September Newsletter 2011 web.qxd


September Newsletter 2011 web.qxd
September 2011
Dear Parish Family,
I hope that you and your loved
ones have had an enjoyable summer and that you had the opportunity for some rest and relaxation. With the coming of fall,
our parish resumes a very active
schedule. I am very grateful to
all of our volunteers who make
the many events, activities and
ministries of our parish possible.
We recently welcomed Fr.
Jerry Strange as our new associate pastor. Fr Jerry's studies in
liturgy and his musical ability are
among the many gifts that he brings to our parish. I know that
you will enjoy getting to know him.
Fr. Luckas is now happily settled in as the new pastor of Sacred
Heart in Loretto. Several of us were very happy to attend his
installation. Please continue to remember him in your prayers.
There are a few items that I would like to bring to your attention. Fr. Pablo Straub is coming to us to provide a parish mission.
The schedule for Father's presentations is as follows:
• Friday, September 16th: "Marriage" (This presentation will be
in Spanish).
• Saturday, September 17th and Sunday, September 18th: Father
will deliver the homily during our masses and will speak about
the spirituality of the Mass.
• Monday, September, 19th: "Marriage"
• Tuesday, September. 20th: "Marriage and Family"
• Wednesday, September 21st: presentation to our youth on the
topic of "Vocations"
• Thursday, September 22nd: "Spirituality of the Mass"
Each night will begin with the celebration of Mass at 6:15 PM,
followed by refreshments. The presentations will begin around
7:15 PM. You will have the opportunity for confession after each
presentation. I know that you will look forward to welcoming Fr.
November 1st marks the tenth anniversary of Eucharistic
Adoration at Our Lady of the Lake! Thank you to all of the adorers who come throughout the day and night to spend time in
prayer with Our Lord. Adoration is a tremendous blessing that
we are very fortunate to have in our parish. If you do not currently participate in this ministry of prayer, I encourage you to see
this as a wonderful opportunity to enrich your prayer life and the
practice of your faith.
Finally, I would like to remind you that we have resumed our
Wednesday evening Masses at 6:15 PM. This is an excellent
opportunity for those of you who are unable to attend a daily
Mass in the mornings. Please consider joining us on Wednesday
In His Love,
Fr. Eric
photo courtesy of Murry Wimmer
RCIA - A New Beginning
by Sr. Maria Edwards, RSM
A new year for the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults began on Sunday,
September 11 from 9:40-10:40 am in the
former daily chapel. Anyone interested
in learning more about the Catholic
Church or anyone who has the desire to
join the Church at the Easter Vigil on April
7, 2012, is warmly welcome to attend the
weekly Sunday sessions. The classes
explore various topics relating to beliefs
that Catholics embrace. Some of the subjects presented and discussed include the
We have a wonderful team composed of
cradle Catholics and former RCIA candidates. Catholic Updates (4-page pamphlets) will be offered to each candidate to
take home and read after the topics have
been presented in class. There is no fee
required and no tests! If a participant has
been baptized in another Christian denomination and has that pertinent information,
no other form of Baptism is needed. We
may need persons to volunteer to be sponsors to accompany our candidates on their
seven month journey. If you would be
interested in being a sponsor, please let
Sister Maria (the RCIA Director) know. If
you have any questions or have need for
further clarification, please call Sister
Maria at the Church office: (615) 3383904 from Monday - Thursday. We look
forward to meeting many of you soon!
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Dear Our Lady of the Lake Family,
Yes, that's correct, family! I've only been here for a week, and
I already feel like part of the family. Thanks to everyone for their
warm words of welcome and also to those who brought and
served the treats for the reception. I don't remember a time when I've felt so at home, so quickly! I
know it will take me a while to meet everyone. Be
patient while I try to get names in my head.
I was able to share a little about where I come
from during the Masses last weekend (8/6-7) but I
didn't have time to share what I have been doing.
Of course, Notre Dame Seminary (New Orleans)
gave me an excellent preparation for priestly ordination, but I have had the opportunity to branch out
in to a particular area of study in the summers. At
the University of St. Mary of the Lake in
Mundelein, IL. In the beautiful land north of
Chicago, I have been able to study liturgy.
For many, this can be an allusive topic, so I would like to share
a little about what liturgy is. Liturgy comes from two Latin root
words meaning "work of the people". Liturgy is the work that we,
the members of the Church do when we offer worship to God.
Liturgy has a two part application; it is for the glorification of God
and the sanctification of us.
Liturgy is standing to pray, sitting to listen and kneeling to
adore. Liturgy is the music we sing which enfolds the words
Jesus spoke when He was on earth. Since Jesus is the perfect man,
his words are the perfect words. The only musical instrument created by God is our voice. The Holy Spirit, which is love dwelling
within us, brings forth the music which our voices sing to clothe
the perfect words of Jesus in our prayer to Him.
Color can be used in liturgy to express time, seasons or meaning. Red for martyrs and the Holy Spirit, white for solemnities,
feasts and saints; green for ordered time (ordinary time) and for
the growth of God's love which is always alive and new; violet
leads us into reflection and penance and although rarely used
black leads us to remember loss while rose is the hope we share
in reaching the half way marks of Advent and Lent.
