10 1/2 10 1/2 (vf) - British Columbia Electronic Library Network


10 1/2 10 1/2 (vf) - British Columbia Electronic Library Network
All Titles
10,000 B.C.
2007 108 min color PG United States of America WB
A prehistoric epic that follows a young mammoth hunter’s
journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of
his tribe.
Roland Emmerich
Adventure; Drama
10,000 B.C. (v.f.)
2007 108 min color United States of America WB
10 000 ans avant J-C, un homme de 21 et sa tribu luttent
pour survivre en chassant les mammouths. Quand les
chasseurs de son clan et la princesse dont il est tombé
amoureux sont faits prisonniers, il se lance à leur
Roland Emmerich
Drame d’aventures; Drama social
10 1/2
108 min
Tommy, 10 years old, is well known by Social Services. He
is considered a danger to society. Gilles, his guardian at
this halfway house, sees potential for redemption in this
kid driven by violence.
Daniel Grou
Drama; Science Fiction
10 1/2 (v.f.)
108 min
10 raconte l’histoire de Tommy, un enfant de 10 ans et
demi bien connu des services sociaux. Cet enfant trouble,
rebelle à l’autorité comme à l’affection, est jugé
irrécupérable par la plupart des éducateurs. Seul Gilles,
son nouvel éducateur, entrevoit une lueur d’espoir dans le
regard de cet enfant qui ne communique que par la
violence... Est-ce le parcours de la dernière chance de
Daniel Grou
Drama social
La 11ème Heure
93 min
United States of America
À la Onzième Heure, un changement reste possible. Ce fi
lm explique comment nous en sommes arrivés là comment nous vivons, comment nous impactons
l’écosystème, et ce que nous pouvons faire pour changer
de cap avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Articulé sur une série
d’entretiens avec des experts du monde entier, tels
l’ancien Premier ministre soviétique Mikhaı̈l Gorbatchev, le
savant Stephen Hawking, l’ancien directeur de la CIA
James Woolsey, les spécialistes du développement
durable William McDonough et Bruce Mau et une
cinquantaine de scientifi ques, penseurs et politiciens de
réputation mondiale, LA 11ÈME HEURE, LE DERNIER
VIRAGE expose les problèmes clés auxquels sont
confrontés la Terre et ses habitants.
Leila Conners Petersen, Nadia Conners
The 11th Hour
2007 93 min color PG United States of America WB
"The 11th Hour" is the last moment when change is
possible. The film explores how we’ve arrived at this
moment – how we live, how we impact the earth’s
ecosystems, and what we can do to change our course.
Featuring ongoing dialogues of experts from all over the
world, including former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail
Gorbachev, renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, former
head of the CIA R. James Woolsey and sustainable design
experts William McDonough and Bruce Mau in addition to
over 50 leading scientists, thinkers and leaders who
discuss the most important issues that face our planet and
Leila Conners Petersen, Nadia Conners
127 heures
2010 93 min color United States of America FOX
L’histoire vraie d’Aron Ralston, un grimpeur de haute
montagne qui, à la suite d’un accident survenu dans
l’Utah, dut s’amputer lui-même un bras pour survivre...
Danny Boyle
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Action (v.f.)
127 Hours
2010 93 min color 14A United States of America FOX
127 HOURS is the new film from Danny Boyle, the
Academy Award winning director of last year’s Best
true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston’s (James
Franco) remarkable adventure to save himself after a fallen
boulder crashes on his arm and traps him in an isolated
canyon in Utah. Over the next five days Ralston examines
his life and survives the elements to finally discover he has
the courage and the wherewithal to extricate himself by
any means necessary, scale a 65 foot wall and hike over
eight miles before he is finally rescued. Throughout his
journey, Ralston recalls friends, lovers (Clemence Poesy),
family, and the two hikers (Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara)
he met before his accident. Will they be the last two
people he ever had the chance to meet? A visceral
thrilling story that will take an audience on a never before
experienced journey and prove what we can do when we
choose life.
Danny Boyle
Adventure; Drama; Action; Marooned
13 ans et paparazzi
2010 94 min color United States of America MON
Après une rencontre fortuite avec Austin Visschedyk, un
paparazzo de quatorze ans, Adrian Grenier, vedette de la
série télévisée Entourage , décide de braquer la caméra
sur lui et de s’immiscer ainsi dans le monde si particulier
de cet adolescent. Mais le projet se transforme bientôt en
un défi personnel car le réalisateur se rend compte que
ses actes ont une influence sur la vie de son sujet.
Adrian Grenier
1492 (v.f.)
1992 150 min color United States of America PARA
Après plusieurs années d’efforts, le marchand génois
Christophe Colomb réussit à persuader Isabelle de Castille
de financer une expédition navale vers l’ouest. Le
navigateur espère ainsi ouvrir une nouvelle route vers
l’Orient. Le 12 octobre 1492, il aborde le rivage de l’ı̂le de
San Salvador, où il fait la rencontre d’une tribu d’indigènes.
Il y établit un poste de garde et revient victorieux en
Espagne. Muni des pleins pouvoirs, Colomb repart pour le
Nouveau monde en septembre 1493. Il fonde une colonie
à Hispaniola (Haı̈ti), mais sa tentative de maintenir des
rapports pacifistes avec la population autochtone s’avère
une échec.
Ridley Scott
Drame d’aventures; Drama social
All Titles
1492: Conquest of Paradise
1992 150 min color PG United States of America PARA
Perhaps the greatest visionary in history, Christopher
Columbus, set a stifled Europe free and brought mixed
blessings to a new world. The film portrays Columbus the
way he had to be in order to accomplish what he did.
Ridley Scott
Adventure; Drama
élèves paraissent provenir de milieux plus aisés que le
sien et son honneur est en jeu. Pour éviter d’être
découvert pour ce qu’il est réellement, Ricardo décide de
s’inventer une situation qu’il devra entretenir
rigoureusement s’il veut faire sa place. Jusqu’à ce que le
jeu de la vérité devienne une incontournable évidence et
que le petit Trogi accepte de forger sa véritable identité...
Ricardo Trogi
16 Blocks
200 Cigarettes
2006 102 min color PG United States of America WB
Based on a pitch by Richard Wenk, the mismatched buddy
film follows a troubled NYPD officer who’s forced to take a
happy, but down-on-his-luck witness 16 blocks from the
police station to 100 Centre Street, although no one wants
the duo to make it. The story is a redemptive tale for
characters who are polar opposites. The cop, a dark guy
and a heart attack waiting to happen, who is escorting this
witness who is a 14-time loser with a sunny outlook.
Richard Donner
Adventure; Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
17 Again
2009 102 min color PG United States of America AFI
About a guy whose life didn’t quite turn out how he wanted
it to and wishes he could go back to high school and
change it. He wakes up one day and is seventeen again
and gets the chance to rewrite his life.
Burr Steers
17 Again (v.f.)
2009 102 min color United States of America AFI
Mike O’Donnell, un homme de 37 ans, trouve sa vie
ennuyante et pathétique. Il est séparé de sa femme,
Scarlett, et vit avec son meilleur ami Ned Freeman. Sa
carrière dans un laboratoire pharmaceutique est au beau
fixe et la relation avec son fils adolescent est ardue. Un
jour, il voit un homme près à se jeter du haut d’un pont, il
court immédiatement pour l’empêcher de tomber mais
arrivé près de la rivière, l’homme a disparu et Mike se
retrouve dans l’eau boueuse. Revenu chez lui Mike
découvre qu’il a maintenant 17 ans! Son meilleur ami Ned
prétend donc être son père et l’inscrit à l’école secondaire.
Bien différent de l’époque de son adolescence, Mike
découvre que sa fille est beaucoup moins sage qu’elle ne
parait et que son fils, Alex, est la cible de l’athlète de
l’école. À travers toutes ces expériences, Mike découvrira
que sa vie était parfaite, il n’avait seulement jamais
vraiment su l’apprécier.
Burr Steers
102 min
In 1981, the Trogi family installs itself in their all new
residence. Ricardo (11 years), feels the effects without
knowing nevertheless the meaning of the word "mortgage".
He is "new" to a class of which the students appear to
originate from easier environments than his and his honor
is in game. To avoid being discovered for what he actually
is, Ricardo decides to re- invent himself. Until the game
becomes essential and that the small Trogi accepts forging
his true identity...
Ricardo Trogi
1981 (v.f.)
102 min
En 1981, la famille Trogi s’installe dans leur toute nouvelle
résidence. Ricardo (11 ans), en ressent complètement les
effets sans connaı̂tre pourtant la signification du mot
hypothèque . Il est le nouveau
d’une classe dont les
1999 101 min color AA United States of America PARA
New Year’s Eve, 1981, the Lower East Side. Monica’s
having a party, but as late as 9, no one’s there. She stews
(and drinks). Folks are on their way, all looking for love,
sex, or both. En route, paths cross, gambits misfire: a
performance artist, her boyfriend until today and his longtime pal Lucy, two Long Island high-school girls, two punk
rockers, a bartender, a Scottish painter who’s lousy in bed,
a pretty face named Jack who runs when women say they
love him, his cute but clumsy date Cindy, two trendy
vamps, a loquacious cabby, the man-crazed Hillary, and
Elvis Costello. Nearly everybody smokes, and nearly
everybody scores. And all get who and what they deserve.
Risa Bramon Garcia
Comedy; Drama; Romance
2001, A Space Odyssey
1968 139 min color PG United States of America WB
It’s man vs. machinery in Stanley Kubrick’s startling
milestone film. Rarely are such power and beauty
expressed in purely cinematic terms. From prehistoric
man’s struggle to cope with a hostile environment, to the
interplanetary voyage to Jupiter, the film is a eloquent
statement on man’s endless quest to master his fate. The
Oscar-winning special effects paved the way for the
high-tech look of ’80’s science-fiction films.
Stanley Kubrick
Drama; Science Fiction
2001 Odyssee de l’espace
1968 139 min color United States of America WB
A l’aube de l’Humanité, dans le désert africain, une tribu
de primates subit les assauts répétés d’une bande rivale,
qui lui dispute un point d’eau. La découverte d’un
monolithe noir inspire au chef des singes assiégés un
geste inédit et décisif. Brandissant un os, il passe
l’attaque et massacre ses adversaires. Le premier
instrument est né. En 2001, quatre millions d’années plus
tard, un vaisseau spatial évolue en orbite lunaire au
rythme langoureux du "Beau Danube Bleu". A son bord, le
Dr. Heywood Floyd enquête secrètement sur la
découverte d’un monolithe noir qui émet d’étranges
signaux vers Jupiter.Dix-huit mois plus tard, les
astronautes David Bowman et Frank Poole font route vers
Jupiter à bord du Discovery. Les deux hommes vaquent
sereinement à leurs tâches quotidiennes sous le contrôle
de HAL 9000, un ordinateur exceptionnel doué
d’intelligence et de parole. Cependant, HAL, sans doute
plus humain que ses maı̂tres, commence à donner des
signes d’inquiétude : à quoi rime cette mission et que
risque-t-on de découvrir sur Jupiter?
Stanley Kubrick
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Drame de
science-fiction; Comédie moeurs
2004 126 min color 14A China/Hong Kong MON
Picking up where after In The Mood For Love left off, 2046
is a visually seductive reverie of memory and regret,
refracted through a serial womanizer’s experiences with six
women. Chow Mo Wan - played by Tony Leung Chiu-wai
with the charm of a young Clark Gable - moves from being
a gambler to a pulp fiction writer, and 2046 follows him
through various liaisons with several beautiful women,
All Titles
played by Ziyi Zhang, Gong Li, Faye Wong, Carina Lau,
Dong Jie and Maggie Cheung. Playfully merging past,
present, and future, 2046 is at once the number of the
hotel room in which the couple of after In The Mood For
Love conducted their extra marital encounters, and the
date of Hong Kong’s final integration into China.
Wong Kar Wai
Drama; Science Fiction; Fantasy; Romance
27 Dresses
2008 110 min color PG United States of America FOX
A woman who has made a career out of being a
bridesmaid - but never a bride - faces her worst nightmare
when her sister becomes engaged to the man of her
dreams. Luckily, the wedding brings around the man who
may change her bridesmaid status for good.
Anne Fletcher
Comedy; Romance; Cuddle Up Day; Valentine’s Day
27 robes
2008 110 min color United States of America FOX
Une jeune femme célibataire sert de demoiselle d’honneur
27 fois jusqu’au jour où elle doit assister le mariage de
l’homme qu’elle aime avec sa soeur.
Anne Fletcher
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
28 Days Later
2003 113 min color 18A United States of America FOX
A virus accidentally released from a research facility has
devastated the entire planet. The human race is faced
with extinction. A handful of survivors are left to salvage a
future from the apocalypse.
Danny Boyle
Social Studies; Science Fiction; Hallowen Favourites
28 Jours plus tard
2003 113 min color United States of America FOX
Un commando de la Protection Animale fait irruption dans
un laboratoire top secret pour délivrer des dizaines de
chimpanzés soumis de terribles expériences. Mais
aussitôt libérés, les primates, contaminés par un
mystérieux virus et animés d’une rage incontrôlable,
bondissent sur leurs "sauveurs" et les massacrent. 28
jours plus tard, le mal s’est répandu à une vitesse
fulgurante à travers le pays, la population a ét évacuée en
masse et Londres n’est plus qu’une ville fantôme. Les
rares rescapés se terrent pour échapper aux "Contaminés"
assoiffés de violence. C’est dans ce contexte que Jim, un
coursier, sort d’un profond coma...
Danny Boyle
Etudes sociales; Drame de science-fiction
28 Weeks Later
100 min
Great Britian
The creative team of Danny Boyle, Alex Garland, and
Andrew Macdonald are back to re-invent the zombie movie
yet again with the sequel to 28 Days Later. Lead by
director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, 28 Weeks Later picks up
six months after the Rage virus has decimated the city of
London. The US Army has restored order and is
repopulating the quarantined city, when a carrier of the
Rage virus enters London and unknowingly re-ignites the
spread of the deadly infection, wreaking havoc on the
entire population.
Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Horror; Science Fiction; Thriller; Marooned
28 Weeks Later (v.f.)
100 min
Great Britian
Six semaines après l’épidémie qui a ravagé la GrandeBretagne, les Forces Spéciales américaines débarquent
en Angleterre pour aider les survivants, veiller au retour de
l’ordre et à la renaissance de Londres. C’est alors que le
virus refait surface, plus dangereux que jamais...
Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Drame d’espionnage; Drame d’horreur; Drame de
Le 2e voyage: L’ı̂le mystérieuse
96 min
United States of America
Cette nouvelle aventure débutera au moment où Sean
reçoit un signal de détresse codé provenant d’une ı̂le
mystérieuse qui n’apparaı̂t pas sur aucune carte - un
endroit étrange où vivent des créatures fantastiques, où
les montages sont dorés et les volcans endormis.
Incapable de l’empêcher de partir, le nouveau beau-père
de Sean rejoint le voyage. Ensemble, avec un pilote
d’hélicoptère et courageuse fille, ils ont l’intention de
trouver l’ı̂le, sauver la personne en détresse et s’évader
rapidement avec que les chocs sismiques entrainent l’ı̂le
au fond de l’océan.
Brad Peyton
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Action
(v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste
3 cochons et un béb
2008 82 min color G United States of America AFI
Les trois petits cochons vivent ensemble dans la maison
de brique impénétrable, dans laquelle, les loups tentent
désespérément d’entrer. Les prédateurs décident alors de
tendre un piège aux cochons en mettant devant leur porte
un louveteau. Les 3 amis décident alors de l’adopter et de
Howard E. Bake
Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
3 Films by Michael Ondaatje
115 min
THE CLINTON SPECIAL: A Film About The Farm Show
(1974, 71 mins.) chronicles a group of actors who in 1972
went into an Ontario farming community to build a play of
what they saw and learned. This famous experimental
collaborative ‘grassroots‘ play by Paul Thompson and
Theatre Passe Muraille brought to that community a sense
of awe, delight and reflection of their own language and
In SONS OF CAPTAIN POETRY (1970, 29 mins.)
Ondaatje documents the work and spirit of bpNichol
(1944-88), "Canadàs convention-shattering voice of poetry"
(Globe and Mail).
Ondaatjès whimsical slapstick ‘docu-dramà follows a
couple of crooked Canadian Poets who try to kidnap a
Michael Ondaatje
2007 115 min color 18A United States of America WB
In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes sends his massive
army to conquer Greece. The Greek city of Sparta houses
its finest warriors, and 300 of these soldiers are chosen to
meet the Persians at Thermopylae, engaging the soldiers
in a narrow canyon where they cannot take full advantage
of their numbers. The battle is a suicide mission, meant to
buy time for the rest of the Greek forces to prepare for the
invasion. However, that doesn’t stop the Spartans from
throwing their hearts into the fray, determined to take as
many Persians as possible with them.
Zack Snyder
Adventure; Drama; War; Action
300 (v.f.)
All Titles
35 Rhums
2007 115 min color United States of America WB
La bataille des Thermopyles est l’un des plus célèbres
faits d’armes de l’histoire antique. Le roi grec Léonidas et
ses 300 soldats y furent massacrés par les Perses. Selon
la légende, leur courage et leur sacrifice encouragèrent le
peuple grec à s’unir contre les armées perses et à fonder
la démocratie.
Zack Snyder
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame de guerre; Drame
100 min
35 Shots of Rum is the story of a father and daughter
living in a working class Parisian neighborhood. The
daughter, Josephine, a university student; is on the verge
of leaving the family nest and making her own way in the
world. She feels obliged to stay and take care of her
father, Lionel, filling the role her mother used to have.
Lionel feels responsible for needing her so much, yet
helpless to let her go.
Claire Denis
3000 Miles to Graceland
Les 4 Fantastiques
2001 125 min color R United States of America WB
Billed as an action thriller, the story opens with an
explosive heist in Las Vegas at an Elvis Presley
convention. Posing as Elvis impersonators, Michael (Kurt
Russell), Murphy (Kevin Costner) and their three cohurts
enter the casino in full Presley grab, armed with guitar
cases full of weaponary. Their cunning plan is executed
with near precision as they steal away with millions in a
dramatic helicopter escape from the rooftop of the hotel.
But the body count is high, the casino is in ruins, and
dissension amongst the five thieves leads to betrayal,
chaos and greed. Murphy treacherously turns on his men
and attempts to murder each member of the gang. But
Michael survives and in possession of the stolen money
sets out to launder the marked currency with Murphy in
hot pursuit.
Demian Lichtenstein
Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
3000 Milles de Graceland
2001 125 min color United States of America WB
Facturé comme un thriller d’action, l’histoire ouvre avec un
hold-up explosif au Las Vegas à un Elvis presley la
convention. En faisant passer Elvis des imitateurs, Michel
(Kurt Russell), Murphy (Kevin Costner) et leur trois cohurts
entre au casino dans la pleine usurpation de Presley,
armée de cas(affaires) de guitare pleins de weaponary.
Leur plan rusé est exécuté avec près de la précision
comme ils s’esquivent avec des millions dans une évasion
d’hélicoptère dramatique(spectaculaire) du toit de l’hôtel.
Mais le nombre des morts est haut, le casino est en
ruines et la dissension parmi les cinq voleurs mène à la
trahison, le chaos et l’avidité. Murphy allume déloyalement
ses hommes et essaye d’assassiner chaque membre de
l’équipe(gang). Mais Michel survit et dans la possession
de l’argent volé ont l’intention de blanchir la monnaie
marquée avec Murphy dans la poursuite chaude.
Demian Lichtenstein
Action (v.f.); Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Drame
35 Rhums
100 min
Lionel, un conducteur de métro, et sa fille Joséphine,
étudiante l’université, habitent ensemble un immeuble où
ils ont forgé, au fil des années, des amitiés privilégiées
avec deux voisins. Il y a d’abord Gabrielle, une chauffeuse
de taxi qui s’est souvent occupée de Joséphine quand elle
était enfant, et qui est depuis longtemps amoureuse de
Lionel. Et puis, dans un penthouse encombré des vieux
meubles de ses parents décédés, il y a Noé, amoureux de
Joséphine, circonspecte à son égard. Quand ce dernier lui
annonce son intention d’aller s’établir au Gabon,
l’étudiante est contrainte de faire le point sur ses propres
Claire Denis
2005 123 min color United States of America FOX
À l’issue d’un voyage expérimental, quatre astronautes
sont soumis des radiations cosmiques et se transforment
en supers-héros dotés de pouvoirs extraordinaires. Reed
Richard le leader du groupe, homme élastique à ses
heures, Sue Storm, La Femme invisible, Johnny Storm,
dont le corps est fait de flammes, et Ben Grimm,
personnage essentiellement constitué de pierre. Ils vont
devoir unir leurs forces pour déjouer les plans du
maléfique Docteur Doom.
Tim Story
Comédie fantaisiste; Action (v.f.); Drame de
Les 4 Fantastiques et le Surfer d’Argent
2007 95 min color United States of America FOX
Alors que Reed Richard et Sue Storm filent le parfait
amour, les quatre fantastiques doivent se rendre à
l’évidence : ils ne sont plus les seuls êtres doués de
super-pouvoirs, et leur nouvel adversaire, le Surfer
d’argent, est bien décidé à détruire la Terre.
Tim Story
Action (v.f.); Drame d’aventures; Drame de
4 mois, 3 semaines, 2 jours
128 min
Roumanie, 1987. Même si l’avortement est gravement
puni, une étudiante s’apprête à aider son amie à poser ce
geste. Les mensonges et le mauvais choix de l’avorteur,
par cette dernière, compliquent singulièrement les choses.
Cristian Mungiu
Drama social
4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days
128 min
A drama set in Bucharest during the "golden" years of
Communism, about the horrors of the Securitate, and the
brutality and absurdness of its methods used.
Cristian Mungiu
42nd Street
1933 89 min b&w F United States of America WB
Julian Marsh, an sucessful Broadway director, produces a
new show, inspite of his poor health. The money comes
from a rich old man, who is in love with the star of the
show, Dorothy Brock. But she doesn’t reply his love,
because she is still in love with her old partner. At the
night before the prmiere, Dorothy Brock breaks her ankle,
and one of the chorus girls, Peggey Sawyer tries to take
over her part.
Lloyd Bacon
Drama; Musical; Literary Adaption; Romance
All Titles
48 Hours
1982 97 min color R United States of America PARA
The hilarious Eddie Murphy made his motion picture debut
with this terrifically exciting movie. This is the story of two
men who grew up on opposite sides of the tracks and
make their livings on opposite sides of the law, but
suddenly find their lives united in a common cause for an
intense, sleeting period of just 48 HOURS. Under the
direction of Walter Hill the film creates a spine-tingling
scenario of raw-action, street politics and inner city
tension. Slambang entertainment with constant laughs and
Walter Hill
Comedy; Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
500 Days of Summer
2009 95 min color PG United States of America FOX
This post modern love story is never what we expect it to
be – it’s thorny yet exhilarating, funny and sad, a twisted
journey of highs and lows that doesn’t quite go where we
think it will. When Tom, a hapless greeting card copywriter
and hopeless romantic, is blindsided after his girlfriend
Summer dumps him, he shifts back and forth through
various periods of their 500 days "together" to try to figure
out where things went wrong. His reflections ultimately
lead him to finally rediscover his true passions in life.
Marc Webb
Comedy; Romance; Valentine’s Day; Singles
500 jours avec Summer
2009 95 min color United States of America FOX
C’est l’histoire d’un jeune homme qui tombe amoureux (de
Zooey Deschanel) et il devient l’objet d’un dumping" a
déclaré l’acteur au sujet de l’intrigue du film. J’espère que
ce film s’avèrera être une romance moderne et pas une
bien triste histoire d’amour à l’eau de rose.
Marc Webb
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
58 Minutes pour Vivre
1990 124 min color United States of America FOX
Un aéroport principal international devient une arène pour
la terreur comme le détective John McClane est entraı̂né
dans un jeu mortel de chat et la souris avec une unité de
forces d’élite spéciale qui a saisi un aéroport agité à
Washington, le district fédéral de Columbia Leur plan est
rapide, brutal et brillant.... Mais ils n’ont pas compté sur la
présence de John McClane.
Renny Harlin
Action (v.f.)
2009 79 min color PG United States of America AFI
When 9 (voice of Elijah Wood) first comes to life, he finds
himself in a post-apocalyptic world where all humans are
gone, and it is only by chance that he discovers a small
community of others like him taking refuge from fearsome
machines that roam the earth intent on their extinction.
Despite being the neophyte of the group, 9 convinces the
others that hiding will do them no good. They must take
the offensive if they are to survive, and they must discover
why the machines want to destroy them in the first place.
As they’ll soon come to learn, the very future of civilization
may depend on them.
Shane Acker
Adventure; Science Fiction; War; Fantasy; Animated
A Christmas Carol (v.f.)
1951 86 min
b&w United States of America FOX
Cette adaptation britannique classique avec Alastair Sim
comme Scrooge, dont éblouissement misanthrope est
inversée seulement après qu’il a confronté les fantômes
des présentes, futures et passées.
Brian Desmond Hurst
Drama social; Films pour enfants; Comédie fantaisiste;
Dame poétique
À fond de train
2010 98 min color United States of America FOX
A bord d’une locomotive détachée, un ingénieur et un
conducteur ferroviaire se livrent à une course contre le
temps et tentent de stopper un train incontrôlable qui
transporte des matières chimiques toxiques.
Tony Scott
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
2001 147 min color PG United States of America WB
From the director of "E.T." comes the story of a postapocalyptic future in which the polar icecaps have melted,
submerging much of the planetary landmass. One of the
new tools Mankind utilizes to manage this environment is
an artificial intelligence known as an A.I. computer. The
action turns on the character of David (Haley Joel
Osment), an 11-year-old android, and the emotional
journey he makes toward becoming something more.
Steven Spielberg
Drama; Science Fiction
A.I.: intelligence artificielle
2001 145 min color United States of America WB
Quelque part dans un futur éloigné, l’homme a mis au
point un ordinateur muni d’une intelligence artificielle très
sophistiquée. Quand la calotte polaire commence à fondre
et que de terribles inondations détruisent la majeure partie
des villes côtières, les ordinateurs prennent le contrôle de
la situation. L’intelligence artificielle est aussi intégrée à
des robots qui accomplissent diverses tâches aidant
maintenir le style de vie des humains. Au milieu de tout ça
se dresse David (Haley Joel Osment), un robot de onze
ans qui s’embarque dans une quête spirituelle pour
transcender sa condition de robot.
Steven Spielberg
Drama social; Drame de science-fiction
À la Croisée des Mondes la boussole d’or
2007 113 min color United States of America AFI
Lyra, 12 ans, est une orpheline rebelle qui vit à Jordan
College, un établissement de l’Université d’Oxford, dans
un monde parallèle qui ressemble au nôtre mais qui a
évolué de façon un peu différente. Elle a pour compagnon
Pantalaimon, son démon, un être capable de prendre de
nombreuses formes animales. Le monde de Lyra est en
train de changer. L’organisme gouvernemental global, le
Magisterium, resserre son emprise sur le peuple. Ses
sombres activités l’ont poussé à faire enlever des enfants
par les mystérieux Enfourneurs. Parmi les gitans, qui ont
perdu beaucoup des leurs, court une rumeur : les enfants
sont emmenés dans une station expérimentale quelque
part dans le Nord, et on pratique sur eux d’abominables
expériences...Lorsque Roger, le meilleur ami de Lyra,
disparaı̂t à son tour, la petite fille jure d’aller le chercher,
jusqu’au bout du monde s’il le faut...
Chris Weitz
Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures; Comédie
All Titles
A la poursuite du diamant vert
1984 101 min color United States of America FOX
Une jeune romancière à succès part en Colombie à la
recherche de sa soeur kidnappée. Accompagnée d’un
aviateur quelque peu blasé, elle affrontera les dangers
d’une jungle inhospitalière pour récupérer un fabuleux
diamant qui servira de monnaie d’echange.
Robert Zemeckis
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Drame d’aventures;
Action (v.f.)
The A-Team
2010 117 min color PG United States of America FOX
Four American soldiers who are in Iraq are sent on a
mission to recover plates for printing 100 dollar bills that
were used to print a billion dollars. After doing the job and
returning to the base their commanding officer is killed in
an explosion and the plates are stolen by another
operative. They would be court martialed and sent to
different prisons. 6 months later, the leader, Hannibal
Smith is visited by a CIA spook who tells him he knows
where the man who took the plates is and wants him and
his men to recover it. So he helps him escape and he
breaks out the others and they go after the plates. But
after doing it, they discover that the spook might not be ok.
And a military intelligence officer who was involved with
one of them is pursuing them.
Joe Carnahan
Comedy; Adventure; Action
A tout jamais
1998 120:58 min color United States of America FOX
Nous sommes au 16ème siècle. A l’âge de 8 ans, alors
que son père revenait de voyage avec une nouvelle
femme, Rodmilla, Danielle s’est retrouvée orpheline à la
suite de la mort subite de celui-ci. Dix ans plus tard,
Danielle vit toujours avec la froide et impartiale Rodmilla,
ainsi qu’avec ses deux filles. Étant servante depuis ce
temps, Danielle a toutefois pris le temps de s’instruire
dans les livres grâce à son père qui lui avait appris à
penser de façon analytique. Croyant surprendre un voleur
qui rôdait autour des chevaux, elle assomme Henry d’une
pomme à la tête. Réalisant vite son erreur elle ne tarde
pas à s’excuser envers le prince. Son statut de servante
l’empêche toutefois de le fréquenter plus longuement à
son grand désarroi. Elle aura alors recourt à son courage
et sa détermination pour ce faire remarquer de ce beau
prince charmant, ainsi que d’un peu d’aide de son ami
Leonardo da Vinci.
Andy Tennant
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Comédie sentimentale
2011 106 min color PG United States of America AFI
A thriller centered on a young man who sets out to
uncover the truth about his life after finding his baby photo
on a missing persons website.
John Singleton
Action; Thriller
Abraham Lincoln: chasseur de vampire
2012 105 min color United States of America FOX
Depuis qu’il a vu sa mère mourir, Abraham Lincoln ne
cherche qu’à se venger, mais l’assassin serait en fait un
vampire. Grâce l’entraı̂nement spécial du mystérieux
Henry, Abraham décide de combattre ces êtres de la nuit
qui s’abreuvent de sang. Parallèlement à cette mission, le
jeune avocat se lie d’affection avec Mary Lincoln, et afin
de défendre son ami noir Will qui souffre de racisme, il se
lance en politique. La lutte sera longue et ardue, mais rien
n’est impossible. Surtout que la bataille de Gettysburg
décidera du sort de la nation.
Timur Bekmambetov
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage; Dame poétique
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
2012 105 min color 14A United States of America FOX
At the age of 9, Abraham Lincoln witnesses his mother
being killed by a vampire, Jack Barts. Some 10 years
later, he unsuccessfully tries to eliminate Barts but in the
process makes the acquaintance of Henry Sturgess who
teaches him how to fight and what is required to kill a
vampire. The quid pro quo is that Abe will kill only those
vampires that Henry directs him to. Abe relocates to
Springfield where he gets a job as a store clerk while he
studies the law and kills vampires by night. He also meets
and eventually marries the pretty Mary Todd. Many years
later as President of the United States, he comes to
realize that vampires are fighting with the Confederate
forces. As a result he mounts his own campaign to defeat
Timur Bekmambetov
Horror; Thriller; Literary Adaption; Hallowen Favourites;
President’s Day; Tell a Lie Day
Absolute Power
1997 121:28 min color AA United States of America
Clint Eastwood plays a career thief who witnesses a
murder and subsequent cover-up involving the US
President, played by Gene Hackman.
Clint Eastwood
The Accidental Husband
2008 90 min color PG United States of America AFI
New York firefighter Patrick Sullivan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
had no idea his seemingly idyllic life was about to go up in
smoke - especially as the unwitting, second-hand recipient
of advice from famed love expert and radio host Dr. Emma
Lloyd (Uma Thurman). One day he is a happy, go-lucky
guy looking forward to a life with his soon-to-be-bride. The
next thing you know, his fiancée Sophia (Justina Machado)
is seeking couples counseling on the radio from Dr. Lloyd.
The no-nonsense, ever practical Dr. Lloyd questions
Sophia’s concept of romantic love and advises her to
break their engagement, which she swiftly does. But when
Patrick and his computer-savvy neighbor decide to give Dr.
Lloyd a taste of her own medicine and "accidentally" join
them in holy matrimony - something that doesn’t go over
too well with her fiancé (played by Colin Firth) – it isn’t
long before they learn that sometimes even an expert in
love needs a second opinion...
Griffin Dunne
Comedy; Romance
The Accused
1988 110 min color AA United States of America PARA
A hard-living, fiercely independent woman is gang raped in
the back of a neighborhood bar. But that is only the
beginning of her ordeal. Now she finds herself battling the
legal system not once but twice, as she and her attorney
go after both her attackers and the onlookers whose
cheering fuelled and encouraged the assault.
Jonathan Kaplan
Drama; Thriller
All Titles
The Accused (v.f.)
1988 110 min color United States of America PARA
Un soir alors qu’elle s’est disputée avec son copain Larry,
Sarah Tobias se rend dans un bar où elle a l’habitude
d’aller. Sous l’emprise de la drogue, celle-ci agit de
manière provocante auprès de la clientèle masculine. Un
peu plus tard dans la soirée, elle est violée collectivement
par une bande de trois hommes, devant une foule de
spectateurs déchaı̂nés. Kathryn Murphy est le procureur
en charge de ce dossier. Elle souhaite vivement voir les
responsables en prison, mais elle est progressivement
freinée dans son désir de justice par le passé de Sarah,
qui s’étale devant la cour et qui lui est particulièrement
Jonathan Kaplan
Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
1993 86 min color PG United States of America WB
This broad comedy deals with the abduction of a pet
dolphin believed to be the only lead in the kidnapping of a
prominent sports celebrity. It’s a job too sordid for Miami
Vice, too confounding for the police and too trivial for the
FBI. Its a job for – Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
Tom Shadyac
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
1995 94 min color PG United States of America WB
Ace is back and finds himself thrust into the most
challenging case of his career. He embarks on a perilious
journey into the jungles of Africa to find the missing sacred
animal of the friendly Wachati tribe. If he fails, the result
will be a vicious war between the Wachatis and their rivals,
the Wachootoos.
Steve Oedekerk
Act of God
75 min
Act of God is a feature documentary about the
metaphysical effects of being struck by lightning. The
event represents the paradox of being singled out by
randomness, and so precipitates questions about chance,
fate and meaning in life. The film explores seven stories
from around the world that raise and respond to these
questions, while keeping the sky and what comes out of it
as a central visual metaphor and thread. Paul Auster, who
was struck as a teenager, philosophically anchors the film,
along with Fred Frith, the improviser, who both
imaginatively underpins it and personally demonstrates the
ubiquity of electricity in our bodies and the universe.
Jennifer Baichwal
Act of Valor
2012 101 min color 14A United States of America AFI
An unprecedented blend of real-life heroism and original
filmmaking, Act of Valor stars a group of active-duty Navy
SEALs in a powerful story of contemporary global antiterrorism. Inspired by true events, the film combines
stunning combat sequences, up-to-the minute battlefield
technology and heart-pumping emotion for the ultimate
action adventure. Act of Valor takes audiences deep into
the secretive world of the most elite, highly trained group
of warriors in the modern world. When the rescue of a
kidnapped CIA operative leads to the discovery of a
deadly terrorist plot against the U.S., a team of SEALs is
dispatched on a worldwide manhunt. As the valiant men of
Bandito Platoon race to stop a coordinated attack that
could kill and wound thousands of American civilians, they
must balance their commitment to country, team and their
families back home. Each time they accomplish their
Mike McCoy, Scott Waugh
Adventure; Action; Thriller
Acte de bravoure
2012 101 min color United States of America AFI
Un groupe de soldats s’engage dans une mission pour
sauver un agent de la CIA kidnappé.
Mike McCoy, Scott Waugh
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage
2009 99 min color PG United States of America FOX
Soon after moving in, Beth, a brainy, beautiful writer
damaged from a past relationship encounters Adam, the
handsome, but odd, fellow in the downstairs apartment
whose awkwardness is perplexing. Beth and Adam’s
ultimate connection leads to a tricky relationship that
exemplifies something universal: truly reaching another
person means bravely stretching into uncomfortable
territory and the resulting shake-up can be liberating.
Max Mayer
Comedy; Drama; Romance; Singles Awareness
Adam (v.f.)
2009 99 min color United States of America FOX
"Adam" suit un jeune homme d’une vingtaine d’années,
célibataire, du nom d’Adam. Vivant avec le syndrome
d’Asperger, il développe une relation inconfortable avec
une très belle écrivain Beth, qui vient de s’installer à côté
de son appartement.
Max Mayer
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Adam’s Rib
1949 101 min b&w PG United States of America WB
When a woman attempts to kill her uncaring husband,
prosecutor Adam Bonner gets the case. Unfortunately for
him his wife Amanda (who happens to be a lawyer too)
decides to defend the woman in court. Amanda uses
everything she can to win the case and Adam gets mad
about it. As a result, their perfect marriage is disturbed by
everyday quarrels...
Cukor D.
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Adam’s Rib (v.f.)
1949 101 min b&w United States of America WB
Doris Attinger blesse Warren, son mari, avec un revolver,
au moment o il rejoint sa maı̂tresse dans les rues de New
York. L’affaire Attinger va bouleverser la vie d’un couple de
juristes, Adam et Amanda Bonner.
Cukor D.
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Addicted to Plastic
2008 85 min color N/R United States of America MON
For better and for worse, no ecosystem or segment of
human activity has escaped the shrink-wrapped grasp of
plastic. ADDICTED TO PLASTIC is a global journey to
investigate what we really know about the material of a
thousand uses and why therès so darn much of it. On the
way we discover a toxic legacy, and the men and women
dedicated to cleaning it up.
Ian Connacher
Adieu ma concubine
All Titles
Aeon Flux
156 min
Le destin de deux acteurs de l’Opera de Pekin et d’une
concubine de 1920 à 1970. Les cinquante années qui ont
changé la Chine.
Chen Kaige
Drama social
2005 95 min color PG United States of America PARA
Aeon Flux is a mysterious and amoral secret agent from
the country of Monica. Her motives or background are left
Karyn Kusama
Adventure; Drama; Action
Adventure du Poseidon
Aeon Flux (v.f.)
1972 117 min color United States of America FOX
Un paquebot de grandes lignes de luxe est renversé par le
raz-de-marée de 90 pied. Dix survie d’étoiles supérieure
dans ce film Gagnant Oscar qui a commencé la série de
désastre couronnée de succès d’Irwin Allen.
Ronald Neame
Action (v.f.); Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Drame
2005 95 min color United States of America PARA
Réfugiés dans la ville de Bregna, les derniers survivants
de la race humaine vivent en paix depuis 400 ans. Mais,
depuis peu, d’étranges disparitions surviennent, des
innocents meurent alors que des rebelles cherchent à
renverser le pouvoir en place.
Karyn Kusama
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Action (v.f.)
The Adventures of Pinocchio
1996 88 min color F United States of America AFI
A classic comes to life in the live-action film adaptation of
the beloved children’s story. Featuring ground breaking
computer-generated imagery and the magic of Jim
Henson’s Creature Shop.
Steve Barron
Adventure; Children
The Adventures of Robin Hood
1938 106 min color F United States of America WB
Sir Robin of Locksley, defender of downtrodden Saxons,
runs afoul of Norman authority and is forced to turn
outlaw. With his band of Merry Men, he robs from the rich,
gives to the poor and still has time to woo the lovely Maid
Marian, and foil the cruel Sir Guy of Gisbourne, and keep
the nefarious Prince John off the throne.
Michael Curtiz, William Keighley
Adventure; Children; Action
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
2005 93 min color G United States of America AFI
Dreamer Max, ridiculed by his classmates, conjures up his
perfect dreamworld...the Planet Drool. But his dream is
more powerful than even he suspects, and his favourite
dream super-heroes, Sharkboy and Lavagirl, materialise
on Earth. They need help from Max. All is not well in
Max’s dreamworld. An alien intelligence is interfering and
darkness threatens his beloved Planet Drool. Is it true, as
Sharkboy and Lavagirl say, that only Max, the powerful
dreamer, can stop it? Max takes off on a wild and
dangerous journey to the fantastic Planet Drool with
Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Can they discover the source of
the danger? Will they be able to stop it in time?
Robert Rodriguez
Adventure; Children; Action; Fantasy
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the
2011 107 min color PG United States of America PARA
Tintin and his friends discover directions to a sunken ship
commanded by Capt. Haddock’s ancestor and go off on a
treasure hunt.
Steven Spielberg
Adventure; Children; Mystery; Animated; National Lucky
Penny Day
1998 113 min color AA United States of America AFI
Ade Whitehouse is a sheriff of a small New Hampshire
town who achieved nothing in life in the opinion of his exwife Lillian and daughter Jill and is a heavy drinker. His
girlfriend Margie accepts him the way he is. On the first
day of the hunting season, Wade’s friend Jack takes a
wealthy businessman to hunt – and only Jack returns
alive. Wade decides to play detective and starts
investigating the case despite the fact Jack insists it was
an accidental self-inflicted shot.
Paul Schrader
Les Affranchis
1990 145 min color United States of America WB
Basé sur le livre à succès de Nicholas Pilegg "Wiseguys"
et l’envergure de trente ans de vie de Mafia, c’est l’histoire
d’un jeune garçon, qui rêve de devenir un membre du
wiseguys. Après l’accomplissement de ce rêve et après
beaucoup de terreur et meurtre, il se retourne contre les
hommes qui l’ont fait.
Martin Scorsese
Drame policier; Drama social
Affreux Noël
2004 90 min color United States of America SKG
Un jeune homme désespère à l’idée de devoir passer seul
les fêtes de Noël. Afin de sortir de cette déprime
saisonnière, il décide de se rendre dans l’unique endroit
où il a été réellement heureux : chez ses parents, dans la
maison de son enfance. Arrivé sur place, celui-ci se
propose de payer les nouveaux propriétaires des lieux afin
qu’ils se fassent passer pour ses proches.
Mike Mitchell
Afghan Luke
104 min
Disheartened when his story about Canadian snipers
possibly mutilating corpses in Afghanistan is buried, Luke
(Nick Stahl) quits his job but is even more determined to
return to Afghanistan to get the real story. With his offbeat
buddy, Tom (Nicolas Wright), tagging along, Luke returns
to Afghanistan and intends to gather enough evidence to
get his old story into print. But he soon finds that the
country is an even more dangerous place than when he
left. To make matters worse, his old friend and fixer,
Mateen (Stephen Lobo) has been hired away by Luke’s
journalistic nemesis, Imran Sahar (Vik Sahay). Soon the
trip for Luke and Tom in Afghanistan turns into a surreal
All Titles
L’âge des ténèbres
and perilous adventure, a journey into an alternate reality,
filtered through a haze of gun smoke.
Mike Clattenburg
After Hours
1985 97 min color AA United States of America WB
Paul is determined to return to the safety of his upper East
Side apartment, but he discovers he can not leave SoHo.
His attempts to flee plunge him into one bizarre, funny and
threatening adventure after another. Will Paul ever make it
Martin Scorsese
Comedy; Thriller
After Life
118 min
If you had to choose your single happiest memory, what
would it be? In After Life the recently deceased are asked
this question. Aided by guides who help them sift through
their past, they are given three days to come up with an
answer. Once a decision is reached, the guides recreate
this happiest of memories and capture it on film, giving the
deceased a very personal heaven they will enter for
eternity. With exquisite beauty, After Life shows us that
while the memories people choose may seem simple, be it
a first kiss or a last cigarette, their meaning lies in the
sense they give of living in the moment and feeling truly
and fully alive. And while these memories may seem
simple, deciding upon them is no easy task. Using humor
and compassion the ’guides’ lead, urge and cajole their
’clients’ to discover meaning and value in their past, for
without a decision the dead will be stuck in limbo, forever
recreating and filming the happiness of others.
Hirokazu Kore-eda
After the Sunset
2004 97 min color PG United States of America AFI
Two master thieves are finally retiring after one last
successful mission. Residing in their own tropical
paradise, their old nemesis, FBI Agent Stan P. Lloyd
shows up to make sure they really are retired. Docked in
the port is an ocean liner called the "Diamond Cruise" and
Stan is convinced that they’re not really retired at all, and
that this is the next setup. While Lola is busy settling into
their new life and trying to find ways to keep busy, Max is
contemplating whether or not to steal the diamond. Now
the question is, will he? Will Stan finally catch him after
eight years of chasing him? Will Lola help Max steal it?
And what of that shady character that told Max he must
steal the diamond for him?
Brett Ratner
Comedy; Drama; Action; Crime
L’âge de glace
2002 81 min color United States of America FOX
"L’âge de glace" est un long métrage d’animation par
ordinateur des Studios Blue Sky. Vingt mille ans avant
notre ère, lorsque Scrat, un rongeur obstiné, fend la
banquise et déclenche une nouvelle Ere de Glace, une
vaste cohorte de mammifères s’assemble et commence à
émigrer vers le sud. Manny, un mammouth solitaire,
choisit d’aller vers le nord et se voit bientôt rejoint par Sid,
un petit paresseux volubile en quête de protecteur. Ce
dernier l’oblige bientôt à recueillir un bébé humain,
Roshan, que sa mère leur a confié avant de mourir, et à
ramener celui-ci à son père, chasseur nomade parti vers
le nord. Sur leur chemin, les deux compères devront
protéger Roshan de Diego, un tigre aux dents de sabre
chargé par son chef Soto de capturer le bébé.
Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
108 min
Fonctionnaire désabusé au gouvernement du Québec,
Jean-Marc, la quarantaine, soigne son blues en s’évadant
dans des rêveries de gloire et des fantasmes sexuels
auprès de beautés folles de lui. Et qui, par conséquent,
sont à l’opposé des femmes de sa vie: son épouse Sylvie,
agente immobilière survoltée dont le succès professionnel
l’accable; sa patronne, détestable donneuse de leçons; sa
mère mourante, muette et mal soignée; enfin, ses deux
filles adolescentes, aux abonnés absents depuis l’invention
du iPod. Sa vie prend un virage inattendu lorsque Sylvie
le plaque pour un pdg torontois. Déjà solitaire, Jean-Marc
se découvre, plus que jamais, seul. Son incursion dans le
monde de la drague ne fera rien pour arranger les choses.
Quoiqu’elle va peut-être lui indiquer que le chemin du
bonheur n’est pas là où il croyait.
Denys Arcand
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste
The Age of Stupid
92 min
United Kingdom
This ambitious documentary/drama/animation hybrid stars
Pete Postlethwaite as an archivist in the devastated world
of the future, asking the question: "Why didn’t we stop
climate change when we still had the chance?" He looks
back on footage of real people around the world in the
years leading up to 2015 before runaway climate change
took place.
Franny Armstrong
The Age of Stupid (v.f.)
92 min
United Kingdom
En 2055, alors que les glaces de l’Arctique ont fondu, un
archiviste examine des extraits de films du début du XXIe
siècle pour comprendre le changement climatique et les
signes avant-coureurs du désastre dont l’humanité ne
s’était pas souciée.
Franny Armstrong
L’agence tous risques
2010 117 min color United States of America FOX
D’anciens combattants, condamnés pour vol, s’évadent
d’une prison militaire et deviennent ainsi des mercenaires
au service du bien.
Joe Carnahan
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.)
L’Agent Fait la Farce 33 1/3
1994 83 min color United States of America PARA
L’heure de la retraite a sonné pour Frank Drebin. Retraite
qu’il va mettre à profit pour tenter d’arrêter un terroriste
Peter Seagal
Comedie; Drame policier; Action (v.f.); Drame
Agents troubles
2006 154 min color United States of America WB
Histoires parallèles dans le monde du crime : un capitaine
de police tente de mettre à jour l’identité d’un inspecteur
ripoux travaillant pour un baron de la drogue au sein de
son service, alors que le criminel essaye de découvrir qui
est l’informateur dissimulé parmi ses hommes...
Martin Scorsese
Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage; Drame policier;
Drama social
All Titles
Air Guitar Nation
2007 81 min color 14A United States of America AFI
It’s time to rock and roll - air guitar style. AIR GUITAR
NATION is the feature documentary about the year that air
guitar swept America - from New York to Los Angeles and
then all the way to northern Finland. AIR GUITAR NATION
chronicles the birth of the US Air Guitar Championships
and the personal journeys of those talented contestants
who are vying to become the first World Air Guitar
Champion from the United States. Every August, the Air
Guitar World Championships bring thousands of fans all
the way to Oulu, Finland to see the world’s best air
guitarists battle it out for 60 seconds of mock stardom. For
years, the USA was missing in action. Enter the first
official US Air Guitar Championships. What starts as a
friendly contest above a New York strip club becomes a
battle of naked ambition played out on the national and,
ultimately, the world stage. Full of triumph and
disappointment, patriotic spirit and political tension - and of
course invisible guitars - this tension filled competition
quickly turns very real as the contest becomes even more
fierce as the contestants work hard to win the title of World
Air Guitar Champion. AIR GUITAR NATION captures the
explosion of competitive air guitar through the eyes of
former world champions, fans and media, and through the
personal rivalries of those trying to attain the title of "The
best Air Guitarist in the world."
Alexandra Lipsitz
1994 81 min color AA United States of America FOX
Fueled by music from some of today’s fiercest heavy metal
bands and an anarchistic sense of humor, Airheads is a
comedy about three metal heads – known collectively as
The Lone Rangers – who inadvertently take a radio station
hostage in an attempt to get their demo played.
Michael Lehmann
Airheads (v.f.)
1994 81 min color United States of America FOX
Chazz, Rex et Pip veulent absolument faire connaı̂tre le
groupe de rock qu’ils forment à eux trois. Ils investissent
dès lors une station de radio locale spécialisée dans le
rock alternatif. Armés de pistolés eau, ils menacent les
animateurs crédules afin qu’ils diffusent leur cassette de
démo ...
Michael Lehmann
Akeelah and the Bee
2006 116 min color PG United States of America AFI
A young girl from South Los Angeles tries to make it to the
National Spelling Bee.
Doug Atchison
1996 110 min color PG United States of America WB
Alaska tells the story of a 14-year-old boy and his 12-yearold sister who brave the rugged Alaska wilderness to
rescue their bush pilot father after his plane has crashed.
Along the way, they rescue an orphaned polar bear cub
who helps them on their journey.
Fraser C. Heston
Adventure; Children
Alaska (v.f.)
1996 110 min color United States of America WB
Un garçon de 14 ans et sa jeune soeur luttent contre la
rude région sauvage d’Alaska pour retrouver leur père,
pilote de brousse, dont l’avion s’est écrasé. En cours de
route, ils sauvent un ours polaire orphelin qui les aidera
dans leur périple.
Fraser C. Heston
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Alex and Emma
2003 96 min color PG United States of America WB
Alex (Luke Wilson) is an author whose writer’s block and
gambling debts have landed him in a jam. In order get
loan sharks off his back, he must finish his novel in 30
days or wind up dead. To help him complete his
manuscript he hires stenographer Emma (Kate Hudson).
As Alex begins to dictate his tale of a romantic love
triangle to the charming yet somewhat opinionated
stenographer, Emma challenges his ideas at every turn.
Her unsolicited yet intriguing input begins to inadvertently
influence Alex and his story and soon real life begins to
imitate art.
Rob Reiner
Alex et Emma
96 min
United States of America
Un écrivain est pris par le démon du jeu. Pour livrer dans
les temps son dernier roman, celui-ci engage une
sténographe dont les charmes ne le laissent pas
Rob Reiner
Drama social
2004 173 min color 14A United States of America WB
The Macedonian conqueror, Alexander the Great (356-323
B.C.), conquered almost the entire known world of his era.
Though Alexander made use of the well-oiled army
created by his father, he pushed the limits of Macedonian
& Greek power to levels King Philip could not have
dreamed of.
Oliver Stone
Adventure; Drama; War
114 min
Great Britian
Michael Caine, in his most highly acclaimed performance,
plays the title role of a sexual adventurer in this touching
and humorous contemporary love story. The Movie was
nominated for several Oscars, including Best Pictures.
Lewis Gilbert
Comedy; Drama
2004 103 min color 14A United States of America
In Manhattan, the British limousine driver Alfie (Jude Law)
is surrounded by beautiful women, most of them clients,
and he lives as a Don Juan, having one night stands with
all of them and without any sort of commitment. His girlfriend and single-mother Julie (Marisa Tomei) is quite
upset with the situation and his best friends are his
colleague Marlon (Omar Epps) and his girl-friend Lonette
(Nia Long). Alfie has a brief affair with Lonette, and the
consequences of his act forces Alfie to reflect and wonder
about his life style.
Charles Shyer
All Titles
Alfie (v.f.)
2004 103 min color United States of America PARA
Le volage Alfie accumule les conquêtes et fuit toute forme
d’engagement. Cette légèreté lui convient parfaitement
jusqu’au jour où il réalise à quel point il se sent seul et
comment son comportement blesse les gens qu’il aime.
Charles Shyer
Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
1974 113 min color PG United States of America WB
A young woman’s husband dies suddenly and she is left to
care for her 11-year-old son. The two of them set out for
California where she once was very happy and employed
as a singer. On the way, she meets a young man and falls
in love.
Martin Scorsese
Alice N’est Plus Ici
1974 113 min color United States of America WB
Le mari d’une jeune femme meurt soudainement et elle
est laissée pour se soucier de son fils de 11 ans. Deux
d’entre eux exposé pour la Californie où elle une fois
qu’était très heureuse et ont employé comme un chanteur.
Sur la voie, elle rencontre un jeune homme et tombe
Martin Scorsese
Drama social
1979 124 min color R United States of America FOX
When commercial towing vehicle Nostromo, heading back
to Earth, intercepts an SoS signal from a nearby planet,
the crew are under obligation to investigate. After a bad
landing on the planet, some crew members leave the ship
to explore the area. At the same time as they discover a
hive colony of some unknown creature, the ship’s
computer deciphers the message to be a warning, not a
call for help. When one of the eggs is disturbed, the crew
do not know the danger they are in until it is too late.
Ridley Scott
Horror; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller; Cult
Alien 3
1992 114 min color R United States of America FOX
Having left disaster behind, Ripley arrives on an orbiting
prison space station only to again be faced with battling
the Alien while hindered by the lack of technology in this
new world.
David Fincher
Drama; Horror; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller; Cult
Alien 3 (v.f.)
his new partner. This oddly-matched pair overcome the
boundaries of racial prejudice and, in the process of
solving the murder, uncover something far more
Graham Baker
Science Fiction; Thriller; Crime
1986 135 min color R United States of America FOX
The bloodcurdling terror that began in Alien continues in
the horrifying sequel to the smash hit! Sigourney Weaver
returns as Warrant Officer Ripley, sole survivor of the
massacre that took place aboard the spaceship Nostromo.
Now an entire horde of acid-bleeding, metaljawed
monsters has come to life, and they are even more vicious
than their evil predecessors. It’s up to Weaver and a troop
of futuristic soldiers including battle-hardened Michael
Biehn (The Terminator), to stop the attack of these bloodthirsty murderers! Aliens is a nightmarish shocker that
multiplies the horror of the original film.
James Cameron
Horror; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller; Cult; Hallowen
Favourites; Extraterrestrial Abduction; National Anto
Boredom Month
Aliens in the Attic
2009 86 min color PG United States of America FOX
Stuart Pearson heads with his family to spend a summer
vacation in Creek Landing, Michigan, with his brother
Nathan Pearson and his sons and their mother Rose in an
old lake house they had rented. When the television has
trouble with the image, Stuart’s son Tom and the arrogant
boyfriend of his sister Ricky Dillman go to the attic and
then to the roof, where Tom meets his cousin Jake and
they find the antenna dish totally destroyed. Sooner they
discover four alien invaders that are preparing an invasion
of the Earth that use a mind control weapon that only
affects adults and they lock the quartet in the attic. Now
they need to a find a way to force the adults to leave the
house and discover the vulnerability of the invaders to plot
a defense plan to save our planet.
John Schultz
Adventure; Fantasy; Extraterrestrial Abduction
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem
2007 94 min color 14A United States of America FOX
When a Predator scout ship crash lands in a Colorado
town. The Aliens on board escape and kill all the
Predators except one. The last remaining Predator must
now destroy all the Aliens as well as the horfic Pred-Alien
that was spawned in the first AVP. Meanwhile the towns
people are helplessly caught in the middle of the ultimate
face-off between these two mythic creatures.
Greg Strause, Colin Strause
Horror; Science Fiction
1992 114 min color United States of America FOX
Ayant laissé le désastre derrière, Ripley arrive sur une
station spatiale orbitale de prison seulement pour de
nouveau être fait face avec la lutte pour l’ Étranger tandis
que gêné par le manque de technologie dans ce nouveau
David Fincher
Drame de science-fiction; Drame d’espionnage; Drame
d’horreur; Drama social; Film de culte; Action (v.f.)
2007 94 min color United States of America FOX
Dans ce suivi de ALIEN CONTRE. PRÉDATEUR, les
monstres iconiques de deux des concessions de film les
plus effrayantes jamais, guerre de salaire dans une ville du
milieu du middle-ouest américaine.
Greg Strause, Colin Strause
Drame d’horreur; Drame de science-fiction
Alien Nation
1988 109 min color AA United States of America FOX
This action packed detective thriller is set in the streets of
Los Angeles in the very near future after 300,000
immigrant newcomers arrive from another planet and are
integrated into human society. James Caan plays a tough
cop determined to find his former partner’s killer. Mandy
Patinkin portrays the newcomer cop taken on by Caan as
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (v.f.)
123 min
Amos Gitai’s ALILA intertwines the stories of over a dozen
distinct characters who inhabit an apartment complex
located in a rundown neighborhood of Tel Aviv.
Amos Gitai
Comedy; Drama
Les alimenteurs
All Titles
All the President’s Men
94 min
United States of America
Un regard peu flatteur sur l’industrie alimentaire outreatlantique. Robert Kenner enquête dans les entrepôts
d’élevage et dénonce les mensonges et les omissions des
producteurs de l’agroalimentaire.
Robert Kenner
1976 138 min color PG United States of America WB
An extensive investigative work by two Washington Post
reporters expose the Watergate scandal. Based on the
book by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.
Alan J. Pakula
Drama; Thriller
All About Eve
Aller simple pour Guantanamo
1950 138 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
A story of theatrical ambition, deception, and hypocrisy.
The legendary Bette Davis, in her greatest role, plays a
powerful, aging actress, at the apex of her career, who
does battle with a calculating newcomer.
Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Drama; Literary Adaption
95 min
United Kingdom
Quatre Britanniques d’origine pakistanaise partent au
Pakistan pour assister à un mariage. Après s’être rendus
en Afghanistan, ils sont pris par les Américains lors de la
chute de Kaboul, accusés de terrorisme, et internés à la
prison de Guantanamo.
Mat Whitecross, Michael Winterbottom
Drama social; Documentaire
All About Eve (v.f.)
1950 138 min color United States of America FOX
Une histoire d’ambition, de déception et d’hypocrisie. La
légendaire Bette Davis, dans son plus grand rôle, joue une
actrice âgée et reconnue, au sommet de sa carrière, qui
doit batailler contre une nouvelle venue.
Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Dame poétique; Drama social
All About Steve
2009 98 min color PG United States of America FOX
Sandra Bullock plays eccentric crossword puzzle
constructor Mary Horowitz who, after one short but sweet
blind date, falls for handsome cable news cameraman
Steve (Cooper). Convinced they are soulmates, Mary
follows Steve across the country, encouraged by the selfserving actions of news reporter Hartman Hughes
(Church). Along the way, Mary befriends an endearing
group of oddballs who embrace her idiosyncrasies forcing her to rethink her entire journey.
Phil Traill
All Good Things
2010 101 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Inspired by the most notorious missing person’s case in
New York history, ALL GOOD THINGS is a love story and
murder mystery set against the backdrop of a New York
real estate dynasty in the 1980s. Produced and directed
by Andrew Jarecki (director of the Academy Awardnominated doc Capturing the Friedmans and producer of
Catfish), the film was inspired by the story of Robert Durst,
scion of the wealthy Durst family. Mr. Durst was suspected
but never tried for killing his wife Kathie who disappeared
in 1982 and was never found.
Andrew Jarecki
Drama; Mystery
All Good Things (v.f.)
2010 101 min color United States of America AFI
New-York, dans les années 80, David le descendant d’une
grande dynastie immobilière tombe fou amoureux de Katie
et l’épouse. Ils filent le parfait amour jusqu’au jour où le
comportement de David change. Peu de temps après
Katie disparaı̂t mystérieusement sans laisser de trace.
Quelques années plus tard, un policier et un reporter
décident de rouvrir l’enquête. David devient le suspect
principal et les secrets de l’empire familial vont peu à peu
faire surface...
Andrew Jarecki
Comédie moeurs; Drama social
Almost Famous
2000 122 min color AA United States of America SKG
Set in 1970’s, the story tells of a high school student who
gets the opportunity to interview and write about an
emerging rock n’ roll band.
Cameron Crowe
Comedy; Old Rock Day; Singles Awareness
Almost Heaven
102 min
A Canadian television director is hired to salvage an
international fishing show in Scotland. The only hitch: his
ex-wife is the host. What he finds in Scotland is love in the
form of a local fishing guide (called a ghillie) and the
chance to repair his life and his friendship with his ex-wife
with whom he had a child who died.
Shel Piercy
Alpha and Omega
2010 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
What makes for the ultimate road trip? Hitchhiking, truck
stops, angry bears, prickly porcupines and a golfing goose
with a duck caddy. Just ask Kate and Humphrey, two
wolves who are trying to get home after being taken by
park rangers and shipped halfway across the country.
Humphrey is an Omega wolf, whose days are about quick
wit, snappy one-liners and hanging with his motley crew of
fun-loving wolves and video-gaming squirrels. Kate is an
Alpha: duty, discipline and sleek Lara Croft eye-popping
moves fuel her fire. Humphrey’s motto - make ’em laugh.
Kate’s motto - I’m the boss. And they have a thousand
miles to go. Back home rival wolf packs are on the march
and conflict is brewing. Only Kate and Humphrey can
restore the peace. But first, they have to survive each
Ben Gluck, Anthony Bell
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Animated
Alpha et Omega
2010 100 min color United States of America AFI
Deux loups sont capturés et emmenés à des milliers de
kilomètres de chez eux. Bien déterminés à retrouver leur
meute, ils devront surmonter leurs différences, entamer un
périple semé d’embuches et trouver l’amour au passage...
Ben Gluck, Anthony Bell
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Animated
All Titles
Alvin and the Chipmunks
2007 90 min color G United States of America FOX
In a tree farm, three musically inclined chipmunks, Alvin,
Simon and Theodore, find their tree cut down and sent to
Los Angeles. Once there, they meet the frustrated
songwriter David Seville, and despite a poor house
wrecking first impression, they impress him with their
singing talent. Seeing the opportunity for success, both
human and chipmunks make a pact for them to sing his
songs. While that ambition proves a frustrating struggle
with the difficult trio, the dream does come true after all.
However, that success presents its own trials as their
unscrupulous record executive, Ian Hawke, plans to break
up this family to exploit the boys. Can Dave and the
Chipmunks discover what they really value amid the
superficial glamor around them?
Tim Hill
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
2011 86 min color G United States of America FOX
The vacationing Chipmunks and Chipettes are turning a
luxury cruise liner into their personal playground, until they
become ’chipwrecked’ on a remote island. As the ’Munks
and Chipettes try various schemes to find their way home,
they accidentally discover their new turf is not as deserted
as it seems.
Mike Mitchell
Comedy; Children; Animated
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squealquel
2009 86 min color G United States of America FOX
In the "Squeakquel," pop sensations Alvin, Simon and
Theodore end up in the care of Dave Seville’s twentysomething nephew Toby (Zachary Levi). The boys must
put aside music superstardom to return to school, and are
tasked with saving the school’s music program by winning
the $25,000 prize in a battle of the bands. But the
Chipmunks unexpectedly meet their match in three singing
chipmunks known as "The Chipettes" – Brittany, Eleanor
and Jeanette. Romantic and musical sparks are ignited
when the Chipmunks and Chipettes square off.
Betty Thomas
Comedy; Children
Alvin et les Chimpmunks: La suite
2009 86 min color United States of America FOX
On n’en sait encore très peu sur le scénario de ce
deuxième volet, seulement que de charmantes
demoiselles Chipmunks: les Chipettes partageront leurs
aventures. Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler et Jesse
McCartney prêteront à nouveau leur voix au trio de
Chipmunks alors que Jason Lee sera de retour dans la
peau de David Seville.
Betty Thomas
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Alvin et les Chipmunks
2007 90 min color United States of America FOX
Alvin et les Chipmunkss’apprête à renaı̂tre au cinéma sous
la forme d’un mélange de prises de vues réelles et d’effets
spéciaux générés par ordinateurs.
Tim Hill
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
Alvin et les Chipmunks - Les naufragés
2011 86 min color United States of America FOX
La villégiature Chipmunks et Chipettes se tournent un
paquebot de croisière de luxe en leur terrain de jeu
personnel, jusqu’à ce qu’ils deviennent des chipwrecked
sur une distance ı̂le. Comme le ’ Munks et Chipettes
Essayez différents régimes pour trouver leur chemin à la
maison, ils accidentellement découvrent que leur nouveau
gazon n’est pas aussi déserte qu’elle semble.
Mike Mitchell
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
1984 158 min color PG United States of America WB
The incredible story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, told in
flashback mode by Antonio Salieri - now confined to an
insane asylum.
Milos Forman
Drama; Musical
Amadeus (v.f.)
1984 158 min color G United States of America WB
En 1871, un jeune musicien, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
arrive à Vienne précédé d’une enviable réputation. Jaloux
et envieux du talent du nouveau venu, Antonio Salieri,
artiste réputé et compositeur officiel de la cour d’Autriche,
en devient l’ennemi juré. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi cet
homme arrogant et paillard a un tel génie, une telle
puissance créatrice. Se sentant trahi par Dieu, Salieri
s’acharne tant à nuire à Mozart que ce dernier, pendant
de longues années, en devient ignoré du public et finit par
tomber dans un état de dépression d ses problèmes
matériels et au peu de reconnaissance qu’on lui montre.
Le succès de La Flûte enchantée le ramène à la vie mais
peu de temps après, il meurt et son enterrement se fait
parmi les pauvres.
Milos Forman
Drama social; Films Musicaux
Amazing Grace
111 min
United Kingdom
In 1797, William Wilberforce, the great crusader for the
British abolition of slavery, is taking a vacation for his
health even while he is sicker at heart for his frustrated
cause. However, meeting the charming Barbara Spooner,
Wilberforce finds a soulmate to share the story of his
struggle. With few allies such as his mentor, John Newton,
a slave ship captain turned repentant priest who penned
the great hymn, "Amazing Grace," Prime William Pitt, and
Olaudah Equiano, the erudite former slave turned author,
Wilberforce fruitlessly fights both public indifference and
moneyed opposition determined to keep their exploitation
safe. Nevertheless, Wilberforce finds the inspiration in
newfound love to rejuvenate the fight with new ideas that
would lead to a great victory for social justice.
Michael Apted
Drama; Romance; Biography
Amazing Panda Adventure
1995 87 min color F United States of America WB
An American boy and Chinese girl trek through the
mountainous jungles of China to find and rescue a stolen
baby panda. In the process, they encounter danger,
excitement, the unspoiled beauty of a remote wilderness and the panda they’re seeking. Before they can return
home, they also learn valuable lessons about friendship
and about themselves.
Christopher Cain
Adventure; Children
Ambulance tous risques
1976 98 min color United States of America
Les conducteurs dans un service d’ambulance privé
poussent dans une affaire d’assassin.
Peter Yates
All Titles
2009 111 min color PG United States of America FOX
AMELIA stars two-time Academy Award(r)-winner Hilary
Swank as Amelia Earhart, the legendary aviatrix and
enigmatic symbol of the American free spirit, who was
guided by a profound curiosity for everything life had to
offer. Earhart’s early aviation triumphs and meteoric rise to
fame and fortune were propelled along by her
tempestuous partnership and eventual marriage to
publisher George Putnam (Richard Gere). Bound by
mutual ambition, admiration and, ultimately a great love,
their bond could not be broken even with her brief
passionate affair with Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor). Ms.
Earhart was the first woman to solo the Atlantic and was
the first pilot, man or woman, to fly unaccompanied across
the Pacific. In Amelia’s attempt to be the first to fly around
the world in an equatorial flight her life was tragically cut
short with her mysterious and untimely disappearance over
the South Pacific in 1937.
Mira Nair
Drama; Biography; Woman’s Awareness
122 min
Amélie is looking for love, and perhaps for the meaning of
life in general. We see her grow up in an original if slightly
dysfunctional family. Now a waitress in central Paris, she
interacts curiously with her neighbors and customers, as
well as a mysterious Photomaton-image collector and one
of his even more mysterious photo subjects. Little by little,
Amélie realizes that the way to happiness (and yet more
subtle humor) requires her to take her own initiative and
reach out to others.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Comedy; Romance
2010 105 min color United States of America AFI
Un assassin se cache dans une petite ville italienne juste
avant une dernière mission. Mais il baisse sa garde et
noue des relations qui pourraient compromettre ses
Anton Corbijn
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
Un américain à Paris
1951 113 min color G United States of America WB
À Paris, Jerry, un jeune peintre américain bohème installé
à Paris, courtisé par une riche héritière, tombe amoureux
de Lise, la fiancée de l?un de ses amis. UN AMÉRICAIN
À PARIS est universellement célèbre pour sa scène finale
: Jerry pense qu’il ne pourra jamais être avec Lise et fait
un rêve fantastique où il danse avec elle partout dans les
rues de Paris. La scène dure 17 minutes et sur une
musique de George Gershwin, tous les décors qui se
succèdent évoquent un peintre français : Duffy, Renoir,
Utrillo, le Douanier, Rousseau, Van Gogh et Toulouse
Lautrec. Ces 17 minutes demeurent dans toutes les
mémoires. Et pour cause : la chorégraphie de Gene Kelly,
le charme juvénile de Leslie Caron, la mise en scène,
brillante, de Vincente Minnelli, la conception visuelle de
Jack Martin Smith et d?Irene Sharaff, et la photo en
Technicolore de John Alton. 6 Oscars en 195, dont celui
du meilleur film. Une date dans l?histoire du cinéma.
Vincente Minnelli
Films Musicaux; Comédie sentimentale
Un Américain bien tranquille
2002 101 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Saigon, 1952, a beautiful, exotic, and mysterious city
caught in the grips of the Vietnamese war of liberation
from the French colonial powers. New arrival Alden Pyle,
an idealistic American aid worker, befriends London Times
correspondent Thomas Fowler. When Fowler introduces
Pyle to his beautiful young Vietnamese mistress Phuong
the three become swept up in a tempestuous love triangle
that leads to a series of startling revelations and finally murder. Nothing, and no one, is as it seems, in this
adaptation of Graham Greene’s classic and prophetic story
of love, betrayal, murder and the origin of the American
war in Vietnam.
Phillip Noyce
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Comédie moeurs;
Comédie sentimentale; Dame poétique
The American
2010 105 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Alone among assassins, Jack is a master craftsman.
When a job in Sweden ends more harshly than expected
for this American abroad, he vows to his contact Larry that
his next assignment will be his last. Jack reports to the
Italian countryside, where he holes up in a small town and
relishes being away from death for a spell. The
assignment, as specified by a Belgian woman, Mathilde, is
in the offing as a weapon is constructed. Surprising
himself, Jack seeks out the friendship of local priest Father
Benedetto and pursues romance with local woman Clara.
But by stepping out of the shadows, Jack may be tempting
Anton Corbijn
Drama; Thriller
American Beauty
1999 121 min color AA United States of America SKG
Billed as black comedy, the story tells of Lester Burnham
(Kevin Spacey), a 42-year-old man who decides to liberate
himself from a boring job and a loveless marriage.
Provoked by forbidden passions, Lester decides to make a
few changes in his life that are less mid-life crisis than
adolescence reborn. The freer he gets, the happier he
gets, which is even more maddening to his wife Carolyn
(Annette Bening), and daughter Jane (Thora Birch). But
Lester Burnham is about to learn that the ultimate freedom
comes at the ultimate price, resulting in some "juicy
conflict opportunities" between him and his wife.
Sam Mendes
Social Studies; Comedy; Singles Awareness
An American Carol
2008 83 min color PG United States of America AFI
Kevin Farley (Curb Your Enthusiasm) plays Michael
Malone, an infamous "Hollywood" filmmaker who’s made a
career out of criticizing America. When his newest
crusade becomes an Ebenezer Scrooge-esque "Bah
humbug!" to abolish the Fourth of July holiday, he is visited
by three spirits from America’s past who rise up to show
him the error of his ways. In this outrageous and totally
irreverent political satire, Malone has to confront the true
effects of his films on the world around him while
discovering the true meaning of America and what it
stands for.
David Zucker
Comedy; Fantasy
American History X
1998 118 min color AA United States of America WB
The consequences of urban racism provide the backdrop
for this contemporary drama centering around a family torn
apart by hate. Featured players include Edward Norton as
a former Skinhead, now reformed and out of jail, who
struggles to save his brother (Edward Furlong) from a
similar fate.
Tony Kaye
All Titles
American History X (v.f.)
1998 118 min color 16+ United States of America WB
A travers l’histoire d’une famille américaine, ce film tente
d’expliquer l’origine du racisme et de l’extrémisme aux
Etats-Unis. Il raconte l’histoire de Derek qui, voulant
venger la mort de son père, abattu par un dealer noir, a
épousé les thèses racistes d’un groupuscule de militants
d’extrême droite et s’est mis au service de son leader,
brutal théoricien prônant la suprématie de la race blanche.
Ces théories le mèneront à commettre un double meurtre
entrainant son jeune frère, Danny, dans la spirale de la
Tony Kaye
Drama social
American Teen
2008 101 min color PG United States of America PARA
AMERICAN TEEN is the touching and hilarious Sundance
hit that follows the lives of four teenagers - the jock, the
popular girl, the artsy girl and the geek - in one small town
in Indiana through their senior year of high school. We
see the insecurities, the cliques, the jealousies, the first
loves and heartbreaks, and the struggle to make profound
decisions about the future.
Nanette Burstein
1997 154:45 min color AA United States of America
Based on a true story, "Amistad" is the saga of a failed
mutiny on board a Spanish slave ship and the trial that
followed. In the summer of 1839, fifty-three African
captives, led by Cinque (Djimon Hounsou), broke free and
took over the slave ship Amistad. Captured off the eastern
seaboard after failing in a desperate attempt to sail home,
they find themselves strangers in a strange land and at the
mercy of the American justice system. Fighting for the
Africans are abolitionist Theodore Joadson (Morgan
Freeman) and young lawyer Roger Baldwin (Matthew
McConaughey). However, seeking re-election, President
Martin Van Buren (Nigel Hawthorne) is willing to sacrifice
the Africans to appease the pro-slavery South. The case
takes on historic proportions when former President John
Quincy Adams (Anthony Hopkins) comes out of retirement
to take the Africans’ cause all the way to the United States
Supreme Court in a trial that challenges the very
foundation of the American legal system.
Steven Spielberg
Social Studies; Drama; Black History; President’s Day
Amistad (v.f)
1997 155 min color United States of America SKG
Amistad est l’histoire vraie de la mutinerie qui eu lieu a
bord d’un négrier espagnole alors que 39 captifs africains,
conduit par Cinque, se rebellent pendant l’été 1839 et
prennent possession du navire. Capturés près de la côte
est, après une tentative désespérée pour naviguer vers
leur pays d’origine, ils se retrouvent étrangers sur une
terre étrangère et victime du système américain et de son
Steven Spielberg
Drama social
Amores Perros
2001 153 min color AA United States of America AFI
Set in the City of Mexico, the story centers on a fatal auto
accident and the three lives that crash into one another,
revealing the dark side of human nature. Octavio is an
adolescent who gets involved with his brothers wife.
Daniel is a 42 year-old man who leaves his wife and his
daughters to go live with a beautiful model, Valeria. El
Chivo is an ex-guerilla communist who, after spending
many years behind bars, becomes an assassin-for-hire.
Alejandro G. Inarritu
Amores Perros (v.f.)
2001 153 min color 16+ United States of America AFI
Mexico. Un tragique accident de voiture. Les extrêmes de
la vie, sous l’angle de trous histoires différentes: Octavio,
un adolescent qui a décidé de s’enfuir avec la femme de
son frères; Daniel, un quadragénaire qui quitte sa femme
et ses enfants pour aller vivre avec un top-modèle; El
Chivo, Ex Guérillero communiste devenu tueurs gages, qui
n’attend plus rien de la vie. Leur point en commun l’amour
des chiens.
Alejandro G. Inarritu
Drama social
L’amour au détour
2005 105 min color United States of America FOX
Un célèbre entraı̂neur de basket-ball doit prendre en
charge l’équipe d’une école primaire...
Steve Carr
Comedie; Drame sportif
L’amour et les autres drogues
2010 111 min color United States of America FOX
En 1990, un homme débute une relation amoureuse avec
une jeune femme atteinte de la maladie de Parkinson.
Edward Zwick
Drama social
Amour et Magie
1998 103 min color United States of America WB
Sally et sa soeur Gillian sont deux jeunes sorcières aux
tempéraments bien différents. La très réservée Sally ose
à peine faire usage de ses pouvoirs magiques, tandis que
l’aguicheuse Gillian en raffole. Une chose, cependant, unit
les deux jeunes femmes: une malédiction qui entraı̂ne la
mort de tout homme dont elles tombent amoureuses. Un
jour, Sally jette un mauvais sort mortel sur un amant
malveillant de Gillian. Et la voilà qui tombe amoureuse de
Gary, le détective chargé d’enquêter sur cette mort
Griffin Dunne
Dame poétique; Drama social
Un amour fou
2011 117 min color United States of America WB
Le quadragénaire Cal Weaver mène une vie rêvée - un
bon travail, une maison agréable, d’adorables enfants et
un mariage enviable avec son amour du secondaire. Mais
quand Cal apprend que sa femme, Emily, l’a trompé et
demande le divorce, sa petite existence parfaite se
transforme en cauchemar. Dans le monde des célibataires
d’aujourd’hui Cal, qui n’est pas sorti dans les bars depuis
plus d’une décennie, est plutôt maladroit. Passant
maintenanttoutes ses soirées appuyé sur le comptoir du
bar local, le malheureux Cal se retrouve obligé de jouer
les complices de drague pour le charmant trentenaire
Jacob Palmer. Ce dernier permet à Cal d’ouvrir les yeux
sur les nombreuses options qui s’offrent à lui : des
femmes faciles, les boissons viriles et un sens du style
qu’on ne peut pas retrouver chez les détaillants
Glenn Ficarra, John Requa
An American in Paris
All Titles
Angel Eyes
1951 113 min color F United States of America WB
Brilliant choreography, superb performances, and George
and Ira Gershwin’s beloved score make this timeless hit a
classic. An American in Paris won the Academy Award for
Best Picture of 1951 and includes the unforgettable ballet
sequence choreographed by its star Gene Kelly.
Vincente Minnelli
Musical; Romance
1997 94:04 min color F United States of America FOX
A magical musical filled with romance and adventure,
ANASTASIA is a spectacular, full-length motion picture
about the lost princess Anastasia. Remembering nothing
about her royal heritage, and her only clue a music box
key that says "together in Paris," the princess sets off for
Paris to find her true identity and begin a new life. Along
the way, Anastasia meets a charming con man, and is
pursued by the evil Rasputin and his gang of ghostly
minions, who’ll stop at nothing to complete his curse
against her family. At the end of her journey, she must
choose between the life of a princess and her one true
Don Bluth, Gary Goldman
Comedy; Children; Animated
2001 104 min color AA United States of America WB
After meeting under extraordinary life-and-death
circumstances, a Chicago police officer (Jennifer Lopez)
and a lost soul named Catch fall in love. While uncovering
the truth about Catch, she is forced to deal with secrets
from her own past.
Luis Mandoki
Anna and the King
1999 148:07 min color PG United States of America
Jodie Foster and Chow Yun-Fat team up for a period
drama set in 19th Century Thailand. The action turns on
the character of Anna Leonowens, a British governess
who is employed by the Royal Siamese court during the
reign of King Mongkut (1851-68) to look after the King’s
many children. Soon after she arrives in this exotic
country, Anna finds herself engaged in a battle of wits with
the strong-willed ruler.
Andy Tennant
Social Studies; Drama
Anna Christie
Anastasia (v.f.)
1997 94:09 min color United States of America FOX
Saint-Pétersbourg, 1917. Comment l’impératrice Marie et
sa petite fille Anastasia vont être sauvées du funeste sort,
provoqué par la revolution, qui s’abat sur la famille
impériale, par un jeune employé de cuisine : Dimitri. Mais
le destin les sépare une nouvelle fois. Dix ans après la
chute des Romanov, une rumeur persistante se propage :
la fille cadette de l’empereur serait encore en vie...
Don Bluth, Gary Goldman
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
1994 80 min color F United States of America PARA
Set in Rockport, Maine in 1962, Andre is the heartwarming epic story of a seal whose life became legend
when he adopted the Goodridge family. For many
summers he journeyed hundreds of miles to be with his
adopted family. This most extraordinary human/animal
relationship of all time touched the hearts of people
around the world. Based on the book A Seal Called Andre
by Harry Goodridge and Lew Dietz.
George Miller
Adventure; Drama; Children; Literary Adaption
Andre (v.f.)
1994 80 min color United States of America PARA
L’histoire d’Andre, bébé phoque, dont la mère a été tuée
par les pêcheurs. Il a été receuilli et adopté par une
famille du village de Rockport en 1962 dans le Maine.
George Miller
Dame poétique; Drama social; Films pour enfants;
Drame d’aventures
Angel at Sea
86 min
Louis is a twelve year old boy who lives with his parents
and older brother in southern Morocco. Louis is very
happy until the day his father shares a secret with him.
Frédéric Dumont
1930 91 min b&w PG United States of America WB
It has been 15 years since Chris has sent 5 year old Anna
to live with relatives in St. Paul, and now she is coming
back. Anna needs rest and a place to stay so Chris moves
Marthy off his barge. One night, going down the coast,
they rescue 3 survivors of a boat sinking. The big strong
Scot, named Matt, takes a liking to Anna and they go to
Coney Island when they get back to land. Matt decides
that he will marry Anna but Chris says no - as does Anna.
Every male member of Chris’s family has died at sea and
Chris wants Anna to have children and a house on land.
This causes friction between Chris and Matt so Anna sits
them down and tells both of them the truth about her
miserable life in Minnesota and the secret she has been
Clarence Brown
Drama; Romance
Anna Christie (v.f.)
91 min
United States of America
Envoyée, enfant, dans une ferme, Anna Christie, devenue
adulte, vient revoir son père, marin. Entretemps, elle est
devenue prostituée. Elle tombe amoureuse de Matt, un
jeune matelot. Mais lorsqu’il apprend son passé trouble,
celui-ci s’éloigne d’elle...
Clarence Brown
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Anna et le roi
1999 148 min color United States of America FOX
Ce conte épique se situant en Thaı̂lande à la fin du
19ième siècle raconte les aventures d’une gouvernante
britannique Anna Leonowens qui est engagée par le roi de
Siam pour éduquer ses 58 enfants. Peu après son arrivée
dans ce lieu exotique et non-familier, Anna se trouve
engagée dans une bataille de force avec le chef très
autoritaire. Cette histoire est basée sur des faits
historiques et des travaux publiés par Leonowens.
Andy Tennant
Etudes sociales; Comédie sentimentale; Drama social
Les Années rebelles
All Titles
Antwone Fisher (v.f.)
1997 110 min color United States of America FOX
Doug Holt a quinze ans. Il vit avec une mère institutrice et
Jacey, son frère aı̂né. Doug est un ami de longue date de
Pamela Abbott, la fille de l’une des plus grandes fortunes
de la ville. Quant à Jacey, il décide de monter sa propre
affaire avec la très rebelle Eleanor Abbott dans le but
monter dans l’échelle sociale. Mais M. Abbott, le
patriarche, voit ça d’un mauvais oeil.
Pat O’Connor
Comedie; Drama social
Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens
2007 123 min color N/R United States of America MON
Through her work for Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and Vogue,
Annie Leibovitz has produced some of the most iconic
images of the last 30 years. Masterful at exposing her
photographic subjects, Anniès own life has been private
and protected. In this film, she made the decision to bare
her artistic process, her personal journey and her delicate
balancing of fame and family to the camera – a camera
that was vigilantly pointed by a filmmaker who is her
younger sister. Life Through a Lens reveals a woman who
has become as iconic as the people she photographs.
Barbara Leibovitz
Another Earth
2011 92 min color PG United States of America FOX
In ANOTHER EARTH, Rhoda Williams (Marling), a bright
young woman accepted into MIT’s astrophysics program,
aspires to explore the cosmos. A brilliant composer, John
Burroughs (Mapother), has just reached the pinnacle of his
profession and is about to have a second child. On the
eve of the discovery of a duplicate Earth, tragedy strikes
and the lives of these strangers become irrevocably
Mike Cahill
Drama; Evaluate Your Life Day
The Ant Bully
2006 89 min color G United States of America WB
From Academy Award nominated filmmaker John A. Davis
(Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius) and producers Tom Hanks
and Gary Goetzman (The Polar Express), The Ant Bully
tells a witty and heartwarming story about a 10-year-old
boy who embarks on a remarkable journey. New in town,
friendless and tormented by a neighborhood bully, young
Lucas Nickle has been taking out his frustration on the
innocent ant hill in his yard. But one day the ants retaliate.
Using a magic potion, they shrink Lucas down to ant size
and sentence him to live like an ant in their colony. In this
strange new world Lucas will learn important lessons
about friendship, get a whole new perspective on life and
ultimately find the courage to stand up for himself.
John A. Davis
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Fantasy; Animated
2002 113 min color United States of America FOX
Antwone Fisher, un jeune noir engagé dans la marine
américaine, connaı̂t des poussées de violence et se
retrouve forcé de consulter un psychiatre de la Navy...
Denzel Washington
Drama social
1998 84 min color PG United States of America SKG
Z-4195 (Woody Allen) is just a worker ant – one in a billion
– and his odds of landing the beautiful Princess Bala
(Sharon Stone) are about the same. Undaunted by the
colony’s unyielding caste system, Z enlists the aid of his
best friend, a soldier ant named Weaver (Sylvester
Stallone), to get to the Princess. When a remarkable twist
of fate turns Z from a common drone into an unlikely hero,
he unwittingly puts a bug in the plans of the ambitious
General Mandible (Gene Hackman) to literally liquidate the
colony and remake it in his own image. Z soon finds
himself leading a revolution that becomes a celebration of
individuality in the face of overwhelming conformity. Once
the most insignificant of workers, Z may just prove to be
the biggest hero of them all. No picnic will ever be the
Eric Darnell, Tim Johnson
Comedy; Children; Animated
Anywhere But Here
1999 113:57 min color PG United States of America
Based on Mona Simpson’s 1986 coming-of-age novel, the
story tells of a runaway wife (Susan Sarandon) and her
teenage daughter (Natalie Portman), who have pulled up
stakes from small-town Wisconsin and driven straight
toward the sunset as if it were the future. Adele’s goal is
to make yet another move to establish herself and her
reluctant offspring in the glamorous life of her dreams. But
it is a life, that like the city of Beverly Hills, remains
tantalizingly just over the horizon. Adjusting to their new
environments and ever changing relationship, mother and
daughter struggle together. They finally reach an
understanding as Ann prepares to leave for college.
Wayne Wang
Social Studies; Drama
Apollo 18
Antwone Fisher
2011 86 min color PG United States of America AFI
Officially, Apollo 17, launched December 17th, 1972, was
the last manned mission to the moon. But a year later, in
December of 1973, two American astronauts were sent on
a secret mission to the moon funded by the US
Department of Defense. What you are about to see is the
actual footage which the astronauts captured on that
mission. While NASA denies its authenticity, others say it’s
the real reason we’ve never gone back to the moon.
Gonzalo López
Horror; Science Fiction; Thriller
2002 120 min color PG United States of America FOX
Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington’s
directorial debut involves the touching story of a sailor
(Derek Luke) who, prone to violent outbursts, is sent to a
naval psychiatrist (Washington) for help. Refusing at first
to open up, the young man eventually breaks down and
reveals a horrific childhood. Through the guidance of his
doctor, he confronts his painful past and begins a quest to
find the family he never knew.
Denzel Washington
Drama; Black History
86 min
United States of America
Le film présente des images de la mission non-documenté
d’Apollo 18 sur la lune, révélant de nouvelle preuve
inquiétante sur la possible présence d’autres formes de vie
ailleurs dans l’univers.
Gonzalo López
Drame d’horreur; Drame de science-fiction; Drame
Apollo 18 (v.f.)
The Apostle
All Titles
Aquamarine (v.f.)
1997 148 min color PG United States of America AFI
Eulis ’Sonny’ Dewey is a preacher from Texas living a
happy life with his beautiful wife Jessie. Suddenly his
stable world crumbles: Jessie is having an affair with
young minister Horace. Sonny gets enraged and hits
Horace with a softball bat, putting him into a coma. After
that he leaves town, takes a new name, ’Apostle E.F.’ and
goes to Louisiana. There he starts to work as a mechanic
for local radio station owner Elmo, and Elmo lets him
preach on the radio. E.F. starts to preach everywhere: on
the radio, on the streets, and with his new friend,
Reverend Blackwell he starts a campaign to renovate an
old church.
Robert Duvall
2006 103 min color United States of America FOX
Basé sur le roman d’Alice Hoffman, le film relate les
aventures de deux adolescentes qui découvrent une
sirène dans la piscine du club priv qu’elles fréquentent.
Elizabeth Allen
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures
Arctic Tale
2007 85 min color G United States of America PARA
Two narratives – the life cycle of a mother walrus and her
calf, and the life of a polar bear and her cubs – are used
to illustrate the harsh realities of existence in the Arctic.
Sarah Robertson
2008 115 min color 14A United States of America AFI
1882, New Mexico Territory. Virgil Cole and Everett Hitch
are itinerant lawmen, hired by desperate towns as marshal
and deputy. The city fathers of Appaloosa hire them after
Randall Bragg, a newly-arrived rancher with money and a
gang of thugs, disrupts commerce and kills three local
lawmen. Cole and Hitch contrive to arrest Bragg and bring
him to trial, but hanging him proves difficult. Meanwhile, a
widow has arrived in town, Allison French, pretty, refined,
and good-natured. Virgil falls hard, and it seems mutual,
but there may be more to Allie than meets the eye. Can
friendship and skill with a gun overcome a pernicious
villain and green-eyed jealousy?
Ed Harris
Drama; Western; Crime
Appaloosa (v.f.)
2009 115 min color United States of America AFI
Deux mercenaires s’engagent à établir la paix et la justice
dans une petite ville du Far West. Un fermier influent défie
leur professionnalisme et leurs qualités humaines.
Ed Harris
Drame policier; Western (v.f.); Drama social
2012 120 min color 14A United States of America WB
As the Iranian revolution reaches a boiling point, a CIA
’exfiltration’ specialist concocts a risky plan to free six
Americans who have found shelter at the home of the
Canadian ambassador.
Ben Affleck
Drama; Thriller
Argo (v.f.)
2012 120 min color G United States of America WB
Le film raconte comment, durant l’occupation de
l’ambassade américaine par les Iraniens, un plan de
secours a été conçu par la CIA et le gouvernement
canadien pour rapatrier six diplomates américains. La CIA
avait engagé un expert du déguisement et inventé un
scénario qui impliquait que les six personnes en question
étaient en repérage dans le pays pour un film titré Argo.
Grâce à ces déguisements, ils ont pu fuir le pays.
Ben Affleck
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
L’Arme Fatale
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
1974 121 min color PG United States of America AFI
The younger son of a working-class Jewish family in
Montreal, Duddy Kravitz yearns to make a name for
himself in society. This film chronicles his short and
dubious rise to power, as well as his changing
relationships with family and friends. Along the way the
film explores the themes of anti-semitism and the
responsibilities which come with adulthood.
Ted Kotcheff
Comedy; Drama; Literary Adaption
L’Apprentissage de Duddy Kravitz
121 min
Le fils d’une famille ouvrière juive de Montréal, Duddy
Kravitz, veut devenir une personnalité importante au sein
de sa communauté. Pendant qu’il travaille à s’élever
graduellement vers les plus hautes sphères du pouvoir,
ses relations avec sa famille et ses amis se détériorent.
Ted Kotcheff
Comedie; Drama social; Dame poétique
2006 103 min color PG United States of America FOX
Following a violent storm, a beautiful and sassy mermaid
named Aquamarine washes ashore and into the lives of
two teenage girls. After Aquamarine falls for a local, hunky
lifeguard, she enlists the girls’ help to win his heart.
Elizabeth Allen
Comedy; Drama; Children
1987 110 min color United States of America WB
Mel Gibson donne une exécution(performance)
impressionnante comme un flic de Los Angeles poussé au
bord de folie par la perte de sa femme. Il intrépidement et
poursuit implacablement un tueur impitoyable avec l’aide
de son nouvel associé.
Richard Donner
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Drame policier
L’Arme Fatale 2
1989 114 min color United States of America WB
Cette fois, Riggs et Murtaugh doit protéger un comptable
qui a blanchi une moitié de milliard de dollars en argent de
narcotiques. Il les mène à un syndicat meurtrier avec des
liens à un pouvoir(puissance) étranger.
Richard Donner
Action (v.f.)
L’Arme Fatale 3
1992 115 min color United States of America WB
Deux policiers suent profusément comme ils essayent de
répandre une bombe chargée avec assez de
pouvoir(puissance) explosif de niveler la
construction(bâtiment) de sept étages dans laquelle il
coche. L’aı̂né du duo veut le jouer le coffre-fort et attendre
l’équipe de bombe. Son associé, cependant, veut agir
Richard Donner
Action (v.f.)
All Titles
L’Arme Fatale 4
1998 128 min color United States of America WB
Réputés pour leurs méthodes expéditive mais efficaces,
les détectives Martin Riggs et Roger Murtaugh luttent
cette fois contre la mafia chinoise. Le gangster Wah Sing
Ku est à la tête d’un réseau de faux-monnayeurs qui
emploi des immigrants chinois illégaux réduient
l’esclavage. Riggs et son partenaire Murtaugh doivent
mener leur enquête de concert avec Lee Butters, un jeune
détective impétueux et fort en gueule, qui est le petit ami
de la fille de Murtaugh.
Richard Donner
Action (v.f.)
105 min
Votre fille sort avec un sale type? Votre soeur s’est
enlisée dans une relation passionnelle destructrice?
Aujourd’hui, il existe une solution radicale, elle s’appelle
Alex. Son métier: briseur de couple professionnel. Sa
méthode: la séduction. Sa mission: transformer n’importe
quel petit ami en ex. Mais Alex a une éthique, il ne
s’attaque qu’aux couples dont la femme est malheureuse.
Alors pourquoi accepter de briser un couple épanoui de
riches trentenaires qui se marie dans une semaine?
Pascal Chaumeil
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Around the World in 80 Days
1956 178 min color PG United States of America WB
An English gentleman attempts to completely
circumnavigate the globe in 80 days in order to win a large
wager. A fabulous adventure which takes place in over
one hundred locations. Winner of five Academy Awards(r).
Michael Anderson
Comedy; Adventure; Literary Adaption
2007 90 min color 14A United States of America MON
ARRANGED centers on the friendship between an
Orthodox Jewish woman and a Muslim woman who meet
as first-year teachers at a public school in Brooklyn. Over
the course of the year they learn they share much in
common - not least of which is that they are both going
through the process of arranged marriages.
Diane Crespo, Stefan C. Schaefer
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Arrête-moi si tu peux
2002 141 min color United States of America SKG
L’histoire vraie de Frank Abagnale Jr., un adolescent qui
escroqua de nombreuses personnes entre 1964 et 1966 et
qui figura sur les listes du FBI comme l’un des dix
individus les plus recherchés des Etats-Unis. Véritable
caméléon et faux-monnayeur formé par son père, Frank
revêtit des identités aussi diverses que celles de pilote de
ligne, de médecin, de professeur d’université ou encore
d’assistant du procureur.
Steven Spielberg
Drama social
Art & Copy
2009 89 min color N/R United States of America MON
ART & COPY is a powerful new film about advertising and
inspiration. Directed by Doug Pray (SURFWISE,
SCRATCH, HYPE!), it reveals the work and wisdom of
some of the most influential advertising creatives of our
time – people who’ve profoundly impacted our culture, yet
are virtually unknown outside their industry. Exploding
forth from advertising’s "creative revolution" of the 1960s,
these artists and writers all brought a surprisingly
rebellious spirit to their work in a business more often
associated with mediocrity or manipulation: George Lois,
Mary Wells, Dan Wieden, Lee Clow, Hal Riney and others
featured in ART & COPY were responsible for "Just Do It,"
"I Love NY," "Where’s the Beef?," "Got Milk," "Think
Different," and brilliant campaigns for everything from cars
to presidents. They managed to grab the attention of
millions and truly move them. Visually interwoven with
their stories, TV satellites are launched, billboards are
erected, and the social and cultural impact of their ads are
brought to light in this dynamic exploration of art,
commerce, and human emotion.
Doug Pray
The Art of Getting By
2011 84 min color PG United States of America FOX
The Art of Getting By stars Freddie Highmore as George,
a lonely and fatalistic teen who’s made it all the way to his
senior year without ever having done a real day of work,
who is befriended by Sally, a beautiful and complicated girl
who recognizes in him a kindred spirit.
Gavin Wiesen
Comedy; Romance
2011 109 min color PG United States of America WB
Irresponsible charmer Arthur Bach (Russell Brand) has
always relied on two things to get by: his limitless fortune
and the good sense of lifelong nanny Hobson (Helen
Mirren) to keep him out of trouble. Now he faces his
biggest challenge–choosing between an arranged
marriage that will ensure his lavish lifestyle or an uncertain
future with the one thing money can’t buy, Naomi (Greta
Gerwig), the only woman he has ever loved. With Naomi’s
inspiration and some unconventional help from Hobson,
Arthur will take the most expensive risk of his life and
finally learn what it means to become a man, in this
re-imagining of the classic romantic comedy "Arthur."
Jason Winer
Comedy; Romance
Arthur 3: La guerre des deux mondes
103 min
Maltazard a réussi à se hisser parmi les hommes. Son but
est clair : former une armée de séides géants pour
imposer son règne à l’univers. Seul Arthur semble en
mesure de le contrer, à condition qu’il parvienne à
regagner sa chambre et à reprendre sa taille habituelle !
Bloqué à l’état de Minimoy, il peut évidemment compter
sur l’aide de Sélénia et Bétamèche, mais aussi - surprise !
- sur le soutien de Darkos, le propre fils de Maltazard, qui
semble vouloir changer de camp. À pied, à vélo, en
voiture et en Harley Davidson, la petite troupe est prête à
tout pour mener le combat final contre Maltazard. Allumez
le feu!
Luc Besson
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants; Comédie
Arthur 3: The War of the Two Worlds
103 min
Maltazard, the Evil M, is now 7 feet tall and evolving
among the humans, causing terror wherever he goes. His
goal is simple: forming an army of giant henchmen and
ruling over the universe. Meanwhile, Arthur is still a
Minimoy, and thus in a state where he’s unable to fend him
off. With the help of Selenia and Betameche, he hatches a
plan to regain his usual size: all they must do is infiltrate
Arthur’s house through the pipeworks, catch an electric
train from his bedroom to his grandfather’s study and find
an elixir that will make him grow back to his human size.
Sounds simple enough, if it weren’t for Darkos, Maltazard’s
own son, hot on their tails.
Luc Besson
Adventure; Children; Fantasy
All Titles
Arthur and the Invisibles
94 min
Arthur is a spirited ten-year old whose parents are away
looking for work, whose eccentric grandfather has been
missing for several years, and who lives with his
grandmother in a country house that, in two days, will be
repossessed, torn down, and turned into a block of flats
unless Arthur’s grandfather returns to sign some papers
and pay off the family debt. Arthur discovers that the key
to success lies in his own descent into the land of the
Minimoys, creatures no larger than a tooth, whom his
grandfather helped relocate to their garden. Somewhere
among them is hidden a pile of rubies, too. Can Arthur be
of stout heart and save the day? Romance beckons as
well, and a villain lurks.
Luc Besson
Adventure; Children; Fantasy
Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard
94 min
Arthur answers a distress call from Princess Selenia, who
is menaced by the nefarious Maltazard.
Luc Besson
Adventure; Children; Fantasy; Animated
Arthur et la vengeance de Maltazar
94 min
Arthur est au comble de l’excitation : c’est aujourd’hui la
fin du dixième cycle de la Lune, et il va enfin pouvoir
regagner le monde des Minimoys pour y retrouver Sélénia.
Dans le village, tout est prêt pour l’accueillir : un grand
banquet a été organisé en son honneur, et la petite
princesse a passé sa robe en pétales de rose... C’est
sans compter le père d’Arthur, qui choisit précisément ce
jour tant attendu pour quitter plus tôt que prévu la maison
de sa grand-mère. Au moment du départ, une araignée
dépose dans les mains du jeune garçon un grain de riz
sur lequel est gravé un message de détresse. Pas de
doute, Sélénia est en danger, et Arthur n’a plus qu’une
idée en tête : voler à son secours ! Quitte à employer un
passage de fortune, tomber tête la première dans le bar
de Max, se heurter aux troupes de Kröb, le nouveau tyran
des Sept Terres, secourir Bétamèche, combattre des rats,
des grenouilles, des araignées velues... et découvrir, une
fois arrivé au village des Mimimoys, qu’aucun message de
secours ne lui a été envoyé ! Mais qui donc a bien pu
piéger ainsi notre jeune héros?
Luc Besson
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants; Comédie
fantaisiste; Dessins animés
Arthur et les Minimoys
94 min
À la recherche d’un trésor enfoui dans le jardin de sa
grand-mère, Arthur, 10 ans, tente d’entrer dans le monde
des Minimoys afin de découvrir les sept terres qui
constituent leur royaume et de retrouver son grand-père
disparu 4 ans auparavant.
Luc Besson
Comédie fantaisiste; Drame d’aventures; Films pour
Arthur (v.f.)
2011 109 min color G United States of America WB
Arthur Bach, un charmeur irresponsables’est toujours fié à
deux choses pour prendre des décisions et se sortir du
pétrin : sa fortune illimitée et le bon sens de sa nounou de
longue date, Hobson. Il doit maintenant affronter le plus
grand défi de sa vie : choisir entre un mariage arrangé
avec l’ambitieuse femme d’affaires Susan ? ce qui lui
permettrait de continuer à mener sa luxuriante existence ?
et un avenir incertain et impossible à acheter avec Naomi,
la femme qu’il aime vraiment. Grâce à l’inspiration de
Naomi et avec l’aide particulière de Hobson, cette dernière
étant la seule personne qui a toujours cru en lui, Arthur
prendra le risque le plus coûteux de sa vie et apprendra
ce que c’est que d’être un homme.
Jason Winer
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
The Artist
100 min
Hollywood, 1927: As silent movie star George Valentin
wonders if the arrival of talking pictures will cause him to
fade into oblivion, he sparks with Peppy Miller, a young
dancer set for a big break.
Michel Hazanavicius
Comedy; Drama; Romance
100 min
Hollywood 1927. George Valentin est une vedette du
cinéma muet à qui tout sourit. L’arrivée des films parlants
va le faire sombrer dans l’oubli. Peppy Miller, jeune
figurante, va elle, être propulsée au firmament des stars.
Ce film raconte l’histoire de leurs destins croisés, ou
comment la célébrité, l’orgueil et l’argent peuvent être
autant d’obstacles à leur histoire d’amour.
Michel Hazanavicius
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
L’ascension du chevalier noir
2012 165 min color United States of America WB
Huit ans après que Batman ait pris le blâme pour Harvey
Dent, un nouveau terroriste dangereux, appelé Bane, fait
son apparition. Le chevalier noir est donc forcé de
reprendre son rôle de protecteur de la ville, maintenant
menacée par un ennemi très puissant.
Christopher Nolan
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Action
(v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste
The Asphalt Jungle
1950 112 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Tension builds as a couple of small-time losers plan a
jewel heist. The plot of this classic crime thriller has been
borrowed many times, but John Huston’s tight direction
gave the film a powerful urgency that has yet to be rivaled.
John Huston
Drama; Crime
The Assassination of Jesse James by the
Coward Robert Ford Warner
2006 159 min color 14A United States of America WB
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert
Ford delves into the private life and public exploits of
America’s most notorious outlaw. As the charismatic and
unpredictable Jesse James (Brad Pitt) plans his next great
robbery, he wages war on his enemies, who are trying to
collect the reward money - and the glory - riding on his
capture. But the greatest threat to his life may ultimately
come from those he trusts the most.
Andrew Dominik
Drama; Western; Action
The Assassination of Jesse James by the
Coward Robert Ford Warner (v.f.)
2006 159 min color United States of America WB
Comment Robert Ford, recruté par Jesse James, mit en
place un plan pour éliminer le célèbre bandit...
Andrew Dominik
Action (v.f.); Drama social; Western (v.f.)
Assault on Precinct 13
All Titles
Asterix at the Olympic Games
2005 109 min color 18A United States of America AFI
On New Year’s Eve, inside a police station that’s about to
be closed for good, officer Jake Roenick must cobble
together a force made up cops and criminals to save
themselves from a mob looking to kill mobster Marion
Jean-François Richet
Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
L’assaut du poste 13
2005 109 min color United States of America AFI
Un poste de police, détenant un chef de la mafia, est pris
d’assaut par un groupe de personnes fort bien organisées.
Policiers et détenus devront faire équipe pour repousser
les assaillants, qui s’avèrent être des policiers corrompus.
Jean-François Richet
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage; Drame
Assez avec l’amour
2003 102 min color United States of America FOX
Un journaliste macho écrit à une collègue qui tient une
rubrique de conseils aux lectrices dans un magazine
Peyton Reed
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Asterix and the Vikings
78 min
After another raid in an empty village, the chief of the
Vikings Timandahaf misunderstands the explanation of his
druid Cryptograf that "fear gives wings to the dwellers" and
believes that fear actually makes the villagers fly. They
decide to chase the champion of fear in Gaul to learn how
to fly and make them invincible warriors. Meanwhile, the
nephew of Vitalstatistix, Justforkix, is sent from Parisium to
the Gaulish village to become a man and Asterix and
Obelix are assigned to train the youngster. The stupid son
of Cryptograf, Olaf, listens to a conversation of the coward
Justforkix with Asterix and Obelix and kidnaps him. While
returning to the Viking village, Justforkix meets Abba, the
daughter of Timandahaf, and they fall in love for each
other. But the Machiavellian and ambitious Cryptograf plan
to marry his son Olaf with Abba and become powerful. In
the end, Asterix realizes that it is not fear that gives wings,
it is love.
Stefan Fjeldmark, Jesper Møller
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Fantasy; Animated
Asterix and the Vikings
78 min
Les Gaulois Astérix et Obélix se sont vus confier une
délicate mission: transformer Goudurix, le neveu froussard
et paresseux du chef de leur village, en un guerrier sans
peur. Or, l’adolescent ne pense qu’à s’amuser et néglige
son entraı̂nement. Si bien que lorsque des Vikings
débarquent en Gaule, en quête d’un champion de la
peur , ils ont tôt fait de voir en Goudurix le sujet idéal. Ils
le kidnappent et le ramènent avec eux dans le Grand Nord
dans l’espoir qu’il leur apprendra à voler puisque, comme
le prétend le mage des Vikings, la peur donne des ailes.
Lorsque Astérix et Obélix le retrouvent enfin, ils sont
consternés d’apprendre que celui-ci, populaire auprès de
ses ravisseurs et amoureux de la fille du chef de la tribu,
ne veut pas rentrer chez lui.
Stefan Fjeldmark, Jesper Møller
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants;
Comédie fantaisiste; Dessins animés
117 min
Ast rix and Ob lix embark upon new adventures in which
they have to win the Olympic Games to enable a young
Gaul, Alafolix, to marry the Greek Princess Irina and beat
the fearsome Brutus, who is prepared to stoop to anything
to win the Olympics and elminate his father, Julius Caesar.
Frédéric Forestier, Thomas Langmann
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Fantasy
Asterix aux jeux Olympiques
117 min
Astérix et Obélix acceptent de participer aux Jeux
Olympiques décrétés par César. Leur objectif: prouver
aux romains la supériorité des gaulois et par la même
occasion aider le jeune Alafolix, de leur village, à gagner
la main d’une princesse grecque promise à Brutus, le fils
de César, par son père. Défiant ce dernier, la jeune
femme a déclaré qu’elle épousera le vainqueur des jeux.
Mais pour que le destin s’aligne sur son désir, l’aide des
deux irréductibles gaulois est indispensable. Des
complications surviennent lorsque Brutus, découvrant la
source de la puissance d’Astérix, Obélix et Alafolix, les fait
disqualifier pour dopage.
Frédéric Forestier, Thomas Langmann
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants;
Comédie fantaisiste
The Astronaut Farmer
2007 103 min color PG United States of America WB
An astronaut (Thornton) of NASA is forced to retire so he
could save his family farm. But he can’t give up his dream
of space travel and looks to build his own rocket, despite
the government’s threats to stop him.
Michael Polish
Atanarjuat: La légende de l’homme rapide
172 min
Le mal, qui a pris la forme d’un chaman inconnu, divise
une petite communauté d’Inuits nomades et en bouleverse
l’équilibre et l’âme. Vingt ans plus tard, deux frères
s’imposent pour défier le mal : Amaqjuaq, l’homme fort, et
Atanarjuat, l’homme rapide. Ce dernier gagne la main de
la ravissante Atuat au détriment d’Oki, le fils prétentieux
du chef du campement, qui jure de se venger. Celui-ci
tend une embuscade aux deux frères dans leur sommeil et
tue Amaqjuaq, tandis qu’Atanarjuat s’échappe
miraculeusement en courant nu vers l’horizon qui
surplombe la glace de mer printanière. Mais échappera-t-il
à ce tourbillon de vengeance?
Zacharias Kunuk
Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner
172 min
Centuries ago, in what would become the Canadian Arctic,
Atuat is promised to the malevolent Oki, son of the leader
of their tribe. But Atuat loves the good-natured Atanarjuat,
who ultimately finds a way to marry her. Oki’s sister, Puja
also fancies Atanarjuat, and when she causes strife
between him and his brother Amaqjuaq, Oki seizes the
opportunity to wreak a terrible revenge on Atanarjuat.
Zacharias Kunuk
Drama; Fantasy
All Titles
2007 123 min color 14A United States of America AFI
When Briony Tallis, 13 years old and an aspiring writer,
sees her older sister Cecilia and Robbie Turner at the
fountain in front of the family estate she misinterprets what
is happening thus setting into motion a series of
misunderstandings and a childish pique that will have
lasting repercussions for all of them. Robbie is the son of
a family servant toward whom the family has always been
kind. They paid for his time at Cambridge and now he
plans on going to medical school. After the fountain
incident, Briony reads a letter intended for Cecilia and
concludes that Robbie is a deviant. When her cousin Lola
is raped, she tells the police that it was Robbie she saw
committing the deed when in fact it was a visitor to the
Joe Wright
Drama; War; Mystery; Literary Adaption; Romance
Au bout de la route
2007 102 min color United States of America AFI
Frappant un enfant avec son auto, un homme panique et
ne s’arrête pas. Rongé par la culpabilité et la peur, mais
voyant que l’enquête policière n’avance pas, il croit pouvoir
s’en tirer. Puis, le père de la victime commence à le
Terry George
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
Au-Delà des Frontiéres
2003 127 min color United States of America PARA
Une jeune femme riche prend fait et cause pour un
médecin sans frontières afin de l’aider dans sa lutte contre
la famine en Éthiopie. Elle ira même sur le terrain au
Cambodge et en Tchétchénie.
Martin Campbell
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Comédie sentimentale
Au secours du petit panda
87 min
United States of America
Un garçon américain et une fille chinoise escaladent les
jungles montagneuses de la Chine pour trouver et sauver
un bébé panda. Ils rencontrent des dangers, de
l’excitation, ils découvrent une beaut sauvage et
finalement, ils finissent par retrouver le panda qu’ils
recherchaient. Avant de revenir à la maison, ils retiennent
également des leçons sur l’amiti
Christopher Cain
Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures
August Rush
2007 113 min color PG United States of America WB
Music-driven Drama. A charismatic young Irish guitarist
(Jonathan Rhys Meyers) and a sheltered young cellist
(Keri Russell) have a chance encounter one magical night
above New York’s Washington Square, but are soon torn
apart, leaving in their wake an infant, orphaned by
circumstance. Years later, performing on the streets of
New York and cared for by a mysterious stranger (Robin
Williams) who gives him the name August Rush, the child
(Freddie Highmore) uses his remarkable musical talent to
seek the parents from whom he was separated at birth.
Kirsten Sheridan
Musical; Fantasy; Romance
August Rush (v.f.)
2007 113 min color United States of America WB
Prodige de la musique, August Rush exerce ses talents
dans les rues de New York. Séparé de ses parents peu
après sa naissance, il met tout en oeuvre pour les
Kirsten Sheridan
Comédie sentimentale; Comédie fantaisiste; Films
Auprès de moi
2010 103 min color United States of America FOX
Trois amis, élevés dans un pensionnat à l’écart du monde,
vont découvrir qu’ils sont en réalité des clones dont
l’existence a pour unique objectif le don de leurs organes.
Mark Romanek
110 min
The year is 1909. In the village of Sainte-Philomène de
Fortierville, Marie-Anne Caron, wife to Télésphore
Gagnon, gives birth to their second daughter, Aurore. The
child grows up in a loving and happy family, but in 1918
her mother dies of tuberculosis. Shortly after, Télésphore
Gagnon decides to remarry, having fallen under the spell
of his beautiful cousin, Marie-Anne Houde. Marie-Anne is
not the devoted stepmother everyone takes her to be,
however. Following the death of Aurore, a coroner’s
inquest reveals that the young girl had died of blood
poisoning, brought on by the horrific abuse she suffered at
the hands of her stepmother. The sensational trial which
followed these revelations had a profound and lasting
impact on Québec society. Aurore depicts an almostforgotten period and social milieu of Québec’s history,
finally giving voice to those who, at the time, knew what
was going on but preferred to remain silent.
Luc Dionne
Drama; Literary Adaption
Aurore (v.f.)
110 min
Au début du XXe siècle à Sainte-Philomène de Fortierville,
Aurore est une fillette discrète mais heureuse qui grandit
dans une famille modeste et unie. Lorsque sa mère
décède des suites d’un long combat contre la tuberculose,
son père, le charpentier Télésphore Gagnon, se remarie
aussitôt avec Marie-Anne Houde, une de ses cousines par
alliance. Aurore hait cette femme qui a séduit son père
alors que sa mère se mourrait à l’hôpital. Marie-Anne, qui
déteste déjà ses propres enfants, le lui rend bien en lui
infligeant à la moindre occasion des sévices de plus en
plus graves. Les blessures de l’enfant attirent l’attention du
juge de paix qui ne peut agir tant qu’Aurore et son
entourage gardent le silence. Aucun habitant du village
n’ose intervenir, pas même le curé Leduc retranché dans
son presbytère.
Luc Dionne
Drama social; Dame poétique
Austin Powers in Goldmember
2002 100 min color PG United States of America WB
It’s been three years since Austin Powers, that swinging
international man of mystery, has had to face his arch
enemy, Dr. Evil. But after Dr. Evil and his accomplice
Mini-Me escape from a maximum-security prison, Austin is
called to action once more in this third installment of the
highly successful Austin Powers movie franchise. Teaming
up with the mysterious yet peculiar Goldmember, Dr. Evil
hatches a time-traveling scheme to take over the world,
one that involves the kidnapping of Nigel Powers, Austin’s
beloved father and England’s most renowned spy. As he
chases the villains through time, Austin visits 1975 and
joins forces with his old flame, Foxxy Cleopatra, a
streetwise but stylish detective. Together Austin and Foxxy
All Titles
must find a way to save Nigel and stop Dr. Evil and
Goldmember from their mischievous mayhem.
Jay Roach
Comedy; Adventure; Action
Austin Powers in Goldmember (v.f.)
2002 100 min color G United States of America WB
Cela fait maintenant trois ans que le célèbre espion Austin
Powers a mis le docteur Terreur hors d’état de nuire. Mais
ce dernier et son assistant Mini-Moi parviennent à
s’échapper d’une prison haute sécurité. Le docteur Terreur
s’adjoint les services du mystérieux Goldmember. Il
décide alors de remonter dans le temps, destination 1975,
pour kidnapper Nigel Powers, le père d’Austin et
également un des plus grands agents des services secrets
britanniques. L’excentrique et énigmatique Goldmember
projette par ailleurs de dévier une gigantesque météorite
d’or pur afin qu’elle entre en collision avec la
Terre.L’espion se téléporte lui aussi en 1975 et fait équipe
avec son ancienne et élégante petite amie, Foxxy
Cléopatra, devenue détective, pour secourir son cher
paternel et sauver le monde.
