Expanse of Ultrasonography


Expanse of Ultrasonography
Expanse of UltrasonographyGuided Intervention
Yi-Hong Chou, M.D.
Department of Radiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
National Yang Ming University, School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan
Imaging Guidance for
 Ultrasonography (US)
 Computed tomography, or
 US and fluoroscopy combined
Ultrasonography(US) Guidance
 Seldinger, 1953:
wire-guided catheterization
 Kratochwil, 1969:
A-mode-guided puncture
 Goldberg & Pollack, 1972:
Puncture of abdominal cyst
 Holm, 1972:
Static B-mode-guided puncture
 Late 1970s:
Real-time US-guided procedures
(percutaneous, transluminal)
Purposes of
US-guided Intervention
 Diagnostic.
 Therapeutic.
 Pre-surgical Localization.
Patient Preparation
 Lab data – PT Prothrombin Time (INR < 1.6)
- PTT Partial Throboplastin Time
- PL Platelet > 50,000
Grugs: Aspirin, NSAID: none x 7 days
Diet: NPO > 6hrs
I.V. access with normal saline in certain cases
Oxygen or conscious sedation if necessary
 avoidance of body heat loss in neonate
 minimization of radiation doses
US-Guidance / Advantages
 Expedient
 Real-time
 Less expensive
 Portable
 No ionizing radiation
 Safer with CDU
US-Guidance / Disadvantage
 Interposition of bowel gas, lung, bone
 More difficult in larger patient
 Retroperitoneal approach: difficult
 Less global view compared with CT.
US-Guided Needling Procdures
Free Hand
• Free hand
• Attached needle guidance
• Electromagnetic
Attachment Device
Advantages / Free Hand
 Better specular reflection:
- better visualization of needle
 Good for near-field lesion
 Good for multiple passes at FNAC
 Good for small lesions
Transverse Direction
Longitudinal Direction
Courtesy: Vincent Chan, MD
Aspiration Cytology /
 Aspration cytology
21-23 G fine needle, air-dried or fixation.
Liu’s stain; papanicoloau, Giemsa, PAS stain.
 Aspiration biopsy
Surecut, E-Z-EM-Cut, etc.
14-21 G needle
 Core or large-bore needle cut biopsy
14-20 G needle
 Vacuum-assisted biopsy
8-12 G needle
Compressed normal tissue
Compressed tumor tissue
tumor of low activity
Necrotic tissue
“Patent Track” Sign
-- 5 minutes after the biopsies, this sign was persistently
seen in 4 and disappeared in the remaining 39. Patients with
a persistent patent track sign more frequently bled than
those without it (p < 0.0001).
Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and
negative predictive value were 60%, 100%, 75%, and 99%,
--A patent track sign, immediately after percutaneous liver
biopsy, provides excellent screening for postbiopsy bleeding.
--This sign strongly predicts postbiopsy bleeding when
persistently seen for 5 minutes.