The church building itself can be used to reflect the worship of
God. Our Lady of the Lake has a pointed center at the top, pointing to our goal: heaven. Near the top on either side are twelve
Page 2
windows; twelve on one side represent the tribes of Israel. Twelve
on the other side represent the twelve apostles; one side for the
Old Law and one side for the New Law.
In the back of the church,, the four pillars represent the four
temporal virtues: temperance, prudence, courage
and justice. In the front of the Church, there are
also four pillars for the virtues, or perhaps the
Gospel writers. On either side of the tabernacle,
the columns are taller. One shows the human
nature of Christ; the other the divine nature; Christ
is one person with two natures. When entering
from the front of the sanctuary, eyes are drawn
immediately to the tabernacle, the reason for our
faith, Jesus Christ.
When we celebrate the liturgy of the Mass,
Christ is really present. The bread and wine
become the Body and Blood of Christ. When
Christ becomes truly present, He then offers
Himself to his Father for thanksgiving and for the forgiveness of our sins. Every second of every day, throughout the
world, four Masses begin. God looks down to see four hosts
raised every second and four chalices raised every second for a
thanksgiving and a plea to have mercy on us. If you have ever
wondered why God doesn't just be done with us, this sight of His
Son offering up Himself four times every second to plead for us
is our hope of conversion and continuing on in the sight of God.
And while Jesus is offering thanks and pleas for us, He carries our
offerings with him. We unite our intentions to the Mass, and Jesus
makes an offering of them to His Father for us.
Christ being present brings not only the entire earthly church
(the Church Militant) into our presence, but united with us is the
Church Suffering (Purgatory) and the Church Triumphant
(Heaven). Even when just the priest is present, the entire presence
of the COMPLETE Church is present. So, a priest never truly celebrates Mass alone.
So, you can see that the liturgy fascinates me and can be used
very effectively to inspire and teach us to worship God well.
Again, thank you all very much for the welcome. There is a lot
of love here at OLOL. I'm glad to be here to share it with you.
God bless,
Father Jerry.
Room In the Inn...
Our 21st Year
by Sharon, Room In the Inn Chairperson
The summer is almost gone which
brings us approaching winter. Our homes
are all toasty warm for most of us but
there are those whose homes are no longer.
OLOL becomes their home one night a
week. Thanks to you, our wonderful
parishioners, we are able to offer love in
the form of Sunday night dinner, a "Good
morning" breakfast and "take care of yourself" lunches. Our sign up Sundays will be
October 1st - 2nd and 8th - 9th. We will be
in the narthex ready to answer questions
and to thank you for being OLOL finest.
This will be our 21st year and will probably mean the most because it will be
Sunday, December 25th. We will be hon-
ored to say a truly MERRY CHRISTMAS
to all.
I'd like to share a story about a gentleman who came one Sunday night. He
asked me for an envelope and I found one
for him. He asked me to write his name on
the front and to say that Dolly Parton sent
please see Inn, page 3
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Inn, continued from page 2
him. I am very obedient, and as I was
writing, he reached into his pocket and
slipped $2.00 out and proceeded to put the
money into the envelope. He told me to
thank our pastor and I asked if he would
like to meet Fr. Bevington himself. As we
walked over to Father it almost felt like we
were walking through a parable right out
of the bible. God bless that gentleman; he
gave his all.
There is a sign that best fits our Room
in the Inn: "Life isn't measured by the
breaths we take but by the moments that
take away our breath." When we find
those moments, we find Jesus.
Page 3
The Spirit works...even at Garage Sales
by Louise Thompson
June 10-11 marked the 3rd annual
Olifantus Society Garage Sale. It was held
in the OLOL Social Hall and made possible by donations from the Olifantus
Society members and parishioners.
Where does the "Spirit" fit in? First of
all, it provided healing for people who
found it difficult to part with their treasures but knew it was a necessary step.
They were happy to share their items for a
good cause. Some who had nothing to contribute offered a monetary contribution
and were able to share in that way.
With the donation of an old stereo system we were able to provide lively music
(until it was sold) to bring smiles to every
face as they walked in. We were able to
clothe many people with our fine donations of men, women and children's clothing. We were able to nourish the minds of
many with our huge selection of books
and magazines. As a group we shared our
wisdom and knowledge as we reached a
consensus on pricing.
please see Garage Sale, page 4
Feast of Corpus Christi June 26, 2011
Beautiful Expression of Catholic doctrine comes to OLOL!!
by Elizabeth Lamborn
The doctrine of the Real Presence of
Christ in the Holy Eucharist is a great
example of how our understanding of a
mystery deepens over the years and finds
expression in both the sacred liturgy and
The first record of feast of Corpus
Christi being celebrated publicly comes
from Liège, Belgium where in 1264 a
synod of bishops decreed that Corpus
Christi be celebrated the following year.
At that time bishops could order feasts in
sal Church.
Also at the request of Pope Urban IV, St.
Thomas Aquinas composed the Office (the
official prayers of the Church) for the
feast. The feast was also celebrated with a
eucharistic procession, in which the
Sacred Host was carried throughout the
town, accompanied by hymns and litanies.
The faithful would venerate the Body of
Christ as the procession passed by. So
now in 2011, we celebrated a sacred liturgy with hymns and prayers that are almost
800 years old!