Jay Roach
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.)
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
1997 89 min color PG United States of America WB
Austin Powers has the flair of James Bond, the swagger of
Matt Helm and really bad teeth. By day he’s a fabulously
talented fashion photographer – by night he’s an incredibly
clever secret agent for British Intelligence. In 1967, arch
nemesis, Dr. Evil, places himself in cryogenic suspended
animation and is launched into space. Knowing that
diabolical evil orbits the world, Austin, too, places himself
in a deep freeze. Now, 30 years later, he must be thawed
to match wits with his notorious rival while coming to grips
with his own swinging, out-of-date sexuality.
Jay Roach
Comedy; Adventure; Action; Crime
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (v.f.)
1997 89 min color G United States of America WB
En 1967, Austin Powers est photographe de mode le jour
et agent secret la nuit. Il voyage dans le temps afin de
poursuivre son ennemi, le docteur Denfer, et se retrouve
en 1997.
Jay Roach
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Drame
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
1999 89 min color PG United States of America WB
Mike Myers steps into his velvet threads to reprise the role
of Austin Powers in this sequel to the 1997 comedy which,
to date, has grossed over $53.8 million in the U.S. This
time out, the groovy British secret agent matches libidos
with a lusty CIA agent named Felicity Shagwell (Heather
Graham), who helps Powers stop Dr. Evil from destroying
the world. Aiding Dr. Evil in his quest for world domination
is a miniature version of himself who mimics his
mannerisms perfectly, including holding his tiny pinky to his
tiny mouth.
Jay Roach
Comedy; Adventure; Action
2008 164 min color PG United States of America FOX
A romantic action-adventure set in northern Australia prior
to World War II, AUSTRALIA centers on an English
aristocrat (Kidman) who inherits a ranch the size of
Maryland. When English cattle barons plot to take her
land, she reluctantly joins forces with a rough-hewn cattle
driver (Jackman) to drive 2000 head of cattle across
hundreds of miles of the country’s most unforgiving land,
only to still face the bombing of Darwin, Australia by the
Japanese forces that had attacked Pearl Harbor only
months earlier. With his new film, Luhrmann is painting on
a vast canvass, creating a cinematic experience that
brings together romance, drama, adventure and spectacle.
Baz Luhrmann
Adventure; Drama; Western; War; Action; Romance
2008 164 min color United States of America FOX
Dans le Nord de l’Australie au début des années 40, une
aristocrate britannique hérite d’un ranch. Elle fait appel à
un cowboy local pour l’aider à s’occuper de son troupeau,
alors que les Japonais bombardent Darwin...
Baz Luhrmann
Drame d’aventures; Western (v.f.); Drama social; Action
(v.f.); Comédie sentimentale; Drame de guerre
Autour du monde en 80 jours
1956 178 min color United States of America WB
En 1872, Phileas Fogg, suite à un pari, part en compagnie
de son valet Passepartout pour faire le tour du monde en
quatre-vingt jours. Affrontant les obstacles avec
ingéniosité, les deux hommes passent d’un pays à l’autre,
allant même jusqu’à sauver de la mort une jolie veuve
indienne qui les accompagne ensuite dans leur périple.
Un détective anglais est sur les traces de Fogg qu’il
soupçonne d’un braquage de banque. L’obstination de ce
policier vient près d’amener le voyageur perdre son pari.
Michael Anderson
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Dame poétique
Les Autres
2001 104 min color United States of America AFI
Aux lendemains de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Grace
(Nicole Kidman) et ses enfants, Anne et Nicholas, qui
souffrent d’une maladie étrange les empêchant de
s’exposer à la lumière solaire, attendent le retour du père,
parti à la guerre. Dans leur grand manoir isolé, situé sur
une petite ı̂le au large de l’Angleterre, ils pensent avoir
trouvé tranquillité et sécurité. Chose étrange cependant,
ils sont totalement coupés du monde extérieur, ne pouvant
sortir du domaine ni même envoyer et recevoir du courrier.
Un jour, arrivent trois servants, qui disent avoir déj travaillé
pour les anciens propriétaires de la maison. Grace, qui a
grandement besoin d’aide, les engage aussitôt, mais en
prenant bien soin de leur donner de strictes directives et
de les avertir de ne pas croire aux histoires des enfants
sur des fantômes rôdant dans la maison. La petite Anne
est celle qui les a vus le plus souvent, notamment Victor,
un petit garçon qui ne cesse de lui répéter qu’il est chez
lui. Grace n’aura d’autre choix que de croire à ces
histoires quand elle-même sera témoin d’événements
surnaturels. On apprend finalement que les servants sont
des fantômes, puis, par une finale évoquant The Sixth
Sense, on comprend que Grace et sa famille sont
également morts et que les véritables êtres vivants de la
maison sont les présumés fantômes, soit le jeune Victor et
sa famille.
Alejandro Amenábar
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie
Avant la nuit tout est possible
80 min
United States of America
Neuf ans après s’être rencontrés dans le train BudapestVienne, Jesse et Céline se retrouvent en France lors d’une
tournée promotionnelle de Jesse pour l’un de ses livres.
Richard Linklater
Comédie sentimentale; Drama social
All Titles
Avec distinction
1994 100 min color United States of America WB
Lorsqu’il met la main sur l’unique copie d’une thèse écrite
par un finissant de Harvard, un sans-abri excentrique s’en
sert pour obtenir des faveurs de celui-ci.
Alek Keshishian
Comedie; Drama social
Une Aventure de Cendrillon
97 min
United States of America
Une nouvelle adaptation de la vie de Cendrillon,
transposée dans un campus américain.
Mark Rosman
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Aventure en Floride
87 min
United States of America
L’amitié et les aventures d’un jeune garçon et d’un dauphin
orphelin, Flipper, d’après une des séries télévisées que
tous les enfants connaissent.
James B. Clark
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Films pour enfants
Les aventures de Robin des Bois
98 min
United States of America
Parti pour les croisades, le roi Richard Coeur-de-Lion est
fait prisonnier par Leopold d’Autriche qui demande une
rançon. Plutôt que de payer, le Prince Jean, frère du roi,
s’installe sur le trône d’Angleterre. Robin de Locksley,
archer de grande valeur, refuse de reconnaı̂tre
l’usurpateur et organise dans la forêt la résistance pour
sauver son roi.
Michael Curtiz, William Keighley
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Films pour enfants
Les aventures de Tintin - Le secret de la Licorne
2011 107 min color G United States of America PARA
Tintin achète une maquette de bateau pour le capitaine
Haddock. Par coı̈ncidence, c’est celle d’un navire que
commandait l’ancêtre de celui-ci, le chevalier de Hadoque.
Tintin découvre dans le grand mât de la maquette un
parchemin incompréhensible. Entre-temps, le capitaine
découvre un coffre contenant des objets ayant appartenu
à son ancêtre. Tintin et Haddock apprennent l’existence
d’un trésor et décident de se lancer à sa recherche. Mais
la maquette est volée.
Steven Spielberg
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants; Comédie
moeurs; Dessins animés
malades sont livrés à eux-mêmes. Seule, une femme,
épargnée de ce fléau, décide d’organiser les troupes afin
de mener une révolution.
Fernando Meirelles
Drama social; Comédie moeurs; Comédie sentimentale
2004 165 min color United States of America
L’évocation de la vie de l’excentrique producteur et
réalisateur Howard Hughes.
Martin Scorsese
Drama social
The Aviator
2004 165 min color 14A United States of America WB
The script begins as a young Hughes directs one of
Scorsese’s favorite films, Hell’s Angels. Hughes was so
obsessed with perfection in the aerial sequences that he
waits forever for perfect conditions, right down to cloud
formations. The Aviator ends in 1946, when Hughes was
still a dashing young man and romancing actresses like
Ava Gardner and Katharine Hepburn.
Martin Scorsese
L’Avocat du Diable
1997 144 min color United States of America WB
Kévin Lomax est un jeune avocat de la Floride qui n’a
jamais perdu une seule cause. Il est prêt à tout pour
réussir, y compris faire innocenter un meurtrier dont il
soupçonne la culpabilité. Cette absence totale de
scrupules doublée d’une incroyable ambition lui permet de
se joindre à une prestigieuse firme New-Yorkaise.
Taylor Hackford
Drama social
145 min
This provocative story about Italy’s idle rich brought
Antonioni to international attention. Young people on a
yachting holiday lose one of their number when they land
on a volcanic island.
Michaelangelo Antonioni
Drama; Mystery; Romance
Les Aventuriers de l’Arche Perdu
1981 115 min color United States of America PARA
1936. Parti à la recherche d’une idole sacrée en pleine
jungle péruvienne, l’aventurier Indiana Jones échappe de
justesse à une embuscade tendue par son plus coriace
adversaire : le Français Ren Belloq. Revenu à la vie civile
à son poste de professeur universitaire d’archéologie, il est
mandaté par les services secrets et par son ami Marcus
Brody, conservateur du National Museum de Washington,
pour mettre la main sur le Médaillon de Râ, en possession
de son ancienne amante Marion Ravenwood, désormais
tenancière d’un bar au Tibet. Cet artefact égyptien serait
en effet un premier pas sur le chemin de l’Arche
d’Alliance, celle-là même où Moı̈se conserva les Dix
Steven Spielberg
Action (v.f.); Drame d’aventures; Drame d’espionnage
121 min
Une épidémie de cécité frappe une ville et se répand
brusquement sur la planète. Mis en quarantaine, les
Away from Her
100 min
Married for 50 years, Grant (Gordon Pinsent) and Fiona’s
(Julie Christie) commitment to each other appears
unwavering, and their everyday life is full of tenderness
and humour. This serenity is broken only by the
occasional, carefully restrained reference to the past,
giving a sense that this marriage may not always have
been such a fairy tale. This tendency of Fiona’s to make
such references, along with her increasingly evident
memory loss, creates a tension that is usually brushed off
casually by both of them. As the lapses become more
obvious and dramatic, it is no longer possible for either of
them to ignore the fact that Fiona is suffering from
Alzheimer’s disease.
Sarah Polley
Drama; Romance
Away We Go
All Titles
Baby Doll
2009 98 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A contemporary comedy directed by Academy Award
winner Sam Mendes ("American Beauty") from an original
screenplay by Dave Eggers and Vendela Vida. The movie
follows the journey of an expectant couple (John Krasinski
["The Office"] and Maya Rudolph ["Saturday Night Live"]),
as they travel the U.S. in search of a place to put down
roots and raise a family.
Sam Mendes
Comedy; Drama
2006 142 min color 14A United States of America
Three stories set in Morocco, Tunisia, Mexico and Japan.
The story begins with a tragedy striking a married couple
on vacation.
Alejandro González Iñárritu
1956 114 min color R United States of America WB
Baby Doll Meighan is a pretty, vacuous Southern ’white
trash’ gal who at 19 still sleeps in a crib and sucks her
thumb. She has been married for two years to ineffectual,
bigoted Archie Lee. The couple have not yet
consummated their marriage because Archie Lee
promised Baby Doll’s dying father that he would not touch
his daughter until she said she was "ready for marriage."
He is frustrated by this strain and obliged to peek at his
squirmy half-dressed child-bride through a hole in her
bedroom wall. Archie Lee is further humiliated ind
incensed by a flashy Sicilian business rival who has
recently managed to force Archie Lee’s decrepit cotton gin
out of business. One night in a fit of desperation and
frustration, Archie Lee burns down his rival’s cotton gin.
The rest of the story describes the Sicilian’s revenge as he
blatantly pursues and seduces a distraught but sensually
aroused Baby Doll, and attempts to terrorize her into
revealing Archie Lee’s crime.
Elia Kazan
Comedy; Drama
Babel (v.f.)
2006 142 min color United States of America PARA
Dans le sable du désert du Maroc, des coups de feu sont
tirés. Ils vont déclencher une série d’événements qui vont
lier un couple de touristes américains, deux garçons
marocains impliqués dans un crime accidentel, une
nourrice qui tente d’entrer illégalement aux États-Unis
avec deux jeuenes enfants américains, ainsi qu’une rebelle
japonaise dont le père est recherché par la police à Tokyo.
Alejandro González Iñárritu
Drama social
Baby Doll (v.f.)
1956 114 min b&w United States of America WB
Archie Lee Meighan, aristocrate ruiné, vit avec sa femmeenfant Baby Doll dans les restes de sa vaste demeure. Si
le mariage est effectif, il n’est pas encore consommé. La
petite poupée de chair intéresse également un certain
Vacarro, qui a compromis Archie Lee dans une affaire
Elia Kazan
Comedie; Drama social
79 min
A look at one year in the life of four babies from around
the world, from Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to
Thomas Balmes
2008 107 min color PG United States of America AFI
Offbeat fantasy comedy details the adventures of Babine
(Vincent Guillaume Otis), the son of a witch and a village
pariah, as he ventures forth into the world and narrowly
evades death.
Luc Picard
Babine (v.f.)
107 min
À Saint-Élie de Caxton, les habitants les plus
superstitieux, dont un barbier ivrogne et une commère
enceinte depuis vingt ans, attribuent Babine, fils simple
d’esprit d’une guérisseuse peu avenante surnommée La
Sorcière, tous les malheurs qui s’abattent sur le village.
Lorsque l’église flambe, avec dedans le bienveillant Vieux
Curé, le successeur fanatique de ce dernier s’empresse
de faire condamner à mort le fou inoffensif en lui arrachant
une confession sous la menace. Le garçon naı̈f et rêveur
parvient cependant à s’échapper, grâce à l’aide de l’avisé
Toussaint Brodeur, marchand général et éleveur de
mouches, qui est presque devenu un père pour lui. Babine
aboutit alors dans un cirque ambulant, où il tombe sous le
charme d’une saltimbanque qui exécute un numéro
périlleux avec un taureau géant.
Luc Picard
Comédie fantaisiste
Babylon A.D.
2008 87 min color 14A United States of America FOX
A mercenary charged with delivering a young woman from
Russia to Canada learns that she has been manipulated
by a synthetic virus and what lies inside her could doom
the human race.
Mathieu Kassovitz
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
Babylone A.D.
2008 87 min color United States of America FOX
Dans un futur proche, dans un monde ravagé par la
guerre, en proie l’anarchie et aux intégrismes de tous
ordres. Le mercenaire Hugo Cornelius Toorop est chargé
d’escorter de la Russie au Canada une jeune fille se
prénommant Marie. Malheureusement, au cours de leur
périple, il va découvrir que celle-ci transporte en elle un
virus capable d’anéantir la race humaine.
Mathieu Kassovitz
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Action
(v.f.); Drame d’espionnage
La bachelière
2009 88 min color United States of America FOX
Une jeune diplômée retourne auprès de sa famille alors
qu’elle ne sait pas ce qu’elle veut faire de sa vie...
Vicky Jenson
Back-Up Plan
All Titles
Le Baiser du Barbu
2010 104 min color PG United States of America AFI
After years of dating, Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) has decided
waiting for the right one is taking too long. Determined to
become a mother, she commits to a plan, makes an
appointment and decides to go it alone. On the day of her
artificial insemination, Zoe meets Stan (Alex O’Loughlin) –
a man with real possibilities. Trying to nurture a budding
relationship while hiding the early signs of pregnancy
becomes a comedy of errors for Zoe and creates
confusing signals for Stan. When Zoe nervously reveals
the reason for her unpredictable behavior, Stan commits
fully and says he’s in. But the real pregnancy test comes
when both of them realize they really don’t know each
other outside of hormonal chaos and birth preparations.
With the nine month clock ticking, both begin to
experience cold feet. Anyone can fall in love, get married
and have a baby but doing it backwards in hyper-drive
could be proof positive that they were made for each other.
Alan Poul
Comedy; Romance
The Bad and the Beautiful
1952 118 min b&w N/R United States of America WB
Told in flashback form, the film traces the rise and fall of a
tough, ambitious Hollywood producer Jonathan Shields, as
seen through the eyes of various acquaintances, including
a writer James Lee Bartlow, a star Georgia Lorrison and a
director Fred Amiel. He is a hard-driving, ambitious man
who ruthlessly uses everyone - including the writer, star
and director - on the way to becoming one of Hollywood’s
top movie makers.
Vincente Minnelli
Drama; Romance
Bad and the Beautiful (v.f.)
1952 118 min b&w United States of America WB
Le producteur Harry Pebel convoque dans son bureau
Georgia Lorrison, une grande actrice, Fred Amiel, un jeune
réalisateur, et James Lee Bartlow, un écrivain. Pebel
attend un coup de téléphone de Jonathan Shields. Celui-ci
a permis à ces trois personnes d’accéder au rang de star
mais s’est parfois mal comporté avec elles. Aujourd’hui en
difficulté, il leur demande de l’aider.
Vincente Minnelli
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Bad Day at Black Rock
1954 81 min color PG United States of America WB
From the time John J. Macreedy steps off the train in
Black Rock, he feels a chill from the local residents. The
town is only a speck on the map and few if any strangers
ever come to the place. Macreedy himself is tight-lipped
about the purpose of his trip and he finds that the hotel
refuses him a room, the local garage refuses to rent him a
car and the sheriff is a useless drunkard. It’s apparent that
the locals have something to hide but when he finally tells
them that he is there to speak to a Japanese-American
farmer named Kamoko, he touches a nerve so sensitive
that he will spend the next 24 hours fighting for his life.
John Sturges
Drama; Mystery; Crime
Bad Santa
2003 91 min color 14A United States of America AFI
"Bad Santa" is the story of two conmen who go on a road
trip to malls dressed as Santa and his elf. Rather than
spreading good cheer, the duo’s motive is to rob each
establishment, a strategy that becomes complicated when
they encounter an 8-year-old who teaches them the true
meaning of Christmas.
Terry Zwigoff
Comedy; Drama; Crime
101 min
Benoit décide de se faire pousser la barbe pour un rôle
dans un souper- spectacle. Il commence soudainement à
avoir du succès pendant que Vicky développe une
mystérieuse allergie à sa pilosité.
Yves Pelletier
Un Baiser Enfin
1999 103 min color United States of America FOX
Josie Geller est une jeune recherchiste d’un grand
quotidien de chicago, prête à tout pour enfin décrocher la
chance d’écrire un premier reportage. D’un naturel
maladroit, la jeune femme, âgée de 25 ans, réussit tout de
même à capter l’attention du patron. Elle se voit ainsi
confier une enquête sur "Le mode de vie des jeunes dans
les écoles" le problème, c’est que la jeune journaliste, à
l’époque où elle fréquentait l’école elle-mème. était l’une
des gourdes le plus redoutables. La risée de tous. Dix
ans plus tard, le scénario se répète...
Raja Gosnell
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Baisse le périscope
1996 92 min color United States of America FOX
Le lieutenant commandant Tom McGraw a pensé qu’il
allait finalement diriger un sous-marin nucléaire. Au lieu
de cela, son attitude irrévérencieuse le pose aux
commandes d’un sub diesel ancien, dont il mène son
équipage de racaille dans une série de jeux d’une manière
extravagante peu orthodoxes de guerre.
David Ward
Comedie; Drame d’aventures
Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever
2002 91 min color AA United States of America WB
Haunted by the mysterious death of his wife, reclusive
former FBI manhunter Jeremiah Ecks (Antonio Banderas)
is blackmailed back into service to track down an
unstoppable ex-DIA operative, code-named Sever (Lucy
Liu), who has kidnapped the young son of the head of a
secret committee of international security agencies.
Adventure; Action
Ballon chasseur: une vraie histoire de
2004 93 min color United States of America FOX
Une petite salle de gym est menacée de fermeture. Pour
éviter ce sort, les gérants de l’établissement devront battre
ceux d’un grand centre de fitness dans une sorte de balle
au prisonnier.
Rawson Marshall Thurber
80 min
Personal injury lawyer Juan "Accidentes" Dominguez
stands in the shadow of his mightiest opponent yet.
Representing twelve Nicaraguan banana labourers, he is
suing Dole, the world‘s largest agricultural producer, for
allegedly exposing thousands of field workers to a banned
pesticide known to cause sterility. Faced with a gruelling
uphill battle, can Dominguez beat the odds and bring this
modern day Goliath to justice? Filmmaker Fredrik Gertten
blows the lid off the dark side of our globalized food
economy in "BANANAS!*," a gripping account of one
man‘s crusade against corporate corruption that exposes
the true cost of the bananas we consume.
Fredrik Gertten
All Titles
Bananas (v.f.)
80 min
Juan Dominguez, avocat célèbre officant à Los Angeles a
décidé de représenter près de 10 000 Nicaraguayens
affirmant être victimes du pesticide Nemagon et d’attaquer
en justice les entreprises Dole Food et Dow Chemicals
jugées responsables de son utilisation. La multinationale
Dole est ainsi accusée de s’être servi de ce dangereux
pesticide, interdit dès les années 1970, qui est peut-être la
cause de graves problèmes de santé et de stérilité
touchant les paysans travaillant sur les grandes
exploitations bananières d’Amérique Latine. Le film met en
lumière ce que l’on désigne aujourd’hui comme le néocolonialisme, c’est-à-dire l’exploitation des pays pauvres
par les nations les plus riches comme les États-Unis.
Fredrik Gertten
1968 108 min color PG United States of America FOX
Posing as a hangman, Mace Bishop arrives in town with
the intention of freeing a gang of outlaws, including his
brother, from the gallows. Mace urges his younger brother
to give up crime. The sheriff chases the brothers to
Mexico. They join forces, however, against a group of
Mexican bandits.
Andrew V. McLaglen
Bandolero (v.f.)
1968 108 min color United States of America FOX
Un frère sauve son frère cadet de la pendaison. Un shérif
les poursuit jusqu’à la frontière mexicaine, où tout le
monde doit affronter les redoutables bandoleros.
Andrew V. McLaglen
Western (v.f.)
The Bank Job
2008 111 min color 14A United States of America AFI
In September 1971, thieves tunneled into the vault of a
bank in London’s Baker Street and looted safe deposit
boxes of cash and jewelry worth over three million pounds.
None of it was recovered. Nobody was ever arrested. The
robbery made headlines for a few days and then
disappeared - the result of a ’D’ Notice, gagging the press.
This film reveals what was hidden for the first time. The
story involves murder, corruption and a sex scandal with
links to the Royal Family - a story in which the thieves
were the most innocent people involved.
Roger Donaldson
The Bank Job (v.f.)
2008 111 min color United States of America AFI
Une bande de voleurs transfère des millions de dollars
d’argent et de bijoux sur leurs comptes en banque. Ils
vont bientôt se retrouver au milieu d’une histoire de
meurtre, de corruption et de violence sans qu’ils puissent
contrôler quoi que ce soit...
Roger Donaldson
Drame d’espionnage
Banlieue 13
84 min
Paris. 2013. Les cités de banlieue, véritables jungles
coupées du monde extérieur par de grands murs
d’isolement, sont le théâtre permanent des guerres de
gangs. Membre d’une unité d’élite de la police, Damien
est chargé d’infiltrer la Banlieue 13 afin de récupérer une
bombe à neutrons tombée aux mains de la bande du cruel
Taha. Pour mener à bien sa mission, le policier est
contraint de faire équipe avec Leı̈to, un gars du ghetto qui
s’efforce pour sa part de sauver sa soeur, kidnappée par
les hommes de Taha.
Pierre Morel
Drame de science-fiction; Action (v.f.); Drame policier
1968 98 min color PG United States of America PARA
Barbarella recaptures the spirit of the early American
comic strips. The setting is the planet Lythion in the year
40,000 when Barbarella (Fonda, in her pre-feminist days)
makes a forced landing while traveling through space in
her rocket. A female James Bond, she conquers evil in the
forms of robots and monsters. She also graciously
rewards the handsome men who assist her in her
Roger Vadim
Adventure; Science Fiction; Fantasy; Cult
Barbarella (v.f.)
1968 98 min color United States of America PARA
Space opéra érotique mettant en vedette Jane Fonda,
Barbarella est une adaptation d’une bande dessinée
futuriste de Jean-Claude Forest. En l’an 4000, Barbarella
est chargé par le président de la Terre de retrouver un
savant inventeur du rayon positronique, l’arme absolue qui
menace maintenant la planète. Présenté comme le
premier film d’éros-fiction à sa sortie en 1969, Barbarella
est un véritable thriller galactique psychédélique.
Roger Vadim
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Comédie
fantaisiste; Film de culte
The Barbarian Invasions
99 min
In his early 50’s and divorced, Rémy is in the hospital. His
exwife Louise pleads with their son Sébastien, a very
successful businessman in London, England, to come
home. Sébastien hesitates – he and his father haven’t had
much to say to each other for a very long time – but ends
up agreeing to return, along with his French wife, to help
his mother out. As soon as he arrives, Sébastien does
everything in his power to get a clear diagnosis of his
father’s health and to reduce his suffering. Using his
creativity and his contacts, not to mention bribery,
Sébastien turns the system upside down to obtain better
conditions, and a bit of happiness, for his father. In the
meantime, relatives, friends and lovers flock to Rémy’s
bedside to offer support, settle scores, and take a
facetious look at their own existence. 17 years later, The
Decline of the American Empire continues.
Denys Arcand
Comedy; Drama; Mystery; Romance; Crime
2006 90 min color PG United States of America PARA
When the farmer’s away, all the animals play ... and sing,
and dance. Eventually, though, someone has to step in
and run things, a responsibility that ends up going to Otis
(James), a carefree cow.
Steve Oedekerk
Comedy; Children; Animated
Barry Lyndon
1975 184 min color AA United States of America WB
Ryan O’Neal is Lyndon, a role derived from William
Makepeace Thackeray’s 19th century novel about a ragsto-riches rogue who galavants through Europe from
casinos to castles as a spy, a soldier, a wife beater, and a
Stanley Kubrick
Drama; War; Romance
All Titles
Barry Lyndon (v.f.)
1975 184 min color United States of America WB
Ryan O’Neal est Lyndon, un rôle tiré de William
Makepeace le 19ème siècle de Thackeray le roman d’un
fripon de rags-richesse qui galavants par l’Europe de
casinos aux châteaux comme un espion, un soldat, un
batteur(corolle) de femme et un joueur.
Stanley Kubrick
Comédie sentimentale; Drama social; Drame de guerre
Barton Fink
1991 117 min color AA United States of America FOX
Despite a terminal case of writer’s block and the intrusions
of a talkative neighbour, an earnest New York playwright
struggles to complete his first screen-writing contract.
Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Comedy; Drama; Thriller; Cult
Barton Fink (v.f.)
1991 117 min color United States of America FOX
Malgré un cas terminal de hantise de la page blanche et
les intrusions d’un voisin bavard, un dramaturge de New
York sérieux lutte pour achever son premier contrat
écrivant écran.
Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Comedie; Drame d’espionnage; Drama social; Film de
Basket Spatial
87 min
United States of America
Le belliqueux Swackhammer, propriétaire d’un parc
d’amusement peu fréquenté envoit ses troupes sur Terre
pour kidnapper des héros de dessins animés afin d’en
faire la nouvelle attraction de son parc. Le lapin Bugs
Bunny décide alors d’organiser un match de basketball
opposant ses copains et la troupe Nerdlucks. Afin de
rehausser son équipe, il fera appel à la célèbre superstar
Michael Jordan.
Joe Ptyka
Comedie; Dessins animés; Films pour enfants
Double-Face et le Riddler, qui en veulent à sa vie et
cherchent à détruire Batman.
Joel Schumacher
Comédie fantaisiste; Drame policier; Drame
d’espionnage; Action (v.f.); Drame d’aventures
Batman and Robin
1997 125 min color PG United States of America WB
The fourth installment in the phenomenally successful
Batman saga continues the crime fighting exploits of
Batman and Robin (Clooney and O’Donnell), who are
bolstered by a new partner, Batgirl (Silverstone), as they
battle the villainous Mr. Freeze (Schwarzenegger) and
flower-power femme fatale Poison Ivy (Thurman) on the
streets of Gotham City.
Joel Schumacher
Batman Begins
2005 134 min color PG United States of America WB
When fate prevents him from avenging the deaths of his
parents, young Bruce Wayne (Bale) flees to Asia where he
seeks counsel from a dangerous ninja cult leader known
as Ra’s al Ghul (Watanabe). When he returns, Bruce finds
that Gotham City has become overrun with crime and
corruption, and that there are forces at work trying to
remove him from his inherited place as the owner of
Wayne Industries. Discovering a cave under Wayne
Manor, Bruce assumes a new identity as a secret
detective and guardian of the people of Gotham City
against the criminals that plague them...
Christopher Nolan
Comedy; Adventure; Fantasy; Thriller; Crime
Batman et Robin
1997 125 min color United States of America WB
Ce quatrième épisode nous ramène nos héros, Batman et
Robin, qui sont rejoint dans leur lutte contre le crime par
Batgirl. Ils devront affronter cette fois-ci, dans les rues de
Gotham City, le vilain M. Freeze et Poison Ivy, femme
Joel Schumacher
Action (v.f.)
1966 104 min color PG United States of America FOX
The dynamic duo faces Cat-woman, the Joker, the
Penguin, and Riddler, who have joined forces to eliminate
Batman and Robin and eventually take over the world.
The caped crusaders employ all their bat-devices to thwart
the felonious fiends and restore peace to Gotham City and
the world.
Leslie H. Martinson
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Action; Cult
1989 126 min color PG United States of America WB
Bruce Wayne returns after several years’ absence spent
developing his physical and scientific skills. He finds his
hometown has become highly corrupt. He then assumes a
second identity – the powerful and terrifying crimefighter
known as Batman.
Tim Burton
Action; Fantasy; Thriller; Crime
Batman à jamais
1995 120 min color United States of America WB
Bruce Wayne obtient l’aide d’un jeune acrobate orphelin,
Dick Grayson, dans sa lutte contre des criminels déments,
Batman Forever
1995 120 min color PG United States of America WB
It’s a brand new day for Gotham’s Dark Knight...And a
brand new nightmare for Gotham City....As two new forces
of evil - Two-Face, formerly known as District Attorney
Harvey Dent until a courtroom accident left him disfigured
by chance and fueled by vengeance, and the Riddler, who
was previously Edward Nygma, an overlooked employee of
Wayne Enterprises before his transformation into the most
quizzical and dangerous of tricksters - join together to
overtake the minds of the citizenry and destroy their sworn
arch-enemy, Batman.
Joel Schumacher
Adventure; Action; Fantasy; Thriller; Crime
Batman: le commencement
2005 134 min color United States of America WB
Le cinquième épisode des aventures de l’homme chauvesouris, centr sur ses débuts de justicier à Gotham City. Il
se retrouvera confront Ra’s Al Ghul, un terrifiant ennemi
souhaitant régner sur le monde.
Christopher Nolan
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste;
Drame d’aventures; Drame policier
All Titles
Batman Returns
1992 126 min color AA United States of America WB
Gotham City faces two monstrous criminal menaces: the
bizarre, sinister Penguin and the slinky, mysterious
Catwoman. Can Batman battle two formidable foes at
once? Especially when one wants to be mayor and the
other is romantically attracted to Gotham’s hero?
Tim Burton
Drama; Action; Fantasy; Thriller; Crime
Batman (v.f.)
1966 104 min color United States of America FOX
Le duo dynamique fait face à la Femme de chat, le
Blagueur, le Pingouin et Riddler, qui a joint(rejoint) des
forces pour éliminer l’Ordonnance et Robin et reprend
finalement le monde. Les croisés caped emploient tous
leurs dispositifs de chauve-souris pour contrecarrer les
démons criminels et reconstituer(rétablir) la paix à la Ville
Gotham et le monde.
Leslie H. Martinson
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Film de culte; Action
(v.f.); Films pour enfants
Batman (v.f.)
1989 126 min color United States of America WB
Gotham City est envahie par le crime lorsque surgit un
justicier mystérieux à l’apparence d’une chauve-souris
géante surnommé Batman. À la suite d’un accident lors
de son arrestation, un criminel défiguré par un rictus
permanent, connu sous le nom de Joker, devient
l’adversaire déclaré de Batman.
Tim Burton
Drame policier; Comédie fantaisiste; Drame
d’espionnage; Action (v.f.)
Be Kind, Rewind
2008 102 min color PG United States of America AFI
Jerry is a junkyard worker who attempts to sabotage a
power plant he suspects of causing his headaches. But he
inadvertently causes his brain to become magnetized,
leading to the unintentional destruction of all the movies in
his friend’s store. In order to keep the store’s one loyal
customer, an elderly lady with a tenuous grasp on reality,
the pair re-create a long line of films including The Lion
King, Rush Hour, Ghostbusters, When We Were Kings,
Driving Miss Daisy, and Robocop, putting themselves and
their townspeople into it. They become the biggest stars in
their neighborhood.
Michel Gondry
Comedy; Drama; Science Fiction; Action
Beast from Twenty Thousand Fathoms
1953 91 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Based on Ray Bradbury’s short story "The Fog Horn,"
about a dinosaur roused from a deep freeze by an atom
blast. Noteworthy special effects by Ray Harryhausen.
Eugene Lourie
Horror; Science Fiction
2011 88 min color PG United States of America AFI
A modern-day take on the "Beauty and the Beast" tale
where a New York teen is transformed into a hideous
monster in order to find true love.
Daniel Barnz
Drama; Horror; Fantasy; Romance
Un beau jour
1996 105 min color United States of America FOX
Melanie Parker, un architecte et la mère de Sammy et
Jack Taylor, un commentateur de presse et le père de
Maggie, sont tous les deux divorcés. Ils se rencontrent un
matin où Jack écrasé est laissé inopinément avec Maggie
et oublie que Melanie devait la prendre à l’école. En
conséquence, tous les deux enfants manquent leur sortie
éducative scolaire et sont collés avec les parents. Les
deux adultes projettent leurs stéréotypes négatifs d’exconjoints sur l’un l’autre, mais terminent d’avoir besoin de
compter sur l’un l’autre pour observer les enfants comme
chacun doit sauver(économiser) son travail. L’humour est
ajouté par la propension de Sammy pour le logement
d’objets dans son nez et la tendance de Maggie d’errer.
Michael Hoffman
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Drama social
Beauté dangereuse
1998 112 min color United States of America WB
Drame de moeurs. Dans le flamboyant Venise du XVIe
siècle, Veronica Franco devient courtisane après avoir été
rejetée, en raison de son rang social inférieur, par le noble
Marco, dont elle est amoureuse. Belle et dégourdie, la
jeune femme devient rapidement la coqueluche des salons
privés et de la cour de Venise. Marco en vient même à
vouloir la reconquérir. Mais lorsque la peste s’abat sur la
ville, l’église y voit le signe d’une punition divine.
L’inquisition frappe alors les milieux les plus libertins de
Venise. Véronica se retrouve accusée de sorcellerie et
devra se défendre au cours d’un procès houleux.
Marshall Herskovitz
Etudes sociales; Drama social
Beautiful Dreamer
107 min
The supperintendent of the London insane asylum, Dr.
Maurice Bucke, despairs of the treatment methods in use
during the Victorian era, which consist essentially of
restraint and electroshock. At a conference in
Philadelphia, he makes the acquaintance of poet Walt
Whitman, this meeting will radically change his life, that of
his wife and patients. Whitman, who travels to London at
Bucke’s invitation, has avant-garde ideas on the subject of
mental illness, sexuality, the emotions and life in general
ideas that are also profoundly humanistic and enlightened.
This film is based on historical events.
John Kent Harrisson
Un Bebe pour Rosemary
1968 136 min color United States of America PARA
Malgré les conseils de leur vieil ami Hutch, Guy
Woodhouse et sa jeune femme, enceinte, s’installent dans
un immeuble new-yorkais vétuste, considéré par leur ami
comme une demeure maléfique. Aussitôt, leurs voisins,
Minnie et Roman Castevet, vieux couple d’Europe
centrale, imposent leur amitié et leurs services. Si Guy
accepte facilement ce voisinage, Rosemary s’en inquiète
Roman Polanski
Film de culte
79 min
Une année dans la vie de quatre bébés, du jour de leur
naissance à leurs premiers pas. Le documentaire suit ces
quatre bambins provenant de quatre pays différents;
Ponija qui vient de l’Afrique, Bayarjargal qui réside en
Mongolie, Mari de Tokyo et Hattie qui a vu le jour à San
Francisco. En plus des observer grandir et se développer,
on finit par se questionner sur le monde qui nous entoure
et celui dans lequel vivra nos enfants.
Thomas Balmes
All Titles
Because of Winn-Dixie
2004 106 min color G United States of America FOX
Based on the perennial best seller, a lonely young girl
adopts an orphaned dog, Winn-Dixie (so named for the
supermarket where she found him), who helps her make
friends in the small Florida town. The bond between the
girl and her special companion brings together the
townspeople, and helps heal her own troubled relationship
with her father.
Wayne Wang
Comedy; Drama; World Gratitude
Because of Winn-Dixie (v.f.)
2004 106 min color United States of America
Durant l’été, Opal, une fillette de dix ans, s’installe à
Naomi, en Floride, et fait la rencontre d’un prêtre,
détenteur d’informations sur l’absence de sa mère.
Wayne Wang
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Drama social
Becoming Jane
120 min
United Kingdom
The year is 1795 and young Jane Austen is a feisty 20year-old and emerging writer who already sees a world
beyond class and commerce, beyond pride and prejudice,
and dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable marrying for love. Naturally, her parents are searching for
a wealthy, well-appointed husband to assure their
daughter’s future social standing. They are eyeing Mr.
Wisley, nephew to the very formidable, not to mention very
rich, local aristocrat Lady Gresham, as a prospective
match. But when Jane meets the roguish and decidedly
non-aristocratic Tom Lefroy, sparks soon fly along with the
sharp repartee. His intellect and arrogance raise her ire then knock her head over heels. Now, the couple, whose
flirtation flies in the face of the sense and sensibility of the
age, is faced with a terrible dilemma. If they attempt to
marry, they will risk everything that matters - family, friends
and fortune.
Julian Jarrold
Drama; Romance; Biography
Bee Movie
2007 90 min color G United States of America PARA
Barry B. Benson (Seinfeld), a bee who has just graduated
from college, is disillusioned at his lone career choice:
making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, Barry’s
life is saved by Vanessa (Zellweger), a florist in New York
City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans
actually eat honey, and subsequently decides to sue us.
Steve Hickner, Simon J. Smith
Comedy; Children; Animated
Bee Season
2005 104 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Eliza Naumann (Flora Cross) has no reason to believe she
is anything but ordinary. Her father Saul (Richard Gere), a
beloved university professor, dotes on her talented elder
brother Aaron (Max Minghella). Her scientist mother,
Miriam (Juliette Binoche), seems consumed by her career.
When a spelling bee threatens to reaffirm her mediocrity,
Eliza amazes everyone: she wins. Her newfound gift
garners an invitation not only to the national competition,
but an entrée into the world of words and Jewish
mysticism that have so long captivated her father’s
imagination. But Eliza’s unexpected success hurls the
Naumann family dynamic into a tailspin, long-held secrets
emerge and she is forced to depend upon her own
divination to hold the family together. BEE SEASON is
based on the nationally best selling Myla Goldberg novel
of the same name.
Scott McGehee, David Siegel
1988 94 min color PG United States of America WB
Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis portray a couple of nice,
young homebody ghosts who call upon Beetlejuice, a
bioexorcist played by Michael Keaton to exorcise their
house of a pack of pretentious, trend-setting human beings
who threaten to make their house unlivable even for the
Tim Burton
Comedy; Horror; Fantasy
Before Sunset
2004 80 min color 14A United States of America WB
Jesse, a writer from the US and Celine, a French woman
working for an environment protection organization, met
nine years ago on the train from Budapest to Vienna and
meet again when Jesse arrives in Paris for a reading of his
new book. As they have only a few hours until his plane
leaves, they stroll through Paris, talking about their
experiences, views and whether they still love each other,
although Jesse is already married with a kid.
Richard Linklater
Drama; Romance
Before Tomorrow
93 min
Based on the novel by Jørn Riel. Two Inuit families meet
for a summertime celebration. Food is abundant and the
future seems bright, but Ningiuq, a strong and wise old
woman, cannot stop worrying. She sees her world as
fragile and moves through it with a pervasive sense of
dread. Ningiuq sets out with her grandson to a remote
island, where they dry the catch and store it for winter.
The task is finished and the warm season comes to an
end, as they wait in vain for the others to pick them up.
Marie-Hélène Cousineau, Madeline Ivalu
Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Jouney
2011 86 min color G United States of America MON
The film traces Kevin Clash’s rise from his modest
beginnings in Baltimore to his current success as the man
behind Elmo, one of the world’s most recognizable and
adored characters. Millions of children tune in daily to
watch Elmo, yet when Kevin walks down the street he is
not recognized. Pivotal to the film is the exploration of Jim
Henson’s meteoric rise, and Kevin’s ultimate achievement
of his goal to become part of the Henson family of
puppeteers. In addition to puppeteering Elmo, Mr. Clash is
arguably the creative force behind today’s Sesame Street,
producing, directing and traveling around the globe training
other puppeteers. Includes interviews with Frank Oz,
Rosie O’Donnell, Whoopi Goldberg, Carroll Spinney, Joan
Ganz Cooney, Marty Robinson, Fran Brill, and Bill Barretta.
Philip Shane, Constance Marks
Being Flynn
2012 102 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Working in a Boston homeless shelter, Nick Flynn reencounters his father, a con man and self-proclaimed poet.
Sensing trouble in his own life, Nick wrestles with the
notion of reaching out yet again to his dad.
Paul Weitz
Comedy; Drama
Being Flynn (v.f.)
All Titles
2012 102 min color United States of America AFI
Durant la vingtaine, un jeune homme enchaı̂ne les petits
boulots dans la ville de Boston. Un jour, il croise le
chemin de son père, un homme brillant mais dérangé.
Paul Weitz
Comedie; Drama social
The Believer
2001 98 min color AA United States of America AS
"The Believer" explores a Jewish student’s private journey
to understand the meaning of Judaism in his life. Set in
New York City, the Plot follows a morally confused young
adult struggling with the conflict between his beliefs and
his heritage. "The Believer" examines themes of religion,
family, and self-loathing. It is a psychological examination
into the forces of intolerance, both on the individual and
society as a whole.
Henry Bean
Belles Annees de Miss Brodie
1969 116 min color United States of America FOX
Maggie Smith a gagné Oscar comme le flamboyant,
excentrique et a consacré l’enseignant Écossais qui croit
que toutes les filles qui laissent ses classes sont le "creme
creme de la," dans cette histoire pleine d’humour et
Ronald Neame
Drama social
1959 217 min color PG United States of America WB
Judah Ben-Hur lives as a rich Jewish prince and merchant
in Jerusalem at the beginning of the 1st century. Together
with the new governor his old friend Messala arrives as
commanding officer of the Roman legions. At first they are
happy to meet after a long time but their different politic
views separate them. During the welcome parade a roof
tile falls down from Judah’s house and injures the
governor. Although Messala knows they are not guilty, he
sends Judah to the galleys and throws his mother and
sister into prison. But Judah swears to come back and
take revenge.
William Wyler
Drama; Adventure; Action; Literary Adaption
Ben Hur (v.f.)
1959 217 min color G United States of America WB
Judas Ben-Hur, prince de Judée, retrouve son ami
d’enfance Messala, venu prendre la tête de la garnison de
Jérusalem. Mais leur amitié ne peut résister à leurs
caractères différents.Alors qu’une pierre tombe du balcon
de la maison familiale de Ben-Hur, manquant de tuer le
gouverneur qui paradait plus bas, Messala trahit son ami
qu’il sait innocent en l’envoyant aux galères et en jetant en
prison sa mère et sa soeur. Ben-Hur jure alors de
reconquérir sa liberté et prépare sa vengeance.
Fred Niblo
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Dame poétique;
Action (v.f.)
Bend It Like Beckham
2003 108 min color PG United States of America FOX
Jess is an Indian girl who dreams of life on a more even
playing field; whether it be her beloved game of soccer or
an opportunity to experience more than what her parents
and culture might be ready to accept.
Gurinder Chadha
Comedy; Best Friend Day
2007 113 min color 14A United States of America
The Scandinavian warrior Beowulf must fight and defeat
the monster Grendel who is terrorizing towns, and later,
Grendel’s mother, who begins killing out of revenge.
Robert Zemeckis
Adventure; Drama; Fantasy
2012 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
In the tiny, rural town of Carthage, Texas, assistant funeral
director Bernie Tiede was one of the town’s most beloved
residents. He taught Sunday school, sang in the church
choir and was always willing to lend a helping hand.
Everyone loved and appreciated Bernie, so it came as no
surprise when he befriended Marjorie Nugent, an affluent
widow who was as well known for her sour attitude as her
fortune. Bernie frequently traveled with Marjorie and even
managed her banking affairs. Marjorie quickly became
fully dependent on Bernie and his generosity and Bernie
struggled to meet her increasing demands. Bernie
continued to handle her affairs, and the townspeople went
months without seeing Marjorie.
Richard Linklater
Comedy; Drama; Crime
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
2012 118 min color PG United States of America FOX
of British retirees who decide to "outsource" their
retirement to less expensive and seemingly exotic India.
Enticed by advertisements for the newly restored Marigold
Hotel and bolstered with visions of a life of leisure, they
arrive to find the palace a shell of its former self. Though
the new environment is less luxurious than imagined, they
are forever transformed by their shared experiences,
discovering that life and love can begin again when you let
go of the past.
John Madden
Comedy; Drama; Evaluate Your Life Day; Older
American’s Month
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (v.f.)
2012 118 min color United States of America FOX
es retraités britanniques partent en Inde, où la vie est
moins chère. Ils arrivent au Marigold Hotel, un palace dont
des publicités leur ont vanté les mérites. Quoique le
nouvel environnement soit moins luxueux qu’imaginé, ils
sont pour toujours transformés par leurs expériences
communes, découvrant que la vie et l’amour peuvent
recommencer lorsqu’on laisse son passé derrière soi.
John Madden
Comedie; Drama social
Best in Show
2000 89 min color PG United States of America WB
The Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show provides the
backdrop for this ensemble comedy said to be largely
improvised and shot documentary style. Featured among
the eccentric dog owners gearing up for the canine
showdown of their lives are: Parker Posey and Mike
Hitchcock as the owners of a neurotic Weimaraner named
Beatrice, Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara as the
proprietors of a terrier named Winky, Christopher Guest as
the owner of a bloodhound named Hubert, Michael
Higgins and Michael McKean as the proud parents of a
pampered Shih Tzu named Miss Agnes, and Jennifer
Coolridge and Jane Lynch as the owners of a champion
poodle named Rhapsody in White (a.k.a. Butch).
Christopher Guest
All Titles
Bienvenue à Mooseport
94 min
United States of America
Apres un accident de voiture, Adam et Barbara Maitland
se retrouvent dans la maison qu’ils habitaient et constatent
qu’ils sont morts. Leurs esprits ne peuvent plus sortir des
limites de l’habitation qui a ét vendue à un couple bizarre.
Profitant de leur statut Adam et Barbara tentent de faire
fuir les nouveaux propriétaires, mais leurs efforts sont
Tim Burton
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Films pour enfants;
Drame d’horreur
2004 111 min color United States of America FOX
A l’issue de son deuxième mandat, un Président des
Etats-Unis apprécié de tous prend sa retraite dans une
petite ville de la côte est pour écrire ses mémoires. Suite
aux nombreuses sollicitations des habitants pour qu’il
devienne maire de leur bourgade, il s’engage dans une
campagne électorale face au propriétaire d’une
quincaillerie locale. Campagne qui dégénère rapidement
en une bataille féroce...
Donald Petrie
Better Off Dead
1985 87 min color AA United States of America WB
Proving the adage that the course of love never runs
smoothly, Lane Myer (Cusack), a young man hopelessly in
love, careens from one unexpected encounter to another.
When Beth drops him in favour of an insufferable,
conceited ski jock, one of Lane’s many feelings is that he’d
be Better Off Dead.
Savage Steve Holland
Comedy; Romance
2003 103 min color United States of America FOX
L’histoire se déroule aux Etats-Unis sur la route 66, et met
en scène une famille américaine. Pour l’écriture de ce
nouveau long métrage, Wim Wenders collaborera avec
l’acteur-scénariste Sam Shepard.
Jim Sheridan
Drama social
The Beverly Hillbillies
1993 93 min color PG United States of America FOX
Jed Clampett and kin move from Arkansas to Beverly Hills
when he becomes a billionaire, after an oil strike. The
country folk are very naive with regard to life in the big city,
so when Jed starts a search for a new wife there are
inevitably plenty of takers and con artists ready to make a
fast buck.
Penelope Spheeris
Bienvenue en Amérique
1988 104 min color PG United States of America FOX
Tom Hanks plays Josh Baskin, a 12-year-old boy who has
been transformed into a 35-year-old man by a carnival
wishing machine. Elizabeth Perkins plays Susan, the
sophisticated lady executive who falls in love with him.
Penny Marshall
Comedy; Fantasy; World Gratitude
The Big Bounce
Beverly Hills Cop
1984 105 min color R United States of America PARA
Eddie Murphy makes his first solo starring appearance as
a streetsmart Detroit cop pounding the gilded pavements
of Beverly Hills in search of his friend’s killer. Action/
Martin Brest
Comedy; Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
2003 88 min color 14A United States of America WB
Sexy Noir Thriller. Set on Hawaii’s stunning North Shore, a
charismatic drifter (Owen Wilson) forms a dubious alliance
with a powerful local businessman (Morgan Freeman)
while hooking up with a criminally-minded seductress
(Sara Foster) to double-cross a wealthy developer (Gary
Sinise) and his cohorts (Charlie Sheen, Vinnie Jones).
George Armitage
Thriller; Crime
Beverly Hills Cop II
1987 103 min color AA United States of America PARA
Axel Foley returns to Beverly Hills to help Taggart and
Rosewood investigate Chief Bogamil’s near-fatal shooting
and the series of "alphabet crimes" associated with it.
Tony Scott
Comedy; Action; Thriller; Crime
Beyond Borders
2003 127 min color 14A United States of America
Beyond Borders is an epic tale of the turbulent romance
between two star-crossed lovers set against the backdrop
of the world’s most dangerous hot spots. Academy Award
winner Angelina Jolie stars as Sarah Jordan, an American
living in London in 1984. She is married to Henry Bauford
(Linus Roache) son of a wealthy British industrialist, when
she encounters Nick Callahan (Clive Owen) a renegade
doctor, whose impassioned plea for help to support his
relief efforts in war-torn Africa moves her deeply. As a
result, Sarah embarks upon a journey of discovery that
leads to danger, heartbreak and romance in the far
corners of the world.
Martin Campbell
Drama; War; Romance
Big Mommas House 2
2006 99 min color PG United States of America FOX
On his latest assignment, FBI agent Malcolm Turner
(Lawrence) goes undercover as Big Momma, and works
as a nanny for an unhappy woman (Procter) who is under
investigation for murder.
John Whitesell
Comedy; Action; Crime
Big Mommas: Like Father Like Son
2011 108 min color PG United States of America FOX
Big Momma is back - and this time he has big backup: his
teenage stepson Trent (Brendan T. Jackson). Martin
Lawrence returns as FBI agent Malcolm Turner and as
Turner’s deep-cover alter-ego Big Momma. Turner is
joined by Trent, as they go undercover at an all-girls
performing arts school after Trent witnesses a murder.
Posing as Big Momma and as hefty coed Charmaine, they
must find the murderer before he finds them.
John Whitesell
Big Mommas: tel père, tel fils
All Titles
Big Trouble in Little China
2011 108 min color G United States of America FOX
Le flic Martin Turner aimerait bien que son neveu Trent
s’inscrive à une prestigieuse école. Ce dernier préfèrerait
gagner sa vie en faisant de la musique. Lors d’une
opération policière qui a mal tourné, ils sont pris en
chasse par des assassins. Afin de passer inaperçu, quoi
de mieux que de se déguiser en femmes? Sous le
physique de Big Momma et de Charmaine, les membres
de la famille décident de se cacher dans un collège
réservé aux filles. Pendant que Trent est au septième ciel
devant tant de jolies demoiselles, Martin cherche le moyen
de revenir à une existence normale.
John Whitesell
The Big Picture
114 min
Paul Exben is a success story - partner in one of Paris’s
most exclusive law firms, big salary, big house, glamorous
wife and two sons straight out of a Gap catalog. But when
he finds out that Sarah, his wife, is cheating on him with
Greg Kremer, a local photographer, a rush of blood
provokes Paul into a fatal error. Standing over the corpse
of his wife’s lover, Paul knows that his perfect life has gone
for good. But by assuming the dead man’s identity and
fleeing for an isolated part of former Yugoslavia on the
beautiful Adriatic coast, Paul gets another shot at being
himself and, at last, seeing the big picture.
Eric Lartigau
Drama; Suspense
Big River Man
2009 100 min color 14A United States of America
The film will follow Strel as he attempts to cover 3,375
miles in what is being billed as the world’s longest swim.
Strel, who hails from Slovenia, previously completed
record swims in the Danube, Mississippi and Yangzte
rivers and holds several Guiness World Records.
John Maringouin
Big Sleep
1946 114 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Humphrey Bogart stars as Philip Marlowe, Raymond
Chandler’s tough, cynical, but charming private eye.
Marlowe is assigned to investigate the gambling debts of
the wealthy General Sternwood’s younger daughter and is
plunged into a world of blackmail, deception and violence.
Lauren Bacall is the general’s older daughter and the
sparks fly between her and Bogie in what is a classic duo
Howard Hawks
Big Stan
2007 105 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Once upon a time, there lived a tiny, insecure man who
learned the only way he could make his enormous ego
feel comfortable in his teeny, tiny body was to embarrass,
humiliate, and torture others. He thought he was a master
of disguise, fooling others into believing he was a big man.
Yet he was only fooling himself, and through time his
unconscionable behavior repulsed and repelled everyone.
If his heart was three or three-hundred sizes too small, it
didn’t matter by then because no one was around to even
Rob Schneider
Comedy; Action
1986 100 min color AA United States of America FOX
Make way for Jack Burton, the screen’s latest, dashing
swashbuckler! Burton (Kurt Russel) is swept up in an
adventure so bizarre it would leave Indianna Jones
John Carpenter
Comedy; Adventure; Science Fiction; Action
Big Trouble in Little China (v.f.)
1986 100 min color G United States of America FOX
Les aventures du baroudeur Jack Burton à Chinatown, où
règne le terrible sorcier Lo Pan. Celui-ci pense pouvoir
retrouver son enveloppe charnelle grâce aux beaux yeux
verts de Miao Yin, délicieuse Chinoise fiancée a un ami de
John Carpenter
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction;
Action (v.f.)
The Big Year
2011 100 min color PG United States of America FOX
In this comedy for grown-ups, Steve Martin, Jack Black
and Owen Wilson portray three men from different walks
of life, each facing unique personal challenges. The one
thing they share is an uncommon passion for... bird
watching. In the biggest competition of their biggest year,
they undertake an unforgettable trek through North
America, fall in and out of love, engage in hilarious and
bizarre adventures, and form friendships that will last a
David Frankel
Billy Budd
1962 12 min color PG United States of America WB
A wonderful film version of Herman Melville’s allegorical
story about a naive young sailor who murders a sadistic
master-at-arms in a fit of justifiable fury.
Peter Ustinov
1988 118 min color PG United States of America WB
This is a film about jazz and the time is 1936. It revolves
around a 16 year old boy who wants very much to be a
great saxophone player and is having a very hard time
getting there.
Clint Eastwood
Bird (v.f.)
1988 118 min color United States of America WB
Charlie "Bird" Parker, celebre saxophoniste de jazz, tente
de se suicider apres la mort de sa fille de quatre ans. Sa
femme Chan le fait transporter dans un service d’urgence
psychiatrique, mais refuse qu’on lui administre des chocs
electriques, revendiquant son droit a la marginalite. Avant
de quitter l’hopital, le musicien se rememore le puzzle de
sa vie: la famille, les femmes, les jazzmen qu’il a cotoyes
tels Count Basie, Dizzy Gillespie, Lester Young, Red
Rodney. Parker, artiste genial, porte en lui une engoisse
de vivre qu’il essaie d’apaiser par la drogue et l’alcool.
Clint Eastwood
Drama social
Bittersweet Memories
All Titles
Black Orpheus
90 min
At only five years old, she was already a hit in Quebec. At
thirteen, she conquered the big city Montreal, using the
name Alys Robi. She captivated the world, including
Hollywood where studios wanted to sign her and the press
idolized her. But at the height of her popularity, she was
institutionalized against her will by her father. Medical
authorities suggested one treatment: a lobotomy. Under
the operating room’s blinding lights, Ayls sees the twenty
eight years of her life flash before her eyes: her debut with
"La Poune", her first love Oliver Guimond who she left for
her manager Lucio Agostini, who broker her heart. She
personified the American Dream. Hers is a story of
triumph, glory and love. But, beneath it all lurked a
horrible truth that completely changed her life.
Denise Filiatrault
Drama; Musical; Biography
103 min
The Orpheus-Eurydice legend is recreated against the
background of Mardi Gras in Rio de Janeiro.
Marcel Camus
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Black Robe
1991 102 min color AA United States of America AFI
A young Jesuit Priest is sent on a dangerous expedition to
convert the Indians in the rugged 17th century Canadian
wilderness. His faith and courage tested, he is captured
and tortured by the Iroquois, and he learns to understand
the true nature of the people he came to convert.
Bruce Beresford
Adventure; Drama
Black Sheep
147 min
This is a story of a man in free fall. On the road to
redemption, darkness lights his way. Connected with the
afterlife, Uxbal is a tragic hero and father of two who’s
sensing the danger of death. He struggles with a tainted
reality and a fate that works against him in order to forgive,
for love, and forever.
Alejandro González Iñárritu
1996 86 min color PG United States of America PARA
A politician finds his bid for the statehouse jeopardized by
the embarrassing antics of his doofus brother and assigns
a lackey to keep an eye on the ne’er-do-well relation. In
the end, the inept duo wind up saving the election
Penelope Sphreeris
Black Beauty
Black Snake Moan
1994 87 min color F United States of America WB
A feature film adaptation of Anna Sewell’s classic
children’s story about a time when horses were vital to
men’s lives – seen through the eyes of one horse who
flourishes, suffers and finds happiness.
Caroline Thompson
Adventure; Drama
2007 115 min color 14A United States of America
A God-fearing bluesman (Jackson) takes to a wild young
woman (Ricci) who, as a victim of childhood sexual abuse,
looks everywhere for love, never quite finding it.
Craig Brewer
Drama; Romance
Black Beauty (v.f.)
87 min
United States of America
Le jeune fils d’un fermier décide de baptiser le poulain qui
vient de naitre Black Beauty. À cause de problèmes
financiers, le garçon se voit obliger de se défaire de son
compagnon, devenu un magnifique étalon.
Caroline Thompson
Drama social; Dame poétique; Drame d’aventures;
Films pour enfants
Black Gold
82 min
United Kingdom
Multinational coffee companies dominate an industry worth
over $80 billion, making coffee the most valuable trading
commodity in the world after oil. But while we continue to
pay for our lattes and cappuccinos, the price paid to coffee
farmers remains low. Nowhere more evident is this
paradox than in Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee. Tadesse
Meskela is one man on a mission to save his 75,000
struggling coffee farmers from bankruptcy. As his farmers
strive to harvest some of the highest quality coffee beans
on the international market, Tadesse travels the world in
an attempt to find buyers willing to pay a fair price.
Against the backdrop of Tadesse’s journey to London and
Seattle, the more powerful sides of the international
trading system begin to unfold. New York coffee traders,
auction houses and the double dealings of trade ministers
at the World Trade Organisation reveal the enormity of
Tadesse’s task to find a long term solution for his farmers.
Marc and Nick Francis
Black Snake Moan (v.f.)
2007 115 min color United States of America PARA
Un bluesman trouve, au beau milieu de la route, une jeune
femme demi-nue et inconsciente. Comme elle souffre de
nymphomanie à la suite d’abus sexuels subis dans son.
Craig Brewer
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Black Swan
2010 103 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Nina (Portman) is a ballerina in a New York City ballet
company whose life, like all those in her profession, is
completely consumed with dance. She lives with her
obsessive former ballerina mother Erica (Hershey) who
exerts a suffocating control over her. When artistic director
Thomas Leroy (Cassel) decides to replace prima ballerina
Beth MacIntyre (Ryder) for the opening production of their
new season, Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice. But Nina
has competition: a new dancer, Lily (Kunis), who
impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a dancer
who can play both the White Swan with innocence and
grace, and the Black Swan, who represents guile and
sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role perfectly but Lily
is the personification of the Black Swan. As the two young
dancers expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship, Nina
begins to get more in touch with her dark side - a
recklessness that threatens to destroy her.
Darren Aronofsky
Drama; Thriller
All Titles
The Blind Side
84 min
A group of male teachers crosses the mountainous paths
of the remote Iranian Kurdistan region. Carrying large
blackboards on their backs, they wander from village to
village in search of students. Said meets a group of 100
or so old men accompanied by a sole young woman and
child. They are closed and uninterested in learning. One
of the old men feels he can only find peace if his young
widowed daughter, Halaleh, marries before his death. Said
has only his blackboard to offer in exchange for her hand
in marriage...
Samira Makhmalbaf
Blade III: La trinite
2004 113 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
A l’aide d’une manipulation d’image aussi géniale que
machiavélique, les vampires ont réussi à piéger Blade :
sur un document vidéo, on le découvre en train de
massacrer... un humain. Pour le FBI, Blade devient
l’ennemi à capturer.Pourchassé par les hommes et
condamné par les vampires, Blade va devoir se battre sur
tous les fronts. Les vampires, qui multiplient les alliances
secrètes avec des humains renégats, sont sur le point
d’utiliser son propre ADN pour ressusciter celui qui, il y a
bien longtemps, fut le premier et le plus puissant d’entre
eux.Entre course contre la montre et les pièges qui se
multiplient, l’affrontement est total. Cette fois, Blade aussi
va devoir montrer les crocs...
David Goyer
Drama social; Drame d’horreur; Action (v.f.); Comédie
fantaisiste; Drame d’espionnage
Blade: Trinity
2004 113 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Wesley Snipes returns as the day-walking vampire hunter
in the explosive third and final film in the Blade franchise,
Blade: Trinity. When the Vampire Nation hatches a plan to
frame Blade in a series of brutal killings, he must join
forces with the Nightstalkers, a clan of human vampire
hunters, in an extreme battle in which the trail of blood
leads directly to the notorious vampire legend, Dracula.
Written and directed by David S. Goyer, Blade: Trinity also
stars Jessica Biel as Abigail, the daughter of Whistler (Kris
Kristofferson), who inherits the vampire-slaying duties that
once belonged to Blade (Wesley Snipes); and Ryan
Reynolds (National Lampoon’s Van Wilder) as Hannibal
King, one of the Nightstalkers.
David Goyer
Adventure; Horror; Action; Fantasy; Thriller
Blades of Glory
2007 93 min color 14A United States of America PARA
In 2002, two rival Olympic ice skaters were stripped of
their gold medals and permanently banned from the men’s
single competition. Presently, however, they’ve found a
loophole that will allow them to qualify as a pairs team.
Josh Gordon, Will Speck
Comedy; Sports
Blades of Glory (v.f.)
2007 93 min color United States of America PARA
En 2002, deux patineurs sur glace s’opposant aux jeux
Olympiques, sont destitués de leur médaille d’Or et exclus
à vie de la compétition homme simple. Cependant, ils
trouveront une faille au règlement leur permettant de se
qualifier en équipe double...
Josh Gordon, Will Speck
Comedie; Drame sportif
2009 128 min color PG United States of America WB
"The Blind Side" depicts the remarkable true story of
Michael Oher, a homeless African-American youngster
from a broken home, taken in by the Touhys, a well-to-do
white family who help him fulfill his potential. At the same
time, Oher’s presence in the Touhys’ lives leads them to
some insightful self-discoveries of their own. Living in his
new environment, the teen faces a completely different set
of challenges to overcome. As a football player and
student, Oher works hard and, with the help of his
coaches and adopted family, becomes an All-American
offensive left tackle.
John Lee Hancock
Drama; Sports
Blind Spot: Hitler’s Secretary
90 min
In Blind Spot - Hitler’s Secretary, Traudl Junge describes
on camera for the first time her experience working as one
of Adolf Hitler’s private secretaries from 1942 until his
suicide in 1945. After keeping quiet for nearly 60 years,
Frau Junge tells the riveting story of working alongside
Hitler until the final collapse of the Nazi regime. Frau
Junge is one of only a handful of witnesses to Hitler’s last
days in his fortified bunker as the Third Reich was
collapsing above them. In his final hours, he dictated his
final will and testament to her. Frau Junge also worked
with Hitler at Wolf’s Lair (his field headquarters in East
Prussia), at his Bavarian residence at Berchtesgaden and
on the Führer’s special train. In Spring 2001, André Heller
met Traudl Junge and was able to persuade her that it
would be fascinating as well as historically important to
make a record of her unique experiences... and of her
present attitudes to that time, after years of contemplation
and self-analysis.
André Heller
Documentary; Biography
2008 121 min color 18A United States of America AFI
A city is ravaged by an epidemic of instant "white
blindness". Those first afflicted are quarantined...
Fernando Meirelles
Drama; Mystery; Romance
2004 93 min color G United States of America AFI
A young girl’s aunt tells her the tale of a young ice skater
and an enchanted reindeer.
LeVar Burton
Comedy; Children
Blood Diamond
2006 138 min color 14A United States of America WB
Set against the backdrop of civil war and chaos in 1990’s
Sierra Leone, Blood Diamond is the story of Danny Archer
(Leonardo DiCaprio) - a South African mercenary - and
Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou) - a Mende fisherman.
Both men are African, but their histories as different as
any can be, until their fates become joined in a common
quest to recover a rare pink diamond that can transform
their lives. While in prison for smuggling, Archer learns
that Solomon - who was taken from his family and forced
to work in the diamond fields - has found and hidden the
extraordinary rough stone. With the help of Maddy Bowen
(Jennifer Connelly), an American journalist whose idealism
is tempered by a deepening connection with Archer, the
two men embark on a trek through rebel territory, a
journey that could save Solomon’s family and give Archer
the second chance he thought he would never have.
Edward Zwick
Adventure; Drama; Thriller
All Titles
Blow Up
1966 110 min color R United States of America WB
David Hemmings plays a self-indulgent photographer in
the free-swinging London of the mid-1960’s. A series of
his photographs make him think that he has witnessed a
murder. BLOW-UP is a provocative film about the dilemma
of a man trapped in a life-style of inaction and
Michelangelo Antonioni
Drama; Thriller; Mystery
Blow Up (v.f.)
1966 110 min color United States of America WB
Dans un parc de Londres, un jeune photographe surprend
ce qu’il croit être un couple d’amoureux. Il découvre sur la
pellicule une main tenant un revolver et un corps allongé
dans les buisssons...
Michelangelo Antonioni
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs
The Blue Butterfly
97 min
Based on a true story, The Blue Butterfly tells the story of
a terminally ill 10-year-old boy whose dream is to catch
the most beautiful butterfly on Earth, the mythic and
elusive Blue Morpho. His mother persuades a renowned
entomologist to take them on a trip to the jungle to search
for the butterfly, leading to an adventure that will transform
their lives.
Léa Pool
Adventure; Drama
Blue Gold: World Water Wars
2008 89 min color N/R United States of America MON
Wars of the future will be fought over water, not oil, as the
source of all life enters center stage on the global political
arena. Corporate giants, private investors, and corrupt
governments all vie for control of our dwindling fresh water
supply. Is there enough water for everyone? Based on the
groundbreaking book by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
and narrated by Malcolm McDowell, Blue Gold will make
you thirsty for action!
Sam Bozzo
Blue Hawaii
1961 101 min color F United States of America PARA
Angela Lansbury plays the mother Elvis Presley, when he
returns to islands to work in a tourist agency. Elvis
performs one of his prettiest hits, "Can’t Help Falling in
Norman Taurog
Comedy; Musical; Cult
Blue Valentine
2011 120 min color 18A United States of America AFI
BLUE VALENTINE is the story of love found and love lost
told in past and present moments in time. Flooded with
romantic memories of their courtship, Dean and Cindy use
one night to try and save their failing marriage. Ryan
Gosling and Michelle Williams star in this honest portrait of
a relationship on the rocks.
Derek Cianfrance
Drama; Romance
Blue Valentine: Une histoire d’amour
2011 120 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Dean et Cindy vivent avec leur petite fille Frankie dans une
banlieue des États-Unis. Leur vie de famille est simple et
leurs préoccupations communes : le chien a disparu, il
faut habiller la petite et aller travailler, etc. Afin de
ressusciter leur mariage qui bat de l’aile, ils décident de
passer une nuit l’hôtel, sans leur fille. Mais même le
souvenir de leur rencontre et des beaux moments de
complicité qui les ont rendus amoureux ne parviennent
pas à sauver leur couple à la dérive. D’autant plus que de
nombreux secrets hantent leur relation.
Derek Cianfrance
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Bob l’éponge-Folies natiques
2004 90 min color United States of America PARA
Joignez-vous à Bob l’éponge et à ses amis pour une autre
aventure sous-marine peuplée d’éponges de mer.
Sherm Cohen
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures;
Dessins animés
Bobby Fischer Against the World
2011 93 min color PG United States of America MON
’Bobby Fischer Against the World’ is the first documentary
feature to explore the tragic and bizarre life of the late
chess master Bobby Fischer. The drama of Bobby
Fischer’s career was undeniable, from his troubled
childhood, to his rock star status as World Champion and
Cold War icon, to his life as a fugitive on the run. This film
explores one of the most infamous and mysterious
characters of the 20th century.
Liz Garbus
Sports; Documentary; Biography
Body of Lies
2008 128 min color 14A United States of America WB
A former journalist injured in the Iraq war is hired by the
CIA to track down an Al Qaeda leader in Jordan. Based
on the novel "Body of Lies" by David Ignatius.
Ridley Scott
Drama; Literary Adaption
205 min
Rahul Seth (Rahul Khanna) is a dashing young millionaire
who believes he is "western" enough to rebel against his
mother (Moushumi Chatterjee) and grandmother (Dina
Pathak). They are not too keen about his Caucasian
girlfriend Kimberly (Jessica Paré) who, to make matters
worse, is a pop star. Before you can say "karmic
intervention," Kimberly dies in a freak accident and Rahul
is devastated. Instead of allowing him to mourn in peace,
Rahul’s mother sees the opportunity she’s been waiting
for. She threatens to call off his sister’s (Rishma Malik)
wedding unless he finds himself a "nice Indian girl." Rahul
enlists the services of Sue (Lisa Ray), a fiercely
independent escort whom he believes to be Hispanic, and
therefore not "married" to the conventions taught to young
Indian women. With a wink in her eye, Sue accepts the
deal to pose as his Indian bride-to-be. She needs the
money and having never been a fan of the typical Indian
male, she feels her heart is safe. The charade begins....
Deepa Mehta
Comedy; Drama; Musical
Bollywood/Hollywood (v.f.)
205 min
Un jeune homme d’une riche famille indienne de Toronto
subit les pressions de son entourage pour qu’il prenne une
épouse indienne. Au mariage de sa soeur, il se fait
accompagner par une escorte qu’il cherche à faire passer
pour une Indienne.
Deepa Mehta
Comedie; Films Musicaux; Drama social
Bon Cop, Bad Cop
All Titles
Bonnie and Clyde
116 min
When the body of the executive of hockey Benoit Brisset is
found on the billboard of the border of Quebec and
Ontario, the jurisdiction of the crime is shared between the
two police forces and detectives David Bouchard from
Montreal and Martin Ward from Toronto are assigned to
work together. With totally different styles, attitudes and
languages, the reckless David and the ethical Martin join
force to disclose the identity of the Tattoo Killer, a
deranged serial-killer that is killing managers of hockey.
Erik Canuel
Comedy; Action; Thriller
Bon Cop, Bad Cop (v.f.)
116 min
Un avocat réputé est retrouvé sans vie à cheval sur la
frontière entre le Québec et l’Ontario. Du coup, les corps
policiers des deux provinces sont forcés de mener
l’enquête conjointement. Malgré leurs réticences initiales,
les détectives David Bouchard et Martin Ward, aux
antipodes sur tous les plans, s’attaquent à leur mission
avec diligence. Les méthodes peu orthodoxes du premier
ne font pas toujours l’affaire du second, qui observe le
règlement avec rigueur, mais elles font progresser
l’enquête. Bientôt, les deux hommes flairent la piste du
tueur, un amateur de hockey qui se cache derrière un
masque de gardien de but et s’en prend aux huiles qui
sont en train de vendre les équipes canadiennes aux
Erik Canuel
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage; Drame
Un bon cru
2006 118 min color United States of America FOX
Expert en investissements londonien, hérite d’une vigne
léguée par son oncle défunt (Albert Finney). Il va
commencer un nouveau chapitre de sa vie et rencontrer
une jeune et jolie californienne qui revendique également
la possession de ce lopin de terre...
Ridley Scott
Dame poétique; Drama social
Les Bonhommes allumettes
2003 116 min color United States of America WB
Roy, un artiste escroc maniaco-dépressif, voit les plans
d’arnaque qu’il planifiait avec son compère Frank
perturbés par l’arrivée d’Angela, une adolescente qui
s’avère être sa fille. Sa vie bien tranquille va en être
Ridley Scott
Comedie; Drama social
Bonne chance Slevin!
2006 110 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Alors qu’il débarque à New York, Slevin est pris pour un
de ses potes, lequel a contracté d’importantes dettes de
jeu auprès de deux gangs rivaux. Le Rabbin, chef du
crime organisé juif, lui accorde deux jours pour lui remettre
l’argent. Le Patron, qui dirige une bande de gangsters
afro-américains, exige pour sa part que le jeune homme
rembourse sa dette en assassinant le fils homosexuel du
Rabbin. Avec l’aide d’une voisine, Slevin tente de sauver
sa peau tout en essayant de résoudre le mystère qui a
provoqué cette erreur sur la personne. Or, avec dans les
pattes un policier qui l’épie constamment et sur sa trace
un tueur à gages aux manières étranges, sa tâche n’est
pas de tout repos.
Paul McGuigan
Drama social; Comédie moeurs; Drame policier
1967 106 min color AA United States of America WB
Adrift in the Depression-era Southwest, Clyde Barrow and
Bonnie Parker embark on a life of crime. They mean no
harm. They craved adventure - and each other. Soon we
start to love them too. But nothing in Film history has
prepared us for the cascading violence to follow. Bonnie
and Clyde turns brutal. We learn they can be hurt - and
dread they can be killed. Bonnie and Clyde balances itself
on a knife-edge of laughter and terror, thanks to vivid titlerole performances by Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway,
and superb support from Michael J. Pollard, Gene
Hackeman and Estelle Parsons, who won 1967’s Best
Supporting Actress Academy Award.
Arthur Penn
Drama; Romance; Crime
Bonnie et Clyde
1972 106 min color United States of America WB
À vau-l’eau dans l’Ère de dépression le Sud-ouest, Clyde
Barrow et le Bonnie Parker s’engage dans une vie de
crime. Ils ne veulent pas faire du mal. Ils ont sollicité
l’aventure - et l’un l’autre. Bientôt nous commençons à les
aimer aussi. Mais rien dans l’histoire de Film ne nous a
préparés pour la violence de tombée en cascade pour
suivre. Le Bonnie et Clyde tournent brutaux. Nous
apprenons qu’ils peuvent être blessés(endommagés) - et
l’effroi ils peuvent être tués. Le Bonnie et Clyde
s’équilibrent sur un bord-couteau de rire et la terreur, des
remerciements au fonctionnement de rôle titre vif par
Warren Beatty et Faye Dunaway et l’appui superbe de
Michel J. Pollard, Gene Hackeman et des Pasteurs Estelle,
qui ont gagné les années 1967 Le mieux Soutenant la
Récompense(sentence) d’Académie d’Actrice.
Arthur Penn
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale; Drame policier
Bons baisers de france
1995 110 min color United States of America FOX
Quand une femme entend dire que sa fiancée partant en
courant avec quelqu’un d’autre, elle poursuit partout la
France pour le recouvrer - inconsciemment le tombant
amoureux en un Français utile mais de coquin le long de
la voie
Lawrence Kasdan
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
The Book of Eli
2010 117 min color 14A United States of America WB
In "The Book of Eli," Denzel Washington stars as a lone
warrior named Eli, who fights his way across the desolate
wasteland of near-future America to realize his destiny and
deliver the knowledge that can bring civilization back from
the brink of destruction and save the future of humanity.
Allen Hughes, Albert Hughes
Adventure; Drama; Action
Borat - The Movie
2006 86 min color 14A United States of America FOX
In BORAT - THE MOVIE! Sacha Baron Cohen - star of
HBO’s hit comedy "Da Ali G Show," takes his outrageous
Kazakstani reporter character Borat to the big screen. In
this hilariously offensive movie, Borat travels from his
primitive home in Kazakhstan to the U.S. to make a
documentary. On his cross-country road-trip, Borat meets
real people in real situations with hysterical consequences.
Larry Charles
Borat - The Movie (v.f.)
All Titles
Bowling for Columbine
2006 86 min color United States of America FOX
Inspiré de la chronique télévisée de Sacha Baron Cohen plus connu sous les traits de Ali G - qui campe ici un
journaliste du Kazakhstan envoyé sur le sol américain afin
de faire découvrir à son pays sous le seuil de pauvreté,
toutes les richesses dont fourmille celui de l’oncle Sam.
Larry Charles
Born to be Wild
1995 99 min color F United States of America WB
When Margaret is exasperated with her son’s (Rich) latest
misbehaviour she assigns him the task of cleaning her
animal research lab after school. Rich meets Katie - a
playful, smart-aleck gorilla who has been taught to
communicate through sign language. The two form a
beautiful relationship just before Katie is reclaimed by her
detestable owner and put on display in a cage at his flea
market. When Rich visits her and finds Katie desperately
signing "Out, Out, Out" he can’t bear to see his friend live
in such a humiliating manner. He springs her from her
confinement, and the two hit the road in a race to get
Katie into the Canadian woods. As he fights to provide
Katie the uncompromised life she deserves, Rich opens up
for the first time since his father’s departure. He learns
what it is like to have the responsibility for another’s life,
and discovers that all that matters is a friend.
John Gray
Comedy; Children
Le Bossu de Notre-Dame
1939 117 min
United States of America
La célèbre histoire du bossu de Notre-Dame et de la belle
gitane Esméralda. Nous sommes au Moyen Age, en plein
Paris. La jeune Esméralda, bohémienne accusée de
meurtre et de sorcellerie, doit être pendue ! Dans l’ombre,
un amoureux veille... C’est Quasimodo, le sonneur de
cloches de la cathédrale Notre-Dame. Monstre sourd,
borgne et bossu, sa beauté de cƒur échappe à tout le
monde, mais il donnera tout pour sauver la belle
William Dieterle
Drama social; Dame poétique
Boucles d’or et les trois ours
78 min
United States of America
Dans la série "Incroyables fables", voici Boucle d’or chez
les 3 ours. Dans ce nouveau film d’animation qui amène
une touche irrévérencieuse à l’histoire bien connue de
Boucle d’or et les 3 ours, Boucle d’or et la famille d’ours
sont forcés de vivre sous un même toit pour les besoins
d’une émission de télé réalité.
Howard E. Baker, Arish Fyzee
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Boulevard du Crepuscule
1950 110 min b&w United States of America PARA
Une ex-star du cinéma dont la solitude est seule troublée
par son domestique s’éprend d’un jeune cinéaste.
Billy Wilder
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Bowling à Columbine: Le jeu des armes
2002 120 min color United States of America AFI
Bien qu’obsédés par leur sécurité, les Américains sont
fascinés par la violence et les armes à feu dont ils
n’hésitent pas à se servir : il en résulte plus de 11 000
morts chaque année. Le documentariste Michael Moore
se demande pourquoi.
Michael Moore
2002 120 min color AA United States of America AFI
The United States of America is notorious for its
astronomical number of people killed by firearms for a
developed nation without a civil war. With his signature
sense of angry humor, activist filmmaker Michael Moore
sets out to explore the roots of this bloodshed. In doing
so, he learns that the conventional answers of easy
availability of guns, violent national history, violent
entertainment and even poverty are inadequate to explain
this violence when other cultures share those same factors
without the equivalent carnage. In order to arrive at a
possible explanation, Michael Moore takes on a deeper
examination of America’s culture of fear, bigotry and
violence in a nation with widespread gun ownership.
Furthermore, he seeks to investigate and confront the
powerful elite political and corporate interests fanning this
culture for their own unscrupulous gain.
Michael Moore
The Box
2009 115 min color 14A United States of America WB
Norma and Arthur Lewis, a suburban couple with a young
child, receive a simple wooden box as a gift, which bears
fatal and irrevocable consequences. A mysterious
stranger, delivers the message that the box promises to
bestow upon its owner $1 million with the press of a
button. But, pressing this button will simultaneously cause
the death of another human being somewhere in the
world; someone they don’t know. With just 24 hours to
have the box in their possession, Norma and Arthur find
themselves in the cross-hairs of a startling moral dilemma
and must face the true nature of their humanity.
Richard Kelly
Horror; Science Fiction; Thriller
The Box (v.f.)
2009 115 min color United States of America WB
Norma et son époux mènent une vie paisible dans une
petite ville des Etats-Unis jusqu’au jour où une
mystérieuse boı̂te est déposée devant leur domicile.
Quelques jours plus tard, se présente l’énigmatique Mr.
Arlington qui leur révèle qu’en appuyant sur le bouton
rouge de la boı̂te, ils recevraient 1,000,000$, mais cela
entraı̂nerait la mort d’un inconnu...
Richard Kelly
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage; Drame de
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
2008 93 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Set during World War II, a story seen through the innocent
eyes of Bruno, the eight-year-old son of the commandant
at a concentration camp, whose forbidden friendship with a
Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence has
startling and unexpected consequences.
Mark Herman
Boys and Girls
30 min
Don McBrearty
All Titles
Boys and Girls
2000 94 min color PG United States of America AFI
Jennifer and Ryan are students at UC Berkeley,
acquaintances off and on since early adolescence. She’s
quick, witty, ironic, literary, and independent; he’s
deliberate, literal, serious, studying structural engineering,
always working on a plan. They take walks, they console
each other over break-ups, he shares his plans. She’s
headed for Italy after graduation. Then, to their equal
surprise, they spend a night together. Her response is to
skitter away from continued intimacy and want to stay
friends; he’s hurt by her response, so he withdraws. Can it
all get sorted out before she leaves town?
Robert Iscove
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Boys Don’t Cry
1999 116 min color AA United States of America FOX
The life and times of Teena Marie Brandon provides the
basis for this biographical drama featuring Hillary Swank
as a 21-year-old Nebraskan who passed herself off as a
boy before aquaintances turned on her in a violent attack.
One week later, she and two others were shot to death by
the same pair. Under the direction of first-time filmmaker
Kimberly Peirce, this true story is based on a sensational
murder case in which the hatred and fear of unorthodox
sexuality ran deep: "Instead of being shouted, it festers
until it explodes in acts of violence whose cause even the
killers themselves don’t seem to comprehend fully."
Kimberly Peirce
Drama; National Roof Over Your Head Day; Tell a Lie
Day; Gay Pride Month
Brassed Off
1997 105 min color AA United States of America AFI
Set in the fictional mining town of Grimly, this offbeat
comedy tells the story of a company brass band trying tow
in a national competition while their local coal mine is
being shut down. In time, the band embarks on the
competitive circuit and conflicts begin to surface. The
result is a moving and fitting tribute to the defiant spirit of
a small community.
Mark Herman
Comedy; Drama; Musical; Romance
2007 110 min color G United States of America AFI
Four best friends start high school. Each one is unique
and likes their own thing. When Meredith, the most
popular girl, sees this she automatically knows they are
trouble. Eventually though Cloe joins the soccer team and
hangs out with them, Sasha joins the cheer leading squad
and hangs out with the cheerleaders, Jade is part of the
math club so she hangs out with them, and Yasmin is left
all alone. After years of not talking to each other Jade and
Yasmin speak a few words in the restroom but Yasmin
doesn’t have the courage to tell Jade she misses her.
Then the four girls are reunited when they are sent to
detention for causing a food fight. After the girls are
reunited they find out they are not invited to a huge party
given by Meredith Then Cloe finds out that her mom got a
job serving food at the party. They are forced to work for
Meredith Then at the party Meredith decides to expose
Yasmins secret which is her dancing and singing with a
face mask. Then Yasmins friend(who she has a crush on)
starts doing a dance and then everybody joins in and
Meredith is humiliated. When Meredith accidentally gets
thrown into the pool she calls the four best friends "bratz."
The girls then decide to be part of the talent show to win a
scholarship. Meredith is always the one who wins but the
"bratz" are prepared to take her down. But when Meredith
finds she threatens Yasmin by telling her that if she
continued preparing for the show she would expose her
friends secrets. Yasmin decides to call everything off. At
the end the girls still do the talent show and they tell
everybody there secrets who turn out not to be so bad.
The girls win and they each end up with their crushes.
The girls decide to give Cloe the scholarship. The movie
ends with the girls walking down a red carpet.
Sean McNamara
Comedy; Children; Musical
Bratz: Le film
2007 110 min color G United States of America AFI
Inséparables depuis leur tendre enfance, les adolescentes
Yasmin, Jade, Sasha et Cloe entrent ensemble à l’école
secondaire Carry Nation High. Elles y découvrent un
univers asphyxiant, cloisonné en différentes cliques et
sous la coupe de l’insupportable Meredith, la fille du
directeur de l’école. Petit à petit, les chemins des filles se
séparent, chacune étant poussée vers un talent particulier:
le chant pour Yasmin, les sciences et la mode pour Jade,
la danse pour Sasha et le soccer pour Cloe. Deux années
plus tard, alors qu’elles ne se parlent quasiment plus, un
concours artistique doté d’une importante bourse d’études
les réunit à nouveau.
Sean McNamara
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Films Musicaux
The Brave One
2007 122 min color 14A United States of America WB
Jodie plays an average young woman who has been
brutally attacked and seeks revenge on her attackers as
well as other ruthless thugs who prey on innocent New
Yorkers using unusual means of vigilante justice.
Neil Jordan
Drama; Action; Thriller
1995 178 min color R United States of America PARA
In the late 13th century, William Wallace returns to
Scotland after living away from his homeland for many
years. The king of Scotland has died without an heir and
the king of England, a ruthless pagan known as Edward
the Longshanks, has seized the throne. Wallace becomes
the leader of a ramshackled yet courageous army
determined to vanquish the greater English forces.
Wallace’s courage and passion unite the people in
Mel Gibson
101 min
A hockey enthusiast since 12 years of age, Toronto-based
Rajvinder Singh, even went to the extent of trimming his
hair, discarding his Pagri/turban, did not complete his
education, incurred the wrath of his father, Darvesh, who
wanted him to be involved in the family business as well
as confirm and respect Sikh religion principles and values.
Hoping to play professional hockey, Rajvinder, along with
other fellow Sikh players, instead finds himself treated as
the object of ridicule, referred to as a ’joker’, by
mainstream Caucasian players. Even his friends tease him
and ask him to take up ’Guli Danda’ and Kabaddi’, while
his father makes him work for Uncle Sammy as a truck
driver. He is attracted to stunning law student Melissa
Winters while her brother, Dan, offers to coach Rajvinder
and his team. Unable to get themselves included in any
team, they form their own...
Robert Lieberman
Comedy; Drama; Sports
All Titles
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
1961 115 min color F United States of America PARA
One of the screen’s Best-loved romances, this dazzling
romantic comedy stars Aurdrey Hepburn as a free-spirited
golddigger and George Peppard as a frustrated young
writer. They fall in love and each exerts a positive
influence on the other in this delightful early movie
directed by Blake Edwards.
Blake Edwards
Comedy; Drama; Romance; Older American’s Month
Breakfast with Scot
90 min
Adapted from the novel by Michael Downing, BREAKFAST
WITH SCOT is a touching and very contemporary comedy
that tells the story of an "alternative" family finding its feet.
Eric (Tom Cavanagh) lives for all things hockey. At 36, he’s
managed to turn his stint playing for the Toronto Maple
Leafs into a full-time gig commentating for sports TV. He’s
living the dream! But when Eric’s boyfriend Sam (Ben
Shenkman) announces that they’re to become temporary
guardians of a young boy, Eric’s comfortable world
shatters. Enter Scot (Noah Bernett) – a recently orphaned,
sweet, vulnerable, yet oddly resilient kid, who also
happens to be a swishy 11 year-old sissy-of-a-boy – and
Eric’s mirror opposite. Freaked out by Scot’s "joie de
vivre", Eric and Sam gently nudge Scot away from scented
hand cream, excessive twirling, and kissing the school
bully, towards a more "acceptable" pastime - hockey. But
after Scot’s disastrous first game, Eric begins to rethink
the compromises he’s made.
Laurie Lynd
Brendan et le secret de Kells
75 min
C’est en Irlande au 9ème siècle, dans l’abbaye fortifiée de
Kells, que vit Brendan, un jeune moine de douze ans.
Avec les autres frères, Brendan aide à la construction
d’une enceinte pour protéger l’abbaye des assauts
réguliers des vikings.Sa rencontre avec Frère Aidan,
célèbre maı̂tre enlumineur et "gardien" d’un Livre
d’enluminures fabuleux mais inachevé, va l’entraı̂ner dans
de fantastiques aventures. Aidan va initier Brendan à l’art
de l’enluminure pour lequel le jeune garçon révélera un
talent prodigieux.Pour finir le livre et défiant ses propres
peurs, Brendan sortira de l’abbaye pour la première fois et
entrera dans la forêt enchantée où de dangereuses
créatures mythiques se cachent et l’attendent. C’est là
qu’il va rencontrer Aisling, la jeune enfant loup qui l’aidera
tout au long de son chemin.
Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey (co-director)
Drame d’aventures; Dessins animés
Bride Flight
130 min
Based on a true story, Bride Flight follows the story of
three young Dutch women and a young man who settled
in New Zealand in 1950s. They arrived on a KLM flight
that won the 1953 Air Race from London to Christchurch.
The film centres on the women: Ada, Marjorie and Esther,
who reunite 50 years after the flight landed. Bride Flight is
based on bestselling book Bruidsvlucht by Marieke van der
Pol, who also wrote the screenplay for the film.
Ben Sombogaart
Bride Wars
2009 98 min color PG United States of America FOX
Liv (Kate Hudson) and Emma (Anne Hathaway), best
friends since childhood, are always there for each other,
through good times and bad. Even their respective bridal
engagements happen within hours. Together they plan
their weddings, each to take place at New York’s ultimate
bridal destination, the Plaza Hotel. But a clerical error and
subsequent clash in wedding dates pits the two brides
against each other in a competition that quickly escalates
into all-out war.
Gary Winick
Comedy; Romance
Brighton Rock
111 min
United Kingdom
Based on Graham Greene’s chilling 1938 novel,
BRIGHTON ROCK is the hard-boiled, visually captivating
debut film of Rowan Joffe. An official selection of the
Toronto International Film Festival, the film features an
incredible cast of both British acting royalty and brilliant
newcomers. Sam Riley (CONTROL) is the young anti-hero
Pinkie, a cunning charmer trying to make his mark on the
vicious gangland of Brighton. When a young waitress
(Andrea Riseborough, who was nominated for 2 BIFAs for
her breakthrough performance) stumbles on evidence that
links Pinkie and his gang to a revenge killing, he draws her
into a conned romance to keep the loose end tied up.
When Rose’s world-weary boss (Oscar-winner Helen
Mirren) becomes suspicious of the enigmatic young man
hanging around her charge, the tangled web becomes a
deadly game of psychological cat-and-mouse– an
atmostpheric mystery-noir that fully captures the mood of
Greene’s violent and sexually daring masterpiece.
Rowan Joffe
Drama; Thriller
1978 110 min color United States of America PARA
A la fin des vacances d’été, les amoureux Danny Zuko et
Sandy Olsson, une jeune Australienne de bonne famille,
doivent se séparer. A son retour au lycée Rydell, le jeune
homme retrouve sa bande, les T-birds, blousons de cuir et
cheveux gominés. Les parents de Sandy ayant décid de
s’installer aux Etats-Unis, la demoiselle intègre la même
école... Passé la surprise des retrouvailles et pour faire
bonne figure devant ses copains, Danny adopte une
attitude désinvolte qui laisse la jeune fille totalement
désemparée. Sandy rejoint alors les Pink Ladies, le
pendant féminin des T-Birds. S’ensuit un jeu du chat et de
la souris entre les deux tourtereaux, le tout rythmé par les
événements de leur vie de lycéens : démarrage de la
saison de football américain, bal de promotion, course de
voitures, soirées entre filles, entre garçons, au fast-food,
au drive-in...
Randal Kleiser
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Films Musicaux
Brillantine 2
1982 114 min color United States of America PARA
Deux ans après l’aventure de Sandy à la Rydell High
School, les élèves de l’école accueillent Michael, le cousin
de Sandy. Celui-ci tombe amoureux de Stephanie Zinone,
la chef des Pink Lady.
Patrica Birch
Comedie; Films Musicaux; Drama social; Comédie
Bringing Up Baby
1938 101 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
David Huxley, an archaeologist, is waiting to get a bone he
needs for his museum collection. Through a series of
strange circumstances, he meets Susan Vance, and the
duo have a series of misadventures which include a
leopard called Baby.
Howard Hawks
Comedy; Children; Romance
All Titles
Brokeback Mountain
2005 134 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Set against the sweeping vistas of Alberta’s Rocky
Mountains, this film tells the story of two young men - a
ranch-hand and a rodeo cowboy - who meet in the
summer of 1963 and unexpectedly forge a lifelong
connection, one whose complications, joys and tragedies
provide a testament to the endurance and power of love.
Ang Lee
Drama; Western; Romance
Brokedown Palace
1999 100 min color PG United States of America FOX
Claire Danes and Kate Beckinsale team up for a
contemporary drama about two young women who,
immediately following their high school graduation, embark
on a much anticipated trip to Thailand. Their vacation
turns into a nightmare after they are accused of drug
trafficking and sentenced to 33-years in prison.
Jonathan Kaplan
Social Studies; Drama; National Roof Over Your Head
Broken Arrow
1996 107 min color AA United States of America FOX
Two Stealth bomber pilots, once close friends, become
engaged in an explosive battle against time - and each
other - as they struggle to recover a missing nuclear
John Woo
Broken Arrow (v.f.)
1996 107 min color United States of America FOX
Un pilote de la U.S. Navy planifie derober une arme
nucleaire tres sophistiquee alors qu’il effectue les test
d’essai. C’est maintenant a son jeune co-pilote de tenter
de l’arreter. Autrefois amis tres proches, ces deux pilotes
se sont engages dans une bataille explosive entre eux et
contre le temps.
John Woo
Action (v.f.)
2009 104 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Sam Cahill (Tobey Maguire) is a successful military man,
cherished husband of the beautiful Grace (Natalie
Portman), and a loving father to their two daughters. His
younger brother Tommy (Jake Gyllenhaal), is the exact
opposite - recently released from prison and known for his
careless ways, Tommy has always been the black sheep
of the family. But when Sam is sent on a mission to
Afghanistan, the balance between the two brothers
changes forever. During the mission, Sam goes missing in
action and is presumed dead, forcing Tommy to undergo a
positive transformation. Tommy assumes the role of the
noble brother, the caring uncle and the good, responsible
son. While mourning Sam, Grace is comforted by
Tommy’s presence and slowly their mutual sympathy turns
into something more intimate. But when Sam comes
home, traumatized after being held prisoner in
Afghanistan, the two brothers and the woman they both
love will have to face the consequences of their explosive
love triangle.
Jim Sheridan
Drama; War
The Brothers Grimm
2005 118 min color PG United States of America AFI
Folklore collectors and con artists, Jake and Will Grimm,
travel from village to village pretending to protect townsfolk
from enchanted creatures and performing exorcisms. They
are put to the test, however, when they encounter a real
magical curse in a haunted forest with real magical beings,
requiring genuine courage.
Terry Gilliam
Comedy; Adventure; Fantasy; Thriller
2007 126 min color United States of America AFI
À la suite d’une violente tempête, une brume inquiétante
se lève et enveloppe un petit village. Des habitants
paniqués se réfugient au supermarché lorsqu’ils sont
attaqués par de mystérieuses créatures qui se cachent
dans le brouillard
Frank Darabont
Drame d’horreur; Drame de science-fiction; Drame
Brume de guerre
2003 107 min color G United States of America MON
Robert McNamara fut le Secrétaire à la Défense des
présidents Kennedy et Johnson. À ce titre, il a été l’un des
acteurs de la crise de Cuba en 1962, et l’un des artisans
de la guerre du Viêtnam.
Errol Morris
Drame de guerre; Documentaire
The Bucket List
2007 97 min color PG United States of America WB
Corporate billionaire Edward Cole (JACK NICHOLSON)
and working class mechanic Carter Chambers (MORGAN
FREEMAN) are worlds apart. At a crossroads in their
lives, they share a hospital room and discover they have
two things in common: a desire to spend the time they
have left doing everything they ever wanted to do before
they kick the bucket and an unrealized need to come to
terms with who they are. Together they embark on the
road trip of a lifetime, becoming friends along the way and
learning to live life to the fullest. Each adventure adds
another check to their list, all done with insight and humor.
Rob Reiner
Comedy; Adventure; Crime
Buffy the Vampire Killer
1992 96 min color PG United States of America FOX
Cute variation on vampire sagas, with high school Valley
Girl Swanson turning out to be "the chosen one" of her
generation to kill roaming vampires. Sutherland is ideal as
her mentor and guide, and Reubens (the former Pee-wee
Herman) is fun as one of the fanged menaces.
Fran Rubel Kuzui
Comedy; Horror
2007 101 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A paranoid, unhinged, war veteran who sees insects
everywhere holes up with a lonely woman in a spooky
Oklahoma motel room.
William Friedkin
Drama; Horror; Thriller
2012 90 min color PG United States of America AFI
This year, over 5 million American kids will be bullied at
school, online, on the bus, at home, through their cell
phones and on the streets of their towns, making it the
most common form of violence young people in this
country experience. The Bully Project is the first feature
documentary film to show how we’ve all been affected by
bullying, whether we’ve been victims, perpetrators or stood
silent witness. The world we inhabit as adults begins on
the playground. The Bully Project opens on the first day of
school. For the more than 5 million kids who’ll be bullied
this year in the United States, it’s a day filled with more
anxiety and foreboding than excitement. As the sun rises
and school busses across the country overflow with
backpacks, brass instruments and the rambunctious
sounds of raging hormones, this is a ride into the
unknown. For a lot of kids, the only thing that’s certain is
that this year...
Lee Hirsch
All Titles
But I’m a Cheerleader
Burn After Reading
2008 96 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Osbourne Cox, a Balkan expert, is fired at the CIA, so he
begins a memoir. His wife wants a divorce and expects
her lover, Harry, a philandering State Department marshal,
to leave his wife. A diskette falls out of a gym bag at a
Georgetown fitness center. Two employees there try to
turn it into cash: Linda, who wants money for elective
surgery, and Chad, an amiable goof. Information on the
disc leads them to Osbourne who rejects their sales pitch;
then they visit the Russian embassy. To sweeten the pot,
they decide they need more of Osbourne’s secrets.
Meanwhile, Linda’s boss likes her, and Harry’s wife leaves
for a book tour. All roads lead to Osbourne’s house.
Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Comedy; Drama; Crime
Burning the Future
2008 120 min color N/R United States of America MON
West Virginia provides coal to produce electricity for half
the nation. Ironically, while preserving jobs, coal mining
disfigures mountainsides, destroys plant and animal
species and spreads toxic groundwater. Yet so effective is
the coal industry‘s public relations campaign promoting
"clean coal" that these long-term environmental disasters
remain largely unreported. In response, documentary
filmmaker David Novack provides an impassioned, harsh
exposé of big coal. "As upsetting as it is informative" New
York Times.
David Novack
2000 84 min color AA United States of America AFI
Megan is an all-American girl. She’s a cheerleader, she
has a boyfriend, etc. But she doesn’t like kissing her
boyfriend very much. And she’s pretty touchy with her
cheerleader friends. And she only has pictures of girls up
in her locker. Her parents and friends conclude that she
"must" be gay and send her off to "sexual redirection"
school, full of admittedly homosexual misfits, where she
can learn to how to be straight. Will Megan be turned
around to successful heterosexuality, or will she succumb
to her love for the beautiful Graham?
Jamie Babbit
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
1969 112 min color PG United States of America FOX
Redford and Newman are perfectly cast as the outlaw
buddies who are running for their lives to Bolivia with
Katharine Ross and are not exactly sure who’s chasing
them. This classic of the changing West won five
Academy Awards.
George Roy Hill
Western; Older American’s Month
Butch Cassidy et le Kid
1969 112 min color United States of America FOX
Redford et Newman sont parfaitement jeté comme les
copains de hors-la-loi qui posent sa candidature à leurs
vies en Bolivie avec Catherine Ross et ne sont pas
exactement szrs qui les poursuit. Ce classique de l’Ouest
changeant a gagné cinq Récompenses(sentences)
George Roy Hill
Western (v.f.)
Burning the Future (v.f.)
2008 120 min color United States of America MON
L’avocat Juan Dominguez défend ici la plus grosse affaire
de sa carrière. Il représente douze ouvriers qui attaquent
en justice la multinationale alimentaire Dole. Ceux-ci
soutiennent que l’utilisation d’un pesticide dans les
bananeraies, le Negamon, les a rendus stériles. C’est la
première fois que des travailleurs agricoles des pays en
voie de développement sont entendus par la Cour
Suprême des États-Unis. Si la Dole Food est reconnue
coupable, des milliers d’ouvriers agricoles qui ont récolté
des bananes la poursuivront en justice.
David Novack
The Business of Being Born
2008 87 min color PG United States of America AFI
Birth: it’s a miracle. A rite of passage. A natural part of
life. But more than anything, birth is a business.
Compelled to find answers after a disappointing birth
experience with her first child, actress Ricki Lake recruits
filmmaker Abby Epstein to explore the maternity care
system in America. Focusing on New York City, the film
reveals that there is much to distrust behind hospital doors
and follows several couples who decide to give birth on
their own terms. There is an unexpected turn when
director Epstein not only discovers she is pregnant, but
finds the life of her child on the line. Should most births
should be viewed as a natural life process, or should every
delivery be treated as a potential medical emergency?
Abby Epstein
Butterfly Effect
2004 113 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Struggling with the psychological effects of his repressed
childhood memories, a young man (Ashton Kutcher)
devises a technique of traveling back in time to inhabit his
childhood body. As he attempts to mend the broken lives
of those closest to him, he finds that every trip into the
past brings chaotic results into the present, leading him to
travel back again and again and causing irreparable
J. Mackye Gruber, Eric Bress
Drama; Science Fiction; Thriller
127 min
It’s a story of two love affairs. A father’s love for his five
sons. And one son’s love for his father, a love so strong it
compels him to live a lie. That son is Zac Beaulieu, born
on the 25th of December 1960, different from all his
brothers, but desperate to fit in. During the next 20 years,
life takes Zac on a surprising and unexpected journey that
ultimately leads him to accept his true nature and, even
more importantly, leads his father to love him for who he
really is. A mystical fable about a modern-day Christ-like
figure, "C.R.A.Z.Y" exudes the beauty, the poetry and the
madness of the human spirit in all its contradictions.
Jean-Marc Vallée
C.R.A.Z.Y. (v.f.)
All Titles
The Cabin in the Woods
127 min
Né le 25 décembre 1960 dans une banlieue de Montréal,
Zachary est le quatrième des cinq fils de Gervais et
Laurianne Beaulieu. Tandis que sa mère décèle en lui un
don de guérisseur, son père en fait vite son préféré. Mais
cette complicité prend fin brutalement lorsque le bourru
Gervais surprend le gamin affublé d’une robe de femme.
l’adolescence, raillé par son frère aı̂né, le toxicomane
Raymond, Zachary lutte contre ses pulsions
homosexuelles, notamment en sortant avec sa voisine
Doris, bien qu’il se sente attiré par Paul, le petit ami de sa
cousine Brigitte. Un incident ambigu avec ce dernier lors
du mariage de son frère Christian provoque une crise
familiale, qui incite Zachary à partir pour Jérusalem, à la
recherche de lui-même.
Jean-Marc Vallée
Ça n’engage à rien
2001 108 min color 13+ United States of America
Un homme et une femme tentent de conserver une
relation strictement sexuelle mais se rendent vite compte
qu’ils désirent tous les deux plus quelque chose de plus.
Ivan Reitman
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Ça planche
2003 100 min color United States of America WB
Quatre jeunes garçons se lancent sur les routes avec
leurs skateboards, de Chicago à Oceanside en Californie,
où se déroule une importante compétition: ce qui leur
permettrait de devenir des professionnels reconnus dans
cette discipline.
Casey La Scala
Comedie; Action (v.f.)
Ça roule
2009 111 min color United States of America FOX
Bliss Cavendar a les cheveux bleus, elle aime la musique
indépendante et se sent à l’étroit dans la petite ville de
Bodeen au Texas.Sa mère, une fan des concours de miss,
souhaiterait que sa fille s’inscrive au concours Miss Blue
Bonnet crown. Mais Bliss préfèrerait crever plutôt que de
s’infliger ça.Un jour, Bliss découvre une communauté près
d’Austin et s’embarque pour une aventure excitante avec
des filles tattouées, des mecs qui font de la musique mais
elle va également découvrir quelques dures réalités..
Drew Barrymore
Comedie; Drama social
La cabane dans les bois
2012 105 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Des étudiants venus passer un week-end dans une
cabane au fond des bois sont confrontés à deux employés
de bureau liés au mystérieux passé des lieux.
Drew Goddard
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage
1972 123 min color PG United States of America WB
Set in a Berlin cabaret in 1931, the rising tide of Nazism
affects the lives of several individuals. Winner of 8
Academy Awards, "Cabaret" is the very most in great
Bob Fosse
Drama; Musical
2012 105 min color 18A United States of America AFI
In an industrial facility, two technicians are preparing for
their day on an unknown operation. Meanwhile, five
friends are preparing for their trip to a remote cabin owned
by Kurt’s cousin. On the way, they stop for gas and have
an encounter with the strange local who owns the gas
station. While drinking and relaxing at the cabin, they
discover a basement filled with interesting artifacts.
Drew Goddard
Horror; Thriller
La cabine
2002 80 min color United States of America FOX
Stuart Shepard, un conseiller en relations publiques peu
apprécié par ses collègues de travail, sort de chez lui pour
appeler d’une cabine téléphonique Mavis, sa maı̂tresse.
Une fois son appel terminé et la rencontre planifiée, le
téléphone se met à sonner. Une voix qu’il ne connaı̂t pas
informe Stuart qu’il est mort s’il raccroche le combiné. Le
point lumineux d’un rayon infrarouge sur son front prouve
que le mystérieux interlocuteur ne bluffe pas. Retenu
prisonnier dans la cabine téléphonique, Stuart écoute,
impuissant, le tireur isolé appeler des gens qu’il connaı̂t et
leur raconter sur son compte toutes sortes de mensonges
et d’ignominies.
Joel Schumacher
Drame psychologique; Drame d’espionnage
The Cabinet of Dr, Caligari
1919 53 min b&w N/R United States of America FOX
A man named Francis relates a story about his best friend
Alan and his fiancée Jane. Alan takes him to a fair where
they meet Dr. Caligari, who exhibits a somnambulist,
Cesare, that can predict the future. When Alan asks how
long he has to live, Cesare says he has until dawn. The
prophecy comes to pass, as Alan is murdered, and Cesare
is a prime suspect. Cesare creeps into Jane’s bedroom
and abducts her, running from the townspeople and finally
dying of exhaustion. Meanwhile, the police discover a
dummy in Cesare’s cabinet, while Caligari flees. Francis
tracks Caligari to a mental asylum. He is the director! Or
is he?
Robert Wiene
Drama; Horror
121 min
Animateur-vedette d’une émission littéraire à la télé,
Georges Laurent mène une vie confortable à Paris, avec
sa femme Anne et leur fils adolescent Pierrot, lorsque sa
quiétude est perturbée par la réception de coups de fil
anonymes et de cassettes vidéo accompagnées de
dessins énigmatiques. Or, comme il ne fait l’objet
d’aucune menace directe, la police ne fait rien. Se sentant
de plus en plus traqué par la livraison d’autres cassettes
indiquant que leur auteur le connaı̂t bien, et craignant pour
sa réputation, le journaliste tente d’élucider lui-même ce
mystère qu’il soupçonne être lié à un événement survenu
dans son enfance. Cette situation accentue toutefois les
tensions familiales, car Anne voit bien qu’il lui cache la
vérité. Mais Georges, hésitant toujours à lui révéler le
souvenir coupable qui le hante, poursuit son enquête,
laquelle aura des conséquences tragiques.
Michael Haneke
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs
All Titles
1980 98 min color PG United States of America WB
Bushwood Country Club, bastion of the well-to-do,
regularly hosts a hilarious array of eccentric members and
zany employees. It really becomes a free-for-all when
Rodney Dangerfield arrives! This breezy, laugh-a-minute
comedy features some of the most inventive contemporary
funny men in film.
Harold Ramis
Café de Flore
120 min
Entre le Paris des années 1960 et le Montréal
d’aujourd’hui se déploie une vaste histoire d’amour aux
accents épiques, à la fois sombre et lumineuse, troublante
et malgré tout pleine d’espoir. Film teinté de fantastique,
baign d’une lumière parfois presque surnaturelle, Café de
Flore raconte les destins croisés de Jacqueline une jeune
Parisienne mère d’un enfant unique, d’Antoine un DJ
montréalais ainsi que des femmes qui l’entourent. Ce qui
les relie : l’amour, troublant, maladroit, imparfait et
inachevé... humain.
Jean-Marc Vallée
Drama social
Café de Flore
120 min
Cafe de Flore is a love story about people separated by
time and place but connected in profound and mysterious
ways. Atmospheric, fantastical, tragic and hopeful, the film
chronicles the parallel fates of Jacqueline, a young mother
with a disabled son in 1960s Paris, and Antoine, a
recently-divorced, successful DJ in present day Montreal.
What binds the two stories together is love - euphoric,
obsessive, tragic, youthful, timeless love.
Jean-Marc Vallée
La campagne
85 min
United States of America
À la veille d’élections, Cam Brady, membre de longue date
du Congrès, commet publiquement une bourde
monumentale. Deux riches dirigeants d’entreprise
nourrissant l’espoir d’accroı̂tre leur influence au sein de
l’administration de leur district de Caroline du Nord y
voient l’occasion de lui opposer un nouveau candidat.
Leur homme est Marty Huggins, directeur naı̈f du bureau
de tourisme local. De prime abord, Marty apparaı̂t comme
un choix des plus improbables. Grâce au soutien de ses
nouveaux mécènes, d’un directeur de campagne
impitoyable et des contacts politiques de sa famille, il
devient pourtant un sérieux candidat qui donne bien du fil
à retordre au charismatique Cam.
Jay Roach
The Campaign
2012 85 min color 14A United States of America WB
Two rival North Carolina politicians with presidential
aspirations tangle with one another.
Jay Roach
Le Candidat Mandchou
2004 129 min color United States of America PARA
Le major Bennett Marco, soldat vétéran de la campagne
Desert Storm, passe pour un dingue alors qu’il essaie de
convaincre les gens autour de lui que la candidature d’un
jeune soldat nommé Raymond Shaw au poste de Viceprésident des États-Unis fait partie d’un vaste complot.
Jonathan Demme
Drame d’espionnage
Capitaine Sky et ke monde de demain
2004 107 min color United States of America PARA
En 1939, la ville de New York se retrouve soudainement
envahie par des robots géants qui détruisent tout sur leur
passage. Convaincue que cette invasion est reliée à la
récente disparition des plus brillants scientifiques de la
planète, la journaliste Polly Perkins appelle à la rescousse
le capitaine H. Joseph Sullivan, alias Sky Captain, un
aviateur émérite dont elle a déjà été amoureuse. Avec
l’aide du technicien Dex et de Franky Cook, une intrépide
pilote borgne, Sky Captain et Polly poursuivent les robots,
tant dans le ciel que sur la terre ou sous les flots. Leur
périple les mène jusqu’au Népal, où se trouve le repaire
du Dr. Totenkopf, un savant fou à la tête d’une
organisation secrète qui cherche à détruire le monde.
Kerry Conran
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.); Drame de
science-fiction; Comédie moeurs; Drame d’aventures
Capitalism: A Love Story
2009 126 min color PG United States of America AFI
A look at the global financial crisis and the U.S. economy
during the transition between the incoming Obama
Administration and the outgoing Bush Administration.
Michael Moore
2007 85 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Top cover girl and fashion model, Jennifer Tree (ELISHA
CUTHBERT) has it all - beauty, fame, money and power.
Her face appears on covers of hundreds of magazines. At
the top of her game, Jennifer is America’s sweetheart.
She is loved and adored and sought after. Everyone
wants her. But someone out there has been watching and
waiting. Someone wants her in the worst way. Out alone
at a charity event in Soho, Jennifer is drugged and taken.
Held captive in a cell, Jennifer is subjected to a series of
terrifying, life-threatening tortures that could only be
conceived by a twisted, sadistic mind. Inspired by the fact
that over 850,000 people are reported missing every year
in the United States, many of whom are never seen again,
CAPTIVITY, follows the story of one woman who is
abducted and tortured, held against her will in a place
where days turn into weeks. Her will to escape and
survive is challenged every moment by a maniac’s desire
to demoralize innocent victims and play out his sick game
that has been played many times before Jennifer was
Roland Joff
Horror; Thriller
Capturing the Friedmans
2003 107 min color 14A United States of America AFI
In the late 1980’s, the Friedmans - father and respected
computer and music teacher Arnold Friedman, mother and
housewife Elaine Friedman, and their three grown sons,
David Friedman, Seth Friedman and Jesse Friedman - of
Great Neck, Long Island, are seemingly your typical
middle class American family. They all admit that the
marriage was by no means close to being harmonious Arnold and Elaine eventually got divorced - but the sons
talk of their father, while also not being always there for
them, as being a good man. This fa ade of respectability
masks the fact that Arnold was buying and distributing
child pornography. Following a sting operation to confirm
this fact, the authorities began to investigate Arnold for
sexual abuse of the minor-aged male students of his
computer classes, which he held in the basement of the
All Titles
family home. Based on interviews with the students, not
Casque et talons hauts
Andrew Jarecki
Documentary; Biography
2011 80 min color 14A United States of America MON
Set in contemporary Brooklyn, New York, CARNAGE
centers on two pairs of parents, one of whose child has
hurt the other at a public park, who meet to discuss the
matter in a civilized manner. However, as the evening
goes on, the parents become increasingly childish,
resulting in the evening devolving into chaos.
Roman Polanski
Comedy; Drama
Carnage (v.f.)
2011 80 min color United States of America MON
Deux couples se rencontrent dans l’appartement de l’un
d’eux après que leurs fils respectifs se soient battus dans
un parc. Nancy et Alan éprouvent des difficultés à
communiquer, principalement parce qu’Alan, un avocat
reconnu, parle toujours au cellulaire avec son associé et
ses clients. Penelope et Michael semblent beaucoup plus
en harmonie, mais plus la journée s’étire, plus ils
consomment d’alcool, plus leur belle communion se
dégrade. Après ce pénible après-midi, où ils se sont
chamaillés comme des enfants, les parents n’auront rien
réglé et, surtout, rien appris.
Roman Polanski
Comedie; Drama social
Casa de mi Padre
2012 85 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Armando Alvarez (Will Ferrell) has lived and worked on his
father’s ranch in Mexico his entire life. As the ranch faces
financial strains, Armando’s younger brother Raul (Diego
Luna) shows up with his new fiancee, Sonia (Genesis
Rodriguez) and pledges to settle all his father’s debts. It
seems that Raul’s success as an international
businessman means the ranch’s troubles are over, but
when Armando falls for Sonia, and Raul’s business
dealings turn out to be less than legit, the Alvarez family
finds themselves in a full-out war with Mexico’s most
feared drug lord, the mighty Onza (Gael Garcia Bernal).
Matt Piedmont
96 min
United States of America
Une brillante femme d’affaire de Miami doit aller travailler
dans une petite ville du Minnesota.
Jonas Elmer
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
79 min
United States of America
Des anges, des cannes en sucre et une souris... un
prince magique, une jeune fille, un vieil homme mystérieux
et un arbre de Noël qui ne cesse de croı̂tre... , ce long
métrage nous présente le ballet le plus aimé dans le
monde en combinant la beauté du "New York City Ballet"
et le talent d’un jeune acteur, Macaulay Culkin.
Emile Ardolino
Films pour enfants; Films Musicaux
Cast Away
2000 144 min color PG United States of America FOX
From the director of "Forrest Gump" comes a
contemporary drama about a man in isolation who is
forced to transform himself both physically and emotionally
in order to survive. The action turns on the character of
Chuck Nolan (Tom Hanks), a corporate troubleshooter at a
Federal Express office in Moscow who survives a plane
crash, only to find himself stranded on a deserted island.