Value of “Patent Track” Sign on Doppler Sonography After
Percutaneous Liver Biopsy in Detection of Postbiopsy Bleeding:
A Prospective Study in 352 Patients
Kyoung Won Kim, Min-Jeong Kim, Hyo-Cheol Kim, Seong Ho Park,
So Yeon Kim, Mi-Suk Park, Tae Kyoung Kim
AJR 2007; 189:109–116
imaging-guided drainage
 first-line treatment for infected or
symptomatic fluid collections in the
abdomen and pelvis, in the absence of
indications for immediate surgery
 obviate surgery
Catheter insertion procedures
 Trocar
 Seldinger techniques
Percutaneou GB Drainage
that are
to Access
 Pelvis,
subphrenic regions, or epigastric region
 Alternative access routes:
- transrectal, transgluteal, transvaginal,
intercostal, or transhepatic
Gervais D, Brown D, Connolly SA, Brec SL, Harisinghani
MG, Mueller PR Radiographics. 2004;24 :737-54
Imaging Guidance-
 Deep-seated: drainage is performed under CT guidance
. CT has certain advantages
– better spatial resolution
– allowing more accurate depiction of the abscess, adjacent organs,
and organs along the proposed access route
- reduces the likelihood of mistaking fluid-filled bowel loops
for fluid collections
 US is a real-time imaging modality
– allows the course of needles and catheters to be monitored as they
traverse tissue planes along the path to the abscess
- angulation from the axial plane can frequently be more easily
achieved and monitored with US than with CT
 combined with US, fluoroscopy can be useful for
performing drainage with the Seldinger technique
– avoiding loss of access or guide wire kinking during tract dilatation
Aspiration versus
Catheter Placement
 Catheter placement is generally favored over
needle aspiration for definitive treatment
– the catheter is usually secured in position for several days (2)
 Simple aspiration of collections that communicate with bowel is invariably
ineffective because immediate reaccumulation of the collection usually occurs
once the needle or temporary catheter is removed
Aspiration of abscess inaccessible for percutaneous catheter placement:
– most commonly seen in the pelvis, particularly in patients with Crohn’s
disease who have a propensity for developing interloop abscesses
– prior to surgery to make the surgical field clean, facilitating primary bowel
– the patient is undergoing immunosuppression therapy
– transgressing intervening bowel with a 20-gauge needle and aspirating the
collection dry
Traversal of Organs (I)
 Collects sometimes cannot be
accessed without traversing an
intervening organ:
– (a) unsuitable for percutaneous abscess
drainage and the case referred back to the
– (b) the intervening organ can be traversed
with a catheter: stomach and liver are
examples of organs that we consider safe
to traverse in most circumstances to allow
treatment of an epigastric collection when
no other option exists
Traversal of Organs (II)
– Ensure that coagulation parameters are normal
– The chosen catheter course through the liver be as
short as possible, away from major blood vessels or
dilated biliary ducts and away from other organs
such as the gallbladder
– The catheter side holes should be completely
contained within the abscess to avoid
contamination of the adjacent liver or biliary tract
– The stomach is most commonly traversed for
percutaneous drainage of pancreatic abscesses or
Transgastric Approach
 To promote the formation of a tract between
the pancreatic collection and the stomach
– A catheter with multiple side holes is deployed with side
holes in both the pancreatic collection and the stomach
– usually left in place for 6 weeks to promote the formation
of a cystogastrostomy tract
– when a communication exists between a pseudocyst and
the pancreatic duct, the duct contents will theoretically
empty into the stomach
– there is no proved benefit to transgastric drainage of
pancreatic pseudocysts (the lifetime of such tracts is very
Traversing the vagina and
 using transcavitary routes for imaging-
guided abscess drainage
– Most interventional radiologists choose not to
traverse the bladder or small bowel when
performing percutaneous abscess drainage
– some authors have attested to the safety of using
these routes in extreme circumstances,
i.e., Afferent loop syndrome
Intervening vascular
 should always be avoided during
percutaneous abscess drainage
 Color Doppler US is very useful in avoiding
damage to intervening vascular structures
Organs should be avoided
being traversed in Drainage
 pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, small and large
bowels, urinary bladder, uterus and ovaries,
prostate gland, and most blood vessels
Serious incidents of
 Injury to the superior and inferior epigastric
arteries as well as the internal mammary
and intercostal arteries (3)
– placement of catheters through the skin in the
midline ensures that the linea alba (an avascular
plane) but may be unsafe in patients with portal
– CDU or review of a preprocedure contrastenhanced CT scan is advised to demonstrate the
course of the superior and inferior epigastric
Difficult Locations-
Deep Pelvis
 a transvaginal US-guided approach, a
transrectal US- or CT-guided approach, and a
transgluteal CT- or US-guided approach
– Transvaginal and transrectal US-guided pelvic abscess
drainage is now much easier to perform
 CT of the upper abdomen and pelvis before
undergoing transrectal or transvaginal US-guided
abscess drainage
– (a) many pelvic abscesses are associated with collections in the