The importance of Corpus Christi celebrations and the public processions
that accompany it are underscored by
the current state of Catholicism. Surveys
of Catholics in recent years show that
many do not believe the doctrine of the
Real Presence of Christ in the Holy
Eucharist. Yet Jesus spoke unequivocally
in the Gospels about this sacrament. In
John 6:51-55 He says:
their dioceses. As has so often happened in
Catholic history, it was cloistered nuns
who, from their many hours of adoration,
asked for this liturgical recognition of the
Real Presence of Christ in the Holy
Eucharist. On September 8, 1264 (the feast
of the birthday of the Blessed Virgin who
was the first tabernacle of Christ), Pope
Urban IV extended the feast to the univer-
"I am the living bread which came down
from heaven; whoever eats this bread will
live forever; and the bread that I will give
you is my flesh for the life of the world".
The Jews quarreled among themselves
saying, how can this man give us his flesh
to eat? Jesus said to them: "Amen, amen
I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of
the Son of Man and drink his blood, you
do not have life within you. Whoever eats
my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal
life, and I will raise him up on the last
day. For my flesh is true food and my
blood is true drink.”
Jesus prefaced it with the Hebrew word,
"Amen" which means "truth," and as such,
He was speaking under His own authority.
Only God can speak truth under His own
authority because He is Truth itself.
Mysteries like the Holy Eucharist are
accessible to us partly by reason, but largely by faith, which is a gift of the Father. So
if we don't understand this mystery, we
must ask our Father to enlighten us by the
Holy Spirit.
Eucharistic Baldachin (canopy) used at
OLOL lovingly hand-made by: Elizabeth
and Gary Lamborn and Ann Williams; carried by 4th Degree Knights Council 9132:
Doug Blake, Ed Corbitt, Jon Hoscheit,
Mike Manor.
photos courtesy of Gary Lamborn
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
OLOL's Newest Ministry: Disciples In Action
Garage Sale, continued from page 3
It was not JUST a garage sale, it was a
wonderful experience of bonding with a
fine group of dedicated OLOL women
along with wonderful customers. We were
able to raise $1600.00 with a portion of
this donated for much needed new altar
linens at OLOL.
If you were a donor, we sincerely thank
you for your contribution. If you were a
shopper, we also thank you. If you missed
this event, be completely assured it will
happen for a 4th time in June 2012. Until
then, save your items. You may contact
Barbara Lenz for more information or if
interested in joining the Olifantus Society:
October 28, 7-9 PM a Halloween
"Monster Ball" will be held. Watch the
bulletin for details.
Page 4
by: Rae Collier, Parish Council Chairperson
“As I have loved you, so you should also
love one another. This is how all will know
that you are my disciples, if you love one
another." John 13: 34-35
As you go about your busy life, do you
ever wish you could make a difference in
someone else's life? Disciples In Action is
your chance to reach out to your fellow
OLOL parishioners at times of crisis.
During these difficult times, DIA will
extend a hand of friendship by offering
prayers, sending cards, making calls of
encouragement, home visits and providing
an occasional meal. Other needs will be
addressed on a case by case basis & these
activities will be expanded as resources
and volunteers become available. Under
the combined leadership of our Family
Life Ministry, chaired by Teri Botsko and
Social Action Ministry, chaired by
Christina Rader, all existing ministries of
OLOL will join hands to help make this
parish outreach a success.
In its infancy, DIA must crawl before it
can walk and eventually run! We are in
the process of gathering all OLOL disciples willing to help in some small way.
We ALL need to step up…young & old,
men & women, newcomers & old timers!
Will YOU answer the call? We are casting
a large net over the more than 1900 families of OLOL and we are sure the Holy
Spirit will help us fill it with the time, talents & treasures of our parishioners.
Think back during your own family crisis…illness, surgery, a death, job loss, tornado, flood etc. It was such a blessing to
receive that thoughtful card, a comforting
phone call, a home cooked meal and that
helping hand. It made it all a little easier
to deal with…didn't it? Maybe that is why
they call it "A PARISH FAMILY" Join the
OLOL family of disciples!
Hear the call & Make the call
Teri 405-3165 or Christina 275-5873 or
[email protected]
Eucharistic Adoration
by Dick Emery
This November, OLOL will celebrate the completion of 10
years of Eucharistic Adoration.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once said of the
Eucharist, "The greatest love story of all time is
contained in a tiny white Host." Would you like
to return a tiny bit of that love by spending an
hour a week in the presence of the Eucharist in
our Adoremus Chapel?
Everyone at OLOL is invited to take part in this
devotion, if you aren't already. Once you start, you
will find it's the best hour you have all week. As one current adorer said, "Adoration is wonderful. It's changed my
whole outlook. I'm so thankful OLOL has Eucharistic
In Adoration you can spend your hour as you wish. We have
rosaries and books available or you may want to quietly meditate on the Lord. For most, its a quiet time to put the world aside
and concentrate on the spiritual and listen to God.
Please consider giving an hour a week to the Lord. Your first
reaction probably is "I can't do that. We go on vacation" or
"I have doctor's appointments" or "I have kids at
home." None of these should stop you. We have two
adorers scheduled each hour and when you are
away or have an appointment, you just make
sure your partner will be there. If not, there is a
list of subs who will fill in.
