2015 partners - Volunteers of America
2015 partners - Volunteers of America
Last year, more than 150 corporate and community groups provided financial, in-kind and volunteer support that ensured Operation Backpack 2014 supplied a new filled backpack to every homeless child who needed one. We hope to include the name of your group in this year’s list! 2015 PARTNERS ADVERTISING, MEDIA & PR CONSUMER 21st Century Fox HarperCollins Meredith Hispanic Ventures Merkley and Partners Oxford University Press Thompson Reuters Time Warner Cable Duane Reade FedEx Sony Corp. of America Weeks Lerman LAW FIRMS Chadbourne & Parke LLP Linklaters LLP Pillsbury Law FINANCIAL SERVICES American Century Investments Citigroup Grant Thorton HSBC Instinet, LLC JP Morgan Chase Lenox Advisors Marcum Select Equity Group TECHNOLOGY Adobe ITG Women in eDiscovery List in formation CONTACt NAKIA ALSTON (212) 496-4307 [email protected] COMMUNITY GROUPS/OTHER Agnes Varis Trust America Works of New York, Inc. Interchurch Center JCC Rutgers Presbyterian Church Our Lady of Lourdes Parish - Queens REAL ESTATE Brookfield Properties NY CREW The Rockefeller Group RXR Realty HOSPITALITY Grand Hyatt New York Marriott Hotels Trump International Trump Soho Waldorf = Astoria MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING Deloitte. Taylor & Francis Group Since 1896, Volunteers of America’s skilled and dedicated staff, committed donors and caring volunteers have been delivering life-changing, and in many cases, life-saving services to a wide range of people in need. @VOAGNY THOUSANDS OF SCHOOL-AGE KIDS IN NEW YORK CITY ARE HOMELESS One of the most devastating consequences of homelessness is the impact it can have on a child’s education. Frequent school transfers and the stigma associated with living in a shelter add up to great hardship for these children. Many of them begin the school year at a disadvantage, without all of the supplies they need. Since 2001, the goal of Operation Backpack® has been to ensure every child in a NYC homeless or domestic violence shelter begins the school year with a new backpack filled with grade-specific supplies and the opportunity to achieve. VOA IS CONDUCTING BACKPACK DRIVES NATIONWIDE! Visit OperationBackpackUSA.org to learn more. HOMELESSNESS & CHILDREN More than 23,000 children live in a New York City homeless shelter.1 1 in 20 New York City public school students is currently homeless.2 Homeless children are 8 - 9 times more likely than their housed classmates to repeat a grade.3 HOW OPERATION BACKPACK HELPS: • Gives kids all the supplies they need to do their work • Helps kids look and feel more like their classmates and less like “shelter kids” • Raises public awareness of the needs of homeless families • Relieves families of a financial burden NYC Dept. of Homeless Services website, as of 6/4/15 ICPH Report: “An Unstable Foundation”, 9/2013 1 2,3 MAKE A MAJOR IMPACT Consider a significant in-kind or financial contribution. Call Nakia Alston at 212-496-4307 to discuss. CONDUCT A DRIVE Organize a back-to-school drive in your community. We’ll help you spread the word. Learn more at: OperationBackpackNYC.org. MAY/JUNE: Companies/groups that are organizing drives inform VOA of their goals LATE JUNE: Materials for workplace/ community drives available from VOA JULY 13 - AUGUST 7: Select Walgreens and Duane Reade stores and additional drop locations accept new backpacks and supplies from the general public. Workplace and community drives are also underway. AUGUST 10: Backpacks and supplies delivered to VOA “sort space” DONATE OR FUNDRAISE NOW! AUGUST 10 - 21: Volunteers sort supplies Visit Crowdrise.com/OperationBackpackNYC and assemble backpacks for distribution to shelters.