upper abdomen that may be missed if only transrectal or
transabdominal US is performed
– (b) CT allows assessment for organs that may inadvertently be
injured by the needle or catheter
– all of our patients receive antibiotics immediately before
undergoing transvaginal or transrectal drainage
Transvaginal US-guided drainage
of pelvic abscesses
 useful for deep-seated abscesses located close to
the vagina
 no attempt should be made to drain presacral
abscesses via the transvaginal route (4)
 not traverse UB during the procedure
 other intervening structures such as the small
bowel or colon
 not be used to drain abscesses that are located
too high in the pelvis
– may increase the risk of bladder or bowel
transgression or vascular injury
 in the iliac fossa or pelvic floor
extending upward to the lower
 (a) US guidance , and
 (b) CT guidance
US / Appendical abscess
Acute RLQ Abdomen Pain, F31
Appendiceal Abscess
Pelvic/ TOA (I)
Pelvic/ TOA (II)
Gyn-Pelvic/ TOA (IV)
Low Pelvis
 low in the presacral space or in the
perirectal space or perineum
 (a) US guidance , and
 (b) CT guidance with
angulation of the gantry
Transrectal US-guided Abscess
Aspiration or Drainage
 used in female patients with presacral abscesses,
and for abscesses that are anterior and posterior
to the rectum in male, particularly useful in male
patients with prostatic abscesses
 using the trocar technique, usually performed with
the patient in the left lateral decubitus position
US or CT guidance for transgluteal
percutaneous drainage of
a pelvic abscess
 transgluteal percutaneous drainage of a
pelvic abscess (2)
– if a skin site close to the sacrum is chosen, the
sciatic nerve and adjacent vessels can be avoided
and large catheters can be placed (6)
Avoid Sciatic Nerve:
Subgluteal Approach
Deep Pelvic Abscess
Transgluteal Approach: Sector Transducer Preferred
Interventional US of
Female Pelvis
Devices for interventional Procedure
Drainage of pelvic abscesses in a young woman with fever, pelvic pain.
The major drawbacks of
transvaginal pelvic abscess
 The risk of patient discomfort (4)
– adequate conscious sedation and the administration
of lidocaine at the site of vaginal puncture usually
help reduce discomfort
 Complications: low, no major bleeding complications
 Catheter drainage is generally favored over
needle aspiration in patients with tubo-ovarian
– trocar method with a hydrophilic catheter (e.g., 7-8-
F) rather than the Seldinger technique (much more
time consuming and painful) (more difficult to
monitor the position of the guide wire)
Prostatic Abscess - asp.
Prostatic Abscess : Drainage
Subphrenic collections
 in many cases parietal pleural transgression cannot be avoided
while accessing subphrenic collections
Postsplenectomy subphrenic collections
the splenectomy bed is filled by loops of bowel
the risk of pleural transgression: pneumothorax, pleural
effusion, or empyema
Left-sided subphrenic collections:
– the operator should be aware that associated pancreatic tail injury,
all fluid aspirated from this area should be analyzed for amylase
content, and the catheter should be injected prior to removal to
assess for communication with the pancreatic duct
 Right-sided subphrenic collections:
– US-fluoroscopic guidance has advantages over CT guidance in
gaining access to achieve optimal catheter position
Percutaneous Transhepatic
Cholangial (or Biliary) Drainage
PTBD Puncture Needle
Percutaneous Abscess Drainage
Liver Abscess
 Cystic lesion with fluid ranging from anechoic
to highly echogenic
 Internal septations and stranding
 CT: better in diagnosing liquefaction
Lt Subphrenic collections
Lt Subphrenic /Spleen
Epigastrium and
Peripancreatic Area
 The major consideration: to avoid crossing small or large bowel
or major mesenteric, peripancreatic, or retroperitoneal vessels (9)
 collections in or near the pancreatic fossa
– a safe access route between the stomach and transverse colon
(gastrocolic ligament)
– a transhepatic approach, to avoid the gallbladder, and the porta
 Collections in the region of the pancreatic tail
– through the left anterior pararenal space
 the pancreatic body and tail:
– through the gastrosplenic ligament
 transgastric approach for pancreatic and peripancreatic
collections: controversy
– colon or small bowel should never be transgressed
Drainage of Pancreatic
Pseudocyst or Abscess
Urinary Tract Obstruction
 Can occur at any site
 The most common site: ureteropelvic junction
 Distal ureteral obstruction
 Ectopic ureterocele associated with the
duplicated system
 Hydro- or Pyonephrosis
Percutaneous Nephrostomy
( PCN )
Renal Carbuncle:
Aspiration or Drainage
Difficulties Due to
Thickened Contents
 Fibrinous products are often found in
abscesses and hematomas
 the introduction of adjunctive thrombolytics
into the abscess through a catheter has
proved effective in many cases
Situations in Which Imaging-guided
Drainage Is Inappropriate
 only a limited role for catheter placement in certain
pancreatitis-related collections
 placing a transvaginal drainage catheter for noninfected
collections is not appropriate
 If clinical evaluation suggests peritonitis, the patient
should proceed to surgery even if imaging demonstrates
drainable collections
– imaging findings may help in deciding between immediate
surgery and percutaneous drainage
 a patient with a similar abscess but with extensive and
massive free air or fluid remote from the perforation
site should usually undergo surgery for such an
“uncontained” perforation.