Be creative to free up time. We have had two
ladies who shared a daytime hour. They brought
their children and each spent a half hour in adoration
while the other kept the kids in the nursery.
The list of hours where we currently need an adorer is on a
table in the Narthex along with a sign-up form. Please prayerfully consider taking part. If you have any questions, please contact one of our coordinators: Therese Casler (824-7753), Dick
Emery (714-6049), Dwane Hunter (824-7501), Anna Schoch
(264-3315), or Karen Summerford (822-7654)
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Page 5
FRATERNUS OLOL Ready and Eager To Start Second Year
All Young Men Grades 6 thru 12 Invited To Enroll
By Tom Wynne, Fraternus OLOL Communications Officer
The highlight of the
was Ranch at Covecrest
in Tiger, GA where
Brothers and Captain
from OLOL spent a
week in physical and
From the mud pit to
high lining and all in
between, physical challenges and confidence builders all. Mass,
prayer, rosary and adoration, spiritual
workouts that made participants spiritually
strong, courageous and prepared to fight
daily for the good. See more pictures at the
FRATERNUS OLOL facebook page.
The first annual FRATERNUS OLOL
Fund Raiser Supper on August 15, 2011
was a huge success and thanks from the
bottom of our FRATERNUS hearts go out
to those who participated and contributed.
170 guests were received in the narthex of
the church for a reception prior to adjourning to our beautifully decorated social hall
for food and entertainment. Thanks to
Doug Blake, Jimmy Mitchell, and that up
and coming new face on the OLOL music
scene, Fr. Jerry Strange for exceptionally
fine entertainment.
Information was presented to the guests
as to what FRATERNUS is and its mis-
sion. An appeal was made for financial
support and as the evening drew to a close,
the contributions from the night and contributions from the week before, totaled
$18,320.00 with contributions still coming
in. These proceeds will go toward the
FRATERNUS operating expenses for the
coming FRATERNUS year.
The new year Frat Nights have started
and the curriculum for this year is better
than ever, tying in the movie clips, King's
Message and squad time with virtue and
the Sunday's readings. The knowledge and
practice of the virtuous life will be opened
before them. Don't let your sons miss it.
The Monday night Frat Nights are free
for the Brothers but not free for us to run.
There are monthly dues to FRATERNUS
Headquarters. The excursions, Spring
Break Work Week and Ranch do have a fee
attached, but, with the success of the fund
raiser, FRATERNUS OLOL can pay its
dues, miscellaneous expenses and help
minimize trip fees for the Brothers. The
FRATERNUS OLOL goal is to ensure that
no Brother is denied going on any
FRATERNUS OLOL trip because of
finances and with the acceptance and
embracing of FRATERNUS OLOL by our
faith family, this goal is becoming a reality.
New Roman Missal Update
by Rosemary McMahon, Worship Committee Chairperson
The New Missal begins in Advent of this year (2011). To aid people in the transition
to the new forms, the Worship Committee will provide articles to explain some of the
The Changes will be an attempt to:
1) Be a more faithful translation of the original Latin
2) More closely reflect the Biblical passages on which many of the prayers are based
3) Reflect a more formal stylized, sacramental language.
Look for articles in future newsletters and the parish bulletins.
There is now a FRATERNUS OLOL
facebook page, hosted by our Commander
Danny Snyder that is being enjoyed by the
Brothers and Captains. Also, there is a
FRATERNUS OLOL calendar that can be
shared by giving us your email address.
The calendar gives details of our events.
For more information, contact Danny
[email protected] or go to the
FRATERNUS OLOL facebook page. You
may also contact Tom Wynne at
[email protected] or by calling
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Page 6
by The Stewardship Committee
This is our second in a series of articles
in the Parish Press to make you aware of
the many ministries open to your participation. All the folks in these ministries are
just like you - some have special skills,
some don't. The one thing they have in
common is a commitment to be involved,
and they all welcome your involvement in
their ministry.
Give us a try - you just may find your
The Ladies Friendship Circle
Please come by and visit The Ladies
Friendship Circle. The circle began meeting in 1995 and includes women of all
ages, with an emphasis on the senior
women of the parish. Our purpose is to
couple friendship with laughter, support
and prayer. Brighten your days with the
kind of fun only friends know how to
The Friendship Circle meets on the last
Thursday of each month at 11:30AM in the
church social hall. We offer trips, recreation, education, crafts, cooking classes
and many other fun opportunities. In addition to our monthly meeting, on the first
Thursday of each month the "lunch bunch"
ventures out to various restaurants in the
Hendersonville area.
Please call Irene Welch at (615) 8261653 for more information. Hope to see
you soon!
For the Younger Crowd
The Little Flowers Girls Club is beginning its second year here at OLOL. Led
this year by Haley Faugot and Kimberly
Jolley, this group is open to girls in grades
K thru 3. Little Flowers is a Catholic program for girls developed by a Catholic
mom of eleven. The club strives to bring
the Catholic faith alive and inspire girls to
become authentic Catholic women. Each
meeting focuses on a different female saint
and corresponding virtue, such as purity or
truthfulness. The girls explore the saint's
virtue by discussing how it applies to their
daily lives make crafts or learn a song
highlighting that virtue. For example in
September, we study St. Catherine of
Sienna and how she exemplified the virtue
of faith. In order to earn the badge for
faith, each girl will complete her medal
project. For September the task is to visit
the Adoremus Chapel.