Having once divided up his life in minutes and hours, he
must now adjust to a new environment where time is
measured in months and years.
Robert Zemeckis
Social Studies; Drama; Marooned
A Cat in Paris
70 min
Dino is a cat that leads a double life. By day, he lives with
Zoe, a little girl whose mother, Jeanne, is a police officer.
By night, he works with Nico, a burglar with a big heart.
Zoe has plunged herself into silence following her father’s
murder at the hands of gangster Costa. One day, Dino the
cat brings Zoe a very valuable bracelet. Lucas, Jeanne’s
second-in-command, notices this bracelet is part of a
jewelery collection that has been stolen. One night, Zoe
decides to follow Dino. On the way, she overhears some
gangsters and discovers that her nanny is part of the
gangsters’ team.
Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol
Mystery; Animated; Crime
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
1942 102 min b&w PG United States of America WB
One of the most memorable of all film experiences,
Casablanca has become a Hollywood legend. Humphrey
Bogart is the disillusioned owner of Rick’s bar in Morocco,
a gathering place for refugees waiting to obtain exit visas.
Michael Curtiz
Drama; Romance
Casablanca (v.f.)
98 min
United States of America
Un du plus mémorable de toutes les expériences de film,
Casablanca est devenu une légende de Hollywood.
Humphrey Bogart est le propriétaire désillusionné de la
barre(bar) de Meule au Maroc, une place concluante pour
des réfugiés attendant pour obtenir des visas de sortie.
Michael Curtiz
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
1958 108 min color AA United States of America WB
Williams’ play about sexual frustration, homosexuality and
greed unfolds in the story of an ex-football player and his
troubled relationship with his wife.
Richard Brooks
Catch Me If You Can
2002 141 min color PG United States of America SKG
Frank Abagnale (Leonardo DiCaprio), Jr. worked as a
doctor, a lawyer and as a copilot for a major airline, all
before his 18th birthday. A master of deception, he was
also a brilliant forger, whose skill gave him his first real
claim to fame: At age of 17, he became the most
successful bank robber in the history of the United States.
FBI Agent Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks) had made it his
prime mission to capture Frank and bring him to justice,
but Frank is always one step ahead of him.
Steven Spielberg
All Titles
Catch that Kid
2004 92 min color PG United States of America FOX
An action-packed caper film about a "mission without
permission" - in which three young friends rob a state-ofthe-art bank, overcoming high-tech security systems,
attack dogs, and an overzealous guard.
Bart Freundlich
Comedy; Adventure; Action
2010 94 min color 14A United States of America AFI
In late 2007, filmmakers Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost
sensed a story unfolding as they began to film the life of
Ariel’s brother, Nev. They had no idea that their project
would lead to the most exhilarating and unsettling months
of their lives. A reality thriller that is a shocking product of
our times, Catfish is a riveting story of love, deception and
grace within a labyrinth of online intrigue.
Ariel Schulman, Henry Joost
Thriller; Documentary
Catfish (v.f.)
94 min
United States of America
Nev, un photographe de New York âgé de 24 ans, n’a
aucune idée de qui est Abby, une jeune fille de 18 ans du
Michihan, lorsqu’elle le contacte sur MySpace pour
dessiner l’une de ses photographies. Lorsqu’il reçoit sa
magnifique peinture, Nev débute une amitié avec la jeune
femme et correspond même avec sa famille. Mais les
choses deviennent beaucoup plus intéressante lorsqu’il
commence à développer un cyber-roman avec la soeur
plus vieille d’Abby, Megan, une musicienne et mannequin.
Incité par quelques révélations ahurissantes de Megan,
Nev et ses copains s’engagent dans un voyage à la
recherche de la vérité.
Ariel Schulman, Henry Joost
Drame d’espionnage; Documentaire
Cats and Dogs
2001 87 min color PG United States of America WB
There is a war going on, between cats and dogs. In this
live-action film, a group of scientists try to find a vaccine
for humans allergic to dogs, but the cats want to destroy it.
In an effort to stop the cats, the dogs call on a young pup
to try and guard the vaccine.
Lawrence Guterman
Comedy; Children; Animated
Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore
2010 85 min color G United States of America WB
In the age-old battle between cats and dogs, one crazed
feline has taken things a paw too far. Kitty Galore,
formerly an agent for cat spy organization MEOWS, has
gone rogue and hatched a diabolical plan to not only bring
her canine enemies to heel, but take down her former kitty
comrades and make the world her scratching post. Faced
with this unprecedented threat, cats and dogs will be
forced to join forces for the first time in history in an
unlikely alliance to save themselves - and their humans in "Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore," a comedy
that blends live action with state-of-the-art puppetry and
computer animation. It’s time for the fur to fly.
Brad Peyton
Comedy; Adventure; Children
The Cats of Mirrkatani
2006 74 min color N/R United States of America MON
Eighty-year-old Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani survived the
trauma of WWII internment camps, Hiroshima, and
homelessness by creating art. But when 9/11 threatens
his life on the New York City streets and a local filmmaker
brings him to her home, the two embark on a journey to
confront Jimmy‘s painful past. An intimate exploration of
the lingering wounds of war and the healing power of
friendship and art, this documentary won numerous
awards around the world including the Audience Award at
its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival.
Linda Hattendorf
Ce que femme veut
2000 126 min color United States of America PARA
Nick Marshall, cadre dans une agence publicitaire, ne
parvient pas satisfaire les attentes et les désirs des
femmes, faute de les comprendre. Il aspire au poste de
directeur de la création, mais ses supérieurs hiérarchiques
engagent à sa place Darcy McGuire, sa grande rivale.
Nick n’est pas très heureux à l’idée de collaborer avec
elle. En réalité, ses campagnes publicitaires ne
correspondent plus à ce que les femmes recherchent. Il
doit donc trouver de nouveaux concepts qui collent
davantage à leurs aspirations. Un soir, Nick s’électrocute
accidentellement chez lui. Le lendemain, il est surpris
d’entendre des remarques déplacées de la part de ses
collègues féminines. Cependant, il est encore plus surpris,
lorsqu’il se rend compte qu’il n’entend pas leurs paroles,
mais qu’il lit dans leurs pensées. Nick réalise bientôt qu’il
peut tourner ce don à son avantage.
Nacy Meyers
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Comédie sentimentale
Ce que fille veut....
2003 105 min color United States of America WB
Daphne Reynolds, une Américaine de 17 ans vivant seule
avec sa mère Libby, se rend à Londres pour y rencontrer
son aristocrate de père, Lord Henry Dashwood, un
politicien éminent à l’avenir prometteur. Mais à cause de
son comportement impulsif, la jeune fille bouleverse la
haute sociét britannique et menace les retrouvailles entre
elle et son géniteur.
Dennie Gordon
Ce qui se passe à Vegas
2008 98 min color United States of America FOX
Un homme et une femme découvrent qu’ils se sont mariés
lors d’une nuit de débauche à Las Vegas. Une nuit
pendant laquelle l’un d’entre eux a gagné le jackpot.
Chacun va alors tenter de faire vivre un enfer l’autre afin
de divorcer et garder l’argent...
Tom Vaughan
The Celebration
1998 105 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A darkly comic journey into forbidden family territory. No
one can ignore a person like Danish patriarch Helge
Klingenfeldt. So on his sixtieth birthday, a celebration is
required. Friends and relatives scurry to the country
estate. Eventually, every family’s secrets will come out.
And since his twin sister’s death two months ago, prodigal
son Christian is more haunted than usual. The time has
come for the darkest family skeleton to be revealed, and it
must be done in their father’s style - with flair, and malice.
Thomas Vinterberg
The Celluloid Closet
1996 102 min color AA United States of America AFI
The movie, narrated by Lily Tomlin, contains interviews
with a lot of witnesses from the days when gays were in
the Hollywood closet.
Robert Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman
All Titles
Les cerfs-volants de Kaboul
2007 125 min color United States of America PARA
Un Afghan ayant grandi en Californie est forcé de
retourner dans son pays natal pour secourir le fils d’un
ami d’enfance.
Marc Forster
Drama social
C’est bien ma chance!
2006 102 min color United States of America FOX
Lindsay Lohan interprète une jeune femme à qui tout
sourit... Jusqu’au jour où un baiser échangé avec un
inconnu sonne le glas de sa chance légendaire. Seul
moyen de retrouver sa chance habituelle ? Embrasser à
nouveau le sacripan qui lui a collé la poisse. Le hic, c’est
qu’elle ne sait ni qui il est, ni le trouver...
Donald Petrie
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
C’est la guerre
2012 98 min color United States of America FOX
La comédie raconte l’histoire de deux amis d’enfance
inséparables qui tombent tous deux amoureux de la même
femme. L’amitié entre les deux hommes se désagrège
alors tranquillement et s’ensuit une guerre violente pour
l’amour de la belle.
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Comédie sentimentale
C’est quoi ton numéro?
2011 106 min color 13+ United States of America FOX
En lisant un magazine, Ally tombe sur un article qui la
force à réfléchir sa vie amoureuse. Elle a eu largement
plus d’aventures que la moyenne des femmes de son
entourage, mais désirant ne pas finir seule et voulant
ardemment être accompagnée au mariage de sa soeur,
l’éternelle célibataire, qui vient tout juste de perdre son
emploi, broie du noir. Jusqu’au jour où elle décide de
partir à la recherche de ses anciens amants. En
compagnie de son voisin Colin qui est un séducteur
invétéré, elle ressasse les hommes de son existence, sans
savoir que la bonne personne se trouve peut-être à ses
Mark Mylod
Chain Reaction
1996 106 min color AA United States of America FOX
When a research team discovers an incredible new
technology that will wipe out the world’s need for fossil
fuel, Reeves and a beautiful scientist find themselves
being framed for murder. With half-a-dozen federal
agencies pursuing them across the country, they set out to
discover who is behind the conspiracy in a dizzying chase
that sets a new speed limit.
Andrew Davis
La Chance dans la Balance
2007 123 min color United States of America WB
Un joueur professionnel voit sa vie bouleversée par sa
rencontre avec une chanteuse et ses retrouvailles difficiles
avec son père lors du tournoi mondial de poker à Las
Curtis Hanson
Drama social
Changement de voie
2002 95 min color United States of America PARA
Un banal accrochage sur une voie rapide retarde un jeune
avocat et un agent d’assurances qui se rendent tous au
palais de justice, chacun pour une audition des plus
importantes. Les répercussions bouleversent jamais leur
vie privée.
Roger Michell
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
Changing Lanes
2002 95 min color AA United States of America PARA
An attorney (Ben Affleck) in a rush to make a court
appointment to file legal papers involving a multi-million
dollar trust accidentally collides with an alcoholic insurance
salesman (Samuel Jackson), who also is a rush for a court
appointment involving the custody of his children. The
attorney leaves the scene of the accident and strands the
salesman, causing him to miss his custody hearing.
During the process of the post-crash discussion, the
attorney accidentally drops the papers he needs to present
in court. The judge gives him until the end of the day to
present the papers and thus begins a cat and mouse
game between the proponents. A few questionable actions
later on bothparties’ part, they finally start questioning their
actions and their lives. In the end, both come to new
understanding of what is important and appear to be set in
new ethical and moral directions. Contains mild violence
and profanity.
Roger Michell
Drama; Thriller
Chantons sous la pluie
1952 101 min color G United States of America WB
En 1927, Don Lockwood, star du cinéma muet, a pour
partenaire Lina Lamont, actrice à la voix de crécelle.
Celle-ci est persuadée que la relation amoureuse qui les
unit à l’écran les unit aussi dans la vie. Ils sont engagés
tous deux par les studios Monumental Pictures. Les jours
du cinéma muet sont comptés lorsque sort Le Chanteur
de jazz, premier film parlant de l’histoire du cinéma.
Lockwood et son partenaire Cosmo Brown sont en train de
tourner selon ce nouveau procédé, le prochain
Lockwood et Lamont , Le Spadassin royal Mais la voix
de Lina Lamont est trop désagréable et Cosmo décide de
la faire doubler par Kathy Selden, jeune danseuse à la
voix chaleureuse.
Comedie; Films Musicaux; Comédie sentimentale
Chaos and Desire
112 min
Seismologist Alice Bradley is despatched to her home
town of Baie-Comeau, Quebec, to investigate why the
tides have stopped flowing there. She is reunited with an
old college friend, reporter Catherine Rolland, and meets
roguish pilot Marc Vandal. It soon becomes apparent that
the problems with the tide coincided with a variety of odd
behaviour amongst the Baie-Comeau residents, and Alice
gradually realises that the solution to the mystery may be
stranger than she ever anticipated.
Manon Briand
Drama; Mystery; Romance
Chaos Theory
2008 86 min color PG United States of America WB
The story of an obsessively organized efficiency expert
whose life unravels in unexpected ways when fate forces
him to explore the serendipitous nature of love and
Marcos Siega
Comedy; Drama; Romance
All Titles
Chaos Theory (v.f.)
86 min
United States of America
Chaos Theory dépeint la vie d’un maniaque de
l’organisation (Reynolds) qui décide soudainement de vivre
sa vie sans planning. Au cours de ce processus, il
découvrira l’amour avec le personnage incarn par Emily
Marcos Siega
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Drama social
Le Chaperon Rouge
2011 99 min color 13+ United States of America WB
Un village médiéval est hanté par un loup-garou, une
jeune fille tombe amoureuse d’un bûcheron orphelin, au
grand désappointement de sa famille.
Catherine Hardwicke
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
Les Chariots de Feu
1981 124 min color United States of America WB
Dans les années vingt, deux athlètes britanniques
prédisposés pour la course à pied se servent de leur don,
l’un pour combattre les préjugés xénophobes, l’autre pour
affirmer sa foi religieuse.
Hugh Hudson
Drama social
tickets d’or que Wonka a caché dans les barres de
chocolat de sa fabrication gagnera une vie de sucreries.
Tim Burton
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Comédie fantaisiste;
Drame d’aventures
Charlotte’s Web
2006 113 min color G United States of America PARA
Wilbur the pig is scared of the end of the season, because
he knows that come that time, he will end up on the dinner
table. He hatches a plan with Charlotte, a spider that lives
in his pen, to ensure that this will never happen.
Gary Winick
Comedy; Drama; Children; Fantasy
Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie
105 min
Les Thévenot viennent dı̂ner chez les Sénéchal. Surprise
: le repas était prévu pour le lendemain. Thévenot invite
tout le monde dans une auberge transformée en salle
mortuaire. Nouvelle réception, le samedi, mais cette fois
les Sénéchal sont occupés... Le dı̂ner sera ainsi sans
cesse repoussé pour des raisons tout aussi absurdes les
unes que les autres.
Luis Buñuel
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste
Chariots of Fire
1981 124 min color F United States of America WB
In 1919, a Jewish student Harold Abrahams, enrolls at
Cambridge University and decides to fight the prejudices
he senses around him by attempting to excell in track
events. A runner in Scotland, Eric Liddel, son of a
Missionary, intending to follow in his father’s footsteps
develops his talents as a runner for the Glory of God.
They are both part of the same Olympic Team in 1924
while the games are being held in Paris. Eric withdraws
from the 100 metre race because the finals are to be
carried out on a Sunday. Harold wins the 100 metre and
his rival is triumphant in the 400 metre race. Winner of
four Academy Awards.
Hugh Hudson
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chasing Mavericks
2012 115 min color PG United States of America FOX
The inspirational true story of real life surfing phenom Jay
Moriarty. When 15 year old Jay discovers that the mythic
Mavericks surf break, one of the biggest waves on Earth,
is not only real, but exists just miles from his Santa Cruz
home, he enlists the help of local legend Frosty Hesson to
train him to survive it. As Jay and Frosty embark on their
quest to accomplish the impossible, they form a unique
friendship that transforms both their lives, and their quest
to tame Mavericks becomes about far more than surfing.
Curtis Hanson
Drama; Sports
Chasing Papi
2005 106 min color G United States of America WB
Acclaimed director Tim Burton brings his vividly
imaginative style to the beloved Roald Dahl classic Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory, about eccentric chocolatier
Willy Wonka (Depp) and Charlie, a good-hearted boy from
a poor family who lives in the shadow of Wonka’s
extraordinary factory. Long isolated from his own family,
Wonka launches a worldwide contest to select an heir to
his candy empire. Five lucky children, including Charlie,
draw golden tickets from Wonka chocolate bars and win a
guided tour of the legendary candy-making facility that no
outsider has seen in 15 years. Dazzled by one amazing
sight after another, Charlie is drawn into Wonka’s fantastic
world in this astonishing and enduring story.
Tim Burton
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Fantasy
2003 80 min color PG United States of America FOX
Featuring some of today’s hottest and most acclaimed
Hispanic artists and filmmakers, PAPI CHULO revolves
around three disparate women - a buttoned down lawyer
from Chicago, a Miami cocktail waitress, and a wealthy,
sheltered New Yorker - who discover they have something
in common: the irresistible lothario who has been threetiming them. They decide to teach their "papi chulo" a
lesson, but instead end up on a wild adventure of their
own, which takes them to a beauty pageant, a dance
festival, and into some dangerous run-ins with a pair of
shady characters.
Linda Mendoza
Charlie et la Chocolaterie
2003 94 min color United States of America PARA
Soupçonné des meurtres de quatre chasseurs, un soldat
d’élite de l’armée américaine est traqué par son ancien
instructeur appelé en renfort par les policier.
William Friedkin
Action (v.f.)
2005 106 min color United States of America WB
Charlie est un enfant issu d’une famille pauvre. Travaillant
pour subvenir aux besoins des siens, il doit économiser
chaque penny, et ne peut s’offrir les friandises dont
raffolent les enfants de son âge. Pour obtenir son
comptant de sucreries, il participe à un concours organis
par l’inquiétant Willy Wonka, le propriétaire de la fabrique
de chocolat de la ville. Celui qui découvrira l’un des cinq
Chasse à l’homme
La Chasse au Diplome
All Titles
Chaussure à son pied
1973 111 min color United States of America FOX
Étoiles de Timothy Bottoms comme un étudiant de loi de
Harvard luttant pour maintenir(entretenir) son point de
catégorie de la plus haute importance, tandis que
s’accrochant à son intégrité. Il des romans Lindsay
Wagner, dont le père est le professeur intolérant Bottoms il
essaye d’impressionner.
James Bridges
Drama social
2005 130 min color United States of America FOX
L’histoire d’une rivalité entre deux soeurs aux caractères
diamétralement opposés, l’une étant une fêtarde
irresponsable et l’autre, une juge arriviste. Jusqu’à ce que
les deux emménagent ensemble pour se découvrir des
points communs inattendus qui vont les rapprocher...
Curtis Hanson
Comedie; Drama social
Chasse au trésor
Cheaper by the Dozen
2008 112 min color United States of America WB
Un couple de chasseurs de trésors se lance sur la piste
d’un magot légendaire. Mais après huit ans de recherches
infructueuses, ils sont la limite de la faillite et du divorce...
jusqu’à ce qu’un nouvel indice les rapproche à nouveau.
Andy Tennant
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Comédie sentimentale;
Action (v.f.)
La chasse aux sorcières
1996 126 min color United States of America FOX
Le film se concentre sur les procès des sorcières de
Salem Massachussetts de 1692. Il est basé sur la pièce
"The Crucible" d’Arthur Miller qui en a également écrit
l’adaptation cinématographique.
Nicholas Hytner
Etudes sociales; Dame poétique; Drama social
Le chat pott
2011 90 min color United States of America PARA
Un chat hors-la-loi en exil loin de chez lui a la possibilité
de se racheter. En compagnie de son ancien meilleur ami
et d’une chatte particulièrement agile sur ses pattes, il part
à la recherche de haricots magiques qui leur permettront
d’atteindre un château dans le ciel. Ce lieu inaccessible
est la demeure d’une oie sauvage dont la progéniture
pond de l’or! Grâce à ces oeufs dorés, le village de son
enfance pourra se remettre sur pied après un vol de
banque qui a laissé des traces indélébiles. Une odyssée
qui ne sera pas aussi simple qu’espéré.
Chris Miller
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants;
Comédie fantaisiste; Dessins animés
2003 98 min color PG United States of America FOX
A successful small-town football coach and his wife lead a
surprisingly idyllic – if necessarily regimented – life with
their family of twelve children. When dad gets an offer he
can’t refuse to coach a Big Ten football team, they move to
the city, his increasing workload, and his wife’s book tour,
turn the clan upside down.
Shawn Levy
Comedy; Drama; International Childrens Day; Family
Fun Month
Cheaper by the Dozen 2
2006 89 min color PG United States of America FOX
Tom Baker (Steve Martin) and wife Kate (Bonnie Hunt),
hoping to bring their family together for a memorable
summer vacation, take their 12 offspring to the rustic Lake
Winnetka. But their retreat soon becomes cutthroat when
they enter into a competition with the over-achieving
members of a large family headed by Tom’s long-time rival,
Jimmy Muraugh (Eugene Levy).
Adam Shankman
Comedy; Adventure; Children
104 min
Patrice Sauve
Cheech (v.f.)
87 min
United States of America
Depuis des milliers d’années, les chats et les chiens ne
s’entendent pas. Chacun se trouvant dans une impasse,
ne réussissent pas à avoir l’avantage. Mais les chiens se
trouvent dans une situation qui pourrait leur donner la
victoire. Le Professeur Brody travaille sur une formule
secrète qui éliminerait les allergies aux chiens. Mais, la
société des chats a mandaté l’un de ses représentants
pour qu’il sabote le travail du professeur afin que l’effet de
la formule soit de rendre tout le monde allergique aux
Lawrence Guterman
Comedie; Dessins animés; Films pour enfants
104 min
Lorsqu’il arrive à son agence d’escortes, un matin de
décembre, le dépressif Ron constate que le lieu a été
pendant la nuit la proie de voleurs. Lesquels ont filé avec
son book contenant les photos de toutes les call-girls.
Ses soupçons se portent sur Cheech, le mafieux à la tête
de l’agence rivale qui, il le suppose, veut compromettre le
contrat exclusif qu’il négocie avec les hommes de
Chrysler. Le rendez-vous avec ceux-ci étant pris pour 20
heures, Ron et son adjoint photographe disposent de
quelques heures pour reconstituer le book , non sans
continuer à vaquer aux affaires courantes. Ainsi, tandis
que la suicidaire Stéphanie est dépêchée chez un client
peu dégourdi, Jenny, l’escorte la plus populaire et la moins
fidèle de l’agence, remonte la piste de Cheech.
Patrice Sauv
Drama social
Chatte sur un toit brulant
Cher John
1958 108 min color United States of America WB
Après le suicide de son meilleur ami, Brick se réfugie dans
l’alcool et s’éloigne de sa femme, Maggie, qu’il soupçonne
d’être la cause du drame.
Richard Brooks
Drama social
2010 106 min color United States of America AFI
Un soldat tombe amoureux d’une belle étudiante
Lasse Hallström
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Comédie sentimentale
Chats contre chiens
Le Chercheur: à l’assaut des ténèbres
All Titles
Un Chien Andalou
2007 98 min color United States of America FOX
Un jeune garçon de 11 ans se découvre un destin hors du
commun : il est chargé d’affronter les forces maléfiques
qui menacent notre monde.
David L. Cunningham
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste;
Action (v.f.)
Le chevalier noir
2008 152 min color United States of America WB
Batman et Gordon s’allient au nouveau procureur Harvey
Dent afin d’arrêter un dangereux meurtrier qui terrorise la
ville. L’homme l’étrange sens de l’humeur se fait appeler
Le Joker et se révèle une menace pour les bons et les
mauvais penchants de Gotham City.
Christopher Nolan
Drama social; Comédie moeurs; Drame d’espionnage;
Action (v.f.)
Chez Big Momma 2
2006 99 min color United States of America FOX
L’agent Malcolm Turner se glisse à nouveau sous les traits
de Big Mamma. Cette fois, la vieille dame devient la
nounou des enfants d’un suspect et... tombe sous leur
John Whitesell
Comedie; Drame policier; Action (v.f.)
2002 114 min color AA United States of America AFI
Murderesses Velma Kelly (a chanteuse and tease who
killed her husband and sister after finding them in bed
together) and Roxie Hart (who killed her boyfriend when
she discovered he wasn’t going to make her a star) find
themselves on death row together and fight for the fame
that will keep them from the gallows in 1920s Chicago.
Rob Marshall
Drama; Musical; Crime
Chicago (v.f.)
2002 114 min color United States of America AFI
A Chicago, dans les années vingt, Roxie Hart, une jeune
femme qui rêve de monter sur la scène de l’Onyx Club,
est accusée du meurtre de son amant indélicat et envoyée
en prison. Derrière les barreaux, elle retrouve celle qu’elle
admire, Velma Kelly, une chanteuse de jazz condamnée
pour avoir tué son mari et sa soeur, pris en flagrant délit
d’adultère. Le très populaire avocat Billy Flynn va
brillamment plaider leur cause et attirer l’attention des
médias sur ces deux jeunes femmes la superbe voix.
Roxie, dont Billy a fait l’emblème de la naı̈veté abusée,
devient en quelque temps une véritable star à Chicago...
Rob Marshall
Drame policier; Drama social; Films Musicaux
16 min
Un Chien Andalou consists of seventeen minutes of
bizarre and surreal images that may or may not mean
anything. A straight razor seems to be placed by a
woman’s eye, a small cloud formation obscures the moon,
a cow’s eye is slit open, a man pokes at a severed hand in
the street with his cane, a man drags two grand pianos
containing dead and rotting donkeys and live priests, and
a man’s hand has a hole in the palm from which ants
Luis Buñuel
Un chien andalou (v.f.)
16 min
Tout commence sur un balcon où un homme aiguise un
rasoir... La suite est une série de métamorphoses
surréalistes. Un homme sectionne l’oeil d’une jeune fille.
Un nuage passe devant la lune. Huit ans après. Un
cycliste tombe accidenté dans la rue. La jeune fille lui
porte secours et l’embrasse...
Luis Buñuel
Comédie fantaisiste
Le Chien de la caserne
2007 110 min color United States of America FOX
Le cabot le plus célèbre du monde - et Hollywood le plus
choyé - est séparé de son propriétaire et extrémités vers
le haut comme mascotte d’une station de feu de San
Todd Holland
Comedie; Action (v.f.)
The Children of the Century
135 min
The only thing more outrageous than French novelist
George Sand’s torrid love affair with the decadent author
Alfred de Musset and her affinity for wearing men’s
clothing, was the content of her writing. Though Sand
(otherwise known as the Baroness Dudevant) smoked
cigars and cross-dressed, it was the boldness of her
writing on issues such as the abstinence of marriage and
women’s frigidity that most contributed to the scandalous
reputation she earned in French literary circles. When she
met Alfred de Musset, the most gifted poet of his
generation, the two quickly became a public cause
celebrity while their work would go on to become some of
the finest examples of 19th century romanticism.
Diane Kurys
Drama; Romance; Biography
Les Chimpanzés de l’espace
Chicken Run
2000 84 min color F United States of America SKG
From the Academy Award(r)-winning team behind the
popular "Wallace and Gromit" shorts comes a featurelength animated adventure set at Tweedy’s chicken farm,
where any chicken who doesn’t make her egg quota can
meet a "fowl" fate. The action turns on the characters of
Rocky (an American rooster) and Ginger (a British
chicken) who, along with their fellow flock, are determined
to break out from the sinister farm before they can be
fried, filleted or fricasseed.
Nick Park, Peter Lord
Comedy; Children; Animated
2008 81 min color United States of America FOX
Ham, un jeune chimpanzé de cirque Rebel est choisi pour
participer un programme spatiale hors du commun afin de
découvrir une vie extraterrestre au delà des étoiles. Il
rejoint une équipe de chimpanzés de l’espace pour subir
un entraı̂nement digne des plus grands... Le challenge est
maintenant pour les scientifiques en charge de cette
mission de former cette équipe de bras cassés en priant
pour que l’étoffe des héros ne se transforme pas en étoffe
des zéros !
Kirk DiMicco
Comedie; Dessins animés
All Titles
Les Choristes
1974 131 min color R United States of America PARA
Set in seedy Southern California in the 1930’s Chinatown
reverberates with the subtle eroticism of the love affair
between Jack Nicholson as the small-time shamus and
Faye Dunaway as his big-time client. As with the film noir
detective movies it styles itself after, the mood in
Chinatown is pervasive, ominous and shadowy. First-class
Roman Polanski
Drama; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
96 min
À la mort de sa mère, un chef d’orchestre rencontre un
ancien pensionnaire de l’internat de son enfance. Cette
visite éveille en lui les souvenirs de leur surveillant, un
compositeur raté qui mit, grâce la musique, de la joie dans
leur vie.
Christophe Barratier
Drama social; Films Musicaux
The Chorus
Chinatown (v.f.)
1974 131 min color United States of America PARA
Dans un décor des années 30 au sud de la Californie,
Chinatown raconte une histoire d’amour baignée d’un
érotisme subtil, entre une détective minable et sa
mystérieuse cliente.
Roman Polanski
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs;
Drame policier
Le choc des titans
1981 118 min color United States of America WB
Les épreuves de Persée pour reconquérir Argos: Calibos,
la Méduse, les scorpions géants...
Desmond Davis
Drame d’aventures; Comédie fantaisiste; Action (v.f.);
Comédie sentimentale; Films pour enfants
Le choc des Titans
2010 106 min color United States of America WB
La dernière bataille pour le pouvoir met en scène des
hommes contre des rois et des rois contre des dieux.
Mais la guerre entre les dieux eux-mêmes peut détruire le
monde. Né d’un dieu mais élevé comme un homme,
Persée ne peut sauver sa famille des griffes de Hadès,
dieu vengeur du monde des Enfers. N’ayant plus rien à
perdre, Persée se porte volontaire pour conduire une
mission dangereuse et porter un coup fatal à Hadès avant
que celui-ci ne s’empare du pouvoir de Zeus et fasse
régner l’enfer sur terre. A la tête d’une troupe de guerriers
courageux, Persée entreprend un périlleux voyage dans
les profondeurs des mondes interdits. Luttant contre des
démons impies et des bêtes redoutables, il ne survivra
que s’il accepte son pouvoir en tant que dieu, qu’il défie
son destin et crée sa propre destinée
Louis Leterrier
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste
121 min
United Kingdom
When a single mother and her six-year-old daughter move
to rural France and open a chocolate shop - with Sunday
hours - across the street from the local church, they are
met with some skepticism. But as soon as they coax the
townspeople into enjoying their delicious products, they are
warmly welcomed.
Lasse Hallström
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Le Chocolat
121 min
United Kingdom
Une belle demoiselle arrive avec sa fille dans une petite
ville de France. Elle loue et redonne vie à une pâtisserie
abandonnée. Avec elle et son chocolat, le règne du maire
bigot tire à sa fin.
Lasse Hallström
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
96 min
On 15 January 1949, the former music teacher Clément
Mathieu arrives in "Fond de l’ Etang" ("Bottom of the
Well"), a boarding school for orphans and problematic
boys, to work as an inspector. The place is administrated
with iron fist by the cruel director Rachin, and most of the
boys have severe punishments for their faults. Clément
decides to teach the boys to sing in a choir in their spare
time, and identify the musical potential of the rebel Pierre
Morhange, the son of a beautiful single mother for whom
he feels a crush. He also has a special feeling for the
young Pépinot, a boy that expects the visit of his father
every Saturday near the gate, but indeed lost his parents
in the war. With his methods, Clément changes the lives
of the boys, of the other employees and his own.
Christophe Barratier
Drama; Musical
90 min
United States of America
Roy, un jeune garçon, déménage en Floride où il va tenter
de résoudre plusieurs problèmes mystérieux menaçant
une espèce d’hibou en voie d’extinction.Aidé de deux de
ses amis collégiens, Roy va finalement découvrir plusieurs
informations compromettantes concernant des politiciens
corrompus, des paysagistes véreux et des policiers
Wil Shriner
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dame poétique
A Christmas Carol
86 min
United Kingdom
This classic British adaptation stars Alastair Sim as
Scrooge, whose misanthropic glare is reversed only after
he has confronted the ghosts of the present, future, and
Brian Desmond Hurst
Drama; Fantasy; Literary Adaption; Happy Holidays
Christmas Carol
1938 69 min b&w N/R United States of America WB
On Christmas Eve, an old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge
is visited by the spirit of his former partner, Jacob Marley.
The deceased partner was in his lifetime as mean and
miserly as Scrooge is now and he warns him to change
his ways or face the consequences in the afterlife.
Scrooge dismisses the apparition but the first of the three
ghosts, the Ghost of Christmas Past, visits as promised.
Scrooge sees those events in his past life, both happy and
sad, that forged his character. The second spirit, the
Ghost of Christmas Present, shows him how many
currently celebrate Christmas. The Ghost of Christmas yet
to Come shows him how he will be remembered once he
is gone. To his delight, the spirits complete their visits in
one night giving him the opportunity to mend his ways.
Marin E.
Drama; Children; Fantasy
Christmas Carol (v.f.)
All Titles
La chute de la maison UsherUsher
69 min
United States of America
Un riche avare apprend à connaı̂tre la signification de Noël
de trois spectres qui lui rendent visite au cours de la nuit
avant Noël.
Edwin L. Marin
Drama social; Films pour enfants; Comédie fantaisiste
A Christmas Story
1983 98 min color PG United States of America WB
Ralphie, a young boy growing up in the ’40’s, dreams of
owning a Red Rider BB gun. He sets out to convince the
world this is the perfect gift. But along the way, he runs
into opposition from his parents, his teacher, and even
good ’ol Santa Claus himself.
Bob Clark
Comedy; Children
2012 83 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Three high school students make an incredible discovery,
leading to their developing uncanny powers beyond their
understanding. Even as they learn to control their abilities
and use them to their advantage, their lives start to spin
out of control because their darker sides begin to take
Josh Trank
Drama; Horror
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the
Dawn Treader
2010 113 min color PG United States of America FOX
Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their
cousin Eustace where they meet up with Prince Caspian
for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn
Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves,
merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the
edge of the world.
Michael Apted
Adventure; Children; Fantasy; International Childrens
2012 83 min color United States of America FOX
Un faux documentaire sur trois adolescents de Portland
qui se mettent développer des super-pouvoirs.
Josh Trank
Drama social; Drame d’horreur
Les chroniques de Narnia: L’Odyssée du passeur
2010 113 min color United States of America FOX
Edmund et Lucy repartent pour Narnia en compagnie de
leur insupportable cousin Eustache. Ils sont recueillis à
bord du navire de Caspian, roi de Narnia, le Passeur
Michael Apted
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants; Comédie
Les chroniques de Spiderwick
2008 95 min color United States of America PARA
Trois enfants, deux jumeaux et leur petite soeur,
découvrent un livre magique dans la maison de leur
Mark Waters
Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures; Comédie
fantaisiste; Drama social
1960 75 min color United States of America AMB
Philip Withrop se rend a la maison Usher pour rencontrer
sa fiancée Madeline. Roderick, le frère de Madeline,
s’oppose a leur mariage. Madeline est victime d’une crise
de catalepsie, et Roderick s’empresse de l’enterrer. Philip
découvre la vérité, mais Madeline sort de son tombeau et
veut tuer son frère. La maison s’écroule alors sur eux.
Roger Corman
Drame d’horreur
Ciao, Professore!
91 min
A bureaucratic snafu sends Marco Tullio Sperelli, a portly,
middle-aged northern Italian, to teach third grade in a poor
town outside Naples. His first challenge is to increase
attendance, collaring his students one by one from home,
jobs, or delinquent idleness. Then he must convince his
students that classroom learning has real-world payoffs.
Meanwhile, Sperelli’s students draw their gentle, selfdeprecating teacher into their gritty lives outside the
classroom. North-South contrasts abound, including a
hilarious soliloquay on the nature of Switzerland.
Lina Wertmüller
Comedy; Drama
The Cider House Rules
1999 125 min color PG United States of America AFI
Homer Wells is an orphan, but he does not lack a family.
Having grown up at St. Cloud’s orphange under the
unconventional but loving tutelage of Dr. Wilbur Larch,
Homer never wanted for affection. Now, as Homer
approaches manhood, he begins to question his future.
Homer yearns to explore the world for himself. Upon
meeting a privileged young couple, Homer hitches a ride
with them and liberates himself from St. Cloud’s.
Suddenly Homer’s choices are limitless. He is introduced
to a bigger world full of new sights, adventures and
friendships, as well as tragedy, betrayal and danger. The
rules that governed his former life seem obsolete. And
when Homer falls in love for the first time, his upbringing
offers no guidance. As affection turns to ardor, he
experiences the highs and lows, as well as the
complicated rewards and responsibilities that come with
these new emotions. Suddenly, the consequences of
making choices become more acute. As the course of his
new life unfolds, Homer’s seemingly simple past collides
with his more complex present. Yet, Homer comes to
realize that his previous life has provided him with the
means to make profound decisions that will change the
course of his future.
Lasse Hallstrom
Drama; Romance
A Cinderella Story
2004 97 min color G United States of America WB
Set at a high school in the San Fernando Valley, this is the
story of a "dorky" girl, Sam Martin (Duff), who lives with
her stepmother (Coolidge) and stepsisters, after her father
dies, and his diner is taken over by his new wife, who used
to be a waitress there and who makes Sam do all the hard
work there. Sam has few friends at her high school, where
the top of the social ladder is Shelby Cummings
(Gonzalo), a girl who is wealthy, spoiled and shallow.
Sam’s attitude and look changes quickly overnight,
however, when her cell phone is found by a mysterious
guy (Murray), with whom she soon starts corresponding
via notes and e-mails, with the promise looming soon that
she will finally get to meet him at the big Halloween school
Mark Rosman
Comedy; Romance
All Titles
Cinema Paradiso
123 min
A famous film director returns home to a Sicilian village for
the first time after almost 30 years. He reminisces about
his childhood at the Cinema Paradiso where Alfredo, the
projectionist, first brought about his love of films. He is
also reminded of his lost teenage love, Elena, who he had
to leave before he left for Rome.
Giuseppe Tornatore
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Cirque du Soleil: Le voyage imaginaire
passer de "l’autre côté" afin qu’il soit capable d’aimer et de
vivre comme tout humain.
Neil Jordan
Etudes sociales; Drama social
City of Angels
1998 115 min color AA United States of America WB
A passionate romantic tale about faith, happiness and
loss. A guardian angel falls in love with a real woman and
must choose whether to remain an angel or become
mortal, with its attendant joys and heartaches.
Neil Jordan
Social Studies; Drama
2012 91 min color G United States of America PARA
From the big top to the big screen, visionary filmmaker
James Cameron and director Andrew Adamson (Shrek,
Narnia) invite you and your family on an all new 3D
adventure: Cirque du Soleil Worlds Away. A young couple
who is separated must journey through the astonishing
and dreamlike worlds of Cirque du Soleil to find each
other, as audiences experience the immersive 3D
technology that will allow them to leap, soar, swim, and
dance with the performers. This holiday season, Cirque du
Soleil brings their world to your city!
Andrew Adamson
Comédie fantaisiste
2008 95 min color PG United States of America FOX
For 200 years, the citizens of Ember have lived in a vast
and glittering city of lights. But now the massive generator
is losing power and the lights are failing. It is up to two
teenagers to search the city, crack the code of an ancient
mystery and help the people of Ember escape before the
lights go out forever.
Gil Kenan
Adventure; Children; Fantasy
Cité de Dieu
City of God
130 min
Vers la fin des années 1960, deux gamins de onze ans,
Fusée et Petit Dé, observent avec une admiration non
voilée les agissements d’un trio de voyous faisant la pluie
et le beau temps dans leur lotissement récemment
construit en périphérie de Rio, appelé Cité de Dieu. Plus
tard, dans les années 1970, Fusée rêve de devenir
photographe tandis que Petit Dé s’est engagé sur la voie
de la violence. À seulement dix-huit ans, il s’impose déjà
comme un caı̈d de la drogue, régnant en maı̂tre dans le
quartier où il sème la terreur. Puis, au début des années
1980, Fusée réussit à se faire engager comme reporter
par un journal grâce à sa capacité de s’infiltrer dans ce
milieu mal famé, au moment où la guerre entre bandes
rivales fait de nouvelles victimes.
Fernando Meirelles
Drama social; Dame poétique; Drame policier
130 min
Brazil, 1960’s, City of God. The Tender Trio robs motels
and gas trucks. Younger kids watch and learn well...too
well. 1970’s: Li’l Z has prospered very well and owns the
city. He causes violence and fear as he wipes out rival
gangs without mercy. His best friend Ben is the only one
to keep him on the good side of sanity. Rocket has
watched these two gain power for years, and he wants no
part of it. Yet he keeps getting swept up in the madness.
All he wants to do is take pictures. 1980’s: Things are out
of control between the last two remaining gangs...will it
ever end? Welcome to the City of God.
Fernando Meirelles
Drama; Crime; Literary Adaption
La cité de l’ombre
2008 95 min color United States of America FOX
Ember est une ville prospère qui s’étend depuis des
générations dans un monde de lumières éclatantes. Mais
le générateur de la ville d’Ember est défaillant, et les
grandes lampes qui illuminent la ville commencent à
clignoter. Deux adolescents doivent chercher des indices
qui permettraient de découvrir le mystère ancestral de
l’existence de la ville et aider ses habitants à s’échaper
avant que les lampes ne s’éteignent à jamais.
Gil Kenan
Drame d’aventures; Comédie fantaisiste; Films pour
La Cité des anges
1998 115 min color United States of America WB
Seth et Cassiel sont des anges qui évoluent parmi les
humains sans que ceux-ci ne puissent les voir. Ils savent
lire dans les pensées des mortels, ce qui leur permet de
partager leur détresse, sans pouvoir cependant y changer
quoi que ce soit. Seth aspire à devenir mortel, d’autant
plus qu’il est tombé amoureux d’une jeune femme. Il
rencontre un jour un ancien ange qui a renoncé jadis à sa
condition céleste afin de pouvoir goûter aux plaisirs de la
condition humaine. Cet homme promet Seth de l’aider à
City of Ember
1994 116 min color United States of America FOX
Sur le détail de COUP de LAPD, on connaı̂t Jack Traven
comme un flic avec une nature insouciante et une
compréhension de brillant de l’avis(esprit) criminel. Il a
quelque affaire non finie avec Howard Payne, un sociopath
qui a presque tué Traven et son associé Harry pendant
une tentative d’extorsion spectaculaire. Maintenant on a
donné à Traven le défi de sa carrière quand un autobus
entassé - de câble par Payne vengeur pour éclater s’il
ralentit à sous 50 km-h - est mis lâche pendant les heures
de pointe du matin de Los Angeles.
Jan De Bont
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.)
Clash of the Titans
1981 118 min color PG United States of America WB
Ray Harryhausen, Animation genius, is the real star of this
classical myth brought to life. His creations include such
wonders as Pegasus, the flying horse; Medusa, the
serpent, and The Kraken, a giant sea monster. Harry
Hamlin is Perseus, the son of Zeus (the Incomparable
Laurence Oliver), who battles this monstrous menagerie
for the love of beautiful Andromeda.
Desmond Davis
Adventure; Children; Action; Fantasy; Romance
Clash of the Titans
All Titles
Clockwork Orange
2010 106 min color 14A United States of America WB
A remake of the 1981 film version of the myth of Perseus
and his quest to battle both Medusa and the Kraken
monster in order to save the Princess Andromeda.
Louis Leterrier
Drama; Action; Fantasy
The Class
128 min
Francois and his fellow teachers prepare for a new year at
a high school in a tough neighborhood. Armed with the
best intentions, they brace themselves to not let
discouragement stop them from trying to give the best
education to their students. Cultures and attitudes often
clash in the classroom, a microcosm of contemporary
France. As amusing and inspiring as the teenaged
students can be, their difficult behavior can still jeapordize
any teacher‘s enthusiasm for the low-paying job. Francois
insists on an atmosphere of respect and diligence. Neither
stuffy nor severe, his extravagant frankness often takes the
students by surprise. But his classroom ethics are put to
the test when his students begin to challenge his
Laurent Cantet
Clear and Present Danger
1994 144 min color AA United States of America PARA
Tom Clancy’s hero, CIA analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into
the centre of a deadly global intrigue in the third
installment of the popular series. When the Coast Guard
discovers a yacht carrying victims murdered by the
Colombian drug cartel, the U.S. launches an all-out war on
the Latin American drug trade. Cartel violence prompts
the President to become more aggressive, but his actions
lead to disaster - and a cover-up. Ryan, who has begun to
question the legality of the covert operation, must rescue
the American team left behind in Colombia, and get to the
bottom of the cover-up.
Phillip Noyce
Drama; Action; Thriller; Literary Adaption; President’s
Cleopatra Jones
1973 89 min color PG United States of America WB
Cleopatra Jones, a federal agent, uses her formidable
fighting skills to full advantage as she battles a wicked
underworld narcotics queen and her tough mob.
Jack Starrett
Le client
1994 120 min color United States of America WB
Un jeune garçon est témoin d’un suicide et entend la
dernière confession de cet homme, ce qui le met
dorénavant en danger de mort. Dans un effort pour
protéger son frère st sa mère, le garçon engage un avocat
pour défendre ses droits de ne pas révéler ce qu’il sait.
Joel Schumacher
Dame poétique; Drama social
The Client
1994 120 min color AA United States of America WB
A young boy witnesses a suicide and hears a last-minute
confession that puts him in mortal danger. In an effort to
protect himself and his family, the boy hires a lawyer to
defend his right not to reveal what he knows. Based on
the best-selling novel by John Grisham.
Joel Schumacher
1972 137 min color R United States of America WB
A mind shattering experience of brilliant artistry – Stanley
Kubrick, creator of Dr. Strangelove has reconfirmed his
impeccable direction and technical mastery in this
merciless vision of the near future based on Anthony
Burgess’ chilling novel.
Stanley Kubrick
Drama; Science Fiction; Musical; Cult; Crime
Le Clou du Spectacle
89 min
United States of America
Toilettées, lustrées, bichonnées, ces bêtes de scène
venues des quatre coins de l’Amérique sont prêtes à
donner le meilleur d’elles-mêmes au prestigieux Salon du
Mayflower, l’événement majeur qui désigne le plus beau
Chien de l’Année. Du caniche au labrador, toutes les
races y sont représentées, encadrées par des humbles
vendeurs, des épouses de millionnaires, des coiffeurs, des
petites ménagères et des yuppies aux dents longues.
Christopher Guest
Cloud 9
98 min
Love can sneak up on you at any point. Inge, a married
seamstress in her 60s, delivers a pair of trousers to her
customer, Karl, himself well into his 70s. Shortly after, the
two of them are making passionate love on the floor of his
apartment. This is all the more surprising as Inge has
been happily married for over 30 years, and suddenly she
feels like a young girl again. Whether you are 70 or 17,
affairs of the heart can be complicated!
Andreas Dresen
Drama; Romance
2008 84 min color PG United States of America PARA
Revolves around a monster attack in New York as told
from the point of view of a small group of people.
Matt Reeves
Drama; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller; Marooned;
Extraterrestrial Abduction; Tell a Lie Day
Cloverfield (v.f.)
2008 84 min color United States of America PARA
Un film mystère centré sur une attaque de New York par
une force inconnue...
Matt Reeves
Drame d’espionnage; Drame de science-fiction; Drama
social; Action (v.f.)
1985 94 min color PG United States of America PARA
The suspicious characters and sinister rooms made
famous by the popular Parker Brothers board game come
to life in this stylish comedy-whodunit. Mystery
Jonathan Lynn
Comedy; Mystery; Crime
Clue (v.f.)
1985 94 min color United States of America PARA
L’adaptation du célèbre jeu de société. Six personnes sont
invitées passer une soirée dans un manoir. Six meurtres
sont commis. L’inspecteur Butler enquête pour attribuer à
chaque invité le meurtre qu’il a commis.
Jonathan Lynn
Comedie; Drame policier; Comédie moeurs
All Titles
1995 97 min color PG United States of America PARA
CLUELESS is the story of a wealthy Beverly Hills
teenager’s need to manage everyone’s life around her.
Empowered with the belief that only she knows what’s
stylishly appropriate, she sets about to do personal,
fashion, and romantic make-overs for her high-school
classmates and even her teachers. Her choices, while well
meant, set off numerous misunderstandings, along with
some unexpected comic and emotional complications.
Amy Heckerling
Comedy; Romance; Valentine’s Day; Best Friend Day
1985 119 min color PG United States of America FOX
A group of Florida retirees comes face to face with friendly
aliens in Ron Howards’s Academy Award-winning sciencefiction fantasy. Howard has assembled an impressive cast
of screen veterans for this heartwarming tale of hope and
discovery. George Lucas’s industrial Light and Magic
provides the marvelous special effects that add to the
wonder and beauty of the film.
Ron Howard
Comedy; Adventure; Drama; Science Fiction; Older
American’s Month
Coach Carter
Cocoon (v.f.)
2005 136 min color PG United States of America PARA
Samuel L. Jackson plays the controversial high school
basketball coach who benched his undefeated team due to
their collective poor academic record in 1999.
Thomas Carte
Drama; Black History; World Teacher Day
1985 119 min color United States of America FOX
Un groupe d’aliens déguisés en humains reviennent sur
Terre pour reprendre des cocons de leur espèce (de la
planète Antarea) qu’ils avaient laissés lors d’un précédent
voyage. Une fois qu’ils ont récupér les cocons, ils les
conservent dans la piscine d’une maison qu’ils ont louée
dans une petite ville de Floride. Ils sont génés dans leur
entreprise par quelques personnes âgées, pensionnaires
d’une maison de retraite située non loin de la maison. Ces
dernières se sont secrètement baignées dans la piscine et
ont découvert les pouvoirs extraordinaires des cocons...
Ron Howard
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction;
Drama social
Coach Carter (v.f.)
2005 136 min color United States of America PARA
À Richmond, Ken Carter accepte de devenir l’entraı̂neur
de l’équipe de basketball de l’école secondaire où il a jadis
étudié. Mais la partie est loin d’être gagnée. Face à une
bande d’adolescents indisciplinés, peu motivés et
bagarreurs, Carter prend les grands moyens. Exigeant un
respect total de la part de ses joueurs et punissant
sévèrement leurs écarts de langage, le nouvel entraı̂neur
les oblige également à assister tous leurs cours et à
obtenir des résultats dans la moyenne. Grâce aux efforts
soutenus de Carter, son équipe accède aux éliminatoires.
Mais en réalisant que ses joueurs ont des résultats
scolaires nettement insuffisants, l’entraı̂neur décide de
fermer le gymnase pour les obliger étudier, au risque de
provoquer les foudres de leurs parents et de la population
locale. Inspiré de l’histoire vraie de Ken Carter,
l’entraı̂neur de basket d’une équipe d’une école
secondaire, qui devint célèbre en 1999 après avoir
renvoyé ses joueurs à leurs études, déclarant forfait deux
matchs de suite alors que l’équipe était invaincue, parce
que ces derniers n’avaient pas obtenu des résultats
scolaires suffisants.
Thomas Carte
Drama social
Coco avant Chanel
105 min
Une petite fille du centre de la France, placée dans un
orphelinat avec sa soeur, et qui attend en vain tous les
dimanches que son père vienne les chercher. Une
chanteuse de beuglant à la voix trop faible, qui affronte un
public de soldats éméchés. Une petite couturière destinée
refaire des ourlets dans l’arrière-boutique d’un tailleur de
province. Une apprentie-courtisane au corps trop maigre,
qui trouve refuge chez son protecteur Etienne Balsan,
parmi les cocottes et les fêtards. Une amoureuse qui sait
qu’elle ne sera " la femme de personne ", pas même celle
de Boy Capel, l’homme qui pourtant l’aimait aussi. Une
rebelle que les conventions de l’époque empêchent de
respirer, et qui s’habille avec les chemises de ses amants.
C’est l’histoire de Coco Chanel, qui incarna la femme
moderne avant de l’inventer.
Anne Fontaine
Drama biographique; Drama social
Coco Before Chanel
105 min
The story of Coco Chanel’s rise from obscure beginnings
to the heights of the fashion world.
Anne Fontaine
Drama; Biography
Au Coeur de la Terre
2003 135 min color United States of America PARA
Une équipe de huit scientifiques guidés par Dr Josh Keyes
(Aaron Eckhart) est envoyée au centre de la Terre à bord
d’un engin expérimental. Ils ont pour mission de réparer
une faille située au niveau du noyau terrestre et
annonciatrice d’une catastrophe planétaire.
Jon Amiel
Drame de science-fiction; Action (v.f.); Drama social;
Drame d’espionnage
Un Coeur Invaincu
2007 107 min color United States of America PARA
Basé sur le roman Un coeur invaincu : La vie et la mort
courageuses de mon mari Daniel Pearl , Mariane Pearl
nous fait partager son combat pour faire libérer son mari
journaliste enlevé à Karachi et, par des flash-backs, toute
sa vie avec lui, de leur première rencontre jusqu’ son
Michael Winterbottom
Drama social; Drame de guerre
Coeur Vaillant
1995 178 min color United States of America PARA
Evocation de la vie tumultueuse de William Wallace, héros
et symbole de l’indépendance écossaise, qui à la fin du
XIIIe siècle affronta les troupes du roi d’Angleterre Edward
I qui venaient d’envahir son pays.
Mel Gibson
Drame d’aventures
Cold Fusion
122 min
As his 52nd annual release, Warren Miller once again
brings out the hard-core rider in each of us. His films
throw us into an infinite journey of intense snowbound
aerobatics, goofy lift moments, and historic segments all
through acres of snow, and gliding to a sweet musical
score like no other.
Warner Miller
Action; Documentary
All Titles
Cold Mountain
2003 153 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Directed by Academy Award(r)winner Anthony Minghella
("The English Patient", "The Talented Mr. Ripley") and
based on Charles Frazier’s bestselling Civil War novel of
the same name, Cold Mountain tells the story of Inman
(Jude Law), a wounded confederate soldier who is on a
perilous journey home to his mountain community, hoping
to reunite with his prewar sweetheart, Ada (Nicole
Kidman). In his absence, Ada struggles to survive, and
revive her father’s farm with the help of intrepid young
drifter Ruby (Renee Zellweger).
Anthony Minghella
Drama; War; Literary Adaption
collectionneur amateur de filles aussi belles
Gary Fleder
Drama social; Drame psychologique; Drame
d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs; Dame poétique;
Drame policier
Les Collégiennes de Beverly Hills
1995 97 min color United States of America PARA
L’histoire d’une ravissante teenager dans un collège de
Beverly Hills à la recherche du prince charmant.
Amy Heckerling
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
La colère des Titans
2012 99 min color G United States of America WB
Une décennie après sa victoire héroı̈que sur le
monstrueux Kraken, Persée, le fils demi-dieu de Zeus,
tente de mener une vie plus tranquille de pêcheur dans un
village et élève seul son fils de 10 ans, Hélius. Pendant ce
temps, les dieux et les Titans se livrent à une lutte de
pouvoir. Dangereusement affaiblis par le manque de
dévotion des humains, les dieux sont sur le point de
perdre le contrôle des Titans emprisonnés et de leur
redoutable chef, Kronos, père du triumvirat au pouvoir,
Zeus, Hadès et Poséidon. Longtemps auparavant, les trois
frères avaient renversé leur père puissant, le laissant
croupir dans le sombre abı̂me du Tartare, un donjon
enterré au plus profond des entrailles des enfers.
Jonathan Liebesman
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Action
(v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste
2004 120 min color 14A United States of America SKG
A cab driver finds himself the hostage of an engaging
contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during
one night in L.A. He must find a way to save both himself
and one last victim.
Michael Mann
Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
Collateral (v.f.)
2004 120 min color United States of America SKG
En pleine nuit, à Los Angeles, un chauffeur de taxi se
retrouve contraint d’aider un mystérieux tueur à gages
dans l’accomplissement de ses contrats.
Michael Mann
Drama social; Drame policier; Drame d’espionnage;
Action (v.f.)
Collé à toi
2003 118 min color United States of America FOX
Un jeune homme convainc son frère siamois de partir
avec lui à la conquête d’Hollywood
Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly
Le Collectionneur
1997 110 min color United States of America PARA
Quand l’inspecteur de police Alex Cross de Washington
apprend que sa nièce, qui fait des études en Caroline du
Nord, a disparu, apparemment victime d’un enlèvement, il
se rend immédiatement à Durham pour participer aux
recherches. Bravant la police locale, il mène sa propre
enquête. Il decouvre qu’en fait huit jeunes filles ont
disparu et que l’une d’entre elles vient d’être retrouvée
assassinée. Cross comprend alors qu’il a affaire à un
The Color Purple
1985 114 min color PG United States of America WB
In a small Georgia town in 1906, young Celie gives birth to
two children, fathered by the man she calls "Pa".
Sustained by the close bond with younger sister Nettie,
Celie submerges her own identity and pours out her heart
in letters first to God, then to her absent sister. It is not
until 1921, when blues singer Shug Avery, the preacher’s
daughter, comes into Celie’s life, that she begins to reveal
her glowing spirit and to develop an awareness of her own
worth and the world of possibilities that lies open to her.
Steven Spielberg
Popular Films; Drama; Literary Adaption
The Colossus of Rhodes
128 min
A Greek military hero named Darios visits his uncle in
Rhodes in the year 280 BC. Rhodes has just finished
constructing an enormous colossus of Apollo to guard its
harbor and is planning an alliance with Phoenicia which
would be hostile to Greece. Darios flirts with the beautiful
Diala, daughter of the statue’s mastermind, while
becoming involved with a group of rebels headed by
Peliocles. These rebels seek to overthrow the tyrannical
King Serse as does Serse’s evil second-in-command,
Thar. The rebels’ revolt seems to fail, with Peliocles and
his men being captured and forced to provide amusement
in the local arena, but an earthquake eventually upsets,
not only the Colossus in the harbor, but the balance of
power in Rhodes as well.
Sergio Leone
Adventure; Drama
The Colossus of Rhodes (v.f.)
128 min
Darios, héros militaire grec, rend visite à son oncle à
Rhodes en 280 av. J.-C. Rhodes vient d’achever la
construction d’une énorme statue d’Apollon (le colosse)
pour protéger son port et envisage une alliance avec la
Phénicie contre la Grèce. Darios s’éprend de la jolie
Diala, fille de l’architecte de la statue, mais il est aussi
impliqué avec un groupe de rebelles menés par Peliocles.
Ces rebelles cherchent renverser le tyran Xerxès, de
même d’ailleurs que son second, Therion. Les rebelles
sont capturés et forcés d’amuser la foule dans l’arène,
mais un tremblement de terre renverse le colosse et ... le
Sergio Leone
Drame d’aventures; Drama social
All Titles
The Comebacks
2007 88 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Coach Fields is known as the unluckiest coach in the
history of sports. After being forced into an early
retirement, he’s given one last shot at greatness.
Unfortunately, Champ is hired to coach The Comebacks, a
talentless, slightly deranged college football team with a
laughable roster and an even worse record. Armed with
questionable morals, and weak players, Champ sets out to
bring this team of losers together and make the impossible
happen, win a game.
Tom Brady
Comedy; Sports
Le commando des batards
2009 152 min color United States of America AFI
Des soldats américains, au pedigree peu reluisant,
obtiennent une chance de se racheteren se rendant dans
un dangereux no-man’s lands occupé par les nazis sur le
territoire françaisafin d’y mener une opération suicide pour
le compte des forces alliées...
Quentin Tarantino
Drame de guerre; Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.)
une des comédies les plus amusantes dans tout à fait
quelque temps.
Colin Higgins
Company Man
2001 86 min color PG United States of America PARA
A high school teacher in the 60s becomes an international
spy and becomes involved in a plot to overthrow Fidel
Peter Askin, Douglas McGrath
Complot au crépuscule
97 min
United States of America
Son dernier gros coup réussi, un grand cambrioleur prend
enfin sa retraite avec son amie, soulagée. Hélas, un
enquêteur du FBI le relance, lui parlant d’un gros diamant
à sa portée, et un caı̈d local l’y pousse également. Quel
jeu serré, cette fois!
Brett Ratner
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Drame policier; Drama social
Comment epouser un milliardaire
1953 106 min color United States of America FOX
La croyance de c’est aussi facile d’aimer un homme riche
que pauvre, trois judicieux, wisecracking lovelies expose
"un piège d’ours" un appartement de grand standing de
luxe baited par eux mais ils découvrent bientôt que
l’amour déjoue le mieux de plans.
Jean Negulesco
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Comment manger des vers de terre
98 min
United States of America
Un jeune garçon de 11 ans, nouvellement arrivé dans une
école, accepte par un concours de circonstances de
relever un défi plutôt inusité: manger dix vers de terre
Bob Dolman
Comment prévoir l’imprévisible
2012 110 min color G United States of America AFI
Ravis à l’idée de fonder une famille, Jules, guru télévisuel
de la mise en forme et Evan, danseuse vedette réalisent
que leur vie effrénée de célébrités risque de s’écrouler
face aux imprévus de la grossesse. Avocate et auteure
amoureuse des bébés, Wendy goûte à ses propres
conseils maternels, lorsque les hormones de grossesse
ravagent son corps, alors que son mari, Gary, tente de ne
pas se faire battre par son père, un mâle alpha compétitif
qui attend lui-même des jumeaux avec sa très jeune et
très esthétique nouvelle femme, Skyler. Holly, photographe
de profession, est prête à traverser le monde pour adopter
un enfant, mais son mari Alex n’est pas certain de
partager son envie et tente de contrôler sa panique
grandissante en joignant un club de support où les
nouveaux pères discutent de la paternité tel qu’elle l’est
réellement. Finalement, une aventure surprise entre Rosie
et Marco, deux chefs de cantines roulantes rivaux pose
une question inattendue: que faire lorsque votre premier
enfant survient avant votre premier rendez-vous?
Kirk Jones
Comedie; Drama social
Comment se debarrasser de on Patro
1980 107 min color United States of America FOX
Trois secrétaires abusés et harcelés décident de faire leur
fantaisie secrète se réalisent : ils vont se débarrasser leur
chauvin supérieur. Parton, Fonda et Tomlin brillent dans
Conan the Barbarian
2011 112 min color 18A United States of America AFI
A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce
Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against
hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as
Conan realizes he is the only hope of saving the great
nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of
supernatural evil.
Marcus Nispel
Adventure; Action; Fantasy
The Condemned
2007 100 min color 14A United States of America AFI
An adrenalin-charged action thriller, "The Condemned"
tells the story of Joe Conrad (Stone Cold Steve Austin),
who is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central
American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy
television producer and taken to a desolate island where
he must fight to the death against nine other condemned
killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to
the sole survivor.
Scott Wiper
Action; Thriller
The Condemned (v.f.)
2007 100 min color United States of America AFI
Jack Conrad attend la pénalité de mort dans une prison
américaine centrale altérée. Il "est acheté" par un
producteur riche de télévision et porté à une ı̂le désolée
où il doit combattre à la mort contre neuf autres tueurs
condamnés de tous les coins du monde.
Scott Wiper
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.)
Le Confessional
100 min
Trente-sept ans après le tournage à Quebec de "La Loi du
silence", d’Alfred Hitchcock, deux témoins de ce tournage
se retrouvent.
Robert Lepage
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs
Le Confessional
All Titles
100 min
In 1952, while Alfred Hitchcock films "I Confess" in a
Quebec church, events eerily mirror the movie in the
confessional booth where a pregnant teen seeks
absolution. Almost 40 years later, the teenager’s son sets
out with his adoptive brother to learn the truth about his
Robert Lepage
The Conformist
108 min
A follower of Mussolini must demonstrate loyalty to the
fascist state by assassinating his former professor. Based
on the novel by Alberto Moravia. An emotionally charged
Bernardo Bertolucci
Le Conformiste
1970 108 min color United States of America PARA
Les interrogations et les actes d’un jeune fasciste en 1935
alors qu’il est envoye en mission en France pour
supprimer un professeur de philosophie qui lutte au sein
des activites antifascistes.
Bernardo Bertolucci
Drama social
The Conspirator
2011 121 min color PG United States of America AFI
In the wake of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, seven
men and one woman are arrested and charged with
conspiring to kill the President, the Vice-President, and the
Secretary of State. The lone woman charged, Mary
Surratt, 42, owns a boarding house where John Wilkes
Booth and others met and planned the simultaneous
attacks. Against the ominous back-drop of post-Civil War
Washington, newly-minted lawyer, Frederick Aiken, a 28year-old Union war-hero, reluctantly agrees to defend
Surratt before a military tribunal. As the trial unfolds, Aiken
realizes his client may be innocent and that she is being
used as bait and hostage in order to capture the only
conspirator to have escaped a massive manhunt, her own
Robert Redford
2004 120 min color 14A United States of America WB
Renegade occultist John Constantine (Nicolas Cage), who
has literally been to hell and back, teams up with skeptical
policewoman Katelin Dodson to solve the mysterious
suicide of her twin sister. Their investigation takes them
through the world of demons and angels that exists just
beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles.
Based on the DC-Vertigo comic book "Hellblazer."
Francis Lawrence
Drama; Science Fiction; Action
1997 135 min color PG United States of America WB
Two-time Oscar winner Jodie Foster stars in this visionary
drama based on Carl Sagan’s novel about humankind’s
first encounter with extraterrestrial life, directed by another
Oscar winner, Robert Zemeckis. As the Earth hurtles
toward a new millennium, a young, driven astronomer
realizes her lifelong dream when she detects intelligent
radio signals from deep outer space. While the countries
of the world unite in an effort to decode the transmission
that could transform the course of human events, she finds
herself among those trying to become the single
representative who will explore the mysteries conveyed
from the message’s unknown extraterrestrial source.
Robert Zemeckis
Drama; Science Fiction
Contact (v.f.)
1997 135 min color United States of America WB
La Terre se dirige vers un nouveau millénaire. Une jeune
astronome réalise son rêve alors qu’elle détecte des
signaux provenant de l’espace. Alors que les pays du
monde unissent leurs efforts pour déchiffrer cette
transmission qui pourrait transformer le cours de l’histoire
de l’humanité, elle veut devenir celle qui explorera les
mystères de ce message provenant de source
extra-terrestre inconnue.
Robert Zemeckis
Drama social; Dame poétique; Drame de science-fiction
2011 105 min color PG United States of America WB
"Contagion" follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne
virus that kills within days. As the fast-moving epidemic
grows, the worldwide medical community races to find a
cure and control the panic that spreads faster than the
virus itself. At the same time, ordinary people struggle to
survive in a society coming apart.
Steven Soderbergh
Adventure; Drama; Suspense; Action; Thriller
Contagion (v.f.)
2011 105 min color G United States of America WB
Contagion dépeint le progrès rapide d’un virus aéroporté
qui tue les humains en quelques jours seulement. Comme
l’épidémie évolue rapidement, les communautés médicales
mondiales se réunissent pour tenter de trouver un remède
et contrôler la panique qui grandit plus le virus s’étend. Au
même moment, les gens ordinaires tentent de survivre et
de garder leur calme au centre d’une pandémie qui
pourrait bien décimer la race humaine.
Steven Soderbergh
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame
Constantine (v.f.)
2004 120 min color United States of America WB
Basé sur une bande-dessinée nommée
Hellblazer ,
ce thriller fantastique sera réalisé par Tarsem Singh,
auteur de THE CELL avec Jennifer Lopez, sorti l’an
dernier. CONSTANTINE relatera les aventures d’un
voyageur marginal enquêtant sur des événements
Francis Lawrence
Drame de science-fiction; Drame psychologique; Action
(v.f.); Drama social
Conte au coeur de l’Arctique
2007 85 min color United States of America PARA
Un documentaire qui suit le destin des ours polaires et
des morses de la péninsule arctique, menacés de
disparition avec le réchauffement climatique et la fonte de
la banquise.
Sarah Robertson
All Titles
The Contender
2000 126 min color AA United States of America SKG
Joan Allen and Jeff Bridges team up for a political drama
in which she plays a U.S. Senator vying for the office of
Vice President and he plays the President of the United
States. Her bid for office is jeopardized by a controversy
over a sexual scandal, which she refuses to discuss.
Rod Lurie
Drama; Thriller
2007 122 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Ian Curtis is a quiet and rather sad lad who works for an
employment agency and sings in a band called Warsaw.
He meets a girl named Debbie whom he promptly marries
and his band, of which the name in the meantime has
been changed to Joy Division, gets more and more
successful. Even though Debbie and he become parents,
their relationship is going downhill rapidly and Ian starts an
affair with Belgium Annik whom he met after one of the
gigs and he’s almost never at home. Ian also suffers from
epilepsy and has no-good medication for it. He doesn’t
know how to handle the feelings he has for Debbie and
Annik and the pressure the popularity of Joy Division and
the energy performing costs him.
Anton Corbijn
Drama; Musical; Biography
2007 122 min color United States of America AFI
La vie de Ian Curtis, leader du groupe mythique de rock
anglais Joy Division. Tiraillé entre sa vie de famille, sa
gloire naissante et son amour pour une autre femme, Ian
Curtis s’est suicidé le 18 mai 1980, à la veille de la
première tournée américaine du groupe qui s’annonçait
triomphale.Ian Curtis a changé le rock, sans le vouloir,
sans le savoir.
Anton Corbijn
Drama biographique; Drama social; Films Musicaux
Cooking with Stella
103 min
A warmhearted social satire about a Canadian diplomat
(Lisa Ray) and her chef husband Michael (Don McKellar)
who are posted to New Delhi. Upon arrival they inherit a
household of Indian servants headed by the charming,
totally inspiring - and wily - cook, Stella (Seema Biswas).
When Stella agrees to become Michael‘s cooking guru, to
teach him traditional Indian dishes, little does he know that
shès cooking up a scheme of her own.
Dilip Mehta
Cooking with Stella (v.f.)
2009 103 min color United States of America MON
À l’emploi de l’ambassade du Canada à New Delhi, une
cuisinière indienne se lie d’amitié avec un chef cuisinier,
mari d’une jeune diplomate. Elle profite cependant de sa
situation pour se livrer à de petits larcins aux dépens de
ses employeurs.
Dilip Mehta
Drama social
The Cooler
2003 101 min color 14A United States of America AFI
The unluckiest man in Vegas (William H. Macy) - a guy
whose bad luck is contagious - is used by the last of the
old time mob run casinos to kill high rollers’ action. That
is, until he falls in love with a cocktail waitress (Maria
Bello) and gets "lady luck," which throws the situation into
reverse. Things turn nasty when the casino director (Alec
Baldwin) tries to break up the romance.
Wayne Kramer
Drama; Romance
2009 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
Coraline Jones (Dakota Fanning) is bored in her new
home until she finds a secret door and discovers an
alternate version of her life on the other side. On the
surface, this parallel reality is eerily similar to her real life
and the people in it - only much better. But when this
seemingly perfect world turns dangerous, and her other
parents (including her Other Mother voiced by Teri
Hatcher) try to trap her forever, Coraline must count on her
resourcefulness, determination and bravery to escape this
increasingly perilous world - and save her family.
Henry Selick
Adventure; Children; Fantasy; Animated
Coraline (v.f.)
2009 100 min color United States of America AFI
Coraline Jones est une fillette intrépide et douée d’une
curiosit sans limites. Ses parents, qui ont tout juste
emménagé avec elle dans une étrange maison, n’ont
guère de temps à lui consacrer. Pour tromper son ennui,
Coraline décide donc de jouer les exploratrices. Ouvrant
une porte condamnée, elle pénètre dans un appartement
identique au sien... mais o tout est différent. Dans cet
Autre Monde, chaque chose lui paraı̂t plus belle, plus
colorée et plus attrayante. Son Autre Mère est pleinement
disponible, son Autre Père prend la peine de lui mitonner
des plats exquis, et même le Chat, si hautain dans la
Vraie vie, daigne s’entretenir avec elle. Coraline est bien
tentée d’élire domicile dans ce Monde merveilleux, qui
répond à toutes ses attentes. Mais le rêve va très vite
tourner au cauchemar. Prisonnière de l’Autre Mère,
Coraline va devoir déployer des trésors de bravoure,
d’imagination et de ténacit pour rentrer chez elle et sauver
sa Vraie famille...
Henry Selick
Films pour enfants; Comédie fantaisiste; Dessins
animés; Drame d’aventures
The Core
2003 135 min color PG United States of America PARA
Scientists discover that the Earth’s core is about to stop
spinning. This will cause tremendous natural disasters,
wiping out life as we know it. A team of scientists is
recruited in a crash project to send a ship and bomb into
the center of the Earth to prevent the catastrophe.
Jon Amiel
Drama; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
Le corps de Jennifer
2009 102 min color United States of America FOX
Sous l’emprise d’une force intérieure, une jeune pom-pom
girl à la vie idéale se met à assassiner les garçons de sa
petite ville. Sa meilleure amie va tenter de l’arrêter.
Karyn Kusama
Comedie; Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage;
Drame de science-fiction
Corpse Bride
All Titles
Le coup de grâce
2005 77 min color PG United States of America WB
Set in 19th-century European village, Victor (Depp), is on
his way to get married when he sees a bony finger in the
ground thinking it’s a stick, he puts the ring on it as a joke
and says the wedding vows, the finger belongs to a
corpse, he is worried he has to marry her so he consults
the rabbi.
Tim Burton, Mike Johnson
Comedy; Animated
La Correction
1996 152 min color United States of America WB
Un coup de tout-étoile apporte à la vie le roman à succès
autobiographique par Lorenzo Carcaterra. Quatre amis
grandissent dans la Cuisine de New York l’Enfer, un
voisinage dans lequel la fidélité est tout. Quand une niche
adolescente de leurs mal tourne, le quartette est envoyé à
l’école de réforme, où ils subissent des abus de tourment
d’un groupe de gardes sadiques. Après quatre prennent
des chemins radicalement différents comme des adultes,
leurs vies se croisent de nouveau quand ils deviennent
impliqués dans le meurtre d’un de ces gardes.
Barry Levinson
Drame policier; Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
La couleur pourpre
1985 114 min color United States of America WB
LA COULEUR POURPRE retrace l’histoire de deux
soeurs, Célie et Nettie, dans le cadre du Sud profond des
Etats-Unis. Elles ont ét séparées dès leur adolescence à
cause de la brutalité de "Monsieur", un fermier qui a
acheté Célie plus qu’il ne l’a épousé. Au fil des années
longues et difficiles qui passent, Célie endure les pires
vexations et subit l’humeur intolérante de son maı̂tre.
Steven Spielberg
Dame poétique; Drama social
The Counterfeiters
98 min
The true story of Salomon Sorowitsch, counterfeiter
extraordinaire and bohemian. After getting arrested in a
German concentration camp in 1944, he agrees to help
the Nazis in an organized counterfeit operation set up to
help finance the war effort. It was the biggest counterfeit
money scam of all times. Over 130 million pound sterling
were printed, under conditions that couldn’t have been
more tragic or spectacular. During the last years of the
war, as the German Reich saw that the end was near, the
authorities decided to produce their own banknotes in the
currencies of their major war enemies. They hoped to use
the duds to flood the enemy economy and fill the empty
war coffers. At the Sachsenhausen concentration camp,
two barracks were separated from the rest of the camp
and the outside world, and transformed into a fully
equipped counterfeiters workshop. "Operation Bernhard"
was born. Prisoners were brought to Sachsenhausen from
other camps to implement the plan: professional printers,
fastidious bank officials and simple craftsmen all became
members of the top-secret counterfeiter commando. They
had the choice: if they cooperated with the enemy, they
had a chance to survive, as first-class prisoners in a
"golden cage" with enough to eat and a bed to sleep in. If
they sabotaged the operation, a sure death awaited them.
For THE COUNTERFEITERS, it was not only a question
of saving their own lives, but also about saving their
conscience as well...
Stefan Ruzowitzky
Drama; War; Literary Adaption; Crime
2010 115 min color United States of America AFI
Mickey Ward est un boxeur, un combattant qui perd espoir
en son sport et qui est prêt à raccrocher les gants lorsque
son frère sort de prison et l’aide atteindre la gloire.
David O. Russell
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
Le Coupe-feu
2006 105 min color United States of America WB
Le chef de la sécurité d’une grosse banque voit sa famille
kidnappée. Il demande alors l’aide de ses gardiens et va
jusqu’à voler 37 millions de dollars dans l’établissement où
il officie pour le versement de la rançon. Mais ce geste lui
vaudra d’être inculpé de détournement de fonds...
Richard Loncraine
Action (v.f.); Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
Couple et couplets
2007 103 min color United States of America WB
Un compositeur et une chanteuse sont amenés à travailler
ensemble. Mais leur collaboration prend vite un autre
Marc Lawrence
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Courage a l’epreuve
1996 116 min color United States of America FOX
Denzel Washington est un colonel le commencement qu’il
pense est l’enquête ordinaire d’un candidat à la Médaille
d’honneur. Mais rien de sa recherche n’est ordinaire. Le
pilote Medevac en question (Meg Ryan) est la première
femme à être considérée pour cette
récompense(sentence) la plus haute. La Maison Blanche
et le Pentagone le poussent à approuver sans discussion
l’approbation. Il découvre les histoires contradictoires des
survivants de la mort de Ryan à la ligne de devoir. Et il
est forc de confronter la vérité de son propre passé
comme un commandant de réservoir dans la fureur de la
même Guerre de Golfe. Du directeur des Légendes de la
Chute(automne) et la Gloire vient un drame se déplaçant
du courage dans le combat et le temps de paix.
Ed Zwick
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Comédie moeurs; Drame de
Courage Under Fire
1996 116 min color PG United States of America FOX
Denzel Washington is a colonel beginning what he thinks
is the routine investigation of a candidate for the Medal of
Honor. But nothing about his quest is routine. The
Medevac pilot in question (Meg Ryan) is the first woman to
be considered for this highest award. The White House
and the Pentagon are pushing him to rubber-stamp the
approval. He’s uncovering the survivors’ conflicting stories
about Ryan’s death in the line of duty. And he’s being
forced to confront the truth about his own past as a tank
commander in the fury of the same Gulf War. From the
director of Legends of the Fall and Glory comes a moving
drama about bravery in combat and peacetime.
Ed Zwick
Drama; War; Black History; Veterans Day
La Course au joulet
All Titles
1996 89 min color United States of America FOX
Un père négligent mais bien intentionné promet à son
jeune fils qu’il lui offrira sans faute le premier item sur sa
liste de cadeaux de Noël, Turbo Man. La veille de Noël du
père tourne vite au cauchemar hilarant lorsqu’il entreprend
une course folle à travers la ville pour obtenir ce jouet
virtuellement impossible à trouver.
Brian Levant
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Course folle
2001 112 min color United States of America PARA
Donald Sinclair, le propriétaire du plus gros, du plus
distingué et du plus excentrique casino de Las Vegas, a
élaboré un nouveau concept de jeu pour ses partenaires
avides d’argent. L’idée est simple : six équipes de deux
personnes concourent pour une cagnotte de deux millions
de dollars. De quoi faire rêver les douze participants! Ces
derniers sont prêts à tout pour mettre la main sur les
fameux billets verts. L’argent en question se trouve dans
un coffre-fort situ l’autre bout du pays. La première équipe
à se rendre sur les lieux remportera le gros lot. Ce que
les candidats ne savent pas toutefois, c’est que Donald et
ses riches associés parient sur leurs moindres faits et
gestes. Une course, c’est bien beau, mais ça manque de
piquant. Alors Donald va leur en mettre plein la vue.
Jerry Zucker
The Cove
2009 91 min color PG United States of America AFI
Using state-of-the-art equipment, a group of activists, led
by renown dolphin trainer Ric O’Barry, infiltrate a cove
near Taijii, Japan to expose both a shocking instance of
animal abuse and a serious threat to human health.
Louie Psihoyos
The Cowboys
1972 128 min color PG United States of America WB
After his ranch hands desert him, to follow a gold strike, a
veteran rancher gives 11 boys the chance to become men
in a big cattle drive.
Mark Rydell
Cowboys Don’t Cry
104 min
As long as Shane Morgan can remember, he has lived on
the road with his mother and father, a rodeo performer.
Their dreams of making enough money to settle down
happily in one place are shattered when a traffic accident
kills his mother, and his father takes so badly to drink that
Shane becomes the de facto head of the household.
When his grandfather dies, leaving Shane a small ranch in
his will, he hopes that his dream might come true at last.
But how can a 14-year-old boy turn the run-down place
around and keep the banker from seizing it, while
attending school and looking after a father who is usually
in the liability column?
Anne Wheeler
Un crabe dans la tête
102 min
Rescapé d’un accident de plongée, un jeune photographe
versatile et inconséquent réalise l’impact de son attitude
sur son métier, ses amitiés et ses amours.
André Turpin
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
2005 111 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A provocative, unflinching look at the complexities of racial
conflict in America, CRASH is that rare cinematic event - a
film that challenges audiences to question their own
prejudices. Diving headlong into the diverse melting pot of
post-9/11 Los Angeles, this compelling urban drama tracks
the volatile intersections of a multi-ethnic cast, examining
fear and bigotry from multiple perspectives as characters
careen in and out of one another’s lives. No one is safe in
the battle zones of racial strife. And no one is immune to
the simmering rage that sparks violence - and changes
Paul Haggis
Drama; Mystery; Crime
Crash (v.f.)
2005 111 min color United States of America AFI
Les destins entrecroisés de huit personnages dans les
rues de Los Angeles, 24 heures avant qu’on ne retrouve le
corps d’un homme sauvagement assassiné.
Paul Haggis
Drame policier; Drama social; Comédie moeurs
The Crazies
2010 100 min color 18A United States of America AFI
As a toxin begins to turn the residents of Ogden Marsh,
Iowa into violent psychopaths, sheriff David Dutton
(Olyphant) tries to make sense of the situation while he,
his wife (Mitchell), and two other unaffected townspeople
band together in a fight for survival.
Breck Eisner
Drama; Horror; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
Crazy Heart
2009 111 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) is a broken-down, hard-living
country music singer who’s had way too many marriages,
far too many years on the road and one too many drinks
way too many times. And yet, Bad can’t help but reach for
salvation with the help of Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a
journalist who discovers the real man behind the musician.
Scott Cooper
Crazy, Stupid, Love
2011 117 min color PG United States of America WB
At fortysomething, straight-laced Cal Weaver (Steve Carell)
is living the dream–good job, nice house, great kids and
marriage to his high school sweetheart. But when Cal
learns that his wife, Emily (Julianne Moore), has cheated
on him and wants a divorce, his "perfect" life quickly
unravels. Worse, in today’s single world, Cal, who hasn’t
dated in decades, stands out as the epitome of un-smooth.
Now spending his free evenings sulking alone at a local
bar, the hapless Cal is taken on as wingman and protégé
to handsome, thirtysomething player Jacob Palmer (Ryan
Gosling). In an effort to help Cal get over his wife and
start living his life, Jacob opens Cal’s eyes to the many
options before him: flirty women, manly drinks and a
sense of style that can’t be found at Supercuts or The
Gap. Cal and Emily aren’t the only ones looking for love in
what might be all the wrong places: Cal’s 13-year-old son,
Robbie, is crazy about his 17-year-old babysitter, Jessica,
who harbors a crush on Cal. And despite Cal’s makeover
and his many new conquests, the one thing that can’t be
made over is his heart, which seems to keep leading him
back to where he began.
Glenn Ficarra, John Requa
All Titles
Créatures célestes
99 min
United Kingdom
L’amitié irrépressible et passionnée de deux jeunes filles,
que rien ne pourra altérer. Pas même leur entourage,
inquiet de leur relation qui les coupe du monde...
Peter Jackson
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie
sentimentale; Drame policier
Cri ultime
2000 97 min color United States of America PARA
Dans une ville américaine tranquille et puritaine des
années soixante-dix, Cecilia Lisbon, treize ans, tente de se
suicider. Elle a quatre soeurs, de jolies adolescentes. Cet
incident éclaire d’un jour nouveau le mode de vie de toute
la famille. L’histoire, relatée par l’intermédiaire de la vision
des garçons du voisinage, obsédés par ces soeurs
mystérieuses, dépeint avec cynisme la vie adolescente.
Petit a petit, la famille se referme et les filles reçoivent
rapidement l’interdiction de sortir. Alors que la situation
s’enlise, les garçons envisagent de secourir les filles.
Sofia Coppola
Comedie; Dame poétique; Drama social; Comédie
Cries And Whispers
91 min
A young woman dying of cancer in the family home is
tended by her two sisters. Liv Ullman, Ingrid Thulin and
Harriet Anderson open old wounds amidst a flood of red
blooded imagery.
Ingmar Bergman
Crimes et Pouvoir
2002 115 min color United States of America FOX
Claire Kubik, un professeur de droit à Harvard, voit sa vie
basculer quand elle apprend que son mari est accusé de
crime de guerre. Elle décide alors de défendre son
compagnon mais doute progressivement de son
Carl Franklin
Drama social
Crimson Gold
97 min
Crimson Gold is an intimate and absorbing drama about
the ways in which the hypocrisies and slights of daily life
can push otherwise reasonable people over the edge.
Based on true events and written by acclaimed director
Abbas Kiarostami, Crimson Gold is the story of Hussein, a
humble, troubled pizza deliveryman who feels continually
humiliated by the injustices he sees all around him. When
his friend Ali finds a receipt for a stranger’s necklace
purchase, Hussein is stunned by its exceptionally high
cost. He knows that his pitiful salary will never be enough
to afford such a luxury. Soon after, he and Ali are refused
entry to an uptown jewelry store because of their scruffy
appearances; his rage over this slight sets off a series of
events, which ultimately leads to a shocking act of
violence. Panahi uses Hussein’s job as a delivery driver to
move inside houses and behind closed doors to reveal
places rarely seen by western audiences.
Jafar Panahi
Drama; Thriller
The Crucible
1996 126 min color AA United States of America FOX
The movie is centered around Salem Massachusetts witch
trials of 1692. The movie is based on the play "The
Crucible" by Arthur Miller. He also wrote the screen play
Nicholas Hytner
Social Studies; Drama
A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash
85 min
Supported by a powerful mix of archival footage, NASA
shots of burning oil fields, and, often unintentionally
hilarious, historical film excerpts, Oil Crash guides us on
an exotic, visual journey from Houston to Caracas, the
Lake of Maracaibo, the Orinoco delta, Central Asia’s
secretive republic of Azerbaijan with its ancient capital
Baku and the Caspian Sea, via London & Zurich. Oil
Crash visits cities around the world to learn of our future
from such leading authorities as oil investment banker
Matthew Simmons, former OPEC chairman Fadhil
Chalabhi, Caltech’s head of physics, Professor David
Goodstein, Stanford University political scientist, Terry
Lynn Karl, peak oil expert, Matthew Savinar and many
Basil Gelpke, Ray McCormack
Crude Impact
2007 90 min color N/R United States of America MON
A powerful and timely exploration of the interconnection
between human domination of the planet and the
discovery and use of oil, CRUDE IMPACT exposes our
deep-rooted dependency on the availability of fossil fuel
energy and examines the dire implications of the pending
threat of global peak oil.
James Wood
Crude Impact (v.f.)
2007 90 min color United States of America MON
Une exploration puissante - rendu d’autant plus par
l’actualité - de l’interconnexion entre la domination
humaine de la planète et la découverte et l’utilisation du
pétrole, CRUDE IMPACT expose notre profonde
dépendance d’énergie provenant de combustibles fossiles
; et examine les implications de l’imminente menace d’un
pic pétrolier mondial.
James Wood
1994 119 min color AA United States of America AFI
Extraordinarily intimate portrait of underground comic artist
(and cult hero) Robert Crumb, creator of "Keep on Truckin’
" and Fritz the Cat. Zwigoff traces his career and celebrate
his works while exploring the cultural influences that
shaped him. By the time we meet Crumb’s dysfunctional
brothers, we come to realize that he alone survived a
horrific upbringing and found a way to channel his own
demons through his art.
Terry Zwigoff
Crumb (v.f.)
1994 119 min color United States of America AFI
Documentaire unique et sulfureux, dont le narrateur est
David Lynch, sur l’artiste underground Robert Crumb. Le
film décortique les influences culturelles et les déchirures
familiales qui ont inspir cet artiste hors norme.
Terry Zwigoff
Cry, the Beloved Country
All Titles
Le cygne noir
1995 120 min color AA United States of America AFI
The journey of a Zulu Christian pastor’s journey from a
quiet Natal province to a modern, sinister Johannesburg in
search of his son, his sister and his brother - all of whom
have disappeared into an urban quagmire of crime, sin
and political intrigue.
Darrell James Roodt
Drama; Literary Adaption
Cuirassé en péril
1992 102 min color United States of America WB
L’USS "Missouri", navire de guerre, fleuron de la marine
américaine, entreprend son dernier voyage. A l’issue de la
commémoration du cinquantenaire de Pearl Harbor, le
cuirasse met le cap sur San Francisco où il doit être
désarmé. A son bord, le capitaine Addams assure le
commandement entouré, entre autres, par Casey Ryback,
le cuisinier, dont seul le capitaine connaı̂t les hauts faits
d’arme. Une nuit, un hélicoptère se pose sur le pont du
navire avec un groupe de musiciens pour fêter
l’anniversaire du capitaine. En fait il s’agit de trafiquants
Andrew Davis
Action (v.f.)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
2010 103 min color United States of America FOX
Le film raconte l’histoire de Nina, une ballerine
expérimentée de New York, dont la vie se résume
entièrement à la danse. Son obsession lui vient de sa
mère, qui exerce toujours une lourde influence sur elle.
Lorsque le directeur artistique Thomas Leroy décide de
remplacer sa danseuse étoile pour l’ouverture de la
saison, il envisage de choisir Nina. Mais une nouvelle
danseuse, Lily, impressionne aussi le metteur en scène.
Darren Aronofsky
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
Cyrano de Bergerac
138 min
Cyrano pens love letters, in the name of another suitor, to
the woman he is also in love with. Classic romantic tale.
Lavish adaptation of the Edmond Rostand play.
Jean-Paul Rappeneau
Drama; Literary Adaption; Romance
Cyrano de Bergerac
138 min
Soldat et poète, Cyrano de Bergerac manie avec autant de
verve les mots que l’épée. Il aime secrètement sa cousine
Roxane, mais la laideur que lui confère un nez proéminent
l’empêche de se déclarer. Et voici que Roxane lui
demande de se faire le protecteur d’un jeune noble qu’elle
aime, Christian, qui vient de s’engager dans son bataillon.
Généreux, Cyrano vient en aide à son rival, qui manque
d’esprit, pour déclarer sa flamme. Lorsque les deux
hommes vont combattre côte à côte, Cyrano entretient
l’idylle en écrivant au nom de Christian des lettres
inspirées à Roxane qui rejoint le front où elle assiste à la
mort de son aimé. Elle ne découvrira que trop tard
l’auteur des missives qui l’ont enflammée.
Jean-Paul Rappeneau
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale; Dame poétique
2008 165 min color PG United States of America PARA
On the day that Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans,
elderly Daisy Williams (nee Fuller) is on her deathbed in a
New Orleans hospital. At her side is her adult daughter,
Caroline. Daisy asks Caroline to read to her aloud the
diary of Daisy’s lifelong friend, Benjamin Button.
Benjamin’s diary recounts his entire extraordinary life, the
primary unusual aspect of which was his aging backwards,
being diagnosed with several aging diseases at birth and
thus given little chance of survival, but who does survive
and gets younger with time. Abandoned by his biological
father, Thomas Button, after Benjamin’s biological mother
died in childbirth, Benjamin was raised by Queenie, a
black woman and caregiver at a seniors home. Daisy’s
grandmother was a resident at that home, which is where
she first met Benjamin. Although separated through the
years, Daisy and Benjamin remain in contact throughout
their lives...
David Fincher
Drama; Fantasy; Mystery; Romance
105 min
United Kingdom
L’histoire se situe sur les dix-sept jours précédant la
Guerre des Malouines, entre mars et juin 1982, qui firent
de Margaret Thatcher un Premier ministre britannique
apprécié et populaire.
Phyllida Lloyd
Drama social; Drama biographique
Curse of the Golden Flower
La dame de l’eau
114 min
China, Later Tang Dynasty, 10th Century. On the eve of
the Chong Yang Festival, golden flowers fill the Imperial
Palace. The Emperor returns with his second son, Prince
Jie, to celebrate the holiday with his family despite the
chilled relations between the Emperor and the Empress.
For many years, the Empress and Crown Prince Xiang,
her stepson, have had an illicit affair. Feeling trapped,
Prince Xiang dreams of escaping the palace with his
secret love Chan, the Imperial Doctor’s daughter. Price
Jie, the faithful son, worries over the Empress’s health and
her obsession with golden chrysanthemums. Could she be
headed down an ominous path? Meanwhile, The Emperor
harbors clandestine plans that only the Imperial Doctor is
privy to. When the Emperor senses a looming threat, he
relocates the doctor’s family from the Palace. While they
are en route, assassins attack them. Chan and her mother
are forced back to the palace. Their return sets off a
tumultuous sequence of dar surprises.
Zhang Yimou
Adventure; Drama; Action; Romance
La dame de fer
2006 109 min color United States of America WB
Cleveland Heep, le concierge d’un immeuble résidentiel,
découvre une nymphe aquatique dans la piscine du
bâtiment. Réalisant qu’elle est le personnage d’un conte,
Cleveland et ses amis vont tout faire pour l’aider à
retourner vers son monde. Mais la nymphe est menacée
par de sombres créatures bien décidées à l’empêcher de
retourner chez elle...
M. Night Shyamalan
Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs; Drama social;
Comédie fantaisiste
La dame en noir
95 min
United States of America
Arthur Kipps, un jeune notaire, chargé des droits de
succession d’une cliente décédée récemment, se rend
dans la maison de celle-ci. Le jeune homme découvre de
terribles secrets et se retrouve face au fantôme d’une
mystérieuse femme en noir...
James Watkins
Drama social; Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage
Les dames de Dagenham
All Titles
Dangerous Liaisons
113 min
United Kingdom
Le film raconte l’histoire romancée de la grève de 1968 à
l’usine de Ford Dagenham. Des travailleuses s’étaient
rassemblées dans la rue afin de protester dans la rue
contre la discrimination sexuelle.
Nigel Cole
Comedie; Drama social
1988 123 min color AA United States of America WB
The film, set on the eve of the French Revolution, is a
comedy/ drama about an 18th century rogue who bets his
ex-lover that he can seduce a virtuous young woman.
Stephen Frears
Drama; Literary Adaption; Romance
Dans la vallée d’Elah
Dance Girl Dance
1940 88 min b&w PG United States of America AS
Judy O’Brien is an aspiring ballerina in a dance troupe.
Also in the company is Bubbles, a brash mantrap who
leaves the struggling troupe for a career in burlesque.
When the company disbands, Bubbles gives Judy a
thankless job as her stooge. The two eventually clash
when both fall for the same man.
Dorothy Arzner
Comedy; Drama; Musical
Dance Girl Dance (v.f.)
2007 121 min color United States of America WB
De retour d’Irak pour sa première permission, Mike
Deerfield disparaı̂t mystérieusement et est signalé comme
déserteur. Son père, Hank ? un ancien membre de la
Police Militaire ? et sa mère Joan se lancent sa recherche
avec le concours d’Emily Sanders, officier de police de la
juridiction du Nouveau-Mexique où Mike a été aperçu pour
la dernière fois. Face au silence et à l’hostilité croissante
des autorités militaires, Hank et Emily soupçonnent bientôt
un coup fourré. Les indices troublants s’accumulent, et la
vérité sur le séjour en Irak de Deerfield finit par éclater,
bouleversant à jamais la vie de Hank et ses croyances...
Paul Haggis
Drame de guerre; Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
88 min
United States of America
Judy O’Brien est une jeune danseuse de ballet. Elle
partage l’affiche aux côtés de son amie, Bubbles, qui elle
veut faire une carrière dans le burlesque. Quand la troupe
doit se séparer, elles décident de faire carrière ensemble,
mais tout se complique lorsqu’elles tombent amoureuses
du même homme.
Dorothy Arzner
Comedie; Drama social; Films Musicaux
2009 107 min color United States of America PARA
Un homme d’affaires perd son travail du jour au
lendemain. Il ne trouve le réconfort que dans le monde
imaginaire créé par sa fille de six ans.
Karey Kirkpatrick
Danger Immediat
Le danseur du dessus
1994 144 min color United States of America PARA
Après l’assassinat d’un ses amis proches, impliqué dans
un réseau de blanchiment d’argent, le Président des EtatsUnis décide de mener un combat contre les cartels
colombiens. Il envoie en secret un commando de douze
hommes en Colombie dont les deux responsables, James
Cutter, conseiller du Président, et Robert Ritter de la CIA,
cachent la mission au directeur des renseignements, Jack
Ryan. Lorsque Ryan découvre le pot aux roses, il n’aura
de cesse que de dénoncer la corruption au plus haut
sommet de l’Etat... à ses risques et périls.
Phillip Noyce
Dame poétique; Drame d’espionnage; Drama social;
Action (v.f.)
Dangerous Beauty
1998 112 min color AA United States of America WB
Set in the cultured but corrupt and pleasure-seeking world
of 16th-century Venice, Dangerous Beauty tells of Veronica
(McCormack), a brilliant, gifted and beautiful young woman
whose handsome, high-born admirer, Marco (Sewell),
cannot marry her because she is penniless and of
questionable family. Veronica’s cynical mother, Paolo
(Bisset), teaches her to become a courtesan, and Veronica
eventually rises to become the most celebrated courtesan
in Venice – a woman whose beauty and wit bring her
everything she could want, except a life with the man she
still adores. As war, disease and the Inquisition transform
Venice from a paradise to a ravaged city, Veronica uses
her power and intimacy with men to change destiny – and
to give herself one more chance at true love.
Marshall Herskovitz
Social Studies; Drama
Dans ses rêves!
1935 100 min b&w United States of America RKO
Jerry Travers, danseur américain, fait une démonstration à
son producteur britannique. C’est ainsi qu’il réveille sa
voisine du dessous. Celle-ci, Dale Tremont, descend d’un
étage et proteste. Pour Jerry, c’est un coup de foudre...
Mark Sandrich
Comedie; Films Musicaux; Comédie sentimentale
2002 96 min color AA United States of America FOX
Marvel’s legendary comic hero known as the Man Without
Fear comes to the big screen. Attorney Matt Murdock is
blind, but his other four senses function with superhuman
sharpness. By day, Murdock represents the downtrodden.
At night, he is Daredevil, a masked vigilante stalking the
dark streets of the city, a relentless avenger of justice.
Mark Steven Johnson
Science Fiction; Action
Daredevil (v.f.)
2002 96 min color United States of America FOX
Avocat le jour, super-héros la nuit, Matt Murdoch possède
une ouı̈e, un odorat, une force et une agilité
incroyablement développés. Bien qu’il soit aveugle, son
sens radar lui permet de se diriger et d’éviter le moindre
obstacle. Inlassablement, il arpente les rues de New York
à la poursuite de criminels en tout genre qu’il ne peut
punir au tribunal. Daredevil aura à affronter Kingpin, alias
Le Caı̈d, qui dirige d’une main de fer la mafia
Mark Steven Johnson
Drame de science-fiction; Action (v.f.)
All Titles
Darfur Now
2007 99 min color 14A United States of America WB
DARFUR NOW is a story of hope in the midst of one of
humanity’s darkest hours - a call to action for people
everywhere to end the catastrophe unfolding in Darfur,
Sudan. In this documentary, the struggles and
achievements of six different individuals from inside Darfur
and around the world bring to light the tragedy in Sudan
and show how the actions of one person can make a
difference to millions.
Ted Braun
The Darjeeling Limited
2007 91 min color 14A United States of America FOX
THE DARJEELING LIMITED starring Owen Wilson, Adrien
Brody and Jason Schwartzman is an emotional comedy
about three brothers re-forging family bonds. The eldest,
played by Wilson, hopes to reconnect with his two younger
siblings by taking them on a train trip across the vibrant
and sensual landscape of India.
Wes Anderson
Comedy; Adventure; Drama; Biography
Dark City
1998 100 min color AA United States of America WB
From the director of "THE CROW," comes a futuristic
thriller about a man (Rufus Sewell) who awakens in a hotel
room, only to discover that he is wanted for a series of
murders that he cannot remember. The action turns on his
determination to learn exactly what has happened.
Ultimately, he stumbles upon an underworld society of
beings known as strangers who possess the ability to stop
time – a gift he discovers he shares. In time he learns that
he is being manipulated as a part of a bizarre experiment.
Alex Proyas
Science Fiction; Suspense; Thriller
The Dark Knight
2008 152 min color PG United States of America WB
Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the
help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney
Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining
criminal organizations that plague the city streets. The
partnership proves to be effective, but they soon find
themselves prey to a reign of chaos unleashed by a rising
criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of
Gotham as The Joker.
Christopher Nolan
Drama; Action; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
The Dark Knight Rises
2012 165 min color PG United States of America WB
Eight years after Batman took the fall for Two Face’s
crimes, a new terrorist leader, Bane overwhelms Gotham’s
finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that
brands him an enemy.
Christopher Nolan
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action; Fantasy
Dark Shadows
2012 113 min color 14A United States of America WB
In the year 1752, Joshua and Naomi Collins, with young
son Barnabas, set sail from Liverpool, England to start a
new life in America. But even an ocean was not enough to
escape the mysterious curse that has plagued their family.
Two decades pass and Barnabas (Johnny Depp) has the
world at his feet-or at least the town of Collinsport, Maine.
The master of Collinwood Manor, Barnabas is rich,
powerful and an inveterate playboy...until he makes the
grave mistake of breaking the heart of Angelique Bouchard
(Eva Green). A witch, in every sense of the word,
Angelique dooms him to a fate worse than death: turning
him into a vampire, and then burying him alive. Two
centuries later, Barnabas is inadvertently freed from his
tomb and emerges into the very changed world of 1972.
He returns to Collinwood Manor to find that his once-grand
estate has fallen into ruin. The dysfunctional remnants of
the Collins family have fared little better...
Tim Burton
Comedy; Fantasy
Darling Companion
2012 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
The story of a woman who loves her dog more than her
husband. And then her husband loses the dog.
Lawrence Kasdan
Darling Companion
2012 100 min color United States of America AFI
Le lendemain du mariage de sa fille, Joseph va se
promener dans les splendides sentiers pédestres du
Colorado et amène Freeway, le chien de la famille, avec
lui. Mais pour son plus grand malheur, le chien échappe à
son attention et disparaı̂t dans la nature. Lorsqu’elle
apprend la nouvelle, Beth, qui semblait déjà apprécier
davantage la compagnie de son chien que celle de son
mari, est dans tous ses états. C’est aussitôt le branle-bas
de combat! Amis, membres de la famille et policiers se
réunissent pour la cause et, sous la supervision d’une
voyante aux origines incertaines, se lancent à la recherche
de Freeway...
Lawrence Kasdan
Drama social
Date Movie
2006 83 min color PG United States of America FOX
Spoof of romantic comedies which focuses on a man
(Campbell), his crush (Hannigan), his parents (Coolidge,
Willard), and her father (Griffin).
Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Comedy; Romance
Date Night
2010 87 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Claire and Phil Foster (Tina Fey and Steve Carell) are a
suburban couple slogging through their daily lives and
marriage. Even their "date nights" of dinner and a movie
have become routine. To reignite the marital spark, they
visit a trendy Manhattan bistro, where a case of mistaken
identity hurtles them through the city at breakneck speeds,
into non-stop adventure. Remembering what made them
so special together, Phil and Claire take on a couple of
corrupt cops, a top-level mobster – and a crazed cabbie –
as their date becomes a night they’ll never forget.
Shawn Levy
The Day After Tomorrow
2004 124 min color PG United States of America FOX
In INDEPENDENCE DAY Roland Emerich brought you the
near destruction of the earth by aliens. Now, in THE DAY
AFTER TOMORROW, the enemy is an even more
devastating force – nature itself. In this special-effects
packed, highly anticipated event motion picture, an abrupt
climate change has cataclysmic consequences for the
entire planet.
Roland Emmerich
Drama; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller; Marooned
All Titles
Day for Night (La Nuit Americaine)
116 min
Truffaut plays a director who is actualy a pastiche of
several directors in this reflexive look at the arduous
conditions of filmmaking. Day for Night was awarded an
Oscar as 1973’s Best Foreign Film, as well as citations
from the New York Film Critics who named Truffaut the
years’s Best Director and Valentina Cortese Best
Supporting Actress. Also starring Jacqueline Bisset and
Jean-Pierre Leaud
Francois Truffaut
Comedy; Drama
The Day the Earth Stood Still
2008 102 min color PG United States of America FOX
"The Day the Earth Stood Still" is 20th Century Fox’s
contemporary reinvention of its 1951 classic. Keanu
Reeves portrays Klaatu, an alien whose arrival on our
planet triggers a global upheaval. As governments and
scientists race to unravel the mystery behind the visitor’s
appearance, a woman (Jennifer Connelly) and her young
stepson get caught up in his mission – and come to
understand the ramifications of his being a self-described
"friend to the Earth."
Scott Derrickson
Drama; Science Fiction; International Skeptics Day
Days of Darkness
108 min
Jean-Marc is a man without qualities living in times that
are out of joint. His wife and children ignore him; he’s a
mid-level civil servant in Montreal doing his job without
care. He has an active imagination of sexual conquest, but
his only real feelings come when he visits his aged
mother, whose health is failing. When his wife leaves
abruptly to work in Toronto, Jean-Marc sets out to reorder
things with his daughters, his social life, and at work. In a
world that at best is a farce, does he stand a chance?
Denys Arcand
Comedy; Drama; Fantasy
Days of Heaven
1978 94 min color PG United States of America PARA
Oscar-winning cinematographer Nester Almendros’
exquisite images communicate the story of three people a
handsome drifter (Richard Gere), the lover who poses as
his sister (Brooke Adams), and a wealthy, sickly wheat
farmer (Sam Shepard) – who form a tragic triangle. Gere’s
younger sister (Linda Manz) poignantly narrates the
heartbreaking events of this unusual romance set in the
turn of the century Texas panhandle.
Terrence Malick
De beaux lendemains
1997 110 min color United States of America AFI
Un drame unit les habitants d’une petite ville. Un avocat
vient attiser leur haine, pour apaiser ses propres démons.
Dans cette ambiance de méfiance et de doute, une
adolescente parviendra à reconquérir sa dignité, et à
préserver l’unité de la communauté.
Atom Egoyan
Drama social
De l’autre côt
122 min
À Brême, un vieil immigré turc tue accidentellement une
compatriote prostituée qui, contre rémunération, avait
accepté de vivre avec lui. Le fils du criminel, professeur
d’allemand à l’université de Hambourg, lui tourne alors le
dos et se rend en Turquie dans l’espoir de retrouver la fille
de la défunte. Or, il ignore que cette dernière, une
étudiante appartenant à un groupe activiste armé, a fui
son pays et s’est réfugiée en Allemagne, où elle compte
revoir sa mère. Hambourg, la jeune fille sans le sou est
secourue par une étudiante allemande qui l’héberge dans
la maison de sa mère. Lorsque la jeune Turque est
déportée puis emprisonnée pour activités terroristes, sa
bienfaitrice, qui en est tombée amoureuse, part pour
Istanbul afin de lui venir en aide. Au grand dam de sa
mère, qui pressent un drame.
Fatih Akin
Drama social
De l’eau pour les éléphants
2011 121 min color G United States of America FOX
Durant la Grande Dépression, dans les années 30, les
trains des petits cirques ambulants sillonnent l’Amérique.
Jacob Jankowski, étudiant en médecine vétérinaire, saute
à bord de celui des frères Benzini et de leur
plus grand
spectacle du monde . Embauché comme soigneur, il va
découvrir l’envers sordide du décor où tous, hommes et
bêtes, sont pareillement exploités, maltraités.
Francis Lawrence
Drama social
The Dead Zone
1983 104 min color AA United States of America PARA
Director David Cronenberg (Scanners) and author Stephen
King combine their talents to take audiences on an eerie
journey into The Dead Zone. Christopher Walken is
Johnny Smith, a young school teacher who emerges from
a five year coma with a disturbing psychic gift. Dead Zone
is a suspenseful, emotionally charged thriller that builds to
a shattering and altogether believable climax.
David Cronenberg
Drama; Horror; Fantasy; Thriller; Literary Adaption
Dear John
2010 106 min color PG United States of America AFI
A romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a
conservative college student while he’s home on leave.
Lasse Hallström
Drama; War; Romance
Death in Venice
1971 127 min color PG United States of America WB
In this adaptation of the Thomas Mann novel, avant-garde
composer Gustave Aschenbach (loosely based on Gustav
Mahler) travels to a Venetian seaside resort in search of
repose after a period of artistic and personal stress. But
he finds no peace there, for he soon develops a troubling
attraction to an adolescent boy, Tadzio, on vacation with
his family. The boy embodies an ideal of beauty that
Aschenbach has long sought and he becomes infatuated.
However, the onset of a deadly pestilence threatens them
both physically and represents the corruption that
compromises and threatens all ideals.
Luchino Visconti
Drama; Literary Adaption
The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
150 min
At home alone one night Mr. Lazarescu feels unwell. An
ambulance finally arrives that takes him on an tragic-comic
odyssey. Various contradictory diagnoses are pronounced
and treatment is incessantly delayed. The doctors remain
cool and obstinate while Mr. Lazarescu descends deeper
into the Bucharest night.
Cristi Puiu
Comedy; Drama
All Titles
Death Sentence
2007 105 min color 18A United States of America FOX
Nick Hume is a mild-mannered executive with a perfect
life, until he witnesses the brutal murder of his oldest son
in a gang initiation rite. Transformed by grief into a
vigilante, Hume is determined to set the balance sheets
right by exacting swift revenge. But the scales of justice
are fickle and the bloody weight of retribution swings it
madly from side to side as Hume discovers that
vengeance carries the highest price.
James Wan
Drama; Action
The Debt
2011 114 min color 14A United States of America AFI
The espionage thriller begins in 1997, as shocking news
reaches retired Mossad secret agents Rachel (Academy
Award winner Helen Mirren) and Stefan (two-time
Academy Award nominee Tom Wilkinson) about their
former colleague David (Ciarán Hinds of Focus’ "Miss
Pettigrew Lives for a Day"). All three have been venerated
for decades by their country because of the mission that
they undertook back in 1966, when the trio (portrayed,
respectively, by Jessica Chastain [soon to be seen in "The
Tree of Life"], Marton Csokas [Universal’s upcoming
"Dream House"], and Sam Worthington ["Avatar," "Clash of
the Titans"]) tracked down Nazi war criminal Vogel (Jesper
Christensen of "Casino Royale" and "Quantum of Solace")
in East Berlin. At great risk, and at considerable personal
cost, the team’s mission was accomplished - or was it?
The suspense builds in and across two different time
periods, with startling action and surprising revelations.
John Madden
Drama; Thriller
December Boys
2007 105 min color PG United States of America WB
In the late 1960’s, four close-knit orphans in Australia,
called the December Boys because they were all born in
the same month, leave their orphanage for a holiday by
the sea. Having all but given up hope of ever being
adopted, the friends are on a seaside holiday one summer
when they hear a rumor that a seaside couple are looking
to adopt one of the orphans, friendships are tested and
new alliances made as the four boys compete for the
chance to gain a real family.
Rod Hardy
Drama; Romance
2008 108 min color 14A United States of America FOX
An accountant (McGregor) is introduced to a mysterious
sex club known as The List by his lawyer friend (Jackman).
But in this new world, he soon becomes the prime suspect
in a woman’s disappearance and a multi-million dollar
Marcel Langenegger
Action; Thriller
La déchirure
1985 142 min color United States of America WB
Dans les années 70, Sidney Schanberg est correspondant
du New York Times au Cambodge. Un journaliste local,
Dith Pran, l’assiste dans ses reportages et lui sert
d’interprète. Lorsque les Khmers rouges s’emparent du
pouvoir, Schanberg, comme beaucoup d’autres, trouve
refuge à l’ambassede française à Phnom Penh. Les
révolutionnaires exigent qu’on leur livre tous les
Cambodgiens avant de laisser sortir du pays les
ressortissants étrangers. Pran est fait prisonnier et envoyé
dans un camp de rééducation. Il parvient à s’en échapper
après plusieurs mois et connaı̂t une pénible odyssée avant
d’arriver à sortir du Cambodge.
Roland Joffe
Etudes sociales; Drame de guerre; Drama social
Deck the Halls
2006 92 min color G United States of America FOX
This holiday comedy is centered around two neighbors in
a small New England town who go to war when one of
them decides to decorate his house with a so many
Christmas lights that they are visible from space. The
neighborhood is turned upside down as the families try to
discover the true meaning of Christmas.
John Whitesell
Comedy; Children; Happy Holidays
Deep Blue Sea
1999 104 min color AA United States of America WB
Samuel L. Jackson plays a businessman who sinks $200
million into a special project to help fight brain cancer. As
part of this project, medical biologist Susan McAlester
(Saffron Burrows) rather naughtily figures out a way to
genetically embed shark brains, so that cancer-battling
enzymes can be harvested. However, the shark subjects
become super smart and decide they don’t much like
being cooped up in pens and being stabbed with
hypodermics, so they figure a way to break out and make
for the open sea.
Renny Harlin
Action; Thriller
Deep Impact
1998 120 min color PG United States of America PARA
A mile-wide asteroid is on the verge of colliding with Earth
in a matter of days. But we are prepared. Think again.
Scientists have begun to build several caves beneath the
earth in order to prevent the extinction of the human race.
At random, 800,000 people as well as 200,000 scientists
and doctors are selected to stay in the caves in order to
survive the "Deep Impact."
Mimi Leder
Science Fiction
2010 100 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A crooked cop, a mob boss and the young girl they abuse
are the denizens of a city’s criminal underworld. It’s a
world that ordinary Arthur Poppington doesn’t understand
and doesn’t belong in, but is committed to fighting when
he changes into a vigilante super-hero of his own making,
Defendor. With no power other than courage Defendor
takes to the streets to protect the city’s innocents.
Peter Stebbings
Drama; Science Fiction; Fantasy
Defendor (v.f.)
2010 100 min color United States of America AFI
Arthur Poppington est quelqu’un comme tout le monde,
sauf qu’il pense avoir des super pouvoirs et a du mal à
distinguer le vrai du faux. Au point de s’interroger sur une
éventuelle schizophrénie chronique. Ça fait beaucoup pour
un seul homme mais pas pour Defendor. Quand il enfile
son costume, le faux super héros part à la poursuite de
Captain Industry, un dealer -de surcroı̂t trafiquant d’armescensé avoir tué sa mère. Sur sa route, Defendor aura
pour amie une prostituée et ennemie une thérapeute, qui
freinera ces éclopés dans leur mission...
Peter Stebbings
Drama social; Drame de science-fiction; Comédie
All Titles
Les Demoiselles de Rochefort
2008 136 min color 14A United States of America
In WWII Russia, Jewish refugees band together into a
brigade that hides in the forest, ambushes Germans and
survives until war’s end, eventually 1200 strong.
Ed Zwick
125 min
Deux filles de pays joignent(rejoignent) un voyage dansant
le troupe et trouvent l’amour le jour de la foire.
Jacques Demy, Agnès Varda
Comedie; Films Musicaux; Drama social; Comédie
Demolition Man
Déjeuner avec Scot
90 min
Eric, un ancien joueur des Maple Leafs de Toronto est
devenu commentateur sportif et mène une existence
rangée auprès de Sam, son compagnon. Mais l’univers du
couple bascule rapidement quand Eric doit s’occuper de
son neveu Scot âgé de 11 ans, et dont la mère vient de
mourir. Si Sam est ravi de devenir père de substitution,
Eric ne l’est pas...
Laurie Lynd
Drama social
2008 94 min color PG United States of America AFI
In an exotic divided land, Delgo, an adventurous dreamer
but naive teenager, must rally his group of troubled youth
and some unlikely friends to protect their world from
conflict between the terrestrial Lockni people, who harness
the mysteries of the land. And the winged Nohrin people,
who rule the skies. They live - segregated - in an uneasy
peace until Delgo was framed for a crime he did not
commit. After enlisting the help of a unlikely friend to
escape a Nohri prison, Delgo discovers Imhoff is in danger
so he must unite the two races against a common foe.
Marc F. Adler, Jason Maurer
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Fantasy; Animated;
Delta Farce
2007 89 min color PG United States of America AFI
Down on his luck after losing his job and his girlfriend on
the same day, Larry decides to join his neighbour, Bill (Bill
Engvall), and his combat-happy buddy, Everett (DJ Qualls),
for a relaxing weekend of drinking and target practice. But
when the three hapless guys are mistaken for Army
Reservists by the hard-nosed Sergeant Kilgrove (Keith
David), they’re loaded onto an army plane headed for
Fallujah, Iraq - and mistakenly ejected in a Humvee
somewhere over Mexico. Convinced they’re actually in the
Middle East, the clueless wannabe soldiers save a rural
village from a siege of bandits and become local heroes.