Situations in Which Imaging-guided
Drainage Is Inappropriate
 drainage in the presence of free hollow organ
perforation and acute peritonitis
 diverticular abscesses secondary to perforated
diverticulitis: best treated with imaging-guided
percutaneous catheter placement
– percutaneous treatment combined with administration of
systemic antibiotics permits control of acute “flare-up,”
 Symptomatic fluid collections adjacent to surgical
implants of any type (eg, vascular grafts, mesh used for
hernia repair, joint prostheses) should be drained only if
– Infection can be confirmed with needle aspiration and Gram stain
and culture.
Conclusion (I)
 Knowing the criteria for assessing the
appropriateness of imaging-guided drainage for
an abscess or collection
 Knowing the methods of managing seemingly
“undrainable” abscesses
 Knowing the the use of alternative access routes
(transgluteal, transvaginal, transrectal)
– facilitate the drainage of deep-seated collections that
are inaccessible by more traditional routes
Conclusion (II)
 Familiar with modifications in patient
positioning and in the use of imaging hardware
(eg, angling the computed tomography [CT] scanner gantry)
 knowing situations in which imaging-guided
abscess drainage should not be attempted
 the knowledgeable interventional radiologist will
often succeed in draining difficult-to-reach
 the informed diagnostic radiologist can help
obviate surgery
Major Complications
 Hemorrhage
 Hollow organ perforation
 Fistula
 Arteriovenous fistula
 Pneumothorax, pyothorax
 Sepsis
 Death
Emphyseatous Cholecystitis: Drainage
 Percutaneous abscess drainage is a safe,
effective, and widely used treatment for
patients with abdominal or pelvic sepsis
 Techniques allowing percutaneous drainage
of less accessible intraabdominal abscesses,
thus eliminating the need for laparotomy
 Understand the feasibility of abdominal
intervetion or abscess drainage in different
anatomic locations.
 Identify US and alternative imaging
methods that may improve access to deepseated lesions or collections.
 Describe situations in which imaging-guided
abscess drainage is either unhelpful or
Percutaneous Tumor
Puncture of Balloon for removal of an entrapped Foley Catheter
Ac. Cholecystitis: Gall Bladder Drainage
Radiofrequecy Ablation RFA
RITA 1500
(Acuson,Mountain View,CA,USA),
(expandable electrode needle)
Deployment of Needle Electrode
(2 cm)
(3 cm)
治療中注意病患狀況與RFA治療機之操 作調整
2 cm
3 cm
4 cm
5 cm
90 5.5
90 5.0* 105
7.5 105
7.0 110
110 110 7.0**
Imaging-Guided Renal Tumor
Laparoscopic Renal Cryoablation
Targeting: US+CT
decide targeting strategy, explain to the patient
US-CT/MRI Fusion
Identify the spatial location of an US image
using GPS information from the magnetic field
2010New Vision