Blue Knights boys club is new to OLOL
this year. Lead by Holly Barber and Jill
Berry this group is modeled after Little
Flowers but is intended for young boys in
grades K-3. This program, written by a
Catholic dad, is aimed at teaching boys the
truths of the Catholic faith through scripture, biographies of male saints, games and
crafts. The boys will study virtues like
respect, justice and self-control and will
construct crafts that appeal to them like
helmets, swords and shields. During our
first meeting, we will learn about St. Peter
Parker Berry and Hayden Barber
are two original members of the
Blue Knights
and how he showed the virtue of faith. We
will talk about what it means to have faith
in our lives. The boys will construct a
shiny "Shield of Faith" and decorate it.
The knights will be taught a bible verse in
which they get to shout key words. They
will play a game and be given a task in
order to earn the patch for that month.
New members are always welcome. The
groups meet at the same time once a month
from 3-5 PM in rooms 202 and 207. To
find out how to join either group, contact:
Little Flowers
Haley Faugot (865) 566-1609
Kimberly Jolley 496- 6355
[email protected]
Blue Knights
Holly Barber 823-0404
Jill Berry 838-4532
[email protected]
Why join the Knights?
by Mike Murray, Grand Knight Council 9132 Our Lady of the Lake
Hello my name is Mike Murray. I'm
Grand Knight of The Knights of Columbus
here at Our Lady of the Lake. First of all,
Debbie and I would like to take a second to
thank all of you at Our Lady of the Lake
for your prayers and well wishes during
my recent illness. I am happy to say the
doctors have given me a clean bill of
health. I am convinced that I could not
have gotten better as quickly without all of
your prayers. I am truly thankful to you all.
I believe God has blessed Our Lady of the
Lake Parish with His finest people.
The Knights of Columbus, a Catholic
Men's organization, is open to all men 18
and older. So, why join the Knights?? The
answer is simple: Charity, Unity,
Fraternity and Patriotism. Our primary
function is Charity to all who need help,
parish as well as community. Unity in
Christ, with our priests and with our
church. Fraternity, Catholic men having
fun helping others. We are Brother
Knights. Patriotism, love of Country, love
of flag and the Freedom it stands for.
So if you are looking for something to
do to help your church and community,
think of joining the Knights of Columbus.
If you are thinking that you don't have the
time, none of us do. As someone once said
to me, "Do what you can do, when you
can." (That's just the way we roll).
Thank you all, yours in Christ always.
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Page 7
Youth News
by Patti Deffendall, Youth Director
High School Lifeteen - Semester
on the Sacraments
Beginning August 24th, the high school
youth will take a deeper look into the
Sacraments, with a special focus on the
Celebration of the Eucharist and the
upcoming changes in the Mass. Our
Lifteen Launch began with Catholic performer and Youth Minister, PJ Anderson in
concert on August 24th. Lifeteen gathers
every Wednesday night with a Mass at
6:15 followed by our highly engaging and
often hilarious Life Nights in the social
hall, and concludes with our delicious parent dinners. All high school youth are
invited to attend. Come discover the
Sacramental Grace God has ready for you
Have You Heard About
Have you heard about our new parish
social networking site? Please sign up on under the Our Lady of the
Lake, Hendersonville, TN, news feed. is a Catholic networking
site that will allow you to receive either
texts or emails when something exciting
is happening at OLOL. You can choose
the ministries from which you'd like to
receive information. You can also sign up
for daily readings and access additional
Catholic links if you choose. Sign up
today. It's free!
2011 NCYC-Indianapolis, IN
NCYC is the National Catholic Youth
Conference, hosting over 20,000 teens last
year, which is being held November 1719th in Indianapolis , IN. Registration is
available online through the CYO office
at Seating is limited.
1st Annual SPLASH BASH
for 6th -12th Grades
The tug-of-war in the mud pit was really fun, even though you had to trash your
clothes afterward because the mud just
wouldn't wash out of them. Inspired by the
high school CORE youth leaders, the
OLOL youth kicked off the year with a
splash bash on August 17th. The water
slide down the hill saw some slippery fun,
and the dunking booth gave everyone a
chance to knock someone into the water
too. A Jurassic Park inflatable with large
bright dinosaurs gave us a good place to
bounce around with friends. Even the men
from the Hendersonville Fire Department
joined in the fun by providing a supersized shower, creating a water arc with
their truck's tanker. Thanks a bunch to the
Knights of Columbus for cooking the hot
dogs and for playing some corn hole with
Youth Summer Fun
In June, we headed to Chicago, IL for
our annual CHWC mission trip and Six
Flags Great America on our fun day. We
filled the bus this year on our middle
school adventure to Holiday World and
Splashin' Safari. By the time you read this,
we will have survived our exciting white
water rafting trip down the Ocoee river.
Between trips, we've had an altar server
pool party, a CORE youth leader cook-out
and a middle school lock-in. The youth of
OLOL have had a blast this summer!
Wines From Around The World
The OLOL Youth Mission Trip will
again host our annual wine-tasting event,
on November 12th in the social hall.