But when Carlos Santana (Danny Trejo), a ruthless,
karaoke-loving warlord, strikes back, Larry, Bill and Everett
have to lay down their beers and take up their arms - and
prove they just might be real soldiers after all...
C.B. Harding
Comedy; Adventure; Action
2009 131 min color United States of America AFI
Le lieutenant James est à la tête de la meilleure unité de
déminage de l’US Army. Leur mission : désamorcer des
bombes dans des quartiers civils ou des théâtres de
guerre, au péril de leur vie, alors que la situation locale est
encore... explosive.
Kathryn Bigelow
Action (v.f.); Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Drame
de guerre
1993 114 min color AA United States of America WB
A futuristic action thriller about John Spartan, an
unconventional super cop (Stallone) and Simon Phoenix
(Snipes), his sociopathic adversary, who are put in
suspended animation as punishment for their alleged
crimes. Years later, Phoenix is released and goes on a
murderous rampage. Spartan is then revived and sent out
to bring him in. But before long, they soon discover they
are merely puppets in a deadly political game.
Marco Brambilla
Action; Thriller
Le Démon des armes
87 min
United States of America
Depuis toujours fascine par les armes a feu, Bart Tare a
tente de devaliser une armurerie a l’age de sept ans. Un
sejour prolonge en maison de redressement puis la guerre
l’on eloigne de sa famille. A son retour, il rencontre dans
une fete foraine Annie Laurie Starr, une tireuse d’elite
vedette d’un show western. Tombant amoureux d’elle, il la
suit dans sa tournee. Renvoyes, les deux tourtereaux
decident de se lancer dans les braquages.
Joseph H. Lewis
Drama social; Drame policier
Dennis la petite peste
92 min
United States of America
Denis Mitchell est un petit garçon de 5 ans qui accumule
sans le vouloir catastrophe sur catastrophe, surtout au
dépend du pauvre retrait George Wilson, voisin des
Mitchell. Basé sur la populaire bande dessinée et la
Nick Castle
Dennis the Menace
1993 92 min color PG United States of America WB
A comedy depicting the adversarial relationship between a
troublesome suburban five-year-old and his childless,
retired neighbour. Based on the children’s comic strip.
Nick Castle
The Departed
2006 154 min color 18A United States of America WB
The Departed is set in South Boston, where the state
police force is waging war on organized crime. Young
undercover cop Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) is
assigned to infiltrate the mob syndicate run by gangland
chief Costello (Jack Nicholson). While Billy is quickly
gaining Costello’s confidence, Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon),
a hardened young criminal who has infiltrated the police
department as an informer for the syndicate, is rising to a
position of power in the Special Investigation Unit. Each
man becomes deeply consumed by his double life,
gathering information about the plans and counter-plans of
the operations he has penetrated. But when it becomes
clear to both the gangsters and the police that there’s a
mole in their midst, Billy and Colin are suddenly in danger
of being caught and exposed to the enemy - and each
All Titles
must race to uncover the identity of the other man in time
to save himself.
Martin Scorsese
Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
94 min
Claudia, Sébastien, Shanny, Frédéric, Érika sont des
jeunes de 16-24 ans beaux et pétillants de vie. Une
seconde changera tout. DÉRAPAGES, le film de Paul
Arcand leur donne le micro. Les jeunes nous ouvrent la
porte sur leur univers, livrent des témoignages poignants
sur leurs amitiés, leurs partys et confient leur soif
Paul Arcand
Dernier Clairon
1981 124 min color United States of America FOX
Une académie militaire menacée de fermeture est
transformée en forteresse par ses élèves qui se mutinent.
Harold Becker
Drama social
Le dernier danseur de Mao
117 min
United Kingdom
1961. Li, onze ans, vit avec ses parents et ses six frères
dans la province chinoise pauvre du Shandong. Un jour,
des recruteurs de l’académie de danse de Madame Mao
arrivent de Pékin à la recherche de nouvelles recrues afin
d’en faire les futures étoiles de la Révolution Culturelle. Le
jeune garçon est sélectionné et va devoir suivre une
formation artistique et idéologique très rigoureuse...
Bruce Beresford
Drama social
Le dernier des Mohicans
1992 106 min color United States of America FOX
En 1757, Anglais et Français se font la guerre sur le
continent nord-américain. Escortées par l’officier Heyward,
Alice et Cora, les deux filles du colonel britannique Munro,
font route vers le fort William Henry pour y rejoindre leur
père. Victimes d’une embuscade préparée par les Hurons,
les deux jeunes femmes et l’officier sont sauvés et
conduits jusqu’au fort par Oeil de Faucon, le fils adoptif du
Mohican Chingachgook. Vaincus par les troupes de
Montcalm, les Anglais abandonnent le fort. Ils subissent
alors une sanglante attaque des Hurons. Oeil de Faucon
se porte de nouveau au secours de Cora, dont il s’est
épris, et de sa soeur.
Michael Mann
Etudes sociales; Western (v.f.); Dame poétique; Drame
de guerre; Comédie sentimentale
Le dernier maı̂tre de l’air
2010 103 min color United States of America PARA
L’histoire suit les aventures de Aang, un petit gars de 10
ans qui se trouve être le successeur d’une longue lignée
d’Avatars. Les Avatars sont des sages aux pouvoirs
incroyables capables de maı̂ triser tous les éléments, ils
assurent la paix du monde. Le pauvre Anag n’a pas le
temps de goûter aux joies de l’enfance: il doit faire face
aux vélléités de conquête de la nation Feu qui veut
asseoir son pouvoir sur les autres nations Eau, Terre et
Air. Le film The Last Airbender est adapté de la série
animée Avatar qui fut diffusée par la chaı̂ne Nicklelodeon.
A en juger par cette bande annonce de Last Airbdender, la
version de Shyamalan sera un peu plus sombre que la
série originale. Mais bon, Shyamalan a précisé que le film
viserait un public large, ce devrait donc pas être trop
violent non plus.
M. Night Shyamalan
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants; Comédie
Le Dernier Samurai
2003 144 min color United States of America WB
En 1870, le capitaine Nathan Algren, un vétéran de la
guerre civile se fait embaucher par l’Empereur du Japon
pour enseigner l’Art de la guerre moderne à son armée.
Alors que l’Empereur reste préoccupé par l’éradication des
anciens guerriers Samouraı̈, Algren fera la rencontre de
l’un d’eux. Impressionné et influencé par cette rencontre, il
se retrouvera au beau milieu d’un combat entre deux
mondes. Seul son sens de l’honneur pourra le guider!
Edward Zwick
Drama social; Drame d’aventures; Drame de guerre;
Action (v.f.)
La dernière chance de Harvey
92 min
United States of America
Harvey Shine est un New-Yorkais sur le point de perdre
son emploi peu gratifiant de compositeur de musique
publicitaire. Averti par son patron qu’il ne lui reste qu’une
toute dernière chance de livrer la marchandise, Harvey
part en week-end à Londres pour assister au mariage de
sa fille, promettant qu’il sera au bureau lundi matin pour
une réunion importante, sans quoi il sera mis à la porte.
Arrivé à Londres, il apprend que sa fille a choisi son beaupère pour l’accompagner à son entrée à l’église.
Dissimulant tant bien que mal sa tristesse, il part à
l’aéroport sans attendre la réception pour s’assurer de
n’avoir aucun problème, mais il manquera tout de même
son vol. N’ayant pas d’autre option, il téléphone son
patron pour lui expliquer sa situation, mais celui-ci le
renvoie sur-le-champ. Pour noyer ses peines, Harvey
s’installe au bar de l’aéroport où il s’engagera dans une
longue conversation avec Kate, une femme dans la
quarantaine au tempérament légèrement épineux,
employée au Bureau national des statistiques et dont la
vie se limite au travail, aux rendez-vous arrangés de
temps en temps et aux appels téléphoniques constants
d’une mère contrôlante. Kate est émue par Harvey, qui
retrouve son énergie devant l’intelligence et la compassion
de Kate. Ils seront tous les deux inspirés par le lien qui se
tisse entre eux et qui les pousse à transformer leur vie.
Joel Hopkins
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
La dernière Mimzy
90 min
United States of America
Deux enfants trouvent, sur une plage, une étrange boı̂te
contenant des objets hétéroclites, y compris un antique
lapin en peluche. Bientôt de curieux phénomènes se
produisent alors que le lapin transmet des messages
appelant à l’aide.
Robert Shaye
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Drame de
science-fiction; Films pour enfants; Comédie fantaisiste
Les Dernières Vacances
2006 112 min color United States of America PARA
Commis dans le département de la cuisine, une femme
timide, amoureuse transie, change d’attitude et se paie un
voyage dans un hôtel de luxe lorsqu’elle apprend qu’il ne
lui reste que trois semaines à vivre.
Wayne Wang
Comedie; Drama social; Drame d’aventures
All Titles
Les Derniers rayons du soleil
2007 107 min color United States of America FOX
Une équipe d’astronautes est envoyée dans l’espace avec
pour mission de savoir ce qu’il est advenu de leurs
prédécesseurs partis en expédition pour "rallumer" le soleil
en passe de s’éteindre.
Danny Boyle
Drame de science-fiction; Drame d’espionnage
Des extraterrestres dans le grenier
2009 86 min color United States of America FOX
Un groupe d’enfants tente de défendre leur maison de
vacances dans le Maine contre une invasion extraterrestre.
John Schultz
Comédie fantaisiste; Drame d’aventures
Des hommes et des dieux
122 min
En 1996, huit moines cisterciens d’origine française vivent
au monastère de Tibhirine, en Algérie. Leur existence
simple est en parfaite harmonie avec celle des habitants
musulmans des environs. Une grande place est accordée
au chant, au silence et à la prière. Alors que la montée
des violences religieuses se fait sentir auprès de la
population autour de leur monastère, les huit hommes de
foi se demandent s’ils doivent rentrer en France. En
refusant la protection de l’armée, ils savent qu’ils risquent
à tout moment de devenir les cibles de la guerre civile.
Plus les jours passent, plus le danger devient imminent.
Xavier Beauvois
Drama social
Des muffins pour grand-maman
88 min
À partir de 1892 et pendant près d’un siècle, 150 000
jeunes autochtones ont été arrachés à leurs familles et
envoyés dans des pensionnats où nombre d’entre eux ont
subi des mauvais traitements et des abus sexuels aux
mains des religieux. Theresa McCraw, la grand-mère de la
réalisatrice Nadia McLaren, fut une de ces victimes. À
travers les témoignages de six autres infortunés de ces
pensionnats, la cinéaste retrace le parcours de son aı̈eule
et la tragédie des peuples amérindiens au Canada.
Nadia McLaren
Les désastreuses aventures des orphelins
Baudelaire d’aprés Lemony Snicket
2004 108 min color United States of America PARA
La saga raconte les désastreuses aventures des Orphelins
Baudelaire. Ils sont trois : Violette, une fille de 14 ans
l’intelligence scientifique, Klaus, un garçon de 12 ans qui
lit sans cesse et Prunille, une petite fille qui mord tout ce
qui passe à portée de dents. Ils ont été élevés par des
parents extrêmement gentils qui disparaissent dans un
horrible incendie. Désormais orphelins, à la tête d’une
immense fortune dont ils ne pourront jouir qu’à la majorité
de Violette, les trois enfants sont placés chez divers
membres de leur famille. L’homme qui les place est Mr
Poe (Timothy Spall), un banquier un peu terne mais bien
intentionné, exécuteur testamentaire des parents
Baudelaire. Malheureusement, la richesse des enfants a
attiré l’attention du cupide comte Olaf, un parent éloigné,
acteur et maı̂tre du déguisement.
Brad Silberling
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Action (v.f.); Drame
d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Les descendants
2011 115 min color G United States of America FOX
Un père de famille, l’un des hommes les plus riches de
Oahu à Hawaı̈, vient de perdre sa femme. Il décide
d’embarquer ses deux filles rebelles dans une traque sur
l’ı̂le de Kauai afin de mettre la main sur l’ex-amant de sa
Alexander Payne
Comedie; Drama social
The Descendants
2011 115 min color 14A United States of America FOX
From Alexander Payne, the creator of the Oscar-winning
sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic journey for Matt
King (George Clooney) an indifferent husband and father
of two girls, who is forced to re-examine his past and
embrace his future when his wife suffers a boating
accident off of Waikiki. The event leads to a
rapprochement with his young daughters while Matt
wrestles with a decision to sell the family’s land handed
down from Hawaiian royalty and missionaries.
Alexander Payne
Comedy; Drama; Father’s Day; Family Fun Month
The Descent
2006 99 min color 18A United States of America AFI
One year after a tragic accident, six girlfriends meet in a
remote part of the Appalachians for their annual caving
trip. Deep below the surface of the earth, disaster strikes
when a rock falls and blocks their route back to the
surface. The girls soon learn that Juno, the thrill-seeking
leader of the expedition, has brought them to an
unexplored cave and that as a result no knows where they
are to come rescue them. The group splinters and each
push on, praying for another exit. But there is something
else lurking under the earth - a race of monstrous
humanoid creatures that are adapted perfectly to life in the
dark. As the friends realize they are now prey, they are
forced to unleash their most primal instincts in an all-out
war against an unspeakable horror - one that attacks
without warning, again and again and again.
Neil Marshall
Horror; Thriller
Désir, danger
158 min
Hong Kong, 1938. Wang Chia-chih, une étudiante timide,
se lie d’amitié avec son condisciple Kuang Yu-Min, qui
l’invite à joindre sa troupe de théâtre patriotique où son
talent séduit bientôt le public. Peu après, Kuang convainc
ses partenaires de planifier l’assassinat de l’influent M.
Yee, qui collabore avec l’occupant Japonais. Sous une
fausse identité, Wang se rapproche de Mme Yee, une
bourgeoise se passionnant pour les potins et le mahjong,
dans le but de séduire son mari. Mais contre toute attente,
le plan échoue. Trois années passent. Shanghai, Wang
retrouve Kuang, membre de la résistance, qui lui propose
de reprendre sa mission. Au risque de sa vie, la jeune
femme renoue avec M. Yee, maintenant chef des services
secrets japonais en Chine.
Ang Lee
Drame de guerre; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie
Desk Set
1957 104 min color F United States of America FOX
The mysterious man hanging about at the research
department of a big TV network proves to be engineer
Richard Sumner, who’s been ordered to keep his real
purpose secret: computerizing the office. Department
head Bunny Watson, who knows everything, needs no
computer to unmask Richard. The resulting battle of wits
and witty dialogue pits Bunny’s fear of losing her job
against her dawning attraction to Richard.
Walter Lang
All Titles
Destination ultime 2
90 min
United States of America
Tandis qu’elle s’apprête à partir en week-end avec des
amis, Kimberly Corman a la soudaine vision d’un
effroyable accident de la route. Elle y voit la mort de
plusieurs personnes, dont la sienne. Tout semble si vrai
que la jeune fille décide de bloquer l’accès à l’autoroute.
Elle et ceux qu’elle a stoppés assistent, impuissants, à la
spectaculaire catastrophe qui se déroule sous leurs yeux.
Ils ont tous échappé de justesse à la mort. Kimberly sait
pourtant qu’elle n’évitera pas si facilement son destin. Elle
décide d’aller demander l’aide de la seule personne qui a
connu la même situation, Clear Rivers, l’unique survivante
du vol 180. Avec le groupe de rescapés, les deux jeunes
filles se lancent dans une course contre la montre.
David R. Ellis
Drame d’espionnage; Drame d’horreur
Le destructeur
1993 114 min color United States of America WB
Un thriller d’action futuriste de John Spartan, un flic peu
conventionnel superbe (Stallone) et Simon Phoenix (Tire
en restant caché), son adversaire sociopathic, qui est mis
dans l’animation suspendue comme la punition pour leurs
crimes présumés. Des années plus tard, Phoenix est
libéré et continue un saccage meurtrier. Spartan est alors
ranimé et fait sortir pour l’introduire. Mais peu de temps
après, ils découvrent bientôt qu’ils sont simplement des
marionnettes dans un jeu mortel politique.
Marco Brambilla
Drame policier; Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.);
Drame de science-fiction
Le détour
103 min
Snow Walker raconte l’histoire du pilote de brousse
Charlie Halliday. Déviant de son plan de vol, Charlie
s’écrase avec son avion dans l’Arctique canadien. Sa
seule chance de survie : sa passagère malade, une
magnifique jeune femme inuite nommée Kanaalaq. Celleci guidera Halliday, l’amènera à faire table rase de ses
préjugés et à s’adapter à l’environnement. Elle lui
apprendra aussi à tirer partie de la nature dans l’immense
toundra aride et sauvage pour enfin s’en sortir vivant.
Charles Martin Smith
Drame d’aventures; Drama social
Deux semaines d’avis
2002 100 min color United States of America WB
Le millionnaire Gerge Wade ne prend aucune décision
sans consulter sa conseillère en chef, Lucy Kelson.
Brillante avocate et fin stratège, elle a aussi un ulcère et
ne dort pas beaucoup. Ce n’est pas son travail qui est en
cause, mais George. Intelligent, charmeur, il la traite plus
comme sa nourrice que comme une avocate sortant de
Harvard, et ne peut, par exemple, même pas choisir une
cravate sans son aide. Aujourd’hui, après avoir tout régi
pendant cinq ans, de ses vêtements à son divorce, Lucy
Kelson a décidé de démissionner.
Marc Lawrence
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
The Devil Came on Horseback
2007 85 min color N/R United States of America MON
THE DEVIL CAME ON HORSEBACK exposes the tragedy
taking place in Darfur as seen through the eyes of an
American witness who has since returned to the US to
take action to stop it. Using the exclusive photographs and
first hand testimony of former U.S. Marine Captain Brian
viewer on an emotionally charged journey into the heart of
Darfur, Sudan, where an Arab run government is
systematically executing a plan to rid the province of its
black African citizens. As an official military observer,
Steidle had access to parts of the country that no
journalist could penetrate. Ultimately frustrated by the
inaction of the international community, Steidle resigned
and returned to the US to expose the images and stories
of lives systematically destroyed.
Ricki Stern, Annie Sundbert
The Devil Wears Prada
2006 106 min color PG United States of America FOX
Based on the best-selling novel, THE DEVIL WEARS
PRADA stars two-time Academy Award(r) winner Meryl
Streep as high-powered fashion magazine editor Miranda
Priestly, and Anne Hathaway, as Miranda’s new assistant a small-town girl trying to survive her impossibly
demanding new boss.
David Frankel
Comedy; Drama
The Devil’s Advocate
1997 144 min color AA United States of America WB
Kevin Lomax (Reeves), an ambitious, talented young
district attorney, joins a powerful New York law firm headed
by the mysterious and charismatic John Milton (Pacino).
As Lomax faces the intense seduction of success and
money, he is increasingly tempted by newly broadened,
and occasionally sinister, possibilities in his personal and
professional life. He becomes enmeshed in a desperate
struggle for his soul when he realizes that his law
colleagues’ abilities are somewhat more-or-less-than
Taylor Hackford
Le Diable s’habille en Prada
2006 106 min color United States of America FOX
Andrea Sachs aspire à travailler comme journaliste dans
un magazine de mode, mais son rêve tourne au
cauchemar lorsqu’elle se retrouve sous la direction de
Miranda Priestly, une rédactrice en chef tyrannique.
David Frankel
Comedie; Drama social
Le diabolique barbier de Fleet Street
2008 116 min color United States of America PARA
Sweeney Todd, un barbier injustement envoyé en prison
dont la vie de famille a été détruite, jure de se venger à sa
sortie. De retour en ville pour rouvrir sa boutique, il
devient le "Demon Barber of Fleet Street" qui "rase la
gorge des gentilshommes dont on n’en entend plus parler
Tim Burton
Films Musicaux; Drame policier; Drame d’espionnage
Le Diamant de sang
2006 138 min color United States of America WB
En Sierra Leone, en 1999, un jeune homme, spécialisé
dans la contrebande de diamants utilisés pour financer la
guerre civile, fait la connaissance d’un fermier, dont le fils
a été enrôlé dans l’armée rebelle. Cette rencontre
bouleversera la vie de l’aventurier.
Edward Zwick
Drame d’aventures; Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
All Titles
Diamant du Nil
1985 105 min color United States of America FOX
Les écrans le couple le plus audacieux rendent dans la
suite fanfarone à Romancing la Pierre! Catherine Turner et
Michel Douglas rencontrent le mystère du Bijou et se
trouvent attrapés dans l’aventure la plus sauvage de leurs
vies! L’humour original et l’aventure horrifique sont
combinés dans cette gemme drôle, en mouvement
constant d’un film que vous ne voudrez pas manquer!
Lewis Teague
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Action (v.f.); Drame
Diamants sur canap
1961 115 min color United States of America PARA
Une croqueuse de diamants cherche à épouser un
homme riche alors que son voisin écrivain s’interesse fort
a elle. La jolie Holly fait également en toute innocence le
messager pour un truand notoire. Lorsque la police
l’interroge, elle n’a aucun mal a prouver son innocence
mais son futur époux, riche planteur brésilien, s’éloigne
par peur du scandale. L’écrivain en profite pour consoler la
Blake Edwards
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Drama social
Diary of a Chambermaid
86 min
A harsh caricature of France’s provincial bourgeosie set in
1929 when the fascist movement was gaining strength in
Luis Buñuel
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
2010 92 min color PG United States of America FOX
To Greg Heffley, middle school is the dumbest idea ever
invented. It’s a place rigged with hundreds of social
landmines, not the least of which are morons, wedgies,
swirlies, bullies, lunchtime banishment to the cafeteria floor
- and a festering piece of cheese with nuclear cooties. To
survive the never-ending ordeal and attain the recognition
and status he feels he so richly deserves, Greg devises an
endless series of can’t-miss schemes, all of which, of
course, go awry. And he’s getting it all down on paper, via
a diary - "it’s NOT a diary, it’s a journal!" Greg insists,
preferring the less-sissyfied designation - filled with his
opinions, thoughts, tales of family trials and tribulations,
and (would-be) schoolyard triumphs. "One day when I’m
famous," writes Greg, "I’ll have better things to do than
answer peoples’ stupid questions all day." So was born the
Wimpy Kid’s diary.
Thor Freudenthal
Comedy; Children
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules
2011 99 min color G United States of America FOX
In this sequel to 2010’s surprise hit, Greg Heffley, the kid
who made "wimpy" cool is back in an all-new family
comedy based on the best-selling follow-up novel by Jeff
Kinney. (Kinney’s Wimpy Kid" series has thus far sold 28
million books.) As he begins seventh grade, Greg and his
older brother - and chief tormentor - Rodrick must deal
with their parents’ misguided attempts to have them bond.
David Bowers
Comedy; Children
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
2012 94 min color G United States of America FOX
Based on author and cartoonist Jeff Kinney’s fourth Wimpy
Kid book - released on October 12, 2009. The book
continues right after the previous book, "The Last Straw."
The book opens describing Greg’s worst summer ever
beginning with Greg Heffley and Rowley Jefferson going to
Rowley’s country club after school closes for the summer,
but Greg is kicked out because he complained of even the
smallest predicaments.
David Bowers
Comedy; Children
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (v.f.)
2012 94 min color G United States of America FOX
L’école est terminé et Greg est prêt pour les vacances
d’été. Mais alors que tous ses plans tombent à l’eau, il
cherche désespérément des activités pour combler son
David Bowers
Comedie; Films pour enfants
The Diary of Anne Frank
1959 170 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
This real life diary of a young Jewish girl in Nazi-occupied
Holland perfectly conveys the tension, claustrophobia, and
intense hardships suffered by two fugitive families.
George Stevens
Social Studies; Drama; War; Literary Adaption
Dickie Roberts: Ex-Enfant Star
2003 98 min color United States of America PARA
Pour décrocher un rôle qui lui permettra d’effectuer un
retour, un ex-enfant vedette de la télé engage les services
d’une famille modèle qui doit lui faire découvrir l’enfance
qu’il n’a jamais eue.
Sam Weisman
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star
2003 98 min color PG United States of America PARA
TV child star of the ’70s, Dickie Roberts is now 35 and
parking cars. Craving to regain the spotlight, he auditions
for a role of a normal guy, but the director quickly sees he
is anything but normal. Desperate to win the part, Dickie
hires a family to help him replay his childhood and assume
the identity of an average, everyday kid. Several folk who
are also involved in Dickie’s special world include: Sidney,
Dickie’s longtime friend and agent; Cyndi, his on-again,
off-again girlfriend; Peggy, Dickie’s real mother; George,
Dickie’s adopted father figure; and Grace, his adopted
mother figure.
Sam Weisman
The Dictator
2012 83 min color 14A United States of America PARA
The heroic story of a dictator who risks his life to ensure
that democracy would never come to the country he so
lovingly oppressed.
Larry Charles
The Dictator (v.f.)
2012 83 min color United States of America PARA
Le long métrage, inspiré du livre Zabibah and The King
écrit par Saddam Hussein, racontera l’histoire héroı̈que
d’un dictateur qui a risqué sa vie pour que la démocratie
n’atteigne jamais son pays, qu’il pouvait ainsi
amoureusement oppresser.
Larry Charles
All Titles
Die Hard
1988 132 min color AA United States of America FOX
Facing Christmas 3,000 miles from his estranged wife and
two children, New York policeman John McClane flies to
Los Angeles bearing presents and hoping to patch up his
marriage. He then becomes the only hope for a small
group of hostages, one of whom is his estranged wife,
trapped in a Los Angeles high-rise building when it is
seized by terrorists on Christmas Eve.
John McTeirnan
Action; Thriller; Happy Holidays; National Anto Boredom
Die Hard 2
1990 124 min color R United States of America FOX
A major international airport becomes an arena for terror
as detective John McClane is drawn into a deadly game of
cat and mouse with an elite special forces unit which has
seized a bustling airport in Washington, D.C. Their plan is
swift, brutal and brilliant....but they didn’t count on the
presence of John McClane.
Renny Harlin
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
1995 128 min color AA United States of America FOX
Bruce Willis is back (with a vengeance!), and he’s joined
by Jeremy Irons and PULP FICTION sensation Samuel L.
Jackson for the eagerly anticipated third installment of the
blockbuster action series. John McClane teams up with an
African-American activist to pursue a madman who’s
literally burning up Manhattan. Before they know it, they’re
caught up in an incendiary game of hide-and-seek with the
twisted genius whose bombs are blazing a deadly trail
through New York City.
John McTieran
La Difference
1992 109 min color United States of America PARA
Dans les années cinquante, David Green intègre une
prestigieuse école pour aider l’équipe de football à vaincre
leurs rivaux.
Robert Mandel
Drama social; Drame sportif
Le dı̂ner de cons
2010 114 min color United States of America PARA
Un groupe d’amis organise un dı̂ner chaque mercredi où
tous les invités doivent amener un con. Celui qui a trouvé
le plus spectaculaire est déclar vainqueur.
Jay Roach
Dinner for Schmucks
2010 114 min color PG United States of America PARA
Tim (Rudd) is a rising executive who "succeeds" in finding
the perfect guest, IRS employee Barry (Carell), for his
boss’s monthly event, a so-called "dinner for idiots," which
offers certain advantages to the exec who shows up with
the biggest buffoon.
Jay Roach
Dirty Dancing
1987 100 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Set in the 1960s, Frances ’Baby’ Houseman, a sweet
daddy’s girl, goes to a very respectable summer camp in
the Catskills. Baby has grown up in privileged surrounds
with her doctor father and all expect her to go on to
college, join the Peace Corps and save the world before
marrying a doctor, just like her father. Unexpectedly, Baby
becomes infatuated with the camp’s dance instructor,
Johnny, a man whose background is vastly different to her
own. Attempting to impress him, Baby borrows money
from her father to pay for an illegal abortion for Johnny’s
dance partner. She then fills in as Johnny’s dance partner
and it is during the rigorous training that they fall in love. It
all comes apart when Johnny’s friend falls seriously ill after
her abortion and Baby is forced to seek her father’s
medical assistance. Her father then learns what Baby has
been up to, who with and worse - that he funded the illegal
abortion. He bans his daughter from any further
association with "those people". In the first deliberately
willful action of her life, Baby later sneaks out to see
Johnny - ostensibly to apologize for her father’s rudeness and ends up consummating her relationship with Johnny.
A jealous fellow vacationer sees Baby sneaking out of
Johnny’s bungalow the next morning and in an act of
retribution, tells management that he is responsible for a
theft that last evening, knowing he would not furnish his
real whereabouts. Attempting to defend her lover, Baby
confesses that they were together that night - all night.
This revelation causes a huge rift in the family and Baby
makes an impassioned speech to her angry and bereft
father. At the closing night performances, and although he
has been fired and banned from attending - Johnny
returns and takes the stage to tell everyone about the
woman who stole his heart and changed his life before
they have one, final dance together.
Emile Ardolino
Drama; Musical; Romance
Dirty Girl
2011 90 min color 14A United States of America AFI
"Dirty Girl" is the story of Danielle (Juno Temple), the dirty
girl of Norman High School in Norman, Oklahoma, circa
1987. When Danielle’s misbehavior gets her banished to a
remedial class, she is paired on a parenting project with
Clarke (Jeremy Dozier), an innocent closet-case with no
friends. Danielle is determined to get to California to find
the father she’s never met, and Clarke is desperate to
escape being sent to military school by his homophobic
dad. Together, the mismatched misfits light out for
California, and discover each other and themselves
through a funny and serendipitous friendship.
Abe Sylvia
Dirty Harry
1971 103 min color R United States of America WB
From its chilling opening, in which a beautiful, young
swimmer is murdered by the film’s psychotic villian, to the
mesmerizing final confrontation, the film maintains an
explosive level of tension.
Don Siegel
Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
Le discours du roi
118 min
United Kingdom
Dans les années 30, en Angleterre, le prince Albert,
deuxième fils du roi George V, vit avec un grave problème
de bégaiement qui le rend inapte s’exprimer en public.
Sous l’insistance de sa femme, il rencontre le Dr. Lionel
Logue, un spécialiste des troubles d’élocution aux
méthodes peu orthodoxes. Mais ses exercices
fonctionnent, malgré les réticences du prince. Lorsqu’il
devient le roi George VI suite à la résignation de son frère
Édouard, Albert doit surmonter ses difficultés de langage
alors que l’Europe s’apprête à entrer dans la période
trouble de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.
Tom Hooper
Drama social
All Titles
Discreet Charms of the Bourgeoise
105 min
A Buñuel joke on his audience, using friends’ attempts to
have a dinner party as an excuse for series of surrealistic
sequences. Reality and illusion soon blend into one, with
delicious comic results.
Luis Buñuel
Comedy; Drama; Fantasy
The Dish
2001 101 min color PG United States of America WB
Set in July 1969, a small group of scientists in Australia
are brought together by a NASA representative sent to
coordinate the broadcast of the Apollo XI moonwalk
through the use of their receiver dish.
Rob Sitch
District 13
84 min
Paris, 2013. Damien is a member of an elite police
squadron, a special unit highly trained in martial arts and
the precise physical skills necessary to navigate the
treacherous urban landscape of Paris’ future. He is now
tasked with the most vital and dangerous mission of his
career: a weapon of mass destruction has been
concealed by the most powerful gang of the suburbs of
District B13, a walled off section of Paris in which the
criminals rule themselves. Damien must infiltrate the gang
in order to either defuse the bomb or recover it.
Pierre Morel
Science Fiction; Action; Crime
2007 104 min color PG United States of America PARA
After his father’s death, Kale Brecht (LaBeouf) becomes
sullen, withdrawn, and troubled – so much so that he finds
himself under a court-ordered sentence of house arrest.
His mother, Julie (Moss), works night and day to support
herself and her son, only to be met with indifference and
lethargy. The walls of his house begin to close in on Kale.
He becomes a voyeur as his interests turn outside the
windows of his suburban home towards those of his
neighbors, one of which Kale begins to suspect is a serial
killer. But, are his suspicions merely the product of cabin
fever and his overactive imagination?
D.J. Caruso
Disturbia (v.f.)
2007 104 min color United States of America PARA
Après la mort de son père, Kale Brecht devient se retire
triste et dérangé, tellement qu’il se trouve sous une
sentence, décidée par la cour, d’assignation à domicile.
Sa mère, Julie, travaille la nuit et le jour pour se subvenir à
ses besoins et à ceux de son fils, pour ne recevoir
qu’indifférence et léthargie en retour. Les murs de sa
maison commencent à se refermer sur Kale. Il devient
voyeur, ses intérêts se dirigent vers ses voisins. Kale
commence à soupçonner l’un d’eux d’être un tueur en
D.J. Caruso
Drame d’espionnage
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
112 min
Elle France editor Jean-Dominique Bauby, who, in 1995 at
the age of 43, suffered a stroke that paralyzed his entire
body, except his left eye. Using that eye to blink out his
memoir, Bauby eloquently described the aspects of his
interior world, from the psychological torment of being
trapped inside his body to his imagined stories from lands
he’d only visited in his mind.
Julian Schnabel
Drama; Biography
Le Divorce
2003 117 min color PG United States of America FOX
In this modern-day comedy of manners, American sisters
Isabel (Kate Hudson) and Roxy (Naomi Watts) come face
to face with the complicated social mores of French
society. Pregnant and jilted by her scoundrel husband,
Roxy is headed for LE DIVORCE, while Isabel leaps into
l’amour with a married French diplomat who happens to be
the uncle of Roxy’s soon-to-be-ex. Culture clash and
scandal ensue as the sisters learn what it really takes to
be an American in Paris.
James Ivory
Les dix commandements
1956 220 min color United States of America PARA
Evocation de la vie de Moise sauvé à sa naissance par la
propre fille du pharaon qui avait décidé de mettre à mort
tous les nouveaux-nés hébreux de peur que les fils
d’Israël ne deviennent plus nombreux que les Egyptiens.
Cecil B. de Mille avait déjà tourne une version des Dix
Commandements en 1923. Il récidive trente ans plus tard
pour une version démesurée, sept mois de tournage, cent
mille accessoires, des chameaux venus d’Australie, des
lotus cueillis en Guinée britannique...
Cecil B. DeMille
Drame d’aventures; Drama social
Docteur Dolittle
1998 85:23 min color United States of America FOX
Docteur Dolittle, un talentueux physicien, a depuis
longtemps ignor un talent très spécial qu’il possède depuis
son enfance; l’habilité de communiquer avec les animaux.
Ce grand talent fût réveillé le jour où il heurta un chien
errant, Lucky, qui lui dit sa façon de penser. Depuis ce
jour, hiboux, chevaux, cochons dindes, pratiquement
toutes les espèces du royaume animal venait le rencontrer
pour des conseils médicaux Les nouveaux amis à quatre
pattes et poilus du Dr. Dolittle venait un à un lui apprendre
quelque trucs sur les humains.
Betty Thomas
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Doctor Dolittle
1967 144 min color F United States of America FOX
Physican Dolittle would rather communicate with animals
than people in this delightful Academy Award-winning(r)
Richard Fleischer
Adventure; Children; Musical; Fantasy; Literary
Doctor Dolittle
1997 85:23 min color PG United States of America
A talented physician, Dr. John Dolittle (Murphy) has long
suppressed a very special talent he possessed as a child:
the ability to communicate with animals. But now, as a
"responsible" adult, more everyday concerns occupy his
time. Unfortunately, Dolittle’s wife and two young
daughters have taken a back seat to his medical and fiscal
ambitions. All that changes when, driving home one
evening, Dolittle barely misses hitting a stray dog. When
the pooch, Lucky, turns around and gives him a piece of
his mind, Dr. Dolittle’s long dormant talents are reawakened ... with a vengeance! After a period of stunned
disbelief, Dr. Dolittle can no longer deny his unique verbal
skills. Owls, horses, guinea pigs – virtually every member
of the animal kingdom – are now seeking his medical
All Titles
advice. And Dr. Dolittle’s new four-legged and furry
friends, in turn, teach him a few things about being human.
Betty Thomas
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
2004 93 min color PG United States of America FOX
A small local gym is threatened with extinction by a
gleaming sports and fitness palace unless a group of
social rejects can rise to victory in the ultimate dodge ball
Rawson Marshall Thurber
Comedy; National Humour Month
Dog Day Afternoon
1975 129 min color R United States of America WB
True story of the bizarre robbery which took place at a
Chase Manhattan Bank on a hot August day in 1972. A
non-violent man with a wife and family attempts to rob a
bank to finance his homosexual lover’s sex change
Sidney Lumet
Drama; Thriller; Crime
Dogtown and Z-Boys
2002 91 min color PG United States of America MON
The high-flying "vert" (i.e. vertical) style of skateboarding
is now such a defining element of international youth
culture that it’s hard to believe it wasn’t invented by a
skateboard manufacturer. In fact, it was invented in the
street, in a place called Dogtown, "where the debris meets
the sea." Dogtown was the name of a section of Santa
Monica and Venice that lay almost in ruins by the early
1970s, a rundown urban beach neighborhood with a
legacy of outlaw surfing. It bred aggressive, territorial
competitors with a street-smart sense of style. It was a
center for customized cars, graffiti, street gangs and
surfboard design.
Stacy Peralta
Sports; Documentary
11 ans et elle est impatiente d’avoir ses premières
menstruations. Par un concours de circonstances, elle
découvre que sa mère et son père ne sont pas ses
parents biologiques. Confuse, elle se réfugie auprès de sa
seule oasis : la présence de Dolly Parton, dont les
chansons jouent constamment la radio et à la télévision.
Et si cette populaire chanteuse était sa vraie maman?
Pour en être certaine, l’adolescente décide d’aller la voir
en spectacle.
Tara Johns
Comedie; Drama social
Dolphin Tale
2011 115 min color G United States of America WB
Based on true events "Dolphin Tale" is a family film about
Winter, a young dolphin who loses her tail in a crab trap
and Sawyer, the introverted, 11-year old boy who befriends
her. Sawyer meets the rescued dolphin at the Clearwater
Marine Aquarium, a marine rehabilitation center where she
lives. Sawyer rallies friends and family alike to save Winter
by convincing a pioneering doctor to create a unique
prosthetic attachment to restore the dolphin’s ability to
swim. Winter the dolphin will play herself in the movie.
Charles Martin Smith
Adventure; Children; Action
La domination masculine
103 min
Le documentariste Patric Jean se penche sur la
problématique de la domination masculine dans les
sociétés dites patriarcales, plusieurs années après les
premières révolutions féministes en Belgique, en France et
au Québec. Le réalisateur va à la rencontre de médecins,
de prostitués, d’artistes, de féministes, avec l’objectif de
brosser le portrait le plus global possible de la situation
actuelle. Il donne la parole à des Québécois faisant parti
de groupuscules masculinistes, qu’il a pu rencontrer en se
faisant passer pour l’un d’entre eux...
Patric Jean
2004 177 min color 18A United States of America AFI
The beautiful fugitive, Grace (Nicole Kidman), arrives in
the isolated township of Dogville on the run from a team of
gangsters. With some encouragement from Tom (Paul
Bettany), the self-appointed town spokesman, the little
community agrees to hide her and in return, Grace agrees
to work for them. However, when a search sets in, the
people of Dogville demand a better deal in exchange for
the risk of harbouring poor Grace and she learns the hard
way that in this town, goodness is relative. But Grace has
a secret and it is a dangerous one. Dogville may regret
that it ever began to bare its teeth...
Lars von Trier
Drama; Thriller
Doit aimer les chien
96 min
United States of America
Nolan, une jeune femme fraı̂chement divorcée, redécouvre
progressivement le grand amour avec l’aide enthousiaste
mais pas toujours chanceuse de sa famille. L’une de ses
soeurs entremetteuses fait tout pour raviver sa vie
amoureuse et la pousse à passer une petite annonce
intrigante sur le net..
Gary David Goldberg
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Dame poétique
Dolly Parton, ma mère et moi
95 min
Le vent de l’été 1976 souffle sur les Prairies, amenant
avec lui de nombreux changements sociaux. Elizabeth a
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
2011 99 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Sally Hurst (Bailee Madison), a lonely, withdrawn child, has
just arrived in Rhode Island to live with her father Alex
(Guy Pearce) and his new girlfriend (Katie Holmes) at the
19th-century mansion they are restoring. While exploring
the sprawling estate, the young girl discovers a hidden
basement, undistrubed since the strange disappearance of
the mansion’s builder a century ago. When Sally
unwittingly lets loose a race of ancient, dark-dwelling
creature who conspire to drag her down into the
mysterious house’s bottomless depths, she must convince
Alex and Kim that it’s not a fantasy - before the evil lurking
in the dark consumes them all.
Troy Nixey
Horror; Thriller
Don’t Look Now
1974 110 min color R United States of America PARA
More than just a conventional horror story with
supernatural overtones, DON’T LOOK NOW is an
evocative, moody and disturbing tale of guilt, clairvoyance
and love. It is probably the most sophisticated and
powerful horror film ever made.
Nicolas Roeg
Drama; Horror; Thriller; Mystery
All Titles
Don’t Say a Word
2002 114 min color AA United States of America FOX
Michael Douglas stars as Dr. Nathan Conrad, a respected
New York City psychiatrist who races to secure the
freedom of his kidnapped daughter but must first retrieve a
critical piece of information from his newest pro bono
patient – a catatonic, violent but angelic-looking
18-year-old girl.
Gary Fleder
Drama; Action; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
Don’t You Forget About Me
71 min
In 1991, filmmaker John Hughes disappeared from
Hollywood. In 2008, four filmmakers went to find him.
Matt Austin
2006 77 min color G United States of America AFI
This is the story of Doogal, an adorable candy-loving mutt
who goes on a mission to save the world. Doogal must
prevent the evil sorcerer Zeebad from freezing the earth
forever with the power of the three mysterious legendary
diamonds. Joining Doogal on his big quest are pals Dylan,
a guitar-playing rabbit, Ermintrude, an opera-singing cow,
and Brian, a bashful snail. Hopping on a magic train, they
travel over ice-capped mountains, navigate fiery pits of
lava, and sail across vast oceans on the perilous journey
of a lifetime. Along the way, they learn that the most
powerful weapon of all is their friendship - which even
Zeebad’s magic cannot destroy!
Dave Borthwick, Jean Duval
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Animated
Double Jeopardy
1999 105 min color AA United States of America PARA
Ashley Judd stars as Libby Preston, a happily married
woman whose perfect marriage is undone after a tragedy
at sea. Framed for the murder of her husband (Bruce
Greenwood), she survives the long years in prison with
two burning desires sustaining her – finding her son and
solving the mystery that destroyed her once-happy life.
Standing between her and her quest, however, is her
parole officer, Travis Lehman (Tommy Lee Jones). Libby
poses a challenge to the cynical officer as she sets out for
revenge, with the twist being that she cannot be punished
twice because it would constitute double jeopardy.
Bruce Beresford
Drama; Action; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
Double Jeu
1999 105 min color United States of America PARA
La vie idyllique de Libby Parsons se brise lorsque son
mari, Nick, est assassiné en pleine mer sous ses yeux.
Les circonstances accusent la jeune femme, qui est
condamnée à la prison a perpétuité. De sa cellule, elle
apprend que son fils a disparu et que Nick n’est pas mort.
Six ans plus tard, elle obtient une libération conditionnelle.
Malgré la surveillance ardue du contrôleur judiciaire Travis
Lehman, elle parvient à disparaı̂tre dans la nature, bien
decidée à retrouver son enfan.
Bruce Beresford
Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs;
Drame policier; Drama social
Double Life of Veronica
97 min
It has been said that somewhere in the world exists your
identical look alike. This is the story of two Veroniques.
One Polish, the other French. Both are talented singers
and although many miles apart, there is a mystical
connection between the two. When, one dies, the other
feels a strong sense of loss and anguish. A strange twist
of events and circumstances precipitated by her lover,
Alexandre, leads the surviving Veronique on a quest of
Krzysztof Kieslowski
Drama; Fantasy
2008 103 min color PG United States of America AFI
It’s 1964, St. Nicholas in the Bronx. A charismatic priest,
Father Flynn, is trying to upend the schools’ strict customs,
which have long been fiercely guarded by Sister Aloysius
Beauvier, the iron-gloved Principal who believes in the
power of fear and discipline. The winds of political change
are sweeping through the community, and indeed, the
school has just accepted its first black student, Donald
Miller. But when Sister James, a hopeful innocent, shares
with Sister Aloysius her guilt-inducing suspicion that Father
Flynn is paying too much personal attention to Donald,
Sister Aloysius sets off on a personal crusade to unearth
the truth and to expunge Flynn from the school. Now,
without a shard of proof besides her moral certainty, Sister
Aloysius locks into a battle of wills with Father Flynn which
threatens to tear apart the community with irrevocable
John Patrick Shanley
Drama; Mystery
2008 103 min color United States of America AFI
1964, une école catholique dans le Bronx. La père Flynn,
un prêtre de la paroisse, entraineur de basketball, est
soupçonné d’avoir fait des attouchements sur un garçon
noir de douze ans. Soeur Aloysius, directrice de l’école, a
des doutes sérieux sur la moralité du prêtre mais n’arrive
pas à établir les preuves nécessaires à son renvoi. Quand
soeur James, une soeur naı̈ve, vient lui raconter un
événement impliquant le père Flynn et un garçon de
l’école, soeur Aloysius estime que ses soupçons sont
confirmés. Elle part donc en guerre contre le prêtre, bien
determinée le demasquer. L’aumônier accusé va tenter de
se disculper mais soeur Aoysius n’a pas dit son dernier
mot. La doute s’installe. Quelles en seront les
conséquences ? Et si tout cela n’était qu’un malentendu?
John Patrick Shanley
Comédie moeurs; Drama social
Doux Novembre
2001 119 min color United States of America WB
Nelson Moss est un publicitaire ambitieux, obsédé par le
travail. Seule sa carrière importe ; les autres ne sont là
que pour l’aider atteindre ses objectifs. Lors d’un examen
de conduite, Nelson est rencontre une jeune femme, Sara
Deever. Elle est joviale, zen, pleine d’énergie. Elle a un
certain don pour transformer les hommes et elle n’a
besoin que d’un mois pour cela. C’est bientôt le mois de
novembre et Sara invite Nelson à venir habiter chez elle.
Celui-ci hésite et se demande si son invitation est
sérieuse, mais tout porte à croire que oui. Sara lui fait
alors apprécier la simplicité de la vie. C’est la première
fois qu’on lui prodigue autant de gentillesses sans qu’on
lui demande quoi que ce soit en retour. Nelson le
mérite-t-il ?
Pat O’Conner
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Drama social
Down Periscope
1996 92 min color PG United States of America FOX
Lt. Commander Tom McGraw thought he was finally going
to get a chance to captain a nuclear submarine. Instead,
his irreverent attitude lands him at the helm of an ancient
All Titles
diesel sub, from which he leads his rag-tag crew in a
series of wildly unorthodox war games.
David Ward
Comedy; Adventure
Down with Love
2003 102 min color PG United States of America FOX
An irresistible force - a feminist writer - becomes involved
with an immovable object - a womanizing journalist - in
this sexy farce and homage to the grand romantic
comedies of the ’50s and ’60s. Process shots of fake
backgrounds, hyper-vibrant colour schemes and trademark
period fashions and decor add to the fun. From the
producers of ’American Beauty’ and the director of ’Bring It
Peyton Reed
Comedy; Romance
Dr. Dolittle 3
2006 93 min color PG United States of America FOX
Lisa Dolittle sends her daughter to ’Durango’, a Dude
Ranch, to find herself. While there, she uses her talent to
talk to the animals in order to save Durango from being
taken over by a neighboring Ranch.
Rich Thorne
Comedy; Children
Dr. Dolittle 3 (v.f.)
2006 93 min color United States of America FOX
Lisa Dolittle envoie sa fille dans un ranch à Durango, à la
recherche d’elle-même. Arrivée au ranch, elle utilise ses
capacités à parler avec les animaux afin d’empêcher
Durango d’être racheté par un ranch voisin.
Rich Thorne
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Dracula 2000
2000 99 min color AA United States of America AFI
In the millenium version of this classic Gothic horror we
find Abraham Van Helsing (Plummer), who has tangled
with Count Dracula (Butler) in the past, working as an
English antiques dealer. Simon (Miller) is a vampire hunter
in training under his apprenticeship. Van Helsing and
Simon travel from London to New Orleans to rescue Van
Helsing’s daughter Mary (Waddell) from the family’s life
long nemesis - Dracula.
Patrick Lussier
Horror; Thriller
Dracula 2000 (v.f.)
99 min
United States of America
Depuis le dix-neuvième siècle, le comte Dracula distille
son charme horrifiant sur le continent européen, fascinant
tous ceux qui veulent en savoir davantage sur ses
débauches sanguinaires. Mais en cette année 2000,
l’imprudence d’un groupe de jeunes de la Louisiane
provoque la venue du célèbre vampire aux États-Unis.
Heureusement, son ennemi de toujours, le professeur Van
Helsing, veille au grain.
Patrick Lussier
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage
Dragonball Evolution
2009 85 min color PG United States of America FOX
Based on the popular Japanese manga created by Akira
Toriyama, whose work spawned best selling graphic
novels, video games and a phenomenally successful
television series, DRAGONBALL centers on the heroic
Goku, a powerful warrior who protects the Earth from an
endless stream of rogues bent on dominating the Universe
and controlling the mystical objects from which the film
takes its name.
James Wong
Adventure; Science Fiction; Children; Action; Fantasy
Dragonball: Évolution
2009 85 min color United States of America FOX
San Goku, un guerrier doté de super-pouvoirs, protège la
Terre de Piccolo et ses sbires, bien décidés à dominer
l’univers grâce aux boules de cristal...
James Wong
Drame de science-fiction; Films pour enfants; Action
(v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste; Drame d’aventures
2010 98 min color United States of America PARA
Pour pouvoir devenir un membre de la tribu à laquelle il
appartient, le jeune fils d’un chef Viking doit capturer et
élever un dragon.
Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Dessins animés
1981 110 min color PG United States of America PARA
The special effects wizards behind this awesome serpent
bring a frightening realism to this charming adventure of a
kingdom kept hostage and the courageous apprentice
sorcerer who risks life and limb to confront the terrifying
Matthew Robbins
Adventure; Action; Fantasy
Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story
2005 99 min color G United States of America SKG
A trainer (Russell) and his daughter (Fanning) nurse an
injured horse back to health, with an eye on racing him in
the Breeders’ Cup.
John Gatins
Drama; World Gratitude
The Dreamers
2003 116 min color R United States of America FOX
The tumultuous political landscape of Paris in 1968 is the
backdrop as three young cineastes are drawn together
through their passion for film. Matthew, an American
exchange student, discovers in French twins Theo and
Isabelle a relationship unlike anything he has ever
experienced or will ever encounter again...and he longs to
be a part of it. Helmed by Academy Award-winning
Director Bernardo Bertolucci, the film will star Michael Pitt
(MURDER BY NUMBERS), Eva Green and Louis Garrel.
Bernardo Bertolucci
2006 129 min color PG United States of America PARA
Dreamgirls follows the rise of a trio of women who have
formed a promising girl group- The Dreamettes. At a talent
competition, they get the opportunity of a lifetime: to
become the back-up singers for headliner James
"Thunder" Early. Though the Dreams become a crossover
phenomenon, they soon realize that the cost of fame and
fortune may be higher than they ever imagined.
Bill Condon
Drama; Musical; Black History
All Titles
Dreamgirls (v.f.)
2006 129 min color United States of America PARA
L’ascension de Diana Ross, la célèbre chanteuse de soul
du label Motown qui débuta sa carrière d’artiste musicale
au sein des Supremes en 1961. Elle compte à son actif
de nombreux tubes comme You can’t hurry love, Baby love
ou encore Upside down.
Bill Condon
Drama social; Films Musicaux
Drillbit Taylor
2008 101 min color 14A United States of America
Ryan, Wade and Emmit attend their first day at high
school and they’re pumped ... until they meet up with
Filkins, a school bully who comes off like a little Hannibal
Lecter. Before they become completely engulfed in Filkins’
reign of terror, they seek out some protection by placing
an ad in soldier of fortune magazine. Their best response
- and the cheapest - comes from Drillbit Taylor (Owen
Wilson), a down-on-his luck soldier of fortune who lives a
homeless - he likes to say "home free" - existence on the
beach. He enrolls them in some physical and mental
Steven Brill
Comedy; Breast Cancer Awareness
Drillbit Taylor: garde du corps
2008 101 min color United States of America PARA
Dans Drillbit Taylor, Owen Wilson est recruté par les 3
têtes de turcs du collège pour jouer les gardes du corps,
rôle dans lequel il ne sera pas forcément le plus à l’aise.
Une bande-annonce de ce film réalis par Steve Brill est
disponible sur la toile.
Steven Brill
2011 95 min color 18A United States of America AFI
A Hollywood stunt performer who moonlights as a
wheelman discovers that a contract has been put on him
after a heist gone wrong.
Nicolas Winding Refn
Drama; Action
2001 117 min color PG United States of America WB
A Veteran race car driver (Sylvester Stallone) is hired to
mentor a rookie racer. Brought together to defeat the
competition, the student and teacher learn they have more
in common than racing.
Renny Harlin
Driving to the Edge
94 min
The documentary exposes stories of young people
presented by other young people in relation to traffic
accidents involving 16-24 age group.
Paul Arcand
décide donc d’intenter un procès contre eux, les accusant
de voler le miel aux abeilles...
Steve Hickner, Simon J. Smith
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
Drôle de Frimousse
1957 103 min color United States of America PARA
Une jeune libraire du village new-yorkais, adepte de
l’empathie, se voit propulsee, par un journal, a Paris pour
presenter la collection d’un grand couturier. La elle
rencontre le grand maitre "empathicaliste" qui ne reste pas
insensible a ses charmes tandis que le photographe du
journal la poursuit de ses assiduites. Une musique de
Gershwin pour cette suave comedie musicale qui propose
un Paris tres hollywoodien.
Stanley Donen
Comedie; Films Musicaux; Comédie sentimentale
Droles de jeux
2008 111 min color United States of America WB
Alors qu’ils passent de paisibles vacances près d’un lac,
George et son épouse Anna reçoivent la visite de deux
adolescents, qui vont les séquester et les torturer à mort.
Michael Haneke
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage
2002 119 min color PG United States of America FOX
Set against the high-energy, high-stakes world of show
style marching bands, DRUMLINE is a fish-out-of-water
comedy about a talented street drummer from Harlem who
enrolls in a Southern university, expecting to lead its
marching band’s drumline to victory. He initially flounders
in his new world before realizing that it takes more than
talent to reach the top.
Charles Stone III
Comedy; Black History
Drumline (v.f.)
2002 119 min color United States of America FOX
Orlando Jones y incarnera le chef d’une fanfare d’une
universit américaine chargé d’accueillir un batteur de rue
originaire du quartier new-yorkais d’Harlem.
Charles Stone III
Du soleil plein la tête
2004 108 min color United States of America AFI
Un homme découvre avec stupéfaction que son ancienne
petite amie a fait effacer de sa mémoire, par un
psychiatre, tous les souvenirs de leur tumultueuse liaison.
Désemparé, il décide de faire de même, mais change
d’avis pendant le processus.
Michael Gondry
Drama social; Drame de science-fiction; Comédie
The Duchess
Drôle d’abeille
2007 90 min color United States of America PARA
Barry B.Benson (Jerry Seinfeld), une jeune abeille tout
juste sortie diplômée de l’université, qui n’a qu’un seul et
unique, choix de carrière devant elle, loin de la ravir : faire
du miel. Lors d’une de ses rares sorties à l’extérieur de la
ruche, elle rencontre Vanessa, une fleuriste new yorkaise.
Leurs relations s’approfondissent et elle découvre que les
humains sont d’énormes consommateurs de miel. L’abeille
2008 109 min color 14A United States of America
The scandalous rise and fall of the Georgina, Duchess of
Devonshire. Like Princess Diana, her direct descendent,
she was beautiful, glamorous and adored by the public.
Saul Dibb
Drama; Literary Adaption
All Titles
La duchesse
2008 109 min color United States of America PARA
L’histoire de Georgiana Spencer, duchesse du Devonshire
et ancêtre de la princesse Diana. Au 18ème siècle, cette
belle aristocrate vécut une vie riche et extravagante...
Saul Dibb
Drama social
Dude, Where’s My Car?
2000 84 min color PG United States of America FOX
Two twenty-something dudes who awaken one morning
with no recollection of the previous night and discover that
they’ve misplaced their car, which contained their
girlfriends’ anniversary presents. In their search of the car,
they retrace the previous night’s wild adventures and save
the world in the process.
Danny Leiner
Comedy; Ask a Stupid Question
Due Date
2010 100 min color 14A United States of America WB
High-strung father-to-be Peter Highman is forced to hitch a
ride with aspiring actor Ethan Tremblay on a road trip in
order to make it to his child’s birth on time.
Todd Phillips
Les Duellistes
1978 101 min color United States of America PARA
Deux lieutenants de l’armée napoléonienne, d’Hubert et
Feraud, vont poursuivre une querelle pendant quinze ans
a travers toute l’Europe et se provoquer régulièrement en
Ridley Scott
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Action (v.f.)
The Duellists
101 min
Great Britian
Two officers in Napoleon’s army confront each other in a
series of savage duels. It all begins as a reaction to a
minor incident and escalates into a consuming passion
which rules the lives of both men for a period of 30 years.
Based on Joseph Conrad’s story, THE DUELLIST explores
the themes of obsession, honor and violence. A first-rate
Ridley Scott
Drama; War; Action
The Dukes of Hazzard
2005 104 min color PG United States of America WB
Set in present day, the story follows the adventures of
"good old boy" cousins, Bo (Seann William Scott) and
Luke (Johnny Knoxville) Duke, who with the help of their
eye-catching cousin Daisy (Jessica Simpson) and
moonshine running Uncle Jesse (Willie Nelson), try and
save the family farm from being destroyed by Hazzard
County’s corrupt commissioner Boss Hogg (Burt
Reynolds). Their efforts constantly find the "Duke Boys"
eluding authorities in "The General Lee," their famed 1969
orange Dodge Charger that keeps them one step ahead of
the dimwitted antics of the small southern town’s Sheriff
Roscoe P. Coltrane (M.C. Gainey).
Jay Chandrasekhar
Comedy; Adventure; Action
2005 100 min color PG United States of America WB
During a nightly Porsche ride with his doting rascal Xan,
white South African farmer Peter finds and adopts an
orphaned cheetah cub, dubbed Duma (just Swahili for
cheetah). It becomes the boy’s inseparable playmate, even
taking it to bed. Peter made clear from the start that the
cheetah should be returned to the wild before its full
adulthood. But the father is stricken down with a disease
just before the cheetah could be returned. Xan’s mother
sells the farm and moves in with a city aunt. The cheetah
escapes, but finds Xan at school, where the new boy is
bullied. He decides to run away to the mountains with
Duma. On the way they face countless perils, which
courage, Xan’s intelligence and Duma’s instinct overcome.
Carroll Ballard
Adventure; Drama
Duma (v.f.)
2005 100 min color United States of America WB
Xan, un jeune garçon amoureux de la nature, vit au Kenya
avec ses parents. Un jour, il fait la rencontre d’un guépard
qu’il appelle Duma et de forts liens se tissent entre eux.
La croissance de l’animal mettant la vie de Xan en danger,
ce dernier entreprend de le relâcher dans la nature. Sur
leur route, ils font face à de nombreux dangers mais les
surmontent avec courage.
Carroll Ballard
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Dame poétique
D’un coup, d’un seul
2008 95 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Carmen Colson et son mari Wayne sont placés sous la
protection du Service de protection des Témoins du
gouvernement fédéral après un "incident". Alors qu’ils
croient qu’ils sont saufs, un tueur à gages se lance à leur
poursuite, ainsi qu’un jeune tueur psychopate.
John Madden
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Drame policier
Duo à trois
2011 112 min color G United States of America WB
Rachel est une talentueuse avocate travaillant pour une
des meilleures firmes de New York. Elle est aussi une
amie généreuse et loyale, mais malheureusement, elle est
encore célibataire? Et sa meilleure amie Darcy, fiancée,
lui rappelle constamment. Toutefois, après avoir bu un
verre de trop lors de la fête organisée pour souligner ses
30 ans, Rachel se retrouve, sans l’avoir prévu, au lit avec
l’homme pour qui elle a le béguin depuis ses études en
droit, Dex, qui est aussi le fiancé de Darcy. Quand la
longue amitié entre les deux femmes heurte le vrai amour,
des complications inattendues et des révélations
romantiques qui pourraient bien être explosives s’amènent.
Luke Greenfield
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
2003 89 min color PG United States of America AFI
Alex Rose and Nancy Kendricks are a young couple who
believe they have found their perfect home to start a family
in. There is just one problem. An elderly tenant is staying
upstairs and won’t move out. Alex and Nancy desperately
try everything to convince her to leave, but she refuses to
move. Soon, their dream home becomes their home of
Danny DeVito
Duplex (v.f.)
2003 89 min color G United States of America AFI
Un jeune couple à l’avenir prometteur emménage dans un
duplex où une vieille locataire lui fait des misères.
Danny DeVito
All Titles
Dynamite Jones (v.f.)
89 min
United States of America
Cleopatra Jones, un agent fédéral, emploie ses
habiletés(compétences) de combat formidables au plein
avantage comme elle lutte pour une mauvaise reine de
narcotiques de Milieu et sa foule dure.
Jack Starrett
Action (v.f.)
The Eagle
2011 114 min color PG United States of America AFI
A Roman epic adventure, based on the classic novel of
the same name, set in the dangerous world of secondcentury Britain. In 140 AD, twenty years after the
unexplained disappearance of the entire Ninth Legion in
the mountains of Scotland, young centurion Marcus Aquila
(played by Channing Tatum of "G.I. Joe: The Rise of
Cobra" and "Dear John") arrives from Rome to solve the
mystery and restore the reputation of his father, the
commander of the Ninth. Accompanied only by his British
slave Esca (Jamie Bell of "Defiance" and "Jumper"),
Marcus sets out across Hadrian’s Wall into the uncharted
highlands of Caledonia – to confront its savage tribes,
make peace with his father’s memory, and retrieve the lost
legion’s golden emblem, the Eagle of the Ninth.
Kevin Macdonald
Eagle Eye
2008 117 min color 14A United States of America
Shia Labeouf reteams with "Disturbia" director D.J. Caruso
playing a young slacker whose twin brother has died
mysteriously. Rachel (Monaghan) finds that her child is
missing, and soon the two strangers realize that they have
been framed as terrorists. Forced to become members of
a cell that has plans to carry out a political assassination,
they must work together to extricate themselves while
being led by a mysterious voice.
D.J. Caruso
Drama; Thriller
Eagle Eye (v.f.)
2008 117 min color United States of America PARA
Un jeune homme découvre que son frère jumeau est mort
de façon mystérieuse. En rentrant à la maison, il
comprend qu’on les prend, lui et sa mère, pour des
terroristes. Tous deux sont alors obligés d’intégrer une
cellule spéciale qui est en train de mettre sur pied un
assassinat politique...
D.J. Caruso
Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
East is East
96 min
United Kingdom
In early 1970’s England, a traditional Pakistani father (Om
Puri) finds his family spinning in decidedly non-traditional
directions. His brood consisting of six sons and one
daughter all move in independent-minded directions set off
when the eldest son runs away from home rather than
keeping to his fate of an arranged marriage. When the
next two sons also find out that their father has secretly
been arranging marriages for them, they rebel and set off
repercussions that forces the family to totally reconsider
their family structure.
Damien O’Donnell
Comedy; Drama
Eastern Promises
2007 100 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Eastern Promises follows the mysterious and ruthless
Nikolai (Viggo Mortensen), who is tied to one of London’s
most notorious organized crime families. His carefully
maintained existence is jarred when he crosses paths with
Anna (Naomi Watts), an innocent midwife who accidentally
uncovers potential evidence against the family. Now
Nikolai must put into motion a harrowing chain of murder,
deceit, and retribution.
David Cronenberg
Drama; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
Easy Virtue
93 min
United Kingdom
The twenties have roared... the thirties have yet to swing.
John Whittaker, a young Englishman, falls madly in love
with Larita, a sexy and glamorous American woman, and
they marry impetuously. However when the couple returns
to the family home, his mother Mrs Whittaker has an
instant allergic reaction to her new daughter-in-law. Larita
tries her best to fit in but fails to tiptoe through the
minefield laid by her mother-in-law. Larita quickly realizes
Mrs Whittaker’s game and sees that she must fight back if
she’s not going to lose John. A battle of wits ensues and
sparks soon fly. Mrs Whittaker manipulates every situation
to undermine her, while Larita remains frustratingly calm
and engineers sassy counter attacks. Before long, Mrs
Whittaker’s manipulation starts to work on John and Larita
feels their love is in danger of slipping away. In a grand
finale, where the secrets from Larita’s past are revealed,
she finally makes a break for freedom from the suffocating
Stephan Elliott
Comedy; Romance
Ecks contre Sever: Affrontement
91 min
United States of America
Hanté par la mort de sa femme, Jeremiah Ecks, un agent
expérimenté du FBI, démissionne de son poste. Mais il
est sorti de sa retraite par ses anciens supérieurs qui le
chargent de retrouver le fils du patron des services secrets
américains. Celui-ci a en fait été kidnappé par une
ancienne espionne dont le nom de code est Sever.
Action (v.f.); Drame d’aventures
L’Ecole du Rock
2003 108 min color United States of America PARA
Rejeté par son groupe rock "Heavy Metal", un guitariste
original espère régler ses problèmes financiers en
s’improvisant professeur suppléant dans une école
primaire. Son goût exclusif pour une musique bien
rythmée séduira une classe d’élèves modèles en rockers
Richard Linklater
Comedie; Films Musicaux
Edge Of Heaven
2007 122 min color 14A Germany/Turkey MON
Nejat seems disapproving about his widower father Ali’s
choice of prostitute Yeter for a live-in girlfriend. But he
grows fond of her when he discovers she sends money
home to Turkey for her daughter’s university studies.
Yeter’s sudden death distances father and son. Nejat
travels to Istanbul to search for Yeter’s daughter Ayten.
Political activist Ayten has fled the Turkish police and is
already in Germany. She is befriended by a young
woman, Lotte, who invites rebellious Ayten to stay in her
home, a gesture not particularly pleasing to her
conservative mother Susanne. When Ayten is arrested
and her asylum plea is denied, she is deported and
imprisoned in Turkey. Lotte travels to Turkey,where she
gets caught up in the seemingly hopeless situation of
freeing Ayten.
Fatih Akin
Edison, the Man
All Titles
1940 107 min b&w F United States of America WB
In flashback, fifty years after inventing the light bulb, an 82year-old Edison tells his story starting at age twenty-two
with his arrival in New York. He’s on his way with invention
of an early form of stock market ticker.
Clarence Brown
Drama; Biography
Edward Scissorhands
1990 105 min color PG United States of America FOX
In a castle high on top of a hill lives an inventor’s greatest
creation - Edward, a near-complete person. The creator
died before he could finish Edward’s hands; instead,
Edward is left with metal scissors for hands. Edward has
always lived alone, until a kind lady called Peg discovers
Edward and welcomes him into her home. At first,
everyone welcomes Edward into the community, but soon
things begin to take a change for the worse.
Tim Burton
Drama; Fantasy; Romance
Edward Scissorhands (v.f.)
1990 105 min color United States of America FOX
Edward Scissorhands n‘est pas un garçon ordinaire.
Création d‘un inventeur, il a reçu un coeur pour aimer, un
cerveau pour comprendre. Mais son concepteur est mort
avant d‘avoir pu terminer son oeuvre et Edward se
retrouve avec des lames de métal et des instruments
tranchants en guise de doigts.
Tim Burton
Comédie fantaisiste; Comédie sentimentale; Drama
L’effet papillon
2004 113 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Une théorie prétend que si l’on pouvait retourner dans le
passé et changer quelques détails de notre vie, tout ce qui
en découle serait modifié. On appelle cela "l’effet
papillon". Evan Treborn a cette faculté. Fasciné, il va
d’abord mettre ce don au service de ceux dont les vies ont
été brisées dans leur enfance. Il peut enfin repartir dans
le passé et sauver la seule jeune fille qu’il ait jamais
aimée.Mais Evan va découvrir que ce pouvoir est aussi
puissant qu’incontrôlable. Il va s’apercevoir que s’il change
la moindre chose, il change tout. En intervenant sur le
passé, il modifie le présent et se voit de plus en plus
souvent obligé de réparer les effets indésirables de ses
corrections. La situation devient rapidement ingérable et
ceux qu’il voulait secourir se retrouvent en danger...
J. Mackye Gruber, Eric Bress
Drama social; Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage
El Dorado
1967 126 min color F United States of America PARA
Robert Mitchum plays an alcoholic sheriff beset by a
ruthless land baron. Against shadowy, atmospheric
streets, Wayne and company reform Mitchum and clean
up his town in this boisterous comedy-adventure.
Howard Hawks
Adventure; Western; Action
El Dorado (v.f.)
1967 126 min color United States of America PARA
En arrivant à El Dorado, l’aventurier Cole Thornton
retrouve un ancien ami, JP Harrah, qui est aujourd’hui le
shérif de la ville. Engagé par un propriétaire terrien,
Thornton renonce à sa mission quand Harrah lui apprend
qu’elle a pour but de chasser les McDonald de leurs
Howard Hawks
Drame d’aventures; Western (v.f.); Action (v.f.)
1999 103 min color AA United States of America PARA
Tracey Flick is running unopposed for this year’s high
school student council president election. But school civics
teacher Jim McAllister has a different plan. Partly to
establish a more democratic election, and partly to satisfy
some deep personal anger towards Tracey, Jim talks
popular varsity football player Paul Metzler to run for
president as well.
Alexander Payne
Comedy; Black Comedy; World Teacher Day
The Elephant Man
1980 123 min b&w 14A United States of America
This brilliant and artistically exceptional film received eight
Academy Award nominations. John Hurt gives an
unforgettable performance as John Merrick in the true
story of a man so hideously deformed that his only means
of earning a living was as a freak show attraction. Set in
Victorian London, a delicate subject is treated with
compassion and insight into the beauty of man’s inner
David Lynch
Drama; Biography
2003 95 min color PG United States of America AFI
A human baby raised as an elf. A city where no one
remembers the true meaning of Christmas. Will Ferrell
(Saturday Night Live, Superstar) stars as Buddy, a human
raised in the North Pole to be an elf. After wreaking havoc
in the elf community due to his size, Buddy heads to New
York City to find his place in the world, and track down his
father. But life in the big city is not all sugarplums and
candy canes. His father is a "Scrooge" and his eight-yearold stepbrother doesn’t believe in Santa. Even the
snowmen aren’t friendly in New York. In fact, they don’t
even speak. Worst of all, everyone has forgotten the true
meaning of Christmas, and it’s up to Buddy and his simple
elf ways to win over his family, realize his destiny and,
ultimately, save Christmas for New York and the world.
John Favreau
2003 95 min color PG United States of America AFI
Buddy, un être humain, est élevé par les lutins du Père
Noël depuis sa plus tendre enfance. Lorsqu’il atteint l’âge
et la taille adulte, ces derniers s’aperçoivent que cette
différence physique commence à poser quelques
problèmes : anormalement grand pour ce lieu légendaire,
l’homme provoque en effet un joli scandale au Pôle Nord !
Renvoyé dans son pays d’origine, il se lance à la
recherche de son père biologique, un sinistre éditeur, à
New York.
John Favreau
Ella au pays enchant
96 min
United States of America
A sa naissance, la petite Ella reçoit le don d’obéissance.
En raison de cette malheureuse circonstance, elle ne peut
s’opposer à aucune demande et vit souvent à la merci de
personnes sans scrupules.Afin de retrouver le contrôle de
sa vie, Ella part en quête de liberté, seule face à sa
mystérieuse malédiction. Ella doit affronter un royaume
pleins d’ogres, de géants, de malicieuses belles-soeurs,
de livres qui parlent et de complots diaboliques. Et, avec
un peu de chance, elle trouvera l’amour sur son chemin.
Tommy O’Haver
Comedy; Children; Fantasy; Literary Adaption;
All Titles
Ella Enchanted
2004 96 min color G United States of America AFI
Ella (Anne Hathaway) has been cursed by her dimented
fairy godmother with the gift of obedience. On the quest to
find her godmother again to make her take back the "gift",
Ella meets, and reluctantly falls in love with the Prince
(Hugh Dancy) of Frell.
Tommy O’Haver
Comedy; Children; Fantasy; Literary Adaption;
Elvis Gratton
89 min
A Quebecois Elvis impersonator is disillusioned to find a
Chinaman participating in an Elvis contest. He later takes
his wife on vacation to the island of Santa Banana.
Pierre Falardeau, Julien Poulin
Comedy; Musical
Elvis Gratton: Le king des kings
89 min
Un québécois imitateur d’Elvis est désespéré de trouver
un adversaire à sa mesure dans une compétition d’Elvis. Il
emmène ensuite sa femme en vacances sur l’ı̂le de Santa
Pierre Falardeau, Julien Poulin
Comedie; Films Musicaux
rák, EMPTIES is an intelligent, emotionally engaging
comedy about finding meaning and love in later life.
Jan Sverák
Comedy; Drama
En temps
2011 108 min color United States of America FOX
Dans un futur proche, le gène de la vieillesse a été
supprimé et le temps est devenu la seule une valeur
marchande : les riches vivent donc éternellement, pendant
que les autres doivent négocier leur immortalité. Dans cet
univers perfide, un jeune homme pauvre tente d’empêcher
sa mère de confronter la mort.
Andrew Niccol
Drame de science-fiction; Drame d’espionnage
Encore les vieux grincheux
1995 110 min color United States of America WB
Suite du succès de 1993 où l’on retrouve deux voisins
chamailleurs dont l’amitié a été déguisé au fil des années
par un langage abusif et des farces plates. Cette fois,
John et Max sont à couteaux tirés à cause des plans de
mariage de leurs enfants, tandis que Max est attiré par la
vivante Italienne qui s’occupe du magasin local.
Howard Deutch
The End of the Line
1996 120 min color PG United States of America AFI
Set in the lush English countryside at the beginning of the
19th century, "Emma" tells the tale of Emma Woodhouse,
a young woman so devoted to meddling in the lives and
romances of others that she just may miss her chance to
learn about love firsthand. "Emma" is based on Jane
Austen’s timeless tale of love, alliance and understanding.
Douglas McGrath
Comedy; Literary Adaption; Romance
90 min
United Kingdom
Can you imagine a world without fish? Scientists predict
that if we continue fishing as we are now, we will see the
end of most seafood by 2048. In The End of the Line, we
see firsthand the effects of our global love affair with fish
as food. The film examines the imminent extinction of blue
fin tuna brought on by increasing western demand for
sushi, the impact on marine life resulting in huge
overpopulation of jellyfish, and the profound implications of
a future world with no fish....
Rupert Murray
Empire du Soleil
1987 152 min color United States of America WB
Un drame épique qui se déroule lors de Deuxième Guerre
mondiale vu par les yeux d’un jeune garçon interné dans
un camp de concentration pendant trois ans.
Steven Spielberg
Drame de guerre; Drama social
Empire of the Sun
1987 152 min color PG United States of America WB
An epic drama of World War II as seen through the eyes
of a young boy interned in a prison camp for three years.
Steven Spielberg
Drama; War
Employee of the Month
2006 108 min color PG United States of America AFI
Hearing that the store hottie will date the employee of the
month, two slacker Costco workers vie for the honor.
Greg Coolidge
The Empties
100 min
One day Joseph suddenly retires from his job as a school
teacher in Prague after an encounter with an unruly pupil
and his frustration over the changing values and increased
power given the students. A man full of humour and
playful energy, he is not content to spend the autumn of
his life in the uneventful bosom of his family. Another joint
project by Oscar-winning duo Jan Sv rák and Zden k Sv
The End of the Line - Surpêche: L’océan en voie
90 min
United Kingdom
Des côtes de Terre-Neuve au grand récif de corail du
Pacifique-Sud, les stocks de poissons diminuent à cause
d’une surpêche généralisée causée par l’innovation
technologique des pêcheurs industriels et le laxisme
conjoint des gouvernements et des consommateurs.
S’intéressant particulièrement au cas du thon rouge, dont
la pêche annuelle surpasse les quotas législatifs établis
par les gouvernements, qui surpassent eux-mêmes les
quotas proposés par les scientifiques afin de maintenir
l’équilibre environnemental. Inspiré de l’ouvrage de
Charles Clover, journaliste britannique qui s’est intéressé
au problème dans un livre publié en 2004, le film
s’intéresse à la situation mondiale de la surpêche.
Rupert Murray
Enemy at the Gates
2001 131 min color AA United States of America PARA
Based on a true story, the plot centers on Russian sniper
Vassili Zaitsev, credited with killing over 140 German
soldiers during the Battle of Stalingrad and the German
officer sent to kill him.
Jean-Jacques Annaud
Drama; War
All Titles
Enemy Mine
1985 112 min color AA United States of America FOX
One of the most powerful and visionary films ever made,
"Enemy Mine" is a thrilling science-fiction saga set against
a vast interplanetary backdrop, one hundred years in the
future, Dennis Quaid and Oscar-winner Louis Gossett, Jr.
star as enemy space pilots in a distant sun system. They
must overcome their instinctive hatred for each other in
order to survive.
Wolfgang Petersen
Popular Films; Science Fiction
Enemy Mine (v.f.)
1985 108 min color United States of America FOX
Au cours d’une guerre interplanétaire, un pilote terrien,
Willis Davidge, et un adversaire extra-terrestre, Jeriba
Shigan, se retrouvent tous deux naufragés sur une planète
inhabitée. Shigan est un Drac, sorte de lézard humanoı̈de,
doté de caractéristiques féminines aussi bien que
masculines. Après s’être affrontés, les deux ennemis en
viennent à faire alliance pour survivre. La mort de Shigan
sépare les deux amis, mais Davidge doit prendre soin d’un
petit Drac, Zamis, auquel son compagnon d’infortune a
donné naissance. Davidge affrontera maints dangers pour
arracher Zamis à des hors-la-loi de l’espace qui l’ont fait
Wolfgang Petersen
Drame de science-fiction
L’enfant de Mars
2007 106 min color United States of America AFI
Peu après la mort de sa femme, un écrivain de sciencefiction adopte un garçonnet de six ans. Réfugié dans son
monde intérieur, l’enfant prétend venir de la planète Mars.
Menno Meyjes
Drama social
Les enfants du siècle
135 min
1832, George Sand vient de publier "Indiana", livre
scandaleux ou elle évoque sa vie de femme. Musset, lui,
avait écrit "Namouna" dans une langue qui déconcertait et
ravissait les femmes. Il avait vingt-deux ans. Elle avait six
ans de plus.
Diane Kurys
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale; Drama
The English Patient
1996 150 min color AA United States of America AFI
Based on the novel by Michael Ondaatje. An epic of
romance, mystery and adventure, intricately weaving the
histories of five stray souls into one powerful story of the
triumphs and failures of the human spirit, The heart of this
tale lies with the "English Patient", a mysterious and
unrecognizable stranger whose very presence will forever
change the destinies of those around him.
Anathony Minghella
Drama; Literary Adaption
L’Ènigmatique Monsieur Ripley
1999 139 min color United States of America PARA
Italie, fin des années cinquante. Le jeune Dickie Greenleaf
mène la dolce vita grâce à la fortune de son père, en
compagnie de Marge Sherwood. Plutôt irrité par son
comportement irresponsable, Herbert Greenleaf, riche
armateur, demande à Tom Ripley de ramener son fils en
Amérique. Tom découvre un monde éblouissant, qu’il ne
soupconnait pas, et ira jusqu’au meurtre pour conserver
cette vie de rêve.
Anthony Minghella
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Drame
2011 106 min color United States of America AFI
Le long métrage raconte l’histoire d’un adolescent qui
découvre une photo de lui alors qu’il était enfant sur le site
internet de personnes disparues.
John Singleton
Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage
2008 91 min color United States of America FOX
Que peut-on imaginer de pire pour un père que d’assister
impuissant l’enlèvement de sa fille via un téléphone
portable ? C’est le cauchemar vécu par Bryan, ancien
agent des services secrets américains, qui n’a que
quelques heures pour arracher Kim des mains d’un
redoutable gang spécialisé dans la traite des femmes.
Premier problème à résoudre : il est à Los Angeles, elle
vient de se faire enlever à Paris.
Pierre Morel
Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage
L’enlèvement 2
2012 91 min color United States of America FOX
Liam Neeson incarnera à nouveau Bryan Mills, un agent
de la CIA retraité qui possède des aptitudes en
autodéfense particulièrement développées. Dans le
premier volet, il s’est engagé dans une quête
internationale pour tenter de retrouver sa fille Kim qui avait
été enlevée par des criminels faisant du trafic humain.
Dans Taken 2, le père de l’un des criminels en question
décide de prendre en otage Bryan et sa femme pendant
leur voyage en famille Istanbul. Bryan doit alors faire
confiance à Kim pour les sortir du pétrin.
Olivier Megaton
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame policier
L’ ennemi aux portes
2001 131 min color United States of America PARA
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en septembre 1942,
Hitler envisage d’envahir Stalingrad, ville clé de l’URSS qui
le sépare de la victoire totale sur l’Europe. Les Russes se
préparent à la défensive. Un héros aiderait à motiver les
troupes. Entre alors en jeu Vassili Zaitsev, un jeune tireur
d’élite de l’Armée Rouge. Doué d’une stupéfiante adresse
au tir, il est remarqué par un commissaire au peuple, Ivan
Danilov. Les deux jeunes gens deviennent amis. Ranimer
la flamme de l’héroı̈sme, redonner aux soldats décimés la
force de lutter contre l’implacable machine de guerre
allemande, telle est la mission de Danilov. Celui-ci fait de
Vassili le héros de sa propagande. Dans le camp ennemi,
l’état-major dépêche son meilleur tireur d’élite, le Major
König, pour abattre celui qui est devenu le symbole de
l’indomptable résistance russe.
Jean-Jacques Annaud
Drama social; Drame de guerre
Enron: Derrière l’incroyable scandale
2006 110 min color G United States of America AFI
Fondée en 1985 au Texas par Ken Lay, la compagnie de
gaz naturel et firme de courtage en énergie Enron adopte
en 1990, sous l’impulsion de l’ambitieux Jeff Skilling, une
comptabilité selon laquelle les futurs profits sont annoncés
comme déjà réalisés. De sorte que la valeur des actions
ne cesse de grimper. Mais pour camoufler ses énormes
pertes, Enron emprunte à différentes banques par le biais
d’un savant réseau de sociétés bidons imaginé par le très
créatif Andy Fastow. En janvier 2001, la compagnie va
All Titles
jusqu’à causer artificiellement une crise d’énergie en
Californie pour augmenter ses profits. Et juste avant la
retentissante faillite d’Enron à la fin de 2001, Lay, Skilling
et Fastow vendent leurs actions et empochent des millions
de dollars, laissant sur la paille les investisseurs, employés
et retraités de la firme.
Alex Gibney
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
2005 110 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Enron dives from the seventh largest US company to
bankruptcy in less than a year in this tale told
chronologically. The emphasis is on human drama, from
suicide to 20,000 people sacked: the personalities of Ken
Lay (with Falwellesque rectitude), Jeff Skilling (he of big
ideas), Lou Pai (gone with $250 M), and Andy Fastow (the
dark prince) dominate. Along the way, we watch Enron
game California’s deregulated electricity market, get a free
pass from Arthur Andersen (which okays the dubious
mark-to-market accounting), use greed to manipulate
banks and brokerages (Merrill Lynch fires the analyst who
questions Enron’s rise), and hear from both Presidents
Bush what great guys these are.
Alex Gibney
1999 113 min color PG United States of America FOX
Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones team up for a
romantic thriller centering around a priceless painting that
was stolen in a daring robbery. The evidence points to
Robert MacDougal, a legendary gentleman thief who has
never been caught. The action turns on the character of
Virginia Baker, an insurance investigator who convinces
her boss that only she can set the trap to catch
MacDougal. As the narrative moves from New York to
London to Malaysia, the stakes rise and in a breathtaking
twist, both hunter and prey may have to pay a high price
for freedom.
Jon Amiel
Suspense; National Be Millionaire Day
Entre les Murs
128 min
C’est jour de rentrée dans un lycée multi-ethnique situé en
banlieue de Paris. Dans la salle des professeurs, les
anciens souhaitent la bienvenue aux nouveaux. Dans sa
classe, François, qui enseigne avec passion et
enthousiasme le français, a maille à partir avec certains
élèves. Parmi eux: la boudeuse Khoumba, la gouailleuse
Esméralda et l’impétueux Souleymane. Lorsque ce dernier
se retrouve devant le conseil de discipline, François, qui
nourrit quelques réserves par rapport aux politiques
punitives de l’école, tente de lui venir en aide.
Laurent Cantet
Drama social
2003 99 min color PG United States of America SKG
Ben Stiller and Jack Black star as Tim and Nick, best
friends, neighbours and co-workers, whose equal footing is
suddenly tripped up when one of Nick’s harebrained getrich-quick schemes actually succeeds: Vapoorizer, a spray
that literally makes dog poop, or any other kind for that
matter, evaporate into thin air – to where exactly is
anyone’s guess. Tim, who had scoffed at Nick’s idea and
passed on an opportunity to get in on the deal, can only
watch as Nick’s fortune – and Tim’s own envy – grow to
equally outrageous proportions. When the flames of
jealousy are fanned by an oddball drifter (Walken) who
imposes himself into the situation, Tim’s life careens wildly
out of control ... taking Nick’s with it.
Barry Levinson
Comedy; Action; Crime
Envy (v.f.)
2003 99 min color United States of America SKG
Stiller et Black incarneront de vieux amis et voisins dont la
relation prend une vilaine tournure alors que l’un d’entre
eux (Black) devient riche grâce à une invention. Ce coup
du sort rendra son voisin (Stiller) fou de jalousie.
Barry Levinson
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Drame policier
Epic Movie
2007 85 min color PG United States of America FOX
The twisted minds of two of the six writers of "Scary
Movie" tackle the biggest mega-blockbusters of all time in
"Epic Movie." The story centers on four not-so-young
orphans: one raised by a curator at the Louvre (where an
albino assassin lurks), another a refugee from Mexican
"libre" wrestling, the third a recent victim of snakes on her
plane, and the fourth a "normal" resident of a mutant "X"community. The hapless quartet visits a chocolate factory,
where they stumble into an enchanted wardrobe that
transports them to the land of Gnarnia (with a "G"). There
they meet a flamboyant pirate captain and earnest
students of wizardry - and join forces with, among others,
a wise-but-horny lion to defeat the evil White Bitch of
Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Comedy; Adventure
1995 127 min color United States of America WB
A la suite de plusieurs négligences et de mauvaise
volonté, les habitants d’une petite ville américaine sont
victimes d’un virus, venu d’Afrique, particulièrement
dévastateur. Pour enrayer l’épidémie, un général sans
scrupule décide, avec l’accord du président, de rayer de la
carte la bourgade en larguant une bombe incendiaire.
Wolfgang Petersen
Drame d’espionnage
L’epreuve du courage
2007 122 min color United States of America WB
Une femme tente de se remettre d’une violente agression.
Dans son esprit germe peu à peu l’idée de vengeance...
Neil Jordan
Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
2006 102 min color PG United States of America FOX
In his homeland of Alagaesia, a farm boy happens upon a
dragon’s egg – a discovery that leads him on a
predestined journey where he realized he’s the one person
who can defend his home against an evil king.
Stefen Fangmeier
Science Fiction; Children; Action; Fantasy; Literary
Eragon (v.f.)
All Titles
L’escouade Reno 911 à Miami
2006 102 min color United States of America FOX
L’incroyable voyage d’un jeune garçon et de son dragon
Saphira dans le monde d’Alagaësia. Devenu Dragonnier,
Eragon doit quitter les siens pour combattre la tyrannie
des Urgals et des Ombres. Le destin de l’empire est entre
ses mains.
Stefen Fangmeier
Dame poétique; Drame de science-fiction; Films pour
enfants; Comédie fantaisiste; Action (v.f.)
2007 80 min color United States of America FOX
En visite à Miami pour une Convention de la Police, les
officiers de Reno devront sauver la ville et ses habitants
d’une attaque bactériologique... Le scénario a été écrit par
Garant, Kerri Kenney et Thomas Lennon, les autres
créateurs de la série.
Robert Ben Garant
L’ere de glace 2-la fonte
92 min
United States of America
Un homme est appelé pour garder les enfants de son
voisin et fini par devoir se battre contre des agents secrets
après qu’un des enfants ait téléchargé par inadvertance un
code secret.
Brian Levant
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Action (v.f.)
2006 91 min color United States of America FOX
Manfred, Sid et Diego sont de retour dans une aventure
incroyable ! L’âge de glace touche à sa fin et les animaux
vivent un bonheur parfait dans leur nouvel environnement.
Mais Manfred, Sid et Diego vont vite s’apercevoir que leur
petit coin de paradis est en danger. La fonte des neiges
menace d’inonder leur vallée. Nos héros doivent donc
trouver une solution pour sauver les animaux du déluge
Carlos Saldanha
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés; Drame
L’ère de glace: La dérive des continents
2012 94 min color United States of America FOX
Manny, Diego et Sid s’embarquent dans une nouvelle
aventure après que leur continent se soit mis
inexorablement à dériver. Utilisant un iceberg comme
navire, ils rencontrent sur leur chemin d’étranges créatures
des mers et combattent des pirates avant de s’engager
dans l’exploration d’un Nouveau Monde.
Steve Martino, Michael Thurmeier
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants;
Action (v.f.); Dessins animés
L’ère du rock
2012 122 min color G United States of America WB
Une jeune femme originaire d’une petite ville des ÉtatsUnis rencontre une grande vedette du rock dans l’un des
bars les plus célèbres de Los Angeles. Ils tombent alors
follement amoureux sous les populaires rythmes des
années 80, dont ceux des Night Ranger, Twister Sister,
Poison, Asia et Journey.
Adam Shankman
Comedie; Drama social; Films Musicaux
L’escadron Red Tails
L’espion d’à côt
Espions en herbe
88 min
United States of America
La préadolescente Carmen Cortez et son petit frère Juni
entreprennent de sauver leurs parents Gregorio et Ingrid,
des super-espions capturés par le mégalomane Fegan
Floop qui, avec son complice Manion, a mis au point un
plan diabolique pour dominer le monde.
Robert Rodriguez
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures;
Action (v.f.); Drame de science-fiction
Espions en herbe 2 - L’ı̂le des rêves envolés
2002 100 min color United States of America AFI
Les deux enfants de la
familia Cortez , Carmen et
Juni, se retrouvent au beau milieu d’une ı̂le mystérieuse
où ils doivent sauver le monde des agissements d’un
scientifique fou.
Robert Rodriguez
Comedie; Drame de science-fiction; Action (v.f.); Drame
d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Espions en herbe 3D - Fin du jeu
84 min
United States of America
Un jeune espion a pour mission d’infiltrer l’univers virtuel
d’un jeu vidéo en trois dimensions pour aller y délivrer sa
s¿ur, captive d’un vilain créateur qui veut dominer le
Robert Rodriguez
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Drame de science-fiction; Films
pour enfants; Drame d’aventures
2012 124 min color United States of America FOX
Durant la deuxième Guerre Mondiale, un groupe de jeunes
noirs est recrut pour former le premier escadron aérien
noir de l’armée américaine. Surnommés les "queues
rouges" en raison de la peinture distinctive de leurs
chasseurs, ils durent affronter les préjugés de l’époque et
se distinguer par leurs états de services pour exister.
Anthony Hemingway
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Drame de guerre;
Action (v.f.)
2011 89 min color G United States of America AFI
Une espionne, également mère d’un nouveau-né, doit
retourner au travail fin d’empêcher un homme mesquin
d’arrêter le temps.
Robert Rodriguez
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants;
Action (v.f.)
Escapade à New York
L’esprit d’une équipe
90 min
United States of America
Une comédie d’aventure et d’action a New York qui va
durer une période de 24 heures Ashley et Mary-Kate
incarnent respectivement Roxy, une punk rebelle, et Jane,
une jeune fille soignée jusqu’au bout des ongles, 2 soeurs
qui passent une folle journée parsemée d’embûches en
plein coeur de New York...
Dennie Gordon
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Action (v.f.); Drame
Espions en herbe 4: Tout le temps du monde
2006 131 min color United States of America WB
L’histoire vraie de l’Université de Marshall, qui a perdu
dans un crash aérien 75 membres de son équipe de
football, joueurs, entraı̂neurs, ou fans. Plus que l’école,
c’est toute la communauté de Huntington, Virginie
occidentale, qui est touchée par ce drame. Le coach Jack
Lengyel prend les choses en main pour mener la nouvelle
équipe au triomphe...
Drame sportif; Drama social
Et si c’ était vrai
All Titles
Eurotrip (v.f.)
2005 94 min color United States of America PARA
À San Francisco, un homme tombe amoureux de l’esprit
d’une femme qu’il rencontre dans sa nouvelle maison. Le
problème c’est que cette femme est présentement dans le
coma, et que s’il ne fait rien, on va la débrancher.
Mark Waters
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2004 108 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Wild comedy in which a man, Joel (Jim Carrey), discovers
that his girlfriend Clementine (Kate Winslet) has had her
memories of their tumultuous relationship erased by a new
psycho-technological process. Out of desperation, he
contacts the inventor of the process, Dr. Howard
Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson), to have Clementine removed
from his own memory. But as Joel’s memories
progressively disappear, he begins to rediscover his love
for Clementine. From deep within the recesses of his
brain, Joel attempts to escape the procedure. As Dr.
Mierzwiak and his crew (Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo,
Elijah Wood) chase him through the maze of his
memories, it’s clear that Joel just can’t get Clementine out
of his head.
Michael Gondry
Drama; Science Fiction; Romance
L’Etoffe des Heros
1983 193 min color United States of America WB
L’histoire de pilotes d’essai et d’aviateurs, de Chuck
Yeager, le premier homme à avoir passé le mur du son,
aux Astronautes de Mercure, les premiers Américains
dans l’espace. Basé sur le meilleur livre de vente par Tom
Philip Kaufman
Drama social; Drame d’aventures
L’étrange histoire de Benjamin Button
2008 165 min color United States of America PARA
L’histoire étrange de Benjamin Button, un homme ordinaire
qui, l’aube de la cinquantaine, se met subitement à
rajeunir. Il tombe amoureux d’une femme de 30 ans. Mais
comment continuer à l’aimer s’il ne cesse, année après
année, de remonter le cours de sa propre existence?
David Fincher
Comédie sentimentale; Drama social; Comédie
fantaisiste; Comédie moeurs
Etranger de Passager
1979 124 min color United States of America FOX
Intelligent, élégant et presque insupportablement effrayant,
Ridley l’Étranger de Scott est la science-fiction à son
Ridley Scott
Film de culte; Drame d’espionnage; Drame d’horreur;
Drame de science-fiction; Action (v.f.)
2004 100 min color 14A United States of America SKG
When Scotty’s German online pen pal suggests they meet,
he initially freaks out. But then he discovers that she’s
gorgeous, and heads out with three friends after
graduation to meet her. As they travel across Europe, the
four friends have comical misadventures.
Jeff Schaffer
2004 100 min color United States of America SKG
Lorsque la correspondante allemande de Scotty lui
propose de se rencontrer, Scotty se met à paniquer, Mais,
il découvre qu’elle est une fille magnifique et se décide
finalement à aller la rencontrer avec trois de ses amis.
Alors qu’ils voyagent à travers l’Europe, les quatre amis
vont devoir faire face à des mésaventures pour le moins
Jeff Schaffer
Drama social
Eve and the Fire Horse
110 min
Eve is a precocious nine year-old girl with a wild
imagination growing up in a traditional Chinese immigrant
family in Vancouver where Confucian doctrines,
superstitious obsessions and divine visions abound. When
Buddhism and Catholicism are thrown into the mix, life for
Eve and her 11-year-old prim and authoritative sister,
Karena, escalates into a fantasia of catastrophe, sainthood
and cultural confusion.
Julia Kwan
Ève et le cheval de feu
110 min
Ève, Sino-canadienne de Vancouver, a neuf ans lorsque
sa mère accouche d’un garçon mort-né et que sa grandmère meurt subitement. Élevée dans la religion
bouddhiste, l’enfant née sous le signe du Cheval de feu ce qui explique son caractère obstiné - fait bientôt
l’apprentissage de la foi chrétienne. D’abord, par
l’intermédiaire d’un ouvrage laiss chez elle par des
Témoins de Jéhovah; puis, par l’école du dimanche,
qu’elle et sa soeur aı̂née fréquentent avec enthousiasme.
Pendant l’absence prolongée de leur père, les deux
fillettes emmènent leur mère au cinéma voir Les Dix
Commandements, lequel film convainc celle-ci, insécure et
superstitieuse, d’adhérer à une deuxième confession
religieuse afin de doubler la protection de sa maison.
Julia Kwan
Drama social
L’éveil d’un champion
2009 128 min color United States of America WB
Michael Oher, un jeune afro-américain, est pris en charge
par une famille américaine qui l’aide à accomplir son plein
potentiel. Footballeur et étudiant, Oher travaille dur, avec
l’aide de sa famille adoptive et de ses entraineurs, pour
devenir un grand joueur de football et une meilleure
John Lee Hancock
Drama social; Drame sportif
2008 91 min color United States of America FOX
Une famille essaie de fuir un désastre naturel qui devient
rapidement la plus grande menace de l’humanité.
M. Night Shyamalan
Drama social; Drame de science-fiction
Ever After
1998 121:04 min color PG United States of America
Drew Barrymore takes on the title role in this enchanting
film in which a spirited young woman, forced into servitude
by her evil stepmother (played by Academy Award(r)winner Anjelica Huston), finds refuge in an unexpected, yet
burgeoning, relationship with the Prince of France. One
"small" problem remains as she struggles to mask her true
All Titles
identity in a world in which royality doesn’t mix with "the
help" and the penalty for duplicity is death.
Andy Tennant
Everybody’s Fine
2009 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
Frank Goode lives by himself in Elmira, NY, a recent
widower with heart trouble, retired from a factory job,
proud of having pushed his adult children toward success.
In the summer, all four kids bail on a reunion, so, against
doctor’s orders, Frank decides to surprise each with a visit.
He sets out to see his artist son in New York City, his
daughter the ad exec in Chicago, his son the conductor on
tour and presently in Denver, and his daughter who’s a
performer in Vegas. None are as he imagines or hopes.
Will they let him see themselves as they are, and can this
dad adapt?
Kirk Jones
Comedy; Adventure
Everyone Says I Love You
1997 107 min color PG United States of America AFI
This is Allen’s first musical comedy. Written and directed
by him, Everyone Says I Love You was shot on location in
New York, Venice and Paris. The two children of a rich
family from Manhattan encounter many sentimental
problems which force their parents to face their own
matrimonial existence. During a trip to Paris for Christmas,
everyone will succeed to untangle their feelings.
Woody Allen
Comedy; Musical
Everyone’s Hero
2006 87 min color G United States of America FOX
In EVERYONE’S HERO, a young boy (Jake T. Austin) finds
himself at an extraordinary crossroads: He has a chance
to be a hero - and make a difference against incredible
odds - or he can play it safe. With faith in himself instilled
by his family, he teams up with a sassy young girl (RavenSymone) and some off-the-wall sidekicks and embarks on
a sometimes perilous, often funny, cross-country quest. In
the process, he restores his family’s honor, befriends the
world’s biggest sports superstar, and reveals the hero
within. Christopher Reeve was the original director on this
computer-generated animated feature, the late
actor-director’s dream project.
Dan St. Pierre, Colin Brady
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Sports; Animated
2001 101 min color PG United States of America SKG
The comedy follows the chaos that ensues when a meteor
hits the earth carrying alien life forms that evolve at an
alarming rate, threatening to take over the earth. the only
people standing between their domination are a science
professor, an eccentric geologist, a wannabe fireman and
a government scientist.
Ivan Reitman
Comedy; Science Fiction
Evolution (v.f.)
2001 101 min color United States of America
Le chaos éclate lorsqu’un météore contenant des
extraterrestres tombe sur la terre et provoque une
evolution de cinq milliards d’années en un mois.
Ivan Reitman
Comedie; Drame de science-fiction
1981 135 min color R United States of America WB
John Boorman brilliantly recreates the timeless myth of
Arthur, who rises to rule Camelot after extracting the
sword Excalibur from its stone, then falls with the
kingdom’s decay.
John Boorman
Adventure; Fantasy; Literary Adaption
Excalibur (v.f.)
1981 140 min color United States of America WB
Après avoir reçu de Merlin L’enchanteur l’épée magique
Excalibur pour assurer son autorité, le roi Uther s’engage
dans une passion adultère qui cause sa perte. Son fils
Arthur s’emploie, sur les conseils de Merlin, organiser son
royaume sur des bases d’honneur et de justice et
s’entoure de preux chevaliers. Le plus vaillant d’entre eux,
Lancelot, s’éprend cependant de la reine Guenièvre. Par
ailleurs, la demi-soeur d’Arthur l’entraı̂ne dans une étreinte
incestueuse dont nait un fils, Mordred, qui s’emploiera à
détruire son père.
John Boorman
Comédie fantaisiste; Drame d’aventures; Dame
1999 97 min color R United States of America AFI
Allegra Geller, the leading game designer in the world, is
testing her new virtual reality game, eXistenZ with a focus
group. As they begin, she is attacked by a fanatic
assassin employing a bizarre organic gun. She flees with
a young marketing trainee, Ted Pikul, who is suddenly
assigned as her bodyguard. Unfortunately, her pod, an
organic gaming device that contains the only copy of the
eXistenZ game program, is damaged. To inspect it, she
talks Ted into accepting a gameport in his own body so he
can play the game with her. The events leading up to this,
and the resulting game lead the pair on a strange
adventure where reality and their actions are impossible to
determine from either their own or the game’s perspective.
David Cronenberg
Horror; Science Fiction; Thriller
Exit Through the Gift Shop
87 min
United Kingdom
The story of how an eccentric French shop keeper and
amateur film maker attempted to locate and befriend
Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its
owner with spectacular results. Billed as ’the world’s first
street art disaster movie’ the film contains exclusive
footage of Banksy, Shephard Fairey, Invader and many of
the world’s most infamous graffiti artists at work.
Comedy; Documentary
The Exorcist
1973 121 min color R United States of America WB
A divorced woman becomes alarmed when her daughter
takes on another personality and calls in an exorcist to rid
the child of the demon. The child is truly possessed, and it
is a fight between good and evil.
William Friedkin
Drama; Horror
All Titles
Exorcist: The Beginning
2004 114 min color 18A United States of America WB
In this prequel to The Exorcist, Father Merrin is a younger
man working on a dig in Africa. Suddenly, a young boy
starts to become ill and starts to suffer from the same
syndromes that Regan from the fist movie suffered. Before
long, Pazuzu, the demon from the movies, fully possesses
the boy and Father Merrin is the only one who can stop
Pazuzu’s evil plan of world domination.
Paul Schrader
Drama; Horror
1973 121 min color United States of America WB
Une actrice , Chris McNiel, a une fille de douze ans,
Regan, qui se met à manifester les signes d’un extrême
désordre mental et physique que la science médicale et
psychiatrique est incapable de comprendre et de soigner.
Convaincue que Regan est possédée par un esprit malin,
Chris fait appel à un Jésuite, psychiatre lui-même, le père
Karras, pour qu’il exorcise Regan. Celui-ci examine
l’enfant pour vérifier la nécessit d’une telle intervention.
Les autorités ecclésiastiques assignent cette tâche un
vieux prêtre, le père Merrin, auquel Karras devra donner
assistance. Les deux hommes s’efforcent alors, grâce au
rite traditionnel, d’apporter secours à l’enfant.
William Friedkin
Drame d’horreur; Drama social
témoignage d’une adolescente. Des décennies plus tard,
dans une ƒuvre littéraire, elle avoue avec regret son acte.
Joe Wright
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Comédie moeurs;
Dame poétique; Comédie sentimentale
Extraordinary Measures
2010 106 min color PG United States of America AFI
From his working class roots, John Crowley (Brendan
Fraser) has finally begun to taste success in corporate
America. Supported by his beautiful wife Aileen (Keri
Russell) and their three children, John is on the fast track.
But just as his career is taking off, Crowley walks away
from it all when his two youngest children, Megan and
Patrick, are diagnosed with a fatal disease. With Aileen by
his side, harnessing all of his skill and determination,
Crowley teams up with a brilliant, but unappreciated and
unconventional scientist, Dr. Robert Stonehill (Harrison
Ford). Together they form a bio-tech company focused on
developing a life-saving drug. One driven to prove himself
and his theories, the other by a chance to save his
children, this unlikely alliance eventually develops into
mutual respect as they battle the medical and business
establishments in a fight against the system - and time.
But, at the last minute, when it appears that a solution has
been found, the relationship between the two men faces a
final test - the outcome of which will affect the fate of
John’s children.
Tom Vaughan
L’Exorciste: le commencement
2004 114 min color United States of America WB
Le père Lankester Merrin, traumatisé par les horreurs de
la Seconde Guerre mondiale, perd la foi. Se retrouvant
face au démon Pazuzu en Afrique, il doit se battre pour
sauvegarder ses croyances.
Paul Schrader
Drama social; Drame d’horreur
120 min
Une expérience, qui consiste à faire jouer à un groupe
d’hommes des rôles de gardiens de prison et de détenus,
tourne rapidement au désastre quand les participants
perdent le contrôle de leurs émotions.
Oliver Hirschbiegel
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
The Experiment
120 min
The movie is based on the infamous "Stanford Prison
Experiment" conducted in 1971. A makeshift prison is set
up in a research lab, complete with cells, bars and
surveillance cameras. For two weeks 20 male participants
are hired to play prisoners and guards. The ’prisoners’ are
locked up and have to follow seemingly mild rules, and the
’guards’ are told simply to retain order without using
physical violence. Everybody is free to quit at any time,
thereby forfeiting payment. In the beginning the mood
between both groups is insecure and rather emphatic. But
soon quarrels arise and the wardens employ ever more
drastic sanctions to confirm their authority.
Oliver Hirschbiegel
Drama; Thriller
123 min
United Kingdom
En Angleterre, durant les années 30, la vie d’un jeune
homme est complètement détruite à la suite du faux
L’extravagant Docteur Dolittle
1967 144 min color United States of America FOX
Le docteur Dolittle, vétérinaire émérite, a appris à parler le
langage de près de cinq cents espèces d’animaux. Pour
financer un voyage de recherche, il présente dans un
cirque un lama à deux têtes. En aidant un phoque à
regagner ses lieux d’origine, le docteur est victime d’une
méprise qui lui vaut un procès. Il réussit à s’évader de
prison. Après diverses aventures, il atteint le but de son
voyage: une rencontre un escargot maritime gigantesque.
Richard Fleischer
Films pour enfants; Dame poétique; Comédie
fantaisiste; Films Musicaux; Drame d’aventures
Les extravagantes aventures d’un visage pâle
1972 150 min color United States of America CTR
Âgé de 121 ans, Jack Crabb se penche sur son passé et
raconte à un historien sa vie aventureuse, depuis son
adoption par les Cheyennes dans les années 1860, alors
qu’il n’était qu’un jeune enfant, jusqu’ sa participation à la
défaite du général Custer lors de la bataille de Little Big
Horn le 25 juin 1876, en passant par son association avec
Wild Bill Hickok. Le film est donc constitué de longs
flash-backs entrecoupés de retours au récit du vieillard.
Arthur Penn
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Western
(v.f.); Drame de guerre
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
2012 125 min color PG United States of America WB
A nine-year-old amateur inventor, jewelry designer,
astrophysicist, tambourine player and pacifist, searches
New York for the lock that matches a mysterious key left
by his father when he was killed in the September 11
Stephen Daldry
Drama; Literary Adaption
All Titles
Extrêmement fort et incroyablement près
2012 125 min color G United States of America WB
Oskar Schell, 11 ans, est un enfant exceptionnel; inventeur
amateur, francophile, pacifiste. Après avoir trouvé une
mystérieuse clé qui appartenait son père, mort dans les
tours jumelles le 11 septembre 2001, il s’engage dans une
quête hors du commun qui l’entraı̂nera à fouiller les cinq
arrondissements de la ville de New York. Alors qu’Oskar
erre dans la Grosse Pomme, il rencontre un assortiment
hétéroclite de gens, tous des survivants à leurs façons.
Stephen Daldry
Drama social; Dame poétique
The Eye
2008 95 min color 14A United States of America AFI
The remake of the Hong Kong film "Jian Gui", a woman
who receives an eye transplant that allows her to see into
the supernatural world.
David Moreau, Xavier Palud
Drama; Horror; Thriller
réconciliation sur fond de conquête spatiale, passion de
l’un d’eux.
Robert Lepage
Drama social
Face Time
2010 101 min color PG United States of America AFI
Benoit, an actor surviving on his barman wages, follows
the advice of is his brother Frank - a former hockey player
turned talent agent- and grows a beard to get a part in a
dinner theatre play. Benoit’s girlfriend Vicky, an ex
dramaturge who now works as a librarian, finds it difficult
to accept this latest development, as it will delay the
couple’s plan to purchase a condo from their friends Caro
and Vincent, who manage a hair and beauty salon. But
Benoit’s beard seems to have magical powers: he
suddenly has a great deal of success, while Vicky
develops a mysterious allergy to her boyfriend’s facial hair.
Yves Pelletier
Le Facteur
The Eye (v.f.)
95 min
United States of America
A la suite d’une transplantation de la cornée, une jeune
femme est assaillie d’étranges visions. Elle se lance alors
sur les traces du précédent "propriétaire" de ses yeux...
David Moreau, Xavier Palud
Drame d’espionnage; Drama social; Drame d’horreur
Eyes Wide Shut
1999 159 min color AA United States of America WB
A doctor (Tom Cruise) becomes obsessed with having a
sexual encounter after his wife (Nicole Kidman) admits to
having sexual fantasies about a man she met and
chastising him for dishonesty in not admitting to his own
fantasies. This sets him off into unfulfilled encounters with
a dead patient’s daughter and a hooker. But when he
visits a nightclub, where a pianist friend Nick Nightingale
(Todd Field) is playing, he learns about a secret sexual
group and decides to attend one of their congregations.
However, he quickly learns he is in well over his head and
finds he and his family are threatened.
Stanley Kubrick
Le Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain
122 min
Amélie, une jeune serveuse dans un bar de Montmartre,
passe son temps à observer les gens et à laisser son
imagination divaguer. Elle s’est fixé un but : faire le bien
de ceux qui l’entourent. Elle invente alors des stratagèmes
pour intervenir incognito dans leur existence.Le chemin
d’Amélie est jalonné de rencontres : Georgette, la
buraliste hypocondriaque ; Lucien, le commis d’épicerie ;
Madeleine Wallace, la concierge portée sur le porto et les
chiens empaillés ; Raymond Dufayel alias "l’homme de
verre", son voisin qui ne vit qu’à travers une reproduction
d’un tableau de Renoir.Cette quête du bonheur amène
Amélie faire la connaissance de Nino Quincampoix, un
étrange "prince charmant". Celui-ci partage son temps
entre un train fantôme et un sex-shop, et cherche à
identifier un inconnu dont la photo réapparaı̂t sans cesse
dans plusieurs cabines de Photomaton.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
La face cachée de la lune
106 min
À la mort de leur mère, deux frères aux tempéramenrs
diamétralement opposés opèrent une difficile et longue
107 min
Mario s’engage comme facteur pour délivrer son
innombrable courrier au poète chilien Pablo Neruda. Très
vite convaincu du pouvoir de la poésie, il utilise les talents
de Neruda pour séduire la belle Béatrice.
Michael Radford
Drama social
Le facteur sonne toujours deux fois
1946 113 min b&w United States of America WB
Frank Chamber rencontre, lors de ses pérégrinations, Nick
Smith qui tient un café au bord de la route. Quand il voit
Cora, la très jolie femme de Nick, il accepte le travail qui
lui est proposé. Il séduit Cora, ils deviennent amants et
décident de s’enfuir. Mais Cora répugne à quitter la
sécurité que lui procure le café. Elle réussit convaincre
Frank de se débarrasser du mari gênant.
Garnett T.
Drama social; Drame policier
Fahrenheit 911
2004 122 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Michael Moore’s view on what happened to the United
States after September 11; and how the Bush
Administration allegedly used the tragic event to push
forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Michael Moore
Comedy; War; Documentary
Fahrenheit 911 (v.f.)
2004 122 min color United States of America AFI
Le cinéaste fait le relevé des décisions politiques et
militaires qui ont suivi les attentats du 11 septembre 2001.
Il porte une attention particulière aux victimes de la guerre
contre l’Iraq, évaluée comme la conséquence d’une
grossière supercherie.
Michael Moore
Comedie; Drame de guerre; Documentaire
Failure to Launch
2006 97 min color PG United States of America PARA
A thirtysomething slacker suspects his parents of setting
him up with his dream girl so he’ll finally vacate their
Tom Dey
Comedy; Romance
All Titles
The Fall of the House of Usher
1960 75 min color N/R United States of America AMB
After a long journey, Philip arrives at the Usher mansion
seeking his loved one, Madeline. Upon arriving, however,
he discovers that Madeline and her brother Roderick
Usher have been afflicted with a mysterious malady:
Roderick’s senses have become painfully acute, while
Madeline has become catatonic. That evening, Roderick
tells his guest of an old Usher family curse: any time there
has been more than one Usher child, all of the siblings
have gone insane and died horrible deaths. As the days
wear on, the effects of the curse reach their terrifying
Roger Corman
farmers who tire of sharing their chickens with the crafty
Wes Anderson
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Animated
Fantastique Maı̂tre Renard
2009 87 min color United States of America FOX
Trois fermiers éleveurs de volailles doivent faire face à un
renard très futé à la recherche de nourriture pour sa
Wes Anderson
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Dessins animés; Films
pour enfants
La famille Stone
Le Fantôme de l’opéra
2005 102 min color United States of America FOX
La famille Stone s’unie lorsque le fils amène sa petite
amie pour les vacances de Noël, dans le but de lui faire sa
demande en mariage. Submergée par un accueil hostile,
elle supplie sa soeur de la joindre et de lui apporter son
soutien émotionnel.
Thomas G. Bezucha
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
2004 107 min color United States of America WB
Au XIXe siècle, dans les fastes du Palais Garnier, l’Opéra
de Paris, Christine, soprano vedette, est au sommet de sa
gloire. Son succès est d à sa voix d’or et aux mystérieux
conseils qu’elle reçoit d’un "Ange", un fantôme qui vit dans
les souterrains du bâtiment. L’homme, un génie musical
défiguré qui vit reclus et hante l’opéra, aime la jeune fille
d’un amour absolu et exclusif. Lorsque Raoul entre dans
la vie de Christine, le Fantôme ne le supporte pas...
Joel Schumacher
Drama social; Films Musicaux; Comédie sentimentale
The Family Stone
2005 102 min color PG United States of America FOX
The comedy revolves around the annual holiday gathering
of a bohemian family that’s thrown into turmoil when the
fair-haired son introduces his fiancée, a high strung New
York businesswoman whom the family hates.
Thomas G. Bezucha
Comedy; Romance; Breast Cancer Awareness; Family
Fun Month
Fantastic Four
2005 123 min color PG United States of America FOX
When an experimental space voyage goes awry, four
people are changed by cosmic rays. Reed Richards,
inventor and leader of the group gains the ability to stretch
his body, and takes the name, Mr. Fantastic. His girlfriend,
Sue Storm, gains the ability to turn invisible and create
force fields, calling herself the Invisible Woman. Her
younger brother Johnny Storm gains the ability to control
fire, including covering his own body with flame, becoming
the Human Torch. Pilot Ben Grimm is turned into a superstrong rock creature calling himself Thing. Together, they
use their unique powers to explore the strange aspects of
the world, and to foil the evil plans of Doctor Doom.
Tim Story
Science Fiction; Action
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
2007 95 min color PG United States of America FOX
Marvel’s first family of superheroes, The Fantastic Four,
meets their greatest challenge yet in FANTASTIC FOUR
AND THE SILVER SURFER as the enigmatic, intergalactic
herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for
destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe
wreaking havoc, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben must unravel
the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising
return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom, before all hope is
Tim Story
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action
The Fantastic Mr. Fox
2009 87 min color PG United States of America FOX
Based on the beloved story by Roald Dahl, the film tells
the tale of the noble, charming and fantastic Mr. Fox who
uses his wits and cunning to outfox three dimwitted
Fantomes en Fete
1988 101 min color United States of America PARA
Le jeune directeur d’une chaı̂ne de télévision, Frank Cross,
carriériste effréné, est au sommet de sa gloire. Nul ne
résiste à ses dictats et il terrorise tous ses collaborateurs.
Quelques jours avant Noël, il décide d’adapter de facon
provocante le fameux "Chant de Noël" de Dickens. C’est
ce moment que choisit son ancien patron, Lew Hayward,
mort depuis sept ans, pour le hanter. Le spectre le
somme de s’amender sous peine de finir en enfer. Pour
cela Frank recevra la visite de trois esprits de Noël qui
l’aideront à faire son choix.
