AMANS Spring Conference


AMANS Spring Conference
Seal Island Light,
Bunker Island,
Cape Forchu Light
Downtown Yarmouth
Yarmouth Light, Cape Forchu
Brier Island
Light, Digby
Belliveau’s Cove, District of
Sandy Point
Point Light,
Shelburne Shelburne
Candlebox Island, Tusket
2013 AMANS Spring Conference
June 12-14, 2013
Yarmouth, NS
Hosted by the South Western Shore Region
Wednesday, June 12th
12:00-4:00 Municipal Finance Officers
This session will provide those working in
municipal finance with useful and timely
Lunch sponsored by NS Municipal Finance Corp.
Hospitality Haley’s Lounge
Join your municipal colleagues for a drink and
munchies at Haley’s Lounge.
Thursday, June 13th
Early Bird Draws and Coffee
Opening Remarks
Welcome from:
• 2013 Spring Conference Planning Committee Connie Saulnier, CAO, District of Clare
• Municipality of the District of Yarmouth –
Warden Murray Goodwin
• Town of Yarmouth – Mayor Pam Mood
• AMA President- Rennie Bugley, President,
AMANS, CAO, Municipality of Cumberland
There is lots to see and do
while staying in Yarmouth,
Guy’s Frenchys, golf,
Yarmouth Lighthouse or
exploring the many other
fantastic sites in the area.
Check out the websites below
for more information.
Guy’s Frenchys:
Yarmouth & Acadian Shores
Clare Acadian Shore
Update Session
This session will give updates on some of the joint
AMA/UNSM/SNSMR initiatives and projects
Fiscal Review
Town’s Task Force Implementation
Regional Economic Networks (RENS)
AMA Board
Is there a Doctor in the House: Physician
Recruitment and Retention Panel Discussion
Speakers: Dr. Alenia Kysella, VP Medicine/District
Chief of Staff, SWNDHA; Shirley Watson-Poole,
Physician Resource Manager, Physician Recruitment,
SWNDHA; Dr. Zia Rahman, G.P.; Harbour South
Medical Clinic, Dr. Lionel d’Entrement, Director of
Clare Health Centre
Although health care is not a specific function of
municipal government, municipalities in Yarmouth,
Clare and Argyle have recognized that a physician
shortage affects the quality of life for residents and
that a lack of doctors ultimately impacts the ability to
attract new industry to the area. This session will
share the successful physician recruitment strategies
that this region has used to attract doctors to the
Prim Point Light, Digby
Pubnico Harbour Light
Carter Island, Lockeport
Carter Island, Lockeport
Refreshment Break
Concurrent Session
1. Municipal Recreation Initiatives Panel
Speakers: Bob Powell, MPAL; Laura Barkhouse, District of Lunenburg;
Gerardo Cardenas, Inspec- sol Inc.; Frank Grant, Director, Yarmouth
At this session you will hear about a number of great recreation initiatives.
For example Laura Barkhouse from the District of Lunenburg will talk about
their Asphalt Shingles on their Rails to Trails. This project was initiated to
determine if the re-use of ground asphalt shingles diverted from solid waste
is a potential trail surfacing material. The initiative addresses a “triple
bottom line” of social, environmental, and economic impacts. It has proven
itself to be durable, softer, manageable for those with mobility impairments
(including wheelchairs) and preferred by walking and wheeling trail users as
a finished trail surface material.
2. Electronic Data/Social Media and the Law
Speaker: Peter McInroy, M & E Legal
Part I
Today’s municipal organization has many more sources of information to
manage. Consider the growing volume of digital communications (email,
instant messaging, PDAs, and voicemail). In fact, an estimated 97 percent of
the content within an organization is now created electronically – and much
of it will never become paper. And in the event of litigation, much of this
information is potentially discoverable. Effective management of information is increasingly critical for organizations facing litigation, as they seek
to manage the wide range of electronically stored information they produce.