Tickets will be available for purchase
after Masses in October. We hope you
will join us for this lovely evening in support of our youth missions. If you are
interested in joining us next summer we
are going to Toledo, OH June 10-16th.
Please contact Patti in the youth office to
2011 Fr. Bevington Award
The 2011 recipients of the Fr. Bevington
Award are Charlie Hume and Bernadette
Kolp. Both teens have made numerous
contributions to Our Lady of the Lake
parish throughout their high school
careers. The Fr. Bevington Award, in
honor of our retired pastor, recognizes
high school students who are living a life
of active faith, leadership and humility.
Thank you, Charlie and Bernadette, for all
you have done to help make our spiritual
home a blessing to others.
A Break at the Lake
Youth Retreat
The third annual diocesan-wide youth
retreat at OLOL, A Break At The Lake, is
scheduled for Saturday, November 5th
from 9AM until 6:45 PM. The retreat is
for students in the 7 -9th grade, and is
designed to give students a day to break
away from the pressures of current youth
culture and dive deeper into their relationship with Christ. Registration forms are
at The registration fee
is $25 and covers the cost of lunch, guest
Registrations are limited to 150, so please
sign up early.
Love Come Alive
Concert/March For Life
Don't miss this super concert scheduled
for September 24th at Rocketown in
Nashville! Tickets are only $10 and are
available through the youth office. This
concert is united to our pro-life movement to end abortion. OLOL youth are
also invited to catch the March for Life
bus to Washington, DC January 21st23rd. This trip is transformational.
Contact the youth office for more information.
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
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OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
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OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Page 10
2011 LIFETEEN SENIORS Share Their Tdvice
Mitchell Hale
Probably the most important thing to
know about life is the only way to be
happy is to go with the flow. Throughout
high school, I have been searching for
what makes me truly happy, and it's been a
very complicated search. I wanted everything to be perfect, and I felt like I would
never be happy. At the start of high school,
I had started praying to God more and
more, but my prayers were all very simple,
"Thanks for Mom not finding out I stayed
up until 1 last night." Then when I started
wondering if I was ever going to find true
happiness, I started praying to God for
guidance and an understanding of life.
God helped me understand that accepting
the small things, and taking what I have
and going with the flow, will make me
happiest. My advice is to find what makes
you happy and do it, and always keep that
close relationship with God because he
makes life 1000x easier and happier.
mation from awkward middle school girl
to someone who knows who they want to
be in life, God was always near. "Near"
meant close enough to be noticed and
thought of but far enough away to not really affect my life. Each time I went on a
mission trip or NCYC, I took a step closer
to Him...and so the process continued;
another year, another step. Today, "near"
means close enough to talk to Him everyday and to trust Him when things get
rough. I urge you to snatch the opportunity to learn from me and speed up the process. Whether you pray by yourself a little
bit everyday or just once a week, as long as
your heart is in it, God is right there beside
you guiding you along.
Bernadette Kolp
Every time I need an escape from the
stress of life, I can go to God and know
that He will lift my spirits. I didn't always
picture it in that manner. All my life, I have
been spoon fed Jesus food. I did not have
an option whether or not to celebrate my
First Communion and when it came to my
Confirmation, I went along with it because
it felt like it was the right thing to do. God
and I were only acquaintances because my
heart wasn't in it. As I made the transfor-
Great Food, Fun & Fellowship
by Rae Collier, Welcoming Committee Chairperson
The OLOL Welcoming Committee hosted a successful
Newcomers Dinner recently for over 75 happy and hungry folks!
In 'Martha Stewart' style the Welcoming Committee prepared a
delicious homemade spread of barbeque, all the trimming and the
committee's famous homemade desserts!
As the newly registered families enjoyed the meal, the children
in attendance delighted in getting acquainted at the fun filled arts
and crafts play station. Many beautiful creations were displayed
by the children and proudly taken home by the parents.
Father Eric opened the evening with prayer and as the families
introduced themselves, we learned of the varied paths that
brought each family to OLOL. Some families moved across state
lines and some merely made a drive across town to be a part of
our parish family. Some families are returning to OLOL after
many years of living and worshiping elsewhere. A few families
were even beginning their faith journey as members of the
2011/2012 RCIA class. Regardless of the path that brought them
to our parish, everyone was in agreement that they had found a
special and blessed place of spiritual nourishment at OLOL.
After our meal, information was shared about various OLOL
ministry opportunities for the entire family! Everyone enjoyed
making new OLOL friends, as well as, the one on one time with
Father Eric & the chance to meet & get to know Father Jerry!
Thanks to the entire Welcoming Committee for their dedication to
this ministry! We are always looking for additional committee
members to greet before all Masses, staff the Welcoming Table
after all Masses and help prepare food for the OLOL quarterly
Newcomers Dinner. For more information call: Rae Collier 3050465
***If your family registered in 2011 and has not been able to
attend a Newcomers Dinner then …please SAVE THE
DATE…Our next Newcomers Dinner is scheduled for THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th!
Share the Experience
For nearly three years now a
small statue of Our Lady of
Guadalupe has been travelling
from home to home in our parish.