Richard Donner
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste
Far From Heaven
2002 107 min color PG United States of America AFI
Cathy is the perfect 50s housewife, living the perfect 50s
life: healthy kids, successful husband, social prominence.
Then one night she surprises her husband Frank kissing
another man, and her tidy world starts spinning out of
control. In her confusion and grief, she finds consolation in
the friendship of their African-American gardener,
Raymond - a socially taboo relationship that leads to the
further disintegration of life as she knew it. Despite Cathy
and Frank’s struggle to keep their marriage afloat, the
reality of his homosexuality and her feelings for Raymond
open a painful, if more honest, chapter in their lives.
Todd Haynes
Far from Home: Adventures of Yellow Dog
1994 80 min color F United States of America FOX
Eleven-year-old Angus McCormick is washed ashore in the
wilderness of the Pacific Northwest after a storm at sea
separates him from his father. Angus has only his wits and
a trusted canine friend with which to survive, in the family
adventure "Far from Home".
Phillip Borsos
All Titles
The Far Side of the Moon
106 min
Life as a voyage of discovery. December in Québec,
Phillippe’s mother had died. He’s a work in progress: sad,
in his 40’s, defending his dissertation (narcissism as the
basis of the space race), in a temp job, alone. We meet
his boss, an ex, his younger brother André, and André’s
lover Carl. Connections are weak, his brother lectures
him. To bolster his dissertation, Phillippe seeks the
endorsement of a retired Russian cosmonaut visiting
Canada; he also undertakes a video project about life to
submit to a Cornell-related extraterrestrial outreach project.
Phillippe is invited suddenly to take a long trip: metaphors
of space, discovery, and unknown territory buoy him.
Robert Lepage
Farewell My Concubine
156 min
A co-winner of Cannes Film Festival’s top prize, about the
contentious 52-year relationship of two male childhood
apprentices in the Peking Opera, one a specialist in female
roles with a lifelong attraction to his heterosexual partner,
who in turn marries a beauty from a brothel.
Chen Kaige
Fast Food Nation
2006 106 min color 14A United States of America FOX
A dramatic feature based on material from the incediary
novel Fast Food Nation, a no-holds-barred exploration of
the fast food industry that ultimately revealed the dark side
of the "All American Meal."
Richard Linklater
National Roof Over Your Head Day; Drama
Fast Food Nation (v.f.)
2006 106 min color United States of America FOX
Don Henderson a un vrai problème. Il est responsable
marketing de la chaı̂ne des Mickey’s Fast Food
Restaurants, et de la viande contaminée a été découverte
dans les stocks de steaks surgelés du fameux Big One, le
hamburger vedette de la marque. Quittant ses
confortables bureaux de Californie du Sud, il va découvrir
les abattoirs et leurs employés immigrés, les élevages
surpeuplés et les centres commerciaux de l’Amérique
profonde et que ce sont les consommateurs qui se font
bouffer par l’industrie du fast food et non l’inverse!
Richard Linklater
Drama social
2010 98 min color 14A United States of America AFI
After 10 years in prison, Driver (Dwayne Johnson) has a
singular focus - to avenge the murder of his brother during
the botched bank robbery that led to his imprisonment.
Now a free man with a deadly to-do list in hand, he’s
finally on his mission...but with two men on his trail - a
veteran cop (Billy Bob Thornton) just days from retirement,
and a young egocentric hitman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen)
with a flair for the art of killing and a newfound worthy
opponent. The hunter is also the hunted. It’s a do or die
race to the list’s finish as the mystery surrounding his
brother’s murder deepens, and new details emerge along
the way hinting that Driver’s list may be incomplete.
George Tillman Jr.
Adventure; Drama; Action
Fat Albert
2004 93 min color G United States of America FOX
Hey, Hey, Hey." Bill Cosby’s hugely popular character, "Fat
Albert," comes to the big screen as a live action /
animated, big-event feature film. The ’Fat Albert’ movie will
be based on Cosby’s stand-up comedy monologues about
his childhood, centered around a group of urban
adolescents growing up in a Philadelphia neighborhood.
Joel Zwick
Fatal Attraction
1987 120 min color R United States of America PARA
Happily married man has a weekend fling with a sexy
woman who turns out to be psychotic and proceeds to turn
his (and his family’s) life into a living hell.
Adrian Lyne
Drama; Thriller; Romance; Singles Awareness
Father and Guns
107 min
They are father and son. They are both cops. And they
are about to work together as a team. Trouble is... neither
can stand the sight of the other. Jacques and Marc have
been paired up in order to save the life of a brother officer
who has been kidnapped by a biker gang. The success of
their mission hinges on a lawyer in crisis. Charles Bérubé
may be the bikers’ legal representative, but his conscience
is giving him such a bad time that he looks ready to betray
his clients to the forces of law and order.
Émile Gaudreault
1967 99 min color PG United States of America FOX
In Europe with a U.S. team, skydiver Fathom Harvill is
approached by a Scottish colonel working for a top-secret
Western agency. He’s after a vital lost atomic device, and
wants her to parachute into a house occupied by some
Red Chinese to help get the thing back. Apart from all this
there is a predatory continental doctor on his yacht to take
account of. Fathom soon realizes none of this is as it
seems, but can she fathom the truth?
Leslie Martinson
Fathom (v.f.)
1967 99 min color United States of America FOX
En Europe avec son équipe américaine, la parachutiste
Fathom Harvill est sollicitée par un Colonel anglais
travaillant pour une agence secrète qui la charge de
récupérer une bombe atomique détenue par des chinois.
Leslie Martinson
Drame d’aventures
Le Faucon Maltais
1941 101 min color United States of America WB
Directeur Sam Spade poursuite palpitante pour le Faucon
fabuleux. Bogart est "le héros" de Dashell Hammet Sam
Spade, Astor son client, Lorre Joel Cairo évasif,
Greenstreet l’Homme Gras et le Cuisinier Gunsel névrosé
John Huston
Comédie moeurs
Les faussaires
98 min
Berlin, 1936. Salomon Sally Sorowitsch, considéré
comme le roi des faux-monnayeurs, est mis aux arrêts par
la Gestapo. Cinq ans plus tard, le commissaire Herzog le
fait envoyer au camp de concentration de Sachsenhausen,
où il dirige une vaste fabrique clandestine de devises
étrangères visant à déstabiliser l’économie des Alliés.
Herzog exige de Sally qu’il supervise le travail d’autres
experts juifs, également prisonniers du camp, sur la
promesse de conditions de détention tolérables s’il
accepte la mission, et la menace d’exécution si l’équipe
échoue. Mais les efforts des faussaires sont bientôt
All Titles
couronnés de succès. Tant et si bien que le détenu Adolf
Felicia’s Journey
Burger, ardent communiste qui répugne à se faire le
complice des nazis, décide de saboter la production. Pour
sauver sa vie et celle de son équipe, Sally tente
Stefan Ruzowitzky
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Dame poétique;
Drame policier
1983 117 min color United States of America PARA
D’un côté, Louis Winthorpe III, un jeune directeur, est
chargé des investissements chez Duke & Duke, une
puissante banque de Philadelphie. De l’autre, Billy Ray
Valentine est un Noir combinard mais fauché. Tous deux
vont faire l’objet d’un pari insensé, pass entre les patrons
de Louis.
John Landis
1999 116 min color PG United States of America AFI
A lonely middle-aged catering manager (Bob Hoskins)
spends all of his time studying tapes of an eccentric TV
chef (Arsinee Khanjian). Meanwhile, a young woman
(Elaine Cassidy) is making her way from Ireland to find her
boy friend (Peter McDonald), who moved to England to get
a job in a lawn-mower factory. On arrival, she makes an
early contact with the caterer, who recommends a
boarding room to her. Slowly, it is revealed that the caterer
has in fact befriended and subsequently abused more than
a dozen young women. He, of course, now sets his site
on this woman. Much of the story is told in flashbacks,
revealing how each of the characters grew to the point
where they now find themselves. However, the drama of
the character interaction is more important to director,
Atom Egoyan, than the potential horror of the situation.
Atom Egoyan
Drama; Thriller
Faux Depart
Fellini’s 8 1/2
2006 97 min color United States of America PARA
À 35 ans, Tripp vit encore chez ses parents, où il jouit du
confort et des privilèges lui permettant de prolonger son
adolescence indolente et insouciante. Désireux de se
retrouver en tête-à-tête, ses parents le poussent dans les
bras de Paula, une spécialiste des cas-problèmes dans
son genre. Sous le couvert d’un flirt inoffensif, celle-ci
séduit en effet le mâle immature avant de le mettre en
selle et de provoquer son départ de la maison. Or, Paula
ne se doute pas que Tripp, qui s’entoure d’amis aux
caractères aussi juvéniles que le sien, est enraciné plus
profondément qu’il n’y paraı̂t dans sa routine domestique.
Elle ne s’aperçoit pas non plus qu’elle est en train de
tomber amoureuse de lui, menaçant ainsi de violer son
fragile code d’éthique.
Tom Dey
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
138 min
A successful film director on the verge of a nervous
breakdown is beset by conflicting fantasies about his life in
Fellini’s phantasmagorical look at filmmaking.
Federico Fellini
Drama; Fantasy
Un fauteuil pour deux
1993 120 min color PG United States of America WB
A drama focusing on two survivors of an accident that
changes their lives. A successful architect (Bridges)
begins to question the meaning of his existence and to
doubt his own mortality after the disaster. Struggling to
relate to his wife (Rosselini) and friends, he develops a
close friendship with a woman survivor (Perez) who lost
her young son in the accident. Together they try to find the
purpose in their fates.
Peter Weir
Drama; Mystery
La fée des dents
2010 101 min color United States of America FOX
Derek Johnson, un modeste joueur de hockey sur glace,
est amené à sauver le royaume de Tooth Fairy.
Michael Lembeck
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste
Les feluettes
95 min
L’évêque Bilodeau est appelé en prison pour confesser un
détenu. Avec l’aide de co-détenus et du personnel
carcéral, Simon a monté, pour ce dernier, un événement
théâtral qui relate sa propre histoire et son lien avec celle
de l’évêque. Alternent dans le récit une succession
magistrale de tableaux conjuguant épisodes du passé et
scènes de l’événement théâtral en prison. À Roberval, au
début du siècle, l’histoire d’amour secrète entre deux
adolescents, Simon et Vallier, se termine par la mort
tragique de Vallier dans un incendie. Même s’il clame son
innocence, leur liaison et les apparences font que Simon
est encore en prison quarante ans plus tard. De quelle
part le confesseur aura-t-il à se confesser dans cette
John Greyson
Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste; Comédie
Une Femme cherche son destin
1942 117 min b&w United States of America WB
Dominée par sa mère, Charlotte Vale est avant l’âge une
vieille fille laide et refoulée. Soignée par le docteur
Jaquith, elle se transforme en une jeune femme
séduisante. Au cours d’une croisière, elle rencontre Jerry
Durrence. Ils tombent profondément amoureux l’un de
l’autre, mais Jerry est marié et a des enfants...
Irving Rapper
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
La Fée des dents 2
2012 90 min color United States of America FOX
Larry Guthrie est un homme jovial qui s’est donné une
mission importante: reconquérir Brooke, l’amour de sa vie.
Mais quand Larry embête un jeune garçon à devenir une
véritable fée des dents. Vous vous tordrez de rire en
voyant Larry, vêtu d’un tutu, de collants roses et de
chaussons de danse, tenter de regagner la confiance du
garçon avant que Brooke n’épouse un autre homme – en
seulement dix jours!
Alex Zamm
Comedie; Films pour enfants
La femme de la nuit
1985 121 min color United States of America WB
Au Moyen Age, Philippe Gaston, un jeune tire-laine,
s’évade de la forteresse du cruel évêque d’Aquila.
Poursuivi par les gardes du prélat, il est sauvé par un
chevalier, Etienne de Navarre, qui s’est donn mission de
supprimer le seigneur d’Aquila. Philippe constate que le
faucon du chevalier se transforme la nuit en une belle
damoiselle qui se nomme Isabeau alors qu’Etienne pour
sa part devient un loup noir. C’est là le résultat d’un
sortilège conçu par l’évêque jaloux pour séparer les
jeunes gens. Avec l’aide d’un vieux moine, Philippe trouve
All Titles
le moyen de conjurer la malédiction et de réunir les
amants ensorcelés.
Richard Donner
Comédie sentimentale; Drame d’aventures; Comédie
La femme oubliée
91 min
Encore aujourd’hui en Inde, des millions de veuves,
ostracisées par la société pour avoir commis l’erreur de
survivre à leurs maris, mènent une existence de misère et
de pénitence dans des ashrams. Entre les témoignages
de ces femmes, dont plusieurs se sont exilées sous la
contrainte de leurs enfants, Dilip Mehta met en lumière le
travail, fait dans l’ombre, de personnes et d’organisations
visant à restituer aux veuves indiennes leurs droits et leur
Dilip Mehta
Les Femmes de Stepford
2004 93 min color United States of America PARA
Après un échec professionnel, une femme s’installe avec
son époux Stepford, où la vie est parfaite grâce au
traitement du cerveau des femmes qui y habitent. Elle
refuse ce bonheur artificiel et aide les habitants à
reprendre leur vraie nature.
Frank Oz
Comedie; Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
La Ferme en folie
2006 90 min color United States of America PARA
Dans une ferme où les animaux sont, à l’insu des
propriétaires, doués de la parole, la vache Otis brille par
son insouciance. Toujours prête chanter, danser ou jouer
des tours pendables, elle exaspère son père, le taureau
Ben, respecté patriarche des lieux, ainsi que Miles, une
mule d’une grande sagesse. De fait, les indiscrétions et
les étourderies d’Otis menacent de révéler le secret de
leur comportement humain au fermier et ses proches.
Mais lorsque de dangereux prédateurs menacent les
occupants de la ferme, la vache fêtarde trouve en elle un
courage insoupçonné et des talents de rassembleuse pour
organiser la résistance.
Steve Oedekerk
Comedie; Dessins animés; Films pour enfants
FernGully: Les aventures de Zak et Crysta
1992 72 min color United States of America FOX
Au fond d’une forêt habitent de gentilles petites créatures
ailées. Malheureusement, des hommes ont entrepris de
raser tous les arbres de la forêt. En voulant sauver leurs
vies, elles vont réduire la taille du bûcheron et le
transformer en créature ailée. Tous ensemble, ils mènent
une lutte contre la destruction de FernGully.
Bill Kroyer
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
Ferngully: The Last Rain Forest
1992 72 min color F United States of America FOX
Based on a modern myth, "Ferngully: The Last Rainforest"
is a feature-length animated musical film in which fantasy
meets reality inside the expansive wonder of the great
rainforest. Crysta, the beautiful, curious and mischievous
teenage fairy; Pips, her rebellious and protective elfin
childhood sweetheart, and Magi Lune, the sage mentor of
all the nature spirits. When Crysta’s curiosity gets the best
of her, she ventures out of the protective canopy of the
deep forest to learn about the world beyond. Much to her
delight, she stumbles upon Zak, a human teenage boy
who is part of a logging team. When her magic goes a bit
awry, Crysta unintentionally shrinks Zak down to fairy size.
It is when Crysta takes Zak back to Ferngully that the
extraordinary adventure begins.
Bill Kroyer
Comedy; Children; Animated
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
1986 103 min color PG United States of America PARA
Ferris is a street-wise kid who knows all the tricks. Today
he decides to take the day off school. When Ferris takes
the day off, so must his best friends, Cameron and Sloane.
Cameron is reluctantly persuaded to borrow his father’s
Ferrari, and together they hatch a plan to get Sloane out
of class. Suspicious dean of students Ed Rooney knows
all about Ferris, but can never catch him. Ferris’ sister
Jeanie is also frustrated that Ferris always gets away with
his tricks and she doesn’t. Furthermore, Ferris is an
’angel’ in his parents eyes. It’s Ferris’ day off, he’s out to
enjoy himself, and he does!
John Hughes
Comedy; Back to School; Best Friend Day
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
1986 103 min color United States of America PARA
Un cancre invétéré, Ferris Bueller, convient sa petite amie
et son meilleur ami hypocondriaque (dont le père a une
Ferrari) de sécher les cours pour aller passer la journée à
Chicago. Pendant qu’ils font les 400 coups dans la grande
ville, le proviseur et la soeur de Ferris tente, chacun de
leurs côtés, de prouver aux parents que leur fils est un
cancre et qu’il a séché.
John Hughes
Fever Pitch
2005 107 min color PG United States of America FOX
Based on the Nick Hornby novel and movie "Fever Pitch"
(1997) starring Colin Firth. The film has been updated to
centre on a guy and his obsession with the Boston Red
Sox. Ben meets Lindsey. They fall in love. All things are
wonderful. But their future together is threatened once the
baseball season comes around and Lindsey discovers
something about Ben...his obsession with the Boston Red
Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Comedy; Romance
Fiction Pulpeuse
1994 154 min color United States of America AFI
Vincent et Jules sont des hommes de main à la solde d’un
important caı̈d de la drogue. Leur périple meurtrier les
amène à croiser les destins de divers personnages aussi
louches qu’eux, dont notamment deux jeunes amoureux
voleurs, une bande de vendeurs de drogue, un boxeur en
fuite et l’épouse droguée de leur employeur. Une tuerie
qui a mal tourné les oblige à recourir aux services du
Loup, un habile gentleman spécialis dans le nettoyage de
restes humains. Suite à cette éprouvante aventure,
Vincent et Jules reprennent leurs esprits dans un petit
restaurant que s’apprêtent justement à cambrioler les deux
Quentin Tarantino
Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
The Field
1991 110 min color PG United States of America AS
Bull McCabe, whose family has leased a field on a rocky
hillside for generations, now finds the widow who owns the
land has put it up for auction. None of the townsfolk dare
to bid against Bull, however, an outsider from the U.S.
steps in determined to possess the land for development.
Jim Sheridan
All Titles
La fille d’à côt
La fièvre dans le sang
1961 124 min color United States of America WB
Kansas. 1928. Le fils d’un pétrolier, Bud Stamper, est
passionnément amoureux de Deanie Loomis, une jeune
fille d’une famille assez pauvre. Sa mère recommande à
celle-ci de rester pure et lui parle du devoir conjugal
comme d’une épreuve douloureuse qui fait partie de la
destinée malheureuse des femmes. Dans le même temps,
Ace Stamper, un fonceur obstiné n’écoutant jamais aucun
conseil, oblige son fils qui veut devenir éleveur à faire ses
quatre années d’études à l’Universit de Yale avant
d’épouser Deanie.
Elia Kazan
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
La Fievre du Samedi Soir
2003 109 min color United States of America FOX
Un étudiant souhaitant se diriger vers une carrière
politique tombe amoureux d’une fille apparemment
parfaite, jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre qu’elle est une ancienne
star du porno.
Luke Greenfield
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
La Fille de mes rêves
2003 101 min color United States of America WB
Un adolescent impopulaire retient les services d’une
cheerleader pour qu’elle soit sa présumé petite amie afin
qu’il puisse améliorer sa réputation à l’école.
Troy Beyer
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
1978 118 min color United States of America PARA
Tony est le roi du
2001 , dancing où il se retrouve
avec toute sa bande. Annette est amoureuse de lui mais il
n’a d’yeux que pour la belle Stéphanie qui danse comme
elle respire. Parallèlement, Tony, d’origine italienne, est
encore sous l’autorité de sa famille qui ne cesse de le
comparer à son sérieux grand frère devenu prêtre.
John Badham
Films Musicaux; Drama social
2006 83 min color United States of America FOX
Julia Jones, une jeune fille désespérément fleur bleue, a
enfin rencontré l’homme de ses rêves, le très Anglais
Grant Fockyerdoder.
Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Fight Club
Film de peur 2
1999 139 min color AA United States of America FOX
In this adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s 1998 novel, Brad
Pitt stars as Tyler Durden, a sociopath filled with anarchic
rage, who organizes an underground organization of "fight
clubs." These clubs, in which young men with white collar
jobs engage in no-holds-barred bouts, spread across the
city. But Tyler has far more insidious plans – he enlists the
aid of his unassertive friend, Jack (Edward Norton), to
destroy conventional "society" through a deadly series of
bombings. When Jack realizes the nightmarish and
shocking truth, he fights to bring Tyler down.
David Fincher
Drama; Suspense; Humbug Day; Peculiar People;
Smoke and Mirrors
83 min
United States of America
Un professeur douteux a l’idée tordue d’enfermer un
groupe de jeunes gens dans un manoir méchamment
hanté pour énerver les esprits et les forcer à se
manifester. La vraie mauvaise idée, c’est d’avoir choisi
Cindy, Shorty, Ray, Brenda, Théo, Buddy et Alex, tout juste
remis des horribles meurtres survenus sur leur campus il y
a un an à peine. La joyeuse bande de déjantés se
retrouve donc coincée dans la résidence de l’enfer, aux
prises avec les phénomènes paranormaux les plus
étranges... Vous pouvez toujours essayer d’imaginer, c’est
pire ! La maison de l’enfer porte bien son nom.
Keenen Ivory Wayans
Comedie; Drame d’horreur
Fight Club (v.f.)
Film de peur 3
1999 139 min color United States of America FOX
Ce film raconte l’histoire d’un homme qui fonde des clubs
de lutte dans lesquels des hommes, pour la plupart de
collets blancs, se battent jusqu’ à ce que l’un d’eux tombe.
L’un des jeune, découvre le plan diabolique du fondateur
du club. Ce dernier desire L’anarchie totale.
David Fincher
Drame psychologique; Drama social
85 min
United States of America
Pour Cindy, jeune et jolie journaliste, le compte à rebours
a déj commencé. Parce qu’elle a visionné la cassette au
pouvoir démoniaque, elle sait qu’il ne lui reste plus que
sept jours à vivre. Si elle ne veut pas finir comme sa
copine Brenda, elle doit absolument découvrir le secret de
cette effroyable prophétie. Mais l’énigme est loin d’être
simple et Cindy doit faire face à d’autres mystérieux
phénomènes. Pourquoi les extraterrestres ont-ils laissé un
étrange message géant dans le champ de Tom? Pourquoi
le Président des États-Unis est-il en train de virer barge?
Face aux épreuves, face aux stupéfiantes découvertes qui
l’attendent, Cindy va devoir faire preuve de courage et
résister au délire ambiant.
David Zucker
Comedie; Drame d’horreur
The Fighter
2010 115 min color 14A United States of America AFI
The Fighter, is a drama about boxer "Irish" Micky Ward’s
unlikely road to the world light welterweight title. His
Rocky-like rise was shepherded by half-brother Dicky, a
boxer-turned-trainer who rebounded in life after nearly
being KO’d by drugs and crime.
David O. Russell
Drama; Thriller
La Fille a un million de dollars
2005 132 min color United States of America WB
Une histoire d’amour tragique et platonique entre une
boxeuse et un vieil entraı̂neur de trente ans son aı̂né.
Clint Eastwood
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Film d’amour
Film de peur 4
2006 84 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Engagée comme infirmière à domicile auprès d’une vieille
dame malade, la travailleuse sociale Cindy Campbell
s’entiche de son nouveau voisin, l’opérateur de grues
divorcé Tom Ryan. Mais lorsque des envahisseurs
extraterrestres se mettent à détruire les villes et tuer toute
forme de vie, ce dernier prend la fuite avec son fils
adolescent et sa fillette. Restée derrière, Cindy en vient
comprendre que, pour freiner cette invasion, il lui faut
retrouver le père du garçon assassiné qui hante la maison
de la vieille dame. Ses recherches la mènent à un village
All Titles
coupé du monde, où les habitants vivent comme au XIXe
David Zucker
Comedie; Drame d’horreur
Film épique
2007 85 min color 13+ United States of America FOX
Après avoir scénarisé Scary movie et réalisé Sexy movie,
Jason Friedberg et Aaron Seltzer s’attaquent à un
troisième genre avec Epic movie. Au programme, une
bonne grosse parodie qui ira du Da Vinci Code Harry
Potter en passant par Le Monde de Narnia...
Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Comedie; Drame d’aventures
Final Destination 2
2006 105 min color PG United States of America WB
Firewall stars Harrison Ford as bank security expert Jack
Stanfield, whose specialty is designing infallible theft-proof
financial computer systems. But there’s a hidden
vulnerability in the system he didn’t account for - himself.
When a ruthless criminal mastermind (Paul Bettany)
kidnaps his family, Jack is forced to find a flaw in his
system and steal $100 million. With the lives of his wife
and children at stake and under constant surveillance, he
has only hours to find a loophole in the thief’s own
impenetrable system of subterfuge and false identities to
beat him at his own game.
Richard Loncraine
Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
The First $20 Million is Always the Hardest
2003 90 min color AA United States of America AFI
Kimberly Corman and her friends decide to head out on a
trip. On the way, they get caught up in a horrible accident,
in which Kimberly survives, but her friends die brutally.
Kimberly also saves a few other people. Soon after the
accident, the survivors of the accident start dropping like
flies. Now, it’s up to Kimberly, along with the help of Flight
180 junkie Thomas Burke, Clear Rivers, and the Mortician
William Bloodworth, Kimberly must find a way to stop
death before it’s to late... Before it’s her turn.
David R. Ellis
Horror; Thriller
2002 105 min color PG United States of America FOX
A successful marketing executive decides to chuck his
non-stop, upwardly-mobile lifestyle, when he realizes that
he wants to be a creator instead of a seller. He takes a
job at one of the area’s most prestigious high-tech firms.
Mocked by the company’s brilliant project leader, our hero
is assigned to a team comprised of dysfunctional misfits,
who through their imagination and ingenuity create
something that can revolutionize their industry.
Mick Jackson
Finding Neverland
The First Grader
2004 106 min color PG United States of America AFI
The movie details the experiences of "Peter Pan" author
J.M. Barrie, which lead him to write the children’s classic.
He got to know four children who have no father. Drawing
from his time with the kids, he writes a story about
children who don’t want to grow up.
Marc Forster
Drama; Children
104 min
Radha (the stunning Shabana Azmi) is unwavering in her
devotion to her husband, Ashok (Kulbushan Kharbanda),
despite their barren and sexless arranged marriage. For
15 years, Radha has been the consummate Indian wife,
while Ashok, under the guidance of a spiritual leader, is
attempting to rid himself completely of any form of desire.
Meanwhile, Ashok s brother Jatin (Jaaved Jaaferi) has
brought home his new wife, Sita (Nandita Das), but is
unwilling to give up his relationship with his Chinese
girlfriend. Added to the mix are Biji (Kushal Rekhi), Ashok
and Jatin’s infirm mother, who keeps a watchful eye over
the family, and Mundu (Ranjit Chowdhry), who works in
the family’s restaurant and video store under their small
apartment. Slowly, Sita’s presence causes the threads that
held the family together to unravel. Each member tries to
hang on to a semblance of allegiance to the deeply rooted
traditions of Indian family life.
Deepa Mehta
Drama; Romance
Firehouse Dog
2007 110 min color G United States of America FOX
The world’s most famous - and Hollywood’s most
pampered - pooch is separated from his owner and ends
up as the mascot of a hapless San Francisco fire station.
There, he helps a 12-year-old boy and his father, a veteran
fire chief, and also turn the station into the city’s finest.
Todd Holland
Comedy; Action
120 min
United Kingdom
Set in a mountain village in Kenya the film tells the
remarkable true and uplifting story of a proud old Mau
Mau veteran who is determined to seize his last chance to
learn to read and write - and so ends up joining a class
alongside six year-olds. Together he and his young
teacher face fierce resistance, but ultimately they win
through - and also find a new way of overcoming the
burdens of the colonial past.
Justin Chadwick
Drama; Biography
Flags of Our Fathers
2006 132 min color 14A United States of America
The life stories of the six men who raised the flag at The
Battle of Iwo Jima, a turning point in WWII.
Clint Eastwood
Drama; War; Action; Veterans Day; President’s Day
Le Flic de Beverly Hills
1984 105 min color United States of America PARA
Alex Foley, lieutenant de police de Détroit, part à Los
Angeles pour mener une enquête sur la mort de l’un de
ses amis Mikey Tandino. Cette affaire le conduit à
découvrir un vaste réseau de trafiquants de drogue
Martin Brest
Comedie; Drame d’espionnage; Drama social; Drame
policier; Action (v.f.)
Le Flic de Beverly Hills II
1987 103 min color United States of America PARA
Alex Foley est de retour à Beverly Hills. Cette fois, il vient
prêter main forte à ses collègues et amis pour résoudre
une affaire de vol de bijoux.
Tony Scott
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage; Drame
Flic en direct
All Titles
92 min
United States of America
Pour les besoins d’un reality-show télévisé qui suivra leurs
exploits en direct, Mitch, un vétéran de la police de Los
Angeles, se retrouve obligé de prendre pour partenaire
Trey, une nouvelle recrue inexpérimentée issue du monde
du spectacle. Les deux équipiers vont devoir se serrer les
coudes pour résoudre une enquête et donner une bonne
image de la police. Mais le pari est loin d’être gagné.
Tom Dey
Comedie; Action (v.f.)
2006 94 min color G United States of America FOX
A young girl, Katy, adopts a wild mustang she names
Flicka, only to see her father sell her now beloved
companion. To win back Flicka’s freedom, Katy secretly
schemes to enter a dangerous wild horse race.
Michael Mayer
Drama; Children
Flicka 2 (v.f.)
2010 98 min color United States of America FOX
Carrie, une jeune adolescente de la ville, voit sa vie
changer complètement lorsqu’elle déménage sur un ranch
pour vivre avec son père. Heureusement, elle fait la
rencontre de Flicka, un mustang noir et sauvage qui à
l’esprit libre et une volonté de fer, tout comme Carrie. Les
deux forment un lien spécial et Carrie ouvre enfin son
coeur à son père et à un beau garçon du coin.
Cependant, quand un rival jaloux met la vie de Flicka en
danger, Carrie doit tout faire pour sauver son meilleur ami.
Michael Damian
Drama social; Films pour enfants
Flicka 2
2010 98 min color G United States of America FOX
Carrie is a big-city teenager whose life is turned upside
down when she moves to a horse ranch in Wyoming to
live with her father. But everything changes when Carrie
meets Flicka, a wild, jet-black mustang who’s just as freespirited and strong-willed as Carrie. The two form a
special bond and Carrie opens her heart to her father and
a handsome, local boy, but when a jealous rival puts
Flicka’s life in jeopardy, Carrie must do whatever it takes to
save her best friend.
Michael Damian
Drama; Children
2012 139 min color 18A United States of America
An airline pilot saves a flight from crashing, but an
investigation into the malfunctions reveals something
Robert Zemeckis
Drama; Black History; Tell a Lie Day
The Flight of the Phoenix
1965 147 min color PG United States of America FOX
A cargo plane goes down in a sandstorm in the Sahara
with less than a dozen men on board. One of the
passengers is an airplane designer who comes up with the
idea of ripping off the undamaged wing and using it as the
basis for an airplane they will build to escape before their
food and water run out.
Robert Aldrich
Adventure; Drama; Action
2010 90 min color PG United States of America WB
Juli Baker devoutly believes in three things: the sanctity of
trees (especially her beloved sycamore), the
wholesomeness of the eggs she collects from her
backyard flock of chickens, and that someday she will kiss
Bryce Loski. Ever since she saw Bryce’s baby blues back
in second grade, Juli has been smitten. Unfortunately,
Bryce has never felt the same. Frankly, he thinks Juli
Baker is a little weird–after all, what kind of freak raises
chickens and sits in trees for fun? Then, in eighth grade,
everything changes. Bryce begins to see that Juli’s
unusual interests and pride in her family are, well, kind of
cool. And Juli starts to think that maybe Bryce’s brilliant
blue eyes are as empty as the rest of Bryce seems to be.
After all, what kind of jerk doesn’t care about other
people’s feelings about chickens and trees? With Flipped,
mystery author Wendelin Van Draanen has taken a break
from her Sammy Keyes series, and the result is flipping
fantastic. Bryce and Juli’s rants and raves about each
other ring so true that teen readers will quickly identify with
at least one of these hilarious feuding egos, if not both. A
perfect introduction to the adolescent war between the
Rob Reiner
Comedy; Drama; Romance
1963 87 min color F United States of America
Everyone’s favorite dolphin in his first adventure!
James B. Clark
Adventure; Drama; Children
Floating Life
95 min
Like the thousands of Chinese leaving Hong Kong before
the mainland takeover, the Chan family, adrift from their
roots after moving to Australia, must find a way to build a
new life together in this poignant and funny land.
Clara Law
Flow: For Love of Water
2008 93 min color G United States of America MON
Water is the very essence of life. It sustains every living
being on this planet and without it, there would be
nothing... FLOW - Irena Salina’s award-winning
documentary investigates what experts label the most
important political and environmental issue of the 21st
Century - The World Water Crisis. Salina builds a case
against the growing privatization of the world’s dwindling
fresh water supply with an unflinching focus on politics,
pollution, human rights, and the emergence of a
domineering world water cartel. Interviews with scientists
and activists intelligently reveal the rapidly building crisis,
at both the global and human scale, and the film
introduces many of the governmental and corporate
culprits behind the water grab, while begging the question
Irena Salina
Flushed Away
2006 84 min color G United States of America PARA
The story of an uptown rat that gets flushed down the
toilet from his penthouse apartment, ending in the sewers
of London, where he has to learn a whole new and
different way of life.
Henry Anderson, David Bowers
Comedy; Children; Animated
The Fly
All Titles
The Foot Fist Way
1986 95 min color R United States of America FOX
Acclaimed horror director David Cronenberg brings his
unique style to this startling remake of the 1958 Vincent
Price shocker. A Brooks film Presentation starring Jeff
Goldblum, The Fly is the horrifying story of an unfortunate
scientist whose molecules are scrambled with those of a
common housefly during an experiment in matter
transmission. Goldblum is transformed, step by hideous
step, into a gigantic fly – incredibly agile, super strong, and
driven to murder by appetites he cannot control. A
frightening tale of technology gone awry, The Fly is
destined to become a horror classic.
David Cronenberg
Horror; Science Fiction
The Fog of War
2003 107 min color PG United States of America MON
The Fog of War is a 20th century fable, a story of an
American dreamer who rose from humble origins to the
heights of political power. Robert S. McNamara was both
witness to and participant in many of the crucial events of
the 20th century: the crippling Depression of the 1930s;
the industrialization of the war years; the development of a
different kind of warfare based on air power and the
creation of a new American meritocracy. He was also an
idealist who saw his dreams and ideals challenged by the
role he played in history. Although strictly speaking,
neither a work of biography nor a work of history, The Fog
of War has produced important, new biographical and
historical material. - Errol Morris
Errol Morris
La folie du travail
1999 89 min color United States of America FOX
Alors que son entreprise est en train de licencier ses
employés, Peter Gibbons décide de ne plus se rendre au
travail. Lorsque ces licenciements affectent deux de ses
amis, les trois collègues ont bien l’intention de prendre leur
revanchee. Pour arriver à leurs fins, ils ont alors l’idée de
planter un virus dans les ordinateurs de leur ancienne
compagnie afin de détourner son argent.
Mike Judge
Food, Inc.
2008 94 min color PG United States of America AFI
You are what you eat. It is a simple expression that bears
scary implications as you watch the acclaimed
documentary, FOOD, INC. Director Robert Kenner draws
upon the searing reportage of authors Eric Schlosser (Fast
Food Nation) and Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s
Dilemma) to explore how modern developments in food
production pose grave risks to our health and environment.
These writers aren’t radicals or even vegetarians
(Schlosser admits that his favourite meal is a hamburger
and fries), but they are crusaders when it comes to
exposing problems and naming offenders. There are
stories of heartbreak and outrage, but the film carefully
channels these emotions towards opportunities for
activism. Watching FOOD, INC. gives you a strong
appetite for better meals.
Robert Kenner
Fool’s Gold
2008 112 min color PG United States of America WB
A new clue to the whereabouts of a lost treasure rekindles
a married couple’s sense of adventure – and their
estranged romance.
Andy Tennant
Comedy; Adventure; Action; Romance
2008 83 min color 14A United States of America PARA
After he attacks the man who slept with his wife, a tae
kwon do instructor goes on a downward spiral that
ultimately causes him to escape his feelings by going on a
pilgrimage with his buddy and two of his students to see
his hero, Chuck "The Truck" Wallace.
Jody Hill
1984 107 min color AA United States of America PARA
An exuberant entertainment, bursting with music, romance
and dance. A teenager from Chicago moves to a small
town with repressive attitudes where they outlaw loud
music and dance. Kevin Bacon rouses the youth of the
town to confront the rampant prejudice and the music and
dancing emerge with an impressive soundtrack.
Herbert Ross
Drama; Musical
2011 120 min color PG United States of America PARA
Ren MacCormack (played by newcomer Kenny Wormald)
is transplanted from Boston to the small southern town of
Bomont where he experiences a heavy dose of culture
shock. A few years prior, the community was rocked by a
tragic accident that killed five teenagers after a night out
and Bomont’s local councilmen and the beloved Reverend
Shaw Moore (Dennis Quaid) responded by implementing
ordinances that prohibit loud music and dancing. Not one
to bow to the status quo, Ren challenges the ban,
revitalizing the town and falling in love with the minister’s
troubled daughter Ariel (Julianne Hough) in the process.
Craig Brewer
Comedy; Drama; Musical; National Blood Donor Day
Footloose (v.f.)
1984 107 min color United States of America PARA
Ren et sa mère Ethel quittent Chicago pour Beaumont,
une petite ville du Middle West. Passionné de rock et
danseur effréné, Ren heurte les conceptions morales de la
communauté et de son pasteur, maı̂tre penser du lieu.
Révoltés par cet univers sclérosant, les jeunes de la ville
se rallient à Ren...
Herbert Ross
Drama social; Films Musicaux
Footloose (v.f.)
2011 120 min color G United States of America PARA
La petite ville de Footloose est sous le joug d’une loi dure.
La danse, et les musiques qui mènent au mal sont
proscrites, depuis l’accident de voiture qui a emporté le fils
du révérend Shaw Moore. C’est dans ce contexte que
Ren McCormak, jeune homme de Chicago et danseur,
débarque un jour. Essayant d’abord d’ignorer la loi, il va
finalement décider de la combattre, essayant de prouver
au révérend que la danse ne mène pas systématiquement
à la dépravation.
Craig Brewer
Comedie; Drama social; Films Musicaux
All Titles
103 min
FOOTNOTE is the tale of a great rivalry between a father
and son. Eliezer and Uriel Shkolnik are both eccentric
professors, who have dedicated their lives to their work in
Talmudic Studies. The father, Eliezer, is a stubborn purist
who fears the establishment and has never been
recognized for his work. While his son, Uriel, is an up-andcoming star in the field, who appears to feed on
accolades, endlessly seeking recognition. FOOTNOTE is
the story of insane academic competition, the dichotomy
between admiration and envy for a role model, and the
very complicated relationship between a father and son.
Joseph Cedar
Footnote (v.f.)
103 min
Les Shkolnik sont chercheurs de père en fils. Alors
qu’Eliezer Shkolnik, professeur puriste et misanthrope a
toujours joué de malchance, son fils Uriel est reconnu par
ses pairs. Jusqu’au jour où le père reçoit un appel :
l’académie a décidé de lui remettre le prix le plus
prestigieux de sa discipline. Son désir de reconnaissance
éclate au grand jour.
Joseph Cedar
Drama social
The Forbidden Kingdom
2008 104 min color PG United States of America AFI
While hunting down bootleg kung-fu DVDs in a Chinatown
pawnshop, Jason makes an extraordinary discovery that
sends him hurtling back in time to ancient China. There,
Jason is charged with a monumental task: he must free
the fabled warrior the Monkey King, who has been
imprisoned by the evil Jade War Lord. Jason is joined in
his quest by wise kung fu master Lu Yan (Jackie Chan)
and a band of misfit warriors including Silent Monk (Jet Li).
But only by learning the true precepts of kung fu can
Jason hope to succeed - and find a way to get back home.
Rob Minkof
The Forbidden Kingdom (v.f.)
2008 104 min color United States of America AFI
Passionné par le cinéma de Hong Kong et les classiques
de Kung-fu, un adolescent américain découvre dans une
boutique de Chinatown, l’arme du Roi Singe, un
combattant légendaire. Le jeune homme se retrouve plong
dans l’ancienne Chine, en compagnie d’un groupe
d’experts en arts martiaux, tous partis pour libérer le Roi
Rob Minkof
Action (v.f.)
Forbidden Planet
1956 98 min b&w PG United States of America WB
An interstellar expedition discovers the lone survivors of an
earlier voyage. Morbius and his daughter are found amidst
the remnants of an incredibly advanced civilization whose
inhabitants mysteriously vanished years before.
Wilcox F.
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action
Forbidden Planet (v.f.)
98 min
United States of America
Au XXIIe siècle, le vaisseau spatial C 57 D se pose sur la
lointaine planète Altair 4. Une expédition dirigée par le
commandant Adams vient enquêter sur la disparition, vingt
années plus tôt, du navire spatial Bellérophon et de son
équipage. Les explorateurs sont accueillis par Robby, un
robot ultra perfectionné qui les conduit jusqu’à la
formidable demeure de l’énigmatique Docteur Morbius.
Celui-ci, avec sa fille Altaira est le seul survivant de
l’expédition précédente qui a été décimée par une force
Wilcox F.
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Action
Forces spéciales
109 min
Elsa Casanova est une reporter émérite basée en
Afghanistan. Lorsqu’elle est capturée, une équipe d’élite
des forces spéciales françaises est envoyée sur place afin
de la libérer de l’emprise de ses ravisseurs. Mais la
retrouver n’est pas tout : le groupe devra franchir des
dizaines de kilomètres à travers les montagnes et le
désert afin de rejoindre la base et de placer Elsa en
sécurité. Pour le leader Kovax et ses fidèles soldats Tic
Tac, Lucas et Elias, cette mission est particulièrement
périlleuse et se fait au risque de leurs vies.
Stéphane Rybojad
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Action (v.f.)
The Forgotten Woman
91 min
Following the international success of Deepa Mehtàs
Oscar-nominated film Water, which has achieved, to date,
sales of over $15 million and more than 1,000,000
viewers, Ms. Mehta received thousands of letters from the
audience. After viewing the film, many wanted to know
more about the state of widows in India today. The
Forgotten Woman was made in direct response to this
interest and aims to bring about an understanding of the
destitution and marginalization of many of the millions of
widows in India today, who are forced by age-old traditions
to live out their remaining years isolated from and shunned
by the society at large. The film explores how these
widows, coerced by their families to give up their
possessions, become non-entities in society.
Dilip Mehta
Forrest Gump
1994 142 min color PG United States of America PARA
Oscar-winner Tom Hanks brings honesty and pathos to his
portrayal of a kindhearted man with a subnormal IQ, in the
award-winning hit that was the #1 audience favourite of
1994. Robert Zemeckis directs this extraordinary film
about a gentle hero making his way through a world
growing increasingly more complicated.
Robert Zemeckis
Evaluate Your Life Day; Comedy; Drama; Literary
Adaption; Romance; World Gratitude
Forrest Gump (v.f.)
1994 142 min color United States of America PARA
Quelques décennies d’histoire américaine, des années
1940 à la fin du XXème siècle, à travers le regard et
l’étrange odyssée d’un homme simple et pur, Forrest
Robert Zemeckis
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Dame poétique;
Drama social
Foul Play
1978 116 min color PG United States of America PARA
In this comedy smash hit a handsome detective and a
dizzy librarian accidently uncover a bizarre assassination
ploy. This is a sparkling comedy thriller with a wonderful
high-speed chase through the streets of San Francisco.
Colin Higgins
Comedy; Thriller
Four Brothers
All Titles
Frankenstein Junior
2005 109 min color 18A United States of America
After their adoptive mother is murdered during a grocery
store hold-up, the Mercer brothers–hotheaded Bobby,
hard-edged Angel, family man and businessman Jeremiah,
and hard rocking Jack–reunite to take the matter of her
death into their own hands. As they track down the killer,
they quickly realize that their old ways of doing business
have new consequences. Its not as predictable as you
might think.
John Singleton
Four Christmases
2008 88 min color PG United States of America AFI
A holiday comedy with a twist, Four Christmases stars
Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon as a married
couple who struggle to visit all four of their divorced
parents’ homes over the Christmas holiday.
Seth Gordon
Comedy; Drama; Romance
The Four Feathers
2002 125 min color PG United States of America PARA
Set in 1898 Sudan, this fifth film to be adapted from the
A.E.W. Mason novel follows a British officer who resigns
his post right before his regiment ships out to battle the
rebels. Perceiving his resignation as cowardice, his friends
and fiancee give him four white feathers, the symbol of
cowardice, but little do they know he’s actually going
undercover and plans to redeem his honor.
Shekhar Kapur
2007 113 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Wealthy, brilliant, and meticulous Ted Crawford, a
structural engineer in Los Angeles, shoots his wife and
entraps her lover. He signs a confession; at the
arraignment, he asserts his rights to represent himself and
asks the court to move immediately to trial. The
prosecutor is Willy Beachum, a hotshot who’s soon to join
a fancy civil-law firm, told by everyone it’s an open and
shut case. Crawford sees Beachum’s weakness, the
hairline fracture of his character: Willy’s a winner. The
engineer sets in motion a clockwork crime with all the
objects moving in ways he predicts.
Gregory Hoblit
Drama; Mystery; Crime
Fracture (v.f.)
2007 113 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Le riche ingénieur en aéronautique Ted Crawford tire sur
sa jeune épouse infidèle puis avoue le crime à l’officier de
police appelé sur les lieux. La victime survit mais sombre
dans le coma, de sorte que son mari est accusé de
tentative de meurtre. Or, le procureur Willy Beachum,
chargé du dossier, a la tête ailleurs. Il vient en effet
d’obtenir un poste très lucratif dans une grosse firme
d’avocats, ainsi que les faveurs de sa future patronne.
Dès l’ouverture du procès, Willy perd la face lorsque Ted,
qui se défend seul, révèle la cour que le policier qui l’a
arrêté était l’amant de sa femme, un fait que le jeune
plaideur avait négligé de vérifier. De plus, l’arme du crime
demeure introuvable. Willy comprend alors qu’il aura fort
faire pour obtenir la condamnation du machiavélique
Gregory Hoblit
Drama social; Comédie moeurs; Drame policier
1974 108 min color United States of America FOX
Le gène Plus sauvage est le professeur qui crée un
nouveau monstre zippernecked. Marty Feldman est son
aide; Cloria dame du château; et Madeline Kahn est la
fiancée de docteur Frankenstein!
Mel Brooks
Comedie; Film de culte; Drame d’horreur
1988 120 min color AA United States of America WB
Alone in a foreign country, unable to speak the language,
Harrison Ford is living every traveller’s worst nightmare
when a mysterious mix-up with luggage turns into a matter
of life or death.
Roman Polanski
Thriller; Mystery; Crime
La fraude
2007 116 min color United States of America AFI
En 1971, l’écrivain Clifford Irving propose à son éditeur,
preuves l’appui, une biographie soi-disant autorisée du
milliardaire reclus et excentrique Howard Hughes. Le livre
est cependant un faux fabriqué de toutes pièces par Irving.
Lasse Hallström
Comedie; Drama social
2010 85 min color N/R United States of America MON
In 2005, economist Steven Levitt teamed up with journalist
Stephen Dubner to bring us the best-selling phenomenon
Freakonomics , a revelatory investigation into the hidden
side of everything that introduced us to a new way of
understanding our world. Now, six rogue filmmakers
behind some of the most acclaimed documentaries in
recent years have brought Levitt and Dubner s
groundbreaking vision to life, compiling a series of
fascinating, visually arresting and often hilarious case
studies that prove the key to unlocking the mysteries of
everyday life lies in one very important question: what s
the incentive?
Heidi Ewing, Alex Gibney, Morgan Spurlock, Seth Gordon,
Rachel Grady, Eugene Jarecki
Fred Claus
2007 115 min color PG United States of America WB
During childhood, Fred Claus suffered his younger brother
Nick’s saintliness. Jump ahead: Fred is a fast-talking,
genial but self-centered guy in Chicago looking for $50,000
to open an off-track-betting shop. When one scam goes
awry, he calls Nick at the North Pole for a loan: Nick will
give him the money only if Fred comes up to help a few
days with the Christmas rush. After his girlfriend dumps
him, Fred heads north. Santa’s facing an audit from an
efficiency expert, and it’s not pleasant. Fred’s job is to
review charts and determine who’s naughty and who’s
nice. Is there any fraternal feeling left, can either learn
from the other, and what about Santa getting fired?
David Dobkin
Free Willy
1993 112 min color F United States of America WB
A heartwarming family drama about a troubled young boy’s
touching friendship with an Orca whale who is the star
attraction at his local adventure park. When the boy learns
of the unfortunate plans the park has for his friend,
however, he sets forth a plan of his own and risks his life
to return Willy to his natural habitat.
Simon Wincer
Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home
All Titles
1995 97 min color F United States of America WB
In this sequel to the 1993 hit film, Willy has rejoined his
whale family, or pod, and is living in the Pacific Northwest
seas. Jesse’s life with the Greenwoods is complicated by
the arrival of his half-brother, Elvis, who joins the family
after the death of his - and Jesse’s - natural mother. Jesse
and Willy meet again when an oceanic disaster separates
Willy, his brother and sister from the rest of their pod and
jeopardizes their lives. Jesse must make a daring and
dangerous attempt to save his friend, and is in turn, saved
from a crisis of his own by Willy.
Dwlight Little
Adventure; Children
Free Willy 3: The Rescue
1997 86 min color PG United States of America WB
A 10-year-old boy whose father is running an illegal
whaling operation is caught in a dilemma when Willy and
his pod are threatened. When he meets Willy’s old friend,
Jesse, now 17 and tracking whales on an oceanic
research vessel, the two embark on a risky adventure to
save the lives of the giant Orca and his family.
Sam Pillsbury
Adventure; Children
Freedom Writers
2007 122 min color PG United States of America PARA
A young teacher (Swank) inspires her class of at-risk
students to learn tolerance, apply themselves, and pursue
education beyond high school.
Richard LaGravenese
Drama; World Gratitude; World Teacher Day; National
Roof Over Your Head Day; Woman’s Awareness
Freedom Writers (v.f.)
2007 122 min color United States of America PARA
L’histoire vraie d’Erin Gruwell qui, décidée à mener un
combat contre l’ignorance et épaulée par des élèves et
des professeurs, organise des conférences dans les
écoles et autres lieux à travers l’Amérique afin de
promouvoir le droit à l’accès à l’éducation.
Richard LaGravenese
Drama social
French Kiss
1995 110 min color PG United States of America FOX
Kate and Charlie have a perfect life planned out before
them: buying a house, marriage, kids, the whole works.
Kate’s fear of flying keeps her in Canada while Charlie
goes to Paris for a medical convention. While there
Charlie is smitten by the lovely Juliette. He calls off the
wedding with Kate and she nervously boards a plane to
get him back. She ends up sitting next to the petty French
thief Luc Teyssier. He hides a stolen necklace and
smuggled grape vine in her bag to get it through customs.
Her bag is stolen, the necklace apparently lost, and Kate
and Luc head to Cannes – Luc to find the necklace and
Kate get Charlie back. Along the way, Kate and Luc begin
having feelings for each other – which change the course
of their lives.
Lawrence Kasdan
Le Frère Noël
2007 115 min color United States of America
L’histoire du frère malchanceux du Père Noël.
David Dobkin
2009 104 min color United States of America AFI
Tommy et Grace forment un couple parfait et sont les
parents de deux petites filles. Tommy est envoyé par
l’ONU en mission à l’étranger et confie à Sam, son frère
tout juste sorti de prison, le soin de s’occuper de sa
famille. Lorsque Tommy est porté disparu et présumé
mort, Sam et Grace se rapprochent contre toute attente.
C’est alors que Tommy revient du front.
Jim Sheridan
Drama social; Drame de guerre
Les frères Grimm
2005 118 min color United States of America AFI
Au Moyen Âge, deux frères, maı̂tres dans l’art de la
supercherie, doivent enquêter sur des disparitions
d’enfants par des forces surnaturelles.
Terry Gilliam
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Drame d’espionnage;
Drame d’aventures
2002 123 min color AA United States of America AFI
Frida" chronicles the life Frida Kahlo shared unflinchingly
and openly with Diego Rivera, as the young couple took
the art world by storm. From her complex and enduring
relationship with her mentor and husband to her illicit and
controversial affair with Leon Trotsky, to her provocative
and romantic entanglements with women, Frida Kahlo
lived a bold and uncompromising life as a political, artistic,
and sexual revolutionary.
Julie Taymor
Drama; Romance; Biography
Frida (v.f.)
2002 123 min color United States of America AFI
Très jeune, l’artiste mexicaine Frida Kahlo parvient à attirer
l’attention du peintre muraliste Diego Rivera avec ses
autoportraits surréalistes. Celui-ci s’éprend d’elle et
l’épouse. Leurs amours seront tumultueuses; leur art
marquera leur époque.
Julie Taymor
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale; Drama
Friday the 13th Part II
1981 87 min color R United States of America PARA
After killing the crazy Mrs. Voorhees, who was avenging
her son Jason’s death, Alice can finally sigh with relief.
But there is just one problem. Jason never drowned in
Crystal Lake and lived in the nearby woods as a hermit all
this time. The day that ALice beheaded his mother, Jason
saw everything and his heart filled with thirst for revenge.
Two months later Alice gets stabbed by an ice pick in the
temple and dissapears. Is Jason behind this? Five years
later a camp next do to Camp Crystal Lake is build and
the couselors start snooping around the old, abondoned
camp ruins. This makes Jason very upset, since his shack
is next to the remains of Camp Crystal Lake and what is
inside the shack shall be kept secret forever, even if it
means killing nine people.
Steve Miner
Horror; Action; Thriller; Mystery; Cult
Frissons 3
All Titles
Full Metal Jacket
2000 117 min color United States of America AFI
John Milton a décidé de produire "STAB 3 : Retour à
Woodsboro", retraçant la désormais célèbre série de
meurtres ayant frappé la petite ville. Mais, dès le début du
tournage, les crimes sauvages reprennent. L’inspecteur
chargé de l’enquête fait alors appel aux survivants de
Woodsboro : Gale Wethers, présentatrice vedette de la
télévision, Dewey Riley, ex-policier et la jeune et jolie
Sidney Prescott... Chacun va mener sa petite enquête et
jouer son rôle mais seul le meurtrier au masque en écrit le
Wes Craven
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie
From Justin to Kelly
2003 81 min color PG United States of America FOX
The television phenomenon "American Idol" comes to the
big screen with the series’ breakout stars in a musical
romantic comedy set against the backdrop of Spring Break
in Miami.
Robert Iscove
Comedy; Romance
From Dusk Till Dawn
1996 109 min color R United States of America AFI
Two notorious thieves enlist the aid of a preacher and his
family to flee across the Texas border into Mexico, an
adventure that lands the group in an all-night encounter
with a pack of vampires in a Mexican saloon.
Robert Rodriguez
Horror; Action; Thriller
Fubar 2
85 min
The story starts in Calgary where the boys are tired of
trying to give’r while barely scraping by, when their old
buddy and party leader, Tron (Andrew Sparacino) hooks
them up with jobs in Fort McMurray. Before long they are
rolling in dough and good times. Flush with money and
confidence, Terry starts dating Trish (Terra Hazelton), a
local waitress, and things get serious in a hurry.
Meanwhile, Dean is playing up the part of the cancer
survivor, and upon hearing about the glories of workers’
compensation, purposely bungs up his leg in an attempt to
qualify. When Terry moves in with Trish, Dean does his
best to save his buddy from swapping the banger life for
domestic captivity.
Michael Dowse
Le fugitif
1993 127 min color United States of America WB
Après s’être évadé, le docteur Richard Kimbell, accusé à
tort du meurtre de son épouse, tente désespérément de
prouver son innocence en poursuivant le véritable
assassin de sa femme. Il sera poursuivi à son tour par le
lieutenant Gérard, qui voudrait bien le remettre en prison.
Andrew Davis
Action (v.f.)
The Fugitive
1993 127 min color AA United States of America WB
A new film based on the highly successful television series
of the 1960s. A man desperately attempts to prove his
innocence by tracking down his wife’s murderer. Dr.
Richard Kimble, wrongly sentenced for the slaying of his
wife, pursues the killer, a one-armed man. Kimble is in
turn pursued by Lieutenant Cierard.
Andrew Davis
1987 120 min color R United States of America WB
From the man that brought to the screen such hits as
"2001 A Space Odyssey", "A Clockwork Orange" and "The
Shining", comes a violent, brutal, terrifying account of a
young marine’s training and experiences in Vietnam. From
South Carolina where a platoon of marine recruits undergo
basic training and machismo initiation rites, then the action
shifts to the 1968 Tet offensive at Da Nang and Hue,
where one of the main characters is caught with some of
his buddies under fire. The film takes viewers into the
minds of men whose only objective is to kill or be killed.
Stanley Kubrick
Drama; War; Action
Full Metal Jacket (v.f.)
1987 115 min color United States of America WB
Dans un camp des marines americains, des recrues
subissent un entrainement rigoureux. Le sergent
instructeur s’acharne particulierement sur un soldat
grassouillet et maladroit qui finit par perdre la raison. L’un
de ces conscits se retrouve peu apres au Vietnam ou il est
assigne comme reporter au journal. Vincent d’Onofrio.
Stanley Kubrick
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame de guerre
The Full Monty
1997 91:34 min color AA United States of America
Six unemployed steel workers, inspired by the
Chippendale’s dancers, form a male striptease act. The
women cheer them on to go for "the full monty" - total
Peter Cattaneo
Funny Face
1957 103 min color F United States of America PARA
The dancing of Fred Astair and the charm of Audrey
Hepburn are combined in this stylish musical comedy
about Paris, the world of high fashion photograhers and
models. Beautifully fimed on location with dance
sequences at the Eiffel Tower and the Left Bank.
Stanley Donen
Comedy; Musical; Romance
Funny Games
2007 111 min color 18A United States of America WB
In this provocative and brutal thriller from director Michael
Haneke, a vacationing family gets an unexpected visit from
two deeply disturbed young men. Their idyllic holiday turns
nightmarish as they are subjected to unimaginable terrors
and struggle to stay alive.
Michael Haneke
Horror; Thriller
La Fureur de Vivre
1955 110 min color United States of America WB
James Dean, qui pendant sa carrière courte a incarné le
jeune homme mal compris et indocile des années 50, a de
façon éclatante créé son image dans cette dramatisation
d’un adolescent attrapé dans un tissu d’aliénation et la
violence juvénile.
Nicholas Ray
Drama social
Le Fusillier marin
All Titles
The Game of Death
2006 91 min color United States of America FOX
Un marine renvoyer de la guerre en Irak est obligé de
renouer avec son passé de soldat pour retrouver sa
femme kidnappée par un gang...
John Bonito
Drame d’espionnage; Drama social; Action (v.f.)
Futur Immediat
1988 100 min color United States of America FOX
Cette action a empaqueté le thriller policier est survenu les
rues de Los Angeles dans le proche avenir même après
que 300,000 nouveaux venus d’immigrant arrivent d’une
autre planète et sont intégrés dans la sociét humaine.
James Caan joue un flic dur a décidé de trouver le tueur
de son ancien associé. Mandy Patinkin peint le flic de
nouveau venu pris par cann comme son nouvel associé.
Cette paire curieusement correspondue surmonte les
frontières de préjudice(préjugé) racial et, dans le
processus de résoudre le meurtre, découvre quelque
chose beaucoup plus grande quantité dangereux.
Graham Baker
Drame de science-fiction; Drame policier; Drame
G.I.Joe: Le réveil du cobra
2009 120 min color United States of America PARA
Le commando d’action G.I Joe lutte contre les menaces
du groupe terroriste connu sous le nom de C.O.B.R.A...
Stephen Sommers
Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage; Drame d’aventures;
Drame de science-fiction
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
2009 120 min color PG United States of America PARA
An elite military unit comprised of special operatives
known as G.I. Joe, operating out of The Pit, takes on an
evil organization led by a notorious arms dealer.
Stephen Sommers
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
Gagnez un rendez-vous avec Tad Hamilton!
2004 95 min color United States of America SKG
Une histoire d’amour triangulaire entre une star
d’Hollywood, une employée d’épicerie et un meilleur ami,
amoureux transi.
Robert Luketic
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
111 min
"Gallipoli" is a celebration of Australian innocence and
courage during World War I - the powerful story of the
1915 assault by Australian troops on the Turkish-held
heights. "Gallipoli" is a place not mentioned in history
books for the disaster that made Lord of Admiralty Winston
Churchill resign in disgrace. A striking film of great
pictorial beauty.
Peter Weir
Drama; War
Gallipoli (v.f.)
111 min
Première Guerre mondiale. Deux amis australiens
s’engagent pour aller combattre. Ils se retrouvent à
Gallipoli, en Turquie, et y découvrent les horreurs de la
Peter Weir
Drama social; Drame de guerre
95 min
What if death live on TV became entertainment? Back in
the 60s, a scientific experiment demonstrated that a large
majority of people were ready to administer unbearable
electric shocks to another man, when encouraged to do so
by an authority. this experiment is re-enacted in the form
of a tv game show, where 80 participants are asked to
follow its despicable rules: despite the candidate s strong
yelling complaints, will they obey the TV host s orders and
inflict him massive electric shocks? Or will they stop
before it s too late?
Thomas Bornot, Gilles Amado, Alain-Michel Blanc
2009 95 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Set in a future-world where humans can control other
humans in mass-scale, multi-player online gaming
environments, a star player (Butler) from a game called
"Slayers" looks to regain his independence while taking
down the game’s mastermind (Hall).
Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Science Fiction; Thriller
Gamer (v.f.)
95 min
United States of America
Dans un futur proche envahi par la nano- technologie, un
jeu multijoueur en ligne appelé
Slayers commande
d’autres êtres humains. Le champion de ce jeu Simon
contrôle Kable (Gerard Butler) qui se bat pour retrouver
son identité et détruire ce système.
Le film Gamer
redéfinit la notion d’immersion dans un jeu: dans Gamer
lla frontière entre virtuel et réel sest pervertie. Dans ce
futur proche, vous ne vivez pas pour jouer, mais vous
jouez pour vivre!
Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Drame de science-fiction; Drame d’espionnage
Gang de requins
2004 100 min color United States of America SKG
Dans le monde interlope des poissons, le fils du chef de la
mafia, un requin, se fait tuer par une ancre de bateau et le
décès est attribu un petit poisson présent sur les lieux de
l’incident. Il découvre très rapidement le danger de se
frotter à plus gros que soi.
Bibo Bergeron, Vicky Jenson
Dessins animés; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Les Gangs de New York
2002 167 min color United States of America AFI
En 1862 dans les bas-fonds de New York, un jeune
homme revient là o fut assassiné son père, un immigrant
catholique irlandais; avant de venger cette mort, il devient
le protégé du coupable, un Américain de souche et
puissant chef de gang.
Martin Scorsese
Drama social; Drame policier
Gangs of New York
2002 167 min color AA United States of America AFI
1863. America was born in the streets. In this movie, we
see Amsterdam Vallon returning to the Five Points of
America to seek vengeance against the psychotic
gangland kingpin Bill the Butcher who murdered his father
years ago. With an eager pickpocket by his side and a
whole new army, Vallon fights his way to seek vengeance
on the Butcher and restore peace in the area. However
this is more said than done.
Martin Scorsese
Drama; Crime
Garbage Warrior
All Titles
Garfield Fun Fest
86 min
United Kingdom
Garbage Warrior is a feature-length documentary film
telling the epic story of maverick US architect Michael
Reynolds and his fight to introduce radically sustainable
housing. An extraordinary tale of triumph over
bureaucracy, Garbage Warrior is above all an intimate
portrait of an extraordinary individual and his dream of
changing the world.
Oliver Hodge
Garçons sans honneur
2005 119 min color United States of America AFI
John et Jeremy adorent s’inviter aux mariages de parfaits
inconnus, profiter de la table, du bar et des jeunes filles
qui sont toujours plus romantiques ces jours-là. Leurs
méthodes sont infaillibles et leur palmarès impressionnant.
Lorsqu’ils apprennent que la fille de William Cleary, un
haut fonctionnaire, va se marier, l’occasion est trop belle.
Cette incruste-là sera leur chef-d’oeuvre, l’éclate totale au
milieu du gratin à qui ils vont encore raconter n’importe
quoi. Pourtant, cette fois, les choses dérapent...
David Dobkin
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Le gardien d’enfants
2011 81 min color 13+ United States of America FOX
Chargé de garder les enfants d’une amie de sa mère, un
jeune homme les entraı̂ne dans une folle virée nocturne
lorsqu’il accepte de trouver de la drogue pour sa copine
en échange de faveurs sexuelles.
David Gordon Green
Les gardiens
2009 163 min color United States of America WB
Aventure à la fois complexe et mystérieuse sur plusieurs
niveaux, "Watchmen - Les Gardiens" - se passe dans une
Amérique alternative de 1985 où les super-héros font
partie du quotidien et où l’Horloge de l’Apocalypse symbole de la tension entre les Etats-Unis et l’Union
Soviétique- indique en permanence minuit moins cinq.
Lorsque l’un de ses anciens collègues est assassiné,
Rorschach, un justicier masqué un peu plat mais non
moins déterminé, va découvrir un complot qui menace de
tuer et de discréditer tous les super-héros du passé et du
Zack Snyder
Drame de science-fiction; Comédie fantaisiste; Drama
social; Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.)
2004 80 min color G United States of America FOX
He’s cynical, lazy and, literally, a fat cat. Now, Garfield,
America’s favorite feline, is about to become a major
motion picture star, in a film with broad-audience appeal.
The live action / CGI picture is adapted from the
syndicated cartoon strip read in 2600 newspapers by 260
million readers around the globe. In his film debut,
Garfield’s owner, Jon, takes in sweet but dimwitted pooch
Odie, turning Garfield’s perfect world upside down. Now,
Garfield wants only one thing: Odie out of his home and
life! But when the hapless pup disappears and is
kidnapped by a nasty dog trainer, Garfield, maybe for the
first time in his life, feels responsible. Pulling himself away
from the TV, Garfield springs into action.
Peter Hewitt
Comedy; Animated
2008 79 min color G United States of America FOX
Following in the footsteps of "Garfield the Movie" and "Tale
of 2 Kitties", Garfield stars in his all new original Feature
Length Movie adventure now in CGI. Garfield loses his
funny and he is on the quest to find it again.
Jim Davis
Comedy; Children; Animated
Garfield Pacha Royal
2006 80 min color United States of America FOX
Garfield débarque dans un manoir anglais hanté par des
centaines de matous qui le déclarent aussitôt roi des
Tim Hill
Comedie; Dessins animés; Films pour enfants
Garfield (v.f.)
2004 80 min color United States of America FOX
Les aventures de Garfield, le chat le plus paresseux de la
Terre et de Jon, son maı̂tre simplet mais sympathique. Le
matou sarcastique va devoir apprendre à partager sa vie
bien tranquille avec un nouveau colocataire, le chien fou
Peter Hewitt
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
Garfield’s A Tail of Two Kitties
2006 80 min color G United States of America FOX
America’s favorite feline - and the world’s laziest cat returns to the big screen. The live action / CGI picture, the
follow-up to the summer 2004 hit, is adapted from the
syndicated cartoon strip read in 2600 newspapers by 260
million readers around the globe.
Tim Hill
Comedy; Children; Animated
2010 107 min color PG United States of America MON
The largest domestic natural gas drilling boom in history
has swept across the United States. The Halliburtondeveloped drilling technology of "fracking" or hydraulic
fracturing has unlocked a "Saudia Arabia of natural gas"
just beneath us. But is fracking safe? When filmmaker
Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he embarks
on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets,
lies and contamination. A recently drilled nearby
Pennsylvania town reports that residents are able to light
their drinking water on fire. This is just one of the many
absurd and astonishing revelations of a new country called
GASLAND. Part verite travelogue, part expose, part
mystery, part bluegrass banjo meltdown, part showdown.
Josh Fox
GasLand (v.f.)
2010 107 min color United States of America MON
Les plus importantes recherches de gisements de gaz
naturel sont en ce moment entreprises à travers tous les
États-Unis. La sociét Halliburton a développé une
technologie de forage, la fracturation hydraulique, qui va
permettre aux États-Unis de devenir
l’Arabie Saoudite
du gaz naturel . Mais cette technique est-elle sans
danger ? Lorsque le cinéaste Josh Fox reçoit une lettre
l’invitant à louer ses terres pour y faire un forage, il va
sillonner le pays et découvrir en chemin des secrets bien
gardés, des mensonges et des toxines...
Josh Fox
All Titles
Le géant du fer
87 min
United States of America
Basé sur l’histoire de 1968 intitulée "L’homme de fer",
écrite par le poète britannique, Ted Hughs. Ce film nous
raconte l’histoire d’une machine de métal géante qui est
tombée du ciel et qui effraie les habitants d’une petite ville
du Maine en 1958. Un jeune garçon de 9 ans deviendra
son ami, lui fera découvrir son côté humain et libèrera les
habitants de leur peurs et préjudices.
Brad Bird
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés; Drame
The General
1926 80 min b&w N/R United States of America KIL
Union solders have stolen The General, a Confederate
train manned by Johnnie Gray, who was unable to enlist in
the Confederate army because he is needed as an
engineer. The Union plans to use the train to supply its
soldiers in a sneak attack against the Confederates. But
now it’s up to Gray and his love, Annabelle Lee, to reclaim
The General, cross enemy lines again, and warn the
Clyde Bruckman, Buster Keaton
Comedy; War; Action; Romance
Generation perdue
98 min
United States of America
Une divorcee vient de s’installer a Santa Carla, en
Californie, avec ses deux fils Mike et Sammy. Mike se lie
avec une bande de jeunes motards du coin qui le
soumettent a un rite d’initiation bizarre. Peu apres Sammy
remarque chez son frere d’etranges transformations et il
se convainc que celui-ci est un train de devenir un
Joel Schumacher
Drame d’horreur
Des gens comme les autres
1980 124 min color United States of America PARA
Calvin et Beth Jarret, couple aisé de la moyenne
bourgeoisie américaine, ont deux fils : Buck et Conrad.
Depuis la mort accidentelle de Buck, la famille est à la
dérive. Conrad s’effondre et entre dans un profond état
dépressif lorsqu’il apprend le suicide de son amie Karen.
Robert Redford
Drama social
Gentlemen Broncos
their way to Paris, and enjoying the company of any
eligible men they might meet along the way, even though
"Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend." Based on the
Broadway musical based on the novel.
Howard Hawks
Comedy; Drama; Musical
Gentlemens Agreement
1947 118 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
Philip Green is a highly respected writer who is recruited
by a national magazine to write a series of articles on antiSemitism in America. He’s not too keen on the series,
mostly because he’s not sure how to tackle the subject.
Then it dawns on him: if he was to pretend to all and
sundry that he was Jewish, he could then experience the
degree of racism and prejudice that exists and write his
story from that perspective. It takes little time for him to
experience bigotry. He soon learns the liberal-minded firm
he works for doesn’t hire Jews and that his own secretary
changed her name and kept the fact that she is Jewish a
secret from everyone. Green soon finds that he won’t be
invited to certain parties, that he cannot stay in so-called
’restricted’ hotels and that his own son is called names in
the street. His anger at the way he is treated also affects
his relationship with Kathy Lacy, his publisher’s niece and
the person who suggested the series in the first place.
Elia Kazan
Drama; Romance
157 min
Set in late 19th century Lille, in Northern France,
"Germinal" chronicles the uprising of a community of
miners against the bourgeois mine owners. Claude Berri
faithfully portrays the poverty and paucity of the miners’
existence and hopes for the future as they slave through
an upending series of dark and dismal days deep
underground. "Germinal is a cry of secular and stillrelevant protest by the slave against the master. It is an
epic story which asks fundamental questions about life,
love, evil, death, justice, freedom, the pursuit of happiness
- in sorts, about human nature.
Claude Berri
Drama; Literary Adaption
157 min
Sous le Second Empire, Etienne Lantier, un jeune
chômeur devenu mineur, découvre dans le Nord de la
France la misère des travailleurs...
Claude Berri
Drama social
2009 89 min color PG United States of America FOX
Benjamin (Michael Angarano), home-schooled by his
eccentric mother (Jennifer Coolidge), is a loveable loner
whose passion for writing leads him on an offbeat and
hilarious journey as his story first gets ripped off by the
legendary fantasy novelist, Ronald Chevalier (Jemaine
Clement) and then is adapted into a disastrous movie by
the small town’s most prolific homespun filmmaker.
Jared Hess
2001 86 min color PG United States of America AFI
When a high school senior is heartbroken when his
girlfriend Allison breaks up with him, he starts noticing his
best friend’s little sister, who isn’t so little anymore.
Tom O’Haver
Gentlemen Broncos (v.f.)
Get Smart
2009 89 min color United States of America FOX
Le paria d’un lycée participe à un camp d’écrivains, où un
légendaire écrivain de romans fantastiques lui l’histoire
qu’il a écrite.
Jared Hess
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
1953 91 min color PG United States of America FOX
Lorelei and Dorothy are just "Two Little Girls from Little
Rock", lounge singers on a transatlantic cruise, working
Get Over It
2008 110 min color PG United States of America WB
American Maxwell Smart works for a Government spy
agency in an administrative capacity. When the agency’s
head office is attacked, the Chief decides to assign
Maxwell as a spy and partners him with sexy Agent 99,
much to her chagrin. The duo nevertheless set off to
combat their attackers by first parachuting off an airplane
and landing in Russian territory - followed closely by a
over seven foot tall, 400 pound goon, known simply as
Dalip. The duo, handicapped by Maxwell’s antics, will
eventually have their identities compromised, and may be
chalked up as casualties while back in America their
All Titles
attackers have already planted a bomb that is set-up to
The Giant of Marathon
explode in a concert.
Peter Segal
Comedy; Action; Crime
Get the Gringo
2012 95 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A career criminal (Gibson) nabbed by Mexican authorities
is placed in a tough prison where he learns to survive with
the help of a 9-year-old boy.
Adrian Grunberg
Drama; Action
Ghost of Girlfriends Past
2009 100 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Connor Mead (Matthew McConaughey) is a notorious
photographer who has a bad boy reputation of loving
beautiful women and dumping them when they fall in love
with him. Beautiful models and celebrities flock to his
studio to get their picture taken, usually in lingerie, and
throw themselves at him. Conner is so overloaded with
women that he has to breakup with three women at the
same time during a conference call in front of his next
prey. His brother Paul (Breckin Meyer) is about to get
married, and Connor thinks he is making a terrible
mistake. As an incorrigible bachelor, Connor loves his
freedom more than ever settling down and loving only one
woman. Connor tries to talk Paul out of getting married,
and it looks like Connor is about to succeed. Then the
night before the wedding, Connor is visited by three
ghosts, who take him back to his past, present, and his
lonely future. They try to discovery the point in time where
Connors became this womanizing jerk. Maybe there is still
time to change him into a sensitive, feeling, and caring
person that he once was, and he may even find his true
Mark Waters
Comedy; Romance
Ghost Ship
2002 88 min color AA United States of America WB
In a remote region of the Bering Sea, a boat salvage crew
discovers the eerie remains of a grand passenger liner
thought lost for more than 40 years. Once onboard, the
crew must confront the ship’s horrific past and face the
ultimate fight for their lives.
Steve Beck
Ghost Town
2008 101 min color 14A United States of America
Story revolves around a misanthropic dentist who dies for
seven minutes during a colonoscopy. Recovering, he can
see the dead and is bothered by the ghost of a
businessman who wants the dentist to break up the
impending marriage of the ghost’s wife.
David Koepp
Comedy; Fantasy; Romance
Ghost Town (v.f.)
2008 101 min color United States of America PARA
Lors d’une banale intervention chirurgicale dentaire, le
patient meurt durant quelques secondes. Après cet
évènement, il développe la capacité de voir les morts, qui
lui demandent de l’aide pour rentrer en contact avec les
David Koepp
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Comédie sentimentale
92 min
This classical peplum tells a fictitious story set in 490 BC,
the time of the Medic Wars during which Persian armies
sweep the Ancient world. Having brought home to Athens
the Olympic victor’s laurel crown, Philippides joins as
commander the Sacred Guard, which is expected to
defend the city-state’s liberty, a year after the chasing of
the tyrant Hippias. Athenian supporters of Hippias
conspire, hoping to side Philippides by marriage to
Theocrites’ expensive servant Charis, and thus neutralize
the guard. She fails to seduce him, as his heart is already
taken by a young girl before the learns her name is
Andromeda, daughter of Creuso. Everything personal is
likely to be put on hold when the news breaks that the
Persian King of kings Darius’s vast army is marching on
Greece, hoping its internal division will make its conquest
a walk-over. Theocrites reproaches Miltiades to hold back
the sacred guard to defend the Pallas temple after a likely
Jacques Tourneur
Adventure; Drama; War
The Girl Next Door
2003 109 min color 14A United States of America FOX
A straight-arrow high-school senior falls in love with the
perfect ’girl-next-door’, only to discover she is a former
porn star.
Luke Greenfield
Comedy; Romance
Girl with a Pearl Earring
2003 95 min color PG United States of America AFI
Griet (Johansson) is a peasant girl who is forced to work
as a maid in the home of the painter Johannes Vermeer
(Firth). She eventually becomes the model for what
becomes one of his most famous works. Based on Tracy
Chevalier’s novel.
Peter Webber
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
152 min
Facing prison time for slander, discredited journalist Mikael
Blomkvist is hired by a reclusive industrialist for one last
job; to solve a long unresolved family disappearance.
Aided by the mysterious and troubled computer hacker,
Lisbeth Salander, the two uncover a darker world of
brutality, deception and ritualistic murder. Alone and not
knowing who to trust, they must fight for their own survival
and reveal the truth. Based on the international bestseller
TATTOO is the first in the gripping Millennium trilogy.
Niels Arden Oplev
Thriller; Mystery; Crime
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (v.f.)
152 min
Mikael Blomkvist est journaliste économique dans le
magazine Millenium. Condamné pour diffamation, il décide
de prendre de la distance avec sa vie et son métier. Mais
Henrik Vanger, grande figure de l’industrie suédoise, fait
appel à lui afin d’enquêter sur une disparition non
élucidée, celui d’Harriet Vanger, nièce du grand homme et
disparue à l’âge de seize ans. Au cours de ses
recherches, Blomkvist se rend compte que La famille
Vanger semble cacher bien des haines et des secrets.
Dans le cadre de son enquête, le journaliste est amené à
rencontrer Lisbeth Salander. La jeune femme de vingtquatre ans possède un don exceptionnel, celui de
découvrir des informations introuvables. Tous deux vont
All Titles
être amenés à se croiser dans une enquête qui va révéler
beaucoup plus que ce que chacun aurait pu imaginer...
Niels Arden Oplev
Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs; Drame policier
2000 154 min color AA United States of America SKG
Set against the splendor and barbarity of the Roman
Empire in 180 A.D., "Gladiator" tells an epic story of
courage and revenge. Once a great Roman general,
Maximus (Crowe) has been forced into exile and slavery
by Commodus (Phoenix) the jealous heir to the throne.
Trained as a gladiator, Maximus returns to Rome, intent on
avenging the murder of his family by killing Commodus,
now Emperor. The one power stronger than that of the
Emperor is the will of the people, and Maximus knows he
can only attain his revenge by becoming the greatest hero
in all the Empire.
Ridley Scott
Drama; Action
The Glass Menagerie
1987 134 min color F United States of America AFI
One of Tennessee Williams’ best and most poetic works is
lovingly brought to the screen by director Paul Newman in
this magnificent film based on the landmark Broadway
play. The touching drama about people who live on the
fine line between fantasy and reality tells the story of
Amanda, a strong willed woman who attempts to impose
her shattered dreams into the life and personality of her
shy, reclusive daughter Laura. Although dominated by her
mother, Laura finds solace through the attentions of her
troubled brother Tom and Jim, a "Gentleman Caller." The
immortal play, filled with some of Williams’ most poignant
and powerful prose, is forever captured in this splendid
Paul Newman
Glee the 3D Concert Movie
2011 100 min color G United States of America FOX
GLEE 3D CONCERT MOVIE will enable fans - or,
"Gleeks" – who were unable to obtain tickets to the soldout
shows, or who live in markets not included in the tour, or
who just want to see it again, to experience the concert in
the immersive magic of a 3D theatrical event. Starring 14
members of the Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning
television show’s cast and shot live during the summer
concerts, the movie will capture the unique concert
experience along with special moments involving the
characters themselves.
Kevin Tancharoen
Panther Bior go to Pittsburgh. All work several jobs, send
money back to the camp, search for relatives lost in the
civil war, acclimatize to the U.S., seek an education, and
miss their homeland.
Christopher Dillon Quinn, Tommy Walker
The Godfather
1972 171 min color AA United States of America PARA
The definitive, Oscar-winning record-breaking, trend-setting
crime film. A serious, epic vision of an Italian-American
family features Marlon Brando as the utterly amazing
Corleaone patriarch. An acknowledged cinematic
Francis Ford Coppola
Drama; Thriller; Crime; Humbug Day; Family Fun Month
The Godfather III
1990 161 min color AA United States of America PARA
Al Pacino is the prosperous, feared and respected
Godfather of organized crime. Now in his sixties, age and
experience have brought him yearning for spiritual
redemption as he strives to make legitimate all of his
family’s investments.
Francis Ford Coppola
Drama; Crime
The Godfather II
1974 200 min color AA United States of America PARA
Continuing the saga of the Corleones, this Academy
Award-winning film interweaves the story of Don Vito’s rise
to power and what his son Michael does with the power.
DeNiro is superb as the young Vito; Pacino as heir is
magnificant. "This is possibly the best Hollywood film ever
made about the consequences of power and the
disintegration of human life".
Francis Ford Coppola
Drama; Thriller; Crime
Gold Diggers of 1937
2010 106 min color United States of America PARA
Une productrice de télévision à la recherche d’un coup
d’éclat décide d’engager un présentetateur iconique et
égocentrique pour l’émission matinale.
Roger Michell
1936 101 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Stage-producer J.J. Horbart, is going to put on a new
show, but he doesn’t know that his two partners lost the
money at the stock market. Insurance salesman Rosmer
Peck falls in love with ex chorus-girl Joan Blondell, who’s
friend Genevieve tries to land on one of J.J Horbat’s
partners. They come up with the idea to insure J.J. for $1
Million, to get the money back when he dies. Rosmer sells
him the policy. After the insurance Company finds out that
he’s only a hypochondriac, an attempt to kill him accidently
fails, and Genevieve falls in love with J.J. But when J.J. is
informed that he is putting on a show with no money he
has a breakdown. The only possibility to restore his health
is putting on the show, in spite of the lack of money.
Lloyd Bacon
Musical; Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
God Grew Tired of Us: The Story of Lost Boys of
The Gold Rush
La gloire des ondes
2006 89 min color N/R United States of America AFI
In 1987, Sudan’s Muslim government pronounced death to
all males in the Christian south: 27,000 boys fled to
Ethiopia on foot. In 1991, they were forced to flee to
Kenya; 12,000 survived to live in a U.N. camp in Kakuma.
Archival footage documents the 1,000 mile flight; we see
life in the camp. We follow three young men who
repatriate to the U.S. John Bul Dau goes to Syracuse, and
by the film’s end, becomes a spokesperson for the Lost
Boys and Lost Girls of Sudan; Daniel Abol Pach and
1925 100 min b&w F United States of America JAN
A lone prospector ventures into Alaska looking for gold.
He gets mixed up with some burly characters and falls in
love with the beautiful Georgia. He tries to win her heart
with his singular charm.
Charles Chaplin
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Romance
The Golden Compass
All Titles
The Good German
2007 113 min color PG United States of America AFI
In a parallel world ruled by The Magisterium where
people’s souls have animal shapes, the orphan Lyra
Belaqua is educated in the Jordan College, and her uncle
and Professor Lord Asriel is her tutor. Lyra accidentally
overhears a conversation about a research of Lord Asriel
in the North Artic and the existence of a powerful Dust that
unites different worlds. When her best friend Roger is
kidnapped by the evil Gobblers, Lyra promises to rescue
him. She is invited to go to the North with the influent Mrs.
Coulter and the Jordan’s Vice-Chancellor secretly gives
her a magic golden compass capable of revealing the
truth. When Lyra finds that Mrs. Coulter is the leader of
the Gobblers, she escapes from her house and the
runaway girl begins an amazing adventure in a war to
save her friend and other missing children with her allied
Gyptians, Witches and the strong Armored Bear Iorek
Chris Weitz
Adventure; Children; Fantasy
Gonzo: The Life and Works of Hunter S.
2008 118 min color 14A United States of America
From Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney and producer
Graydon Carter comes a probing look into the uncanny life
of national treasure and gonzo journalism inventor Dr.
Hunter S. Thompson. A fast-moving, wildly entertaining
documentary with an iconic soundtrack, the film addresses
the major touchstones in Thompson‘s life–his intense and
ill-fated relationship with the Hells Angels, his nearsuccessful bid for the office of sheriff in Aspen in 1970, the
notorious story behind the landmark Fear and Loathing in
Las Vegas, his deep involvement in Senator George
McGovern‘s 1972 presidential campaign, and much more.
Alex Gibney
Documentary; Biography
Good Deeds
2006 105 min color 14A United States of America WB
In post-war Berlin to find his former mistress, an American
journalist is lured into a murder mystery.
Steven Soderbergh
Drama; Thriller; Mystery; Romance
The Good German (v.f.)
2006 105 min color United States of America WB
Envoyé en Allemagne pour couvrir le dernier sommet des
alliés à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un
journaliste américain profite de son retour à Berlin pour
rechercher son ancien amour. Au cours de son séjour, il
se retrouve plongé dans une sombre affaire de meurtre...
Steven Soderbergh
Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs; Drama social;
Comédie sentimentale
Good Luck Chuck
2007 99 min color 18A United States of America AFI
In order to keep the woman of his dreams from falling for
another guy, Charlie Logan has to break the curse that
has made him wildly popular with single women: Sleep
with Charlie once, and the next man you meet will be your
true love.
Mark Helfrich
Comedy; Romance
Good Night, and Good Luck
2005 93 min b&w PG United States of America AS
"Good Night, And Good Luck." takes place during the early
days of broadcast journalism in 1950’s America. It
chronicles the real-life conflict between television newsman
Edward R. Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarthy and the
Permanent Sub-committee on Investigations (Government
Operations Committee). With a desire to report the facts
and enlighten the public, Murrow, and his dedicated staff headed by his producer Fred Friendly and Joe Wershba in
the CBS newsroom - defy corporate and sponsorship
pressures to examine the lies and scaremongering tactics
perpetrated by McCarthy during his communist ’witchhunts’. A very public feud develops when the Senator
responds by accusing the anchor of being a communist. In
this climate of fear and reprisal, the CBS crew carries on
and their tenacity will prove historic and monumental.
George Clooney
2012 111 min color PG United States of America AFI
A successful, wealthy businessman, Wesley Deeds (Tyler
Perry) has always done what’s expected of him, whether
it’s assuming the helm of his father’s company, tolerating
his brother’s misbehavior at the office or planning to marry
his beautiful but restless fiancee, Natalie (Gabrielle Union).
But Wesley is jolted out of his predictable routine when he
meets Lindsey (Thandie Newton), a down-on-her-luck
single mother who works on the cleaning crew in his office
building. When he offers to help her get back on her feet,
the chance encounter with someone so far outside his
usual circle ignites something in Wesley. This one good
deed may finally spark his courage to exchange the life
that’s expected of him for the life he’s always really
Tyler Perry
Comedy; Romance
93 min
United States of America
Comment, dans les années 50, Edward R. Murrow, le
présentateur du journal télévisé de CBS de l’époque, et le
producteur Fred Friendly contribuèrent à la chute du
sénateur Joseph McCarthy, à l’origine de la tristement
célèbre chasse aux sorcières.
George Clooney
Drama social
Good Food, Bad Food
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
113 min
Wève been warned about the impending disasters facing
our food supply - GOOD FOOD, BAD FOOD shows us
that solutions to "McFood" do exist. Farmers, philosophers
and economists have their say in this revealing
documentary about the environment and the
consequences of big agribusiness. Filmmaker Coline
Serreau delivers a refreshing and optimistic message on
the state of cultivation by exploring organic and local
alternatives to the global food production industry.
Coline Serreau
Good Night, and Good Luck (v,f.)
161 min
Blondie (The Good) is a professional gunslinger who is out
trying to earn a few dollars. Angel Eyes (The Bad) is a hit
man who always commits to a task and sees it through, as
long as he is paid to do so. And Tuco (The Ugly) is a
wanted outlaw trying to take care of his own hide. Tuco
and Blondie share a partnership together making money
off Tuco’s bounty, but when Blondie unties the partnership,
Tuco tries to hunt down Blondie. When Blondie and Tuco
comes across a horse carriage loaded with dead bodies,
they soon learn from the only survivor (Bill Carson) that he
and a few other men have buried a stash of gold in a
cemetery. Unfortunately Carson dies and Tuco only finds
out the name of the cemetery, while Blondie finds out the
All Titles
name on the grave. Now the two must keep each other
alive in order to find the gold. Angel Eyes (who had been
looking for Bill Carson) discovers that Tuco and Blondie
meet with Carson and knows they know the location of the
Sergio Leone
Adventure; Western
Good Will Hunting
1997 126 min color AA United States of America AFI
Will Hunting (Matt Damon) is only twenty years old, but
already stands out in his rough, working-class
neighborhood in South Boston. He’s never been to
college, except to scrub floors as a janitor at MIT. Yet he
can summon obscure historical references from a
photographic memory and almost instantiy solve math
problems that frustrate Nobel Prize-winning professors.
The one thing he can’t do after his latest bar fight – is talk
his way out of a pending jail sentence. His only hope is
Sean McGuire (Robin Williams), a college professorturned-therapist with an admiration for his emotional
struggles and a keen understanding of what it’s like to fight
your way through life.
Gus Van Sent
A Good Year
2006 118 min color PG United States of America FOX
Oscar-winner Russell Crowe reunites with "Gladiator"
director Ridley Scott in A GOOD YEAR. London-based
Investment expert Max Skinner (Crowe) moves to
Provence to tend a small vineyard he inherited from his
late uncle. As Max settles into this new chapter in his life,
he encounters a beautiful California woman who also lays
claim to the property.
Ridley Scott
Drama; Literary Adaption
Goodbye, Mr. Chips
1969 147 min color F United States of America WB
Arthur Chipping is an academic teaching at Brookfield
Boys School outside of London in the 1920’s. Although he
does what he considers best for his students, they don’t
much like him, nicknaming him "Ditchy", short for "dull as
ditch water". His life changes when he meets Katherine
Bridges, a music hall actress and a woman with a
questionable past. She affectionately calls him Mr. Chips.
Despite their differences, they fall in love. He in particular
realizes that in striking a relationship, they will have many
obstacles to overcome. He doesn’t particularly like the
world in which she is involved, including her friends and
her profession, and she doesn’t exactly fit the mold of a
teacher’s wife. Still, they decide to get married. She
forgoes her career to be Mrs. Chips, living on campus as
the housewife of a teacher at a proper boy’s school...
Herbert Ross
Drama; Romance
Goodbye, Mr. Chips (v.f.)
1970 128 min color United States of America WB
Arthur Chipping, professeur dans un collège anglais, mène
une existence de solitaire. De nature discrète, il ne
parvient à s’imposer auprès de ses élèves. Lors d’un
voyage en Autriche, il tombe sous le charme de la
séduisante Katherine. Il l’épouse et se métamorphose
grâce à son amour. Il parvient alors à gagner le respect
des écoliers. Mais Katherine meurt en donnant le jour à
leur enfant. Monsieur Chipping, que sa femme appelait
"Chips", se consacre alors à sa vocation d’enseignant.
C’est alors que la guerre éclate.
Herbert Ross
Drama social; Films Musicaux; Comédie sentimentale
1990 145 min color R United States of America WB
Based on Nicholas Pilegg’s best-selling book "Wiseguys"
and spanning thirty years of Mafia life, this is the story of a
young boy, who dreams of becoming a member of the
wiseguys. After fulfilling that dream and after much terror
and murder, he turns against the men who made him.
Martin Scorsese
Drama; Crime
2012 91 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Labelled an outcast by his brainy family, a bouncer
overcomes long odds to lead a team of under performing
misfits to semi-pro hockey glory, beating the crap out of
everything that stands in his way.
Michael Dowse
Comedy; Sports
Goon: dur à cuire
91 min
United States of America
Xavier Laflamme est un joueur de hockey de grand talent
qui a perdu tous ses repères suite à une sévère mise en
échec et une commotion cérébrale. Afin de lui permettre
de retrouver ses moyens et sa touche magique, son
équipe engage un goon, un bagarreur, afin de le protéger.
Michael Dowse
Comedie; Drame sportif
1985 113 min color G United States of America WB
"Nothin’ exciting ever happens around here," sighs 13year-old Mikey Walsh, staring out his bedroom window as
a misty rain settles over the sleepy seaport city of Astoria.
Mikey is about to find out how wrong he is. He and a
group of his friends from that small northwest town will
soon find themselves on a thrilling adventure, filled with
humour and heart-pounding peril, in the Steven Spielberg
Presentation of the Richard Donner film "The Goonies".
Richard Donner
Adventure; Children
Les Goonies
1985 113 min color United States of America WB
Astoria est une modeste et paisible cité portuaire de la
Côte Ouest. Trop paisible au gré de ses jeunes
habitants... "Il ne se passe jamais rien ici", soupira un jour
l’un d’eux, mélancolique. Mickey Walsh, treize ans, venait
de prononcer une de ces phrases fatidiques qui annoncent
parfois les aventures les plus étranges, les plus folles et
les plus amusantes.
Richard Donner
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Gosford Park
2001 137 min color AA United States of America AFI
Set in the 1930’s the story takes place in an old fashioned
English country house where a family has invited many of
their friends up for a weekend shooting party. The story
centers around the McCordle family, particularly the man
of the house, William McCordle. Getting on in years
William has become benefactor to many of his relatives
and friends. As the weekend goes on and secrets are
revealed, it seems everyone, above stairs and below,
wants a piece of William and his money, but how far will
they go to get it?
Robert Altman
Comedy; Drama; Mystery
All Titles
Le Grand coup
2003 95 min color 14A United States of America WB
A Criminal psychologist awakens to find herself a patient
in her own institution with no memory of the murder she’s
apparently committed. as she struggles to reclaim her
sanity, she finds herself he pawn of a vengeful spirit.
Sebastian Gutierrez
Horror; Thriller
Gothika (v.f.)
95 min
United States of America
Une psychologue pour criminels de renom se réveille dans
l’une des cellules de l’institution psychiatrique qui
l’emploie. Elle est accusée d’un meurtre dont elle n’a
aucun souvenir. Dans sa quête pour retrouver la mémoire,
elle devra faire face à un esprit vengeur.
Sebastian Gutierrez
Drame d’espionnage; Drame d’horreur
2001 124 min color United States of America PARA
Propriétaire d’un club de jazz à Montréal, Nick Wells
prévoit de prendre sa retraite. En vingt ans passés au
service du crime, aucun coffre n’a résisté à ce génie de la
cambriole qui s’enorgueillit de ne travailler qu’en solo. Ce
dernier décide néanmoins de monter un dernier coup, qui
sera le couronnement de sa carrière. Max Baron, receleur
et ami de longue date de Nick, lui propose de voler un
sceptre d’or massif du XVIe siècle, entreposé dans les
sous-sols de la Douane de Montréal. A priori, le coup est
irréalisable. C’est pourquoi Max a confié au jeune Jackie
Teller la lourde tâche d’aider Nick à accomplir ce vol. Mais
en s’associant avec ce malfrat erratique qui n’aurait aucun
scrupule à le doubler, Nick se retrouve plongé dans un
engrenage infernal dont il aura beaucoup de mal à
Frank Oz
Drama social
La grâce du ciel
111 min
United Kingdom
De 1789 à 1807, le député anglais William Wilberforce,
ami du premier ministre William Pitt, va lutter avec passion
pour faire adopter par le Parlement un projet de loi visant
à abolir le commerce des esclaves dans l’Empire
Michael Apted
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale; Drama
Gran Torino
2008 114 min color 14A United States of America WB
Disgruntled Korean War vet Walt Kowalski (Eastwood) sets
out to reform his neighbor, a young Hmong teenager, who
tried to steal Kowalski’s prized possesion: his 1972 Gran
Clint Eastwood
Drama; Action; Thriller
Gran Torino (v.f.)
2008 114 min color United States of America WB
Walt Kowalski, un vétéran de la Guerre de Corée aux
penchants racistes, se prend d’affection pour un jeune
voisin immigré, originaire du peuple Hmong, et tente de le
sortir de la délinquance...
Clint Eastwood
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage
Grand Canyon
1992 133 min color AA United States of America FOX
In this story of friendship and miracles, two men from very
different walks of life, meet by accident in a world spun out
of control. One simple good deed inspires another...
setting into motion a chain of unsettling and often
surprising events that consumes the lives of both men,
their families and even their most casual of acquaintances.
Lawrence Kasdan
Drama; Crime
Le grand débat
2007 126 min color United States of America AFI
L’histoire vraie du professeur Melvin B. Tolson, qui forma
une équipe de débat dans un petit lycée réservé aux
Afro-Américains dans les années 30.
Denzel Washington
Drama social; Drama biographique
Le Grand Jeu
1997 90 min color United States of America FOX
Lorsqu’ils se retrouvent sans emploi, une demi-douzaine
d’ouvriers d’une petite ville industrielle anglaise décident
de former un groupe de stripteaseurs. Ils ne sont pourtant
pas les candidats idéaux pour ce genre d’activité. Certain
font de l’embonpoint, d’autres sont gênés en public, la
plupart sont trop âgés et aucun ne sait danser. Mais entre
l’humiliation du chômage et de la pauvreté et celle de se
montrer dans le plus simple appareil dans un cabaret
bondé de spectatrice...leur choix est fait!
Peter Cattaneo
Le Grand Sommeil
1946 114 min color United States of America WB
Étoiles d’Humphrey Bogart comme Philip Marlowe, l’oeil
dur, cynique, mais charmant privé de Raymond Chandler.
Marlowe est assigné examiner les dettes de jeu du
Général riche la fille plus jeune de Sternwood et est
plongé dans un monde de chantage, la tromperie et la
violence. Lauren Bacall est la fille plus vieille du général et
la mouche d’étincelles entre elle et le Chariot dans ce qui
est une exécution(performance) de duo classique.
Howard Hawks
Comédie moeurs
Grand Canyon (v.f.)
1992 132 min color United States of America FOX
Dans cette histoire d’amitié et des miracles, deux hommes
de conditions sociales très différentes, se rencontrent par
accident dans un monde a filé du contrôle une bonne
action simple inspire un autre... Arrangement(mise) dans
mouvement chaı̂ne de troublant et souvent surprenant
événements qui consomment les vies de tous les deux
hommes, leurs familles et même leur le plus occasionnel
de connaissances.
Lawrence Kasdan
Drama social; Drame policier
Le grand Stan
2007 105 min color United States of America AFI
Un arnaqueur prend panique lorsqu’il apprend qu’il devra
faire de la prison pour fraude. Il engage un mystérieux
guru des arts martiaux qui l’aidera à devenir un expert en
arts martiaux afin qu’il puisse se défendre contre les
autres détenus.
Rob Schneider
Comedie; Action (v.f.)
All Titles
Le grand voyage
103 min
Fils cadet d’une famille d’immigrés marocains établie Aixen-Provence, Réda évite tout contact avec son père,
islamiste convaincu, alors que lui est parfaitement intégré
à la sociét française. À cause d’une bévue commise par
son frère aı̂né, Réda se voit contraint d’accompagner son
père en pèlerinage à La Mecque, un voyage qui ne peut
se faire qu’en voiture. La perspective de le côtoyer pour
un périple de 5000 kilomètres est loin d’enchanter le jeune
homme, d’autant plus que l’incompréhension est mutuelle,
le père refusant de parler français avec son fils alors que
ce dernier questionne sans cesse la ferveur religieuse du
vieil homme. Après bien des embûches dans les Balkans
et en Turquie, les voyageurs réussissent à atteindre
l’Arabie Saoudite, mais ils ne sont pas au bout de leurs
Ismaël Ferroukhi
Drama social
Le Grand Voyage
103 min
A few weeks before his college entrance exams, Réda
finds himself obligated to drive his traditionalist Muslim
father from their French suburban home to Mecca, on a
pilgrimage that is one of the pillars of Islam - the hajj.
Within these tight confines, father and son discover that
the wide cultural and generational gap between them is a
catalyst for confrontation. Yet each time a seemingly
irreparable split arises, its resolution brings another level of
understanding to their relationship. With several
unexpected passengers attaching themselves to the pair
along the way, humour intertwines with this heartwarming
"road movie with a difference" (June Givanni, Toronto
International Film Festival).
Ismaël Ferroukhi
La Grande Amaque
88 min
United States of America
A Hawaı̈, un jeune et charmant escroc fait la rencontre de
la séduisante maı̂tresse de Ray Ritchie, l’homme le plus
puissant et le plus riche de la ville. Tous deux vont tenter
de voler la fortune de ce dernier.
George Armitage
Drame d’espionnage; Drame policier
La grande année
2011 100 min color G United States of America FOX
Trois ornithologues amateurs tentent, lors d’une
compétition officielle, de découvrir les oiseaux les plus
rares d’Amérique du Nord. La rivalité entre les trois
hommes deviendra bien vite une allégorie pour
représenter l’existence de chacun.
David Frankel
Grande Ourse: La clé des possibles
104 min
Pour sauver la vie de son meilleur ami tombé aux mains
d’une puissante sorcière, Louis-Bernard Lapointe doit se
transporter dans un monde parallèle et retrouver la "Clé
des Possibles", un objet légendaire qui permet à son
possesseur de visiter un nombre infini d’univers o toutes
les possibilités de la vie se réalisent.
Patrice Sauv
Comédie moeurs
La grande séduction
108 min
À Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne, un petit village portuaire, les
habitants, autrefois de fiers pêcheurs, sont maintenant
contraints vivre aux crochets des allocations
gouvernementales. Pour satisfaire aux exigences d’une
usine qui viendrait s’implanter dans leur minuscule village
portuaire, les 150 habitants doivent tout faire pour
convaincre un jeune médecin de venir s’établir chez eux.
C’est le début de la grande séduction.
Jean-François Pouliot
Les grandes espérances
1997 106 min color United States of America FOX
Lorsqu’il était enfant, l’orphelin Finnegan jouait parfois
avec Estella, la fille d’une femme riche et excentrique. Des
années plus tard, Finnegan devient artistre peintre. Il
reçoit un jour Estella et réalise qu’il en est follement
amoureux. Lorsque celle-ci l’abandonne, le jeune homme
n’arrive plus à peindre. C’est alors qu’un mystérieux
bienfaiteur lui permet d’aller vivre à New York où on lui
promet une exposition dans une prestigieuse galerie. Il
retrouve alors Estella et la convainc néanmoins de poser
nue pour lui.
Alfonso Cuarón
Dame poétique; Drama social
Grandma’s Boy
2006 94 min color 14A United States of America FOX
By day, Alex (Allen Covert) is the world’s oldest video
game tester. But at night, he is secretly developing what
could become the next big game. Alex’s efforts are
complicated after he is evicted from his apartment, and
must move in with his grandmother Lilly (Doris Roberts)
and her two friends, Grace (Shirley Jones) and Bea
(Shirley Knight).
Nick Goossen
Grandma’s Boy (v.f.)
2006 94 min color United States of America FOX
Alex, 35 ans, est le testeur de jeu vidéo le plus âgé du
marché. La nuit, il met au point une nouvelle console qui
risque bien de révolutionner le monde du jeu vidéo. Mais
quand son colocataire Josh dépense tout l’argent réservé
pour le loyer pour aller voir les filles, Alex est contraint de
déménager. Et il n’a pas d’autre solution que d’aller
habiter chez sa grand-mère et ses trois amies...
Nick Goossen
The Grapes of Wrath
1940 128 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
In this enduring classic, a family of sharecroppers travels
westward, driven from their Oklahoma farm by drought,
failed crops, and mechanization. But the golden dream of
California also fails them. Hungry and exploited, the Joad
family and the other displaced families of the Great
Depression struggle to survive. An exhilarating story of
faith and pride, John Steinbeck’s classic has become a
motion picture legend.
John Ford
Drama; Literary Adaption
1978 110 min color PG United States of America PARA
The most popular musical of all time, "Grease" merges the
talents of solid gold recording star Olivia Newton-John as
good girl Sandy and John Travolta of "Saturday Night
Fever" fame as greaser Danny in this nostalgic look at the
Fabulous Fifies.
Randal Kleiser
Comedy; Musical; Romance; National Blood Donor
Day; Valentine’s Day
Grease 2
All Titles
Green Lantern
1982 114 min color AA United States of America PARA
Taking place two years after Grease, the graduating class
of 1961 at Rydell High suddenly find themselves with a
new classmate: Michael Carrington - the English cousin of
Australian Sandy (in Grease)! Michael has the hots for
Pink Lady leader Stephanie Zinone and, after being
warned that all Pink Ladies are property of local hoods
(named the T-Birds), he decides that he must either lure
Stephanie away from gang life - or become a greaser
Patrica Birch
Comedy; Drama; Musical; Romance
The Great Debaters
2007 126 min color PG United States of America AFI
Marshall, Texas, described by James Farmer, Jr. as "the
last city to surrender after the Civil War," is home to Wiley
College, where, in 1935-36, inspired by the Harlem
Renaissance and his clandestine work as a union
organizer, Professor Melvin Tolson coaches the debate
team to a nearly-undefeated season that sees the first
debate between U.S. students from white and Negro
colleges and ends with an invitation to face Harvard
University’s national champions. The team of four, which
includes a female student and a very young James
Farmer, is tested in a crucible heated by Jim Crow,
sexism, a lynch mob, an arrest and near riot, a love affair,
jealousy, and a national radio audience.
Denzel Washington
Drama; Biography
Great Expectations
1997 111:16 min color AA United States of America
In an update of Dickens’ classic, a humble young
fisherman-turned-artist moves from Florida to New York
City for his first big gallery opening. After getting his heart
broken by an unattainable rich girl from back home, he
learns that his recent career success was bankrolled by an
escaped convict he helped years ago. From the director of
last year’s award winning "The Little Princess".
Alfonso Cuarón
The Great Gatsby
1974 146 min color PG United States of America PARA
A look at the wealthy, sophisticated society of the Jazz
Age, the exquisite screen version of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s
novel tells the tragic story of Jay Gatsby - desperately in
love with rich, spoiled and married Daisy Buchanan. A
magnificent film, meticulously faithful to time and place.
Jack Clayton
Drama; Romance
The Greatest Movie Ever Sold
2011 90 min color PG United States of America MON
Boundary-pushing Oscar(r)-nominated filmmaker Morgan
Spurlock explores the world of product placement,
marketing and advertising in POM WONDERFUL
that was fully financed through product placement from
various brands, all of which are integrated transparently
into the film. While using brands in film promotion is not
new for Hollywood, it certainly is new territory for the
documentary format. Spurlock exploits the phenomenon to
new heights, with everything from branded pizza boxes
and in-flight film promotions to branded-everything in-film.
Morgan Spurlock
2011 114 min color PG United States of America WB
In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, a small but
powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of
peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern
Corps. A brotherhood of warriors sworn to keep
intergalactic order, each Green Lantern wears a ring that
grants him superpowers. But when a new enemy called
Parallax threatens to destroy the balance of power in the
Universe, their fate and the fate of Earth lie in the hands of
their newest recruit, the first human ever selected: Hal
Jordan. Hal is a gifted and cocky test pilot, but the Green
Lanterns have little respect for humans, who have never
harnessed the infinite powers of the ring before. But Hal is
clearly the missing piece to the puzzle, and along with his
determination and willpower, he has one thing no member
of the Corps has ever had: humanity. With the
encouragement of fellow pilot and childhood sweetheart
Carol Ferris (Blake Lively), if Hal can quickly master his
new powers and find the courage to overcome his fears,
he may prove to be not only the key to defeating
Parallax...he will become the greatest Green Lantern of all.
Martin Campbell
Adventure; Action
Green Lantern (v.f.)
2011 114 min color G United States of America WB
Dans un univers aussi vaste que mystérieux, un pouvoir
minuscule en taille, mais énormément puissant, existe
depuis des millénaires. Protecteurs de la paix et de la
justice, ils se font appeler l’escouade Green Lantern. Une
fraternit de guerriers chargés de garder l’ordre
intergalactique, chaque soldat porte un anneau qui lui
donne des super-pouvoirs. Mais lorsqu’un nouvel ennemi,
nomm Parallax, menace de détruire l’équilibre des forces
de l’Univers, leur destin et le destin de la Terre se
retrouvent entre les mains de la nouvelle recrue: Hal
Martin Campbell
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.)
The Green Mile
1999 180 min color AA United States of America WB
Based on Stephen King’s 1996 serialized novel, the story
tells of Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks), a former prison
guard who recalls his job at a Southern prison in 1932,
where he was in charge of overseeing executions. Life on
"the green mile" (the corner of the cells that leads to the
electric chair) seldom caused him moral pangs, until he
meets John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan), a childlike,
seven-foot tall black man sentenced to die for the murder
of two children. As the mysteries and magic surrounding
the gentle giant’s alleged crime reveal themselves,
Edgecomb begins to doubt the prisoner’s guilt. Tensions
are high as the clock ticks down, but it appears that it may
be too late to alter the doomed man’s fate.
Frank Darabont
Social Studies; Drama
2010 106 min color 18A United States of America AFI
The new film from Academy Award nominated writer/
director Noah Baumbach (The Squid and the Whale),
based on an original screenplay from a story conceived by
Jennifer Jason Leigh and himself. At a crossroads in his
life, Roger Greenberg (Ben Stiller) ends up housesitting at
his brother’s home in Los Angeles. There, he strikes up an
unlikely friendship with his brother’s assistant Florence
(Greta Gerwig of Hannah Takes the Stairs), an aspiring
singer. Florence and Greenberg’s encounters lead to an
uncertain and wonderfully vulnerable courtship.
Noah Baumbach
Comedy; Drama
All Titles
The Grocer’s Wife
1984 105 min color 14A United States of America WB
A lovable but mysterious exotic pet brought home from
Chinatown becomes the source of a slew of miseries for
an American suburb when the "Mogwai’s" owners disobey
a few basic precautions and help spawn a host of evil
Joe Dante
Comedy; Horror; Action; Fantasy
100 min
Jay Brazeau and Andrea Rankin "Tale of a devoted
Mommas Boy and an introverted chimmy operator. His
mother goes to hospital, his orderly life quickly comes
unglued, when a fading stripper with an attitude insinuates
herself into the household and refuses to leave."
John Pozer
Gremlins (v.f.)
Le Gros Albert
1984 105 min color United States of America WB
Un animal de compagnie très sympathique mais
mystérieux exotique apporté à la maison du Quartier
chinois devient la source d’un a assassiné d’adversités
pour une banlieue américaine quand les propriétaires "du
Mogwai’s" désobéissent quelques précautions de base et
aident à engendrer un hôte de créatures mauvaises.
Joe Dante
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Action (v.f.); Drame
Greystoke: Legend of Tarzan
1983 126 min color AA United States of America WB
A splendid screen version of Edgar Rice Burrough’s
classic tale of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. Upon his return to
"civilization" Tarzan is faced with dangers more serious
than those he encountered in the jungle.
Hugh Hudson
Adventure; Drama; Children; Romance
Greystoke: Legend of Tarzan (v.f.)
1983 126 min color United States of America WB
Une version d’écran splendide du conte classique d’Edgar
Burrough de Tarzan, homme-Singe. Lors de son retour "à
la civilisation", Tarzan doit faire face à des dangers plus
sérieux que ceux qu’il a rencontré dans la jungle.
Hugh Hudson
Films pour enfants; Drama social; Comédie
sentimentale; Drame d’aventures
La griffe du pass
97 min
United States of America
Jeff Bailey, un détective privé, est engagé par Sterling, un
joueur professionnel, pour rechercher sa complice Kathie
qui l’a trahi. Mais lorsque Bailey la retrouve, il en tombe
Jacques Tourneur
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
2003 100 min color PG United States of America WB
Four skaters follow the summer tour of a skateboard star,
pulling tricks and tearing it up in their wild attempts to get
noticed and grab a sponsor.
Casey La Scala
Comedy; Action
Grizzly Man
2005 103 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A devastating and heart-wrenching take on grizzly bear
activists Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard, who
were killed in October of 2003 while living among grizzlies
in Alaska.
Werner Herzog
2004 93 min color United States of America FOX
Les personnages d’une série animée traversent le petit
écran pour se retrouver, en chair et en os, dans la vie
Joel Zwick
Grosse Stille, Die
164 min
Documentaire montrant la vie ascétique des moines du
couvent de la Grande Chartreuse, situé près de Grenoble,
dans les Alpes françaises.
Philip Gröning
Grumpier Old Men
1995 110 min color PG United States of America WB
Sequel to the 1993 holiday hit about two contentious
neighbours whose friendship has been cloaked in years of
verbal abuse and practical jokes. This time John and Max
feud over the plans for their children’s marriage, while Max
is driven to romantic distraction by the vivacious Italian
woman who’s taken over the local bait store.
Howard Deutch
Grumpy Old Men
1993 102 min color PG United States of America WB
Engagingly performed but mostly malnourished comedy
about two mate less Minnesota retirees, rabid icefishermen, whose lifelong feud escalates when an
attractive widow moves in across the street.
Donald Petrie Jr.
Comedy; Romance
The Guard
96 min
Sergeant Gerry Boyle is a small-town Irish cop with a
confrontational personality, a subversive sense of humor, a
dying mother, a fondness for prostitutes, and absolutely no
interest whatsoever in the international cocaine-smuggling
ring that has brought straight-laced FBI agent Wendell
Everett to his door.
John Michael McDonagh
Comedy; Thriller
La guerre des mariées
2009 98 min color United States of America FOX
L’histoire de deux meilleures amies qui se mesurent sans
cesse l’une à l’autre. Quand elles s’aperçoivent que leurs
mariages tombent le même jour, elles se lancent dans une
compétition acharnée pour choisir au mieux leurs invités,
le lieu de la cérémonie et l’office religieux. Aucune d’entre
elles ne veut céder.
Gary Winick
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
La guerre des mondes
All Titles
2005 116 min color 13+ United States of America
Opérateur de grue dans un port au New Jersey, Ray
Ferrier est un père divorcé qui a la garde partagée de ses
deux enfants Robbie et Rachel. Ce jour-là, quelques
heures seulement après que son ex-femme soit venue
reconduire les deux gamins chez Ray, une étrange
tempête se met à noircir le ciel. Il devient évident que ce
phénomène n’a rien de naturel. Il signale plutôt l’invasion
de la Terre par des extraterrestres extrêmement évolués
sur le plan technologique. Ces envahisseurs se mettent à
détruire les villes et à tuer toute forme de vie. Dans ce
contexte apocalyptique, Ray quitte la ville avec ses deux
enfants en cherchant à se réfugier à la campagne. Mais la
menace des belliqueuses créatures venues de l’espace
semble s’étendre partout...
Steven Spielberg
Drame de science-fiction; Drame d’espionnage; Drama
La Guerre Des Rose
1989 116 min color United States of America FOX
L’histoire d’un couple de jeunes cadres dynamiques, les
Rose, qui, après une existence qu’ils pensaient heureuse
et confortable, se retournent tout à coup l’un contre l’autre,
n’ommettant aucune bassesse pour se détruire et se
pourrir la vie l’un l’autre, jusqu’à l’apaisement et la
conquête de l’instant de bonheur final.
Danny De Vito
Comedie; Drama social
Gulliver’s Travels
2010 100 min color PG United States of America FOX
Jack Black is bigger than ever... as Gulliver, a perpetual
underachiever and wannabe travel writer at a New York
newspaper. When he finally makes an effort to actually
venture out the city to write a travel piece, a storm-tossed
voyage lands him on an island inhabited by tiny folks
called Lilliputians. After a rocky beginning, the gargantuan
Gulliver becomes an inspiration to his new six-inch-tall
friends. He brings them modern-day wonders like a PDA
and music video game – while they help him kick it oldschool during his travels through this unforgettable world.
Rob Letterman
Gun Crazy (Deadly Is The Female)
1950 87 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Obsessive femme fatale persuades a gun lover to join her
in a life of crime.
Joseph H. Lewis
Drama; Crime
Gung Ho
1986 111 min color United States of America PARA
À Hadleyville, Pennsylvanie, l’usine d’automobiles vient de
fermer ses portes et tout le monde ou presque se retrouve
au chômage...
Ron Howard
Comedie; Drama social
Gung Ho
1986 111 min color AA United States of America PARA
Cocky Keaton becomes the local hero after convincing a
Japanese company to revive the failing auto plant in his
hometown. But comedy ensues as the culture clash
between bosses and workers grows.