It’s also the prerequisite for meeting other discovery challenges, including
response to regulatory, audit, or Freedom of Information Act (FOIPOP)
information requests. What are the consequences of not managing your
content? What are the costs? Peter McInroy will discuss legal issues around
electronic data.
Part II
An employer can develop policies around whether and when an employee
may access his/her own Facebook page, Twitter account or blog while at
work, but what are the rights of each when and if a posting on social media
is considered, by the employer, to be inappropriate? Not all employees like
their jobs -- and even those who do, may not successfully navigate the line
between appropriate and inappropriate content. An employee blog or post
that reveals confidential information about the municipality for which
he/she works, slams the municipality, or threatens or harasses other
employees can present an unmitigated disaster for a municipality. Even
posts that have nothing to do with work can create major trouble if they
express extreme or unpopular views or racist comments, for example. This
session will discuss what rights a municipality has in these cases and what it
can do to curb inappropriate employee posts.
12:00- 1:00
1:00 – 2:30
Plenary Session
Declining Population/ Immigration
Speakers: David and Nicki Hill; Thomas Storring, NS Department of Finance;
Dolores Atwood
It is not news that the population in rural Nova Scotia is in decline, but what role
can municipalities play in attracting people from other countries to their
community. What are the barriers being experienced by those trying to make
your community their home. This session will examine the extent of the issue of
population decline in Nova Scotia. It will look at the barriers to immigration and
the rules of engagement. Delegates will hear from those who have immigrated to
the Southwestern Shore Region and what obstacles they faced. They will hear
how one municipality placed a priority on attracting and retaining immigrants
and how that has worked. It will then discuss what strategies municipalities can
use to attract and retain people to their communities through immigration.
Site Tours
Walking Tour- Guided by Ken Langille
Tour of IMO foods (limit of 25 people)
Tour of Novatec (limit of 25 people)
Join us for a refreshment at Rudder’s Restaurant (96 Water St, Yarmouth)
following the site tours (please ensure you are back at the Hotel to catch the bus
to dinner before 5:00pm)
Buses leave the Rodd Grand Hotel to go to Mavillette Beach
Group Dinner and Outing
Enjoy South Western Shore hospitality in the District of Clare at beautiful
Mavillette Beach. This evening will include a delicious lobster dinner and fun on
the beach (including games, music, bonfire and hospitality suite (sand-dunes).
Feel the sand between your toes as you dance to the tunes of the Beatles, Beach
Boys and British Invasion groups, performed by a local band “Man & Peace” right
on the beach. (Bring warm clothing and appropriate footwear)
First trip back to hotel
Second trip back to hotel
Third trip back to hotel
(times subject to change based on demand)
Friday, June 14th
Early Bird Draws and Coffee
Shared Secrets
1. District of Chester Public Consultation on the South Canoe Wind Farm ProjectErin Beaudin, CAO, District of Chester
2. District of Argyle- Promotion of Local Government at High SchoolsBrenda LeGrandeur, Community Development Officer; Chris Frotten, Deputy
Clerk; Scott Muise, Information Technologist
3. District of Clare- Fire Services Initiatives
4. District of Clare- Clinical house
Refreshment Break
Short Snappers
1. IT Best Practices- Rachel Turner, CAO, Bridgetown & Matt Povah, Manager of
IT, Town of Hantsport
2. Demystifying the Process of Return to Work – Piotr Baranowski
3. Municipal Auditor General
More topics to come…
Provincial Update
Representatives from various provincial departments will give relevant and
timely updates on issues impacting municipal government.
A block of rooms is being held at the Rodd Grand Hotel, 417 Main St., Yarmouth
Tel: (902) 742-2446 at a rate of $85 per night.
Cancellation Policy
The deadline to cancel your registration is Wednesday June 5th, 2013. There will be no refunds
given after this date, although, substitutions are allowed. Cancellations prior to June 5th must be
in writing or emailed to [email protected]