Our Lady visits for the week and
families pray daily with her for
their special intentions. A journal
also accompanies her and some
have chosen to share their experience in it. lf you would like to
join the list of those who participate in this devotional, please
contact Patty at 264-3129. When
called upon, you will be asked
to pick up the journal and Our
Lady in the tower chapel when
you come to Mass on the weekend and return her there the following weekend.
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Page 11
OLOL Haiti Mission Fall Update
by Diane Huggins, Co-Chair of OLOL Mission for St. Bertin.
"As we respond to the cries of the poor and work for justice and peace, we are caring for Christ, who suffered and died for the salvation of the world." Henri Nouwen
Our mission to support St. Bertin, our
twin parish in Petit Bourg de Port Margot,
Haiti, gives us the opportunity to care for
Christ by touching the lives of our poor
brothers and sisters in many important
our volunteer teams conducted medical
and dental clinics, treating more than 1800
Building Hope Together for St. Bertin
We cannot thank you enough for your
generous support for the Building Hope
Together campaign for St. Bertin School.
As you know, this year St. Bertin School
needs us more than ever to meet two crucial needs.
• First Hope: $22,000 to continue the
operation of the school, ensuring the ongoing education of 600 students.
• Next Hope: $80,000 to rebuild a school
building that was irreparably damaged by
the 2010 earthquake.
Thanks to the generous support of
OLOL parishioners, we reached our First
Hope goal! And we are approximately
10% of the way toward our Next Hope
goal to rebuild the damaged school building! Volunteers will be available in the
Narthex on the third Sunday of each
month to continue our fundraising campaign until we reach our goal.
Sea Container Collection
Every year, we collect clothing, supplies
and other essential items which are
shipped by sea container to St. Bertin.
Father Louicius Laurent, pastor of St.
Bertin, distributes these items with the
help of parish leaders to families in need.
In September, we will begin collecting
items for the next sea container shipment.
Now is the perfect time to take advantage
of end of summer sales to purchase needed items, including infant wear, summer
clothing and flip flops for children and
adults, and school supplies. Be on the
lookout for more information in the OLOL
Sunday bulletin.
Medical and Dental Missions
Each year, teams of medical and dental
professionals and lay volunteers travel to
Haiti to provide care for the people of St.
Bertin, who have little or no access to
basic healthcare services. Earlier this year,
During October, we will have our annual "Brown Bag" collection drive to collect
vitamins, Tylenol, ibuprofen and other
over the counter pharmaceuticals that will
be used when our medical and dental
teams travel to Haiti in March 2012. The
"Brown Bag" and list of needed items will
be distributed in the Sunday bulletin.
OLOL has one of the most active Haiti
missions in the Diocese of Nashville. We
appreciate your faithful support of our
mission. Thank you for responding to the
cries of our poor brothers and sisters at St.
Bertin. Please pray for the success of our
efforts. If you would like to make a contribution, get involved as a volunteer or travel to Haiti on a mission trip, please contact
Diane Huggins (476-2667) or Therese
Casler (519-1863), co-chairs of OLOL
Mission for St. Bertin.
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Page 12
New Members
by Rae Collier, Welcome Committee Chairperson
Please join us in welcoming the following families who have recently registered at Our Lady of the Lake! Our parish family is a
large active one and is always in need of our newcomers' involvement. Please contact Rae Collier, Welcoming Chair, at 305-0465
or [email protected] for involvement opportunities or with questions.
Danilo & Solange Amoretty
Heather Henderson
Gary & Angela Baum
Max & Donna Henderson
John & Esther Brockman
Chuck & Sherri Hill
Daniel Brooks & Melanie
Kyle & Terri Holt
Ed & Erin Bukont
Chris & Mandy Kato
Bill & Amanda Calvo
Terry & Freda Klump
Keith & Velma Chesser
Jason & Becky Knight
John & Kristyn Clemons
Greg Landry & Erin Vozar
Mike & Becky Countess
Brad & Tracy Lynn
Nicholas & Collette DeMarcus
David & Misty Macedo
Mike Farmer
Rocky & Carol Martin
Eric & Zelia Formanek
Fran Matthews
Joe Granato & Emily Moore
Marvin & Francine Meyers
Joseph & Paula Hagan
Tammy Mingle
Shay & Julie Oliphant
James & Mary Ann Quirin
Charlie & Judy Resha, III
Fred & Jennifer Rodgers
Daniel & Erin Soto
Daryl & Renee Spindler
Brian & Brooke Stentz
George & Kay Tharp
Mike & Kim Wainwright
Waylon Weatherholt
Doug & Jill Wilson
Amy Winters
Alan Wood & Anne Domning
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Page 13
Religious Education
By: Cyndi Sabatino,Director of Religious Education
The Religious Education program is off
to a great start. We began our year on
August 14, 2011 with a Catechist in-service brunch catered by Ashley Mason.
Pam Manz who, works with RCL
Publishing Company, was here to help
Catechists with the implementation of
effective Lesson Planning. We are blessed
as a parish to have so many Catechists
return to teaching along with many new
Catechists joining us. They are instrumental in nurturing the youth to the faith and
traditions of the Catholic Church. This
year we have seventy-five Catechist sassigned to classes. Catechists opened their
hearts as they heard Father Eric share to
the faith community the need for so many
teachers. Thank you for serving our parish
and being an inspiration for answering the
call to catechesis.