Ron Howard
Comedy; Drama
88 min
When notorious American gunslinger, The Montana Kid,
staggers into the tiny Canadian hamlet of Barclay’s Brush,
life for the town’s 17 inhabitants is about to get exciting.
The Kid immediately gets into an unfortunate altercation
with Jack, the town’s surly blacksmith, which leads to the
The Kid ’calling him out’ for some good old frontier justice
- a showdown. But in a place totally ill prepared to deal
with a classic gun fight and without a single working pistol
to be found, adhering to the code of the American Wild
West may prove difficult.
William Phillips
Comedy; Western
La Haine
97 min
Injured by a police inspector during an interrogatory, Abdel
is at hospital, almost dead. In the suburbs where he lives,
some riots happened during the night, and one policeman
lost his gun. One of Abdel’s friend, Vinz, finds it. Vinz and
his two pals, Said and Hubert, have nothing to do, they try
to kill time. Vinz swears that if Abdel dies, he will shoot a
Mathieu Kassovitz
La Haine (v.f.)
97 min
A la suite d’une bavure lors d’une garde à vue, des
policiers ont gravement blessé Abdel, un jeune
banlieusard. Les habitants de sa cit manifestent
violemment et s’attaquent aux policiers. Dans la
confusion, l’un d’eux perd son arme, qui sera récupérée
par Vinz. Ami d’Abdel, Vinz veut le venger; il a la
haine . Ses amis Saı̈d et Hub essaient de l’en
Mathieu Kassovitz
Drama social
2007 116 min color PG United States of America AFI
Tracy Turnblad, an overweight teenager with all the right
moves, is obsessed with the Corny Collins Show. Every
day after school, she and her best friend Penny run home
to watch the show and drool over the hot Link Larkin,
much to Tracy’s mother Edna’s dismay. After one of the
stars of the show leaves, Corny Collins holds auditions to
see who will be the next person on the Corny Collins
show. With all of the help of her friend Seaweed, Tracy
makes it on the show, angering the evil dance queen
Amber Von Tussle and her mother Velma. Tracy then
decides that it’s not fair that the black kids can only dance
on the Corny Collins Show once a month, and with the
help of Seaweed, Link, Penny, Motormouth Maybelle, her
father and Edna, she’s going to integrate the
show.....without denting her ’do!
Adam Shankman
Comedy; Musical; Romance
Hall Pass
2011 105 min color 14A United States of America WB
Rick (Owen Wilson) and Fred (Jason Sudeikis) are best
friends who have a lot in common, including the fact that
they have each been married for many years. But when
the two men begin to show signs of restlessness at home,
their wives (Jenna Fischer, Christina Applegate) take a
bold approach to revitalizing their individual marriages:
granting them a "hall pass," one week of freedom to do
whatever they want...no questions asked. At first, it
sounds like a dream come true for Rick and Fred. But it
isn’t long before they discover that their expectations of the
All Titles
single life-and themselves-are completely, and hilariously,
out of sync with reality.
Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
1929 106 min b&w N/R United States of America WB
In a juke joint, sharecropper Zeke falls for a beautiful
dancer, Chick, but she’s only setting him up for a rigged
craps game. He loses $100, the money he got for the sale
of his family’s entire cotton crop. His brother Spunk is
mortally wounded in the shoot-out which follows. Zeke
goes away but returns as Brother Zekiel the preacher. His
forceful preaching draws the faithful in large numbers.
Even Chick wants to be saved. Zekiel has asked the pretty
Missy Rose to marry him, but Chick can still cast a spell
over the preacher...
King Vidor
Drama; Musical
Halloween 2
2009 103 min color 18A United States of America AFI
It is that time of year again, and Michael Myers has
returned home to sleepy Haddonfield, Illinois to take care
of some unfinished family business. HALLOWEEN 2 picks
up at the exact moment the first movie stopped and
follows the aftermath of Michael Myers murderous
rampage through the eyes of heroine Laurie Strode.
Rob Zombie
Horror; Fantasy; Thriller
2000 112 min color AA United States of America AFI
New York, 2000. A specter in the guise of the newly-dead
CEO of Denmark Corporation appears to Hamlet, tells of
murder most foul, demands revenge, and identifies the
killer as Claudius, the new head of Denmark, Hamlet’s
uncle and now step-father. Hamlet must determine if the
ghost is truly his father, and if Claudius did the deed. To
buy time, Hamlet feigns madness; to catch his uncle’s
conscience, he invites him to watch a film he’s made that
shows a tale of murder. Finally convinced of Claudius’s
guilt, Hamlet must avenge his father. Claudius now knows
Hamlet is a threat and even uses Ophelia, Hamlet’s love,
in his own plots against the young man. Murder will out?
Michael Almereyda
Drama; Thriller; Romance
1996 242 min color PG United States of America WB
When Hamlet returns to his elaborate palace at Elsinore
after his studies, he finds his uncle Claudius married to his
mother Gertrude. Bernardo, Horatio, and Marcellus show
him a ghost who looks like his father, so Hamlet pursues
him into the woods, where he is told to avenge his father’s
murder by his own uncle. Hamlet debates with himself,
and even visualizes himself skewering Claudius from a
confession box, but wants not to send him to heaven.
When the king and queen bring Hamlet’s school friends to
see what is wrong with him as he puts on an air of
madness, he assembles a play similar to his father’s
murder, which has him chased throughout the palace, and
sent to Norway and to England. When Hamlet kills his
girlfriend Ophelia’s father, Polonius, counsel to the king,
her brother Laertes sets out to avenge his death.
Meanwhile, the Prince Fortinbras of Denmark, whose
father was killed by old Hamlet, sets out to take the area
lost in battle with him, often shown in flashbacks, as are
many scattered memories throughout the film.
Kenneth Branagh
Shakespearean Films; Drama; Literary Adaption
1990 133 min color PG United States of America WB
A dynamic, passionate new version of Shakespeare’s
immortal play starring Mel Gibson as the Prince of
Denmark whose determination to avenge the murder of his
father and remarriage of his mother leads to an intricate
tapestry of intrigue, introspection, deception and death.
Franco Zeffirelli
Drama; Literary Adaption
Hamlet (v.f.)
1990 133 min color United States of America WB
Peu de temps après la mort du roi du Danemark, son frère
Claudius a ceint la couronne et épousé la veuve,
Gertrude. Le prince Hamlet considère d’un mauvais oeil
cette alliance de sa mère avec son oncle. Son courroux
augmente après une apparition du spectre de son père qui
lui révèle avoir été assassiné par Claudius. Hamlet feint la
folie pour mieux préparer sa vengence et va même jusqu’à
rabrouer Ophélie, la fille d’un courtisan, envers qui il s’était
engagé sentimentalement. Ophélie se suicide et son frère
affronte Hamlet en un tournoi truqué qui a des
conséquences funestes.
Franco Zeffirelli
Drama social; Dame poétique
The Hangover Part II
2011 102 min color 18A United States of America WB
In The Hangover Part II, Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed
Helms), Alan (Zach Galifianakis) and Doug (Justin Bartha)
travel to exotic Thailand for Stu’s wedding. After the
unforgettable bachelor party in Las Vegas, Stu is taking no
chances and has opted for a safe, subdued pre-wedding
brunch. However, things don’t always go as planned.
What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but what
happens in Bangkok can’t even be imagined.
Todd Phillips
2011 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
Hanna (Ronan) is a teenage girl. Uniquely, she has the
strength, the stamina, and the smarts of a soldier; these
come from being raised by her father (Bana), an ex-CIA
man, in the wilds of Finland. Living a life unlike any other
teenager, her upbringing and training have been one and
the same, all geared to making her the perfect assassin.
The turning point in her adolescence is a sharp one; sent
into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys
stealthily across Europe while eluding agents dispatched
after her by a ruthless intelligence operative with secrets of
her own (Ms. Blanchett). As she nears her ultimate target,
Hanna faces startling revelations about her existence and
unexpected questions about her humanity.
Joe Wright
Adventure; Action; Thriller
Hanté par ses ex
2009 100 min color United States of America AFI
Un homme est hanté par les fantômes de ses anciennes
petites amies au mariage de son frère.
Mark Waters
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
The Happening
2008 91 min color 14A United States of America FOX
A paranoid thriller about a family on the run from a natural
crisis that presents a large-scale threat to humanity.
M. Night Shyamalan
Drama; Science Fiction
Happily N’Ever After
All Titles
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
2007 87 min color G United States of America AFI
An alliance of evil-doers, led by Frieda (Weaver), looks to
take over Fairy Tale Land. But when Ella (Gellar) realizes
her stepmother is out to ruin her storybook existence, she
takes a dramatic turn and blossoms into the leader of the
resistance effort.
Paul J. Bolger
Comedy; Children; Animated
Happy Feet
2006 87 min color PG United States of America WB
Happy Feet is set deep in Antarctica. Into the land of
Emperor Penguins, where each needs a heart song to
attract a soul mate, a penguin is born who cannot sing.
Our hero Mumble, son of Memphis and Norma Jean, is
the worst singer in the world...however, as it happens, he
is a brilliant tap dancer!
George Miller
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Musical; Animated
Happy Feet 2
2011 103 min color PG United States of America WB
The sequel to the Academy Award(r)-winning animated
smash hit, "Happy Feet 2" returns audiences to the
magnificent landscape of Antarctica, reuniting us with the
world’s most famous tap-dancing penguin, Mumble (Elijah
Wood), the love of his life, Gloria (Alecia Moore { Pink})
and their old friends Ramon and Lovelace (Robin
Williams). Mumble and Gloria now have a son of their
own, Erik (EG Daly), who is struggling to find his own
particular talents in the Emperor Penguin world. But new
dangers are threatening the penguin nation, and it’s going
to take everyone working–and dancing–together to save
George Miller
Children; Animated
Happy Go Lucky
118 min
United Kingdom
Poppy (Sally Hawkins) is a life-loving, irrepressibly
cheerful, Pollyanna-type primary school teacher who is
thirty years old, single, and infinitely optimistic and
accepting. She lives with her best friend and flatmate Zoe
(Alexis Zegerman) in London. She is tested by a
repressed driving instructor with anger problems (Eddie
Marsan), and tests him in turn. She has exciting flamenco
lessons, an encounter with a homeless man, a row with
her pregnant sister, and a love-affair with the social worker
guiding one of her students.
Mike Leigh
Comedy; Drama
Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo
2008 107 min color 18A United States of America AFI
The morning they return from their White Castle road trip,
Harold and Kumar decide to go to Amsterdam because
Harold doesn’t want to wait ten days to see Maria again.
On the plane, Kumar lights up his new bong, the air
marshals think it’s a bomb, and Harold and Kumar are
arrested as terrorists and sent to Guantanamo Bay.
Ordered to fellate a guard, they manage to escape, make
their way to Florida, and head for Texas to find Kumar’s
ex-girlfriend’s fiancé, the well-connected Colton, and get
him to intercede with Washington on their behalf. Kumar
still has a thing for Vanessa, the feds are in hot pursuit,
and the legal weed of Amsterdam seems a long way away.
Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg
Comedy; Adventure
2004 90 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle follows two likeable
underdogs who set out on a Friday night quest to satisfy
their craving for White Castle hamburgers and end up on a
mind-altering road trip of epic proportions. John Cho
(American Pie 1 & 2) and Kal Penn (Malibu’s Most
Wanted) take on the title roles in the film directed by
Danny Leiner (Dude, Where’s My Car?) and executive
produced by Nathan Kahane and Carsten Lorenz. Harold
and Kumar Go To White Castle is produced by Greg
Shapiro, co-produced by J. Miles Dale and written by Jon
Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg.
Danny Leiner
Harold et Kumar chassent le Burger
90 min
United States of America
Deux copains, l’un d’origine coréenne, l’autre indienne,
partent un vendredi soir à la recherche de marijuana et
d’un restaurant de fast-food . Chemin faisant, ils
accumulent les mésavenures de toutes sortes.
Danny Leiner
Harriet the Spy
1996 101 min color PG United States of America PARA
Based on the Novel by Louise Fitzhugh. Sixth grader
Harriet M. Welch is a savvy spy. Everyday, disguised in
her foolproof spy outfit, the fearless sixth-grader travels her
spy route, cannily observing the world around her and
scribbling even the smallest detail into her secret spy
notebook. Harriet is determined to be a famous writer
when she grows up. Her notebook is filled with candid and
sometimes imaginary tales about her neighbours, her
classmates, even her best friends, Janie and Sport. But
when Harriet’s classmates find her notebook and read its
remarkable contents out loud, her life is turned upside
Bronwen Hughes
Harry Potter à L’École Des Sorciers
2001 152 min color United States of America WB
Basé sur la populaire série de livres de S.K. Rowling.
Harry Potter, un jeune orphelin, est élevé par son oncle
Vernon et sa tante Pétunia qui le détestent. Alors qu’il
était haut comme trois pommes, ces derniers lui ont
raconté que ses parents étaient morts dans un accident
de voiture. Le jour de son onzième anniversaire, Harry
reçoit la visite inattendue d’un homme gigantesque se
nommant Rubeus Hagrid. Celui-ci lui révèle qu’il est en
fait le fils de deux puissants magiciens et qu’il possède lui
aussi d’extraordinaires pouvoirs. C’est avec joie que le
garçon accepte de suivre des cours à Poudlard, la célèbre
école de sorcellerie. Il a enfin la chance de se faire des
amis. Blâmé par le professeur Severus Rogue qui lui
enseigne les potions et protégé par Albus Dumbledore, le
directeur de l’établissement, Harry va tenter d’élucider le
mystère de la pierre philosophale.
Chris Columbus
Comédie fantaisiste; Dame poétique; Drame
d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
2002 161 min color PG United States of America WB
The next installment in the Harry Potter series finds young
wizard Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends Ron
(Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) facing new
challenges during their second year at Hogwarts School of
All Titles
Witchcraft and Wizardry as they try to discover a dark
force that is terrorizing the school.
Chris Columbus
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2
2011 130 min color PG United States of America WB
In Part 2 of the epic finale, the battle between the good
and evil forces of the Wizarding world escalates into an
all-out war. The stakes have never been higher and no
one is safe. But it is Harry Potter who may be called upon
to make the ultimate sacrifice as he draws closer to the
climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort. It all ends here.
David Yates
Adventure; Science Fiction; Children; Action
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I
2010 145 min color PG United States of America WB
Voldemort’s power is growing stronger. He now has
control over the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts. Harry,
Ron, and Hermione decide to finish Dumbledore’s work
and find the rest of the Horcruxes to defeat the Dark Lord.
But little hope remains for them, so everything they do
must go as planned.
David Yates
Adventure; Fantasy; Mystery
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
2005 157 min color PG United States of America WB
Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts is marked by the Triwizard
Tournament, in which student representatives from three
different wizarding schools compete in a series of
increasingly challenging contests. The competitors are
selected by the goblet of fire, which this year makes a very
surprising announcement: Hogwarts will have two
representatives in the tournament, including Harry Potter!
As if things weren’t bad enough, marks of the evil wizard
Voldemort begin appearing, signaling that he is finally
ready to come back to the land of the living.
Mike Newell
Adventure; Children; Fantasy; Thriller
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
2008 153 min color PG United States of America WB
As Harry Potter begins his 6th year at Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry, he discovers an old book marked
mysteriously "This book is the property of the Half-Blood
Prince" and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort’s
dark past.
David Yates
Adventure; Drama; Fantasy; Mystery; Romance
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
2007 152 min color PG United States of America WB
With their warning about Lord Voldemort’s return scoffed
at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard
authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes
power at Hogwarts.
David Yates
Adventure; Drama; Children; Fantasy
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (v.f.)
2007 152 min color United States of America WB
Alors qu’il entame sa cinquième année d’études à
Poudlard, Harry Potter découvre que la communauté des
sorciers ne semble pas croire au retour de Voldemort,
convaincue par une campagne de désinformation
orchestrée par le Ministre de la Magie Cornelius Fudge.
Afin de le maintenir sous surveillance, Fudge impose à
Poudlard un nouveau professeur de Défense contre les
Forces du Mal, Dolorès Ombrage, chargée de maintenir
l’ordre à l’école et de surveiller les faits et gestes de
Dumbledore. Prodiguant aux élèves des cours sans grand
intérêt, celle qui se fait appeler la Grande Inquisitrice de
Poudlard semble également décidée à tout faire pour
rabaisser Harry. Entouré de ses amis Ron et Hermione,
ce dernier met sur pied un groupe secret, "L’Armée de
Dumbledore", pour leur enseigner l’art de la défense
contre les forces du Mal et se préparer à la guerre qui
David Yates
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants; Comédie
fantaisiste; Drama social
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
2001 152 min color PG United States of America WB
Based on the first of J.K. Rowling’s popular children’s
novels about Harry Potter. The live action family adventure
film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone tells the
story of a boy who learns on his 11th birthday that he is
the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses
unique magical powers of his own. Summoned from his
life as an unwanted child to become a student at Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry meets several
similarly-gifted friends who become his closest allies and
help him discover the truth about his parents’ mysterious
deaths at the hands of a powerful adversary.
Chris Columbus
Adventure; Fantasy
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
2004 143 min color PG United States of America WB
It’s Harry’s third year at Hogwarts, but a shadow hangs
over Hogwart’s. A dangerous mass murderer, Sirius Black,
has escaped the Azkaban Fortress - the Wizards’ Prison.
While learning to cope with the Dementors sent to protect
Hogwart’s, Harry learns the disturbing story of Sirius Black
and yet more of his own history.
Alfonso Cuarón
Adventure; Children; Fantasy
Harry Potter et la Chambre des secrets
2002 161 min color United States of America WB
Alors que l’oncle Vernon, la tante Pétunia et Dudley
reçoivent d’importants invités à dı̂ner, Harry Potter est
contraint de passer la soirée dans sa chambre. Dobby, un
elfe, fait alors son apparition. Il lui annonce que de
terribles dangers menacent l’école de Poudlard et qu’il ne
doit pas y retourner en septembre. Mais Harry refuse de
le croire. Ce dernier ne tarde pas à entendre une voix
malveillante qui lui annonce que la redoutable chambre
des secrets est à nouveau ouverte, permettant ainsi à
l’héritier de Serpentard de semer le désordre à Poudlard.
Ses camarades de classe se transforment bientôt en
rochers. Harry et Ron, aidés de quelques bons amis,
doivent agir vite pour sauver l’école avant qu’il ne soit trop
Chris Columbus
Films pour enfants; Dame poétique; Drame d’aventures
Harry Potter et la coupe de feu
2005 157 min color United States of America WB
La quatrième année à l’école de Poudlard est marquée
par le " Tournoi des trois sorciers ". Les participants sont
choisis par la fameuse " coupe de feu " qui est à l’origine
d’un scandale. Elle sélectionne Harry Potter alors qu’il n’a
pas l’âge légal requis ! Accusé de tricherie et mis à mal
par une série d’épreuves physiques de plus en plus
difficiles, ce dernier sera enfin confronté à Celui dont on
ne doit pas prononcer le nom, Lord V.
Mike Newell
Comédie fantaisiste; Films pour enfants; Drame
d’aventures; Drame d’espionnage
Harry Potter et le prince de Sang-Mêl
All Titles
2008 153 min color United States of America WB
Alors qu’Harry Potter débute sa sixième année à l’école
des sorciers, il découvre un mystérieux grimoire sur lequel
est inscrit "ce livre appartient au prince de sang-mêlé".
C’est ainsi qu’Harry en apprend plus sur le sombre passé
de Voldemort...
David Yates
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale; Comédie
fantaisiste; Drame d’aventures; Comédie moeurs
Harry Potter et le prisonnier d’Azkaban
2004 143 min color United States of America WB
Sirius Black, le dangereux criminel qui s’est échappé de la
forteresse d’Azkaban, recherche Harry Potter. C’est donc
sous bonne garde que l’apprenti sorcier fait sa troisième
rentrée. Au programme : des cours de divination, la
fabrication d’une potion de ratatinage, le dressage des
hippogriffes... Mais Harry est-il vraiment à l’abri du danger
qui le menace ?
Alfonso Cuarón
Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures; Comédie
Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2e partie
2011 130 min color G United States of America WB
Dans la deuxième partie de cette finale épique, la bataille
entre les forces du bien et celles du mal du monde des
magiciens dégénère en une guerre tous azimuts. Les
enjeux n’ont jamais été si aussi grands et personne n’est
en sécurité. Mais c’est peut-être Harry Potter qui pourrait
être appelé à faire le sacrifice ultime alors qu’il se
rapproche de la confrontation tant attendue avec Lord
Voldemort. Tout se termine ici.
David Yates
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Films
pour enfants; Action (v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste
1962 159 min color PG United States of America PARA
A grand family adventure has John Wayne capture
ferocious big game in Africa to supply zoos and circuses.
One of Henry Mancini’s most popluar scores provides the
exciting background.
Howard Hawks
Comedy; Adventure; Drama; Action; Romance
Hatari! (v.f.)
1962 159 min color United States of America PARA
Une jeune femme qui dirige une réserve d’animaux
sauvages se fait aider par des amis de son père. Tout se
passe bien entre bêtes et hommes jusqu’au jour où un
photographe arrive.
Howard Hawks
Drama social; Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Action
(v.f.); Comédie sentimentale
Haut dans les airs
2009 109 min color United States of America PARA
Ryan Bingham est un conseiller en ressources humaines
qui passe son temps à traverser les États-Unis pour
accomplir son travail. Passant la majorité de son temps en
avion, Bingham n’a que peu d’opportunités de trouver
l’amour. Jusqu’au jour où il croise le chemin d’une jeune
femme ravissante possédant le même style de vie que lui.
C’est alors que la société qui l’emploie veut déménager
son siège social au Nebraska, menaçant son emploi et
l’opportunité de revoir sa dulcinée.
Jason Reitman
Comedie; Drama social; Dame poétique
2012 93 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Beautiful freelance covert operative Mallory Kane is hired
out by her handler to various global entities to perform
jobs which governments can’t authorize and heads of state
would rather not know about. After a mission to rescue a
hostage in Barcelona, Mallory is quickly dispatched on
another mission to Dublin. When the operation goes awry
and Mallory finds she has been double crossed, she
needs to use all of her skills, tricks and abilities to escape
an international manhunt, make it back to the United
States, protect her family, and exact revenge on those that
have betrayed her.
Steven Soderbergh
Action; Thriller
Head of State
2003 95 min color AA United States of America SKG
When a presidential candidate dies unexpectedly in the
middle of the campaign, the Democratic party
unexpectedly picks a Washington, D.C. alderman, Mays
Gilliam (Rock) as his replacement.
Chris Rock
Head of State (v.f.)
2003 95 min color United States of America SKG
Lorsqu’un candidat à la présidence des États-Unis meurt
subitement, le parti politique de ce dernier choisit un
homme oeuvrant dans la politique municipale à
Washington D.C.
Chris Rock
100 min
HEADHUNTERS stars the talented Aksel Hennie (Max
Manus) as Roger, a charming scoundrel and Norway’s
most accomplished headhunter. Roger is living a life of
luxury well beyond his means, and stealing art to subsidize
his expensive lifestyle. When his beautiful gallery owner
wife introduces him to a former mercenary in the
possession of an extremely valuable painting, he decides
to risk it all to get his hands on it, and in doing so
discovers something which makes him a hunted man.
Morten Tyldum
Action; Suspense; Thriller; Crime
105 min
Charming, funny and effortlessly cool, Alex (Duris) is a
professional heartbreaker who for a fee can turn any
husband, fiance or boyfriend into an ex. Alex has one
ironclad rule: He only breaks up couples where the
woman is unhappy. His latest job will put that rule to the
test. The target is Juliette, a beautiful heiress who is set to
marry the man of her dreams. With ten days until the
wedding, Alex has been hired by her father to carry out his
most daring seduction yet that risks him being caught by
his ruthless personal creditors, angry exes, and the
beautiful and independent Juliette herself. But worst of all,
will he discover to his own cost that when it comes to love,
the perfect plan doesn’t exist? This fall no one will be able
Pascal Chaumeil
Comedy; Romance
All Titles
1995 172 min color R United States of America WB
Dynamite cops-and-robbers saga, with Pacino an
obsessive, super smart L.A. detective on the trail of hightech, high-precision robber De Niro and his tight-knit gang.
It turns out that the two of them have more in common
than either one might think.
Michael Mann
Drama; Thriller
Heaven on Earth
106 min
Chand (Preity Zinta) is a young woman who travels from
India to Canada to marry Rocky (Vansh Bhardwaj), a man
she has never met. Her dream of a new life morphs into a
nightmare as marriage to Rocky and his family becomes a
numbing spiral of confusion and pain. Chand finds hope in
her friendship with Rosa (Yanna McIntosh), a street-smart
woman from Jamaica who works with Chand at a laundry
factory. Rosa gives Chand a magical root and promises
that it will make Rocky fall deeply in love with her. The
experiment ends in a surreal parallel life that mirrors an
Indian fable involving a King Cobra.
Deepa Mehta
Heaven on Earth (v.f.)
106 min
Chand, une jeune et ravissante Indienne, s’apprête à
s’envoler pour Toronto où l’attend sa future belle-famille. Il
s’agit d’un mariage arrangé, tradition à laquelle semble se
soumettre sans réserve la promise. Le matin du départ,
sa mère tient toutefois à lui rappeler une vieille légende,
que Chand connaı̂t pourtant par coeur, celle du pèlerin et
du cobra. La noce a lieu le lendemain de son arrivée au
Canada alors que tombe la première neige. Après le
mariage, la nouvelle épouse déchante: sa belle-mère la
déteste, son mari la bat. Désespérée, elle se réfugie de
plus en plus dans le souvenir des contes de son enfance.
Dans ses rêveries, elle devient le pèlerin de la légende.
Ce n’est qu’une question de temps avant que ne se
manifeste le cobra.
Deepa Mehta
Drama social
Heavenly Creatures
99 min
United Kingdom
Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme met in school during the
1950s. Instant best friends, they proceeded to spend
every minute possible together, often writing about a
fantasy land of their own invention. More and more
estranged from their respective families, the two girls
realise that they are extremely different from most other
people, and agree to take any steps necessary to ensure
that they are not seperated. The two families are
increasingly concerned about the girls’ friendship in a
strictly moralistic era.
Peter Jackson
Drama; Thriller; Romance; Crime
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
2001 95 min color AA United States of America WB
Hedwig, born a boy named Hansel in East Berlin, fell in
love with an American G.I. and underwent a sex-change
operation in order to marry him and flee to the West.
Unfortunately, nothing worked out quite as it was
supposed to - years later, Hedwig is leading her rock band
on a tour of the U.S., telling her life story through a series
of concerts at Bilgewater Inn seafood restaurants. Her tour
dates coincide with those of arena-rock star Tommy
Gnosis, a wide-eyed boy who once loved Hedwig... but
then left with all her songs.
John Cameron Mitchell
Comedy; Drama; Musical
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (v.f.)
2001 95 min color 13+ United States of America WB
Hedwig Schmidt, un transsexuel allemand, est la star du
rock la plus étonnante et la plus méconnue du monde.
Avec son groupe, elle sillonne les Etats-Unis de
restaurants miteux en halls de centres commerciaux.
Pourtant, chacune de ses chansons révèle son incroyable
destin et sa vision du monde. Hedwig raconte, en
chansons, son enfance est-allemande, sa solitude, son
opération de changement de sexe et ses passions. Elle
poursuit également le célébrissime Tommy Gnosis, le
jeune homme qu’elle a tant aimé et pour qui elle a
composé certaines musiques.
John Cameron Mitchell
Comedie; Drama social; Films Musicaux
2009 120 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Helen has it all - a beautiful daughter, a loving husband, a
fullfilling career and a close circle of adoring friends. But
when her world is broken down by depression, the very
center of her being no longer seems to hold. Helen’s
profound love for her family which once kept them all so
close together now seems to tear them apart. Amid the
desperate battle for her life, her love and her sanity, Helen
finds herself pulling away from her husband and seeking
comfort in the company of a fierce yet fragile, enigmatic
and troubled young woman - whose extraordinary spirit
and devotion shines a flickering light into Helen’s darkness.
Sandra Nettelbeck
Helen (v.f.)
2009 120 min color United States of America AFI
Joy, 18 ans, est portée disparue. Helen, jeune apprentie
comédienne qui s’apprête à quitter son foyer d’accueil, est
sollicitée par la police pour incarner l’adolescente dans
une reconstitution. Joy avait tout : une famille aimante, un
petit ami et un avenir prometteur. Contrairement Helen,
orpheline, qui a passé toute sa vie dans des institutions...
Helen trace le parcours d’une jeune fille en quête
d’identité, à travers lequel se dessinent les contours d’une
solitude et d’un malaise plus larges auxquels sont livrés
les adolescents.
Sandra Nettelbeck
Drama social
Henry’s Crime
2010 108 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Released from prison for a crime he didn’t commit, an excon targets the same bank he was sent away for robbing.
Malcolm Venville
Drama; Crime
Here on Earth
2000 97 min color PG United States of America FOX
In the summer between high school and college, a wealthy
prep student and a small town girl fall in love for the first
time. When the girl discovers she is terminally ill, the boy
must make a choice between his heart and the future that
his father has chosen for him.
Mark Piznarski
He’s Just Not that Into You
All Titles
High Noon
2009 129 min color 14A United States of America AFI
In Baltimore, five women and four men try to sort out the
signals that the sexes exchange. Gigi imagines every man
she meets is Mr. Right; she gets reality checks from Alex,
a sweet but cynical saloon keeper. Janine and Ben seem
solidly married until he chats with Anna in a market
checkout line; meanwhile Anna is indifferent to the pursing
Connor. Neil and Beth have been together seven years;
she dumps him when she realizes he really and truly isn’t
going to marry her. Does he love her? And Mary sells
advertising while searching on line for a man. Will those in
love stay in love? Will those searching figure out who is
and who isn’t into them? Are men all that different from
Ken Kwapis
He’s Just Not that Into You (v.f.)
2009 129 min color United States of America AFI
Une réjouissante comédie romantique qui dresse un
portrait provocateur, hilarant et libérateur de
l’incompréhension entre hommes et femmes. Tandis qu’un
groupe de jeunes femmes brillantes, originales et
extrêmement déterminées s’efforcent de déchiffrer le
langage amoureux, elles nous entraı̂nent dans une
réjouissante quête éperdue du grand amour... Une chose
reste certaine : s’il ne vous appelle pas, s’il ne couche
pas avec vous, s’il est marié à quelqu’un d’autre ou s’il
couche avec une autre... il y a de grandes chances qu’il
ne s’intéresse pas vous.
Ken Kwapis
1952 84 min color PG United States of America JAN
Gary Cooper won an Academy Award for his performance
as a small-town sheriff who, on the day of his wedding and
scheduled retirement, learns that a criminal he convicted
will be returning on the noon train for revenge. This
landmark Western won four Oscars.
Fred Zinnemann
Western; Thriller
1986 107 min color AA United States of America FOX
Immortal antagonists wage a fierce, winner-take-all battle
in a sweeping saga that spans four centuries. A bloody
decapitation ends this ultimate midnight action movie!
Russell Mulcahy
Science Fiction; Action; Fantasy
The Hills Have Eyes
2006 107 min color 18A United States of America FOX
A new take on Wes Craven’s 1977 film of the same name,
THE HILLS HAVE EYES is the story of a family road trip
that goes terrifyingly awry when the travelers become
stranded in a government atomic zone. Miles from
nowhere, the Carters soon realize the seemingly
uninhabited wasteland is actually the breeding ground of a
blood-thirsty mutant family...and they are the prey.
Alexandre Aja
Drama; Horror; Thriller; Hallowen Favourites
Heure Limite 3
91 min
United States of America
Après une tentative d’assassinat perpétrée contre
l’ambassadeur de Chine, l’inspecteur Lee et le détective
James Carter font à nouveau, bien malgré eux, équipe
ensemble. Leur enquête les mène à Paris où ils doivent
se mesurer aux triades chinoises.
Brett Ratner
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Drame policier; Drame
121 min
Georges (Auteuil), a television talk showhost, and his wife
Anne (Binoche) are living the perfect life of comfort and
security. One day, their idyll is disrupted in the form of a
mysterious videotape that appears on their doorstep. On it
they are being filmed by a hidden camera from across the
street with no clues as to who shot it, or why. As more
tapes arrive containing images that are disturbingly
intimate and increasingly personal, George launches into
an investigation of his own as to who is behind this. As he
does so, secrets from his past are revealed, and the walls
of security he an Anne have built around themselves begin
to crumble.
Michael Haneke
Drama; Thriller; Mystery
High Crimes
2002 115 min color AA United States of America FOX
A Harvard Law School professor is forced to defend her
husband in military court after the Army declares him a
deserter and charges him with participating in a mass
killing in El Salvador.
Carl Franklin
The Hills Have Eyes 2
2007 89 min color 18A United States of America FOX
The sequel to the 2006 horror re-make, The Hills Have
Eyes which grossed over $41 million at the domestic box
office, is written by horror legend Wes Craven and
Jonathan Craven and will be directed by Martin Weisz.
The storyline follows a group of young National Guard
trainees who are attacked by mutants during a training
mission in the New Mexico desert.
Martin Weisz
Histoire de dauphin
2011 115 min color G United States of America WB
Dolpin Tale est inspiré de la remarquable histoire vraie
d?un courageux dauphin prénommé Winter et des gens
compatissants qui se sont regroupés afin de sauver la vie
de cette femelle.
Charles Martin Smith
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.)
Une histoire de Noël
98 min
United States of America
Ralphie a un unique souhait pour Noël, celui de se faire
offrir la fameuse carabine à double action de Red Ryder.
Se heurtant l’opposition de ses parents, il décide de
s’adresser directement au Père Noël.
Bob Clark
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Une histoire de Sin City
All Titles
A History of Violence
2005 124 min color 16+ United States of America AFI
Trois histoires se déroulant à Sin City, une ville où règne la
dépravation et la violence. Après avoir trouvé le cadavre
de la jeune femme avec qui il vient de passer la nuit, le
colosse Marv, un ancien détenu, se lance à la poursuite
de l’assassin et affronte son plus redoutable ennemi en la
personne d’un adolescent sadique et cannibale. Sept ans
après avoir sauvé une jeune fille des griffes d’un
pédophile, le policier à la retraite Hartigan revient pour la
protéger de son ancien ravisseur. Témoin du meurtre
accidentel d’un détective renégat dans un quartier
malfamé, le jeune Dwight entreprend de faire disparaı̂tre le
cadavre afin d’éviter aux prostituées de la ville une
confrontation fatale avec les forces de l’ordre.
Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez
Drame d’espionnage; Dame poétique; Drame policier
Une histoire de violence
90 min
United States of America
Parce qu’au cours d’un braquage, Tom Stall a abattu les
deux malfrats qui menaçaient la vie des employés de son
restaurant et celle de ses clients, il est désormais acclamé
en héros et son aventure s’étale à la une de tous les
médias. Alors qu’il essaie de retrouver une vie normale
loin des feux de l’actualité, un certain Carl Fogarty
débarque, convaincu d’avoir reconnu en Tom celui avec
qui il a eu autrefois de violents démêlés. Tom aura beau
nier, désormais, Fogarty et ses hommes le traquent. Face
à la menace, Tom et les siens vont devoir se battre.
David Cronenberg
Dame poétique; Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
L’histoire sans fin
94 min
United States of America
Le petit Bastian entre dans une librairie où il trouve un
livre merveilleux. L’histoire qu’on y raconte est celle du
royaume de la fantaisie menacé par les forces du Néant.
Ce pays extraordinaire disparâı̀tra si un jeune héros ne
trouve pas remède à la maladie de la souveraine. Captivé
par sa lecture, Bastian se trouve lui-même emport dans le
Wolfgang Petersen
Films pour enfants; Comédie fantaisiste; Drame
d’aventures; Dame poétique
The History Boys
2006 122 min color 14A United States of America FOX
THE HISTORY BOYS tells the story of an unruly class of
bright, funny history students in pursuit of an
undergraduate place at Oxford or Cambridge. Bounced
between their maverick English master (Richard Griffiths),
a young and shrewd teacher hired to up their test scores
(Stephen Campbell Moore), a grossly out-numbered
history teacher (Frances de la Tour), and a headmaster
obsessed with results (Clive Merrison), the boys attempt to
sift through it all to pass the daunting university
admissions process. Their journey becomes as much
about how education works, as it is about where education
Nicholas Hytner
Comedy; Drama; Literary Adaption; World Teacher Day
The History Boys (v.f.)
2006 122 min color United States of America FOX
Une classe indisciplinée remplie d’adolescents doués et
charmants se consacre au sexe, au sport et aux hautes
Nicholas Hytner
Comedie; Dame poétique; Drama social
2005 90 min color 18A United States of America AFI
A thriller from director David Cronenberg, A History of
Violence stars Viggo Mortensen as a pillar of a small town
community who runs a diner and lives a happy and quiet
life with his wife (Maria Bello) and two children. But their
lives are forever changed when Mortensen thwarts an
attempted robbery and is lauded as a hero by the media,
attracting the attention of some mobsters (William Hurt
and Ed Harris) who believe he is someone else.
David Cronenberg
Drama; Thriller; Literary Adaption
Hit and Run
2012 100 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Former getaway driver Charlie Bronson jeopardizes his
Witness Protection Plan identity in order to help his
girlfriend get to Los Angeles. The feds and Charlie’s
former gang chase them on the road.
David Palmer, Dax Shepard
Comedy; Action; Romance
2012 98 min color PG United States of America FOX
A love story between influential filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock
and wife Alma Reville during the filming of Psycho in 1959.
Sacha Gervasi
Hitchcock (v.f.)
2012 98 min color United States of America FOX
L’histoire vraie du réalisateur Alfred Hitchcock et ses
tentatives désespérées dans les années 50 pour parvenir
à financer son film d’épouvante Psycho, maintenant
devenu un classique de l’horreur. Le film dévoilera
également les détails de la relation que le cinéaste
entretenait avec sa femme Alma Reville, qu’il a rencontrée
sur les plateaux de tournage hollywoodiens dans les
années 20.
Sacha Gervasi
Drama social
2007 100 min color 14A United States of America FOX
A genetically-engineered assassin known as Agent 47
works for a mysterious organization dubbed the Agency.
Based on the videogame franchise "Hitman: Codename
Xavier Gens
Action; Thriller
The Hoax
2007 116 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Early in 1971, McGraw-Hill passes on Clifford Irving’s new
novel. He’s desperate for money, so, against the backdrop
of Nixon’s reelection calculations, Irving claims he has
Howard Hughes’s cooperation to write Hughes’s
autobiography. With the help of friend Dick Suskind, Irving
does research, lucks into a manuscript written by a longtime Hughes associate, and plays on corporate greed.
He’s quick-thinking and outrageously bold. Plus, he banks
on Hughes’s reluctance to enter the public eye. At the
same time, he’s trying to rebuild his marriage and deflect
the allure of his one-time mistress, Nina Van Pallandt. Can
he write a good book, take the money, and pull off the
Lasse Hallström
Comedy; Drama
All Titles
Hobo with a Shotgun
2011 86 min color R United States of America AFI
A vigilante homeless man pulls into a new city and finds
himself trapped in urban chaos, a city where crime rules
and where the city’s crime boss reigns. Seeing an urban
landscape filled with armed robbers, corrupt cops, abused
prostitutes and even a pedophile Santa, the Hobo goes
about bringing justice to the city the best way he knows
how - with a 20-gauge shotgun. Mayhem ensues when he
tries to make things better for the future generation. Street
justice will indeed prevail.
Jason Eisener
Adventure; Action; Thriller; Crime
Home Alone
1990 103 min color PG United States of America FOX
When eight-year-old Kevin McCallister’s family rushes off
on a holiday trip to Paris three days before Christmas, they
accidentally leave the youngster behind to deck the halls
with a barrage of booby traps to keep out a bumbling pair
of burglars who have discovered that this tough little tyke
is home alone.
Chris Columbus
Comedy; Happy Holidays
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
1992 120 min color PG United States of America FOX
In John Hughes’ sequel to one of the highest-grossing
films of all time, Macaulay Culkin once again stars as
Kevin McCallister, who has to fend for himself in New York
City when he is accidentally separated from his family
during a holiday trip.
Chris Columbus
Home Alone 3
1997 102:30 min color PG United States of America
He’s got surveillance. He’s got strategy. He’s got guts.
He’s got chicken pox. And he’s "home alone." There’s a
new kid in town-8-year-old Alex Pruitt – and when a pesky
team of international criminals invade his neighborhood,
he’s the last and only line of defense.
Raja Gosnell
Comedy; Children
pension. Elle se déguise alors en homme et rejoint l’école,
où son frère ne s’est jamais présenté car il a préféré
tenter sa chance sur la scène musicale Londonienne.
Mais à peine arrivée, Viola voit les problèmes arriver : elle
tombe amoureuse de son collocataire, Duke, qui aime la
belle Olivia. Olivia, quant à elle, se sent furieusement
attirée par Viola. Et les choses deviennent encore plus
compliquées quand Sébastien débarque sur le campus ...
Andy Fickman
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Un homme de fer
1949 132 min b&w United States of America FOX
Le général Marsh remplace un officier supérieur
démoralisé par les pertes de ces troupes. Mais lui aussi
sera très atteint par les soldats tombés au front.
Henry King
Drama social; Drame de guerre
L’Homme des vallées perdues
1953 117 min color United States of America PARA
Un justicier venu de nulle part vient en aide aux fermiers
confrontés aux ranchers qui veulent les spolier et utilisent
les services d’un tueur terrifiant.
George Stevens
Western (v.f.); Drama social; Dame poétique
L’Homme Elephant
1980 123 min b&w United States of America PARA
Londres, 1884. Le chirurgien Frederick Treves découvre
un homme complètement défiguré et difforme, devenu une
attraction de foire. John Merrick, " le monstre ", doit son
nom de Elephant Man au terrible accident que subit sa
mère. Alors enceinte de quelques mois, elle est renversée
par un éléphant. Impressionné par de telles difformités, le
Dr. Treves achète Merrick, l’arrachant ainsi à la violence
de son propriétaire, et à l’humiliation quotidienne d’être
mis en spectacle. Le chirurgien pense alors que " le
monstre " est un idiot congénital. Il découvre rapidement
en Merrick un homme meurtri, intelligent et doté d’une
grande sensibilité.
David Lynch
Drama biographique; Drama social
Home for the Holidays
1995 100 min color PG United States of America PARA
In the span of 36 hours, she manages to lose her job, her
head, her coat and her cool. What Claudia doesn’t expect
to lose this Thanksgiving is this sense of dread and
loathing...of wanting to be anywhere but home with the
family. HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS is a human comedy
that honours the timeless holiday tradition of family
gatherings and reminds you why you left home.
Jodie Foster
Comedy; Drama; Romance; Thanksgiving
L’ Homme en feu
2004 146 min color United States of America FOX
Un ancien soldat américain part en Italie pour devenir le
garde du corps d’une riche famille. Après s’être lié
d’amitié avec une petite fille de 10 ans, celle-ci est
kidnappée puis tuée par accident lors de l’échange de la
rançon. L’ex-marine décide de dévouer sa vie à venger la
mort de l’enfant.
Tony Scott
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.); Drama social
Un homme au singulier
99 min
United States of America
Professeur britannique à l’Université de Californie, George
tente de se remettre de la mort accidentelle de Jim, son
jeune compagnon. Son amie Charley, une femme qui
s’interroge elle-même sur son avenir, tente de le consoler.
Tom Ford
Drama social
L’Homme c’est elle
2006 105 min color United States of America SKG
Quand Viola Johnson apprend qu’il n’y a plus d’équipe de
football dans son école, elle se révolte et décide de
prendre la place de son frère jumeau, Sébastien, dans sa
Un homme est pass
81 min
United States of America
A la fin de la guerre, un manchot arrive dans la petite ville
de Black Rock pour remettre au père d’un Japonais
américain, qui lui a sauvé la vie, la médaille que son fils a
gagnée avant de mourir. L’étranger découvre que le père
a été tué par les habitants au début du conflit dans un
délire patriotique. Il affronte à son tour ces derniers et,
malgré son bras unique, triomphe de leur racisme.
John Sturges
Drama social; Comédie moeurs; Drame policier
L’Homme qui tua Liberty Valance
All Titles
La honte
1962 122 min b&w United States of America PARA
Un homme politique reconnu, Ransom Stoddad, assiste à
l’enterrement de son ami Tom Doniphon avec sa femme.
C’est pour lui l’occasion de revenir avec un journaliste sur
les moments importants de sa vie, notament son arrivée
dans l’Ouest, l’arrestation de sa diligeance par le célèbre
bandit Liberty Valance, sa volonté de se venger de
celui-ci. Jadis, Donophon était devenu son allié.
John Ford
Western (v.f.)
2011 100 min color 16+ United States of America AFI
Brandon, trentenaire new-yorkais, se rend compte être
incapable de gérer sa vie sexuelle...
Steve McQueen
Drama social
114 min
Paul Exben a tout pour être heureux: une belle situation
professionnelle, une femme et deux enfants magnifiques.
Sauf que cette vie n’est pas celle dont il rêvait. Un coup
de folie va faire basculer son existence, l’amenant
endosser une nouvelle identité qui va lui permettre de
vivre sa vie.
Eric Lartigau
Drama social; Drame psychologique
2005 85 min color G United States of America AFI
The recipes of candies of the goody shops have been
stolen by the Goody Bandit, and many animals are out of
business. While the police are chasing the criminal, there
is a mess at Granny’s house evolving Little Red Hiding
Hood, The Wolf, The Woodsman and Granny, disturbing
the peace in the forest and they are all arrested by the
inpatient Chief Grizzly. Detective Nicky Flipper is in charge
of the investigation, and each accused gives the own
version for the incident. The smart Flipper uses the
information to disclose the identity of the evil Goody
Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards (co-director)
Comedy; Children; Mystery; Animated; Crime
L’homme sans visage
Hoodwinked Too: Hood vs Evil
L’homme qui voulait vivre sa vie
1993 114 min color United States of America WB
Pour les gens de Craneport Maine, Justin Mcleod est un
étranger depuis le jour où il est arrivé dans leur village
paisible près des côtes. Depuis les l0 dernières années,
son visage défiguré, son comportement taciturne et son
passé mystérieux ont fait de lui un sujet de rumeurs.
Chuck Norstadt, âgé de douze ans, se sent également
comme un étranger de sa propre famille. Justin et Chuck
se lient d’amitié et découvrent la compréhension qui
manquent à leurs vies.
Mel Gibson
Etudes sociales; Drama social
Les hommes préfèrent les blondes
1953 91 min color United States of America FOX
Lorelai et Dorothy sont deux chanteuses de cabaret
travaillant sur un paquebot transatlantique en direction de
Paris. Et elles apprécient la compagnie des hommes...
Howard Hawks
Comedie; Drama social; Films Musicaux
L’honneur a tout prix
2000 129 min color United States of America FOX
La Seconde Guerre mondiale est terminée depuis
quelques années, et, bien que l’armée américaine ait mis
fin à la ségrégation raciale, un Noir n’y joint pas les rangs
comme il le désire, la réticence des Blancs y étant encore
très présente. Malgré la pauvreté de sa famille, Carl
Brashear, un homme de race noire, nourrit l’espoir d’un
avenir meilleur. Passionné de natation, il s’enrôle dans le
programme de plongée sous-marine de l’armée. Il se
retrouve toutefois chargé de corvées astreignantes, mais
ne baisse pas les bras. Au bout de deux années de durs
labeurs et de détermination, il est finalement admis en tant
qu’étudiant-scaphandrier au cours dirigé par l’instructeurchef Billy Sunday, un militaire dont les remarques racistes
déplacées en dérangent plus d’un. L’armée a imposé à
celui-ci un Noir dans ses rangs, mais rien ne l’oblige à
aimer cette situation. Et ce n’est pas que Billy qui
n’apprécie guère la venue de Carl : sauf un étudiant,
aucun n’a accept de partager sa chambre avec Carl. Les
difficultés qui l’attendent ne sont pas juste d’ordre racial :
les trois quarts des étudiants ne rencontrent pas les
standards et sont renvoyés avant d’être promus
George Tillman
Etudes sociales; Drama social
2011 96 min color G United States of America AFI
Hood vs. Evil will find a teen such as Red Riding Hood
who will be training in a distant land with a mysterious,
covert group called the Sister Hoods. When Red and the
Wolf get called upon by Nick Flippers, the head of the
Happily Ever After Agency, over to investigate the
disappearance of Hansel and Gretel.
Mike Disa
Comedy; Children; Animated
2006 90 min color G United States of America AFI
Three middle-schoolers take on greedy land developers,
corrupt politicians, and clueless cops in the mystery
adventure HOOT based on Carl Hiaasen’s Newbery
Honor-winning book. Produced by Jimmy Buffett, Frank
Marshall (Seabiscuit, Signs) and Walden Media (The
Chronicles of Narnia, Holes), HOOT revolves around a
Montana boy who moves to Florida and unearths a
disturbing threat to a local population of endangered owls.
Determined to protect his new environment, the boy and
his friends fight to prevent the adults from making a big
mistake. Packed with surprising plot twists, quirky
characters, and offbeat humor, HOOT is a classic story
that’s fun for all ages. HOOT is from a screenplay by Wil
Shriner and directed by Wil Shriner and stars Logan
Lerman, Brie Larson, Cody Linley and Luke Wilson. The
film also features original music from producer Jimmy
Wil Shriner
Comedy; Children; Literary Adaption
Horrible Bosses
2011 97 min color 14A United States of America WB
For Nick (Jason Bateman), Kurt (Jason Sudeikis) and Dale
(Charlie Day), the only thing that would make the daily
grind more tolerable would be to grind their intolerable
bosses (Kevin Spacey, Colin Farrell, Jennifer Aniston) into
dust. Quitting is not an option, so, with the benefit of a
few-too-many drinks and some dubious advice from a
hustling ex-con (Jamie Foxx), the three friends devise a
convoluted and seemingly foolproof plan to rid themselves
of their respective employers... permanently. There’s only
one problem: even the best laid plans are only as
foolproof as the brains behind them.
Seth Gordon
All Titles
Hors de moi
2011 113 min color G United States of America WB
Le Dr Martin Harris se réveille après un accident de
voiture à Berlin et découvre que son épouse ne le
reconnaı̂t plus et qu’un autre homme a usurpé son
identité. Ignoré par les autorités qui refusent de le croire
et pourchassé par de mystérieux assassins, il se retrouve
seul, épuisé et traqué. Aidée par une alliée improbable,
Martin plonge sans hésiter au coeur de cette dangereuse
énigme qui le forcera à remettre en question sa santé
mentale, son identité et jusqu’où il est prêt à aller pour
découvrir la vérité.
Jaume Collet-Serra
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs
Horton entend un qui!
2008 86 min color United States of America FOX
Horton l’éléphant entend un beau jour un appel au
secours venant d’une minuscule poussière flottant dans
les airs. Convaincu de la présence de vie sur cette
poussière, il décide de venir en aide à ses habitants...
Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino
Comedie; Dessins animés; Drame d’aventures; Films
pour enfants
Horton Hears a Who
2008 86 min color G United States of America FOX
One day, Horton the elephant hears a cry for help coming
from a speck of dust. Even though he can’t see anyone on
the speck, he decides to help it. As it turns out, the speck
of dust is home to the Whos, who live in their city of
Whoville. Horton agrees to help protect the Whos and
their home, but this gives him nothing but torment from his
neighbours, who refuse to believe that anything could
survive on the speck. Still, Horton stands by the motto
that, "After all, a person is a person, no matter how small."
Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Animated; World
Horton Hears a Who
1970 26 min color F United States of America WB
In this story, Horton discovers there is a microscopic
community of intelligent beings called the Who’s living on
a plant that only he can hear. Recognising the dangers
they face, he resolves to keep them safe. However, the
other animals around him think Horton has gone crazy
thinking that there are such beings. They resolve to take
action for his own good and Horton and The Who must
struggle against these impossible odds to prevent a
Chuck Jones
Comedy; Children; Animated
2005 113 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Jeff Talley, a former LAPD hostage negotiator, has moved
himself away from his failed career outside of Los Angeles,
and away from his wife and daughter. When a
convenience store robbery goes wrong in his turf, the
three perpetrators move in on an unsuspecting family. But
the family’s father has a secret which might compromise
his kin, and one of the criminals is about to jump over the
edge. Jeff Talley has to get everybody to survive the
night......if he can.
Florent Emilio Siri
Drama; Thriller; Literary Adaption; Crime
Hot Fuzz
121 min
United Kingdom
Top London cop, PC Nicholas Angel is good. Too good.
And to stop the rest of his team looking bad, he is
reassigned to the quiet town of Sandford. He is paired
with Danny Butterman, who endlessly questions him on
the action lifestyle. Everything seems quiet for Angel, until
two actors are found decapitated. It is called an accident,
but Angel isn’t going to accept that, especially when more
and more people turn up dead. Angel and Danny clash
with everyone, whilst trying to uncover the truth behind the
mystery of the apparent "accidents".
Edgar Wright
Comedy; Action; Mystery
Hot Rod
2007 87 min color PG United States of America PARA
An accident-prone daredevil (Samberg) plans to jump the
Snake River on a moped in order to win over his
Akiva Schaffer
Comedy; Action
Hot Rod (v.f.)
2007 87 min color United States of America PARA
Un casse-cou va sauter le Snake river sur broyé du noir
afin de gagner au-dessus de son beau-père.
Akiva Schaffer
Comedie; Action (v.f.)
Hotel for Dogs
2009 100 min color G United States of America PARA
Animals are strictly forbidden at Andi and her little brother
Bruce’s foster home. But for Friday, the adorable dog they
secretly care for, they’re ready to risk everything. They
finally find him an ideal shelter, a huge abandoned hotel
that Bruce transforms thanks to his engineering genius. In
what has become an incredible paradise for dogs, Friday is
soon joined by all kinds of furry friends, so many in fact
that their barks alert the neighbors...and the local pound,
who can’t understand the disappearance of all the stray
dogs. Andi and Bruce will have to call on all their friends
and all their imagination to stop the hotel’s secret from
being discovered.
Thor Freudenthal
Comedy; Children
The Hours
2002 114 min color PG United States of America PARA
In 1949, Laura Brown, a pregnant housewife, is planning a
party for her husband, but she can’t stop reading the novel
’Mrs. Dalloway’. Clarissa Vaughn, a modern woman living
in present times is throwing a party for her friend Richard,
a famous author dying of AIDS. These two stories are
simultaneously linked to the work and life of Virginia Woolf,
who’s writing the novel mentioned before.
Stephen Daldry
Drama; Gay Pride Month
The Hours
2002 114 min color United States of America PARA
Dans la banlieue de Londres, au début des années vingt,
Virginia Woolf lutte contre la folie qui la guette. Elle
entame l’écriture de son grand roman, Mrs Dalloway.Plus
de vingt ans après, à Los Angeles, Laura Brown lit cet
ouvrage : une expérience si forte qu’elle songe changer
radicalement de vie.A New York, aujourd’hui, Clarissa
Vaughn, version moderne de Mrs Dalloway, soutient
Richard, un ami poète atteint du sida.Comment ces
histoires vont-elles se rejoindre, comment ces trois
femmes vont-elles former une seule et même chaı̂ne ? La
littérature est si puissante qu’un chef-d’oeuvre peut, pardelà les époques, modifier irrévocablement l’existence de
celles qui le côtoient.
Stephen Daldry
Drama social
House of Wax
All Titles
How to Eat Fried Worms
2005 113 min color 18A United States of America WB
Car troubles sideline a group of teens in the quiet town of
Athelston, Iowa. Directed to the only business that can
offer assistance – a creepy gas station owned by a suave
bad boy named Bo – the stranded kids are lured deeper
and deeper into Bo’s web.
Jaume Serra
Horror; Thriller
House of Wax (v.f.)
2005 113 min color United States of America WB
Trois jeunes gens sont confrontés à un sombre complot
lors de leur passage dans une petite ville.
Jaume Serra
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage
The House on Skull Mountain
1974 89 min color F United States of America FOX
A group of strange characters assemble at the estate of
their recently deceased relative for the reading of the will.
Few of them will live long enough to enjoy even a penny of
their inheritance.
Ron Honthaner
How Green was My Valley
1941 118 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
Life is hard in a Welsh mining town and no less so for the
Morgan family. Seen through the eyes of the family’s
youngest, Huw, we learn of the family’s trials and
tribulations. Family patriarch Gwyllim and his older sons
work in the mines, dangerous and unhealthy as it is.
Gwyllim has greater hopes for younger son how to honor
his hard working parents. Huw who has his own ideas on
how to honor his father. Daughter Angharad is the most
beautiful girl in the valley and is very much in love with Mr.
Gruffydd who isn’t sure he can provide her the life she
deserves. Times are hard and good men find themselves
out of work and exploited by unseen mine owners.
John Ford
Drama; Romance
How I Got into College
1989 87 min color PG United States of America FOX
Marlon must withstand the S.A.T. (senseless academic
torment) to attend Ramsey college but not for the
education. The girl of his dreams is a student there. His
test scores aren’t so great but his last ditch effort to grab
the attention of the admissions officers is something else.
Steve Holland
Comedy; Romance
How I Got into College (v.f.)
1989 87 min color United States of America FOX
Les tribulations d’une bande d’étudiants du Michigan...
Steve Holland
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
1966 52 min color F United States of America WB
Bitter and hateful, the Grinch is irritated at the thought of
the nearby village having a happy time celebrating
Christmas. So disguised as Santa Claus, with his dog
made to look like a reindeer, he raids the village to steal
all the Christmas things. The village is sure to have a sad
Christmas this year.
Chuck Jones
Comedy; Children; Animated
2006 98 min color G United States of America AFI
Based on the hugely popular Thomas Rockwell book, How
To Eat Fried Worms brings the classic story of a boy
whose bravado lands him in a difficult predicament. The
film revolves around 11-year-old Billy, who inadvertently
challenges the school bully on his first day at a new
school. In order to save face and earn the respect of his
new classmates, Billy agrees to a bet that calls for him to
eat 10 worms in one day. As the pressure mounts, Billy
must summon all his strength to keep his younger brother
from blabbing, his weak stomach from betraying him, and
his big mouth from getting him in even more trouble.
Bob Dolman
Comedy; Children
How To Marry A Millionnaire
1953 106 min color G United States of America FOX
Believing it is just as easy to love a rich man as a poor
one, three shrewd, wisecracking lovelies set out a "beartrap" a luxury penthouse baited by themselves but they
soon discover that love foils the best of plans.
Jean Negulesco
Comedy; Romance; National Be Millionaire Day
How to Train Your Dragon
2010 98 min color PG United States of America PARA
Set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild
dragons, and based on the book by Cressida Cowell, the
action comedy tells the story of Hiccup, a Viking teenager
who doesn’t exactly fit in with his tribe’s longstanding
tradition of heroic dragon slayers. Hiccup’s world is turned
upside down when he encounters a dragon that
challenges he and his fellow Vikings to see the world from
an entirely different point of view.
Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders
Comedy; Adventure; Animated
2011 126 min color PG United States of America PARA
Set in 1930s Paris, an orphan who lives in the walls of a
train station is wrapped up in a mystery involving his late
father and an automaton.
Martin Scorsese
Adventure; Drama; Children; Fantasy; Mystery;
Evaluate Your Life Day
Hugo (v.f.)
2011 126 min color United States of America PARA
Hugo Cabret est un jeune orphelin de 12 ans. Dans le
Paris des années 30, son oncle l’héberge dans les
combles de la gare dont il est chargé de régler les
horloges. Or, le garçon a une obsession : achever de
réparer l’automate sur lequel son père travaillait avant de
mourir dans l’incendie du musée où il était employé. Hugo
est persuadé que cet automate a un important message à
lui délivrer...
Martin Scorsese
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Films pour enfants;
Comédie fantaisiste; Comédie moeurs
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1939 117 min b&w AA United States of America AS
Social conditions of 15th century France are grimly
depicted in this moving adaptation of Victor Hugo’s Gothic
novel, featuring a remarkable performance by Charles
William Dieterle
Drama; Literary Adaption
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
All Titles
Hurricane Season
1923 94 min b&w PG United States of America KIL
Lon Chaney’s tragically affecting pantomime remains one
of the screen’s greatest horror performances. From the
novel by Victor Hugo.
Wallace Worsley
Drama; Horror; Literary Adaption
The Hunger Games
2012 142 min color PG United States of America AFI
In a not-too-distant future, North America has collapsed,
weakened by drought, fire, famine, and war, to be replaced
by Panem, a country divided into the Capitol and 13
districts. Each year, two young representatives from each
district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger
Games. Part entertainment, part brutal intimidation of the
subjugated districts, the televised games are broadcasted
throughout Panem as the 24 participants are forced to
eliminate their competitors, literally, with all citizens
required to watch. When 16-year-old Katniss’ young sister,
Prim, is selected as the mining district’s female
representative, Katniss volunteers to take her place. She
and her male counterpart, Peeta, the son of the town
baker who seems to have all the fighting skills of a lump of
bread dough, will be pitted against bigger, stronger
representatives who have trained for this their whole lives.
Gary Ross
Drama; Science Fiction; Action
Hunger Games: Le film
2012 142 min color G United States of America AFI
Dans les ruines d’un endroit un jour connu sous le nom de
l’Amérique du Nord se trouve la nation de Panem. Un
puissant gouvernement répressif, le Capitole, force les
habitants de cette contré à participer à un évènement
sanglant, appel Hunger Games, dans lequel des hommes
et des femmes s’affrontent dans un combat mortel en
direct à la télévision. Un garçon et une fille de 12 et 16
ans sont choisis pour participer à cette expérience
dégradante. Le gagnant rapporte la richesse à son district.
Mais ce n’est rien en comparaison avec ce que le Capitole
gagne : une autre année de despotisme et d’abus de
pouvoir sur ses sujets innocents.
Gary Ross
Drama social; Drame de science-fiction; Action (v.f.)
The Hunted
2003 94 min color AA United States of America PARA
In the green woods of Silver Falls, Oregon, Aaron Hallam,
a trained assassin AWOL from the Special Forces, keeps
his own brand of wildlife vigil. After brutally slaying four
deer hunters in the area, FBI Special Agent Abby Durrell
turns to L.T. Bonham– the one man who may be able to
stop him. At first L.T. resists the mission. Snug in
retirement, he’s closed off to his past, the years he spent
in the Special Forces training soldiers to become skilled
murderers. But when he realizes that these recent
slayings are the work of a man he trained, he feels
obligated to stop him. Accepting the assignment under the
condition that he works alone, L.T. enters the woods,
unarmed–plagued by memories of his best student and
riddled with gulit for not responding to Aaron’s tortured
letters to him as he began to slip over the edge of sanity.
Furious as he is with his former mentor for ignoring his
pleas for help, Aaron knows that he and L.T. share a tragic
bond that is unbreakable. And, even as they go into their
final combat against each other, neither can say with
certainty who is the hunted and who is the hunter.
William Friedkin
2009 102 min color PG United States of America AFI
A year after Hurricane Katrina, Al Collins, a high school
basketball coach in Marrero, Louisiana, assembles a team
of players who had previously attended five different
schools before the disaster and leads them on the path to
the state championships.
Tim Story
Drama; Sports
Hurricane Season (v.f.)
2009 102 min color United States of America AFI
Un an après l’ouragan Katrina, un entraı̂neur de basketball du lycée de Marrero, forme une équipe avec des
jeunes, qui ont fréquentés cinq écoles différentes avant le
désastre, et les mènent au championnat d’ État.
Tim Story
Drama social; Drame sportif
The Hurt Locker
2009 131 min color 14A United States of America AFI
An intense portrayal of elite soldiers who have one of the
most dangerous jobs in the world: disarming bombs in the
heat of combat. When a new sergeant, James, takes over
a highly trained bomb disposal team amidst violent conflict,
he surprises his two subordinates, Sanborn and Eldridge,
by recklessly plunging them into a deadly game of urban
combat. James behaves as if he’s indifferent to death. As
the men struggle to control their wild new leader, the city
explodes into chaos, and James’ true character reveals
itself in a way that will change each man forever.
Kathryn Bigelow
Drama; War; Action; Thriller
Hustle & Flow
2005 116 min color 14A United States of America
A rap star from the Dirty South who is trying to make it in
the hip hop world, he has to deal with many different types
of people who try to bring him down, including strippers,
baby’s mama, and all the things that try to keep a player
down. This is probably his last chance to make it, he is
approaching his 40’s, and his life is looking downhill.
Craig Brewer
Drama; Crime
I Am David
2004 90 min color G United States of America AFI
I Am David is adapted from Anne Holm’s internationally
acclaimed novel North to Freedom. It is the story of a 12year-old boy, David, who escapes a Communist
concentration camp with little more than a compass, a
sealed letter, a loaf of bread, and instructions to carry the
letter to Copenhagen, Denmark. David is thrust into the
free world for the first time in his young life as he travels
across Europe. It is a spiritual voyage of discovery, where
David slowly loses his instinctual mistrust of humanity and
begins to smile, share, trust and ultimately, love. I Am
David addresses the cruelties, politics, and suffering of
warfare while celebrating the resilience of youth and the
unbreakable spirit of a child.
Paul Feig
All Titles
I am Legend
2007 100 min color 14A United States of America WB
Robert Neville is the last man alive. He busies himself
with preparing for a nightly attack from the rest of the
world - all of which have transformed into blood-thirsty
Francis Lawrence
Drama; Science Fiction; Action
I am Sam
2002 132 min color PG United States of America WB
This is the story of a disabled man (Penn) with the mental
capacity of a 7-year-old who is facing a hearing to regain
custody of his young daughter, taken away from him by
the local social services. The attorney (Pfeiffer) who takes
his case pro bono finds herself learning some lessons
about parenting as well.
Jessie Nelson
I Confess
1953 95 min color PG United States of America WB
Montgomery Clift plays a priest who hears a murderer’s
confession and will not violate the sanctity of the
confessional even to protect himself.
Alfred Hitchcock
Drama; Thriller
I Confess (v.f.)
95 min
United States of America
Au Québec, un homme revêtu d’une soutane abat un
avocat pour lui dérober son argent. Le soir du drame, il se
confesse auprès du père Michael Logan, sur lequel se
portent immédiatement les soupçons. Arrêté, mais lié par
le secret de la confession, le père Logan se tait...
Alfred Hitchcock
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage
I Don’t Know How She Does It
2011 89 min color PG United States of America AFI
Kate Reddy (Parker) devotes her days to her job with a
Boston-based financial management firm. At night she
goes home to her adoring, recently-downsized architect
husband Richard (Kinnear) and their two young children.
It’s a non-stop balancing act, the same one that Kate’s
acerbic best friend and fellow working mother Allison
(Christina Hendricks) performs on a daily basis, and that
Kate’s super-brainy, child-phobic young junior associate
Momo (Olivia Munn) fully intends to avoid. When Kate
gets handed a major new account that will require frequent
trips to New York, Richard also wins the new job he’s been
hoping for – and both will be spreading themselves even
thinner. Complicating matters is Kate’s charming new
business associate Jack Abelhammer (Brosnan), who
begins to prove an unexpected source of temptation.
Douglas McGrath
Comedy; Literary Adaption
I (Heart) Huckabees
2004 106 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Albert Markovski (Jason Schwartzman), head of the Open
Spaces Coalition, has been experiencing an alarming
series of coincidences the meaning of which escapes him.
With the help of two Existential Detectives, Bernard and
Vivian Jaffe (Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin), Albert
examines his life, his relationships, and his conflict with
Brad Stand (Jude Law), an executive climbing the
corporate ladder at Huckabees, a popular chain of retail
superstores. When Brad also hires the detectives, they dig
deep into his seemingly perfect life and his relationship
with his spokes model girlfriend, the voice of Huckabees,
Dawn Campbell (Naomi Watts). Albert pairs up with rebel
firefighter Tommy Corn (Mark Wahlberg) to take matters
into their own hands under the guidance of the Jaffes’
nemesis, the French radical Caterine Vauban (Isabelle
David O. Russell
I Love You Beth Cooper
2009 101 min color 14A United States of America FOX
A nerdy valedictorian proclaims his love for the hottest and
most popular girl in school – Beth Cooper (Panettiere) –
during his graduation speech. Much to his surprise, Beth
shows up at his door that very night and decides to show
him the best night of his life.
Chris Columbus
I Robot
2004 115 min color PG United States of America FOX
Will Smith stars in this action thriller inspired by the wellknown short story collection by Isaac Asimov, and brought
to the big screen by dynamic and visionary director Alex
Proyas (Dark City, The Crow). Smith plays a detective
investigating a crime that might have been perpetrated by
a robot - leading him to discover a far more frightening
threat to the human race.
Alex Proyas
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller; Literary
I Think I Love My Wife
2007 94 min color 14A United States of America FOX
A married man who daydreams about being with other
women finds his will and morals tested after he’s visited by
the ex-mistress of his old friend.
Chris Rock
Comedy; Romance
Ice Age
2002 81 min color PG United States of America FOX
"Ice Age" is a digitally-animated feature film from Blue Sky
Studios, a top computer graphics imagery/feature film
animation studio and a division of Twentieth Century Fox
Animation Studios. Set against the onslaught of the ice
age – and a world filled with wonder and danger – the
story revolves around three unforgettable characters: a
woolly mammoth, a saber-toothed tiger, and a sloth, who
unite to return a human baby to his tribe.
Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha
Comedy; Children; Animated; World Gratitude
Ice Age: Continental Drift
2012 94 min color PG United States of America FOX
One of filmdom’s most beloved trios - "Ice Age’s" Manny,
Diego, and Sid - embark upon their greatest adventure
after cataclysm sets an entire continent adrift. Separated
from the rest of the herd, they use an iceberg as a
makeshift ship, which launches them on an epic seafaring
quest. Manny and the gang are challenged like never
before to become heroes and do the impossible, as they
encounter exotic sea creatures, explore a brave new world,
and battle ruthless pirates. And Scrat’s reunion with his
cursed nut catapults him to places no prehistoric squirrel
has gone before.
Steve Martino, Michael Thurmeier
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Action; Animated
All Titles
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
2009 94 min color PG United States of America FOX
After the events of "Ice Age: The Meltdown", life begins to
change for Manny and his friends: Scrat is still on the hunt
to hold onto his beloved acorn, while finding a possible
romance in a female sabre-toothed squirrel named Scratte.
Manny and Ellie, having since become an item, are
expecting a baby, which leaves Manny anxious to ensure
that everything is perfect for when his baby arrives. Diego
is fed up with being treated like a house-cat and ponders
the notion that he is becoming too laid-back. Sid begins to
wish for a family of his own, and so steals some dinosaur
eggs which leads to Sid ending up in a strange
underground world where his herd must rescue him, while
dodging dinosaurs and facing danger left and right, and
meeting up with a one-eyed weasel known as Buck who
hunts dinosaurs intently.
Carlos Saldanda
Comedy; Children; Animated
Ice Age: The Meltdown
2006 91 min color G United States of America FOX
Manny, Sid and Diego return in another incredible
adventure. The Ice Age is coming to an end, and the
animals are delighting in their new world: a melting
paradise of water parks, geysers and tar pits. But when
Manny, Sid and Diego discover that the miles of melted ice
will flood their valley, they must warn everyone and
somehow figure out a way to escape the coming deluge.
Carlos Saldanha
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Animated
Ice Storm
1997 113 min color AA United States of America FOX
Ice Storm unfolds over a Thanksgiving weekend in New
Canaan, CT, in 1973. The Hoods, an upper-class family,
are experiencing the sexual revolution of the 60s which
has finally come to suburbia. Ben and Elena Hood find
themselves at a turning point in their marriage and family
life. Their daughter Wendy, is taking her first steps toward
sexual maturity, most specifically with Mikey Williams, the
boy next door, while Ben is having an affair with Mike’s
mother Janey. And the Hood’s son, Paul a young prepschool student, balances on the line between adolescence
and adulthood as he feels alienated from both the
bourgeois existence of his family and social rituals of his
Ang Lee
Drama; Thanksgiving
An Ideal Husband
1999 97 min color PG United States of America AFI
Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister,
well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when
Mrs Cheveley appears in London with damning evidence
of a past misdeed. Sir Robert turns for help to his friend
Lord Goring, an apparently idle philanderer and the
despair of his father. Goring knows the lady of old, and,
for him, takes the whole thing pretty seriously.
Oliver Parker
Comedy; Literary Adaption; Romance
L’ idéaliste
1997 137 min color United States of America PARA
Rudy Baylor est devenu avocat par vocation. Jeune, naı̈f
et désargenté, il a en plus le handicap de vivre à
Memphis, ville qui regorge d’hommes de loi. Après avoir
fait le tour des cabinets, il réussit décrocher un poste dans
l’un des moins reluisants, dirigé par un affairiste notoire, lié
à la mafia locale. Son patron lui adjoint un mentor
roublard et dynamique qui va vite l’éclairer sur les réalités
cachées de sa nouvelle profession. Rudy va s’occuper de
trois affaires, dont l’une contre une redoutable et puissante
compagnie d’assurances.
Francis Ford Coppola
Drama social; Dame poétique
The Ides of March
2011 101 min color 14A United States of America AFI
With sharp, quick-witted dialogue and set against the
spectacle of modern world power and politics, THE IDES
OF MARCH is an intense tale of sex, ambition, loyalty,
betrayal and revenge. The film follows a young press
spokesman who falls prey to backroom politics, the
treacherous manipulations of veteran operatives and the
seduction of a young intern. In the film, Clooney plays
Governor Morris, a candidate running in the presidential
primary race for the Democratic Party ticket. Gosling plays
his press spokesman, Giamatti plays a rival campaign
manager, Tomei plays a reporter for the New York Times,
and Wood plays an intern for the campaign.
George Clooney
Les Idiots
117 min
Un groupe de jeunes gens dotés d’un appétit de vie
féroce, passe son temps à traquer la bêtise. Ils explorent
les valeurs cachées et les moins appreciées de l’idiotie et
les confrontent à la société dans laquelle ils vivent. Ils
sont ravis à chaque fois que l’un d’entre eux trouve une
nouvelle manière de dépasser les limites de la bêtise.
Karen rencontre par hasard trois membres du groupe et
devient involontairement impliquée dans leur petit jeu.
Lars von Trier
Comedie; Drama social
The Idiots
117 min
A group of perfectly intelligent young people decide to
react to society’s cult of an aimless, non-creative and nonresponsible form of intelligence by living together in a
community of "idiots". Their main activity becomes going
out into the world of "normal" people and pretending to be
mentally retarded. They take advantage of this situation to
create anarchy everywhere they go and try by every
possible means to make people annoyed, disturbed,
miserable, ridiculous, angered, and shocked. The films
start as they recruit a new lost soul and introduced her to
their megalomaniac leader.
Lars von Trier
Comedy; Drama
2008 86 min color PG United States of America AFI
In a world filled with Mad Scientists and Evil Inventions,
one talented evil scientist’s hunch-backed lab assistant has
big dreams of becoming a Mad Scientist himself and
winning the annual Evil Science Fair.
Anthony Leondis
Comedy; Children; Animated
Igor (v.f.)
86 min
United States of America
A Malaria, pays plongé dans la pluie et l’obscurité, les
Inventions Maléfiques assurent la prospérité, sous le règne
autoritaire du roi Malbert. Les inventeurs de ces Créations
Maléfiques sont les Savants Fous, classe dominante du
pays. Ils sont aidés de leurs assistants, les Igors, de
malheureux bossus dont le destin est d’obéir. Notre Igor,
un Igor pas tout à fait comme les autres, poursuit un rêve :
devenir lui-même un grand Savant Fou. Dans ce but, il se
livre à de clandestines expériences dans le laboratoire de
son maı̂tre, entouré de ses deux compères : Formolo, un
cerveau en bocal plein d’idées farfelues, et Rapidos, un
lapin immortel et déjanté. Cette année, à la Grande Foire
All Titles
des Sciences du Mal, Igor compte bien rafler le Grand Prix
qui lui permettrait de s’émanciper et, qui sait, de conquérir
la femme de ses rêves, Heidi. Parviendra-t-il à affronter
son destin ? Et surtout découvrira-t-il sa nature profonde,
celle qui pourra tout changer pour lui, pour ses amis et
pour le Royaume de Malaria ?
Anthony Leondis
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
Il Etait une Fois dans l’Ouest
1969 165 min color United States of America PARA
Alors qu’il prépare une fête pour sa femme, Bet McBain
est tué avec ses trois enfants. Jill McBain hérite alors des
terres de son mari, terres que convoite Morton, le
commanditaire du crime (celles-ci ont de la valeur
maintenant que le chemin de fer doit y passer). Mais les
soupçons de portent sur un aventurier, Cheyenne...
Sergio Leone
Drama; Western; Action
Il était une fois la forêt
1993 71 min color United States of America FOX
Trois petites créatures habitant la forêt de Dapplewood
sont obligées de quitter leur nid suite au danger qui
menace leurs environnements et leurs vies.
Charles Grosvenor
Comedie; Dessins animés; Drame d’aventures;
Comédie fantaisiste; Films pour enfants
Il était une fois la princesse Bouton d’or
1987 97 min color United States of America FOX
Un grand-père, en visite chez son petit-fils malade, tient à
lui faire la lecture d’un conte merveilleux. D’abord réticent,
le garçon se laisse vite captiver par les aventures de la
belle Bouton d’or. Celle-ci accepte d’épouser le prince
Humperdinck, un intrigant sans vergogne, lorsqu’elle croit
que Westley, son aimé, est mort. Cependant, Bouton d’or
est enlevée par trois filous et sauvée par un pirate masqué
qui s’avère être Westley. Mais les amoureux sont bientôt
séparés par Humperdinck. Torturé à mort, Westley est
libéré par des alliés imprévus avec qui il part à la
rescousse de Bouton d’or.
Rob Reiner
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Comédie fantaisiste;
Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures
Il Postino
107 min
The film centres around the renowned Chilean poet and
diplomat, Pablo Neruda. Forced into exile to escape
persecution, Neruda visits Capri with his companion
Matilda in 1952. Beguiled by the island’s beauty and by
the quietude, he decides to settle there. Il Postino tells the
imaginative story of that day and a touching, improbable
friendship that occurred.
Michael Radford
Il y aura du sang
2007 157 min color United States of America PARA
Une histoire de famille, de religion et de pétrole. Daniel
Plainview, un prospecteur, achète les droits d’exploitation
des puits de pétrole d’une famille vivant dans un ranch au
Texas. Mais bien vite le prospecteur se rend compte que
le pétrole va remettre en question le rêve américain...
Paul Thomas Anderson
Western (v.f.); Drama social
L’Île de Nim
2008 95 min color United States of America FOX
Une fillette accompagne son père scientifique sur une ı̂le
isolée au sud du Pacifique. Quand celui-ci est perdu en
mer, la petite fille se retrouve seule. Elle se met alors à
communiquer par mail avec quelqu’un qu’elle imagine être
un personnage de livre mais qui est, en réalité un auteur
Jennifer Flackett, Mark Levin
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants
I’ll Be There
2003 105 min color G United States of America WB
An offbeat comedy about a burned-out 80s pop star
(Ferguson) whose downward spiral is halted when he
discovers he has a teenage daughter - the product of a
weekend fling.
Craig Ferguson
Comedy; Musical; Romance
The Illusionist
2006 110 min color PG United States of America AFI
When word of Eisenheim’s astounding illusions reaches
the powerful and pragmatic Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus
Sewell), the ruler attends one of the magician’s shows in
order to debunk Eisenheim during the performance. But
when the Prince’s intended, Sophie von Teschen, assists
the magician onstage, Eisenheim and Sophie recognize
each other from their childhoods and a dormant love affair
is rekindled. As the clandestine romance continues, Uhl is
charged by Leopold to intensify his efforts to expose
Eisenheim, even while the magician gains a devoted and
vocal public following. With Uhl doggedly searching for the
reasons and the man behind the trickery, Eisenheim
prepares to execute his greatest illusion yet. Basd on the
short story EISENHEIM THE ILLUSIONIST from the
compilation THE BARNUM MUSEUM: Stories by Steven
Neil Burger
Drama; Mystery; Romance
The Illusionist
80 min
Details the story of a dying breed of stage entertainer
whose thunder is being stolen by emerging rock stars.
Forced to accept increasingly obscure assignments in
fringe theaters, garden parties and bars, he meets a
young fan who changes his life forever.
Sylvain Chomet
I’m Not There
2007 136 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Six incarnations of Bob Dylan: an actor, a folk singer, an
electrified troubadour, Rimbaud, Billy the Kid, and Woody
Guthrie. Put Dylan’s music behind their adventures,
soliloquies, interviews, marriage, and infidelity. Recreate
1960s documentaries in black and white. Put each at a
crossroads, the artist becoming someone else. Jack, the
son of Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, finds Jesus; handsome
Robbie falls in love then abandons Claire. Woody, a lad
escaped from foster care, hobos the U.S. singing; Billy
awakes in a valley threatened by a six-lane highway;
Rimbaud talks. Jude, booed at Newport when he goes
electric, fences with reporters, pundits, and fans. He won’t
be classified.
Todd Haynes
Drama; Musical; Biography
Imagine Me and You
All Titles
2006 93 min color PG United States of America FOX
IMAGINE ME & YOU is the story of a girl who falls in love
on her wedding day...but not with the man of honor. Heck
(Matthew Goode) and Rachel (Piper Perabo) are a happy
young couple about to embark on life together. But at the
church, Rachel catches the eye of an unexpected guest.
In that moment, she realizes that maybe Heck isn’t the
one for her. Of course, they will never know for sure
unless they give it a shot. What follows is the romantic,
humorous and sometimes poignant journey familiar to
anyone who’s ever been lucky (or unlucky) enough to be
under love’s spell.
Ol Parker
Comedy; Romance
Imagine That
2009 107 min color G United States of America PARA
A financial executive (Murphy) who can’t stop his career
downspiral is invited into his daughter’s imaginary world,
where solutions to his problems await.
Karey Kirkpatrick
2011 111 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Eons after the Gods won their mythic struggle against the
Titans, a new evil threatens the land. Mad with power,
King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) has declared war against
humanity. Amassing a bloodthirsty army of soldiers
disfigured by his own hand, Hyperion has scorched
Greece in search of the legendary Epirus Bow, a weapon
of unimaginable power forged in the heavens by Ares.
Only he who possesses this bow can unleash the Titans,
who have been imprisoned deep within the walls of Mount
Tartaros since the dawn of time and thirst for revenge. In
the king’s hands, the bow would rain destruction upon
mankind and annihilate the Gods. But ancient law dictates
the Gods must not intervene in man’s conflict. They
remain powerless to stop Hyperion...until a peasant named
Theseus (Henry Cavill) comes forth as their only hope.
Secretly chosen by Zeus, Theseus must save his people
from Hyperion and his hordes....
Tarsem Singh
Adventure; Action; Fantasy
1998 120 min color United States of America PARA
Des scientifiques découvrent l’existence d’une comète
gigantesque qui se dirige vers la Terre. La force d’impact
de ce météorite risque de décimer toute vie sur la planète.
Les grandes puissances du monde organisent une
expédition spatiale afin de tenter de faire exploser en vol
l’astre menaçant. Mais, pendant ce temps, la panique
s’empare des humains, qui réalise que la fin du monde est
peut-être proche.
Mimi Leder
Drame de science-fiction
Impact fatal
81 min
United States of America
Trey Wallace est le chef de The Machine, une des bandes
de motards les plus puissantes des Etats-Unis. Son grand
rival, Henry, est un dangereux et vicieux biker, également
leader d’un autre gang de motards, les Hellions. Sleepy
D., le frère de Trey Wallace, est un jour assassiné. China,
une jeune fille, prétend avoir vu Cary Ford, un motard,
commettre le meurtre en question.
Joseph Kahn
Action (v.f.)
1992 130 min color United States of America WB
Kansas 1880. William Munny, redoutable hors-la-loi
reconverti dans l’élevage va, à la demande d’un jeune
tueur, reprendre du service pour venger une prostituée
défigurée par un cow-boy sadique.
Clint Eastwood
Western (v.f.); Drama social
The Importance of Being Earnest
97 min
United Kingdom
Two young gentlemen living in 1890’s England have taken
to bending the truth in order to put some excitement into
their lives. Jack Worthing has invented a brother, Earnest,
whom he uses as an excuse to leave his dull country life
behind to visit the ravishing Gwendolyn. Algy Montcrieff
decided to take the name ’Earnest’ when visiting
Worthing’s young and beautiful ward, Cecily at the country
manor. Things start to go awry when they end up together
in country and their deceptions are discovered threatening to spoil their romantic pursuits.
Oliver Parker
Comedy; Drama; Romance
In a Better World
113 min
The latest film from Academy Award nominated director
A BETTER WORLD revolves around the lives of two
Danish families who cross each other, and an
extraordinary, but risky friendship comes into bud. But
loneliness, frailty and sorrow lie in wait. Soon, friendship
transforms into a dangerous alliance and a breathtaking
pursuit in which life is at stake.
Susanne Bier
In a Better World (v.f.)
113 min
Anton est médecin. Il partage son existence entre son
foyer installé dans une ville paisible du Danemark, et son
travail au sein d’un camp de réfugiés en Afrique. Il est
séparé de sa femme, Marianne, et tous deux songent à
divorcer. Leur fils aı̂né, Elias, âgé d’une dizaine d’années,
se fait brutaliser à l’école par certains de ses camarades,
jusqu’au jour où un autre garçon, Christian, décide de
prendre sa défense. Ayant quitté Londres avec son père
pour s’installer au Danemark, Christian est profondément
marqué par le décès récent de sa mère, terrassée par un
cancer. Des liens étroits se tissent bientôt entre les deux
camarades. Mais quand Christian implique Elias dans un
acte de vengeance particulièrement risqué où des vies
humaines sont en jeu, leur amiti s’en trouve durement
éprouvée. Dans des mondes que tout oppose, ces enfants
et leur famille seront appelés à faire des choix difficiles,
entre vengeance et pardon.
Susanne Bier
Drama social
In America
2003 103 min color 14A United States of America FOX
With their two young daughters in tow, Johnny and Sarah
emigrate from Ireland to New York City in pursuit of a
dream. The family uses ingenuity and sheer strength of
will to make the most of their new life. Ultimately it is their
kindness to a stranger and that stranger’s response in
return that builds their new home.
Jim Sheridan
All Titles
In Her Shoes
2005 130 min color PG United States of America FOX
Two motherless sisters with a history of conflict break off
relations when the more carefree and irresponsible one
sleeps with her sibling’s boyfriend, but they eventually
reconcile with the help of a grandmother they never knew
they had. An event movie for every woman who’s ever had
or been a mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, or friend.
Curtis Hanson
Comedy; Drama; Evaluate Your Life Day
In the Bedroom
2001 138 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Based on a short story by Andre Dubus, the story tells of
an upper-middle-class New England family faced with
sudden tragedy: their son’s murder. In its uncomprising
exploration of family dynamics and social mores, the film
follows the family as they cope with their grief and
gradually succumbs to their grief.
Todd Field
Drama; Crime
In the Beginning
130 min
France, present day. A professional conman passes
himself off as the boss of a construction site building a
highway extension. He cons the whole region, hires
dozens of workers and cynically enjoys the profits of his
scam until he meets the lady mayor of a small village that
the road will go through. She intrigues and unsettles him,
before revealing to him a world he never knew: feelings.
How far will he go now to save his victims and save
himself from his own lies?
Xavier Giannoli
In the Land of Blood and Honey
2012 127 min color 14A United States of America AFI
During the Bosnian War, Danijel, a soldier fighting for the
Serbs, re-encounters Ajla, a Bosnian who’s now a captive
in his camp he oversees. Their once promising connection
has become ambiguous as their motives have changed.
Angelina Jolie
Drama; War; Romance
In the Land of Blood and Honey (v.f.)
2012 127 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Deux jeunes gens issus de communautés culturelles
différentes verront leur amour mis en péril par l’éclatement
de la guerre en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Danijel est amoureux
d’Ajla, une jeune bosniaque musulmane. Sauf qu’il est
également membre de la police. Si ses collègues
n’hésitent pas à torturer et à tuer pour arriver à leurs fins,
ce fils d’un haut gradé est tiraillé par ses conflits moraux.
Lorsqu’Ajla est arrêtée, Danijel s’arrange pour qu’elle
devienne son esclave aux yeux de ses camarades. Il
pense ainsi pouvoir la protéger des autres. Mais rien n’est
simple en période de chaos...
Angelina Jolie
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Comédie sentimentale
In the Land of Women
2007 98 min color PG United States of America WB
His world in complete disorder after his break-up with a
famous actress, Carter, a young TV writer, goes to
suburban Detroit to care for his sickly Grandmother and
heal his broken heart. Along the way he forms a special
bond with the family that lives across from his Grandma,
and changes the live of each woman. In the course of
this, as is required in every film–and thus the world, he
changes his own life as well.
Jon Kasdan
Comedy; Drama; Romance
In the Land of Women (v.f.)
98 min
United States of America
Un scénariste de Los Angeles s’installe dans la banlieue
de Détroit pour se remettre d’une rupture sentimentale.
Là, il se lie d’amitié avec une mère et sa fille qui se
retrouvent à la rue.
Jon Kasdan
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
In the Loop
106 min
United Kingdom
The US President and UK Prime Minister fancy a war. But
not everyone agrees that war is a good thing. The US
General Miller doesn’t think so and neither does the British
Secretary of State for International Development, Simon
Foster. But, after Simon accidentally backs military action
on TV, he suddenly has a lot of friends in Washington, DC.
If Simon can get in with the right DC people, if his
entourage of one can sleep with the right intern, and if
they can both stop the Prime Minister’s chief spin-doctor
Malcolm Tucker rigging the vote at the UN, they can halt
the war. If they don’t... well, they can always sack their
Director of Communications Judy, who they never liked
anyway and who’s back home dealing with voters with
blocked drains and a man who’s angry about a collapsing
Armando Iannucci
In the Valley of Elah
2007 121 min color 14A United States of America WB
"In the Valley of Elah" tells the story of a war veteran, his
wife and the search for their son, a soldier who recently
returned from Iraq but has mysteriously gone missing, and
the police detective who helps in the investigation.
Paul Haggis
Drama; War; Thriller
In Time
2011 108 min color PG United States of America FOX
Welcome to a world where time has become the ultimate
currency. You stop aging at 25, but there’s a catch: you’re
genetically-engineered to live only one more year, unless
you can buy your way out of it. The rich "earn" decades at
a time (remaining at age 25), becoming essentially
immortal, while the rest beg, borrow or steal enough hours
to make it through the day. When a man from the wrong
side of the tracks is falsely accused of murder, he is forced
to go on the run with a beautiful hostage. Living minute to
minute, the duo’s love becomes a powerful tool in their war
against the system.
Andrew Niccol
Science Fiction; Thriller
2010 142 min color PG United States of America WB
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a skilled thief, the
absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing
valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during
the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable.
Cobb’s rare ability has made him a coveted player in this
treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has
also made him an international fugitive and cost him
everything he has ever loved. Now Cobb is being offered
a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his
life back but only if he can accomplish the impossibleinception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team
of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not
to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could
All Titles
be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or
expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy
that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that
only Cobb could have seen coming.
Christopher Nolan
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action
adventure is created for the boy named Omri when he
discovers that with the turn of a key, he can magically
bring to life the three-inch-high toy Indian he placed in the
old cupboard.
Frank Oz
Adventure; Children; Fantasy
L’inconnu de Las Vegas
2001 116 min color United States of America WB
Un bandit nommé Danny Ocean (George Clooney)
s’associe avec une gang pour voler trois importants
casinos de Las Vegas lors d’un populaire événement de
Steven Soderbergh
An Inconvenient Truth
2006 100 min color G United States of America PARA
Director eloquently weaves the science of global warming
with Mr. Gore’s personal history and lifelong commitment
to reversing the effects of global climate change. A
longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a
wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and
compelling way. "Al Gore strips his presentations of
politics, laying out the facts for the audience to draw their
own conclusions in a charming, funny and engaging style,
and by the end has everyone on the edge of their seats,
gripped by his haunting message," said Guggenheim. An
Inconvenient Truth is not a story of despair but rather a
rallying cry to protect the one earth we all share. "It is now
clear that we face a deepening global climate crisis that
requires us to act boldly, quickly, and wisely," said Gore.
Davis Guggenheim
Les Incorruptibles
1987 119 min color 13+ United States of America
À Chicago durant les années trente, lors de la prohibition,
Al Capone règne en maı̂tre absolu sur le réseau de vente
illégale d’alcool. Décidé à mettre un terme au trafic et à
confondre Al Capone, l’agent Eliot Ness recrute trois
hommes de confiance, aussi intraitables que lui.
Ensemble, les quatre "incorruptibles" partent en guerre
contre le gang de Capone.
Brian De Palma
Drame policier; Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
Independence Day
1996 144 min color PG United States of America FOX
Strange phenomena surface around the globe. The skies
ignite. Terror races through the world’s major cities. As
these extraordinary events unfold, it becomes increasingly
clear that a force of incredible magnitude has arrived; its
mission: total annihilation over the Fourth of July weekend.
The last hope to stop the destruction is an unlikely group
of people united by fate and unimaginable circumstances
to save the planet. The filmmakers behind 1994’s smash
science fiction hit Stargate have revolutionized and
redefined the way big-event movies are produced through
a new level of groundbreaking effects, techniques and
spectacular, never-before-seen images in this epic science
fiction tale.
Roland Emmerich
Science Fiction; War; Action; International Skeptics
Day; President’s Day; Extraterrestrial Abduction
Indian in the Cupboard
1995 97 min color F United States of America PARA
On Omri’s ninth birthday, he got a skateboard and helmet,
a skeleton warrior action figure, an old wooden cupboard
his brother found in the alley and from his best friend
Patrick, a miniature plastic Indian. Nice, but certainly
nothing unique - or was it? A world of wonder and
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal
2008 122 min color PG United States of America PARA
Nineteen years after finding and losing the Holy Grail,
Indiana finds himself on the most challenging assigment of
his career and one the will involve not just himself but his
teenage son too!
Steven Spielberg
Adventure; Action
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
1989 125 min color PG United States of America PARA
Fearless archeologist once again pitted against the Nazis
as he musters up every ounce of cunning and courage to
rescue his father Dr. Jones Sr. and the mythical Holy Grail
from their evil clutches.
Steven Spielberg
Adventure; Action; Father’s Day
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
1984 118 min color PG United States of America PARA
This action-packed, rip-roaring follow up to the
internationally acclaimed "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is
crammed with technical wizardry plus a large helping of
humour, and filmed on exotic locations in Sri Lanka and
Macua, as well as California. The non-stop excitement,
thrills and intrigues, coupled with marvellous special
effects and stunts, provides first-class edge of the seat
high adventure.
Steven Spielberg
Adventure; Action; Thriller; Best Friend Day
Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade
1989 125 min color United States of America PARA
L’archéologue aventurier Indiana Jones se retrouve aux
prises avec un maléfique milliardaire. Aux côtés de la la
cupide Elsa et de son père, il part à la recherche du
Steven Spielberg
Action (v.f.); Drame d’aventures
Indiana Jones et le royaume du crâne de cristal
2008 122 min color United States of America PARA
C’est le petit Shia LaBeouf, qui joue le fiston de Harrison
Ford . Cette mystérieuse appellation fait référence à des
crânes taillés dans du cristal ou du quartz retrouvés dans
différents endroits du globe au début du XXe siècle,
notamment dans des ruines maya. Des expertises ont
établi qu’il n’avait pu être taillés à l’époque Maya, et il
semblerait que ce soit des faux. Mais certains moins terre
à terre veulent croire en une légende mystique autour de
ces oeuvres morbides, et c’est sans doute autour de ces
croyances que le prochain film tournera.
Steven Spielberg
Adventure; Action
All Titles
Indiana Jones et le Temple Maudit
1984 118 min color United States of America PARA
L’achéologue aventurier Indiana Jones est de retour. Il
poursuit une terrible secte qui a dérobé un joyau sacré
dôté de pouvoirs fabuleux. Une chanteuse de cabaret et
un époustouflant gamin l’aideront a affronter les dangers
les plus insensés.
Steven Spielberg
Drame d’aventures; Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.)
L’Indien du Placard
1995 97 min color United States of America PARA
Le jour de son neuvième anniversaire, un garçon reçoit de
nombreux cadeaux. Parmi ces cadeaux, deux paquets
semblent au premier abord moins importants que les
autres : un placard de la part de son frère et une petite
figurine en plastique d’un indien de la part de son meilleur
ami. Mais ces deux cadeaux vont s’avérer être des objets
Frank Oz
Comédie fantaisiste; Films pour enfants; Drame
Infernal Affairs
101 min
Hong Kong
Chan Wing Yan, a young police officer, has been sent
undercover as a mole in the local mafia. Lau Kin Ming, a
young mafia member, infiltrates the police force. Years
later, their older counterparts, Chen Wing Yan and
Inspector Lau Kin Ming, respectively, race against time to
expose the mole within their midst.
Wai-keung Lau, Alan Mak
Thriller; Mystery; Crime
2009 108 min color United States of America WB
L’histoire vraie d’une "taupe" du FBI inflitrée au coeur d’un
célèbre scandale indutriel qui vit la société japonaise
Archer Daniels Midland, spécialisée dans l’agroalimentaire, frauder et engranger des dizaines de millions
de dollars de profits illégaux.
Steven Soderbergh
Comedie; Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Drame
The Informant
2009 108 min color 14A United States of America WB
The U.S. government decides to go after an agri-business
giant with a price-fixing accusation, based on the evidence
submitted by their star witness, vice president turned
informant Mark Whitacre.
Steven Soderbergh
Comedy; Drama; Thriller; Crime
Inglourious Basterds
2009 152 min color 14A United States of America AFI
INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS begins in German-occupied
France, where Shosanna Dreyfus (Mélanie Laurent)
witnesses the execution of her family at the hand of Nazi
Colonel Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz). Shosanna
narrowly escapes and flees to Paris, where she forges a
new identity as the owner and operator of a cinema.
Elsewhere in Europe, Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt)
organizes a group of Jewish soldiers to engage in targeted
acts of retribution. Known to their enemy as "The
Basterds," Raine’s squad joins German actress and
undercover agent Bridget Von Hammersmark (Diane
Kruger) on a mission to take down the leaders of The
Third Reich. Fates converge under a cinema marquee,
where Shosanna is poised to carry out a revenge plan of
her own...
Quentin Tarantino
Adventure; War; Action
2009 105 min color PG United States of America AFI
Mo has the special talent to bring characters out of books.
One night he brings out three characters from Inkheart, a
story set in medieval times and filled with magical beings.
Capricorn and Basta, two villains, and Dustfinger, a fireeater. Now, 10 years later Meggie discovers the truth and
it’s up to her to escape Capricorn’s evil grasp.
Iain Softley
Adventure; Children; Fantasy
Inkheart (v.f.)
2009 105 min color United States of America AFI
Depuis la disparition de sa mère il y a neuf ans, Meggie
voyage sans cesse avec son père Mo. Celui-ci ne tient
pas en place et trouve toujours un prétexte pour changer
d’endroit. Mo a en effet un secret qu’il n’a jamais révélé à
sa fille : il possède un extraordinaire pouvoir, celui de
donner vie aux personnages des livres qu’il lit à haute
voix. Il y a neuf ans, il a eu le malheur de lire Coeur
d’encre, et une bande de personnages mortellement
dangereux, dont le redoutable bandit Capricorne et un
jongleur cracheur de feu nommé Doigt de poussière, a
surgi... Plus terrifiant encore, tandis que la troupe de
malfrats prenait vie, la femme de Mo a disparu dans le
livre ! Mo s’est juré de ne plus jamais lire haute voix. Et
depuis, il fuit les personnages auxquels il a donné vie
malgré lui, essayant de protéger le livre qui est son dernier
espoir de retrouver la mère de Meggie.
Iain Softley
Drame d’aventures; Comédie fantaisiste; Films pour
1987 120 min color PG United States of America WB
Welcome to "Innerspace", the new final frontier. When test
pilot Tuck Pendeldon makes an amazing voyage during a
top secret experiment, he must adjust to some unexpected
surroundings, one of which is a frazzled supermarket
clerk, Jack Putter. An amazing display of special effects,
as only Steven Speilberg can do!
Joe Dante
Comedy; Adventure; Science Fiction; Action; Fantasy
2003 103 min color United States of America FOX
En mai 1968, à Paris et dans le reste de la France, les
étudiants descendent dans la rue pour manifester leur
mécontentement vis-à-vis du système éducatif français.
Les ouvriers ne tardent pas à rejoindre les rangs des
contestataires pour faire valoir leurs revendications.
Durement réprimé, le mouvement s’amplifie en quelques
jours au point d’ébranler le régime polique existant. C’est
dans ce cadre que Théo et Isabelle, frère et soeur issus
d’un milieu aisé et vivant seuls dans le grand appartement
de leurs parents, font la connaissance d’un étudiant
américain se prénommant Matthew. Celui-ci est de
passage à Paris. Les trois jeunes gens vont alors
découvrir le cinéma, l’esprit révolutionnaire, la libert et la
Bernardo Bertolucci
Drama social
Inside Hana’s Suitcase
All Titles
L’Inspecteur Harry
88 min
INSIDE HANA’S SUITCASE is the poignant story of two
young children who grew up in Czechoslovakia on the eve
of World War II and the terrible events that they endured
just because they happened to be born Jewish. Based on
the internationally acclaimed book "Hana’s Suitcase" which
has been translated into 40 languages, the film is an
effective blend of documentary and dramatic techniques.
In addition to tracing the lives of George and Hana Brady
in the 1930’s and 40’s, Inside Hana’s Suitcase tells the
present-day story of "The Small Wings", a group of
Japanese school children, and how their passionate and
tenacious teacher, Fumiko Ishioka, helped them solve the
mystery of Hana Brady, whose name was painted on an
old battered suitcase recovered from Auschwitz, the
notorious Nazi death camp built in Poland. The story
unfolds as told through contemporary young storytellers
who act as the omniscient narrators. They seamlessly
transport us through 70 years of history and back and
forth across three continents, to relate the story of
unspeakable sadness and also of shining hope. For this is
a Holocaust story unlike others: it provides a
contemporary global perspective and lessons to be
learned for a better future. Directed by award-winning
filmmaker, Larry Weinstein, Inside Hana’s Suitcase is a
powerful journey full of mystery and memories, brought to
life through the first-hand perspectives of Fumiko, of
Hana’s brother George, and of Hana herself.
Larry Weinstein
Inside Job
2010 120 min color PG United States of America MON
’Inside Job’ provides a comprehensive analysis of the
global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20
trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and
homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression,
and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through
exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key
financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics,
the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has
corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made
on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France,
Singapore, and China.
Charles Ferguson
Inside Job (v.f.)
2010 120 min color United States of America MON
La première décennie des années 2000 aura été marquée
par une crise économique mondiale inquiétante, dont les
coûts s’élèvent à ce jour à quelque 20 000 milliards de
dollars. À travers de nombreuses entrevues qu’il a
réalisées avec des hommes de finances, des politiciens et
des journalistes, le réalisateur Charles Ferguson élabore
une réflexion sur le système économique et tente
d’expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles le système s’est
finalement écroulé, en engendrant dans sa chute des
millions de pertes d’emplois à travers le monde. Il
s’attarde également à démontrer les liens qui unissent
Wall Street à la Maison Blanche, et les conséquences
qu’une telle hégémonie idéologique a sur le système
universitaire américain.
Charles Ferguson
2011 102 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A family looks to prevent evil spirits from trapping their
comatose child in a realm called The Further.
James Wan
Horror; Fantasy; Thriller
1971 103 min color United States of America WB
De son ouverture terrifiante, dans laquelle un beau, jeune
nageur est assassiné par villian psychotique du film, à la
confrontation de finale hypnotisante, le film
maintient(entretient) un niveau explosif de tension.
Don Siegel
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.); Drame policier;
Drama social
2002 108 min color AA United States of America AFI
A mysterious thriller about a select few that have the
cryptic power to steal other’s ’good luck’ and the high
stakes games they play where lives and fortune are left to
Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Suspense; Thriller
Inter Espace
1987 120 min color United States of America WB
Bienvenu à "Innerspace", la nouvelle frontière finale.
Quand le pilote d’essai Met Pendeldon fait un voyage
étonnant pendant une expérience supérieure secrète, il
doit s’adapter à quelque environnement inattendu, dont un
est un clerc(employé de bureau) de supermarché usé,
Jack Putter. Une exposition étonnante d’effets spéciaux,
comme seulement Steven Speilberg peut faire!
Joe Dante
Comedie; Drame de science-fiction; Comédie
fantaisiste; Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.)
Into Great Silence
164 min
Into Great Silence is the first film ever made chronicling life
inside the Grande Chartreuse, nestled deep in the
stunning French Alps. Founded in 1084, it is considered
one of the world’s most ascetic monasteries and home to
the Catholic Church’s strictest order. Here the monks
dedicate themselves entirely to the service of God and to
spiritual life, in permanent silence. One of the most
mesmerizing and poetic chronicles of spirituality ever
created, this film is a rare, transformative experience for
Philip Gröning
Into the Wild
2007 140 min color 14A United States of America
The young, idealistic Christopher McCandless (Hirsch)
abandons life as most of us know it for the Alaskan
wilderness. Based on the bestseller by Jon Krakauer.
Sean Penn
Adventure; Drama
112 min
À la suite d’un accident de parapente, Philippe, riche
aristocrate, engage comme aide à domicile Driss, un jeune
de banlieue tout juste sorti de prison. Bref la personne la
moins adaptée pour le job. Ensemble ils vont faire
cohabiter Vivaldi et Earth Wind and Fire, le verbe et la
vanne, les costumes et les bas de survêtement. Deux
univers vont se télescoper, s’apprivoiser, pour donner
naissance à une amitié aussi dingue, drôle et forte
qu’inattendue, une relation unique qui fera des étincelles
et qui les rendra? Intouchables.
Eric Toledano, Olivier Nakache
Comedie; Drama social
All Titles
The Intouchables
112 min
After he becomes a quadriplegic from a paragliding
accident, an aristocrat hires a young man from the projects
to be his caretaker.
Eric Toledano, Olivier Nakache
Comedy; Drama
Introducing the Dwights
2007 105 min color 14A United States of America WB
"Introducing the Dwights" is a heartfelt comedy about a
mother who tries to come between her son and his coming
of age. Tim’s mom, Jean, is a bawdy and risqué
comedienne still hoping to make it big. His brother Mark
helps their mother rehearse for shows. Together, they
inhabit a non-traditional household where chaos is the
norm, the music is always on, and Jean’s larger-than-life
personality takes center stage. When Tim meets and falls
for Jill, his home becomes a combat zone as his mother
fears this new girl, whose name she refuses to remember,
will "break up" the unique family unit she’s tried so hard to
keep together. In this quirky and oftentimes touching tale,
Tim must learn to manage the emotions of the women of
his life without losing himself in the process.
Cherie Nowlan
the affections of three wealthy and beautiful sisters (Liv
Tyler, Jennifer Connelly, and Joanna Going). Set in the
1950s, the film combines a nostalgic setting with a story of
coming of age and romance.
Pat O’Connor
Drama; Romance
The Invention of Lying
2009 100 min color PG United States of America WB
"The Invention of Lying" takes place in an alternate reality
in which lying-even the concept of a lie-does not exist.
Everyone-from politicians to advertisers to the man and
woman on the street-speaks the truth and nothing but the
truth with no thought of the consequences. But when a
down-on-his-luck loser named Mark (Gervais) suddenly
develops the ability to lie, he finds that dishonesty has its
rewards. In a world where every word is assumed to be
the absolute truth, Mark easily lies his way to fame and
fortune. But lies have a way of spreading, and Mark
begins to realize that things are getting a little out of
control when some of his tallest tales are being taken as,
well, gospel. With the entire world now hanging on his
every word, there is only one thing Mark has not been
able to lie his way into: the heart of the woman he loves.
Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson
The Invasion
2007 99 min color 14A United States of America WB
A mysterious epidemic is sweeping the world, but it takes
one Washington DC psychiatrist to discover that the
disease is extraterrestrial in origin. When her son
becomes infected, she and a colleague must work
together to find a cure, before the entire world is lost...
Oliver Hirschbiegel
Drama; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
The Invasion (v.f.)
99 min
United States of America
Un nouveau remake du film de Don Siegel L’Invasion des
profanateurs de sépultures.
Oliver Hirschbiegel
Drama social; Drame de science-fiction; Drame
d’espionnage; Action (v.f.)
Les Invasions Barbares
99 min
Rémy, divorcé, la cinquantaine, est à l’hôpital. Son exfemme Louise rappelle d’urgence leur fils Sébastien,
installé à Londres. Ce dernier hésite ? son père et lui
n’ont plus rien à se dire depuis longtemps. Finalement, il
accepte de revenir à Montréal pour aider sa mère et
soutenir son père. Dès son arrivée, Sébastien remue ciel
et terre, joue de ses relations, bouscule le système de
toutes les manières possibles pour adoucir les épreuves
qui attendent Rémy. Il ramène aussi au chevet de Rémy la
joyeuse bande qui a marqué son passé : parents, amis et
anciennes maı̂tresses. Que sont-ils devenus à l’heure des
"invasions barbares" ? L’irrévérence, l’amitié et la
truculence sont-elles toujours au rendez-vous ? L’humour,
l’épicurisme, le désir peuplent-ils toujours leurs rêves ? A
l’heure des invasions barbares, le déclin de l’empire
américain continue...
Denys Arcand
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie moeurs; Comédie
sentimentale; Drame policier
Inventing the Abbotts
1997 110 min color AA United States of America FOX
Raised in the shadow of an unresolved secret between
their families, two brothers (Billy Crudup, Joaquin Phoenix)
– one fueled by rage and the other by love – compete for
The Invention of Lying (v.f.)
2009 100 min color United States of America WB
Le mensonge n’existe pas, ni même le concept de la
tromperie. Tout le monde, des politiciens aux simples
citoyens, dit la vérité. Mais un jour, Mark développe
l’habilitée de mentir et, dans cette société qui ne connait
pas le mensonge, il devient rapidement riche et célèbre. Il
n’y a qu’une seule chose que Mark n’a pas pu obtenir
avec ses nombreux mensonges : le coeur de la femme
qu’il aime.
Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson
133 min
United Kingdom
The film tells the inspiring true story of how Nelson
Mandela joined forces with the captain of South Africa’s
rugby team to help unite their country. Newly elected
President Mandela knows his nation remains racially and
economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing
he can bring his people together through the universal
language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africa’s rugby
team as they make their historic run to the 1995 Rugby
World Cup Championship match.
Clint Eastwood
Drama; Biography
Invictus (v.f.)
2009 133 min color United States of America WB
En 1995, alors que l’apartheid venait de prendre fin,
l’Afrique du Sud accueillait la Coupe du Monde de Rugby.
Nelson Mandela, qui vivait son premier mandat en tant
que Président de la république d’Afrique du Sud, fit en
sorte de transfigurer cet évènement sportif qui, au final,
permit d’unifier cette nation démocratique naissante.
Clint Eastwood
Drama social; Drama biographique
All Titles
2001 133 min color PG United States of America AFI
The film is based on the true story of Zishe Breitbart, a
Jewish blacksmith’s son from Poland who becomes a
sensation in Weimar, Berlin as a mythical strongman. His
employer Hanussen dreams of establishing an all-powerful
Ministry of the Occult in Hitler’s government. Yet as Hitler’s
hold on power grows more sure, and Berlin erupts in a
ferment of anti-Semitism, Zishe must decide how he will
use his strength. Plagued by nightmares, he takes counsel
from a local rabbi. He becomes convinced that he has
been chosen by God to warn his people of the grave
danger they face.
Werner Herzog
Drama; War
Invincible (v.f.)
2001 133 min color United States of America AFI
The film is based on the true story of Zishe Breitbart, a
Jewish blacksmith’s son from Poland who becomes a
sensation in Weimar, Berlin as a mythical strongman. His
employer Hanussen dreams of establishing an all-powerful
Ministry of the Occult in Hitler’s government. Yet as Hitler’s
hold on power grows more sure, and Berlin erupts in a
ferment of anti-Semitism, Zishe must decide how he will
use his strength. Plagued by nightmares, he takes counsel
from a local rabbi. He becomes convinced that he has
been chosen by God to warn his people of the grave
danger they face.
Werner Herzog
Drama social; Drame de guerre
2001 90 min color AA United States of America AFI
Wonderful story about the famed novelist Iris Murdoch,
keying in on love: the mysteries of love, the love of
literature, the love of the mind. This is the true story of
Murdoch, the acclaimed English novelist and philosopher
and her life with novelist John Bayley. The story is based
on two of Bayley’s novels, "Elegy for Iris" and "Iris and Her
Friends," about their life together, and focuses on Iris’ lust
for life and words. In their older years it becomes clear
that Iris is suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. But Iris’
spirit knows no bounds, and her story is told thoughtfully
and provocatively through her husband’s eyes. Kate
Winslet and Hugh Bonneville play the younger couple,
while Judi Dench and Jim Broadbent (who won an
Academy Award for his role) play the mature novelists.
Richard Eyre
The Iron Giant
1999 87 min color F United States of America WB
A giant metal machine falls to Earth in 1958 and frightens
the residents of a small town in Maine, until it befriends a
nine-year-old boy named Hogarth and ultimately finds its
humanity by unselfishly saving people from their own fears
and prejudices.
Brad Bird
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Animated
The Iron Lady
105 min
United Kingdom
Tells the story of a woman who smashed through the
barriers of gender and class to be heard in a maledominated world. The story concerns power and the price
that is paid for power, and is a surprising and insightful
portrait of an extraordinary and complex woman.
Phyllida Lloyd
Drama; Biography
2011 121 min color 18A United States of America AFI
It is the year 1215 and the rebel barons of England have
forced their despised King John to put his royal seal to the
Magna Carta, a noble, seminal document that upheld the
rights of free-men. Yet within months of pledging himself
to the great charter, the King reneged on his word and
assembled a mercenary army on the south coast of
England with the intention of bringing the barons and the
country back under his tyrannical rule. Barring his way
stood the mighty Rochester castle, a place that would
become the symbol of the rebel’s momentous struggle for
justice and freedom.
Jonathan English
Adventure; Action
The Island
2005 135 min color PG United States of America SKG
Lincoln Six-Echo (McGregor) is a resident of a seemingly
utopian but contained facility in the mid 21st century. Like
all of the inhabitants of this carefully controlled
environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to the "The
Island" - reportedly the last uncontaminated spot on the
planet. But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about
his existence is a lie. He and all of the other inhabitants of
the facility are actually human clones whose only purpose
is to provide "spare parts" for their original human
counterparts. Realizing it is only a matter of time before
he is "harvested", Lincoln makes a daring escape with a
beautiful fellow resident named Jordan Two-Delta
(Johansson). Relentlessly pursued by the forces of the
sinister institute that once housed them, Lincoln and
Jordan engage in a race for their lives to literally meet their
Michael Bay
Drama; Science Fiction; Thriller
It Started in Naples
1960 100 min color PG United States of America PARA
This unique coupling of two legendary screen stars is a
witty romance set against the picturesque backgrounds of
the Isle of Capri, Rome, and Naples. The humor is nice;
the Italian countryside and Loren are sights to behold.
Melville Shavelson
It’s a Wonderful Life
1946 125 min b&w F United States of America PARA
George Bailey has so many problems he is thinking about
ending it all - and it’s Christmas ! As the angels discuss
George, we see his life in flashback. As George is about
to jump from a bridge, he ends up rescuing his guardian
angel, Clarence. Clarence then shows George what his
town would have looked like if it hadn’t been for all his
good deeds over the years. Will Clarence be able to
convince George to return to his family and forget about
Frank Capra
Drama; Fantasy; Romance; Happy Holidays; National
Be Millionaire Day
It’s a Wonderful Life (v.f.)
1946 125 min color G United States of America PARA
Le décès du père de George Bailey l’oblige a reprendre
l’entreprise familiale de prêts à la construction, qui permet
aux plus déshérités de se loger. Il entre en conflit avec
Potter, l’homme le plus riche de la ville, qui tente de ruiner
ses efforts. Au moment où George approche de la
victoire, il égare les 8.000 dollars qu’il devait déposer en
All Titles
Jailhouse Rock
banque. George est désespéré et songe au suicide. C’est
alors qu’apparaı̂t son ange gardien.
Frank Capra
Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste; Comédie
It’s Kind of a Funny Story
2010 101 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he
checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward
Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
Comedy; Drama
I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing
81 min
A clutzy cook gets a job in a trendy art gallery and
masters the fine art of getting into trouble. She seems to
have fallen in love with her boss along the way only adding
to her fantasies and riotous realities.
Patricia Rozema
Comedy; Drama
J. Edgar
2011 137 min color PG United States of America WB
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost 50
years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled
and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that
would have destroyed his image, his career and his life.
