5147
8 AM
9 AM
Chem 14C Lecture
Humanities A51
10 AM
Chem 14C Lecture
Humanities A51
11 AM
Office hour (Dr H)
WGYoung 3077C
Office hour (YL)
WGYoung 3077F
1 PM
JV = Juno Van Valkenburgh
Discussion section 1A (YL)
Boelter 5252
Discussion section 1B (ER)
Math Sciences 3915A
Discussion section 1F (JV)
Boelter 5252
Discussion section 1C (ER)
Math Sciences 5147
Discussion section 1E (JV)
Boelter 5252
YL = Yolanda Li
Discussion section 1D (YL)
Math Sciences 5147
Chem 14C Lecture
Humanities A51
Chem 14C Lecture
Humanities A51
Office hour (Dr H)
WGYoung 3077C
Office hour (ER)
WGYoung 3077F
Discussion section 1A (YL)
Boelter 5252
Discussion section 1B (ER)
Math Sciences 3915A
Discussion section 1F (JV)
Boelter 5252
Discussion section 1C (ER)
Math Sciences 5147
Discussion section 1E (JV)
Boelter 5252
Chem 14C Lecture
Humanities A51
Chem 14C Lecture
Humanities A51
Office hour (JV)
WGYoung 3077F