This year, Catechetical Sunday will be
celebrated on September 18, 2011.
Catechists will be commissioned at the
8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Mass. This year's
theme is "Do This In Memory Of Me".
The theme offers an opportunity to reflect
on the gift of the Eucharist which is at the
heart of the catechetical ministry, as we
prepare for the introduction of the new
translation of the Roman Missal. The
entire Church in the United States has
been blessed with this opportunity to deepen its understanding of the Sacred Liturgy,
and to appreciate its meaning and importance on our lives.
The children in Second Grade will
receive the Sacrament of First
Communion on May 12, 2011 at 10:00
AM. From baptism, a first communicant
has been one with Jesus, filled with the
risen Lord's indestructible life as part of
His very Body, the Church.
Taking place at His table marks a new
stage in the relationship with Christ, a conscious willingness to let the Lord nourish
and nurture what began at Baptism.
Just as we are seeing changes in the
Roman Missal, we are seeing new changes
in the Religious Education Program. As
the community continues to grow, it was
necessary to add a session for Pre-school5th grade on Sunday mornings. This new
session meets at 8:20AM-9:30AM. This
session will allow us to have smaller classroom sizes with all sessions and more
focus on the curriculum, and more importantly allow the Catechists to spend more
one on one time developing the youth in
Faith Formation. We have moved our second Sunday Session to 9:40 AM-9:50AM.
"Catechesis of the Good Shepherd" will be
held during the 11:00 AM Mass for Preschool ages 3, 4, and Kindergarten.
Amongst several trained Catechists for
"Catechesis of the Good Shepherd", we
are proud to have two Catechists complete
the Certification process: Kimberly Jolley
and Meghan Ryckley. Way to go ladies!
We will continue to hold Religious
Education on Wednesday evenings from
6:15 PM-8:00 PM. for sixth-eighth grade.
On September 21, 2011 at 7:00 PM in
the Main Worship, students and their parents begin the preparation process for
Confirmation. Students will make their
Confirmation commitment as their parents
and sponsors re-commit to their
Confirmation promise on October 26,
2011 at 6:30 PM in the Main Worship.
Each year the children in the Religious
Education Program participate in an outreach project. This year our efforts will be
helping the children in our twin parish
Haiti. Every year the Haiti committee
sends a medical and dental mission team
to operate a clinic in St. Bertin. This year,
with the needs so great to rebuild the classrooms and to support the medical needs of
the people in Haiti, the youth in the
Religious Education Program will assist
by collecting certain items for the clinic in
February. All items will be collected in the
narthex during the month of October to
insure the necessary items arrive on a
timely basis.
To begin the Advent Season, the students in the Middle School will be making
Advent wreaths , a tradition that was started last year that will help families celebrate and reflect during the Advent
Season. The wreaths will be for sale to the
parish on November 13th and November
20th following the Sunday Masses.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish will hold a
Communal Penance Service on December
6, 2011. The Second grade children will
receive their First Reconciliation on this
evening with a reception following. It is
also a good time for Confirmation students
Reconciliation. Parent participation is an
essential component of sacramental formation and preparation for their child/children. Children need our help as parents
and role models on their spiritual journey.
Through your example, you prepare your
child/children for the Sacraments and for
We will continue the tradition in our program as the children re-enact the
Christmas Story on December 18, 2011
during the children's 9:40 class time.
Parents and families are invited and welcome to attend. The students will have a
Christmas party following the program in
their classroom as parents enjoy a reception of cookies and punch.
As we reflect on the Catechetical theme
this year, let us work together to grow in
our relationship with one another through
the teachings of the Church and in the
lives we are called to live as Catholics.
May our hunger for the gift of God
increase as we work together to build His
kingdom as a faith community.
OLOL Parish Press
September 2011
Page 14
Good Luck Fr. Luckas
Father Luckas, who was Associate Pastor at OLOL since August 2008, assumed the duties of Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in
Loretto, TN on August 1st. Several parishioners from OLOL were able to attend his installation at Sacred Heart Church and brought
with them the best wishes from our parish. We wish him every success and will keep Father Luckas in our prayers as he begins this
new chapter of his priesthood. (photos courtest of Gary Lambert and Frank Varallo).
Congratulations to all
Anthony Castro
Abigail Fuqua
Victoria Gammons
Jacqueline Godinez
Yuliany Godinez
Joshua Graveran
Lucas Greenwalt
Jacob Hemmelgarn
Zachary Hemmelgarn
Shaun Kopko
Our very best to the newlyweds
Nicholas Blankenship/Katelyn Cook
Daniel Bade/Erin Odell
Paige Lynn
Brodrick Marasi
Sheena Missita
Madelyn Moore
Mason Moore
Melanie Mozqueda
Sebastian Muller
Kevin Olvera
Jane Orellana
Veronica Pedroza
Evan Russell
Bryan Sanchez
Chris Sanchez
Kinsley Schmidt
Angel Ventura
Emma West
Galvin White
Conrad Wright
Patrick York
Thomas York
Our heartfelt sympathy to the families of:
Karena Gullickson
Marie Langford
Mary Malkiewicz
OLOL Parish Press
Published Quarterly
Please feel free to contact the editor with comments and news for the next issue
Charles Woodward 824-9756, or [email protected]