Clint Eastwood
Drama; Biography
J. Edgar (v.f.)
2011 137 min color G United States of America WB
Le long métrage se concentrera sur la carrière
scandaleuse et la vie privée controversée de J. Edgar
Hoover, le directeur du Federal Bureau of Investigation
Clint Eastwood
Drama social; Drama biographique
Jack Frost
1998 101 min color PG United States of America WB
A man dies on Christmas, leaving his young child
fatherless. The next winter, however, the man returns to
his child in the form of a snowman. In his new guise, the
once-inattentive father is able to be the parent he had
never taken the time to become in life, and he gives an
unforgettable gift of love to his child.
Troy Miller
Comedy; Children
Jack Goes Boating
2010 90 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A limo driver’s blind date sparks a tale of love, betrayal,
friendship, and grace centered around two working-class
New York City couples.
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Comedy; Romance
Jack l’éventreur
1944 84 min
b&w United States of America FOX
Dans le Londres victorien, la terreur règne. Des
prostituées sont assassinées et la police peine à trouver le
coupable. Cette série macabre coı̈ncide avec l’arrivée d’un
étrange locataire dans une pension de famille. Les
soupçons se portent sur l’inconnu, qui se révèle être Jack
John Brahm
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage
1957 96 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Vince Everett is serving a one-year jail sentence for
manslaughter. While in the big house, his cellmate, a
former country singer, introduces him to the record
business. Everett takes to it so well that he decides to
become a singer when he gets out. However, he is quickly
disillusioned by the record business. But with the help of a
new friend, he decides to form his own label, and soon
becomes an overnight sensation. But when he becomes a
superstar, will his desire for fame and money cause him to
forget the people who got him there?
Richard Thorpe
Drama; Musical
120 min
United Kingdom
En 1795, les parents pauvres de la jeune Jane Austin
veulent la marier à un homme riche. Elle refuse et part
plutôt avec un avocat pauvre, mais se ravise ensuite.
Beaucoup plus tard, elle découvre avec surprise ce que
celui-ci a fait de sa vie.
Julian Jarrold
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale; Drama
Jane Eyre
119 min
United Kingdom
Mia Wasikowska ("Alice in Wonderland") and Michael
Fassbender ("Inglourious Basterds") star in the romantic
drama based on Charlotte Bronte’s classic novel, from
acclaimed director Cary Fukunaga ("Sin Nombre"). In the
story, Jane Eyre flees Thornfield House, where she works
as a governess for wealthy Edward Rochester. As she
reflects upon the people and emotions that have defined
her, it is clear that the isolated and imposing residence and Mr. Rochester’s coldness - have sorely tested the
young woman’s resilience, forged years earlier when she
was orphaned. She must now act decisively to secure her
own future and come to terms with the past that haunts
her - and the terrible secret that Mr. Rochester is hiding
and that she has uncovered...
Cary Fukunaga
Drama; Romance
Jane Eyre (v.f.)
119 min
United Kingdom
Nouvelle adaptation de l’histoire de Jane Eyre,
gouvernante de la petite Adèle chez le riche Edward
Rochester, homme ombrageux qui ne tarde pas à être
sensible aux charmes de la jeune fille. C’est le début
d’une folle passion.
Cary Fukunaga
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Jane’s Journey
107 min
More than 20 years ago, Dr. Jane Goodall, now 75,
decided to give up her career as a primatologist, as well
as her private life, in order to devote all her energy to
saving our endangered planet. Since then she’s been
spending 300 days a year scouring the globe on her
mission to spread hope for future generations. She has
taken on the responsibilities of a UN Messenger of Peace,
and has been honored with countless awards. In Jane’s
Journey, we accompany her on her travels across several
continents, and receive unprecedented access to her
intense and exciting past. From her childhood home in
Bournemouth, England, we embark to Gombe National
Park on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, in Tanzania, her
second home. It’s where she began her groundbreaking
research nearly half a century ago, and she still returns
All Titles
Jeff Who Lives at Home (v.f.)
every year to enjoy the company of the chimpanzees that
made her the internationally...
Lorenz Knauer
Le jardin secret
1993 100 min color United States of America WB
Prise en charge par un riche oncle, une jeune orpheline
découvre un jardin emmuré ayant jadis appartenu à sa
tante décédée. Par hasard, elle fera la connaissance d’un
cousin que l’on garde enfermé. Elle redonnera vie à son
cousin et au jardin.
Agnieska Holland
Films pour enfants; Drama social; Dame poétique
2011 100 min color United States of America PARA
L’histoire de deux frères dont l’un passe sa vie chez lui.
Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass
Jennifer’s Body
2009 102 min color R United States of America FOX
When small-town high school hottie Jennifer (Megan Fox)
is possessed by a hungry demon, guys who never stood a
chance with her, take on new luster in the light of
Jennifer’s insatiable appetite. From the Oscar-winning
screenwriter of "Juno."
Karyn Kusama
Comedy; Horror; Science Fiction; Thriller
The Jazz Singer
1953 107 min color PG United States of America WB
Slick remake benefits from Curtiz’ no-nonsense direction
and presence of Lee and Dunnock.
Michael Curtiz
Drama; Musical
Je ne sais pas comment elle fait
2011 89 min color G United States of America AFI
Le film raconte l’histoire de Kate Reddy, une cadre dans le
domaine de la finance soutenue par son mari et ses deux
Douglas McGrath
Comedie; Dame poétique
Je suis Sam
2002 132 min color United States of America WB
Avec l’aide d’une avocate, un déficient intellectuel cherche
récupérer la garde de son enfant.
Jessie Nelson
Drama social
Je suis une légende
2007 100 min color United States of America WB
A la suite d’une guerre biologique, la population se
transforme peu peu en mutants assoiffés de sang. Robert
Neville, le dernier homme sur Terre, organise sa survie...
Francis Lawrence
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame de science-fiction
Je t’aime, Beth Cooper
2009 101 min color United States of America FOX
Un intellectuel, premier de sa promotion, proclame son
amour pour la plus belle et la plus populaire fille de son
école, lors du discours de fin d’année. À son grand
étonnement, Beth se présente à sa porte et décide de lui
donner la plus belle nuit de sa vie.
Chris Columbus
Jeff Who Lives at Home
2012 100 min color 14A United States of America
When he leaves his house on a seemingly banal errand
for his disgruntled mother, Jeff discovers that the universe
might be sending him signals about the nature of his
Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass
Jesus: The Miracle Maker
2000 87 min color PG United States of America AFI
A family is seeking help for their sickly but cheerful
daughter, Tamar, when they cross paths with an
extraordinary carpenter named Jesus, who walks the
countryside explaining the wonders of God. Tamar’s father
is loyal to the king but torn by his need for this Miracle
Maker’s help. Against this crisis of faith, an extraordinary
event occurs, as the true meaning of Christ comes to life,
not just for his family but for all who come to hear his
words and experience his love. In Jesus the Miracle
Maker, the state of the art 3D animation offers uniquely
rich detail, colour and brilliant realism to this powerful
Derek W. Hayes, Stanislav Sokolov
Drama; Children; Animated; Biography
La Jetée
27 min
In this acclaimed French short, a haunted survivor of
World War III journeys into the past in search of a fleeting
memory, only to discover the terrifying moment of death.
Chris Marker
Science Fiction; Cult
La Jetée (v.f.)
27 min
L’histoire débute à Paris, après la " Troisième Guerre
mondiale " et la destruction nucléaire de toute la surface
de la Terre. Le héros est le cobaye de scientifiques qui
cherchent à rétablir un corridor temporel afin de permettre
aux hommes du futur de transporter des vivres, des
médicaments et des sources d’énergies : "D’appeler le
passé et l’avenir au secours du présent". Il a été choisi en
raison de sa très bonne mémoire visuelle : il garde une
image très forte et présente d’un événement vécu pendant
son enfance, lors d’une promenade avec sa mère sur la
jetée de l’aéroport d’Orly.
Chris Marker
Drame de science-fiction; Film de culte
Le jeu de la mort
95 min
Dans les années 60, un scientifique américain du nom de
Stanley Milgram a mené une expérience maintenant
devenue célèbre dans le domaine de la psychologie
sociale, qui servait à mieux comprendre le phénomène de
la soumission l’autorité. Fasciné par le phénomène de la
téléréalité et par le pouvoir d’influence de la télévision, le
documentariste Thomas Bornot s’allie, dans ce
documentaire, à une équipe de scientifique afin de
reconstituer l’expérience de Milgram, et tester le pouvoir
de soumission de la télévision sur les habitants de notre
siècle. Épaulé par l’animatrice Tania Young, l’équipe y met
sur pied une fausse émission de télévision qui fournira de
nouvelles données pour le moins fascinantes sur les
Thomas Bornot, Gilles Amado, Alain-Michel Blanc
All Titles
Jeune adulte
2011 94 min color United States of America PARA
Une auteur de romans pour adolescents ne publie jamais
ses livres sous son nom, mais bien sous celui d’une autre
personne. La jeune femme réclame un jour que son talent
soit connu du public et que ses oeuvres soient signées par
elle. Pendant qu’elle érige son plan, elle revoit ses
anciens amis du secondaire qui lui font se souvenir des
ambitions qu’elle avait jadis et de tous les rêves qui se
sont effondrés au contact de la réalité.
Jason Reitman
Comedie; Drama social
Jeunes adultes qui baisent
90 min
United States of America
Le film raconte d’une façon cinglante et ludique, l’histoire
de quatre couples, un ménage à trois et une folle nuit de
Martin Gero
Jeunes sans surveillance
89 min
United States of America
A la suite d’une tempête de neige, cinq enfants de parents
divorcés se retrouvent bloqués à l’aéroport de Chicago
pendant les vacances de Noël. Leurs parents n’étant pas
là pour les surveiller, ils sont bien décidés à faire la fête...
Paul Feig
Comedie; Drama social
The Jewel of the Nile
1985 106 min color PG United States of America FOX
The screens most daring couple returns in the
swashbuckling sequel to Romancing the Stone! Kathleen
Turner and Michael Douglas encounter the mystery of the
Jewel and find themselves caught up in the wildest
adventure of their lives! Offbeat humor and hair-raising
adventure are combined in this funny, fast-paced gem of a
movie you won’t want to miss!
Lewis Teague
Comedy; Adventure; Action; Romance
1938 104 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Davis won her second Oscar for her outstanding portrayal
of a tempestuous Southern belle whose willfulness and
spite stir up trouble with her relationships but who finally
atones when a plague strikes.
William Wyler
1991 187 min color AA United States of America WB
On November 22, 1963, the United States of America was
to be forever changed as a nation. The assassination of
President John F. Kennedy placed the country on a path
toward other events – which would, in turn, shake the very
foundation of American society and forever alter the way
Americans look at their government and at each other.
Even now, decades later, questions still haunt those old
enough to remember the event and challenge those to
whom it is only raw history. The Warren Commission –
appointed to settle America’s doubts – did little to answer
those questions, and quite possibly raised more.
Oliver Stone
Social Studies; Drama; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
JFK (v.f.)
1991 187 min color United States of America WB
Details the actions of New Orleans District Attorney Jim
Garrison, who takes it upon himself to investigate the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas,
Texas, in 1963. Garrison is extremely suspicious of the
official story presented by the FBI, and what he already
knows and what he subsequently learns lead him to
suspect that there is more to the story than the public is
being told.
Oliver Stone
Etudes sociales; Drame policier; Drama social;
Comédie moeurs; Drame d’espionnage
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
2001 82 min color F United States of America PARA
This animated feature tells of a super intelligent pre-teen
boy inventor and his dog, Gaddard. Together they
undertake a daring rescue mission to battle evil aliens,
save Earth and, perhaps most importantly, return home in
time for dinner.
John Davis
Comedy; Children; Animated
Jimmy Neutron : Un garçon genial
2001 82 min color United States of America PARA
Jimmy Neutron est un véritable petit génie. Inventeur de
toutes sortes de gadgets et d’appareils extravagants, il a
récemment fabriqué et mis en orbite un satellite afin
d’entrer en contact avec des extraterrestres. Mais lorsque
ces derniers visionnnent le message confectionné par le
gamin, leur attention se porte sur les parents de celui-ci,
qui feraient selon eux un menu de choix pour leur
redoutable dieu. Ainsi, pendant que Jimmy et ses amis se
rendent en cachette l’inauguration d’un nouveau parc
d’attractions, les extraterrestres enlèvent tous les parents
de la ville. Les enfants démunis se tournent alors vers le
petit génie pour qu’il organise une opération de sauvetage
John Davis
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
Jezebel (v.f.)
1938 104 min b&w United States of America WB
Sud des États-Unis, XIXe. Fâchée avec Pres, son fiancé,
Julie profite de l’Olympic Ball, un important évènement
social, pour projeter de l’humilier alors que leur mariage
doit y être officiellement annoncé. Les femmes célibataires
doivent y apparaı̂tre en blanc, elle viendra en rouge. Les
fiançailles sont rompues. Trois ans plus tard, Pres revient
dans la plantation, accompagné de sa femme Amy. Atteint
de la fièvre jaune lors d’une épidémie, Julie doit s’occuper
de lui.
William Wyler
Drama social
123 min
On an annual fishing trip, in isolated high country, Stewart,
Carl, Rocco and Billy (’the Kid’) find a girl’s body in the
river. It’s too late in the day for them to hike back to the
road and report their tragic find. The next morning, instead
of making the long trek back, they spend the day fishing.
Their decision to stay on at the river is a little mysterious–
almost as if the place itself is exerting some kind of magic
over them. When the men finally return home to
Jindabyne, and report finding the body, all hell breaks
loose. Their wives can’t understand how they could have
gone fishing with the dead girl right there in the water she
All Titles
needed their help. The men are confused the girl was
already dead, there was nothing they could do for her.
Ray Lawrence
Drama; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
Jingle All The Way
1996 89 min color PG United States of America FOX
Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as a neglectful but well
meaning father who promises his young son that he will
deliver without fail the number one item on the boy’s wish
list. But it turns out to be the most sought-after toy in the
country. Dad’s Christmas Eve turns into a hilarious
nightmare scramble across the city to obtain the virtually
impossible-to-find toy.
Brian Levant
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Happy Holidays
Joe Somebody
2001 98 min color PG United States of America FOX
Tim Allen plays Joe, a divorced corporate Every-man
whose dead-end personal and professional lives are
turned around after the office bully publicly humiliates him
in front of Joe’s daughter. As Joe trains for a rematch –
and give himself a makeover – he begins an unexpected
ascent up the corporate ladder. Eventually, Joe realizes he
doesn’t need revenge or to become someone else to earn
his daughter’s respect and win the heart of a coworker.
John Pasquin
Comedy; Breast Cancer Awareness
John McCabe
1971 115 min color United States of America WB
Un joueur et une madame ouvrent un bordel et la maison
de jeu dans une ville de mineurs de frontière. Quand leur
affaire prospère, quelques grands intérêts d’affaires
essayent de déplacer dans et reprendre.
Robert Altman
Western (v.f.); Drama social
John Tucker doit mourir
2006 89 min color United States of America FOX
Après avoir longtemps abusé des bonnes choses en
général et des jolies filles en particulier, John Tucker
s’apprête à récolter la monnaie de sa pièce. En effet, la
vedette de l’équipe de basket-ball de l’école vient de
provoquer la colère de ses trois petites amies, dont
chacune, jusqu’à tout récemment, croyait être la seule
dans sa vie. Passée l’envie de se battre pour lui, les
amoureuses éconduites s’unissent pour se venger du don
juan. À cette fin, elles conspirent avec Kate, une nouvelle
camarade de classe, pour qu’elle séduise Tucker et lui
brise ensuite le cƒur en l’abandonnant. Les choses se
compliquent lorsque Kate se découvre des atomes
crochus avec sa victime.
Betty Thomas
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
John Tucker Must Die
2006 89 min color PG United States of America FOX
When three popular girls from different cliques discover
they’ve all been dating the school stud, they band together
to seek revenge. Despite the jerk’s charm and evergrowing popularity, the girls cleverly scheme with the help
of the inconspicuous new girl in town, to soil his reputation
and break his heart.
Betty Thomas
Comedy; Romance
Johnson Family Vacation
2004 97 min color PG United States of America FOX
These are the comic misadventures of Nate Johnson
(Cedric the Entertainer) and the rest of the Johnson family,
as they try to make their way (halfway) across the country
to their annual family reunion in Missouri (Williams plays
Nate’s wife, whom he’s separated from; Harvey plays
Nate’s brother; Elizabeth plays a hitchhiker Nate picks up
on the way there; Bow Wow and Knowles play Nate’s
teenage children; Soleil plays the youngest child).
Christopher Erskin
Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie
2002 82 min color F United States of America AFI
When the singing Veggies encounter some car trouble,
they’re stranded at old, rundown seafood joint where
nothing is quite as it seems. As Bob the Tomato and the
kids settle in to wait for a tow truck to help get their van
back on the road, the "Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything"
share a little story about a guy named Jonah. Jonah was
kind of like a mailman except his messages came straight
from God. Jonah loves his job, until the day comes when
he has to deliver a message to the people of Nineveh.
Instead of carrying out his mission, Jonah turns and sets
sail in the opposite direction onboard a pirate ship. Soon
Jonah embarks on an adventure that leads him into the
belly of a whale, and to the heart of Nineveh for a hilarious
Mike Nawrocki, Phil Vischer
Comedy; Adventure; Drama; Children; Animated
Joseph King of Dreams
2000 74 min color F United States of America SKG
Based on the well-known story which, in terms of religion,
is known to be taken from the book of Genesis, ’King of
Dreams’ centers on the life of Joseph, a "miracle child"
with the gift of interpreting dreams. Because he was born
to a barren woman, his parents dubbed him such and he
quickly became the favorite of his father, Jacob, much to
the envy of his ten older brothers. After Jacob gives
Joseph a beautiful coat; and after Joseph shares his
dreams of the brothers bowing down to him, they decide
that they’ve had enough of it. So one unseeingly
unsuspecting day, they gang up on Joseph and sell him to
slave traders, who, in turn, take him to faraway Egypt.
There, he is sold to Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s
army. Even as a slave, Joseph continues to stand out
because of his hard work and Potiphar eventually comes
to notice this. As a result, he puts Joseph in charge of his
entire household. It is also here where Joseph meets
Asenath, his first love interest. Potiphar’s wife also notices
Joseph, but in a romantic manner. One night, after
attempting to "approach" him, he refuses her company and
he is falsely accused of harming her. Because of this, he
is thrown into prison by Potiphar. There, he meets the
Pharaoh’s baker and butler, whose dreams he interprets.
After they are released, Joseph is left there for a few more
years until one day when Potiphar released him because
Pharaoh needs him to interpret a dream that has been
torturing him lately - as he heard from his butler. Joseph
interprets Pharaoh’s dreams which resemble a famine of
Egypt, and because of this Pharaoh puts Joseph in charge
of the whole country and makes him the second most
powerful man in the land. From here, Joseph meets
Asenath again and they marry; and afterwards, he
prepares the country for the famine. It is during this time
when he is reunited with his brothers who come to Egypt
for food. After scheming up a way to reveal himself to
them, as well as meeting his new brother Benjamin,
Joseph finally confesses himself after placing his cup in
Benjamin’s sack after a banquet; and there a
heartwarming exchange of apologies and forgiveness
occurs. Afterwards, Joseph invites his whole family to live
in Egypt and is reunited with his father once more. From
there, the next big thing, ’The Prince of Egypt,’ begins.
Eric " Bibo" Bergeron, Don Paul
Comedy; Children; Animated
Joule-la comme Beckham
All Titles
Le journal d’un dégonflé : Rodrick fait sa loi
2003 108 min color United States of America FOX
Jess Bhamra, une jeune fille d’origine indienne, vit avec sa
famille en Angleterre. Ses parents aimeraient la voir finir
ses études et faire un beau mariage dans le respect des
traditions de leur pays d’origine. Mais la demoiselle ne
rêve que de ballon rond. Comme son idole, le champion
David Beckham, elle passe le plus clair de son temps à
jouer au football. Lorsqu’une jeune Anglaise, Jules, l’invite
à prendre place dans une équipe féminine, c’est le début
d’une belle amitié et d’une grande aventure.
Gurinder Chadha
Le Jour d’après
2004 124 min color United States of America FOX
Un climatologue est chargé de trouver une solution pour
mettre fin un brusque réchauffement climatique qui
menace la Terre. Parallèlement, ce scientifique devra
sauver son fils résidant à New York, une ville qui connaı̂tra
un nouvel âge de glace.
Roland Emmerich
Action (v.f.); Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Drame
de science-fiction
Le jour de l’indépendance
1996 144 min color 13+ United States of America FOX
Deux jours avant la célébration du Jour de
L’Indépendance, un phénomène atmosphérique menaçant
embrase le ciel des grandes villes, coupant toute
communication globale et signalant une invasion de la
Terre par une force étrangère hostile.
Roland Emmerich
Action (v.f.); Drame de science-fiction; Drame de guerre
Jour de neige
2000 90 min color United States of America PARA
Une chute de neige inopinée ferme les écoles. C’est une
occasion unique de découvrir l’amourm de régler de vieux
comptes, de se comporter en héros et de retrouver le
plaisir de s’amuser un jour où tous est possible!
Chris Koch
Le Jour le plus long
1962 180 min b&w United States of America FOX
L’évènement militaire qui va mettre fin à la seconde guerre
mondiale: le débarquement en Normandie par l’armée
Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Action (v.f.)
Le jour où la terre s’arrêta
2008 102 min color United States of America FOX
Une soucoupe volante atterrit sur Terre. Alors qu’on les
croyait hostiles, les extraterrestres sont en fait porteurs
d’un message de paix pour l’humanité.
Scott Derrickson
Drama social; Drame de science-fiction
Journal d’un dégonfl
2010 92 min color United States of America FOX
D’après les livres de Jeff Kinney, les chroniques de Greg
Heffley, écolier en décalage avec ses camarades, au cours
d’une année scolaire.
Thor Freudenthal
Comedie; Films pour enfants
2011 99 min color G United States of America FOX
Greg Heffley est de retour pour une nouvelle année
scolaire! Son été a ét mitigé car son frère Rodrick a
découvert une chose qui fait honte à Greg et ce dernier
est prêt à tout pour que le secret soit conservé. Alors
forcément Rodrick en profite alors qu’à l’école, on retrouve
toujours plus ou moins les mêmes problèmes ...
David Bowers
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Le journal d’une femme de chambre
98 min
Dans les années 1930, Célestine, une femme de chambre
de 32 ans, arrive de Paris pour entrer au service d’une
famille de notables résidants au Prieuré, leur vaste
domaine provincial. La maı̂tresse de maison, hautaine et
dédaigneuse avec sa domesticité, est une puritaine frigide,
maniaque du rangement et obsédée par la propreté.
Célestine doit affronter les avances du mari sexuellement
frustré, et elle gère avec toute la sérénité possible le
fétichisme étrange du patriarche, un ancien cordonnier qui
lui demande fréquemment de porter des bottines qu’il tient
jalousement enfermées dans un placard.
Luis Buñuel
Drama social
Le journal d’une nanny
2007 106 min color United States of America AFI
Fraı̂chement diplômée, une jeune fille originaire du New
Jersey, encouragée par sa mère à faire carrière dans le
monde de la finance, accepte plutôt un poste de gardienne
d’enfant chez un couple fortun habitant l’Upper East Side
de Manhattan.
Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
2012 96 min color PG United States of America WB
Four years after Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson)
journeyed with his uncle to the center of the Earth, he
receives a coded distress signal from a place even more
incredible and remote: an uncharted island where no
island should exist, teeming with strange life forms and
hiding more than one astonishing secret. Despite his
stepfather’s protests, Sean, now 17, is determined to reach
this mysterious island and rescue its lone inhabitant before
the rising seismic storm forces it back under the sea and
buries its treasures forever.
Brad Peyton
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action; Fantasy
Journey to the Center of the Earth
2008 96 min color PG United States of America AFI
On a quest to find out what happened to his missing
brother, a scientist, his nephew and their mountain guide
discover a fantastic and dangerous lost world in the center
of the earth.
Eric Brevig
Adventure; Science Fiction; Children; Action; Fantasy
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
1959 132 min color PG United States of America FOX
Prof. Lindenbrook leads his intrepid party on an expedition
to the centre of the earth, via a volcano in Iceland,
encountering all manner of prehistoric monsters and
life-threatening hazards on the way.
Henry Levin
Adventure; Science Fiction; Fantasy
All Titles
Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island
Journeys Neil Young
2012 87 min color PG United States of America MON
In May of 2011, Neil Young drove a 1956 Crown Victoria
from his idyllic hometown of Omemee, Ontario to
downtown Toronto’s iconic Massey Hall where he
intimately performed the last two nights of his solo world
tour. Along the drive, Young recounted insightful and
introspective stories from his youth to filmmaker Jonathan
Demme. Demme, a long-time fan and collaborator,
captured these tales of Young’s childhood and masterfully
weaved them together with his mesmerizing music
including songs from the 2010 album Le Noise and
powerful renditions of classics including "Ohio", Hey Hey,
My My", "I Believe in You" and previously unreleased
songs "Leia" and "You Never Call." Through the tunes and
the tales, Demme portrays a personal, retrospective look
into the heart and soul of the artist.
Jonathan Demme
Musical; Documentary
Journeys Neil Young (v.f.)
2012 87 min color United States of America MON
En mai 2011, Neil Young a arrêté sa tournée au solo au
Hall Massey de Toronto, un lieu iconique de sa ville
Jonathan Demme
Films Musicaux; Documentaire
Joyful Noise
2012 118 min color PG United States of America WB
Joyful Noise tells the story of an unlikely partnership
between two strong-minded women who are forced to
work together to save a small town Gospel Choir after
budget cuts threaten to shut them down. Music is a very
important component to the story.
Todd Graff
Comedy; Drama; Musical
Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer
2011 91 min color G United States of America AFI
Third-grader Judy Moody sets out to have the most thrilling
summer of her life.
John Schultz
Comedy; Children
Judy Moody et son été pas rat
2011 91 min color G United States of America AFI
Judy Moody est sur le point de passer, ce qu’elle pense, le
plus bel été de sa vie. Mais c’était avant d’apprendre que
sa mère et son père partent pour la Californie et que sa
tante Awful vienne s’installer. Sans parler des ses deux
meilleurs amis - Rocky et Amy - qui vont lui fausser
compagnie durant tout l’été! Va-t-elle devoir divertir son
petit frère Stink qui est obsédé par Bigfoot? Et juste au
moment où l’été commence à être Pourri, avec un P
majuscule, Judy, avec un petit coup de pouce de tante
Opal, propose l’idée la plus
de toutes. Elle
met ses amis au défi dans une course aux super- points
afin de vivre un été mégas sensas et PAS DU TOUT
pourri. Est-ce que son copain Frank Pearl sera le sauveur
de l’été? La course est engagée!
John Schultz
Comedie; Children
Jules César
117 min
United Kingdom
Jules César, empereur romain, a bien du mal à gouverner
avec le sénat. son propre fils complote contre lui.
Assassiné, Marc Antoine prononce un discours qui monte
la foule contre les agresseurs.
Stuart Burge
Drama social
2010 101 min color N/R United States of America MON
A cinematic adaptation of Jules Verne’s 1874 novel "The
Mysterious Island", the story begins during the American
Civil War, as famine and death ravage the city of
Richmond, Virginia. Five northern POWs make the
decision to escape the war by hijacking a hot air balloon!
Drifting through the night, they wake to find themselves
marooned on a desert island, but they aren’t alone...
Littered with wreckage, the island is home to cast of
survivors who have been lost in space and time, including
Jules and Abby Fogg, two young women from modern
times who become stranded while flying over the Bermuda
Triangle. Faced with defending themselves against vicious
pirates, terrifying creatures, and an active volcano that’s
ready to blow, they must find a way to survive and escape
the island. Hope only comes when they encounter the
island’s oldest resident, Captain Nemo himself. With his
help, they set to work crafting an escape...
Mark Sheppard
Adventure; Horror; Science Fiction
Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island (v.f.)
2010 101 min color United States of America MON
À la suite d’un accident spatio-temporel, plusieurs
personnes appartenant à différentes époques se
retrouvent perdues sur une ı̂le inconnue. Evadés de la
Guerre de Sécession, touristes du 21e siècle, étrange
capitaine surgi du passé : tous ces individus cohabitent
ainsi sur cette ı̂le mystérieuse... Ils devront y affronter des
créatures monstrueuses, mais aussi un pirate et un volcan
en éruption. Pour tous, une seule question compte :
comment quitter l’ı̂le ?
Mark Sheppard
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Drame
Julius Caesar
117 min
United Kingdom
All star cast heads up this 1970 remake of the William
Shakespeare classic tale of the betrayal of the the Roman
senate against their emperor, the plotting and scheming
that led up to the assassination of the title charecter, and
all of Romes’ fickleness towards the events.
Stuart Burge
2008 88 min color PG United States of America FOX
David is a "JUMPER" who can teleport himself to the
streets of New York and Tokyo, the ruins of Rome, and the
summit of Mt. Everest. He can see twenty sunsets in one
night, whisk his girlfriend around the world in the blink of
an eye, and grab millions of dollars in a matter of minutes.
But David’s global odyssey takes a deadly turn when finds
himself relentlessly pursued by a secret organization
sworn to kill Jumpers. Forming an uneasy alliance with
another Jumper, David becomes a key player in a war that
has been raging for thousands of years. As these worldchanging events unfold, David begins to discover the
secrets and mythology behind his incredible ability.
Doug Liman
Adventure; Drama; Science Fiction; Thriller
Jumper: Franchir le temp
2008 88 min color United States of America FOX
Un jeune homme, doté de pouvoirs de téléportation, part
sur les traces du meurtrier de sa mère. Il attire sur son
All Titles
passage l’attention d’un agent de la National Security
Agency qui lui propose alors son appui.
Doug Liman
Drame de science-fiction; Drame d’aventures; Drama
social; Drame d’espionnage
Leslie’s childhood friend Morgan, who has her sights set
on being an NBA trophy wife. Is Leslie destined to play
the role of "best friend" forever or will Scott finally see that
what he always wanted is right in front of him?
Sanaa Hamri
Comedy; Romance; Black History; Cuddle Up Day
2007 95 min color 14A United States of America FOX
JUNO stars Ellen Page as the title character, a whip-smart
teen confronting an unplanned pregnancy by her
classmate Bleeker (Cera). With the help of her hot best
friend Leah, Juno finds her unborn child a perfect set of
parents: an affluent suburban couple, Mark and Venessa
(Bateman and Garner), longing to adopt.
Jason Reitman
Comedy; Drama; Breast Cancer Awareness; Valentine’s
Day; Father’s Day
Juno (v.f.)
2007 95 min color United States of America FOX
Juno MacGuff, jeune fille de 16 ans vive et futée, est
confrontée une grossesse inattendue - la sienne - le fautif
étant son camarade de classe Paulie. Avec l’aide de sa
meilleure amie, la pulpeuse Leah, Juno trouve des parents
plus qualifiés pour son futur bébé en la personne de Mark
et Vanessa, un riche et séduisant couple de banlieue qui
désire ardemment adopter.
Jason Reitman
Comedie; Drama social
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
2011 105 min color G United States of America PARA
Follows Justin Bieber with some footage of performances
from his 2010 concert tour.
Jon Chu
Musical; Documentary
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (v.f.)
2011 105 min color G United States of America PARA
Ce film raconte l’histoire vraie de Justin Bieber, devenu le
phénomène mondial que l’on connaı̂t. Le public découvrira
son incroyable parcours, de Stratford au Canada où il
jouait dans la rue jusqu’à son concert à guichets fermés
au Madison Square Garden. Découvrez cette fulgurante
ascension et rentrez dans l’intimité de cette jeune star
Jon Chu
Films Musicaux; Documentaire
Just Like Heaven
2005 94 min color PG United States of America PARA
When David (Mark Ruffalo) sublet his quaint San
Francisco apartment, the last thing he expected–or
wanted–was a roommate. He had only begun to make a
complete mess of the place when a pretty young woman
named Elizabeth (Reese Witherspoon) suddenly shows
up, adamantly insisting the apartment is hers. David
assumes there’s been a giant misunderstanding...until
Elizabeth disappears as mysteriously as she appeared.
Changing the locks does nothing to deter Elizabeth, who
begins to appear and disappear at will–mostly to rebuke
David for his personal living habits in her apartment.
Convinced that she is a ghost, David tries to help
Elizabeth cross over to the "other side." But while
Elizabeth has discovered she does have a distinctly
ethereal quality–she can walk through walls–she is equally
convinced that she is somehow still alive and isn’t crossing
over anywhere. As Elizabeth and David search for the
truth about who Elizabeth is and how she came to be in
her present state, their relationship deepens into love.
Unfortunately, they have very little time before their
prospects for a future together permanently fade away.
Mark Waters
Comedy; Romance
Just My Luck
2006 102 min color PG United States of America FOX
Sexy Manhattanite Ashley (Lindsay Lohan) is known to
many as the luckiest woman around. After a chance
encounter with a down-and-out young man (Chris Pine),
however, she realizes that she’s swapped her fortune for
Donald Petrie
Comedy; Romance
Just Wright
2010 101 min color PG United States of America FOX
Leslie Wright is a straight-shooting physical therapist who
gets the gig of a lifetime working with NBA All-Star Scott
McKnight. All is going well until Leslie finds herself falling
for Scott, forcing her to choose between the gig and the
tug-of-war inside her heart. Oblivious to her romantic
overtures, McKnight is instead drawn to the affections of
K-19: Terreur ous la Mer
2002 138 min color United States of America PARA
Lors de sa mission dans l’océan Atlantique, l’équipage du
premier sous-marin nucléaire russe tente d’empêcher
l’explosion du réacteur défectueux et de prévenir ainsi la
guerre mondiale que celle-ci risquerait de déclencher
Kathryn Bigelow
Drama social; Drame psychologique; Drame
K-19: The Widowmaker
2002 138 min color PG United States of America PARA
The story of USSR’s first nuclear ballistic submarine,
which suffered a malfunction in its nuclear reactor on its
maiden voyage in the North Atlantic in 1961. The
submarine’s crew, led by the unyielding Captain Alexi
Vostrikov, races against time to prevent a Chernobyl-like
nuclear disaster which threatens not only the lives of his
crew, but has the potential to ignite a world war between
the super powers.
Kathryn Bigelow
Drama; Suspense; Thriller
Kangaroo Jack
2002 89 min color PG United States of America WB
Two friends from Brooklyn (Jerry O’Connell, Anthony
Anderson) are forced to deliver mob money to Australia.
Their misadventures begin when one of them places his
red jacket on a kangaroo while attempting to snap a
picture. When the kangaroo bounces off, they realize the
mob money is in the jacket and are forced to give chase
through the Outback.
David McNally
All Titles
Kangourou Jack
89 min
United States of America
Deux amis originaires de Brooklyn, un musicien amateur
et un apprenti coiffeur, se retrouvent contraints de travailler
pour la Mafia : ils doivent transporter un magot de 100
000 dollars en Australie. Mais une fois sur place, les deux
gangsters amateurs se font voler l’argent par un
kangourou. Ils s’improvisent alors chasseurs de
kangourous avec l’aide d’un mystérieux zoologiste.
David McNally
Kate and Leopold
2001 118 min color PG United States of America AFI
Kate and her actor brother live in N.Y. in the 21st Century.
Her ex-boy friend, Stuart, lives above her apartment and
finds this space near the Brooklyn Bridge where there is a
gap in time. He goes back to the eighteen hundreds and
takes pictures of the place. Leopold, a man living in the
1870’s, was puzzled by Stuart’s tiny camera and decides
to follow him and they both ended up in this century.
Leopold is clueless about his new surroundings. He gets
help and insights from Charlie who thinks that Leopold is
an actor who is always in character. Leopold is a highly
intelligent man and tries his best to learn and even
improve the modern conveniences that he encounters.
James Mangold
Comedy; Fantasy; Romance
Katy Perry: Part of Me
2012 95 min color PG United States of America PARA
A documentary that chronicles Katy Perry’s life on and
Jane Lipsitz, Dan Cutforth
Musical; Documentary
The Kids are Alright
2010 104 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Two teenaged children (Mia Wasikowska, Josh
Hutcherson) conceived by artificial insemination get the
notion to seek out their birth father and introduce him into
the family life that their two mothers (Annette Bening and
Julianne Moore) have built for them. Once the donor
(Mark Ruffalo) is found, the household will never be the
same, as family ties are defined re-defined, and
Lisa Cholodenko
Kill Bill, Vol. 1
2003 111 min color 18A United States of America AFI
The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad consists of five
most deadly killers, led by Bill. There is O’Ren-Ishii as
Cottonmouth, Elle Driver as California Mountain Snake,
Vernita Green as Copperhead, Budd as Sidewinder. And
there is The Bride, whose name is not spoken, who
wanted to quit because she was pregnant. One day,
somewhere in the Texas desert, The Bride wanted to
marry the love of her life. Then Bill and her former
colleagues showed up and killed everyone there. But they
did not do a good enough job: The Bride survives, barely,
and is in a coma for four years. Her colleagues know this
but won’t kill her in her sleep, it would just ruin the
reputation. One day, The Bride awakens. For her, not a
second has consciously passed, and after she realizes all
the things that have happened, The Bride decides to take
revenge. Bloody revenge. On each single one of those
who betrayed her. First on her death list is Cottonmouth,
who has become the yakuza boss of Tokyo, Japan,
second in line is Copperhead, who chose a more decent
life as well. The Bride sets out to take back what was
once hers: Her life.
Quentin Tarantino
Action; Crime
Kill Bill, Vol. 2
2004 136 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Beatrix Kiddo a.k.a The Bride is a female assassin, a
trained killer who was betrayed by the Deadly Viper
Assassination Squad, led by her former boss Bill who
gunned her down on her wedding day leaving her for
dead. The Bride awoke four years later and set out to get
her vengeance on Bill and the Deadly Viper Assassination
Squad who betrayed her. Helped by one of Bill’s former
tutors, retired sword maker Hattori Hanzo, The Bride
begun her quest for vengeance and she killed Vernita
Green and O’Ren Ishii. Continuing her quest for
vengeance, The Bride sets out to get her vengeance on
Bill’s younger brother Budd who is now a bouncer at a
strip club and Elle Driver, The Bride’s one-eyed nemesis
and Bill himself, unaware Bill has her daughter B.B in his
custody, who she thought died while she was in her coma.
Will The Bride succeed and get her vengeance and will
she kill Bill?
Quentin Tarantino
Action; Crime
2010 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
Spencer Aimes is just your average, undercover,
government-hired super-assassin accustomed to a life of
exotic European locales, flashy sports cars and even
flashier women. But when he meets Jen Kornfeldt, a
beautiful, fun-loving computer tech recovering from a bad
break-up, he finds true love...and happily trades
international intrigue for domestic bliss. Three years later,
Spencer and Jen are still enjoying a picture-perfect
marriage - that is, until the morning after Spencer’s 30th
birthday. That’s when Spencer and Jen learn he’s the
target of a multi-million dollar hit. Even worse, the hired
killers have been stalking the happy couple for years, and
could be anyone: friends, neighbors, the grocery store
clerk, even that crabby old guy shuffling across the street.
Now Spencer and Jen are on the run for their lives. As
their suburban paradise turns into a paranoid game of
Robert Luketic
Comedy; Action; Thriller
The Killing Fields
1984 142 min color R United States of America WB
Based on the New York Times Magazine cover story by
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sydney Schanberg, the
film tells the story of the American war correspondent’s
intense search for his Cambodian friend and colleague,
after the fall of Phnom Penh.
Roland Joffe
Social Studies; Drama; War
2008 95 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Beautiful Carmen Colson and her ironworker husband
Wayne are placed in the Federal Witness Protection
program after witnessing an "incident". Thinking they are
at last safe, they are targeted by an experienced hit man
and a psychopathic young upstart killer. The ensuing
struggle will test Carmen to the limit.
John Madden
Drama; Thriller; Crime
All Titles
The King and I
1956 133 min color G United States of America FOX
Yul Brynner’s magnetic, Oscar-winning performance as the
demanding 19th century king of Siam has indelibly linked
him with the role. The clash of temperaments between
governess Anna and the King culminates with "Shall We
Dance," one of the screen’s most joyous musical
Walter Lang
Comedy; Adventure; Drama; Children; Musical;
King Kong
1976 134 min color AA United States of America PARA
In this Oscar-winning, updated version of the 1933
original, the gargantuan ape battles prehistoric beasts,
men in pursuit, and attacking aircraft above New York’s
World Trade Center, all the while "courting" Jessica Lange.
John Guillerman
Adventure; Horror; Action; Fantasy; Thriller; Romance
King Kong (v.f.)
1976 134 min color United States of America PARA
New York, 1933. Ann Darrow est une artiste de music-hall
dont la carrière a été brisée net par la Dépression. Se
retrouvant sans emploi ni ressources, la jeune femme
rencontre l’audacieux explorateur-réalisateur Carl Denham
et se laisse entraı̂ner par lui dans la plus périlleuse des
aventures... Ce dernier a dérobé à ses producteurs le
négatif de son film inachevé. Il n’a que quelques heures
pour trouver une nouvelle star et l’embarquer pour
Singapour avec son scénariste, Jack Driscoll, et une
équipe réduite. Objectif avoué : achever sous ces cieux
lointains son génial film d’action. Mais Denham nourrit en
secret une autre ambition, bien plus folle : être le premier
homme à explorer la mystérieuse Skull Island et à en
ramener des images. Sur cette ı̂le de légende, Denham
sait que "quelque chose" l’attend, qui changera à jamais le
cours de sa vie...
John Guillerman
Drame d’espionnage; Comédie sentimentale; Drame
d’horreur; Drame d’aventures; Comédie fantaisiste;
Action (v.f.)
Kingdom of Heaven
2005 145 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Set in 12th century Europe and the exotic East, THE
KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is an epic romantic action film
about a young peasant (Orlando Bloom) who becomes a
renowned knight, saves a kingdom, and falls in a love with
a princess. From Ridley Scott, the master of the modern
Ridley Scott
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Comédie sentimentale
The King’s Speech
118 min
United Kingdom
Tells the story of the man who became King George VI,
the father of Queen Elizabeth II. After his brother
abdicates, George (’Bertie’) reluctantly assumes the
throne. Plagued by a dreaded stutter and considered unfit
to be king, Bertie engages the help of an unorthodox
speech therapist named Lionel Logue. Through a set of
unexpected techniques, and as a result of an unlikely
friendship, Bertie is able to find his voice and boldly lead
the country through war.
Tom Hooper
Kinky Boots
2005 107 min color PG United States of America AFI
Charles Price may have grown up with his father in the
family shoe business, but he never thought that he would
take his father’s place. Yet, the untimely death of his father
places him in that position, only to learn that Price & Sons
Shoes is failing. While in despair at his failed attempts to
save the business, Charles has a chance encounter with
the flamboyant drag queen cabaret singer, Lola. Her
complaints about the inadequate footwear for her work
combined with one of Charles’ ex-employees, Lauren,
leads to a suggestion to change the product to create a
desperate chance to save the business: make men’s fetish
footwear. Lola is convinced to be their footwear designer
and the transition begins. Now this disparate lot must
struggle at this unorthodox idea while dealing both the
prejudice of the staff, Lola’s discomfort in the small town
and the selfish manipulation of Charles’ greedy fianc e
who cannot see the greater good in Charles’ dream.
Julian Jarrold
Comedy; Drama; Musical
Kinky Boots (v.f.)
2005 107 min color G United States of America AFI
À la mort de son père, Charlie Price prend les
commandes de la fabrique de chaussures familiale, qui
frôle la faillite. À Londres, o il est venu oublier ses
déboires, Charlie se retrouve au centre d’une bagarre
entre voyous, mais il est sauvé in extremis par Simon,
alias Lola, un travesti haut en couleur. C’est alors que lui
vient une idée saugrenue: remplacer la production de
chaussures pour hommes par la fabrication de bottes à
talons hauts destinées à une clientèle de dragqueens . Chargée du design des bottes, Lola s’intègre
difficilement à l’équipe d’artisans. De son côté, Charlie
doit composer avec une fiancée qui s’impatiente, le
souvenir intimidant de son père et l’imminence de la foire
de Milan, où sa nouvelle collection sera dévoilée.
Julian Jarrold
Comedie; Drama social; Films Musicaux
2004 118 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Academy Award(r)-winning Bill Condon (GODS &
MONSTERS, CHICAGO) explores the life of the pioneer of
human sexuality research, Alfred Kinsey (Liam Neeson).
Spanning six decades from his childhood in the early
1900s to his death in 1956, the film turns the microscope
on the man whose landmark studies on the sexual
behaviors of the common man rocked a nation. The
interviewer of tens of thousands, Kinsey subjected his own
life and that of his researchers to the same type of
analysis that produced his 1948 best-selling book "Sexual
Behavior in the Human Male." But while the Kinsey team’s
focus was predominantly outward, perhaps what they
learned about themselves was as great as that which they
taught their country.
Bill Condon
Drama; Gay Pride Month
Kinsey (v.f.)
2004 118 min color United States of America FOX
L’évocation de la vie du docteur Alfred Kinsey, un
sexologue controversé. L’ouvrage qu’il publia en 1948,
Sexual behavior in the human male, heurta les milieux
conservateurs et le siège de l’universit d’Indiana.
Bill Condon
Drama social
Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
2005 103 min color 14A United States of America WB
A murder mystery brings together a private eye, a
struggling actress, and a thief masquerading as an actor.
Shane Black
Comedy; Adventure; Action; Thriller; Romance
All Titles
Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang (v.f.)
2005 103 min color United States of America WB
Harry Lockhart, voleur en fuite, se retrouve
accidentellement au beau milieu d’un casting de polar
Hollywoodien. Afin de préparer au mieux son rôle, il fait
équipe avec un détective privé sans foi ni loi et une
comédienne en herbe. Ils finiront par se retrouver
impliqués dans une réelle et mystérieuse affaire de
Shane Black
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Comédie sentimentale; Drame
d’espionnage; Drame d’aventures
Kiss the Girls
1997 110 min color AA United States of America PARA
"Kiss the Girls" tells the tale of Alex Cross, a Washington
DC police detective with a Ph.D. in psychology who is a
widower with 2 small children who learns his college niece,
a 22 year-old Duke University law student, is missing.
While investigating her disappearance, Alex uncovers two
cunning serial rapist/murderers, one of whom is keeping a
horrifying modern day harem.
Gary Fleder
Drama; Suspense; Thriller; Mystery; Literary Adaption;
Kit Kittredge: An American Girl
2008 101 min color G United States of America AFI
’Kit Kittredge: An American Mystery’ centers around a
young living in the struggles of the Great Depression. 10
year old Kit lives in a boarding house her parents own in
Cincinnati, Ohio. She has a passion for writing, & dreams
of having something of hers put in the local paper
someday. With the help of her friends, Sterling & Ruthie,
will her dream finally come true?
Patricia Rozema
Drama; Children; Mystery
Kit Kittredge: An American Girl (v.f.)
2008 101 min color United States of America AFI
Durant la Grande Dépression des années trente, aux
États-Unis, une fillette de dix ans passionnée d’écriture
rêve de publier un article dans le journal local. Lorsqu’elle
voit son père perdre son emploi, elle décide d’aider sa
famille à s’en sortir.
Patricia Rozema
Drama social; Comédie moeurs; Films pour enfants
The Kite Runner
2007 125 min color 14A United States of America
After spending years in California, Amir returns to his
homeland in Afghanistan to help his old friend Hassan,
whose son is in trouble.
Marc Forster
1971 101 min color R United States of America WB
Jane Fonda won an Academy Award for her portrayal of
Bree Daniels, a tough, cynical call girl, hunted by a
psychopathic killer. Donald Sutherland, in a marvelous,
low-key performance, is Klute, the small-town detective
who leads the hunt for the homicidal maniac.
Alan J. Pakula
Drama; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
Klute (v.f.)
1971 101 min color United States of America WB
Jane Fonda a gagné une Récompense(sentence)
d’Académie pour sa représentation de Bree Daniels, une
fille d’appel dure, cynique, a chass par un tueur
psychopathic. Donald Sutherland, dans une
exécution(performance) merveilleuse, modérée, est Klute,
le détective provincial qui mène la chasse pour le
maniaque homicide.
Alan J. Pakula
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs;
Drame policier
Knight and Day
2010 109 min color PG United States of America FOX
An action-comedy that begins when a small-town woman
(Diaz) has a chance encounter with a mysterious man
(Cruise). He is either the man of her dreams or, perhaps
... her nightmares. Amid shifting allegiances and
unexpected betrayals, they are swept up in a whirlwind of
globe-hopping adventure and world-changing secrets.
James Mangold
Comedy; Action
Kung Fu Hustle
99 min
Set amid the chaos of pre-revolutionary China, small time
thief, Sing, aspires to be one of the sophisticated and
ruthless Axe Gang whose underworld activities
overshadow the city. Stumbling across a crowded
apartment complex aptly known as "Pig Sty Alley," Sing
attempts to extort money from one of the ordinary locals,
but the neighbors are not what they appear. Sing’s
comical attempts at intimidation inadvertently attract the
Axe Gang into the fray, setting off a chain of events that
brings the two disparate worlds face-to-face. As the
inhabitants of the Pig Sty fight for their lives, the ensuing
clash of kung fu titans unearths some legendary martial
arts Masters. Sing, despite his futile attempts, lacks the
soul of a killer, and must face his own mortality in order to
discover the true nature of the kung fu master.
Stephen Chow
Comedy; Action; Fantasy; Crime
Kung Fu Hustle (v.f.)
99 min
Dans une grande ville chinoise, vers le tournant des
années 1930-40, une nouvelle bande mafieuse fait la loi.
Ayant adopté la hache comme symbole et arme de
prédilection, ce gang est dirigé par Sum, un jeune criminel
impitoyable. Or, un petit secteur de la ville, surnomm
l’Allée des porcs, échappe encore à son contrôle. En effet,
parmi les petites gens qui y demeurent se trouvent de
redoutables spécialistes d’arts martiaux qui tiennent Sum
et ses sbires en échec. Le gangster décide alors d’utiliser
le naı̈f Sing, un petit escroc qui désire devenir membre de
sa bande, pour faire sortir de prison le terrible Beast, un
as du kung-fu susceptible de faire plier pour de bon les
irréductibles de l’Allée. Mais contre toute attente, c’est
Sing lui-même qui deviendra le principal adversaire de cet
effrayant tueur.
Stephen Chow
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste; Drame
Kung Fu Panda
2008 92 min color PG United States of America PARA
A CG-animated comedy about a lazy, irreverent slacker
panda, Po (Voiced by Jack Black), who must somehow
become a Kung Fu Master in order to save the Valley of
Peace from a villainous snow leopard, Tai Lung. Set in the
legendary world of ancient China, this is the story of Po,
our unlikely hero, who enters the rigid world of Kung Fu
and turning it upside down. Po ultimately becomes a Kung
Fu hero by learning that if he believes in himself, he can
do anything.
Mark Osborne, John Stevenson
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Action; Animated
All Titles
Kung Fu Panda 2
2011 90 min color PG United States of America PARA
Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior,
protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and
fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five - Tigress, Crane,
Mantis, Viper and Monkey. But Po’s awesome new life is
threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who
plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer
China and destroy kung fu. It is up to Po and The Furious
Five to journey across China to face this threat and
vanquish it. But how can Po stop a weapon that can stop
kung fu? He must look to his past and uncover the secrets
of his mysterious origins; only then will he be able to
unlock the strength he needs to succeed.
Jennifer Yuh
Comedy; Children; Action; Animated
Nationale pour la Démocratie (LND), un parti politique. En
1989, elle est arrêtée et assignée à résidence. En
Angleterre, son mari et ses deux fils l’inscrivent au prix
Nobel de la paix, qu’elle remporte en 1991 malgr sa
Luc Besson
Drama social; Drama biographique
The Lady
2011 132 min
color PG
United Kingdom MON
The story of Aung San Suu Kyi as she becomes the core
of Burma’s democracy movement, and her relationship
with her husband, writer Michael Aris.
Luc Besson
Drama; Biography
Kung Fu Panda (v.f.)
2008 92 min color United States of America PARA
La jungle chinoise est envahie par une horde de léopards.
Seule solution pour les autres animaux : s’en remettre à
un guerrier prophétique censé les défendre. Problème, le
sauveur s’avère être un panda tout ce qu’il y a de plus
paresseux, qu’il faudra former afin qu’il devienne un maı̂tre
incontesté du kung-fu.
Mark Osborne, John Stevenson
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Dessins animés; Action
(v.f.); Films pour enfants
L.A. Confidential
1997 138 min color AA United States of America WB
In the early 1950s, Los Angeles was a booming, would-be
utopia, and anything was possible for those with a dream
and the drive to make it happen. But in this heady era,
crime and corruption infiltrate the highest corridors of
power and threaten to rule the city. Three L.A.P.D. officers
whose characters reflect their city – whose outward
images conflict with their inner passions and realities –
become separately entangled in a web of intrigue and
deceit that might destroy them all.
Curtis Hanson
Social Studies; Drama; Suspense
L.A. interdite
1997 138 min color United States of America WB
L’histoire tourne autour de trois policiers de Los Angeles
dans les années 50 qui, à cause de leur code d’éthique
des plus différents, ne tarderont pas à croiser le fer. Dans
cette période des plus grisantes, alors que tout est
possible pour ceux qui ont un rêve et le désir de le
réaliser. Crimes et corruption infiltrent les plus hautes
sphères du pouvoir et menacent de prendre le contrôle sur
la ville.
Curtis Hanson
Etudes sociales; Drame psychologique; Dame poétique;
Drama social
Lac Placid
1999 82 min color United States of America FOX
À Lake Placid, les gens qui vont se baigner commencet à
disparaı̂tre. On soupçonne un crocodile géant qui arttirera
l’attention de bien du monde.
Steve Miner
Comedie; Action (v.f.)
The Lady
132 min
United Kingdom
Aung San Suu Kyi est mariée avec un professeur
britannique et vit Oxford avec lui et leurs deux enfants. En
1988, elle retourne dans son pays d’origine, la Birmanie,
pour s’occuper de sa mère gravement malade. Là-bas,
elle découvre la situation chaotique qui règne sur son pays
et décide de rester sur place pour fonder la Ligue
Lady in the Water
2006 109 min color PG United States of America WB
In "Lady in the Water," a story originally conceived by
Shyamalan for his children, a modest building manager
named Cleveland Heep (Paul Giamatti) rescues a
mysterious young woman (Bryce Dallas Howard) from
danger and discovers she is actually a narf, a character
from a bedtime story who is trying to make the
treacherous journey from our world back to hers.
Cleveland and his fellow tenants start to realize that they
are also characters in this bedtime story. As Cleveland
falls deeper and deeper in love with the woman, he works
together with the tenants to protect his new fragile friend
from the deadly creatures that reside in this fable and are
determined to prevent her from returning home.
M. Night Shyamalan
Drama; Fantasy; Thriller; Mystery
Lady Sings the Blues
1972 144 min color PG United States of America PARA
Diana Ross lovingly portrays the greatest American blues
singer, Billie Holiday, who was born into poverty and died
at age 43 of drug addiction. Ross brilliantly captures the
talent, despair and vulnerability of the great Lady Day.
Sidney J. Furie
Drama; Musical; Biography
1985 121 min color PG United States of America WB
A haunting adventure fantasy about a pair of cursed lovers
who are transformed into animal shapes during alternate
periods of the day. Broderick, who provides comic relief, is
appealing as the couple’s young friend, and ultimately,
their rescuer.
Richard Donner
Popular Films; Adventure; Fantasy; Romance
The Lake House
2006 98 min color PG United States of America WB
A lonely doctor (Sandra Bullock) who once occupied an
unusual lakeside home begins exchanging love letters with
its newest resident, a frustrated architect (Keanu Reeves).
When they discover that they’re actually living two years
apart, they must try to unravel the mystery behind their
extraordinary romance before it’s too late.
Alejandro Agresti
Drama; Romance
All Titles
Lake Placid
1999 82 min color AA United States of America FOX
Billed as an action film with comic elements, the story tells
of a New York paleontologist (Bridget Fonda) who travels
to Maine to investigate the mysterious death of a man
near a remote lake. With the help of a fish and game
warden (Bill Pullman), a battling sheriff and a wildlife
expert, she discovers that a 35-foot crocodile is
responsible for the havoc.
Steve Miner
L’amour aux temps du cholera
2007 139 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Cartagena, Colombie, milieu du XIXe siècle. Florentino,
modeste employé des postes, parvient non sans mal à
conquérir Fermina, la fille d’un commerçant. Mais ce
dernier, fermement opposé à cette union, y met un terme
avant de pousser la jeune femme dans les bras d’un riche
médecin. Déterminé à attendre celle à qui il a promis un
amour éternel, Florentino s’enfonce dans la dépression,
jusqu’à ce qu’une aventure d’un soir le convainque de
laisser son corps exprimer sa douleur. S’amorce pour lui
une carrière secrète de don juan, conduite parallèlement
celle, prospère, qu’il mène auprès de son oncle,
propriétaire d’une importante flotte commerciale. À la mort
du mari de Fermina, Florentino se rend chez elle lui
déclarer que 51 années de séparation n’ont en rien altéré
son amour pour elle.
Mike Newell
Drama social; Dame poétique; Comédie sentimentale
who has every reason to think his life has stalled will come
to learn an unexpected lesson: when you think everything
worth having has passed you by, you just might discover
your reason to live.
Tom Hanks
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Larry Crowne (v.f.)
99 min
United States of America
Avant que la compagnie pour laquelle il travaillait ne
réduise considérablement ses effectifs, l’aimable et affable
Larry Crowne était un chef d’équipe remarquable et un
homme aimé et admiré par ses collègues. Incapable de
payer son hypothèque et ne sachant quoi faire de tous ces
jours de congé, Larry décide de recommencer sa vie en
retournant au collège. Là-bas il se lie d’amiti avec d’autres
personnages originaux, tous à la recherche d’un meilleur
avenir, se déplaçant dans la ville avec leur scooter. Dans
son cours d’expression orale, Larry développe une
attirance particulière pour sa professeure Mercedes Tainot,
qui a perdu la passion d’enseigner.
Tom Hanks
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
2001 100 min color PG United States of America PARA
Angelina Jolie stars as Lara Croft, the daughter of famed
archaeologist Lord Henshingly Croft (Jon Voight), who is
brought up in the secure world of the British aristocracy
but eventually rejects it it in favor of travel and adventure.
Simon West
Adventure; Action; Mystery
1994 94 min color F United States of America PARA
Now a new generation will encounter one of the world’s
most endearing stars in an exciting, contemporary motion
picture adventure. As the Turner family travels from
Baltimore to make a new start in the Shenandoah Valley of
Virginia, they encounter a stray collie that seven-year-old
Jennifer names Lassie. The dog becomes the unexpected
companion of her cynical brother, 13-year-old Matt, as he
explores a country side of striking natural beauty. With
Lassie ’s help, Matt persuades the family to take up sheep
ranching when his father ’s promised job falls through. All
seems well until their neighbors, angered by a land
dispute, decide to make their lives impossible and Lassie
must come to the rescue.
Daniel Petrie
Adventure; Children
Lara Croft Tomb Raider Le Film
The Last Airbender
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
2001 100 min color United States of America PARA
Issue d’une riche famille anglaise et éduquée dans les
écoles les plus huppées, Lara Croft est devenue une
journaliste réputée qui a gagn le prix Pulitzer. Mais sa
grande passion demeure l’archéologie. En effet, la jeune
femme polyglotte et experte en arts martiaux se sent
vraiment dans son élément lorsqu’elle parcourt le monde à
la recherche d’artefacts dans des cryptes et des tombeaux
abritant les vestiges d’empires disparus. Pour l’heure, elle
s’emploie à retrouver les deux moitiés d’une immense
horloge qui confère à son possesseur une puissance
inégalée. Ce qui explique pourquoi le fourbe Manfred
Powell tente de s’en emparer avant elle. Or, il appert que
ledit Powell était également l’ennemi jur du défunt père de
Lara, l’illustre explorateur Lord Croft.
Simon West
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Comédie moeurs
Larry Crowne
2011 99 min color PG United States of America AFI
Until he was downsized, affable, amiable Larry Crowne
(Hanks) was a superstar team leader at the big-box
company where he’s worked since his time in the Navy.
Underwater on his mortgage and unclear on what to do
with his suddenly free days, Larry heads to his local
college to start over. There he becomes part of a colorful
community of outcasts, also-rans and the overlooked all
trying to find a better future for themselves...often moving
around town in a herd of scooters. In his public-speaking
class, Larry develops an unexpected crush on his teacher
Mercedes Tainot (Roberts), who has lost as much passion
for teaching as she has for her husband. The simple guy
2010 103 min color PG United States of America PARA
The world is divided into four kingdoms, each represented
by the element they harness, and peace has lasted
throughout the realms of Water, Air, Earth, and Fire under
the supervision of the Avatar, a link to the spirit world and
the only being capable of mastering the use of all four
elements. When young Avatar Aang disappears, the Fire
Nation launches an attack to eradicate all members of the
Air Nomads to prevent interference in their future plans for
world domination. 100 years pass and current Fire Lord
Ozai continues to conquer and imprison anyone with
elemental "bending" abilities in the Earth and Water
Kingdoms, while siblings Katara and Sokka from a
Southern Water Tribe find a mysterious boy trapped
beneath the ice outside their village. Upon rescuing him,
he reveals himself to be Aang, Avatar and last of the Air
Nomads. Swearing to protect the Avatar, Katara and
Sokka journey with...
M. Night Shyamalan
Adventure; Children; Fantasy
Last Chance Harvey
2008 92 min color PG United States of America AFI
New Yorker Harvey Shine (Dustin Hoffman) is on the verge
of losing his dead-end job as a jingle writer. Warned by
his boss (Richard Schiff) that he has just one more chance
to deliver, Harvey goes to London for a weekend to attend
his daughter’s (Liane Balaban) wedding but promises to be
back on Monday morning to make an important meeting–
or else. Harvey arrives in London only to learn his
daughter has chosen to have her stepfather (James Brolin)
walk her down the aisle. Trying to hide his devastation,
All Titles
Harvey leaves the wedding before the reception in hopes
of getting to the airport on time, but misses the plane
anyway. When he calls his boss to explain, Harvey is fired
on the spot. Drowning his sorrows at the airport bar,
Harvey strikes up a conversation with Kate (Emma
Thompson), a sensitive, 40-something employee of the
Office of National Statistics. Kate, whose life is limited to
work, the occasional humiliating blind date and endless
phone calls from her smothering mother (Eileen Atkins), is
touched by Harvey, who finds himself energized by her
intelligence and compassion. The growing connection
between the pair inspires both as they unexpectedly
transform one another’s lives.
Joel Hopkins
Drama; Romance
The Last Days
1999 87 min color PG United States of America AFI
Five Jewish Hungarians, now U.S. citizens, tell their
stories: before March, 1944, when Nazis began to
exterminate Hungarian Jews, months in concentration
camps, and visiting childhood homes more than 50 years
later. An historian, a Sonderkommando, a doctor who
experimented on Auschwitz prisoners, and US soldiers
who were part of the liberation in April, 1945, also
comment. Most telling are details: Ren e packing her
bathing suit, Irene swallowing the diamonds her mother
gave her to buy bread, Alice’s memorial for her sister
Klara, Bill escaping police by jumping into a line of Jews
going to Buchenwald, and Tom told by a US soldier to
have "all the damn bananas and oranges you can eat."
James Moll
War; Documentary
The Last Exorcism
2010 87 min color 14A United States of America AFI
When he arrives on the rural Louisiana farm of Louis
Sweetzer, the Reverend Cotton Marcus expects to perform
just another routine "exorcism" on a disturbed religious
fanatic. An earnest fundamentalist, Sweetzer has
contacted the charismatic preacher as a last resort, certain
his teenage daughter Nell is possessed by a demon who
must be exorcized before their terrifying ordeal ends in
unimaginable tragedy. Buckling under the weight of his
conscience after years of parting desperate believers with
their money, Cotton and his crew plan to film a
confessionary documentary of this, his last exorcism. But
upon arriving at the already blood drenched family farm, it
is soon clear that nothing could have prepared him for the
true evil he encounters there. Now, too late to turn back,
Reverend Marcus’ own beliefs are shaken to the core
when he and his crew must find a way to save Nell - and
themselves - before it is too late.
Daniel Stamm
Horror; Thriller
The Last Exorcism (v.f.)
87 min
United States of America
Un ministre évangélique dérangé consent à laisser son
dernier exorcisme être filmé par des documentaristes.
Daniel Stamm
Drame d’horreur; Drame d’espionnage
The Last Godfather
2011 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
Young-goo (Hyung-rae Sim) who is a son of mafia boss
Don Carini (Harvey Keitel), is too foolish to be an elite.
Someday, Young-goo come to his father, and begin to be
in training by Tony V (Michael Rispoli) to be a successor of
his father. A few days later, Young-goo accidentally deliver
a lady out of danger, who is Nancy (Jocelin Donahue), an
only daughter of Don Bonfante, the boss of the rivalry
mafia family. But Vinnie (Jason Mewes), an under-boss of
Bonfante family kidnapped her and fabricate that Younggoo had done. Vinnie’s behavior provoke an armed
conflict between two families.
Hyung-rae Shim
Last Holiday
2006 112 min color PG United States of America PARA
In morte veritas. Georgia Byrd clerks at a New Orleans
department store. She defers pleasure: cooks gourmet
meals, eats Lean Cuisine; likes a co-worker in silence; has
savings, but hasn’t left Louisiana. All that changes when a
CT Scan discloses she has three weeks to live. She
cashes her savings and heads to Europe’s Grandhotel
Pupp, where Chef Didier presides. She checks into the
Presidential Suite, orders everything on the menu,
snowboards, and comes to the attention of the chef and
the hotel’s powerful American guests: a Congressman, a
Senator, a retail magnate, and his mistress. She has
nothing to lose, so she tells them what she thinks. Will the
truth set them free?
Wayne Wang
Comedy; Adventure; Drama
The Last King of Scotland
2006 120 min color 18A United States of America FOX
In an incredible twist of fate, a Scottish doctor (James
McAvoy) on a Ugandan medical mission becomes
irreversibly entangled with one of the world’s most barbaric
figures: Idi Amin (Forest Whitaker). Impressed by Dr.
Garrigan’s brazen attitude in a moment of crisis, the newly
self-appointed Ugandan President Amin hand picks him as
his personal physician and closest confidante. Though
Garrigan is at first flattered and fascinated by his new
position, he soon awakens to Amin’s savagery - and his
own complicity in it. Horror and betrayal ensue as
Garrigan tries to right his wrongs and escape Uganda
Kevin Macdonald
The Last Mimzy
2007 90 min color G United States of America AFI
The siblings Noah and Emma travel with their mother Jo
from Seattle to the family cottage in Whidbey Island to
spend a couple of days while their workaholic father David
Wilder is working. They find a box of toys from the future
in the water and bring it home, and Emma finds a stuffed
rabbit called Mimzy, and stones and a weird object, but
they hide their findings from their parents. Mimzy talks
telepathically to Emma and the siblings develop special
abilities, increasing their intelligences to the level of
genius. Their father becomes very proud when Noah
presents a magnificent design in the fair of science and
technology, and his teacher Larry White and his mystic
wife Naomi Schwartz become interested in the boy when
he draws a mandala. When Noah accidentally assembles
the objects and activates a powerful generator creating a
blackout in the state, the FBI arrests the family trying to
disclose the mystery. But Emma unravels the importance
to send Mimzy back to the future.
Robert Shaye
Adventure; Drama; Science Fiction; Children; Fantasy
The Last of the Mohicans
1992 120 min color PG United States of America FOX
In the American Colonies, England and France, aided by
Native American allies, wage a fierce and savage war for a
continent neither is destined to control. Amidst the conflict,
Hawkeye, a frontiersman raised by Mohicans, and Cora
Munro, the daughter of a British officer, fall desperately in
All Titles
love, in Michael Mann’s retelling of the classic James
Fenimore Cooper novel.
Michael Mann
Social Studies; Western; War; Romance; Thanksgiving
The Last Samurai
2003 144 min color 14A United States of America WB
A Civil War veteran, turned Winchester guns spokesman,
the captain Woodrow Algren, arrives in Japan in the late
1870s to train the troops of the emperor Meiji, as a part of
break away from the long-held tradition of relying on
employed samurai warriors to protect territories, as Meiji·s
new army prepares to wipe out the remaining samurais.
When Algren is injured and captured by the samurai, he
learns about their warrior honor code from Katsumoto, the
samurai·s leader and decides which side of the conflict he
wants to be on...
Edward Zwick
Adventure; Drama; War; Action
The Last Seduction
1994 110 min color R United States of America AS
Pathologically evil – and stunningly sexy – woman ditches
her husband, grabs the cash he’s made in a drug deal,
and flees from NYC, encamping in a small upstate town
where she attracts and mystifies a local man – her latest
John Dahl
Drama; Thriller; Crime
1944 88 min b&w R United States of America FOX
Detective Mark McPherson investigates the killing of
Laura, found dead on her apartment floor before the movie
starts. McPherson builds a mental picture of the dead girl
from the suspects whom he interviews. He is helped by
the striking painting of the late lamented Laura hanging on
her apartment wall. But who would have wanted to kill a
girl with whom every man she met seemed to fall in love?
To make matters worse, McPherson finds himself falling
under her spell too. Then one night, halfway through his
investigations, something seriously bizarre happens to
make him re-think the whole case.
Otto Preminger
Mystery; Romance; Crime
Law Abiding Citizen
2009 108 min color 14A United States of America AFI
The plot focuses on a man who, ten years after his wife
and daughter are brutally murdered, returns to extract
justice from the assistant district attorney who prosecuted
the case against their killers. His vengeance threatens not
only the man who allowed mercy to supersede justice, but
also the system and the city that made it so.
F. Gary Gray
Drama; Thriller
cette oeuvre chez Christie’s. Dès lors, les manoeuvres
des deux clans s’organisent...
James Ivory
Drama social
Le seigneur des anneaux: Le retour du roi
2003 210 min color United States of America WB
Tandis que Frodo et Sam arrivent aux limites de Mordor
avec l’Anneau maléfique, les forces de Sauron envahissent
la terre de Gondor. Les humains et leurs alliés s’apprêtent
à leur livrer une bataille décisive pour l’avenir de la Terre
du milieu.
Peter Jackson
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
2003 111 min color PG United States of America FOX
Sean Connery toplines THE LEAGUE OF
EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN, based on the acclaimed
graphic novel by Alan Moore (FROM HELL) and Kevin
O’Neill. Described as a "period X-Men" - it’s set in
Victorian England - the film centers around a team of
extraordinary figures from great adventure literature
(including Alan Quatermain, vampiress Mina Harker from
Dracula, an Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde, an
American secret service agent named Sawyer, Captain
Nemo and Dorian Gray), who are called to stop a villain
intent on turning the nations of the world against one
another. Stephen Norrington ("Blade") directs.
Stephen Norrington
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
Lean on Me
1989 109 min color PG United States of America WB
Based on the true story of Joe Clark, an obsessed
disciplinarian of a principal. In one school year he had to
turn a snake pit of a high school into a halfway civilized
place of learning, populated by passable students.
John G. Avildsen
Social Studies; Drama
Leave Her to Heaven
1945 111 min color PG United States of America FOX
Writer Richard Harland unhesitatingly marries lovely Ellen
Berent. He soon finds his life blighted when tragedies take
first his brother then his unborn son from him. He comes
to suspect these events are not unconnected with his
wife’s unreasoning jealousy. This also turns her family
from her, and yet another shock awaits them all as Ellen’s
emotions become uncontrollable.
John M. Stahl
La leçon de piano
Le Divorce (v.f.)
2003 117 min color United States of America FOX
Isabel, une jeune Californienne, arrive à Paris pour
rejoindre sa soeur Roxy. Celle-ci, mère de Genny, six ans,
est enceinte d’un deuxième enfant de son mari français,
Charles-Henri de Persand. Ce dernier vient de quitter
Roxy pour une autre et souhaite divorcer rapidement.
Roxy, elle, refuse le divorce mais finit par se laisser
convaincre par ses proches. Au moment d’évaluer les
biens du couple, qui auraient surtout d être d’une valeur
affective, il s’avère qu’un tableau appartenant à la famille
de Roxy, et qu’elle avait rapporté de Californie, est un De
La Tour de la meilleure période. Il est décidé de vendre
1993 121 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Au siècle dernier en Nouvelle-Zélande, Ada, mère d’une
fillette de neuf ans, s’apprète à suivre son nouveau mari
au fin fond du bush. Il accepte de transporter tous ses
meubles à l’exception d’un piano qui échoue chez un
voisin illettré. Ne pouvant supporter cette perte, Ada
accepte le marché que lui propose ce dernier. Regagner
son piano touche par touche en se soumettant à ses
Jane Campion
Drama social
The Legend of Bagger Vance
All Titles
La légende des gardiens - Le royaume de
2000 125 min color PG United States of America SKG
Based on the mystical novel by Steve Pressfield, the story
tells of a championship golfer (Matt Damon) who, upon his
return from World War I, reluctantly agrees to play in a
tournament. He finds the game futile until his caddy,
Bagger Vance teaches him the secret of the authentic golf
stroke which turns out also to be the secret to mastering
any challenge in life.
Robert Redford
2010 100 min color United States of America WB
Le film suit Soren, une jeune chouette fascinée par les
histoires épiques que lui racontait son père sur les
Gardiens de Ga’Hoole, une bande de mythiques guerriers
ailés qui avait mené une grande bataille pour sauver la
communauté des chouettes des Sangs Purs.
Zack Snyder
Drame d’aventures; Comédie fantaisiste; Dessins
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole
2010 100 min color PG United States of America WB
Soren, a young barn owl, is kidnapped by owls of St.
Aggie’s, ostensibly an orphanage, where owlets are
brainwashed into becoming soldiers. He and his new
friends escape to the island of Ga’Hoole, to assist its
noble, wise owls who fight the army being created by the
wicked rulers of St. Aggie’s. The film is based on the first
three books in the series.
Zack Snyder
Adventure; Thriller; Animated
2010 116 min color 14A United States of America
A documentary on the life and career of revered
heavy-metal musician Lemmy Kilmister.
Greg Olliver, Wes Orshoski
Musical; Documentary; Biography
La légende de Beowulf
2007 113 min color United States of America PARA
A une époque où la Terre vit sous les ténèbres, Beowulf,
un homme maudit et solitaire, fruit des amours interdites
d’une mortelle avec le diable, tente de vaincre le monstre
qui est en lui en combattant le mal. Son plus redoutable
adversaire est une créature d’une sauvagerie sans nom,
tapie dans une forteresse.
Robert Zemeckis
Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste; Drame d’aventures
La légende de Camelot
86 min
United States of America
À l’époque du roi Arthur et de la table ronde, la jeune
Kayley rêve de pouvoir un jour faire partie de l’ordre
prestigieux des chevaliers du souverain.
Malheureusement, son désir n’a guère de chance de se
réaliser, car les filles ne sont pas admises autour de cette
table légendaire. Pourtant, c’est avec un courage
véritablement chevaleresque que la jeune fille décide de
lutter contre Ruber, un chevalier déloyal et maléfique qui
veut s’emparer de l’épée magique Excalibur, dont les
pouvoirs lui permettraient de régner sur le royaume de
Frederik Du Chau
Comedie; Dame poétique; Dessins animés; Films pour
La légende des baleines
101 min
New Zealand
Les habitants de ce village maori se réclament tous du
même ancêtre : Paikea, le légendaire Whale Rider qui y
débarqua mille ans plus tôt, juché sur le dos d’une
baleine. A chaque nouvelle génération, un descendant
mâle du chef reçoit ce titre qui fait de lui le leader et le
gardien spirituel de sa petite communauté. A douze ans,
Paı̈, petite-fille du chef Koro, est une adolescente douée,
sensible et volontaire. Depuis la mort de son frère, elle est
aussi la seule pouvoir assurer le rôle "viril", si prestigieux.
Mais Koro, gardien d’une tradition millénaire, refuse de voir
en Paı̈ son héritière : aucune fille n’a jamais été et ne
sera jamais Whale Rider...
Niki Caro
Films pour enfants; Drama social
Lemmy (v.f.)
2010 116 min color United States of America MON
Lemmy suit les pérégrinations du sir Kilmister, le leader de
Mötorhead, dans le privé et sur la route, là où l’éructeur
d’"Ace of Spades" passe la majorité de son temps.
L’équipe de tournage a suivi le pionnier du heavy metal
pendant trois ans. A aujourd’hui 64 ans, Lemmy n’est pas
prêt à rendre les armes. Indestructible, Motörhead est un
panzer. Une machine infaillible.
Greg Olliver, Wes Orshoski
Films pour enfants; Documentaire; Drama biographique
Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events
2004 108 min color PG United States of America PARA
This is the story of the Bauedelaires, three young orphans,
Violet (Browning), Klaus (Aiken) and Sunny, looking for a
new home, who are taken in by a series of odd relatives
and other people, including Lemony Snicket, who narrates
the film, and starting with the cunning and dastardly Count
Olaf (Carrey), who hopes to snatch their inheritance from
them. Violet is the oldest of the Baudelaires at 14, and is
their brave and fast-thinking leader. The only boy is middle
child Klaus, 12, who is intensely intelligent and obsessed
with words. The youngest is infant Sunny, who speaks in a
language only her siblings can understand, and she has a
tendency to, bite...
Brad Silberling
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Action; Fantasy
Lendemain de veille 2
2011 102 min color 13+ United States of America WB
Après l’enterrement de vie de garçon inoubliable à Las
Vegas, Stu ne prend aucune chance et a opté pour un
pré-mariage discret et inoffensif. Cependant, les choses
ne fonctionnent pas toujours comme prévu. Ce qui se
passe à Vegas reste à Vegas, mais ce qui se passe à
Bangkok est tout simplement inimaginable.
Todd Phillips
107 min
Alone in the middle of the night, the child Leolo inscribes
his observations of the world in his little notebook. His
memories are of Montreal tenements and a family plagued
by madness. Leolo has amazing fantasies about a better
life and is romantically obsessed with his beautiful Italian
neighbour. As he finds himself dragged further and further
down into the family’s insanity, Leolo escapes to live a
glorious life of the mind.
Jean-Claude Lauzon
Drama; Fantasy
All Titles
Let’s Make Money
107 min
L’histoire de Leolo, petit garçon original qui vit dans un
quartier pauvre de Montréal, largement inspirée par
l’enfance du réalisateur.
Jean-Claude Lauzon
Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste
L’ère de glace: L’aube des dinosaures
2009 94 min color United States of America FOX
Un dessin animé de Carlos Saldanha Genre : dessin anim
préhistorique.Entièrement produit dans 3-D.
Carlos Saldanda
Comedie; Dessins animés; Films pour enfants
Les voyages de Gulliver
2010 100 min color United States of America FOX
Adaptation moderne du roman satirique de Jonathan Swift
qui suit le périple de l’écrivain Lemuel Gulliver sur l’ı̂le
mystérieuse de lilliput. Il sera confronté à une population
de lilliputiens qui lui donne le sentiment d’être un géant.
Rob Letterman
Lethal Weapon
1987 110 min color R United States of America WB
Mel Gibson gives an impressive performance as a Los
Angeles cop pushed to the brink of madness by the loss
of his wife. He fearlessly and relentlessly pursues a
ruthless killer with the help of his new partner.
Richard Donner
Comedy; Action; Crime
Lethal Weapon 2
1989 114 min color R United States of America WB
This time, Riggs and Murtaugh must protect an accountant
who has laundered a half billion dollars in narcotics
money. He leads them to a murderous syndicate with ties
to a foreign power.
Richard Donner
Lethal Weapon 3
1992 115 min color AA United States of America WB
Two police officers sweat profusely as they try to diffuse a
bomb laden with enough explosive power to level the
seven-story building in which it ticks. The elder of the duo
wants to play it safe and wait for the bomb squad. His
partner, however, wants to act immediately.
Richard Donner
Lethal Weapon 4
1998 128 min color AA United States of America WB
The stars of the previous worldwide hit Lethal Weapon
movies are once again united onscreen in this fast-paced
action-adventure. An Asian crime family comes to L.A. to
expand its influence; Riggs (Gibson) and Murtaugh
(Glover) are drawn into the case, joined by a new detective
played by Chris Rock.
Richard Donner
110 min
The financial crisis is sending shockwaves all over the
world, yet most of us have no idea where our money is.
The only sure thing is that it‘s not in the bank to which we
entrusted it. The bank has submitted it for circulation in
the global money market. Following the tracks of money
through the world-wide finance system, Let‘s Make Money
points out the consequences of our greed for money.
Erwin Wagenhofer
Foreign Films; Documentary
Let’s Make Money (v.f.)
110 min
Après We Feed the World, documentaire évènement sur
notre alimentation, le réalisateur Erwin Wagenhofer revient
avec Let’s Make Money. Le film suit notre argent à la trace
dans le système financier mondial. Ce documentaire
impressionnant est le tout premier film démonter les bases
du système libéral et ses conséquences humaines,
démographiques et écologiques.
Erwin Wagenhofer
Letters from Iwo Jima
2007 140 min color 14A United States of America WB
The story of the battle of Iwo Jima between the United
States and Imperial Japan during World War II, as told
from the perspective of the Japanese who fought it.
Clint Eastwood
Drama; War
Lettres d’Iwo Jima
2007 140 min color United States of America WB
La bataille d’Iwo Jima entre les Etats-Unis et le Japon, vue
du camp japonais.
Clint Eastwood
Drame de guerre; Drama social
Liaison Fatale
1987 120 min color United States of America PARA
La vie tourne au cauchemar pour cet homme marié suite à
une escapade amoureuse. l’amante refuse de reconnaı̂tre
qu’il ne s’agissait que d’un engouement passager et elle
met tout en marche pour ruiner la vie de son amant et de
sa femme
Adrian Lyne
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie
Liaisons dangereuses
1988 120 min color United States of America WB
Dans la France libertine du 18ème siècle, la Marquise de
Merteuil met au défi son ancien amant, le Vicomte de
Valmont, de séduire une couventine promise à un brillant
mariage. Valmont hésite, trouvant la tâche trop aisée:
c’est la vertueuse Madame de Tournel qui l’intéresse.
Intriguée, la Marquise promet à Valmont une nuit de
retrouvailles amoureuses, s’il réussit à produire une preuve
écrite de la déchéance de Madame de Tournel. Celle-ci,
tourmentée par le vicomte, finit par lui céder. L’aventure
tourne au drame lorsque Valmont s’éprend d’elle.
Stephen Frears
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale; Dame poétique
License to Wed
All Titles
Life of Pi
2007 91 min color 14A United States of America WB
A marriage counselor puts one couple through a series of
relationship challenges during a the most grueling
marriage preparation course ever.
Ken Kwapis
Life and Debt
2001 86 min color F United States of America MON
Jamaica - land of sea, sand and sun. And a prime
example of the complexities of economic globalization on
the world’s developing countries. Using conventional and
non-conventional documentary techniques, this searing
film dissects the "mechanism of debt" that is destroying
local agriculture and industry in Third World countries
while substituting sweat-shops and cheap imports. With a
voice-over narration written by Jamaica Kincaid, adapted
from her non-fiction book "A Small Place", LIFE AND
DEBT is an unapologetic look at the "new world order,"
from the point of view of Jamaican workers, farmers,
government and policy officials who see the reality of
globalization from the ground up.
Stephanie Black
2012 127 min color PG United States of America FOX
Based on the best-selling novel by Yann Martel, is a
magical adventure story centering on Pi Patel, the
precocious son of a zookeeper. Dwellers in Pondicherry,
India, the family decides to move to Canada, hitching a
ride on a huge freighter. After a shipwreck, Pi is found
adrift in the Pacific Ocean on a 26-foot lifeboat with a
zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and a 450-pound Bengal
tiger named Richard Parker, all fighting for survival.
Ang Lee
Adventure; Drama; Literary Adaption
Life of Pi (v.f.)
2012 127 min color G United States of America FOX
Un jeune Indien qui, après le naufrage du bateau qui
transportait sa famille et plusieurs animaux de leur ancien
zoo, se retrouve sur une embarcation de sauvetage avec
une hyène, un orang-outan, un zèbre et un tigre de
Sibérie. Après la mort de tous les autres animaux, Pi doit
tenter de gérer les instincts primaux du tigre et pratique
une certaine forme de conditionnement sur lui pour qu’il
comprenne qui est le maı̂tre.
Ang Lee
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Dame poétique
Life as We Know It
2010 114 min color PG United States of America WB
Holly and Eric were set up on a blind date by their friends,
Peter and Allison who are married. A few years later after
Peter and Allison were killed in an accident, they learn that
Peter and Allison have named them as the guardians to
their daughter, Sophie. So they move into their house and
try their best to honor their friends’ wishes. But raising a
child puts a crimp on their style and they don’t exactly get
Greg Berlanti
Life in a Day
2011 90 min color PG United States of America MON
Director Kevin Macdonald (The Last King of Scotland) and
producer Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator) team up to offer
this candid snapshot of a single day on planet Earth.
Compiled from over 80,000 YouTube submissions by
contributors in 192 countries, Life in a Day presents a
microcosmic view of our daily experiences as a global
society. From the mundane to the profound, everything
has its place as we spend 90 minutes gaining greater
insight into the lives of people who may be more like us
than we ever suspected, despite the fact that wère
separated by incredible distances.
Kevin Macdonald
Drama; Documentary
Life is Beautiful
118 min
It’s 1939. The ebullient, playful Guido comes to town. He
works as a waiter under the watchful eye of his uncle, an
elegant man who is a Jew. Guido falls for Dora, a
schoolteacher, whom he calls "princess" and courts by
popping up at unexpected times. She dumps her fiancé to
choose Guido. The film jumps ahead to the war’s last
months. Nora and Guido have a child, Giosué, and when
Guido and the lad are shipped to a concentration camp,
Dora voluntarily follows. Although the men and women in
the camp are separated and a child is in mortal peril,
Guido finds ways to communicate with Dora, to hide
Giosué, and to convince the boy this is an elaborate game,
a special contest to win a tank.
Roberto Benigni
Comedy; Drama; War; Romance
1954 75 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
Lifeboat is the story of the life and death struggle between
survivors of a torpedoed ocean liner and the U-boat
survivor they rescue. Based on a story by John Steinbeck,
the film’s allegorical statement about war caused an
uproar when it was released.
Alfred Hitchcock
Drama; War
La Ligue des Gentlement Extraordinaires
2003 111 min color United States of America FOX
L’aventurier Allan Quatermain dirige la Ligue des
Gentlemen Extraordinaires, association de sept superhéros légendaires, comprenant le mystérieux Capitaine
Nemo, la femme vampire Mina Harker, l’invisible Rodney
Skinner, le jeune et intrépide agent secret américain Tom
Sawyer, l’inaltérable Dorian Gray et l’inquiétant duo Jekyll /
Hyde. Venus des horizons les plus divers, les membres de
la Ligue sont de farouches individualistes, des exclus au
passé ténébreux et agité, dont les facultés hors normes
constituent à la fois un atout et une malédiction. Réunis
dans des circonstances exceptionnelles, ils doivent en peu
de temps nouer des rapports de confiance, apprendre à
fonctionner en équipe. Après avoir embarqué à bord du
Nautilus, ils gagnent Venise, où leur adversaire, le
diabolique Fantôme, se prépare à saboter une conférence
réunissant les plus grands chefs d’Etat...
Stephen Norrington
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Drame de
science-fiction; Drame d’espionnage; Dame poétique
Like Mike
2002 100 min color F United States of America FOX
Teen hip hop sensation, Lil’ Bow Wow portrays 14-year-old
orphan Calvin Cambridge, who dreams of being a famous
professional basketball player. But his diminutive stature
and limited ability make this goal a far-off fantasy. Or is it?
When Calvin dons a pair of old sneakers, with the faded
initials "M.J." inscribed inside, he displays amazing hoop
skills, and leads a struggling NBA team to victory.
John Schultz
Like Water for Chocolate
All Titles
Lire et détruire
105 min
In Mexico, hot chocolate is made of water, not milk. To
prepare the drink, one brings the water to a boil and then
adds the cocoa. When someone becomes extremely
agitated, it is said that they are "Like Water for Chocolate".
This expression is also used to describe a state of sexual
arousal. In the tradition of Latin American literature’s
magic realism, "Like Water For chocolate" tells the story of
a woman and her lover who, having been denied marriage,
find inventive ways of sharing their love. She can impart
her feelings and desire through her cooking and everyone
around ends up inadvertently participating in their passion.
Alfonso Arau
Drama; Romance; Cult
95 min
1952: Bishop Bilodeau visits a qu b cois prison to hear the
confession of a boyhood friend jailed for murder 40 years
ago. The inmates force the prelate to watch a play
depicting what really happened in 1912. We meet him as
a young man, strait-laced, intent on convincing Simon
(now the convict) to join the seminary with him. Vallier, the
son of an impoverished and eccentric countess, loves
Simon and he is drawn to Vallier, but in fear of his father’s
wrath for kissing Vallier during drama rehearsal, Simon
courts a visiting Parisian, asking her to marry him. Vallier,
encouraged by his mother, attends the engagement party
to declare his love for Simon. And what does the watchful
Bilodeau do?
John Greyson
Drama; Fantasy; Romance
The Limey
2008 96 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Furieux contre la haute direction de la CIA, qui l’a forc
démissionner, Osborne Cox décide de se venger en
écrivant ses mémoires. Mais le manuscrit, sur support
numérique, tombe accidentellement entre les mains de
Linda et Chad, employés d’un centre de conditionnement
physique. Voyant la Providence leur sourire enfin, les deux
collègues tentent de tirer profit de leur découverte en
mettant au point un projet de chantage. Ils ignorent
toutefois que, ce faisant, ils déclencheront une série
d’incidents potentiellement meurtriers impliquant, outre la
CIA et le KGB, l’épouse glaciale de Cox et son amant
névrosé. Lequel, tout comme Linda, fréquente les sites de
rencontre dans Internet.
Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Comedie; Drama social; Drame policier
Le liseur
2008 124 min color United States of America AFI
Un homme se remémore sa passion d’adolescent pour
une femme plus âgée et le choc qu’il avait éprouvé en la
revoyant des années plus tard alors qu’étudiant en droit, il
avait assisté à son procès pour crimes commis sous le
régime nazi.
Stephen Daldry
Drama social
Little Big Man
1972 150 min color PG United States of America CTR
A tall tale of a 121-year old survivor of Custer’s Last
Stand. Told in flash back, he was captured by Indians at
the age of 10 and lived through a series of adventures as
skinner, town drunk, and gunfighter... these are just a few
of the amazing characterizations of Jack Crabb portrayed
so brilliantly by Dustin Hoffman in "Little Big Man". Dustin
Hoffman totally captivates his audience in what the critics
have acclaimed as "A genuine mark of genius".
Arthur Penn
Comedy; Adventure; Drama; Western; War
1999 90 min color AA United States of America AFI
An ex-con (Terence Stamp), fresh out of prison, goes to
L.A. to try to learn who murdered his daughter. However,
he quickly finds that he is completely out of place with no
understanding of the culture he finds. His investigations
are helped by another ex-con (Luis Guzman). Together
they learn that his daughter had been having an affair with
a record producer (Peter Fonda), who is presently having
an affair with another young woman (Amelia Heinle). An
aging actress (Lesley Ann Warren), who also knew his
daughter, forces him to look at his own failures as a father.
The movie does focus on the drama of the situation and
the inter-relationships of the characters and seldom slips
into an action piece.
Steven Soderbergh
Drama; Crime
1941 116 min b&w PG United States of America ABM
As a scathing portrait of savage ruthlessness operating
behind civilized pretensions and apparent good manners
at the turn of the century, The Little Foxes is considered
one of America’s finest dramas.
William Wyler
Little Miss Sunshine
2011 104 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A copywriter discovers a top-secret drug which bestows
him with super human abilities. As his usage begins to
change his life, he begins to consider the drug’s shadowy
origins; meanwhile, a group of killers trails his every move.
Neil Burger
L’Importance d’être constant
97 min
United Kingdom
En Angleterre, au 19e siècle, deux aristocrates empruntent
temporairement une fausse identité afin de mettre un peu
de piquant dans leur vie. Les choses se compliquent
lorsque la supercherie est découverte par leurs fiancées
Oliver Parker
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
The Little Foxes
2006 101 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Tells the story of the Hoovers, one of the most endearingly
fractured families ever seen on motion picture screens.
Together, the motley six-member family treks from
Albuquerque to the Little Miss Sunshine pageant in
Redondo Beach, California, to fulfill the deepest wish of
7-year-old Olive, an ordinary little girl with big dreams.
Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris
Comedy; Drama; Peculiar People
Little Miss Sunshine (v.f.)
2006 101 min color United States of America FOX
Une famille déterminée à voir leur jeune fille dans un
concours de beauté à l’autre bout du pays fait le voyage
dans leur mini-van.
Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris
Comedie; Drama social
A Little Princess
All Titles
Living in Oblivion
1995 99 min color F United States of America WB
Based on the family classic by Frances Hodgson Burnett,
the story tells of a wealthy, precocious and loving child
who is raised in India and sent by her beloved father to a
New York boarding school when he goes off to war. She
must use her inner resources of warmth, imagination and
principle to overcome hardship when she is informed that
her father has been lost in combat and she is alone and
Alfonso Cuaron
Drama; Children; Fantasy
Little Shop of Horrors
1986 106 min color PG United States of America WB
One night, in the depths of Mushnik’s Floral Store, young
Seymour pricks his finger on a rose and Audrey II gets her
first slurp of RH negative. Audrey II grows and demands
more and more and more. This is one mean plant!
Frank Oz
Comedy; Horror; Science Fiction; Musical
Little White Lies
1995 90 min color R United States of America AFI
Clever, amusing look at a low-budget movie in progress,
from several points of view.
Tom DiCillo
Le livre d’Élie
2010 117 min color United States of America WB
L’histoire d’un homme solitaire qui doit se frayer un chemin
à travers les terres dévastées d’une Amérique postapocalyptique, afin de protéger un mystérieux livre sacré
détenant la clé pour sauver l’avenir de l’Humanité.
Allen Hughes, Albert Hughes
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Action (v.f.)
Local Hero
1983 111 min color PG United States of America WB
Knox Oil of Houston has discovered oil off the coast of
Scotland and their resident whiz kid, Mac MacIntyre is
dispatched to buy the adjoining beach and its small
coastal village. This film is charming, and hilarious.
Bill Forsyth
Comedy; Drama
154 min
Every year, Max, a successful restaurant owner, and Véro,
his eco-friendly wife invite a merry group of friends to their
beautiful beach house to celebrate Antoine’s birthday and
kick-start the vacation. But, this year, before they all leave
Paris, their buddy Ludo is hurt in a serious accident, which
sets off a dramatic chain of reactions and emotional
responses. The eagerly anticipated vacation leads each of
the protagonists to raise the little veils that for years they
have draped over what bothers and upsets them.
Pretenses become increasingly hard to keep up. Until the
moment when the truth finally catches up with them all...
Guillaume Canet
Comedy; Drama
1983 111 min color G United States of America WB
Une multinationale décide d’implanter un complexe
pétrolier dans un petit village de pêcheurs du Nord de
l’Écosse. Les tractations que mènent technocrates et
villageois prennent une tournure bien surprenante.
Bill Forsyth
Comedie; Drama social
Live Free or Die Hard
2007 130 min color 14A United States of America FOX
An attack on the vulnerable United States computer
infrastructure begins to shut down the entire nation. The
mysterious figure behind the shattering scheme has
figured out every digital angle - but he never figured on an
old-fashioned, "analog" fly-in-the-ointment: John McClane.
Len Wiseman
The Lives of Others
137 min
East Berlin, November 1984. Five years before its
downfall, the former East-German government ensured its
claim to power with a ruthless system of control and
surveillance. Party-loyalist Captain Gerd Wiesler hopes to
boost his career when given the job of collecting evidence
against the playwright Georg Dreyman and his girlfriend,
the celebrated theater actress Christa-Maria Sieland. After
all, the "operation" is backed by the highest political
circles. What he didn’t anticipate, however, was that
submerging oneself into the world of the target also
changes the surveillance agent. The immersion in The
Lives of Others - in love, literature, free thinking and
speech - makes Wiesler acutely aware of the meagerness
of his own existence and opens to him a completely new
way of life which he has ever more trouble resisting. But
the system, once started, cannot be stopped. A
dangerous game has begun...
Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Local Hero (v.f.)
2012 95 min color 18A United States of America AFI
A man wrongly convicted of conspiracy to commit
espionage against the U.S. is offered his freedom if he can
rescue the president’s daughter from an outer space
prison taken over by violent inmates.
James Mather, Stephen St. Leger
Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
The Lodger
1944 84 min b&w AA United States of America FOX
In late Victorian London, Jack the Ripper has been killing
and maiming actresses in the night. The Burtons are
forced to take in a lodger due to financial hardship. He
seems like a nice young man, but Mrs. Burton suspects
him of being the ripper because of some mysterious and
suspicious habits, and fears for her beautiful actress niece
who lives with them.
John Brahm
Horror; Thriller
Loin de la maison
1994 80 min color United States of America FOX
L’aventure d’un jeune garçon et de son fidèle labrador qui
doivent survivre après avoir échoué sur une ı̂le déserte
près de la Colombie-Britannique.
Phillip Borsos
Drame d’aventures; Dame poétique
All Titles
Loin d’elle
100 min
Grant n’a pas toujours été un mari exemplaire pour Fiona.
De fait, il l’a souvent trompée au cours de leurs 45 années
de mariage. Or, depuis que son épouse est atteinte de la
maladie d’Alzheimer, il lui est plus dévoué que jamais. Il la
visite chaque jour dans le centre de soins spécialisés où il
a dû la placer, malgré le fait que la septuagénaire semble
les avoir oubliés, lui et leur amour. Même quand elle
tombe amoureuse d’Aubrey, un autre patient, le désir de
Grant d’être près d’elle demeure intact. Lorsqu’Aubrey
quitte le centre, l’état de Fiona se détériore. Convaincu
que ce dernier détient la clé du mieux-être de son épouse,
Grant part à sa recherche.
Sarah Polley
Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
Loin du Paradis
2002 107 min color United States of America AFI
Hartford, Connecticut. 1957. Cathy Whitaker est une
femme au foyer exemplaire, épouse de Frank, un
publicitaire prospère, et mère de deux adorables enfants.
Fruit d’un style de vie où le confort le plus velouté va de
pair avec un respect méticuleux de l’étiquette bourgeoise,
son bonheur cristallin éclate en morceaux lorsqu’elle
surprend son époux dans les bras d’un autre homme.
Tandis que Frank accepte de consulter un psychologue
pour sauver leur mariage, Cathy trouve réconfort auprès
de Raymond, son jardinier de race noire avec qui elle
développe une relation tendre et complice. Mais la
médisance d’une amie force bientôt la jeune femme à
renoncer à revoir Raymond, et ce juste au moment où
Frank lui annonce qu’il est tombé amoureux d’un autre
homme avec qui il désire refaire sa vie.
Todd Haynes
Drama social
Lola Versus
2012 87 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Greta Gerwig plays Lola, a 29-year-old woman dumped by
her longtime boyfriend Luke (Kinnaman) just three weeks
before their wedding. With the help of her close friends
Henry (Linklater) and Alice (Lister-Jones), Lola embarks
on a series of desperate encounters in an attempt to find
her place in the world as a single woman approaching 30.
Daryl Wein
Lola Versus (v.f.)
2012 87 min color 13+ United States of America FOX
Quittée par son copain seulement trois semaines avant
leur mariage, Lola enrôle ses amis proches dans une série
d’aventures qu’elle espère, l’aidera à assumer ses 30 ans
et son célibat.
Daryl Wein
1962 152 min b&w AA United States of America WB
James Mason is Professor Humbert Humbert, a man
whose behavior is impeccable until he meets Lolita, a
sexually precocious nymphet. Shelley Winters is the girl’s
hysterical mother, and Peter Sellers is the exquisitely
decadent Clare Quilty.
Stanley Kubrick
Drama; Literary Adaption; Romance
Lolita (v.f.)
1962 152 min b&w G United States of America WB
Durant l’été, dans la petite ville de Ramslade, Humbert
Humbert, un professeur de lettres divorcé et séduisant,
loue une chambre dans la maison de Charlotte Haze, une
matrone éprise de culture. Celle-ci essaie de séduire
Humbert, mais ce dernier se montre beaucoup plus attiré
par la juvénile Lolita.
Stanley Kubrick
Drama social; Dame poétique; Comédie sentimentale
Un long dimanche de fiançailles
134 min
En 1919, Mathilde a 19 ans. Deux ans plus tôt, son fiancé
Manech est parti sur le front de la Somme. Comme des
millions d’autres, il est "mort au champ d’honneur". C’est
écrit noir sur blanc sur l’avis officiel. Pourtant Mathilde
refuse d’admettre cette évidence. Si Manech était mort,
elle le saurait ! Elle se raccroche à son intuition comme
au dernier fil ténu qui la relierait encore à son amant. Un
ancien sergent a beau lui raconter que Manech est mort
sur le no man’s land d’une tranchée nommée Bingo
Crépuscule, en compagnie de quatre autres condamnés à
mort pour mutilation volontaire ; rien n’y fait. Mathilde
refuse de lâcher le fil. Elle s’y cramponne avec la foi du
charbonnier et se lance dans une véritable contre-enquête.
De faux espoirs en incertitudes, elle va démêler peu à peu
la vérité sur le sort de Manech et de ses quatre
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Drama social
The Longest Day
1962 180 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
England in June 1944. Unseasonal storms. Allied troops
are massed ready for the invasion of France, some already
on the boats. The Normandy beaches will be their
destination while paratroopers are dropped inland to take
key towns and bridges. On the other side of the Channel
the Germans still expect the invasion at Calais, and
anyway the weather makes them think nothing is likely to
be imminent. Eisenhower decides to go. Hitler sleeps on.
Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton
Drama; War; Action; President’s Day
The Longshots
2008 95 min color PG United States of America AFI
Curtis Plummer - a down-on-his-luck former high school
football star - turns his niece, Jasmine, into the
quarterback of the local team, the Minden Browns, and
gets his stride back when he becomes the team coach.
With Curtis as their new leader and their pigtail-wearing
star player, this team of misfits wins its way to the Pop
Warner Super Bowl and the small city of Minden, Illinois, is
ignited with team spirit, town pride and the glory.
Fred Durst
Comedy; Drama; Children; Sports
Looney Tunes: Back in Action
2003 90 min color F United States of America WB
Set in a live-action world in which Warner Bros.’ beloved
assortment of irreverent animated entertainers interact with
human characters for maximum comic effect, the story
unfolds on the Studio back lot and careens all over the
map in time-honored Looney Tunes style. Our celluloid
heroes embark on a hilarious adventure that takes them
from Hollywood to Las Vegas, Paris and the jungles of
Africa in search of Fraser’s character’s missing father and
the mythical Blue Monkey Diamond.
Joe Dante
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Action
Looney Tunes : les revoil
All Titles
The Lost Boys
90 min
United States of America
Bugs Bunny travaille avec son collègue Daffy Duck pour
un célèbre studio. Mais Daffy décide de partir, ne
supportant plus le traitement de faveur réservé au lapin. Il
est bientôt rejoint par Bobby Delmont, un cascadeur
licencié le même jour en raison de ses affinités avec le
canard animé. Bobby souhaite reprendre la quête de son
père disparu, un ancien agent secret, à la recherche du
mythique Diamant Bleu. Daffy s’engage l’accompagner
mais le studio décide de récupérer sa star. Bugs Bunny et
Kate Houghton, une jeune productrice, se lancent à leur
poursuite, de l’enfer hollywoodien à la jungle africaine en
passant par Las Vegas.
Joe Dante
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants;
Action (v.f.)
Lord of the Flies
1990 86 min color AA United States of America WB
Americanized 1990s version of William Golding novel, puts
the young boys, survivors of a plane crash against nature
and eventually each other.
Harry Hook
Social Studies; Adventure; Drama; Action; Thriller
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the
2001 178 min color PG United States of America WB
The Fellowship of the Ring, tells how Gandalf the Grey
discovered that the ring possessed by Frodo the Hobbit
was in fact the One Ring, ruler of the Rings of Power. It
recounts the flight of Frodo and his companions from the
quiet Shire of their home.
Peter Jackson
Science Fiction; Fantasy
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2003 210 min color 14A United States of America WB
The culmination of nearly ten years’ work and conclusion
to Peter Jackson’s epic trilogy based on the timeless
J.R.R. Tolkien classic, The Lord of the Rings: The Return
of the King will present the final confrontation between the
forces of good and evil fighting for control of the future of
Peter Jackson
Adventure; Action; Fantasy
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
2002 163 min color AA United States of America WB
Frodo and Sam take Gollum prisoner and continue on to
Mordor on the mission to destroy The One Ring. Whilst
their former companions Strider, Legolas, Gimli, Merry and
Pippin make new allies in the Ents, The Riders of Rohan
and the Stewards of Gondor and launch an assault on
Isengard. All the while a growing Shadow falls upon
Middle-earth as the Dark Lord’s Army marches on to
Gondor. The War of the Ring has begun.
Peter Jackson
Adventure; Science Fiction; Action; Fantasy
Losing Isaiah
1995 108 min color PG United States of America PARA
A woman decides to adopt the child of a drug-addicted
mother, only to grow distraught when the mother wants the
child back.
Sthephen Gyllenhaal
Drama; Literary Adaption; Black History; National Roof
Over Your Head Day
1987 98 min color AA United States of America WB
This stylish, hip film, which focuses on two teenage boys
who move with their mother to what appears to be a quiet
seaside community. But what follows is a strange, eerie
series of events that threaten the entire family, giving a
new dimension to the legend of transformation.
Joel Schumacher
Lost in Translation
2003 101 min color PG United States of America AFI
Bob Harris (Bill Murray) is a wellknown American actor
whose career has gone into a tailspin; needing work, he
takes a very large fee to appear in a commercial for
Japanese whiskey to be shot in Tokyo. Feeling no small
degree of culture shock on his first visit to Japan, Bob
spends most of his nonworking hours at his hotel, where
he meets Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) at the bar.
Twentysomething Charlotte is married to John (Giovanni
Ribisi), a successful photographer who is in Tokyo on an
assignment, leaving her to while away her time while he
works. Beyond their shared bemusement and confusion
with the sights and sounds of contemporary Tokyo, Bob
and Charlotte share a similar dissatisfaction with their
lives; the spark has gone out of Bob’s marriage,
fatherhood has proven unsatisfying, and he’s become
disillusioned with his career. Meanwhile, Charlotte is
puzzled with how much John has changed in their two
years of marriage, while she’s been unable to launch a
creative career of her own. Bob and Charlotte become
fast friends, and as they explore Tokyo, they begin to
wonder if perhaps something more may be happening.
Sofia Coppola
Lottery Ticket
2010 99 min color PG United States of America WB
The story of a young man living in the projects who has to
survive a three-day weekend after his opportunistic
neighbors find out he’s holding a winning lottery ticket
worth $350 million.
Erik White
Love and Other Dilemmas
89 min
It’s Ginger Shapiro’s wedding day. It’s going to be perfect
even though she’s eight-months pregnant, been robbed,
kidnapped and thinks her fiancé Henry is dead - he’s not and then there’s her grandmother’s curse! It’s a race to the
altar in this escalating comedy of errors where Ginger and
Henry might just stand a chance of living happily ever
Larry Di Stefano
Love and Other Drugs
2010 111 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Maggie (Hathaway) is an alluring free spirit who won’t let
anyone - or anything - tie her down. But she meets her
match in Jamie (Gyllenhaal), whose relentless and nearly
infallible charm serve him well with the ladies and in the
cutthroat world of pharmaceutical sales. Maggie and
Jamie’s evolving relationship takes them both by surprise,
as they find themselves under the influence of the ultimate
drug: love.
Edward Zwick
Love Don’t Cost a Thing
All Titles
The Lucky One
2003 101 min color 14A United States of America WB
In this modern update of the classic 1987 teen comedy
Can’t Buy Me Love, our hero is high-school senior Alvin
Johnson (Nick Cannon), a brilliant, likable outcast who has
come to regret the years of intellectual endeavors that
prevented him and his un-hip friends from socializing,
getting girlfriends and hanging out with the super-cool
"Elite" kids. When queen of the Elites, Paris Morgan
(Christina Milian) wrecks her mother’s car, Alvin steps in
and mortgages his future to help her out. The catch: In
exchange for $1500 in car parts and Alvin’s automotive
expertise, Paris agrees to "fake a front" with him to
convince the school that they’re dating. The question is:
can Alvin rein in his newfound ego before he loses his true
friends, his chance for a scholarship and a shot at a real
relationship with Paris?
Troy Beyer
Comedy; Romance
Love In The Time of Cholera
2012 101 min color PG United States of America WB
A Marine travels to North Carolina after serving three tours
in Iraq and searches for the unknown woman he believes
was his good luck charm during the war.
Scott Hicks
Drama; Romance
Lucky You
2007 123 min color PG United States of America WB
Set among the poker tables of Las Vegas, Huck Cheever
(Bana), tries to beat the odds and his own demons in
order to win a world championship.
Curtis Hanson
Lust, Caution
2007 139 min color 14A United States of America AFI
In the lush tropics of South America, an innocent desire
blossoms into a romance for the ages in this stunning epic
starring Academy Award(r) nominee* Javier Bardem
(Before Night Falls, No Country for Old Men). At the turn
of the 20th century, youthful romantic Florentino Ariza
spots the stunning and sheltered Fermina Daza and
immediately falls in love. Denied by her father, Florentino
refuses to give up his dream of winning her hand...even if
that means waiting decades to fill the passion in his heart.
Mike Newell
Drama; Literary Adaption; Romance
158 min
Set against the backdrop of a transforming country, a
young woman finds herself swept up in a radical plot to
assassinate a ruthless and secretive intelligence agent. As
she immerses herself in her role as a cosmopolitan
seductress, she becomes entangled in a dangerous game
that will ultimately determine her fate.
Ang Lee
Children; War; Thriller; Literary Adaption; Romance
Lucky Number Slevin
2006 110 min color 18A United States of America AFI
A case of mistaken identity lands Slevin into the middle of
a war being plotted by two of the city’s most rival crime
bosses: The Rabbi and The Boss. Slevin is under
constant surveillance by relentless Detective Brikowski as
well as the infamous assassin Goodkat and finds himself
having to hatch his own ingenious plot to get them before
they get him.
Paul McGuigan
Drama; Mystery; Crime
99 min
Peter Lorre plays his greatest role as a child murderer in
this classic social melodrama based on the actual
Dusseldorf murders in 1929. The efficient organization of
the underworld in tracking down the murderer is set
against the incompetence of the police force.
Fritz Lang
Drama; Crime
Lucky Numbers
2000 105 min color AA United States of America PARA
John Travolta plays a down-on-his-luck TV weatherman
who teams up with his buddies in a grand scheme to
defraud the state lottery.
Nora Ephron
Comedy; Crime; National Lucky Penny Day
1970 116 min color PG United States of America FOX
The MASH crew offsets the gruesome realities of the
Korean War by devastating the compound with outrageous
practical jokes. M*A*S*H stands as one of the most
original and enduring comedies ever made.
Robert Altman
Social Studies; Comedy; Drama; War; Veterans Day
Lucky Numbers (v.f.)
2000 105 min color United States of America PARA
Présentateur météo à la télévision locale converti en
vendeur de motoneiges, Russ Richards mène une vie
insipide à Harrisburg, en Pennsylvanie. L’hiver ne durant
que quelques mois, son commerce de motoneiges ne lui
rapporte pas la fortune escomptée. L’argent ne fait peutêtre pas le bonheur, mais Russ aimerait bien en avoir un
peu plus pour arrondir ses fins de mois. Si seulement il
pouvait décrocher le gros lot... Sur ce, il décide de séduire
Crystal Latroy, une potiche coanimatrice de la loterie
nationale. Grâce à elle, Russ élabore une escroquerie leur
permettant d’obtenir les bons chiffres au prochain tirage.
Devenus riches, ils pourront enfin vivre la vie qu’ils
Nora Ephron
Comedie; Drame policier
M*A*S*H (v.f.)
1970 116 min color United States of America FOX
Pendant la guerre de Corée, trois jeunes chirurgiens
affectés à un hôpital de l’armée se délassent de leur tâche
harassante en inventant des plaisanteries baroques au
détriment de collègues plus collets-montés. Ils font en
sorte de faire relever de son poste un supérieur
incompétent et ramènent à des proportions plus humaines
une infirmière-chef exigeante. D’autres aventures s’en
Robert Altman
Etudes sociales; Comedie; Drama social; Drame de
All Titles
M. et Mme Smith
2005 120 min color United States of America FOX
Monsieur et Madame Smith font un couple tout ce qu’il y a
de plus banal. Pourtant, Mr Smith est exécuteur pour une
organisation secrète et Mme Smith tueuse à gage vendant
ses services aux plus offrants. Ignorant chacun les
activités de leur cher et tendre, ils vont pourtant se
retrouver en compétition sur un même "contrat". Comme
quoi une scène de ménage au fusil mitrailleur c’est quand
même plus fun qu’avec la vaisselle de maman...
Doug Liman
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Comédie sentimentale;
Drame d’espionnage
au théatre National avec "La Poune" qui la prend sous son
aile puis se joint à la troupe de Jean Grimaldi. Elle y
rencontre Olivier Guimond, son premier grand amour.
Ambitieuse, elle le quitte pour vivre une relation
professionnelle et amoureuse avec Lucio Asgotini qui finira
par lui briser le coeur. Alys Robi charme toute une
génération par ses rythmes latins:
Tico, Tico ,
Besame mucho . Elle a conquis le monde, jusqu’à
Hollywood où les studios MGM la désirent et la presse
américaine la qualifie de
Déesse . Alys Robi incarne
le rêve américain, une histoire de triomphe, de gloire,
d’amour, mais aussi une histoire qui dissimule une horrible
vérité qui fera tout basculer.
Denise Filiatrault
Drama social; Films Musicaux; Drama biographique
M. Popper et ses manchots
2011 94 min color G United States of America FOX
M. Pooper est un homme simple qui n’est pas vraiment
malheureux, mais qui regrette de ne pas avoir vu le
monde avant d’avoir rencontré sa femme et de s’établir
pour de bon. Il regrette par-dessus tout de ne pas avoir
eu la chance de voir les Pôles, alors il passe son temps à
lire des livres sur des expéditions polaires. Admiral Drake,
en réponse à l’une de ses lettres, envoie un pingouin à M.
Pooper; la vie sur l’avenue Proudfoot n’a plus jamais été la
même. D’un manchot vivant dans son réfrigérateur, la
famille de Popper s’est agrandie jusqu’à accueillir douze
pingouins. Pour avoir l’argent nécessaire pour les nourrir,
M. Pooper a construit un grand spectacle où les pingouins
performent devant les yeux ébahis des petits et des
Mark Waters
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Ma fille, mon ange
85 min
Montréal, temps présent. La police découvre le cadavre
d’un jeune homme dans un appartement envahi
d’équipement informatique dernier cri. Surprise, il
possédait aussi une impressionnante collection vidéo de
ses ébats érotiques mettant en vedette de jeunes femmes
en action.
Alexis Durand-Brault
Drame d’espionnage
Ma fille, mon ange
85 min
Montréal, present day. The police discover a young man’s
body in an apartment filled with the latest computer
equipment. Much to their surprise, they also discover an
impressive collection of videos featuring his sexual
activities with various young women in the heat of action.
Alexis Durand-Brault
Ma super ex-copine
2006 95 min color United States of America FOX
Quand un gars normal quitte sa petite amie, qui est une
super-héroı̈ne, elle s’assure de faire de sa vie un enfer
pour se venger.
Ivan Reitman
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Ma Vie en Cinemascope
90 min
1952, Quebec – Alys Robi, chanteuse au sommet de sa
popularité et reconnue mondialement, est internée, malgré
elle, par son père. Les autorités médicales lui prescrivent
le seul remède pour une guérison possible: la lobotomie.
Sous les lumières aveuglantes de la salle d’opération, Alys
voit ses 28 ans de vie défiler sous ses yeux. À cinq ans,
Alice Robitaille fait déjà fureur à Québec, sa ville natale. À
13 ans elle part seule pour conquérir la grande ville,
Montréal, sous le nom d’Alys Robi. Elle travaille d’abord
Ma vie pour la tienne
2009 106 min color United States of America WB
Une ancienne avocate reprend du service pour plaider sa
cause et celle de son mari lorsque sa fille de 13 ans les
attaque en justice pour demander son émancipation. La
jeune fille leur reproche d’avoir ét conçue dans le seul but
de disposer d’un individu compatible génétiquement avec
sa soeur rongée par le cancer, dans l’espoir qu’elle puisse
prolonger la vie de celle-ci.
Nick Cassavetes
Drama social
109 min
A contemporary retelling of Shakespeare’s "Macbeth" set
in the ganglands of Melbourne.
Geoffrey Wright
Drama; Thriller
2010 90 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Only one American hero has earned the rank of Green
Beret, Navy SEAL and Army Ranger. Just one operative
has been awarded 16 purple hearts, 3 Congressional
Medals of Honor and 7 presidential medals of bravery.
