Third price


Third price
B | Neighborhood Logistics
A regeneration of the current urban fabric, implemented at all scales, based on a future of logistics and industry in Sungang Qingshuihe (SQ).
Global Schindler Award 2015 | B
A Sustainable Model to Promote a Mixed Urban Regeneration
Research into the logistics and mobility infrastructure in Shenzhen and
the Pearl River Delta is used to generate a targeted design strategy for SQ.
The historical progression of Shenzhen from agriculture to industry and
the current shift to services is acknowledged but questioned as a neat lin­
ear transition, hypothesizing that logistics and industry will continue to be
relevant on the site. This generated an organizing logic of logistics, connect­
ing industry, housing and recreation. The team proposed a regeneration of
the current urban fabric, implemented at all scales. Three pioneer sites, in
S, M, and XL, are presented as models, each with a particular primary
focus in relationship to logistics; for example, the XL scheme melds logistics
infrastructure with public space and access, including a new tramline and
multilevel, connective shared space. At all scales there is an emphasis on
mixed use, combining housing, commerce and public functions with logis­
tics elements, bringing the analysis and strategy together spatially. Closely
interlinked sections, visualizations and diagrams explain the design strat­
egy and illustrate the urban vision.
Jury Comment
The jury felt that the use of logistics as the driver for change on the site made
a strong connection between ideas about future adaptive reuse and what is
present on the site already in terms of industry. The scheme was found to be
provocative and ambitious in its aims. By acknowledging the shifts in the
city but questioning the accepted narrative of a linear progression between
economic paradigms, the jury thought that the proposal placed the site in
context in a sensible way. There was much debate about the interpretation
of some elements in the proposal; in particular the housing scheme raised
questions about the contextual appropriateness of the Chinese courtyard
typology, which the proposal referenced. The jury appreciated the considera­
tion of multiple scales. In general the jury felt that the proposal was coher­
ently represented and expressed in both the competition panels and accom­
panying booklet. The sketchy-yet-evocative visualizations enabled discussion
of the future urban qualities intended by the scheme.
Third Prize
Team 131
Matthieu Sabatier, Chen Zhang
Academic Supervision
Fred Guillaud,
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture
de Grenoble, France
Prize Amount
US$ 12,500
37 38
B | Neighborhood Logistics
District identity as resources
A singular site for urban logistics
Mobility improvement
Global Schindler Award 2015 | B
Interconnecting shared spaces
Public shared spaces
Program diagram
Between logistics and neighborhood
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B | Neighborhood Logistics
Conceptual diagram of the three models
“Small size”, large consequences on the way of life
Promote a mixed way of life
Tangible contribution in Sungang Qingshuihe
Global Schindler Award 2015 | B
“Medium size”, combination of logistics and stores
“Large size”, large scale logistics compatible with public equipment