1 GLENBURN GARDENS Monkmoor, Shrewsbury


1 GLENBURN GARDENS Monkmoor, Shrewsbury
Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 5SY
Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 5SY
Guide Price: £200,000 - £225,000
Two bedroom Bungalow in good sized
corner plot offering development potential
Road frontage to Monkmoor Road and Glenburn Gardens
Convenient location close to amenities
UPVC double glazed windows
Within development boundary of Shrewsbury
Plot extending in total to approximately 0.25ac (0.10ha)
(subject to conditions and/or prior sale)
Con su mer Pro tect ion fr om Un fa ir Tr ad in g R eg u la t ions 2008 an d th e Bus in ess Pro tect io n fr o m M is lead in g M a rket ing R egu lat ions 2008
Al l m e asure me nts ar e appr oxim ate . P urc hase r( s) are advi se d to sati sf y them sel ve s on suc h m atter s pri or to purc hase and obtai n ve rif ic ati on fr om their sol ici tor and/or surv e y or. I nte nde d pur chaser s shall n ot re ly on the sal e s par ti c ul ar s as statem e nts or re pr e sentati ons of fac t. Al l pl ans and
photog raphs wi thi n the se partic ul ar s ar e prov i de d f or a g ener al g ui de and ar e for ide nti fi c ati on purpo se s onl y. Any i tem s of pl ant, m ac hi ne ry , f i xture s or fi tti ng s show n may not ne ce ssari ly be incl ude d i n the sale . Wher e any r ef er e nc e i s m ade to pl anni n g pe rmi ssi on or pote nti al use s such
i nform ati on i s given by the sel li ng agents in good fai th.
P ur c hase r s shoul d how ev er , m ake their ow n e nquiri e s i nto suc h m atter s pr i or to pur chase. Noc k De ig hton Agr ic ul tur al LL P hav e e nde av our ed to dr af t the se sal e s detail s acc ur ate ly and re li abl y , taki ng re asonabl e ste ps to v er if y the
i nform ati on. The v e ndor s have al so ac knowle dge d th e se detail s as tr ue and ac curate. How e ve r , i f the re i s any poi nt w hi c h i s of parti c ul ar im por tanc e to y ou, pl e ase c ontac t our of fi ce and we w il l be ple a sed to c onf irm the posi ti on f or you, par ti cul arl y i f y ou are tr ave ll ing some di stanc e to v ie w
the pr oper ty. The sale pl an i s based upon the M oder n Or dnanc e Surv e y inf orm ati on wi th the sanc ti on of the Contr ol le r of HM SO. The purc haser shall r ai se no ob jec ti on or que r y in r e spe c t of any v ari ati on be tw ee n the phy sic al boundar y on si te and O S She et P l an. The sal e i s agr ee d on a V AT
e xcl usiv e basi s howe ve r the pur chaser shal l indem ni f y the ve ndor s f or any V AT w hi c h m ay subsequentl y b ec om e pay abl e.
Our ref: AMB/M394
The proper ty w ill be sol d sub jec t to the spec i al and ge ner al c ondi tions of sal e w hi c h w ill not be re ad at the time of sal e but wil l be av ail abl e f or insp ec tion duri ng the usual off ic e hour s of the soli ci t or s and auc tionee r s 10 w or ki ng day s pri or to the auc ti on date. A purc hase r wil l be de em ed to
hav e noti ce of all suc h c ondi ti ons and al l the term s the re of , and shall be deem e d to bi d on those term s w he the r he or she shal l have i nspe c te d the c ondi ti ons or not. A Loc al Se ar c h wi ll be av ail abl e f or inspec tion. A succ e ssf ul purc hase r at the sal e w il l be r equi re d to pay a de posi t of 10% of the
purc hase pri ce and sig n a c ontr ac t f or pur chase imm e di ate ly . The subse que nt date f or c om pl e ti on of the purc hase and paym e nt of the bal anc e of m oney due wil l be w ri tte n into the c ontrac t and wi ll be 21 day s af ter the aucti on sal e. P hotog r aphs take n Aug ust 2016. Re f : M 394/AM B
The sal e i s agr ee d on a V AT excl usiv e basi s; how ev er the purc hase r( s) shal l i ndem ni f y the v e ndor s for any V AT, w hi ch m ay subse que ntl y be c ome pay able .
1 Glenburn Gardens comprises a single storey dwelling which we understand was
erected during the early 1900’s as an officer’s mess in connection with the airfield that
was located to the immediate east of the site. The construction of the property is
therefore a typical military type building and comprises a painted brick shell under a
tiled roof. The property does benefit from UPVC double glazed windows throughout
and has been extended and altered over the years to provide a two bedroom property
which can be subdivided into a one bedroom dwelling with small one bedroom annexed
accommodation. The property sits on a large corner plot fronting Monkmoor Road and
Glenburn Gardens, which extends in total to 0.25 acres.
1 Glenburn Gardens is situated on the edge of the residential area of Monkmoor in
Shrewsbury. The property benefits from gated access onto the private road leading off
Monkmoor Road and Glenburn Gardens and has road frontage on all four elevations.
The property is conveniently situated within easy walking distance of an excellent range
of local amenities including a frequent bus service to the town centre and is within easy
reach of the Shrewsbury by-pass with M54 link to the West Midlands and beyond.
From Lord Hills column roundabout by the Shropshire Council Offices, continue into
Shrewsbury along Abbey Foregate until you reach the set of traffic lights with
Monkmoor Road. Turn right onto Monkmoor Road and continue to the next
roundabout. Continue straight over towards Monkmoor Industrial Estate and the
property will be found after approximately 350m on the left hand side as identified by
our ‘for sale’ board.
Viewing is strictly by prior appointment with the sole selling agent.
We understand the property benefits from a mains supply of gas, water and electricity
and is connected to the mains sewerage network.
Livestock & Auction Centre, Tasley, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4QR. Tel: 01746 762666
Pre-Application Advice
Pre-application advice has been sought from Shropshire Council (copy available upon
request) and it was concluded that the site is within the development boundary for
Shrewsbury and development of this site would therefore be acceptable in principle
with a scheme including four semi-detached properties considered appropriate.
Easements, Wayleaves and Right of Way
The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all existing rights of way, whether
public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies together with
all rights of way obligations, easements and wayleaves whether referred to in these
particulars or not.
Tenure and Possession
The property is offered for sale freehold with vacant possession upon completion.
Method of Sale
The property is to be offered for sale by Public Auction on Wednesday 26th October
2016 at 6:30pm at Nock Deighton Agricultural LLP, Livestock & Auction Centre, Tasley,
Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4QR.
Local Authority
Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate
Tel: 0345 678 9000
Vendor’s Solicitor
Graham Withers & Co
Murivance House
Tel: 01743 236345
FAO: Godfrey Field
Nock Deighton Agricultural LLP Livestock & Auction Centre, Tasley, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4QR
Tel: 01746 762666 Fax: 01746 767475 email: [email protected] www.nockdeighton.co.uk