And only one guy is man enough to still sport a mullet. In
2010, Will Forte brings Saturday Night Live’s clueless
soldier of fortune to the big screen in the action comedy
MacGruber. In the 10 years since his fiancée was killed,
special op MacGruber has sworn off a life of fighting crime
with his bare hands. But when he learns that his country
needs him to find a nuclear warhead that’s been stolen by
his sworn enemy, Dieter Von Cunth (Val Kilmer),
MacGruber figures he’s the only one tough enough for the
job. Assembling an elite team of experts–Lt. Dixon Piper
(Ryan Phillippe) and Vicki St. Elmo (Kristen Wiig)–
MacGruber will navigate an army of assassins to hunt
down Cunth and bring him to justice. His methods may be
unorthodox. His crime scenes may get messy. But if you
want the world saved right, you call in MacGruber.
Jorma Taccone
Comedy; Action
Machine Gun Preacher
2011 127 min color 14A United States of America AFI
The story of Sam Childers, a former drug-dealing biker
tough guy who found God and became a crusader for
hundreds of Sudanese children who’ve been forced to
become soldiers.
Marc Forster
Drama; Action; Biography
All Titles
Mad Detective
89 min
Detective Bun (Lau Ching Wan) was recognised as a
talented criminal profiler until he sliced off his right ear to
offer as a gift at his chief’s farewell party. Branded as
’mad’ and discharged from the force, he has lived in
seclusion with his beloved wife May (Kelly Lin) ever since.
Strangely, Bun has the ability to ’see’ a person’s inner
personality, their subconscious desires, emotions, and
mental state. When a missing police gun is linked to
several heists and murders, hotshot Inspector Ho (Andy
On) calls on the valuable skills of his former mentor Bun to
help unlock the killer’s identity. However, Bun’s unorthodox
methods point to a fellow detective and take a
schizophrenic turn for the worse...
Johnny To, Ka-Fai Wai
Drama; Action; Thriller; Romance
Mad Detective (v.f.)
89 min
Une arme à feu, appartenant à un policier, est liée à une
série de cambriolages et de meurtres. Son propriétaire,
Wong, a récemment disparu alors qu’il poursuivait un
suspect. L’inspecteur Ho est en charge de l’investigation
concernant les meurtres. Il sait que sa seule chance de
résoudre cette affaire est de demander de l’aide à son
mentor et ancien supérieur, Bun. Ce dernier était
considéré comme un profiler doué, jusqu’à ce qu’il perde
la raison quelques années plus tôt. Vivant reclus, Bun a le
don de voir à l’intérieur des gens. Mais ses manières peu
orthodoxes insinuent le doute dans l’esprit de Ho...
Johnny To, Ka-Fai Wai
Drama social; Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage;
Comédie sentimentale
Mad Hot Ballroom
2005 105 min color PG United States of America PARA
Eleven-year-old New York City public school kids journey
into the world of ballroom dancing and reveal pieces of
themselves and their world along the way. Told from their
candid, sometimes hilarious perspectives, these kids are
transformed, from reluctant participants to determined
competitors, from typical urban kids to "ladies and
gentlemen," on their way to try to compete in the final
citywide competition. Providing unique insight into the
incredible cultural diversity that is New York City, this film
profiles several kids from three schools (out of 60) at this
dynamic age, when becoming that "cool" teenager vies for
position with familiar innocence, while they learn the
merengue, rumba, tango, the foxtrot and swing.
Marilyn Agrelo
2005 80 min color G United States of America SKG
An animal rights group stages a daring infiltration into the
New York Central Park Zoo, freeing four best friends (a
giraffe, a hippopotamus, a lion, and a zebra) from
captivation. When the ship capsizes, however, they end up
in Madagascar, where they are free to live in the wild...
but these New Yorkers, raised in captivity, have absolutely
no clue about how to fend for themselves without human
care (and even if they did, they’re not native to
Madagascar anyway). Hilarity and high jinks ensue.
Eric Darnell
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Fantasy; Animated
Madagascar 2 : La grande evasion
2008 89 min color United States of America PARA
La suite des aventures des animaux du Zoo de New York,
Alex le lion, Marty le zèbre, Melman la girafe et Gloria
l’hippopotame qui sont toujours échoués sur l’ı̂le de
Madagascar, et s’apprêtent maintenant à la quitter. Ils se
retrouveront ensuite dans la savane africaine où Alex sera
enfin réuni avec sa famille mais découvrira par la suite des
difficultés à communiquer avec eux après beaucoup de
temps passé au Zoo de Central Park.
Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants;
Dessins animés; Action (v.f.)
Madagascar 3: Bons baisers d’Europe
2012 93 min color G United States of America PARA
Alex le lion, Marty le zèbre, Melman la girafe et Gloria
l’hippopotame commencent à en avoir marre de l’Afrique.
Ils décident d’aller retrouver leurs amis singes et pingouins
en Europe, eux qui ont trouv un moyen de gagner
beaucoup d’argent au casino. Leur tentative de rejoindre
New York en avion ayant avorté à cause d’une policière
française particulièrement déterminée, les fugitifs trouvent
refuge dans un cirque où ils incitent les animaux à
apprendre de nouveaux tours pour pouvoir impressionner
les spectateurs et ainsi signer un contrat qui sera
accompagné d’une tournée aux États-Unis.
Eric Darnell
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants;
Dessins animés
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted
2012 93 min color G United States of America PARA
Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo, and
Melman the Giraffe are still fighting to get home to their
beloved Big Apple and of course, King Julien, Maurice and
the Penguins are all along for the comedic adventure.
Their journey takes them through Europe where they find
the perfect cover: a traveling circus, which they reinvent
Madagascar style.
Eric Darnell
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Animated
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
2008 89 min color G United States of America PARA
The sequel of the first movie, the New York Zoo Animals,
Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Melman the Giraffe and
Gloria the Hippo, still stranded on Madagascar, started to
leave the island. All of a sudden, they landed in the
wilderness of Africa. There, Alex soon meet the rest of his
family and starting to have trouble communicating with
them after much of his time at the Central Park Zoo.
Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath
Comedy; Adventure; Children; Action; Animated
Madagascar (v.f.)
2005 80 min color United States of America SKG
Lorsqu’un lion, un zèbre, une girafe, un hippopotame et
une poignée de pingouins psychotiques fuient leur zoo
new-yorkais pour secourir l’un des leurs, l’aventure s’écrit
avec un grand A. Et lorsque le destin les réunit sur l’ı̂le de
Madagascar, ils doivent apprendre en formation accélérée
les rudiments de la vie à l’air libre.
Eric Darnell
Comedie; Dessins animés; Comédie fantaisiste; Drame
d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Madame Doubtfire
1993 126 min color United States of America FOX
Après son divorce, Daniel perd la garde de ses trois
enfants. Souffrant de cette séparation, il se déguise en
dame pour répondre l’offre d’emploi de son ex-épouse qui
recherche une bonne d’enfant.
Chris Columbus
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Madame Miniver
All Titles
Magicien d’Oz
1942 134 min b&w United States of America WB
Une famille anglaise unie voit son quotidien bouleversé par
l’arrivée de la seconde guerre mondiale.
William Wyler
Drama social; Drame de guerre; Comédie sentimentale
113 min
United Kingdom
A dramatization of the 1968 strike at the Ford Dagenham
car plant, where female workers walked out in protest
against sexual discrimination.
Nigel Cole
Comedy; Drama
1939 102 min color United States of America WB
Dorothy, jeune orpheline, vit chez son oncle et sa tante.
Tout irait pour le mieux si l‘institutrice ne détestait pas son
chien. C‘est alors que Dorothy fait un rêve où elle se
trouve transportée au royaume magique des Munchkins à
la recherche de son chien. Les Munchkins sont des nains
protégés par la bonne fée du Nord mais menacés par la
méchante fée de l‘Ouest. Pour retrouver son chien,
Dorothy doit s‘emparer des chaussures rouges de la
mauvaise fée et aller voir le magicien d‘Oz dans son
palais d‘Emeraude.
Victor Fleming
Drame d’aventures; Comédie fantaisiste; Dame
The Magnificent Ambersons
Made in Dagenham
87 min
After plunging her car into a river, a woman encounters a
man who helps her come to terms with her life.
Denis Villeneuve
Maelström (v.f.)
87 min
C’est un poisson qui raconte cette histoire, un poisson issu
du magma aquatique du début de la formation de
l’univers. Par un soir d’ét pluvieux, une jeune femme,
Bibiane Champagne , percute un homme avec sa voiture.
Le blessé, un immigré norvégien, réussit à rentrer chez lui
pour y mourir doucement. La vie de Bibiane plonge alors
dans un chaos inimaginable. Au moment où elle risque sa
vie pour effacer toutes traces de son geste, elle se voit
donner une nouvelle chance, comme une deuxième
naissance issue des eaux du fleuve. Ce dialogue entre la
vie et la mort, entre la terre et l’eau, va trouver son
aboutissement lorsque la jeune femme rencontre celui qui
va changer son destin.
Denis Villeneuve
Drama social
The Magdalene Sisters
119 min
United Kingdom
Four women are given into the custody of the Madgalene
sisterhood asylum to correct their more or less sinful
behavior: Crispina and Rose have given birth to a
premarital child, Margaret got raped by her cousin and the
orphan Bernadette had been repeatedly caught flirting with
the boys. All have to work in a laundry under the strict
supervision of the nuns, who break their wills through
sadistic punishments. Some of the inmates develop
countermeasures, while others perish under the treatment.
Peter Mullan
Magic Mike
2012 109 min color 14A United States of America WB
Mike, an experienced stripper, takes a younger performer
called The Kid under his wing and schools him in the arts
of partying, picking up women, and making easy money.
Steven Soderbergh
Magic Mike (v.f.)
2012 109 min color 13+ United States of America WB
Le film, que l’on décrit comme une histoire d’amitié dans
le monde du striptease masculin, racontera un été de
débauche et de frivolité dans la vie d’un jeune homme
insouciant qui décide de danser nu pour ramasser de
Steven Soderbergh
1942 88 min b&w PG United States of America AS
Orson Welles’ second film masterpiece is the story of the
declining magnificence of the American dynasty, where the
individual is forced to meet the new socioeconomic world.
The screenplay by Welles from the novel by Booth
Tarkington focuses on young George Amberson, whose
insolence and ambition cause the people he has abused
to hope for his eventual downfall.
Orson Welles
Maintenant ou jamais
97 min
United States of America
Deux amis, atteints d’un cancer en phase terminal,
décident de faire une liste de chose à accomplir avant
leurs morts.
Rob Reiner
Comedie; Drame d’aventures
La maison près du lac
98 min
United States of America
Une femme médecin solitaire et un architecte frustré
tombent amoureux l’un de l’autre à la suite d’une
correspondance épistolaire passionnée.
Alejandro Agresti
Comédie sentimentale; Drama social
Maı̂tre à bord: De l’autre côté du monde
2003 138 min color United States of America FOX
Les aventures du capitaine Jack Aubrey et de son
équipage durant les guerres napoléoniennes, au début du
XIXème siècle. Lui et ses troupes devront affronter les
Français et les Espagnols.
Peter Weir
Action (v.f.)
Le Maı̂tre du jeu
2003 127 min color United States of America FOX
L’histoire d’un procès intenté contre GT Tech, un fabricant
d’armes feu. Cette société est accusée de vendre
illégalement une arme réputée dangereuse.
Gary Fleder
Drame d’espionnage; Dame poétique; Drama social
2007 123 min color United States of America AFI
Michael Moore examine les failles du système de santé
américain. Renouant avec son approche directe et son
style inimitable, il met le doigt sur les enjeux médicaux du
système d’assurance de la santé.
Michael Moore
All Titles
Malibu’s Most Wanted
Malbouffe à l’americaine
99 min
United States of America
l s’agit d’un documentaire portant sur l’obésité aux ÉtatsUnis et sur son responsable, la restauration rapide (fast
food). Le réalisateur a lui-même fait l’expérience de ne
manger que du MacDonald pendant un mois, ce qui l’a
rendu malade.
Morgan Spurlock
Comedie; Documentaire; Drama social
Malcolm X
1992 201 min color PG United States of America WB
Malcolm Litte - known at various times as Detroit Red,
Satan, Malcolm X and El-Hajj El-Shabazz - was one of the
most charismatic political voices in American history. The
fascinating life of this visionary leader is brought to the
motion picture screen in a sweeping epic starring
Academy Award-winner(r) Denzel Washington in the title
Spike Lee
Social Studies; Drama
Male Domination
103 min
Patric Jean
La malédiction
2006 105 min color United States of America FOX
L’ambassadeur des Etats-Unis à Londres réalise que son
fils de cinq ans, Damien, n’est autre que la réincarnation
de l’antéchrist. A son insu, ce dernier va semer la terreur
autour de lui.
John Moore
Drame d’horreur
1976 110 min color United States of America FOX
Un diplomate, sa femme et leur petit garçon, Damien,
semblent être la famille idéale américaine. Cependant,
quand le fils du couple est mort dans la naissance, un
autre bébé a été substitué. Cinq ans plus tard, une
traı̂née de mort suit Damien et Picoter doit explorer les
récréations du surnaturel pour apprendre l’identité du
Richard Donner
Drame d’horreur; Comédie moeurs; Drame
d’espionnage; Comédie sentimentale
La malédiction des fleurs dorées
114 min
En 928, à la fin de la dynastie Tang, la famille impériale
est réunie pour célébrer en grandes pompes la Fête de
Chong Yang, placée sous le signe du chrysanthème.
Depuis trois ans, l’impératrice vit une histoire d’amour
illicite avec son beau-fils, le prince héritier. Or, celui-ci a
également une liaison secrète avec la fille du médecin de
l’empereur. De son côté, le praticien est chargé par son
maı̂tre d’ajouter un champignon vénéneux au remède que
l’impératrice boit pour soigner son anémie. Mise au
courant de cette machination par une espionne, la
monarque continue néanmoins de consommer le breuvage
qui l’affaiblit et lui fait peu à peu perdre la raison. Ce qui
ne l’empêche pourtant pas de fomenter un vaste complot
contre son mari, avec l’aide d’un autre de ses fils.
Zhang Yimou
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Action (v.f.); Comédie
2003 86 min color AA United States of America WB
Brad Gluckman (Kennedy) is a wannabe rap star from
Malibu who acts and talks like he’s from the "’hood."
Concerned that his son is going to embarrass him during
his campaign to become the governor of California, Brad’s
wealthy father and his campaign manager (Underwood),
hire two Juilliard-trained actors (Diggs and Anderson) to
disguise themselves as "real life gangstaz", and kidnap his
son, dropping him off in the "real hood" in Compton, in an
effort to scare the ghettofied attitude and behavior out of
John Whitesell
Malibu’s Most Wanted (v.f.)
86 min
United States of America
Un politicien élabore le faux enlèvement de son fils, qui
pourrait nuire à sa campagne électorale, dans le but
d’obtenir la faveur des électeurs.
John Whitesell
Maltese Falcon
1941 101 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Director Sam Spade’s thrilling chase for the fabulous
Falcon. Bogart is Dashell Hammet’s "hero" Sam Spade,
Astor his client, Lorre the evasive Joel Cairo, Greenstreet
the Fat Man, and Cook the neurotic Gunsel Wilmer.
John Huston
Maman, J’ai encore Raté L’avion II
1992 120 min color United States of America FOX
Suite à une distraction, Kevin se retrouve à bord d’un
avion qui l’emmène à New York alors que sa famille est en
route pour la Floride. Muni de la carte de crédit de son
père, il décide de se payer un séjour royal dans un grand
hôtel. Il aura encore une fois le plaisir de contrer les
projets de ses deux adversaires qui se sont évadés de
prison et qui, par hasard, se trouve aussi à New York.
Chris Columbus
Maman, J’ai Raté L’avion
1990 103 min color United States of America FOX
Le Petit Kevin, agé de huit ans, a été oublié par mégarde
à la maison par sa famille partie en avion passer les
vacances de Noël en France. Mais qu’à cela ne tienne, il
se met en frais d’assurer la garde de la maison contre les
cambrioleurs qu’il a repéres car Kevin s’y entend pour
semer des pièges.
Chris Columbus
Maman, Je M’occupe des Méchants 3
1997 102:30 min color United States of America FOX
Il est très observateur. Il a de la stratégie. Il a du cran. Il
a la varicelle. Et il est seul à la maison. Il y a un petit
nouveau en ville, Alex Pruitt agé de 8 ans, at lorsqu’une
bande de criminel envahie son quartier, il est la seule et
dernière ligne de défense sur qui l’on peut compter.
Raja Gosnell
Comedie; Films pour enfants
All Titles
Man on Fire
2004 146 min color 14A United States of America FOX
An action film directed by Tony Scott ("Enemy of the
State," "Spy Game"), starring Denzel Washington as an
ex-soldier living out his life in Mexico who reluctantly
agrees to protect a child whose parents are threatened by
a wave of kidnappings. When the child is abducted and
presumed killed while under his watch, Washington’s fiery
rage is unleashed on those he feels are responsible.
Tony Scott
Drama; Action; Thriller; Black History
Man on Wire
90 min
United Kingdom
On August 7th 1974, a young Frenchman named Philippe
Petit stepped out on a wire illegally rigged between New
York‘s twin towers, then the world‘s tallest buildings. After
nearly an hour dancing on the wire, he was arrested,
taken for psychological evaluation, and brought to jail
before he was finally released. James Marsh‘s
documentary brings Petit‘s extraordinary adventure to life
through the testimony of Philippe himself, and some of the
co-conspirators who helped him create the unique and
magnificent spectacle that became known as "the artistic
crime of the century."
James Marsh
Documentary; Crime
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
1962 122 min b&w PG United States of America PARA
Senator Ranse Stoddard returns to the city Shinbone in
the Wild West to go to the funeral of his friend, Tom
Doniphon. To a journalist, who’s wondering what the
senator is doing in Shinbone, he tells how his career
started as "the man who shot Liberty Valance". As a
lawyer he went to Shinbone, where he met his wife Hallie
and Tom Doniphon. He taught the people there to read
and write. Then he met the greatest bandit of the region,
Liberty Valance....
John Ford
The Man without a Face
1993 114 min color PG United States of America WB
To the people of Craneport Maine, Justin Mcleod has been
an outsider since the day he arrived in their peaceful
coastal village. For the last 10 years, his scarred face,
taciturn behavior and mysterious past have made him the
object of rumor and scorn. Twelve year old Chuck
Norstadt also feels like an outsider to his own family. The
two form a friendship and discover the understanding long
missing from their lives.
Mel Gibson
Social Studies; Drama
The Manchurian Candidate
2004 129 min color 14A United States of America
A psychological thriller, "The Manchurian Candidate" stars
Denzel Washington as Army Major Bennett Marco, a
career soldier who grows suspicious about his experience
in Desert Storm after Squad Sergeant Raymond Shaw
(Liev Schreiber), son of the powerful Senator Eleanor
Shaw (Meryl Streep), becomes a candidate for Vice
Jonathan Demme
Thriller; President’s Day
Mao’s Last Dancer
117 min
Two-time Academy Award(r)-nominated director Bruce
Beresford (Driving Miss Daisy) celebrates the inspirational
true story of ballet dancer Li Cunxin in this stunning
adaptation of Li’s best-selling autobiography. When
granted the opportunity of a lifetime to train with the
renowned Houston Ballet, eighteen-year-old Li leaves
behind a life of poverty and oppression in Communist
China to embark on a transformative journey to the West,
where he soars to stardom–and meets the love of his life.
But he soon learns that his quest for freedom must come
at a price.
Bruce Beresford
March of the Penguins
2005 80 min color G United States of America AFI
The cycle of life the Emperor’s penguins is disclosed in
this wonderful documentary. Every autumn, these animals
leave the safety of the ocean and march along twenty
days to a place called "Oamack". Once there, they select
their mates, they procreate, protect and feed their offspring
and after months they return to the sea. Later, their
progeny go to the ocean, where they stay for four years,
and when they reach their adult life, they follow the same
pattern of their parents.
Luc Jacquet
Marche ou creve: vengeance definitive
1995 18 min color United States of America FOX
Bruce Willis est en arrière (avec un vengence!) et il est
joint(rejoint) par Jeremy Irons et la sensation de ROMANS
À SENSATION Samuel L. Jackson pour le troisième
versement avec impatience prévu de la série d’action de
film à grand succès. John McClane s’associe pour avec
un activiste Noir poursuivre un fou qui brûle littéralement le
Manhattan. Avant qu’ils ne le sachent, ils sont attrapés
dans un jeu incendiaire de cache-cache avec le génie
tordu dont les bombes flambent une traı̂née mortelle par
New York.
John McTieran
Action (v.f.)
Les marches du pouvoir
2011 101 min color G United States of America AFI
Un idéaliste doit faire face aux manipulations et aux coups
tordus du camp rival du sien dans la course aux
George Clooney
Drama social
Margin Call
2011 105 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A thriller that revolves around the key people at a
investment bank over a 24-hour period during the early
stages of the financial crisis.
J.C. Chandor
Margin Call (v.f.)
2011 105 min color United States of America
24 heures de la vie des membres d’une banque
d’investissements au début de la crise financière.
J.C. Chandor
Drame d’espionnage
Margot at the Wedding
2007 91 min color 14A United States of America PARA
Academy Award nominated writer/director Noah
Baumbach brings to life a sharply observed portrait of a
family in distress. His latest project is an unflinchingly
honest story about coming to terms with one’s family and
oneself, a journey that is both funny and heartbreaking.
Noah Baumbach
Comedy; Drama
All Titles
Un mari idéal
97 min
United States of America
L’intrigante et seduisante Mme Cheveley met en peril la
carriere et le mariage de sir Robert Chiltern avec
l’ensorcelante lady Chiltern en menacant de reveler un
secret sur le passe de ce brillant gentleman. Sir Robert se
tourne alors vers son ami de toujours, lord Arthur Goring.
Repute dans toute la ville pour ses traits d’esprit et ses
ecart de conduite, Goring se trouve pris dans un
inextricable tissu de mensonges, de tentations et de
liaisons secretes et de plus Mabel Chiltern, la soeur de
Robert, menace son celibat tant affectionne.
Oliver Parker
Comedie; Dame poétique; Comédie sentimentale
Maria Chapdelaine
107 min
Louis Hemon’s bittersweet love story about a young girl in
rural Quebec at the turn of the century. A truly beautiful
film adaptation of a Canadian literary classic.
Gilles Carle
Social Studies; Drama; Literary Adaption
Maria Chapdelaine (v.f.)
107 min
Samuel Chapdelaine s’est installé avec sa famille sur une
terre en friche près du village du Péribonka dans la région
du Lac Saint-Jean. Sa fille Maria est courtisée par un
fermier voisin, Eutrope Gagnon, mais elle lui préfère le
beau François Paradis, bûcheron et coureur des bois. Un
troisième prétendant se présente en la personne de
Lorenzo Surprenant, citadin venu du Massachusetts pour
régler la succession de son père. Au cours de l’hiver,
François meurt de froid dans la forêt et Maria se décide à
épouser Eutrope.
Gilles Carle
Etudes sociales; Drama social; Dame poétique
Mariage 101
91 min
United States of America
Un jeune couple prépare sans encombre son futur
mariage, mais le pasteur de la famille, le Père Frank, en
décide autrement. Il refuse de les marier tant qu’ils
n’auront pas passé avec succès une série de tests...
Ken Kwapis
Marie a je ne sais quoi
1998 118 min color 13+ United States of America FOX
Malgré le fait qu’il soit devenu avocat depuis quelques
années, Ted n’a toujours pas oublié sa petite amie du
collège Marie Jenson. Voulant redevenir son amoureux à
tous prix, il engage le détective Pat Healy pour qu’il
l’espionne et lui rapporte ses habitudes et ses goûts afin
qu’il puisse plus facilement rallumer la flamme entre eux.
Pendant son enquête, Pat tombe en amour avec Marie et
il décide de la garder pour lui en disant à Ted le contraire
des goûts de Marie.
Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
existence, Victor apprend que rien au monde, pas même
la mort, ne pourra briser son amour pour sa femme.
Tim Burton, Mike Johnson
Comedie; Dessins animés
La mariée en fuite
1999 116 min color United States of America PARA
C’est la troisieme fois que Maggie Carpenter, charmante
jeune femme, fuit au moment fatidique du oui devant
l’autel et le pretre. Cette facheuse manie lui vaut une
certaine notoriete dans la pittoresque bourgade de Hale
dans le Maryland, ou l’on attend avec une curiosite
narquoise sa quatrieme escapade. C’est alors qu’Ike
Graham, journaliste new-yorkais, en panne d’inspiration et
en quete d’un sujet facile a quelques heures du bouclage
de son journal, apprend l’histoire de Maggie.
Garry Marshall
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
The Marine
2006 91 min color 14A United States of America FOX
WWE wrestling champion John Cena makes his motion
picture debut in this rugged action thriller. Cena is John
Titan, a heroic Marine who returns home after being
discharged - against his will – from the Iraq War.
Stateside, he finds himself back in action, when his wife
(Kelly Carlson) is kidnapped by a murderous gang led by
the merciless Rome (Robert Patrick). With everything on
the line, the Marine will stop at nothing to carry out his
toughest and most important mission.
John Bonito
Drama; Action; Thriller
Marley and Me
2008 115 min color PG United States of America FOX
After their wedding, newspaper writers John and Jennifer
Grogan move to Florida. In an attempt to stall Jennifer’s
"biological clock", John gives her a puppy. While the
puppy Marley grows into a 100 pound dog, he loses none
of his puppy energy or rambunctiousness. Meanwhile,
Marley gains no self-discipline. Marley’s antics give John
rich material for his newspaper column. As the Grogans
mature and have children of their own, Marley continues to
test everyone’s patience by acting like the world’s most
impulsive dog.
David Frankel
Comedy; Valentine’s Day
Marley and Me: The Puppy Years
2011 86 min color G United States of America FOX
To prove to his no-nonsense grandfather that he is able to
take care of a dog of his own, 12-year-old Bodi decides to
train a team made up of Marley and two other
neighborhood puppies for the local Puppy Agility
Michael Damian
Comedy; Children
Marley et moi
La Mariée cadavérique
77 min
United States of America
Au XIXe siècle, dans un petit village d’Europe de l’est,
Victor, un jeune homme, découvre le monde de l’au-delà
après avoir épousé, sans le vouloir, le cadavre d’une
mystérieuse mariée. Pendant son voyage, sa promise,
Victoria l’attend désespérément dans le monde des
vivants. Bien que la vie au Royaume des Morts s’avère
beaucoup plus colorée et joyeuse que sa véritable
2008 115 min color United States of America FOX
Un journaliste et sa femme décide d’adopter un chien.
Baptisé Marley en hommage au chanteur jamaı̈cain,
l’animal sera le compagnon de leurs joies et de leurs
malheurs pendant les 13 années de sa vie...
David Frankel
All Titles
2010 88 min color G United States of America FOX
Marmaduke, the world’s most lovable Great Dane, leaps
from comic strip fame (appearing in 600 newspapers in
over 20 countries) to big screen stardom. In this family
comedy event, the super-sized, ultra-awkward lap dog is
living the good life with the Winslow family, including
beleaguered dad Phil, Phil’s wife Debbie, their three
children, and feline pal Carlos. But when Phil uproots the
clan from Kansas to California, Marmaduke finds his life
turned upside-down. He must navigate the volatile Mutts
vs. Pedigrees turf wars, woo the purebred of his dreams,
and overcome a fall from grace from his new four-legged
friends and his much put-upon family.
Tom Dey
Comedy; Children
Marmaduke (v.f.)
2010 88 min color United States of America FOX
Une adaptation cinématographique faisant le récit du
sympathique Danois Marmaduke, tiré de la bande
dessinée de Brad Anderson.
Tom Dey
Comedie; Films pour enfants
Mars Attacks
1996 106 min color AA United States of America WB
Tim Burton returns to the studio where he enjoyed his
greatest successes, "Beetlejuice" and the first two
"Batman" movies, to direct this large-scale science-fiction
comedy. Inspired by the popular Tops trading cards series,
the story follows several bands of citizens from across
America as they defend themselves against a Martian
invasion of Earth.
Tim Burton
Comedy; Science Fiction
Mars Attaque
98 min
United States of America
Des casinos de Las Vegas jusqu’au coeur de l’Amérique,
en passant par le bureau Oval à Washington, où même le
président siège impuissant, "Mars attaque" jette un coup
d’oeil comique sur l’hystérie totale qui s’empare de chaque
américain dans le combat qu’ils livrent contre l’invasion
des hordes martiennes.
Tim Burton
Comedie; Drame de science-fiction
Martian Child
2007 106 min color PG United States of America AFI
What’s the nature of being a parent and of being a child?
David is a widower grieving for two years. He writes
science fiction and was considered weird as a boy. He
meets Dennis, a foster child who claims to be on a
mission from Mars, stays in a large box all day, fears
sunlight, and wears a belt of flashlight batteries so he
won’t float away. David takes the six-year-old home on a
trial. His sister and his wife’s best friend offer support, but
the guys are basically alone to figure this out. Dennis
takes things, is expelled, and is coached by David in being
normal. Will the court approve the adoption, and will
Dennis stay? Can a man become a father and a child
become a son?
Menno Meyjes
Drama; Children
Mary and Max
93 min
It is a simple tale of pen-friendship between two very
different people; Mary Dinkle, living in the suburbs of
Melbourne, Australia and New Yorker Max Horovitz.
Spanning 20 years and 2 continents, Mary and Max’s
friendship survives much more than the average diet of
life’s ups and downs.
Adam Elliot
Comedy; Drama; Animated
Mary and Max (v.f.)
93 min
Mary, une petite fille solitaire complexée par son
apparence physique, vit en Australie avec une mère
alcoolique et un père adepte de taxidermie. Un jour, au
bureau de poste, Mary découvre un annuaire téléphonique
provenant des États-Unis. Rêvant de se faire un ami, elle
y choisit une adresse au hasard et envoie ainsi une lettre
à Max Horowitz, un New Yorkais obèse de 44 ans atteint
du syndrome d’Asperger. À la fois très différents et
pourtant semblables, Max et Mary entretiendront une
correspondance assidue, à travers laquelle chacun aide
l’autre à régler les problèmes qui les tourmentent, pendant
plus de vingt ans.
Adam Elliot
Comedie; Drama social; Dessins animés
The Mask
1994 101 min color PG United States of America WB
Stanley Ipkiss is a nice guy who’s getting good at finishing
last. Then he finds a carved mask which, when he puts it
on, transforms him into a confident whirlwind of colour who
can get the girls and do all the things that Stanley is too
nerdy to do by daylight.
Charles Russell
Comedy; Adventure
Le Masque
1994 101 min color G United States of America WB
Stanley Ipkiss, modeste employé de banque, passionné
par l’univers de Tex Avery, trouve un masque ancien aux
pouvoirs surnaturels. Il est néanmoins partagé entre
devenir cette créature verte sûre d’elle ou rester le timide
Stanley Ipkiss, incapable d’aborder la magnifique
chanteuse de cabaret Tina Carlyle.
Charles Russell
Comedie; Drame d’aventures
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the
2003 138 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Ship Surgeon Stephen Maturin (Bettany) and Navy Capt.
Jack Aubrey (Crowe) sail out to see the richness and
strangeness of life on the far side of the world, against the
backdrop of Napoleonic Wars.
Peter Weir
Master Key
104 min
To prevent a powerful witch from killing his one true friend,
Louis-Bernard Lapointe, an embittered medium who feels
plagued by his psychic powers must travel to a "possible
world" and risk his life to bring back the legendary "Key of
Possiblities", a magical object that allows its possessor to
visit an infinite number of parallel universes where all of
life’s possibilities are realized.
Patrice Sauv
All Titles
Match parfait
2005 107 min color United States of America FOX
Dans ce film réalisé par les frères Farrelly , un professeur
d’une école secondaire tombe en amour avec une femme
d’affaires prospère. Bien que leurs vies soient
complètement différentes, la relation est parfaite jusqu’au
moment où elle devra faire compétition au véritable
premier amour de son bien-aimé : les Red Sox de Boston.
Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
Matchstick Men
2003 116 min color PG United States of America WB
Phobia-addled con artist Roy (Nicholas Cage) and his
protégé Frank (Sam Rockwell) are on the verge of pulling
off a lucrative swindle when the unexpected arrival of
Roy’s teenage daughter Angela (Alison Lohman) disrupts
his carefully-ordered life and jeopardizes his high-risk
Ridley Scott
Comedy; Drama
La matrice
1999 136 min color United States of America WB
Neo, un jeune informaticien, est contacté un jour par un
mystérieux personnage du nom de Morpheus qui lui révèle
un secret stupéfiant. Selon cet individu, le monde dans
lequel vit Neo ne serait qu’une réalit virtuelle contrôlée par
une machine.
Andy & Larry Wachowski
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.); Drame de
La Matrice rechargée
2003 137 min color United States of America WB
Depuis sa dernière rencontre avec l’oracle, de nombreux
événements ont amené Neo à mieux comprendre la
matrice et à en maı̂triser les rouages pour finalement
devenir l’élu. Alors qu’il est perdu dans ses pensées, la
matrice lance une attaque surprise. Celle-ci est prête à
tout pour éliminer Neo et ses complices, au risque de se
sacrifier elle-même. De dangereux virus, les Virii, ont été
introduits dans le système pour infecter l’élu et le
neutraliser. Éjecté de la matrice, Neo se retrouve alors
dans le vrai monde, sans pouvoirs et incapable d’en sortir.
Mais il doit tenter l’impossible pour retourner dans le
monde virtuel, car Morpheus et Trinity, tous deux
prisonniers de la matrice, ne parviennent plus à contenir
les attaques des Virii, qui se multiplient à un rythme
Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.); Drame de
La Matrice: révolutions
2003 129 min color United States of America WB
Cette dernière partie de la trilogie MATRIX clôturera, en
quelque sorte, le combat existant entre les machines,
dotées de l’I.A. (Intelligence Artificielle), et les hommes,
enfin ce qu’il en restera!
Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski
Action (v.f.); Drame de science-fiction; Drame
The Matrix
1999 136 min color AA United States of America WB
The film takes place in a universe run by computers using
human beings as batteries for bio-electrical energy. This
"people power" fuels the artificial intelligence known as
The Matrix, which has created a virtual reality to make its
inhabitants think they are living happy, creative productive
lives. But in reality, they are only providing the energy that
keeps The Matrix going. There are, however, a few human
beings – including Morpheus (Fishburne) and Trinity
(Moss) – who have broken free from The Matrix and are
searching to destroy it, recruiting Neo (Reeves) along the
Andy & Larry Wachowski
Science Fiction
The Matrix Reloaded
2003 137 min color 14A United States of America WB
Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, and the rest of their crew continue
to battle the machines that have enslaved the human race
in the Matrix. Now, more humans are waking up out of the
Matrix and attempting to live in the real world. As their
numbers grow, the battle moves to Zion – the last
real-world city and center of human resistance.
Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski
Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
Matrix Revolutions
2003 129 min color 14A United States of America WB
War breaks out on the scorched Earth as the machines
invade Zion. Whereas Reloaded is about life, Revolutions
addresses death.
Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski
Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
Maurice Richard
124 min
Après un début de carrière difficile marqué par diverses
blessures et des rapports tendus avec son entraı̂neur Dick
Irvin, le joueur du Canadien de Montréal Maurice Richard
devient une super-vedette. Ses vaillants exploits en
viennent à nourrir les aspirations du peuple canadien
français. Demeurant humble malgré tout, Maurice mène
au quotidien une vie paisible avec sa femme Lucille et ses
enfants. Homme de peu de mots, il préfère s’exprimer sur
la patinoire, où chacune de ses apparitions suscite
clameur et émotion. Or, sa fougue caractéristique lui
cause parfois des ennuis. En 1955, il est banni des séries
éliminatoires pour avoir frappé un arbitre. Outrés, ses
partisans descendent dans la rue pour protester. Lorsque
la manifestation tourne à l’émeute, le hockeyeur doit
intervenir à la radio pour calmer la population.
Charles Binam
Drama social
1994 129 min color PG United States of America WB
A Western adventure about a charming con man and
soldier of fortune whose fate becomes entangled with a
spirited young woman and an enigmatic lawman as the
three of them each plan to attend a high-stakes poker
championship - and win.
Richard Donner
Comedy; Adventure; Western; Action
Maverick (v.f.)
1994 129 min color United States of America WB
Une aventure Occidentale d’un escroc charmant et le
soldat de fortune dont le destin devient empêtré avec une
jeune femme pleine d’entrain et lawman énigmatique
comme trois d’entre eux chaque plan de suivre un
championnat de tisonnier d’intérêts haut(pieux haut) - et la
Richard Donner
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Western
All Titles
Max et les maximonstres
2009 100 min color United States of America WB
Max, un malicieux petit garçon, est envoyé au lit par ses
parents sans dı̂ner. Une fois dans sa chambre, l’enfant
très imaginatif s’invente un univers peuplé de créatures
fantastiques et de monstres exotiques.
Spike Jonze
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Films pour enfants;
Comédie fantaisiste
Max la menace
2008 110 min color United States of America WB
Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 d’une organisation
gouvernementale du nom de Control, combat les forces de
Kaos avec l’aide de l’agent 99...
Peter Segal
Comedie; Action (v.f.); Drame policier
Max Payne
2008 99 min color 14A United States of America FOX
Based on the legendary, hard-hitting interactive video
game, MAX PAYNE tells the story of a maverick cop
determined to track down those responsible for the brutal
murder of his family and partner. Hell-bent on revenge, his
obsessive investigation takes him on a nightmare journey
into a dark underworld. As the mystery deepens, Max
(Wahlberg) is forced to battle enemies beyond the natural
world and face an unthinkable betrayal.
John Moore
Drama; Action; Thriller; Crime
Maxed Out
2006 90 min color N/R United States of America MON
Maxed Out takes viewers on a journey deep inside the
American style of debt, where things seem fine as long as
the minimum monthly payment arrives on time. With
coverage that spans from small American towns all the
way to the White House, the film shows how the modern
financial industry really works, explains the true definition
of "preferred customer" and tells us why the poor are
getting poorer while the rich keep getting richer. Hilarious,
shocking and incisive, Maxed Out paints a picture of a
national nightmare which is all too real for most of us.
James D. Scurlock
McCabe and Mrs. Miller
1971 120 min color R United States of America WB
A gambler and a madam open a brothel and gaming
house in a frontier mining town. When their business
prospers, some large business interests try to move in and
take over.
Robert Altman
Drama; Western
Mean Girls
2004 97 min color PG United States of America PARA
Raised in African bush country by her zoologist parents,
Cady Heron thinks she knows about survival of the fittest.
But the law of the jungle takes on a whole new meaning
when the home-schooled 15-year-old enters public high
school for the first time and encounters psychological
warfare and unwritten social rules that teenage girls face
Mark S. Waters
Comedy; Drama; Breast Cancer Awareness; National
Humour Month; Best Friend Day
The Mechanic
2011 92 min color 18A United States of America AFI
Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) is a ’mechanic’ - an elite
assassin with a strict code and unique talent for cleanly
eliminating targets. It’s a job that requires professional
perfection and total detachment, and Bishop is the best in
the business. But when his mentor and close friend Harry
(Donald Sutherland) is murdered, Bishop is anything but
detached. His next assignment is self-imposed - he wants
those responsible dead. His mission grows complicated
when Harry’s son Steve (Ben Foster) approaches him with
the same vengeful goal and a determination to learn
Bishop’s trade. Bishop has always acted alone but he
can’t turn his back on Harry’s son. A methodical hit man
takes an impulsive student deep into his world and a
deadly partnership is born. But while in pursuit of their
ultimate mark, deceptions threaten to surface and those
hired to fix problems become problems themselves.
Simon West
Drama; Action; Thriller
Méchant Père Noël
91 min
United States of America
Le père Noël est une ordure. Il boit, fume, sacre et, s’il
supporte avec peine tous ces morveux qui le visitent au
centre commercial, ce n’est que dans le but de vider le
coffre du magasin la veille de Noël. Mais des surprises
l’attendent...Les pages de notre amourTerry Zwigoff
Comedie; Drama social; Drame policier
Méchante Ados
2004 97 min color United States of America PARA
Élevée dans la nature africaine depuis un tout jeune âge,
Cady Hedron croit, à 15 ans, bien connaı̂tre "la loi de la
jungle". Mais son expérience en Afrique n’était rien à côté
de sa première expérience au secondaire, elle qui en plus
a le béguin pour l’ex-petit ami de la fille la plus populaire
(et méchante) de l’école.
Mark S. Waters
Comedie; Drama social
Méchante soirée
2010 87 min color United States of America FOX
Date Night est une comédie dans laquelle Steve Carell et
Tina Fey forment un couple qui entreprend de laisser leurs
gosses chez eux afin de s’offrir une jolie soirée en
amoureux (hou, que c’est romantique...). Bien
évidemment, tout ne va pas se passer selon leur désir, les
entrainant par la même occasion dans une véritable
Shawn Levy
Méchants patrons
2011 97 min color 13+ United States of America WB
Pour Nick, Kurt et Dale, la seule chose qui rendrait la
routine de tous les jours davantage tolérable serait de faire
mordre la poussière à leurs intolérables patrons. Donner
leurs démissions n’étant pas une option, les trois amis
vont ? avec l’aide de beaucoup trop d’alcool et des
conseils douteux d’un ancien prisonnier ? élaborer un plan
compliqué et en apparence à toute épreuve pour se
débarrasser de leurs patrons respectifs... à tout jamais. Il
n’y a qu’un problème : les meilleurs plans sont aussi
infaillibles que les cerveaux qui les ont concoctés.
Seth Gordon
Medea’s Witness Protection
2012 115 min color 14A United States of America AFI
A Wall Street investment banker who has been set up as
the linchpin of his company’s mob-backed Ponzi scheme is
relocated with his family to Aunt Madea’s southern home.
Tyler Perry
Meet Dave
All Titles
La mélodie du bonheur
2008 90 min color PG United States of America FOX
Seeking a way to save their doomed world, a crew of tiny,
human-looking aliens arrives on earth in the perfect
disguise – a spaceship shaped like an ordinary man.
Brian Robbins
Comedy; Science Fiction
Meet Me in St. Louis
1944 113 min color PG United States of America WB
St. Louis 1903. The well-off Smith family has four
beautiful daughters, including Esther and little Tootie. 17year old Esther has fallen in love with the boy next door
who has just moved in, John. He however, barely notices
her at first. The family is shocked when Mr. Smith reveals
that he has been transfered to a nice position in New York,
which means that the family has to leave St. Louis and the
St. Louis Fair.
Vincente Minnelli
Children; Musical; Romance
Meet the Browns
2008 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
A single mom takes her family to Georgia for the funeral of
her father – a man she never met. There, her clan is
introduced to the crass, fun-loving Brown family.
Tyler Perry
Comedy; Drama
Meet the Spartans
2008 83 min color 14A United States of America FOX
The heroic Leonidas, armed with nothing by leather
underwear and a cape, leads a ragtag group of 13 count’em, 13! – Spartans to defend their homeland
against the invading Persians (whose ranks include Ghost
Rider, Rocky Balboa, the Transformers and a hunchbacked
Paris Hilton).
Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
2011 96 min color PG United States of America PARA
The brilliant and diabolical super-villain Oobermind has
been attempting to conquer Earth for over 20 years but,
each time, he’s been thwarted by his arch nemesis, the
caped superhero Metro Man. But all that changes one day
when Oobermind accidentally kills Metro Man in the throes
of one of his evil plans. Suddenly finding himself without a
foe to overcome, the despondent evil genius decides that
the only way out of his rut is to create a new super rival.
He’s a bigger, better and stronger opponent than Metro
Man ever was. But when the former good guy begins to
wage his own war aimed at destroying the world,
Oobermind must decide: Can he defeat his own (now)
diabolical creation? Can the worlds smartest man make
the smart decision for once? Can the Evil Genius switch
sides and become the Hero of his own story?
Tom McGrath
Comedy; Children; Animated
Megamind (v.f.)
2011 96 min color United States of America PARA
Quand le vilain super héros Oobermind arrive à se défaire
du gentil Metro Man, il tombe en dépression et n’a plus le
goût à rien. Il a tué son ennemi jur mais s’ennuie à
mourir... Il a alors l’idée de créer un nouveau super héros
combattre, mais cela le conduira peut être à changer de
Tom McGrath
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Dessins animés
1965 155 min color United States of America FOX
A Salzbourg, pour éprouver la vocation d’une jeune
novice, Maria est placée comme gouvernante dans la
famille Von Trapp. Maria ne tarde pas gagner le coeur des
enfants et même celui du capitaine Von Trapp. Le
capitaine épouse bientôt Maria, mais il doit peu après
prendre avec les siens le chemin de l’exile.
Robert Wise
Films Musicaux; Films pour enfants
2001 113 min color AA United States of America AFI
Point blank in the head a man shoots another. In
flashbacks, each one earlier in time than what we’ve just
seen, the two men’s past unfolds. Leonard, as a result of
a blow to the head during an assault on his wife, has no
short-term memory. He’s looking for his wife’s killer,
compensating for his disability by taking Polaroids,
annotating them, and tattooing important facts on his body.
We meet the loquacious Teddy and the seductive Natalie
(a barmaid who promises to help), and we glimpse
Leonard’s wife through memories from before the assault.
Leonard also talks about Sammy Jankis, a man he knew
with a similar condition. Has Leonard found the killer?
Who’s manipulating whom?
Christopher Nolan
Adventure; Thriller; Mystery; Crime
Memento (v.f.)
2001 113 min color United States of America AFI
Lors d’un cambriolage où sa femme et lui sont agressés,
Leonard perd sa capacité à utiliser sa mémoire à court
terme suite à un choc à la tête. Désormais, toute nouvelle
information s’efface de sa mémoire au bout de quelques
instants; il n’a donc aucun nouveau souvenir durable
depuis l’agression. Pour se rappeler les faits et
informations élémentaires, il se les tatoue (ou les fait
tatouer) sur le corps, ou bien les photographie à l’aide
d’un appareil photographique instantané et en écrit une
brève description sur les polaroı̈ds: le nom du motel où il
loge, la plaque d’immatriculation de sa voiture, le nom et
prénom des personnes qu’il rencontre et leurs
caractéristiques, etc. Le dernier souvenir de Leonard est
celui de sa femme au moment de l’agression. Son seul
objectif est de trouver l’assassin de celle-ci - un certain
John G. - et de le tuer.
Christopher Nolan
Drama social; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie moeurs;
Drame policier
Mémoires de nos pères
2006 132 min color United States of America PARA
L’hommage rendu par Clint Eastwood à l’héroı̈sme des six
soldats qui participèrent en 1945 à la sanglante bataille
d’Iwo Jima, pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et
plantèrent le drapeau américain sur le Mont Suribachi en
signe de victoire.
Clint Eastwood
Drame de guerre; Action (v.f.); Drama social
Memphis Belle
1990 105 min color AA United States of America WB
"Memphis Belle" is the riveting tale of the young crew of
the American B-17 Flying Fortress which flew heartpounding bombing missions over Nazi-occupied Europe,
during World War II. Each mission is a potentially deadly
Michael Caton-Jones
Drama; War; Action
All Titles
Memphis Belle (v.f.)
1990 105 min color United States of America WB
1943, l‘épopée du Memphis Belle et de son équipage,
avion bombardier américain, effectuant sa dernière
mission sur l‘Europe.
Michael Caton-Jones
Action (v.f.); Drama social; Drame de guerre
Men of Honor
2000 129 min color AA United States of America FOX
"Men of Honor" chronicles the inspirational, true-life
exploits of Carl Brashear (Gooding), who becomes the
Navy’s first African-American master diver. Brashear runs
into formidable opposition from Billy Sunday (De Niro), a
rebellious senior officer and master diver who ultimately
helps Brashear overcome the odds to make military
George Tillman
Social Studies; Drama; Black History; Veterans Day
semble perdu, John Crowley va trouver un chercheur qui
pourrait détenir un remède.
Tom Vaughan
Drama social
Meurtre légitime
2008 101 min color 13+ United States of America AFI
Les détectives Turk et Rooster, de la police de New York,
font équipe depuis des lustres. Le lien qui les unit est
d’ailleurs si fort que Rooster a accepté de fermer les yeux
quand Turk a trafiqué la preuve afin que croupisse en
prison le meurtrier présumé d’une adolescente. Or voilà
que quelques années plus tard, un tueur en série se met
en devoir de faire triompher la justice là où la loi a échoué.
Peu après, Turk, qui entretient une liaison avec Karen
Corelli, de la police scientifique, confesse les crimes aux
affaires internes. Mais la vérité est plus complexe que ça.
Jon Avnet
Drama social; Comédie moeurs; Drame policier
Meutre en Equations
Merchant of Venice
2004 127 min color PG United States of America MON
Set in 16th century Venice, Shakespeare’s timeless
comedy/drama follows the fates and fortunes of a group of
Christian noblemen and their interactions with the Jewish
moneylender Shylock. Antonio (Jeremy Irons) borrows
money from Shylock (Al Pacino) to help his young
penniless friend Bassanio (Joseph Fiennes) in his quest to
win the hand of the fair Portia (Lynn Collins). Bitter at
Antonio’s insults, Shylock stipulates very specific terms if
he defaults on the loan. As Antonio’s shipping business is
devastated by storms, Shylock is further angered by his
daughter’s elopement with the nobleman Lorenzo (Charlie
Cox). The loan falls due and Shylock claims his forfeit in
the form of a pound of Antonio’s flesh. As Bassanio
desperately tries to save Antonio from this fate, miraculous
help comes from an unexpected quarter.
Michael Radford
Le merveilleux Emporium de M. Magorium
2007 95 min color United States of America FOX
Une jeune vendeuse reprend la direction d’un magasin de
jouets lorsque son propriétaire tombe gravement malade.
Zach Helm
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Films pour enfants
The Messenger
2010 105 min color 14A United States of America AFI
In his most powerful performance to date, Ben Foster stars
as Will Montgomery, a U.S. Army officer who has just
returned home from a tour in Iraq and is assigned to the
Army’s Casualty Notification service. Partnered with fellow
officer Tony Stone (Woody Harrelson) to bear the bad
news to the loved ones of fallen soldiers, Will faces the
challenge of completing his mission while seeking to find
comfort and healing back on the home front. When he
finds himself drawn to Olivia (Samantha Morton), to whom
he has just delivered the news of her husband’s death,
Will’s emotional detachment begins to dissolve and the film
reveals itself as a surprising, humorous, moving and very
human portrait of grief, friendship and survival.
Oren Moverman
Drama; War; Romance
Mesures extraordinaires
2010 106 min color United States of America AFI
Les deux enfants de John et Aileen Crowley souffrent
d’une maladie génétique très rare. Alors que tout espoir
2001 120 min color United States of America WB
Reconnu dans le département pour sa capacité de
résoudre des cas avec son instinct et son style "on ne
prend aucun prisonnier", Cassie (Sandra Bullock) est
jumelée à un nouvel équipier inexpérimenté, Sam Kennedy
(Ben Chaplin), qui ne joue que selon les règles très
strictes du jeu. Les détectives de la brigade des
homicides doivent trouver une façon de travailler ensemble
en même temps qu’ils découvrent une longue traı̂née de
preuves astucieusement cachées qui lient possiblement à
un meurtre deux jeunes hommes, Richard Haywood (Ryan
Gosling) et Justin Pendleton (Michael Pitt), qui croient
qu’ils ont commis le crime parfait.
Barbet Schroeder
Drame psychologique; Drame d’espionnage
Michael Clayton
2007 120 min color 14A United States of America WB
A New York attorney learns that after 15 years of cleaning
up his high profile clients problems, they can come back to
haunt you, in what will be the last and worst days of his
Tony Gilroy
Drama; Thriller
Michael Clayton (v.f.)
2007 120 min color United States of America WB
Michael Clayton, grand avocat au barreau de New York est
surnommé "le Gardien" par ses confrères, il fait tout pour
ses clients importants : il va même jusqu’à régler leurs
problèmes personnels. Il va vivre les quatre pires jours de
sa carrière...
Tony Gilroy
Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
Michael Collins
1996 132 min color AA United States of America WB
Neil Jordan returns to the strife-torn Irish political
landscape for his real-life epic set in 1920 starring Liam
Neeson as the legendary Irish revolutionary leader. Collins
led the fight against England’s Black & Tans to free Ireland
from British rule. Although his closest friends are allied
with him, as they are either murdered or find themselves in
conflict with their former hero. Finally, as Ireland achieves
its hard-won freedom, Collins is assassinated by those
who once followed him.
Neil Jordan
Michael Collins (v.f.)
All Titles
Mighty Aphrodite
1996 138 min color United States of America WB
Epopée de la lutte pour l’indépendance de l’Irlande au
début du siècle. La puissante Angleterre a toujours connu
la contestation de la part de sa plus proche colonie,
l’Irlande. Pendant 700 ans, les révoltes ont été jugulées.
Mais en 1916, une rébellion éclate à Dublin, qui changera
le cours de l’histoire. L’artisan de cette révolte, un homme
de l’ombre voué à son pays, s’appelait Michael Collins.
Neil Jordan
Drama social
Mickey Blue Eye’s
1999 101 min color PG United States of America WB
A romantic Comedy about Michael Felgate (Grant), an
English art dealer in New York, who is head-over-heels in
love with his beautiful girlfriend, Gina (Tripplehorn),
daughter of Mafia boss Frank Vitale (Caan). In order to
win her hand, Michael embarks on a mission to thwart the
Mob but, within days, is laundering money, witnessing
murder and masquerading as the notorious mobster
"Mickey Blue Eyes."
Kelly Makin
Comedy; Romance
Midnight in Paris
2011 94 min color PG United States of America MON
Gil and Inez travel to Paris as a tag-along vacation on her
parents’ business trip. Gil is a struggling writer and falls in
love with the city and thinks they should move there after
they get married, but Inez does not share his romantic
notions of the city or the idea that the 1920s was the
golden age. When Inez goes off dancing with her friends,
Gil takes a walk at midnight and discovers what could be
the ultimate source of inspiration for writing. Gil’s daily
walks at midnight in Paris could take him closer to the
heart of the city but further from the woman he’s about to
Woody Allen
Comedy; Fantasy; Romance
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
1999 120:37 min color PG United States of America
A splendid cast that includes Christian Bale, Rupert
Everett, Calista Flockhart, Kevin Kline, Sophie Marceau,
Michelle Pfeiffer, David Strathairn and Stanley Tucci brings
to life this dynamic and enchanting new version of
Shakespeare’s most magical comedy. Teeming with
dangerous potions, fairy warfare and misbegotten
romances, "William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s
Dream" is the wondrous tale of a singular night in which
roguish spirits turn the world of love on its head.
Michael Hoffman
Comedy; Literary Adaption; Romance
The Mighty
1998 100 min color PG United States of America AFI
This tells the story of a strong friendship between a young
boy with Morquio’s syndrome and an older boy who is
always bullied because of his size. Adapted from the
novel, Freak the Mighty, the film explores a building of trust
and friendship. Kevin, an intelligent guy helps out Maxwell
to improve his reading skills. In return, Kevin wants
Maxwell to take him out places since he is not allowed out
unauthorized. Being the social outcasts of the town, Kevin
and Maxwell come to realize that they are similar to each
other and accept that they are "freaks" and nothing will
stop them.
Peter Chelsom
Comedy; Drama
1995 95 min color AA United States of America AFI
A contemporary romantic comedy, set in New York City,
revolving around the problems that occur within one
marriage when the husband decides to get to know his
adopted son’s natural mother, a prostitute, without giving
away his identity.
Woody Allen
A Mighty Heart
2007 107 min color 14A United States of America
The film is based on Mariane Pearl’s account of the
terrifying and unforgettable story of her husband, Wall
Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl’s life and death.
Michael Winterbottom
Drama; War
Mildred Pierce
1945 109 min b&w PG United States of America WB
Joan Crawford won an Oscar for her convincing
performance of a determined woman’s rise from waitress
to restaurateur while attempting to satisfy the needs of her
decadent, spoiled daughter.
Le Roman de Mildred Pierce
Drama; Mystery; Literary Adaption; Romance
Mildred Pierce (v.f.)
1945 109 min b&w United States of America WB
Mildred Pierce est interrogée par la police après la mort
de son second mari. Elle revient alors sur sa vie, de son
premier mariage à ses efforts pour satisfaire les besoins
de sa fille.
Le Roman de Mildred Pierce
Comédie sentimentale; Dame poétique; Comédie
moeurs; Drama social
2008 128 min color 14A United States of America AFI
Upon moving to San Francisco from New York City in
1972, forty year old Harvey Milk gains focus in his life as a
gay activist in the city’s Castro district. Gay rights activism
turns to political activism as Milk decides he can be a
more effective voice for the gay community as a politician,
elected or not. Through several elections and losses both
for a city seat and a state assembly seat, Milk becomes
the first openly gay man in the United States to be elected
to political office when he wins a San Francisco supervisor
seat in 1977. His many political battlefronts include one
with the national anti-gay Save the Children crusade, led
and fronted by singer Anita Bryant. Closer to home, Milk
has a continuing struggle with his fellow supervisor, Dan
White, a staunch social conservative.
Gus Van Sant
Drama; Romance; Biography
Million Dollar Baby
2005 132 min color PG United States of America WB
In the wake of a painful estrangement from his daughter,
boxing trainer Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) has been
unwilling to let himself get close to anyone for a very long
time - then Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) walks into his
gym. In a life of constant struggle, Maggie’s gotten herself
this far on raw talent, unshakable focus and a tremendous
force of will. But more than anything, she wants someone
to believe in her. The last thing Frankie needs is that kind
of responsibility - let alone that kind of risk - but won over
by Maggie’s sheer determination, he begrudgingly agrees
to take her on. In turns exasperating and inspiring each
other, the two come to discover that they share a common
spirit that transcends the pain and loss of their pasts, and
they find in each other a sense of family they lost long
ago. Yet, they both face a battle that will demand more
heart and courage than any they’ve ever known.
Clint Eastwood
Drama; Romance
All Titles
Miracle sur la 34e rue
Minority Report
2002 145 min color AA United States of America FOX
Based on a Philip K. Dick short story, Minority Report is
about a cop in the future working in a division of the police
department that arrests killers before they commit the
crimes courtesy of some future viewing technology.
Cruise’s character has the tables turned on him when he
is accused of a future crime and must find out what
brought it about and stop it before it can happen.
Steven Spielberg
Science Fiction; Action; Thriller
Minuit à Paris
2011 94 min color G United States of America MON
Gil est un scénariste hollywoodien qui troquerait bien le
luxe et l’opulence pour une existence paisible dans un
vieux grenier parisien. Alors qu’il est en vacances dans la
Ville lumière avec sa fiancée et ses beaux-parents, Gil
décide d’aller arpenter les rues désertes de la capitale
française dans l’espoir d’y trouver de l’inspiration pour son
roman. Lorsque le carillon sonne minuit, un véhicule
d’antan s’arrête près de Gil et les occupants de ce dernier
lui proposent de le suivre. Il décide de les accompagner
jusque dans un bar où il fait la rencontre des écrivains et
des peintres de la Belle Époque qui l’ont marqué.
Woody Allen
Comedie; Comédie fantaisiste; Comédie sentimentale
Le Miracle de Fatima
1952 102 min color United States of America WB
Le Miracle de Fatima : Trois jeunes enfants, Lucia,
Francisco et Jacinta, gardent les moutons en récitant leur
chapelet. La Vierge leur apparait et leur demande de
revenir au même endroit chaque mois, a la même date,
pendant six mois. Les enfants sont traités d’hallucinés par
leurs parents et le curé du village.
John Brahm
Drama social
1994 113 min color United States of America FOX
Un homme se prétendant être le Père Noël est interné
dans un institut spécialisé. Persuadé de son identité, un
jeune avovat décide prendre sa défense.
Les Mayfield
Films pour enfants; Drama social
Miracle sur la 34ème rue
1947 94 min color United States of America FOX
Doris Walker, employé de la chaı̂ne de magasins Macy,
cherche désespérément quelqu’un pour jouer le rôle du
Père Noël afin d’animer sa boutique pendant les fêtes. Il
embauche finalement Kris Kringle, un huluberlu qui
prétend être le vrai Père Noël. Devant le scepticisme de
son employeur, mais aussi de la petite fille de celui-ci,
Susan, Kris décide d’aller au tribunal pour apporter
publiquement la preuve de son identité...
George Seaton
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Drama social; Comédie
sentimentale; Comédie fantaisiste
Mirroir, Mirroir
2012 106 min color G United States of America AFI
Une adaptation sombre et lugubre du célèbre conte de fée
Blanche-neige et les sept nains, dans lequel la princesse
et ses petits alliés tentent de récupérer leur royaume
perdu au main de d’une affreuse sorcière.
Tarsem Singh
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste
Mirror, Mirror
2012 106 min color PG United States of America AFI
A dark twist on the classic fairy tale, in which Snow White
and the seven dwarfs look to reclaim their destroyed
Tarsem Singh
Comedy; Drama; Fantasy
Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima
1952 102 min color PG United States of America WB
A thoughtful account of a religious miracle witnessed by
farm children in 1910s.
John Brahm
Miracle on 34th Street
1994 113 min color F United States of America FOX
In this retelling of a holiday classic, Kris Kringle is hired on
as Macy’s department store Santa Claus for the Christmas
season. An unscrupulous corporate rival tries to discredit
Kris while angling to gobble up the financially beleaguered
store in a hostile corporate takeover bid. The result is a
sensational trial to determine the state of Kris’ health (or
lack thereof) and whether Santa Claus actually exists.
Les Mayfield
Drama; Happy Holidays
Miracle on 34th Street
1947 94 min b&w F United States of America FOX
An old man hired by Macy’s to be the store Santa claims
to be the real Santa Claus. Edmund Gwenn’s touching
portrayal of Santa won him an Oscar.
George Seaton
Comedy; Drama; Fantasy; Romance; Thanksgiving
1990 107 min color R United States of America WB
Based on a story by Stephen King, this psychological
thriller tells the tale of a successful writer who is trapped in
a mountain cabin by a psychotic woman who is distraught
over the ending of his latest novel.
Rob Reiner
Drama; Horror; Thriller
Misery (v.f.)
1990 107 min color United States of America WB
Paul Sheldon, romancier et créateur du personnage de
Misery dont il a écrit la saga est satisfait. Il vient enfin de
faire mourir son héroı̈ne et peut passer à autre chose. Il
quitte l’hôtel de montagne où il a l’habitude d’écrire et
prend la route de New York. Pris dans un violent blizzard,
sa voiture dérape dans la neige et tombe dans un ravin.
Paul Sheldon doit son salut à Annie Wilkes, infirmière
retraitée qui vit dans un chalet isolé. Annie est justement
une supporter inconditionnelle de la belle Misery.
Rob Reiner
Drame d’horreur; Dame poétique; Drama social; Drame
All Titles
1985 120 min color R United States of America WB
Ambitious, highly stylized drama about Japan’s most
controversial post-WWII author, playwright, actor, director,
and militarist, Yukio Mishima, whose passion to merge life
and art led to his ritualistic suicide in 1970. Scene’s of
Mishima’s life (shot in black & white) are contrasted with
vivid dramatizations (in opulent color) of key fictional works
that grappled with his emotional crises.
Paul Schrader
Drama; Biography
Miss Bala
113 min
The story of a young woman clinging on to her dream to
become a beauty contest queen in a Mexico dominated by
organized crime.
Gerardo Naranjo
Drama; Action
Miss Congeniality
2000 109 min color PG United States of America WB
An FBI agent trying to follow in her heroic mother’s
footsteps goes undercover as a beauty pageant contestant
to thwart the efforts of a group threatening to bomb the
Donald Petrie
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Dangerous
2005 114 min color PG United States of America WB
The story catches up with FBI agent Gracie Hart (Sandra
Bullock) shortly after she successfully disarmed a threat
against the Miss United States Pageant while working
undercover as a contestant in Miss Congeniality. Having
become a media celebrity following her heroic pageant
exploits, Gracie has been spending more time lately at the
salon than the shooting range, working the talk show
circuit and promoting her book. When her friends, pageant
winner Cheryl and emcee Stan, are kidnapped in Las
Vegas, Gracie’s all-out efforts to jump back into action to
save them puts her at loggerheads with the FBI top brass
who don’t want to risk losing their mascot and fear she
might not be up to the job anymore
John Pasquin
Comedy; Action
d’agent pour devenir l’égérie du FBI. Mais lorsque sa
meilleure amie du concours, Cheryl Frazier, et le
présentateur, Stan Fields, sont kidnappés à Las Vegas,
elle reprend du service pour les sauver.
John Pasquin
Comedie; Action (v.f.)
Miss Potter
2006 92 min color G United States of America AFI
The story of Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and
best-selling children’s book, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit",
and her struggle for love, happiness and success.
Chris Noonan
Drama; Fantasy; Biography
Miss Potter (v.f.)
2006 92 min color G United States of America AFI
Londres, 1902. À 32 ans, Beatrix Potter a depuis
longtemps remplac ses espoirs de mariage heureux par
un désir ardent: publier des livres pour enfants à partir
des personnages animaliers auxquels elle donne vie dans
de jolies aquarelles. Mais ses parents, aux crochets
desquels elle vit encore, ne croient pas en elle. Et le fait
que leur fille soit parvenue à trouver un éditeur, en la
personne de Norman Warne, y change a priori peu de
choses. Or, grâce aux conseils et encouragements de ce
dernier, Beatrix déverse dans le monde des contes
adorables, dont le succès, inédit dans le milieu de l’édition,
transforme cette vieille fille singulière en une femme
épanouie et indépendante de fortune. Lorsque Norman,
dont elle est éprise, demande sa main, Beatrix constate
qu’il lui reste d’autres obstacles franchir avant de pouvoir
accéder au bonheur.
Chris Noonan
Drama social; Comédie fantaisiste; Drama biographique
La mission
1986 125 min color United States of America WB
Au milieu de XVIIIème siècle, un père jésuite, Gabriel, se
rend chez des Indiens sauvages du Paraguay pour fonder
une mission destinée à les protéger des esclavagistes. Il
recrute comme auxiliaire un mercenaire. Peu de temps
après, les jésuites reçoivent l’ordre d’abandonner leurs
missions dont le territoire a été cédé au Portugal.
Roland Joffe
Etudes sociales; Drama social
Miss Personalit
2000 109 min color United States of America WB
L’agent Gracie Hart travaille dans un commando d’élite du
FBI. Véritable garçon manqué, elle ne possède pas une
seule robe, ne sait pas se maquiller, ne tient pas plus de
cinq secondes sur des talons aiguilles, aime se bagarrer et
boire un verre avec ses "potes". Mignonne comme elle
est, elle pourrait participer à des concours de beauté, si
seulement elle avait une once de féminité. Et c’est
justement ce que le Bureau recherche en ce moment : un
agent pour inflitrer le concours de Miss USA. Un terroriste,
dénommé "Le Citoyen", menace en effet de faire exploser
une bombe le jour du palmarès. La seule personne
pouvant accomplir une telle mission n’est autre que
Gracie. De toute urgence, Victor Melling, relooker, est
engagé par la police fédérale pour transformer la belle en
Miss New Jersey. Un défi à toute épreuve, puisque Gracie
refuse de se comporter comme un mannequin, de
surveiller son alimentation et sa tenue vestimentaire.
Donald Petrie
Comedie; Action (v.f.)
Miss Personnalité: armée et fabuleuse
2005 114 min color United States of America WB
Après avoir brillamment sauvé le concours de Miss USA,
Gracie Hart prend goût à la célébrité et quitte son poste
The Mission
1986 125 min color PG United States of America WB
From the director of the highly acclaimed "The Killing
Fields", "The Mission" follows the exploits of two men, one
a priest and the other a murderous mercenary, amongst
the Guarani Indians of South America. A beautifully
photographed film about courage, faith and redemption
with strong performances by the two principals.
Roland Joffe
Social Studies; Drama
Mission Impossible
1996 111 min color PG United States of America PARA
A former Russian spy selling international intelligence on
the black market... a list containing names of the top
undercover agents in the world... a corrupt agent doubling
for an unknown organization... a mysterious arms dealer...
a spy agency ready to discover the actions or existence of
any of its members captured or killed... and one man on a
mission which seems impossible.
Brian DePalma
Social Studies; Action; National Anto Boredom Month
All Titles
Mission Impossible 2
2000 123 min color PG United States of America PARA
Tom Cruise reprises as Ethan Hunt in this sequel to the
1966 hit. This time out, he and his fellow operatives
engage in a mission to combat a threat of biological
warfare: A lethal synthetic virus is about to be unleashed
on the world, and a former agent turned villian (Dougray
Scott) knows its location. As luck would have it, he’s also
the pining ex-lover of Hunt’s reluctant teammate and
willing bed mate (Thandie Newton). Hunt sends her
undercover to manipulate the information out of her old
beau but, inevitably, things don’t go according to plan.
John Woo
Mission: Impossible 3
2006 124 min color PG United States of America PARA
Super-spy Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) has retired from active
duty to trains new IMF agents. But he is called back into
action to confront the toughest villain he’s ever faced Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman), an international
weapons and information provider with no remorse and no
conscience. Hunt assembles his team - his old friend
Luther Strickell (Ving Rhames), transportation expert
Declan (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), and background
operative Zhen (Maggie Q), to rescue one of his very own
trainees, Lindsey (Keri Russell) who was kidnapped while
on a surveillance detail of Davian. It soon becomes
evident that Davian is well-protected, well-connected, and
downright malicious, forcing Hunt to extend his journey
back into the field in order to rescue his wife, Julia
(Michelle Monaghan), and uncover IMF double agents in
the process.
Jeffrey Abrams
Adventure; Action; Thriller; Mystery
Mission: Impossible 3 (v.f.)
2006 124 min color United States of America PARA
Ethan Hunt s’est retiré du service actif de l’Impossible
Mission Force pour épouser sa bien-aimée Julia, qui du
reste ignore tout de son passé d’agent secret. En
revanche, il continue à participer aux opérations de l’IMF
en entraı̂nant des recrues. Mais lorsque l’une d’entre elles
est enlevée et tuée par Owen Davian, un redoutable
trafiquant d’armes, Ethan, criblé de remords, reprend du
service et forme une nouvelle équipe composée d’un
spécialiste en informatique, d’une experte en arts martiaux
et d’un maı̂tre du déguisement. Leur mission: éliminer le
machiavélique Davian qui, pour affaiblir Ethan, a choisi de
s’en prendre à l’innocente Julia.
Jeffrey Abrams
Drame d’espionnage; Action (v.f.); Drame d’aventures;
Comédie moeurs
Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol
2011 133 min color PG United States of America PARA
This is not just another mission. The IMF is shut down
when it’s implicated in a global terrorist bombing plot.
Ghost Protocol is initiated and Ethan Hunt and his rogue
new team must go undercover to clear their organization’s
name. No help, no contact, off the grid. You have never
seen a mission grittier and more intense than this.
Brad Bird
Adventure; Action; Thriller
Mission: Impossible II
2000 123 min color United States of America PARA
Votre mission, monsieur Hunt, si vous décidez de
l’accepter, sera de récupérer un virus génétiquement
modifié, baptisé Chimera. Sean Ambrose, qui fut votre
élève avant de devenir votre ennemi juré, s’est emparé de
l’antidote et se terre dans un laboratoire secret de Sydney.
Son ex-maitresse, Nyah Hall, pourrait s’avérer utile dans
vos tentatives d’infiltration de ce QG hautement protégé.
Comme toujours, si vous ou l’un de vos équipiers étiez
capturés ou tués, le département d’Etat nierait avoir eu
connaissance de vos agissements. Ce résumé
s’autodétruira dans cinq secondes.
John Woo
Action (v.f.)
Mission: Impossible protocole fantôme
2011 133 min color United States of America PARA
Après avoir été impliquée dans un complot terroriste
mondial, l’agence Mission Impossible est contrainte de
cesser ses activités. Le Protocole Fantôme est mis en
place : Ethan Hunt et sa nouvelle équipe doivent opérer
dans le secret pour blanchir le nom de leur organisation.
Aucune aide, aucun contact, isolation totale. Cette mission
va s’avérer être la plus dangereuse et la plus intense qu’ils
aient eu à remplir.
Brad Bird
Drame d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Drame d’espionnage
Mission Impossible (v.f.)
1996 111 min color United States of America PARA
Les membres d’un commando de la CIA sont envoyés à
Prague avec pour mission d’appréhender, lors d’une
réception dans l’ambassade américaine, un espion ennemi
qui s’apprête à dérober une disquette contenant la liste
secrète des agents en Europe centrale. Seulement ils
ignorent que la CIA, persuadée que le commando est
infiltré par une taupe, a envoyé une seconde équipe sur
Brian DePalma
Etudes sociales; Action (v.f.)
Mission sans permission
2004 92 min color United States of America FOX
Maddy s’est vue transmettre par son père, partiellement
paralysé à la suite d’une grave chute, sa passion pour
l’escalade. Déterminée à trouver l’argent nécessaire pour
une opération délicate dont son père a besoin, elle fait
appel à deux amis afin d’organiser un braquage...
Bart Freundlich
Comedie; Drame policier; Drame d’aventures; Action
Mississippi Masala
1991 118 min color AA United States of America AFI
An Indian family is expelled from Uganda when Idi Amin
takes power. They move to Mississippi and time passes.
The Indian daughter falls in love with a black man, and the
respective families have to come to terms with it.
Mira Nair
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Mississippi Masala (v.f.)
1991 118 min color United States of America AFI
Une famille indienne quitte l’Ouganda pour s’installer dans
le Mississippi. La fille y rencontre Demetrius, un jeune
homme noir.
Mira Nair
Comedie; Drama social; Comédie sentimentale
All Titles
The Mist
2007 126 min color 14A United States of America AFI
After a violent storm attacks a town in Maine, an
approaching cloud of mist appears the next morning. As
the mist quickly envelops the area, a group of people get
trapped in a local grocery store -among them, artist David
Drayton and his five-year-old son. The people soon
discover that within the mist lives numerous species of
horrific, unworldly creatures that entered through an interdimensional rift, which may or may not have been caused
by a nearby military base. As the world around them
manifests into a literal hell-on-earth, the horrified citizens
try desperately to survive this apocalyptic disaster.
Frank Darabont
Horror; Science Fiction; Thriller
Moins cher la douzaine
2003 98 min color United States of America FOX
Inspiré d’un livre pour enfants écrit par Frank B. Gilbreth et
Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, l’histoire de CHEAPER BY
DOZEN suit un expert en rendement, père de douze
enfants, qui tente d’employer les méthodes utilisées à son
travail pour éduquer sa marmaille.
Shawn Levy
Comedie; Drama social
Moins cher la douzaine 2
2006 89 min color United States of America FOX
Les Baker et leurs douze enfants partent en vacances et
vont se retrouver confrontés à une famille avec huit
enfants au cours d’une compétition!
Adam Shankman
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures
Les Moisson du ciel
1978 94 min color United States of America PARA
Bill, ouvrier en fonderie, sa soeur Linda et sa petite amie
Abby quittent Chicago pour le Texas ou ils sont
embauches dans un grand domaine.
Terrence Malick
Drama social
Mon Ami Spot
toucher une prime d’assurance, Jesse fera tout son
possible pour renvoyer l’épaulard à la mer.
Simon Wincer
Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures
Mon ami Willy 2
97 min
United States of America
Jesse retrouve son ami Willy dont la vie et celle de son
espèce est mise en danger par un désastre océanique.
Jesse fera une audacieuse et dangereuse tentative pour
sauver son ami et son clan.
Dwlight Little
Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures
Mon ami Willy 3: le sauvetage
86 min
United States of America
Le meilleur ami de Willy, Jesse, travaille maintenant avec
Randolph observer des baleines dans les eaux reculées
de la côte nord-ouest du Pacifique. C’est là que Jesse
retrouve son majestueux ami de trois tonnes... et se lie
d’amitié avec Max, un garçon de dix ans qui partage sa
curiosité et sa passion pour les baleines. Mais le père de
Max, un pêcheur, possède un secret mystérieux qui
pourrait menaçer Willy et toute sa famille. Pour assurer
leur sécurité, Jesse et Max entreprennent une palpitante
mission de secours qui, pour réussir, exigera une bonne
dose d’amitié, de courage et d’amour!
Sam Pillsbury
Drame d’aventures; Films pour enfants
Mon Chien Skip
95 min
United States of America
Un garçon timide est incapable de se faire des amis dans
Yazoo City, Mississippi en 1942, jusqu’au moment où ses
parents lui donnent un chiot pour son anniversaire. Le
chien, qu’il a appelé Skip, devient très connu et bien aimé
dans la communauté et enrichit. la vie du garçon, qui
Jay Russell
Mon Cousin Vinny
1992 119 min color United States of America FOX
Court sur pattes, nerveux et agressif, Vincent "Vinny"
GAMBINI, italo-américain de Brooklyn, est un avocat fort
en gueule mais totalement inexpérimenté. Sans cesse
saisi d’accès brusques de sommeil, Vinny n’a jamais
plaidé pour qui que ce soit. Son cousin Bill, injustement
accus de meurtre, lui donne l’occasion de faire ses
premières armes. Accompagn de Lise, sa petite amie,
bombe sexuelle à la langue bien pendue, Vinny débarque
au tribunal et multiplie les gaffes
Jonathan Lynn
97 min
United States of America
Gordon Smith est facteur. Entre deux colis livrés, Gordon
rêve de Stephanie , sa charmante voisine, et tente
d’obtenir ses faveurs. Un jour, celle-ci est appelée en ville
pour une affaire urgente et Gordon lui propose aussitôt de
garder James, son fils de sept ans, sans se douter qu’il
met le doigt dans un engrenage fatal. Au même moment,
l’agent du FBI Murdoch apprend avec consternation que
l’Agent 11, son coéquipier canin, va lui être retiré. Ce
chien n’a pas seulement fait échouer la dernière opération
criminelle du Parrain Sonny Talia (Paul Sorvino), il l’a
également privé d’un organe essentiel, s’attirant ainsi sa
haine éternelle. La police fédérale a donc fait de l’animal
un Témoin Protégé et l’a confié à un ange gardien censé
lui fournir une nouvelle identité et un refuge sûr. Or, ce
dernier alerte sans tarder les deux hommes de main de
Talia chargés d’éliminer l’Agent 11. Fuyant ces tueurs, le
chien bondit... dans la fourgonnette de Gordon, que le
petit James accompagnait dans sa tournée.
John Whitesell
2003 113 min color 18A United States of America AFI
This is the story of those who live in a constant Sunday,
those who spend Mondays under the Sun. The story of
people who worked in a dockyard but now are
Fernando León de Aranoa
Mon ami Willy
Un monde pour nous
1993 103 min color United States of America WB
Jesse, un jeune orphelin vandale, se voit placé dans une
nouvelle famille d’adoption et il doit se racheter en
travaillant dans un parc aquatique. Il se lie d’amitié avec
une orque de 3500 kg nommé Willy. Lorsque le
propriétaire du parc veut se débarasser de Willy pour
Mondays in the Sun
1989 100 min color United States of America FOX
Lloyd Dobler ne veut qu’une et une seule chose : réussir à
sortir avec la belle et intelligente Diane Court.
Cameron Crowe
Comedie; Drama social
Le Monde selon Garp
All Titles
Monsoon Wedding
1982 136 min color United States of America WB
T.S. Garp est le fils d’une infirmière, Jenny Fields, qui s’est
fait engrosser par un blessé de guerre juste avant qu’il ne
meure. Il grandit sur le campus d’une université de
province où sa mère s’est trouvé un emploi. Voulant
devenir écrivain, il se rend à New York et Jenny
l’accompagne, décidée à mettre ses mémoires sur papier.
Garp épouse Helen Holm, la fille de son instructeur de
lutte, et obtient un certain succès d’estime avec ses livres.
Mais c’est Jenny qui connaı̂t les dangers de la notoriété.
George Roy Hill
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Dame poétique;
Drama social
Monde Selon Wayne 2
1993 98 min color United States of America PARA
On retrouve nos deux étudiants rockers en Angleterre, où
ils sont venus réaliser un rêve : monter le plus grand
concert rock de la décennie.
Stephen Surjik
Comedie; Film de culte
Monsieur Ibrahim
95 min
During the early 1960’s, Paris was an explosion of life. As
the old gave way to the new, everything was in flux and
the city was filled with an energy that promised cultural
shifts and social change. Against this background, in a
working class neighborhood, two unlikely characters - a
young Jew and an elderly Muslim - begin a friendship.
When we meet Moise, also known as Momo (Pierre
Boulanger), he is in effect an orphan even though he lives
with his father, a man slowly retreating into a crippling
depression. His only friends are the street prostitutes who
treat him with genuine affection. Momo buys his groceries
at the neighborhood shop, a crowded dark space owned
and run by Ibrahim (Omar Sharif), a silent exotic looking
man who sees and knows more than he lets on. After
Momo is abandoned by his father, Ibrahim becomes the
one grownup in Momo’s life. Together they begin a journey
that will change their lives forever.
François Dupeyron
Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran
95 min
A Paris, dans les années soixante, Momo, un garçon de
treize ans, se retrouve livré à lui-même. Il a un seul ami,
Monsieur Ibrahim, l’épicier arabe et philosophe de la rue
Bleue. Celui-ci va lui faire découvrir la vie, les femmes,
l’amour et quelques grands principes.
François Dupeyron
Drama social
Monsieur Météo
2005 101 min color United States of America PARA
La vie privée d’un présentateur de télévision est une série
d’échecs. Quand l’occasion d’une meilleure carrière
professionnelle se présente, il doit revoir les valeurs de
son existence et faire son choix.
Gore Verbinski
Drama social
Monsieur oui
2008 104 min color United States of America WB
Un homme change le cours de sa vie en décidant de dire
"oui" plus souvent, alors qu’il avait l’habitude de répondre
toujours "non".
Peyton Reed
2001 114 min color AA United States of America AFI
A story set in the modern upper-middle class of India,
where telecommunications and a western lifestyle mix with
old traditions, like the arranged wedding young Aditi
accepts when she ends the affair with a married TV
producer. The groom is an Indian living in Texas, and all
relatives from both families, some from distant places like
Australia, come to New Delhi during the monsoon season
to attend the wedding. The four-day arrangements and
celebrations will see clumsy organization, family parties
and drama, dangers to the happy end of the wedding, lots
of music and even a new romance for the wedding planner
Dubey with the housemaid Alice...
Mira Nair
Comedy; Drama; Romance
A Monster in Paris
90 min
Paris,1910. Emile, a shy movie projectionist, and Raoul, a
colorful inventor, find themselves embarked on the hunt for
a monster terrorizing citizens. They join forces with Lucille,
the big-hearted star of the Bird of Paradise cabaret, an
eccentric scientist and his irascible monkey to save the
monster, who turns out to be an oversized but harmless
flea, from the city’s ruthlessly ambitious police chief.
Bibo Bergeron
Comedy; Adventure; Musical; Fantasy; Animated
Monster’s Ball
2001 111 min color AA United States of America AFI
Billy Bob Thornton and Heath Ledger team up for a
contemporary drama, set in the South, about a father and
son who work together on Death Row in a local prison.
The action turns on the character played by Thorton, an
embittered prison guard who begins an unlikely but
emotionally charged affair with the wife (Halle Berry) of a
man (Sean (Puffy) Combs) he has just executed.
Marc Forster
Monsters vs Aliens
2009 94 min color PG United States of America PARA
When a meteorite from outer space hits a young California
girl named Susan Murphy and turns her into a giant
monster, she is taken to a secret government compound
where she meets a ragtag group of monsters also rounded
up over the years. As a last resort, under the guidance of
General W.R. Monger, on a desperate order from The
President, the motley crew of Monsters is called into action
to combat the aliens and save the world from imminent
Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon
Comedy; Children; Action; Animated
Un monstre à Paris
90 min
Dans le Paris inondé de 1910, un monstre sème la
panique. Traqué sans relâche par le redoutable préfet
Maynott, il demeure introuvable... Et si la meilleure
cachette était sous les feux de
L’Oiseau Rare , un
cabaret o chante Lucille, la star de Montmartre au
caractère bien trempé?
Bibo Bergeron
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Films Musicaux;
Comédie fantaisiste; Dessins animés
Monstres et aliens
All Titles
Morning Glory
2009 94 min color United States of America PARA
Un chasseur de monstres est appelé à la rescousse pour
combattre une armada d’aliens qui s’en prennent aux
services de télévision cablée.
Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon
Comedie; Films pour enfants; Action (v.f.); Dessins
Monte Carlo
2011 109 min color G United States of America FOX
A young woman, her uptight step sister and her best friend
use their savings for a long anticipated dream trip to Paris,
which turns out to be a big disappointment. When they
decide to take a break from their lousy tour and duck into
the lobby of a 5-star hotel, one of them is mistaken for a
spoiled British heiress. Before they get the chance to
reveal their true identities they are wrapped up in a
whirlwind of paparazzi, private planes, couture gowns,
storybook romances, and a vacation in Monte Carlo.
Thomas Bezucha
Comedy; Adventure; Romance
Monte Carlo (v.f.)
2011 109 min color G United States of America FOX
Trois jeunes américaines laissent tomber leurs vacances à
Paris et partent Monaco où elles se font passer pour de
jeunes femmes fortunées de séjour à Monte Carlo.
Thomas Bezucha
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Comédie sentimentale
La montée de la planète des singes
2011 105 min color G United States of America FOX
Un médecin de San Francisco tente de guérir la maladie
d’Alzheimer en introduisant un virus bénin dans le tissu
cérébral des singes. Lorsqu’il ne trouve plus de
financement pour ses recherches et qu’il doit abandonner
ses projets, il se retrouve seul avec un chimpanzé, le sujet
le plus prometteur de son expérience. Enfant, Caesar est
incroyablement brillant pour un singe et plus il vieillit, plus
la mutation se développe et plus il commence à
ressembler aux hommes. Maintenant conscient de son
état d’infériorité dans le monde humain, Caesar entraı̂ne
une armée de singe dans un mouvement de rébellion
juste au moment où une catastrophe menace de détruire
la race humaine.
Rupert Wyatt
Drame d’aventures; Drame de science-fiction; Action
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
1975 90 min color PG United States of America AMB
A zany version of King Arthur’s quest for the Holy Grail of
God, in the year 932 A.D. The gallant band deals with
nasty French soldiers, a vicious rabbit, the Bridge of
Death, etc. before the police end the proceedings.
Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones
Comedy; Adventure; Fantasy; Cult
Monty Python And The Holy Grail (v.f.)
1975 90 min color G United States of America AMB
Le roi Arthur et les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde se
lancent à la conquête du Graal, chevauchant de
fantômatiques montures dans un bruitage de noix de coco
cognées. La petite troupe va devoir passer mille épreuves,
dont un chevalier à trois têtes, des jouvencelles en
chaleur, voire même un terrible lapin tueur.
Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones
Comedie; Drame d’aventures; Comédie fantaisiste; Film
de culte
2010 106 min color PG United States of America PARA
When hard-working TV producer Becky Fuller (McAdams)
is fired from a local news program, her career begins to
look as bleak as her hapless love life. Stumbling into a job
at "Daybreak" (the last-place national morning news
show), Becky decides to revitalize the show by bringing on
legendary TV anchor Mike Pomeroy (Ford). Unfortunately,
Pomeroy refuses to cover morning show staples like
celebrity gossip, weather, fashion and crafts - let alone
work with his new co-host, Colleen Peck (Keaton), a
former beauty queen and longtime morning show
personality who is more than happy covering morning
"news." As Mike and Colleen clash, first behind the scenes
and then on the air, Becky’s blossoming love affair with
fellow producer, Adam Bennett (Wilson) begins to unravel and soon Becky is struggling to save her relationship, her
reputation, her job and ultimately, the show itself.
Roger Michell
La mort aux trousses
1959 136 min color G United States of America WB
Le publiciste Roger Tornhill se retrouve par erreur dans la
peau d’un espion. Pris entre une mystérieuse organisation
qui cherche à le supprimer et la police qui le poursuit,
Tornhill est dans une situation bien inconfortable. Il fuit à
travers les État-Unis et part à la recherche d’une vérité qui
se révèlera très surprenante.
Alfred Hitchcock
Drame d’aventures; Drame d’espionnage; Comédie
moeurs; Comédie sentimentale
La mort suspendue
106 min
United Kingdom
En 1985, deux Britanniques escaladent la face ouest du
mont Siula Grande au Pérou. Lors de la descente, l’un
d’eux est blessé et tombe dans une profonde crevasse.
Son compagnon, le croyant mort, coupe la corde qui les
reliait et continue seul.
Kevin Macdonald
Drama social; Drame d’aventures; Drame sportif;
Morvern Callar
97 min
Following her boyfriend’s suicide, supermarket clerk
Morvern Callar passes off his unpublished novel as her
own. With the money her boyfriend left for his funeral, she
leaves Scotland for Ibiza where she travels with her
closest friend. The journey prompts a series of internal
and external transformations for Morvern– ones which
bring to light her experiences of grief, memory, freedom,
and desire.
Lynne Ramsay
Mosquito Coast
1986 119 min color PG United States of America WB
Allie is fed up with the America of fast food, television,
pollution, phony evangelism and crime. Packing up his
wife, two sons and twin daughters, he boards a freighter
bound for the Mosquito Coast. "Good-bye, America," says
Allie, "and have a nice day!". The Mosquito Coast is the
exhilarating adventure story of how a family’s quest for
paradise becomes a terrifying fight for survival.
Peter Weir
Social Studies; Adventure; Drama; Literary Adaption
Mosquito Coast (v.f.)
All Titles
The Motorcycle Diaries
1986 119 min color United States of America WB
Ecoeuré par le spectacle d’une civilisation en déclin, Allie
Fox, un inventeur, décide d’aller vivre avec sa famille dans
un coin perdu d’Amérique centrale sur la côte de
l’Atlantique. Il devient le chef d’un village qu’il dote d’une
glacière géante. Son projet est mis en péril par l’intrusion
de trois dangereux hors-la-loi dont il se débarrasse en les
enfermant dans la glacière, ce qui entraı̀ne la destruction
du village. A la dérive sur le fleuve avec sa femme et ses
enfants, Fox sombre dans une paranoı̈a dangereuse qui
l’entraı̂ne à attaquer l’oeuvre d’un missionnaire.
Peter Weir
Etudes sociales; Drama social; Dame poétique; Drame
The Most Dangerous Game
1932 65 min b&w AA United States of America JAN
Shipwreck survivors are hunted like animals by the
mentally unhinged Count Zaroff.
Ernest B. Schoedsack, Irving Pichel
Adventure; Thriller; Mystery
126 min
The Motorcycle Diaries is an adaptation of a journal
written by Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna when he
was 23 years old. He and his friend, Alberto Granado are
typical college students who, seeking fun and adventure
before graduation, decide to travel across Argentina, Chile,
Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela in order to do their
medical residency at a leper colony. Beginning as a
buddy/road movie in which Ernesto and Alberto are
looking for chicks, fun and adventure before they must
grow up and have a more serious life. As is said in the
film itself, it’s about "two lives running parallel for a while."
The two best friends start off with the same goals and
aspirations, but by the time the film is over, it’s clear what
each man’s destiny has become.
Walter Salles
Adventure; Drama; Biography; Literary Adaption
La Mouche
85 min
Rebecca is suspicious of Ernessa, the new arrival at her
boarding school. But is Rebecca just jealous of Ernessa’s
bond with Lucie, or does the new girl truly possess a dark
Mary Harron
1986 95 min color United States of America FOX
Seth Brundle est un jeune biologiste très doué. Après
avoir fait ses premières armes dans une brillante équipe, il
se décide à travailler seul. Il met au point une invention
qui doit révolutionner le monde : la "téléportation" qui
consiste à transporter la matière à travers l’espace. Les
essais sur un babouin sont peu convaincants et après des
fuites dans la presse, il décide de se téléporter lui-même.
Seulement il ne s’aperçoit pas qu’une mouche fait partie
du voyage.
David Cronenberg
Drame de science-fiction; Drame d’horreur
Moulin Rouge
The Moth Diaries
1997 105 min color PG United States of America PARA
After two failed marriages, a science fiction writer (Brooks),
decides coming to terms with his mom, will improve his
chances for a successful relationship, so he moves in with
his mom (Reynolds).
Albert Brooks
Comedy; Drama
Mother, Jugs and Speed
1976 98 min color PG United States of America FOX
Los Angeles: A new law says that the first ambulance that
arrives at an accident obtains the contract to transport the
injured person. The result is ruthless competition between
several companies.
Peter Yates
2001 127:48 min color PG United States of America
Set in 1899, this musical drama features Ewan McGregor
as a young poet who defies his father by moving to "the
absinthe-soaked, amoral, bohemian" neighbourhood of
Montmatre. It is here that he meets the diminutive artist
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (John Leguizamo) and is
drafted to write a nightclub spectacular. In this seedy
world of sex and drugs, he begins a passionate but
ultimately doomed love affair with the most famous
courtesan (Nicole Kidman) in Paris.
Baz Luhrmann
Social Studies; Drama; Musical; Peculiar People
Moulin rouge (v.f.)
1997 104 min color United States of America PARA
Un écrivain qui ne connait que des naufrages avec les
femmes et à qui l’inspiration fait tout à coup defaut est
persuadé que ses problèmes ont pour origine son
adorable mère, Béatrice. Il s’invite donc chez elle avec
l’espoir d’élucider une fois pour toutes leurs tumultueuses
Albert Brooks
Comedie; Drama social
2001 127:48 min color United States of America FOX
A la fin du XIXe siècle, dans le Paris de la Belle Epoque,
Christian, un jeune poète désargenté, s’installe dans le
quartier de Montmartre Paris (France). Il découvre un
univers où se mêlent sexe, drogue et french cancan, mais
se rebelle contre ce milieu décadent en menant une vie de
bohème. Christian rêve d’écrire une grande pièce, et le
peintre Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec est prêt à lui donner sa
chance. Celui-ci a besoin d’un spectacle grandiose pour le
Moulin Rouge et le poète est embauché pour rédiger le
livret de la revue. C’est là qu’il tombe amoureux de la
courtisane Satine, la star du prodigieux cabaret....
Baz Luhrmann
Etudes sociales; Films Musicaux; Drama social
The Motorcycle Diaries
Mouse Hunt
Mother (v.f.)
126 min
Dans les années 1950, le jeune Ernesto Guevara effectue
un voyage en Amérique du sud. Le sort des mineurs, des
lépreux et des Indiens rencontrés en cours de route le
sidère et lui fait oublier son asthme et sa pauvreté.
Walter Salles
Drame d’aventures; Drama social; Dame poétique;
Drama biographique
1997 97:43 min color PG United States of America
Upon the death of their father, down-on-their-luck brothers
Ernie (Nathan Lane) and Lars Smuntz (Lee Evans) are
surprised to learn that their inheritance is an old mansion
that both assume is worthless. But they couldn’t be more
wrong. In fact, the dilapidated homestead is an
architectural masterpiece worth millions. Just as the
hapless Smuntzes are all set to cash in, they discover
All Titles
there’s one very small problem keeping them from their
dream of life on Easy Street. The house is occupied by a
tenacious mouse, who has no intention of vacating the
premises. Suddenly, it’s men versus a very smart mouse
as the two brothers square off against the wily rodent in a
battle of wills that may just bring down the house.
Gore Verbinski
Comedy; Children
Le Mouton noir
1996 86 min color United States of America PARA
Un politicien craint perdre sa crédibilité si les électeurs
découvrent à quel point son frère est un grand nigaud
incapable et maladroit. Donc il engage un jeune homme
qui a pour mission d’empêcher son frère de participer à sa
campagne électorale.
Penelope Sphreeris
Mr and Mrs Smith
2005 120 min color PG United States of America FOX
The Smiths appear to be the typical American couple:
Their marriage has gone stale with boredom and apathy,
but like many couples, they hold deep, dark secrets. The
Smiths happen to be top-level assassins, and their next
assignments target each other.
Doug Liman
Adventure; Action; Thriller; Romance; National Honesty
Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium
2007 95 min color G United States of America FOX
Molly Mahoney (Natalie Portman) is the awkward and
insecure manager of Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium,
the strangest, most fantastic, most wonderful toy store in
the world. But when Mr. Magorium, a 243-year-old
eccentric (Dustin Hoffman), bequeaths the store to her, a
dark and ominous change begins to take over the once
remarkable Emporium.
Zach Helm
Comedy; Children; Fantasy
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
2011 94 min color G United States of America FOX
Jim Carrey is Mr. Popper, in a family comedy about a
driven businessman who is clueless when it comes to the
important things in life – until he inherits six penguins.
While Popper’s penguins turn his swank New York
apartment into a snowy winter wonderland – and the rest
of his life upside-down – they teach him valuable lessons
about families... human or otherwise. MR. POPPER’S
PENGUINS is a contemporary update of the
award-winning book.
Mark Waters
Comedy; Children
Mrs Doubtfire
1993 125 min color PG United States of America FOX
When unemployed dad Robin Williams loses custody of
his three children, he transforms himself into an elderly
British nanny so he can spend more time with them. As
"Mrs. Doubtfire" Robin Williams becomes the perfect mate
- until his ex-wife finds out.
Chris Columbus
Comedy; Father’s Day
Mrs. Miniver
1942 134 min b&w F United States of America WB
The Minivers, an English "middle-class" family experience
life in the first months of World War II. While dodging
bombs, the Miniver’s son courts Lady Beldon’s
granddaughter. A rose is named after Mrs. Miniver and
entered in the competition against Lady Beldon’s rose.
William Wyler
Drama; War; Romance
Muffins for Granny
88 min
The sad history of the Canadian government‘s residential
school program has had a profound effect on First Nations
peoples across the country. For filmmaker Nadia McLaren,
it s personal history as well; her Ojibway grandmother was
forced into a residential school and its repercussions have
echoed through her family. Looking to understand her
loving but troubled grandmother, McLaren interviews seven
First Nations elders about their experiences in residential
schools. Mixing stark animated moments with human
faces and home movie footage, Muffins For Granny is a
raw and honest documentary about a difficult chapter in
Canadian history a chapter that, for some, is not over.
Nadia McLaren
Mulholland Drive
2001 146 min color AA United States of America AS
A woman is abandoned on Mulholland Drive, following a
car accident, suffering from amnesia. She makes her way
to an apartment where she meets an aspiring actress who
helps her put the pieces of her life and the mystery of it all
back together. Elsewhere, other stories and characters
weave into this ensemble piece, including a director with
mobster problems and a man whose dreams come true.
David Lynch
Drama; Thriller
Mulholland Drive (s.t.f.)
2001 146 min color United States of America AS
Une énigmatique femme aux cheveux noirs émerge d’un
accident avec la sacoche remplie de billets et la tête vide
de tout souvenir. Pendant ce temps, Betty Elms , une
jeune ambitieuse de Deep River, Ontario débarque à Los
Angeles à la recherche de la gloire. Arrivée à
l’appartement de sa tante, Betty découvre la ténébreuse
amnésique et, intriguée par la situation, lui offre son aide.
Commence alors pour les deux femmes une quête de la
vérité à travers les macabres rues éclaboussées de soleil
de Los Angeles. Elles y croiseront des maffiosi, un jeune
réalisateur, un producteur à petite tête et un personnage
étrange surnommé Le cowboy, tous apparaissant et
disparaissant jusqu’à ce que s’estompe progressivement la
distinction entre la réalité et le rêve.
David Lynch
Drame d’espionnage; Drama social
Murder by Numbers
2001 120 min color AA United States of America WB
Sandra Bullock stars as homicide detective Cassie
Mayweather, a crime scene specialist on the trail of two
young men, Richard Haywood (Ryan Gosling) and Justin
Pendleton (Michael Pitt), who may have committed the
perfect crime. The young men believe that by combining
Richard’s cunning nature and Justin’s intellect, they have
created the "perfect" criminal mind and can elude the law
at will. Known in the department for her ability to solve
cases with her gut instincts and take-no-prisoners style,
Cassie is saddled with an inexperienced new partner, Sam
Kennedy (Ben Chaplin), who plays it strictly by the book.
The homicide detectives must find a way to work together
as they uncover a trail of shrewdly concealed evidence
that links a murder to the boys.
Barbet Schroeder
Suspense; Thriller
Music and Lyrics
All Titles
My Fair Lady
2007 103 min color PG United States of America WB
A washed up singer (Grant) is given a couple days to
compose a chart-topping hit for an admiring teen
sensation. Though he’s never written lyrics in his life, he
sparks with an offbeat younger woman (Barrymore) with a
flair for words.
Marc Lawrence
Comedy; Romance
Must Love Dogs
2005 96 min color PG United States of America WB
Sarah Nolan, a young pre-school teacher, is looking for
love. After a series of disastrous, but hilarious, dates she
decides to swear off dating for good. Her family and
friends are not going to let her give-up quite so easily
though. They enroll her in on-line dating where she meets
what could be her perfect man, but... he loves dogs and
his ad states that she MUST LOVE DOGS. Sarah doesn’t
though - in fact she can’t stand them. So she borrows a
dog to impress him with hilarious results. Can she
overcome her dislike of four legged friends to enjoy a
relationship with her new fond love?
Gary David Goldberg
Comedy; Literary Adaption; Romance
My Cousin Vinny
1992 119 min color AA United States of America FOX
Bill Gambini and Stan Rothenstein are a couple of 21year-old college guys taking a cross-country road trek to
UCLA via the back roads of the deep South. They should
be having the time of their lives, except for one small
mishap: They are wrongfully arrested in Wahzoo City,
Alabama, for murdering a convenience store clerk. At
best, they face long-term jail sentences; at worst...the
electric chair. Their only hope is legal representation from
Bill’s cousin Vinny, a Brooklyn lawyer who took six years to
pass the bar and only made it six weeks ago. This is not
only his first murder trial it’s his first case. Refusing help
from his fiery Brooklyn girlfriend, Lisa, the novice lawyer
must wrestle with legal procedures in an alien environment
under the intimidating eye of Chamberlain Haller, a tough
country judge with an obsession for the letter of the law
and a powerful dislike for Vinny.
Jonathan Lynn
Comedy; International Skeptics Day
My Darling Clementine
1946 97 min color PG United States of America FOX
Wyatt Earp and his brothers Morgan and Virgil ride into
Tombstone and leave brother James in charge of their
cattle herd. On their return they find their cattle stolen and
James dead. Wyatt takes on the job of town marshal,
making his brothers deputies, and vows to stay in
Tombstone until James’ killers are found. He soon runs
into the brooding, coughing, hard-drinking Doc Holliday as
well as the sullen and vicious Clanton clan. Wyatt
discovers the owner of a trinket stolen from James’ dead
body and the stage is set for the Earps’
John Ford
My Dog Skip
2000 95 min color PG United States of America WB
Set in 1942, the story tells of the life and times of a boy
and his extraordinary dog growing up in the rural south.
The shy and lonely boy’s bond with his best friend helps
him widen his circle of friends as his small town
undergoes upheaval in the face of World War II.
Jay Russell
1964 170 min color PG United States of America CBS
Lovable Eliza Doolittle is taken from the gutter to gentility
by the radiant talent of Audrey Hepburn. Miss Hepburn,
the internationally known beauty, was the overwhelming
choice from the beginning for the role of the little flower
seller who is tutored into the ranks of gentility by Professor
Henry Higgins, that "extraordinary man", Rex Harrison.
The lavishly beautiful costumes and settings; the world’s
best loved music; and the brilliantly acted roles by the
entire cast make this film a special treat for every
audience. Winner of eight Academy Awards.
George Cukor
Comedy; Musical; Literary Adaption; Romance
My Fair Lady (v.f.)
1964 170 min color United States of America CBS
Un expert en phonétique, Henry Higgins, fait le pari de
transformer en grande dame une vendeuse de fleurs au
langage populacier, Eliza Doolittle. L’entreprise réussit et,
six mois plus tard, Eliza fait son entrée dans le grand
monde. Mais cette expérience la laisse désemparée,
d’autant plus qu’elle s’est éprise de Higgins qui ne semble
pas répondre à cet amour. Après son départ, le
professeur s’apercevra que, comme Pygmalion, il est
devenu amoureux de son oeuvre.
George Cukor
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale; Films Musicaux;
Dame poétique
My Favorite Wife
1940 88 min b&w PG United States of America FOX
Ellen Arden arrives 7 years after being given up for dead
in a shipwreck, to find her husband Nick just remarried to
Bianca. The overjoyed Nick awkwardly tries to break the
news gently to Bianca. But before he can do that, an
unpleasant surprise – news that Bianca has spent the 7
years on a deserted island with fellow-survivor Burkett.
Nick’s jealous and tries to find out the truth. Hilarious
confusion reigns before Nick chooses his favorite wife.
Garson Kanin
Comedy; Romance
My Favorite Wife (v.f.)
1940 88 min
b&w United States of America FOX
Ellen Arden revient chez elle sept ans après avoir disparu
au cours de l’une de ses explorations. Mais après l’avoir
longtemps attendue, son mari Nick s’est finalement
remarié. Qu’importe, Ellen est bien décidée à le
Garson Kanin
Comedie; Comédie sentimentale
My First Wedding
94 min
United Kingdom
When gorgeous bridetobe Vanessa Sinclair starts
fantasizing about every man she sees, she seeks refuge in
the church confessional. After pouring out her soul to the
priest inside, Vanessa asks him to remain by her side to
help her remain faithful until the big day. However, the
man she believes to be a priest is actually the sexy local
carpenter repairing the confessional. Before you can say
"mistaken identity," motorcycleriding ladiesman Nick
Francis has transformed himself into Father Nick to seduce
the blushing bride. But lust quickly turns into love, and the
fake priest must find a way to stop the wedding and reveal
his true identity before he loses the woman of his dreams
Laurent Firode
Comedy; Romance
All Titles
My Life in Ruins
2009 98 min color PG United States of America FOX
From Nia Vardalos, writer and star of MY BIG FAT GREEK
WEDDING, comes the hilarious comedy MY LIFE IN
RUINS. Georgia (Nia Vardalos) has lost her kefi (Greek for
"mojo"). Discouraged by her lack of direction in life, she
works as a travel guide, leading a rag-tag group of tourists
as she tries to show them the beauty of her native Greece.
While opening their eyes to an exotic foreign land, she too
begins to see things in new ways –finding her kefi in the
Donald Petrie
My Life in Ruins (v.f.)
2009 98 min color United States of America FOX
Un guide touristique redécouvre son côté romantique lors
d’un voyage en Grèce.
Donald Petrie
My Name is Khan
160 min
Rizwan Khan, a Muslim from the Borivali section of
Mumbai, suffers from Asperger syndrome (a form of highfunctioning autism complicating socialization). The adult
Rizwan marries a Hindu single mother, Mandira, in San
Francisco. After 9/11, Rizwan is detained by authorities at
LAX who mistake his disability for "suspicious" behavior.
Following his arrest, he meets Radha, a therapist who
helps him deal with his situation and his affliction. Rizwan
then begins a journey to meet US President Obama to
clear his name.
Karan Johar
Drama; Romance
My Sister’s Keeper
2009 106 min color PG United States of America WB
Sara and Brian live an idyllic life with their young son and
daughter. But their family is rocked by sudden,
heartbreaking news that forces them to make a difficult
and unorthodox choice in order to save their baby girl’s
life. The parents’ desperate decision raises both ethical
and moral questions and rips away at the foundation of
their relationship. Their actions ultimately set off a court
case that threatens to tear the family apart, while revealing
surprising truths that challenge everyone’s perceptions of
love and loyalty and give new meaning to the definition of
Nick Cassavetes
My Soul to Take
2010 107 min color 14A United States of America AFI
In the sleepy town of Riverton, legend tells of a serial killer
who swore he would return to murder the seven children
born the night he died. Now, 16 years later, people are
disappearing again. Has the psychopath been
reincarnated as one of the seven teens, or did he survive
the night he was left for dead? Only one of the kids knows
the answer. Adam "Bug" Heller (Max Thieriot) was
supposed to die on the bloody night his father went
insane. Unaware of his dad’s terrifying crimes, he has
been plagued by nightmares since he was a baby. But if
Bug hopes to save his friends from the monster that’s
returned, he must face an evil that won’t rest...until it
finishes the job it began the day he was born.
Wes Craven
My Super Ex-Girlfriend
2006 95 min color PG United States of America FOX
Everyone’s had a painful parting of the ways with a
romantic partner. We pick up the pieces and move on.
But for one New York guy, it’s not going to be so easy.
When he breaks up with his girlfriend, he discovers his ex
is actually the reluctant superhero, G-Girl. A scorned
woman, she unleashes her super powers to humiliate and
torment him. MY SUPER EX-GIRLFRIEND stars Uma
Thurman as Jenny Johnson, aka G-Girl and Luke Wilson
as Matt Saunders, her beleaguered boyfriend. Anna Faris
is Hannah, Matt’s co-worker. Rainn Wilson is Vaughn,
Matt’s best friend and Eddie Izzard is Professor Bedlam,
G-Girl’s arch nemesis.
Ivan Reitman
Comedy; Romance
My Week with Marilyn
98 min
United Kingdom
Colin Clark, an employee of Sir Laurence Olivier’s,
documents the tense interaction between Olivier and
Marilyn Monroe during production of The Prince and the
Simon Curtis
My Week with Marilyn (v.f.)
98 min
United States of America
Au début de l’été 1956, Colin Clark, âgé de 23 ans, vient
juste de terminer ses études à Oxford et est déterminé à
faire sa place dans le monde du cinéma en travaillant tout
d’abord comme assistant sur le plateau du film The Prince
and the Showgirl en Angleterre. Le long métrage
réunissait Sir Laurence Olivier et Marilyn Monroe, qui était
alors en lune de miel avec son nouvel époux, le
dramaturge Arthur Miller. Lorsque Arthur quitte
l’Angleterre, la voie est libre pour Colin qui montrera
certains des plaisirs de la Grande-Bretagne à Marilyn.
S’ensuit une semaine idyllique au cours de laquelle il
escorte une Marilyn Monroe désespérée, entêtée à quitter
ce travail oppressant et toutes les futilités d’Hollywood.
Simon Curtis
Drama social
Le mystère de l’étoile
2007 128 min color United States of America PARA
Dans un petit village, la population est divisée entre
humains et détenteurs de pouvoirs magiques. Les deux
groupes sont séparés par un mur mais une fois tous les 9
ans, une fête leur permet de se rencontrer. Tristan, jeune
garçon mortel, y tombe amoureux d’une jolie demoiselle
habitant de l’autre côté du mur et lui promet de retrouver
une étoile perdue pour qu’ils puissent être réunis.
Commence alors une fantastique épopée à travers le
Matthew Vaughn
Drame de science-fiction; Dame poétique; Drame
d’aventures; Action (v.f.); Comédie fantaisiste; Drama
Mystic River
2003 137 min color 14A United States of America WB
Mystic River explores the dark, interwoven history of three
men and their families coming to terms with a brutal
murder on the mean streets of south Boston.
Clint Eastwood
Drama; Mystery
Mystic River (v.f.)
2003 137 min color United States of America WB
L’histoire est celle de trois amis d’enfance (Sean, Dave et
Jimmy) qui se retrouvent 25 ans plus tard, alors qu’ils sont
tous trois liés une affaire de meurtre (celui de la grande
sƒur de Jimmy). L’heure de la vengeance a sonné!
Clint Eastwood
Comédie moeurs; Drama social
All Titles
Nacho Libre
2006 100 min color PG United States of America PARA
Nacho (Jack Black) is a young man who was raised in a
monastery in Mexico and now works there as the cook.
Fueled by his passion for wrestling, he dons a mask and
cape and picks up a partner to compete in a local Lucha
Libre tournament to try for the $200 prize so he can buy
better food for the kids and achieve respect. When a new
nun, Sister Encarnacion (Ana de la Reguera), arrives at
the monastery, he tries to win her adoration as well while
attempting to prove that being a Luchador isn’t a sin and
win the grand prize at a battle royal tournament so he can
buy a bus for the kids.
Jared Hess
Comedy; Sports
Nacho Libre (v.f.)
2006 100 min color United States of America PARA
Orphelin, Nacho a passé sa jeunesse dans un monastère
mexicain avant d’en devenir le cuisinier. Mais ses dons
laissent fortement à désirer, et l’on ne compte plus les
crises de foie et turistas imputables à sa cuisine et aux
minables ingrédients dont il use. Nacho a compris que le
plus sage serait d’acheter de meilleurs produits - et pour
cela de commencer à se faire de l’argent. Il donnerait
ainsi un peu de bonheur ses chers orphelins, et aurait
peut-être une chance d’impressionner son idole, la
délicieuse et innocente novice Encarnación. Une idée
audacieuse germe bientôt dans sa tête : se lancer en
grand secret dans une carrière de lutteur masqué. Faisant
équipe avec le filiforme Esqueleto, Nacho se découvre un
talent insoupçonné pour la Lucha Libre. Il a enfin trouvé
sa vocation, le voici prêt à affronter les plus grands
lutteurs de son pays...
Jared Hess
Comedie; Drame sportif
Naked Gunn 33 1/3: The Final Insult
1994 83 min color PG United States of America PARA
In this third installment of the popular Naked Gun series,
based on the television show "Police Squad!," weakminded police detective Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen), now
retired, is drawn undercover after coming upon an
unconscionable terrorist plot – all the while trying to ignite
the hot burning embers with his new wife, Jane
Spencer-Drebin (Priscilla Presley).
Peter Seagal
Comedy; Action; Thriller; Crime
Naked Lunch
1991 115 min color R United States of America AFI
Exterminator Bill Lee finds himself following his wife into
an addiction to the bug powder he uses. After accidentally
killing her, he descends into a hallucinatory existence in
which he imagines himself a secret agent answering to a
series of bizarre creatures. He channels his energies into
writing "reports" on his delusional mission, while trying to
break his addiction. The story loosely reflects events in
the life of author Burroughs as he wrote the novel.
David Cronenberg
Drama; Fantasy; Mystery; Cult; Biography; Crime
The Name of the Rose
1986 128 min color R United States of America FOX
A string of bizarre murders shatters the serenity of a
remote 14th-century monastery in this spellbinding tale of
intrigue and death. Sean Connery stars as the brilliant
monk turned sleuth who’s determined to unravel the
monastery’s grim secrets. Academy Award(r)-winning F.
Murray Abraham turns in a chilling performance as the
powerful inquisitor who is determined to root out heresy
and has a fondness for torture and the stake. Based on
Umberto Eco’s international best seller, "The Name of the
Rose" plunges viewers into a cruel, medieval world while
involving them in a fascinating and provocative
Drama; Thriller; Mystery; Literary Adaption; Crime
The Namesake
2006 122 min color 14A United States of America FOX
THE NAMESAKE is the story of the Ganguli family whose
move from Calcutta to New York evokes a lifelong
balancing act to meld to a new world without forgetting the
old. Though parents Ashoke and Ashima (Irfan Khan,
Tabu) long for the family and culture that enveloped them
in India, they take great pride in the opportunities their
sacrifices have afforded their children. Paradoxically, their
son Gogol (Kal Penn) is torn between finding his own
unique identity without losing his heritage. Even Gogol’s
name represents the family’s journey into the unknown.
Mira Nair
Drama; Literary Adaption
Nancy Drew
2007 98 min color PG United States of America WB
Teen detective Nancy Drew (Roberts) accompanies her
father on a business trip to Los Angeles, where she
happens upon clues to a murder mystery involving a
movie star.
Andrew Fleming
Adventure; Children; Thriller; Crime
Nancy Drew (v.f.)
98 min
United States of America
Nancy Drew accompagne son père en voyage d’affaires à
Los Angeles, o elle s’avère sur des indices de meurtre
impliquant un acteur.
Andrew Fleming
Films pour enfants; Drame d’aventures; Drame
d’espionnage; Drame policier
The Nanny Diaries
2007 106 min color PG United States of America AFI
After graduating from Montclair State, New Jersey Girl
Annie can’t make up her mind about what to do with her
life. After saving a little boy from being run over in the
park, she is quickly employed as a nanny for a rich Upper
East Side couple. Mr X is occupied with his business, Mrs
X loves shopping and none of them really likes to spend
time with their little boy Grayer. Annie quickly learns that
she has more than her hands full with taking care of him.
Her busy schedule doesn’t give her much spare time. Mrs
X fired her last nanny because she was dating and that
gives Annie problems when Harvard Hottie who lives in the
same building asks her out on a date.
Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini
Comedy; Drama; Romance
Napoleon Dynamite
2004 86 min color PG United States of America FOX
From Preston, Idaho comes Napoleon Dynamite (Jon
Heder), a new kind of hero complete with a tight red ’fro,
some sweet moon boots, and skills that can’t be topped.
Napoleon lives with his Grandma (Sandy Martin) and his
30-year-old, unemployed brother Kip (Aaron Ruell), who
spends his days looking for love in Internet chat rooms.
When Grandma hits the road on her quad runner,
Napoleon and Kip’s meddling Uncle Rico (Jon Gries)
comes to town to stay with them and ruin their lives.
Jared Hess